Best thing you can do is to borrow or buy a T book because you don't want to get it put back together and find out it's not right. As you are finding out the T is not like other cars. Good Luck lots of good info on the MTFCA Forum
The two things that don't seem to survive are the radiator and the Coil box. That's about $1500 alone. It's cheaper by far to buy a working Model T than restore one as I can tell you from my own experience. It's going to take $10 k to do a really good job but you find a lot . Nothing like automotive archaeology to keep the mind active - and putting a T back on the road is almost like saving a life. Good luck with this project -
This part 10 video just popped up for me to see. Love it!!
I will go back to the start and watch them all now.
"I have no choice but to go all the way" - Nathan Kostelecky 2023 - Words to live by
At 16:16 that tail light is 49 Chevy, wow that is some great parts
Best thing you can do is to borrow or buy a T book because you don't want to get it put back together and find out it's not right. As you are finding out the T is not like other cars. Good Luck lots of good info on the MTFCA Forum
I have shot a lot of vid on model t and model a. I built two out of junk. And i legally drive them both regularly. Including today 😊
The two things that don't seem to survive are the radiator and the Coil box. That's about $1500 alone. It's cheaper by far to buy a working Model T than restore one as I can tell you from my own experience. It's going to take $10 k to do a really good job but you find a lot . Nothing like automotive archaeology to keep the mind active - and putting a T back on the road is almost like saving a life. Good luck with this project -
are you going to show more of build
Yes, the engine is currently getting Babbitt poured and crank ground. I'll have updates soon.
fantastic,love your content@@nathan.kostelecky
Not sure what the goal is but some times the old parts are just a waste of time. Ive got a few myself.