RANKING and REVIEWING every BF2042 Conquest Map

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 36

  • @timelessgamer_UK
    @timelessgamer_UK หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Just finished listening to that on a ride -- was good to take my mind off the pain of the climbs by channelling my rage into just how annoying a map Breakaway is!
    I'll get your table and reply properly but to put down a marker, I think Orbital 128 is the true S Tier map. I adore skyscraper fights and whilst they don't work on Domination at all, they're sorely missed -- even the original Hourglass was fun to go after B1, 2 and 3 fighting over the two adjacent & connected Towers. A1 on Orbital is actually fair as there's many non-elevator ways up and it's high enough to evade the worst of the Wildcats / TOR chancers. But what I really enjoy about it is at the opening there's 3 distinct ways you can go -- take A1 with a view to the B Warehouses, sprint for D to get a forward spawn point or break off and go for E1 / E2.
    My worst map which I think should be pulled from the game is Breakaway. Endless snipers sat on random icebergs, the Wall of Winterfell or the such not even playing the objectives. Maybe this map is meant for the Sniper / counter-Snipers I don't really know, but for Infantry & Vehicle it's horrific.
    I'll answer properly later, but just wanted to get something down (and all hail the algorithm)!

    • @damienmcdonald7610
      @damienmcdonald7610 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I agree about breakaway but the 64 player is way better as most of the maps are. I love the aesthetic of exposure and I've had many good games there but climbing is tedious and it's cancer to play with an air vehicle if there's even half competent AA players since they have you in their sights pretty much 90% of the time. It was the one map where attack helis didn't feel OP against wildcats lol and then they nerfed them a bit which was fine for most maps I still own in them but exposure is a map I'll always avoid air vehicles on

  • @gangsta_goose
    @gangsta_goose หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Great vid! It''s so refreshing to hear some actual critiques of why these maps have problems instead of just saying 'map bad!'
    Really wish DICE would go through the maps and do some simple polishing to clean up a lot of the trouble spots. For the life of me I cannot understand why A sector on Orbital is on the roof and not on the ground level inside the hangar...

  • @HentiSenpai
    @HentiSenpai หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Pretty good ranking, I agree with pretty much all of these. The main ones that stand out to me are Reclaimed and Manifest. Reclaimed is by far my favourite map in the game due to just how well it plays and looks. Manifest on the other hand I hate with a passion, mainly because of Mackay and the cranes. Mackay always being above you in addition to snipers camping on the cranes just makes it a chore to play. Congratulations on being a father as well.

  • @damienmcdonald7610
    @damienmcdonald7610 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great review, i mostly agree with your ratings though i would guve Valparaiso an A due to some gremlins camping from spawn behind the C objectives with an IFV being able to decimate B3 and half of B1 and 2. I do think that mostly the game is far better on 64 players and its a huge shame DICE didnt break some maps into multiple versions of these maps. Hopefully they learn from this in their next game and we can have more high quality maps that arent focused on being huge set pieces with the gimmick of look how many players we can have.

    • @marzipandan767
      @marzipandan767  29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Especially since they took the time to rework them all, they really had this opportunity, and I find it hard to believe that no one at DICE thought about this and considered it. It seems so obvious to me...

  • @chaimkobylinski1988
    @chaimkobylinski1988 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    part 2:
    Orbital 128 is probably the best 128 map, with variety of points, plenty of space for vehicles and my favourite point D :)
    You can snipe there while being on points, there is a lot of cover, launching to the moon with rocket/ rocket destroyed by tornado is very impressive. Also the you can do tricks with Helli and Jet flying through the tunnels, inside the building, connector between B flags and D can be a good infantry push, with Dozers/Irish combo.
    Reclaimed have one issue - Double C flag, but otherwise is great.
    Redacted is very good for clan games. Improved Metro/Locker. Fun only infantry map, specialist can shine in it, unfortunate many casuals take Sundance for it, which is very cheesy and not even effective, just to have extra grenade.. (which tbh isn't even effective).
    Renewal is great on the Breakthrough and that's it.
    Spearhead has 3 issues: E1 being a HUGE building, when A1 is just a small base, 64 version doesn't have Wildcat on it, if you want to win this map you have to hold D and B, both flag have zero cover against Air. (and also spawning Vehicles on the top of the E1 and C2).
    Stadium is fun but it's very chaotic on 64. One squad can easily control A and B, that's probably easiest to win Conquest.
    Stranded has one big issue, double flag on C that is so huge (and is equal to any other flag that it's much easier to capture/hold). Stranded has a loooot of campers between B and E and top of the ship.
    Valparaiso has to many flags, it's much easier to disconnect than to capture, so one squad has limited impact, also quite a lot of bush campers, map is way too small for jets, shouldn't be included.
    Thank you for your great list and work, also you forgot El Alamein and Battle of Bulge, first works really only as TDM or Tanks mode game, second is great, with only problem being space in between objectives.
    My top maps from all BFs (2 per game): Ivo Jima, Battle of the Bulge (1942), Dragon Valey, Sharqi Peninsula (bf2), Arica, Atacama (bfbc2), Strike at Karkand, Markaz Monolith (bf3) Guilin Peaks, Propaganda (bf4), St Quentin scar, Paschendale (bf1), Provence, Panzerstorm (bfV), Orbital, Redacted (bf2042).

  • @1Stevencat
    @1Stevencat หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Great work!ty

    • @marzipandan767
      @marzipandan767  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks man! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Your comments really help!

  • @Eric-qx1kx
    @Eric-qx1kx หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I really only play in vehicles and 128 Conquest. I have not played any of the old 64 maps yet, due to the limited number of vehicles, I've been saving those when I'm really sick of the big maps....but that day is coming soon.
    This is how I'd rank the maps I play...
    1) Renewal, Nooooo, I could not disagree more, I absolutely love this map, this is a near perfect map, had they just put some cover at both bases, to prevent from getting farmed by aircraft, it would have been perfect. While I prefer the RU side, both are OK. I've had some incredible vehicle battles fighting at the chokepoints crossing the wall, though the ability to blow holes in the wall like you said would have been awesome...!
    2) Spearhead: In general I do enjoy linear maps, where teams collide in the center and try to push each other back to their spawn bases. Yes, the Spearhead trap is real and was worse before the nerf to Irish's trophy but I also enjoyed trying to defeat it as well. Just a great map for both vehicles and infantry.
    3) Flashpoint, another linear map, I enjoy this one as well. While there are a boat load of camping snipers in the hills, I've had some epic vehicle battles here and enjoy it, just not as much as Spearhead.
    4) Orbital, small but I like the hilly terrain and tree cover to hide from getting farmed by aircraft. Both spawn bases are good with plenty of building cover. The D1 battle is where all the action is, definitely a meat grinder for both vehicle and infantry.
    5) Exposure, beautiful visually and interesting, fantastic for vehicle battles on the upper part, only one tower to get sniped from in all that open terrain, which is nice. Not a fan of the lower part and don't spend much time there.
    6) Stranded, this doesn't seem like it would be great for vehicles but I've had a lot of fun on this map, kind of CQC for vehicles. All the good CAV runs I've had have been on this map for some reason. It has a lot of snipers camping in the hills but other than that it's pretty fun and both bases are fair and equal.
    7) Hourglass, despise both vehicle spawn bases, zero cover whatsoever but the one under the bridge is especially bad. I've been on so many teams where we have been trapped there, getting farmed and pounded by aircraft and vehicles....but the other one isn't much better either. I have had some fun vehicle battles there though, especially in the RAM. I like this map but if the other team is full of super sweaty pilots, it can be brutal.
    8) Discarded, I much prefer the boat spawn base, the other side is terrible with zero cover. This isn't my favorite map but I don't dread it either. Have had a couple fun vehicle battles on this map, not nearly as many as other maps though, just kind of meh overall. Not very exciting.
    9) Breakaway, I don't care for this map really, it's huge but vehicles either camp in the big open space next to the spawn by the oil tanks....or up on top of the glacier. Snipers galore on the glacier and oil rig as well. Best vehicle battles are usually down on the ice, those are kind of fun. Just the overall lack of cover in general makes this map suck, you stick out like a sore thumb for snipers against the snow. If I never played this map again it would be OK by me.
    10 )Kaleidoscope, this one stinks IMO, it is too dark, I can't see anything without thermal scope, there are tons and tons of snipers on all buildings. Also, too many skyscrapers for heli's to hide behind and dodge lock ons, repair and sneak attack ground vehicles. I've had a couple fun games here but not many. Everytime I get this map its like...ugh.
    11) Manifest, Worst god awful map in the game by far..! Large map that somehow royally sucks for both infantry and vehicles, just awful in every way. Snipers on all the cranes, snipers galore on the tower. People with rockets hiding in all shipping containers ambushing vehicles. You can be killed at 100 different angles at any given time, in a vehicle or on foot. Very dark, hate this one with a fire of 1000 suns, terrible, I've not had a single good game on this map and I'll sometimes get it 3 times in a row. Basically every time I play its Manifest over and over again.

    • @damienmcdonald7610
      @damienmcdonald7610 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Interesting review, totally agree about the base cover lacking and the wall needing some break points, I think it would have been better with 2 points like the B1 single flag. I also love the cover it provides for helicopters in an otherwise open map for air vehicles. I do agree with a lot of the rest of your review too, I think hourglass could have been great as 2 maps with the bridge and the city if they'd have added a bit more to them and then still had stadium separate and the small village as just a TDM map or something

    • @Eric-qx1kx
      @Eric-qx1kx หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@damienmcdonald7610 If the Renewal wall was destructible but it had a lot of hit points, so it was not easy to destroy and could still be defended, that could have been really fun. Overall, I really enjoy that map, I'd rather play that 10X in a row, instead of Manifest once.

  • @sethswoodruff
    @sethswoodruff หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really like your videos and appreciate the effort you put into them

  • @Awocke
    @Awocke หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    A good watch. I'm in the US and sometimes I don't know what point you are referencing bcd&e are a bit hard to distinguish but I got the point as you went on. Regardless I'd like to say that I despise Manifest because it's so damn campy. All I do is play counter sniper and that was fun for a little bit but now I just run an lmg and hold a spawn lane on a tripod which is the exact same thing bui I have a better win rate. It's mundane, frustrating, and simply not fun especially because Mackay is essential on this map. I've had good games as Sundance and Crawford but I'd be boasting if I didn't say it was luck with troop movement. The map is ass.

  • @LAV-25A2_56
    @LAV-25A2_56 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Spearhead is the only 2042 era map that is S tier for me. Every other 2042 map goes below it.
    Also, they should've added flooded London from the Exodus short film as a map .

  • @FelixPisecker
    @FelixPisecker หลายเดือนก่อน

    great rating imo, you're a bit liberal with the S tier, but if you were to gauge 2042 maps to the overall saga you'd probably have to leave it completely empty
    Exposure slaps though, I don't have a problem climbing up the cliff cause I usually spawn at the top, fight a bit, and if I survive I'll drop down. either I die and respawn at the top or I survive and shoot the parachuters out of the sky as they're dropping down

  • @the_selkie
    @the_selkie หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lol not me running around with my throwing knives at the end of your Redacted section of the video. That map was made for me. I've never had as much fun in Battlefield as that map. I hated Metro but love this map. Usually I have to be anti vehicle because no one else will. Redacted allows me to destroy infantry. No other map can I break 100 without firing a shot

  • @shawnyscore6988
    @shawnyscore6988 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mostly agreed. however I think 128 player is much better on vanilla maps on CQ. On every map maybe except Breakaway that I find the 64P version is quite good

  • @chaimkobylinski1988
    @chaimkobylinski1988 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Caspian Border/Noshaur Canals - one of worse maps from bf3 (that had legendary and best map in series) Caspian added for being since bf3 beta, Noshaur for TDM. Also don't really work with bf2042 vehicles.
    Breakaway 128 - is a map that just showes 128 nature, hard to control or even impact anything with one squad, though showing epic scale and it can be a fun and very sand box map.
    Exposure 128 - same as above, though vehicle balance is bit better
    Exposure 64 - terrible vehicle balance, 2 wildcats being to cover most of the map from their spawn is a bad design. There is also beautiful lake down in the valley, very pretty place.
    Flashpoint is great and classic bf map. D is a trap, not that worth capping or holding but fun for sure. F and G provide tons of cover against Air, when B and A almost none.
    Haven - main issue is that the majority of the fight is over building that are not on the flags, also good Helli and Snipers from C can deny flanks on B and C. We had this map in Poland vs Germany game, Germans controlled the roofs, making capping the B, C and D very hard. As you mentioned transport vehicles, even jeeps and quads would make huge difference.
    Hourglas 128 - I am one of the few that really enjoyed this map before rework. If I would rework it, I would cut the skyscrapers and city, the fight between stadium and villages on 128 conquest was truly epic.
    Also when we were deciding which maps to play for 24vs24 international games we found out only Arica, Flashpoint, Reneval, Redacted, Reclaimed, Discarded and Haven as they are more mirror designed withouth one side having for example skyscrappers and the other empty flat park, like on Kaleidoscope 64

    • @marzipandan767
      @marzipandan767  12 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Thanks for your in-depth response :)
      I agree with your assessment on Haven, the buildings are much more appealing to fight over, which makes the points rarely targeted.
      I didn't like old Hourglass, but I would agree that the village area which they completely cut out was decently fun compared to the rest of it. I frequently found myself fighting over the stadium points and the village points. Under the highway provided some very good fighting imo.
      I agree 128 is too much, it's impossible to feel like you are having an impact as just a solo player, hell, even as a squad it's hard to get much done.
      It's a shame the balance is so skewed on so many maps, I don't mind a bit of imbalance for the sake of diversity in locations but giving team a massive tower or structure to base jump from and not giving it to another is really bad design. I would love to see the team win rates for 2042. I think they would be very interesting.
      Thanks man :)

    • @chaimkobylinski1988
      @chaimkobylinski1988 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@marzipandan767 DICE in general has problem of Cinematic vs PTFO vs casual single guy playing vs Squads/Clans playing together balance. From the business perspective single casual player that plays one hour, once a week on Sunday will pay for Battlefield game same as hardcore player with thousands of hours.
      128 can be very immersive and looks impressive but to have it under control, there should be at least 3-4 squads from one clan on each side. In previous battlefields we could stack on one side (which can be server killing), and in my clan there can be easily 25-30 people on one Discord channel playing together, in previous bfs we could swap teams and balance it, but it was up to us. So it could be a very frustrating experience for casual solo player. On Breakthrough it's easier to channel random players to play PTFO but it gives you less tactical flexibility. Overall I am fan of 128, but I doubt it will remain. Hell let loose is 100 players, but this game heavily rallies on communication and listening to the orders, more than gunplay/gameplay depth.

  • @Kompot_Onion
    @Kompot_Onion หลายเดือนก่อน

    preety acurete

  • @Cabal-ms3kb
    @Cabal-ms3kb หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Manifest should be called Discarded as Manifest should be discarded into the trash.
    @45:05 TBF and for anyone that doesn't know, the northern-most door stays open so vehicles can still get through.

  • @LD-sx9pr
    @LD-sx9pr หลายเดือนก่อน

    What's with the Multi Sector flag hate? I see it as a unspoken rule that somehow every content creator hates but never explains why besides Ruins the game for some reason.
    With exposure, people like it because they hate vehicles. thats it, unlike how BF is a combined arms game, most of the community, especially the nonvocals often dislike vehicles for various reasons, which you probably already know. It's why Locker Metro and Redacted are popular besides the chaos.

    • @marzipandan767
      @marzipandan767  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I mentioned the multiflag sectors being an issue in one of my other videos. It comes down to two main factors.
      1. They aren't worth more than single flag sectors despite being much harder to capture and hold.
      2. Their spawns are frequently tied close together. You spawn on A1 to defend but end up right next to the enemies A2, so instead of defending, you are insentivized to capture A2. Meanwhile, the enemy is in your exact same position, so the sector flags just keep trading hands without any progress getting made.
      As a consequence of these, games are normally determined by the single flag sectors and the multiflag sectors, despite some of them being very fun to fight over, end up just wasting players' time. Single flag sectors would play much better. Even DICE knows this since recent maps and reworks haven't been using them.

  • @bumblebeeisfree
    @bumblebeeisfree หลายเดือนก่อน

    Could you not dominate in tanks 3 games in a row and absolutely crush us.... ngl that ain't fun
    Nvm make that 4

    • @marzipandan767
      @marzipandan767  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry man :( Hopefully, next time, the game can put us on the same team instead of always being opposed.

  • @shawshankzak1153
    @shawshankzak1153 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In Nohshar Canals, the Russian vehicle spawn has one exit that inevitably gets blocked at the start of the round. It’s a bag of shite. This one design flaw ruins the balance of the map. To Win, play US.

    • @shawshankzak1153
      @shawshankzak1153 หลายเดือนก่อน

      PS. Congrats on becoming a new Dad. Also, nice to see you rocking the RPG-7. I am pretty much exclusively using Crawford with it. My mates say it is OP, I say it is a perfectly balanced weapon.

  • @protonjones54
    @protonjones54 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Wait, people are still playing 2042?

    • @solarflare457
      @solarflare457 หลายเดือนก่อน

      not when dfho comes out

    • @chaimkobylinski1988
      @chaimkobylinski1988 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@solarflare457 nah, different game, there will be decent number of players for next 8 years :) like in all bf titles.

  • @moeverine5024
    @moeverine5024 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hmmm 128 plsyers make seems to be shit all the way 😂😂. I play only 64 mode either way since it has more maps anyway

  • @thebigsam
    @thebigsam หลายเดือนก่อน

    You won't get flak for your Caspian Border placement. Even in BF3 the map is iconic, but not even remotely the best
    What you will get flak for is calling BF4's version superior. No, BF4's version only did one thing better and that's the additional approach to D you can get by blowing up the tower. The wall, the season change, different balance - they all make BF4's Caspian absolute dogshit map to play

    • @thebigsam
      @thebigsam หลายเดือนก่อน

      I only now realized this tier list template in the Genshin Impact category...