Every solution to "solving" climate change: • Raise taxes • Transfer more wealth to rich • Create tax breaks for corporations who "go green" • Transfer more power to politicians • Micromanage regular people's lives more and take more of their rights and property away
-never pay back the GHG budget they take to create. Not one. - corporations have gone insane levels of anti repair actions. While claiming to be green. Millions of functioning or easily repairable devices get tossed in the shredder every year because they refuse to supply basic parts to repair them. Microsoft every time they force a software upgrade all the old devices that are still functional and useable are forced into landfills. Microsoft crows about how environmental they are. None of the alt energy is real so maybe if the solutions are fake, the stated problem is fake? Hidden behind the greenwashing is the pollution at scales never imagined before. As long as they hide the GHG emissions they don't care. EV's last 5 years till the battery is dead and then it's garbage. You can't get parts. Can't even be recycled because of the composite materials and batteries. Polluting at scales never imagined.
We all should take more care of the environment we live in. But that should be done on a voluntary basis, not because some "elites" dictate that, while they fly around in private jets.
Yet you gobble up all the disinformation peddled out by rich libertarian elites like Charles Koch who fund these climate sceptics to protect his business interests
Obviously we should do our best to not waste or needlessly pollute. But the climate hysteria is literal chicken little nonsense and has been going on for decades. these people are lunatics who should be locked up.
Lead by example. I ride a bike to work, never fly, don't own a car, live in a communal house, and hardly buy anything; it's hard to see how I could have any less effect on the environment. the odd thing is, I don't believe all this climate change stuff.
And the irony that the United Nations rarely produces a report worth heeding. They are always agenda driven dross compiled by special interest stooges.
There's no fact check on it now, 19 hours later. Did they remove it or is it still there? Maybe I don't see it because I'm on Premium? Althou, that would be even creepier if that's true... I really hope it was an automated process that flagged it and they realized how ridiculous they are. I know they are still really creepy and ridiculous even if they managed to behave as if they're normal people this time. Hey YT, I'm paying you for now but that's only because you're a monopoly, not because I agree with ANYTHING you say! Can't wait when you finally get woke enough to go belly up. That's the God's honest truth, living inside this progressive henhouse really gets on my nerves sometimes. Well, I'm lying, make it all the time.
The environment is NOT as fragile as your snowflake liberal ideas , also electric cars are way more polluting then ICE, where do you think all that electricity is made, yes coal and gas... Finally he has been using methane in all his rockets for years, yes burning methane in the upper atmosphere probable not the best thing. Then add in his numerous private jet flights and you got the worlds most polluting person and yet you thought he was green, talk about naïve little ldiot you are.
Exactly, and people still believe this. What did Trump say about human made climate change? "It'll get warmer. It'll get colder. It's called weather." Completely in denial, no awareness whatsoever. Also Trump will try everything in his power to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords. And Elon Musk supports him.
His exact words were "I think we need to strike the right balance and over time we need to move to a sustainable energy economy and we can't keep taking billions of tons of carbon from deep underground and putting it in the atmosphere and expect nothing will happen forever, but we also don't need to be alarmists about it, and super negative about it, and massively disrupt people's lifestyles. People can continue to live a normal life and not feel guilty about being human." In other words, we can work the problem and not be forced to walk everywhere and to eat insect hamburgers like the extreme leftists think we should all be eating. I'm all for sustainable energy, but today's windmill and solar farms are not going to cut it. We need to produce our own oil because it is cleaner than that which we import and work toward a real sustainable energy source.
@MA-ik7ys How about getting a passport and visiting others countries besides the USA? Maybe just go South to Latin America? You think the people over there give a damn about the environment? Geez.. The level of ignorance..
Start with ourselves, i mean i choose to be childless for this reason, it doesnt mean genocide. It means eating less meat and not having any more humans that will pollute. we need to educate more people about the joys of not having children
Met a guy 40 years ago who said my boyfriend was evil because he was studying to be a doctor. The guy believed that saving people meant harming the planet.
Yeah but a doctor can easily help the elite's goal. Imagine this: the same people who preach every day that there are too many people, also want to save every human being using their innovative medical interventions.
People who state the obvious - that there are too many of us - dont propose eugenics or genocide. Its about birth rates. Every person who lives have the full right to live. But I question people who bring children to this world as it is now. Elon have many children, so obviously he would not say that we should have less children.
@@michasosnowski5918 He has children because he believes in the survival of our species / legacy. I don't know if you noticed, but every first world country has declining birth rates, without mass migration we're already shrinking, fast. It's going to be disastrous for future generations having to support the old, especially with pyramid schemes like social security still in place. You cannot speak of "World population" without any context, unless you think it's feasible to relocate mass amounts of Africans to the Americas/Asia (a disastrous event in itself).
What a misleading argument... Of course life in earth will continue in any case, the thing here is the cost in human lifes that will be put in risk because of CC (sea level rise, food supply disruptions, extreme climate events...), specially in poor countries. To confront this fact with your right to eat steak on a daily basis is psycho.
You're absolutely right. The reason nothing is being done is becasue rich countries and their mega corporations know perfectly well the only serious consequences will be faced mostly by the thirld world nations.
Food supply disruption? Co2 is plant food...+ a rise in temperature leads to an increase in vegetation biomass. Satellite data attest that fact. Is there a food yield problem? Where? How?
@@mechanicsfield2266 ever heard of the words "desertification" and "floods"? Climate change increases the frequency of extreme climate events. Look at what is happening in pakistan where the monsoon used to be crucial for their agriculture but now it's causing catastrophic floodding which destroyes crops.
Amazing that he never once mentioned nuclear power. The science relating to it has greatly improved and is the ultimate non-polluting resource if properly used.
@@jasonbarrie9933 Chernobyl was cheap, Russian Tech, Fukushima was an earthquake. Most of the planet is far more stable and nuclear reactor tech has come a LONG way from either of those reactors.
@@mikeford963 and Im an electrical technician and I see major mistakes that cause catastrophic damage on a regular basis...the discovery of nuclear energy was humanities greatest mistake...but hey might as well build a bunch of reactors we have already radiated the shit out the planet thanks to the 1000 plus nuclear weapons tests and the industrial nuclear accidents
I've lived on a 4 acre a self supporting organic farm as a child. We didn't have to go to the grocery store. We grew and raised everything we needed. What people need is clean food, water, air, and restoring the traditional family bonds. No one has the perfect solution for today's problems; however, we can discuss what solutions we can offer. We can start with agreeing not to dump any more plastics and toxins in the ocean and clean up what we can, including microplastics. In today's political situation, everything becomes agenda driven. We have to create a solutions based communication. There is already a warning on this video, apparently only the so called experts can come up with solutions.
"People are not gonna care about the environment until their basic needs are met." Correct! Konstantin Kisin gave a speech to The Oxford Union about how half the world does not have an indoor flushing toilet. He said , rightly, that those people would not give a toss about Climate Change until they have the basic luxuries that we in the West already have and take for granted.
Well, when was is pinching a loaf, dropping the kids off at the pool, making underwater sculptures, taking the Brown's to the Superbowl, busting a grumpy, glassing the surface, cutting rope, unloading timber, building a log cabin, feeding the French: The position a toilet puts one in pinches the small intestine. We should all be squatting over a hole we just dug...
@@deductivereasoning4257 You are in the middle of ASDA or Tesco's doing your shopping and you suddenly need a call of nature? Be thankful for that wonderful British invention, the flushing loo.
@@charlesbradley5757 Centuries of blinkered men do, yes... But God, the creator of time - and all else - knows infinitely better. My money is totally on Him - and there's where we differ. The science of the future - in spellbound, dumbstruck awe, and on its knees, agrees with God.
Oh sure. It's just that its fluctuating 1000 times faster than it ever has in earth's history. 40% increase in CO2 in 250 years is insane, and we're already seeing ocean extinction. It's insanely dangerous at this pace.
In a constitutional Republic, there is nothing that says you have to give up your rights to ownership of property and your freedom to live and travel at will for the price of taxation… it begins with “WE, THE PEOPLE…” not we the Government. just saying.
@@brandonjohnson191 No. Taxes are necessary to have a functioning society, but taxes should only pay for things that are absolutely necessary, like health, police, fire departments etc., not just whatever the government wants.
@@arunmoses2197 All of which is paid by state and local taxes, the fed gov is useless and corrupt, we shouldn't be paying them anything. Before you mention the military, what is it, exactly, that they've done for our country in the last 75 yrs or so?
The pulling the ladder up analogy is spot-on, and this happens on a smaller scale too with wealthier people in western countries preaching about EVs to those who cannot afford them, and favouring penalising drivers of non-EVs, when they themselves were driving the most polluting cars 10 or so years ago. Jordan Peterson is right when he says that the best way to save the planet is to bring everyone out of poverty, and the way to do that is not to ban fossil fuels in the short term.
And if you look at the carbon footprint of those elites they aren't following what they want us to do. Many fly in private jets, have huge yachts and travel far more often then the rest of us. They have multiple LARGE houses and a fleet of cars. None of them are living life like the Amish. Or even using as little energy as the rest of us.
And how many deaths are directly (and indirectly) attributed to the use of fossil fuels! Nothing is perfect and there is no golden card that will fix everything perfectly! Progress is a bumpy path with many pot holes!
The elite fly around in the private jets to these climate conferences (instead of ZOOM) and bitch to the rest of us about the environment. Total hypocrites.
Well yes. That's the market solution. If you wanna limit pollution what you do is you make a market with pollution rights so the pollution that might be necessary to uphold civilization or whatever is "used" in the most economically efficient way. This also leads to the low hanging fruit of pollution reduction beeing done first...
@@paweldSo you would be more happy if he did nothing? He's doing the exact thing you do to actually solve climate change. You use technology and build products that allow people to continue living their lives almost the same as before (ideally better) but has less of a negative effect on the environment and the atmosphere... You guys have just been fed anti renewables and sustainable energy propaganda by oil companies...
Musk is invested in renewable energy so I’d take what he says about it with a pinch of salt. Zuby is right, you can’t expect working class people and poor people in developing countries to worry about climate change when they are worrying about feeding their family and trying to keep a roof over their head.
The thing is renewable energy is nice, electric cars are nice, as commercial products. The problem is these became political products. We should remain free to choose which product best fits our own life and fills our needs.
EV's are not a scam, but they need to develop much better materials (especially batteries) to bring them up to the level that they will need to be! Model T Fords, in their day were a great achievement, allowing more of the common people the ability to own a motorized vehicle and not just private vehicle but also farm tractors, trailers, etc., a massive boost in productivity! What kind of gas mileage do you think that a Model T got, not great I'll bet! The current EVs are basically the modern version of Model Ts! The industrial revolution definitely has it's drawbacks but it also advanced humans very quickly despite the growing pains! People who never lived in a horse-and-buggy world romanticize the past, but the truth is that the vast majority of modern people couldn't survive in that world. For instance, infant mortality rates were very high which is why people had so many children in hopes of at least a few of them surviving into adulthood and continuing their lineage! In a large portion of the world that is no longer the case but old habits die hard and the overpopulation is perhaps the biggest problem facing humanity! The planet will likely survive, but the conditions that allowed humans to thrive may alter enough to wipe out the human species! As we seem to be the most semi-intelligent creatures on planet Earth (or at least we think so), the lose of humanity may be a lose to life everywhere (or maybe not) but isn't it best to assume that it would be and act accordingly! 1HW1HC (one Healthy Woman, one Healthy Child) is the only way (IMHO) to fairly and gradually reduce the human population to a easily sustainable level! @@andrewdunlop5771
@@rogerjensen5277 how are lithium batteries made and by whom, how are they disposed of? $60,000 to replace batteries, if you have bought an EV you have been scammed, oh and resale value? EVs are not ready for market, so they are a scam
@andrewdunlop5771 A perfect example of someone who loves his own voice(comments)..... this guy. Andrew, you're obsessed with yourself and you act like your opinions are facts. Grow up buddy.
I agree with Elon "hey buddy, why don't you start with yourself?" In fact their carbon footprint is so huge that taking out the climate summit types that fly their private jets to these evil events would do more than the little people.
…but the west has started with itself. The birth rate here is already below 2. If the rest or the world did the same that would take a lot of strain off the planet
The best thing Musk can do for the climate, Is follow Robin William's last 2 minutes on earth. That will be his best contribution to humanity. Me personally think Elon Musk`s folks took the after birth home and flushed the kid, Elon acts and behaves just like an after birth..
There are 70 MILLION more people on Earth each year, you simpleton. The planet is FINITE and too much open space is being trampled, including by "clean energy." Musk claiming that "people are not a blight on the Earth" is a mindless statement, given the vast damage being inflicted on nature. Does the world only exist as a big ant farm to coddle people? Musk is obsessed with more birth for cheap labor, and probably the white birth-dearth (that part's a legit concern).
I have two tiny houses on the same property, and have been trying to learn to live off-grid as a personal challenge. Each tiny house has its own $20,000 solar power plant. I cannot run any electric heaters and am forced to heat with a mix of propane heaters and wood stoves, and in the summer I can only run a single, tiny window A/C. If I get a cloudy day or two in a row, I'm forced to run my generator for hours at night to charge the battery bank so I don't risk dropping the battery voltage too low. I also need to run the generator to power our well pump, which means I have to fill our 40-gallon tiny house water tanks every two days on average. I would need to double the size of the solar power plant to run our well pump from it on-demand. I don't think that solar is affordable or scalable enough for the average person yet. It is very challenging to live without utility power, to say the least, unless you live in a climate that doesn't require full-time heat in the winter to prevent pipes from freezing. I'm up for that challenge on most days, but if I ever get seriously injured or sick, I'm not sure I could continue to live here, especially during the winter.
It may be that you did not source your solar systems wisely. I have two huge houses on each of two properties and have spent US$ 10,000 on each of them (well priced solar panels here in India). One is in an area which receives snow for five months a year and the other for one month. We have no mains connection. I run the generator for a total of one hundred and twenty hours per year. I have no other costs. Only fools use electricity for space heating. I spent a lot of time, not money, ensuring perfect sealing and high levels of IR insulation. I burn just under a ton of wood each year. The wood keeps me fit. I have no problem living on solar. I will never get a mains connection again.
@@goatvision6908 sounds like you’ve dialed it in nicely. Did you source and install all of the components yourself? I hired a company to build out the solar plants, so, perhaps that explains the cost of my systems. I’m not very confident when it comes to electrical work. My heating challenge comes into play if I have to travel. I happily heat almost exclusively with wood while I’m here, but if I’m forced to travel, that’s when it gets difficult for me. I have a propane heater, but not one that I’d trust to leave running while I’m away for more than a day or two, especially if the temperature drops to -5 degrees Fahrenheit like it did last December. My goal is to never go back to utility power again if I can help it, but i still feel that living off-grid has certain challenges that are sometimes overlooked by newcomers.
Sounds like you have energy leaks. Have you double glazed? Are the doors sealed with rubber gaskets? Do you have double aluminised sarking on the walls and ceiling? I triple glazed in one house, there is a lot of shade in winter at that one. The others get more than eight hours of sun so not much heating is needed. The windows must seal properly. Ventilation air must enter after running past passive solar heated walls. I use a glazed verandah to source all vent air. It takes time but when proper insulation is done you will have very little need for heating. Even now at the 9000' foot house we have not lit the fire in the sitting room yet. When it snows we will light a fire. @@stephenmahlstedt8533
You have to do it yourself if you want to remain in realistic budget figures. Consultants will budget to a marginal outcome for you. I returned all the money invested over a period of four years. @@stephenmahlstedt8533
Why ? Try a bit of research and then know what it is you are saying. PS There will be far worse problems before sea rise is a major one but you should know that.
Just take a look at North Carolina and Florida lol. There are loads of beachfront properties that have been condemned because of sea level rise already.
Yeah, you may not know that insurance costs are rising in those area in leaps and bounds, in fact some insurance companies have just completely pulled out of those markets. The filthy rich are going to be only inhabitants and the US taxpayers are are going to be bailing them out every time a Category 4 hurricane wipes their seaside mansions off the face of the Earth. Yep, you will be paying them. Enjoy those high property values! 🤣
I have to wonder if the people radically pushing climate change have ever been to China, India or any other industrial nations and seen what's out there. The US is a drop in the proverbial bucket.
I agree, but I think that is the wrong takeaway from the conversation. That mode of thinking just signifies to the "elites" that they must worm their way into Asia OR twist the screws more in the west. I don't like pointing out to the crazies that not enough is being done. It's like arguing that masks don't work because they still let in virus particles. The argument was just to move to more restrictive masks.
I live in a postage stamp size country (The Netherlands) and our government is killing our economy and taxing citizens out of their nose to “save the climate” 🙄
You are obviously not aware of the fact that China is number one concerining it's transition to renewable energy? They make tremendous progress and are currently much better than the US, EV new admission quote is 20% and raising, and they build solar and wind on a gigantic scale.
The climate is and will always be, changing, as it has since the beginning of time. This is not the hottest nor the coldest it has been, it is a living system that is in constant flux 🤨
But what CAUSED climate it to change in the past? Look up Snow Ball Earth epoch. CO2 went crazy low -200ppm and earth turned into a frozen lump for millions of years. Now that we know how to manipulate CO2 levels we might be able to avoid next ice age in 50,000 . . . if we don't collapse civilization first.
@@francoismalan16 Correlation doesn't equal causation. Also I believe humans have been here for at least hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions. It makes much more sense the climate changes like the seasons. The "Climate change" narrative appears to me to be a tool of control.
@@marlan5470 - What are you talking about? Who said anything about tearing down power transmission and distribution networks (power grids)? They are already in place and would continue to be used as they currently are. Are you under the impression that renewable power does not need power transmission and distribution lines?
Solar farms have been found to be highly compatible with agriculture. In fact, agri-voltaics is a whole new area of innovation. Many types of crops thrive in partial shade. Also, sheep love the panels for shade and rain shelter.
and usually they have to tear down entire forests/raze the land to install these wind farms...was either Scotland or Ireland just annihilated millions of trees to install wind farms, even though trees literally eat carbon and purify the air...it's not about "climate change" it's about control
see Princeton physicist William Happer on how CO2 has reached its saturation point rendering any further increase in CO2 unable to materially affect temperature
Hmm….I’m with you bro, BUT technically you are incorrect, CO2 blocks out a certain wavelength (Like painting a window black), the more paint you put on the marginal amount of light seeps thru, so essentially it’s a logarithmic progression…doubling the CO2 has minimal effect on the radiation effect.
Thé temperature have raised of 1 degree since a century by sun activity, Milankovitch cycles and other natural activity. The raise drive the co2 emissions not the opposite.
The earth is 4.5 billion years old. It has been through a great amount of climatic changes before humans were even around. The ice age, and times when the earth was too hot to support some life forms, massive flooding, etc.
"THE Ice Age"? There have been several. And let's not forget that we as a species didn't start accurately recording temperatures until shortly after the last "little" ice age in the mid 1800's. Awful convenient to use the lowest temperature in modern history as your "starting" point when you're referring to "climate change" and temperature records.
I reckon, even if the world was totally fucked over for a while, say from fallout or experiments on the atmosphere, eventually it'd become green once again.
What people forget to mention is that we are running out of petrol anyway. It’s not like there was an endless supply of it and we had any choice but to look for other, renewable energy sources. All the solutions exist already, or are currently under development, like nuclear fusion. The shift to sustainable energy sources will necessarily happen, we don’t have a choice. I think it would be even more effective in speeding up the transition, if we were talking about the fact that this is a finite resource that won’t be available anymore, instead of using climate change as the sole argument.
You have to define 'we'. Our country doesn't have any. And the countries that have it aren't that stable. OPEC can turn a dial, dictating the prices. No thanks.
@@RealMTBAddict Elon also misses the point of antinatalism, which is to avoid pain. An unborn human can never feel pain. When he says, "start with yourself," he neglects to mention that there's a lot of pain involved in that. Not having children minimizes pain and is not the same as what he is describing.
A smart and dangerous man. And a hypocritical to since the idea of Tesla is based on the fact of climate change . Seems that most people prefer sweet lies above the harsh reality.
One of his lithium ion car batteries emits 15 to 20 tons of CO2 before you even got it in the driveway and that doesn't even include the amount of emfs that a person gets sitting on top of one of these batteries driving around. You're frying not only your body but every cell in it
There are now. They are setting up for testing to pull down solar and store it with giant mirrors in space lol it sounds like I made it up but they are working on it now
@@Cafeallday222 they may be working on it but they've been working on cold fusion for as long as I can remember -certainly 50 years-and are only marginally closer to finding a solution.So-do you bet the farm on "something turning up" or do you do what humanity did when we developed commercial electricity and ran scale tests before legislating that nobody could buy candles and had to live in the dark.
@@Cafeallday222 "working on it". There's always some breakthrough just around the corner that will gives us plentiful, affordable energy for at least the last 70 years. Believe it when you see it. Until then, it's just ideas.
Wind and solar are an environmental disaster. The blades of wind turbines cannot be recycled. After 10-15 years solar panels are unrecycleable waste. There are better options.
According to the prestigious International Energy Agency (IEA) the cheapest form of electricity in history is now . . . SOLAR ENERGY! Who is IEA? IEA is a long-standing, industry-standard, go-to data aggregator and forecaster for all things related to global energy. All the pros in business, investment, government and energy sector use the IEA when they need reliable energy data. Plus IEA is traditionally conservative and favouring energy incumbents like oil, gas and nuclear. Now they say solar is cheaper. Look it up.
@@douglascutler1037 The problem with solar is NIGHT! The entire gas generating power plant system must be maintained and kept ready to take over as the sun goes down. Until a low cost energy storage system is developed solar will be only half the solution. The IEA conveniently leaves out the nightmare of replacing the solar panels as they wear out.
So why is he "in bed" with Trump, who says he is going to drill, drill, drill for "black gold". The man talks absolute shite. He just says whatever comes into his weirdo mind first.
If you really care for nature, you don't support someone who denies human made climate change and who tries everything in his power to go against climate change protection, as can be seen with the Paris Climate Accords, which by the way, Trump is already planning of withdrawing from.
@@raymondjames3228 he challenged trump on climate change during their interview and got him to admit that something needed to be done. At least from this perspective it's a very good thing Elon is influencing trump.
Wanting to make money and doing good is not a consistent pairing in a capitalist economy but it’s not entirely incompatible either. In Musk’s case He also opens sources his tech for others to copy. So he risks putting himself out of business which is a good indicator that he is genuine.
What a complete w@nk comment! Typical Musk hater! He sells these products BECAUSE he wants to make the earth better! How about making your comments on the channels of the Congreeman and women on both sides who do NOTHING ... but fight for the status quo and take the kickbacks from corporations who benefit from mankind NOT moving forward?!
You think they'd learn to stop putting FACT CHECKS on videos they don't want us to watch. If they FC, it means they have an agenda, and somebody with more credibility than them is pointing out their lies.
Pretty much anything climate related gets fact checked. I posted a graph of tide data going back 170 years, NOAA data, and it received a climate fact check. The algorithm is not too bright; it paints that warning on anything remotely climate related.
do you deny climate change? i can promise you that climate change already has devastating consequences all over the world...hughe wildfires in south america and canada, floods in central europe, drough in south europe and asia, increasing hurricanes in countries near the ocean, famine in african states, etc
It is not a disclaimer. It gives the context for climate discussion on YT. Clicking on the three vertical dots in the box gives further information: Topical context in information panel When you search or watch videos related to topics prone to misinformation, such as the moon landing, you may see an information panel at the top of your search results or under a video you're watching. Information panels show basic background info, sourced from independent, third-party partners, to give more context on a topic. If you want to learn more, the panels also link to the third-party partner’s website. These information panels will show regardless of what opinions or perspectives are expressed in a video. Feedback TH-cam doesn’t endorse or create any of the info shown in information panels on TH-cam. If you disagree with info in a particular article, please contact the website owner that published the article.
@@davidkleinhans6714 I don't want your promise. I want facts. Not manipulated data, not answers arrived at with predetermined conclusions, not data collected with unscrupulous measuring techniques, not answers that keep moving the goal post when that particular metric isn't met, facts, without the hysteria of cataclysmic consequences that never arrive. Climate Change activist have perpetrated the largest 3-card Monty game ever devised. And the great irony is, the more educated you are, the more wealthy you are, the more elite and privilege you are, the more likely someone is to swallow this bullshit whole.
@@davidkleinhans6714 The climate has changed over millions of years before with no influence from humans. YOU take the smallest window of time to say the climate is now changing from humans and fossil fuels. Really Simple people believe anything.
@@davidkleinhans6714 Man made climate change is a hoax. Natural climate change is natural and weather manipulation by humans i also true. Creating tsunamis, earth quakes and other crazy phenomena and calling it natural and caused by climate change is the best idea they had. If you do not know how they are doing it, it must nessecarily look natural to you and of course you have to find an explaination and thats climate change. Its weather engeneering that is dangerous
Of course it did without our high taxes the lie of ‘sustainable energy’ would be way to expensive to produce, as it is now anyway, that’s what this con trick is all about.. to get the hated rich even more rich on the back of the poorest in society, nuclear energy costs virtually nothing after the plant is built, you could have mini power plants in every city!
Any benefits from global warming are very quickly met with a response from the government such that people are soon conditioned into dreading anything that might be a positive. Imagine not using as much energy because it's a few degrees warmer. Great right? Next thing you know the utility claims they must raise the rates because consumption is down. You honestly can not win when a politician is in the game.
Sustainable energy is much cheaper than alternatives, but at least in Europe electricity rates are priced by "marginal pricing" where the most expensive supplier that meets the demand requirements sets the price. And all the cheaper ones, like solar, just reap huge profits for it.
Interesting there's no talk about the toxic considerations of so called renewables energy, e.g. lithium batteries and the mining that's required for this. Also, once e.g. solar panels are no longer functional, can these be recycled with no pollution? And then there's the bit about how much unethicsl labor and coal was required to produce them in the first place....
We need to reduce our demand for energy by using simpler tech while increasing the amount provided by renewables. Fossil fuels are a dead end, anything that doesn’t make energy based on natural flows is. The best use of fossil fuels is creating more renewables; EROEI (energy return on energy investment) means every joule of energy from fossil fuels we put into renewables we get several joules out. They may be more intermittent and less portable, but we ultimately don’t have a choice and we need to confront that reality sooner rather than later.
I think one thing we are learning right now because we are seeing the interest in electric cars level off is that cost competitive is not enough. 60 percent of Americans do not have enough money in the bank to afford a 1000 dollar emergency. If we want to make sustainable energy our goal we must beat the price of unfriendly environmental options.
I’m not adverse to a little climate change. Back when the romans visited my part of the world, they could grow grapes in their back gardens - I’m up for that
But people believe that everything was stable until the industrial revolution. Knowing that the whole system has fluctuated since the beginning ruins the narrative.
Yeah this is the part the alarmists never want to talk about. Even if the Climate did change, for every part of the world that got slightly worse, there would be other parts that would be slightly better off. So it's not all bad for all people. Canada for example would be far more habitable and with a few degrees more warmth. It would create an agricultural revolution if all those millions of square km's of icy tundra were available for farming.
Russia would gain an appreciable amount of additional farmland if the climate suddenly were to get a lot balmier. There's a lot of potential resources locked underneath a thick layer of permafrost.
You can’t say with any certainty that things would get better because those areas are not adapted ecologically for sudden climate shifts. But we do know coastal regions where trillions in existing infrastructure is built will be devastated, and the people living in those areas will need to relocate which is not easy.
@@Sharukurusu Relocating is not easy. But you do that which is necessary; not that which is easy. Geopolitics has forced relocation on groups of people many many times in history. What makes relocation due to climate change significantly more cataclysmic?
Wind and solar are competitive ? Without subsidies ? I don"t think so. Also the damage from mining the batteries and the disposal of all of the equipment has not been resolved.
Actually, there are plenty of experts - PhDs in physics, atmospheric sciences and the like - who say we can indeed continue "loading the atmosphere" with carbon, with no untoward effects; that there's no evidence that human release of greenhouse gases is in any way catastrophic.
Yes there are some scientists say this - but they are in a small (but well publicised) minority. Do some background research on them & you usually find that their career has been paid for by big oil.
@@duncanbeard9460 So the more than 9,000 PhDs who signed the Global Warming Petition a number of years ago were all being funded by big oil? Grow some skepticism. Dire global warming prediction after dire prediction have been falling like bowling pins ever since the first were made back in the '80s. Just one of many, in 1998 the Maldives were predicted to be under Indian Ocean water by 2018. Check out their Chamber of Commerce - the islands are in fine shape, no sign of *any* threat.
One of the greenhouse properties of CO2 is it reaches a saturation.point where each unit added has a diminished effect on temperature. What the recent increased concentration of CO2 has done is increase the greening of our earth. It also reduces the water requirement of plants to survive. Co2 concentrations are changing all the time. In spring and summer when deciduous trees have their leaves, they take up co2 for photosynthesis. In fall and winter when they lose their leaves, concentrations increase because the tree are not absorbing co2.
It’s odd how many different self righteous political movements have the same kinds of solutions. Almost like they’re all just fronts for people who want to control others. Their boogeymen also seem to be the same.
@@timothyrussell4445 There is no comparison. The comments are individual opinions, whereas the context warnings come from a false place of authority attempting to nullify those opinions. It isn’t working either.
@@stevenkreitzer5602 His point still stands. Most of the opinions here are plain stupidity. People tend to have strong opinions even if they know almost nothing about the issue, specially on these kinds of issues.
@@frankdramli2151 and my point still stands. False authority. People can be as stupid as they want or are. Discussion proves which ideas are correct and incorrect. No need for warning labels.
That was my argument for Thanos... But singing is crayons are needed... Rulers and pencils... And paint and glue... Can't do that with war raging around Kenya.
Jeff is a commie. Plus his character said that, not him. Don't attribute quotes from a character an actor plays to the actor. It would be better to attribute the quote to the writer...
@@andrewstewart9263 Mostly because it's much harder to prove that there's a problem with the science. Even if you agree with Richard Lindzen over Michael Mann -- no individual has a prayer of knowing more about climate science than either of these two individuals. Assessing the quality of the solutions purported to be the solution to the 'disease' -- this is a far easier prospect -- and it more directly correlates to your checkbook.
Solution to climate change: use the cheapest source of energy. SOLAR. According to the prestigious International Energy Agency (IEA) the cheapest form of electricity in history is now . . . SOLAR ENERGY! Who is IEA? IEA is a long-standing, industry-standard, go-to data aggregator and forecaster for all things related to global energy. All the pros in business, investment, government and energy sector use the IEA when they need reliable energy data. Plus IEA is traditionally conservative and favouring energy incumbents like oil, gas and nuclear. Now they say solar is cheaper. Look it up.
Dinosaurs would still be alive today had they developed science and technology capable of deflecting distant asteroids. Just like the NASA DART Mission recently succeeded in doing.
But do you refine your own propane? Make your own solar panels? All these issues are more complicated than any single person. We need a balance for stability and it will have to have compromises, innovation and sacrifice to move forward.
Much warmer here than 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. Sorry, but I quit buying sweaters years ago. Minnesota, we had Sears making car battery commercials in the winter.
Not here in Florida, been 90 and humid every summer day for decades. And it's gonna be in the low 40s every night all next week, low 60s during the day. Glad this cold front is coming through.
The Netherlands is spending 1000 Billion for 0,00007% carbon reduction. People can't pay their bills anymore. The food banks are running out of resources. Energy costs has gone through the roof, everything else like food has doubled or even tripled the past 2 years. Instead making everything so expensive nobody can pay it anymore this money should be invested in research and development.
I agree, innovation, human creativity will be our best way out. And if certain groups of people and organizations wouldn’t have been against nuclear energy for the last 50 years, we would already have been a lot further down that road.
"... innovation, human creativity will be our best way out." We are actually very resilient against climate change right now. Despite the claim of extreme weather, the world has seen a dramatic decrease in deaths due to natural disasters over the last 100 years.
@@bluceree7312 1-2 Gigawatts per reactor. That's a HUUUGE amount of electricity offered -- all of it supplied while putting less CO2 in the atmosphere than any solar or wind farm power equivalent.
@@bluceree7312 thanks for your question. Its always good to keep learning. Look up thorium reactors. They are even better. It lowers risk, its more abundant then uranium and it brings down the nuclear waste. It even is able to use a lot of the nuclear waste we already have.
@@pulsar22 Human deaths, at the expense of more energy used to prevent them. This is a dumb talking point and a terrible proxy for what damage extreme weather does. Enjoy having stable climate for farming? Too bad.
I dont understand how he can say such relateable things in this video and meanwhile is giving the German far right party, which is actually denying the human made climate change as a whole, promotion on X :(
If people understood the science of CO2 they would understand that it is good, not bad. CO2 is essential to all life and higher levels green the Earth.
Yes, but how much of it is the question. Would you say to someone drowning that water is really good? Since it helps plants grow? Sure water is good, but too much can be bad - like for the person drowning
Two things. 1) There are NO solutions, only trade-offs. Once one understands that, things become clearer. 2) Elon, how competitive is solar really if you remove all incentive schemes and subsidies as well as penalties on traditional generation?
Having more decentralized power is what Elon recommends, like solar panels, wind mills, etc. It takes the threat of power being denied by the government.
@@TheExegetic Please expand! Privatized companies? You mean for profit energy suppliers? Isn'T that the norm in the US already? On another note: if you can place solar panels on your roof and add batteries to the system you can reduce your dependence on the grid. I think that is a win on itself. I can imagine a village having the needed infrastructure to sustain itself. Why is that so hard for people to think about this?
What is happening in many places is some form of green energy is produced (typically haphazardly and at the cost of natural wealth and without any discussion with the locals) but people buy it for the same price as OIL, because of how the energy cartel runs, hand in hand with the government. Greece is a prime example of this, where a number of oligarchs decide the price between them and people suffer as a result.
What are the batteries made of, Elon? Where do all the materials come from and how do they get to the manufacturing plant? What happens to the batteries when they are too old?
The batteries are made of metals that we dig out of the ground, but we will reach a point (decades down the line) where we won't have to mine any more of those metals and we can recycle them until the end of time.
LMAO. what kind of ignorance to think "man can't destroy..." Man can turn the earth into a nuclear winter parking lot in no time, as well as burn up all the forests, kill all the oceans if we wanted to. But somehow 1.5 degrees of atmospheric temperature cannot be the cause of humans burning up trillions of tons of fossil fuels.
Still waiting on precise answers on exactly what the global temperature average should be, exactly what the average sea level should be, and exactly what the human population should be, and how they arrived at those numbers. But the only answers I ever seem to get are "shut up and pay for it," and "you want to kill Mother Earth."
I agree. My solution for rising Sea levels is take all the yachts out of the water If you want to save the ozone layer stop sending rockets to the moon.
I see things differently on the matter of developing countries. It is the elite in developed countries who have the luxury to focus heavily on carbon emissions and their primary concern seems to be to allow themselves unlimited carbon emissions while trying to drastically curtail any emissions by the working class in developed countries.(Often at great cost for insignificant gaines) Meanwhile, they make allowances for the huge carbon emissions produced in developing countries instead of helping these countries reduce their emissions.
we are not expecting just nothing to happen from all the carbon... we are expecting it to be good for life... to have more of the base block for life, to be available to life is a good thing... banning carbon, from Earth's environment is like banning lego blocks in Lego-land.
Renewables are not competitive. That’s complete BS. Without gov subsidies they would be out of business. Dude while sounding intelligent still wants to put money in the bank. 😂
That used to be true and still is for wind mills, but solar panels are competitive without subsidies right now in many parts of the world. So what you’re saying is not really true any more.
Out of curiosity, what have you done? And if you think that people like musk still care about money, you really don't understand how they think. He could have retired at 20 when he sold PayPal.
@@teddybearroosevelt1847 "solar panels are competitive without subsidies right now in many parts of the world" Where specifically? Where is this place where they don't care if they lose power every time the clouds come out or it's night time? Where specifically is this magic place so we may verify your crazy claim. I have Solar on my house and a Tesla Powerwall. I can tell you for a fact that while it is useful at times, it is not a viable replacement for conventional generation which works 24/7/365.
@@gooble69solar on houses offsets the demand on the grid. If everyone had decentralised power generation, we could reduce the amount of centralised power stations. However, that's a far off dream. I certainly don't think 100% solar, or 100% of any one power source is a good idea. I think we should try to have as many solar houses as possible (without gov subsidies) and then have other sources like nuclear, hydro, geothermal, gas, etc as a backbone to the grid.
If there’s ever a justification of a world view that I ascribed to and hope to be seen as universal. I just watched it. Thank you Zuby for your eloquence in observation to what I hope everyone sees as the norm.
"I'm sick of hearing people say we got to save the planet. The planet is fine. The people are" flunked. "The planet's been here way longer than us. Planets not going anywhere. We are!!!! We're going away. The planet will be here long after were gone. It's a self-healing organism. That's what it does. It'll grow around our dead cities and become something else."🙂
@@gilian2587 but ol’ Barry and Michael Obama just bought a house on Martha’s Vineyard. On the ocean. Shouldn’t they be worried about the rising sea levels?
I love the idea of decentralized battery power. I’ve thought that was a good idea for years. It allows you to charge the battery over the existing grid and using the battery for peak load.
@@Squidward1314 "NY underwater by year 2012" prediction by scientists is in the IRONICALLY named "Inconvenient Truth". Too funny. And it was science itself, that discredited science. I bet you are still wearing a maask, LOL
It seems to me the climate is doing inline and linear to what the sun is doing... as the sun gets more violent in solar cycle 25... things are getting more violent on all the planets...
Thanks for the video. The goal is to do better. We are trying to preserve the earth . Not sure if people realize how much better we are now compared to 80 years ago! As a skeptic, I wonder how much cleaning up the atmosphere is causing the temperature to rise. Spreading fear is the oldest profession!
I really love this interview and kept wanting to chat with you guys.! We really do need to decentralized power it's essential to continue thriving especially now! 🌞✨️💛🌈🌍🌈💛✨️
Then why is everyone else going bankrupt trying to build and sell EVs? Ford and GMs EV divisions are basically bankrupt with massive layoffs and production cuts to stay afloat. Rivian lives on the edge of Ch 11. Most of the pre 2020 Chinese EV companies have folded this year or last. BYD is desperately trying to dump cars across trade barriers at a loss. Nobody wants a Leaf anymore. The S Korean companies just package Chinese surplus into their EVs. I wish EVs were viable mainstream, especially small economy models, but Musk's gut was right. They are for the BMW, Audi, Jag set as a yuppie status car. Those cars grew market share in the 80s and 90s from nearly nothing in the 70s, but never displaced meat and potatoes brands.
@@makisekurisu4674ive got a more than 20 year old car and it costs nothing more than the mandatory service before registration, maybe an oil change every now and then. Petrol prices went up recently but thats about the only problem, electricity prices went up too so its not much difference... How expensive is it to replace a battery?
@@enterpassword3313 It's very expensive to replace a battery, but it's also a pretty rare thing to have to do. They're designed to last beyond the lifetime of the car. I do agree that it's not nice to be one of those unfortunate people where it's rendered useless briefly after the 8 year warranty. Hopefully there'll eventually be insurances for such a thing when insurance get enough data to be competitive about pricing on those.
We've been absolutely lied to about the CO2 in our atmosphere. We've been told and led to believe that we are affecting "percentage points", but any effect we might be having is thousandths of a percentage point!!
yeah it's all about pushing the "carbon emissions" bullshit, using that as a control method to restrict us...they're gonna make you have a mandated app that tracks your daily emissions (only drive 15 min a day, 5 min showers, mandatory blackouts, no natural gas use). It's all about conditioning us to be compliant and slowly taking away our rights to "save" the planet...I mean shit 2020 made it pretty obvious with all the mandates already...the "climate crisis" is just another tool for them
Every solution to "solving" climate change:
• Raise taxes
• Transfer more wealth to rich
• Create tax breaks for corporations who "go green"
• Transfer more power to politicians
• Micromanage regular people's lives more and take more of their rights and property away
-never pay back the GHG budget they take to create. Not one.
- corporations have gone insane levels of anti repair actions. While claiming to be green. Millions of functioning or easily repairable devices get tossed in the shredder every year because they refuse to supply basic parts to repair them. Microsoft every time they force a software upgrade all the old devices that are still functional and useable are forced into landfills. Microsoft crows about how environmental they are. None of the alt energy is real so maybe if the solutions are fake, the stated problem is fake? Hidden behind the greenwashing is the pollution at scales never imagined before. As long as they hide the GHG emissions they don't care. EV's last 5 years till the battery is dead and then it's garbage. You can't get parts. Can't even be recycled because of the composite materials and batteries. Polluting at scales never imagined.
Exactly. That alone proves the whole thing is a giant scam. But the sheeple are far too stupid to realize that.
Sounds like this is how they "solve" you instead
It's called Technocracy, and Elon is a Technocrat.
We all should take more care of the environment we live in. But that should be done on a voluntary basis, not because some "elites" dictate that, while they fly around in private jets.
Yet you gobble up all the disinformation peddled out by rich libertarian elites like Charles Koch who fund these climate sceptics to protect his business interests
I'll just keep dumping toxic waste in this river then .
Obviously we should do our best to not waste or needlessly pollute. But the climate hysteria is literal chicken little nonsense and has been going on for decades. these people are lunatics who should be locked up.
everythings so expensive so have to but the cheapest and worst for the environment. cause plant food gas is the enemy.
Lead by example. I ride a bike to work, never fly, don't own a car, live in a communal house, and hardly buy anything; it's hard to see how I could have any less effect on the environment. the odd thing is, I don't believe all this climate change stuff.
Love the fact check on this video.
Thanks, TH-cam. I almost forgot that thinking for myself is a crime.
Yep, YT is "big brother."
And the irony that the United Nations rarely produces a report worth heeding.
They are always agenda driven dross compiled by special interest stooges.
There's no fact check on it now, 19 hours later. Did they remove it or is it still there? Maybe I don't see it because I'm on Premium? Althou, that would be even creepier if that's true... I really hope it was an automated process that flagged it and they realized how ridiculous they are.
I know they are still really creepy and ridiculous even if they managed to behave as if they're normal people this time. Hey YT, I'm paying you for now but that's only because you're a monopoly, not because I agree with ANYTHING you say! Can't wait when you finally get woke enough to go belly up. That's the God's honest truth, living inside this progressive henhouse really gets on my nerves sometimes.
Well, I'm lying, make it all the time.
@@1Corinthians6Verses9thru11 they're communists
He is supporting a president that says, "Drill, baby, drill."
You've lost all credibility for environmental responsibility.
The environment is NOT as fragile as your snowflake liberal ideas , also electric cars are way more polluting then ICE, where do you think all that electricity is made, yes coal and gas... Finally he has been using methane in all his rockets for years, yes burning methane in the upper atmosphere probable not the best thing. Then add in his numerous private jet flights and you got the worlds most polluting person and yet you thought he was green, talk about naïve little ldiot you are.
Exactly, and people still believe this. What did Trump say about human made climate change? "It'll get warmer. It'll get colder. It's called weather." Completely in denial, no awareness whatsoever. Also Trump will try everything in his power to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accords. And Elon Musk supports him.
@@stopgeorge We should drill as opposed to buying oil from other countries.
His exact words were "I think we need to strike the right balance and over time we need to move to a sustainable energy economy and we can't keep taking billions of tons of carbon from deep underground and putting it in the atmosphere and expect nothing will happen forever, but we also don't need to be alarmists about it, and super negative about it, and massively disrupt people's lifestyles. People can continue to live a normal life and not feel guilty about being human." In other words, we can work the problem and not be forced to walk everywhere and to eat insect hamburgers like the extreme leftists think we should all be eating. I'm all for sustainable energy, but today's windmill and solar farms are not going to cut it. We need to produce our own oil because it is cleaner than that which we import and work toward a real sustainable energy source.
@@robertgasper2495 ok, sounds reasonible, but is there enough time (for this sort of logic)?
"People are not gonna care about the environment until their basic needs are met."
Quote of the century in regards to climate change.
@MA-ik7ys How about getting a passport and visiting others countries besides the USA? Maybe just go South to Latin America? You think the people over there give a damn about the environment? Geez.. The level of ignorance..
@MA-ik7ys If that's true your ignorance is even more impressive
Start with ourselves, i mean i choose to be childless for this reason, it doesnt mean genocide. It means eating less meat and not having any more humans that will pollute. we need to educate more people about the joys of not having children
@MA-ik7ys Youve never been anywhere, traveling is literally the greatest education and wisdom you can attain in life ...and you have none.
your basic needs will suffer if your environment suffers.
Met a guy 40 years ago who said my boyfriend was evil because he was studying to be a doctor. The guy believed that saving people meant harming the planet.
Do you think he ever went to the doctor?
Like musk said, why didn’t that guy start with himself
That didn’t happen
Yeah but a doctor can easily help the elite's goal. Imagine this: the same people who preach every day that there are too many people, also want to save every human being using their innovative medical interventions.
"I'm like hey buddy, you can start with yourself, you know?"
People who state the obvious - that there are too many of us - dont propose eugenics or genocide. Its about birth rates. Every person who lives have the full right to live. But I question people who bring children to this world as it is now. Elon have many children, so obviously he would not say that we should have less children.
ONE rich person produces more CO2 than thousands of middle class and lower class children.
@@michasosnowski5918 Lol. Having no children is a silent and slow genocide for humanity as a whole...
@@michasosnowski5918 He has children because he believes in the survival of our species / legacy. I don't know if you noticed, but every first world country has declining birth rates, without mass migration we're already shrinking, fast. It's going to be disastrous for future generations having to support the old, especially with pyramid schemes like social security still in place.
You cannot speak of "World population" without any context, unless you think it's feasible to relocate mass amounts of Africans to the Americas/Asia (a disastrous event in itself).
@@michasosnowski5918 why are you complaining to westeners though, tell that to africans who have like 8 children per family
What a misleading argument... Of course life in earth will continue in any case, the thing here is the cost in human lifes that will be put in risk because of CC (sea level rise, food supply disruptions, extreme climate events...), specially in poor countries. To confront this fact with your right to eat steak on a daily basis is psycho.
You're absolutely right. The reason nothing is being done is becasue rich countries and their mega corporations know perfectly well the only serious consequences will be faced mostly by the thirld world nations.
@@josemariarodriguezmunoz7743 you missed the point..
Food supply disruption?
Co2 is plant food...+ a rise in temperature leads to an increase in vegetation biomass. Satellite data attest that fact.
Is there a food yield problem? Where? How?
@@mechanicsfield2266 ever heard of the words "desertification" and "floods"? Climate change increases the frequency of extreme climate events. Look at what is happening in pakistan where the monsoon used to be crucial for their agriculture but now it's causing catastrophic floodding which destroyes crops.
@ then everything os ok, more CO2, more food… is a win win
Amazing that he never once mentioned nuclear power. The science relating to it has greatly improved and is the ultimate non-polluting resource if properly used.
Well, Musk runs a solar energy company.
He has mentioned nuclear in the past as a superior energy source. It just may not have come up in this particular excerpt.
Chernobyl and Fukishima?
@@jasonbarrie9933 Chernobyl was cheap, Russian Tech, Fukushima was an earthquake. Most of the planet is far more stable and nuclear reactor tech has come a LONG way from either of those reactors.
@@mikeford963 and Im an electrical technician and I see major mistakes that cause catastrophic damage on a regular basis...the discovery of nuclear energy was humanities greatest mistake...but hey might as well build a bunch of reactors we have already radiated the shit out the planet thanks to the 1000 plus nuclear weapons tests and the industrial nuclear accidents
I've lived on a 4 acre a self supporting organic farm as a child. We didn't have to go to the grocery store. We grew and raised everything we needed. What people need is clean food, water, air, and restoring the traditional family bonds. No one has the perfect solution for today's problems; however, we can discuss what solutions we can offer. We can start with agreeing not to dump any more plastics and toxins in the ocean and clean up what we can, including microplastics. In today's political situation, everything becomes agenda driven. We have to create a solutions based communication. There is already a warning on this video, apparently only the so called experts can come up with solutions.
Returning to Middle Ages is not a good solution.
Agreed. I plan to move to a farm and make my life comfortable, simple and responsible as possible
There is an ideal ratio of modern technology (sanitation, medicen, information access) and an old way of life, but no one seems to want it.
I totally agree. Thank you for such a rational and intelligent comment...they are far too rare these days.
Good luck convincing China and India of that
"People are not gonna care about the environment until their basic needs are met." Correct!
Konstantin Kisin gave a speech to The Oxford Union about how half the world does not have an indoor flushing toilet. He said , rightly, that those people would not give a toss about Climate Change until they have the basic luxuries that we in the West already have and take for granted.
That is powerful
@@droccult700 Kisin talks a lot of sense.
Great speech
Well, when was is pinching a loaf, dropping the kids off at the pool, making underwater sculptures, taking the Brown's to the Superbowl, busting a grumpy, glassing the surface, cutting rope, unloading timber, building a log cabin, feeding the French:
The position a toilet puts one in pinches the small intestine. We should all be squatting over a hole we just dug...
@@deductivereasoning4257 You are in the middle of ASDA or Tesco's doing your shopping and you suddenly need a call of nature? Be thankful for that wonderful British invention, the flushing loo.
CO2 and temps have been fluctuating up and down for countless millions of years all without us
@@2rightsmakeauturn Mother Nature is going to do what she wants, when she wants, regardless of who is occupying space on the planet.
the Earth is only 6500 years old. There is no such thing as 'mother' Earth - only Father GOD who created everything and sustains life.
@@matthewstokes1608 Decades of scientific research says otherwise.
@@charlesbradley5757 Centuries of blinkered men do, yes... But God, the creator of time - and all else - knows infinitely better.
My money is totally on Him - and there's where we differ.
The science of the future - in spellbound, dumbstruck awe, and on its knees, agrees with God.
Oh sure. It's just that its fluctuating 1000 times faster than it ever has in earth's history. 40% increase in CO2 in 250 years is insane, and we're already seeing ocean extinction. It's insanely dangerous at this pace.
We are sick of being lied to and our taxpayers money stolen and going to these activists.
In a constitutional Republic, there is nothing that says you have to give up your rights to ownership of property and your freedom to live and travel at will for the price of taxation… it begins with “WE, THE PEOPLE…” not we the Government. just saying.
So, stop paying taxes...
@@brandonjohnson191 No. Taxes are necessary to have a functioning society, but taxes should only pay for things that are absolutely necessary, like health, police, fire departments etc., not just whatever the government wants.
@@arunmoses2197 All of which is paid by state and local taxes, the fed gov is useless and corrupt, we shouldn't be paying them anything.
Before you mention the military, what is it, exactly, that they've done for our country in the last 75 yrs or so?
@@arunmoses2197Nah, society functioned before taxes existed. Cities existed just fine
The pulling the ladder up analogy is spot-on, and this happens on a smaller scale too with wealthier people in western countries preaching about EVs to those who cannot afford them, and favouring penalising drivers of non-EVs, when they themselves were driving the most polluting cars 10 or so years ago.
Jordan Peterson is right when he says that the best way to save the planet is to bring everyone out of poverty, and the way to do that is not to ban fossil fuels in the short term.
Yeah he cares about child labour in Cobalt mining or Chocolate production or Asian sweatshops etc? Peterson is vague.
And if you look at the carbon footprint of those elites they aren't following what they want us to do.
Many fly in private jets, have huge yachts and travel far more often then the rest of us. They have multiple LARGE houses and a fleet of cars.
None of them are living life like the Amish. Or even using as little energy as the rest of us.
And how many deaths are directly (and indirectly) attributed to the use of fossil fuels! Nothing is perfect and there is no golden card that will fix everything perfectly! Progress is a bumpy path with many pot holes!
To bring 8 billions out of powerty, we'd need two more planets for all the resources neede.
The best way to save the planet is to stop overpopulation. It’s only overpopulation that’s causing all the shortages and overuse of resources.
Saving the climate always includes allowing you to destroy it (based on their terms) for a fee.
The elite fly around in the private jets to these climate conferences (instead of ZOOM) and bitch to the rest of us about the environment. Total hypocrites.
Yep. Save the climate. Buy my cars. Buy my panels. Buy my batteries.
Lets listen to Elon, who got his own Roast by 'Some More News' and not to any Climate-Change-TH-camr
Well yes. That's the market solution. If you wanna limit pollution what you do is you make a market with pollution rights so the pollution that might be necessary to uphold civilization or whatever is "used" in the most economically efficient way. This also leads to the low hanging fruit of pollution reduction beeing done first...
@@paweldSo you would be more happy if he did nothing? He's doing the exact thing you do to actually solve climate change. You use technology and build products that allow people to continue living their lives almost the same as before (ideally better) but has less of a negative effect on the environment and the atmosphere...
You guys have just been fed anti renewables and sustainable energy propaganda by oil companies...
Podcast backgrounds are getting so funny….whats with the random chess board 😂
Musk is invested in renewable energy so I’d take what he says about it with a pinch of salt. Zuby is right, you can’t expect working class people and poor people in developing countries to worry about climate change when they are worrying about feeding their family and trying to keep a roof over their head.
Theres a difference between wanting to develop solar and other such power sources and wanting them to be the only ones.
Did I say there wasn’t a difference?
I just pointed out that Musk is invested in renewable energy
elon says renewables cheap then the owners charge more and pocket the profits - power bills are rising not falling
Exactly 👍
The thing is renewable energy is nice, electric cars are nice, as commercial products. The problem is these became political products. We should remain free to choose which product best fits our own life and fills our needs.
Elon speaks plainly and in simple terms. Gives me sanity! Most people just love their own voices.
Mean while makes billions of the EV SCAM
@@andrewdunlop5771 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
EV's are not a scam, but they need to develop much better materials (especially batteries) to bring them up to the level that they will need to be! Model T Fords, in their day were a great achievement, allowing more of the common people the ability to own a motorized vehicle and not just private vehicle but also farm tractors, trailers, etc., a massive boost in productivity! What kind of gas mileage do you think that a Model T got, not great I'll bet! The current EVs are basically the modern version of Model Ts! The industrial revolution definitely has it's drawbacks but it also advanced humans very quickly despite the growing pains! People who never lived in a horse-and-buggy world romanticize the past, but the truth is that the vast majority of modern people couldn't survive in that world. For instance, infant mortality rates were very high which is why people had so many children in hopes of at least a few of them surviving into adulthood and continuing their lineage! In a large portion of the world that is no longer the case but old habits die hard and the overpopulation is perhaps the biggest problem facing humanity! The planet will likely survive, but the conditions that allowed humans to thrive may alter enough to wipe out the human species! As we seem to be the most semi-intelligent creatures on planet Earth (or at least we think so), the lose of humanity may be a lose to life everywhere (or maybe not) but isn't it best to assume that it would be and act accordingly! 1HW1HC (one Healthy Woman, one Healthy Child) is the only way (IMHO) to fairly and gradually reduce the human population to a easily sustainable level! @@andrewdunlop5771
@@rogerjensen5277 how are lithium batteries made and by whom, how are they disposed of? $60,000 to replace batteries, if you have bought an EV you have been scammed, oh and resale value?
EVs are not ready for market, so they are a scam
@andrewdunlop5771 A perfect example of someone who loves his own voice(comments)..... this guy.
Andrew, you're obsessed with yourself and you act like your opinions are facts.
Grow up buddy.
I agree with Elon "hey buddy, why don't you start with yourself?" In fact their carbon footprint is so huge that taking out the climate summit types that fly their private jets to these evil events would do more than the little people.
…but the west has started with itself. The birth rate here is already below 2. If the rest or the world did the same that would take a lot of strain off the planet
Not to mention the Prime Rib and Lobster they feast upon, while telling us to 'Eat ze Bugs'.
The best thing Musk can do for the climate, Is follow Robin William's last 2 minutes on earth.
That will be his best contribution to humanity.
Me personally think Elon Musk`s folks took the after birth home and flushed the kid, Elon acts and behaves just like an after birth..
There are 70 MILLION more people on Earth each year, you simpleton. The planet is FINITE and too much open space is being trampled, including by "clean energy." Musk claiming that "people are not a blight on the Earth" is a mindless statement, given the vast damage being inflicted on nature. Does the world only exist as a big ant farm to coddle people? Musk is obsessed with more birth for cheap labor, and probably the white birth-dearth (that part's a legit concern).
What!! Lol@@ossiedunstan4419
I have two tiny houses on the same property, and have been trying to learn to live off-grid as a personal challenge. Each tiny house has its own $20,000 solar power plant. I cannot run any electric heaters and am forced to heat with a mix of propane heaters and wood stoves, and in the summer I can only run a single, tiny window A/C. If I get a cloudy day or two in a row, I'm forced to run my generator for hours at night to charge the battery bank so I don't risk dropping the battery voltage too low. I also need to run the generator to power our well pump, which means I have to fill our 40-gallon tiny house water tanks every two days on average. I would need to double the size of the solar power plant to run our well pump from it on-demand. I don't think that solar is affordable or scalable enough for the average person yet. It is very challenging to live without utility power, to say the least, unless you live in a climate that doesn't require full-time heat in the winter to prevent pipes from freezing. I'm up for that challenge on most days, but if I ever get seriously injured or sick, I'm not sure I could continue to live here, especially during the winter.
Thanks for your honest research and factual reporting! Props!!
It may be that you did not source your solar systems wisely. I have two huge houses on each of two properties and have spent US$ 10,000 on each of them (well priced solar panels here in India). One is in an area which receives snow for five months a year and the other for one month. We have no mains connection. I run the generator for a total of one hundred and twenty hours per year. I have no other costs. Only fools use electricity for space heating. I spent a lot of time, not money, ensuring perfect sealing and high levels of IR insulation. I burn just under a ton of wood each year. The wood keeps me fit. I have no problem living on solar. I will never get a mains connection again.
@@goatvision6908 sounds like you’ve dialed it in nicely. Did you source and install all of the components yourself? I hired a company to build out the solar plants, so, perhaps that explains the cost of my systems. I’m not very confident when it comes to electrical work. My heating challenge comes into play if I have to travel. I happily heat almost exclusively with wood while I’m here, but if I’m forced to travel, that’s when it gets difficult for me. I have a propane heater, but not one that I’d trust to leave running while I’m away for more than a day or two, especially if the temperature drops to -5 degrees Fahrenheit like it did last December. My goal is to never go back to utility power again if I can help it, but i still feel that living off-grid has certain challenges that are sometimes overlooked by newcomers.
Sounds like you have energy leaks. Have you double glazed? Are the doors sealed with rubber gaskets? Do you have double aluminised sarking on the walls and ceiling? I triple glazed in one house, there is a lot of shade in winter at that one. The others get more than eight hours of sun so not much heating is needed. The windows must seal properly. Ventilation air must enter after running past passive solar heated walls. I use a glazed verandah to source all vent air. It takes time but when proper insulation is done you will have very little need for heating. Even now at the 9000' foot house we have not lit the fire in the sitting room yet. When it snows we will light a fire. @@stephenmahlstedt8533
You have to do it yourself if you want to remain in realistic budget figures. Consultants will budget to a marginal outcome for you. I returned all the money invested over a period of four years. @@stephenmahlstedt8533
When we see beachfront property values fall, we might take notice.
They are not. And the Bidens and Obamas are buying it
Why ? Try a bit of research and then know what it is you are saying.
PS There will be far worse problems before sea rise is a major one but you should know that.
Just take a look at North Carolina and Florida lol. There are loads of beachfront properties that have been condemned because of sea level rise already.
That ain’t gonna happen….
Yeah, you may not know that insurance costs are rising in those area in leaps and bounds, in fact some insurance companies have just completely pulled out of those markets. The filthy rich are going to be only inhabitants and the US taxpayers are are going to be bailing them out every time a Category 4 hurricane wipes their seaside mansions off the face of the Earth. Yep, you will be paying them. Enjoy those high property values! 🤣
I have to wonder if the people radically pushing climate change have ever been to China, India or any other industrial nations and seen what's out there. The US is a drop in the proverbial bucket.
I agree, but I think that is the wrong takeaway from the conversation. That mode of thinking just signifies to the "elites" that they must worm their way into Asia OR twist the screws more in the west. I don't like pointing out to the crazies that not enough is being done. It's like arguing that masks don't work because they still let in virus particles. The argument was just to move to more restrictive masks.
I live in a postage stamp size country (The Netherlands) and our government is killing our economy and taxing citizens out of their nose to “save the climate” 🙄
No, the US is not a drop in a bucket.
@@Couchlover47No, its not. I can go all night.
No, actually I won't go all night.
You are obviously not aware of the fact that China is number one concerining it's transition to renewable energy? They make tremendous progress and are currently much better than the US, EV new admission quote is 20% and raising, and they build solar and wind on a gigantic scale.
Lol the "context" box.
“Hey buddy, you can start with yourself“😂
The climate is and will always be, changing, as it has since the beginning of time.
This is not the hottest nor the coldest it has been, it is a living system that is in constant flux 🤨
The last 10'000 years have been pretty stable though. - Before that humans didn't exist.
But what CAUSED climate it to change in the past?
Look up Snow Ball Earth epoch. CO2 went crazy low -200ppm and earth turned into a frozen lump for millions of years. Now that we know how to manipulate CO2 levels we might be able to avoid next ice age in 50,000 . . . if we don't collapse civilization first.
1st human skeleteon dates back 200K years not 10K@@francoismalan16
@@XHALE303 You really think we burned fossil fuels 200k years ago??? The human made climat changes started in the industrial revolution(200 years ago)
@@francoismalan16 Correlation doesn't equal causation. Also I believe humans have been here for at least hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions.
It makes much more sense the climate changes like the seasons. The "Climate change" narrative appears to me to be a tool of control.
Sorry but monstrous wind farms or acres of land covered in solar panels is not an arguement for getting rid of power cables
Agreed. No discussion about energy can be had without the inclusion of nuclear. You simply cannot find a better energy source than nuclear.
@@donquijote6030how are you distributing nuclear energy without cables?
@@marlan5470 - What are you talking about? Who said anything about tearing down power transmission and distribution networks (power grids)? They are already in place and would continue to be used as they currently are.
Are you under the impression that renewable power does not need power transmission and distribution lines?
Solar farms have been found to be highly compatible with agriculture. In fact, agri-voltaics is a whole new area of innovation. Many types of crops thrive in partial shade. Also, sheep love the panels for shade and rain shelter.
and usually they have to tear down entire forests/raze the land to install these wind farms...was either Scotland or Ireland just annihilated millions of trees to install wind farms, even though trees literally eat carbon and purify the air...it's not about "climate change" it's about control
I love how he put the world economic forum in charge of tweeter 😂😂😂
see Princeton physicist William Happer on how CO2 has reached its saturation point rendering any further increase in CO2 unable to materially affect temperature
Co2 is heavier than air.
@@chadparsons9954CO2 is part of air
Hmm….I’m with you bro, BUT technically you are incorrect, CO2 blocks out a certain wavelength (Like painting a window black), the more paint you put on the marginal amount of light seeps thru, so essentially it’s a logarithmic progression…doubling the CO2 has minimal effect on the radiation effect.
Well, yes, indeed, that is a standard explanation.@@vincentdegennaro3375
Thé temperature have raised of 1 degree since a century by sun activity, Milankovitch cycles and other natural activity. The raise drive the co2 emissions not the opposite.
The earth is 4.5 billion years old. It has been through a great amount of climatic changes before humans were even around. The ice age, and times when the earth was too hot to support some life forms, massive flooding, etc.
"THE Ice Age"? There have been several. And let's not forget that we as a species didn't start accurately recording temperatures until shortly after the last "little" ice age in the mid 1800's. Awful convenient to use the lowest temperature in modern history as your "starting" point when you're referring to "climate change" and temperature records.
I reckon, even if the world was totally fucked over for a while, say from fallout or experiments on the atmosphere, eventually it'd become green once again.
4.5 billion years old old? Some people will believe anything.
@@SachelleCambria TIME, doesn't have a start or an end point.
You don't get it - we are the first species to deliberately destroy our own habitat.
Well done for bagging a Musk interview. ❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥
What people forget to mention is that we are running out of petrol anyway. It’s not like there was an endless supply of it and we had any choice but to look for other, renewable energy sources. All the solutions exist already, or are currently under development, like nuclear fusion. The shift to sustainable energy sources will necessarily happen, we don’t have a choice. I think it would be even more effective in speeding up the transition, if we were talking about the fact that this is a finite resource that won’t be available anymore, instead of using climate change as the sole argument.
We have 300 years.
You have to define 'we'. Our country doesn't have any. And the countries that have it aren't that stable. OPEC can turn a dial, dictating the prices. No thanks.
Elon literally says that in this video. He is wrong though, as we still have plenty of oil for now, but no time due to climate change.
@@RealMTBAddict Elon also misses the point of antinatalism, which is to avoid pain. An unborn human can never feel pain. When he says, "start with yourself," he neglects to mention that there's a lot of pain involved in that. Not having children minimizes pain and is not the same as what he is describing.
A wise and talented man. He might have errors but here he is right.
Right on. Elon will save us all. Believe.
I love Elon. Thank God for him
A smart and dangerous man. And a hypocritical to since the idea of Tesla is based on the fact of climate change . Seems that most people prefer sweet lies above the harsh reality.
@@tctommie68, so he did something that made him a lot of money and you hate him for that. Got it.
One of his lithium ion car batteries emits 15 to 20 tons of CO2 before you even got it in the driveway and that doesn't even include the amount of emfs that a person gets sitting on top of one of these batteries driving around. You're frying not only your body but every cell in it
But, contrary of what he says, solar and wind are not competitive at all and there are no efficient batteries to store energy enough.
Bingo... The only truly renewable source of energy is nuclear
There are now. They are setting up for testing to pull down solar and store it with giant mirrors in space lol it sounds like I made it up but they are working on it now
@@Cafeallday222 they may be working on it but they've been working on cold fusion for as long as I can remember -certainly 50 years-and are only marginally closer to finding a solution.So-do you bet the farm on "something turning up" or do you do what humanity did when we developed commercial electricity and ran scale tests before legislating that nobody could buy candles and had to live in the dark.
@@Cafeallday222 "working on it". There's always some breakthrough just around the corner that will gives us plentiful, affordable energy for at least the last 70 years. Believe it when you see it. Until then, it's just ideas.
Yep, renewable can't keep the lights on, and the environmental cost of the battery solution is as bad as fossil fuels
Wind and solar will never be the answer unless people give up many of the luxuries they enjoy.
Agree 😅😅
Wind and solar are an environmental disaster. The blades of wind turbines cannot be recycled. After 10-15 years solar panels are unrecycleable waste. There are better options.
According to the prestigious International Energy Agency (IEA) the cheapest form of electricity in history is now . . . SOLAR ENERGY!
Who is IEA? IEA is a long-standing, industry-standard, go-to data aggregator and forecaster for all things related to global energy. All the pros in business, investment, government and energy sector use the IEA when they need reliable energy data. Plus IEA is traditionally conservative and favouring energy incumbents like oil, gas and nuclear.
Now they say solar is cheaper. Look it up.
@@douglascutler1037 The problem with solar is NIGHT! The entire gas generating power plant system must be maintained and kept ready to take over as the sun goes down. Until a low cost energy storage system is developed solar will be only half the solution. The IEA conveniently leaves out the nightmare of replacing the solar panels as they wear out.
So why is he "in bed" with Trump, who says he is going to drill, drill, drill for "black gold". The man talks absolute shite. He just says whatever comes into his weirdo mind first.
Did you carefully listen to what he says here? I don't think so.
If you really care for nature, you don't support someone who denies human made climate change and who tries everything in his power to go against climate change protection, as can be seen with the Paris Climate Accords, which by the way, Trump is already planning of withdrawing from.
@@raymondjames3228 he challenged trump on climate change during their interview and got him to admit that something needed to be done. At least from this perspective it's a very good thing Elon is influencing trump.
@raphaelhudson I hope that's true. Thanks for the info. The more info the better. 👍
Nuclear is the answer..
It’s up to each and everyone of us to do what we can. You can’t push your views on other people, do the best you can, and set a good example.
Yep, and just remember, there's a good chance you're wrong.
That's so naive.
And don’t worry about what other people think, and I quite enjoy being naïve. It has served me well and allowed me to take risks which produce rewards
Puberty is rough right, don’t give up GEDDY37..you can still grow a spine. And maybe one day even a Soul
@@antoineroccamora We found the person who supports paying money for it to go to corporations to pay their way to keep ruining the planet!
Just a reminder that when Mr. Musk talks renewable energy he manufactures and sells solar panels and batteries.
What are you implying?
In fairness to Musk, it's not the benevolence of the butcher or the baker that keeps a family fed.
Wanting to make money and doing good is not a consistent pairing in a capitalist economy but it’s not entirely incompatible either.
In Musk’s case He also opens sources his tech for others to copy. So he risks putting himself out of business which is a good indicator that he is genuine.
What a complete w@nk comment!
Typical Musk hater!
He sells these products BECAUSE he wants to make the earth better!
How about making your comments on the channels of the Congreeman and women on both sides who do NOTHING ... but fight for the status quo and take the kickbacks from corporations who benefit from mankind NOT moving forward?!
You think they'd learn to stop putting FACT CHECKS on videos they don't want us to watch.
If they FC, it means they have an agenda, and somebody with more credibility than them is pointing out their lies.
Yup. Bingo.
YT is full of lies but they're only interested in fact-checking if it affects their agenda.
Pretty much anything climate related gets fact checked.
I posted a graph of tide data going back 170 years, NOAA data, and it received a climate fact check.
The algorithm is not too bright; it paints that warning on anything remotely climate related.
Yep, they changed their pat on the back carbon neutral signal to something slightly different recently
I always look for the WrongThink label, it’s a solid indicator that the video is actually worth listening to.
The blue disclaimers serve as a constant reminder that TH-cam holds you in contempt.
do you deny climate change? i can promise you that climate change already has devastating consequences all over the world...hughe wildfires in south america and canada, floods in central europe, drough in south europe and asia, increasing hurricanes in countries near the ocean, famine in african states, etc
It is not a disclaimer. It gives the context for climate discussion on YT. Clicking on the three vertical dots in the box gives further information:
Topical context in information panel
When you search or watch videos related to topics prone to misinformation, such as the moon landing, you may see an information panel at the top of your search results or under a video you're watching.
Information panels show basic background info, sourced from independent, third-party partners, to give more context on a topic. If you want to learn more, the panels also link to the third-party partner’s website.
These information panels will show regardless of what opinions or perspectives are expressed in a video.
TH-cam doesn’t endorse or create any of the info shown in information panels on TH-cam. If you disagree with info in a particular article, please contact the website owner that published the article.
@@davidkleinhans6714 I don't want your promise. I want facts. Not manipulated data, not answers arrived at with predetermined conclusions, not data collected with unscrupulous measuring techniques, not answers that keep moving the goal post when that particular metric isn't met, facts, without the hysteria of cataclysmic consequences that never arrive. Climate Change activist have perpetrated the largest 3-card Monty game ever devised. And the great irony is, the more educated you are, the more wealthy you are, the more elite and privilege you are, the more likely someone is to swallow this bullshit whole.
@@davidkleinhans6714 The climate has changed over millions of years before with no influence from humans. YOU take the smallest window of time to say the climate is now changing from humans and fossil fuels. Really Simple people believe anything.
@@davidkleinhans6714 Man made climate change is a hoax. Natural climate change is natural and weather manipulation by humans i also true. Creating tsunamis, earth quakes and other crazy phenomena and calling it natural and caused by climate change is the best idea they had. If you do not know how they are doing it, it must nessecarily look natural to you and of course you have to find an explaination and thats climate change. Its weather engeneering that is dangerous
There for a while I thought you were not on here anymore glad I found your channel/ new channel on here again keep it going man
Sustainable energy really drove up my electric rates!
Get some solar panels
Of course it did without our high taxes the lie of ‘sustainable energy’ would be way to expensive to produce, as it is now anyway, that’s what this con trick is all about.. to get the hated rich even more rich on the back of the poorest in society, nuclear energy costs virtually nothing after the plant is built, you could have mini power plants in every city!
Any benefits from global warming are very quickly met with a response from the government such that people are soon conditioned into dreading anything that might be a positive. Imagine not using as much energy because it's a few degrees warmer. Great right? Next thing you know the utility claims they must raise the rates because consumption is down. You honestly can not win when a politician is in the game.
Sustainable energy is much cheaper than alternatives, but at least in Europe electricity rates are priced by "marginal pricing" where the most expensive supplier that meets the demand requirements sets the price. And all the cheaper ones, like solar, just reap huge profits for it.
Congratulations Zuby! Landing THE LEGEND!
Interesting there's no talk about the toxic considerations of so called renewables energy, e.g. lithium batteries and the mining that's required for this. Also, once e.g. solar panels are no longer functional, can these be recycled with no pollution? And then there's the bit about how much unethicsl labor and coal was required to produce them in the first place....
hmmm, I hope they aren't avoiding facts to protect their narrative?
This 100%
The climate nuts are paid to ignore all that.
We need to reduce our demand for energy by using simpler tech while increasing the amount provided by renewables. Fossil fuels are a dead end, anything that doesn’t make energy based on natural flows is. The best use of fossil fuels is creating more renewables; EROEI (energy return on energy investment) means every joule of energy from fossil fuels we put into renewables we get several joules out. They may be more intermittent and less portable, but we ultimately don’t have a choice and we need to confront that reality sooner rather than later.
@@Sharukurusu Back to horse and buggies? No thanks. If you want to live like a Quaker -- hey, you do you. But keep the rest of us out of it.
I think one thing we are learning right now because we are seeing the interest in electric cars level off is that cost competitive is not enough. 60 percent of Americans do not have enough money in the bank to afford a 1000 dollar emergency. If we want to make sustainable energy our goal we must beat the price of unfriendly environmental options.
"luxury belief"- I love that term; well put.
I’m not adverse to a little climate change. Back when the romans visited my part of the world, they could grow grapes in their back gardens - I’m up for that
But people believe that everything was stable until the industrial revolution. Knowing that the whole system has fluctuated since the beginning ruins the narrative.
Yeah this is the part the alarmists never want to talk about. Even if the Climate did change, for every part of the world that got slightly worse, there would be other parts that would be slightly better off. So it's not all bad for all people.
Canada for example would be far more habitable and with a few degrees more warmth. It would create an agricultural revolution if all those millions of square km's of icy tundra were available for farming.
Russia would gain an appreciable amount of additional farmland if the climate suddenly were to get a lot balmier. There's a lot of potential resources locked underneath a thick layer of permafrost.
You can’t say with any certainty that things would get better because those areas are not adapted ecologically for sudden climate shifts. But we do know coastal regions where trillions in existing infrastructure is built will be devastated, and the people living in those areas will need to relocate which is not easy.
@@Sharukurusu Relocating is not easy. But you do that which is necessary; not that which is easy. Geopolitics has forced relocation on groups of people many many times in history. What makes relocation due to climate change significantly more cataclysmic?
Wind and solar are competitive ? Without subsidies ? I don"t think so. Also the damage from mining the batteries and the disposal of all of the equipment has not been resolved.
Mining does more damage than a thousand EVs can negate.
So how much subsidies do oil and gas get? More than the entire budget for the world's education. Fact
say that to a lib
How many ice ages have happened???
The climate always changes back n forth…
Actually, there are plenty of experts - PhDs in physics, atmospheric sciences and the like - who say we can indeed continue "loading the atmosphere" with carbon, with no untoward effects; that there's no evidence that human release of greenhouse gases is in any way catastrophic.
Yes there are some scientists say this - but they are in a small (but well publicised) minority. Do some background research on them & you usually find that their career has been paid for by big oil.
@@duncanbeard9460 So the more than 9,000 PhDs who signed the Global Warming Petition a number of years ago were all being funded by big oil? Grow some skepticism. Dire global warming prediction after dire prediction have been falling like bowling pins ever since the first were made back in the '80s. Just one of many, in 1998 the Maldives were predicted to be under Indian Ocean water by 2018. Check out their Chamber of Commerce - the islands are in fine shape, no sign of *any* threat.
Aw, someone who is actually intellectually informed!
One of the greenhouse properties of CO2 is it reaches a saturation.point where each unit added has a diminished effect on temperature. What the recent increased concentration of CO2 has done is increase the greening of our earth. It also reduces the water requirement of plants to survive.
Co2 concentrations are changing all the time. In spring and summer when deciduous trees have their leaves, they take up co2 for photosynthesis. In fall and winter when they lose their leaves, concentrations increase because the tree are not absorbing co2.
As my college mathematician professor, Dr. Ian Malcom, once said, “Life finds a way.”
Yes, life as in bacteria and other microbes. You didn’t seriously think he was talking about humans, right????
Life also tends to exploit its environment to the point of unsustainability without any balancing forces.
What happens afterwards is not very pretty.
I thought that quote was from "Jurassic Park"?😊
@@johnchandler1687 Sure enough.
Death finds a way too.
holy shit, a climate change just flew over my house
Don't worry, you'll see him again soon next time you get your insurance renewal premium
Georgia or Florida?
Global cooling is in my area
Hurricane Milton winds approaching 180 mph. But hey, we gotta go to Mars cuz Elon.
It’s odd how many different self righteous political movements have the same kinds of solutions. Almost like they’re all just fronts for people who want to control others. Their boogeymen also seem to be the same.
@@CRB1971lol how ironic. Communism is your boogeyman?
Climate change is one of the biggest dangers to humanity in the long term. Investing in renewable energy is necessary.
Congrats on getting this level of people to the channel.
TH-cam context warnings are the dumbest thing ever.
Thanks TH-cam, I almost forgot that thinking for yourself was a crime.
Not half as dumb as many of the comments here
@@timothyrussell4445 There is no comparison. The comments are individual opinions, whereas the context warnings come from a false place of authority attempting to nullify those opinions. It isn’t working either.
@@stevenkreitzer5602 His point still stands. Most of the opinions here are plain stupidity. People tend to have strong opinions even if they know almost nothing about the issue, specially on these kinds of issues.
@@frankdramli2151 and my point still stands. False authority. People can be as stupid as they want or are. Discussion proves which ideas are correct and incorrect. No need for warning labels.
That was my argument for Thanos... But singing is crayons are needed... Rulers and pencils... And paint and glue... Can't do that with war raging around Kenya.
"Life finds a way" - Jeff Goldblum
"When it can't, it just takes a bit longer."
Jeff is a commie. Plus his character said that, not him. Don't attribute quotes from a character an actor plays to the actor. It would be better to attribute the quote to the writer...
I’m not a climate skeptic at all. I’m a “solutions” skeptic
All that means is that you have your eyes on the right ball.
Why not? It's the climate that is being used as a vehicle to implement those 'solutions'.
@@andrewstewart9263 Mostly because it's much harder to prove that there's a problem with the science. Even if you agree with Richard Lindzen over Michael Mann -- no individual has a prayer of knowing more about climate science than either of these two individuals. Assessing the quality of the solutions purported to be the solution to the 'disease' -- this is a far easier prospect -- and it more directly correlates to your checkbook.
Solution to climate change: use the cheapest source of energy. SOLAR.
According to the prestigious International Energy Agency (IEA) the cheapest form of electricity in history is now . . . SOLAR ENERGY!
Who is IEA? IEA is a long-standing, industry-standard, go-to data aggregator and forecaster for all things related to global energy. All the pros in business, investment, government and energy sector use the IEA when they need reliable energy data. Plus IEA is traditionally conservative and favouring energy incumbents like oil, gas and nuclear.
Now they say solar is cheaper. Look it up.
@@douglascutler1037 Only when you ignore capacity factor.
A sit down with Elon Musk and Randall Carlson about climate change would be interesting.
Great red spot on jupiter inverted❤
Seems like a pretty down to earth guy. I also like your speech as well, zuby. As always😊
@@Mikael-jt1hkcyclists are the worst people on the planet.
down to mars
He's a billionaire bully without a moral compass. Not my idea of "down to earth".
@@paweld well, that can’t be any further from the truth. Unless you hate having rights like most fascist leftists.
Walter Issacson and Claire Boucher said he has a demon mode, which he agreed about.
“We don’t see the dinosaurs now… But they had a good run for over one hundred plus million years” - Elon Musk
Love it 🎤
Lol. Dinosaurs were invented in the 1800's. Do you also still believe that Santa Claus is real...?
Just imagine how bad those Dino Farts must have been 😂
Aren't chickens living dinosaurs?
@@robertanderson5092 yup, all birds are.....
Dinosaurs would still be alive today had they developed science and technology capable of deflecting distant asteroids. Just like the NASA DART Mission recently succeeded in doing.
Of the grid here for 22 years. Propane appliances and a small solar system, works for me on the big island.
But do you refine your own propane? Make your own solar panels? All these issues are more complicated than any single person. We need a balance for stability and it will have to have compromises, innovation and sacrifice to move forward.
Much warmer here than 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. Sorry, but I quit buying sweaters years ago. Minnesota, we had Sears making car battery commercials in the winter.
Not here in Florida, been 90 and humid every summer day for decades. And it's gonna be in the low 40s every night all next week, low 60s during the day. Glad this cold front is coming through.
The Netherlands is spending 1000 Billion for 0,00007% carbon reduction. People can't pay their bills anymore. The food banks are running out of resources. Energy costs has gone through the roof, everything else like food has doubled or even tripled the past 2 years. Instead making everything so expensive nobody can pay it anymore this money should be invested in research and development.
They have democrats over there to.
Energy prices have gone through the roof because youre reliant on foreign energy, make yourself energy independent and prosperity will follow.
That’s what they are doing is preparing. That’s good!
Those are 2 different things. Costs are going up because greedy corporations raise prices. That has nothing to do with government spending.
I agree, innovation, human creativity will be our best way out.
And if certain groups of people and organizations wouldn’t have been against nuclear energy for the last 50 years, we would already have been a lot further down that road.
"... innovation, human creativity will be our best way out."
We are actually very resilient against climate change right now. Despite the claim of extreme weather, the world has seen a dramatic decrease in deaths due to natural disasters over the last 100 years.
How? what did nuclear energy actually do to improve the progress on humanity?
@@bluceree7312 1-2 Gigawatts per reactor. That's a HUUUGE amount of electricity offered -- all of it supplied while putting less CO2 in the atmosphere than any solar or wind farm power equivalent.
@@bluceree7312 thanks for your question. Its always good to keep learning. Look up thorium reactors. They are even better. It lowers risk, its more abundant then uranium and it brings down the nuclear waste. It even is able to use a lot of the nuclear waste we already have.
@@pulsar22 Human deaths, at the expense of more energy used to prevent them. This is a dumb talking point and a terrible proxy for what damage extreme weather does. Enjoy having stable climate for farming? Too bad.
fun fact: developing nations are really nondeveloping nations
I dont understand how he can say such relateable things in this video and meanwhile is giving the German far right party, which is actually denying the human made climate change as a whole, promotion on X :(
Yeah thats just stupid
As a german i don’t understand that behavior from elon musk
it’s bc you guys are wrong
If people understood the science of CO2 they would understand that it is good, not bad. CO2 is essential to all life and higher levels green the Earth.
Yes, but how much of it is the question. Would you say to someone drowning that water is really good? Since it helps plants grow? Sure water is good, but too much can be bad - like for the person drowning
@@andrew_schaeffer The air you exhale is 40,000 ppm CO2, 100 times ambient levels.
Two things. 1) There are NO solutions, only trade-offs. Once one understands that, things become clearer.
2) Elon, how competitive is solar really if you remove all incentive schemes and subsidies as well as penalties on traditional generation?
Bingo. There are only trade offs with equal consequences.
1. is a cynical supposition, 2. Solar is 60% cheaper than oil or gas once you remove their subsidies.
Having more decentralized power is what Elon recommends, like solar panels, wind mills, etc. It takes the threat of power being denied by the government.
On the flipside it raises the threat of power being taken out by privatized companies with no regard for you health and safety as well.
@@TheExegetic Please expand! Privatized companies? You mean for profit energy suppliers? Isn'T that the norm in the US already? On another note: if you can place solar panels on your roof and add batteries to the system you can reduce your dependence on the grid. I think that is a win on itself. I can imagine a village having the needed infrastructure to sustain itself. Why is that so hard for people to think about this?
So corporations will then deny power?
What is happening in many places is some form of green energy is produced (typically haphazardly and at the cost of natural wealth and without any discussion with the locals) but people buy it for the same price as OIL, because of how the energy cartel runs, hand in hand with the government. Greece is a prime example of this, where a number of oligarchs decide the price between them and people suffer as a result.
What are the batteries made of, Elon? Where do all the materials come from and how do they get to the manufacturing plant? What happens to the batteries when they are too old?
The batteries are made of metals that we dig out of the ground, but we will reach a point (decades down the line) where we won't have to mine any more of those metals and we can recycle them until the end of time.
They are mostly graphite.
From pits in Africa dug by children with zero ppe or safety regulations and human rights violations. Go Tesla. 👍
@@ryanb3908 so? What's your point? Those kids are able to help feed their families with those jobs.
@@gridtac2911 Give your head a shake. 🤦🏻
Cyclic patterns in history have been something man cant create or destroy ...this big blue ball does what it needs
Every kg of fuel burning creates 3 kg of CO2.
LMAO. what kind of ignorance to think "man can't destroy..." Man can turn the earth into a nuclear winter parking lot in no time, as well as burn up all the forests, kill all the oceans if we wanted to. But somehow 1.5 degrees of atmospheric temperature cannot be the cause of humans burning up trillions of tons of fossil fuels.
not with that attitude.
Still waiting on precise answers on exactly what the global temperature average should be, exactly what the average sea level should be, and exactly what the human population should be, and how they arrived at those numbers. But the only answers I ever seem to get are "shut up and pay for it," and "you want to kill Mother Earth."
Well, there are 57,308,738 miles of land on Earth. Accounting for some of that being high altitude, 2k per square mile sounds okay. 114.6 billion.
I agree. My solution for rising Sea levels is take all the yachts out of the water
If you want to save the ozone layer stop sending rockets to the moon.
Its mother nature simple
@@katr.3065 today 50% of the habitable land is used for all kinds of purposes.
@@katr.3065 This makes no sense. What about farms? What about resources? we are already reaching our peak population.
I see things differently on the matter of developing countries. It is the elite in developed countries who have the luxury to focus heavily on carbon emissions and their primary concern seems to be to allow themselves unlimited carbon emissions while trying to drastically curtail any emissions by the working class in developed countries.(Often at great cost for insignificant gaines) Meanwhile, they make allowances for the huge carbon emissions produced in developing countries instead of helping these countries reduce their emissions.
we are not expecting just nothing to happen from all the carbon... we are expecting it to be good for life... to have more of the base block for life, to be available to life is a good thing... banning carbon, from Earth's environment is like banning lego blocks in Lego-land.
Renewables are not competitive. That’s complete BS. Without gov subsidies they would be out of business. Dude while sounding intelligent still wants to put money in the bank. 😂
That used to be true and still is for wind mills, but solar panels are competitive without subsidies right now in many parts of the world. So what you’re saying is not really true any more.
Out of curiosity, what have you done? And if you think that people like musk still care about money, you really don't understand how they think. He could have retired at 20 when he sold PayPal.
@@teddybearroosevelt1847 "solar panels are competitive without subsidies right now in many parts of the world"
Where specifically?
Where is this place where they don't care if they lose power every time the clouds come out or it's night time? Where specifically is this magic place so we may verify your crazy claim.
I have Solar on my house and a Tesla Powerwall. I can tell you for a fact that while it is useful at times, it is not a viable replacement for conventional generation which works 24/7/365.
@@gooble69solar on houses offsets the demand on the grid. If everyone had decentralised power generation, we could reduce the amount of centralised power stations. However, that's a far off dream.
I certainly don't think 100% solar, or 100% of any one power source is a good idea. I think we should try to have as many solar houses as possible (without gov subsidies) and then have other sources like nuclear, hydro, geothermal, gas, etc as a backbone to the grid.
@@MightyElemental Cool story. What does this have to do with the topic being discussed?
If there’s ever a justification of a world view that I ascribed to and hope to be seen as universal. I just watched it.
Thank you Zuby for your eloquence in observation to what I hope everyone sees as the norm.
Ice age termination event. Go read.
Never heard of you or this channel. Very impressed. Great interview. Well done. Will for sure look up some of your other stuff.
"I'm sick of hearing people say we got to save the planet. The planet is fine. The people are" flunked. "The planet's been here way longer than us. Planets not going anywhere. We are!!!! We're going away. The planet will be here long after were gone. It's a self-healing organism. That's what it does. It'll grow around our dead cities and become something else."🙂
Great, lets all look forward to that then.
@@timothyrussell4445 auhhhhh. did I force you to acknowledge your insignificant in the universe 😥😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😁
Everyone is insignificant except to themselves.@@michaelparylak5649
It doesn't have to be that way.
We have solutions, it's just getting past the fossil fuels industry so we can implement them.
@@jimthain8777 exactly it's called energy Independence and that's what we will be under Trump. Trump 2024!!!!!!
You know what happens after an ice age? It warms up.
It warms up? Time. To. Panic.
@@gilian2587 why?
@@xploration1437 Seems to be what most of the big media headlines are telling us to do. It's in fashion. Panic like a good pawn of the larger game.
@@gilian2587 but ol’ Barry and Michael Obama just bought a house on Martha’s Vineyard. On the ocean. Shouldn’t they be worried about the rising sea levels?
@@xploration1437 Garsh... seems like a very bad investment if the sea levels are rising... don't it?
Awesome 🤘🏻
Well said Mr Musk👍🏻
I love the idea of decentralized battery power. I’ve thought that was a good idea for years. It allows you to charge the battery over the existing grid and using the battery for peak load.
Im still worried that all scientists agree, that New York will be underwater by the year 2012. We better start taking this serious....
Strawman argument. All scientists did never agree that whatever you said. This is discrediting science.
@@Squidward1314 "NY underwater by year 2012" prediction by scientists is in the IRONICALLY named "Inconvenient Truth". Too funny. And it was science itself, that discredited science. I bet you are still wearing a maask, LOL
That is what happens when you build at or below Sea levels.😂
@@Squidward1314 Science discredited itself with climate change, corona, genders etc. Today's "scientist" will say anything for $50.
@@Squidward1314No, it's discrediting modellers.
Who are jumped up mathematicians. Not scientists.
It seems to me the climate is doing inline and linear to what the sun is doing... as the sun gets more violent in solar cycle 25... things are getting more violent on all the planets...
OK, looks like we got a scientific expert here in “astromatology” lol
Very logical comments from Elon.
Don't sound too logical to me.
Thanks for the video. The goal is to do better. We are trying to preserve the earth . Not sure if people realize how much better we are now compared to 80 years ago! As a skeptic, I wonder how much cleaning up the atmosphere is causing the temperature to rise.
Spreading fear is the oldest profession!
I really love this interview and kept wanting to chat with you guys.! We really do need to decentralized power it's essential to continue thriving especially now! 🌞✨️💛🌈🌍🌈💛✨️
Question for Elon: how's energy supply in South Africa evolving? Towards pre-industrial levels, it seems.
@@jaksap Elon would love to help out but there are some barriers to % race of company ownership in the way. Not kidding.
Elon might be the worst electric car salesmen ever. Love his brutal honesty
Electric cars are just better... Lol
Do you know how annoying and expensive it is to maintain a combustion engine vehicle?
@@makisekurisu4674 define better
Then why is everyone else going bankrupt trying to build and sell EVs? Ford and GMs EV divisions are basically bankrupt with massive layoffs and production cuts to stay afloat. Rivian lives on the edge of Ch 11. Most of the pre 2020 Chinese EV companies have folded this year or last. BYD is desperately trying to dump cars across trade barriers at a loss. Nobody wants a Leaf anymore. The S Korean companies just package Chinese surplus into their EVs.
I wish EVs were viable mainstream, especially small economy models, but Musk's gut was right. They are for the BMW, Audi, Jag set as a yuppie status car.
Those cars grew market share in the 80s and 90s from nearly nothing in the 70s, but never displaced meat and potatoes brands.
@@makisekurisu4674ive got a more than 20 year old car and it costs nothing more than the mandatory service before registration, maybe an oil change every now and then. Petrol prices went up recently but thats about the only problem, electricity prices went up too so its not much difference... How expensive is it to replace a battery?
@@enterpassword3313 It's very expensive to replace a battery, but it's also a pretty rare thing to have to do. They're designed to last beyond the lifetime of the car. I do agree that it's not nice to be one of those unfortunate people where it's rendered useless briefly after the 8 year warranty. Hopefully there'll eventually be insurances for such a thing when insurance get enough data to be competitive about pricing on those.
We do not deserve Elon. He will be regarded as one of the great minds ever and the people who talk down about him will be forgotten.
for those climate change alarmists, we are technically still in the ice age
And this year is an El Nino year! Notice how that`s never ever mentioned at all nowadays!
and going colder.... not warmer...
@@IIIRotor The opposite is true. How do you explain the ice cap melting? Where do you get your misinformation from?
Where did you hear this from? No serious scientist agrees with you...
@@stevelane1956 wtf does el nino have to do with this? Climate change and seasons are different. 10 year olds understand that. How old are you?
I like how rich people (not talking about Musk) that have the money to enjoy the consumption life have no suicidal ideologies. Poor people have them.
So Robin Williams wasn’t poor 🌞
We've been absolutely lied to about the CO2 in our atmosphere. We've been told and led to believe that we are affecting "percentage points", but any effect we might be having is thousandths of a percentage point!!
Yep, US lawmakers thought the CO2 content of the atmosphere was 4 - 20 %, not the .4 % it actually is
@@muxion it's actually 0.04% ;)
@@nealwright5630 Spot on. And if it goes too low then the plants will struggle to grow.
yeah it's all about pushing the "carbon emissions" bullshit, using that as a control method to restrict us...they're gonna make you have a mandated app that tracks your daily emissions (only drive 15 min a day, 5 min showers, mandatory blackouts, no natural gas use). It's all about conditioning us to be compliant and slowly taking away our rights to "save" the planet...I mean shit 2020 made it pretty obvious with all the mandates already...the "climate crisis" is just another tool for them
If it goes too low plants will die !
something that was not far off at the end of the last ice age
The viewpoint of the guy who does not have to worry about it because he won't be around long enough to see the result of his own handiwork.
Elon, Solar and wind generally mean more transmission lines…
I'm more concerned about my local environment, like inside my house. That's my priority.
What Elon is saying..it's coming from within himself. I completely agree.
Hahahaha. From within his pea brain. Definitely isn't coming from science.
Ever been in a cult?
Thank you for this interview