jefff bezoz the amazon inventer also wanted to be theoratical physicist at the begining but he gave up because he was not sure he is going to be great physicist like einstain
Usha kishi ham Bukharadan va Faqat Gina iets bilan toxtab qolmasdan yana oldingga qarab harakat qilib boshqa sohalarda ham ajoyib natijaga erishgan. Hozirgi kunda yoshlar IELTS Dan kiyin ham oldingga harakat qilishmayapti shu sababli faqat IELTS SAT Dan tashqari boshqa certificate larni olishga harakat qilishi haqida suhbat qolsangiz, yaxshi bolar edi. Sizni auditoria ngiz Usha yoshlardan tashkil topgan.
he has done a lot of experience, he knows many expressions in finance
his knowledge is so deep
Really inspiring and thought-provoking. GREAT JOB.
This podcast reminds the character that goes like "The hardest choices require the strongest wills" and he still managed to beat the odds.
I am a big fan of philosophy part of the video. That is amazing. It can strengthen our faith
Abdulkarim Rustamovni ham bitta interview qiling agar imkon bosa
Great job
jefff bezoz the amazon inventer also wanted to be theoratical physicist at the begining but he gave up because he was not sure he is going to be great physicist like einstain
i want our people brave enough to be physicist who is fundamental founders of new world
oohh shit have we english podcats? how ?
you’re first
good luck
Abdulkarim Rustamovni ham bitta interview qiling agar imkon bosa
Usha kishi ham Bukharadan va Faqat Gina iets bilan toxtab qolmasdan yana oldingga qarab harakat qilib boshqa sohalarda ham ajoyib natijaga erishgan. Hozirgi kunda yoshlar IELTS Dan kiyin ham oldingga harakat qilishmayapti shu sababli faqat IELTS SAT Dan tashqari boshqa certificate larni olishga harakat qilishi haqida suhbat qolsangiz, yaxshi bolar edi. Sizni auditoria ngiz Usha yoshlardan tashkil topgan.