it's such a dope feeling when you and the randoms have an amazing game and everyone's emoting and playing around afterwards. especially when it's one of the hardest bosses and everyone somehow pulls through
It's even more fun when you talk to each other while in hunt whether it's vc or irl. And for me the most fun is where you and your teammates struggle in a hunt, like panicking, reacting on every monster's attack, shouting "heal me please" and laughing coz of mistakes is such a blast.
I do actually carry other gamers through quests, but I don't whine about it online because I intentionally do it, so that's the entire point. Of course, these would be wall assignments like Pink Rathian, Rathalos, Mizutsune, or the double Bagels. I do get the impression that other people who come back to carry are also NOT the sort of folks who complain about the noobs. LOL. We're specifically going back to those quests to help people who can't. It would be weird to complain about it!
@@granthefato340 I think pink rath has always been a wall for people. First time I fought one was in 4u and she took hours and hours to beat. Granted in world the rathians got better tells for their tail attacks instead of doing them instantly, so people who already knew their movesets adjusted to them to abuse the new openings, but new players who don't even know that rath variants exist would probably still struggle with them heavily, and that's fine.
Yeah, I had a fantastic thunder bow build and I loved answering the double bagel SOS flares because I could just take them apart. When voice chat was involved, it was a nice ego boost 😂
The hypocritical angle is spot on. They sent a join request hoping to be carried and get pissed when they have to contribute. "If you aren't carrying me, then I'm must be carrying you."
It's easy to try and push the "every team mate is valuable" line; But when lives are shared between teammates, it's understandable to not want noobs to hold you back.
I think it's more that teammates CAN be valuable more than anything. Things like gunners can be a big boon to a quest, but they can also make it harder for some to contribute. Nothing is less fun than two gunners who sit on opposite sides of the map and you in the middle as the melee player who can't ever attack.
I'm 999/999 in MHWI. I can't even remember the last time I used an SOS flare. I have every piece of gear I would ever need, all the rarest decos in the game, my box is overflowing with materials. I have nothing to farm for anymore, and I still come back to the game because it's fun. I like joining into SoS's because I just like playing the game, and I enjoy helping people have an easier time getting through the game. Even if the other players die and fail the quest it doesn't matter, because I was just there to have fun, to help and for no other reason. In fact I've met a few people through doing that that were pretty cool. I joined some random Japanese dudes SOS and I could tell he was pretty new, kinda struggling. After I obliterated the monster he was fighting he tried to type to me but I told him I don't speak Japanese. He then typed, "are you god?" I had a good laugh at that. We added each other and I played with him a few times after. It was hard to communicate because of the language barrier but it was fun helping him through Iceborne.
Monster hunter stopped being co op when they added hp and threshold scaling for multiplayer. In the old games everyone contributed because it was just multiplayer hp it did not care how many hunters were on the quest. Ever since world your hunt times can increase in multiplayer because of the randos not contributing enough because of the dynamic hp scaling.
As long as Status Weapons still exist and have huge Attack penalties for the privilege, Monster Hunter will continue to be co-op games because *literally why.*
The scaling in World makes it easier. The largest HP->player scaling is for 1 player. The next largest is for 3 players, then 2 players. The smallest amount of HP each player would need to get through happens with 4 players, which is the same amount of HP. 150% for 2 players means only 50% more HP, meaning each player needs to take care of 75% of the base monster HP. At 3 or 4 players, scaling is 260-280%, meaning at 3 players each player needs to handle between 87 to 93% of the base monster HP. At 4 players, it's 65-70% of the base monster HP. It literally gets easier with more people, no matter how you handle it. The most difficult is always with a single player. Your argument is not mathematically valid.
@@cajonesalt0191 this is exactly my point, you know the hp is going up at less than 100% per player, but if your hunt times in multiplayer is longer than in singleplayer you are without a doubt "carrying". This would never happen if the multiplayer HP was a set hp so even if a player contributes just a little it will always lead to faster hunt times.
He is actually right. There are cases where ppl suck so much that u deal 75% of total monster hp. U also need to remember that u have 4ppl in the quest but same amount of carts to use. Thats one of the main reasons why fatalis is easier to kill as a duo than with 4ppl cause most of the time ppl will just use up all the carts. I also got some hard carry runs where i deal 60%+ of total monster hp while also healing everyone with wide range. For normal casual players situations like these are ultra rare tho.
What you describe here sums up the true ethos of the game, I feel. It's a nice place to be, and I hope the community at large embraces this at some point, rather than chastising others for failure. As an example, I know Uragaan pretty well, been fighting it since gen 3, and sometimes I get complacent and it gets me. I made mistakes, but that doesn't intrinsically null my experience and value.
I used to help new players in MH:W by doing nothing but keeping them healed up and buffed with Hunting Horn. Letting them learn the monster and their own weapon. It was actually fun watching that random player finally learning the attack evade window of the monster's attack that kept catching them repeatedly. Sometimes I'd go fight a different monster and catch them while the host was dealing with the target if they were doing well enough so they could get extra mats for better gear. I don't understand being so hostile in a multiplayer game that gives you the option to you know turn it off.
I was once in a group of 3 hunters farming materials and a fourth hunter increased our kill time by constantly knocking everyone over with his switchaxe. My personal issue wasn’t the kill time, but constantly being on my butt because he just didn’t care about anyone else. The kill time was just a metric
I like to see my assistance improve another player's performance and see them want to get better. That's why i like HBG. I can take a support role with buffs, heals, status effects, and extra damage while watching other swings their weapons like madmen. I don't treat it as my hunt, i am just there to make it a bit easier while letting new players get that fulk experience.
A bad hunter today is a good hunter tomorrow. I dont mind carrying someone bad because when i was new, someone (some random kami from Japan) carried me, though me how to be good and gave me the push in the right direction to now that i can go toe to toe with the best speed runners out there, fighting them for WR hunts. But i only got this good because some skilled hunter picked me up and showed me the way. If you think you are carrying, then you arent. The shoulders of those who carry arent as weak to where they will complain about it, the shoulders of those who carry are happy that you can rest upon them and enjoy the view, so one day you can show it to someone else.
Im mostly a solo hunter and when I do run multiplayer its because I want to have FUN and help other hunters. And I love carrying in hunts, I see my overlay and im more than 50% overall damage dealt boosts my ego
You and those who you discussed this with in the discord make a lot of valid points toward the notion of every member being a net positive of some kind. I think the problem here is that, while true, this stabs at the hubris of many who believe they are truly knowledgeable and skilled in every aspect of the game, coming to realize there's an entire dimension they haven't engaged with. While it is true you CAN run into someone who is under-geared, or simply not learning, the chances of that are far lower than the average or excelling player appearing. In modern monster hunter we have so many online guides and tutorials readily available. There are plenty of these who complain about "carrying" others who don't even live up to the claims they purport to have: The kind who will chuck damage into the monster like mad, but will not heal a teammate or watch out for them. If you do this, you aren't carrying, you're having a pissing contest with someone whose gear or set build likely couldn't compete with you anyways, due to rarity or decoration/charm differences. I get called the carry a lot by those I hunt with, and while maybe they feel it true, I always assure them I am not. It's always, "Man you did so much damage and you were still healing us, imagine if you weren't" and I don't like imagining that, personally. I like being the one overseeing the hunt, keeping the monster where the team wants it, and ensuring everyone gets as many opportunities as they can to wail on the monster. The less time a teammate spends sulking over getting carted and is away from the fight, the more time they can spend having the actual fun of the game. Nobody likes having to run back to the monster while having egg on their face. This is why my ally faint shoutout message is "Don't forget to buff up, we'll hold out". I think the mindset of every member of the team mattering should extend as far as we can take it. People will read your shoutouts, and it CAN effect them. Saying something like that is reminding them their team is waiting for them, and "holding out" implies we're merely standing our ground until they get back. Admittedly, iixxion, I absolutely agree that especially with the join request system in Rise (which I am absolutely not a fan of for several reasons) does make hunting far more non-committal and anonymous. While it IS possible to hunt with people you ran into prior, due to how the lobby system works, it isn't as easy to hop into a session with them and spend time with them afterwards as it was in World. World also had a great thing going for it with a 16 player lobby size and raid bosses that encouraged strategy, communication, and a large enough hub for that many people to be running around in. Having truly fell in love with MH during World and Iceborne I absolutely loved the community experience, arguably more than the monster hunting itself, and that's saying something because I love that too. In more recent times I've tried to be willing to make suggestions if I see problems even in the middle of a hunt with strangers, although taking the time to type things and with MH's...weak chat system, it can be difficult. Most people have the VC off by default, and it's quality is inferior to say, a discord call, so that isn't helping it on the comms department to make multiplayer coordination easy to use and intuitive, especially with the amount of menuing required to toggle it. The hunts I find the most fun are the ones I can communicate with my team live during. Acknowledging someone for getting a tail cut, a KO, or using an item or hunting helper, healing us in a clutch moment, in a novel or well executed way, is a morale buff I think most people sleep on granting to their teammates, and we really should try to be doing that in any way we can.
I only play online to either play with my one friend who is my skill level, or I play to help players who aren’t familiar with a monster or farming… but also there is some end game content I definitely could use a hand.
We have never lost sight of it! It’s the natural increase of meta players/speed runners when something goes mainstream gatekeeping for their egos. We hunters stick to each other and provide support with what little we have. I will have to apologize for us silent types that don’t like social media being less vocal than those that paint us a bad picture. Greetings from 2nd gen!
I do join request to play with online with others without feeling pressured to ready up quickly at the hub. Not because I require assistance...eventhough I appreciate all effort and playstyles. Most of my hunt failures happen due to other players carting.....however Im totally cool with it because its all in good fun. The worst hunts are when 4 hunters are scattered about the maps "solo'ing" their own targets.
The flare is going to summon people who are also struggling 90% of the time. I like to help people beat monsters but I'm not always the best. It's just a chance you take with randoms.
Would you mind sharing your armor pieces augments in the CB build shown, Im using the "meta" so called build for bonus update and my numbers arent as high as your UED's are.
yeah i have a similar build in another video! also I'd love to know which "meta" build you're following. maybe i need to do a video on how the "meta" sucks!
@@iixxion Ive seen the other video, this build doesnt have the individual resistances in the armor skills so did you use the same armor pieces as in that video? And if you wouldnt mind whats the augments? I think I can figure it out from there, im still pretty new to rise so not real confident on making my own yet. Thanks and as you asked which build im using now its from the monster hunter meta reddit compendium.
Brings me back to grinding through all of MH4U multiplayer with Charge Blade before the online death. I got stuck on G-Rank Ukanlos and was told I sucked at ONLY one of the most notoriously crappy fights in the series. Maybe I did with how clunky CB CAN be but eventually, I did manage to finish all of the important fights on the last day with the help of the many veterans that persevered with me from that point to Shah Dalamadur.
I don't agree 100%, but the main part I agree it is the "even then, so what?" that it doesn't really matter the skill level. Yeah I'm better than some of my friends, a LOT better, but I have fun, they have fun, they're not as interested as me at pushing their limits and that's okay. We win a lot of quests, fail a few, I can help out as much as I want but ultimately in a hunt everyone has to pull their weight to win because we all share the same carts. The main part I disagree is that everything they do is just "free for you". That's simply not true, solo hunts vs multiplayer hunts are entirely different dynamics. In solo I have entire control and expectations of what a monster does, in multi the move I meant to counter can actually target the teammate behind me, I may think I had an opening but there was a hitbox behind the monster I didn't know of because when I solo the monster is always facing me, I may expect to use a monster's move to buff up like my anchor rage and the monster uses that move on someone else. When your playstyle relies on what the monster does to you, then the monster doing that to literally anyone else breaks that flow, which can in fact disrupt it. just means I gotta adapt and find workarounds.
I have yet to experience anyone being angry at me because i don't use meta sets. I think barely anyone complains at all as long as someone doesn't triple cart. And even then people are often still willing to keep helping them.
In a game where you can explicitly opt out of multiplayer, I can't even imagine how you get to complaining about carrying others lol. It's literally a choice you're making and if the quest fails, by definition you didn't in fact carry.
Good thing bots are in Wilds so that complainers can just stick in their own game, but it doesnt change anything since actual players play like bots regardless.
I hate when someone responds to an SOS, carts, and abandons the quest. This is especially bad in World where no one else can join and the difficulty is fix.
@@Newnodrogbob I responded to two quests last night where the other people responding did this. They were both story quest, and the people bailing where much higher ranked than the poster. Hope it was a second character and not a new player.
I’ve only really played solo, except for world, which I had some fun times playing with my friends and beating up monsters was fun, if not for their take on just steam rolling through it with the defender armor and it just made me not want to play it
the only time id say bad players are bad actors are when mission are easily cartable. I've been that person before for sure but man going into a fatalis hunt and watching 3 carts happen before the first phase is finished just feels rough. Only think I really don't like is super passive hunters. You're here to hunt aren't you?
Generally the ones who claim to carry or chase meta and kick others for not running 'meta' are trash players themselves. They're mid or use a speedrun build, do not have the skills, keep carting. You're not meta when you're dead 😅. I understand it's frustrating when you have freeloaders though.
Getting targeted less is frequently not a good thing. A monster focusing only on me is more predictable that a monster with 8 potential targets. I have also carried people every now and then but... that was the point of me playing with them. I managed to do the quests by myself, let's see whether I'm good enough to help someone who can't. Who carts and who doesn't deal the necessary elemental damage to weaken Alatreons Escaton or hits Fatalis' head to prevent being nuked by blue flames. And if we don't manage than I'll just have to get better at carrying while the other person gets in the practice to bridge the gap. The only type of person I wouldn't want to carry is one who doesn't attempt contributing positively or is toxic towards others.
Absolutely hate the "if you aren't running meta, you aren't worth keeping around" mentality for multiplayer, as someone who enjoys running a balance of dps and QoL skills on his sets. Funnily enough these same people will be the ones carting all the time, because they try to play like speedrunners when, simply put, they aren't. They don't do the planning, or the practice, and by playing with randos they already throw the predictability out of the window. Idiots.
What nags me about this is how they are using the word "Carry" with a pretty bad connotation you'll usually only see in COMPETITIVE TEAM games, like my flaming friends who play League of Legends. At least in those games I can understand the feeling, loosing ranked points because everyone isn't at their 100% is crushing (but lets be honest, more people than none that use the word "carry" are low self esteem regular players with grandeur dellusions). And I also get it, its not a pvp exclusive feeling, I've raided in MMOs before, higher content can also put you in that mindset... But this is Monster Hunter for godsake, most content isn't that hard to begin with, and your losses aren't heavily punished, you can just die... And repost the mission again (dear lord, imagine if they lowered your HR by losing, META people would truly kill the game at that point). We're fighting against an AI that, by design, has more windows of damage and evasion for the Aggro split, most of the time. Having just 2 casual hunters makes the hunt way more comfortable than 1 solo pro hunter And you know, "carrying" is optional, nobody forces you to answer an SOS, and nobody forces you to STAY if you see the hunters are "bad", I have way more respect for people that quit hunts than for the people that stay just to whine about their "carry burden" from their high seat. If you do your part to win, you should be happy, if you do more than that as the "veteran hunter", you should be happy too, your skills were put to the test and the team beneffited for that, if you want to complain about other players, either play solo (since you said you can do it that way) or go to play a moba to have reasons to complaint. I will finish by saying that, I got a few of my friends hard into monster hunter because they were LoL players (yeah, my moba talk had a purpose) that found a "safeplace" in MonHun to play and experiment as they wished, to bring the carry toxicity here is akin to blasphemy to me
Yea for my friend group that I play with, I absolutley hard lol. And my DPS tracker absolutley shows the hard carry I do with them and randos. I don't mind it at all and I never say anything about to anyone like some elitist Ahole. I just like seeing my dps meter be over that 50% mark of total
People who get mad at carts are losers imo. I co- op hunt for fun and chaos. I'm always rooting for the monster. I don't actively try to make it happen, but everytime someone carts i fist bump the monster .... It's always so hilarious, never ever gets old. Then if i need to farm something seriously i just solo it 🤷♂. Multiplayer is just supposed to be unbridled chaotic fun.
To add some other interesting facts, multiplayer adds more condition to the monster "AI" equation, so some of you might get bewildered instead with the monster moveset while thinking: "shouldn't it be easier to play coop? why is the monster spamming that move?"... I really appreciate that you brought this, a subset of hunters will agree to this, sometimes we just solo things out to get what we want, and that's why some of us "main" many weapons; for blunt, cut, & ammo DMG for efficiency ahahahaa BUT for the love of God, it's way better and satisfying to slay monsters together with randos.... Like, I don't know you, but I believe we have the same goal. And sometimes I just laughed when I played together with "noobs", coz I feel that, everyone can be a noob in other's lobby/quest :DDDD Happy hunting, guys!
I'm sure the guy throwing the sos is bound to be asking for help cause he can't solo it ...maybe is one of those monster you don't even wanna fight so you call some people to reduce the stress. Just cause you can solo it doesn't mean the one asking for help can. Before 5th generation bringing people made the fight easier to farm cause hp didn't scale per player instead hp was always scaled to a team. I only play with friends anyway so none of this affect me really
@@rebirthofgodrics907 My first MH was on PSP, im well aware of HP scaling. Ive always joined MP at endgame and 90% of the time hunts are successful anyway. I like to have fun in multiplayer, my sentiment is that i don't take carting seriously, but yes i laugh my ass off when ppl cart and i think "go on boy get em". I also sos because some fights are boring alone, i could care less if someone carts 3 times. I hope ppl laugh when i cart aswell, because if you're not having fun whats the point?.
I once used to dislike people who went for the meta only or said, that this or that is ineffective, but hell, after listening to you, someone who is the completely opposite sherry coater of the worst possible way of doing a hunt, I'm certain, that those meta elitists aren't that bad, because even in the worst case, just trying to use some meta methods/builds, a player will bring much more joy and fun into a hunt than narcisstic giga weeb with long sword who carts immediately the monster just looks at him 😂😂. BUT: After that being said, I see that you try to bring some value to the community and empower people, but the way you do it, by belitteling and actively trying to ridicule anyone who wants to play as effective as possible, you are exactly as terrible as those meta lovers. I expected from someone like you, who seems to be quite reasonable at times, to do much better than that tbh. Your deep analysis of how defense scales and works, and all the numbers you presented, was muuuuch more informative and useful, than the format you switched to, but hey, it's your channel, you can do whatever you want, just don't expect everyone to be on your side. You can take criticism I guess.
@@iixxion And now, that I have your attention I would like to make a suggestion. What about gathering some folks and doing a cozy hunt by gathering helpers, put the monster to sleep, wake it up with either bombs or something else, riding some monsters to it with special helpers, that increase body break while mounted etc. Show the people you want to include what phantastic benefits they have by using what is available. What about a in dept mushroomancer and support guide to people who still want to find out the monster patterns? The options are gigantic to bring a different side of the game into perspective. I think, people will enjoy such vids. Heck, even a 4 people HH run with everyone doing different buffs and stuff would be entertaining.
@@esmolol4091he has never, at any point, criticized anyone for wanting to be effective. He has pointed out that the META nerds are demonstrably wrong about what constitutes the most effective way to hunt. He HAS called out anyone who bashed or belittles people who play the video game differently than they want them to.
when i see someone die i send out the curse you bayle dialogue from one of my radial wheels. (yes it's an entire radial wheel) i gotta hype up the person who carted also, i came across a 999/999 that sent out an SOS for fatalis but wanted me to wait until they accepted it. brother, you're fucking 999/999. WHY are you sending out an SOS lol and then you want me to wait? 🤣
@@Catwomans_Belt I've played Monster Hunter since Freedom to know that it's possible to download save files from the internet. I've done it once with Freedom Unite.
Even if i know a monster's pattern by heart i prefer doing quests multiplayer cuz its just more fun doing them with randoms.
it's such a dope feeling when you and the randoms have an amazing game and everyone's emoting and playing around afterwards. especially when it's one of the hardest bosses and everyone somehow pulls through
It's even more fun when you talk to each other while in hunt whether it's vc or irl.
And for me the most fun is where you and your teammates struggle in a hunt, like panicking, reacting on every monster's attack, shouting "heal me please" and laughing coz of mistakes is such a blast.
I do actually carry other gamers through quests, but I don't whine about it online because I intentionally do it, so that's the entire point. Of course, these would be wall assignments like Pink Rathian, Rathalos, Mizutsune, or the double Bagels. I do get the impression that other people who come back to carry are also NOT the sort of folks who complain about the noobs. LOL.
We're specifically going back to those quests to help people who can't. It would be weird to complain about it!
Well said
pink rath is a wall for people??
@@granthefato340 I think pink rath has always been a wall for people. First time I fought one was in 4u and she took hours and hours to beat. Granted in world the rathians got better tells for their tail attacks instead of doing them instantly, so people who already knew their movesets adjusted to them to abuse the new openings, but new players who don't even know that rath variants exist would probably still struggle with them heavily, and that's fine.
Yeah, I had a fantastic thunder bow build and I loved answering the double bagel SOS flares because I could just take them apart. When voice chat was involved, it was a nice ego boost 😂
The hypocritical angle is spot on. They sent a join request hoping to be carried and get pissed when they have to contribute. "If you aren't carrying me, then I'm must be carrying you."
Being good and carrying is one thing but making strategies on the fly by assessing strengths and weaknesses is a real amazing skill
It's easy to try and push the "every team mate is valuable" line; But when lives are shared between teammates, it's understandable to not want noobs to hold you back.
True it is always nice if the same dude carts 3 times in a quest you could do Solo but doing it Multiplayer because of the fun XD
It’s just more fun to play the game with another person. We are social creatures after all!
I think it's more that teammates CAN be valuable more than anything.
Things like gunners can be a big boon to a quest, but they can also make it harder for some to contribute. Nothing is less fun than two gunners who sit on opposite sides of the map and you in the middle as the melee player who can't ever attack.
The way i look at it, if you are going to play with random people, best to always keep your expectations grounded.
I'm 999/999 in MHWI. I can't even remember the last time I used an SOS flare. I have every piece of gear I would ever need, all the rarest decos in the game, my box is overflowing with materials. I have nothing to farm for anymore, and I still come back to the game because it's fun. I like joining into SoS's because I just like playing the game, and I enjoy helping people have an easier time getting through the game. Even if the other players die and fail the quest it doesn't matter, because I was just there to have fun, to help and for no other reason. In fact I've met a few people through doing that that were pretty cool. I joined some random Japanese dudes SOS and I could tell he was pretty new, kinda struggling. After I obliterated the monster he was fighting he tried to type to me but I told him I don't speak Japanese. He then typed, "are you god?" I had a good laugh at that. We added each other and I played with him a few times after. It was hard to communicate because of the language barrier but it was fun helping him through Iceborne.
The Chaos of Coop is where the fun is at
Monster hunter stopped being co op when they added hp and threshold scaling for multiplayer. In the old games everyone contributed because it was just multiplayer hp it did not care how many hunters were on the quest. Ever since world your hunt times can increase in multiplayer because of the randos not contributing enough because of the dynamic hp scaling.
As long as Status Weapons still exist and have huge Attack penalties for the privilege, Monster Hunter will continue to be co-op games because *literally why.*
Scaling monster hp with player count was a huge mistake; it really takes the immersion out.
Same with any rpg that scales enemy levels to your own.
The scaling in World makes it easier. The largest HP->player scaling is for 1 player. The next largest is for 3 players, then 2 players. The smallest amount of HP each player would need to get through happens with 4 players, which is the same amount of HP. 150% for 2 players means only 50% more HP, meaning each player needs to take care of 75% of the base monster HP. At 3 or 4 players, scaling is 260-280%, meaning at 3 players each player needs to handle between 87 to 93% of the base monster HP. At 4 players, it's 65-70% of the base monster HP. It literally gets easier with more people, no matter how you handle it. The most difficult is always with a single player. Your argument is not mathematically valid.
@@cajonesalt0191 this is exactly my point, you know the hp is going up at less than 100% per player, but if your hunt times in multiplayer is longer than in singleplayer you are without a doubt "carrying". This would never happen if the multiplayer HP was a set hp so even if a player contributes just a little it will always lead to faster hunt times.
He is actually right. There are cases where ppl suck so much that u deal 75% of total monster hp.
U also need to remember that u have 4ppl in the quest but same amount of carts to use.
Thats one of the main reasons why fatalis is easier to kill as a duo than with 4ppl cause most of the time ppl will just use up all the carts.
I also got some hard carry runs where i deal 60%+ of total monster hp while also healing everyone with wide range.
For normal casual players situations like these are ultra rare tho.
What you describe here sums up the true ethos of the game, I feel. It's a nice place to be, and I hope the community at large embraces this at some point, rather than chastising others for failure. As an example, I know Uragaan pretty well, been fighting it since gen 3, and sometimes I get complacent and it gets me. I made mistakes, but that doesn't intrinsically null my experience and value.
I know I don't carry,
I go on quests to get carried.
We are NOT the same.
I used to help new players in MH:W by doing nothing but keeping them healed up and buffed with Hunting Horn.
Letting them learn the monster and their own weapon.
It was actually fun watching that random player finally learning the attack evade window of the monster's attack that kept catching them repeatedly.
Sometimes I'd go fight a different monster and catch them while the host was dealing with the target if they were doing well enough so they could get extra mats for better gear.
I don't understand being so hostile in a multiplayer game that gives you the option to you know turn it off.
I was once in a group of 3 hunters farming materials and a fourth hunter increased our kill time by constantly knocking everyone over with his switchaxe. My personal issue wasn’t the kill time, but constantly being on my butt because he just didn’t care about anyone else. The kill time was just a metric
It can be annoying to have random or friends fail the quest if they are really bad, but I’ve probably been that guy a few times so it’s fine
I like to see my assistance improve another player's performance and see them want to get better. That's why i like HBG. I can take a support role with buffs, heals, status effects, and extra damage while watching other swings their weapons like madmen.
I don't treat it as my hunt, i am just there to make it a bit easier while letting new players get that fulk experience.
A bad hunter today is a good hunter tomorrow.
I dont mind carrying someone bad because when i was new, someone (some random kami from Japan) carried me, though me how to be good and gave me the push in the right direction to now that i can go toe to toe with the best speed runners out there, fighting them for WR hunts. But i only got this good because some skilled hunter picked me up and showed me the way.
If you think you are carrying, then you arent.
The shoulders of those who carry arent as weak to where they will complain about it, the shoulders of those who carry are happy that you can rest upon them and enjoy the view, so one day you can show it to someone else.
Im mostly a solo hunter and when I do run multiplayer its because I want to have FUN and help other hunters. And I love carrying in hunts, I see my overlay and im more than 50% overall damage dealt boosts my ego
You and those who you discussed this with in the discord make a lot of valid points toward the notion of every member being a net positive of some kind. I think the problem here is that, while true, this stabs at the hubris of many who believe they are truly knowledgeable and skilled in every aspect of the game, coming to realize there's an entire dimension they haven't engaged with. While it is true you CAN run into someone who is under-geared, or simply not learning, the chances of that are far lower than the average or excelling player appearing. In modern monster hunter we have so many online guides and tutorials readily available.
There are plenty of these who complain about "carrying" others who don't even live up to the claims they purport to have: The kind who will chuck damage into the monster like mad, but will not heal a teammate or watch out for them. If you do this, you aren't carrying, you're having a pissing contest with someone whose gear or set build likely couldn't compete with you anyways, due to rarity or decoration/charm differences. I get called the carry a lot by those I hunt with, and while maybe they feel it true, I always assure them I am not. It's always, "Man you did so much damage and you were still healing us, imagine if you weren't" and I don't like imagining that, personally. I like being the one overseeing the hunt, keeping the monster where the team wants it, and ensuring everyone gets as many opportunities as they can to wail on the monster. The less time a teammate spends sulking over getting carted and is away from the fight, the more time they can spend having the actual fun of the game. Nobody likes having to run back to the monster while having egg on their face. This is why my ally faint shoutout message is "Don't forget to buff up, we'll hold out". I think the mindset of every member of the team mattering should extend as far as we can take it. People will read your shoutouts, and it CAN effect them. Saying something like that is reminding them their team is waiting for them, and "holding out" implies we're merely standing our ground until they get back.
Admittedly, iixxion, I absolutely agree that especially with the join request system in Rise (which I am absolutely not a fan of for several reasons) does make hunting far more non-committal and anonymous. While it IS possible to hunt with people you ran into prior, due to how the lobby system works, it isn't as easy to hop into a session with them and spend time with them afterwards as it was in World. World also had a great thing going for it with a 16 player lobby size and raid bosses that encouraged strategy, communication, and a large enough hub for that many people to be running around in. Having truly fell in love with MH during World and Iceborne I absolutely loved the community experience, arguably more than the monster hunting itself, and that's saying something because I love that too. In more recent times I've tried to be willing to make suggestions if I see problems even in the middle of a hunt with strangers, although taking the time to type things and with MH's...weak chat system, it can be difficult. Most people have the VC off by default, and it's quality is inferior to say, a discord call, so that isn't helping it on the comms department to make multiplayer coordination easy to use and intuitive, especially with the amount of menuing required to toggle it. The hunts I find the most fun are the ones I can communicate with my team live during. Acknowledging someone for getting a tail cut, a KO, or using an item or hunting helper, healing us in a clutch moment, in a novel or well executed way, is a morale buff I think most people sleep on granting to their teammates, and we really should try to be doing that in any way we can.
I only play online to either play with my one friend who is my skill level, or I play to help players who aren’t familiar with a monster or farming… but also there is some end game content I definitely could use a hand.
Great video! It's natural. The crowd grew.
We have never lost sight of it! It’s the natural increase of meta players/speed runners when something goes mainstream gatekeeping for their egos. We hunters stick to each other and provide support with what little we have. I will have to apologize for us silent types that don’t like social media being less vocal than those that paint us a bad picture. Greetings from 2nd gen!
I do join request to play with online with others without feeling pressured to ready up quickly at the hub. Not because I require assistance...eventhough I appreciate all effort and playstyles.
Most of my hunt failures happen due to other players carting.....however Im totally cool with it because its all in good fun. The worst hunts are when 4 hunters are scattered about the maps "solo'ing" their own targets.
The flare is going to summon people who are also struggling 90% of the time. I like to help people beat monsters but I'm not always the best. It's just a chance you take with randoms.
Would you mind sharing your armor pieces augments in the CB build shown, Im using the "meta" so called build for bonus update and my numbers arent as high as your UED's are.
yeah i have a similar build in another video! also I'd love to know which "meta" build you're following. maybe i need to do a video on how the "meta" sucks!
@@iixxion Ive seen the other video, this build doesnt have the individual resistances in the armor skills so did you use the same armor pieces as in that video? And if you wouldnt mind whats the augments? I think I can figure it out from there, im still pretty new to rise so not real confident on making my own yet. Thanks and as you asked which build im using now its from the monster hunter meta reddit compendium.
Brings me back to grinding through all of MH4U multiplayer with Charge Blade before the online death.
I got stuck on G-Rank Ukanlos and was told I sucked at ONLY one of the most notoriously crappy fights in the series. Maybe I did with how clunky CB CAN be but eventually, I did manage to finish all of the important fights on the last day with the help of the many veterans that persevered with me from that point to Shah Dalamadur.
I don't agree 100%, but the main part I agree it is the "even then, so what?" that it doesn't really matter the skill level. Yeah I'm better than some of my friends, a LOT better, but I have fun, they have fun, they're not as interested as me at pushing their limits and that's okay. We win a lot of quests, fail a few, I can help out as much as I want but ultimately in a hunt everyone has to pull their weight to win because we all share the same carts.
The main part I disagree is that everything they do is just "free for you". That's simply not true, solo hunts vs multiplayer hunts are entirely different dynamics. In solo I have entire control and expectations of what a monster does, in multi the move I meant to counter can actually target the teammate behind me, I may think I had an opening but there was a hitbox behind the monster I didn't know of because when I solo the monster is always facing me, I may expect to use a monster's move to buff up like my anchor rage and the monster uses that move on someone else. When your playstyle relies on what the monster does to you, then the monster doing that to literally anyone else breaks that flow, which can in fact disrupt it. just means I gotta adapt and find workarounds.
I have yet to experience anyone being angry at me because i don't use meta sets.
I think barely anyone complains at all as long as someone doesn't triple cart. And even then people are often still willing to keep helping them.
On fatalis or alatreon u can find few guys. There are also guys who leave the quest when u will use minigun on fatalis "the wrong way" xd
In a game where you can explicitly opt out of multiplayer, I can't even imagine how you get to complaining about carrying others lol. It's literally a choice you're making and if the quest fails, by definition you didn't in fact carry.
Good thing bots are in Wilds so that complainers can just stick in their own game, but it doesnt change anything since actual players play like bots regardless.
Yeah, well said.
I hate when someone responds to an SOS, carts, and abandons the quest. This is especially bad in World where no one else can join and the difficulty is fix.
I try to give them some grace and assume they’re bailing so they don’t cart again and wreck it for you. But yeah; it’s still frustrating.
@@Newnodrogbob I responded to two quests last night where the other people responding did this. They were both story quest, and the people bailing where much higher ranked than the poster. Hope it was a second character and not a new player.
@@randomdude4505 geez; what are they thinking?
I’ve only really played solo, except for world, which I had some fun times playing with my friends and beating up monsters was fun, if not for their take on just steam rolling through it with the defender armor and it just made me not want to play it
You play with people because of all these complicated justifications, I play with people because I am a horn main. We are not the same
the only time id say bad players are bad actors are when mission are easily cartable. I've been that person before for sure but man going into a fatalis hunt and watching 3 carts happen before the first phase is finished just feels rough. Only think I really don't like is super passive hunters. You're here to hunt aren't you?
i only get mad if its saafijiva / kulve taroth
Generally the ones who claim to carry or chase meta and kick others for not running 'meta' are trash players themselves. They're mid or use a speedrun build, do not have the skills, keep carting. You're not meta when you're dead 😅.
I understand it's frustrating when you have freeloaders though.
Then there is me who solos everything
Getting targeted less is frequently not a good thing. A monster focusing only on me is more predictable that a monster with 8 potential targets.
I have also carried people every now and then but... that was the point of me playing with them. I managed to do the quests by myself, let's see whether I'm good enough to help someone who can't. Who carts and who doesn't deal the necessary elemental damage to weaken Alatreons Escaton or hits Fatalis' head to prevent being nuked by blue flames.
And if we don't manage than I'll just have to get better at carrying while the other person gets in the practice to bridge the gap.
The only type of person I wouldn't want to carry is one who doesn't attempt contributing positively or is toxic towards others.
Absolutely hate the "if you aren't running meta, you aren't worth keeping around" mentality for multiplayer, as someone who enjoys running a balance of dps and QoL skills on his sets. Funnily enough these same people will be the ones carting all the time, because they try to play like speedrunners when, simply put, they aren't. They don't do the planning, or the practice, and by playing with randos they already throw the predictability out of the window. Idiots.
What nags me about this is how they are using the word "Carry" with a pretty bad connotation you'll usually only see in COMPETITIVE TEAM games, like my flaming friends who play League of Legends.
At least in those games I can understand the feeling, loosing ranked points because everyone isn't at their 100% is crushing (but lets be honest, more people than none that use the word "carry" are low self esteem regular players with grandeur dellusions).
And I also get it, its not a pvp exclusive feeling, I've raided in MMOs before, higher content can also put you in that mindset...
But this is Monster Hunter for godsake, most content isn't that hard to begin with, and your losses aren't heavily punished, you can just die... And repost the mission again (dear lord, imagine if they lowered your HR by losing, META people would truly kill the game at that point).
We're fighting against an AI that, by design, has more windows of damage and evasion for the Aggro split, most of the time. Having just 2 casual hunters makes the hunt way more comfortable than 1 solo pro hunter
And you know, "carrying" is optional, nobody forces you to answer an SOS, and nobody forces you to STAY if you see the hunters are "bad", I have way more respect for people that quit hunts than for the people that stay just to whine about their "carry burden" from their high seat.
If you do your part to win, you should be happy, if you do more than that as the "veteran hunter", you should be happy too, your skills were put to the test and the team beneffited for that, if you want to complain about other players, either play solo (since you said you can do it that way) or go to play a moba to have reasons to complaint.
I will finish by saying that, I got a few of my friends hard into monster hunter because they were LoL players (yeah, my moba talk had a purpose) that found a "safeplace" in MonHun to play and experiment as they wished, to bring the carry toxicity here is akin to blasphemy to me
Losing points in HR was in the older games XD
some of these commenters really need a wake up call
If you can beat the monster solo, than just play solo and stop bitching
Or lure pod and keep the focus
Yea for my friend group that I play with, I absolutley hard lol. And my DPS tracker absolutley shows the hard carry I do with them and randos. I don't mind it at all and I never say anything about to anyone like some elitist Ahole. I just like seeing my dps meter be over that 50% mark of total
People who get mad at carts are losers imo. I co- op hunt for fun and chaos. I'm always rooting for the monster. I don't actively try to make it happen, but everytime someone carts i fist bump the monster .... It's always so hilarious, never ever gets old. Then if i need to farm something seriously i just solo it 🤷♂. Multiplayer is just supposed to be unbridled chaotic fun.
Well said
To add some other interesting facts, multiplayer adds more condition to the monster "AI" equation, so some of you might get bewildered instead with the monster moveset while thinking: "shouldn't it be easier to play coop? why is the monster spamming that move?"... I really appreciate that you brought this, a subset of hunters will agree to this, sometimes we just solo things out to get what we want, and that's why some of us "main" many weapons; for blunt, cut, & ammo DMG for efficiency ahahahaa
BUT for the love of God, it's way better and satisfying to slay monsters together with randos.... Like, I don't know you, but I believe we have the same goal. And sometimes I just laughed when I played together with "noobs", coz I feel that, everyone can be a noob in other's lobby/quest :DDDD Happy hunting, guys!
I'm sure the guy throwing the sos is bound to be asking for help cause he can't solo it ...maybe is one of those monster you don't even wanna fight so you call some people to reduce the stress. Just cause you can solo it doesn't mean the one asking for help can.
Before 5th generation bringing people made the fight easier to farm cause hp didn't scale per player instead hp was always scaled to a team.
I only play with friends anyway so none of this affect me really
@@rebirthofgodrics907 My first MH was on PSP, im well aware of HP scaling. Ive always joined MP at endgame and 90% of the time hunts are successful anyway. I like to have fun in multiplayer, my sentiment is that i don't take carting seriously, but yes i laugh my ass off when ppl cart and i think "go on boy get em". I also sos because some fights are boring alone, i could care less if someone carts 3 times. I hope ppl laugh when i cart aswell, because if you're not having fun whats the point?.
I once used to dislike people who went for the meta only or said, that this or that is ineffective, but hell, after listening to you, someone who is the completely opposite sherry coater of the worst possible way of doing a hunt, I'm certain, that those meta elitists aren't that bad, because even in the worst case, just trying to use some meta methods/builds, a player will bring much more joy and fun into a hunt than narcisstic giga weeb with long sword who carts immediately the monster just looks at him 😂😂.
BUT: After that being said, I see that you try to bring some value to the community and empower people, but the way you do it, by belitteling and actively trying to ridicule anyone who wants to play as effective as possible, you are exactly as terrible as those meta lovers.
I expected from someone like you, who seems to be quite reasonable at times, to do much better than that tbh.
Your deep analysis of how defense scales and works, and all the numbers you presented, was muuuuch more informative and useful, than the format you switched to, but hey, it's your channel, you can do whatever you want, just don't expect everyone to be on your side.
You can take criticism I guess.
Yes, I have skin like a rhino!
@@iixxion That's impressive.
@@iixxion And now, that I have your attention I would like to make a suggestion.
What about gathering some folks and doing a cozy hunt by gathering helpers, put the monster to sleep, wake it up with either bombs or something else, riding some monsters to it with special helpers, that increase body break while mounted etc.
Show the people you want to include what phantastic benefits they have by using what is available.
What about a in dept mushroomancer and support guide to people who still want to find out the monster patterns?
The options are gigantic to bring a different side of the game into perspective.
I think, people will enjoy such vids.
Heck, even a 4 people HH run with everyone doing different buffs and stuff would be entertaining.
@@esmolol4091he has never, at any point, criticized anyone for wanting to be effective. He has pointed out that the META nerds are demonstrably wrong about what constitutes the most effective way to hunt.
He HAS called out anyone who bashed or belittles people who play the video game differently than they want them to.
lol open your ears
when i see someone die i send out the curse you bayle dialogue from one of my radial wheels. (yes it's an entire radial wheel) i gotta hype up the person who carted
also, i came across a 999/999 that sent out an SOS for fatalis but wanted me to wait until they accepted it. brother, you're fucking 999/999. WHY are you sending out an SOS lol and then you want me to wait? 🤣
Most people who are 999/999 actually download save files from the internet hence why I never think that all 999/999 are pros.
@@Maxtime123 i never even thought of that 🤣
@@Catwomans_Belt I've played Monster Hunter since Freedom to know that it's possible to download save files from the internet.
I've done it once with Freedom Unite.