I'm regretting to leave my love ones that secretly madly in love with me too and I was a douchiest to hurt her and make her life miserable I wish she forgive and now regretting to live without her in my life I wish someday we will meet again somewhere😞😞😔😔💔💔💔
If I spent that much time learning German well enough to be an engineer there I couldn't have become an engineer in that time. But I thought the other points were good.
#1 Dreamed too much but never took action (The most important - Do things and accomplish) #2 Having a job you hate (We will all die anyways so what is the sense in hating the thing you do?) #3 Stop learning new things (You will use it) #4 Worked too much (Do not skip experiences) #5 Spend little time traveling (When, if not now?) #6 Led an unhealthy lifestyle (Health is about consistency) #7 Wasted a lot of time (You could improve the quality of your live with all that time) #8 Spend little time with loved ones (Your mom will die someday) #9 Engaging in a destructive relationship (Follow your dreams)
PatrickJ Schreiner we might hate our job but sometimes for poor people it’s worth it,so they had to do it or else they’d be being homeless and it’s going to be more depressing.
Same and even learnt a lot of stuff including languages. And found many new friends... which gave me some new opurtunities over time and some great memories. Worth it... even more than high school lol :)
Here's something that you'll regret in life, fussing about the past, the past that cannot be changed. All you do is waste your precious time on Earth by obsessing over something that just happened.
you cant live a life free of regrets. There will always be things you failed to do. Do what you need to do to survive, and the rest of the time just do what makes you satisfied.
"If you wait for the perfect conditions all your life, you may never have a chance" I always waited until I felt I was in the right mind to get learning/working but hearing this really hits home, time to force myself to grind whether I feel ready or not!
It's just recommending to not use and be on your phone so much. It seems like some spend too much time on one, and they miss what is going on around them.
This comment is about the 3rd point in the video: if you are having fun playing games on any platform (phone,pc,ps,xbox,nintendo switch,etc.) its not a waste of time since yoy are having fun. if you dont have fun in life whats the point of living? since every thing ull ever do will be meaning less in around 100 years (unless you change the world but then it also dosent matter since the earth/humanity will be deleted one day) the pretty much only thing that matters is to be happy and have fun with people you love.therfor playing games isnt a waste of time and nither anything that you are having fun doing. (btw im 14 so i think its a bit unhealthy for me to think like that, im giving this info cuz if you read until this point, ull keep on reading anyway)
To sum it up, time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time and definitely not something you'll regret. By the way if the point in the video is about games that are just for killing time or are boring then it's true, but only then.
if you don't have many responsabilites, sure. if your dog is starving to death because you were too busy watching youtube videos, it is a waste of dog. yeah.
Natsuki The thing is that its fun for the time youre doing it and then after that, its over. Mature, successful people know that they must put aside temporary pleasures for more meaningful long term things.
Precious A, your entire life is "fun for the time you're doing it and then after that, its over." It's just a mater of scale. Nothing is permanent. Sure, you shouldn't focus all your energy on immediate gratification, but you also shouldn't focus everything on a future that may never come. It's best to find a balance between planning for the future and living in the present.
I never had a dream in my life cause a dream is what you wanted to do but still haven't perused I knew what I wanted and did it till it was done so I lived my dream since day one " Aesop Rock"
I wish I went to art school and or computer programming like I wanted to after hs but my parents kept telling me ill never find a job... Who knew, 10 years later video games and movies were multibillion dollar things...
The problem comes when you are addicted to the thing you used to enjoy. Sometimes you grind for the sake of useless achievement without enjoying the journey simply because you arent able to let go.
I'm 27. My biggest regret so far is being SUCH A procrastinator. If I wasn't. I would have been further in life. What's yours? (Lets Learn from each other)
I wasn't aware that I had worth and I let my family talk me into thinking that I was irreparable instead of irreplaceable. I wish I had gone to a therapist years earlier but I went in 2017 and I am going still, it has been a gift and life changing.
Okay im done Wasting time on video games? Then everything you do is a wasre of time Watching this video, play soccer/football,watching tv,painting,programming,working on your job Seriously?
Me: I want to be an engineer Me: I want to help heal people medically Me: I want to do accounting Me: I want to own my own business Me: I do not want to work a 9-5 Me: I regret student loans Me: I need to start working or selling something to own my own business Me: I need to eat right
nicetoeveryonedontpushit .. You will be fine. And don't worry, a 9-5 (or more likely 8-5 ) it isn't the end of the world). U Might even enjoy it, and meet amazing people.
you2449 I worked a 7-5 sometimes 7-6 at an office Monday through Friday. I worked 10pm- 7am shifts in factories. I enrolled in college and did horrible my first semester. I am going to drop it to regain my energy back. 😩It burnt me out. I was oversleeping, campus housing is just a distraction regardless of how it is advertised by campus recruiters. Hi by the way :) 😁 Thank you for your comment.
7:44 "Your family and friends ALWAYS come before these." No, you are wrong! Family and friends don't always take center stage. Sometimes family & friends can demand too much of our time, our resources and our attention. Maintaining healthy boundaries and creating personal space is important in all relationships 🍀
i jumped out of highschool because it was wasting my time. i took my boyfirend with me and we went to tokyo and then a while later we took a very inexpensive trip around europe. Now im carrying his child and doing what i love which is drawing and he works at a place he enjoys. This has been the best year of my life and i dont regret doing stuff i enjoy instead of following societys standards of school, work, worrying, realising its to late and then dying. I love my life, my partner and our child with all my heart and even tough im only 19 i dont feel like i've been missing out on anything because i have experienced life more than my friends who are still in school and waiting to do all the fun things later. I am happier than most.
#4 "Work is important, but don't forget to relax from time to time." I know it's Summer but you have no idea how many parties I've rejected for school projects
Don't waste time huh.....time to click off your channel and TH-cam then.........that's basically what you told us to do. (Edit:I wasn't expecting such a reaction😂😂)
TIMESTAMPS Engaged in a destructive relationship 0:43 Spent little time with loved ones 1:37 Wasted a lot of time 2:26 Led an unhealthy lifestyle 3:17 Spent little time traveling 3:57 Worked too much 4:41 Stopped learning new things 5:28 Having a job they hate 6:16 Dreamed too much but took little action 7:08
I don't get the seventh thing. I mean isn't the point to do things that you enjoy and apparently the guy enjoys video games and his friend likes running and modifying photos. So how come the things that his friend enjoys to do are not considered waste of time and the thing he enjoys doing is?
i am in this stage now ....coz i argued mom just before the video about my career and she told me all that i had wasted a lot of time ..... so guys if u havent reached this stage just value ur time coz time is money .....
You're wrong about some of these. I'm an old guy, and I don't regret not travelling, and I don't regret not spending more time with "loved ones" -- just the opposite -- I wish I could have gotten away from them sooner. But you're right about wasting too much time and dreaming too much but taking little action.
I regret nothing I'm 42 years old now every decision good or bad every relationship regardless of its outcome has shaped me into the person I am today I regret absolutely nothing
I was able to travel once, when I was much younger and in far better physical condition than I am now. I went to Israel, lived for five months on a kibbutz and a month in Tel Aviv, I learned a new language, I lived among people and did their work beside them, I tasted different food and new cultures, and I had a time I'll never regret. I'm not traveling now but at least I have TH-cam and all the videos of being driven around in cars and on trains. It's not the real thing, but it's a satisfactory close second.
You tell us to don't waste time and do productive things. Well then let me get out of this video to do something productive. I don't understand why you say gaming is a waste of time (I suppose that's what the guy is doing in 2:32). If it's something you like to do, you're not wasting your time. Gaming is one of my hobbies and I don't see it as wasting time. I'm a young person who dreams of doing game programming (or something related to game development) for living, where do you think that dream came from? Your hobbies may show you what you want to do in life, like me.
you should totally do game programming, follow your dreams. just don't get yourself upset about their list. this channel has no real insight or creativity, they just repeat and spam ideas and opinions that are popular to appeal to the public.
I don't think it's about casual gamers who are playing a lot in their youth but rather about those who don't wash themselves, stop eating, don't care for people who stay on their side and play obsessive for all their life long and see nothing wrong with it. (know one of those)
We live in Poland, and we obviously learn also a second language, English. However, my school will force students to learn third language, German, after 6th grade.
I guess this video is mostly for Americans, on average they don't need (or want) to learn other languages, every other nation is forced to learn their language instead. Americans here in Taiwan rarely know any mandarin.
Yeah, here in Germany we have to learn english and french or latin but yo, I already forgot most things about french... Except TU EST UN CHARACTERE DE CHIEN
My biggest regret...not dating or getting laid in high school. By the time I reached college I fell behind and I didn't know what I was doing, you need to learn and gain experience when it comes to dating and relationships or you won't be at a level everyone expects you to be when you reach adulthood. Now everyone I know is falling in love, getting married, and having kids while I'm left out of the loop. Of course do everything in moderation and be careful or else you'll regret getting an STD. And regarding #7, hobbies are not a waste of time. Playing video games is a hobby that many people enjoy, it's not a waste if you enjoy doing it. Who are you to judge it as a "waste of time"?
I feel like wasting time as they put it really makes a difference in my mental health. Sometimes just relaxing, playing a game, watching a movie with friends, or binge watching tv can help you take your mind off of problems and help you function better at work and give you something to talk about with loved ones. Creativity and productivity can go up when we relax, and for each person that's a different thing. I feel like you should not be shamed or told that in 10 years you'll regret playing candy crush on your phone. Everything done with moderation is good, so long as you do get to important things. It also contradicts the workaholic regret too.
You say not to spend time online or playing video games but most would say the time was well spent because they have enjoyed it, there's nothing wrong with indulgence.
Some artists, designers, animators and sculptors and even some fantasy authors do learn from playing video games, for example, artist and animators of course learn from the art style of different games, designers can also work in the costume industry because of different armour or costume styles of the game characters. And authors of course use their imagination, these inspirations can come from games too. But too much indulgence isnt good at all, instead of learning from it artist or some sort, people end up wasting their time on it. Im not accusing BTW, I was just saying my opinion😊
"Spent little time traveling" Um hello, most of us have not that great jobs, and trips are very expensive. Plane tickets, money exchange, hotels and etc. We can't travel too much, we have lives. And traveling causes a whole load of stress, for instance you'll most likely be traveling to a foreign country, with a language that is unknown to you. It's a lot of work and stress and and in today's society, no one has time for it. Ain't no one want to loose their job.
Bffl3443, -He does not said you have only to spent to foriegn country, you can also travel to a differnent state(which is in your country)!! -You don't have to travel there for a long period of time (a month or week), 3-4 days are also enough!! -Go outside the hotel, only that much period of time for which you can be energetic!! Rest of the time you can rest in hotel!! -He didnt said you have to travel like once in a month or week, once in a year is also Okay -Spend that much money which you can afford!!
There are often things you can do if you want to travel cheap: take public transportation like trains, stay in cheap hotels or communal lodging spaces, buy groceries instead of eating out, etc.
I don't know about #3. You could learn many new things and still face with a scenario where you are face with something where you don't know enough about a subject in order to do something. That guy could have taken both Spanish and French and still find himself in a situation where he needs to speak German.
I can relate no No. 6. My dad worked too much and collapsed due to low blood pressure, he still works too much, but he's trying to help the family. My mother's disabled, and can't work, so my dad is the only hope to keep the house.
this vid is vital information, people should not ignore this because I know people who make these same mistakes in life, when they could be doing something potentially great, but they don't and its really sad :C
Another mistake people do(it's actually mentioned in s way) is that people think that learning an instrument is something you start between ages 4-12. This is a big myth. You can learn an instrument (and a language) at any age. Just start, that's the key.
Κυριάκος IV of Greece they say you should start learning stuff when you're younger because your brain is more malleable. why do you say that's a myth? any links?
Number 8 is very true... my grandma got really sick and I instead of going to visit her i wanted to watch something on mah laptop. Rest in Peace grandma, Rest In Peace... ;(((
Wow I'm just 14 and I realized how difficult life can be and I also learned something from #7 and #9 from now on I'll minimize my wastage of time and start to learn new things THANK YOU BRIGHT SIDE
As you go on, you will start to see that life contain many lessons and that in the long run the more mistakes you make, the wiser you become. It no longer becomes a personal thing, but simply a part of your life. All honest people make mistakes--only the fools follow a single path to their graves. Learn to embrace wholeheartedly your mistakes, figure out how each mistake made was human, then I'm pretty sure you'll be able to move on to the next new thing.
Candy Apple Either it's a joke or you are completely serious. But, just to be safe, I'll go with you being serious. The point he was making is that YOU are the best person in the world.
Elizabeth Hjorth honey if you're 11, I don't think you should stop dreaming at all...well I don't think you're life started at all.....hope is the best thing that can hold your mind....well it holds mine...Dream a lot and make sure the best dream is what you will see you in next 10 or 20 or more further years...
im a 100 percent sure that's not what they're doing all day.. and they're making money off of it so it's not a waste of time... so the average gamer has a different situation
WTH man? Let people Live, as they Like.. But there is a Few Golden Rules in Life: Trying too Hard, Wont get you anywhere. Do what you want, But doing Stuff Unrelated to what your Future might be Like, will result Defrently. Always Reconstruct the ideas of Yours and Inspirations: That results in a Somewhat Original Lifestyle/Project.. Have a Good Life..
Karolina Trgalova Theres a Defrence between Hard work, and Too Hard. Like if you For Example Running.. Running too Much, for too Long will Raise your Body tempreture, and Possably Damage Your Lungs.. Running at a Right state (Alot, but not too Much) will have an Improvement in Leg Muscles.. Thats what i meant about it. But of course you do Over The Line hard work in For Example School, Collage Ect.. Please dont get me wrong.. I just personally think that Bright Side is giving Incorrect information.
+Elizabeth Hjorth Okay, seriously, why are you going around telling everyone you have anxiety? I saw you in two other comment sections. You know not everyone here needs to know you have anxiety, right? Like, I'm sorry you have anxiety (if you actually have it, people fake things like that sometimes online), it must be tough, but, does everyone need to know? Okay, I'm gonna go now. . .
Watching youtube videos isn't wasting time. You're most of the time having fun while watching those youtube videos which makes you relaxed being relaxed means you have less stress so a longer life span. Which means you'll have more time!
The visual example for #7 doesn't really apply to coders, video game designers, or animators (there are more, but I can't remember them right now) because playing a game (or watching anything animated) actually prepares you for the industry of your desired career path.
iEATcheesburger Respawnables um do you like art? Acting? Writing? Maybe you could try being a youtuber for whatever you're interested in? There's all kinds of jobs you just have to think a little
iEATcheesburger Respawnables there is actually some awesome jobs out there... - professional sleeper > someone who tests beds - food taster Other ones o.o
*spent time with your loved ones* Uhm, hello? You said it right there. We have homeduty and a job, many of us don't have the time to play with our children and have a romantic night out with our loved ones. Maybe we didn't spend time and we'll regret it, but why? Because we needed to feed our family, give them stuff they like, so they'll don't get jealous, and clean the house to be welcome for guests, so I think it's not our fault that we don't have time. Tell that our boss and let's hope s/he'll give us "time with our loved ones"
What do you regret most about your past?
Not being able to go camping on my Bday and not being able to do school activities
Yep. I regret thinking doing bad things like jumping off desk when teachers are around, would make me cool.
Watching this video, loser
I'm regretting to leave my love ones that secretly madly in love with me too and I was a douchiest to hurt her and make her life miserable I wish she forgive and now regretting to live without her in my life I wish someday we will meet again somewhere😞😞😔😔💔💔💔
I regret i would have treated her better 😢
I blame her, for sharing her design class goals with a guy who stares at the ceiling with his mouth open.
deleon629 lol u made my day
deleon629 ikr
If I spent that much time learning German well enough to be an engineer there I couldn't have become an engineer in that time.
But I thought the other points were good.
deleon629 i
deleon629 he was looking up he was rolling his eyes
#1 Dreamed too much but never took action (The most important - Do things and accomplish)
#2 Having a job you hate (We will all die anyways so what is the sense in hating the thing you do?)
#3 Stop learning new things (You will use it)
#4 Worked too much (Do not skip experiences)
#5 Spend little time traveling (When, if not now?)
#6 Led an unhealthy lifestyle (Health is about consistency)
#7 Wasted a lot of time (You could improve the quality of your live with all that time)
#8 Spend little time with loved ones (Your mom will die someday)
#9 Engaging in a destructive relationship (Follow your dreams)
PatrickJ Schreiner Thank you 😊
you saved my time
PatrickJ Schreiner Yeah...
I regret #8 in 2 years...
PatrickJ Schreiner we might hate our job but sometimes for poor people it’s worth it,so they had to do it or else they’d be being homeless and it’s going to be more depressing.
10 years ago. I played video games but I don't regret it. It got me through depression. And I'm still alive.
If it makes you happy, it's not a waste of time.
Katie Hunter
Because life on a City gives you more setbacks than life in the Province. That is why you play games then Yes.
Same and even learnt a lot of stuff including languages. And found many new friends... which gave me some new opurtunities over time and some great memories. Worth it... even more than high school lol :)
C Butterfly Yeah! I had depression issues at 8 years old and I was very emotional, but I found a couple of cool video games and I'm still alive. =)
C Butterfly glad i saw this comment lol
Here's something that you'll regret in life, fussing about the past, the past that cannot be changed. All you do is waste your precious time on Earth by obsessing over something that just happened.
We should learn from it though.. 🙏
Danker yet Danker ứyuyuyyuyjnnvjiyhjgh
How can a past ‘ just’ happen?! Do you mean it keeps happening over and over again to someone who can’t let it go?
in 10 years I'm going to regret watching this video.
Estevan Aurzada in ten years, I'm going to regret reading your comment. And also, in ten years, I'll regret looking at your profile picture.
Estevan Aurzada. I'm only two minutes in, and I already regret it.
10 comments that read the future
Estevan Aurzada I'll regret it if in 10 years I remember any of this
Estevan Aurzada Hahahahaha
"Stay on the bright side of life" Yea because this video totally didn't make me feel like an awful person.
Captain Darnia lol true
the video is trying to get you on the right tracks so you don't regret anything in the long run. I think it's quite a positove thing.
you cant live a life free of regrets. There will always be things you failed to do. Do what you need to do to survive, and the rest of the time just do what makes you satisfied.
Captain Darnia X,D
this video could be a little bit faster paced.
agreed but you get more yt moneyzz if you have longer watchtimes. i could explain more algorithm but, matpat.
Introvert Daddy ikr my neck hurts from looking down at my phone.
IKR. Things I regret already....
I just put speed on 1.25
Introvert Daddy yes
I regret clicking this video.
"If you wait for the perfect conditions all your life, you may never have a chance"
I always waited until I felt I was in the right mind to get learning/working but hearing this really hits home, time to force myself to grind whether I feel ready or not!
I love how this TH-cam video is telling us to stop using our phones 😂
Chic Geek 😂😂😂😂
Especially with number 7 😂😂 I felt so guilty for being on my phone watching videos.
It's just recommending to not use and be on your phone so much. It seems like some spend too much time on one, and they miss what is going on around them.
This comment is about the 3rd point in the video: if you are having fun playing games on any platform (phone,pc,ps,xbox,nintendo switch,etc.) its not a waste of time since yoy are having fun. if you dont have fun in life whats the point of living? since every thing ull ever do will be meaning less in around 100 years (unless you change the world but then it also dosent matter since the earth/humanity will be deleted one day) the pretty much only thing that matters is to be happy and have fun with people you love.therfor playing games isnt a waste of time and nither anything that you are having fun doing. (btw im 14 so i think its a bit unhealthy for me to think like that, im giving this info cuz if you read until this point, ull keep on reading anyway)
To sum it up, time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time and definitely not something you'll regret. By the way if the point in the video is about games that are just for killing time or are boring then it's true, but only then.
ppl better regret dabbing
Memer Lemer Lol
*Sees first thing*
Meh, I doubt I'll ever be in
any type of relationship 😂😂😂
So you'll never be satisfied?
Trinity McLean Nah,I think I'll be VERY satisfied 😌 (Nice reference though)
Trinity McLean Who needs a relationship to be satisfied. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Daniel Delgadillo Aye ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/
So you're not searching for an urchin who can give you ideals?
If watching shows, playing games, or being on social media is fun to me then it's not a waste of time
if you don't have many responsabilites, sure.
if your dog is starving to death because you were too busy watching youtube videos, it is a waste of dog.
Lonely Wolf buy a new one
Natsuki The thing is that its fun for the time youre doing it and then after that, its over. Mature, successful people know that they must put aside temporary pleasures for more meaningful long term things.
Ok come back in 10 years
Precious A, your entire life is "fun for the time you're doing it and then after that, its over." It's just a mater of scale. Nothing is permanent. Sure, you shouldn't focus all your energy on immediate gratification, but you also shouldn't focus everything on a future that may never come. It's best to find a balance between planning for the future and living in the present.
This video can be easily watched with 1.25x faster 😊.... Don't regret later watching it with normal speed 😂
Vanamala Swathi I did the same thing!!
chrome plugins.. up to 4x with sound, but for this video 2.25x is enough :)
Genius! I’m going to do that
I'm watching 2x lol thanks for the tip
Who all are In their bed while watching this video.!?
Fashion Story me
Fashion Story no, I'm on the toilet.
Fashion Story me
Fashion Story Me
I'm licking my own comment because no one else would.
Tastes good
Nikl ! Takes so sweet!Yet salty at the same time....
What am I doing with my life....
thesotodallyuncoolnobody :P I don't think that's the comment your licking......
I should probably just die right about now
I'm absolute trash for laughing.
The fact that it is 69 likes... I'm not surprised.
*It sure does*
"Games on phones..."
He said .... and we all are watching this video on our phone , computer or tablet 😂
What about TH-cam glasses?
Dakota Shu I was about to comment that. Like, he says playing video games and watching things on our phones and tablets, are a waste of time...
Dakota Shu IKR!!!
Dakota Shu 😂😂😂😂😂😂
You can't dream too much but you can take more action.
I never had a dream in my life cause a dream is what you wanted to do but still haven't perused I knew what I wanted and did it till it was done so I lived my dream since day one " Aesop Rock"
"A vision without action is merely a dream" - kevin gates
Ironically, I regretted travelling too much. I should've saved that money to start a business instead.
Everything can be done in moderation. Too much of anything is not good. I love your comment.
I wish I went to art school and or computer programming like I wanted to after hs but my parents kept telling me ill never find a job... Who knew, 10 years later video games and movies were multibillion dollar things...
dont let your parents stop you from doing what you love
Same kind of problem here.
you i like me then :D
Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time
Wise words wise one
There's still the "wasting" in the "time you enjoy wasting"
The problem comes when you are addicted to the thing you used to enjoy.
Sometimes you grind for the sake of useless achievement without enjoying the journey simply because you arent able to let go.
Not necessarily.. Delayed gratification yields great rewards many times..
Acharich Speaks but if we're talking games here, most if the time the time placed on the grind does not justify the enjoyment of few extra pixels...
At one point you said we should spend less time on devices but you have a TH-cam channel and this is a TH-cam video!
I agree with you Dare Devil Jordan (aka myself)
ya look at them. 'wasting' there time making and editing youtibe videos
Dare Devil Jordan i did something like this the other day.
Except i wasnt agreeing.
I'm 27. My biggest regret so far is being SUCH A procrastinator.
If I wasn't. I would have been further in life.
What's yours? (Lets Learn from each other)
Sam De Roeck hahhahahhhahahaha
I wasn't aware that I had worth and I let my family talk me into thinking that I was irreparable instead of irreplaceable. I wish I had gone to a therapist years earlier but I went in 2017 and I am going still, it has been a gift and life changing.
@@bettyemachetetmi5005 you had what???
Time you enjoy wasting isn’t wasted time... as long as it’s done in moderation
please talk faster, its annoying to skip through parts of the vid
or they should just stop talking in all
just make it really fast like x2
that worked for me
Watch the video at 1.25x speed it helps alot.😁
Desmond DeLeonwews
Am I the only one getting sick of thumbnails like this?
Its clickbait, i suppose.
the tumbnail was in the video was it not?
They cut it off to get you to click on the video
At least it wasn't the last tip they showed
Marcos Gutierrez that’s why there is something called “ Click Bait” bcuz of people like you judging on the cover
Okay im done
Wasting time on video games?
Then everything you do is a wasre of time
Watching this video, play soccer/football,watching tv,painting,programming,working on your job
ye et Oh my god...
I didnt say that, i said they think that in the video
Playing video games the for hours at a stretch is a waste of time, thats what they probably meant.
BadassDawg Is it really?
Is playing football for hours on end a wasteof time?
Elias gagnef playing *video games* not sports.
BadassDawg Whats the difference?
Me: I want to be an engineer
Me: I want to help heal people medically
Me: I want to do accounting
Me: I want to own my own business
Me: I do not want to work a 9-5
Me: I regret student loans
Me: I need to start working or selling something to own my own business
Me: I need to eat right
nicetoeveryonedontpushit .. You will be fine. And don't worry, a 9-5 (or more likely 8-5 ) it isn't the end of the world).
U Might even enjoy it, and meet amazing people.
you2449 I worked a 7-5 sometimes 7-6 at an office Monday through Friday. I worked 10pm- 7am shifts in factories. I enrolled in college and did horrible my first semester. I am going to drop it to regain my energy back. 😩It burnt me out. I was oversleeping, campus housing is just a distraction regardless of how it is advertised by campus recruiters.
Hi by the way :) 😁 Thank you for your comment.
nicetoeveryonedontpushit if you were oversleeping you may have been depressed
7:44 "Your family and friends ALWAYS come before these." No, you are wrong! Family and friends don't always take center stage. Sometimes family & friends can demand too much of our time, our resources and our attention. Maintaining healthy boundaries and creating personal space is important in all relationships 🍀
Playing video games is not wasting my life
It is my life
Sarah Parker 😂👌
Same here 😂 gaming will always be my life ❤️
some TH-camrs play video games and get paid and I regret watching this un acurrate
I know, just ask yourself is it what you want to be doing. And are you truly fulfilled and will be glad you did it in ten years
I regretted watching this video tho
mr know it all yessss
mr know it all they're helping perpetuate negative feedback loops that tear down one's self esteem and willingness to actually take action
I'm already getting my time wasted, watching this video
me too
mr know it all lucky I see the comments not gonna watch it then
The voice is so calm that it's scary
Mix My Games your display picture makes it while lot weird to read
How is it scary? I like his calm voice.
Melanie Barksdale sure its calm but it gets annoying
Mix My Games your profile pic is scary
Mix My Games your profile is scary
i jumped out of highschool because it was wasting my time. i took my boyfirend with me and we went to tokyo and then a while later we took a very inexpensive trip around europe. Now im carrying his child and doing what i love which is drawing and he works at a place he enjoys. This has been the best year of my life and i dont regret doing stuff i enjoy instead of following societys standards of school, work, worrying, realising its to late and then dying. I love my life, my partner and our child with all my heart and even tough im only 19 i dont feel like i've been missing out on anything because i have experienced life more than my friends who are still in school and waiting to do all the fun things later. I am happier than most.
You know the irony? I spend so much thinking about how i am gonna regret something, that i regret that after i realised the time has passed.
Who still in they bed watching this
Talia Jacques I am
Not me fam,on the couch
Count me in
Talia Jacques, mehhhh
#4 "Work is important, but don't forget to relax from time to time." I know it's Summer but you have no idea how many parties I've rejected for school projects
my school is making me analyze a whole book
You mainly go to a party to hook up socially or professionally. Do you want that right now? Perhaps better to hone your craft.
Don't waste time huh.....time to click off your channel and TH-cam then.........that's basically what you told us to do. (Edit:I wasn't expecting such a reaction😂😂)
Aidan_ Filmz 🔥🔥🔥
Shoots Fired
Especially since the video was so slow-paced. It could easily have been half as long. But nope, they had to have such slow narration and dialogue.
Aidan_ Filmz yea this is slow
I'm clicking off & watching aphmau or Lauren or ldshadowlady or...
Any other TH-cam I'm subscribed to
Engaged in a destructive relationship 0:43
Spent little time with loved ones 1:37
Wasted a lot of time 2:26
Led an unhealthy lifestyle 3:17
Spent little time traveling 3:57
Worked too much 4:41
Stopped learning new things 5:28
Having a job they hate 6:16
Dreamed too much but took little action 7:08
A lot of people are missing the point of this video. I guess they'll understand it in 10 years. 😄
LENA PATEL using emojis does not show real emotion
Pikaleena Gaming 🖕🖕🖕
LENA PATEL what's with the xs in boxes? i use android
Pikaleena Gaming 🖕🖕🖕🖕
I don't get the seventh thing. I mean isn't the point to do things that you enjoy and apparently the guy enjoys video games and his friend likes running and modifying photos.
So how come the things that his friend enjoys to do are not considered waste of time and the thing he enjoys doing is?
exactly. You cant let other people tell u what is and is not worthy of your time. They are not living your life.
Because the narrator is just trying to shame people for kicks.
basically, he's wasting time on the computer instead of doing something productive or useful
Doing things you enjoy is never a waste of time.
According to this video, it's bad to de-stress, so you should stress yourself even more.
i am in this stage now ....coz i argued mom just before the video about my career and she told me all that i had wasted a lot of time ..... so guys if u havent reached this stage just value ur time coz time is money .....
You're wrong about some of these. I'm an old guy, and I don't regret not travelling, and I don't regret not spending more time with "loved ones" -- just the opposite -- I wish I could have gotten away from them sooner. But you're right about wasting too much time and dreaming too much but taking little action.
Iтѕ a ѕнaмe then
I regret nothing I'm 42 years old now every decision good or bad every relationship regardless of its outcome has shaped me into the person I am today I regret absolutely nothing
I was able to travel once, when I was much younger and in far better physical condition than I am now. I went to Israel, lived for five months on a kibbutz and a month in Tel Aviv, I learned a new language, I lived among people and did their work beside them, I tasted different food and new cultures, and I had a time I'll never regret. I'm not traveling now but at least I have TH-cam and all the videos of being driven around in cars and on trains. It's not the real thing, but it's a satisfactory close second.
You tell us to don't waste time and do productive things. Well then let me get out of this video to do something productive. I don't understand why you say gaming is a waste of time (I suppose that's what the guy is doing in 2:32). If it's something you like to do, you're not wasting your time. Gaming is one of my hobbies and I don't see it as wasting time. I'm a young person who dreams of doing game programming (or something related to game development) for living, where do you think that dream came from? Your hobbies may show you what you want to do in life, like me.
you should totally do game programming, follow your dreams. just don't get yourself upset about their list. this channel has no real insight or creativity, they just repeat and spam ideas and opinions that are popular to appeal to the public.
Your learning aren't you?
I don't think it's about casual gamers who are playing a lot in their youth but rather about those who don't wash themselves, stop eating, don't care for people who stay on their side and play obsessive for all their life long and see nothing wrong with it. (know one of those)
Playing video games won’t help you to become a game dev, learn to code, learn a free game engine, learn to 3D model, etc.
"Having a job they hate"
I'm still in school
I hope this doesn't count cus I have no choice
We live in Poland, and we obviously learn also a second language, English. However, my school will force students to learn third language, German, after 6th grade.
It's vacation for me, so after vacation ends, I will be in 7th grade
In Finland, most schools force students to learn swedish when they are fifth-graders. English at starts third grade
i m from india.. and i know 2 indian languages ( hindi n odia) and english.. n currently i m learning turkish..
I guess this video is mostly for Americans, on average they don't need (or want) to learn other languages, every other nation is forced to learn their language instead. Americans here in Taiwan rarely know any mandarin.
Yeah, here in Germany we have to learn english and french or latin but yo, I already forgot most things about french... Except TU EST UN CHARACTERE DE CHIEN
My biggest regret...not dating or getting laid in high school. By the time I reached college I fell behind and I didn't know what I was doing, you need to learn and gain experience when it comes to dating and relationships or you won't be at a level everyone expects you to be when you reach adulthood. Now everyone I know is falling in love, getting married, and having kids while I'm left out of the loop. Of course do everything in moderation and be careful or else you'll regret getting an STD.
And regarding #7, hobbies are not a waste of time. Playing video games is a hobby that many people enjoy, it's not a waste if you enjoy doing it. Who are you to judge it as a "waste of time"?
I feel like wasting time as they put it really makes a difference in my mental health. Sometimes just relaxing, playing a game, watching a movie with friends, or binge watching tv can help you take your mind off of problems and help you function better at work and give you something to talk about with loved ones. Creativity and productivity can go up when we relax, and for each person that's a different thing. I feel like you should not be shamed or told that in 10 years you'll regret playing candy crush on your phone. Everything done with moderation is good, so long as you do get to important things. It also contradicts the workaholic regret too.
You say not to spend time online or playing video games but most would say the time was well spent because they have enjoyed it, there's nothing wrong with indulgence.
Mahdi Uddin True, but don’t waste your life on it.
Some artists, designers, animators and sculptors and even some fantasy authors do learn from playing video games, for example, artist and animators of course learn from the art style of different games, designers can also work in the costume industry because of different armour or costume styles of the game characters. And authors of course use their imagination, these inspirations can come from games too. But too much indulgence isnt good at all, instead of learning from it artist or some sort, people end up wasting their time on it. Im not accusing BTW, I was just saying my opinion😊
BlossomCherryTree how is that wasting your life if that's what you want to do.
This is Carmen --> 🐈
Carmen is very happy
Because Carmen was already fed by his family.
OML lol
The number 1 is absolutely me😂😂😓
suenmei618 Same 😪
I'm fed up with my job, I just can't find a better one at the moment 😢
I'll come back to this comment in ten years
Crismic don't forget
I'll give you 100 bucks if you actually do that.
9 years 7 months to go , Good luck
Jhony Bangs24 He might come back but with another account
Crismic surrrrre
Hello random person scrolling down by the comments hope you gonna have an amazing day
Nana Playspro You too!
Nana Playspro it is 8 o clock....
You too
Blauer Panzer/ Blue Shell same with you but with out the fabulous because you have none
Nana Playspro you are an expert.lol.😂😂
"Spent little time traveling" Um hello, most of us have not that great jobs, and trips are very expensive. Plane tickets, money exchange, hotels and etc. We can't travel too much, we have lives. And traveling causes a whole load of stress, for instance you'll most likely be traveling to a foreign country, with a language that is unknown to you. It's a lot of work and stress and and in today's society, no one has time for it. Ain't no one want to loose their job.
-He does not said you have only to spent to foriegn country, you can also travel to a differnent state(which is in your country)!!
-You don't have to travel there for a long period of time (a month or week), 3-4 days are also enough!!
-Go outside the hotel, only that much period of time for which you can be energetic!!
Rest of the time you can rest in hotel!!
-He didnt said you have to travel like once in a month or week, once in a year is also Okay
-Spend that much money which you can afford!!
Suraj Luthra I agree proper planning for travelling is needed. Anyways, travelling could be a life changing experience. You will learn a lot.
There are often things you can do if you want to travel cheap: take public transportation like trains, stay in cheap hotels or communal lodging spaces, buy groceries instead of eating out, etc.
Ericson Lopez, 👍
I don't know about #3. You could learn many new things and still face with a scenario where you are face with something where you don't know enough about a subject in order to do something. That guy could have taken both Spanish and French and still find himself in a situation where he needs to speak German.
I can relate no No. 6. My dad worked too much and collapsed due to low blood pressure, he still works too much, but he's trying to help the family. My mother's disabled, and can't work, so my dad is the only hope to keep the house.
I'm 10 years old.
*I regret being born.*
*_The Big Red Button_* shhh.....just a phase
sometimes loved ones hurt you quicker than strangers
thank you bright side for making such awesome videos... it really helped me to realize where I stand 😇😇😇
surendra soni
this vid is vital information, people should not ignore this because I know people who make these same mistakes in life, when they could be doing something potentially great, but they don't and its really sad :C
The only thing i regret is watching this video, because now i'm sad. For a channel called BRIGHT SIDE this video was kinda dark
Number 10, buying with credit. In ten years you'll still be paying off that 60" tv at 26.99% interest.
Andrew Attard Or just pay off your credit card regularly?
Krista Miller Lol. Yeah. Easier said than done. There's a reason so many people are 10's of thousands of dollars in credit card debt.
Andrew Attard
Well of course people with thousands of dollars of credit card debt are in debt, they're bad with money.
Andrew Attard
Paying a credit card off faithfully is a great way to build credit.
So Bright side for #7 you're telling me I shouldn't watch your channel, because I'm wasting my time. Thanks for telling me, I unsuscribed!
:shrug: i mean you didnt have to tell us lad
epically made of gorgeousness 😂
epically made of gorgeousness I realite
Im the last one Im dreaming half the day and then the day isnt enough for me.
I'm going to start spending more time with my family from now on !
Another mistake people do(it's actually mentioned in s way) is that people think that learning an instrument is something you start between ages 4-12. This is a big myth. You can learn an instrument (and a language) at any age. Just start, that's the key.
Κυριάκος IV of Greece they say you should start learning stuff when you're younger because your brain is more malleable. why do you say that's a myth? any links?
I dont regret anything!, life is beautiful with all of its ups and downs.
sam g. . Bad advice, hippy.
sam g. And when ur mom or dad dies say that life is beautiful 😂
Wasn't there another one like this where she said she wanted to take classes and he said no you can't but now they changed it to seriously?
This video wasted my time
forky fork yeah I can do better things in my life
Anything important you could've done in 8 minutes then?
Ardensity I could've done something within 8 minutes if the video wasn't so slow
forky fork yeah
I could work on my side project instead of watching these videos, and this video has motivated me to do so.
Number 8 is very true... my grandma got really sick and I instead of going to visit her i wanted to watch something on mah laptop. Rest in Peace grandma, Rest In Peace... ;(((
Wow I'm just 14 and I realized how difficult life can be and I also learned something from #7 and #9 from now on I'll minimize my wastage of time and start to learn new things THANK YOU BRIGHT SIDE
i'm still 12 but i'm already regretting it
As you go on, you will start to see that life contain many lessons and that in the long run the more mistakes you make, the wiser you become. It no longer becomes a personal thing, but simply a part of your life. All honest people make mistakes--only the fools follow a single path to their graves. Learn to embrace wholeheartedly your mistakes, figure out how each mistake made was human, then I'm pretty sure you'll be able to move on to the next new thing.
The best
In the world read the first word 😉
Mohammed Al saleem ty!!
Mohammed Al saleem so you're the best person in the world? Good for you.
Candy Apple Either it's a joke or you are completely serious. But, just to be safe, I'll go with you being serious. The point he was making is that YOU are the best person in the world.
Endy Ender i know, I was joking.
Mohammed Al saleem thnx
My OCD is like it should be ten things in ten years not nine LOL😂😬
#1 is so relatable. 12 years ago when I was 9, I dreamed of being a musician. Right now I'm 21, and I still have that dream but lost it.
You're right brightside. I'm wasting a lot of time watching your videos when I can be more productive and read a book. Thanks!
I'm the no 1
I dream much but do nothing
Elizabeth Hjorth young??
like in teen??
Elizabeth Hjorth honey if you're 11, I don't think you should stop dreaming at all...well I don't think you're life started at all.....hope is the best thing that can hold your mind....well it holds mine...Dream a lot and make sure the best dream is what you will see you in next 10 or 20 or more further years...
there is it says playin on ya computers is a waste of time it isn't if u enjoy it lol srylsy
yeah they say that when u wathcin it on a computer so bright side think about ur videos and u gonna regret makijn these viuds in 10 yrs
it's not vid games it's just quicker
whoever liked this thx and im still on computer only left for coffee:)
Video games aren't a waist of time!
Andrei Odagiu Lol ikr....btw it's Waste*
if u do it all day then it is
Steve Fox
well i mean
*looks at gamer youtubers*
their making money from gaming :0
im a 100 percent sure that's not what they're doing all day.. and they're making money off of it so it's not a waste of time... so the average gamer has a different situation
Steve Fox Gaming is a hobby
no one is guaranteed tomorrow so honestly do what makes you happy today
In ten years I'll regret that I'm still watching this video. *ITS TOO SLOOOOOOOOW!*
NearlyNina !! that would probably go in living unhealthily
WTH man? Let people Live, as they Like.. But there is a Few Golden Rules in Life: Trying too Hard, Wont get you anywhere.
Do what you want, But doing Stuff Unrelated to what your Future might be Like, will result Defrently.
Always Reconstruct the ideas of Yours and Inspirations: That results in a Somewhat Original Lifestyle/Project.. Have a Good Life..
I agree
Drawn Terribly Finally, a Person who Cares.
Karolina Trgalova
Theres a Defrence between Hard work, and Too Hard. Like if you For Example Running.. Running too Much, for too Long will Raise your Body tempreture, and Possably Damage Your Lungs.. Running at a Right state (Alot, but not too Much) will have an Improvement in Leg Muscles.. Thats what i meant about it. But of course you do Over The Line hard work in For Example School, Collage Ect..
Please dont get me wrong.. I just personally think that Bright Side is giving Incorrect information.
Elizabeth Hjorth Trying hard gets you into college. Trying *too* hard gets you stressed and unhealthy.
+Elizabeth Hjorth
Okay, seriously, why are you going around telling everyone you have anxiety? I saw you in two other comment sections. You know not everyone here needs to know you have anxiety, right?
Like, I'm sorry you have anxiety (if you actually have it, people fake things like that sometimes online), it must be tough, but, does everyone need to know?
Okay, I'm gonna go now. . .
I want to travel while I'm still young but I'm broke😭
Krn U *you are how old?*
I'd look into wwoofing, it's a good way to travel
This video didn't make me look on the bright side but rather made me regret my life choices.
Watching youtube videos isn't wasting time. You're most of the time having fun while watching those youtube videos which makes you relaxed being relaxed means you have less stress so a longer life span. Which means you'll have more time!
At least you're having fun while gaming
feed your dog.
Lonely Wolf What if they don't have one?
get a dog then.
Lonely Wolf what if he is a Cat person?
Lonely Wolf Also, what if they are allergic to dogs?
I'm ganna like my comment coz I know nobody else would
It's my bday (no joke for real) can I get some likes
Baby Cute Umbreon hapi birtdai
(Happy Birth day)
Happy birthday! From CaptainRex Gaming
You are a liar you're not an Umbreon you are a shiny😱.
Baby Cute Umbreon Why?
Happy birthday
my mom had a job she hated, but then she opened her own shop and is now happy
The visual example for #7 doesn't really apply to coders, video game designers, or animators (there are more, but I can't remember them right now) because playing a game (or watching anything animated) actually prepares you for the industry of your desired career path.
What if I hate all JOBS!!!
Grace Kodia what do u mean???
iEATcheesburger Respawnables um do you like art? Acting? Writing? Maybe you could try being a youtuber for whatever you're interested in? There's all kinds of jobs you just have to think a little
iEATcheesburger Respawnables there is actually some awesome jobs out there...
- professional sleeper > someone who tests beds
- food taster
Other ones o.o
then u should never own an iphone
iEATcheesburger Respawnables Of course you're going to hate a job. It's a JOB, not a CAREER
Getting married , not me not gonna do it
Having kids , no can do -
I can't go for that
I can't go for that
🎶 Nooo! No can do! 🎶
2:35 immediately turns off computer
For number 5, not everyone truly has the funds. Some dreams never come true
*spent time with your loved ones*
Uhm, hello? You said it right there. We have homeduty and a job, many of us don't have the time to play with our children and have a romantic night out with our loved ones. Maybe we didn't spend time and we'll regret it, but why? Because we needed to feed our family, give them stuff they like, so they'll don't get jealous, and clean the house to be welcome for guests, so I think it's not our fault that we don't have time.
Tell that our boss and let's hope s/he'll give us "time with our loved ones"