The camshaft position sensor error showed, cleared, re-appeared after my 05 Vivaro broke down last month, changed the sensor, van won't tick over, starts on easy start. Can hear the chain on shutting the engine off. It's the timing I just hope pistons are alright.
I have VW Jetta as well 170k now and i start to hear noises in engine idk if its timing chain or smt else. No engine light is showing and i diagnosed but nothing shows 🤔
@@LeeAndRhymzfriendly chev is charging 900 for diagnosis then 4000 for the timing chain. At that rate isn't it more cost effective to buy a whole new engine?
I have 2016 Scion IA AKA Mazda 2. 298,000 mi. Always changed oil myself and used full synthetic. It burns oil but I keep up with it. Just other day started making rattling sound for a few seconds when starting up and then goes away. Only does it on startup. Is this timing chain or possibly starter?
@SeanDoe86 My mechanic told me it's a high-pressure fuel pump located in the engine. I thought mine may have been the timing chain also, but it's happening on the driver side only, and the timing chain is on the passenger side. The symptoms with my car only happen when it's hot outside 😒
The "technician" totally missing the drain pan was the highlight of the video ;-)
Maybe he did that on purpose?
me my first 6 months as a lube tech
@@FindTheBestCarPrice 😅
That had me laughing
sent it to so many people
Thank for this helpful information. I was told the car I drive needs the timing chain replaced.
What about jumping feel like its be oi ng choked out, to.much to little ?
3:40 Im dead hahahahahaha
Missed by a mile 😂😂😂
@@mydjsoundz 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Braaah I thought no one will notice😂
😂😂😂soo funny
came to the comments looking for this, you did not disappoint!
It’s not informative tho. It’s just here to scare you into getting a new engine
My 98 tacoma is seeming to finally need it at 300k. And i used doller general oil one time 😂
can it cause camshaft pos sensor cir. Range/performace error code p0341?
The camshaft position sensor error showed, cleared, re-appeared after my 05 Vivaro broke down last month, changed the sensor, van won't tick over, starts on easy start. Can hear the chain on shutting the engine off. It's the timing I just hope pistons are alright.
Does the rattle get more loud at around 1500 rpm
Does your car rattle when you first start it snd than quiet when it sits
What type of car do you drive
Yes mine does, that's what I've been told symptoms of a deteriorating timing chain are
My 05 cadillac srx has been doing that for 3 years. Still going strong.
My buggati has these symptoms
At 3:42 that guy was way off on catching any of that oil lol
MyVW jetta just got this problem at 160k and caused that the engine is now gone. regardles s of diligent maintainance i was keeping.
I have VW Jetta as well 170k now and i start to hear noises in engine idk if its timing chain or smt else. No engine light is showing and i diagnosed but nothing shows 🤔
@@aminezerouali3941 Don't drive it! don't start it. Is cheaper to change the timing belt or chain and the water pump is not that dificult
I was hearing noises !! before the engine died
@@aminezerouali3941 The shop only gave me a choice to change the engine. But I saved the engine. It runs great now
I only change the timing belt and water pump . on the same engine and is runing great. Let me know!!
Piston valves? Do you mean pistons and valves?
I find this very informative.
I have a mini cooper that I’m still paying off with a bad timing chain. Am I cooked?
Depends on what damage has been caused. If only chain is bad, no you’re just out about $2000-$2,500 bucks unless you do it yourself.
@@LeeAndRhymzfriendly chev is charging 900 for diagnosis then 4000 for the timing chain. At that rate isn't it more cost effective to buy a whole new engine?
My m42 b18is got 467k km and the timming change totaly cut off i pay 1000€ for repair😢
Could that cause the car not to move backwards
Can you show that sound?
Thanks for watching. The timing chain rattle sound can be heard here:
Believe me you would know that sound special went you started the engine in the morning
You're not exclusively taking about timing chains..... You're lumping timing belts in with it.....
My 2000 Ford Explorer finally needs a new timing chain after 240k😢
Hello, I got the same issue, what did you do ? did you replace it ?
No, my mechanic said that I should rather just buy a new or reman engine instead, but I didn't want 2 spend the $$$
I have 2016 Scion IA AKA Mazda 2. 298,000 mi. Always changed oil myself and used full synthetic. It burns oil but I keep up with it. Just other day started making rattling sound for a few seconds when starting up and then goes away. Only does it on startup. Is this timing chain or possibly starter?
Did you find out what the noise was? I have a 2018 Toyota Camry, and it rattles when starting. Otherwise, it runs fine.
@@theupdownlife2179 not yet. I'm changing the timing chain tensioner and water pump. Hoping it's bad chain tensioner.
My mechanic told me it's a high-pressure fuel pump located in the engine. I thought mine may have been the timing chain also, but it's happening on the driver side only, and the timing chain is on the passenger side.
The symptoms with my car only happen when it's hot outside 😒
@@theupdownlife2179 maybe intake VVTI gear
Omg! Thanks 😁 I'll look into this. It's making me crazy
It cost me £1400 for a new chain 😮
This is obviously AI slop but I need to go back to my basics a little.
these signs tell the chain already bad! Too late
nahhh really 😲😲😲😲