Excellent take Ben! In my mid 20s to late 30s I spent a good deal of that time in Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan and China, and as a single guy back then, I very much agree with your take on why most men overlook Malaysia in favor of Thai and PI, prime being easy relationships and sex, which were the reasons I chose Malaysia as a home away from home and a place I might find a quality life partner. I dated a number of Thai, Japanese and Chinese women and almost married one Siamese girl from a traditional, well-off Thai family I figured would be a safe bet but she grew up spoiled (a form of parental abuse), and in the end while a warm and fun, being spoiled was insufferably demanding and judgmental. The potential pitfalls of hooking up with ladies who have family pressure to get married, or bring home family support is a real risk in Thailand and P.I., Combine that with the language and cultural challenges with Siamese girls and Filipinas, I backed away from relationships in PI and Thailand. I felt more comfortable and at ease living in Japan than any place else. I had several lady friends and we got on very well. I do love Japan and have great respect and love for Japanese women I knew, and in general, unless, but I think unless you live in Japan and are pretty familiar with the country and culture, relationships can be challenging (but rewarding) but difficult to find a partner willing to spend her (or his) life outside of Japan, or in Japan with a non-Japanese. Which brings me to why after dating several ladies in Malaysia and almost marring two several years apart, (both I should have married), I believe a rational, good intention guy would do better to consider Malaysia if looking for a possible life partner. For Americans Aussies and Brits, language is generally not an issue, and Malaysia like Japan is culturally more l American or European in attitudes, culture and laws. I got along better with the ladies I befriended in Malaysia than in America, Europe or Latin America, and in general our friendships were better than I expected. In Malaysia I made as many good and true friends in one year than I did in my lifetime in America or anywhere else, dear friends who's friendship I will cherish forever. I can't really say the same for Thailand and Japan but a there are a few Japanese friends who will always be near and dear to my heart. Generally all the reasons people go to Thailand, are just the reasons I would prefer Malaysia for a normal and predictable life. As for Malaysia being a predominately Muslim country, I see that as a plus in terms of stability, predictability and safety. While doing business as a non-Musim ex-pat or resident can be challenging, I can't say I experienced any real hostility or or animosity as a non-Muslim and I spent time in Malaysia during both gulf wars. In-fact, more than a few random Malays made a special effort to be welcoming and assure me they held no Ill-will against me or Americans. Even among the minority of those who may be inclined to sympathize with radical elements, my impression was hostility you might encounter and revolutionary separatist areas of the Philippines, it's probably rare or nonexistent in Malaysia. Once during the start of the first gulf war while having late night Roti with my lady friend, a group of young local men who were leaving the next day to fight in Iraq (in violation of the PM's order that no Malaysians were to assume combat roles in Iraq), started toasting to victory for Iraq. They asked where I was from and I confidently said: "U.S.A" and they all rushed over to our table, and to my surprise shook my hand and explained that they had no ill-will towards me and respected Americans. My girlfriend, a Christian Chinese lady was wearing a cross and one young man mentioned it and asked if we were christian, my lady who was a bit enraged by their display sternly told them to go away. To my surprise they apologized and explained that they personally they saw Christians as fellow believers and respected Christ. They paid for our Roti and bid us well. I thought long and hard about that and other experiences in Malaysia, and the Malay and Indonesian friends I made in Malaysia, and while it's possible to encounter some infrequent friction as I did, I generally found that just taking a moment to listen, and connect with respect that tension or friction more often than not turned into sometime positive, and one of the many reasons what I love and miss most about Malaysia is the people. Thanks Ben and everyone for according me the chance to share some personal thoughts, and that they might be helpful to others. Cheers All!
Love reading your comment, sir. My husband is American, I took him to Malaysia and he loves it. He said everyone Malay, Chinese, Indian, and other race are so warm and friendly especially the Malays. They all talked to him especially after knowing that he is American. They said American foreign affairs has nothing to do with American people. One thing that doesn’t surprise me at all, he fell in love with ‘mamak’ food and became a Malaysian legend who sat at the ‘mamak’ stall until 3-4 in the morning. Few times they paid for his food and drink. I purchased some Malaysian snacks, the lady seller asked him and his mother to take one free packet of Malaysian snack and told them ‘welcome to Malaysia’.
@@Idaleasofia24 Thank you for for expressing your kind thoughts. Reflecting on them and the time I spent in Malaysia it occurs to me how much my time there changed how I see the world and others, and much that became a part of me. At the time I had relatives who went to Malaysia as short-term volunteers doing humanitarian style work and ended up being there for almost three years, and many years later they still express how that time changed them in a positive way. Experiencing how well people in Malaysia spanned differences to make differences positives is an example for the world. Thinking back, when first arrived in Penang from Singapore before it became the tourist and ex-pat mecca it is today, I was not inspired and as it struck me as dull, boring and backward, and my first thoughts were "I'm outta here in a couple of days". However, I stayed a couple of weeks to visit with relatives and for the next almost three years I spent about half of that time in Malaysia became a 2nd home. I always sensed that I Malaysia would possibly be the best place to be when I had fewer days ahead than behind, and now that America no longer holds much to hold me here, just as I would opt to return, managing a long term visa has become much more challenging. and I lament feeling trapped into what Ben describes in his previous video 'Quality of life in MALAYSIA vs USA' as to why he left America. Terima kasih, dan semua yang terbaik untuk anda dan keluarga anda.
Honestly, reading your comments is an eye-opener to me. The perspective of an American on my country. Much of what being written by you may not even be known by all of us...that a foreigner seems to know more about our country than ourselves...😂 Thank you for your frank opinion. I travel quite a lot...part of the job...and will always look forward to return to Malaysia from my excursions... It's the people here that make the difference.
I believe you have made a wise choice in staying here surrounded by a lot of genuine Malaysians. Your wisdom in comparing Asian women in general is a very fair honest opinion. Being a Muslim lady, we welcome people from all over and honestly when l was in America l get told many times l am too nice for a woman and questions were asked about Malaysian women in general. I hope you will meet a beautiful and kind woman wherever you are....
@@aizuraabdul9400 Thank you so much, what you share resonates very deeply with me and speaks to what I uniquely touched me so deeply about Malaysians in general. Sadly I did not stay in Malaysia (apologies if I did not make that clear), but I did find a very lovely lady from Malaysia. As I was much younger then and had few career options in Malaysia, but we both had options in Australia we considered both immigrating to Australia (me from America). However due to the illness and death of my father and years of tragic events that trapped me for years in America we remained apart. I believe I understand what you relate about about what people in America said about being 'Too Nice'. My Fiancee who had family in Australia found some aspects of Aussie psyche uncomfortably challenging and mean spirited, and when I explained that in America it can be even more so, she lost desire to live in America. I regret that I was too harsh in what I related about the often harsh realities of life in America, but my intent was to prepare her for what to expect, as I saw a few Japanese who came to America who were unprpaired for the culture shock, were devastated and returned home saddened, but I think Americans might mistake Malaysian civility and appearance for weakness or fragility not understanding the resolve and inner toughness under the surface of Malaysian Ladies. Thank you for well wishes as well, I always kept the notion of returning to Malaysia when I retired, and if I can somehow manage a way to remain long-term I would likely return as America is no longer a country for many, perhaps it will be, God Willing. Best to you and everyone there.
It's why Philippines is number 1 in that category. The poverty there is striking when you experience it first hand. I love the people but it's a very poor country.
It has to do with corruption too. If all the top jobs are taken by your family, relatives etc but none for the people, the normal people are gonna suffer. All public funds are used to enrich themselves instead of helping the poor & fixing, building infrastructure. Philippines has a bigger economy compared to Malaysia but it made me sad there's still extreme poverty there. @@DamienYuen7718
I like the fact that you said its kinda anxious being around girls in Malaysia. That shows how women are more respected here, not an easy catch for expats.
I am muslim from Philippines, grew up in Manila sorrounded by night clubs, daily drinking from neighbors, aggressive child beggars, fornicators openly doing their thing in public parks, no way for me! . I chose Malaysia over migrating to western nations, Alhamdulillah, Im living simply, modestly, and morally, no excessive public display of their bedroom afections here for the last 12 years.
@@peenoice5176oh shit i forgot about how malay treat non muslim so extremely bad to the extent of 3 richest person in malaysia is all non muslim. How bad is that? Must be because of extreme oppression they get from malaysian muslim. 😢😢😢 Btw, thankyou for not interested in coming to malaysia bcs that is extremely good for us to not having people with such an extremely negative thinking like u. Byebye
@@BosGaurus05Well if you're Jewish you'd better keep it very quiet. If you're traveling on an Israeli passport you will not even be permitted to enter. The ex Prime minister when asked by a foreign journalist about some overtly anti semitic comments he'd made actually didn't attempt to deny or explain them, instead he confirmed that he was an anti Semite like it was just a personal choice. 😬
@@BosGaurus05 Us guys? I'm not in any team you easily triggered ultra nationalist. Im living in Hong Kong ( I was born here) But I'm glad Russia was sanctioned now you bring it up since I have great friends in Ukraine ( and in Russia)and I don't believe in poisonous authoritarian thugs invading sovereign countries. And on the Jewish thing thanks for outing yourself as a neo Nazi. Saves me wasting my time
@@BosGaurus05 I already wrote a long response to you Himmler but it seems to have disappeared and I can't be bothered to write it all again given you've outed yourself as a neo Nazi.
They asked if you are Jewish because of your name. One of my best friend in USA is a Jew. Her last name is Eisenberg. She doesn’t need to tell anyone about her race and religion, everyone knows just by her name. I’m a Muslim and she is Jewish but we are good friend and love and support each other a lot. World is a better place when we prioritize LOVE and RESPECT towards each other over anything!
Could be, When I first went to Japan several times Japanese (often girls) asked if I were Jewish. I later learned that a lot of Japanese girls are attracted to Jewish guys. Perhaps it has something to do with Japanese mothers share things in common with the stereotypical Jewish mom.
Malaysians generally, while not particularly rich, are fairly content and not desperate for money. We don't put any race on a pedestal. We are good with everyone. 😊
Malaysia is a country suitable to settle down if you want start a family even though you are a foreigner. It is safer for family and also for women. More and more foreigners are making Malaysia as their home especially from Japan and Korean. Even the Digital Nomads are making Malaysia as their hub. This is because of Malaysian prioritize peace,respect ,calm and really uphold the law. It is the nation value and culture even before its independence Not just because Malaysia is predominantly a Muslim country but this value has been instilled to all Malaysian regardless their faith and belief. Right now, Malaysia promoting the country as the second home for foreign professionals, expatriate and investors instead just a plain tourism. If you like lawless, chaotic , adult entertainment, wild nights and easy women, you should go to Thailand , Philiphines or even Indonesia. Malaysia cannot offer you that. Unless you appreciate peace and safety more.
I would agree. I do recall what a friend, a lady who's mother was Catholic Chinese father, a Catholic Indian and the related some accounts of religious and ethnic tension that nearly came to riots in the 60's or 70's, and her father who was an officer in the Malaysian Army sent them to India when due to threats from some radical groups, but today I would think something like that would be very unlikely today would it not?
Tantangpenn.. neighbourhod that azlina said was about her country only. Not around all southeastasia. There was misundestanding about my people,s view. I m sorry because of that. My people dont understant much other culture including me. But we are trying to be better to understand others.. thx mr.Tantangpenn
@@rvd27u By constitution it stated an official religion of the federation is Islam. In that, it gives the authority for the muslims in saying this is an Islamic country. You may argue if you want but the world has accepted that Malaysia is an Islamic country.
U cant compare Msia with Thailand, its a two different world.Msia is for calm living, family orientated to raise family.And Msian people a kind of more western educated thinking, they know much abt western life n not too hastily attracted to foreigners, meaning that they just mind their own biz😊
3:07 Let me tell you something secret, some Malays thought that they were the lost tribe of Israel. This is not the position that hold by many but it's somehow growing especially when I saw someone that is quite influential within our community that taught this. So the one that asked you whether you're Jew possibly just want to know their long lost brother, nothing hateful 😆 I remember I saw a comment of yours when you first arrived in Penang, you said, "It seems like Malaysians aren't so fond of Jewish people at the moment." Something that need to be clarified is that, nowhere in the Quran tells that Muslims need to hate Jews. In fact, Quran teach that Jews are People of the Book, both believe in the same God (God of Abraham), Muslims can eat Jews kosher meat if they can't find halal meat, Muslim man can marry Jewish woman etc. So Muslims don't hate Jews. Muslims only against Zionists. Not all Jews are Zionists. And we can see nowadays that many Jews are protesting against Zionists. "Not in my name," that is what they say.
Both Thailand and Phillippines not a Muslim majority countries and the way of life and culture are totally different with Malaysia. Prostitution, strip bars, akcohol and lgbtq is normal in Thailand and Philippines but not in Makaysia...
That’s kinda racist & a stereotype. The real reason is compatability. Western values does not align with restrictive communities. Same reason why Europe & the U.S. have clashes with such communities in their own turf.
Depends on what the person wants. But for a lot of men it's mostly sex. Not my words but their own. Whenever i say I stay in Malaysia guys first say but what about the bar girls. You can't really just buy a Malaysian woman like you could in Thailand and Philippines. Westerners don't know much about Islam or Buddhism. One could say that many don't even correctly practice Christianity.
One could say that many don't even correctly practice Christianity. WAH , YOU ARE JUDGEMENTAL , YOU SOUND LIKE A PREACHER , HAVE YOU LOOKED IN THE MIRROR RECENTLY ? Can't buy malaysian women , money talks and bullshit walks !
Thanks for your honest insights. Curious to hear a foreigners perspective on us. Also, admiring how you are talking non-stop while crossing streets, you must already be comfortable with the setting. Stay safe ✌️
KL is the sixth visited city in this world. We do not care if others do not come. They can continue to stay in thailand and philippines , after they are dried up financially, they can return to UK and america.
Yes, we do care if tourist do not come to Malaysia but if their intention is to visit sex tourism countries, then they should go to Thailand. Malaysia is a family friendly place for kids to grow up in nice environment without adult entertainment, vice and other shady businesses. Been to Phuket once and the red-light district is in public space. Women wearing skimpy clothing with their underwear sticking out and half of their chest showing, waiting for customers at the side of the road. No wonder STI rate is high in Thailand, who knows how girls serving the customers are HIV positive. Good thing we don't have that here
Thailand and Philippines has always been a great tourist destination. No doubt because you have alot to explore in those both countries because of their rich history. Malaysia is more like a long term destination, if you like it you will suit right into the people and culture, if you dont like it, then you will find it hard to blend in and enjoy what Malaysia can bring to you. Thats my take
I think Malaysian women are not attracted to western men unlike Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. most women in Malaysia prefer their own race over foreigners…
Nuh. They are attracted to western men too, if they have a chance they will date them. However they are not desperate to get one. When u are poor u become more desperate to fish for western men. To Thailand's credit though, their economy is growing pretty quickly & Thailand wasn't as poor as they used to be. The Philippines are still as poor as they used to be.
@@secrets.295 This is why many are leaving Thailand for the Philippines now. They can't get the Thai women as easily as in the past so they move on to their next country where people are still poor and desperate.
I am a Malaysian woman and a Muslim. As a Muslim, I take relationships very seriously, valuing long-term commitments leading to marriage over short-term relationships or casual dating. You are wrong to assume that I prefer my own race over foreigners. I prefer Muslim men regardless of their race or nationality. While it is true that men of my own race are typically Muslim, if given a choice between a White Muslim and someone from my own race, I would choose the White Muslim.
There are not too many counties left really care for their own citizen, especially in the west. If you want to drug yourself and change your kid's gender, go for it they will say. But, when you say drug and alcohol are bad for your body and mind, you want more spiritual and healthy life style and you cover up your body from evil eyes, they say you are too conservative or extreme,and there are money unthinkable craziness in the west today So, thumbs up for Malaysian!
I'm a Filipino and I lived in Malaysia for 8 years. Coming back to my home country makes me wanna go back to KL again. Seeing all the congestion, over population, poor infrastructure, trash everywhere, it's chaos! I even compared the rental price of condos. The price for a nice 2-bedroom in KL is only for a studio or a small 1-bedroom in BGC and Makati. When it comes to natural disasters, Malaysians call the Philippines as their "typhoon barrier". Philippines is prone to typhoons, earthquakes, flooding, landslides and volcanic eruptions. You can opt to live in the province where it is more peaceful and less crowded but you will experience random power outage almost everyday.
nampak? mat salleh yg datang malaysia pun selalu dengar azan n nampak org2 berhijab kat mana2. mcm mana la minah indo sorg tu boleh tak nampak semua tu?
That's true, a few of my waitress friends refused to marry white men even though they're professionals and decent looking. One is a struggling single mother but still refusing the multiple offers by this guy. Love is more valued than survival unlike the women from Philippines or Indonesia. Then I was pushing them to take the offers but now I'm proud of my fellow Malaysian.
I travel to Thailand 2 - 3 times a year. The land is blessed with kind and welcoming people, wonderful islands and beaches, amazing culture and architecture. In terms of price, for us Malaysians, its no more cheap considering the exchange rate. But its the best option to travel.
People ask if you are Jewish because your name is stereotypically Jewish - first and last name. Ignore these people - if they really follow your Chanel they know all they need to know - you’re cool and you like mutton curry - just like me!😊
Fyi : Southern Thailand and Southern Phillipines are similar concepts in cultures, race, religion, language etc with Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore. Basically we are MELAYU peoples.
@@benfishermin yup true that.. u can take a train from KL to Hatyai simply cross the border in between.. Southern Thailand custom is more devoted to Malay than Siam for sure..
In some countries, access to alcohol, drugs, and companionship may be more readily available compared to other countries where such access is restricted or limited.
It is true that they are higher value but for what? Malaysian women make you go trough hoops, play hard to get, even an average mid looking girl thinks she is something else hence they are difficult to build relationships with. You can score a very beautiful Russian girl with moderate effort than to score a Malaysian girl. The odds are very low. I recommend Malaysian men to look elsewhere if they do not want to go trough the bullshit Malaysian women bring to the table.
FYI,the number of expats and foreign tourists visiting Malaysia are waaaaay higher than the number of foreigners visiting Philippines.. Im talking based on the fact and actual figures released by the tourism authority of each country.. duh! U seriously need to make more research before producing a rubbish content like this dude!
You are wrong though. The chinese and asians are the one who dominated your visitors since its more easy to access with your border. China is the closest border to Thailand its so easy to go. They go to Thailand first, next destination is Malaysia and then Singapore. US and western people only visits in Malaysia but US and western countries stay much longer in the Philippines since it has so many provinces to stay and its cheaper than living in a modern Kuala Lumpur.
@@bertronix182 u thought people blind?? Every one with eyes can see that not many western tourists in the philippines.. i went to philippines last year and hardly seeing any caucasian around.. anyway, malaysia not only receiving many chinese tourist, we also received many tourists from india, middle east, australia,new zealand and of course europe too...
@@ardentblue7493 were talking abount staying and living not visiting. You must be a clown for saying that. Philippines is one the top countries in the world for expats to retire and live. If there will be foreigners livin in Malaysia it's chinese or bangladesh. PH has 82 provinces the most in the world. Even if you went to PH you don't have superpowers to see all the western foreigners living there. Cebu, Dumaguete, Siargao, Bohol alone are huge and I'm just mention 4 provinces. You can clearly see in youtube who got the most foreigners living on SEA. This is staying and living not visitors. Lower your ego and search in youtube.
@@ardentblue7493 Did i say its better than Dubai? Where? You arae hurt about Philippines dude? Muslims are really funny thats why Malaysia is the most boring country in the world. Don't get hurt. 🤣
I watched your recent Langkawi video and wanted to share some thoughts. Exploring a new place for the first time can be both exciting and overwhelming, right? I get that you might have found Langkawi a bit boring at first, but trust me, there's so much more to it than meets the eye. From stunning hotels to hidden spots waiting to be discovered, Langkawi has a lot to offer. Maybe take some time to explore beyond the usual tourist spots next time. You'll be surprised by what you find! Keep up the great work, and looking forward to seeing more adventures from you
Muslim Malaysian girls r mostly highly educated n practising muslims, therefore there s less promiscuity, definitely not into alcohol, drug, clubbing n casual dating. Many foreigners marry Malaysian women but the types of men should be good men who r willing to learn , be convinced about Islam n convert n practise Islam. Muslim women r not playthings for any men, muslims or not.
There's nothing wrong with age gap relationships. I feel for you, buddy. You're 32 and broke. Most Asian women want financial security. They stay away from guys your age because young dudes are not serious about long-term relationships. They just want to have fun and move on to the next country.
I loved being in Malaysia and planned to retire there. Then they changed the MM2H visa program so I no longer qualify. Thailand and Philippines programs are much more reasonable, especially for people who can't afford huge fixed deposits or property purchases. I waited years for Malaysia to finalize their program, and the fact they keep changing the rules is enough to make me choose another place to live. Malaysia made it clear they only welcome wealthy foreigners.
Yea it’s not feasible to get this visa for me as well. It’s nice to see Thailand adding the new DTV visa, I’m curious to see how that unfolds. Thailand was pretty similar with pushing for wealthy expats but it seems like the new changes are a step in the right direction. I’m lucky I’m traveling so frequently so I can come in and out of Malaysia, I’ll have to see if it becomes an issue down the line
its not a bad thing when the condition are met , you can see everyday 25 years old girls in say LA act shamefull than a 15 year old girl in rural china , thats a fact
Hello from Malaysia, Ben! Been watching your videos for a while now. I really appreciate how you're honest in all your videos, addressing the downsides of SEAsian countries but being respectful about them. I have a few American friends and they are always afraid of visiting Malaysia due to Malaysia being a majority Muslim country. As a Non-Muslim here I thought Malaysia grants us enough freedom than most countries in the world. But I don't think Americans are 'racist', it's mostly ignorance and simply trying to protect themselves, which is understandable. If only travelling isn't that expensive it'd be easier to visit a country and experience the lives of a local. Most of your videos seem to take place in KL and I think you should consider making videos of people outside of KL! The environment can be very different, although people might speak less English than KL.
Again, I enjoyed your vlog. Interesting view and honest about ‘you can probably bribe yourself’ out of situation in Malaysia which may probably be true. Thank you
Philippines has a great Visa for US citizens, you can stay there for up to 2 years (making regular immigration visits). English is fairly common there too, and it's the only country outside of the US with a VA hospital system, so lots of veterans can get free healthcare while they retire there.
I am guessing currently, the high cost of the MM2H visa is something that is a barrier for many expats. I'm from the US and I would love to move to Malaysia but can't afford the visa costs (currently around $125,000 USD for the bottom tier). But, the rest of your reasons are probably also spot on. Keep the content coming! 🙂
For me it makes no sense even if I had $125k to tie up. I've been considering S-MM2H (Sarawak) as it's more reasonable at about $30K fixed deposit and income levels at the level most on U.S. Social Security get, but sooner or later people on S-MM2H may be restricted from residing in peninsular Malaysia (K.L., Penang and etc.) rather than just 30 days a year in Sarawak. Also, the MM2H programs have limits on how long you can spend outside of Malaysia, so extended holidays or trips back to a home country can become problematic. Health insurance requirements and costs can be an issue or impossible if you are in the 60+ age group and/or have pre-exsisting conditions. For all the many pluses in Malaysia over the U.S. and that I'd rather go back and retire in Malaysia over remaining in the U.S. but with MM2H changes and other downgrades and challenges, Malaysia is all but off my list. Turkey and the old former soviet republic of Georgia seemed a better option, and a friend from Denmark who's partically disabled and could no longer afford to live in Denmark moved to Vietnam and when kicked out during Covid went Tbilisi Georgia and loved it. I had considered taking over his 360-mo penthouse ( th-cam.com/video/H4MYxU1w_R0/w-d-xo.html ) when he got a subsidized flat back to Denmark but the war in Ukraine changed the landscape and cost of living in Georgia, but Turkey currently seems still a better option then Malaysia primarily due to visa and more moderate climate. Cost of Living in Japan would be much less than the U.S. and in my opinion better on many levels but Visa is a problem as well. France is what I'm currently looking at for long term retirement, Visa requirements are lower than Malaysia's old MM2H program, Health insurance is less and there's a path to citizenship.
3:08 As to comments asking whether you're Jewish, I think I may know the reason. First, Malaysian government has no diplomatic relations with Israel, in fact Malaysian passport holders are not allowed to visit Israel. Second, in the current situation in Palestine, the majority opinion is very much pro Palestinians for the suffering they are facing.
That thing about Malaysians not allowed to enter Israel.. not true!! Israel don't care what's written in your passport. If they want to let you in, it is their discretion. There are tons of Christian Pilgrimage Tour from Malaysia to Israel..EVERY YEAR!!
I feel uncomfortable when I see foreigners in non tourist places. I already expect foreigners in places like kl, langkawi, penang, sabah, sarawak, cameron and genting but when I see them in the corner of selangor, kelantan etc. I feel uncomfortable like ‘umm why are you here?’
I think your last name might be why people ask if you're Jewish. Don't think people ask because they would have any bias, probably other jews just wanting to connect with a piasano.
I realy thank God coz as long as I live in Malaysia, it's seen there're less drunkards, less immoral people, less crime, less fighting and the Slum problem was completely overcome in the early 80s. In fact, Street Beggars can be counted on the fingers when u walk down in the city.. so, continue to enjoy here❤
I’m a Brit and personally I like Malaysia great food culture and people as a non drinker that bar culture puts me off big time but I am aware that British state pension only increases with inflation in the Philippines any other south east Asia country and it’s frozen, I would think that this is a big consideration for some people from the UK
@@benfishermin British that retired in Thailand 20 years ago are now stuck on £720 a month state pension while today it would be over £1200 a month in the Philippines, some of them are feeling the squeeze
The second largest tourist arrival in Thailand are from Malaysia, Malaysians loves Thailand too for various reasons (not just the sex part). I used to travel a lot around Thailand by road, it's convenient and they are mostly friendly (even the police who tries to scam your money does it with a smile), plus the rooms are a lot cheaper than in Malaysia. I travelled to Laos thinking the people may be similar to Thais, but they're not. Lao people are nice too, but the thais still has the extra warmth.
I dont see anything different with my Muslim friends than my other friends. The only exception is they tend to be touchy/sensitve when it comes to religion. Like I can make fun of my religion (or the one I was in, now I am an atheist) or any other religion without much consequences but Muslims get personal about it. I can only do that with my close Muslims friends but I wouldn't want to try that with Muslims I don't know. That said , I am not saying it doesnt happen in any other religion but its rarer.
Religion is personal thing between them n their creator.Whether u believe in God or not, belliting their God is a kind of offended thing to them, not to be part of joke😊
@kamrulz659 On one hand the claim is "religion is a personal thing between someone and the creator" but in everything else its public and there is nothing personal at all about it and it effects even those who don't beleive in it. If something is public, then people have the right to talk or critisize it else keep it private and personal. That's only fair.
Why is there a need to make fun of someone else's belief? Any religion for that matter. Why? The Quran tells us don't do that and we try our best not to. In Quran 6:108 "˹O believers!˺ Do not insult what they invoke besides Allah or they will insult Allah spitefully out of ignorance. This is how We have made each people’s deeds appealing to them. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them of what they used to do."
@@zaharizak You can't quote the source of the claim and then claim that is the evidence. That's a circular argument and I already explained why religions shouldn't be exempt from criticism...and most religious folks criticize other religions all the time so your point is moot.
For those who like to have wild party, drunk as much as they want and having sex everywhere and easy ...they will choose Thailand and Philippines dear. But Malaysia is more towards Islamic country but others can do their religion practice too...and we are more towards family type of 'community' 😊
Hello Saudaraku...saya anak melayu Islam Malaysia...saya sayang semua manusia dan ciptaan tuhan dan suka kedamaian dan gembira jika semua manusia gembira tak kira apa bangsa dan dari mana saudara datang..saya mengalu alukan kedatangan semua dengan tangan terbuka,jangan hiraukan komen komen negatif...🇲🇾🤝😃✌️🤲
I enjoyed your video , it sounds "grown up" , so many of these type of videos are made with a very young point of view. I have a business in Guatemala but Guatemala doesn't have a postal system , also veterinary care is kind of just a scam on the "rich" (poor people just kill the pet and get another). I really need a place where I can receive packages for my business and take my pets for surgery if necessary. I am considering Japan and Malaysia , I am worried about people who say people in Malaysians are a hour late all the time. I really would love to hear your thoughts.
You're a very rational and generally fair person Ben. Longer stay in several different countries and mixing with right minded + educated locals could perhaps provide broader perspectives and more accurate overview pertaining to the pros & cons of those countries, the communities & their respective appeals to larger based of visitors/tourists. Nevertheless, I still respect your opinions 😊
I am fascinated with the seemingly unending covered sidewalks where you are walking. Is this standard on major roads? Also, how long did it take you to get used to walking on the left or is that still something you have something to think about?
I heard that some people (mainly foreigners) say that young people go to Thailand and Singapore. Families go to Malaysia. Honestly, I have no problem with that.
Hi Ben. Glad to know you had fun with touristy areas here. Maybe you should try visiting other areas outside of KL city centre to get a better feel of what Malaysians are like? And have you tried the Chinese food here?
I think you're right Ben. The Islamic thing is a huge turn-off for most Westerners considering Malaysia. Especially given all the 'negative press' regularly coming from this group. Plus the sex trade in Thailand has expats going 'gaga'. So ya', It's a no-brainier for most expats looking to retire in Asia... Malaysia appears hugely boring by comparison.
What does the name Fisher mean? The Fisher surname originates in England and is seen in records from as early as the 1200s. Fisher is most often an occupational name from the Middle English 'fischere', given to those who fished, were fishermen, or sold fish, and their descendants. The surname Fisher is sometimes believed to be topographical, referring to those who live closer to river fishing traps.
Ben, this is only my second video of your vlogs. I may jump the gun but here's just some of my thoughts. I am thankful for all the positive stuff you've been commenting on our country, of course they're not to the point of sounding totally biased or just to gain likes. Having travelled to many countries (Europe, Middle Europe, UK, East Asia, not the US and probably never - just doesn't appeal to me and my partner at this juncture), I do agree with most of the things you've said and comparisons made. As you stay on longer in our country, I hope you'll still find it as vibrant and colourful. But the longer you stay here, you'll probably get to see more of the other sides of Malaysia, both good and bad. Stuff like, racial tension escalating, non-friendly pedestrian cities, kind-hearted Malaysians outside of KL/Penang with different vibes in each state, the availability of a nomad visa program etc. I hope that as you continue to vlog and do choose to stay in Malaysia permanently, your positive feelings still outweighs all the negativity that you've come to uncover at the end of the day. I wish you all the best here and hopefully, you'd be a top TH-camr promoting Malaysia even more (hint: you could start learning some basic Bahasa/Mandarin/Tamil - throw some in your videos).
What you say about the Philippines is correct . It's expensive there. I have family there and I visit a couple of times a year and yes, I find things expensive.
I think it has got a lot to do with consistency as well. My experience with visiting Malaysia was a mixed bag, there were some parts that are well developed but driving a few hours to the east of the country and it felt to us like we were traveling in rural Indonesia with barely any Chinese or Indian influence. It hardly felt "Malaysian" to us. It sort of indicates, at least to me, that Malaysia isn't really as multicultural as a whole but maybe only in the more populated regions. Our trips across Thailand and the Philippines were much more consistent throughout in terms of culture, people, and just the overall vibe in general.
@eat_ze_bugs what the hell are you on about. Malays constitute of more than 60% of the citizens. Of course in some places you will see more Malays. Thus the name 'Malaysia'. We don't have to fit your narrative for anything. In Thailand and Philippines, they are consistently native Thais and Philippines. Ours are consistently Malays and other natives. This is multicultural as well. Chinese and Indians are not the only cultures in the world. Even the Malays have variety of cultures. Live with it. You want to move to Malaysia? If you cannot accept the above fact, don't come here at all.
@@KhalixMY I see that I have finally come across the typical conservative Malay I have always heard about from my Malaysian friends. I thought the stereotype was a myth... but I was wrong. Demographics have got nothing to do with my statement, the willful segregation of the population by race and religion in the country that created this lack of cultural blend outside of more populated regions was what startled me. Notice how people only talk about how great Kuala Lumpur or Penang is? There's a very compelling reason for that and you shouldn't be mad about someone pointing out the obvious distinctions in your country.
@eat_ze_bugs So apparently, you've been sitting around with those bigoted and racists 'friends' in Malaysia and just finding ways to 'confirm' your 'stereotype'. Let me firm this up even more. The Divide and Conquer rule was introduced by the British colonizer when they came to the Malay lands and brought for Chinese from China and Indians from India to 'help' them with their deeds. The Malays were always in the villages because it's their land, and they worked on it. The Chinese in the mining and Indians in the rubber estate. Naturally, when the country gets its independence and growth, you see the demographic as it is. Lack of cultural blend? Are you dumb or blind? Or both? West Coast of Peninsula Malaysia has always been more congested and more developed because that's where the trades are. East Coast of the Peninsula are more traditionally Malays. We even have Siamese Buddhist as one of the natives. East Malaysia are more traditionally other natives including Malays. Even the Malays are culturally varied between states. If you travel inside the jungles, it'll be more traditionally aborigines. That's how the demographics are. The world does not revolve just around the Chinese and Indian cultures. Or are these just the 2 cultures that you can fit inside your brain? People like you talk about KL or Penang because that's where things that fit your expectations are at. Koreans talked about Sabah because it fits their expectations. So does other places. And these places do not need to suffer themselves for anyone. I bet your 'friends' with a victimized mindset never tell you this because their knowledge are limited to this country. People like you who come to others' houses with attitude are not welcomed here. Go and bring your BS somewhere else. Go experience China or India. Malaysia is not for you.
Ben there are older foreign men walking down the street holding hands with younger Asian women here. Look in Bukit Bintang or Imbi area. Just keep looking. Haha
All of these women are exclusively thais and Filipinos, I know because I used to patronise these places in KL. They are easy just like girls you find in Thailand and Philippines. Reason being economy, they look to foreigners, especially westerners, for income. If they are lucky, they find a guy to marry and move to the west. On the other hand, Malaysian girls need not resort to working as bar girls as they could find meaningful employment. Personally, I feel awful for these bar girls but it is what it is.
You speak for yourself . Those who hv families and kids prefer Malaysia . If the intention is going after prostitutes , Malaysia is not the place . We Malaysians still hv the moral values
I don't think he said that Malaysia is a place to look for prostitutes, he is saying the exact opposite of that. Maybe understand the video first before commenting defensively like that.
Moral values does not define by your job. The way you are talking and looking down somebody because of their profession is not very moral either. Do you understand what I am saying.
as far as immigration, i heard the gov over there is sympathic to digital nomads. How about specifically to traders? As in, those who work for themselves on the financial markets trading various instruments such as stocks, crypto, options, futures, etc? And how is the internet for these types of work that requires extremely fast internet to the financial markets in the US? Where is the fastest internet in relation to the US financial markets (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc) in SE Asia? Is there a specific area in KL or other cities in SE Asia that is known to have that kind of technical specificities in terms of their internet ping rates to and from US financial markets? Now, it's useful for scalp trading only, other types of trading like swing trades are not impacted with this technical need. Thanks, buddy! Your videos are awesome, great work! Keep it up! Let's gooooooooooo!
But Malaysia is an English speaking country and in Thailand they speak Thai, so I think it’s the opposite. Both are very accessible and welcoming I’d say though
To be honest and straight, Thailand and the Philippines have much fewer infians compared to Malaysia. So if you can escape to a country where less likely you will encounter indiens then its a dream country, as in europe its filled with immigrants
you caught the key essence of MY. the hardware is decent, but the software (ie the mentality of the people) is much to be desired and very backward. look at the motorcyclists driving on the pedestrian walkway. this type of mentality is very self entitled (ie the masses think this is their country so they can do anything they wish) and backward
IMHO is the woman. most malaysian marry their own race indian,chinese, malay and this is a predominantly a muslim country and a lot of women wear hijab so western men want to see the whole face. so even malaysia have better infra cleaner better food it all come down to women nobody want to be lonely.
Well this is a big part of it, it’s definitely not easy as a foreigner in Malaysia in regards to finding a woman, probably more difficult than anywhere else, except for other Muslim countries. I’m sure over a long period of time it can happen naturally, through making friends and meeting their friends etc. but the reality is you will go long periods of time without any female companionship.
It depends on type of tourists and what they enjoy. Those who travel for self satisfaction, desires and pleasure will of course choose those two countries. The New York type of entertainment. Putting aside the Islamic perspective, Malaysia is more of a relaxing , taking a stroll type of holiday. Yet you can still have that hedonistic lifestyle nightime in KL. In terms of food, licayin and scenery all three is almost similar
⚠ WATCH NEXT: Quality of life in MALAYSIA vs USA (honest opinion) th-cam.com/video/g4wh1bihkDI/w-d-xo.html
Maybe you should meet andrew taylor, an expat in Malaysia
Excellent take Ben! In my mid 20s to late 30s I spent a good deal of that time in Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan and China, and as a single guy back then, I very much agree with your take on why most men overlook Malaysia in favor of Thai and PI, prime being easy relationships and sex, which were the reasons I chose Malaysia as a home away from home and a place I might find a quality life partner.
I dated a number of Thai, Japanese and Chinese women and almost married one Siamese girl from a traditional, well-off Thai family I figured would be a safe bet but she grew up spoiled (a form of parental abuse), and in the end while a warm and fun, being spoiled was insufferably demanding and judgmental. The potential pitfalls of hooking up with ladies who have family pressure to get married, or bring home family support is a real risk in Thailand and P.I., Combine that with the language and cultural challenges with Siamese girls and Filipinas, I backed away from relationships in PI and Thailand.
I felt more comfortable and at ease living in Japan than any place else. I had several lady friends and we got on very well. I do love Japan and have great respect and love for Japanese women I knew, and in general, unless, but I think unless you live in Japan and are pretty familiar with the country and culture, relationships can be challenging (but rewarding) but difficult to find a partner willing to spend her (or his) life outside of Japan, or in Japan with a non-Japanese.
Which brings me to why after dating several ladies in Malaysia and almost marring two several years apart, (both I should have married), I believe a rational, good intention guy would do better to consider Malaysia if looking for a possible life partner. For Americans Aussies and Brits, language is generally not an issue, and Malaysia like Japan is culturally more l American or European in attitudes, culture and laws. I got along better with the ladies I befriended in Malaysia than in America, Europe or Latin America, and in general our friendships were better than I expected.
In Malaysia I made as many good and true friends in one year than I did in my lifetime in America or anywhere else, dear friends who's friendship I will cherish forever. I can't really say the same for Thailand and Japan but a there are a few Japanese friends who will always be near and dear to my heart.
Generally all the reasons people go to Thailand, are just the reasons I would prefer Malaysia for a normal and predictable life.
As for Malaysia being a predominately Muslim country, I see that as a plus in terms of stability, predictability and safety. While doing business as a non-Musim ex-pat or resident can be challenging, I can't say I experienced any real hostility or or animosity as a non-Muslim and I spent time in Malaysia during both gulf wars. In-fact, more than a few random Malays made a special effort to be welcoming and assure me they held no Ill-will against me or Americans. Even among the minority of those who may be inclined to sympathize with radical elements, my impression was hostility you might encounter and revolutionary separatist areas of the Philippines, it's probably rare or nonexistent in Malaysia.
Once during the start of the first gulf war while having late night Roti with my lady friend, a group of young local men who were leaving the next day to fight in Iraq (in violation of the PM's order that no Malaysians were to assume combat roles in Iraq), started toasting to victory for Iraq. They asked where I was from and I confidently said: "U.S.A" and they all rushed over to our table, and to my surprise shook my hand and explained that they had no ill-will towards me and respected Americans. My girlfriend, a Christian Chinese lady was wearing a cross and one young man mentioned it and asked if we were christian, my lady who was a bit enraged by their display sternly told them to go away. To my surprise they apologized and explained that they personally they saw Christians as fellow believers and respected Christ. They paid for our Roti and bid us well.
I thought long and hard about that and other experiences in Malaysia, and the Malay and Indonesian friends I made in Malaysia, and while it's possible to encounter some infrequent friction as I did, I generally found that just taking a moment to listen, and connect with respect that tension or friction more often than not turned into sometime positive, and one of the many reasons what I love and miss most about Malaysia is the people.
Thanks Ben and everyone for according me the chance to share some personal thoughts, and that they might be helpful to others.
Cheers All!
Love reading your comment, sir. My husband is American, I took him to Malaysia and he loves it. He said everyone Malay, Chinese, Indian, and other race are so warm and friendly especially the Malays. They all talked to him especially after knowing that he is American. They said American foreign affairs has nothing to do with American people. One thing that doesn’t surprise me at all, he fell in love with ‘mamak’ food and became a Malaysian legend who sat at the ‘mamak’ stall until 3-4 in the morning. Few times they paid for his food and drink. I purchased some Malaysian snacks, the lady seller asked him and his mother to take one free packet of Malaysian snack and told them ‘welcome to Malaysia’.
@@Idaleasofia24 Thank you for for expressing your kind thoughts.
Reflecting on them and the time I spent in Malaysia it occurs to me how much my time there changed how I see the world and others, and much that became a part of me. At the time I had relatives who went to Malaysia as short-term volunteers doing humanitarian style work and ended up being there for almost three years, and many years later they still express how that time changed them in a positive way. Experiencing how well people in Malaysia spanned differences to make differences positives is an example for the world.
Thinking back, when first arrived in Penang from Singapore before it became the tourist and ex-pat mecca it is today, I was not inspired and as it struck me as dull, boring and backward, and my first thoughts were "I'm outta here in a couple of days". However, I stayed a couple of weeks to visit with relatives and for the next almost three years I spent about half of that time in Malaysia became a 2nd home.
I always sensed that I Malaysia would possibly be the best place to be when I had fewer days ahead than behind, and now that America no longer holds much to hold me here, just as I would opt to return, managing a long term visa has become much more challenging. and I lament feeling trapped into what Ben describes in his previous video 'Quality of life in MALAYSIA vs USA' as to why he left America.
Terima kasih, dan semua yang terbaik untuk anda dan keluarga anda.
Honestly, reading your comments is an eye-opener to me. The perspective of an American on my country. Much of what being written by you may not even be known by all of us...that a foreigner seems to know more about our country than ourselves...😂
Thank you for your frank opinion.
I travel quite a lot...part of the job...and will always look forward to return to Malaysia from my excursions...
It's the people here that make the difference.
I believe you have made a wise choice in staying here surrounded by a lot of genuine Malaysians. Your wisdom in comparing Asian women in general is a very fair honest opinion. Being a Muslim lady, we welcome people from all over and honestly when l was in America l get told many times l am too nice for a woman and questions were asked about Malaysian women in general. I hope you will meet a beautiful and kind woman wherever you are....
@@aizuraabdul9400 Thank you so much, what you share resonates very deeply with me and speaks to what I uniquely touched me so deeply about Malaysians in general.
Sadly I did not stay in Malaysia (apologies if I did not make that clear), but I did find a very lovely lady from Malaysia. As I was much younger then and had few career options in Malaysia, but we both had options in Australia we considered both immigrating to Australia (me from America). However due to the illness and death of my father and years of tragic events that trapped me for years in America we remained apart.
I believe I understand what you relate about about what people in America said about being 'Too Nice'. My Fiancee who had family in Australia found some aspects of Aussie psyche uncomfortably challenging and mean spirited, and when I explained that in America it can be even more so, she lost desire to live in America. I regret that I was too harsh in what I related about the often harsh realities of life in America, but my intent was to prepare her for what to expect, as I saw a few Japanese who came to America who were unprpaired for the culture shock, were devastated and returned home saddened, but I think Americans might mistake Malaysian civility and appearance for weakness or fragility not understanding the resolve and inner toughness under the surface of Malaysian Ladies.
Thank you for well wishes as well, I always kept the notion of returning to Malaysia when I retired, and if I can somehow manage a way to remain long-term I would likely return as America is no longer a country for many, perhaps it will be, God Willing.
Best to you and everyone there.
The poorer the the country, the more the women entertaine western old men , that's a fact
It's why Philippines is number 1 in that category. The poverty there is striking when you experience it first hand. I love the people but it's a very poor country.
Netherlands would like a word 😂😂
@@Hilsdale home to several of europe's top 20 richest companies
@@Hilsdale European chickens?
It has to do with corruption too. If all the top jobs are taken by your family, relatives etc but none for the people, the normal people are gonna suffer. All public funds are used to enrich themselves instead of helping the poor & fixing, building infrastructure. Philippines has a bigger economy compared to Malaysia but it made me sad there's still extreme poverty there. @@DamienYuen7718
I like the fact that you said its kinda anxious being around girls in Malaysia. That shows how women are more respected here, not an easy catch for expats.
Theres no pretty girls in Malaysia.
Most (not all) expats wants temporary women to play with.....gullible ones will be used.
nope. it is just because malay is muslim and 3rd world country.
Yup, values and principles cannot be bought
They are anxious because of your sharia law.
I am muslim from Philippines, grew up in Manila sorrounded by night clubs, daily drinking from neighbors, aggressive child beggars, fornicators openly doing their thing in public parks, no way for me! . I chose Malaysia over migrating to western nations, Alhamdulillah, Im living simply, modestly, and morally, no excessive public display of their bedroom afections here for the last 12 years.
Good for you i guess, I wouldn't live in Malaysia for how they treat non muslims.
@@peenoice5176oh shit i forgot about how malay treat non muslim so extremely bad to the extent of 3 richest person in malaysia is all non muslim. How bad is that? Must be because of extreme oppression they get from malaysian muslim. 😢😢😢
Btw, thankyou for not interested in coming to malaysia bcs that is extremely good for us to not having people with such an extremely negative thinking like u. Byebye
@@BosGaurus05Well if you're Jewish you'd better keep it very quiet. If you're traveling on an Israeli passport you will not even be permitted to enter.
The ex Prime minister when asked by a foreign journalist about some overtly anti semitic comments he'd made actually didn't attempt to deny or explain them, instead he confirmed that he was an anti Semite like it was just a personal choice. 😬
@@BosGaurus05 Us guys? I'm not in any team you easily triggered ultra nationalist. Im living in Hong Kong ( I was born here)
But I'm glad Russia was sanctioned now you bring it up since I have great friends in Ukraine ( and in Russia)and I don't believe in poisonous authoritarian thugs invading sovereign countries.
And on the Jewish thing thanks for outing yourself as a neo Nazi. Saves me wasting my time
@@BosGaurus05 I already wrote a long response to you Himmler but it seems to have disappeared and I can't be bothered to write it all again given you've outed yourself as a neo Nazi.
They asked if you are Jewish because of your name. One of my best friend in USA is a Jew. Her last name is Eisenberg. She doesn’t need to tell anyone about her race and religion, everyone knows just by her name. I’m a Muslim and she is Jewish but we are good friend and love and support each other a lot. World is a better place when we prioritize LOVE and RESPECT towards each other over anything!
Could be, When I first went to Japan several times Japanese (often girls) asked if I were Jewish. I later learned that a lot of Japanese girls are attracted to Jewish guys. Perhaps it has something to do with Japanese mothers share things in common with the stereotypical Jewish mom.
We dont hate jew.. they worship one god, what we dont like is Zionism
Malaysians generally, while not particularly rich, are fairly content and not desperate for money. We don't put any race on a pedestal. We are good with everyone. 😊
except with jews
Malaysia is a country suitable to settle down if you want start a family even though you are a foreigner. It is safer for family and also for women. More and more foreigners are making Malaysia as their home especially from Japan and Korean. Even the Digital Nomads are making Malaysia as their hub. This is because of Malaysian prioritize peace,respect ,calm and really uphold the law. It is the nation value and culture even before its independence
Not just because Malaysia is predominantly a Muslim country but this value has been instilled to all Malaysian regardless their faith and belief.
Right now, Malaysia promoting the country as the second home for foreign professionals, expatriate and investors instead just a plain tourism. If you like lawless, chaotic , adult entertainment, wild nights and easy women, you should go to Thailand , Philiphines or even Indonesia. Malaysia cannot offer you that. Unless you appreciate peace and safety more.
I would agree. I do recall what a friend, a lady who's mother was Catholic Chinese father, a Catholic Indian and the related some accounts of religious and ethnic tension that nearly came to riots in the 60's or 70's, and her father who was an officer in the Malaysian Army sent them to India when due to threats from some radical groups, but today I would think something like that would be very unlikely today would it not?
Me too.... Agreed..
Malaysia is for family oriented.
Its not for wild party and sex...
Very rightly said, not a Malaysian myself, but Malaysia just feels like home, the values play a large part in it.
@@heavenheaven6312. Yup…..especially easy going call girls & prostitution
Boring country and theres no pretty girls in Malaysia.
Malaysia is a progressive muslim country we have values . We are more family orientated and our facilities are more to that.
So true... In fact we prefer it that way .... Much safer that way.... We don't want any haywire going around our neighborhood...
Tell the Singaporean Checkpoint Authority.
Tantangpenn.. neighbourhod that azlina said was about her country only. Not around all southeastasia. There was misundestanding about my people,s view. I m sorry because of that. My people dont understant much other culture including me. But we are trying to be better to understand others.. thx mr.Tantangpenn
And malaysia is not muslim country..stop propaganding wrong news ... muslim majority shj yea..
@@rvd27u By constitution it stated an official religion of the federation is Islam. In that, it gives the authority for the muslims in saying this is an Islamic country. You may argue if you want but the world has accepted that Malaysia is an Islamic country.
U cant compare Msia with Thailand, its a two different world.Msia is for calm living, family orientated to raise family.And Msian people a kind of more western educated thinking, they know much abt western life n not too hastily attracted to foreigners, meaning that they just mind their own biz😊
Only idiot says cannot compare Thai and Malaysia.
My experience with muslims is they are the most welcoming and friendly. Especially Malaysia
Yea I’ve had a very welcomed feeling here for sure
3:07 Let me tell you something secret, some Malays thought that they were the lost tribe of Israel. This is not the position that hold by many but it's somehow growing especially when I saw someone that is quite influential within our community that taught this. So the one that asked you whether you're Jew possibly just want to know their long lost brother, nothing hateful 😆
I remember I saw a comment of yours when you first arrived in Penang, you said, "It seems like Malaysians aren't so fond of Jewish people at the moment."
Something that need to be clarified is that, nowhere in the Quran tells that Muslims need to hate Jews. In fact, Quran teach that Jews are People of the Book, both believe in the same God (God of Abraham), Muslims can eat Jews kosher meat if they can't find halal meat, Muslim man can marry Jewish woman etc.
So Muslims don't hate Jews. Muslims only against Zionists. Not all Jews are Zionists. And we can see nowadays that many Jews are protesting against Zionists. "Not in my name," that is what they say.
you gaslighting yourself so hard here its funny
@@mord696is that the best you can come up with???
@@hazarddavid6987 malay hate jews simple
"We love Jews but we hate those who want to live in their traditional homeland, Israel.", is what you're saying.
Both Thailand and Phillippines not a Muslim majority countries and the way of life and culture are totally different with Malaysia. Prostitution, strip bars, akcohol and lgbtq is normal in Thailand and Philippines but not in Makaysia...
That’s kinda racist & a stereotype. The real reason is compatability. Western values does not align with restrictive communities. Same reason why Europe & the U.S. have clashes with such communities in their own turf.
Jalan Petaling, Jalan Gelang, and Jalan Pudu are Malaysia’s unofficial red light districts.
@@ynnos5555 the different is those hanky panky things is illegal in malaysia, you do it in back door...
lies, Malaysia has that to.....
Depends on what the person wants. But for a lot of men it's mostly sex. Not my words but their own. Whenever i say I stay in Malaysia guys first say but what about the bar girls. You can't really just buy a Malaysian woman like you could in Thailand and Philippines. Westerners don't know much about Islam or Buddhism. One could say that many don't even correctly practice Christianity.
The are called 'sexpats' 😁
Yes, agree with you
Now commonly as ‘passport bro’.
News flash: there ARE freelancers in KL as well. Women can be bought in every city of the world my friend.
One could say that many don't even correctly practice Christianity. WAH , YOU ARE JUDGEMENTAL , YOU SOUND LIKE A PREACHER , HAVE YOU LOOKED IN THE MIRROR RECENTLY ? Can't buy malaysian women , money talks and bullshit walks !
We like it underrated but KL is not so underrated since it's one of the most visited cities
Malaysia is suitable for a family oriented visitors.
The Philippines is family oriented from the influence of Spain. Ask any Filipinos or mexican households
and mohamedans
What about Jalan Petaling, Jalan Gelang, and Jalan Pudu? Isn’t that an unofficial red light district?
Old man can't date a young girl in Malaysia. I think it's kind of funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Surprisingly Spore non-bar girls love old rich whites.
Less you don't ont mind being called OMU Old Man Unconscious....Orang Tua tak Sedar Diri😂
@@khairulanwar5212 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hilarious
@@khairulanwar5212Insane Old Man.. haha
Thanks for your honest insights. Curious to hear a foreigners perspective on us. Also, admiring how you are talking non-stop while crossing streets, you must already be comfortable with the setting.
Stay safe ✌️
KL is the sixth visited city in this world. We do not care if others do not come. They can continue to stay in thailand and philippines , after they are dried up financially, they can return to UK and america.
Yes, we do care if tourist do not come to Malaysia but if their intention is to visit sex tourism countries, then they should go to Thailand. Malaysia is a family friendly place for kids to grow up in nice environment without adult entertainment, vice and other shady businesses. Been to Phuket once and the red-light district is in public space. Women wearing skimpy clothing with their underwear sticking out and half of their chest showing, waiting for customers at the side of the road. No wonder STI rate is high in Thailand, who knows how girls serving the customers are HIV positive. Good thing we don't have that here
Because of the people from Bangladesh India Pakistan Indonesia Myanmar Vietnam come to Malaysia to work
@jihanjittu3125 unfortunately 50% are illegals
@@Jihanjittu-q6x9wThat's actually a good thing. Employing people so that they could support their families.
Because thailand and philipine have many 'chickens' for rent as young as teenager, malaysia doesn't.
Only fool says this
@siamnft-dg1tl even though its painful you have to accept it..😅
You don't say that, please show respect.
Foreign don't like Malaysia because Malaysia have Indian Bangladesh blood whahahahahaha
Thailand and Philippines has always been a great tourist destination. No doubt because you have alot to explore in those both countries because of their rich history. Malaysia is more like a long term destination, if you like it you will suit right into the people and culture, if you dont like it, then you will find it hard to blend in and enjoy what Malaysia can bring to you. Thats my take
I think Malaysian women are not attracted to western men unlike Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. most women in Malaysia prefer their own race over foreigners…
Malaysian women as in Malay, Chinese or Indian?
Nuh. They are attracted to western men too, if they have a chance they will date them. However they are not desperate to get one. When u are poor u become more desperate to fish for western men. To Thailand's credit though, their economy is growing pretty quickly & Thailand wasn't as poor as they used to be. The Philippines are still as poor as they used to be.
@@secrets.295 This is why many are leaving Thailand for the Philippines now. They can't get the Thai women as easily as in the past so they move on to their next country where people are still poor and desperate.
Not true
I am a Malaysian woman and a Muslim. As a Muslim, I take relationships very seriously, valuing long-term commitments leading to marriage over short-term relationships or casual dating.
You are wrong to assume that I prefer my own race over foreigners. I prefer Muslim men regardless of their race or nationality. While it is true that men of my own race are typically Muslim, if given a choice between a White Muslim and someone from my own race, I would choose the White Muslim.
There are not too many counties left really care for their own citizen, especially in the west. If you want to drug yourself and change your kid's gender, go for it they will say. But, when you say drug and alcohol are bad for your body and mind, you want more spiritual and healthy life style and you cover up your body from evil eyes, they say you are too conservative or extreme,and there are money unthinkable craziness in the west today So, thumbs up for Malaysian!
I'm a Filipino and I lived in Malaysia for 8 years. Coming back to my home country makes me wanna go back to KL again. Seeing all the congestion, over population, poor infrastructure, trash everywhere, it's chaos! I even compared the rental price of condos. The price for a nice 2-bedroom in KL is only for a studio or a small 1-bedroom in BGC and Makati. When it comes to natural disasters, Malaysians call the Philippines as their "typhoon barrier". Philippines is prone to typhoons, earthquakes, flooding, landslides and volcanic eruptions. You can opt to live in the province where it is more peaceful and less crowded but you will experience random power outage almost everyday.
@@wandamaximoff813 Good to know
nampak? mat salleh yg datang malaysia pun selalu dengar azan n nampak org2 berhijab kat mana2. mcm mana la minah indo sorg tu boleh tak nampak semua tu?
Tau takpe. Saje nak provoke Malaysia. Macamlah negara dia tu muslim sangat. Pdhal kawin campur2 agama. Ikut suka2 Islam kawin dgn kapir
Nak claim indo lg islamik.. hambik lah..
Malaysia girls have class.😁
That's true, a few of my waitress friends refused to marry white men even though they're professionals and decent looking. One is a struggling single mother but still refusing the multiple offers by this guy. Love is more valued than survival unlike the women from Philippines or Indonesia. Then I was pushing them to take the offers but now I'm proud of my fellow Malaysian.
Right.. simple & easy statement😊
Not in social media
What class?
I travel to Thailand 2 - 3 times a year. The land is blessed with kind and welcoming people, wonderful islands and beaches, amazing culture and architecture. In terms of price, for us Malaysians, its no more cheap considering the exchange rate. But its the best option to travel.
People ask if you are Jewish because your name is stereotypically Jewish - first and last name. Ignore these people - if they really follow your Chanel they know all they need to know - you’re cool and you like mutton curry - just like me!😊
Fyi : Southern Thailand and Southern Phillipines are similar concepts in cultures, race, religion, language etc with Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore. Basically we are MELAYU peoples.
I’m looking forward to visiting the deep south of Thailand and Philippines too, I hear it feels like you’re in a town in Malaysia
@@benfishermin yup true that.. u can take a train from KL to Hatyai simply cross the border in between.. Southern Thailand custom is more devoted to Malay than Siam for sure..
i think both part are muslim majority, that's why
Malaysia hits different. Wayy more developed and exciting.
Come now,its durian season
@@jesusnotgod5635 Durian berlambak wehhh
if you choose free wild and easy definitely Thailand is the place. But if your choose for peace, harmony, cheer then you will love Malaysia.
Thanks for sharing your insight. Appreciated.
In some countries, access to alcohol, drugs, and companionship may be more readily available compared to other countries where such access is restricted or limited.
Your points are so true. All are correct and point no 2 is very well put.
It's good that men are anxious around Malaysian girls.
To obtain a higher value gain, one must put a sincerely extra effort.
Yes that’s true, it really shouldn’t feel 'easy'
It is true that they are higher value but for what? Malaysian women make you go trough hoops, play hard to get, even an average mid looking girl thinks she is something else hence they are difficult to build relationships with. You can score a very beautiful Russian girl with moderate effort than to score a Malaysian girl. The odds are very low. I recommend Malaysian men to look elsewhere if they do not want to go trough the bullshit Malaysian women bring to the table.
Westeners just only looking for cheap booze,easy girl and smoke legal weed😂
Saudis are like that too when they visit Thailand
All westerners? Or just rich and/or handsome?
1000% right.😂😂😂
keep it that way, we dont want t be crowded with tourists.
Really ? shows how much you know of economics , the more tourist the more foreign exchange , maybe you can learn from a Singaporean down south !
FYI,the number of expats and foreign tourists visiting Malaysia are waaaaay higher than the number of foreigners visiting Philippines.. Im talking based on the fact and actual figures released by the tourism authority of each country.. duh! U seriously need to make more research before producing a rubbish content like this dude!
You are wrong though. The chinese and asians are the one who dominated your visitors since its more easy to access with your border. China is the closest border to Thailand its so easy to go. They go to Thailand first, next destination is Malaysia and then Singapore. US and western people only visits in Malaysia but US and western countries stay much longer in the Philippines since it has so many provinces to stay and its cheaper than living in a modern Kuala Lumpur.
@@bertronix182 u thought people blind?? Every one with eyes can see that not many western tourists in the philippines.. i went to philippines last year and hardly seeing any caucasian around.. anyway, malaysia not only receiving many chinese tourist, we also received many tourists from india, middle east, australia,new zealand and of course europe too...
@@ardentblue7493 were talking abount staying and living not visiting. You must be a clown for saying that. Philippines is one the top countries in the world for expats to retire and live. If there will be foreigners livin in Malaysia it's chinese or bangladesh. PH has 82 provinces the most in the world. Even if you went to PH you don't have superpowers to see all the western foreigners living there. Cebu, Dumaguete, Siargao, Bohol alone are huge and I'm just mention 4 provinces. You can clearly see in youtube who got the most foreigners living on SEA. This is staying and living not visitors. Lower your ego and search in youtube.
@@bertronix182 seriously? With high crime rates and poverty?? Philippines is not Dubai.. wake up from your day dream
@@ardentblue7493 Did i say its better than Dubai? Where? You arae hurt about Philippines dude? Muslims are really funny thats why Malaysia is the most boring country in the world. Don't get hurt. 🤣
I watched your recent Langkawi video and wanted to share some thoughts. Exploring a new place for the first time can be both exciting and overwhelming, right? I get that you might have found Langkawi a bit boring at first, but trust me, there's so much more to it than meets the eye. From stunning hotels to hidden spots waiting to be discovered, Langkawi has a lot to offer. Maybe take some time to explore beyond the usual tourist spots next time. You'll be surprised by what you find! Keep up the great work, and looking forward to seeing more adventures from you
You need $$$$ to explore and he does not have much of them.
He is more on low budget. My opinion, the key is to research first before exploring. Even with low budget one will find Langkawi is heaven.
The main reason is dating. Lots easier to find a girlfriend in Thailand 🇹🇭 or Philippines 🇵🇭
FACTS!!! i like to live in malaysia but i don't want to be lonely.
Our top visitors here are asians(koreans, japanese, Chinese, singaporeans). Same as thailand(chinese, malaysians)
Muslim Malaysian girls r mostly highly educated n practising muslims, therefore there s less promiscuity, definitely not into alcohol, drug, clubbing n casual dating. Many foreigners marry Malaysian women but the types of men should be good men who r willing to learn , be convinced about Islam n convert n practise Islam. Muslim women r not playthings for any men, muslims or not.
There's nothing wrong with age gap relationships. I feel for you, buddy. You're 32 and broke. Most Asian women want financial security. They stay away from guys your age because young dudes are not serious about long-term relationships. They just want to have fun and move on to the next country.
And they know better, single white mens in Asian countries are usually sex tourists, majority of them.
Malaysian women are educated and independent.
I loved being in Malaysia and planned to retire there. Then they changed the MM2H visa program so I no longer qualify. Thailand and Philippines programs are much more reasonable, especially for people who can't afford huge fixed deposits or property purchases. I waited years for Malaysia to finalize their program, and the fact they keep changing the rules is enough to make me choose another place to live. Malaysia made it clear they only welcome wealthy foreigners.
Yea it’s not feasible to get this visa for me as well. It’s nice to see Thailand adding the new DTV visa, I’m curious to see how that unfolds. Thailand was pretty similar with pushing for wealthy expats but it seems like the new changes are a step in the right direction. I’m lucky I’m traveling so frequently so I can come in and out of Malaysia, I’ll have to see if it becomes an issue down the line
Having wifes that are much younger than their husbands is quite a common thing in Muslim culture though.
its not a bad thing when the condition are met , you can see everyday 25 years old girls in say LA act shamefull than a 15 year old girl in rural china , thats a fact
i second that, buddy :-) especially in some states here.
Not true at all, Malaysians Muslims tend to marry within the same age groups, ones that have huge age gaps in Muslims marriages are very rare.
That is a bare allegation. I know it is not a common thing because I live in Malaysia.
Where is your source come from ?
Hello from Malaysia, Ben!
Been watching your videos for a while now. I really appreciate how you're honest in all your videos, addressing the downsides of SEAsian countries but being respectful about them.
I have a few American friends and they are always afraid of visiting Malaysia due to Malaysia being a majority Muslim country. As a Non-Muslim here I thought Malaysia grants us enough freedom than most countries in the world. But I don't think Americans are 'racist', it's mostly ignorance and simply trying to protect themselves, which is understandable. If only travelling isn't that expensive it'd be easier to visit a country and experience the lives of a local.
Most of your videos seem to take place in KL and I think you should consider making videos of people outside of KL! The environment can be very different, although people might speak less English than KL.
Again, I enjoyed your vlog. Interesting view and honest about ‘you can probably bribe yourself’ out of situation in Malaysia which may probably be true. Thank you
Ben, love watching u talk. U r so honest n very neutral in ur opinion. Keep it up 👍🏻
Philippines has a great Visa for US citizens, you can stay there for up to 2 years (making regular immigration visits). English is fairly common there too, and it's the only country outside of the US with a VA hospital system, so lots of veterans can get free healthcare while they retire there.
Malaysian visa requirements are not very attractive to foreigners.
I am guessing currently, the high cost of the MM2H visa is something that is a barrier for many expats. I'm from the US and I would love to move to Malaysia but can't afford the visa costs (currently around $125,000 USD for the bottom tier). But, the rest of your reasons are probably also spot on. Keep the content coming! 🙂
For me it makes no sense even if I had $125k to tie up. I've been considering S-MM2H (Sarawak) as it's more reasonable at about $30K fixed deposit and income levels at the level most on U.S. Social Security get, but sooner or later people on S-MM2H may be restricted from residing in peninsular Malaysia (K.L., Penang and etc.) rather than just 30 days a year in Sarawak.
Also, the MM2H programs have limits on how long you can spend outside of Malaysia, so extended holidays or trips back to a home country can become problematic. Health insurance requirements and costs can be an issue or impossible if you are in the 60+ age group and/or have pre-exsisting conditions.
For all the many pluses in Malaysia over the U.S. and that I'd rather go back and retire in Malaysia over remaining in the U.S. but with MM2H changes and other downgrades and challenges, Malaysia is all but off my list.
Turkey and the old former soviet republic of Georgia seemed a better option, and a friend from Denmark who's partically disabled and could no longer afford to live in Denmark moved to Vietnam and when kicked out during Covid went Tbilisi Georgia and loved it. I had considered taking over his 360-mo penthouse ( th-cam.com/video/H4MYxU1w_R0/w-d-xo.html ) when he got a subsidized flat back to Denmark but the war in Ukraine changed the landscape and cost of living in Georgia, but Turkey currently seems still a better option then Malaysia primarily due to visa and more moderate climate.
Cost of Living in Japan would be much less than the U.S. and in my opinion better on many levels but Visa is a problem as well.
France is what I'm currently looking at for long term retirement, Visa requirements are lower than Malaysia's old MM2H program, Health insurance is less and there's a path to citizenship.
In America or US specifically, there are many Thai Food outlets and restaurants. So this might be one factor. Wanna taste authentic Tom Yam soup😅
It's hard for any country to compete against Thai food, IMO.
You will be alright Ben. You know what's up and
are good peeps. Keep searching and follow the true path with your heart!
Im sooo happy they choose somewhere else....i love relatively free from alcohol environment of my country...
3:08 As to comments asking whether you're Jewish, I think I may know the reason. First, Malaysian government has no diplomatic relations with Israel, in fact Malaysian passport holders are not allowed to visit Israel. Second, in the current situation in Palestine, the majority opinion is very much pro Palestinians for the suffering they are facing.
That thing about Malaysians not allowed to enter Israel.. not true!! Israel don't care what's written in your passport. If they want to let you in, it is their discretion. There are tons of Christian Pilgrimage Tour from Malaysia to Israel..EVERY YEAR!!
We welcome tourists..but feel unconfort when too many outsiders ..
I feel uncomfortable when I see foreigners in non tourist places. I already expect foreigners in places like kl, langkawi, penang, sabah, sarawak, cameron and genting but when I see them in the corner of selangor, kelantan etc. I feel uncomfortable like ‘umm why are you here?’
I think your last name might be why people ask if you're Jewish. Don't think people ask because they would have any bias, probably other jews just wanting to connect with a piasano.
I realy thank God coz as long as I live in Malaysia, it's seen there're less drunkards, less immoral people, less crime, less fighting and the Slum problem was completely overcome in the early 80s. In fact, Street Beggars can be counted on the fingers when u walk down in the city.. so, continue to enjoy here❤
Bro, in Thailand, you can waste a lot of money just using the ATM. The cost in Thailand is US$6 per transaction if using a foreign card.
To sum it up it's about the three S's (Sun, Sex, and San Miguel) if you choose the PH and to certain extent Thai over Malaysia.
Yea for a lot of western tourists this is the case
@@benfishermin and for the record in 2023 Malaysia hit 29 million tourist against PH 4m only.
About the food price there is a different between big city and the small towns. To live cheap it is better in a small towns or at the kampung.
I’m a Brit and personally I like Malaysia great food culture and people as a non drinker that bar culture puts me off big time but I am aware that British state pension only increases with inflation in the Philippines any other south east Asia country and it’s frozen, I would think that this is a big consideration for some people from the UK
Ah wow I didn’t know about this thanks for info 🙌
@@benfishermin British that retired in Thailand 20 years ago are now stuck on £720 a month state pension while today it would be over £1200 a month in the Philippines, some of them are feeling the squeeze
The second largest tourist arrival in Thailand are from Malaysia, Malaysians loves Thailand too for various reasons (not just the sex part). I used to travel a lot around Thailand by road, it's convenient and they are mostly friendly (even the police who tries to scam your money does it with a smile), plus the rooms are a lot cheaper than in Malaysia. I travelled to Laos thinking the people may be similar to Thais, but they're not. Lao people are nice too, but the thais still has the extra warmth.
Scammers with a smile are even worse. 😂
I dont see anything different with my Muslim friends than my other friends. The only exception is they tend to be touchy/sensitve when it comes to religion. Like I can make fun of my religion (or the one I was in, now I am an atheist) or any other religion without much consequences but Muslims get personal about it. I can only do that with my close Muslims friends but I wouldn't want to try that with Muslims I don't know. That said , I am not saying it doesnt happen in any other religion but its rarer.
Yes. They are nice people, but if you touch religion it will be Dr jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Religion is personal thing between them n their creator.Whether u believe in God or not, belliting their God is a kind of offended thing to them, not to be part of joke😊
@kamrulz659 On one hand the claim is "religion is a personal thing between someone and the creator" but in everything else its public and there is nothing personal at all about it and it effects even those who don't beleive in it. If something is public, then people have the right to talk or critisize it else keep it private and personal. That's only fair.
Why is there a need to make fun of someone else's belief? Any religion for that matter. Why? The Quran tells us don't do that and we try our best not to.
In Quran 6:108 "˹O believers!˺ Do not insult what they invoke besides Allah or they will insult Allah spitefully out of ignorance. This is how We have made each people’s deeds appealing to them. Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them of what they used to do."
@@zaharizak You can't quote the source of the claim and then claim that is the evidence. That's a circular argument and I already explained why religions shouldn't be exempt from criticism...and most religious folks criticize other religions all the time so your point is moot.
For those who like to have wild party, drunk as much as they want and having sex everywhere and easy ...they will choose Thailand and Philippines dear. But Malaysia is more towards Islamic country but others can do their religion practice too...and we are more towards family type of 'community' 😊
Yes that’s true!
Hello Saudaraku...saya anak melayu Islam Malaysia...saya sayang semua manusia dan ciptaan tuhan dan suka kedamaian dan gembira jika semua manusia gembira tak kira apa bangsa dan dari mana saudara datang..saya mengalu alukan kedatangan semua dengan tangan terbuka,jangan hiraukan komen komen negatif...🇲🇾🤝😃✌️🤲
Do you realize you are walking around inside the general hospital of kuala lumpur compound in most of this video?
Nope I had no idea 😅
@@benfisherminmy showroom was nearby that area
I enjoyed your video , it sounds "grown up" , so many of these type of videos are made with a very young point of view.
I have a business in Guatemala but Guatemala doesn't have a postal system , also veterinary care is kind of just a scam on the "rich" (poor people just kill the pet and get another). I really need a place where I can receive packages for my business and take my pets for surgery if necessary. I am considering Japan and Malaysia , I am worried about people who say people in Malaysians are a hour late all the time. I really would love to hear your thoughts.
Vietnam is also mainly Buddhist. South Korea is very diverse.
I really can't wait to check out both of these countries
You're a very rational and generally fair person Ben. Longer stay in several different countries and mixing with right minded + educated locals could perhaps provide broader perspectives and more accurate overview pertaining to the pros & cons of those countries, the communities & their respective appeals to larger based of visitors/tourists. Nevertheless, I still respect your opinions 😊
Yes, i like to watch Ben insights on country like Msia, a genuine feelings frm his understanding n dont like to offend anybody.
I am fascinated with the seemingly unending covered sidewalks where you are walking. Is this standard on major roads? Also, how long did it take you to get used to walking on the left or is that still something you have something to think about?
I heard that some people (mainly foreigners) say that young people go to Thailand and Singapore. Families go to Malaysia. Honestly, I have no problem with that.
We fought the Egyptian Pharaoh, the Roman emperors, the Spanish Inquisition, the Russian tsars. They 'defeated' us. But where are they today?😅
You must be very old. 🤔
Foreigners do not choose Malaysia, Malaysia chooses people who can visit & stay here 😎
Nope, we don’t choose whom should be visiting us. The choice is always theirs. What we offer is different that what our neighbors are offering.
Well done ..don't drink alcohol... remember your lovely family
Thanks 🙏😀
Which country do you prefer
Ben I've been curious why you don't record videos like this at your apartment or condo? 😅
Hi Ben. Glad to know you had fun with touristy areas here. Maybe you should try visiting other areas outside of KL city centre to get a better feel of what Malaysians are like? And have you tried the Chinese food here?
I have read there are often 2 lines to go into stores: one line for women and one line for me. Is this so?
Never saw this in Malaysia personally, but they do have some female only areas in the trains
I think you're right Ben. The Islamic thing is a huge turn-off for most Westerners considering Malaysia. Especially given all the 'negative press' regularly coming from this group. Plus the sex trade in Thailand has expats going 'gaga'. So ya', It's a no-brainier for most expats looking to retire in Asia... Malaysia appears hugely boring by comparison.
So honest, awesome ❤
Thank you 🙌🙌
This must be an earlier video coz you are suddenly back in KL and walking towards HKL.
What does the name Fisher mean?
The Fisher surname originates in England and is seen in records from as early as the 1200s. Fisher is most often an occupational name from the Middle English 'fischere', given to those who fished, were fishermen, or sold fish, and their descendants. The surname Fisher is sometimes believed to be topographical, referring to those who live closer to river fishing traps.
Ben, this is only my second video of your vlogs. I may jump the gun but here's just some of my thoughts.
I am thankful for all the positive stuff you've been commenting on our country, of course they're not to the point of sounding totally biased or just to gain likes. Having travelled to many countries (Europe, Middle Europe, UK, East Asia, not the US and probably never - just doesn't appeal to me and my partner at this juncture), I do agree with most of the things you've said and comparisons made.
As you stay on longer in our country, I hope you'll still find it as vibrant and colourful. But the longer you stay here, you'll probably get to see more of the other sides of Malaysia, both good and bad. Stuff like, racial tension escalating, non-friendly pedestrian cities, kind-hearted Malaysians outside of KL/Penang with different vibes in each state, the availability of a nomad visa program etc. I hope that as you continue to vlog and do choose to stay in Malaysia permanently, your positive feelings still outweighs all the negativity that you've come to uncover at the end of the day.
I wish you all the best here and hopefully, you'd be a top TH-camr promoting Malaysia even more (hint: you could start learning some basic Bahasa/Mandarin/Tamil - throw some in your videos).
What you say about the Philippines is correct . It's expensive there. I have family there and I visit a couple of times a year and yes, I find things expensive.
I think it has got a lot to do with consistency as well. My experience with visiting Malaysia was a mixed bag, there were some parts that are well developed but driving a few hours to the east of the country and it felt to us like we were traveling in rural Indonesia with barely any Chinese or Indian influence. It hardly felt "Malaysian" to us. It sort of indicates, at least to me, that Malaysia isn't really as multicultural as a whole but maybe only in the more populated regions. Our trips across Thailand and the Philippines were much more consistent throughout in terms of culture, people, and just the overall vibe in general.
'Malaysia' literally meant 'Malay Land'.
If you want Chinese or Indian vibes, go to China or India.
@@KhalixMY It's dishonest to claim to be a multicultural when you are only prioritizing one culture.
@eat_ze_bugs what the hell are you on about. Malays constitute of more than 60% of the citizens. Of course in some places you will see more Malays. Thus the name 'Malaysia'.
We don't have to fit your narrative for anything.
In Thailand and Philippines, they are consistently native Thais and Philippines.
Ours are consistently Malays and other natives. This is multicultural as well.
Chinese and Indians are not the only cultures in the world.
Even the Malays have variety of cultures.
Live with it.
You want to move to Malaysia?
If you cannot accept the above fact, don't come here at all.
@@KhalixMY I see that I have finally come across the typical conservative Malay I have always heard about from my Malaysian friends. I thought the stereotype was a myth... but I was wrong.
Demographics have got nothing to do with my statement, the willful segregation of the population by race and religion in the country that created this lack of cultural blend outside of more populated regions was what startled me. Notice how people only talk about how great Kuala Lumpur or Penang is? There's a very compelling reason for that and you shouldn't be mad about someone pointing out the obvious distinctions in your country.
So apparently, you've been sitting around with those bigoted and racists 'friends' in Malaysia and just finding ways to 'confirm' your 'stereotype'.
Let me firm this up even more.
The Divide and Conquer rule was introduced by the British colonizer when they came to the Malay lands and brought for Chinese from China and Indians from India to 'help' them with their deeds.
The Malays were always in the villages because it's their land, and they worked on it.
The Chinese in the mining and Indians in the rubber estate.
Naturally, when the country gets its independence and growth, you see the demographic as it is.
Lack of cultural blend?
Are you dumb or blind?
Or both?
West Coast of Peninsula Malaysia has always been more congested and more developed because that's where the trades are.
East Coast of the Peninsula are more traditionally Malays. We even have Siamese Buddhist as one of the natives.
East Malaysia are more traditionally other natives including Malays.
Even the Malays are culturally varied between states.
If you travel inside the jungles, it'll be more traditionally aborigines.
That's how the demographics are.
The world does not revolve just around the Chinese and Indian cultures.
Or are these just the 2 cultures that you can fit inside your brain?
People like you talk about KL or Penang because that's where things that fit your expectations are at. Koreans talked about Sabah because it fits their expectations. So does other places.
And these places do not need to suffer themselves for anyone.
I bet your 'friends' with a victimized mindset never tell you this because their knowledge are limited to this country.
People like you who come to others' houses with attitude are not welcomed here.
Go and bring your BS somewhere else.
Go experience China or India.
Malaysia is not for you.
Ben there are older foreign men walking down the street holding hands with younger Asian women here. Look in Bukit Bintang or Imbi area. Just keep looking. Haha
I've seen them and usually filipinas.
But they are not Malaysian.
They girls are foreigners too.
Those are pinoy/ thais
All of these women are exclusively thais and Filipinos, I know because I used to patronise these places in KL. They are easy just like girls you find in Thailand and Philippines. Reason being economy, they look to foreigners, especially westerners, for income. If they are lucky, they find a guy to marry and move to the west. On the other hand, Malaysian girls need not resort to working as bar girls as they could find meaningful employment. Personally, I feel awful for these bar girls but it is what it is.
You speak for yourself .
Those who hv families and kids prefer Malaysia .
If the intention is going after prostitutes , Malaysia is not the place . We Malaysians still hv the moral values
I don't think he said that Malaysia is a place to look for prostitutes, he is saying the exact opposite of that. Maybe understand the video first before commenting defensively like that.
Moral values does not define by your job. The way you are talking and looking down somebody because of their profession is not very moral either. Do you understand what I am saying.
That is exactly what he said about malaysia in his video. Listen to the video thoroughly next time.
@@henryyeoh8610 Do drug dealers have morals? Ones job can have direct implications of ones morals.
You speak for yourself! If you don't understand the video, do not comment. That only shows your ignorance or stupidity.
During the Vietnam Wars they tried to make Penang an R&R area but was unsuccessful. The Red lights was a determinant it failed.
Malaysia had more tourists in 2023 than Thailand at almost 9 million while Thailand had only 8 million. 😮
In 2024, Thailand more than Malaysia for sure.
Ummm,,,, can u swear to god that KL doesn’t have bars and prostitutions 🤣 i beg you pardon.
as far as immigration, i heard the gov over there is sympathic to digital nomads. How about specifically to traders? As in, those who work for themselves on the financial markets trading various instruments such as stocks, crypto, options, futures, etc? And how is the internet for these types of work that requires extremely fast internet to the financial markets in the US? Where is the fastest internet in relation to the US financial markets (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc) in SE Asia? Is there a specific area in KL or other cities in SE Asia that is known to have that kind of technical specificities in terms of their internet ping rates to and from US financial markets? Now, it's useful for scalp trading only, other types of trading like swing trades are not impacted with this technical need. Thanks, buddy! Your videos are awesome, great work! Keep it up! Let's gooooooooooo!
Don't downplay the load speaker it's the reason I left Penang
Thailand comes across as more welcoming and accessible to english speaking tourists.
But Malaysia is an English speaking country and in Thailand they speak Thai, so I think it’s the opposite. Both are very accessible and welcoming I’d say though
@@benfishermin interesting, turns out I don't know much about Malaysia
To be honest and straight, Thailand and the Philippines have much fewer infians compared to Malaysia. So if you can escape to a country where less likely you will encounter indiens then its a dream country, as in europe its filled with immigrants
Here for support. 😏
I love it if they prefer those countries
I disagree.. Thailand is marketed as more exotic than Muslim malaysians.. Period
Yea it is
Thailand has preserved so much of their historic architecture, it's really beautiful. 😊
you caught the key essence of MY. the hardware is decent, but the software (ie the mentality of the people) is much to be desired and very backward.
look at the motorcyclists driving on the pedestrian walkway. this type of mentality is very self entitled (ie the masses think this is their country so they can do anything they wish) and backward
IMHO is the woman. most malaysian marry their own race indian,chinese, malay and this is a predominantly a muslim country and a lot of women wear hijab so western men want to see the whole face. so even malaysia have better infra cleaner better food it all come down to women nobody want to be lonely.
Well this is a big part of it, it’s definitely not easy as a foreigner in Malaysia in regards to finding a woman, probably more difficult than anywhere else, except for other Muslim countries. I’m sure over a long period of time it can happen naturally, through making friends and meeting their friends etc. but the reality is you will go long periods of time without any female companionship.
It depends on type of tourists and what they enjoy. Those who travel for self satisfaction, desires and pleasure will of course choose those two countries. The New York type of entertainment. Putting aside the Islamic perspective, Malaysia is more of a relaxing , taking a stroll type of holiday. Yet you can still have that hedonistic lifestyle nightime in KL. In terms of food, licayin and scenery all three is almost similar