Great explanation for sorting our shrinkage vs offset multiplier; add shrinkage to mark A, use the offset multiplier for distances A to B and C to D, and use just straight measurement for A to C. Thanks! This should get me on the way to doing these without a lot of head scratching.
Great explanation for sorting our shrinkage vs offset multiplier; add shrinkage to mark A, use the offset multiplier for distances A to B and C to D, and use just straight measurement for A to C. Thanks! This should get me on the way to doing these without a lot of head scratching.
Great video I understand the measurement now you demonstrated perfectly
Great explanation best I’ve seen so far this one and the the sparky channel thanks
Same. Perfect explanation. Now I feel like it's easy just by watching 2 videos.
Yessir...I can mentally imagine the bends and most important bends are mostly good but studying makes perfect.
Thank you for helping me with this I was struggling to understand it when I was reading the text book.
Very good 👍🏻