Is the Conciliar-Synodal Church the Catholic Church?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 126

  • @RecoveringDilatentte
    @RecoveringDilatentte 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +32

    I’m going to be going away for college next fall, and the extraordinary form is offered daily, but I will make a commute to the SSPX chapel an hour away. The society has been a light in my life.

    • @williammcenaney1331
      @williammcenaney1331 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Wonderful. That's the ideal place for you. I'm sorry to hear how long you need to drive to attend the Traditional Mass there. But it's worth the trio. You remind me that I should feel privileged to live only 15 minutes away from the local SSPX chapel.
      I feel mixed emotions about diocesan TLMS, especially in the diocese where I live. That's because a Modernist priest could celebrate a perfect TLM before he spreads his heretical opinions during his sermon. It's not enough to participate at a letter perfect TLM. We need to recognize heresies when we hear them there. That's why Fr. Chad Ripperger reminds us that we need to study the Catholic faith to avoid Modernism and reject any modernist beliefs we may hold.

    • @CatholicGaming
      @CatholicGaming 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      God bless you for your sacrifice! I’m entering an SSPX priory as a stepping stone for seminary next year. Please pray for me. My name is Jimmy.

    • @williammcenaney1331
      @williammcenaney1331 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CatholicGaming Jimmy, I'll pray fir you, too.

    • @williammcenaney1331
      @williammcenaney1331 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Our Lord will bless you richly for your sacrifice.

    • @CatholicGaming
      @CatholicGaming 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@williammcenaney1331 Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate it!

  • @catholicarrows
    @catholicarrows 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Wow this was great! You are razor sharp and creative. So many beautiful, inspiring, orthodox truths. Thank you so much for taking the time to make this fascinating and inspiring documentary. Only a few years ago I saw the SSPX as rebellious schismatics; now I see them as the custodians of all that is sacred.
    I believe I was given a mission to spread devotion to the Holy Face as the means to save society. The French rejected the Sacred Heart, but we must NOT reject the Holy Face. I fight with St. Kolbe, the primary patron of my apostolate which is officially affiliated with Militia Immaculata and Fulton Sheen, my Generals. The war intensifies but the promises have already been given and are our greatest consolation.
    “Arise, O Lord! and let Thy enemies be scattered and let them that hate Thee flee from before Thy Face.”
    “Rejoice, My Daughter, because the hour approaches when the most beautiful work under the sun will be born”. (Jesus to Venerable Sister Marie of St Peter - Tours, France, 1800s)
    "Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious". - Fulton J. Sheen
    “War against evil, therefore: relentless and incessant and victorious war!” St. Kolbe
    Members of the League of St. Martin are duty-bound to protect the Traditional Latin Mass.

  • @paxsemper9714
    @paxsemper9714 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    The speaker in the intro gave me goosebumps 😮.
    This is an excellent presentation about the current crisis in the Church. We must remain steadfast in our Catholic faith and stick to the Priests who celebrate the Old Mass for us. I attend TLM and i am glad i found it five years ago.

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3


    • @bedrosnersesyan6975
      @bedrosnersesyan6975 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Dr Allen Keyes..the greatest American orator since William Jennings Bryan

      @PHILIPDURSO 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I voted for him

    • @Thomas-dw1nb
      @Thomas-dw1nb 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I'm fairly confident you would not hear it said like this at a TLM.

  • @siena4ever751
    @siena4ever751 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Hi Nicholas, thank you for mentioning the Dominican Rite on Avoiding Babylon. We need to encourage our Dominican brothers in making the Dominican Rite the norm.

  • @christofbernhart503
    @christofbernhart503 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    The decline of the official Church began when John XIII refused to obey our Mother of Fatima's instruction to reveal the 3rd secret. Today we are facing the end game. It is still being argued whether an apostate who wants to destroy the Church can be a real Pope. i t is an irony of history that the Christian occident can now only be saved by the African Cardinals. They have always had strong representatives. In my time, it was Cardinal Gantin, whom we feared a little but highly respected. We regretted that he did not became Pope. He would not have hesitate to but this godless bishops at their place

  • @tjcav5558
    @tjcav5558 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Yes, we are Catholic, and we walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ!

  • @maurisamayerle5918
    @maurisamayerle5918 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I recognized Dr. Keyes voice immediately. God bless him! Where might one find that speech?

  • @mariab2478
    @mariab2478 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Thank you so much this was excellent!

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You are most welcome!

    • @1TheLove1ofWisdom1
      @1TheLove1ofWisdom1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You should know the the superiors of the SSPX have rejected Bishop Tissier's article as representative of Archbishop Lefevre's thoughts. This article's ideas, positing the "conciliar church" as not merely a metaphor but as an actual church is inherently an "sspx resistance" position now. Even bishop Tissier has distanced himself from this thesis. Its consequences are the same as sedevacantism- namely a denial of the visibility of the church, while payment lip service to her visible head.
      I can't post a link here without my comment disappearing, but simply Google sspx conciliar church and find the article entitled "2-romes-2-churches" by
      Fr. Michel Gleize from 2013.

    • @MsDormy
      @MsDormy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Don’t you think, though, it is worth broadcasting this emotional message in the light of the road that the current papacy is taking the church?

    • @edsatenterprises3601
      @edsatenterprises3601 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      thanks for this. btw do you have an idea what rite of the last mass of Padre Pio ? why he was facing the people was that a novus ordo mass?@@thetraditionalthomist

    • @angied7857
      @angied7857 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@edsatenterprises3601Padre Pio never celebrated the new mass. Fact. That photograph seems to be result of a certain angle

  • @ventusborealis2414
    @ventusborealis2414 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    I am a messianic believer. I pray for you catholic brothers and sisters who keep the Bible and all that Word Jesus has spoken to us. As the Son of God Jesus were on the Mount of Sinai and He gave the Law. That's why all the smallest mitzvahs in the Torah are meaningful and worthy to obey where you can. As our Lord Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-20, we should keep all the Mitzvot if we are able to do that. Not in fear of punishment, but from grace and love by knowing all our sins He took upon Him on the cross. So that's the answer for those pride people who argue what Jesus said about homosexuality. He is the Word and He gave the Word (all the sacred scriptures of the Bible) and he calls us to obey Him and do sin no more. May Yeshua protect us from this evil world and bless our homes. The biblical feast of Succot is going on right now and it's message is the Messiah's returning. He'll come and save us. Maranatha!

    • @MsDormy
      @MsDormy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      God bless you, your message gives me hope 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏 Jesus Christ is Lord…. I love His name in Hebrew - so beautiful uttered on the lips of our Jewish brothers and sisters.

    • @naradaian
      @naradaian 11 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @rh1673
      @rh1673 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      If you truly accept Christ, you would enter into the only Church He established for salvation which is the Roman Catholic Church. Though the Church has been infiltrated with its enemies who now control the hierarchy, there is a Fraternity in the Church which Christ raised up who continue with the pure, uncompromised Faith and teachings which Christ gave to His Church. This is the Society of Saint Pius X who are in full communion with the Seat of Peter (the Papacy). It is essential not to be cut off from the foundation on which Christ established His Church i.e. the Seat of Peter as Christ gave St Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of God. Despite the lies from the devil to obscure the Society of Saint Pius X, Pope Benedict XVI confirmed on many occasions and in writing that the Society is not outside the Church. For salvation it is crucial to be in the Church God founded. As Christ foretold - there will be many false teachers coming in His Name i.e. those who profess Christ but reject His Church.

    • @ventusborealis2414
      @ventusborealis2414 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@rh1673 Thank you, and I really appreciate that I am welcome. I do believe that you are really true followers of Jesus and the pure hearted faithful ones. I also admire TLM because that Mass highlights our Saviour's royalty most of all christian traditions. It's sad that after the destruction of Jerusalem's temple on 70 AD christians were expelled from the synagogues and they had to gather elsewhere. On the later centuries people who converted to christianity took control in the church and they didn't understand the biblical context but started to argue with those jewish people who didn't know the truth about Yeshua and believed lies about Him and His followers. The devil blinded people on the both sides and that fight caused irreversible damage. Some churchfathers wanted to replace biblical/jewish calendar with roman calendar and made it impossible to celebrate Pesach and Easter/Passover at the same time etc. Those christians who celebrated jewish feasts were excommunicated. Nowadays christianity seems as paganism from the jewish viewpoint, and many rituals and customs looks like idolatry. The protestants thinks like that too and there's so wide gap to draw close. I understand catholic practices nowadays better and agree mostly with you. For example superstition in christianity, that is human and also same things occurs in judaism too but many jewish doesn't understand that it is paganism (kabbalah) and during the ages church has tried to correct that. Many of those practices like praying the Virgin Mary and the saints with images etc are obstacles and may seem impossible for a jewish people to accept that the Messiah would be in the church. I do understand why we can have images and why we should respect the Virgin Mary, st Joseph and all the saints as the heroes of our faith. I would also want to be a saint and humble myself serving Jesus Christ in everything. I believe all that error what happened in the past is forgived and that was God's guidance for that Yeshua's "face" and outfit would be strange for His own people like Joseph was for his own brothers when they came to buy grain and Moses was raised in the pharaoh's court too and looked like egyptian before fleeing the Egypt after killing the egyptian. Those biblical patriarchs were "paragons" and key to understand how Jesus will save His own people at the end times. Jewish people will eventually recognise their King - King of King of Kings - Melech Malchei HaMelachim! Tonight is the erev shabbat and also eight day of the Succot - Simchat Torah. I believe by the way it's a blessing to be able to rest on shabbat (Saturday) and to have another holy day on Sunday to serve Jesus and meet his followers. We messianic believers believe Jesus was born during the first day of Succot (the feast of the tabernacles) and this last day was His brit milah (circumscision) day. In pharisaic judaism people are dancing with the Torah Scrolls this day and it's like they would dance with newborn son (traditionally especially Torah scrolls but all the Scriptures where God's name is written are handled like they were human beings). That testify that truly Jesus Christ - Yeshua HaMashiach is the Word that became a flesh. Let's reyoice in Him. And it doesn't mean that we couldn't celebrate Jesus birth on Christmass, because it's not wrong to have birthdayparty on another day too. When it's darkest that light of Jesus shines so bright. I want you all to keep your faith in Him like you do and stay as you are. You don't need to change anything even if I told you about those past errors in the history. Only one thing I would ask is to not hate jewish people and to forgive every fight we have had. I really love you catholic friends and I really appreciate you. It's a shame I don't have people like you living near me in the Northern Finland where I live. Some catholics I know here are liberal leftists and other christians are mostly secular lutherans who hate both jewish and catholics. P.S. There is now a growing number of the jewish followers of Yeshua worldwide, praise be Jesus Christ. He is coming soon and we who put trust in Him and keep His Words will be saved! We will meet one day in the clouds! Shabbat shalom! God bless you!

  • @NothosXXI
    @NothosXXI 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The short answer is no.
    Excellent presentation, friend!
    I pray it reaches many souls

    • @carlospoblet8692
      @carlospoblet8692 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ¡¡¡Fiat Voluntas Tua COMO EN EL CIELO ASÍ EN LA TIERRA!!!

  • @jimsember3528
    @jimsember3528 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi, I just found your channel and this video. Could you post a link to the study by Bishop Tissier de Mallerais?

  • @angied7857
    @angied7857 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Who is that preacher or priest? Wow. Vibes of John the Baptist coming out. Goose bumps.

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Alan Keyes. A traditional Catholic and former Politician.

  • @vytautasmikuciauskas222
    @vytautasmikuciauskas222 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey Thomist whats your thoughts on sedevacantism

  • @adolfowurts2462
    @adolfowurts2462 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There were some theology manuals you mentioned on one of your Avoiding Babylon episodes. I tried searching through the episode to find the mention again but if you can please recommend or have a list of them so that I may get them, it would be appreciated. Thank you for all your good works.

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Great! Here are a few.
      Dogmatic Theology: Sacre Theologiae Summa". Also the "Pohle=Pruess" manuals.
      Dogmatic: "Prummer handbook of Moral theology".
      Ascetical: "The Spiritual life", and "Three ages of the Interior life".
      This is a good start.

    • @adolfowurts2462
      @adolfowurts2462 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for the recommendations. The only one I couldn't find was the Dogmatic Theology: Sacre Theologiae Summa.
      Was :The Spritual Life, The Spiritual Life: And How to Be Attuned to it by St Theophan the Recluse? Lots of results for "The Spiritual Life". Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.@@thetraditionalthomist

  • @S1llyD1lly
    @S1llyD1lly 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well said, friend. God bless 🙏🏻

  • @benjoyce7410
    @benjoyce7410 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Was john xxiii & paul vi the "two worm ridden popes" spoken by bvm at la sallet. And who is the false prophet of rev.

  • @VuNguyen-sy6uv
    @VuNguyen-sy6uv 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Who is the speaker in the intro?

    • @Requiescat_in_pace
      @Requiescat_in_pace 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It sounds like former ambassador Allen Keyes

  • @ryanscottlogan8459
    @ryanscottlogan8459 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    No but make no mistake our Blessed Mother will deliver the Church of her beloved son from these demons in the Vatican!❤️

  • @VictoriaLepantoFatima
    @VictoriaLepantoFatima 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    @TheTraditionalThomist What Dominican rite lay group do you belong to? I have been discerning to join a third lay order but as you know it’s so difficult to find a lay order that is rooted in tradition and does not have influences of modernism. Hopefully, you can make a video on traditional Catholic lay orders. Thank you very much for making outstanding content and for always teaching the truth.

  • @m.proximus1930
    @m.proximus1930 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Popes of Publicity. Wow @TraditionalThomist, that hits home.
    Even on YT, you're paying attention to subscribers and asking yourself whether what you intend to do is going to grow the channel or not, how this or that will be received and whether you should air such and such content or not.
    Now, imagine you're of a mind to advertise the CHURCH OF CHRIST! How hard it would be to keep to the Truth you have received if you were constantly thinking of the best way to optimize publicity!

  • @KenDelloSandro7565
    @KenDelloSandro7565 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Facts. Everything you laid out, all facts. Ty for this.

  • @carlospoblet8692
    @carlospoblet8692 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very free are Catholics nowdays. I want to be one of them for real. To pray constantly in the Divine Will is Heaven on earth.

  • @pamdidio9622
    @pamdidio9622 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @richarddrake381
    @richarddrake381 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You should credit the great Alan Keyes for his amazing speech at the beginning of your presentation.

  • @williammcenaney1331
    @williammcenaney1331 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That's another excellent video, Mr. C. But what do you mean by "a partisan of the Society of St. Pius X?" Am I partisan of it because I'm a tertiary in the SSPX's third order?

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thanks for the compliment and for your question. I guess what I mean regarding the term "partisan" is that a Partisan typically follows a group or leader just because of the group or leader it self. I typically don’t. However, that said, I think that the SSPX has been right about the vast majority of things since the council.

    • @williammcenaney1331
      @williammcenaney1331 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thetraditionalthomist It's very kind of you to love my comment. I'll always say good things about you and your channel because I admire you and it. You're a fine role model for Catholics who want to be brave scholars who persuasively defend the Faith. So I wish we could get to know each other.
      By your definition of "partisan," I'm nonpartisan. Though I'm a native-born Irish American, I won't join any political party. Some even think I'm unpatriotic because I'm a monarchist who loves English High Toryism.

  • @damadgamer34
    @damadgamer34 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Doesn’t this violate the Principle of Non-Contradiction? A thing (the Catholic Church) cannot both be, and not not be the Catholic Church at the same time? Your thoughts…

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Good question. As the article that I read through states: " There is a formal but not material distinction between the Catholic Church and the Conciliar Church." This does not violate the law of Non-Contradiction, for it is an added level of information that changes the "genus" if you will of the proposition. Great question! Thank you for it.

  • @Mar--Mar
    @Mar--Mar 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    @thetraditionalthomist Who is the man delivering the speech at the beginning of the video?

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Alan Keyes. A traditional Catholic and former Politician.

    • @Mar--Mar
      @Mar--Mar 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thetraditionalthomist Thank you. He reminds me a little bit of the retreats Passionist priests gave pre-V2. God bless!

  • @gregoryvess7183
    @gregoryvess7183 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yes, it is.

  • @mcrockett2001
    @mcrockett2001 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey Brother in Christ, great video, good to see your back. You still thinking of doing some video's on the Summa ?

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes! Many coming up!

    • @mcrockett2001
      @mcrockett2001 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thetraditionalthomist Can't think of a better channel to learn it from!

  • @kjhammer2137
    @kjhammer2137 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    JMJ Amen. I agreed with all.

  • @michaelpayette3292
    @michaelpayette3292 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Which missal do you recommend?

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      Personally, I like Pre-55 Missals such as the Fr. Lassance or the St. Andrew's Missal. But 1962 Missals such as the one from Angelus Press or Barionius Press are good to.

  • @aloyalcatholic5785
    @aloyalcatholic5785 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    A great rebuke of Loftonism

  • @andrewstahl3531
    @andrewstahl3531 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Alan Keyes?

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    heavy lifting needed a half time break

  • @joewagner8139
    @joewagner8139 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great to see you assisting Fr. Daniel at Holy Mass this morning.

  • @AdithiaKusno
    @AdithiaKusno 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can you invite Michael Lofton for a public debate?

  • @kathypetersen7558
    @kathypetersen7558 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why does he have to shout? It's off-putting..

  • @poetmaggie1
    @poetmaggie1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    By their works shall we know them.

  • @thereasonableman2424
    @thereasonableman2424 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Coagula is pronounced something like: Coal-aah-goo-lah

  • @GloriaJesu
    @GloriaJesu 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Brother, you seem very intelligent and I commend you for your love of tradition. I also love our Catholic tradition and the TLM, but at the same time I do not subscribe to these ideas (I also accept the NO and actively attend one too, even though I wish it was more traditional). Simply put, the idea of an "invisible Church" is heterodox. The Catholic Church is a real institution with real God-given jurisdiction, and anyone outside of that visible Church is not part of the Catholic Church. This Church is the same and has not gone into apostasy or whatever; it is made up of the current Pope and bishops in communion with him. It is ridiculous to claim that there are two churches and that the Pope is the head of both, and that the true Church is actually invisible. The concept of the invisible Church is a heretical Protestant notion condemned in the Council of Constance (Session 15).

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Amen to everything you said! I don't disagree with you at all. My point in the argument here is not to say that the Church is invisible. Definitely not that. Rather that the Pope can be the head of a group of individuals that have bad motives and ideas. I hope that makes sense.

    • @GloriaJesu
      @GloriaJesu 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thetraditionalthomist OK. I confess I didn't watch the whole video but I skimmed through the article and got the gist of it.
      So, you think that there are some bad apples in the Church. I can't deny that. But I wouldn't say that that means that there is a true "Catholic Church" separate from the "Conciliar Church." They are the same. There is only one Church. There have always been sinners and bad people in the Church (even bad Popes), but that doesn't mean there are two churches.
      Also, question: What is your opinion on the Novus Ordo? Do you think that the NO in and of itself is bad, and that I should stop attending my NO Mass? How could a rite produced by the Church be harmful to souls? I've never understood SSPX arguments about this (I have lots of other issues with the Society but this is a big one).

  • @Slaughter013
    @Slaughter013 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video!
    But dude…stop saying “right” every five seconds

  • @sanalzam1
    @sanalzam1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not even close!

  • @alessandragiammattei63
    @alessandragiammattei63 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The answer to your question is NO

  • @abrahamphilip6439
    @abrahamphilip6439 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    St Francis of Assisi at his death bed " At that time (which is now) Jesus Christ sends not a true Pastor but a "Destroyer" who by cunning would cause many to Error, & death" appatent now ,
    Why would Jesus do that , but a test of the Faith even as revelations state "All that dwell on the face of the earth would be tried ,
    Even as Bergoglio uses Language Semantics to project Lust as Love, unto "Blessing" Sodomic Unions" corrupting the word "Blessing" when in truth a "Marriage Blessing" is to be "Fruitful & Multiply" ,
    And whoso disagree/oppose it amounts to contending for the Faith, pass the test of Faith & who ever goes with it , in their blind belief of the Pontiff, instead of God & his word, fail the test,

  • @BujangMelaka90
    @BujangMelaka90 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No brainer.

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    popesplainers 🤨🙄

  • @Jnpz
    @Jnpz 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    No, it is not!

  • @ericschilling9757
    @ericschilling9757 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What matters is trying to follow Jesus' behavior. Trying to be more tolerant and uniting and charitable, and helping the poor.. Those who watch videos like this are are not followers of Jesus, but followers of intolerant priests. Period.

    • @thetraditionalthomist
      @thetraditionalthomist  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "Those who watch videos like this are are not followers of Jesus, but followers of intolerant priests". Thanks for being exactly what you try to insult.

  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    novus ordo bad. 😕

  • @emmetsweeney9236
    @emmetsweeney9236 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In answer to your question: No.

  • @TruthSeeker-333
    @TruthSeeker-333 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @ERH1453.
    @ERH1453. 9 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @soniavadnjal7553
    @soniavadnjal7553 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The intro speaker sounds like one of those protestant preachers of old. Very harsh. I don't think this is how the Catholic Church will be saved, this is not how Christ will come again, with this yelling and screaming.

    • @Requiescat_in_pace
      @Requiescat_in_pace 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think that was a Catholic layman. Former Ambassador Allen Keyes. Voice sounds like him.

    • @Myguyver
      @Myguyver 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Remember John the Baptist?

    • @solibeata6642
      @solibeata6642 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      You have not listened to Archbishop Sheen then.

    • @ninaluz8710
      @ninaluz8710 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@Myguyver agree 🙏. John the Baptist preached it 🙏

    • @angied7857
      @angied7857 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Did you pay attention to the message? And the gates of hell will not triumph over the Catholic Faith.