Dude, if you can play, you can dominate T11 games with T9. 90% of T11 players are monkeys and bot T9 now get balanced hammer after years and people cry a lot and if you open your fricking eyes, see T7 ships in T9 and T9 in T11 just by module
Disagree. Yes its worse that it was before Supers got added. But still not as bad as some people claim. Its not nearly as bad as the agonizing hell that is T8. Bad T9 MM = 1-3 supers Bad T8 MM = A wall of T10 Have fun with your cruiser that dont even has a heal in the latter.
Does it, though? I'd much rather be in a T9 ship fighting a supership than a T8 fighting a T10, and *much* more than in a T7 fighting a T9. The fact that T9 now has to deal with the same +/-2 matchmaking the rest of the game does is such a bizarre thing for PQ to fixate on; sure, it's less than ideal, but it's a longrunning problem getting slightly worse, not a new thing.
I wouldn't call it complaining when every time it's the same classes of ships that ruin a game. It's a simple but accurate observation, and one that absolutely bears repeating. Indefinitely.
It's a shame Wows doesn't have some crazy ass hackers that play it who were missed off enough to do something about cvs, I remember when Titanfall 2 players hacked apex legends
Mode Shuffle suffers greatly from the presence of CVs. How hard is it to play when there's a line on the map that basically tells you where the enemy is. An enemy that can't really stay mobile as they have to play the objective. Not that half the players do that, either.
Every super ship added is an auction, this isnt new It’ll be added in a couple months for normal purchase Im not saying I agree with the system, but you shouldnt be surprised
17:41 Wows: Legends player here. The CVs in our game aren’t that bad, sure they’re just DPM monsters but they get deplaned often with teamwork and with the universal spotting removed playing DDs and being stealthy has been more rewarding. High tier CVs are the scariest, especially the Japanese CVs with their very fast plane reload rate but if you “Huddle up” you’ll deplane them any CV that dares challenge the AA bubble of 2-3 ships. I personally think the rework is effective because the CVs have to be closer to the action so they get taken out more often removing that insane chess piece of the board! Violet from the High Seas, out!
@@bradenhagen7977 That was from the first round of balance changes that came with the rework. They were absolutely insane and broken at that time. Fortunately that only lasted a couple of weeks before the next balance change, which reduced plane health and damage across the board. They're in a much better spot now.
WG says players want subs and CVs and its just a vocal minority that don't like them. i say put a section in setting to exclude yourself from subs and or CV games and see how many players actually click on it, but WG is too afraid to be proven wrong. i would bet 90%+ of players would love to opt out if given a chance.
Honestly, you have a top tier sarcastic humor style which is part of why i like watching you, but when you genuinely sound happy, amazed, or excited;Even when youre disappointed you have a infectious kinda laugh. I like you funny words boat man! 🫡O7 Seriously though, appreciate the content. Excellent work Captain! Carry on 07
Having heard now the Legends community which im apart of on xbox, carriers suck to play against now. We even have the American battle carriers for the Techtree. Having two of those, with a normal CV is abject hell for BB captains like myself. I had a 58% winrate spring at 50% now in just the two or 3 weeks American BCVs have been out
He does have a point about the subs and the carriers, but I just love how he tries to contain himself and not want to go on a rant and a tirade about subs and carriers. I think honestly potato quality should just absolutely make one video where he just goes on a rant and a tirade about subs and CVS and everything wrong with the game just in one video just so he can get it out and it probably would get a lot of views because I've watched his videos for a while. And one thing I've learned about potato quality is he doesn't shy from giving his opinion. So it would definitely be interesting to watch one video or maybe a bunch of him just ranting raving and giving a tirade about everything wrong in the game and no filters. By the way, no filters at all
@@laer6919 well I mean at the end of the day he does have kind of the ability to and on top of that too. You know I feel like he kind of should blow off some steam in a couple of vids because again he makes good videos and he makes good quality videos and he really goes in depth and stuff. Some things I disagree on but overall he does a pretty good job. He's a very good CC and he is very good at what he does. I just feel like that he needs to make a couple of videos just going into you know aspects that you normally wouldn't hear him talk about of the game
Aa for carriers is basically the same as secondairies and main guns. A difference in a massive slap from main guns and getting tickled to death by secondairies
A little change to mm could be if not already implemented t1 vs bot to t2, t2 vs t1 to t3, t3 vs t2 to t4, t4 vs t3 to t5, t5 vs t4 to t6, t6 vs t4 to t7, t7 vs t6 to t8, t8 vs t7 to t9, t9 vs t8 to t9, t10 vs t10 to super ships But again this or a version of this may already be implemented *also bots would pad out t1 through t3
On the test server this week, the Jax is at the bottom of the tech line. Does that mean it will eventually be grindable? Probably have to wait 6 months for it if so but, I can wait.
This ship is so god damn broken that it melted my BB in 10 to 15 secs and at that time I didn't know what combat instructions it had cause the HE was doing some obnoxious dmg like fr
That little 4v4 would be my dream actually, you get to play aggressively and tactically. Shame they let a carrier in it though, it does really break things
Can't wait to get my own! Gotta say I agree with carriers for the most part, but the AA being reliant on flak bursts isn't completely true imo. I get pretty good results and pretty consistent results out of my Worcester if I trigger my DFAA first, then assign my priority sector, which gives you a massive boost to passive damage and allows me to regularly defend against entire groups of planes. Could also just be that EU carrier players are worse than NA tho
It makes sense that surface ships should be able to regenerate AA and secondaries. If CVs can fabricate new planes out of nothing then why cant a bunch of sweaty sailors just repair the AA and secondary guns? THINK WARGAMING THINK!
It's frustrating to me to think of what we could have had. The combat instruction for Jaksonville is basically the same as what was going to be on the Pan-American CLs, but Wargaming decided that it was to powerful for THEM to have it, with their longer than normal reload on their main guns, but not so powerful that they couldn't re-use it on a far stronger ship than anything that line has to offer. I can see where you are coming from with Flak mechanics and AA, but as a counter point. Why should CVs be able to be fully countered, when NO OTHER SHIP CAN BE? Why should CVs be made to be the weakest ship class? Like I might not constantly be down here in the comments asking these questions if you'd at least say what you'd like to see from CVs, and seeing as they've been here since the early alpha, it can't be "remove them". How would you BALANCE them. Making ships immune to CV strikes is not balance, that's making the game horribly unbalanced for the CV player, a class that may I remind, is in the middle of the ship classes in terms of win rate and average damage. Meaning at least on paper it is the most balanced class right now, with DDs ruling win rate, showing they have the most battle impact, and BBs ruling average damage showing they still have fairly good battle impact themselves. CVs have been in the game longer than likely 99% of the current player base, with most of the players who have been playing as long as CVs having quit when the massively overpowered RTS CVs were finally removed from all the servers. Maybe make a video actually talking about the changes you would make, and keep in mind preventing CVs from playing the game isn't balance, they still need to be able to play the game, they still need to be able to make attacks. Unless as part of your CV changes you want to also remove over match, and reduce HE pen for smaller calibre guns, and give more ships radars, then sure. If everyone's getting screwed, then it's fair for CVs to get screwed, otherwise you're just being vindictive because you FEEL something is overpowered with only really your feelings to back it up. Yes I'm aware CBs have CVs banned, they also have Napoli banned, so I guess that means we need to nerf her into the ground right? I'm thinking we reduce her main battery range to 10km, remove her armour, and give her a 30 second reload, that should do it.(obvious extreme example made with a huge dose of sarcasm not a serious take on balance of Napoli, but is effectively what people are asking to happen to CVs in terms of massive nerfs.) CVs are banned in CB because of the spotting they can do on a fully coordinated team. Plus I think we can all agree, CBs are not representative of normal game play, and should not be how we balance the game. 7v7 alone is already enough to make some ships that are bad or at least not optimal in normal game play far better.
My fix would be to change spotting (I think they are working on that). Make it possible to deplane CV's. Maybe if they loose x number over x time it will add 50% to the down time of said squad. Or just a flat number of each plane type. Then I would give the player more control over the planes. Make it possible to change altitude, but also make the planes control different depending on type. So with torp bombers you have to be level and low to start a run. Not sure how well any of that would actually work. Would probably need quite a bit of tweeking to make it balanced and fun.
@@RianD-xp3kk Yeah based on the proposed changes CV are basically losing all of their spotting, they will only be able to spot targets while in "attack mode" basically the left click to start the attack so they will spot targets for 5-10 seconds, and if the CV is the one spotting the target they have the ability to use their sector reinforcement to blind the CV. So basically CVs won't be spotting at all anymore. CVs can be deplaned now, the main difference between RTS CVs and now is the number of aircraft a CV has in play. In general they have around the same amount of aircraft or less than with RTS CVs when you account for the current replenishment, they just only risk a few at a time. I'd personally be down for CVs to get more stock aircraft but slower regen, or no regen and just have their theoretical max as their new max. Would add some build verity to CVs, because fun fact, you likely have never seen a British CV using anything but Flight Control Modification 1 in slot 5, because they NEED those extra 2 planes or else they will run out so fast. Most CVs are given enough aircraft to be running on fumes at the end of a battle, some exceptions exist of course, but same could be said for every class of ship. There is always an exception to how the rest of the ships work. The changing altitude isn't a bad idea, as long as AA guns also work differently at different elevations. So for instance if the aircraft are 2.5km above sea level, the 2.5km max range machine guns shouldn't be able to fire until the planes start their dive and enter the AA bubble. Though that might be WAY to complex for the game engine to handle, and a bit unnecessary but could make playing CVs more fun at least.
It wouldn't match USN bb naming conventions, it would have to be named after one of the states; something like USS Kentucky or USS Utah would be more appropriate (these are just examples ofc).
"CVs are unfun to play against" - says in a broken supership that can spam he at long ranges with a broken combat instruction. And 1v1 solos an almost full hp BB in open water at close range without any problems. Okay. Another great ship to further destroy Tier 9 and make sure no one actually gets close to the caps.
Just adds to the "PQ doesn't seem to actually understand what game balance is" list. Bungo nukeing ships from across the map is perfectly fine and balanced. A CV taking nearly twice as long as Bungo takes to load it's guns to deal around 20k damage? Overpowered needs nerfed into the ground! A cruiser able to melt down a full health BB through it's superheal and not die? Yeah that's fine and balanced. You know until he's the BB then you know he'd be complaining about how unfair it is he's not nuking the cruiser out of the game. Irony is he does have some level of point when it comes to AA, I'd personally love to see more AA focused into DPS and less of a focus on Flak, because Flak to far to random, far to easy to abuse on DDs with DefAA(and soon to be any ship with DefAA), and just simply unfun for both sides. Just a shame he so hyper fixated on the parts of the game he doesn't even play that he doesn't notice that there are far more problems with the ships he enjoys, and even then the problems aren't actually the ones he thinks they are.
@@Stephen__White If a player in a reasonably vulnerable ship show flat broadside to a Bungo and get dev struck, that's on them. They can angle and maneuver to dodge and bounce the shells. Meanwhile with the state of AA these days the player cannot meaningfully repel the carrier attacks. There are counterplay options against a battleship. The options against a CV are much weaker.
I want to see how an Ibuki is supposed to fight a ship like this. Or any BB for that matter. It literally melts away anything with just fires while higher calibers struggle to hit with their shots every 30 seconds.
Ibuki is stealthy, maneuverable, and has better shell arcs so it will be fine against slow shells like these. Takahashi on the other hand is going to get dumpstered, not that it doesn't get dumpstered already.
The only saving grace about this thing, it's worse at perfoming it's role than Worchester. Because the concealment goes up. Ie. it's utility is worse. The only argument is it can survive pushing more, so might not care about the gap between the radar and concealment. It's tier 11 Valejo buffed so that even the 40% WR and 200PR players can get 100k damage sometimes. All for the low price of ruining everyone else's experience. My biggest fear? This is going to result in them nerfing the radar on Worchester (My favourite tier 10) as they did to DM.
@@clmwrx My fear isn't a fear, it's a disappointment. It doesn't do what Worchester does, as we as Worchester. because the concealment is worse. The firing arcs are worse (For worchester's purposes) and the things it does do better are "We'll give idiot players an easier time getting their first 100k match and they can survive their stupidity longer. It's a selfish gameplay ship, not a team/utility ship. The same way Valejo is a selfish play ship compared to Seattle. "Supposed" to be better than Worchester doesn't mean I like the ship, nor will I enjoy having to deal with players in it, in my Worchester.
Nice vid "renamed_user" :) all jokes aside but imagine losing your main damage dealing torp launchers the same way you lost your AA guns... that's a thing too in DD.. and any ship having torps. Almost never see that happening with turrets especially on BB.. what do you mean "protected" class :) Love you vids PQ and WoWs is showing its age with WG only catering to whalers and the money... Wish "fun and engaging gameplay" was more on their agenda then the next big F.O.M.O. money sceme..
You say 300,000,000 like it's affordable but expensive. I play this game a lot and have nowhere near such absurd amounts of credits. I have 106,000,000 and that took a long time to achieve. The biggest problem for new players in this game is the fact you learn very quickly how a steel ship will take you a year to earn unless you get into a good clan. A coal ship 3 to 6 months. Anything in the community part over 10,000 1 to 2 years to get, and the research bureau a grind with almost zero light at the end of the tunnel. You can shorten Coal and research bureau if you play or have the time to play 3+ hours a day. So no life for new players unless you have no family friends or a job.
Or you're like me and get along fine in the game as a totally f2p player since day one. People be in too big of a hurry to get more ships instead of play their ships more..
@@clmwrx what I always wondered was how Wargaming justified giving one of the single largest ships in the game the best stealth you could ever wish for. I mean, can't see a carrier at 15k?! seriously!? lol
I hope they will go with a modern design here. While Rupprecht and Schlieffen are pure fun in ranked, i dont like the design they went with. Outdated casematte guns are the best secondaries in the game. Makes no sense.
Sure, a new cruiser. The game is already so unfair to Subs and DDs. WG nerf the sub line and makes it very difficult for a DD to survive. With some BBs/Cruisers having hydro/radar (which is the same thing, different name) to 2nd Daries that will kill a DD with NO PLAYER INPUT! What a skill this is! Not to mention that radar/hydro, after YEARS of playing, CAN STILL SEE THRU SOLID ROCK MOUNTAINS/ISLANDS! WG wont fix this, and never will. Best thing now is I sold my 10 year old account for $2800 to some wallet warrior and I only play now T5 and below now. This solves the problem for me.
I find subs annoying but I think I'd rather them over cvs as you can slaughter a sub it it makes a mistake, but the CV just too far out of range so they don't have any risk to their ship
PQ Thanks for even being a CC for Wargaming, you call Wargaming out of the bullshit in the game constantly. Showing your fans and followers how greedy Wargaming is, how certain class types are protected constantly in comparison, their idiotic decisions and mechanics. Theres a lot that could be improved to simple fixes.....But I honestly don't think Wargaming cares a whole lot anymore.
I have over 350mill credits. Im free to play player too. Have only been playing for around 5k random battles. Not a long time player at all. Credits are easy to build up if youre not constantly grinding new tech lines
@@woody4077 a patch or two behind I guess. It sure felt like Maine entered the game quick after auction. Time flies tho so I'm not exactly sure how long it took
Seriously people were spending 320 mln instead waiting some more time????? Lol :D I thought I have excessive credits due to regularly being with +100 mln, but I see I am poor guy! :D
@@EvoraGT430 well it's more like "Wood" but with shortened "o", I'm English and we just don't say it like Jeeves and Wooster. When spelt Worcester, it's shortened version of Worcestershire, and we also do call the county Worcs too, It's grinding to hear it said wrong lol PS also a city of course
I lived in Worcester Massachusetts which this ship is named after. If someone hasn't heard it pronounced, they won't figure it out. I naïvely tried "Wuster, you know like Wustersheer sauce" and was met with incomprehension. I'm just glad when someone calls it Worcester and not Wooster, the city in Ohio.
CVs are annoying, but I mainly play dd and light cruisers that devour planes like candy. Subs on the otherhand are complete horseshit. As fast or faster dds, the ping marker is never were they actually are, depth charge planes either don't have the range to hit them or immediately get deleted by even the weakest AA ships, meanwhile their homing torpedos are unaliving literally every ship type with almost no counter play except either over extend to try to kill the sub, burn repair party and get deleted by the enemy team.
Interesting. I'm a dd main that also likes cruisers and the occasional bb. I find cvs to be way worse than subs. When they made the shotgunning change subs started to bother me a lot less. Well also practice dealing with subs over time helped a lot too. U4501 is a mother fucker tho. So fast underwater. Has heals. Out spots.
Cvs are mostly fine (Mostly no problem for me) imo and i enjoy playing hybrids (active with gun use) from time to time. Since if you deplane a bad player they are done for the game (unless its a malta (nerf plane restock speed by 50% and give 25% to hp and 25% damage to make it skill based and rewarding) and if you got a good cv he earns it like a normal ship imo (a deplaned cv is useless and a spotted one gets send to port in a matter of seconds). Subs on the other hand are a Pain. Oh you like playing DD? While you can evade/shoot down enemy planes, if you just burned/had to repair and a sub camps close under water it can torp you to death without being able to see/counter it at all. Oh you roughly know the subs location. As DD you wont reach it unless youre a French one and with ASW fROM Cruisers/BBs you will miss 8/10 times. Youre an CV? Good luck spotting them. To Summarize: While CVs (with some nerfed) have a place for spotting Super Stealthy DDs (Shima can hardly be countered without radar ship or another shima or sub). and providing focused damage support on a loosing flank, Subs cant be played supportive at all unless you spot all the time wich an CV or Half decent DD can do as well but better. Torping out of nowhere with Near unavoidable homing Topedos is a Joke. I can Guess where a Shima/Any other DD Torps will come from and avoid most/all with my BB. But if i have 3 BBs infront of my colombo and Counter them all by good positioning and Angle and i get 8 torps in by Back from a Sub that just dove under me, i say its unbalanced. With good position you can counter a CV and 90% of other ships (Including DDs with the use of island cover) (Risk and Reward) but not a Sub that Torps you out of nowhere from 30m depth on 3km range.
I want to know who are those idiots that paid 301 million credits for this thing that you can get for 40 million in a couple of months so I can laugh at them.
T9 gets more broken every single day
indeed... its just a pain to play T9 atm
Dude, if you can play, you can dominate T11 games with T9. 90% of T11 players are monkeys and bot
T9 now get balanced hammer after years and people cry a lot and if you open your fricking eyes, see T7 ships in T9 and T9 in T11 just by module
Disagree. Yes its worse that it was before Supers got added. But still not as bad as some people claim. Its not nearly as bad as the agonizing hell that is T8.
Bad T9 MM = 1-3 supers
Bad T8 MM = A wall of T10
Have fun with your cruiser that dont even has a heal in the latter.
Does it, though? I'd much rather be in a T9 ship fighting a supership than a T8 fighting a T10, and *much* more than in a T7 fighting a T9. The fact that T9 now has to deal with the same +/-2 matchmaking the rest of the game does is such a bizarre thing for PQ to fixate on; sure, it's less than ideal, but it's a longrunning problem getting slightly worse, not a new thing.
@@heatherrockwell9012 no way, T11 is straight up busted against t9.
I wouldn't call it complaining when every time it's the same classes of ships that ruin a game. It's a simple but accurate observation, and one that absolutely bears repeating. Indefinitely.
It's a shame Wows doesn't have some crazy ass hackers that play it who were missed off enough to do something about cvs, I remember when Titanfall 2 players hacked apex legends
Mode Shuffle suffers greatly from the presence of CVs. How hard is it to play when there's a line on the map that basically tells you where the enemy is. An enemy that can't really stay mobile as they have to play the objective. Not that half the players do that, either.
"Oh nice, a fun ship"
"It's a auction ship"
*Immediately close the video*
For now it’s an auction, it will be available in 1-2 months
Well it will be added like a month or 2 after the auction into the tech tree. But people don't want to wait so they buy it through the auction.
Every super ship added is an auction, this isnt new
It’ll be added in a couple months for normal purchase
Im not saying I agree with the system, but you shouldnt be surprised
Its already happens for other super ships, why surprise?
@@ishaanthadani7100 No idea why people waste that much credits on those auctions when you can get it for ~40 million soon afterwards anyways.
17:41 Wows: Legends player here. The CVs in our game aren’t that bad, sure they’re just DPM monsters but they get deplaned often with teamwork and with the universal spotting removed playing DDs and being stealthy has been more rewarding. High tier CVs are the scariest, especially the Japanese CVs with their very fast plane reload rate but if you “Huddle up” you’ll deplane them any CV that dares challenge the AA bubble of 2-3 ships. I personally think the rework is effective because the CVs have to be closer to the action so they get taken out more often removing that insane chess piece of the board! Violet from the High Seas, out!
Last CV replay I watched was 450k damage...
@@bradenhagen7977 That was from the first round of balance changes that came with the rework. They were absolutely insane and broken at that time. Fortunately that only lasted a couple of weeks before the next balance change, which reduced plane health and damage across the board. They're in a much better spot now.
I try to save these videos for my lunch break as a reward for getting shit done at work, but i just dont have the will power on this one!!!
Player since beta. I totally agree with you on CV and subs.
WG says players want subs and CVs and its just a vocal minority that don't like them. i say put a section in setting to exclude yourself from subs and or CV games and see how many players actually click on it, but WG is too afraid to be proven wrong. i would bet 90%+ of players would love to opt out if given a chance.
@@joedoe6444 there are clan battle ;)
@@joedoe6444 I play since beta as well and I like subs, I just wished a trade between homing torps for more time spent in the debths.
Yeah, bbs should not get damage from subs and cvs... 🤣🤣🤣
@@marcom2248 I am main DD player...
Honestly, you have a top tier sarcastic humor style which is part of why i like watching you, but when you genuinely sound happy, amazed, or excited;Even when youre disappointed you have a infectious kinda laugh.
I like you funny words boat man! 🫡O7 Seriously though, appreciate the content. Excellent work Captain! Carry on 07
Having heard now the Legends community which im apart of on xbox, carriers suck to play against now. We even have the American battle carriers for the Techtree. Having two of those, with a normal CV is abject hell for BB captains like myself. I had a 58% winrate spring at 50% now in just the two or 3 weeks American BCVs have been out
Des Moines crying in the corner with 15.8 km range
Gotta love light cruisers with more range than their heavy cruiser counterparts...
Can’t you go further with range mod?
@@Taooflu yes, but not worth it imo
That's why I have range mod on my Salem
love ur vid pq, btw "louchuan' pronounces as "Low Tr-uan", which is a class of ancient Chinese warship ("楼船” in Chinese)😂
Fun fact, this ship has roughly the same rate of fire base that the Brooklyn class cruisers had in real life.
I really wish you would add the distance to the mini map circles for main battery, radar, hydro range etc.
Makes mini map way too cluttered. He has main battery range on.
He does have a point about the subs and the carriers, but I just love how he tries to contain himself and not want to go on a rant and a tirade about subs and carriers. I think honestly potato quality should just absolutely make one video where he just goes on a rant and a tirade about subs and CVS and everything wrong with the game just in one video just so he can get it out and it probably would get a lot of views because I've watched his videos for a while. And one thing I've learned about potato quality is he doesn't shy from giving his opinion. So it would definitely be interesting to watch one video or maybe a bunch of him just ranting raving and giving a tirade about everything wrong in the game and no filters. By the way, no filters at all
Already done.
he's already made that video.
@@atpyro7920 where????
or just watch his stream, much rant, salt and dont disagree with him unless you like being talked down to ;)
@@laer6919 well I mean at the end of the day he does have kind of the ability to and on top of that too. You know I feel like he kind of should blow off some steam in a couple of vids because again he makes good videos and he makes good quality videos and he really goes in depth and stuff. Some things I disagree on but overall he does a pretty good job. He's a very good CC and he is very good at what he does. I just feel like that he needs to make a couple of videos just going into you know aspects that you normally wouldn't hear him talk about of the game
It might be 3 years since I last plaed WOWS, but I still watch your videos from time to time. lol.
Aa for carriers is basically the same as secondairies and main guns. A difference in a massive slap from main guns and getting tickled to death by secondairies
I see they put the Worcester on the Vermont diet.
Man it even has 360 degree on back turrets...
How are you getting matches against people who are just sitting still?
Memories of the first Cleveland tier 6.
I hope one day we get a Schlieffen or Colombo super ship. Both are fun to play imo.
A little change to mm could be if not already implemented t1 vs bot to t2, t2 vs t1 to t3, t3 vs t2 to t4, t4 vs t3 to t5, t5 vs t4 to t6, t6 vs t4 to t7, t7 vs t6 to t8, t8 vs t7 to t9, t9 vs t8 to t9, t10 vs t10 to super ships
But again this or a version of this may already be implemented *also bots would pad out t1 through t3
On the test server this week, the Jax is at the bottom of the tech line. Does that mean it will eventually be grindable? Probably have to wait 6 months for it if so but, I can wait.
Most likely, thats what happened with all the other superships. They appear in an auction and then later get added
I believe with the Maine it was 3 months after the auction to the regular release in the game.
Thx guys!
This ship is so god damn broken that it melted my BB in 10 to 15 secs and at that time I didn't know what combat instructions it had cause the HE was doing some obnoxious dmg like fr
My understanding is they rescheduled the test for the new CV rework to July 29th.
are they reverting back to pre 2019 mechanics ? the current mechanics suck
No, they are testing completely new mechanics. The idea is to nerf CV spotting. How much makes it into the game is still in question at this point.
I wonder if PQ can post videos from the test server with a WiP tag on the videos
@@thirdfey It is a public test, there is no NDA anyone can participate
This ship gives me old Smolensk vibes.
That little 4v4 would be my dream actually, you get to play aggressively and tactically. Shame they let a carrier in it though, it does really break things
Well you should enjoy brawls depending on the season
Can't wait to get my own! Gotta say I agree with carriers for the most part, but the AA being reliant on flak bursts isn't completely true imo. I get pretty good results and pretty consistent results out of my Worcester if I trigger my DFAA first, then assign my priority sector, which gives you a massive boost to passive damage and allows me to regularly defend against entire groups of planes. Could also just be that EU carrier players are worse than NA tho
What is your crosshair design?
It makes sense that surface ships should be able to regenerate AA and secondaries. If CVs can fabricate new planes out of nothing then why cant a bunch of sweaty sailors just repair the AA and secondary guns? THINK WARGAMING THINK!
Regenerating AA is a change that I think was mentioned for the CV re-re-work.
What compass mod is being used on the bottom left?
The fact that people can't own the ships they're fighting against is what will end this game.
Why bid in an auction when itll be in the tech tree in a few months and cost a couple million...
Now this I’m getting cause I’ve been wanting it
Potato, you make this game look so easy. ☹️
Wish I could play this easy.
What is the name of circle speed addon?
It's frustrating to me to think of what we could have had. The combat instruction for Jaksonville is basically the same as what was going to be on the Pan-American CLs, but Wargaming decided that it was to powerful for THEM to have it, with their longer than normal reload on their main guns, but not so powerful that they couldn't re-use it on a far stronger ship than anything that line has to offer.
I can see where you are coming from with Flak mechanics and AA, but as a counter point. Why should CVs be able to be fully countered, when NO OTHER SHIP CAN BE? Why should CVs be made to be the weakest ship class? Like I might not constantly be down here in the comments asking these questions if you'd at least say what you'd like to see from CVs, and seeing as they've been here since the early alpha, it can't be "remove them". How would you BALANCE them. Making ships immune to CV strikes is not balance, that's making the game horribly unbalanced for the CV player, a class that may I remind, is in the middle of the ship classes in terms of win rate and average damage. Meaning at least on paper it is the most balanced class right now, with DDs ruling win rate, showing they have the most battle impact, and BBs ruling average damage showing they still have fairly good battle impact themselves.
CVs have been in the game longer than likely 99% of the current player base, with most of the players who have been playing as long as CVs having quit when the massively overpowered RTS CVs were finally removed from all the servers. Maybe make a video actually talking about the changes you would make, and keep in mind preventing CVs from playing the game isn't balance, they still need to be able to play the game, they still need to be able to make attacks. Unless as part of your CV changes you want to also remove over match, and reduce HE pen for smaller calibre guns, and give more ships radars, then sure. If everyone's getting screwed, then it's fair for CVs to get screwed, otherwise you're just being vindictive because you FEEL something is overpowered with only really your feelings to back it up.
Yes I'm aware CBs have CVs banned, they also have Napoli banned, so I guess that means we need to nerf her into the ground right? I'm thinking we reduce her main battery range to 10km, remove her armour, and give her a 30 second reload, that should do it.(obvious extreme example made with a huge dose of sarcasm not a serious take on balance of Napoli, but is effectively what people are asking to happen to CVs in terms of massive nerfs.) CVs are banned in CB because of the spotting they can do on a fully coordinated team. Plus I think we can all agree, CBs are not representative of normal game play, and should not be how we balance the game. 7v7 alone is already enough to make some ships that are bad or at least not optimal in normal game play far better.
@Stephen__White defending CVs is like defending pedophiles, just don't do it man
This comment gets it
My fix would be to change spotting (I think they are working on that).
Make it possible to deplane CV's. Maybe if they loose x number over x time it will add 50% to the down time of said squad. Or just a flat number of each plane type.
Then I would give the player more control over the planes. Make it possible to change altitude, but also make the planes control different depending on type. So with torp bombers you have to be level and low to start a run.
Not sure how well any of that would actually work. Would probably need quite a bit of tweeking to make it balanced and fun.
@@RianD-xp3kk Yeah based on the proposed changes CV are basically losing all of their spotting, they will only be able to spot targets while in "attack mode" basically the left click to start the attack so they will spot targets for 5-10 seconds, and if the CV is the one spotting the target they have the ability to use their sector reinforcement to blind the CV. So basically CVs won't be spotting at all anymore.
CVs can be deplaned now, the main difference between RTS CVs and now is the number of aircraft a CV has in play. In general they have around the same amount of aircraft or less than with RTS CVs when you account for the current replenishment, they just only risk a few at a time. I'd personally be down for CVs to get more stock aircraft but slower regen, or no regen and just have their theoretical max as their new max. Would add some build verity to CVs, because fun fact, you likely have never seen a British CV using anything but Flight Control Modification 1 in slot 5, because they NEED those extra 2 planes or else they will run out so fast. Most CVs are given enough aircraft to be running on fumes at the end of a battle, some exceptions exist of course, but same could be said for every class of ship. There is always an exception to how the rest of the ships work.
The changing altitude isn't a bad idea, as long as AA guns also work differently at different elevations. So for instance if the aircraft are 2.5km above sea level, the 2.5km max range machine guns shouldn't be able to fire until the planes start their dive and enter the AA bubble. Though that might be WAY to complex for the game engine to handle, and a bit unnecessary but could make playing CVs more fun at least.
I imagine that like the Worcester, most people will not know how to play the Jacksonville and will be one shotted at the start of most games.
7:30 jingles moment?
15:07 "flak"
1000 is only about 1 in 5 current players.
IMO they should've added suppership to a more unpopular line or ship line that struggles in nowadays meta, like super A.Regolo or super Zao.
@KiraCHD177 there was a super zao devblog awhile ago it has 210mm guns
@@00spinz35 Hopefully it has better turret angles as well... one can dream T.T
There is a super zao but it is on the Lesta version of wows it's called Senjo and it has good turret angles and torp angles
@@00spinz35 That super Zao is the Senjo, but sadly it's a Lesta server exclusive.
Will it appear in techtree after auction?
Of course...
It may take a couple patches but it will. They have done the same thing for all superships
Word of the day is "powercreep"
When should come mega-super-next-level ships? 😅
i want a Tillman iv superbattleship, to complete the Vermont line, and USS Olympia would be the perfect name
It wouldn't match USN bb naming conventions, it would have to be named after one of the states; something like USS Kentucky or USS Utah would be more appropriate (these are just examples ofc).
@@prakritarya8961 Didnt know that, thank you
How do these auctions work and where do I find them?
Armory. Just wait a month and save 300m credits.
Or wait about three months and it'll be in the tech tree for a couple million credits
"CVs are unfun to play against" - says in a broken supership that can spam he at long ranges with a broken combat instruction. And 1v1 solos an almost full hp BB in open water at close range without any problems. Okay. Another great ship to further destroy Tier 9 and make sure no one actually gets close to the caps.
@LongingSubset9 your not wrong but if I play a t8 i'm not gonna see superships but they'll always be cvs, there's no way to avoid versusing cvs
Just adds to the "PQ doesn't seem to actually understand what game balance is" list. Bungo nukeing ships from across the map is perfectly fine and balanced. A CV taking nearly twice as long as Bungo takes to load it's guns to deal around 20k damage? Overpowered needs nerfed into the ground! A cruiser able to melt down a full health BB through it's superheal and not die? Yeah that's fine and balanced. You know until he's the BB then you know he'd be complaining about how unfair it is he's not nuking the cruiser out of the game.
Irony is he does have some level of point when it comes to AA, I'd personally love to see more AA focused into DPS and less of a focus on Flak, because Flak to far to random, far to easy to abuse on DDs with DefAA(and soon to be any ship with DefAA), and just simply unfun for both sides. Just a shame he so hyper fixated on the parts of the game he doesn't even play that he doesn't notice that there are far more problems with the ships he enjoys, and even then the problems aren't actually the ones he thinks they are.
Jacksonville is unfun to play against doesn't magicaly make CV not unfun to play against
@@Stephen__White If a player in a reasonably vulnerable ship show flat broadside to a Bungo and get dev struck, that's on them. They can angle and maneuver to dodge and bounce the shells. Meanwhile with the state of AA these days the player cannot meaningfully repel the carrier attacks. There are counterplay options against a battleship. The options against a CV are much weaker.
@@00spinz35 play tier 1 is one way
I want to see how an Ibuki is supposed to fight a ship like this. Or any BB for that matter. It literally melts away anything with just fires while higher calibers struggle to hit with their shots every 30 seconds.
Ibuki is stealthy, maneuverable, and has better shell arcs so it will be fine against slow shells like these. Takahashi on the other hand is going to get dumpstered, not that it doesn't get dumpstered already.
what's the mod to see enemy throttle
Wisstuh's big sistah!
bro if your complaining helps get the game fixed i might one day play again. keep up the content i'll continue supporting
The only saving grace about this thing, it's worse at perfoming it's role than Worchester. Because the concealment goes up.
Ie. it's utility is worse.
The only argument is it can survive pushing more, so might not care about the gap between the radar and concealment.
It's tier 11 Valejo buffed so that even the 40% WR and 200PR players can get 100k damage sometimes. All for the low price of ruining everyone else's experience.
My biggest fear? This is going to result in them nerfing the radar on Worchester (My favourite tier 10) as they did to DM.
I mean it's supposed to be overall better than wooster. I think your fear is irrational.
@@clmwrx My fear isn't a fear, it's a disappointment. It doesn't do what Worchester does, as we as Worchester. because the concealment is worse. The firing arcs are worse (For worchester's purposes) and the things it does do better are "We'll give idiot players an easier time getting their first 100k match and they can survive their stupidity longer.
It's a selfish gameplay ship, not a team/utility ship. The same way Valejo is a selfish play ship compared to Seattle.
"Supposed" to be better than Worchester doesn't mean I like the ship, nor will I enjoy having to deal with players in it, in my Worchester.
Hi PQ would love to see admiral hipper on the channel
Nice vid "renamed_user" :) all jokes aside but imagine losing your main damage dealing torp launchers the same way you lost your AA guns... that's a thing too in DD.. and any ship having torps. Almost never see that happening with turrets especially on BB.. what do you mean "protected" class :)
Love you vids PQ and WoWs is showing its age with WG only catering to whalers and the money... Wish "fun and engaging gameplay" was more on their agenda then the next big F.O.M.O. money sceme..
I hardly play anymore, subs and carriers ruined the game in my opinion. Thanks for all your great vids!
You say 300,000,000 like it's affordable but expensive. I play this game a lot and have nowhere near such absurd amounts of credits. I have 106,000,000 and that took a long time to achieve.
The biggest problem for new players in this game is the fact you learn very quickly how a steel ship will take you a year to earn unless you get into a good clan. A coal ship 3 to 6 months. Anything in the community part over 10,000 1 to 2 years to get, and the research bureau a grind with almost zero light at the end of the tunnel.
You can shorten Coal and research bureau if you play or have the time to play 3+ hours a day. So no life for new players unless you have no family friends or a job.
Or you're like me and get along fine in the game as a totally f2p player since day one. People be in too big of a hurry to get more ships instead of play their ships more..
Super Worcester.... No... Super Helana!
Carriers and subs are the reason I left the game so yeah, playing against a SS version doesn't look like fun. Great video.
At 115k damage when getting the first blood award xD
only way I would actually be scared of carriers again was if they let them cross-drop again like they did in the first few years.
Cv spotting is what i hate the most. Worst mechanic in the game
@@clmwrx what I always wondered was how Wargaming justified giving one of the single largest ships in the game the best stealth you could ever wish for. I mean, can't see a carrier at 15k?! seriously!? lol
@technewsfortechnoobs yea and what about ships like incomparable. 500+mm guns and can out spot some cruisers
I switched off once i heard the word auction...
It'll be in the tech tree in a few months just like with Maine for a couple million
Jackson Hinkle
And we thought that t8 gets shafted by t10
Well... Rip T9
Bring on the super schlieffen is what I say
Quad 128mms 10 per side no main guns , idk I'm no ship design expert
oh god pls no
I hope they will go with a modern design here. While Rupprecht and Schlieffen are pure fun in ranked, i dont like the design they went with. Outdated casematte guns are the best secondaries in the game. Makes no sense.
Even if they do it would be better to have more accurate main guns and keep the secondaries untouched the same as schleiffens
If it is playable in randoms that might be cool. I truly wish Schlieffen was...
WG are insane, how is this balanced
Sure, a new cruiser.
The game is already so unfair to Subs and DDs.
WG nerf the sub line and makes it very difficult for a DD to survive.
With some BBs/Cruisers having hydro/radar (which is the same thing, different name)
to 2nd Daries that will kill a DD with NO PLAYER INPUT! What a skill this is!
Not to mention that radar/hydro, after YEARS of playing, CAN STILL SEE THRU SOLID ROCK MOUNTAINS/ISLANDS!
WG wont fix this, and never will.
Best thing now is I sold my 10 year old account for $2800 to some wallet warrior and I only play now T5 and below now.
This solves the problem for me.
Imagine playing BBs on purpose in this game.
superships are great for the game! change my mind. WG has no clue what they're doing
I wait 4 min and have 6 ships per side
Enough of the super ships and combat instructions Jesus!!!!!
Nah, they're fun. Just don't let t9 face them.
@@PuntoCeroOchoor t10
And it’s creeping down as well. Funny buttons everywhere
i think super ships should face super ships period. its should be like late game money sink that's all
Day 4 of asking PQ to play Viribus Unitis
Why do you hate PQ?
@@timriley4434 I want him to teach how to properly play that glass cannon 🙂
@@ayanakmisra6029 Stealth is your friend....also luck is a skill (which I sorely lack these days)
Turret #2 not firing when you are bow-in is just awful.
I mean isn't Wooster the same way?
I don't expect ships to be fun to fight against, but they shouldn't be pure cancer either.
Wargaming: Lets make a supership!
Also wargaming: Lets make it part of an auction so we can force our player-base to decline!
Players that leave over auctions sure are choosing a dumb reason to leave. What's the big deal if some people pay more to get it just a little early.
Potato Quality your name is right because why you get that so impressed with a other T 11 Nonsence
Soo you ask for aim bot wow and with this ask for nefr CV. Mb you shood change game ?
I suspect this ship will be very fun to play and very not fun to play against.
I find subs annoying but I think I'd rather them over cvs as you can slaughter a sub it it makes a mistake, but the CV just too far out of range so they don't have any risk to their ship
This will be the first super ship I might be persuaded to get.
In the next patch, if you're smart.
PQ Thanks for even being a CC for Wargaming, you call Wargaming out of the bullshit in the game constantly.
Showing your fans and followers how greedy Wargaming is, how certain class types are protected constantly in comparison, their idiotic decisions and mechanics.
Theres a lot that could be improved to simple fixes.....But I honestly don't think Wargaming cares a whole lot anymore.
the only reason they do auctions to get the whales to spend...the rest of us would be lucky to even HAVE 350 million crddits in game
I have over 350mill credits. Im free to play player too. Have only been playing for around 5k random battles. Not a long time player at all. Credits are easy to build up if youre not constantly grinding new tech lines
And of course auctions are for people with tons of credits or for people willing to spend money on the game. Whats wrong with that?
@clmwrx the main problem is that it rewards the die hards and keeps the casuals further and further and further behind
@@woody4077 a patch or two behind I guess. It sure felt like Maine entered the game quick after auction. Time flies tho so I'm not exactly sure how long it took
but if you're truly a casual then you shouldn't care.
Nightmare in a good players hands.
But most of the time you ll see it get Dev Struck cause Potatoes try to use all the guns all the time.
That would be dumb cause it has more guns and has triple turrets so it doesn't need to use all guns but welp wows playerbase
In real life, CVs ended surface gunnery. Why would you have a surface gunnery game, and then introduce CVs?
Cvs and subs are doing to the game what happened irl. Wow wows suddenly got more realistic
carriers are the worst thing added to wows, and its always such a let down when one is on the enemy team
I like how you're complaining about the ships AA and Carriers while you've shredded 30+ planes before the 5 minute mark. 🤣🤣
Complain about carriers as much as you want. They're a menace.
Haha, what do you even do if you have to fight this thing in a tier 9
Seriously people were spending 320 mln instead waiting some more time????? Lol :D I thought I have excessive credits due to regularly being with +100 mln, but I see I am poor guy! :D
More magic power T11s :/
Lol it's not Woooster, not "oo" but short "o"
wood, wooster.
@@EvoraGT430 well it's more like "Wood" but with shortened "o", I'm English and we just don't say it like Jeeves and Wooster. When spelt Worcester, it's shortened version of Worcestershire, and we also do call the county Worcs too, It's grinding to hear it said wrong lol PS also a city of course
I lived in Worcester Massachusetts which this ship is named after. If someone hasn't heard it pronounced, they won't figure it out.
I naïvely tried "Wuster, you know like Wustersheer sauce" and was met with incomprehension.
I'm just glad when someone calls it Worcester and not Wooster, the city in Ohio.
@@j_taylor Funnier still is hearing non UK citizens tackle Worcestershire, British English can be a cruel mistress to non-native speakers
I want it
CVs are annoying, but I mainly play dd and light cruisers that devour planes like candy. Subs on the otherhand are complete horseshit. As fast or faster dds, the ping marker is never were they actually are, depth charge planes either don't have the range to hit them or immediately get deleted by even the weakest AA ships, meanwhile their homing torpedos are unaliving literally every ship type with almost no counter play except either over extend to try to kill the sub, burn repair party and get deleted by the enemy team.
Interesting. I'm a dd main that also likes cruisers and the occasional bb. I find cvs to be way worse than subs. When they made the shotgunning change subs started to bother me a lot less. Well also practice dealing with subs over time helped a lot too. U4501 is a mother fucker tho. So fast underwater. Has heals. Out spots.
Anyone who gives WG money at this point is a helpless fool.
Carriers need to be either removed or severely limited.
This shit looks like a smolensk without torps. Ridiculous.
Auction? Nah...
Cvs are mostly fine (Mostly no problem for me) imo and i enjoy playing hybrids (active with gun use) from time to time. Since if you deplane a bad player they are done for the game (unless its a malta (nerf plane restock speed by 50% and give 25% to hp and 25% damage to make it skill based and rewarding) and if you got a good cv he earns it like a normal ship imo (a deplaned cv is useless and a spotted one gets send to port in a matter of seconds). Subs on the other hand are a Pain. Oh you like playing DD? While you can evade/shoot down enemy planes, if you just burned/had to repair and a sub camps close under water it can torp you to death without being able to see/counter it at all. Oh you roughly know the subs location. As DD you wont reach it unless youre a French one and with ASW fROM Cruisers/BBs you will miss 8/10 times. Youre an CV? Good luck spotting them.
To Summarize: While CVs (with some nerfed) have a place for spotting Super Stealthy DDs (Shima can hardly be countered without radar ship or another shima or sub). and providing focused damage support on a loosing flank, Subs cant be played supportive at all unless you spot all the time wich an CV or Half decent DD can do as well but better. Torping out of nowhere with Near unavoidable homing Topedos is a Joke. I can Guess where a Shima/Any other DD Torps will come from and avoid most/all with my BB. But if i have 3 BBs infront of my colombo and Counter them all by good positioning and Angle and i get 8 torps in by Back from a Sub that just dove under me, i say its unbalanced. With good position you can counter a CV and 90% of other ships (Including DDs with the use of island cover) (Risk and Reward) but not a Sub that Torps you out of nowhere from 30m depth on 3km range.
It’s so crap how a light cruiser can do that to a battle ship and the battle ship can only over pen the light cruiser… stupid
Oh, I can't wait to not play that thing.
I want to know who are those idiots that paid 301 million credits for this thing that you can get for 40 million in a couple of months so I can laugh at them.