Hello Sir, thank you for sharing awesome tutorial. I obtained semilandmarks by ImageJ, controlled by each specimens centroid as reference point. Do you have any idea how to convert my dataset into .tps file format? my data has 3 information each row. IDsample, X and Y (2 dimension). i collect 26 semilandmarks for each specimen (thus it records X1, Y1...X26, Y26).
Hello Sir, thank you for sharing awesome tutorial. I obtained semilandmarks by ImageJ, controlled by each specimens centroid as reference point. Do you have any idea how to convert my dataset into .tps file format? my data has 3 information each row. IDsample, X and Y (2 dimension). i collect 26 semilandmarks for each specimen (thus it records X1, Y1...X26, Y26).
thank's for your explanation.,
from where can I download the tpsutil software ?
How about outlines tutorials??? I need it for my mandible specimens. Thank you