[賤哥的灶卡] 晚餐吃什麼之辣牛肉醬熱狗跟隨意包墨西哥卷 Whats for Dinner - Chili Hot Dog and Wrap Whatever you want Burritos

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • 家裡小孩一直唸著要吃辣牛肉醬熱狗. 來做晚餐, 也亂做一些拿墨西哥餅捲來包一包.
    The little one kept wanting to eat chili hot dog. Oh well, here we go, plus making burrito.
    材料 Ingredients:
    大雞腿2隻 2 chicken quarter legs
    鹽 Salt
    米酒 Rice Wine
    麵粉約30克 Flour about 30g
    起司醬1瓶 Cheese Whiz 1 bottle
    無豆辣牛肉醬1瓶 No Bean Chili 1 can
    玉米1罐 Corn 1 cam
    蔥末1根 Chopped Green onion about 1 stalk
    牛絞肉約1.5磅 Ground Beef 1.5 lbs
    香菇調味粉 Mushroom seasoning
    黑胡椒 Black pepper
    洋蔥絲半顆 Half Sliced onion
    丁骨牛排1份 One T Bone Steak
    冷凍薯球適量 Frozen tater tots
    熱狗麵包4個 Hot Dog bun 4 counts
    熱狗4根 4 Hot dogs
    墨西哥餅皮 Tortilla
    1. 大雞腿去骨. 從小雞腿部分肉劃開
    Debone the chicken quarter leg. Slice open the chicken leg
    2. 沿著骨頭劃開肉. 從關節切斷, 拿掉小雞腿骨
    Cut the meat off the bone. Slice through the join and remove the leg bone
    3. 再拿掉機大腿骨頭. 再把其他骨頭那掉
    Then remove the thigh bone. Remove the rest of the bone
    4. 拿下的雞腿肉, 厚的部分在劃開來
    Slice the thicker part of the meats
    5. 雞腿肉放盆內. 加入約半小匙鹽. 1小匙米酒. 揉過
    Put chicken meats in a bow. Add about half tea spoon of salt, 1 tea spoon of rice wine. Mix well
    6. 醃15分鐘左右
    Marinate about 15 minutes
    7. 煎之前加入麵粉揉過
    Coated with flour before pan searing
    8. 大火熱平底鍋. 加一點油
    Heat the pan on high and add some oil
    9. 改中火, 雞皮朝下煎雞腿排
    Change to medium heat.Pan sear the chicken, skin side down
    10. 煎約2分鐘, 翻面. 再煎約2分鐘
    Sear for about 2 minutes. Change side and sear for another 2 minutes
    11. 再翻回來煎酥雞皮. 再翻過一次, 確定肉熟了起鍋
    Turning again to crisp the skin. Turn again and cook until the chicken is cooked
    12. 把第二片也煎好
    Cook the second pieces
    13. 大火熱鍋, 炒牛絞肉
    Heat a pot on high, stir the ground beef
    14. 把絞肉炒開, 炒出水. 盡量炒乾
    Cook the ground beef. There will be water came out of the beef. Cook down the liquid
    15. 加入罐頭辣牛肉醬. 翻炒混合. 改小火稍微煮過即可
    Pour in the chili. Mix well. Turn to small and simmer to cook down the juice
    16. 大火熱平底鍋. 倒入玉米粒翻炒
    Heat a pan on high, pour in the corn
    17. 加入1/3小匙香菇調味粉跟一點鹽
    Season with 1/3 tea spoon mushroom seasoning and some salt
    18. 加一點雞湯炒開. 加蔥花炒過
    Add a bit chicken soup to stir. Join with chopped green onion
    19. 最後加點黑胡椒, 再炒乾即可
    Season with black pepper and mix well
    20. 大火熱鍋, 加油, 炒洋蔥絲
    Heat the pan on high, add oil and add sliced onion
    21. 炒軟變色即可
    Cook until soft and well done
    22. 繼續中火熱平底鍋. 放入丁骨牛排
    Heat the pan on medium heat. Sear T Bone steak
    23. 先煎個一分鐘. 翻面
    Sear for a minute, turn side
    24. 把肉切開. 怕過熟可以先疊在一起
    Slice the meat
    25. 切開之後, 切成塊. 順便翻面
    Slice into small pieces
    26. 加點鹽跟黑胡椒即可
    Season with salt and pepper and done
    27. 把冷凍薯薯球放入氣炸鍋盆
    Put the frozen tater tots in the air fry pot
    28. 用400度F, 氣炸11分鐘
    Air fry with 400F for 11 minutes
    29. 熱狗包放入烤箱烤過.約2分鐘烤麵包
    Oven bake the hot dog buns for about 2 minutes
    30. 等麵包嘚時候, 把熱狗用平底鍋煎熱
    While waiting for the buns, heat up the hot dog with pan
    31. 之後把熱狗放入熱狗麵包內
    Combine the hot dog with hot dog bun
    32. 把起司醬裝入碗內. 慢慢的用微波爐加熱
    Put cheese whiz into a bowl. Slowly heat up the cheese with microwave
    33. 最後把墨西哥餅用平底鍋快速烘熱
    Quickly heat the tortilla with pan
    34. 一面約10-15秒
    About 10-15 seconds each side
    35. 最後就自己想怎麼吃就怎麼包
    Make the burrito your way and enjoy

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