[賤哥的灶卡] 蛤蜊三吃 -鹹蛤, 味增蛤蜊湯, 紐奧良風綜合海鮮 Clam Three Ways - Marinated Clams, Clam Miso Soup & Seafood Boils

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • 商家從東岸過來的黃金蜆. 很少買得到這麼小的. 就下單買了. 先吐沙半天. 就做了鹹蛤. 冰過一天讓味道醃進去. 之前在日本料理店吃到的味增蛤蜊湯. 也來自己做. 雖然沒有小龍蝦, 有海鮮就可以做手抓海鮮來吃.
    Got a store who transport this mini clams from East coast. It is very rare to find this type of clams. Clean out the sand for about half day soaking in water. First I made the marinated clams or salty clams. Marinated overnight for the great flavor. Previously I had this clam miso soup from a Japanese restaurant and decided to make it. The last dish is seafood boil with no crawfish. :)
    材料 Ingredients:
    鹹蛤 Marinated Clams or Salty clams
    蛤蜊約1.5磅 Clams about 1.5 lbs
    大蒜7顆 Garlic 7 cloves
    辣椒6個 Hot pepper about 6 counts
    米酒2大匙 Rice Wine 2 tbsp
    醬油適量 Soy sauce
    味增蛤蜊湯 Clam Miso Soup
    蛤蜊約1磅 Clams about 1 lb
    味增適量 Miso
    蛋豆腐1包 Egg Tofu 1 bag
    小魚乾調味包1包 Dried fish seasoning 1 bag
    青蔥2根 Green Onion 2 stalks
    紅糖適量 Brown Sugar to season
    香菇調味粉適量 Mushroom seasoning
    紐奧良風綜合海鮮 Seafood Boil
    蛤蜊約1.5磅 Clams about 1.5 lbs
    蒜頭4顆 Garlic 4 cloves
    玉米6個半根 Corn 3 counts and cut in half
    美式香腸1包 Hot Sausage 1 bag
    青口10-12個 Mussels about 10-12 counts
    蝦11-12隻 Shrimps 11-12 heads
    米酒1大匙 Rice Wine 1 tbsp
    辣椒粉適量 Hot Pepper powder to season
    甜椒粉適量 Paprika Powder to season
    克里奧粉適量 Creole powder to season
    大蒜粉適量 Garlic Powder to season
    牛排調味粉適量 Steak seasoning
    白胡椒粉適量 White pepper powder to season
    鹽適量 Salt to season
    薑黃粉適量 Turmeric powder to season
    黑胡椒適量 Black pepper to season
    鹹蛤 Marinated Clams or Salty clams
    1. 蛤蜊放在盆中, 加水
    Put clams in a pot and cover with water
    2. 隔水加熱
    Double boiling the clams
    3. 稍微翻動一下. 注意蛤有沒有開
    Keep stir and watch if clams start opening
    4. 蛤稍微開了之後, 離火
    Once the clams start opening a little. Remove from the heat
    5. 切蒜末跟辣椒. 放入醃味道的盆
    Chop garlics and slice the hot pepper and add to a container
    6. 加米酒. 把蛤蜊撈出也加入盆內
    Add rice wine and add clams to the container
    7. 用煮蛤蜊的湯, 跟醬油1比1倒入盆內
    Use the broth from cooking the clams. Use broth and soy sauce 1:1 portion and add to the container
    8. 醃過蛤蜊即可
    Just enough to cover the clams
    9. 稍微混合一下
    Mix well
    10. 放冷藏醃至少一天
    Keep in the fridge overnight
    味增蛤蜊湯 Clams Miso Soup
    1. 味增入鍋, 加水混開來
    Add miso to a soup pot and use water to dissolve it
    2. 加入小魚乾調味包
    Add the dried fish seasoning
    3. 放入蛤蜊
    Join with clams
    4. 蛋豆腐切小塊, 放入鍋內
    Dice the egg tofu and add to the pot
    5. 蔥切蔥末備用
    Chop the green onion
    6. 上爐, 用大火煮
    Put the pot on stove and cook over high heat
    7. 加紅糖跟香菇調味粉
    Add brown sugar and mushroom seasoning
    8. 等蛤蜊開口
    Wait until clams are cooked and fully open
    9. 加入蔥花即可
    Finish with adding chopped green onion
    紐奧良風綜合海鮮 Seafood Boil
    1. 美式香腸切寬片
    Slice the sausage
    2. 切蒜末
    Chop the garlic
    3. 準備一鍋水, 大火煮. 加入玉米
    Bring a pot of water to boil on high heat, add corn
    4. 放入青口一起煮過
    Add mussels to cook
    5. 青口熱了之後, 先撈出. 玉米可以繼續煮
    Heat up the mussels and remove first. Keep the corn in the hot water
    6. 蝦子剪去頭上尖的部位. 蝦腳也剪除
    Cut away the sharp part of the shrimps as well as the legs
    7. 大火熱炒鍋, 加油
    Heat a wok on high. Add oil
    8. 炒香蒜末
    Stir the chopped garlics
    9. 加入蝦一起炒
    Add shrimps to stir
    10. 加點米酒
    Add rice wine
    11. 加一杯水煮
    Add a cup of water
    12. 加辣椒粉, 甜椒粉,克里奧粉跟大蒜粉
    Season with hot pepper powder, paprika powder, Creole powder and garlic powder
    13. 加牛排醃料粉跟白胡椒粉
    Add steak seasoning and white pepper powder
    14. 加鹽
    Season with salt
    15. 加入美式香腸炒過
    Add sausage to stir
    16. 放入玉米
    Join the corn
    17. 加一點薑黃粉
    Add some Turmeric powder
    18. 加黑胡椒
    Add black pepper
    19. 加入蛤蜊翻炒
    Add clams to cook
    20. 等蛤蜊打開. 加入青口. 混合煮味道
    Wait until clams to open. Add mussels to coat with the seasonings
    21. 裝盤即可享用
    Plate and enjoy

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