[賤哥的灶卡] 蚵嗲 Oyster Fritter

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • 有機會買到台灣來的小鮮蚵. 準備好韭菜來做蚵嗲.
    Got a chance to get the oyster from Taiwan. I went to get the Chinese Chives to make this oyster fritter.
    材料 Ingredients:
    鮮蚵1包約300克 Oyster 1 bag about 300g
    米酒適量 Rice Wine
    韭菜約400克 Chinese Chives about 400g
    薑1小塊 A small piece of ginger
    青蔥2根 Green Onion 2 stalks
    鹽半大匙 Salt 1/2 tbsp
    白胡椒粉2-3小匙 White Pepper Powder 2-3 tsp
    麵粉200克 Flour 200g
    太白粉45克 Corn starch 45g
    豬油30克 (或者豬油混其他油) Pork Lard 30g (or mix of lard and other oil)
    水100ml Water 100ml
    大湯匙2個 Two Big Soup ladles
    1. 鮮蚵倒入濾網中. 下面用盆裝點水稍微洗過
    Put oysters to a strainer on top of a bowl. Then add some water to rinse the oysters
    2. 每一顆鮮蚵都摸一下, 可能會有殼
    Go through each oyster and remove the shells, if any
    3. 加一點米酒揉過
    Mix with some rice wine
    4. 韭菜洗過, 稍微乾一下. 切末
    Wash Chinese Chives. Let it dry a little. Then Chop well
    5. 薑拍碎, 切末. 加入韭菜末
    Crush the ginger and finely chop. Add to chopped Chinese Chives
    6. 青蔥也洗淨, 切末. 加入韭菜末中
    Wash clean the green onion then chop. Add to the Chinese Chives as well
    7. 加入鹽跟白胡椒粉. 加入約1大匙麵粉
    Then add salt and white pepper powder.
    8. 加入約1大匙麵粉. 混合過
    Also add about 1 tbsp of flour. Mix well
    9. 做粉漿. 麵粉加入太白粉. 加入豬油跟橄欖油
    In a separate bowl, add flour and corn starch. Join with lard
    10. 先混合
    Mix well
    11. 加入水. 慢慢加入. 要到有一點黏稠的粉漿
    Slowly add water and mix well. Make sure the batter is not too liquid and a little bit sticky
    12. 準備油鍋, 加熱至275F左右
    Prepare a pot of oil. Heat up to 275F
    13. 放入湯匙熱過. 在湯匙裡抹上一層粉漿
    Put in a ladle first to coat with oil. Then put some batter at the bottom of the ladle
    14. 鋪上韭菜末, 放入鮮蚵, 再補一點韭菜末, 然後再上層抹上粉漿
    Lay over some chopped Chinese Chives, add oyster and some more Chives. Then cover with another layer of batter
    15. 放入油鍋裡炸
    Start deep frying
    16. 炸成形之後, 可以把蚵嗲從湯匙移除
    Once the fritter is shaped, slowly move it away from the ladle
    17. 要炸到金黃色. 在等的時候, 可以準備好下一個蚵嗲
    Deep fried until you have the golden color. While you are waiting for the fritter to cook, coat the second ladle and get the next oyster fritter ready to fry
    18. 把全部的食材炸完
    Finish all the ingredients
    19. 最後可以稍微提高溫度, 再把蚵嗲回鍋逼油
    Bring up the heat and refry again if preferred
    20. 炸好就可以享用了

ความคิดเห็น • 2

  • @tiffanywu4850
    @tiffanywu4850 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    請問賤哥 我們在北美區哪有賣東石鮮蛤😅?

    • @JustWantToCook
      @JustWantToCook  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      有個店家偶而會進口. 要追蹤他的群組