I would like to thank all the wonderful people at Federal for making such a high quality product. I have fired thousands of your rounds and have never been disappointed. Take care and God Bless.
So patriot, you sound pretty tense, what's the urgency? If my hunch is right, I suggest you revisit the US Constitution while you await your shipment of ammunition.
@@kennyw871 Most of us enjoyed shooting as a weekend hobby which a shortage will most definitely bring to a halt. Then people start hoarding and it takes years to get the ammo market back to reasonable stock and price. Its not always because someone is planning or looking forwards to a war or something.
Federal Ammunition is 5 minutes from my house. I know a few people who work there, including my nephew. They get some major discounts on ammo. I've got a picture from the Obama ammo shortage somewhere of me standing in front of the gates with a cardboard sign that said, "Will work for 22LR". The guard came out and had a little chat with me. They take their jobs pretty seriously.
Remember when we had an America where you could buy .22 at the gas stations right next to the chewing gum. I’d ask grandpa could we buy a box and shoot later today? Sure after we finish working the tobacco patch. Been so long ago it almost seems not real anymore. RIP America and papaw😢😭☹️
KPMACHINE1 Penny a piece two boxes for your allowance and you couldn’t wait to shoot it. You would work for the ammo and enjoyed more. I miss my childhood memories and my friends. Thank you for the memories. May God bless all.
As a kid I used to ride my bike down to the hardware store, rifle on a sling over my shoulder, buy some ammo, then into the hills for some shooting. Back in those days the state of california still honored our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Back in 2004 One of my customers made automatic reloading equipment. The motors from scratch, CNC mills and lathes cutting the steel, hardening furnaces. Impressive little shop in Arizona outside of Phoenix.
Muy buena explicacion en la manufactura de los cartuchos, la Federal es una excelente marca de cartuchos..!! Muy interesante documental..!! Excelente video..!!
Im a toolmaker and have build similar tools for production, when you get to know it it aint that diificult.... but i often look at people from other trades and wonder how they do their thing
Thank you so much for uploading AS vids, they get me nostalgic and bring back childhood memories of me getting up to watch this show instead of cartoons and then shooting my bb gun in my back yard haha.
Why is youtube only now 9April 2020) suggesting this video to me and as new upload even..... Thank you for uploading episodes of this classic tv series of American Shooter. This truly is a preservation of our history & heritage. Plus a sign of how much the a freedom and gun loving country and change in just 20 years.
Wow, American Shooter!!! I used to watch this as a KID back in the 90's. Back when It was on TNN, also known then as The Nashville Network! Man how time flies.
Imagine there are countries with ammo factories where 99.9% of citizens are not allowed to own firearms. Even if they can afford it - they are banned from doing so legally.
@@TheSaltblock I want to do this too. I dream to do so. Yet immigration law both on USA immigration office and my country office and our US embassy is getting more and more strict. At current moment my only chance is green card lottery. But I need to wait until sept of next year to apply. And then If I am lucky I will get my green card in 2023. Because its illegal to came as tourist and start working or to come under hard to get work visa (which is difficult as hell to get too because first I need to find employer BEFORE coming to USA, who will first prove in US immigration office that he really need to employ me. Then I will have to do paperwork with my own embassy and it will be up to them how long will it take. So my future employer cannot be sure at which point in time I will be allowed to come and start working for him. Would you went through so much effort to employ someone you never met before?) and stay permanently. In comparison I could move to Canada for example more easily and faster but I really dream about going to US. I know its not paradise. But I just want to be allowed and supported in my passion.
I was once invited to go pheasant hunting with Remington employees by partners in my former law firm. When I pulled out a box of Federal 20 guage shells, I got a curious glance. All I said was, "Grew up in Anoka." The Remington guys smiled and nodded with respect. They were cool. My partners were confused. :-)
You are totally and completely amazing. Your bow shots are unbelievable. But seeing is believing. Great shots. You years and years of training and practice has definitely paid off.
My two favorite things in life are Gunpowder and Gasoline lol. They both put a smile on my face and give me a reason to look forward to the weekend lol.
Federal Premium 30/06 Two boxes 40 years ago still have plenty not worried about the wolves awesome in my Lefty Ruger bought the same day as the ammunition. I Pray for all especially our Medical workers please stay safe this is more than I can ever imagine. God bless all.
Absolutely loved it! this reminded me of the old history channel shows like modern marvels. Also thanks for showing how modern day ammunition is made, i tried goggling it, but all it would show are handloading instructions, etc. It's amazing how fast those machines produce ammo, and the precision is amazing!
Buy a box every week or two. Put that box in an ammo can in the closet. When you go shooting grab a few boxes and shoot. Sooner or later that can will fill up and that's when you take it to the basement and buy a new can to start over. Learned my lesson during Sandy Hook. Everyone says the shelves are empty but every time I go downstairs they look pretty full.
@@MrIkesimba yes you are calling hoarders scum because if you could buy it you would hoard too. I stocked up in 2016 when Killary was a threat I could open a store
Some hardware stores in Arizona still have it that way. 22 LR, 12 guage, 20 guage, 9 mm, 45 ACP, 44 mag, 38, 357, 30-30, 30-06. Might be a few more but definitely you common ammo. A hunting buddy switched from 7MM wsm to a 30-06 when he seen 30-06 on a hardware store shelf, we had a hard time finding him ammo for that 7mm wsm.
The Krag is a shooter's rifle while the .03 Springfield is an expert's rifle. A lot of guys trained with it in the First World war. Similarly, the M1917(Enfield) rifle is also a rifle to teach soldiers who never shot a rifle before. As in the Civil War, the Army Ordnance Board ignored the expediency of making rifles that the soldiers could have right now
That 'chicken wing' is perfectly executed technique. It doesn't serve well for modern arms but for a bolt rifle, or any other action, that's the way it's done. Provides stability for the shot.
It's funny to see, but back in the day that's how it was taught. Lol. Also back in the day, if you shot a handgun with 2 hands you weren't considered a man, but look at us now.
Federal used to be the little shop in the neighborhood. Few miles east of Federal was the Federal (as in govt) Defense Munitions facility. Forget how many 100's of acres it covered. Had a couple warehouses on the property that looked like the warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones. Along the north side of the facility was a 1+ mile long firing range for testing. Also made the depleted uranium anti-tank shells. Wore dosimeters if working in those buildings. Originally built to produce munitions after WWI. It's last hoorah was early 90's due to first Iraq war. More US soldiers died of munition malfunctions during live fire training than those during the short war itself. Only thing US had in bulk at the time was Korean and Vietnam era munitions (remember the battleship deck gun powder bag explosion? Korean era powder bags). US bought back munitions that it had sold to France to use for the Iraq war. In turn, DOD cranked the munitions plant up to 101% capacity to replace the France munitions and replace all the old US munitions. Ran 24/7 for a few years. Has since been shut down and all the buildings removed. As a kid, remember the air vent hoods in the middle of fields outside the facility grounds. Material and product came and went by trainload. But not above ground. Traces of those lines mostly gone from current Google maps. Local community wants to purchase the area and make into residential and park area. Joke has always been that it would be cheap to light the area at night due to the glow from the radiation still in the ground. Superfund site with questionable cleanup. So now, Federal is the big ammo maker in the area. Would be curious to know if Federal ever took any of the old Defense equipment for use.
RIP Jim. .22 ammo nowadays is substandard to what it was 10 years ago. Used to be .22 ammo was super reliable, now myself and my friends experience lots of failure to fire issues because if inconsistent uneven application of primer paste, which results in no ignition. Yet if you take that same round it it is struck again in a different spot, it goes off. All the guns are in good working order and well struck by the firing pin. This happens not only in Federal rim fire ammo but in Winchester, Remington and CCI. Mini Mags used to be my go to ammo because of their reliability and accuracy but now even they are having issues and not what they used to be. Unfortunate.
Great video. Liked the center fire and shotshell segments. Just wish Federal could make a more reliable 22LR ammo, much like CCI does for the mini-mags. I get CCI 22LR when I can afford it. However, I shoot Federal 22LR quite a bit since it always available. All my semi-autos handle it great and I can deal with duds when they happen. Thanks
Honestly .22 being Rim fire makes it less reliable than anything center fire, no matter what brand there’s always gonna be duds, even for super high end stuff
I would like to thank all the wonderful people at Federal for making such a high quality product. I have fired thousands of your rounds and have never been disappointed. Take care and God Bless.
chris beerad 308 for cats? Lol
Overkill is never enough. ;-)
Spear Tip a 1022 would be fine for a cat so long as you’re aware of the anatomy
@Spear Tip I would say a good hunters air rifle and proper shot placement would be enough.
Great episode, wish they still ran shows like this
Yup, hell I miss the real documentaries on the History Channel.
These shows hurt too many snowflakes feelings. How many more head can we make explode with these types of posts?
They do on the outdoors channel.
Me too! I miss these style of voice overs and jumping behind the scenes
Put those machines on high speed and run them 24/7 -- we need ammo - Oct, 2020
So patriot, you sound pretty tense, what's the urgency? If my hunch is right, I suggest you revisit the US Constitution while you await your shipment of ammunition.
I'm thinking about buying a progressive reloader, think about it
@@kennyw871 please enlighten us on what exactly you are talking about. And what the hell being short on ammo has to do with the constitution? Smh
@@kennyw871 Most of us enjoyed shooting as a weekend hobby which a shortage will most definitely bring to a halt. Then people start hoarding and it takes years to get the ammo market back to reasonable stock and price. Its not always because someone is planning or looking forwards to a war or something.
@@TheAdam2877 think he’s just trying to piss people off. 😅 I’m also running low on ammo.
I’ve been shooting Federal ammo for close to 50 years, and I’ve never had a single issue. Quality, consistency, and a fair price.
Cant think of any issues I have had with federal ammo myself.
Must be an old post...price of ammo has skyrocketed (when you can find it!) and we can't even get primers to reload!
@@rolandbrawner7532 how many primers do you need? 10k for 1k minimum order.
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
This made me miss the way TV was in the 90s. All the arcade music and announcers sounding like were ready 2 rumble.
This one of the most American things I've seen
I think this is peak America
Yes and it's amazing 🇺🇸
Have y’all noticed only the people in America have problems with social distancing? Other countries just obey the rules
Pointless rules
This was my childhood. I remember taping these episodes. I lived for this. My family was aniti gun. Now it's my never ending passion. Man good times
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
Antigunners annoying af 😂
One of my favorite shows growing up. I would wake up every Saturday morning at 5am to watch all the good outdoor shows on ESPN. Brings me back.
Absolute perfect diction. Jim is a great example of how we should speak. A true professional.
More American Shooter episodes please. This show is literally what got me into shooting.
Federal Ammunition is 5 minutes from my house. I know a few people who work there, including my nephew. They get some major discounts on ammo.
I've got a picture from the Obama ammo shortage somewhere of me standing in front of the gates with a cardboard sign that said, "Will work for 22LR". The guard came out and had a little chat with me. They take their jobs pretty seriously.
Hey hows it going. Haha. So can you help us get a little discount for some ammo?
@@antilaw9911 Imagine being so salty you hate a company because you didn't get a job with them
@@antilaw9911 maybe you was a prick. Lol
@@antilaw9911 Some people just bomb their interview. Maybe apply again and prepare for the interview a little better.
@@taylordougherty2419The handle "Anti Law" says it all...
Remember when we had an America where you could buy .22 at the gas stations right next to the chewing gum. I’d ask grandpa could we buy a box and shoot later today? Sure after we finish working the tobacco patch. Been so long ago it almost seems not real anymore. RIP America and papaw😢😭☹️
Well said. Think I used to get a box of 50 for like 60 cents back in the 80s
KPMACHINE1 Penny a piece two boxes for your allowance and you couldn’t wait to shoot it. You would work for the ammo and enjoyed more. I miss my childhood memories and my friends. Thank you for the memories. May God bless all.
.99 cents for a 100 pack at the local Pamida store in late 70's.
Our leaders are all satanist. All our rights are going up in flames
As a kid I used to ride my bike down to the hardware store, rifle on a sling over my shoulder, buy some ammo, then into the hills for some shooting.
Back in those days the state of california still honored our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
I grew up with the American Shooter show, gave me a great respect and reverence for firearms. I miss it.
Ah I remember watching American shooter when I was a kid on the weekends!
When did it originally show?
Luis Maiocchi ‘99
On your school right
Me too! Loved every episode!
This show and my grandfather are the reason I love firearms and everything that goes with it.
I’m not a shooter or any kind of a gun guy but I found that manufacturing process to be absolutely fascinating.
Back in 2004 One of my customers made automatic reloading equipment. The motors from scratch, CNC mills and lathes cutting the steel, hardening furnaces. Impressive little shop in Arizona outside of Phoenix.
I just googled American Shooter and it’s available to watch on Amazon Prime. I sense binge watching in my future.
John DeOtte thx. I loved this show. Time for round 2
Try to find it somewhere else. Amazon is run by a communist.
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
This is something I’d see on tv randomly but get interested so I keep watching it
Muy buena explicacion en la manufactura de los cartuchos, la Federal es una excelente marca de cartuchos..!! Muy interesante documental..!! Excelente video..!!
Just think how smart someone has to be to design these machines!
I know right!
Yeah but someone has to keep em maintained right? I was in maintenance for 47 years so I can imagine what it takes to keep these machines in check
Very smart
Im a toolmaker and have build similar tools for production, when you get to know it it aint that diificult.... but i often look at people from other trades and wonder how they do their thing
Some crazy engineering
Thank you so much for uploading AS vids, they get me nostalgic and bring back childhood memories of me getting up to watch this show instead of cartoons and then shooting my bb gun in my back yard haha.
This brings back memories. I used to watch this show with my dad
Why is youtube only now 9April 2020) suggesting this video to me and as new upload even..... Thank you for uploading episodes of this classic tv series of American Shooter. This truly is a preservation of our history & heritage. Plus a sign of how much the a freedom and gun loving country and change in just 20 years.
Wow, American Shooter!!! I used to watch this as a KID back in the 90's. Back when It was on TNN, also known then as The Nashville Network! Man how time flies.
I have been shooting Federal ammo since about 1960, always good stuff.
1965 for me. Got a 16 gauge single shot Savage 220D ( still have it ) for Christmas . Love those purple Federal 16 gauge shells
I wish we could go back to this time, I come back to this channel to just feel nostalgic
Man I remember watching this when I was a kid. I loved this show. Always loved the trick shots with the bow and guns.
Watching all this brass during the pandemic, remember the good ole days when ammo was taken for granted
Imagine there are countries with ammo factories where 99.9% of citizens are not allowed to own firearms. Even if they can afford it - they are banned from doing so legally.
@@europeangunenthusiast232 id move
@@TheSaltblock I want to do this too.
I dream to do so. Yet immigration law both on USA immigration office and my country office and our US embassy is getting more and more strict.
At current moment my only chance is green card lottery. But I need to wait until sept of next year to apply. And then If I am lucky I will get my green card in 2023.
Because its illegal to came as tourist and start working or to come under hard to get work visa (which is difficult as hell to get too because first I need to find employer BEFORE coming to USA, who will first prove in US immigration office that he really need to employ me. Then I will have to do paperwork with my own embassy and it will be up to them how long will it take. So my future employer cannot be sure at which point in time I will be allowed to come and start working for him. Would you went through so much effort to employ someone you never met before?) and stay permanently.
In comparison I could move to Canada for example more easily and faster but I really dream about going to US.
I know its not paradise. But I just want to be allowed and supported in my passion.
@@europeangunenthusiast232 claim to be a muslim you wont even have time to pack.
Great video. Amazing how fast that ammo spins thru the plant. Federal is a great American company, its the only brand I buy and shoot.
Enjoyed the video. I had forgotten about the American Shooter show. Enjoyed it a lot. Been a shooter for over 50 years.
I was once invited to go pheasant hunting with Remington employees by partners in my former law firm. When I pulled out a box of Federal 20 guage shells, I got a curious glance. All I said was, "Grew up in Anoka." The Remington guys smiled and nodded with respect. They were cool. My partners were confused. :-)
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
...tis a beautiful sight - good ole American Manufacturing- with highly respected Federal Ammo..God bless those that keep America stocked
Holy nineteen nineties Batman!
IKR! I miss TV from the 90s. Its really obvious and everything is an advertisement.
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
You are totally and completely amazing. Your bow shots are unbelievable. But seeing is believing. Great shots. You years and years of training and practice has definitely paid off.
My two favorite things in life are Gunpowder and Gasoline lol. They both put a smile on my face and give me a reason to look forward to the weekend lol.
I enjoy seeing people who like what they do. It sure helps with the quality of the product, it doesn't matter what it is.
Federal Premium 30/06 Two boxes 40 years ago still have plenty not worried about the wolves awesome in my Lefty Ruger bought the same day as the ammunition. I Pray for all especially our Medical workers please stay safe this is more than I can ever imagine. God bless all.
Well, as a national bullet manufacturer, I can say that I'm impressed in the engineering.
Absolutely loved it! this reminded me of the old history channel shows like modern marvels.
Also thanks for showing how modern day ammunition is made, i tried goggling it, but all it would show are handloading instructions, etc. It's amazing how fast those machines produce ammo, and the precision is amazing!
Stay Safe and Healthy Federal Employees !!! America Needs you more than Ever !!
Keep up the good work Federal employees
That’s amazing, had no idea. Very cool to see this 👍. I was in maintenance for 47 years and could imagine the maintenance on these machines lol
Sooo much Freedom packaged in such small containers. Keep up the awesome work!!!
Federal makes the best ammo in my opinion
I've been shooting Federal for years, love them.
Great channel, where have you been all my life, much better than any of the other channels on TH-cam, thank you so much
This made something warm run down my leg.thank you!thank you!
Good gosh,, I had forgotten about watching American Shooter.
Great video 👍👍
It is so nice to watch a video without a tight shot of a bright light or a shakey camera
In my area you can find federal ammunition. It looks like it being shipped to overseas companies.
This company and other manufactures need to expand production, yesterday! Wonderful to see!
I used to love watching this show! Good times
Good work Ken. I’ve never had a problem with Federal ammunition.
Finding cheap ammo is like finding a crashed UFO now!
Hoarders and panic buyers are scum.
Buy a box every week or two. Put that box in an ammo can in the closet. When you go shooting grab a few boxes and shoot. Sooner or later that can will fill up and that's when you take it to the basement and buy a new can to start over. Learned my lesson during Sandy Hook. Everyone says the shelves are empty but every time I go downstairs they look pretty full.
@@MrIkesimba I am scum cause you wanna be lol
TheDoogman Could you re-post that in a coherent sentence?
@@MrIkesimba yes you are calling hoarders scum because if you could buy it you would hoard too. I stocked up in 2016 when Killary was a threat I could open a store
Amazing tour, federal. The archer is amazing!!!!!!
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
the show’s host looks like
Ron burgundy of small arms.
this show was great back in the day good classic show it was along the lines of bill dance fishing on the weekends. or trucks as well.
I’m so amazed by the efficiency of that process!
Amazing throwback talking about Bob Munden. This was a great program.
Pretty cool. Great product. Never have to wonder when shooting Federal. Peace of mind ammo.
Its absolutely amazing how this is achieved
Loved watching this show with dad when i was a kid
These older show are much more time efficient, they get info across quickly, accurately and clearly.
Very impressed with the staff shown and the maintenance crew not shown.
Great video with great editing. Jim you are the Ron Burgundy of Shooting and I mean that in the best of ways.
I love Federal ammo, it never fails me.....ever ! My 1997 Savage 110, 270 gives me 3/4” , 5 shot groups at 100yds with the 130gr SP’s
Rest in peace, Jim
Yes sir. That's why I'm here too.
We need more ammunition manufacturers.
My family are all shooters. This is amazing.
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
as long as this factory stands, everything is ok. federal is serious quality.
How does the anvil get seated on the plate before being pressed into the primer cup @3:58?
Canadian shooter here, I do much love me some America.
Federal has always had the best quality control.
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
I’m a new gun owner (Sig P226). This film is a great education for me.
Some hardware stores in Arizona still have it that way. 22 LR, 12 guage, 20 guage, 9 mm, 45 ACP, 44 mag, 38, 357, 30-30, 30-06. Might be a few more but definitely you common ammo. A hunting buddy switched from 7MM wsm to a 30-06 when he seen 30-06 on a hardware store shelf, we had a hard time finding him ammo for that 7mm wsm.
Haven't seen that show in yrs. Miss it a lot.
Very neat to see. Thank you for doing this.
I would literally love to have this job.
Get paid to shoot millions of rounds just to make sure that would work.
I just like looking at ammo production ❤️
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at
Give those employees bonuses and strong coffee.
Fantastic video, my husband and l loved it. 😆
I’m partial to American Eagle 124 grain. 9mm. And Hornady hollow points.
However. PMC ammo is hard to beat. So so clean.
American shooter still the best Firearms TV show even after all this time even in 2020
The Krag is a shooter's rifle while the .03 Springfield is an expert's rifle. A lot of guys trained with it in the First World war. Similarly, the M1917(Enfield) rifle is also a rifle to teach soldiers who never shot a rifle before. As in the Civil War, the Army Ordnance Board ignored the expediency of making rifles that the soldiers could have right now
That guy with the chicken wing arm when he shoots 😂
That 'chicken wing' is perfectly executed technique. It doesn't serve well for modern arms but for a bolt rifle, or any other action, that's the way it's done. Provides stability for the shot.
It's funny to see, but back in the day that's how it was taught. Lol. Also back in the day, if you shot a handgun with 2 hands you weren't considered a man, but look at us now.
When I'm watching this its like watching motorweek 👍
Great show.
Come to Texas. We would love to have a factory here.
I used to drive by the plant in Anoka Minnesota. Is it even still there? Been about 20 years
Still there. Still strong.
Werry Nice shooting 👍👍👍👍🇸🇪
>Those graphics
Holy shit its like I'm back in school in the 80s
Love these kind of video
Federal used to be the little shop in the neighborhood. Few miles east of Federal was the Federal (as in govt) Defense Munitions facility. Forget how many 100's of acres it covered. Had a couple warehouses on the property that looked like the warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones. Along the north side of the facility was a 1+ mile long firing range for testing. Also made the depleted uranium anti-tank shells. Wore dosimeters if working in those buildings. Originally built to produce munitions after WWI.
It's last hoorah was early 90's due to first Iraq war. More US soldiers died of munition malfunctions during live fire training than those during the short war itself. Only thing US had in bulk at the time was Korean and Vietnam era munitions (remember the battleship deck gun powder bag explosion? Korean era powder bags). US bought back munitions that it had sold to France to use for the Iraq war. In turn, DOD cranked the munitions plant up to 101% capacity to replace the France munitions and replace all the old US munitions. Ran 24/7 for a few years. Has since been shut down and all the buildings removed. As a kid, remember the air vent hoods in the middle of fields outside the facility grounds. Material and product came and went by trainload. But not above ground. Traces of those lines mostly gone from current Google maps.
Local community wants to purchase the area and make into residential and park area. Joke has always been that it would be cheap to light the area at night due to the glow from the radiation still in the ground. Superfund site with questionable cleanup. So now, Federal is the big ammo maker in the area. Would be curious to know if Federal ever took any of the old Defense equipment for use.
Thank you for writing
Excellent video 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Mmmm not sure about "tiko tool" still prefer cleaning the bore from the chamber to the muzzle.
The Federal factory looks like a nice place to work.
TICO TOOL.....Looks Like Another Waste of Money....
The one he used is for shotguns. It wont matter.
RIP Jim.
.22 ammo nowadays is substandard to what it was 10 years ago. Used to be .22 ammo was super reliable,
now myself and my friends experience lots of failure to fire issues because if inconsistent uneven application of primer paste, which results in no ignition. Yet if you take that same round it it is struck again in a different spot, it goes off. All the guns are in good working order and well struck by the firing pin. This happens not only in Federal rim fire ammo but in Winchester, Remington and CCI. Mini Mags used to be my go to ammo because of their reliability and accuracy but now even they are having issues and not what they used to be. Unfortunate.
This is where the oompa loompa should be working. A true American candy factory. Thank you Federal for making quality ammo!!!!!
These are the real patriots and heroes of the nation. They work and make a product needed.
Great video. Liked the center fire and shotshell segments. Just wish Federal could make a more reliable 22LR ammo, much like CCI does for the mini-mags. I get CCI 22LR when I can afford it. However, I shoot Federal 22LR quite a bit since it always available. All my semi-autos handle it great and I can deal with duds when they happen. Thanks
Never had a problem with duds while using Federal product #512. 40 grain solid high velocity .22lr.
Honestly .22 being Rim fire makes it less reliable than anything center fire, no matter what brand there’s always gonna be duds, even for super high end stuff
I'd love to have some of that ammo right now!
@Maafa 1619 Did you trade your car for them?
Factory ammunitions available in stock at affordable prices you can contact us at