Valerie strikes me as someone who has never actually thought about their beliefs, never had someone object to them, and never had to say their position out loud, hopefully she has realized how bad her thinking on this is
But thats your subjective opinion. Its not a scientific or rational fact that you can demonstrate. If I were to ask the atheists here why YOUR morality is right, you would appeal to a logical fallacy as an excuse. So you're just as bad.
@@stevenswitzer5154 Thank you for your response. Now I can't identify a specific logical fallacy with what you said. But the opposite moral principle is just as valid as yours. "Why is my morality good? Because its based on doing whatever I feel like doing". (Not my personal belief, by the way). Both your excuse for why your morality is good and one of an opposite nature are equally valid. If you can assume that your morality is good just because its based on treating others how you want to be treated, then the opposite morality is just as valid for whatever foundation they give. Morality by definition, is nothing by ANY, and I mean any, sort of standard of standard of conduct made by a group or person. Look it up if you don't believe me. This is why objective value is so important to make the difference between an invalid and valid ought principle. Even the jesus believers realize that, yet most atheists don't.
@@Is-your-logic-valid "Morality by definition, is nothing by ANY, and I mean any, sort of standard of standard of conduct made by a group or person" So when did god send the update that made slavery wrong? He's very much okay with it in the bible, both the old and the new testament.
@@Is-your-logic-valid I honestly don't understand your point. Morality is subjective. It changes as we progress as humans. There's no such thing as Christian morality. The same book but morality is vastly different today compared to 200 years ago. It's also very different between countries and cultures. We have gay priests and gay hating priests in the same denomination. They clearly get their morality from different places.
She said the prison system is bad because prisoners get raped and beat up, but that she would be okay being someone's actual slave, even though a slave can be raped and beat up and there's nothing they can do about it
@@pdoylemi you know I am but oddly enough I think I did that before to, maybe it’s a midwestern thing, my grandparents grew up in Pennsylvanian and that’s just what they said. But maybe I use it more because of the show so chicken, egg kinda for me.
@@pdoylemi hmmm I wonder where they got it then, I just got it from my grandparents and always thought that’s why cause they would say a lot of stuff that was none specific to a region, more to a time period. Like cool cats and such
If they were actually enslaved, they would realize just how f'd up it is. They believe it is moral to beat a person, when they have never been beaten up it their life
Prostitution doesn't ruin marriages, cheating spouses ruin marriages And before any wombat says that they couldn't cheat if there weren't any prostitutes My answer is Go to any club on a Saturday night.
@@georgeaguilar6996 Yeah - facts ARE a good moral standard. Prostitution never affected my marriage or that of anyone I know personally even though prostitutes are readily available and we all have more than enough money to hire them.
I had to rewind like 5 times when she said live on air that she would rather be a slave under the rules in Exodus. I'm absolutely bamboozled. Shit left me speechless....
"There's no slavery in the bible. I did a study." "Slavery is actually fine. I'll be yours if you want. At least it's not prison." I love how she sees your points, but decides you're just wrong anyways. It's like listening to 2 separate personalities at the same time.
Can you imagine drinking the kool aid so strongly you just accept that being beaten within an inch of your life, consigning your children to chatell slavery, and being property that can be handed down to someone else's children... generationally hoping to get to "The Year of Jubilee..." Is better than Prison??? This person lies to suit an argument. Wait aren't these the people that say Prisoners have it too easily... Like with Education and Healthcare? and pillows and blankets... and heat in winter. But then to justify slavery..... slavery so much better???
The fact that she can sit there and say she is no different than anybody in prison when there are child molesters and serial killers in prison and she has done none of those things is fucking awful. Yes, we are all human. Yes, we all have base instincts. No, we are not all depraved.
The most evil people I’ve ever known were religious, regular church goers. They use their religion to absolve themselves and project their ideas onto others to feel better. The deeper into their faith, the more depraved they actually were
No, that’s absolutely true. I know people who say god protects and provides, but when asked “how”, their logic regresses to that of a 5 year old. “I just know it”, “I’ve felt his presence”, “I can’t explain it, it just makes sense”. It’s devoid of critical thought, and gradually strips away humanity.
Hey there, stop for a second and read this: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16 Life is too short to just throw it away. Live it right for God, love God, and inherit eternal life in God's kingdom ❤️. The new Kingdom will be free of the curse of sin (death, suffering, violence, disease, evil, etc.) A true, spiritual journey awaits you! 🕊❤️ I was a militant atheist for years and later dabbled in the occult. I never imagined I would be a Christian. I hated the religion. However, I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus that completely changed me and my life. Nothing this world can offer you even compares to knowing Jesus. His peace, love, and joy transcends all. Jesus Christ loves you, He is your Creator ❤️🕊🙏 Seek Him with a genuine heart and He will reveal His existence to you. The truth shall make you free, friends! (John 8:32) ❤️🕊🙏
The indoctrination teaches them that they’re right and any evil they do or support is justified, and therefore not evil. The ones who question are silenced, punished, or leave
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 may the spaghetti monster bless your meatballs. And may the hungry be fed by his body. When you are ready there will be noodles waiting for you at his table. He believes in you and loves you.
I am so happy to have escaped religion! I got caught up in it at an early age by missionaries who stopped at my home and convinced my parents that I should go to church.
Prostitution can save lives. If a disabled person can't find any intimacy, it can lead to crushing depression and suicide. However, if those disabled people can access intimacy in the form of paid intimacy, it can help them immensely and give their life happiness. How is that wrong?
I’ve even seen a show where a sex worker said that clients like these make her feel fulfilled doing her job, so it seems like benefiting all sides (including government that loots the tax rates lol)
But it’s a false intimacy. Get a sex doll if having orgasms are life-saving. Stop making it into something it’s not. You want to pay someone to give you an orgasm? Fine, your life your business. As long as it’s consensual between participants, it’s no one’s business. Unfortunately, we live in the real world where sex trafficking is a thing, severe drug abuse is a thing, sexual transmitted diseases is a thing, murder and violence against the sex worker is a thing. Prostitution causes much more harm than any good because of the horrors sex workers suffer from. There is no “Pretty Woman” scenario for the sex worker. Even the very high end escorts have gone through a lot of crap in their lives to end up where they are.
That’s a VERY rose tinted glasses view of prostitution. It is like a Christian defending the bible because Jesus. Then you gotta smack them back into reality and say “slavery” “murder” “sexism” etc. There are good bits to everything if you try hard enough. But some things, the negative aspects of it, FAR outweigh the good
Some disabled people don’t kill themselves because they bought sex. … How many women have killed themselves because they sold it? How many women were murdered because they sold it? And which one outnumbers the other one? I’d say prostitution has cost lives more than it has saved them
it is radically depraved that some ancient tribal mythology book convinced this woman that she is broken and needs some zombie to 'save' herself! she presented herself in a somewhat less that complimentary way the way her religion made her and intended her to be.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 the way I see it: If there is no god I was right all along and I didn't mistreat others based on an false belief. If there is a god and it's the one you're talking about, I am going to be cast away as far as possible from that immoral monster and from people like you: hypocrites, zealots, irrational. It's an absolute win in any case.
"So instead of being locked in jail, being graped and beet up. You'll be locked in the home of the person you wronged, so that *they* can grape and beet you up."
"But the fact is, I believe...blah blah blah" How do they accomplish stating 2 exact opposites that can't exist together without it dawning on them in the slightest.
They are not just an electric monk (who can hold 7 contradictory claims at the same time), they are a video recorder which can record 24 channels in parallel not even caring about any of the content. And where in the bible is the punishment for non-consensual relations with your money? Nowhere? Where was the punishment of that in the chattel slavery of the American South? But in the prison system prisoners get beaten and r’ed? Holy …. that is some suicide cult level brainwashing!
@@grantsmythe8625so it has good shit and bad shit, like us, the humans. so there's nothing really divine about it. just a man made book, with its good things and its problems
@@grantsmythe8625 "Others, usually those wanting to kick the Bible down, will refer to only the references to violence while ignoring all references to morality and love." AS compared to those desperate to believe the bible g0d exists who will refer to only the references to morality and love while ignoring all references to hatred and violence against the innocent.
@grantsmythe8625 "The good parts are real, the bad immoral rules are just poetry". You didn't tell me anything about the Bible but you just told everyone that you are a moral person in spite of the Bible, because you use your own brain to decide what not to follow. It's just a shame that you have decided to use your functioning brain to justify something immoral and irrational
@@EdithBromfeld Aren't YOU Jim Castleberry? So you are just declaring that you "won" something? Typical of a loser too afraid to face reality. Probably can't even call the show.
I don't want to ruin it for anyone but the caller once more fails to prove that the bible is moral. It is if you exclude all the parts about genocide, murder, human sacrifice, forcing people to marry their attackers, slavery, etc. If you look for one specific quote from the right section and I terpret it right then pretend the whole thing meant that, then the book is great
@joshsheridan9511 thats fair, however, it would make the show incredible if any callers actually thought about their argument from both sides before calling and had answers to the questions they are likely to get
Well, thats exactly what the whole problem is with religion. Is that they don't actually read the whole book. They take one little snippet out and use that to brainwash people into thinking its all good. Don't look at all these atrocities over here that we did in the name of our religion, just focus on this one passage and all that stuff goes away.
@@danielconroy6695 they try to stay to their script no matter what and just say that the arguments brought up against them are wrong because their book of fairy tales says so.
@@georgeaguilar6996 Speaking of moral standards, George Aguilar asked "if God took out the cananites in the old testament, why is that wrong since they for 400 year burned children alive on the red hot iron hands of the idol Moloch" while George himself will not tell us why he chooses to worship a g0d that slaughtered infants to punish the parents.
Valerie, A few months ago a young girl of eight died in an earthquake. Now, she has to go to hell just because she was born in . . . Turkey? And what could she do to prevent it?
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 So you don't care about a young girl going to your christian hell just because she wasn't born in your neighbourhood... right. Sounds like you've found yourself a really loving and caring religion there. Excuse me if I decline your offer to share it with you.
@@lifeinthe80s I already have... Jesus if existed (no firm evidence of that has been presented)... Did not know me and there's no evidence of the truth in the god tale. As a fictional character it's ok if he loves me... Gandalf loves you as well. Read the Lord of The Rings.
@richardkamanitz176 Jesus(if he ever existed) would be dead, so how would a dead person be able to love anything. Also, saying Jesus loves you to an atheist means absolutely nothing to them.
been an athiest for most of my life, and one day one of my co-workers asked if i'd like a bible to read and i said "yeah i'd love to read it, i've never really had a chance to read one." never got one in the end, think i was too outspoken in my views
I read somewhere (and thought it was cute): Christian conservatives should be all in favour of homosexual marriages and the legalization of says right in their book that any 2 men who lay together ought to be stoned...
I've met so many people like this and it's so sad. Sad to see what people have turned them into, and sad to know the harm they cause in other people's lives without taking any accountability.
We should all welcome our newest troll richard kaminitz, who due to an unfortunate accident is unable to write more than a few words at a time, and rarely coherent, but he tries, a cheer for richard!
This conversation, like most religious conversations, reminds me of a "bridge to nowhere." Regardless, I'll wager that religions have destroyed far more marriages than prostitution. Any takers?
Valerie is a true believer and is not capable of questioning her religious leader or the bible. That is the biggest problem with religion it blocks rational thinking.
I have more sympathy for this woman than anger. She seems like someone who tries to be a good person but has been too brainwashed to be good, or at least say good things.
How can anyone not know about the immoral things in the Bible. Just knowing that the God of the Bible condones slavery should be enough evidence of the immorality of the Bible.
But you're misinterpreting! You're taking it out of context! But they were paid servants! Slavery in the Bible is not the slavery you're thinking of! You're a slave to your job and bills! And my favorite dishonest Christian response: _(sound of crickets as they run away and ignore quoted verses)_
@@humbleevidenceaccepter7712 Slavery in the bible is *EXACTLY* the kind of slavery the OP was thinking of, namely one human being owning another human being as property. Leviticus 25 (NRSVA) 44 As for the male and female slaves whom you may have, it is from the nations around you that you may acquire male and female slaves. 45 You may also acquire them from among the aliens residing with you, and from their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and *they may be your property.* 46 You may keep them *as a possession* for your children after you, *for them to inherit as property.* You really should read your bible before coming out to an atheist channel to defend when most atheists have read the bible and know it better than you do.
Not liking prostitutes and not liking prostitution are not the same thing. How can you not tell the difference between an action and a person? You do this all the time. And thinking it's a sin doesn't mean you want to control other people's actions.
Valerie sounds like a lovely person, and I'm sure that she is a wonderful mum/daughter/wife etc. She is just one of the brainwashed multitude who needs some guidance with her thoughts.
Morality IS subjective. Even if a god does actually exist and sets a moral code to live by. It would be that god's subjective opinion of what's moral and what isn't. And as far as i'm concerned, the god of the bible can spin on it if it thinks i'm going to accept the moral standard it lays down in the bible. My moral standard is higher.
A theist telling an atheist they will burn in hell has about as much effect as a child telling an adult that santa isn't bringing them any presents this year.
You can get baptized and call yourself Christian and still do the most horrible things and get into heaven. That's the reason why Jesus died on the cross so that Christians can get to heaven just by saying what a great job that Jesus did. This was a change from Judaism where you had to be good and follow the laws. The secret that no Christian will say out loud is that their morality is ONLY to judge non-Christians. You can say that Muslims are pedos but won't mention church leaders who prey upon the young. You can say that lying is bad, but go to prison for fraud.
It's moral, because everything God says is moral. No need to think for yourself, the bible has you covered 😊 And a good Thursday Morning 🌞 AXP Fans and Theists ❤❤❤ Peace Love Empathy From Australia.
The interpretation of plainly written laws by this women is exactly why no justice system can be trusted with capital punishment. Imagine how many wrongful convictions and releases Valerie and 11 of her peers would be responsible for.
Childhood Indoctrination is hard to shake. I was indoctrinated into Conservative Christianity when I was 8. I am finally free. The verse that says " whom the son sets free is free indeed" is a load. I was shackled so hard,...I could not have any independent thoughts or look upon Christianity Critically without being made to feel Like a steaming dog turd that God could ONLY tolerate because..." Jesus...." This is borderline child abuse to take kids to Sunday School.
She said she would be rather a slave than be punished with jail? She said if someone stole something etc.... but Slaves don´t become slaves because they missbehaved, Slaves get born into slavery or get abducted into slavery or whatever, beeing a slave does not mean they were free once and only turned slave because they did something bad. Those 2 things do not connect, reliogion seriously indoctrinated her beyond believe
I think that a disposition toward unquestioningly being led by authorities is the main requirement. That habit of thought can come about in people with a cognitive deficit, while others with an equally severe deficit manage to achieve a state of independent thought. I'm thinking in particular about the adult daughter of a former girlfriend. The daughter tested at an IQ of about 80. She could read and write well enough to leave notes and follow simple instructions. She couldn't quite manage to live independently because she'd leave the stove on or let the bathtub overflow. She could recount stories and appreciate humor as long as it was at the simpler end of the range. But the point is, she grew up in an environment which encouraged her to think independently. She ended up being a remarkably strong participant in social issues, unafraid to challenge politicians and other authorities once she felt that she had put together a strong argument. And most of her arguments were strong, rational, and backed by clear evidence. That's the wonderful thing about reason and evidence. Anyone can apply them, provided they're willing. This caller was not.
We don’t really need to diagnose the callers with conditions that we don’t know they have when we already know they have a psychotic condition called religion.
I should probably wait until watching the whole video in case this gets addressed (I'm at the 9:00 mark) but the argument I think that she should have used to explain her apparent hypocritical position between being in favour of hell but not execution is that hell (supposedly) has an omnipotent judge whereas execution does not.
Dawkins writes of Winston's son, Randolph Churchill, being challenged to read the entire Bible in something like two weeks, and coming back saying "D'you know the Bible says _this_ , or just "Gawd, what a *_shit_* God is".
When she's not talking about religion, her views are completely normal and rational. As soon as the question is applied to a religion context, she completely changes her position in favor of the bible. It's like she's physically incapable of disagreeing with the bible even though her own expressed beliefs directly contradict it.
When someone asks me a specific question about my beliefs or position and I _can't answer it,_ I immediately re-think said belief or position. Theists largely lack this ability of self-reflection. It saddens me they just ignore the question and parrot talking points, unwilling to accept new conclusions.
@@lifeinthe80s "But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me." (Jesus in Luke 19:27) There's no hate like Christian love. "Debate over" indeed.
@@lifeinthe80s Stoning a young woman to death because she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night is OK for you? Killing all the Midianites as well as their children but keeping the women who were still virgins for their own use is moral?
@@lifeinthe80sSo you're ok with the Yahweh saying it's ok for his people to rape, kill (including babies), slavery, incest, etc. ? 🤨 Who's the delusional one here?
There are plenty of stories in the Old Testament, like Jacob & Esau, Samson & Delilah, protection of Cain, etc. that have ambiguous moral lessons at best. How do we know what moral lessons to draw from those stories?
4:56. God is perfect, yet, all humans are sinners and depraved. So a perfect being created an imperfect being who sins and is depraved. The logic checks out.
None of these people REALLY believe they are depraved, but it is a good excuse for them mistreating people they think are. And what does that even mean? She spoke of her thoughts - which is one of Christianity's biggest crimes - making a bad thought a crime. I recall the first days after I decided to divorce my wife, and I was awfully pissed at the time (for good reason I still say, even though we became friends again later). The 2008 crash had recently happened and I had already lost a bunch of money, and a divorce was going to slam me more. After watching "Forensic Files" one night, I briefly considered ways I could probably kill my wife and get away with it rather than lose my ass financially AGAIN. But I am not depraved because I did not and never would seriously consider it or actually DO it! But in my anger, the thoughts crossed my mind. Maybe SHE IS DEPRAVED because she seems to think she WOULD do something like that without her god belief. If so, I guess she is depraved.
Prostitution and cheating aren't the same thing. Plenty of singles who visit prostitutes. There are even examples of relationship where 1 of them is an asexual and approves of the other fulfilling their sexual need through prostitution.
Here's the immorality of the hell concept. You're an all powerful being. You decide to do an experiment. Let's make these entities and give them free will. You know at the onset of this experiment that a good percentage of these creations are going to end up suffering eternally in this other place that you also created. Let's just say ten percent of them end up there. That's billions and possibly trillions depending on how long this thing lasts. You don't give them a choice, they are born and as a result of simply being born are entered into this high stakes undertaking. Would anyone actually play this game of life if at the beginning god gives you a choice?-"Hey I'm making this great sims where if you win you get to live in eternal happiness, but if you lose it's eternal suffering. Wanna play? Hell no I don't. There is no reward enough to warrant the risk. Anyone who says otherwise simply doesn't understand the concept of infinity. This is a nasty proposition that should be rejected by any sane person.
Why does a god who is purportedly the ultimate dispenser of justice condone the suspension of justice in exchange for loyalty? I don't understand why a divine being would ever suspend morality. If God's laws are perfect, then any breach of these laws would logically necessitate justice rather than mercy. It stands to reason that God, being omniscient and omnipotent, would have established these laws with perfect foresight and intent. Why then would there be a need for forgiveness? 'Mercy' itself seems to be an acknowledgement from God that his laws are entirely capricious, and his punishments are excessive and overwhelming. A truly just system would require the consistent application of morality, where every 'wrong' is met with a proportionate 'right' or consequence. Ultimately, mercy and forgiveness only make sense from a human perspective, where laws are imperfect and compassion is necessary. For an omniscient and omnipotent deity, these concepts should be unnecessary.
More often than not a jury of your peers is not a jury of your peers because if a prostitute is being convicted they're not going to get a jury full of prostitutes which would be a jury of their peers. When a court select a jury that is supposed to comprise your peers they are supposed to select people who are either in the same job description that you have or people that are for all intents and purposes just like you but what ends up happening most of the time is that they end up getting people who are either indifferent or have aggression towards you
I like this woman, she clearly hasn’t thought through a lot of issues but she’s listening and hearing ideas she’s probably never heard before. She seems to be kind and open minded but she’s learned a lot of bad ideas in her life. I hope she learns from this and changes, I think she has more chance than most.
Valerie strikes me as someone who has never actually thought about their beliefs, never had someone object to them, and never had to say their position out loud, hopefully she has realized how bad her thinking on this is
Sorry o don’t mean to be unkind, but she sounds deeply unintelligent.
Like 90% of christians then.
@@Criticalthinking_ and the ones who have are doubled down and are apologists or rejected it and are atheists
@@Criticalthinking_ I go one step ahead and it is 99%?
@@yohanvasanth9733 atleast in the US 👌
She sounds articulate and sweet but her opinions are awful. She's the perfect example of the damage religion causes in our world.
But thats your subjective opinion. Its not a scientific or rational fact that you can demonstrate. If I were to ask the atheists here why YOUR morality is right, you would appeal to a logical fallacy as an excuse. So you're just as bad.
@@Is-your-logic-validwhy is my morality good? Because its based on not doing things to people I dont want done to myself. Expose the fallacy.. Please
@@stevenswitzer5154 Thank you for your response. Now I can't identify a specific logical fallacy with what you said. But the opposite moral principle is just as valid as yours. "Why is my morality good? Because its based on doing whatever I feel like doing". (Not my personal belief, by the way). Both your excuse for why your morality is good and one of an opposite nature are equally valid.
If you can assume that your morality is good just because its based on treating others how you want to be treated, then the opposite morality is just as valid for whatever foundation they give.
Morality by definition, is nothing by ANY, and I mean any, sort of standard of standard of conduct made by a group or person. Look it up if you don't believe me.
This is why objective value is so important to make the difference between an invalid and valid ought principle. Even the jesus believers realize that, yet most atheists don't.
@@Is-your-logic-valid "Morality by definition, is nothing by ANY, and I mean any, sort of standard of standard of conduct made by a group or person"
So when did god send the update that made slavery wrong? He's very much okay with it in the bible, both the old and the new testament.
@@Is-your-logic-valid I honestly don't understand your point. Morality is subjective. It changes as we progress as humans. There's no such thing as Christian morality. The same book but morality is vastly different today compared to 200 years ago. It's also very different between countries and cultures.
We have gay priests and gay hating priests in the same denomination. They clearly get their morality from different places.
She said the prison system is bad because prisoners get raped and beat up, but that she would be okay being someone's actual slave, even though a slave can be raped and beat up and there's nothing they can do about it
And also that whatever happens to us in hell is fine. Its justice. And the Mercy Exception was off the table. Because reasons.
I love the cognitive dissonance in this lady is just a:
“Oh honey…” level of brainwashing
How I Met your Mother fan?
@@pdoylemi you know I am but oddly enough I think I did that before to, maybe it’s a midwestern thing, my grandparents grew up in Pennsylvanian and that’s just what they said.
But maybe I use it more because of the show so chicken, egg kinda for me.
Interesting. I grew up in the Midwest too, Michigan, but didn't hear that much, but it does work.
@@pdoylemi hmmm I wonder where they got it then, I just got it from my grandparents and always thought that’s why cause they would say a lot of stuff that was none specific to a region, more to a time period.
Like cool cats and such
I am sure that at least some of them had experiences like you did.
_"I'm sorry if what I say sounds like what I mean..."_
Did I just hear that correctly. She would prefer SLAVERY over our current system
How convenient that the god believers that say that always think of themselves as the Master!! lol!!!
If they were actually enslaved, they would realize just how f'd up it is. They believe it is moral to beat a person, when they have never been beaten up it their life
Yes, because as the "Chosen of God", the Bible Babblers are inherently narcissistic, and thus DESERVE to be the masters.
Our current system actually is both slavery and imprisonment
Valerie says dumb things and then laughs about it. What a way to live .
A lot, a LOT of theists exhibit this behavior.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321I believe that which is believable.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 Why? Why should I do any of that?
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 Even if your "god" revealed "him"self to me, I wouldn't worship "him". Fuck your god.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 I don't believe in the concept of sin, god, or an afterlife.
A perfect example of how the bible can make good people believe bad things
She’s not a good person
She must be loved in her church. She's gentle, acquiescent, easily confused and simple. Perfect pew warmer.
Perfect Pew warming Tithe giver
19:30 This is what religion does to your brain.
My jaw was on the floor, and I’m dead and sad at the same time
religion is helluva drug x'D
How did you do this?
Heartbreaking what religion does to them. 😢
Prostitution doesn't ruin marriages, cheating spouses ruin marriages
And before any wombat says that they couldn't cheat if there weren't any prostitutes
My answer is
Go to any club on a Saturday night.
Exactly! Put the blame where it goes
@@georgeaguilar6996yes, thanks
Who hurt you?@@lifeinthe80s
Yeah - facts ARE a good moral standard. Prostitution never affected my marriage or that of anyone I know personally even though prostitutes are readily available and we all have more than enough money to hire them.
I think Valerie values propriety, politeness, and appearing cheerful over real justice
I had to rewind like 5 times when she said live on air that she would rather be a slave under the rules in Exodus. I'm absolutely bamboozled. Shit left me speechless....
I hate how Christian people try to say God knowingly designed us all from a perfect point of view but made us all very faulty and sinful
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321How do you say the things you say and not think that your beliefs are anti-human?
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 I have never sinned or done anything evil.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321ever heard of "original sin"?
i wouldnt call putting the sewer exit next to the pleasure dome "a good design"
@@chriskwakernaat2328 nor is the requirement to force a rockmellon out through a tube the size of a garden irrigation pipe.
"There's no slavery in the bible. I did a study."
"Slavery is actually fine. I'll be yours if you want. At least it's not prison."
I love how she sees your points, but decides you're just wrong anyways. It's like listening to 2 separate personalities at the same time.
Can you imagine drinking the kool aid so strongly you just accept that being beaten within an inch of your life, consigning your children to chatell slavery, and being property that can be handed down to someone else's children... generationally hoping to get to "The Year of Jubilee..." Is better than Prison???
This person lies to suit an argument. Wait aren't these the people that say Prisoners have it too easily... Like with Education and Healthcare? and pillows and blankets... and heat in winter. But then to justify slavery..... slavery so much better???
The fact that she can sit there and say she is no different than anybody in prison when there are child molesters and serial killers in prison and she has done none of those things is fucking awful.
Yes, we are all human. Yes, we all have base instincts. No, we are not all depraved.
Also, that she needs religion & god not to go out and do bad things!
Fun Fact: Valerie won gold in mental gymnastics.
This may be too harsh for TH-cam but the mind of religious ppl is where real depravity lives
It’s all the things they imagine other people are doing. Makes you wonder where they got those ideas.
The most evil people I’ve ever known were religious, regular church goers. They use their religion to absolve themselves and project their ideas onto others to feel better. The deeper into their faith, the more depraved they actually were
No, that’s absolutely true. I know people who say god protects and provides, but when asked “how”, their logic regresses to that of a 5 year old. “I just know it”, “I’ve felt his presence”, “I can’t explain it, it just makes sense”.
It’s devoid of critical thought, and gradually strips away humanity.
It rocks me to my core that I was ever that way...
Hey there, stop for a second and read this:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16
Life is too short to just throw it away. Live it right for God, love God, and inherit eternal life in God's kingdom ❤️. The new Kingdom will be free of the curse of sin (death, suffering, violence, disease, evil, etc.) A true, spiritual journey awaits you! 🕊❤️
I was a militant atheist for years and later dabbled in the occult. I never imagined I would be a Christian. I hated the religion. However, I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus that completely changed me and my life.
Nothing this world can offer you even compares to knowing Jesus. His peace, love, and joy transcends all.
Jesus Christ loves you, He is your Creator ❤️🕊🙏 Seek Him with a genuine heart and He will reveal His existence to you. The truth shall make you free, friends! (John 8:32) ❤️🕊🙏
What a confused lady. Except she doesn’t know she’s confused.
She's not confused it's the complete opposite.
@@LoveGOD-oe6wjnope she's so confused she thinks slavery is moral.
@@lifeinthe80sYou must be a poe, nobody is that stupid.
Theists so obsessed with people that don’t believe. So weird.
It amazes me how These people (the religious) don’t ever think to themselves- shit, am I the bad guy?
The indoctrination teaches them that they’re right and any evil they do or support is justified, and therefore not evil. The ones who question are silenced, punished, or leave
When you convince a person to accept absurdities, its easy to convince them to commit atrocities
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 may the spaghetti monster bless your meatballs. And may the hungry be fed by his body. When you are ready there will be noodles waiting for you at his table. He believes in you and loves you.
They got you, did they.
One of the things I miss about the newer atheist shows is the laughter of the behind the camera people.
@@garthh7314 Really, I thought it was genuine mirth.
@@earlofdoncaster5018it's not a laugh track
It’s not a laugh track. There are people in the studio off camera, like the call screeners. Sometimes a guest audience.
@@garthh7314no it's not, they've shown the ppl there b4
I'm so glad I'm not religious.
I can't believe I ever fell for this shit, but in my defense I was brainwashed from birth.
Hahaha😂 too...just sounds exhausting
If I ever become religious, you have my permission to punch me right in the face
I thanh god everyday im also not reliious.
I am so happy to have escaped religion! I got caught up in it at an early age by missionaries who stopped at my home and convinced my parents that I should go to church.
Prostitution can save lives. If a disabled person can't find any intimacy, it can lead to crushing depression and suicide. However, if those disabled people can access intimacy in the form of paid intimacy, it can help them immensely and give their life happiness. How is that wrong?
I’ve even seen a show where a sex worker said that clients like these make her feel fulfilled doing her job, so it seems like benefiting all sides (including government that loots the tax rates lol)
@@ivandankob7112 exactly. It can be very beneficial for those involved and for society.
But it’s a false intimacy. Get a sex doll if having orgasms are life-saving. Stop making it into something it’s not. You want to pay someone to give you an orgasm? Fine, your life your business. As long as it’s consensual between participants, it’s no one’s business. Unfortunately, we live in the real world where sex trafficking is a thing, severe drug abuse is a thing, sexual transmitted diseases is a thing, murder and violence against the sex worker is a thing. Prostitution causes much more harm than any good because of the horrors sex workers suffer from. There is no “Pretty Woman” scenario for the sex worker. Even the very high end escorts have gone through a lot of crap in their lives to end up where they are.
That’s a VERY rose tinted glasses view of prostitution. It is like a Christian defending the bible because Jesus. Then you gotta smack them back into reality and say “slavery” “murder” “sexism” etc.
There are good bits to everything if you try hard enough. But some things, the negative aspects of it, FAR outweigh the good
Some disabled people don’t kill themselves because they bought sex. … How many women have killed themselves because they sold it? How many women were murdered because they sold it? And which one outnumbers the other one? I’d say prostitution has cost lives more than it has saved them
it is radically depraved that some ancient tribal mythology book convinced this woman that she is broken and needs some zombie to 'save' herself! she presented herself in a somewhat less that complimentary way the way her religion made her and intended her to be.
She sees herself as radically depraved
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 why?
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 thats ridiculous.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 the way I see it: If there is no god I was right all along and I didn't mistreat others based on an false belief. If there is a god and it's the one you're talking about, I am going to be cast away as far as possible from that immoral monster and from people like you: hypocrites, zealots, irrational. It's an absolute win in any case.
"So instead of being locked in jail, being graped and beet up. You'll be locked in the home of the person you wronged, so that *they* can grape and beet you up."
Valerie: "I don't believe in capital punishment either"
Me: " Okay, good start. Surely this isn't going anywhere unreasonable or insane..."
"But the fact is, I believe...blah blah blah" How do they accomplish stating 2 exact opposites that can't exist together without it dawning on them in the slightest.
They are not just an electric monk (who can hold 7 contradictory claims at the same time), they are a video recorder which can record 24 channels in parallel not even caring about any of the content.
And where in the bible is the punishment for non-consensual relations with your money? Nowhere? Where was the punishment of that in the chattel slavery of the American South?
But in the prison system prisoners get beaten and r’ed? Holy …. that is some suicide cult level brainwashing!
I mean technically it is a fact that they believe, it’s just they don’t believe in a fact.
You can’t explain why the Bible is moral because in order to explain that the Bible would first have to be moral.
@@grantsmythe8625so it has good shit and bad shit, like us, the humans. so there's nothing really divine about it. just a man made book, with its good things and its problems
@@grantsmythe8625 "Others, usually those wanting to kick the Bible down, will refer to only the references to violence while ignoring all references to morality and love."
AS compared to those desperate to believe the bible g0d exists who will refer to only the references to morality and love while ignoring all references to hatred and violence against the innocent.
@grantsmythe8625 "The good parts are real, the bad immoral rules are just poetry". You didn't tell me anything about the Bible but you just told everyone that you are a moral person in spite of the Bible, because you use your own brain to decide what not to follow. It's just a shame that you have decided to use your functioning brain to justify something immoral and irrational
As Carlin says, "It's OK to sell shit, it's OK to f*ck, so what's wrong with selling f*cking?"
You got spanked by Jim Castleberry.
That goober? Hardly.
@@EdithBromfeld Aren't YOU Jim Castleberry? So you are just declaring that you "won" something?
Typical of a loser too afraid to face reality. Probably can't even call the show.
@@pdoylemi You got spanked. You ran away. You had no answers.
Don’t trouble yourself with insults from children, OP. Being called a fool by a fool by a fool is not a dishonor.
I don't want to ruin it for anyone but the caller once more fails to prove that the bible is moral. It is if you exclude all the parts about genocide, murder, human sacrifice, forcing people to marry their attackers, slavery, etc. If you look for one specific quote from the right section and I terpret it right then pretend the whole thing meant that, then the book is great
I doubt anyone expected the caller to prove the unprovable
@joshsheridan9511 thats fair, however, it would make the show incredible if any callers actually thought about their argument from both sides before calling and had answers to the questions they are likely to get
@@danielconroy6695I think a lot of callers don't expect questions
Well, thats exactly what the whole problem is with religion. Is that they don't actually read the whole book. They take one little snippet out and use that to brainwash people into thinking its all good. Don't look at all these atrocities over here that we did in the name of our religion, just focus on this one passage and all that stuff goes away.
@@danielconroy6695 they try to stay to their script no matter what and just say that the arguments brought up against them are wrong because their book of fairy tales says so.
Infinite punishment for finite crimes is merciful?
Only if you havs a warped notion of mercy
@@lifeinthe80sYou get a job Richard! What a childish response. 😂
@@georgeaguilar6996you don't have a moral standard George.
You believe in divine command theory
@@lifeinthe80sget a life, Dick
@@georgeaguilar6996 Speaking of moral standards, George Aguilar asked "if God took out the cananites in the old testament, why is that wrong since they for 400 year burned children alive on the red hot iron hands of the idol Moloch" while George himself will not tell us why he chooses to worship a g0d that slaughtered infants to punish the parents.
@@lifeinthe80s Get a brain, richard. Then you might be able to get a job that pays better than collecting runaway shopping trolleys.
Caller: “I understand what you’re saying”.
Narrator: “she doesn’t”
Says "as a matter of fact," proceeds to state an opinion.
Her mind has been absolutely poisoned. Almost impossible to believe.
Valerie, A few months ago a young girl of eight died in an earthquake. Now, she has to go to hell just because she was born in . . . Turkey?
And what could she do to prevent it?
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂 why ,,,
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 So, no answer to my question then ????
And giving yourself a Like, isn't it a bit childish?
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 😂😂😂😂😂
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 So you don't care about a young girl going to your christian hell just because she wasn't born in your neighbourhood... right. Sounds like you've found yourself a really loving and caring religion there.
Excuse me if I decline your offer to share it with you.
Almost feel sorry for this caller Being completely brainwashed by religion. I hope one day she can break free from its control.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321Ignorance is bliss.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 Happiness through lies is empty happiness.
Wonderful example of congnitive dissonance, the disconection from what is considered moral and not is unbelievable.
@@lifeinthe80s I already have... Jesus if existed (no firm evidence of that has been presented)... Did not know me and there's no evidence of the truth in the god tale.
As a fictional character it's ok if he loves me... Gandalf loves you as well. Read the Lord of The Rings.
@@lifeinthe80s there is no evidence at all of the tale you are trying to consider truth. I'm not the one in denial here.
Prove it.
@@lifeinthe80s I don't know if he ever existed at all, so that fact alone makes me doubt he loves me.
@richardkamanitz176 Jesus(if he ever existed) would be dead, so how would a dead person be able to love anything. Also, saying Jesus loves you to an atheist means absolutely nothing to them.
been an athiest for most of my life, and one day one of my co-workers asked if i'd like a bible to read and i said "yeah i'd love to read it, i've never really had a chance to read one." never got one in the end, think i was too outspoken in my views
I feel sad for Valerie. I think she is likely actually quite a sweet lady who has been bamboozled by her indoctrination
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321Critical thinking is not indoctrination. In fact, it's the opposite, because it requires one to question dubious claims.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 yawn. Provide a good reason why i should
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 which gospel? Written by whom? How do you know it was written by them? Why should i put any effort into reading "the gospel"?
Terrible valerie wow
Bless her heart.
He also created homosexuality if you believe in him.. If he is so against it why create it ?
I read somewhere (and thought it was cute): Christian conservatives should be all in favour of homosexual marriages and the legalization of says right in their book that any 2 men who lay together ought to be stoned...
I've met so many people like this and it's so sad. Sad to see what people have turned them into, and sad to know the harm they cause in other people's lives without taking any accountability.
We should all welcome our newest troll richard kaminitz, who due to an unfortunate accident is unable to write more than a few words at a time, and rarely coherent, but he tries, a cheer for richard!
Yay Richard!!!
This conversation, like most religious conversations, reminds me of a "bridge to nowhere." Regardless, I'll wager that religions have destroyed far more marriages than prostitution. Any takers?
This call was WILD
Valerie is a true believer and is not capable of questioning her religious leader or the bible. That is the biggest problem with religion it blocks rational thinking.
How can the bible be moral when did god give us morals when its written by man its outdated book from 2000 or 4000 years ago this dont make sense
I have more sympathy for this woman than anger. She seems like someone who tries to be a good person but has been too brainwashed to be good, or at least say good things.
No different than Jim Jones' cult, or Charles Manson's cult. Sad.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 Go to hell!
How can anyone not know about the immoral things in the Bible. Just knowing that the God of the Bible condones slavery should be enough evidence of the immorality of the Bible.
Most Christians never read the whole bible, they rely on their pastor / priest to cheery pick verses for them.
But you're misinterpreting!
You're taking it out of context!
But they were paid servants!
Slavery in the Bible is not the slavery you're thinking of!
You're a slave to your job and bills!
And my favorite dishonest Christian response: _(sound of crickets as they run away and ignore quoted verses)_
@@humbleevidenceaccepter7712People pretend that every verse has hidden meaning when they are often very straightforward.
@@humbleevidenceaccepter7712 Slavery in the bible is *EXACTLY* the kind of slavery the OP was thinking of, namely one human being owning another human being as property.
Leviticus 25 (NRSVA)
44 As for the male and female slaves whom you may have, it is from the nations around you that you may acquire male and female slaves.
45 You may also acquire them from among the aliens residing with you, and from their families that are with you, who have been born in your land; and *they may be your property.*
46 You may keep them *as a possession* for your children after you, *for them to inherit as property.*
You really should read your bible before coming out to an atheist channel to defend when most atheists have read the bible and know it better than you do.
@@SleepyMatt-zzz Indeed.
Saying that prostitution is wrong because human trafficking is the same as saying that working is wrong because child labour.
My best friend is getting divorced because his IT job takes up too much of his day. This lady is suffering from a huge dose of cognitive dissonance.
Not liking prostitutes and not liking prostitution are not the same thing. How can you not tell the difference between an action and a person? You do this all the time. And thinking it's a sin doesn't mean you want to control other people's actions.
Valerie sounds like a lovely person, and I'm sure that she is a wonderful mum/daughter/wife etc. She is just one of the brainwashed multitude who needs some guidance with her thoughts.
This is a really interesting conversation, fascinating listening
Morality IS subjective. Even if a god does actually exist and sets a moral code to live by. It would be that god's subjective opinion of what's moral and what isn't. And as far as i'm concerned, the god of the bible can spin on it if it thinks i'm going to accept the moral standard it lays down in the bible. My moral standard is higher.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321Telling people they will burn in hell is evil. Don't say this to people.
A theist telling an atheist they will burn in hell has about as much effect as a child telling an adult that santa isn't bringing them any presents this year.
religion, the thought police! perfect description!
Im just waiting to get baptized on my death bed so I can be a horrible person my entire life with no accountability. 😂
Are you my Ex-Wife?
You can get baptized and call yourself Christian and still do the most horrible things and get into heaven. That's the reason why Jesus died on the cross so that Christians can get to heaven just by saying what a great job that Jesus did. This was a change from Judaism where you had to be good and follow the laws.
The secret that no Christian will say out loud is that their morality is ONLY to judge non-Christians. You can say that Muslims are pedos but won't mention church leaders who prey upon the young. You can say that lying is bad, but go to prison for fraud.
@@Waltham1892 🤣
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321absolutely nothing, because your cult has no basis in reality and souls do not exist.
“Which one? the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Quran?”
“The one with Jesus”
It's moral, because everything God says is moral.
No need to think for yourself, the bible has you covered 😊
And a good Thursday Morning 🌞 AXP Fans and Theists ❤❤❤
Peace Love Empathy From Australia.
@@lifeinthe80s Not true. Not even a little.
@@lifeinthe80s Beer is king 🙏
How many circles can someone go in without believing it when it's pointed out to them that they're going in circles.
It's not what you sounded like, it is what you believe
Valarie had me saying “Wow” out loud. Smh 🥴
The interpretation of plainly written laws by this women is exactly why no justice system can be trusted with capital punishment. Imagine how many wrongful convictions and releases Valerie and 11 of her peers would be responsible for.
Childhood Indoctrination is hard to shake. I was indoctrinated into Conservative Christianity when I was 8. I am finally free. The verse that says " whom the son sets free is free indeed" is a load. I was shackled so hard,...I could not have any independent thoughts or look upon Christianity Critically without being made to feel Like a steaming dog turd that God could ONLY tolerate because..." Jesus...."
This is borderline child abuse to take kids to Sunday School.
Prostitution is evil, but slavery is just and moral.
Fucking. Yikes.
Some of my all time favorite dialogs are within this very video.
Exodus 21 is very, VERY clear. God is fine with slavery
Who built the ark?
No one, no one.
Who built the ark?
Brother, no one built the ark.
She said she would be rather a slave than be punished with jail? She said if someone stole something etc.... but Slaves don´t become slaves because they missbehaved, Slaves get born into slavery or get abducted into slavery or whatever, beeing a slave does not mean they were free once and only turned slave because they did something bad. Those 2 things do not connect, reliogion seriously indoctrinated her beyond believe
It may sound harsh, but I think IQ level has something to do with this.
I think that a disposition toward unquestioningly being led by authorities is the main requirement.
That habit of thought can come about in people with a cognitive deficit, while others with an equally severe deficit manage to achieve a state of independent thought.
I'm thinking in particular about the adult daughter of a former girlfriend. The daughter tested at an IQ of about 80. She could read and write well enough to leave notes and follow simple instructions. She couldn't quite manage to live independently because she'd leave the stove on or let the bathtub overflow. She could recount stories and appreciate humor as long as it was at the simpler end of the range.
But the point is, she grew up in an environment which encouraged her to think independently. She ended up being a remarkably strong participant in social issues, unafraid to challenge politicians and other authorities once she felt that she had put together a strong argument. And most of her arguments were strong, rational, and backed by clear evidence.
That's the wonderful thing about reason and evidence. Anyone can apply them, provided they're willing. This caller was not.
We don’t really need to diagnose the callers with conditions that we don’t know they have when we already know they have a psychotic condition called religion.
No not IQ, "smart" people believe dumb stuff too
I should probably wait until watching the whole video in case this gets addressed (I'm at the 9:00 mark) but the argument I think that she should have used to explain her apparent hypocritical position between being in favour of hell but not execution is that hell (supposedly) has an omnipotent judge whereas execution does not.
I think the caller is used to telling people what they want to hear, and that's why her answers don't seem to be consistent with each other.
Dawkins writes of Winston's son, Randolph Churchill, being challenged to read the entire Bible in something like two weeks, and coming back saying "D'you know the Bible says _this_ , or just "Gawd, what a *_shit_* God is".
When she's not talking about religion, her views are completely normal and rational. As soon as the question is applied to a religion context, she completely changes her position in favor of the bible. It's like she's physically incapable of disagreeing with the bible even though her own expressed beliefs directly contradict it.
When someone asks me a specific question about my beliefs or position and I _can't answer it,_ I immediately re-think said belief or position.
Theists largely lack this ability of self-reflection. It saddens me they just ignore the question and parrot talking points, unwilling to accept new conclusions.
@@lifeinthe80s Which Jesus? In America alone there are like 240.000 Jesusi. Which one of them loves me?
@@lifeinthe80s "But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me." (Jesus in Luke 19:27)
There's no hate like Christian love.
"Debate over" indeed.
@@cy-one "Jesusi"!
You win the internet today!
@@humbleevidenceaccepter7712 Dunno if it'd be the correct plural, but it felt correct. And funny. :D
The bible is an immoral book.
@@lifeinthe80sit’s a fact it’s immoral book. Do you want to be my slave under rules of exodus 21?
@@lifeinthe80syou are confused. Bible is immoral. Fact.
@@lifeinthe80s Stoning a young woman to death because she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night is OK for you? Killing all the Midianites as well as their children but keeping the women who were still virgins for their own use is moral?
@@lifeinthe80sin any free mind that actually reads it... Unless you support girls getting their father drunk to have sex with him
@@lifeinthe80sSo you're ok with the Yahweh saying it's ok for his people to rape, kill (including babies), slavery, incest, etc. ? 🤨 Who's the delusional one here?
There are plenty of stories in the Old Testament, like Jacob & Esau, Samson & Delilah, protection of Cain, etc. that have ambiguous moral lessons at best. How do we know what moral lessons to draw from those stories?
How convenient that the god believers always think of themselves as the Master!! lol!!!
4:56. God is perfect, yet, all humans are sinners and depraved.
So a perfect being created an imperfect being who sins and is depraved.
The logic checks out.
She's so dishonest.
Valerie, bless your heart!
None of these people REALLY believe they are depraved, but it is a good excuse for them mistreating people they think are. And what does that even mean? She spoke of her thoughts - which is one of Christianity's biggest crimes - making a bad thought a crime. I recall the first days after I decided to divorce my wife, and I was awfully pissed at the time (for good reason I still say, even though we became friends again later). The 2008 crash had recently happened and I had already lost a bunch of money, and a divorce was going to slam me more. After watching "Forensic Files" one night, I briefly considered ways I could probably kill my wife and get away with it rather than lose my ass financially AGAIN. But I am not depraved because I did not and never would seriously consider it or actually DO it! But in my anger, the thoughts crossed my mind. Maybe SHE IS DEPRAVED because she seems to think she WOULD do something like that without her god belief. If so, I guess she is depraved.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321Another drive-by preacher/commenter … 🥱.
Best episode ever in many ways.
Prostitution and cheating aren't the same thing. Plenty of singles who visit prostitutes. There are even examples of relationship where 1 of them is an asexual and approves of the other fulfilling their sexual need through prostitution.
Yeah, prostitution is cheating when you've agreed upon a monogamous relationship with the other person.
@@chethanburre6016Who is doing the prostituting here? Is the actual prostitute, or the customer cheating on his wife?
Here's the immorality of the hell concept. You're an all powerful being. You decide to do an experiment. Let's make these entities and give them free will. You know at the onset of this experiment that a good percentage of these creations are going to end up suffering eternally in this other place that you also created. Let's just say ten percent of them end up there. That's billions and possibly trillions depending on how long this thing lasts. You don't give them a choice, they are born and as a result of simply being born are entered into this high stakes undertaking. Would anyone actually play this game of life if at the beginning god gives you a choice?-"Hey I'm making this great sims where if you win you get to live in eternal happiness, but if you lose it's eternal suffering. Wanna play? Hell no I don't. There is no reward enough to warrant the risk. Anyone who says otherwise simply doesn't understand the concept of infinity. This is a nasty proposition that should be rejected by any sane person.
Why does a god who is purportedly the ultimate dispenser of justice condone the suspension of justice in exchange for loyalty? I don't understand why a divine being would ever suspend morality. If God's laws are perfect, then any breach of these laws would logically necessitate justice rather than mercy.
It stands to reason that God, being omniscient and omnipotent, would have established these laws with perfect foresight and intent. Why then would there be a need for forgiveness? 'Mercy' itself seems to be an acknowledgement from God that his laws are entirely capricious, and his punishments are excessive and overwhelming.
A truly just system would require the consistent application of morality, where every 'wrong' is met with a proportionate 'right' or consequence. Ultimately, mercy and forgiveness only make sense from a human perspective, where laws are imperfect and compassion is necessary. For an omniscient and omnipotent deity, these concepts should be unnecessary.
19:38 when I say I GASPED
Same, though it was more like a groan. I was not expecting her response to be that dumb. 😅
Valerie has problems with reasoning!
All religious people are like that.
More often than not a jury of your peers is not a jury of your peers because if a prostitute is being convicted they're not going to get a jury full of prostitutes which would be a jury of their peers. When a court select a jury that is supposed to comprise your peers they are supposed to select people who are either in the same job description that you have or people that are for all intents and purposes just like you but what ends up happening most of the time is that they end up getting people who are either indifferent or have aggression towards you
I can't tell if she's laughing or crying half the time lol
I think it was a nervous laugh
I laugh when I’m nervous. I also do it (giggle) to try and defuse situations. I see that trait of mine, in this lady .
Yes, religion has cooked Valerie’s grey matter and there’s no return.
I like this woman, she clearly hasn’t thought through a lot of issues but she’s listening and hearing ideas she’s probably never heard before. She seems to be kind and open minded but she’s learned a lot of bad ideas in her life. I hope she learns from this and changes, I think she has more chance than most.
I would support that kickstarter.
It's difficult ... but I always try to think/remember that christians are the victims here :(
Like any other victim of cults
This lady is so sheltered and brainwashed
Wow, that is one of the most fucked up things I've heard today.
If there ever is a panel discussion, Valerie needs to be on it.
She sounds so sick....
"To the [mystic], emotions are tools of cognition , and wishes take precedence over facts."
-Ayn Rand-
Valerie has reached peak density.