My wife is a doctor, & has worked 80h/wk for over a decade; hours common & expected. Yet when people are cured, most of them thank god, not her & not science.
I actually had a surgeon who credited my 14 hr spinal fusion surgery to God working through him, I told him I credited the successful outcome to his medical/surgical education, and the tools he used. I think he honestly thought I was going to agree with him, that essentially God used him like a ventriloquist’s dummy.
How can someone work that much and not be exhausted all the time? Like to the point of making mistakes. I'm sure your wife is awesome but goddamn that's insane to me. I'm Australian working that much at one job is illegal here.
Does your wife work for free? If not, then certainly she was sent by "In God We Trust" funds to make a living wage, performing noble works. So when they thank God, they are thanking God for sending your wife, so its thanking God for a Godsend.
This is the most retarding part of society. Uneducated/People that lack the capability of logical reasoning and that are holding back a more cohesive society without encumbrance of false belief!
I just thought up a new probably baseless hypothesis that god does exist. The reason god created night was for the purpose of allowing people and animals to sleep so they can renew and rest their brains. I'm an atheist who believes in nothing, so ignore me. 😉
Ignoring the evidence isn't science either. We have a perfectly good model of how matter and energy can emerge inside a physical domain through the modern architectures known as computers and networking. These systems show us how energy can be shaped into structure through architecture. The science hasn't provided us evidence for nothing. Dark energy, dark matter, ordinary matter. Physical architecture, binary code, pixelated objects. It's all part of a hierarchy but most people who claim science ignore all that evidence and science. What good is an internalized model if you can't comprehend it or ignore the scientifically relevant parts? The science is useless if you don't comprehend it.
“God healed me, because of I prayed” So, why didn’t god heal the 90,000 children that die of cancer every year. I’m sure many of those parents prayed. Why are you special Scott?
@@bobby9192 And these children are of course only NPCs ... While meant satirical here, this is sadly a dogma(Through Suffering to Redemption) and was for example the basic attitude of inhumane figures like Mother Theresa, who brought thousands of very young children to death by medication and treatment refusal. An option that she "gratefully" denied when she was ill and her rich supporters brought her into Switzerland with their private jet.
I know a lot of people who are proud to say they were “saved” and became Christian as single digit children and haven’t changed in 20, 30, 40+ years. Then say “I used to be an atheist”. Or pretend that there’s some deep, very complicated knowledge that goes along with belief. Yet they still argue like children! “Well how else could the world exist if not for what I was told as child?!” “You think EVERYTHING was an accident?” “You just think we’re all chemicals!” “You have no meaning in your life” All childish things said by childish minds.
@@gazza595 Japan has made scaring children, with for example "hell", a case of child abuse. What it is. Psychological terror should stay in the hands of the US Military in Abu-Ghuraib or Guantanamo and not some random overworked dad. But don't think about horror stories. If it comes to public ears, that you use such violence on your kids, then their CPS will say hello and ask you, if you still are having "all your marbles together".
It's always telling to me that when theists use the "When I look around me I see..." argument they always point to things like butterflies and other flowery imagery. They never talk about children with cancer or natural disasters that wipe out communities, etc.
"they always point to things like butterflies and other flowery imagery." Agreed... They never point to poop, or parasites, tapeworms, poisonous insects or plants...
@@tekbarrier Total atheist here, but it did give out great Morels under those dying trees... something in the dying process would trigger the spores... There were years you could see one dying in the distance and know there were tons there.
4:11 - "I just looked at everything around me and said this was put together by somebody who must love people and must love me." Yeah? And of all his creations, which one demonstrates his love for humans the most? Earthquakes? Cancer? Parasitic wasps? Pain? Menstruation...?
@@georgeaguilar6996 Repeat after me: Bible is very poor, immoral, incoherrent book of stories and fairy tales with more than 550 direct contradictions. It's just a summary of lore, beliefs, and culture of iron age ignorant superstitious misogynistic violent immoral goat herders, who INVENTED GOD for explaining pure natural phenomena. God is just man made idea, nothing more.
@@georgeaguilar6996 Repeat after me: in the beginning man created god in his own image. That's why god is not perfect but has human attributes like anvy, jealoucy, violence, misogyny, regrets, or urges.
I can't imagine the agony of being a loving parent and having to bury your child. Especially when some pious buffoon tried to tell you about "God's purpose". Meet "Justifiable Homicide"...
Most of everything Scott says is based on the massive privilege he had growing up. Being able to visit and see different places, have clean water and food, experience snow while being cozy in his house etc. When everything is provided for you, you can't do anything else but look outward at life. Would he had made the same claim of a loving amazing creator if he grew up during a conflict in a poor country? Probably not. But who knows.
@@holygore I think it’s desperation. When things are so dire that chances of improving are slim to none, people turn to a comforting idea that in the afterlife things will be made fair and good. This was used by the Church for centuries on end to keep the poor resigned to their lot.
@@Mack.Flurry3 you've heard wrong then. He didn't propose an adequate methodology to determine the existence of God. And contrary to his claim, science isn't about looking, guessing, and leaving it at that, that would be disingenuous.
@sentinel_nightcrawler credulous adjective cred·u·lous ˈkre-jə-ləs Synonyms of credulous 1 : ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence accused of swindling credulous investors Few people are credulous enough to believe such nonsense.
Growing up in a nice hone, with food, clothing, shelter, and loving parents in the U.S. is a nice observation. Growing up in a third world country with none of the above is hell.
@@rocketrabble6737 Everyone's definition of "hell" differs from everyone else's. People who have escaped North Korea -- a country many consider a nightmare worse than any metaphysical creation cooked up by goatherders gathered around a campfire -- are far more believable than the anonymous authors who put pen to papyrus thousands of years ago. I'm still waiting to hear why anyone needs a magical, mythical monster to frighten them into good behavior.
So would almost everyone if the point was actually philosophy Those clubs are just a means to reinforce fictional social hierarchies like all the other social groups humans come up with
Wow, so much progress! We went from "Look at the trees!" to "Look at the butterflies!".... sigh... I'm slowly losing any hope that the human species will survie this century...
Sub-saharan Africa and South America have a good chance to not become fully extinct by WW3 and/or global climate change. So I think humankind can survive into the next century.
“This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in - an interesting hole I find myself in - fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for.”
When you turned 9 did you die your hair blue, forget what the definition of a woman is, and start believing men can transform into women by wearing a dress?
You can't logically explain butterflies without forward planning at the molecular level - that is God-like engineering. You call it an accident if you like but that's foolish thinking. So yeah, butterflies = God was here.
@@theHentySkepticYou can explain a butterfly useing biology and evolution. Asserting a God as in the Abrahamic religion's deity has no evidence to show its existence. On top of no evidence going to the religions orgins before the development of the Abrahamic religions Ywha/Yahweh which God is based on was part of a pantheon and was a storm god. Then later a group who followed Ywha removed the other gods and gave their attributes to him which lead to the development of Christian, Muslim, and the Jewish religions.
Reminds me of the anecdote: I prayed and god healed me! After the doctors treated me and I spent the night in the hospital and took all my medication I was miraculously cured! Then there’s the people who say that medicine is god answering the prayers of sick people but ignore all the actual work. They claim that the medicine doesn’t work without prayer with is just insulting to expect someone to believe! Then of course there’s countless times the amount of sick as “healed”. When someone isn’t healed they say “well they didn’t do it right” or “this is what god wanted” making the prayer utterly useless.
Wow…I got a really great parking spot yesterday at the mall…it truly must have been god!!!🤨 A friend of mine is constantly using comments like these to justify a god. The other day she found the dress she liked to wear to her son’s wedding…actually I was the one who found it and suggested that she try it on. Low and behold, it fit beautifully and checked all the boxes for what she was looking for…I think my new name is Jesus because she kept saying “thank you Jesus!” and telling everyone Jesus found her dress for her. Cool…I just apparently climbed a few steps up the spiritual ladder…yay me!!! I simply replied..”you are welcome !”
Amazing how believers will thank some alleged supernatural entity when something in their favor happens like a clean bill of health after a doctor's visit.🙄
When i was 9 or 10, i looked around and said "if the universe is expanding, whats it expanding into? And whats that expanding into?....etc" to this day the answer is still "i don't know" and I'm perfectly fine with that, i dont need to "oh well shucks, must be god"
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321Calling the trinity a mystery instead of gibberish seems to be getting you fewer and fewer converts. I get the feeling that you feel that you’re bravely taking on heathen barbarian hordes single handed. Seems more like a sort of obtuse stubbornness
Science is people who care about truth actively searching for new truths and using hard-earned knowledge, skill and carefully planned experimentation to find them. We are surrounded and sustained by the success of this method. For theists to dismiss it and come to their own conclusion based on NO METHOD AT ALL can only be described as ignorance and arrogance combined.
@@mackhomie6 I was. Went to Southern Baptist school, and was a Republican. I’m still classic conservative just no longer support the party after it devolved into a childish mess where you can’t talk about policy.
Scott: “I wanted to see if Jesus was actually the son of the god I’ve been talking to so I asked him to heal me from this sickness if so…” Earlier Scott said that he had been hearing about Jesus on his campus. You’re IN AMERICA Scott! If this was in the Middle East, it would’ve been Allah, if you were in Utah, you may have been a Mormon (still Jesus but weirder), and if you were living back in Ancient Greece, you may think Zeus healed you.
Actually it would more than likely been Asclepius as a healer diety, but I live on an island of Greek culture so I should know lol, if he had been born in India etc etc, yes you are spot on and it is undeniably the truth that shocks most religious people
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 what if someone reads this, wants to hear more about the Holy Spirit , and replies to you, and would have accepted Jesus, but before you see their reply and can answer, their kid leaves a toy out and the person trips and hits their head on the edge of a granite counter top and they die. They spend eternity in a lake of fire just because their kid was lazy? Ouch, talk about shitty luck.
For me it was the exact opposite. I was brought up a Roman catholic. We didn't go to church, and we did not read the bible, but I went to a Christian grammar school, and was taught God existed. When I was about 13 or so, I started thinking for myself, and realizing... this can't all be true. Actually, this ALL can't be true. I am 59 now, full fledged atheist for many many years. And now, when I hear adult people talk about God or Jesus, it's like hearing grown ups seriously talk about Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy. Thousands of years ago, people invented gods to explain the world, but since then we discovered how it really works. And hearing religious people now, I think their minds did not evolve since neanderthaler times.
"I'm just a simple country boy, I'm not smart enough etc..." is just false humility and a lazy cop-out for being challenged or engaging in real discussion.
It really is intellectual laziness. Just because you grew up in the country, doesn't automatically make you stupid and simple, but people perceive us that way, so everyone here uses it as an excuse to not get too deep into why their religious beliefs are illogical. It drives me NUTS. The amount of times I've heard someone say "I'm just a simple country boy" sends me into a murderous rage, now. Trust me, they drop the humbleness, and act like they know everything when they're around other people who sound like the Squidbillies. When they need to do something important, like hide an acre of weed in the woods or turn their power on after the company turned it off, they suddenly become Thomas Edison.
I also did a test. I noticed that when I suffered from a cold, it took about a week and a half to recover. The next time I had a cold, I asked God to make me better. Now my colds only last between 7 and 10 days!
With the "do you know how fast the earth spins?" question instead of the actual speed we need to answer with 'one rotation every 24 hours' because I think for those who only have a basic understanding they conflate high speeds with spinning like a top.
@@nsf001-3 Could that statement come with some kind of evidence to back it up please. If you don't provide it I will dismiss it on the grounds that you don't understand the burden of proof and thereby don't understand the scientific process and lack the credability to make such a statement.
"This earth and everything on it can't be an accident..." So gravity is an "accident", Scott? Astrophysics is an "accident"? Why would any intelligent adult's conclusions lead to a sugar-daddy "god" who supposedly made everything for us? There's no shame in not knowing the answer to an issue that has plagued humanity for centuries, but happily accepting the easiest and most comforting conclusion based on our limited knowledge IS shameful!
"Accident" in the sense of "unintentional"? Well yea. Because there was nothing with a consciousness to have intent in the first place, to then intend to put it here. Maybe you wouldn't have chosen the word accident, but it's not exactly wrong
@@nsf001-3 "Unintentional" is a better term. I was expecting the caller to explain what "accident" meant to him, but I'm afraid he accidentally overlooked that detail...
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 Before you share your wealth of knowledge regarding that "eternal life" please tell us HOW you acquired the knowledge and WHY we should believe you. Cite your sources and provide reasons why we should believe them. Accurate information does not require breathless adjectives to describe it. Tell us WHAT the message is instead of telling us how incredible it is -- we'll decide that for ourselves.
The thing I don't get is people who call in basically say "everything exists, therefore something created it" but that's like just the prime-mover thing. That still doesn't even begin to address why any particular religion would then be true.
What common people do not understand about the word 'accident' is that it's entirely subjective, as in an accident is something outside of our expectations. Nothing in the universe is coincidental or accidental. As long as you know all the variables, you can predict precisely what will happen next.
The poles are spinning, but it takes 24 hours just to go around the pole once. About the same as not rotating at all. The equator spins about 1000 miles an hour.
I love the "after it therefore because of it" reasoning. My favourite go to, to explain this concept to people who cannot see the irrationality in it is this example. In a highly religious society like say the USA where perhaps 80% of people pray. I imagine that 80% of people who enter the lottery pray that they will win. When the lotteries are drawn the breakdown of people who won the lottery are 80/20 prayed for/not prayed for. However the ones who prayed for the win will always attribute the win to their god yet the overall breakdown of who won is no different if they prayed or didn't!
The thing Scott needs to learn is that he isn’t special, and no one except for his fellow humans cares about him. The level of narcissism it takes to think capital-G God intervenes on your behalf and not for other people is damn near unfathomable.
To be fair,lots of highly intelligent ppl are believers. Makes no sense to me,but it’s so. So I think other factors are involved,just don’t understand what or how. But ppl are complex,and even brilliant ppl can make mistakes and have mental/emotional blinders
"The world can't come from nothing! Something can't come from nothing!" Ok so how did it come? "God!" Is God something? "Yes!" So... How did God come? What was before God? "Nothing was before God!" But I thought something can't come from nothing?
So, ancient superstition was the cause of him having a temporary health concern, but it sounds as though it is the standard ancient superhero story. Entertaining. LOL
The earth has a creator. It's called the universe. Humans throughout history have invented gods in their own image or in the image of other animals or a combination of the two, mostly to explain natural phenomenon that they cannot otherwise explain. Such as Thor, the god of thunder, throwing frightening lightning bolts and making frightening thunderous noise in the sky. The great one in the sky did it. I have trouble with theists and atheists alike referring to "God" as if there was only ever one god. I have trouble understanding how anyone who is not indoctrinated can jump to the conclusion that "someone" created everything. Why must it be a somebody and not a something? I don't pretend to know or understand how the universe came into existence. But the bible doesn't explain anything. It's a collection of tall tales. The Genesis story in particular couldn't be more backward. It has Elohim creating the earth in darkness, then creating light, then creating the sun, then creating the stars, i.e. the universe, as an afterthought. This account is not only contradicted by but is exactly backward from everything we know about the universe. 2:54 I find it very sad that the caller says he has concluded from "observation" that everything around us was "put together by somebody who must love people and must love me." But as long as he is not teaching anyone's kids or passing any legislation, I'm all right with that. I didn't really have to go much past the 6 minute mark to see how this whole conversation was going. I just find it very sad.
I grew up in a household surrounded by animals. At a very young age, I noticed that animals are clearly closely related, because they share so many similarities; one of my favourites was the way so many domestic animals develop white 'blazes' down their faces and white 'socks' (cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, mice, rats). Luckily, my intuition turned out to be true; I'm not so sure about Scott's!
Scott tried so hard to use *his fake humility* to string everyone along while he endlessly nattered on and on with his well-rehearsed story that ended with the punch line: "I was cured of a deadly illness because I prayed to Jesus"-it didn't convince me either.
3:23 - and goes on a mass genocide spree and floods the planet with water, and fails in his purpose of eradicating evil, evil that he created in the first place - that’s not what I call love.
Every believer seems to develop their own creation myth. I've listened to a number of these calls, and they all start with a similar formula of 'In the beginning', and then they walk us down this weird path of coincidences, and then they try to tie it all back in the end to a supreme being that was guiding them the whole time. It's a very egotistical world view to suggest that you have found a path of truth that you cannot demonstrate, replicate, or facilitate for anyone else, you just tell us a story about how you're special enough for a supreme being to enlighten you and put you at the center of that supreme being's universe. This is exactly how we ended up with religions believing in a geocentric solar system rather than a heliocentric one prior to Galileo, Kepler, and Newton.
10:00 I saw a video in which a flat-earther dropped the question "Do you know how fast the earth is spinning? Why don't we fly off into space??" as if it were the bomb that would blow up the entire notion of a globe. The response from a science-oriented person totally defused the argument: "We all know how fast the earth is spinning, and it isn't all that fast - it spins once a day".
"I was raised in a non-religious house" yet at the same time prays to God if his girlfriend breaks up with him or sees a nice boat on the beach, and he sings to God?
@@nsf001-3Don’t understand why ppl who can’t adduce evidence for spirits and/or don’t believe in them nevertheless speak of “spirituality”. Sort of get that some use it as a metaphor,but think many don’t. Why do they essentially belittle their own efforts?
Scott was never taught to critically think or debate when he was in High School we had debate clubs but it wasn't part of normal classes back then. He lied about writing papers and debating.
Absolutely hate the argument. It basically says " I am so special that god changed the fabric of reality to heal me but those 10,000 kids that die every day from starvation aren't special enough for god to help". Narcissist
A world that is mostly inhospitable to humans was created by “someone” who loves humans? If this alleged creator loved anything it would be marine life
So, Scott says prayer works. I prayed that he would get to a point - and look! A half-hour later, and he's finally getting to his claim of a cause for his improved health! So, I guess he's right... Very sad that a deluded dude thinks he's so special that his imaginary deity singled him out for a cure - and then also forgot about it for six months!
Interesting call. At one time, I too had bad reasons for believing in a god. Once I realized that this was the case, I changed my belief. He grew up in the US where we are absolutely influenced by the surrounding culture.
This "loving" god told Samiel to instruct King Saul to have his army slay the the Amalakites. Every last one of them: babies, toddlers, teens, women, men and all their live stock. And when Samuel found out Saul had spared Agag their king, he hewed him to pieces in the sight of this "loving" god.(Which apparently inludes Jesus....)
My wife is a doctor, & has worked 80h/wk for over a decade; hours common & expected. Yet when people are cured, most of them thank god, not her & not science.
Completely illiterate delivery which is a shame because you probably had a good point!
I actually had a surgeon who credited my 14 hr spinal fusion surgery to God working through him, I told him I credited the successful outcome to his medical/surgical education, and the tools he used. I think he honestly thought I was going to agree with him, that essentially God used him like a ventriloquist’s dummy.
How can someone work that much and not be exhausted all the time? Like to the point of making mistakes. I'm sure your wife is awesome but goddamn that's insane to me. I'm Australian working that much at one job is illegal here.
@@tonyclements1147 that’s frightening 😅
Does your wife work for free? If not, then certainly she was sent by "In God We Trust" funds to make a living wage, performing noble works. So when they thank God, they are thanking God for sending your wife, so its thanking God for a Godsend.
Despite ageing, some people still reason like children.
This is the most retarding part of society. Uneducated/People that lack the capability of logical reasoning and that are holding back a more cohesive society without encumbrance of false belief!
When I was a child, I spoke and thought like a child. Now as an adult, I speak and think like a child.
@@ImAmirus Children are sponges for learning - if you teach them religion they will absorb it - they have no choice!
@@ImAmirusdumb as sh1t. Thata why they need to be looked after whilst they do anything.
Children ask questions, they grow in to accepting dogmas and avoiding questions out of the fear of the responses.
He basically makes the "isn't it strange we sleep from sunset to sunrise. It's almost as if night was created to match our sleeping habits" argument.
I don't think I've ever done that!
@@RideAcrossTheRiver well we have lightbulbs and fire now. Wasn't much you could do once the sun went down before that.
@@helicopterharry5101 Moonlight came in handy.
I just thought up a new probably baseless hypothesis that god does exist. The reason god created night was for the purpose of allowing people and animals to sleep so they can renew and rest their brains. I'm an atheist who believes in nothing, so ignore me. 😉
@@quacks2muchHe could just have created people and animals that didn't need to rest their brains and not created night. 😁
"I did rudemtary science, but I didn't run any experiments."
the most rudimentary science
Science 0.5
his “science” is creation science.
Ignoring the evidence isn't science either. We have a perfectly good model of how matter and energy can emerge inside a physical domain through the modern architectures known as computers and networking. These systems show us how energy can be shaped into structure through architecture. The science hasn't provided us evidence for nothing. Dark energy, dark matter, ordinary matter. Physical architecture, binary code, pixelated objects. It's all part of a hierarchy but most people who claim science ignore all that evidence and science.
What good is an internalized model if you can't comprehend it or ignore the scientifically relevant parts? The science is useless if you don't comprehend it.
@@darthvirgin7157Indeed, and thus it is quite literally pseudoscience.
“God healed me, because of I prayed”
So, why didn’t god heal the 90,000 children that die of cancer every year. I’m sure many of those parents prayed. Why are you special Scott?
Didn’t pray hard enough
@@bobby9192 And these children are of course only NPCs ...
While meant satirical here, this is sadly a dogma(Through Suffering to Redemption) and was for example the basic attitude of inhumane figures like Mother Theresa, who brought thousands of very young children to death by medication and treatment refusal.
An option that she "gratefully" denied when she was ill and her rich supporters brought her into Switzerland with their private jet.
God’s switchboard is swamped. Your call is important, try to stay alive until we get to you.
I've noticed that the dumber the theist, the younger he was when he "looked around and saw that this couldn't all just be an accident".
I know a lot of people who are proud to say they were “saved” and became Christian as single digit children and haven’t changed in 20, 30, 40+ years.
Then say “I used to be an atheist”. Or pretend that there’s some deep, very complicated knowledge that goes along with belief. Yet they still argue like children!
“Well how else could the world exist if not for what I was told as child?!”
“You think EVERYTHING was an accident?”
“You just think we’re all chemicals!”
“You have no meaning in your life”
All childish things said by childish minds.
Get 'em while they're young!
@@AXKfUN9m Other forms of child abuse are illegal, religion is OK (apparently).
The younger they were when they started, the better they became at brainwashing themselves.
@@gazza595 Japan has made scaring children, with for example "hell", a case of child abuse. What it is. Psychological terror should stay in the hands of the US Military in Abu-Ghuraib or Guantanamo and not some random overworked dad.
But don't think about horror stories. If it comes to public ears, that you use such violence on your kids, then their CPS will say hello and ask you, if you still are having "all your marbles together".
It's always telling to me that when theists use the "When I look around me I see..." argument they always point to things like butterflies and other flowery imagery. They never talk about children with cancer or natural disasters that wipe out communities, etc.
"they always point to things like butterflies and other flowery imagery."
Agreed... They never point to poop, or parasites, tapeworms, poisonous insects or plants...
It’s the “look at the (fill in the blank), God exists” nonsense.
@@t800fantasm2 It's technically cherry picking observations to form an Argument From Incredulity.
"look at the Dutch Elm Disease"
@@tekbarrier Total atheist here, but it did give out great Morels under those dying trees... something in the dying process would trigger the spores... There were years you could see one dying in the distance and know there were tons there.
4:11 - "I just looked at everything around me and said this was put together by somebody who must love people and must love me."
Yeah? And of all his creations, which one demonstrates his love for humans the most? Earthquakes? Cancer? Parasitic wasps? Pain? Menstruation...?
Not to mention childbirth.
@@stevewhite6861 And death following failed child birth - that happened to my mother’s father.
@@georgeaguilar6996 Repeat after me: Bible is very poor, immoral, incoherrent book of stories and fairy tales with more than 550 direct contradictions. It's just a summary of lore, beliefs, and culture of iron age ignorant superstitious misogynistic violent immoral goat herders, who INVENTED GOD for explaining pure natural phenomena. God is just man made idea, nothing more.
@@georgeaguilar6996 Repeat after me: in the beginning man created god in his own image. That's why god is not perfect but has human attributes like anvy, jealoucy, violence, misogyny, regrets, or urges.
I can't imagine the agony of being a loving parent and having to bury your child. Especially when some pious buffoon tried to tell you about "God's purpose".
Meet "Justifiable Homicide"...
Most of everything Scott says is based on the massive privilege he had growing up. Being able to visit and see different places, have clean water and food, experience snow while being cozy in his house etc. When everything is provided for you, you can't do anything else but look outward at life. Would he had made the same claim of a loving amazing creator if he grew up during a conflict in a poor country? Probably not. But who knows.
Oddly enough, people in dire poverty are even more likely to believe in god.
@@Nocturnaluxfor the “look at the trees” reason or something else? I often wonder that.
@@holygore I think it’s desperation. When things are so dire that chances of improving are slim to none, people turn to a comforting idea that in the afterlife things will be made fair and good.
This was used by the Church for centuries on end to keep the poor resigned to their lot.
You think intelligent, insightful people can't exist in impoverished or war-torn countries?
Man missed education completely.
And that is the trick to religion; keep them dumb.
He's the most credulous person I think I've heard on this program
@@Mack.Flurry3 you've heard wrong then. He didn't propose an adequate methodology to determine the existence of God. And contrary to his claim, science isn't about looking, guessing, and leaving it at that, that would be disingenuous.
cred·u·lous ˈkre-jə-ləs
Synonyms of credulous
: ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence
accused of swindling credulous investors
Few people are credulous enough to believe such nonsense.
@@Mack.Flurry3 my point being
"I did a test that no one else can prove!"
Yeah, I believe that. 🤣😂🤣😂 Good luck on the peer review.
If God is able to increase his white bloodcell count, why did he decrease it in the first place?
Growing up in a nice hone, with food, clothing, shelter, and loving parents in the U.S. is a nice observation. Growing up in a third world country with none of the above is hell.
It is not hell. But it is harder.
@@rocketrabble6737 true but it's miserabIe
@@rocketrabble6737 Everyone's definition of "hell" differs from everyone else's. People who have escaped North Korea -- a country many consider a nightmare worse than any metaphysical creation cooked up by goatherders gathered around a campfire -- are far more believable than the anonymous authors who put pen to papyrus thousands of years ago.
I'm still waiting to hear why anyone needs a magical, mythical monster to frighten them into good behavior.
@@ajharris2690 It would be in the States as well.
I imagine Scott being kicked out of the philosophy club.
So would almost everyone if the point was actually philosophy
Those clubs are just a means to reinforce fictional social hierarchies like all the other social groups humans come up with
Well there were 'very few logical fallacies' so he might have fit right in...
Wow, so much progress! We went from "Look at the trees!" to "Look at the butterflies!".... sigh... I'm slowly losing any hope that the human species will survie this century...
Sub-saharan Africa and South America have a good chance to not become fully extinct by WW3 and/or global climate change. So I think humankind can survive into the next century.
Between the level of stupidity & the way we've trashed the planet, I'm becoming convinced that we (as a whole) don't deserve to.
@@angeladansie4378Whether we deserve that level of stupidity, that manor of trashing the planet or this planet itself, does not indicate a survival.
This guy is intent on telling his fucking life story.
IKR 🤦♂️🤦♂️
Yeah, your life story is irrelevant to the truth
"I had a puppy named scooter when I was 3, therefore conjecture"
It's always an old white dude who I assume has never questioned the idea that he's the main character.
Yet another guy that started the call with a comment about being brief. Shoots his credibility right there.
“This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in - an interesting hole I find myself in - fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for.”
Douglas Adams. Nice.
I also believed in god when I was 7, I was 100% a believer....then I turned 8.
Similar story for me. Then I turned 8.😌
As a kid, hated going into religion after school, didn’t want to make my confirmation and never did cause I never believed in that shit
When you turned 9 did you die your hair blue, forget what the definition of a woman is, and start believing men can transform into women by wearing a dress?
@@davidgreen6490Someone is stuck on a mental treadmill and/or just loves to try and bait ppl
Scott: I studied many many philosophers
Also Scott: Butterflies, therefore god.
You can't logically explain butterflies without forward planning at the molecular level - that is God-like engineering. You call it an accident if you like but that's foolish thinking. So yeah, butterflies = God was here.
@@theHentySkepticYou can explain a butterfly useing biology and evolution. Asserting a God as in the Abrahamic religion's deity has no evidence to show its existence. On top of no evidence going to the religions orgins before the development of the Abrahamic religions Ywha/Yahweh which God is based on was part of a pantheon and was a storm god. Then later a group who followed Ywha removed the other gods and gave their attributes to him which lead to the development of Christian, Muslim, and the Jewish religions.
I struggled to listen to this whole video without running to the comment section for the gold that I knew would be here
that's not critical thinking.. that's just accepting the doctrine and teachings of your particular belief system.
"How do you know it was the prayer that cured you?"
"Because I was cured."
Sums it up. Next!
Reminds me of the anecdote:
I prayed and god healed me! After the doctors treated me and I spent the night in the hospital and took all my medication I was miraculously cured!
Then there’s the people who say that medicine is god answering the prayers of sick people but ignore all the actual work. They claim that the medicine doesn’t work without prayer with is just insulting to expect someone to believe!
Then of course there’s countless times the amount of sick as “healed”. When someone isn’t healed they say “well they didn’t do it right” or “this is what god wanted” making the prayer utterly useless.
Either he had strong genetics or he to had change his lifestyle'l like listening to a 6 year old explaining how he knows something... only with the voice tremors of my grandparents... 😢😢😢sad
There's much of his story that doesn't add up.
Wow…I got a really great parking spot yesterday at the mall…it truly must have been god!!!🤨 A friend of mine is constantly using comments like these to justify a god. The other day she found the dress she liked to wear to her son’s wedding…actually I was the one who found it and suggested that she try it on. Low and behold, it fit beautifully and checked all the boxes for what she was looking for…I think my new name is Jesus because she kept saying “thank you Jesus!” and telling everyone Jesus found her dress for her. Cool…I just apparently climbed a few steps up the spiritual ladder…yay me!!! I simply replied..”you are welcome !”
Amazing how believers will thank some alleged supernatural entity when something in their favor happens like a clean bill of health after a doctor's visit.🙄
When i was 9 or 10, i looked around and said "if the universe is expanding, whats it expanding into? And whats that expanding into?....etc" to this day the answer is still "i don't know" and I'm perfectly fine with that, i dont need to "oh well shucks, must be god"
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 santa claus is my lord and savior troll
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321Calling the trinity a mystery instead of gibberish seems to be getting you fewer and fewer converts. I get the feeling that you feel that you’re bravely taking on heathen barbarian hordes single handed. Seems more like a sort of obtuse stubbornness
Science is people who care about truth actively searching for new truths and using hard-earned knowledge, skill and carefully planned experimentation to find them. We are surrounded and sustained by the success of this method. For theists to dismiss it and come to their own conclusion based on NO METHOD AT ALL can only be described as ignorance and arrogance combined.
"There must be a creator"
"Because I'm mentally immature and can't understand science so it's the only option"
Man grows up in modern American suburbia.
Decides that everything was made by someone who loves him.
Needs to try walking across the Namib
Fucking NAILED it.
It’s all about him.
@@USCanDoBetterwere you really a republican or is that just a username
@@mackhomie6 I was. Went to Southern Baptist school, and was a Republican. I’m still classic conservative just no longer support the party after it devolved into a childish mess where you can’t talk about policy.
@@USCanDoBetter no longer religious?
"I understand logical fallacies!" and then he falls right into the "post hoc propter hoc" fallacy 😅😂
A lot of people think they understand words.
also appeal to incredulity
He understands how to use them, maybe
This sort of "thinking" demonstrates perfectly the uphill struggle that we have on our hands.
Scott: “I wanted to see if Jesus was actually the son of the god I’ve been talking to so I asked him to heal me from this sickness if so…” Earlier Scott said that he had been hearing about Jesus on his campus. You’re IN AMERICA Scott! If this was in the Middle East, it would’ve been Allah, if you were in Utah, you may have been a Mormon (still Jesus but weirder), and if you were living back in Ancient Greece, you may think Zeus healed you.
Actually it would more than likely been Asclepius as a healer diety, but I live on an island of Greek culture so I should know lol, if he had been born in India etc etc, yes you are spot on and it is undeniably the truth that shocks most religious people
If you were living in the UK, it would be the NHS. 🤣
More likely Aesclepius.
As someone who lives in Utah, yeah pretty much every single person here is a member of that cult lmao
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 what if someone reads this, wants to hear more about the Holy Spirit , and replies to you, and would have accepted Jesus, but before you see their reply and can answer, their kid leaves a toy out and the person trips and hits their head on the edge of a granite counter top and they die. They spend eternity in a lake of fire just because their kid was lazy? Ouch, talk about shitty luck.
Scottie fell asleep during the non sequitur chapter of philosophy class 😂😂
Scott says 14:41 “I don’t have a script. I don’t even have my glasses on.”
He *absolutely* has a script.
I'm constantly amazed by the gullibility and serious lack of rationality of theists.
"It's seems reasonable to me therefore it's true" - that sums up his position.
The reason Scott believes is Scott doesn’t have any other reason that Scott can find.
For me it was the exact opposite. I was brought up a Roman catholic. We didn't go to church, and we did not read the bible, but I went to a Christian grammar school, and was taught God existed. When I was about 13 or so, I started thinking for myself, and realizing... this can't all be true. Actually, this ALL can't be true. I am 59 now, full fledged atheist for many many years. And now, when I hear adult people talk about God or Jesus, it's like hearing grown ups seriously talk about Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy. Thousands of years ago, people invented gods to explain the world, but since then we discovered how it really works. And hearing religious people now, I think their minds did not evolve since neanderthaler times.
@@KeesKouwenberg you said it yo. Then to top it off theists claim credit for morality. 🤦🏼♀️
@@lvbdevinelove2329 Haha, also something that is completely evolutionary explainable.
"I'm just a simple country boy, I'm not smart enough etc..." is just false humility and a lazy cop-out for being challenged or engaging in real discussion.
"Your honor, I'm just a simple hyper-chicken from a backwoods asteroid..."
It really is intellectual laziness. Just because you grew up in the country, doesn't automatically make you stupid and simple, but people perceive us that way, so everyone here uses it as an excuse to not get too deep into why their religious beliefs are illogical. It drives me NUTS. The amount of times I've heard someone say "I'm just a simple country boy" sends me into a murderous rage, now. Trust me, they drop the humbleness, and act like they know everything when they're around other people who sound like the Squidbillies. When they need to do something important, like hide an acre of weed in the woods or turn their power on after the company turned it off, they suddenly become Thomas Edison.
I wouldn't say it's false humility necessarily. If I said I couldn't bench press 800kg, that wouldn't be false humility that'd just be honesty
@nsf001-3 except he (and many others) use it as an excuse for challenging their own beliefs and conclusions.
I honestly thought you were talking about my family at the end of that “Thomas Edison” line. 😂
Look at the trees!
I also did a test. I noticed that when I suffered from a cold, it took about a week and a half to recover. The next time I had a cold, I asked God to make me better. Now my colds only last between 7 and 10 days!
With the "do you know how fast the earth spins?" question instead of the actual speed we need to answer with 'one rotation every 24 hours' because I think for those who only have a basic understanding they conflate high speeds with spinning like a top.
Graveyards are full of people who had prayed to stay alive.
Thats how good prayer works and how much power “god” has.
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 Which of the 4000+ “gods” are you referring to? Is this another Harry Potter character?
The only evidence he actually proved was on this statement:
"I'm not smart enough to be a scientist."
Neither are most scientists
@@nsf001-3 Could that statement come with some kind of evidence to back it up please. If you don't provide it I will dismiss it on the grounds that you don't understand the burden of proof and thereby don't understand the scientific process and lack the credability to make such a statement.
@@nsf001-3”Neither are most scientists”. How would you know?
I think Scott’s “friend” set him up. 😂😂😂
In the case of, hang on Scott, I can't handle your reasoning any longer... I can't get through to you... please stop and call the Atheist Experience
"This earth and everything on it can't be an accident..."
So gravity is an "accident", Scott? Astrophysics is an "accident"? Why would any intelligent adult's conclusions lead to a sugar-daddy "god" who supposedly made everything for us?
There's no shame in not knowing the answer to an issue that has plagued humanity for centuries, but happily accepting the easiest and most comforting conclusion based on our limited knowledge IS shameful!
“Accident” assumes an original intention that wasn’t met. Scott can’t imagine the world without some superpowerful agent.
The universe-pooping pixies might have had an "accident", and pffrrtt, there we were!
"Accident" in the sense of "unintentional"? Well yea. Because there was nothing with a consciousness to have intent in the first place, to then intend to put it here. Maybe you wouldn't have chosen the word accident, but it's not exactly wrong
@@nsf001-3 "Unintentional" is a better term. I was expecting the caller to explain what "accident" meant to him, but I'm afraid he accidentally overlooked that detail...
@jeffreyr.gilbertjr.1321 Before you share your wealth of knowledge regarding that "eternal life" please tell us HOW you acquired the knowledge and WHY we should believe you. Cite your sources and provide reasons why we should believe them.
Accurate information does not require breathless adjectives to describe it. Tell us WHAT the message is instead of telling us how incredible it is -- we'll decide that for ourselves.
The thing I don't get is people who call in basically say "everything exists, therefore something created it" but that's like just the prime-mover thing. That still doesn't even begin to address why any particular religion would then be true.
What common people do not understand about the word 'accident' is that it's entirely subjective, as in an accident is something outside of our expectations. Nothing in the universe is coincidental or accidental. As long as you know all the variables, you can predict precisely what will happen next.
The poles are spinning, but it takes 24 hours just to go around the pole once. About the same as not rotating at all. The equator spins about 1000 miles an hour.
The flaws of indoctrination like shaming kids for being born the way they are by saying they are something different
I love the "after it therefore because of it" reasoning. My favourite go to, to explain this concept to people who cannot see the irrationality in it is this example. In a highly religious society like say the USA where perhaps 80% of people pray. I imagine that 80% of people who enter the lottery pray that they will win. When the lotteries are drawn the breakdown of people who won the lottery are 80/20 prayed for/not prayed for. However the ones who prayed for the win will always attribute the win to their god yet the overall breakdown of who won is no different if they prayed or didn't!
Scott needs to learn that correlation does not necessarily equal causation.
Those words are definitely too big for him.
The thing Scott needs to learn is that he isn’t special, and no one except for his fellow humans cares about him. The level of narcissism it takes to think capital-G God intervenes on your behalf and not for other people is damn near unfathomable.
"As I'm an adult" I nearly fell of my chair laughing
It seems to me that every once in a while there is a cloud in the sky that looks exactly like an elephant.
“I’m dumb enough for religion”
To be fair,lots of highly intelligent ppl are believers. Makes no sense to me,but it’s so. So I think other factors are involved,just don’t understand what or how. But ppl are complex,and even brilliant ppl can make mistakes and have mental/emotional blinders
How could be Earth perfectly fitted for us if 70% of the surface is covered with water yet we cannot breathe under water.
This is a good site to go to if you like hearing arguments that inevitably go in circles.
"The world can't come from nothing! Something can't come from nothing!"
Ok so how did it come?
Is God something?
So... How did God come? What was before God?
"Nothing was before God!"
But I thought something can't come from nothing?
So, ancient superstition was the cause of him having a temporary health concern, but it sounds as though it is the standard ancient superhero story. Entertaining. LOL
Some people study their whole life and never understand a single concept they have studied.
It’s very interesting how Scott mistook his multitude of privileges for a god
It’s just narcissism unconsciously masqueraded as just being humble, it’s a very common theist line of thought
I wonder if he prayed and found his keys as well.
The rain dancing argument. Classic
Creator of the world is called nature. Easy peasy.
Lemon squeezy
"Yeah, but what caused nature."
"We don't know."
@@RideAcrossTheRiver Are you talking to yourself? It looks like you do.
@@Seticzech No, it's an example conversation with a creationist.
@@RideAcrossTheRiver Oh, ok, then you nailed it. 🙂
"A friend told me to call you"
Who CALLS a program, that they've never heard of, just on the recommendation of a friend ??
The earth has a creator. It's called the universe. Humans throughout history have invented gods in their own image or in the image of other animals or a combination of the two, mostly to explain natural phenomenon that they cannot otherwise explain. Such as Thor, the god of thunder, throwing frightening lightning bolts and making frightening thunderous noise in the sky. The great one in the sky did it. I have trouble with theists and atheists alike referring to "God" as if there was only ever one god. I have trouble understanding how anyone who is not indoctrinated can jump to the conclusion that "someone" created everything. Why must it be a somebody and not a something? I don't pretend to know or understand how the universe came into existence. But the bible doesn't explain anything. It's a collection of tall tales. The Genesis story in particular couldn't be more backward. It has Elohim creating the earth in darkness, then creating light, then creating the sun, then creating the stars, i.e. the universe, as an afterthought. This account is not only contradicted by but is exactly backward from everything we know about the universe.
2:54 I find it very sad that the caller says he has concluded from "observation" that everything around us was "put together by somebody who must love people and must love me." But as long as he is not teaching anyone's kids or passing any legislation, I'm all right with that. I didn't really have to go much past the 6 minute mark to see how this whole conversation was going. I just find it very sad.
Chooses to believe, what he was brainwashed to believe
I grew up in a household surrounded by animals. At a very young age, I noticed that animals are clearly closely related, because they share so many similarities; one of my favourites was the way so many domestic animals develop white 'blazes' down their faces and white 'socks' (cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, mice, rats). Luckily, my intuition turned out to be true; I'm not so sure about Scott's!
Scott tried so hard to use *his fake humility* to string everyone along while he endlessly nattered on and on with his well-rehearsed story that ended with the punch line: "I was cured of a deadly illness because I prayed to Jesus"-it didn't convince me either.
3:23 - and goes on a mass genocide spree and floods the planet with water, and fails in his purpose of eradicating evil, evil that he created in the first place - that’s not what I call love.
A planet that is in habitable to 90 percent without bigger efforts.
@@C_Becker ???
@@ojonasar What is the problem?
@@C_Becker People believe this crap, kill for this crap, ….
1:27 Pilot Acroball Metallic or some kinda Uniball? (I used to collect pens, but it's pretty hard to tell from the camera angle/bitrate of the video)
“the wolrld must have a creator”
And it's exactly the one I created in my head.
There were no science to be find at all thought-out that long blabbering of his .
This call can easily be resumed by ''I'm dumb so I believe this''
This dude is like if a golden retriever suddenly became human
So god decided to heal this callers non-fatal sickness but chose to ignore the millions of people suffering from fatal sickness across the globe?
They didn't get enough prayers and facebook likes.
Well he’s special.
Argument From Incredulity. period.
I suspected he was using a script until he said he totally wasn’t, after which I knew he was using a script.
0:10 it's the Patriots Falcons game omg 😂
Funny, I was about six when I started thinking Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy and God might all be children’s stories
Every believer seems to develop their own creation myth. I've listened to a number of these calls, and they all start with a similar formula of 'In the beginning', and then they walk us down this weird path of coincidences, and then they try to tie it all back in the end to a supreme being that was guiding them the whole time.
It's a very egotistical world view to suggest that you have found a path of truth that you cannot demonstrate, replicate, or facilitate for anyone else, you just tell us a story about how you're special enough for a supreme being to enlighten you and put you at the center of that supreme being's universe. This is exactly how we ended up with religions believing in a geocentric solar system rather than a heliocentric one prior to Galileo, Kepler, and Newton.
I know a lonely old guy rambling when I hear it.
10:00 I saw a video in which a flat-earther dropped the question "Do you know how fast the earth is spinning? Why don't we fly off into space??" as if it were the bomb that would blow up the entire notion of a globe. The response from a science-oriented person totally defused the argument: "We all know how fast the earth is spinning, and it isn't all that fast - it spins once a day".
"I was raised in a non-religious house" yet at the same time prays to God if his girlfriend breaks up with him or sees a nice boat on the beach, and he sings to God?
Clearly he was phoning it in on the philosophy courses.
Consuming psilocybin is described as a spiritual event.
And spirituality doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion, and it's not proof of a god either
@@nsf001-3 What do you mean by 'spirituality'? How is that not belief in supernatural?
@@nsf001-3Don’t understand why ppl who can’t adduce evidence for spirits and/or don’t believe in them nevertheless speak of “spirituality”. Sort of get that some use it as a metaphor,but think many don’t. Why do they essentially belittle their own efforts?
That poor philosophy professor must be absolutely mortified.
We fit within the universe, the universe doesn't within us
A lot of things can fit within us, you'd be surprised. The universe isn't one of them though.
Yes, my mind went to childish places..😂
I saw a theist saying distance changes physical properties of an object.
Butterflies. Lol.
Scott was sick and he got well therefore God.
The summary of Scott logic is, “I don’t know anything, therefore I know everything”
“I would suggest that there’s a chance ….” Well, then, case closed, Scott. You convinced me.
Scott was never taught to critically think or debate when he was in High School we had debate clubs but it wasn't part of normal classes back then. He lied about writing papers and debating.
Absolutely hate the argument. It basically says " I am so special that god changed the fabric of reality to heal me but those 10,000 kids that die every day from starvation aren't special enough for god to help". Narcissist
A world that is mostly inhospitable to humans was created by “someone” who loves humans? If this alleged creator loved anything it would be marine life
So, Scott says prayer works. I prayed that he would get to a point - and look! A half-hour later, and he's finally getting to his claim of a cause for his improved health! So, I guess he's right... Very sad that a deluded dude thinks he's so special that his imaginary deity singled him out for a cure - and then also forgot about it for six months!
Interesting call. At one time, I too had bad reasons for believing in a god. Once I realized that this was the case, I changed my belief.
He grew up in the US where we are absolutely influenced by the surrounding culture.
Just another christian without a shred of evidence for their claim.
"Evidence, if you will"
As a matter of fact, I wont.
The people that say "I'll be brief" usually rattle on with non-relevant details.
This "loving" god told Samiel to instruct King Saul to have his army slay the the Amalakites. Every last one of them: babies, toddlers, teens, women, men and all their live stock. And when Samuel found out Saul had spared Agag their king, he hewed him to pieces in the sight of this "loving" god.(Which apparently inludes Jesus....)
If the universe is beginningless and endless, a creator is a moot point. There is only the creation.
Dude spent lots of time in philosophy class and not enough In science class