How to BLOSUNiNG Full Size TRACTOR R&D reducing (y)our Waterfootprint with my Cleantech Solutions

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 มี.ค. 2024
  • TACKLiNG WATER SCARCiTY -iNTERNATiONAL PUBLiCATiON for detailed information about my Scientific Work:
    Do you like to learn about my inventions for ecological Water recourse management in areas where Water is tool to clean and preserve surfaces?
    Introducing my patented ecological Effect Media Blosuning and Blosuvating.
    In 2011 own R&D has lead to the discovery of new Fluid-Mechanic-Prinicple regarding air-fluid-AND-particulate compositions as desired and required:
    Water as a cleaning tool is as common as air to breath- well not anymore as it is getting more restricted to use and consume for such scope of works as well as it is getting more expensive too.
    Since 2011 my scientific research and development efforts are my contributions to the chain of CLEANTECH solutions reducing (y)our Waterfootprint.
    My inventions are benefitting us all for Peace and Prosperity offering new answers to challenges regarding Water Recourse Management local and global and beyond our Planet Earth in Aerospace.
    Do you like what I am doing?- Kindly ring the bell and spread the news- eventually subscribe to become part of the projects to hand over our Planet Earth in working order to coming generations.
    We are surrounded of inventions but number one topic is WATER!
    My inventions resulting that +20billion people can coexist on our Planet in harmony with the Nature- if we are willing to adjust before its too late.

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