These speaker are useless if you are relaying to use streaming, their apps are useless. This problems normally never disucussed during review because they don't have time to review it properly.
Thank you so much for checking out this video and commenting. I know that there are lot of people had a bad experience with their old app that use on the older LS50 wireless. unfortunately I don’t have the older ls50 wireless, so I don’t know the old app that they use. But for my review unit, I had it for about 3 weeks, at the time of review, it didn’t give me any trouble.
Formation Duo or LS50 Wireless II???????
剛訂左LS50w2,如果駁PC用光纖定同軸好? 線材有無推薦? Thanks
如果同buchardt a500比較,唔知會點🤔
KEF LSX 值得上 LS50 wireless 2嗎?
如果財力方面允許, 絕對值得!!
好快啦 正在準備啦, 多謝支持🙏🏻
會的會的 很快就會有了
想請教下如果 wireless 2同meta+加個剩底既1萬去買amp/dac 邊個會比較優勝?
期待meta 同 wireless 2 比較。請問音色同R3比較有什麼分別?
Wireless 2 會偏向像當R3 搭Class D amplifier 時候的聲音, 最接近的形容應該是這樣 這代的wireless2和R3上面一樣 都是12代單元 聲音的路線是很接近的
@@skysreviewdesk 你觉得r3和胆机搭配如何,我在等我的r3到货搭配kt88 45 wpc 胆机
These speaker are useless if you are relaying to use streaming, their apps are useless. This problems normally never disucussed during review because they don't have time to review it properly.
Thank you so much for checking out this video and commenting.
I know that there are lot of people had a bad experience with their old app that use on the older LS50 wireless.
unfortunately I don’t have the older ls50 wireless, so I don’t know the old app that they use. But for my review unit, I had it for about 3 weeks, at the time of review, it didn’t give me any trouble.