This is now my second time replacing the filter. Once at 100k miles and now at 164k miles. Both times have been improvements in throttle response and smooth shifts. I have also done so in several other vehicles ive owned and have never once had it cause any problems only made improvements. That's my personal experience. Transmission fluid is like oil and the filter is a filter. Dirty filters and fluid should be replaced in my opinion. Took roughly 4 quarts to refill. When filling add a little and check, keep doing until it's filled.
I don't know torque specs I've always just snugged them up to what I feel is good without over tightening them and never had any issues. I'm sure you could find specs online if you want to.
How did you get the nuts back on the studs without them just free spinning with the nut?
Just spun them on, mine weren't spinning. They were loosely in there but weren't spinning.
How many quarts did it take to fill? Ive read replacing the filter could cause problems?
This is now my second time replacing the filter. Once at 100k miles and now at 164k miles. Both times have been improvements in throttle response and smooth shifts. I have also done so in several other vehicles ive owned and have never once had it cause any problems only made improvements. That's my personal experience. Transmission fluid is like oil and the filter is a filter. Dirty filters and fluid should be replaced in my opinion. Took roughly 4 quarts to refill. When filling add a little and check, keep doing until it's filled.
whats torque for the pan? thanks,
I don't know torque specs I've always just snugged them up to what I feel is good without over tightening them and never had any issues. I'm sure you could find specs online if you want to.