This video isn't sponsored - I bought the Zappi with my own money two years before we fitted solar panels. As I knew solar panels would happen at some point, I wanted a charger that would work well with home generation/solar/wind and batteries.
Oh that’s interesting. No problems, I wonder if that’s a firmware update issue on MyEnergi’s end. It’s possible to manage this with Octopus Energy’s Intelligent tariff which can control the car’s charging rather than the charger doing it. As a workaround maybe?
This video isn't sponsored - I bought the Zappi with my own money two years before we fitted solar panels. As I knew solar panels would happen at some point, I wanted a charger that would work well with home generation/solar/wind and batteries.
Do you ever get problems when charging yoru Tesla on Zappi Eco+ mode ? I have read several comments that say that Tesla will stop the charge randomly.
Oh that’s interesting. No problems, I wonder if that’s a firmware update issue on MyEnergi’s end. It’s possible to manage this with Octopus Energy’s Intelligent tariff which can control the car’s charging rather than the charger doing it. As a workaround maybe?
So I can charge my tesla fully from solar only?? Let's say I work during the night, I can charge my tesla when I sleep only from solar right?
Yes :)
@@DivingDeveloper nice!
And also if I will use zappi I won't see tesla in the garage hmm..