This video, along with your introduction to the New Calvinist movement, and your video highlighting the evidences of God's grace in this movement, have been so refreshing and balanced. They were full of truth spoken in love, not angry rantings. That's hard to find these days.
Exactly. There is only One Name given under heaven whereby we must be saved. It is the resurrected Lord Jesus who is the present, living head of His One Body.
No one in calvinism follows calvin... Calvinism is just a name for it, its teachings are called doctrine of grace not doctrines of calvinism. Calvin didnt come up with his teachings, they are not new.
@@mrhevel7705 You are right, Calvin didn't come up with Calvinism. Augustine a Catholic monk who was a Manichean Gnostic imported Gnostic doctrines into Christianity in the late 4th century. Go ahead and read Augustine's writings. Then in the 1500s Calvin another Catholic monk included all of those doctrines in his writings called the Institutes of Calvin. None of the early church Fathers from the time of Christ till Augustine taught any such thing as Calvinism. Go ahead and look up their writings. I doubt that you will because you love the Calvinistic theology. Can you tell me how you know that you are one of the lucky ones that got chosen from eternity past? Look up all of the verses in the old and new testament that have the word elect and chosen and you will find the word servant in most of them, there were people or things that God elected or chose for some purpose to be in service for his purposes. Christ is refereed to as the elect one, does that mean God chose him for salvation? Anyone who puts their trust in Christ, and yes he draws us, is in Christ and therefore part of the elect. But you desire that God does not want most people in spite of the fact that there are many many verses that state otherwise. I would suggest that you throw out all of the definitions for all of the Calvinistic buzz words like elect, predestination, chosen, appointed, etc, and all of your Calvinistic presuppositions words and re read the Bible at least 3 or 4 times and see if you still come up with the same idea. You just might discover that God really is Love and that he desires that all men would be saved but unfortunately many people prefer darkness and want to be their own Gods thereby proving that they are depraved not by God's decree but because they are unwilling to submit to God.
@@skyt54 I think the point is that God knows those who will freely choose depravity and those who won't. None of us do but we must surely believe He does, and it seems consistent with the Biblical God.
skyt54 you said something at the end there, that I, as a Calvinist, absolutely love. You said that God desires all to be saved, but unfortunately people are darkened in their understanding and they would rather be their own gods and form their own gods. They are totally depraved, not because of God, but because of the wickedness within themselves. This is the Calvinist doctrine of reprobation and is supported heavily in Scripture as you yourself have discovered. God, in his sovereignty, allows totally depraved sinners to remain in their sin, and He has every right to do that. Justly, He could allow us all to remain in our sins. But praise God that He doesn’t! I could never choose God. How can those who are wicked follow after what is good? Unless God makes a way for them. Unless God reveals to them “the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” Unless the Holy Spirit washes and regenerates their wicked heart. The Holy Spirit, who, much like the wind is invisible to us and out of our control (John 3:8). We must be born of the Spirit, and we have no control over Him. Furthermore, our salvation is a gift from God. James tells us that every good gift and every perfect gift come from God. Salvation through Faith in the Gospel of Jesus and repentance are supreme among these gifts that we receive from God. Our salvation is from Him. With this comes, not pride, but humility. The great humility of knowing that everything good in you and everything good that you have is only by the grace of God. God bless you in your pursuit of truth in his Word.
Amen. We need the kinda parors that aren’t afraid to preach through john 6, ephesians 1, romans 9, isaiah 10, genesis-exodus (in total) and many more passages... without freezing up cuz it conflicts with your evangelism technique
Well said. I especially liked the last point. It isn’t a good thing that movements like “the gospel coalition” “together for the gospel” “acts 29” etc are distinctly Calvinist. They should be perhaps labeled as such. If we are actually focusing on spreading the GOSPEL and EVANGELIZING to the lost, then that should be open to include Bible-believing, gospel-centered, non-Calvinists too.
"If we are actually focusing on spreading the GOSPEL and EVANGELIZING to the lost, then that should be open to include Bible-believing, gospel-centered, non-Calvinists too." To a point, but a with limited boundaries. Some (some) 'Bible-believing, gospel-centered" give centering to the unbeliever with the employment of a circus entertainment atmosphere with sensual, harsh music. That, and the "alledged power of the pastor's convincing and forceful voice to somehow cause an emotional response". These I reject, these I cannot cooperate with.
I became a subscriber because of this post. Very balanced and loving toward those believers who don't embrace Calvinism, which seems to be most of the folks I know and love. Some day we'll get to Heaven and find out how right we were on some things, and how wrong we were on others. Keep making these're good at it!
What if Calvinism is a false gospel and you're not going to heaven? What if you find out how wrong you were when Jesus tells you, "I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Predestination is God's Business alone, there is no doctrine to support it, talking about it doesn't get anyone into the Kingdom nor keeps anyone out, because anyone who accepts Christ will not be turned away, therefore I don't worry about it. Plus: The God of Yesterday is the Same God of today, when did he reform? And a "Movement" is the Last thing we need. What we need is an Explosion, a "Revival".
This is good. I first was drawn to reformed theology (didn't know that it was so called at that time) because it made sense of hard questions I had about Christianity for example, the problem of evil and of suffering, and what a remarkably humbling effect it had on my soul as it showed me the glorious yet tender grace of God to me, a worthless sinner. But now I have found myself drifting towards all six of these dangers, especially the ones about pride, celebrityism and cold theology. I put some preachers that I listen to on unwarranted pedestals. I've been guilty of making my first priority exactly what Tim said I shouldn't be (and he is right:) making people into Calvinists (not that that is wrong but that is at the expense of loving others and drawing people into Christ). I say this to my shame and sorrow that I've been heavily guilty of loving the theology way, way more than the God of the theology. I pray that God's kingdom would come and that God's Spirit would continue to reform my heart and the hearts of the people around me.
…first priority ..making people into Calvinists? No,the first priority is to show the non-Calvinist who believe Man is not totally depraved,salvation is conditional,God’s Grace makes salvation a possibility,Gods Grace can be resisted and we can fall out of Grace once “drawn by God is not Biblical. The Calvinist Bible is the Biblical Bible ( as Charles Spurgeon famously stated in a sermon). The non-Calvinist may be saved but has a false theoretical and false understanding of Biblical truth,that can only dampen his understanding of God glorifying himself in his Creation.
I don’t follow trends. I follow scripture! Calvinism (mostly) aligns with scripture so I am therefore comfortable with the doctrines of grace! Calvinism is not central to my life in Christ. I hardly bring it up. Most members of my Church are not Calvinist and likely, some don’t even know who John Calvin is!
@@Lukesh30253 ah, so the atonement is universal? Are you a universalist? Unless your a heretic, you also agree that the atonement is limited to those who believe.
@@sovereigngrace9723 the attonment made it so anyone can come to jesus without a high priest, he purchased the whooe cosmos not just people, the atonment doesnt save anyone, if christ isnt risen from the dead then his attonemnt was for nothing.
@@sovereigngrace9723 Atonement was made on behalf of all man whether you except it or not is another story. What saves you is being renewed and washed by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit by faith in the resurrection of Jesus
As a youngster, I recall a preacher describe an "ism" as too much of something. I did not ask 'what about Calvinism?' because I anticipated his reply. I figured I should welcome John Calvin as a theologian among others through whom our Lord has greatly blessed and used in the ongoing reformation of His church. As the years went by, the general lack of interest in the Reformation and Calvinism, meant I could live my faith in the relative peace and quiet away from the spotlights or front lines of contemporary action. The resurgence of Reformed church theology certainly gives me joy, but the possible pitfalls Tim Challies is warning us about in the above video deserve our fullest attention in my opinion. The frightening potential for things to go terribly wrong seem to remain high at any point in church history this side of Heaven.
You lost me with identity Christianity. What does it matter that so-called new Calvinism was birthed by white middle class males? Why would you go there? Are we not all the same in God's eyes? I don't want to be strengthened by the skin color of others. I want to br strengthened by the faith of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
He lost me there and also at celebrityism. It seems to me that the charismatics and prosperity gospel preachers promote celebrities with extravagant lifestyles. Reformed teachers and preachers are the opposite of that, pointing to scripture and not to themselves.
I am also unconvinced that white-skinned believers or people have different classes have much of a different view than those who are black-skinned, more wealthy or less wealthy. Our Christianity unites us and we have so much in common due to this.
@@iannewton3820 Everyone has biases. Some are just more aware of their biases more than others. Being a white, upper-middle class American male is not a bad thing, of course, but it does lend that person to having a certain type of experiences, though processes, values, and perspectives. Tim is right that it is important to acknowledge and understand the implications of that. Those who have very different life experiences are going to tend to respond to Scripture differently, so you always want to check yourself that you're not following a version of Christianity driven by assumptions and perspectives that come from outside the Bible. That's always a good reminder for any branch of Christianity.
Great thoughts, Tim. One other weakness (if you have not already mentioned, or if I missed it) is over emphasis on the structure of theology rather that how theology transforms our character to be more like Jesus.
Sir I see many youtube video of preacher performing healings on street? What is your opinion sir? My faith is only in Jesus and his Power and I myself have experienced great miracles in my life.But If I doubt them and their faith, wouldn't it be doubting the power of Jesus??
I can say I've been the recipient of a miracle healing, and personally witnessed many healings... Example- my thumb growthplate had been broken (according to x-ray) for about a week... after I was prayed for, Jesus healed me... I went that week to the doctor to have my cast removed... By the miracle of God, my thumb was completely healed... My wife ACL and MCL were torn, again another miracle seeing her healed... My mom suffered from diabetes- God healed her 30 years ago... I recognized there are fakes out there... But I also know what I've experienced... The living God we worship still has the power to heal us!!!
Homogenity - one thing I've noticed with the church I've been attending, is that there seems to be churches within the church. That is to say, cliques within the ecclesia. I'm 35yo old, divorced, no children, male, blue collar worker. Who would want to invite me into their home, around their children, sit at a place at their table? If they can't relate to me. This goes both ways here. It's awkward sitting in a men's ministry talking about the blessings and commands of being a husband and father, when none of it speaks to me. How can I be in a collective group at church when there doesn't seem to be one for me?
Just keep going. Or at least while churches are online during these times, just keep doing church. Just keep reading scripture, and just keep connecting with real people within the church. Somehow, the Lord will lead you along the path closer and closer to Him.
This is the third video I have watched from you. Just wanted to say I appreciate your heart and what you have to say. I think what you say here is of immense value to any movement within the Christian Church. I do not agree with all of Calvin's understanding and conclusions concerning grace and therefore not a Calvinist, but just wanted to show my appreciation for whatever it is worth.
Who can read the teachings of Jesus, and say that Abba, Father, rejects the children, who come to him and trust Him. Foreknowledge is not control. Who of us puny humans can understand the ways and mind of a timeless and eternal God. "WHOSOVER calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Repeat John 3:16. You know whst it says Jesus said that we are primarily to love God, and secondly to love others. If God forces us to love Him, then that is not love, but something else. We have Freedom for Faith. Try it.
@@stephenhoskins6107 But God DOESN'T "reject the children who comt to Him," as you put it. Even Jesus made this clear by saying, "Come ot me, ALL who are weary and heavy laden..." The invitation, therefore, is genuine and freely offered to all. But surely you don't believe in universalism? So God is both consistent and sovereign in both John 3:16 and 2 Peter 3:9.
Well pointed regarding point 4 (pride) and 1 (the danger of confusing Christianity with Calvinism). I have reformed friends who only preach Calvinism, instead of preaching Christ (the Gospel). I find this to be very unbiblical and prideful at the same time.
I don’t get this video. For starters, it’s entitled ‘weaknesses’ of the New Calvinism, but talks about ‘dangers’. I’ve been listening to John MacArthur, John Piper and RC Sproul for years and they’ve helped me grow as a Christian in my understanding of the Bible. I don’t believe in or agree with everything they say, and I believe that this is due to the fact that I’ve grown as a Christian, and so my discernment has grown, too. Like any movement, Christian or non-Christian, everything depends on the people in it, specially the leaders. It’s not about the ‘movement’ itself. Like I mentioned, I’ve grown a lot as a Christian listening to the godly men Tim mentioned. So far I haven’t come across any of the ‘dangers’ or ‘weaknesses’ listed. For example, I’m Chinese-Indonesian, and I’ve never come across any teaching that is typically white Caucasian in nature. I believe this is because the Gospel is universal, and that’s how God Himself has designed it to be. As for ‘cold’ theology, I’ve always found that the theology taught by these men helps me a great deal in understanding the Bible, and of course God. Again, it all depends on the people: discernment on the part of the Christians, and devotion to the Lord and His Word on the part on the leaders. Also, please be consistent. Are you talking about ‘dangers’ or ‘weaknesses’? Dangers refer to the future, while weaknesses talk about the current condition. Apart from that, bless you! Keep up the good work!
Lena Chandra Danger is the correct word for ALL Calvinist teachings. To believe that God Chooses to send more Human Beings that he created to Hell, to GIVE to Satan that betrayed him is 100% Blasphemy! Run, hun!
"Beyond the fundamentals" on YT, Romans 9, limited atonement decimated, etc. Best wishes for you, Lena. Calvinism is error, continue to grow in Christ!
I prefer reformed than Calvinist. Calvin was just one person in the reformed movement. as for pride and cold theology I'll state this and it's borrowed from Al Martin "there is no such thing as a proud Calvinist". Isaiah 6:5. that is the picture of a person who has a genuine encounter with God.
Adam Boyd Calvinistic does not equal Reformed. Reformed extends more to regularice worship, being Sabatarian, and other things I can’t think of at the moment. Reformed people are ALSO Calvinistic though. But not all Calvinists are reformed.
I have been reading the Puritans a lot lately. It is interesting how powerful their influence was over England for 100 years. I think your last point is what really kept them a fire filled Spirit led group. They don't just have excellent theology. There is a hunger to know Christ intimately. Like Richard Sibbes says in A Breathing After God, everything in the Christian life needs to flow out of desire. It's not just a matter of belief and obedience, but of deep seated hunger to know the God who gave us the glorious revelation! To live the doctrines of grace and to see their powerful God honoring attributes which other traditions simply are ignorant of, should not lead us to arrogance but humility and a desire to show this beautiful God to the rest of Christianity.
Calvinist for the most part are very sincere not always correct but sincere, quote from John Calvin: "By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death." This view of God is Unbiblical and distorts the meaning of God is Love, God is Holy and God does not show partiality. Provisionism would say: “God is most glorified not at the expense of His Creation BUT at the expense of Himself for the sake of His Creation as demonstrated on Calvary.” check out the website soteriology101 -You will be refreshed by the Biblical view of a God who truly Loves All of His creation. "For God so Loved the World"
Sincerity is a path that leads to Hell. Nobody is preordained to eternal life as there is zero scripture backup. Calvinism is an evil theology which was started by an evil man. Calvin murdered a man who disagreed with him. That should give pause to anyone saying they follow Calvin. Calvinism does not understand election nor freedom of choice. A person is elected to an office, eternal life is NOT an office it is a state of being that is you are either saved or not saved. We elect people to represent us in government, God elects people to represent Him here on Earth. Abraham was elected to start a new nation, ALL Jews are elected to represent God's holiness. A preacher is elected by God to represent His teachings.Our Earthly station does not represent our Heavenly station. Every person is free to choose their eternity, Jesus and Paul makes that clear. New Calvinism seems to be the last ditch effort by Satan to seduce people away from the Gospel and it is working well for him.
Amen! In a word, God has chosen those who have chosen Him! Believers are predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son! Romans 8:29 Of course God knew who would be saved from the foundation of the world,! God wants ALL to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth! It is predestined that everyone that jumps in a pool is going to get wet. God doesn't push you in nor does He hold you back....Jesus settled it, WHOSOEVER BELIEVES! John 3:16 and scores of verses like it.
@Roy Pierce you still misunderstand what the scriptures say. God the Father is accepting those who choose Jesus. The Father had already decided to choose that those who chose Jesus would be holy, blameless and treat them as adopted children. I will try a simpler analogy. A director wants actors for a new play. The director asks a group of actors who wants to be in the play. 50% put there hand up. The director knows all the actors and CHOOSES the roles each will play. Likewise the Father asks, “Who wants to live in my house through my Son, Jesus?” Some of us put our hands up (we choose) and then He chooses (elects ) us on what roles we play. Some are leads like Apostles, Evangelists etc and some are extras and there is a huge roles in between because He knows us.
how can anyone believe in predestination when Jesus said God so loved the world, He didn't say God so loved the predestined to salvation ones...or 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. i don't know, i have never taken the time to learn all the ins and outs of Calvins predestination...
@@briancooper2833 greetings. John 3:36 states "The one who believes in the Son has eternal life; but the one who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.” you have it twisted to say "the wrath of God remains on him so he does not obey the Son." Please stop trying to un-win souls for Christ! take care
@@briancooper2833 greetings again. i have a question... if God decrees all things as calvinists teach, then even the evil that people do that He decrees is actually doing His will. If all people are doing His will regardless if it is good or evil WHY IS THERE A NEED FOR A REDEEMER?? Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. so which one is it for you?? if i have no choice and am doing what God decrees, i therefor am doing God's will am i not?? why does humanity even need a redeemer??
Because Calvinism redefines grace as “irresistible grace” which is nowhere stated or even implied in scripture. The grace of God and the unsearchable riches of Christ are gifts to “whosoever will” receive Him and walk with Him in childlike faith. But due to their false doctrine of election, Calvinists gloss over the fact that the Christian life “is by faith, that it might be in accordance with grace”. God’s grace is sufficient. All things are possible, only believe. 🎚🙏🏼📖
The problem is that all the things he pointed out has happened. The New Calvinism has become a vehicle woke ideology and CRT, precisely because it is trend and celebrity driven.
Whosoever is more accurately translated to “everyone believing.” “All”when given in the context of Jews being the primary audience, it’s absolutely plausible that it doesn’t mean “every individual”. Jews thought they were the only ones who who were chosen to be saved. So when the message of “the world” being saved came about, it must be interpreted by the Jewish audience. People from every nation will be saved, not just jews. Does this help?
@@sovereigngrace9723 What does "any" and "all" in 2 Peter 3:9 mean? 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Are you aware that no other church father taught these things except Augustine and he was heavily influenced by stoic Gnostic and manichean thought and philosophies,, If he only held these views the last 18 years of his life the 1st 25 years of his life he taught traditionalism and the view that man had free will !!
Would you update this series based on today status of the Young, restless and reformed? Is it going the same direction of the emerging church and progressivism?
Thanks for creating this. Although I definitely appreciate Calvinism and reformed theology it surprises me that some big name reformed leaders speak so pejoratively about so called “devotional churches”, churches that emphasise loving God and following Him above all things rather than necessarily focusing on teaching theology. Loving God is the first command. The love of our “tight theology” should never trump God’s first command. Pride in how tight our theology is should never become the focus of our walk. Seeking to love Him and love others in a way that conforms to the scriptures is what our focus should be on.
Thank you so much for the depth and breadth of the history and assessment of this "movement". It is clearly a move allowed and aided by the Holy Spirit, but as you wisely note, full of potential shortcomings (and failures?) To the extent that it is led by humans. I appreciate your faithful, honest, comprehensive, and intelligent assessment. I especially appreciate so much your heart for God's heart, the love, grace, and truth of Jesus. Amen.
Hey Tim (or anyone really), I'm curious as to whom you are referring when talking about "Calvinism's leaders" who have been idolized or who are unqualified. Thanks!
Are you implying that you have to be qualified to be idolized? Let's try Johnny Mac ( He has his picture on the Study Bible that carries his name), Tim Keller, Todd Friel, R. C. Sproul, Sinclair Ferguson, David Platt, John Piper, D. G. Hart and C. Van Til and the most high altar to J. Grehsam Machen.
No, I was asking who the idolized people are. But seeing as you listed all the big names in Calvinism it seems like you think they're all idolized (which could be the case for anyone or any movement), which wasn't the point of my question. And as a side, my JMac study bible doesn't have his picture in it (nor does having your picture in a study bible necessarily mean ANYthing, positive or negative).
Calvinism teaches another gospel . The only reason it wasn't put down when it reared its ugly as it has always been in the past . Neognosticism , blasphemy against GOD HIMSELF .
I'm a Calvinist and honestly I don't think the movement will last. I want it to. And I don't mean to be pessimistic. But it's made up of people who are sinful and on the whole just always fall. Just look at Israel in the OT. Also church history hasn't born out Calvinism before. The Reformed churches of western Europe are in shambles and the Puritans are gone. Last, if it is correct theology, God will not want it on a pedestal. The true church has always been a remnant. God would rather have a pure people than conceited masses.
The popular proof-texting that supports this bizarre teaching does not stem from the Bible in all reality. It stems from St. Augustine who came out of a cult called Manicheanism, which had strong Gnostic undertones. The idea of being the Elect is a Biblical concept, but Augustine gave it a gnostic flavor that was then later embraced by Calvin. Calvin then said that to understand the Bible you must first read his book as an "essential prerequisite" to get accurate theology (A very scary and arrogant thing to claim). Calvin's arrogance was passed down and his ideas became radicalized. The proof-texting became more nuanced and sophisticated and eventually you had a clean, reductionistic system that was based off of a few key texts. The rest of the Bible and many key passages disprove Calvinism thoroughly and so you have to suppress the truth in a blind commitment to maintain the system or speak of mystery, antinomy, or what I call blatant contradiction. Then you have to marginalize those who object with sound-bites like "they exalt man" or "They believe in a weak God" or "They say Man can save himself" or "he is a synergist" or "He is semi-pelagian" etc,. This strong-man becomes famous as the norm for a non-Calvinism. It is a tactic shared by Cults, but Calvinism is not cult. It just came from a cult via St. Augustine. The God described is horribly arbitrary, cruel, overly controlling, not interested in Biblical love, nor good. It is extremely unBiblical and terribly unfortunate that John 6,10, PHil 1:29, Romans 8 & 9, Eph 1 and 2, etc. etc. get taught through the lens of one man who claimed his book was the key to the "sacred text". What a Con!! Don't fall for it. It is a lie and I can show in detail why it is false.
Sovereignty can either mean God is in control meaning God is literally in control of the entire universe doing whatever He wants consistent with what is in His good pleasure and will (Psalm 115:3). Or sovereignty can mean God is ALL-Controlling meaning God is controlling man's thoughts, good, evil, the devil, rapists, charities, Fraud, and all things happening are ordaining and meticulously made to be exactly as they are. God could operate this way, but scripture is clear that many things God is not very happy about and didn't orchestrate effectually. Calvinists do not have the corner, but they sure think they have the higher hand often times. They do own the internet it seems.
Thanks for sharing. You helped me. Here are some of my notes: How the Gospel Frees Us from Occult and Calvinistic Deceptions The occult deception: When the occult deception claims that God is the all and only being, 1. It is implied that one is either a manifestation of God or that one is a fragment of God, 2. Thus exalting ourselves and denying God His true position as our Father, 3. This positional claim leads to one not relying on and ultimately rejecting God. 4. Having rejected God, our true Creator, our truest Love, and our true Vine, one withers in spirit like a severed branch. This happened to me before I believed in my heart in Jesus Christ. The Calvinistic deception: If we say that God fundamentally makes all choices, We imply the following: 1. God chooses evil. 2. God glorifies Himself by designing some people for Hell. 3. Our choices are fundamentally not real. 4. Even if we affirm responsibility for our choices, we implicate God on a fundamental level. In the case of both deceptions, false claims that seem initially to exult God are actually denying His Fatherly love and holiness. Truth of the Gospel 1. God lovingly created us dependent beings out of nothing, breathing us to life in His image and likeness. 2. God wants us to live in loving relationship with Him, participating in His love, sharing His love with one another. 3. The choice of angels and humans to deny God is the fundamental evil, caused by those rejecting God. God allows this choice because He wants our love to be genuine. God would have all choose Him. 1/3 of the angels as well as Adam and Eve rejected God by pridefully choosing to be “wise” and like-God while simultaneously rejecting a trusting, loving relationship with God. 4. God lovingly invites all people to choose Him, to place our faith in the grace of Jesus Christ as our LORD and Savior - Who died as the only random for our sins. 5. Like a marriage, God embraces all who turn to Him. Transcending time, God knows who will choose Him. God runs toward the prodigal son before the son even looks up. He rejoices in those who choose Him and mourns over those who reject Him. God loves all people. 6. Jesus Christ commanded the Great Commission so that all people would hear the Gospel and be presented with the choice to receive Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. Both the occult and Calvinist deceptions renounce a reciprocal relationship with God. Jesus Christ wants us to be in a devotional relationship with Him. This relationship is essential to the Good News. Thank You, Jesus Christ! Amen.
New Calvinism's rejection of the regulative principle of worship/exclusive psalmody and the acceptance of Papist Holydays really shows how it's not really reformed. Look at the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland and see if any of the New "Calvinists" would like to have biblical worship like that? They don't want to really follow the Puritans even though they claim how great they are.
I would like to bring up something Tim from what you shared. You said that the new Calvinism has the look of white American men etc. Then you said that we have to look into diversity which I agree. With this I wanna bring up your disapproval of the Prayer of Jabez when you said that Wilkinson just promoted and encouraged human greed. Well let me just say that maybe in America its considered greed and rightly so. I have lived in the States for 5 years and can clearly say that many Americans who call themselves poor are middle class in other countries. Middle Class Americans are well to do in other countries. So when a person prays the prayer of Jabez hoping that God will pay his bills and give Him a better life, its not necessarily greed but Human Need. The late Yonggi Cho stated that when he preached the gospel to the farmers, they were not interested in the salvation of their souls, they just wanted to know if God will bless their crops first so they could pay their bills, feed their children etc. So he preached the blessing of God which eventually and sadly was run down as Prosperity Gospel. Let me give you another example. In my country Malaysia, if a student wants to study in America and the fees is 100k USD a year, that would mean her parents would have to raise 450k Malaysian ringgit a year to put her through college. If I were to eat at TGIF or the Olive Garden in Malaysia, I would pay around 160-200 ringgit for the meal but if you were to go for Asian food in the US you would probably pay 30USD or less. I think Americans need to get a context as to how the rest of the world is. I would pray the prayer of Jabez and have done too. In many ways its what kept me believing in the mercy and favor of God all my life. I think the mistake you just made is to see everyone like you would see America. Btw. I don't believe that Calvinism is the purest form of the Gospel. It is very logical but then the Gospel is not always that logical.
Calvinism's biggest area of weakness is that it's not biblical. We aren't totally depraved, sinners outside of Christ can still act with compassion and still recognize their bondage to sin. The analogy to Lazarus is eisegesis and has to be extracted from scripture. Election is *very* conditional, there are over eighty warnings of permanently falling away, *after* coming to the knowledge of the truth. Election, however is also not individual Romans 9 is about the corporate election of Israel, not you. Romans 10 tells us how we become of the elect, 11-14 tells us how we stay of the elect. 11:19-23 is the clearest on that, if God cut the Jews off, fear Him as he may cut you off as well. Atonement is not limited by God, it's available to all who come to him. Why would anyone limit God?! Grace is not irresistible, hence the eighty warnings of falling away, including three specifically that warn of falling short of grace, receiving grace in vain... And perseverance, is a synergistic act. God by his nature is a synergistic God and desires to work with us. 2 Co 6:1 in fact uses the Greek word for synergy, when Paul calls himself a fellow worker with God.
I really appreciate reformed theology pushing the need for the Bible to be the finally authority in an age were feelings dictate direction and gold dust appears from ventilation in buildings (I'm not kidding) it's so important to rely on God's Word alone My concern is for the "Cold theology" as described in this video As I study and learn from teachers and others in the movement, it often seems very cold to those outside the movement. I have seen a lot of condemning of others not in the movement without so much as prayer offered for others It just seems like cold religion at times I don't know how to put my finger On it Perhaps someone can enlighten me on the subject
iz thefaithful In my opinion, the coldness is due to how the paint God. They make Him out to be very cold and malicious. Damning people before having done any good or evil. It makes sinners out to be victims and God out to be a tyrant. That’s what I see to be the problem.
I love sound Biblical doctrine, but with power & influence by these men, it must be wisely & prayerfully implemented! I am deeply saddened by the trendiness, social gospel & Lectio Divina that has been promoted by some leaders in the New Calvinist Movement. It seems that as men have their power & groups & their clicks, that inevitably problems arise because it is the nature of man to want power, just for the sake of it, many movements quickly seem to go off-track. Go back to the truth of the Bible and be careful not to take on Catholic influences & practices. The Gospel is always 100% relevant, it does not need humanity to do somersaults to make it so !!!
Maybe we need to have a video showing the glaring errors of extreme Armanian doctrine. Do these fellows even know that their views fall to the left or the right of these two views; Calvin or Armanius? This by the way is historical theology, which I would think it would serve us well to be more familiar with. Many of those opposing Calvinism are Arminians without realizing it. If we have done our homework we would study all of the scriptures on both sides of the issue. I was sitting in a service while a visiting minister heard me make a comment during adult Sunday school class that we are the elect. That word was not in his vocabulary and when he go up to preach he blasted me from the pulpit. He didn't like the fact that word is in the Bible because he just removed it from his mind. How do you account for so many terms like elect, election and other related terms in our Bibles. They are there and are inspired of God. A study of these words in the Greek NT would shed a lot light on what is meant by these terms. Of course, there are those that use simplistic explanations to dismiss them out of hand.
I like what your saying. At the end when talking about diversity, I have never seen a reformed church opposed to diversity, because they don't concentrate on it, they are welcoming to all. Tim, are we just responding to political pressures of society? I don't think we are sending a message that reformed doctrine is the American white thing. Do we really want to go out and get "token" people from other nations and races? Just preach the gospel to all men and God will bring in those in whom he calls no matter what nation or color they are. Tim, please do not fall prey to the whole #metoo culture of political social justice.
To my knowledge, there is nowhere in the New Testament scriptures that outline a series of “Doctrines of Grace”. I do read a lot in Paul’s letters about “the God of all grace”, the “Spirit of grace”, and “the grace of God”, especially as contrasted with the Law. I also read of the person of Christ Jesus whom St. John said was “full of grace and truth”. Thus there is a huge difference between the neo-Calvinist’s phrase “doctrines of grace” and the way the scriptures themselves describe “the grace of God in truth”, as God is not a doctrine of the letter, but a Person. Remember, the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. 🎚📖😇🙏🏼
Any "pride" as a Calvinist theologian should not be in the absolute assurance of our theological convictions but rather that we take seriously our theology.
We should not feel proud after knowing biblical predestination, because it is also in the scriptures that many will abandon faith and listen to doctrine of Devils, so we should pray and fear we do not become one of them, instead of thinking "we are elect". God Hates Pride, so be careful as you learn calvinism and think you're somewhat special, since it is also in scriptures that many will be called but a few chosen. When preaching about the Word of God to someone, teach them to believe in the Sacrifice and Ressurrection of The Messiah Jesus/Yahusha/Yeshua and follow the commandments to walk in the same path he showed to us all. We can only go to the father through him.
Honest question (and I do go to a reformed church ), is calling yourself a Calvinist a form of idolatry? I gatta be honest, I always tell people I am a biblisist. Not a Calvinist, not an Arminiest, etc... but a biblisist. I fear often times the average Calvinist celebrates their theology over scripture. Calvin over Christ. Another thing is do people ever question Calvinisum? I myself am not a Sensationalist but rather a Continuationist. Not in the weird unbiblical NAR, IHOP sense as God is a God of order and not chaos but in the basic spiritual gifts listed in scripture. I do think speaking in tounges is a gift still in use but the angelic tounge is to be for your self and not to show off. But I also believe in the Acts 2 tounges ie: known languages. I know most Calvinist would probably reject that. Again, I am a biblisist a Christian first and above all else.
How looking a sinner in the eyes & not be able to tell him/her with assurance that Christ died for them is not only horrific & is the polar opposite as "Good News".
people who believe reformed theology do tell all people Jesus died for them as no one but God know the elect. Our Lord is sovereign in all things including salvation.
I would consider myself a 5 point spurgeonist and now(since my faith got reformed/not because of this video) finally i really understand why mission is so important: to gather all the sheeps of god, all the elect(Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. - 2. Timothy 2, 9)
After I first became a believer in a reformed PCA church and my life turned upside down during my conversion, the first thing that began to gnaw on my soul was the idolatry of the reformed movement. That fact that one of it's leaders had his picture and name on a study bible really got to me. I then learned quickly to only read books from certain publishers. When I went to seminary there were always these small little cultic groups that would follow the well-known reformed professor around campus. These folks were always quick with their rebukes to those that didn't hold to the same distinctives. Often to the point of questions other's faith. All the while in constant adoration of their earthly theological leaders.
The title for this video is "New Calvinism's Areas of Weakness" but the speaker actually address potential dangers. I'm surprised that no actual weaknesses are listed. Perhaps these could be considered weaknesses: 1st, women are excluded from leadership and teaching positions. That's over half the population. A huge weakness IMO; 2nd the New Calvinism is weak in seriously grappling with historical factors when interpreting scripture. It seems more concerned with a 16th century reformers reaction to the corruption of the Catholic Church than in trying to understand the mindsets and worldviews of the 1st century when exegeting N.T. documents; one more: its whole system of theology is based on a reductionist view of God's sovereignty which doesn't do justice to what the scriptures actually say. Here's a simple examle: John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." The New Calvinism, as far as I know, still holds to 'Limited Atonement.' I.e. Jesus only died for the Elect. Rather than accept paradox and mystery they tend to try to nail everything down with their systems own internal logic.
Geoff Halpin. I agree potential dangers real or percieved is not my concern....if its not biblical Christianity flat out reject it. Make the reasons you reject plainly stated as you have already stated. I dont think rejecting it in a nice sensible way is doing anybody any good.
The dangers you speak of would not be consistent with being a believer in the Calvinism category. If you are saying that people want to be Calvinist above being a believer of scripture and Jesus as Christ, then I understand and again would say they are not Calvinist. The last few comments sounded a though this is a new denomination and I would agree that the worst of Christianity happened in the group think within denominations. From the Puritans persecuting other believers to the progressivism in Baptist, the group takes on all of these weaknesses and that applies to all not just new Calvinist.
Excellent points: celebrityism, pride, and trend. Calling oneself a believer of Jesus Christ gives only one label--Christian "God doesn't call us to Christianity to be called Calvinists" amen--and one source of theology--The Bible.
I rather see the new Calvanists who have a recognized body of doctrine than the new trend in many churches that have no doctrine or genuine gospel. Yes, their may be some weaknesses in the new movement, but it sure beats all of the nut-jobs, and groups that hate any type of doctrine. There are too many who therefore are teaching whatever whim hits them and whatever is new regardless if it lines up theologically or Biblicaly.
I'm curious. If someone believes they choose God all on their own then shouldn't that person be proud of themselves? That person would be at least half responsible for their own eternal life. God would not have saved them without themselves. Shouldn't they celebrate their decision like a birthday or something? After all that's a pretty big deal.
arimalan But your salvation would not be possible with out your choice right? Your choice is the key right? So why not be proud and celibate your choice? Or did God change your heart so that you would make the choice where you otherwise could not?
If you were chosen, what keeps you from being proud that you're somehow more special than the majority of the world that God hasn't chosen? You're special enough to be created as an eternal being and chosen to spend eternity with the Lord for His glory. That's pretty nice considering all the people who were created as eternal beings and spend eternity in hell for His glory. Or since it's all predetermined, and for His glory, should not those who reject Him, reject Him with pride? I mean, God chose them to spend an eternity in hell all for His glory. I'll take a God who is a gentleman that doesn't force Himself on anyone. I'll take a loving relationship I'm allowed to enter into. I'll take the God of Job who knows He's worthy of love and worship, regardless of what He gives us. And if this is all predetermined then I don't really have the ability to have these thoughts anyway. They were put here by God. I'm not trying to be smart. We do a lot of arguing back and forth. I don't agree with the calvinist doctrine. If it was the teachings of Jesus why did it take over 1500 years to discover it and have a man's name attached to it? I could be wrong, but I don't think your view on calvinism (pro or against) will get you in, or keep you out, of heaven. Salvation belongs to the Lord, and he alone gives it by His grace, through our faith. I believe God's grace is big. If we had to take a doctrinal test to get into heaven, who would pass? Look throughout church history and you'll see the church has gone through many phases. I'm thankful I'm saved by grace and not a doctrine.
ccfatunc Yes and no. Yes, because nobody would ever want or choose God if left alone to their own desires and will, without grace. But no, because everyone who is saved wants to be saved - that's the point of irresistible grace (it's only by grace that we desire God). Tell me - have you ever met a Christian who wished they were going to hell?
Paul Washer is very missions minded. I am not familiar with Bachman and White. i have a difficult time listening to Todd Friel. Maybe his goal is to attract young people not 64 year olds.
I was surprised that you said we should become more like the poor, and not more like Christ. Indeed, we should not require them to become like us, but we should all strive to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Please tell me ONE megachurch that is distinctively reformed. Second- please list some scriptures (as opposed to your opinions) where Calvinist doctrine is refuted. I have not heard one scripture in your speech.
You say that the main problem with the current new Calvinism is that it has high profile pastors that lead the movement and people look to them for their theology. You say that Calvinism is the pure gospel. In reality the gospel is the good news that God provided a way thru the sacrifice of himself by Christs death and resurrection for all men to have a restored relationship with God. Calvinism declares that God has decreed absolutely everything including all of the sins that each of us will commit. James White and other Calvinists state that if a man rapes and kills a little girl that, that is what God had planned for him to do. So therefore God sent his son to pay for the sins that he determined beforehand that everyone would commit. The Bible nowhere declares that for God to be sovereign he must decree all things. He does decree some things but show me were the Bible says he decrees absolutely everything down to the molecular level as stated by John MacAuthor. Calvinists also state that man thru Adam lost the ability to respond to God, that is nowhere stated in scripture. You misinterpret the verses you use to say that. You also say that God does not want to save everyone only a select group and the rest he intended to damn in hell for his glory. Calvin states that clearly in his institutes. You also say that the ones that he saves he saves them against their will and RC Sproul says that some are literally dragged form their rebellion. You claim that we are dead and can’t respond and God has to with his irresistible grace save you first and then give you faith. That is not scriptural. You ignore many many verses that say when the gospel is preached that hearing the gospel has the effect of drawing all men to Christ and when men put their trust in Christ that God makes us alive in Christ. Faith is not a work and that is very clearly stated in scripture. Look it up. The Bible says that faith comes thru hearing the gospel and we who are not robots can respond to the drawing of the spirit of God. You say that that means that we can save ourselves. How unbiblical. So your pure gospel of Calvinism is not good news at all it’s just a man made theology for a select few lucky people. Your definitions of elect, predestination, chosen, etc. are philosophical ideas that were imported into Christianity by Augustine. Augustine a catholic monk who was a Gnostic Manichean before he adopted Christianity combined his previous Manichean doctrines into Christianity in the 4th century and in the 1500s Calvin another catholic monk wrote all these doctrines in his institutes. Go ahead and read all of Augustine and the Gnostic's and you will see. Read the bible it says that whosoever will believe and trust in Christ will have eternal life, it says that God is not willing that any should perish. Read the whole new testament 4 times and write down all the verses like this and then tell me how you think that God’s offer of salvation only applies to a lucky few who were chosen from eternity past. What I would say to you Calvinists is that if you really have the Love of Christ in your being that you should get down on your knees and with great fervor appeal to God and ask him to take your neighbor and his children instead of you. None of the early church Fathers from Christ to the 4th century taught anything like Calvinism. Go ahead and read them and tell me what you find. But if you love your Calvinist doctrine above all and you think you are special and God wants to damn your neighbor and his wife and children because he didn’t want them go ahead and preach your Bad News Gospel to the mountain tops. Our culture is in disarray and going down the tubes really fast but if your Gospel is true it is because God has decreed it so therefore you Calvinists can rejoice greatly in that. I would suggest that it is your Gospel that is needlessly hastening the downfall of America because you are declaring A God that is not the God of the Bible. John MacAurthur stated that if God made salvation available to all men that he would not fell special at all. Wow that makes the Pharisees sound like saints.
John 5:24 ¶Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. 25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
@KTTGHMTJWYCBLAC I don't have a hostility to God making His own choices, but when you turn a deaf ear to the word of God, you do not know what His choices are. Are His choices at all revealed by His word, or is His word fillled with mere public relations statements, disclaimers that are falsehoods concocted to take the heat off God until a more favorable crowd is in predominance? I mean, God wouldn't say a thing, even through an apostle or prophet, then wink at us through a theologian to tell us not to take that statement seriously. There are so many that Calvinism I believe those verses, as well as I understand them, but I know that the true understanding of them must be in agreement with other scripture, and not a way that seems to agree with a small selection of scriptures that make each other seem to mean something that's at total odds with other scripture. So say I want people to believe something evil about Jesus; what would I choose? "I know: first, we will say He promoted cannabalism, eating human flesh (people have said and believed this about him). Then, he said he was "like a thief in the night" (He also said he was not like a thief, who comes to steal, kill and destroy, but that He came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly. But He can't fool me! He's a thief!). Then he admitted that He would take worship as "my Lord and my God", which is blasphemy. This was overheard by spies in the disciples house, when...oh, forget it, but this Jesus was a bad sort, and He said many such bad things." If I seize on those sayings, interpreting them that way, have I been honest? The evil interpretations of a handful of verses seem to validate each other, but that doesnt mean that the interpretation is really validated by them, no matter how consistent the fact that the verses as interpreted the truth is, they don't. Because I am deliberately ignoring the verses that would show me that my interpretation is wrong, and even dishonest and blasphemous, it is not even a valid interpretation of the handful of verses I think support my case. I do not see that Calvinism has any response to most verses that disprove it, other than to shrug them off, as if they are nothing before the all encompassing wisdom of Augustine and Calvin. Some of them, they explain away, usually by inserting the explanation, found nowhere in scripture, that the statements apply only to the elect. They got that from Calvinist theologians, not from Gods word, but call them on it, and they will launch a defense of philosophy as necessary to understanding the Bible. They will claim that, without the theologians, no understanding is possible, yet condemn with a bold face, what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit being sent to guide us into all truth, as an offense against "sola scriptura"! Okay, there are so many verses Calvinists scoff and disagree with, because they do not agree with Calvinism's formulations. (1) Is it true that Jesus is the light that lights every man who comes into the world? (John 1) (2) Is it true that Jesus draws all men to Himself? (John 12:32) If either of those are true, does Jesus do them sincerely, with spiritually good intent? Or is He giving them "light" and "drawing" them, in a cursory way, with no good outcome for most of them intended? Was Jesus just going through the motions, actually subverting the Bible, by giving them a false hope to cling to? Tbc
I became a Calvinist because it is true not because it was trendy. And I have been attacked by non Calvinists. I haven't seen Calvinists attack others.
Jesus words. John 6 No one can come to me unless the Father draws them. John 10 You do not believe because you are not of my sheep. Jesus told his apostles that they didst choose him but he chose them. John 17 Jesus prays and thanks the Father for those he was given. Jesus i will non the father has given me except the son of perdition. Ephesians 1 says that God chose before the foundation of the world. Romans 8 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
John was talking about what jesus said and done. John 10 also says that there is another flock. that flock was gentiles. ephesians 1 is not about paul only. it is about all believers. romans 8 also about all believers. you really think paul is that big of an ego maniac. really.
Did you say reformed theology is the purest form but not the only? Either it's right or wrong. Either it's Good or man that is the final decider in salvation. How is there more than one ? There's more than one belief system but only one is right. If others are directly opposed then they both can't be right.
Sure, there is only one 100% understanding of God, but I think that statement is more about unity on the essentials and grace where we disagree on non-essentials. It is one thing to decry works righteousness as another gospel like Paul does in Galatians, it is another thing to anathematize people over whether the spiritual gift of hospitality has ceased or continues today.
I have to admit that I find the way Calvinist interpret the bible exemplary. I just can't understand how you guys have missed that the ascension gifts are for today! I was a cocaine addicted womanizer but when I got born again I spoke in tongues, prophesied, was shown in an open vision of who I would marry, dreamt prophetic dreams which came to pass to the very last detail etc, etc...I could go on. My point is that I'm soooo glad that I experienced all of this (and much more) before any man with his interpretation of theology told me that God didn't do that kind of thing anymore--praise God!! Still love and appreciate my Calvinist brothers and sisters though.❤
Michael Angelus True Story...Our Covenant is a NO WORKS Salvation...meaning earning your way to heaven! But, If you want to waste your time with those FILTHY RAGS, go right ahead...The ONLY thing we need to do, AFTER CHOOSING Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (which, a choice is not a work) and being Saved, is... Listen to where the Spirit Guides you!... It guided me to defend Christianity against some Murderous Man's Doctrine named John Calvin, who wasn't even born until 1500 years after Jesus, who thinks God gives Satan, (who betrayed Him), more Human Souls than he chooses to keeps for himself...So, I obeyed! I never even heard of Calvinism until AFTER!...I'm just sayin' I'm not here to win a debate, I'm just trying to help some people get to know, THE ONE TRUE, LOVING GOD!
Stacey 6171 I am always cautious when some says all you need is to lead by “the Spirit” unless they define what that means. Lots of folks I know that are “lead by the Spirit” hear audibly from the Almighty on a daily basis and frequently wander into unorthodoxy. Really our relation with the Spirit is more complex. We should be lead by scripture which is illumined by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through scripture pointing us to Jesus.
Scott M Not have I only been pointed to Jesus, I believed and was saved, he sent down the Holy Spirit upon me alone with the works assigned to me, and the Spirit the dwells with in me leads me to those works! NOTHING "Audible" (YET!) But rather, my conscience says's, "YEP, do that!!! NOPE, don't do that!!!"...Even better yet, the other day before I went out, a thought came to my head...That, I'm going to see a Homeless man today while I'm out, so have some money ready for him when you see him...Sure enough, I get off the express way and there is a man with a sign and I have to beep my horn at him to get his attention and right as the light turned green he reached for the money and said he said to me, "God bless you, Hun!"....That's being lead by the spirit!! Peace to you and yours"
the weak points of calvinism are as followed. ... not biblical twisted scripture named after a guy who was greatly influenced by Gnosticism shall i go on ?
Calvinism is main cultural root in Switzerland resulting in suicidal record. It does rely on self-penitence, not physical but psychological. Calvinism background does generate the feeling of uselesness and seeds fear leading people to an empty inner world. I am an Orthodox, I apreciate Cothics but calvinism is a human disaster created by a lawyer who had no notion of the sacred. Now...NEW probably implies the failure of the first. And the way Calvin wanted to start from scratch, maybe his doctrin should go back to ashes...yes - doctrin!
Why don't you just follow the L-rd and keep his Commandments instead of people and trends? You do know Y'shua/Jesus wasn't a calvinist, right? How can you be something your Leader wasn't?
7:16 “There is a danger of confusing Calvinism with Christianity”. You said it, brother. Calvinism is a safe relaxing self centered do nothing unaccountable religion. The preacher love it be they are unaccountable. The people love it because they don’t have to work for the kingdom but the spirit does all the work. and you only have to make a showing. And nobody has to pray. why pray? This is all just a movie god is watching. one of his favorites. and all the need are a few verses here and there to believe it so even though the whole bible is full of if-then statements. lots of nonsense that people should keep to themselves because like the new atheist movement they believe nothing really matters but feels the need to share that with everyone
So you’ve come up brother with a new trend … NEW CALVINISM!!! I believe in T.U.L. I.P. . Calvin realized with Scripture one mean of Grace and also hated others to be called Calvinists because before him Zwinglio had studied the Scriptures and coincided
Reformed theology did not have its inception in the 21st century. In began with St Augustine. Are you aware of all the reformed confessions, church history, the PCA, RCUS, and other reformed denominations. Please speak the truth.
I watched a video of the history of South Africa which was founded by Dutch Reformed Calvinists. From that came apartheid and slave trading. Perhaps they were misled by their assumption that they were predestined to salvation and therefore they didn't really have to act like they were redeemed.
0:43 - #1, Trendiness
2:09 - #2, Celebrityism
3:09 - #3, Pride
4:19 - #4, Boundaries
5:34 - #5, Homogeneity
6:59 - #6 Cold Theology
This video, along with your introduction to the New Calvinist movement, and your video highlighting the evidences of God's grace in this movement, have been so refreshing and balanced. They were full of truth spoken in love, not angry rantings. That's hard to find these days.
What comes through most for me is the over-veneration of human leadership, 'I follow Apollos' 'I follow Calvin' etc.
Exactly. There is only One Name given under heaven whereby we must be saved. It is the resurrected Lord Jesus who is the present, living head of His One Body.
No one in calvinism follows calvin... Calvinism is just a name for it, its teachings are called doctrine of grace not doctrines of calvinism. Calvin didnt come up with his teachings, they are not new.
@@mrhevel7705 You are right, Calvin didn't come up with Calvinism. Augustine a Catholic monk who was a Manichean Gnostic imported Gnostic doctrines into Christianity in the late 4th century. Go ahead and read Augustine's writings. Then in the 1500s Calvin another Catholic monk included all of those doctrines in his writings called the Institutes of Calvin. None of the early church Fathers from the time of Christ till Augustine taught any such thing as Calvinism. Go ahead and look up their writings. I doubt that you will because you love the Calvinistic theology. Can you tell me how you know that you are one of the lucky ones that got chosen from eternity past? Look up all of the verses in the old and new testament that have the word elect and chosen and you will find the word servant in most of them, there were people or things that God elected or chose for some purpose to be in service for his purposes. Christ is refereed to as the elect one, does that mean God chose him for salvation? Anyone who puts their trust in Christ, and yes he draws us, is in Christ and therefore part of the elect. But you desire that God does not want most people in spite of the fact that there are many many verses that state otherwise. I would suggest that you throw out all of the definitions for all of the Calvinistic buzz words like elect, predestination, chosen, appointed, etc, and all of your Calvinistic presuppositions words and re read the Bible at least 3 or 4 times and see if you still come up with the same idea. You just might discover that God really is Love and that he desires that all men would be saved but unfortunately many people prefer darkness and want to be their own Gods thereby proving that they are depraved not by God's decree but because they are unwilling to submit to God.
@@skyt54 I think the point is that God knows those who will freely choose depravity and those who won't. None of us do but we must surely believe He does, and it seems consistent with the Biblical God.
skyt54 you said something at the end there, that I, as a Calvinist, absolutely love. You said that God desires all to be saved, but unfortunately people are darkened in their understanding and they would rather be their own gods and form their own gods. They are totally depraved, not because of God, but because of the wickedness within themselves. This is the Calvinist doctrine of reprobation and is supported heavily in Scripture as you yourself have discovered. God, in his sovereignty, allows totally depraved sinners to remain in their sin, and He has every right to do that. Justly, He could allow us all to remain in our sins. But praise God that He doesn’t! I could never choose God. How can those who are wicked follow after what is good? Unless God makes a way for them. Unless God reveals to them “the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” Unless the Holy Spirit washes and regenerates their wicked heart. The Holy Spirit, who, much like the wind is invisible to us and out of our control (John 3:8). We must be born of the Spirit, and we have no control over Him. Furthermore, our salvation is a gift from God. James tells us that every good gift and every perfect gift come from God. Salvation through Faith in the Gospel of Jesus and repentance are supreme among these gifts that we receive from God. Our salvation is from Him. With this comes, not pride, but humility. The great humility of knowing that everything good in you and everything good that you have is only by the grace of God. God bless you in your pursuit of truth in his Word.
We don't need to be more like "them" we Need to be more like Jesus. We need to share the gosple not just our pastors
Amen. We need the kinda parors that aren’t afraid to preach through john 6, ephesians 1, romans 9, isaiah 10, genesis-exodus (in total) and many more passages... without freezing up cuz it conflicts with your evangelism technique
Well said. I especially liked the last point. It isn’t a good thing that movements like “the gospel coalition” “together for the gospel” “acts 29” etc are distinctly Calvinist. They should be perhaps labeled as such. If we are actually focusing on spreading the GOSPEL and EVANGELIZING to the lost, then that should be open to include Bible-believing, gospel-centered, non-Calvinists too.
"If we are actually focusing on spreading the GOSPEL and EVANGELIZING to the lost, then that should be open to include Bible-believing, gospel-centered, non-Calvinists too." To a point, but a with limited boundaries. Some (some) 'Bible-believing, gospel-centered" give centering to the unbeliever with the employment of a circus entertainment atmosphere with sensual, harsh music. That, and the "alledged power of the pastor's convincing and forceful voice to somehow cause an emotional response". These I reject, these I cannot cooperate with.
I became a subscriber because of this post. Very balanced and loving toward those believers who don't embrace Calvinism, which seems to be most of the folks I know and love. Some day we'll get to Heaven and find out how right we were on some things, and how wrong we were on others.
Keep making these're good at it!
What if Calvinism is a false gospel and you're not going to heaven? What if you find out how wrong you were when Jesus tells you, "I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Then that means your saved by your theology and not faith 😉
Predestination is God's Business alone, there is no doctrine to support it, talking about it doesn't get anyone into the Kingdom nor keeps anyone out, because anyone who accepts Christ will not be turned away, therefore I don't worry about it.
Plus: The God of Yesterday is the Same God of today, when did he reform? And a "Movement" is the Last thing we need. What we need is an Explosion, a "Revival".
Christian Lives Matter // Crews no doctrine to support predestination!? Man, my head hurts just reading this 🥴
This is good. I first was drawn to reformed theology (didn't know that it was so called at that time) because it made sense of hard questions I had about Christianity for example, the problem of evil and of suffering, and what a remarkably humbling effect it had on my soul as it showed me the glorious yet tender grace of God to me, a worthless sinner. But now I have found myself drifting towards all six of these dangers, especially the ones about pride, celebrityism and cold theology. I put some preachers that I listen to on unwarranted pedestals. I've been guilty of making my first priority exactly what Tim said I shouldn't be (and he is right:) making people into Calvinists (not that that is wrong but that is at the expense of loving others and drawing people into Christ). I say this to my shame and sorrow that I've been heavily guilty of loving the theology way, way more than the God of the theology. I pray that God's kingdom would come and that God's Spirit would continue to reform my heart and the hearts of the people around me.
…first priority ..making people into Calvinists? No,the first priority is to show the non-Calvinist who believe Man is not totally depraved,salvation is conditional,God’s Grace makes salvation a possibility,Gods Grace can be resisted and we can fall out of Grace once “drawn by God is not Biblical. The Calvinist Bible is the Biblical Bible ( as Charles Spurgeon famously stated in a sermon). The non-Calvinist may be saved but has a false theoretical and false understanding of Biblical truth,that can only dampen his understanding of God glorifying himself in his Creation.
I don’t follow trends. I follow scripture! Calvinism (mostly) aligns with scripture so I am therefore comfortable with the doctrines of grace!
Calvinism is not central to my life in Christ. I hardly bring it up. Most members of my Church are not Calvinist and likely, some don’t even know who John Calvin is!
Limited atonement is another gospel
@@Lukesh30253 ah, so the atonement is universal? Are you a universalist?
Unless your a heretic, you also agree that the atonement is limited to those who believe.
@@sovereigngrace9723 the attonment made it so anyone can come to jesus without a high priest, he purchased the whooe cosmos not just people, the atonment doesnt save anyone, if christ isnt risen from the dead then his attonemnt was for nothing.
@@Lukesh30253 so we weren’t personally atoned for? The atonement isn’t what saved us, it’s the means by which we are saved? That’s your logic?
@@sovereigngrace9723 Atonement was made on behalf of all man whether you except it or not is another story. What saves you is being renewed and washed by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit by faith in the resurrection of Jesus
As a youngster, I recall a preacher describe an "ism" as too much of something. I did not ask 'what about Calvinism?' because I anticipated his reply. I figured I should welcome John Calvin as a theologian among others through whom our Lord has greatly blessed and used in the ongoing reformation of His church.
As the years went by, the general lack of interest in the Reformation and Calvinism, meant I could live my faith in the relative peace and quiet away from the spotlights or front lines of contemporary action. The resurgence of Reformed church theology certainly gives me joy, but the possible pitfalls Tim Challies is warning us about in the above video deserve our fullest attention in my opinion. The frightening potential for things to go terribly wrong seem to remain high at any point in church history this side of Heaven.
You lost me with identity Christianity. What does it matter that so-called new Calvinism was birthed by white middle class males? Why would you go there? Are we not all the same in God's eyes? I don't want to be strengthened by the skin color of others. I want to br strengthened by the faith of my brothers and sisters in Christ.
He lost me there and also at celebrityism. It seems to me that the charismatics and prosperity gospel preachers promote celebrities with extravagant lifestyles. Reformed teachers and preachers are the opposite of that, pointing to scripture and not to themselves.
Just because someone else is worse doesnt mean we are not bad. Thats like Eastern Orthodoxy condemning Roman Catholicism.
I can't find faith in brother and sister's anywhere in scripture. Faith should be in Christ alone.
I am also unconvinced that white-skinned believers or people have different classes have
much of a different view than those who are black-skinned, more wealthy or less wealthy.
Our Christianity unites us and we have so much in common due to this.
@@iannewton3820 Everyone has biases. Some are just more aware of their biases more than others. Being a white, upper-middle class American male is not a bad thing, of course, but it does lend that person to having a certain type of experiences, though processes, values, and perspectives. Tim is right that it is important to acknowledge and understand the implications of that. Those who have very different life experiences are going to tend to respond to Scripture differently, so you always want to check yourself that you're not following a version of Christianity driven by assumptions and perspectives that come from outside the Bible. That's always a good reminder for any branch of Christianity.
Well said .follow no man other than Jesus.
Ian Williamson amen.Well said we should follow Jesus Christ only!!! The word of god(Bible)only.
As someone who's been leaning more and more towards Calvinism, I really appreciate this.
Great thoughts, Tim. One other weakness (if you have not already mentioned, or if I missed it) is over emphasis on the structure of theology rather that how theology transforms our character to be more like Jesus.
Sir I see many youtube video of preacher performing healings on street?
What is your opinion sir?
My faith is only in Jesus and his Power and I myself have experienced great miracles in my life.But If I doubt them and their faith, wouldn't it be doubting the power of Jesus??
I can say I've been the recipient of a miracle healing, and personally witnessed many healings...
Example- my thumb growthplate had been broken (according to x-ray) for about a week... after I was prayed for, Jesus healed me... I went that week to the doctor to have my cast removed... By the miracle of God, my thumb was completely healed...
My wife ACL and MCL were torn, again another miracle seeing her healed...
My mom suffered from diabetes- God healed her 30 years ago...
I recognized there are fakes out there... But I also know what I've experienced... The living God we worship still has the power to heal us!!!
Homogenity - one thing I've noticed with the church I've been attending, is that there seems to be churches within the church. That is to say, cliques within the ecclesia. I'm 35yo old, divorced, no children, male, blue collar worker. Who would want to invite me into their home, around their children, sit at a place at their table? If they can't relate to me. This goes both ways here. It's awkward sitting in a men's ministry talking about the blessings and commands of being a husband and father, when none of it speaks to me. How can I be in a collective group at church when there doesn't seem to be one for me?
Just keep going. Or at least while churches are online during these times, just keep doing church. Just keep reading scripture, and just keep connecting with real people within the church. Somehow, the Lord will lead you along the path closer and closer to Him.
I am single and can relate to what you said.
REALLY good point
This is the third video I have watched from you. Just wanted to say I appreciate your heart and what you have to say. I think what you say here is of immense value to any movement within the Christian Church. I do not agree with all of Calvin's understanding and conclusions concerning grace and therefore not a Calvinist, but just wanted to show my appreciation for whatever it is worth.
William H Amen!
I felt the same way, thanks
Who can read the teachings of Jesus, and say that Abba, Father, rejects the children, who come to him and trust Him. Foreknowledge is not control. Who of us puny humans can understand the ways and mind of a timeless and eternal God. "WHOSOVER calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Repeat John 3:16. You know whst it says
Jesus said that we are primarily to love God, and secondly to love others. If God forces us to love Him, then that is not love, but something else. We have Freedom for Faith. Try it.
@@stephenhoskins6107 But God DOESN'T "reject the children who comt to Him," as you put it. Even Jesus made this clear by saying, "Come ot me, ALL who are weary and heavy laden..." The invitation, therefore, is genuine and freely offered to all. But surely you don't believe in universalism? So God is both consistent and sovereign in both John 3:16 and 2 Peter 3:9.
Well pointed regarding point 4 (pride) and 1 (the danger of confusing Christianity with Calvinism). I have reformed friends who only preach Calvinism, instead of preaching Christ (the Gospel). I find this to be very unbiblical and prideful at the same time.
I don’t get this video. For starters, it’s entitled ‘weaknesses’ of the New Calvinism, but talks about ‘dangers’. I’ve been listening to John MacArthur, John Piper and RC Sproul for years and they’ve helped me grow as a Christian in my understanding of the Bible. I don’t believe in or agree with everything they say, and I believe that this is due to the fact that I’ve grown as a Christian, and so my discernment has grown, too. Like any movement, Christian or non-Christian, everything depends on the people in it, specially the leaders. It’s not about the ‘movement’ itself. Like I mentioned, I’ve grown a lot as a Christian listening to the godly men Tim mentioned. So far I haven’t come across any of the ‘dangers’ or ‘weaknesses’ listed. For example, I’m Chinese-Indonesian, and I’ve never come across any teaching that is typically white Caucasian in nature. I believe this is because the Gospel is universal, and that’s how God Himself has designed it to be. As for ‘cold’ theology, I’ve always found that the theology taught by these men helps me a great deal in understanding the Bible, and of course God. Again, it all depends on the people: discernment on the part of the Christians, and devotion to the Lord and His Word on the part on the leaders. Also, please be consistent. Are you talking about ‘dangers’ or ‘weaknesses’? Dangers refer to the future, while weaknesses talk about the current condition. Apart from that, bless you! Keep up the good work!
Lena Chandra
Danger is the correct word for ALL Calvinist teachings.
To believe that God Chooses to send more Human Beings that he created to Hell, to GIVE to Satan that betrayed him is 100% Blasphemy! Run, hun!
"Beyond the fundamentals" on YT, Romans 9, limited atonement decimated, etc. Best wishes for you, Lena. Calvinism is error, continue to grow in Christ!
@@grindercap In the end, Calvinism (masquerading as some sort of reformation) is a heresy.
How can one follow a man over Jesus? That’s what calvinism truly is.
If I could match him to a biblical character, I would say Timothy.
Always edified listening to his vid blogs!
Well, that's his name!
Help me understand how " Calvinism " works with the great commission to preach the Gospel to all the world if salvation is already pre-ordained?
I prefer reformed than Calvinist. Calvin was just one person in the reformed movement. as for pride and cold theology I'll state this and it's borrowed from Al Martin "there is no such thing as a proud Calvinist". Isaiah 6:5. that is the picture of a person who has a genuine encounter with God.
Adam Boyd Calvinistic does not equal Reformed.
Reformed extends more to regularice worship, being Sabatarian, and other things I can’t think of at the moment. Reformed people are ALSO Calvinistic though.
But not all Calvinists are reformed.
and the reformers did not agree....
I have been reading the Puritans a lot lately. It is interesting how powerful their influence was over England for 100 years.
I think your last point is what really kept them a fire filled Spirit led group. They don't just have excellent theology. There is a hunger to know Christ intimately. Like Richard Sibbes says in A Breathing After God, everything in the Christian life needs to flow out of desire. It's not just a matter of belief and obedience, but of deep seated hunger to know the God who gave us the glorious revelation!
To live the doctrines of grace and to see their powerful God honoring attributes which other traditions simply are ignorant of, should not lead us to arrogance but humility and a desire to show this beautiful God to the rest of Christianity.
Calvinist for the most part are very sincere not always correct but sincere, quote from John Calvin: "By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. All are not created on equal terms, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death."
This view of God is Unbiblical and distorts the meaning of God is Love, God is Holy and God does not show partiality.
Provisionism would say: “God is most glorified not at the expense of His Creation BUT at the expense of Himself for the sake of His Creation as demonstrated on Calvary.” check out the website soteriology101 -You will be refreshed by the Biblical view of a God who truly Loves All of His creation. "For God so Loved the World"
Sincerity is a path that leads to Hell. Nobody is preordained to eternal life as there is zero scripture backup. Calvinism is an evil theology which was started by an evil man. Calvin murdered a man who disagreed with him. That should give pause to anyone saying they follow Calvin. Calvinism does not understand election nor freedom of choice. A person is elected to an office, eternal life is NOT an office it is a state of being that is you are either saved or not saved. We elect people to represent us in government, God elects people to represent Him here on Earth. Abraham was elected to start a new nation, ALL Jews are elected to represent God's holiness. A preacher is elected by God to represent His teachings.Our Earthly station does not represent our Heavenly station.
Every person is free to choose their eternity, Jesus and Paul makes that clear. New Calvinism seems to be the last ditch effort by Satan to seduce people away from the Gospel and it is working well for him.
Amen! In a word, God has chosen those who have chosen Him! Believers are predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son! Romans 8:29 Of course God knew who would be saved from the foundation of the world,! God wants ALL to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth! It is predestined that everyone that jumps in a pool is going to get wet. God doesn't push you in nor does He hold you back....Jesus settled it, WHOSOEVER BELIEVES! John 3:16 and scores of verses like it.
@@roypierce2049 Love it !!! God has predestined that everyone who jumps in the pool will get wet. Fantastic....
@Roy Pierce you still misunderstand what the scriptures say. God the Father is accepting those who choose Jesus. The Father had already decided to choose that those who chose Jesus would be holy, blameless and treat them as adopted children. I will try a simpler analogy. A director wants actors for a new play. The director asks a group of actors who wants to be in the play. 50% put there hand up. The director knows all the actors and CHOOSES the roles each will play. Likewise the Father asks, “Who wants to live in my house through my Son, Jesus?” Some of us put our hands up (we choose) and then He chooses (elects ) us on what roles we play. Some are leads like Apostles, Evangelists etc and some are extras and there is a huge roles in between because He knows us.
how can anyone believe in predestination when Jesus said God so loved the world, He didn't say God so loved the predestined to salvation ones...or 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.
i don't know, i have never taken the time to learn all the ins and outs of Calvins predestination...
@@briancooper2833 greetings.
John 3:36 states "The one who believes in the Son has eternal life; but the one who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”
you have it twisted to say "the wrath of God remains on him so he does not obey the Son."
Please stop trying to un-win souls for Christ!
take care
@@briancooper2833 greetings again. i have a question...
if God decrees all things as calvinists teach, then even the evil that people do that He decrees is actually doing His will. If all people are doing His will regardless if it is good or evil WHY IS THERE A NEED FOR A REDEEMER??
Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.
so which one is it for you?? if i have no choice and am doing what God decrees, i therefor am doing God's will am i not??
why does humanity even need a redeemer??
This is a fair assessment of the new calvinist movement which has also reached us in Africa...
Why is there so little grace in Calvin's writing?
They misuse the word, like the prosperity theology people misuse the word "faith."
Because Calvinism redefines grace as “irresistible grace” which is nowhere stated or even implied in scripture. The grace of God and the unsearchable riches of Christ are gifts to “whosoever will” receive Him and walk with Him in childlike faith. But due to their false doctrine of election, Calvinists gloss over the fact that the Christian life “is by faith, that it might be in accordance with grace”. God’s grace is sufficient. All things are possible, only believe. 🎚🙏🏼📖
Hutson Smelley, who is a former Calvinist, has the best exegetical refutation of Calvinism I’ve ever heard. It’s called, “Calvinism on Trial.”
I never heard the term "new calvinist" before. What the heck is that?
People who believe God predestined people to hell
That's not new.
It's just a new name for hyper-Calvinism.
So then it's not new.
The problem is that all the things he pointed out has happened. The New Calvinism has become a vehicle woke ideology and CRT, precisely because it is trend and celebrity driven.
Calvinist Dictionary
All: The elect.
Everyone: The elect.
Kosmos: Greek word that means “The elect”.
Whosoever: The elect.
World: The elect.
Haha ,they have their problems.
Those God has chosen to save, for His glory: the elect
@@americangothic1313 Whosoever will: the elect.
Whosoever is more accurately translated to “everyone believing.”
“All”when given in the context of Jews being the primary audience, it’s absolutely plausible that it doesn’t mean “every individual”. Jews thought they were the only ones who who were chosen to be saved. So when the message of “the world” being saved came about, it must be interpreted by the Jewish audience. People from every nation will be saved, not just jews.
Does this help?
@@sovereigngrace9723 What does "any" and "all" in 2 Peter 3:9 mean?
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
The doctrine of grace has been around since the Reformers and even before themselves.
@Paul. E Tedder
The doctrine of Grace *is not tulip!*
Are you aware that no other church father taught these things except Augustine and he was heavily influenced by stoic Gnostic and manichean thought and philosophies,, If he only held these views the last 18 years of his life the 1st 25 years of his life he taught traditionalism and the view that man had free will !!
@@jtomas3611 You got that right well said my friend
It’s not a movement,it’s the Truth!!!
Would you update this series based on today status of the Young, restless and reformed? Is it going the same direction of the emerging church and progressivism?
Thanks for creating this. Although I definitely appreciate Calvinism and reformed theology it surprises me that some big name reformed leaders speak so pejoratively about so called “devotional churches”, churches that emphasise loving God and following Him above all things rather than necessarily focusing on teaching theology. Loving God is the first command. The love of our “tight theology” should never trump God’s first command. Pride in how tight our theology is should never become the focus of our walk. Seeking to love Him and love others in a way that conforms to the scriptures is what our focus should be on.
When did New Calvinism begin?
When a bunch of grumpy old mansplainers didn't want girls in their clubhouse.
Thank you so much for the depth and breadth of the history and assessment of this "movement". It is clearly a move allowed and aided by the Holy Spirit, but as you wisely note, full of potential shortcomings (and failures?) To the extent that it is led by humans. I appreciate your faithful, honest, comprehensive, and intelligent assessment. I especially appreciate so much your heart for God's heart, the love, grace, and truth of Jesus. Amen.
Hey Tim (or anyone really), I'm curious as to whom you are referring when talking about "Calvinism's leaders" who have been idolized or who are unqualified. Thanks!
Are you implying that you have to be qualified to be idolized? Let's try Johnny Mac ( He has his picture on the Study Bible that carries his name), Tim Keller, Todd Friel, R. C. Sproul, Sinclair Ferguson, David Platt, John Piper, D. G. Hart and C. Van Til and the most high altar to J. Grehsam Machen.
No, I was asking who the idolized people are. But seeing as you listed all the big names in Calvinism it seems like you think they're all idolized (which could be the case for anyone or any movement), which wasn't the point of my question. And as a side, my JMac study bible doesn't have his picture in it (nor does having your picture in a study bible necessarily mean ANYthing, positive or negative).
Calvinism teaches another gospel . The only reason it wasn't put down when it reared its ugly as it has always been in the past . Neognosticism , blasphemy against GOD HIMSELF .
I'm a Calvinist and honestly I don't think the movement will last. I want it to. And I don't mean to be pessimistic. But it's made up of people who are sinful and on the whole just always fall. Just look at Israel in the OT. Also church history hasn't born out Calvinism before. The Reformed churches of western Europe are in shambles and the Puritans are gone. Last, if it is correct theology, God will not want it on a pedestal. The true church has always been a remnant. God would rather have a pure people than conceited masses.
just saw someone state the opposite description.....
The popular proof-texting that supports this bizarre teaching does not stem from the Bible in all reality. It stems from St. Augustine who came out of a cult called Manicheanism, which had strong Gnostic undertones. The idea of being the Elect is a Biblical concept, but Augustine gave it a gnostic flavor that was then later embraced by Calvin. Calvin then said that to understand the Bible you must first read his book as an "essential prerequisite" to get accurate theology (A very scary and arrogant thing to claim). Calvin's arrogance was passed down and his ideas became radicalized. The proof-texting became more nuanced and sophisticated and eventually you had a clean, reductionistic system that was based off of a few key texts. The rest of the Bible and many key passages disprove Calvinism thoroughly and so you have to suppress the truth in a blind commitment to maintain the system or speak of mystery, antinomy, or what I call blatant contradiction. Then you have to marginalize those who object with sound-bites like "they exalt man" or "They believe in a weak God" or "They say Man can save himself" or "he is a synergist" or "He is semi-pelagian" etc,. This strong-man becomes famous as the norm for a non-Calvinism. It is a tactic shared by Cults, but Calvinism is not cult. It just came from a cult via St. Augustine. The God described is horribly arbitrary, cruel, overly controlling, not interested in Biblical love, nor good. It is extremely unBiblical and terribly unfortunate that John 6,10, PHil 1:29, Romans 8 & 9, Eph 1 and 2, etc. etc. get taught through the lens of one man who claimed his book was the key to the "sacred text". What a Con!! Don't fall for it. It is a lie and I can show in detail why it is false.
Pretty much nailed it. The Calvinists I've spoken to all talk as though they had the monopoly in believing in the sovereignty of God.
Sovereignty can either mean God is in control meaning God is literally in control of the entire universe doing whatever He wants consistent with what is in His good pleasure and will (Psalm 115:3). Or sovereignty can mean God is ALL-Controlling meaning God is controlling man's thoughts, good, evil, the devil, rapists, charities, Fraud, and all things happening are ordaining and meticulously made to be exactly as they are. God could operate this way, but scripture is clear that many things God is not very happy about and didn't orchestrate effectually. Calvinists do not have the corner, but they sure think they have the higher hand often times. They do own the internet it seems.
Thanks for sharing. You helped me.
Here are some of my notes:
How the Gospel Frees Us from Occult and Calvinistic Deceptions
The occult deception:
When the occult deception claims that God is the all and only being,
1. It is implied that one is either a manifestation of God or that one is a fragment of God,
2. Thus exalting ourselves and denying God His true position as our Father,
3. This positional claim leads to one not relying on and ultimately rejecting God.
4. Having rejected God, our true Creator, our truest Love, and our true Vine, one withers in spirit like a severed branch. This happened to me before I believed in my heart in Jesus Christ.
The Calvinistic deception:
If we say that God fundamentally makes all choices,
We imply the following:
1. God chooses evil.
2. God glorifies Himself by designing some people for Hell.
3. Our choices are fundamentally not real.
4. Even if we affirm responsibility for our choices, we implicate God on a fundamental level.
In the case of both deceptions, false claims that seem initially to exult God are actually denying His Fatherly love and holiness.
Truth of the Gospel
1. God lovingly created us dependent beings out of nothing, breathing us to life in His image and likeness.
2. God wants us to live in loving relationship with Him, participating in His love, sharing His love with one another.
3. The choice of angels and humans to deny God is the fundamental evil, caused by those rejecting God. God allows this choice because He wants our love to be genuine. God would have all choose Him. 1/3 of the angels as well as Adam and Eve rejected God by pridefully choosing to be “wise” and like-God while simultaneously rejecting a trusting, loving relationship with God.
4. God lovingly invites all people to choose Him, to place our faith in the grace of Jesus Christ as our LORD and Savior - Who died as the only random for our sins.
5. Like a marriage, God embraces all who turn to Him. Transcending time, God knows who will choose Him. God runs toward the prodigal son before the son even looks up. He rejoices in those who choose Him and mourns over those who reject Him. God loves all people.
6. Jesus Christ commanded the Great Commission so that all people would hear the Gospel and be presented with the choice to receive Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior.
Both the occult and Calvinist deceptions renounce a reciprocal relationship with God.
Jesus Christ wants us to be in a devotional relationship with Him.
This relationship is essential to the Good News.
Thank You, Jesus Christ!
Ephesian 1
Colossians 3:12-14
2Thess. 2:13-15
Romans 8:29-30
2Timothy 2:10
John 6:37-40
I see what you did there.
New Calvinism's rejection of the regulative principle of worship/exclusive psalmody and the acceptance of Papist Holydays really shows how it's not really reformed. Look at the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland and see if any of the New "Calvinists" would like to have biblical worship like that? They don't want to really follow the Puritans even though they claim how great they are.
Wow, the third one near the 4:00 was powerful.
I would like to bring up something Tim from what you shared. You said that the new Calvinism has the look of white American men etc. Then you said that we have to look into diversity which I agree. With this I wanna bring up your disapproval of the Prayer of Jabez when you said that Wilkinson just promoted and encouraged human greed. Well let me just say that maybe in America its considered greed and rightly so. I have lived in the States for 5 years and can clearly say that many Americans who call themselves poor are middle class in other countries. Middle Class Americans are well to do in other countries. So when a person prays the prayer of Jabez hoping that God will pay his bills and give Him a better life, its not necessarily greed but Human Need. The late Yonggi Cho stated that when he preached the gospel to the farmers, they were not interested in the salvation of their souls, they just wanted to know if God will bless their crops first so they could pay their bills, feed their children etc. So he preached the blessing of God which eventually and sadly was run down as Prosperity Gospel. Let me give you another example. In my country Malaysia, if a student wants to study in America and the fees is 100k USD a year, that would mean her parents would have to raise 450k Malaysian ringgit a year to put her through college. If I were to eat at TGIF or the Olive Garden in Malaysia, I would pay around 160-200 ringgit for the meal but if you were to go for Asian food in the US you would probably pay 30USD or less. I think Americans need to get a context as to how the rest of the world is. I would pray the prayer of Jabez and have done too. In many ways its what kept me believing in the mercy and favor of God all my life. I think the mistake you just made is to see everyone like you would see America. Btw. I don't believe that Calvinism is the purest form of the Gospel. It is very logical but then the Gospel is not always that logical.
Calvinism's biggest area of weakness is that it's not biblical.
We aren't totally depraved, sinners outside of Christ can still act with compassion and still recognize their bondage to sin. The analogy to Lazarus is eisegesis and has to be extracted from scripture.
Election is *very* conditional, there are over eighty warnings of permanently falling away, *after* coming to the knowledge of the truth. Election, however is also not individual Romans 9 is about the corporate election of Israel, not you. Romans 10 tells us how we become of the elect, 11-14 tells us how we stay of the elect.
11:19-23 is the clearest on that, if God cut the Jews off, fear Him as he may cut you off as well.
Atonement is not limited by God, it's available to all who come to him. Why would anyone limit God?!
Grace is not irresistible, hence the eighty warnings of falling away, including three specifically that warn of falling short of grace, receiving grace in vain...
And perseverance, is a synergistic act. God by his nature is a synergistic God and desires to work with us. 2 Co 6:1 in fact uses the Greek word for synergy, when Paul calls himself a fellow worker with God.
No to Calvinism, yes to the gospel of Jesus
what then do you do with John 17 :6-20?
@@dfischer1709 What do you do with 2Pet. 3:9?
@@dfischer1709 don’t stop at verse 20, read verse 21 where Jesus expresses His desire for the whole world to believe in Him.
Ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth
I really appreciate reformed theology pushing the need for the Bible to be the finally authority in an age were feelings dictate direction and gold dust appears from ventilation in buildings (I'm not kidding) it's so important to rely on God's Word alone
My concern is for the "Cold theology" as described in this video
As I study and learn from teachers and others in the movement, it often seems very cold to those outside the movement. I have seen a lot of condemning of others not in the movement without so much as prayer offered for others
It just seems like cold religion at times I don't know how to put my finger
On it
Perhaps someone can enlighten me on the subject
iz thefaithful
In my opinion, the coldness is due to how the paint God.
They make Him out to be very cold and malicious. Damning people before having done any good or evil.
It makes sinners out to be victims and God out to be a tyrant.
That’s what I see to be the problem.
Good video, I like Tim's perspective, indeed this is true right now. I noticed some Reformed folks displayed these dangers or weaknesses.
Love this♥️. You my brother, are helping me big time.
I love sound Biblical doctrine, but with power & influence by these men, it must be wisely & prayerfully implemented!
I am deeply saddened by the trendiness, social gospel & Lectio Divina that has been promoted by some leaders in the New Calvinist Movement.
It seems that as men have their power & groups & their clicks, that inevitably problems arise because it is the nature of man to want power, just for the sake of it, many movements quickly seem to go off-track.
Go back to the truth of the Bible and be careful not to take on Catholic influences & practices.
The Gospel is always 100% relevant, it does not need humanity to do somersaults to make it so !!!
Maybe we need to have a video showing the glaring errors of extreme Armanian doctrine. Do these fellows even know that their views fall to the left or the right of these two views; Calvin or Armanius? This by the way is historical theology, which I would think it would serve us well to be more familiar with. Many of those opposing Calvinism are Arminians without realizing it. If we have done our homework we would study all of the scriptures on both sides of the issue. I was sitting in a service while a visiting minister heard me make a comment during adult Sunday school class that we are the elect. That word was not in his vocabulary and when he go up to preach he blasted me from the pulpit. He didn't like the fact that word is in the Bible because he just removed it from his mind. How do you account for so many terms like elect, election and other related terms in our Bibles. They are there and are inspired of God. A study of these words in the Greek NT would shed a lot light on what is meant by these terms. Of course, there are those that use simplistic explanations to dismiss them out of hand.
I like what your saying. At the end when talking about diversity, I have never seen a reformed church opposed to diversity, because they don't concentrate on it, they are welcoming to all. Tim, are we just responding to political pressures of society? I don't think we are sending a message that reformed doctrine is the American white thing. Do we really want to go out and get "token" people from other nations and races? Just preach the gospel to all men and God will bring in those in whom he calls no matter what nation or color they are. Tim, please do not fall prey to the whole #metoo culture of political social justice.
To my knowledge, there is nowhere in the New Testament scriptures that outline a series of “Doctrines of Grace”. I do read a lot in Paul’s letters about “the God of all grace”, the “Spirit of grace”, and “the grace of God”, especially as contrasted with the Law. I also read of the person of Christ Jesus whom St. John said was “full of grace and truth”. Thus there is a huge difference between the neo-Calvinist’s phrase “doctrines of grace” and the way the scriptures themselves describe “the grace of God in truth”, as God is not a doctrine of the letter, but a Person. Remember, the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. 🎚📖😇🙏🏼
Any "pride" as a Calvinist theologian should not be in the absolute assurance of our theological convictions but rather that we take seriously our theology.
We should not feel proud after knowing biblical predestination, because it is also in the scriptures that many will abandon faith and listen to doctrine of Devils, so we should pray and fear we do not become one of them, instead of thinking "we are elect".
God Hates Pride, so be careful as you learn calvinism and think you're somewhat special, since it is also in scriptures that many will be called but a few chosen.
When preaching about the Word of God to someone, teach them to believe in the Sacrifice and Ressurrection of The Messiah Jesus/Yahusha/Yeshua and follow the commandments to walk in the same path he showed to us all. We can only go to the father through him.
Honest question (and I do go to a reformed church ), is calling yourself a Calvinist a form of idolatry? I gatta be honest, I always tell people I am a biblisist. Not a Calvinist, not an Arminiest, etc... but a biblisist.
I fear often times the average Calvinist celebrates their theology over scripture. Calvin over Christ. Another thing is do people ever question Calvinisum? I myself am not a Sensationalist but rather a Continuationist. Not in the weird unbiblical NAR, IHOP sense as God is a God of order and not chaos but in the basic spiritual gifts listed in scripture. I do think speaking in tounges is a gift still in use but the angelic tounge is to be for your self and not to show off. But I also believe in the Acts 2 tounges ie: known languages. I know most Calvinist would probably reject that. Again, I am a biblisist a Christian first and above all else.
How looking a sinner in the eyes & not be able to tell him/her with assurance that Christ died for them is not only horrific & is the polar opposite as "Good News".
people who believe reformed theology do tell all people Jesus died for them as no one but God know the elect.
Our Lord is sovereign in all things including salvation.
I would consider myself a 5 point spurgeonist and now(since my faith got reformed/not because of this video) finally i really understand why mission is so important: to gather all the sheeps of god, all the elect(Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. - 2. Timothy 2, 9)
Could you do a video series like this on New Age Christianity? Thanks for parsing this out.
Trendlines, Celebratysm, Pride, boundaries, homogeneity, and Cold Theology!!
After I first became a believer in a reformed PCA church and my life turned upside down during my conversion, the first thing that began to gnaw on my soul was the idolatry of the reformed movement. That fact that one of it's leaders had his picture and name on a study bible really got to me. I then learned quickly to only read books from certain publishers. When I went to seminary there were always these small little cultic groups that would follow the well-known reformed professor around campus. These folks were always quick with their rebukes to those that didn't hold to the same distinctives. Often to the point of questions other's faith. All the while in constant adoration of their earthly theological leaders.
The title for this video is "New Calvinism's Areas of Weakness" but the speaker actually address potential dangers. I'm surprised that no actual weaknesses are listed. Perhaps these could be considered weaknesses: 1st, women are excluded from leadership and teaching positions. That's over half the population. A huge weakness IMO; 2nd the New Calvinism is weak in seriously grappling with historical factors when interpreting scripture. It seems more concerned with a 16th century reformers reaction to the corruption of the Catholic Church than in trying to understand the mindsets and worldviews of the 1st century when exegeting N.T. documents; one more: its whole system of theology is based on a reductionist view of God's sovereignty which doesn't do justice to what the scriptures actually say. Here's a simple examle: John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." The New Calvinism, as far as I know, still holds to 'Limited Atonement.' I.e. Jesus only died for the Elect. Rather than accept paradox and mystery they tend to try to nail everything down with their systems own internal logic.
Geoff Halpin. I agree potential dangers real or percieved is not my concern....if its not biblical Christianity flat out reject it. Make the reasons you reject plainly stated as you have already stated. I dont think rejecting it in a nice sensible way is doing anybody any good.
Did Jesus Christ die for the sins of the whole world? Does faith proceed regeneration? Where can I check out a statement of faith?
The dangers you speak of would not be consistent with being a believer in the Calvinism category. If you are saying that people want to be Calvinist above being a believer of scripture and Jesus as Christ, then I understand and again would say they are not Calvinist. The last few comments sounded a though this is a new denomination and I would agree that the worst of Christianity happened in the group think within denominations. From the Puritans persecuting other believers to the progressivism in Baptist, the group takes on all of these weaknesses and that applies to all not just new Calvinist.
Theology and hermeneutics are very different things.
The entire system is weak...The 5 points are read into the text not derived from it.
Pharisees would be Calvinist if they existed today. And proud of it.
Excellent points: celebrityism, pride, and trend. Calling oneself a believer of Jesus Christ gives only one label--Christian "God doesn't call us to Christianity to be called Calvinists" amen--and one source of theology--The Bible.
I rather see the new Calvanists who have a recognized body of doctrine than the new trend in many churches that have no doctrine or genuine gospel. Yes, their may be some weaknesses in the new movement, but it sure beats all of the nut-jobs, and groups that hate any type of doctrine. There are too many who therefore are teaching whatever whim hits them and whatever is new regardless if it lines up theologically or Biblicaly.
Their weaknesses come from the entire black TULIP that should have been buried in John Calvin’s coffin with him. ✝️📖
I'm curious. If someone believes they choose God all on their own then shouldn't that person be proud of themselves? That person would be at least half responsible for their own eternal life. God would not have saved them without themselves. Shouldn't they celebrate their decision like a birthday or something? After all that's a pretty big deal.
ABC Kids Nope. Because That Choice Wouldn't Have Been Possible Without God's Mercy And Grace.
But your salvation would not be possible with out your choice right? Your choice is the key right? So why not be proud and celibate your choice?
Or did God change your heart so that you would make the choice where you otherwise could not?
If you were chosen, what keeps you from being proud that you're somehow more special than the majority of the world that God hasn't chosen? You're special enough to be created as an eternal being and chosen to spend eternity with the Lord for His glory. That's pretty nice considering all the people who were created as eternal beings and spend eternity in hell for His glory. Or since it's all predetermined, and for His glory, should not those who reject Him, reject Him with pride? I mean, God chose them to spend an eternity in hell all for His glory.
I'll take a God who is a gentleman that doesn't force Himself on anyone. I'll take a loving relationship I'm allowed to enter into. I'll take the God of Job who knows He's worthy of love and worship, regardless of what He gives us. And if this is all predetermined then I don't really have the ability to have these thoughts anyway. They were put here by God.
I'm not trying to be smart. We do a lot of arguing back and forth. I don't agree with the calvinist doctrine. If it was the teachings of Jesus why did it take over 1500 years to discover it and have a man's name attached to it? I could be wrong, but I don't think your view on calvinism (pro or against) will get you in, or keep you out, of heaven. Salvation belongs to the Lord, and he alone gives it by His grace, through our faith. I believe God's grace is big. If we had to take a doctrinal test to get into heaven, who would pass? Look throughout church history and you'll see the church has gone through many phases. I'm thankful I'm saved by grace and not a doctrine.
So, according to Calvinism, you will be saved whether you like it or not?
ccfatunc Yes and no. Yes, because nobody would ever want or choose God if left alone to their own desires and will, without grace. But no, because everyone who is saved wants to be saved - that's the point of irresistible grace (it's only by grace that we desire God). Tell me - have you ever met a Christian who wished they were going to hell?
Paul Washer is very missions minded. I am not familiar with Bachman and White. i have a difficult time listening to Todd Friel. Maybe his goal is to attract young people not 64 year olds.
I was surprised that you said we should become more like the poor, and not more like Christ. Indeed, we should not require them to become like us, but we should all strive to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Would he say that Islam or Mormonism is a move of god because of its growth? Growth does not indicate it is a move of God.
Yes. The mould in my fridge grows pretty fast.
Please tell me ONE megachurch that is distinctively reformed. Second- please list some scriptures (as opposed to your opinions) where Calvinist doctrine is refuted. I have not heard one scripture in your speech.
You say that the main problem with the current new Calvinism is that it has high profile pastors that lead the movement and people look to them for their theology. You say that Calvinism is the pure gospel. In reality the gospel is the good news that God provided a way thru the sacrifice of himself by Christs death and resurrection for all men to have a restored relationship with God. Calvinism declares that God has decreed absolutely everything including all of the sins that each of us will commit. James White and other Calvinists state that if a man rapes and kills a little girl that, that is what God had planned for him to do. So therefore God sent his son to pay for the sins that he determined beforehand that everyone would commit. The Bible nowhere declares that for God to be sovereign he must decree all things. He does decree some things but show me were the Bible says he decrees absolutely everything down to the molecular level as stated by John MacAuthor. Calvinists also state that man thru Adam lost the ability to respond to God, that is nowhere stated in scripture. You misinterpret the verses you use to say that. You also say that God does not want to save everyone only a select group and the rest he intended to damn in hell for his glory. Calvin states that clearly in his institutes. You also say that the ones that he saves he saves them against their will and RC Sproul says that some are literally dragged form their rebellion. You claim that we are dead and can’t respond and God has to with his irresistible grace save you first and then give you faith. That is not scriptural. You ignore many many verses that say when the gospel is preached that hearing the gospel has the effect of drawing all men to Christ and when men put their trust in Christ that God makes us alive in Christ. Faith is not a work and that is very clearly stated in scripture. Look it up. The Bible says that faith comes thru hearing the gospel and we who are not robots can respond to the drawing of the spirit of God. You say that that means that we can save ourselves. How unbiblical. So your pure gospel of Calvinism is not good news at all it’s just a man made theology for a select few lucky people. Your definitions of elect, predestination, chosen, etc. are philosophical ideas that were imported into Christianity by Augustine. Augustine a catholic monk who was a Gnostic Manichean before he adopted Christianity combined his previous Manichean doctrines into Christianity in the 4th century and in the 1500s Calvin another catholic monk wrote all these doctrines in his institutes. Go ahead and read all of Augustine and the Gnostic's and you will see. Read the bible it says that whosoever will believe and trust in Christ will have eternal life, it says that God is not willing that any should perish. Read the whole new testament 4 times and write down all the verses like this and then tell me how you think that God’s offer of salvation only applies to a lucky few who were chosen from eternity past. What I would say to you Calvinists is that if you really have the Love of Christ in your being that you should get down on your knees and with great fervor appeal to God and ask him to take your neighbor and his children instead of you. None of the early church Fathers from Christ to the 4th century taught anything like Calvinism. Go ahead and read them and tell me what you find. But if you love your Calvinist doctrine above all and you think you are special and God wants to damn your neighbor and his wife and children because he didn’t want them go ahead and preach your Bad News Gospel to the mountain tops. Our culture is in disarray and going down the tubes really fast but if your Gospel is true it is because God has decreed it so therefore you Calvinists can rejoice greatly in that. I would suggest that it is your Gospel that is needlessly hastening the downfall of America because you are declaring A God that is not the God of the Bible. John MacAurthur stated that if God made salvation available to all men that he would not fell special at all. Wow that makes the Pharisees sound like saints.
John 5:24 ¶Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
@KTTGHMTJWYCBLAC I don't have a hostility to God making His own choices, but when you turn a deaf ear to the word of God, you do not know what His choices are. Are His choices at all revealed by His word, or is His word fillled with mere public relations statements, disclaimers that are falsehoods concocted to take the heat off God until a more favorable crowd is in predominance? I mean, God wouldn't say a thing, even through an apostle or prophet, then wink at us through a theologian to tell us not to take that statement seriously. There are so many that Calvinism
I believe those verses, as well as I understand them, but I know that the true understanding of them must be in agreement with other scripture, and not a way that seems to agree with a small selection of scriptures that make each other seem to mean something that's at total odds with other scripture. So say I want people to believe something evil about Jesus; what would I choose? "I know: first, we will say He promoted cannabalism, eating human flesh (people have said and believed this about him). Then, he said he was "like a thief in the night" (He also said he was not like a thief, who comes to steal, kill and destroy, but that He came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly. But He can't fool me! He's a thief!). Then he admitted that He would take worship as "my Lord and my God", which is blasphemy. This was overheard by spies in the disciples house, when...oh, forget it, but this Jesus was a bad sort, and He said many such bad things." If I seize on those sayings, interpreting them that way, have I been honest? The evil interpretations of a handful of verses seem to validate each other, but that doesnt mean that the interpretation is really validated by them, no matter how consistent the fact that the verses as interpreted the truth is, they don't. Because I am deliberately ignoring the verses that would show me that my interpretation is wrong, and even dishonest and blasphemous, it is not even a valid interpretation of the handful of verses I think support my case. I do not see that Calvinism has any response to most verses that disprove it, other than to shrug them off, as if they are nothing before the all encompassing wisdom of Augustine and Calvin. Some of them, they explain away, usually by inserting the explanation, found nowhere in scripture, that the statements apply only to the elect. They got that from Calvinist theologians, not from Gods word, but call them on it, and they will launch a defense of philosophy as necessary to understanding the Bible. They will claim that, without the theologians, no understanding is possible, yet condemn with a bold face, what Jesus said about the Holy Spirit being sent to guide us into all truth, as an offense against "sola scriptura"!
Okay, there are so many verses Calvinists scoff and disagree with, because they do not agree with Calvinism's formulations.
(1) Is it true that Jesus is the light that lights every man who comes into the world? (John 1)
(2) Is it true that Jesus draws all men to Himself? (John 12:32)
If either of those are true, does Jesus do them sincerely, with spiritually good intent?
Or is He giving them "light" and "drawing" them, in a cursory way, with no good outcome for most of them intended? Was Jesus just going through the motions, actually subverting the Bible, by giving them a false hope to cling to? Tbc
I became a Calvinist because it is true not because it was trendy. And I have been attacked by non Calvinists. I haven't seen Calvinists attack others.
Kori claypool I am a non Calvinist, and I would like to have an ATTACK FREE ZONE conversation with you. What makes you believe Calvinism is true?
Jesus words. John 6 No one can come to me unless the Father draws them. John 10 You do not believe because you are not of my sheep.
Jesus told his apostles that they didst choose him but he chose them.
John 17 Jesus prays and thanks the Father for those he was given. Jesus i will non the father has given me except the son of perdition.
Ephesians 1 says that God chose before the foundation of the world.
Romans 8 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
John was talking about what jesus said and done. John 10 also says that there is another flock. that flock was gentiles. ephesians 1 is not about paul only. it is about all believers. romans 8 also about all believers. you really think paul is that big of an ego maniac. really.
help what? convince me im wrong?
beyond help? that isnt very christlike attitude.
Did you say reformed theology is the purest form but not the only? Either it's right or wrong. Either it's Good or man that is the final decider in salvation. How is there more than one ? There's more than one belief system but only one is right. If others are directly opposed then they both can't be right.
Sure, there is only one 100% understanding of God, but I think that statement is more about unity on the essentials and grace where we disagree on non-essentials. It is one thing to decry works righteousness as another gospel like Paul does in Galatians, it is another thing to anathematize people over whether the spiritual gift of hospitality has ceased or continues today.
you left out the danger of following manichaean gnosticism
New Calvinist became Calvinist because it was hip and popular to do so.
Good video brother and so true!
I have to admit that I find the way Calvinist interpret the bible exemplary. I just can't understand how you guys have missed that the ascension gifts are for today! I was a cocaine addicted womanizer but when I got born again I spoke in tongues, prophesied, was shown in an open vision of who I would marry, dreamt prophetic dreams which came to pass to the very last detail etc, etc...I could go on. My point is that I'm soooo glad that I experienced all of this (and much more) before any man with his interpretation of theology told me that God didn't do that kind of thing anymore--praise God!! Still love and appreciate my Calvinist brothers and sisters though.❤
Paul Washer is Calvinist based, and probably the best preacher around. Check him out on TH-cam
Michael Angelus
Hello..I just put up a video on Paul Washers teaching. Don't get me wrong I love the Guy, But he's got it all wrong!
Stacey: You rebuked him eh? Ya, O.K.
Michael Angelus
True Story...Our Covenant is a NO WORKS Salvation...meaning earning your way to heaven! But, If you want to waste your time with those FILTHY RAGS, go right ahead...The ONLY thing we need to do, AFTER CHOOSING Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (which, a choice is not a work) and being Saved, is... Listen to where the Spirit Guides you!... It guided me to defend Christianity against some Murderous Man's Doctrine named John Calvin, who wasn't even born until 1500 years after Jesus, who thinks God gives Satan, (who betrayed Him), more Human Souls than he chooses to keeps for himself...So, I obeyed! I never even heard of Calvinism until AFTER!...I'm just sayin'
I'm not here to win a debate, I'm just trying to help some people get to know, THE ONE TRUE, LOVING GOD!
Stacey 6171 I am always cautious when some says all you need is to lead by “the Spirit” unless they define what that means. Lots of folks I know that are “lead by the Spirit” hear audibly from the Almighty on a daily basis and frequently wander into unorthodoxy. Really our relation with the Spirit is more complex. We should be lead by scripture which is illumined by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through scripture pointing us to Jesus.
Scott M
Not have I only been pointed to Jesus, I believed and was saved, he sent down the Holy Spirit upon me alone with the works assigned to me, and the Spirit the dwells with in me leads me to those works! NOTHING "Audible" (YET!) But rather, my conscience says's, "YEP, do that!!! NOPE, don't do that!!!"...Even better yet, the other day before I went out, a thought came to my head...That, I'm going to see a Homeless man today while I'm out, so have some money ready for him when you see him...Sure enough, I get off the express way and there is a man with a sign and I have to beep my horn at him to get his attention and right as the light turned green he reached for the money and said he said to me, "God bless you, Hun!"....That's being lead by the spirit!! Peace to you and yours"
Ok, what the heck is this dude talking about? Is he Calvinist? What exactly is Calvinism???
the weak points of calvinism are as followed. ...
not biblical
twisted scripture
named after a guy who was greatly influenced by Gnosticism
shall i go on ?
Calvinism is main cultural root in Switzerland resulting in suicidal record. It does rely on self-penitence, not physical but psychological. Calvinism background does generate the feeling of uselesness and seeds fear leading people to an empty inner world.
I am an Orthodox, I apreciate Cothics but calvinism is a human disaster created by a lawyer who had no notion of the sacred. Now...NEW probably implies the failure of the first. And the way Calvin wanted to start from scratch, maybe his doctrin should go back to ashes...yes - doctrin!
Your concerns could be said about any movement. I was hoping you would address some theological problems with Calvinism like limited attoinment
Why don't you just follow the L-rd and keep his Commandments instead of people and trends? You do know Y'shua/Jesus wasn't a calvinist, right? How can you be something your Leader wasn't?
marc rasmussen John 6:44
Yes He was.
@@tomw6271 John 12:32
7:16 “There is a danger of confusing Calvinism with Christianity”. You said it, brother. Calvinism is a safe relaxing self centered do nothing unaccountable religion. The preacher love it be they are unaccountable. The people love it because they don’t have to work for the kingdom but the spirit does all the work. and you only have to make a showing. And nobody has to pray. why pray? This is all just a movie god is watching. one of his favorites. and all the need are a few verses here and there to believe it so even though the whole bible is full of if-then statements. lots of nonsense that people should keep to themselves because like the new atheist movement they believe nothing really matters but feels the need to share that with everyone
Ecclesiastical separation is biblical.
So you’ve come up brother with a new trend … NEW CALVINISM!!! I believe in T.U.L. I.P. . Calvin realized with Scripture one mean of Grace and also hated others to be called Calvinists because before him Zwinglio had studied the Scriptures and coincided
jeff durbin.... trendy leader, comes to mind
When I found out that Jeff Durbin is Calvinist, I stopped listening to him.
Sara K Sorry you don't like God's sovereignty.
If Calvinism is the clearest expression of the Christian faith, we're in trouble!
JB D That is correct. Because God is sovereign and man is not. Better cry out for mercy and grace.
If Calvinism is accurate, God isn't love.
Something is wrong, but what?
central issue: does one have the power to resist the Holy Spirit's calling?
Reformed theology did not have its inception in the 21st century. In began with St Augustine. Are you aware of all the reformed confessions, church history, the PCA, RCUS, and other reformed denominations. Please speak the truth.
Sergio Nunez he’s talking about new Calvinism not about broad-brush reformed theology
I watched a video of the history of South Africa which was founded by Dutch Reformed Calvinists. From that came apartheid and slave trading. Perhaps they were misled by their assumption that they were predestined to salvation and therefore they didn't really have to act like they were redeemed.