At the very least, one has to appreciate the tone of the teaching. Too many want to get all crazy and then the insults start flying. Calvinism/Arminianism/ doctrine is going to be the key to heaven. Faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus is
I am a Calvinist, but I love *all* anti-Calvinist jokes, and when I say "all", I mean just the ones that were pre-destined to be funny from the foundation of the world
The best Reformed joke I heard recentl;y was about the Reformed Bible College where my son is training. "Equipping them to deal with anything the 17th Century can throw at them" :-)
Our church has hour long sermons and we sing hymns from the old hymns of the faith book. Neither Calvinist or Arminian... more like, down the middle. We are taught from the bible and the gospel is preached each week regardless of whether it’s just us regular members because the pastor said he doesn’t know everyone’s heart so the gospel must be preached. I’m so glad the Lord led me to that church.
Kesha B We are in Australia, and our church is in Sunbury Victoria which is just north of Melbourne airport. Anyone wanting to check out sermons on website or TH-cam, the website is and TH-cam is Hope Baptist Church Sunbury. We’re a small church and God is blessing us with new people now and then who become part of our family. It’s absolutely awesome! ❤️
Kesha B Thank you and God bless you for asking. Please also pray for my children to come to salvation (& their partners)... we pray daily for their salvation and I ask as many people as I can to add them to their prayer lists. I need a prayer army!
@@chrissierestall5952 will do. My Bible group have had unsaved loved ones on our hearts for weeks now, I'll definitely add your loved ones. I have my daughter (19yrs old) on the list as well. Wonderful daughter, truly she is. I'd like to see her committ to Christ fully. Praying from Canada 🙏
Only a small percentage of believers in heaven had Reformed theology during their lives on earth. The vast majority will be people who have simply trusted in Jesus Christ alone to forgive their sins and committed their lives to Him. Most will not have every heard of John Calvin or Calvinism. We need to keep the big picture in mind.
David Kugel You are absolutely right and quite astute in your assessment concerning real Christianity. John Calvin did not create the exclusive idea concerning the grace of God, I wholeheartedly know God is the author of His amazing grace! I don’t negate Luther, Zwingli Calvin were men whom the Holy Spirit of God used because they were in bondage to sin as well of us all. Read Romans 3:10-18 But! These were mere men who’ve constantly receive an inordinate amount of praise due only to God. These men were just that; men and nothing else, which I might add neither had a heaven or a hell to put you in. Commemorate what God’s Spirit has done in bringing the lost into the light of His glory, which belongs only to Him!
Thanks for your comment. The more I read church history, the more amazed I am about the people God chooses to use. He can even use and me. That is amazing grace.
David Kugel That's all fine and nice, but it says nothing about Calvinism or it's critics. I think there will be some Catholics in heaven, but that says nothing about the truth of transubstantiation, for instance.
The way is broad that leads to destruction. Out of the Jesus movement how many were genuine believers? How many remained? Just because it's a movement doesn't mean it's of God.
Tulips are a great addition to spring gardens but I don't believe the reformed variety contributes in a positive way to the belief structure and strength of Bible-believing evangelical churches. Their premises are in my estimation a legitimate concern for those who practice Biblical Christianity.
Reformed theology is much more than TULIP. The TULIP acrostic wasn't even used until 1905 when a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary first used it as a teaching tool
@@timothykeith1367 Correct, but the reformed theology of the 21st century is today made distinct by TULIP. The Rick Warren's and Rob Bell's of the world aren't the best representation of most non-calvinist preachers. Look at Charles Stanley, Adrian Rogers, and Tony Evans. What is the main thing that distinguishes a John MacArthur from an Adrian Rogers? TULIP.
This guy says he is not a Calvinist. Remember there is no good news in Calvinism you're either born to go to hell or born to go to Heaven, you have no choice in the matter. That makes it a false unhappy doctrine.
Bobby Robby, I am not a Calvinist, But there is also truth in Calvinism.... Regarding Salvation, There are Only two(2) kinds of people in the world... The Elect and the none-elect(reprobates)... Sometimes they are called the Sheep(Elect), and the goats(none-elect) All the Elect will be saved... All the none--elect will be cast to the lake of fire.... So both are born , one destined to heaven, the other destined to hell...
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo Then there is no good news gospel under Calvinism, you're either going to heaven or you going to hell under Calvinism. What is depressing and horrible bad news you have no choice in the matter you're born to go to hell on the Calhoun isms and most people are born to go to hell by God under Calvinism it is sick and depressing. No wonder so many people in those Calvinist Churches look so arrogant and uppity and smug. Many will not even say hi to you or say hello, welcome to this church because they're thinking, well he's either elector not not, no use trying to witness to him in a joyful welcome.
@@bobbyrobby3600, It is True indeed, The God of the Calvinist is an evil god..... But 'Election and Predestination' is a Biblical Doctrine.... And it is True that before the foundation of the world God had Predestined the Elect to be Saved and the reprobates (none-elect) to be cast to the lake of fire.... It is also True that The Father sent Jesus Christ for the Elect Only..... Because the Elect are the True Children of God by heredity.... And the none-elect(reprobates) are the children of the devil..... The children of the devil will not be Saved because they cannot be saved... They will always oppose God and the words of God.... EXAMPLE of the children of the devil : Cain, Judas, some of the pharisees to whom Jesus said : ''you are of your father, the devil... Jesus was NOT playing words, those people are really children of the devil. There is no injustice in God.... He judges rightfully...... It is only the god of the Calvinist that is not just and evil.....
A little more, it's the purposeful injection of calvinists into baptist leadership (usually through college leadership). This happened like 15-20 years ago and we're seeing the fruits within the last 5 years or so.
And he said it in the singular as in the ones who go by HIS actual Word. Nothing else. Like John Calvin. RC Sproul Boice MacArthur Baucham....the Reformed.
@@uncasunga1800 Wrong, he was talking to Peter. I'm not Catholic, but one doesn't have to be a Catholic to accept that Jesus was giving Peter extreme authority in this instance.
@@uncasunga1800 Three of those guys you named are in hell right now. Megalomaniacs who worshiped their intellectual knowledge instead of God. And when God's judgment comes upon MacArthur very soon there will be a great falling away among those who follow MacArthur.
When I first became aware of Calvinism a few years ago I was struck with a fairly strong curiosity. The more I studied, the more I became repelled by it. The image of the Calvinist god is at 180 degrees different from the orthodox stance and the doctrine seems to deaden the souls of its adherents over time.
@@Isaac-wl6wu My major teachers were James White, John MacArthur, John Piper, and Mark Driscoll, in that order. I couldn't stand any more after that. I find White and Driscoll especially putrid.
@@gabe7548 The description of God that the Reformed Calvinistic Churches make are perfectly in line with the descriptions of Satans Character only worse. Satan is only an angel and can't hold a candle to the cruelity of the calvinist god. So yes even a fool can see the Calvinist god is not God! God gave us free will to decide what we want to do with our lives! I am NOT anti-Mormon! If that is your deal go for it! Your choice! I am NOT anti-Jehovah Witness! If that is your deal go for it! Your choice! I am NOT anti-Muslim! If that is your deal go for it! Your choice! I am anti -John Calvin as it Pretends to be Christian and it is NOT! Still your choice! The John Calvin doctrine: ! God doesn't love everyone! Doesn't want to save everyone! and delights in condemning most people to torture in Hell! Check your collar to see if you have won your calvin gods salvation lottery. Perhaps your calvin god has decided not to torture you in hell and has forced his love on you and decide to save you from his delight of torture! Christian doctrine: 1 Timothy 2 : 3-6 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. They are exact opposites. One is God's LOVE, the other is Satan's LOVE which is no love at all! TRUTH IN LOVE to the lost Calvinists
@@truth7416 all you have done is articulate that you don’t understand the doctrines of grace, all u did was accuse God of being Satan, and you also quoted verses and applied a universal context to them , for example you implied that 1 Timothy 2 was saying that God wants all men in a individual universal sense to be saved, but that’s not the context, at the beginning of the chapter Paul is talking about prayer for people in the position of power, because he Dosent want them hindering the expansion of the gospel to new nations because God wants all people to be saved in a ethnic sense, he wants to the gospel to reach all of his people, which they are praying will not get hindered by rulers
Rod Rust - "Reformed" in this context does not mean what you think it means. It doesn't mean that *_we_* are reformed. It means those "Reformed" doctrines that Martin Luther began in 1517, and joined shortly afterward by John Calvin (with some differences). Luther's and Calvin's "reformed" doctrines are those doctrines that were and are currently held by the Catholic Church, but have been reformed by those two men, and now comprise the basic doctrines of the Protestant religions. Both Lutherans and Calvinists, of course believe, that *we* are to be "transformed" into the image of Christ. You know what bothers me more than your incorrect statement? It bothers me that 22 others gave your statement a thumbs-up without have a clue what you were talking about. And if you had done 2 minutes of a google search on the reformed religion, you wouldn't have made that statement in the first place.
@@tkervinph Yes the one, the ''old man'' leads to the other ''new man''. What makes the ''old man'' a ''new man'' is he/she bares fruits of righteousness. You say..'' the old man can never be reformed''. Hmmm, your not talking about a ''cheap grace'', ''sin and live'' theology are you? Jesus explained the ''new man'' experience to Nicodemus in John 3. I think the Lord disagrees with you. So let's not play theologian and keep it simple. The entirely ''new man'' your talking about comes on the final day when the saints are change in the twinkling of an eye.
So that begs this question: Do your beliefs about who God is and who men are align with what Calvin believed or what Pelagius or Arminius et al believed-I only say this because you chose to weigh-in on this video’s conversation.
God is love. But On October 27, 1553 John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, had Michael Servetus, the Spanish physician, burned at the stake just outside of Geneva for his doctrinal heresies.
Ironically, if Calvinism is true then the only reason I am not a Calvinist is because God has chosen to not open my eyes to that truth. But if Calvinism is not true then they are responsible for the heretical doctrine they promote
@@citizen1981 Calvinists believe that everything that happens is part of God's ordained will. So that would mean if Calvinism was true part of His ordained will would be that I NOT be a Calvinist. But if Calvinism is NOT true, then they are believing heretical doctrine of their own free will
@KTTGHMTJWYCBLAC Calvinists have to add “ordained (by God, before the foundation of the world) to eternal life believed. In Acts 13:46, 18:6, 28:28. The Jews judged themselves unworthy of everlasting life, so they turned to the Gentiles. At that point the Gentiles accepted this same message. Acts 13:38-48: There was a bitter reaction on the part of some Jews to the huge crowd that assembled the following week wanting to hear the word of the Lord. Paul tells them straight that he had a responsibility to preach the message to them first, but now that they had made up their minds and come to a decision to reject the message, he would turn his attention to the gentiles. Isaiah had predicted such a reaction, so we know that God knew about it beforehand. But that was not the cause of the reaction. It was their jealousy, for which they were responsible . And, as it turned out comma the reaction of the listening gentiles was very different: when the gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; And all who were appointed for eternal life believed (v. 48). … The Greek term translated appointed here is not one of the words in our earlier lists. It is from a verb whose root means ‘to cause someone to be in a state involving an order or arrangement’ and is used in military Contacts to describe troops lining up or getting into formation. The use of the word in this context is understandable - The Jews did not want the gospel and so the gentiles lined up for it. The etymology of the word says nothing about how the lining up was done, but in the context it is clear that, just as the Jews made the conscious decision to get out of line, similarly the gentiles made an equally conscious decision to get into line. … Once again it is to be stressed that God took the initiative in all of this. He sent them the messengers who preached to them and the power of the spirit. In that sense God had worked on and in them, but in the end they were saved not because of some inscrutable Fiat on God's part but because they responded to God's initiative. They lined themselves up and believed comma and therefore received eternal life.” From a Calvinistic perspective they have different “wills” of God. The third chapter the Westminster Confession begins with these words: “God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and immutably-that is without possibility of changing it-God did freely and immutably ORDAIN WHATSOEVER COMES TO PASS… Besides the fact that this would include SIN being a part of God’s ordained will (not just that He allows it to happen, but that He wants it to happen - otherwise, it would never happen). So according to Calvinists God’s will is ALWAYS done in the universe - this means every person who trusts in Christ is fulfilling the plan that God wanted. And conversely, every person who rejects Christ and goes to hell is equally fulfilling God’s will for their life to perfection. Why do you think God gives so many warnings in Scripture and so many praises for right action if it was all predetermined anyways and their actions were meticulously determined by God. So I guess what I am asking, is why do you think on one hand God would say “do not murder” but then He decrees (according to Calvinism) for a person to murder? (“whatsoever comes to pass)?
I get my doctrine from the Bible. It was written to me. God never said to get from another man. I attent church regularly but I still only follow God's word.
fbcpraise Same applies to Calvinism. We don’t teach Calvin’s teachings because Calvin said them, but rather teach the teachings of Christ and Paul and the other biblical writers that happen to line up with Calvin and modern “Calvinism”. Hope this helps and as a fellow Baptist and Brother in Christ, God bless you and have a good day!
You are the kind person that would attend a Steven furtik church. You cannot separate doctrine from christ. Ironically, you espouse doctrine by claiming not to adhere to one. And, that's exactly what this guy is talking about.
If i were a non believer, listening to this conversation in this thread , i would never want to follow Christ. 1. I would see no love but bitter hate toward one another. 2. I would not know anything about God, because you are battling who is right and who is wrong. 3. I would be wondering if you really care about my soul or being right? 4. Lastly, would you even notice me walk away with out hearing about Jesus? Would you? Seriously? I am that person searching for hope and i just walked away from the argument between two who say they follow Christ? Please, stop. Listen to who you are turning way as you try to prove your points. My heart grieves to hear once again ones who call themselves followers of Christ speak so harshly to one another. Jesus prays that we would be one as He and His Father were. Remember? The kindness of the Lord leads one to repentance. Kindness? A fruit of the Spirit. Don’t let winning an argument be the stumbling block that hinders your gift of kindness toward one another.
that is what I have found to be true about those who hold to osas, they become hardened and obnoxious of other people, there are hate groups that hold to osas, fred phelps westboro baptist church, and pastor stephen anderson are known hate groups that spew hate and feel totally justified in doing so. pastor anderson has a video here on youtube where he is whining because he got handled a bit rough by the police at a checkpoint he went through and refused to cooperate with them, he plainly says he refused to answer their questions and refused to let them search his vehicle, he gave them an attitude and then made a video to whine about them getting a little rough with him. that is where osas leads for so many of them, they just begin to take things for granted and many have quite an attitude. Sam Morris, a Baptist preacher in Stamford, Texas wrote a little tract explaining that all the sins one may commit cannot harm the soul or cause the person to be lost. Look at the quote: “We take the position that a Christian's sins do not damn his soul. *_The way a Christian lives,_* *_what he says,_* *_his character,_* *_his conduct,_* *_or his attitude toward other people have nothing whatever to do with the salvation of his soul_* All the prayers a man may pray, all the Bibles he may read, all the churches he may belong to, all the services he may attend, all the sermons he may practice, all the debts he may pay, all the or-dinances he may observe, all the laws he may keep, all the benevolent acts he may per-form will not make his soul one whit safer; and all the sins he may commit from idolatry to murder will not make his soul in any more danger... The way a man lives has nothing whatever to do with the salvation of his soul... The way I live has nothing whatsoever to do with the salvation of my soul" [Do a Christian’s Sins Damn His Soul?].
I respect what you’re saying but if we are to start not sharing the whole gospel, regardless of what people might think, then we aren’t presenting the gospel at all. I understand the concern of it but if it’s what the Bible teaches, we preach is no matter what
While I don't know the specific context of exactly what bothers you, remember when Paul loved Peter enough to call out his hypocrisy towards the gentiles(in public too) when the jews showed up. Their bond of brotherhood wasn't damaged, if anything it was strengthened. In Peter's letters to the church you can see how he commends Paul's Ministry therefore acknowledging there being no bitterness. Paul was even rather blunt because he knew what was at stake if he was just merely don't be quick to discourage brotherly fights..If it's on grounds that aim to clarify scripture and honor the Lord, we need more of it! If both parties respond appropriately their will be gentleness in correction, humility in response and no ego issues.. presently in our culture we assume love means sounding sweet and avoiding conflict. Not so in scripture.. sometimes Unity has to come to fruition through conflict not just everyone getting along. That's perceived unity and it's superficial. If people are being rude and have no aim to edify it at all but to make things personal, that is of no use and is sinful. Otherwise understand as a Believer or unbeliever that there are people who get on here who can claim to be Christians and make fools of themselves (we don't know them) or their are people who can get on here and correct a brother in love. Both may seem wrong to a unbeliever, but obviously their perception is flawed in the first place!
Your explanation is exactly what happened to me. One day I stumbled into R C Sproul. This theology put to rest all the missing pieces. Answered all my questions about why the words predestination, election, calling...did not mean what they seemed to mean. I am and have always been a Southern Baptist . Thank you for putting together my exact testimony for the last six or seven years.
Jesus said "thy word is truth" not just some of it. Balance is important and we cannot ignore any of the teachings of scripture. Let the scripture be its own interpreter and allow the Holy Spirit to quicken your mind with its words to guide you. Following the teachings of men that contradict the scripture or explain away its truths will lead you into error. No Church or denomination has arrived at all truth or a perfect understanding of the Bible's teachings. Keep your mind open to what the scripture says and you will not be deceived by the many false teachings that have infiltrated many Christian groups.
@@fredsbarbercuts6375 I find these responses ironically funny whenever they are brought up. If I follow your advice, I'd be following a man, if I reject your advice, I'd be following a man. Don't follow man, except for me and my teaching to not follow man. Why is this self contradiction always the retort when someone says they read this author or agree with that historical position's view of the Bible?
@@oracleoftroy Christian Orthodox doctrine has not changed in 2,000 years. It's theology has refuted the proto-Calvinist philosophy long before the Reformers reinvented Greek Fatalism out of Egyptian Gnosticism. You are babbling nonsensically because you don't know the history of the Church.
@@PETERJOHN101 What is their position on the Canon of Orange? I've noticed eastern Christians seem to teach pelagianism even while claiming to be against it. And they seem to be very mixed on Augustine these days, officially regarding him as a saint, yet many seem openly hostile to him. That seems like quite a shift over the years.
I am a Calvanist Presbyterian and above all a Christian. At my church we sing the old hymns, recite liturgy, but most of all the redeeming grace is preached from the pulpit. The cross and the resurrection of Christ is preached in every sermon plus concepts to encourage, equip, and reproof the parishinor. Sound Biblical doctrine is proclaimed. My church is not new. We recently had our 225th anniversary. May our Lord move among all His true churches to bring about genuine Biblical revival due to this pandemic. This Calvinist is so grateful to know the greatest Biblical truth:. Jesus loves me this I know.
Check the motives of the heart, for there is always the answer for the only one I have any control over, me! If we learn to walk in the Spirit and live lives as Jesus teaches us to, then we will, without effort, see changes occurring in our surroundings. Become the very love, peace, and joy of Holy Spirit, and men will no longer be able to lead you amiss. Amen!
John Trevett lol. That’s so true. The Bible does mention it though so all we need to do is figure it out... I mean did Abraham choose Good or did God choose Abraham. Did the disciples choose Jesus or did Jesus choose the disciples. Its frustrating but somehow God chooses and man “chooses” as well.... has to be some combination of both because we know “free” will exists. I couldn’t choose my birthday or gender or socioeconomic starting part and many other things but very early on in life I was able to make choices about what to do and where to go and what to believe. Did God part any part in my choices... I have to believe He did.
Matthew N' Renee Griffin God is not a respecter of persons. He gives each person a measure of faith. Where they put that faith is up to them and they are accountable for that free choice. For love to be love there has to be free will. Dont let satan's favorite flower, the TULIP, blind you from the truth.
Why are you lying? The word that is translated elect means chosen. Here is a super simple test to see if you are right. Show me one verse that says that someone can come to God without God acting upon then first. One verse is all you need. Go on, try and find one verse that says that. Surely if it is true, and the historic Christian view is wrong, then you ought to come up with one verse that says it? There aren't any. Now go and read all the verses that say you can't. There are over a dozen. So why do you believe those verses aren't true and believe a verse that doesn't exist is true? All the bible is true, not just the bits you like or understand.
The best thing the Reformed church can do for itself is to drop the Augustinian-Calvinism based interpretations of scripture and rediscover the orthodox understandings of the early church fathers. Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same. All may change but Jesus never, glory to His name!
The early church fathers were “calvinists”. Check out Diognetus writings and numerous others- they all preached the same as Augustine,Calvin,Spurgeon etc .It’s because it is Biblical - always a sure fire hit will the regenerate man.
@@chrismachin2166 I'm currently a provisionist and not sure whether to be reformed or not. Have you read John Chrysostom? He was a total synergist who stated that God even desired/willed for Pharaoh to repent. In reformed theology, God never really wanted Pharaoh to repent, because God wanted him to stay as a non-elect person to express His wrath upon. And I've read something from another early church father who said that God does everything He can to save someone. In reformed theology, God doesn't desire/will for the non-elect to repent. If God wants/wills for a person to repent, they will repent because God cannot fail in reformed theology.
@@Jay-ud1qd Your passion for Christ is evident in your post. Two items I would recommend, Thomas Watson “ A body of Divinity” ( book)and on here “What is reformed Theology?” R C Sproul.
Tim,I am not sure I am going to agree with your conclusion but I think you did an excellent job of describing what has been going on in churches at least here in the USA. Thank you brother.
I know you wrote your comment over 1 year ago. By Adrian Rogers I came to Christ 30 y ago. It is the whosoever wills, as you wrote, according to Eph 1:4,5, which Calvinism overthrows and we have this dichotomy of the ‘elect’ according to J Calvin, and the opposing arguments that if one is not a Calvinist one has to be an ‘Arminian’. God does not chooses to salvation or damnation, but by foreknowledge chooses the ones who would be saved to Sanctification by JC Himself.
NO! (and I like Rogers) The Elect is ISRAEL! Always has been, always will. Election is "chosen for God's purpose," NOT "unto salvation as 90% of Christians think. 2 Tim 2:10 The Elect - National Israel - are not saved.... yet. Believers are saved from the Wrath of God, which is the last 7 years on Daniel's prophecy clock. We will be snatched away before Jacob's Trouble starts. The Elect in Matt 24 is Israel, and they will be gathered back to the Land to be rescued by Yeshua Himself from the antichrist and his minions.
Hallelujah and amen brother You speak the truth. “I came to bring the truth”. Blessings to you from our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for discernment. The Holy Spirit will give you discernment. Wow you really hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately they have powerful charismatic people and people do not dig deeper into what their core beliefs are. But we pray for their eyes to be opened. Love in Christ
Tess, Calvinism is very evil doctrine because it is a mixture of Biblical Truth, and man-made Lies.... Consider this Statement which is the base of Calvinism.... ''God arranges all things by His sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify Him by their destruction.'' NOTE : This Statement is very evil because it contradicts the Character of God, and cannot be Supported by the Scriptures....
I would add Martyn Lloyd Jones and his influence bringing to life the puritan books with the start of Banner of Truth in the '50s, and R.C. Sproul with his Holiness series - both are catalysts even before the 'Church growth' movement...
Do the Great Commission if you are a calvinist I'm a 5 . Armenianist, I can win that argument but as long as you're doing the Great Commission and not cutting short the elect. you must plead with them go out to the highways and byways and compel them this is why Calvinism falls short in evangelism.
@@jjphank Have you ever heard of evangelism explosion. That was created by a Calvinist Dr. James Kennedy. Look at the work, Ligonier, Piper, White, MacArthur, Jeff Durbin do to spread the Gospel…worldwide ministries. The Gospel Coalition & more so anyone that says Calvinist don’t share the Gospel are sadly mistaken. We’re Calvinist at my church but we minister & share the Gospel right in the neighborhood where we are located. My pastor & elders live in the neighborhood of the church & it’s in the inner city. So like I said people saying Calvinist don’t share the Gospel overlook the obvious. Because we know that the lost sheep still need to hear the Gospel to be saved.
@@ReformedDoc Yeah I took evangelism explosion in 1995 , I knew D James Kennedy was a Calvinist and it was helpful! but all I’m saying in my message was, do they plead with them to get saved or did they just write them off real quick and say “well that’s not one of the elect!” Election has to do with The ordaining of works second peter 1:10 The ordaining of works in a believers life! Same as make your calling and election sure is , work out your salvation with fear and trembling Philippians 2:12-13! I have ministered alongside with Calvinist with Muslim ministry and abortion clinic ministry! Keep spreading the news
@@jjphank Well, I think that’s a poor attitude to have. At the same time I don’t believe we are supposed to keep pushing the Gospel either. The scripture says if they reject it move on. Now that being said not everyone gets it right away. Sometimes just the seed is planted & as a Calvinist I don’t know whether it’s going to happen or when it’s going to happen. To count a person out before the end of their earthly life is not biblically correct. So I’ll continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus like I did when I wasn’t a Calvinist because that’s what we are called to do.
@@ReformedDoc well go back and read the first message and compel them to come in & make sure that people are doing that instead of just saying “oh well”…. … you know, Ephesians 1 and Romans 9 talking about predestination for plural groups only! The church, in Ephesians one because the language is “us and we“never “you and die” are predestined. And then 11 times in 11 verses it says “in Christ“ or “in him” or “in whom” referring to Christ. Romans 9: 1- 3 paul sets up the nation of Israel is what he’s talking about. The verse Jacob I loved Esau I hated is referencing genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“! Stay with the context God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9! John 3:16 whoever believes has everlasting life; , believes is present future tense, not believed past tense! So this context harmonizes with all the other contacts at salvation staying faithful to the end of your life! I’m an apologists so go ahead and ask some questions, if you need/want to!
I feel blessed that I have been able to read scripture without the "church" goggles and the level of clarity that stems from such untrammeled vision. Eccl 12:13-14; I John All of it and James really fixate on what is expected of a follower of our glorious Messiah. If you remain in the apostolic writings only, then you get stuck in circular reasoning. The ONLY "Holy Scriptures" that existed, which anyone could test their writings against was and is the Tanakh ("old testament"). Both the Father and Son are eternal and require equal weights and measures for ALL. There is no change in requirements to be in covenant relationship with them. There is MUCH more to this than what 2000 years of watering down His Word has accomplished. May YHWH bless and keep you and yours in all that you do.
I hate the "institutional church" let's get back to 1st century church meeting in homes....not a big building and get into God's Word and be like the Bereans!!!
bob polo When your church and worship service costs $10,000,000, the neighborhood is poor and there is no agape and nobody really knows each other you are doing Christianity wrong
There have been movements that have said the same thing throughout church history. Let’s not have musical instruments, buildings, etc. We can’t go back to the 1st century, but we can believe how they believed if our belief is founded upon the word of God.
Bob polo, Even the Demons Believe that Jesus is God. If you think you just have to believe that Jesus is God. You do not know him! Repent of your sins and change your sinful ways! You must have a personal relationship and intimacy with Jesus, The Father, and allow him to dwell within you as the Holy Spirit. There are so many lukewarm Christian within all denominations, and it is horrible. People who claim to know Jesus Christ, but just go to church on Sunday and are just going through the motions. Stagnant in their faith and are not growing spiritually in relationship to God. It truly is sad. Nothing Else, should even compare to the time, love, and prayer you give to God. This life should be a living sacrifice to the will of God. I hope this helps. God bless.
All you have to do is put the word "Calvinism" in the title of your TH-cam video and watch the sparks fly. People that are against the title go off on a rant, people that are for the title try to defend it and in turn also begin ranting. The thing that I notice is that it is easier to attack the title without discussing the verses where the doctrines are derived from. As Christians we are told to search/study the scriptures to see if something is true (Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 2:15), but I see little reference or quotes from verses at all. Just a lot of assertions. That's the problem with social media, Christians find it easier to bring their emotional opinions to a theological matter and it brings out the pettiness on both sides. Does anyone bow their heads in prayer before commenting or submit to the Spirit so they can show the fruit of it (Galatians 5:22-23) even in their comments?
The Chuch is the body of beilivers, its not the unsaved. If you m water down the gospel people will leave anyway when the gospel os proclaimed because they never came for that anyway. No program, catch phrase or modern way to get people into church. The Gospel alone saves. Dont water the gospel down for numbers. Memeber the way is NARROW not wide.
Only for the predestined “elect”. Everyone else is predestined to hell and God hates them. As Calvinist quote “Jacob I loved, Esau I hated”. But you could be one of the deceived and not be saved but be one of the non elect in which case no amount of praying or begging will change the fact you are going to hell. Because God predestined it so as to reveal His Glory.
I spent most of my life under the sway of what one might call Baptistic, Dispensationsal (modern version) Arminianism. On the surface I was dismissive of what I called liturgical churches and practices such as covenant baptism. However, deep down I couldn't square what I was being taught with what scripture teaches. Through the providence of God I came into contact with a number of men who helped me really understand the reformed perspective. Some were unknown, faithful, local pastors and others more well known teachers. Though I have some concerns with the "new" part of the new Calvinism I am hopeful that a younger generation hungry for deep and meaningful God centered worship and theology will reconnect with the "Mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won".
Only in the Reformed (be baptist or presbyterian) camp have I found enough God centered worship and theology to satisfy my soul. Hallelu-Yah our Sovereign God.
"Calvinism is the Gospel, and nothing else" (Charles Spurgeon.) Spurgeon liked being called a Calvinist. Do you pray for the Kingdom of God? (Matt 6: 9-10) Could it be that through prayer she/the church, is returning to what she did before? And if so, Why? (Rev 2:4-5) She must always keep in mind "judgment begins at the house of God" 1Peter 4:17.
Solution to all kinds of Doctrinal differences and Confusions= Believe and put ALL your Trust in the Finished Work of Christ(Calvary), Read His Word and FOLLOW HIM AS APOSTLES, AND DISCIPLES WALKED.!! 🙋♂️🕎🇮🇳🤝🇮🇱🤔♎😊
Which works of Christ? Which Christ? The “jesus” of the Jehovah’s Witnesses? The “jesus” of the Mormons? The “jesus’ of the Muslims? The “jesus” of the Mary Baker Eddy (Christians Scientists iists)? You speak about confusion?,
@@uwekonnigsstaddt524 Yahshua/Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The Only Begotten Son of the Living God Yahweh, The Only Saviour and Redeemer of all mankind.!! Your comment shows that you do not know the Yahshua/Jesus Christ I'm mentioning here.! Write down, COMPREHEND AND MEMORIZE THESE FOLLOWING SCRIPTURES.!! Genesis49:9-10; Numbers 24:15-17; Psalms2:1-12; 22:1-31; 110:1-7; PROVERBS30:4; Isaiah7:14;9:6-7; 11:1-10;52:13-15;53:1-12; 63:1-6; Jeremiah23; Daniel 7:13-14; Micah5:2; Zechariah6:12; 12-14; Malachi4:1-3; Matthew 25:31-46; John 3:1-36;8:24; 2Corinthians4:3-4; Galatians1:6-9; Colossians1:13-20; Hebrews1:1-13; Revelation1:1-19; 5:1-14;19:11-21; 20:1-15;21:5-8.!
I came to the reformed faith in part due to the "seeker" sensitive movement but also because the Arminian and Modern Dispensationalist theology that I was taught just didn't seem to jive with what I was reading in the scriptures. In God's grace he brought wise and godly men into my life who helped me to understand sound doctrine and meaningful liturgy. Unfortunately in many areas of the country (including my area) even the Reformed churches are chasing after Willow Creek.
Zechariah 4:6. "not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit" says the Lord God Almighty. The Holy Spirt is the greatest leader. John 4:23 "yet a time is coming and has now come when true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks." God bless you. Ephesians 1: 17-23.
I'm glad that A Man of God Like Paul Washer isn't CHANGING TO ACCOMMODATE the world we are called to come out We are called to Spirit and Truth Worship And we need to know the truth of the Holy Scriptures Not by being Calvinists but by being CHRISTIANS Acts 11 Acts 26 1Peter 4
@@carmellagloster8404 no need to shout. I didn't say you worshipped mr washer. But you should be aware of his beliefs if you listen to him. There is a lot of deception now and increasing as we draw close to God's judgment on the world.
Hey I just like to use caps why they determined that CAPS is when you are shouting when I am shouting I use these!!!!!!! Exclamation marks I am neither tech nor internet savvy
Reformed Christianity taught me within weeks of my introduction to it, how far I was from actually following Christ. It's freed my family from all manner of false teachings and made our walk rich and powerful in Christ.
Daniel Mooney There is no false doctrine that can do that. Especially one that makes God out to be the cause of billions of people burning in hell. Just another victim of His
once I got rid of the calvinistic presuppositions I was able to see the scriptures clearly and left the GNOSTICISM PHILOSOPHY of AUGUSTINE and Calvin. now I worship God not calvin. and I no longer have to lie to people because I truly received his love that he died for the whole world. Jesus is the chosen one not John Calvin. to be called after the name of a Jew hating murderer always bothered me.
@Ben Jones Ben in a reformed framework God does get all he desires because he made all of the things you mentioned come to pass, the holocaust everything. The point is that if you take the verse seriously, you have to say there has to be an alternative to TULIP, God cannot want everyone to be saved and then make it that it's impossible for some.
The question is why? He choose the Hebrews to be a blessing to the nations, he does this type of thing throughout scripture this doesn't mean only some are saved, it simply means God uses people or groups of people at certain times. If one thinks that personally salvation is the end goal of the gospel, it means that the Kingdom aspect of Jesus's reign on earth is totally nullified. Gods desire is that all come to salvation like a dad desires his children to know God, but because of peoples free will God uses us (the church) to be a reflection of and preach of his goodness, majesty, holiness to those who are lost.
Right now I am on the fence on wether calvinism is Christian at all. Calvinist seem to put their faith in God election of them for salvation before time began. Rather than putting their faith in Jesus Christ death burial and resurrection for salvation. Those seem like different gospels.
It comes to the individual. I do believe there are born again people in the reformed church for sure. But overall just like other movements and denominations they have their flaws because they are man made institutions and man made doctrine. Slowly over time I have been starting to advocate more for non denominational churches as time goes on. Each church can make their decision as long as they preach the true gospel of Christ which is Repentance of sin and Faith in Christ alone is sufficient. Everything else well that’s that church to decide. Just make sure to never make doctrine the center of your faith. All these doctrines are just but tools to move through his word easier but the Bible is the only thing that is from God.
The Sight of Sound so Adams sin was enough to make everyone a sinner but Jesus blood is not enough to cover the sins of all mankind? If there is no guarantee that even after you believe and live for Jesus you cannot go to heaven then its not too different than what muslims say. Whats is unique about Jesus then?
@@RL-vv7or The unbiblical Reform doctrines include that God did not die for the sins of the world, but only those he decided to save. And that he predestined some for heaven and some for hell. Predestination in the Bible is about those who are in Him, we are then assured of the destination of heaven and to be conformed into the image of the Son. Not about some unbelievers being chosen to be believers. All of the Tulip steps have twists in them that are unbiblical. Are we depraved? Yes, but not so that we are unable to see our depravity and call out to Jesus. Atonement is not limited in its availability to all. Etc.
@@jcthomas3408 Romans 9 goes into great detail about God's sovereignty over salvation (His choice of some and not others). The chapter even deals with the "Not Fair!" argument (verses 14-15). Limited Atonement- unless you're a universalist, you believe in a limited atonement. Reformed Christians believe the atonement is limited in its INTENT. Arminians believe it's limited in its EFFECT. "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11, 15 You may disagree with our conclusions but everything we believe is anchored in scripture. You can not honestly say we're unbiblical- just unBaptist.
@@RL-vv7or Reform ideas use the Bible, but ignore large sections to arrive at the tulip conclusions. I am not Baptist, nor Arminian, but I believe Jesus died for the world, and whoever believes becomes his sheep. But in what way does the Reform believer think Jesus died for the world, for all, for everyone, like the Bible teaches? Romans 9 does not teach that God chooses who believes, although this is the main chapter Calvinists use to try and support their doctrine. When you read all of Romans 9 (and more in Romans) you see that in verses 30-32 Paul is showing Israel that salvation is not only for Jews (who must have faith) but also for Gentiles who have faith. God chose Israel, not that all Israelites would go to heaven, but chose them to be a blessing to the nations by bringing forth the Messiah. But just as not all Israelites are in the line of the Messiah, not all were chosen for this purpose. In verse 13 where God says he loved Jacob and hated Esau, it is in the sense that he chose Jacob for the line of Jesus, over Esau. Compare that to Luke 14:26 where Jesus tells us we must hate our mother to follow him. The word means choose him over family, not despise them in our heart. And Pharoah's heart was hardened to accomplish God's purpose in getting the Israelites out of Egypt. God intervened in an already hardened heart to get his people to the Promised Land. Pharoah then still came after the Hebrews and was destroyed in the water. The pottery for honor and dishonor is not heaven and hell, but purpose on this earth. God does sometimes harden a heart, but he does not harden every heart that is hard. Most are hardened by their own will. It is parallel to Jeremiah 18:8 where the potter changes what he does with the clay because the nation repents. "However, if that nation I have made an announcement about turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the disaster I had planned to do to it." God is definitely Sovereign, King, Ruler, He can do anything He wants, but He chose to allow us free will that we might truly choose to follow him.
@@jcthomas3408 Sorry, but you are an Arminian (by default) and therefore your entire foundation is wrong. All of your doctrine built upon that wrong foundation is skewed- and you can't even see how crooked your theology is. The fact is, Reformed theology does NOT ignore chunks of scripture (as Arminianism does). All of the loose ends are fitted into place and supported by scripture. In fact, the man-centered false theology of Arminianism is the one with gross errors. You all kick and scream at the very thought that God is sovereign over salvation. Salvation is ALL of God from start to finish, "For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified. Romans 8:29-30 It is only AFTER God makes our spiritually dead, depraved wills alive and sanctified that we have the free wills to worship Him. It is not of man lest anyone should boast.
Same here. It’s amazing to see God’s Sovereign Grace at work throughout history and clearly in my own life as well... and to fully realize that He deserves all praise and glory.
Does that mean you are a Universalist? ALL are saved? All go to Heaven? That's what you're saying- ALL are justified and no one goes to hell. Perhaps you can explain (in a non-Calvinist way) how "all" doesn't mean all.
@@RL-vv7or Hello fellow believer. Thanks for asking for clarification. Universalism is not what I was implying by quoting that verse. But I did think that someone may take it that way when I wrote it. This shows how when only one verse is quoted by itself, it can be misunderstood by not quoting it within context. And I also knew that someone will accuse me of being a universalist. But I was hoping that most people would look the verse up for themselves and read it in the context of which the apostle Paul was writing and understand the point I was trying to make. So to put it in context here is the preceding verse. "For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ." Romans 5:17. So now we can see the connection between verse 17 and 18. Verse 17 says that "...those who receive the abundance of grace and free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ." So we see that only "those who receive" will be saved and escape hell. So why does Paul use the word "all" in verse 18 instead of saying "those who receive"? And remember "context, context, context." The word "all" is used twice in verse 18. We should not change the meaning of words within the context of the same sentence. Some Calvinists like to change the words "all men" at the end of verse 18 to mean "all of the elect." But that is not what it says. So if the words "all men" at the end of the sentence mean "every person who ever lived" as the words "all men" mean "every person who ever lived" at the beginning of the sentence, does that contradict what Paul said in verse 17? Of course not. The Bible does not contradict itself. So what is Paul saying? Within the context of verses 17 and 18, Paul is saying that "every person who ever lived" may be part of "those who receive." But they must "receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness" in order to escape hell and receive eternal life that is provided for ALL men "through the one man Jesus Christ."
@@chrishadwin9220 Yes, brother. I agree with what you wrote. Salvation is available to ALL. Christ's sacrifice is sufficient to apply to ALL. The Gospel invitation goes out broadly to ALL and it's not a fake invitation. Now the question remains "HOW do we receive that gift of eternal life?" Is it by man's initiative to freely choose God? Or is it by God sovereignly choosing man even while man is not willing to choose God? Reformed Christians believe John 1:13 "Children of God- Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." We believe the parable of the banquet demonstrates that all those invited will turn down the invitation- the Jews specifically and them also as a shadow of all mankind. It shows that God will not have His wedding feast empty so He has the riff raft (that's us) dragged in. We believe that sin has so corrupted our dead (not free) wills that we will never choose salvation. God must intervene and free our dead wills, make them alive (born again) so that we can, for the first time, freely and WILLINGLY love God. But it's His initiative that makes us capable to willingly want Him. Romans 8:30-31 "For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those He predestined He also called; those He called He also justified; those He justified He also glorified. " God gets all the glory and we are only recipients of His great mercy. That's the Reformed view that most people hate so much.
@@RL-vv7or they hate it because it does not justify them (or us). Yet to condemn our deeds and nature is the only way to agree with God. God called a HEREDITARY family based on birthright not a physical one based on human effort. So a second Adam had to come and be the sacrifice for "all" sin and send His Spirit to initiate this new covenant. He offers to all. No man can reject himself and choose this gift however because our enslaved will is turned against God. Obviously if you turn down or reject a gift you do not get its benefits so how could Christ's atonement cover all sinners sin? Yet God said to Abraham "take thy son thine ONLY son" and sacrifice him. Now Ishmael was alive at this time. God does not regard those not in HIS family. "Eklektos" chosen favorite elect. God is HOLY. We do not know what that is but we know we cannot REMAIN in His Presence becasue of our sinful nature. (Hosea 6:1) Fortunately God is LOVE so He made a way for us. We are so wicked and fallen and separated from Him how could we choose what we do not want how can we want what we know nothing about? No man has seen God. Its not really complicated. It all starts with our view of ourself. Are we in control or God. When we examine ourselves we see we have been tricked to think we have free will but our will is broken and against God= enslaved is the most accurate description to me= OF me. We do not argue to be right but because this is life and death= Eternal life axtually. We do not know who has been chosen but God slew His only LEGITIMATE Son to re adopt many others from every tribe nation and language and prove Himself Holy and just in every way yet the most important way to Him= Love. You can be sure anyone who does not mention Love at some point does not know or believe in The character or power of the Living God who revealed Himself thru His servants the prophets in His Word. An act of Love toward us He is under no obligation to do.
Men like John MacArthur, the late RC Sproul and John Piper are not young or restless. They are Biblical and want to honor God by doing expository preaching of His Word. They have studied the Bible and read Puritans like Owen, Watson and Charnock. God and His glory are the central theme and focus of the universe not man. Most of the American church seems to have forgotten that.
David Kugel Most Americans never believed that in the first place. You know, not everyone has to be Reformed. Even though the reformers were right about the most controversial doctrines, they were not right about everything. I think a lot of reformed brothers and sisters forget that. No one is perfect. Not John Calvin, not Mardin Luder, not Basel, not John MacArthur or John Piper or Philip Johnson. It's the Spirit that brings knowledge. Because of that, even a Pelagian who truly believes can be used for great things. It seems to me that in many reformed churches doctrine sits on Christ's throne. I'm NOT saying that docrine takes a backseat, only that Jesus should be put back in the driver's seat.
Why Calvinism, Arminianism, and Lordship salvation are all doctrines made up by men and not the bible. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Faith is not a work like the Calvinist believe or it could not be used in that sentence. It is faith without works. We are not regenerated by the Holy Spirit until be believe. Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also AFTER ye believed were sealed by that Holy Spirit of promise. We were not regenerated by the Spirit until we believe the gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4. Calvinist believe in eternal security of the believer but for different reasons than the bible gives. They believe they are chosen by God through irresistible grace, and the bible teaches we are saved when we believe the gospel. John 3:16. Calvinist believe if you were truly chosen you will persevere in the faith. Second Timothy 2:13 says, If we believe not, He is faithful, He can not deny Himself. The bible teaches we are saved when we believe. John 6:47. First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know ye have eternal life. Romans 11:6 It is all grace, but we have to receive it by faith to be saved. John 1:12 Arminians believe in salvation by works, and are not saved. Matthew 7:21-23 They have never done the will of the Father. John 6:40 Actually both Calvinist and Arminians trust in their works to be saved instead of the all sufficiency of Christ alone to be saved. Both call God a liar. John 6:47 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, (everybody) that He sent HIs only begotten Son, (Jesus) that WHOSOEVER (anybody) that believeth in Him, should not perish but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.
Calvinists believe in faith without works. Wrong. We believe in faith alone. Works shows other people we are saved but works doesnt save. Jesus said no one can come to me unless the father draws them and i will lift them up on the last day. You skip ephesians 1 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before [d]Him. In love 5 [e]He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the [f]kind intention of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. 7 In [g]Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He [h]lavished on [i]us. proves you wrong. John 3:16 so whoever is believing will be saved but doesnt say how they are saved. John 17 proves you wrong 6 “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world; they were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. 7 Now they have come to know that everything You have given Me is from You; 8 for the words which You gave Me I have given to them; and they received them and truly understood that I came forth from You, and they believed that You sent Me. 9 I ask on their behalf; I do not ask on behalf of the world, but of those whom You have given Me; for they are Yours; 10 and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them. Jesus did parables. Why. mark 3 33 With many such parables He was speaking the word to them, so far as they were able to hear it; 34 and He did not speak to them without a parable; but He was explaining everything privately to His own disciples. if they could choose then why did he not just tell them plainly so they could choose.
@@BugattianVeyronian None... nor do I intend to. What I have read are the writings of the early Church from the apostolic fathers through Augustine and Jerome. They didn't teach TULIP, double predestination or once saved always saved. As I stated, Calvinism is foreign to Christian teaching until Calvin came along. His teachings are not apostolic in origin.
@@GR65330 so what do you understand from Augustine and Jerome? Obviously they don't agree with each other on many things. Which teaching is right and apostolic??
It came from Calvin, who got his views from Augustine who largely invented his views in rejection of the Patristic tradition (and the Biblical view.) Some of the more damning things he pilfered from the stoics and manichaeans, such as rejection of free will, determinism etc.
I listened to Calvinist pastor he make me doubt my salvation. I do not like Calvinism. Calvinist Pastor make me fearful of knowing God. His preach give so burdened in my thoughts and mind, he preach confusing complex and complicated. I knew because I have the discernment of Holy Spirit. We as Christians are discerning people.
Here in the UK Calvinism isn't so much of a theme, in fact many Christians I know have never heard of it, or have only the vaguest ideas about what it is.
Reformed or Calvinist theology teaches that regeneration precedes faith. God acts and man responds. Arminian theology teaches that faith precedes regeneration. Man acts and God responds. The two are mutually exclusive and can never be compromised. You don't need a doctorate in theology to know which one the Bible teaches. It screams at you from almost every page.
You are creating a false dichotomy. Even non Calvinists believe that God acts and man responds, only it happens differently. For non Calvinists, God extends the invitation for man - so inclined - to exercise his free will to respond by trusting and believing in the Gospel to become Christian (faith) but God does the saving. In Calvinism, God lures the already pre-destined saved to make a declaration of faith in his grace to be a disciple and to persevere to the end. The effectual call. In both cases, God does the saving - only it is at the start of discipleship for the Arminian and at the end for the Calvinist.
3 decades in and out of the charismatic church and various movements. Found reformed theology nearly 4 yrs ago and have never looked back. It's incredible when one is finally set free from objective truth in the word of God and the teachings of the reformation father's. God bless you Tim!
You should have attended a "Pentecostal" with a REAL denomination like the Assemblies of God instead of the silly charismatic churches with no oversight and bad doctrine. Then you would not have fallen into the calvinist ditch. You may be worse off then before. Calvinism is insidiously evil, hope you truly study ALL of it's teachings and not stick your head in the sand.
shaka zulu Thx for the "encouragement"😉 my brother or sister on Christ ..hard to know the difference. It's interesting to see how vicious those of the pentecostal proclivity can be and your comments are nothing but Christ like. One thing is for sure u have never studied the doctrines of grace nor took time to read the "Institutes". I am not a calvinist ...I am a Christian ...a follower of Christ Jesus plain and simple. What u should have said..."is my brother in Christ I disagree with you and will be praying for you..God bless"....clearly u haven't studied the Word of God. And I highly suggest u pick u John MacArthurs " Strange Fire" and read it...if u still disagree ..that's ok but at least u can cast aside your ignorance and lack of love. ...yours in Christ
SPIKOR. Fundamental churches are well-meaning people who are definitely brothers and sisters. But they add a lot of crazy ideas to the Bible that nobody ever believed in this history of Christianity, and certainly aren't in the Bible. If Fundamental churches dropped some of the things they added to the bible, they would be a lot better off - things like: - Only one translation of the bible is good; all others are bad - Any drinking is bad - Dispensationalism
SPIKOR. Rejection of Dispensationalism would cause many Fundamentalists to throw you out of the Kingdom on your ear. That's the main reason I could never go to such a church. But how do you know for sure that the majority text is right and all others are wrong? No idea like that is stated in the Bible.
SPIKOR. Steven Anderson isn't leading a movement. He has a small storefront church and some TH-cam followers. He basically is IFB minus some of the Dispensationalism.
Tim, Please, I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I really know the Lord Jesus personally, and know that I've been"Born Again", that my name's been written down in "The Lamb's Book of Life", and that I'm assured that I will be Christ in Eternity forever. Do you know these things for sure, and in light of Calvinistic beliefs, how do you know them?
Aside from the fact that Calvinism/reformed theology/whatever the kids are calling it these days is inconsistent with the entire Biblical account of who God is, it makes NO SENSE. And I don't mean "human logic sense" I mean "reading the Bible, having the Holy Spirit, walking with God" sense. It also fails the "you'll know a tree by its fruit" test. Without exception, the Calvinists I know are a nasty, condescending, smug bunch. Well, yeah. If God specially picked you, that makes you one of the elite...I mean elect. And why so dogmatic? If God handpicks us, bypasses our will, and that choice is irresistible and irrevocable, why so forceful about it? The elect will figure it out without your help. There is no point to evangelism other than to rub your "electness" in the face of the helpless damned. No thanks.
Whenever I see "huge resurgence" I have to assume error. It's the opposite of the ad populum fallacy, how could so many be wrong? In my view how could so many be right?
Huge is a relative term in this case. Arminian Dispensationalism is still the majority report but there is still enough interest in historic reformation theology to be encouraging.
The important thing is do you have the spirit of Christ Living in you. Because if you don't you don't belong to HIM. Is the holy spirit living in you? that's what's important he will lead and guide you into all truth. theology is difficult. the letter kills but the spirit gives life.
That's so true,but it's still difficult. I believe and have many blessings of God in my life (but not ENOUGH),but I'm not a nice person and you can't fake that but I know at least several people who are so lovely and kind and caring,everything a follower of Jesus should be but they're not believers.
The Reformation was a major step back to basics, salvaging Christianity from the corruption of Catholicism. But it stopped after the first step and then went forward in the wrong direction. The next generation after the reformers should have continued salvaging Christianity, but instead made Calvin and Luther eternal "popes."
Goose Hoop. Did Jesus not say "I will not leave you orphans" when did Christ leave the Church an orphan?, and "You are Kephas and on this Kephas I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will prevail against it"? Did not all the early Church Fathers and writers not profess Catholic doctrine? Saying the Church failed is saying that Christ didn't give the Church the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to guide her into all truth.
Christ never left His Church. It is people who follow a religious institution who left Christ. The Church of Christ is made up of all the individuals who follow Christ, not those who follow men's ideas. I have met many good Christians from many denominations. What unites us is our love for and obedience to Christ. We obey, not out of fear or feeling compelled, but out of a loving relationship with our Saviour. We are from many congregations and many denominations, but we are all in the one single Church of Christ. The Catholic Church at the time of the Reformation was a deeply corrupted institution. I have read the letters of the Church Fathers. I live in a Catholic community. I am aware of Catholic doctrine. The early Church Fathers did not profess what is today's Catholic Church doctrine. Nor the doctrines of the Catholic church during the Reformation. The Church of Christ has not failed because it is held securely by the Holy Spirit, but the institutional church has gone in many ways. There is one way to God, and that is through a close relationship with Christ, by Christians who attend institutional churches. But broad is the way to destruction by those people following the many streams of institutional churches. To make it clear: The Church of Christ is made up of Christians who attend institutional churches following Christ (as in a relationship with Christ through the Bible). People who follow an institutional church instead of Christ are not a part of the Church of Christ. Christ said in Luke 13:26-27 "Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity." Whatever church you attend, having a close relationship with Christ is where we should be, not bending to the institution's doctrines.
Gooie Hoop. The early Church Fathers most definitely did teach Catholic doctrine. If a relationship with Christ omits what He actually wants and His actual words, and obedience to those He set in charge, what is that relationship? You can choose what you want, the Bible, history, and the unanimous voice of Christians for 2000 years all agree that allegiance to Christ is not possible without humble obedience to the Apostles and their successors.
I agree that we need to humbly agree with the Apostles and their successors. What I mean with successors are the Apostles' disciples and their disciples, are those that lived in the 1st and 2nd centuries. Not the people who started corrupting the teachings of the Apostles and their disciples. Clement of Rome was a Christian whose views are valuable. However Clement of Alexandria brought gnostic philosophy into the Church. So did Augustine, whose philosophy influenced Luther and Calvin. Luther's and Calvin's followers should have looked back past the gnostic philosophy that adulterated the New Testament teachings, to the Apostles and the very Early Church Fathers. They didn't. They followed the Catholic tradition of looking up to a man for spiritual guidance, and venerated Luther and Calvin as if they were infallible Popes. The warnings Irenaeus wrote about in Against Heresies are as relevant today as they were then, in the 2nd century. The Body of Christ includes good Christians who attend the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church is not the Body of Christ. No denomination is.
Gooie Hoop. In a strange turn of events, the Vatican just issued a statement about both Gnosticism and Pelagianism. And among the accompanying statements was an affirmation in somewhat the same league as your final paragraph. As for the rest, Paul says: test all things, hold fast to what is good. I think that may apply to aspects of philosophies and world views also. Also, I have found this phenomenon over and over, the more Christians in general seek out living a pious holy life, the more unity they find with other Christians doing the same.
A beautiful indeed Introductory message of Calvinism Tim, However the Problem IS: Calvinism is a 'Mixture of Biblical Truth and Man-Made doctrines'....
Joseph Durraz - that is incorrect. If you are going to comment on Calvinism (and I am NOT a Calvinist) I beg you to do your homework first so that you speak _only_ the truth. To speak falsely, even inadvertently, hurts the whole Body of Christ.
@@Cheryl64014, What do you mean? Please specify... I am indeed NOT a Calvinist but I believe some of their doctrines such as: God has chosen the Elect to be saved since the foundation of the world and the reprobates to be damned to hell since the foundation of the world...=>>> I also believe the 'L' of the TULIP which stands for Limited Atonement that Christ died Only for the Elect(Sheep)... =>>> and the 'P" which stands for Preservation of the Saints which mean that the Elect can NEVER Lost their Salvation...=>>> I am not a Calvinist because I don't believe their other doctrines except the ones that I mentioned.....
@@Cheryl64014, Please read again my post, It is very short and I specify the Things that I believe about Calvinist's beliefs that i also believe.... As regarding some of their doctrine , I will give you one example that I cannot agree.... Here is the famous STATEMENT of John Calvin Himself that I cannot agree: =>>> ''God arranges all things by His sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify Him by their destruction.'' by John Calvin...
In seminaries, FLASE teachers push the Bible is not the inspired Word of God. They push MAN is the center of the universe, and many other false teachings. No wonder these so called “seminaries” some people call it cemeteries.
vanpatrick predestination makes sense only in the promise to be conformed to the image of Christ, not for salvation. If you read what it says , it says those he foreknew, or knew would come to faith, he predestined to become confirmed to the image of Christ. Predestination has nothing to do with salvation but has to do with the promise of what God would accomplish for those who hear the gospel, trust in Jesus and then are filled with the Holy Spirit. So the doctrine of predestination. Calvinist talk about is wrong
I wonder why so few want to discuss the real, significant and incredible history of the true and faithful reformed Christian religion. So few, especially in our generation, know its doctrine, discipline, form of worship and government.
We've had movements that appealed to the emotions, movements that appealed to cultic-like leaders, and now this movement which appeals to those who think they have received special enlightenment and intellect that others do not possess. They also have cultic-like leaders like Augustine (a sainted Catholic Bishop), and Calvin (the Pope of Geneva). They bring another gospel that excludes, by divine pre-determined edict, the vast majority of all God's image bearers that have ever lived. No longer can we say, "Christ died for your sins," when sharing the gospel. There have been many more movements and they all either have or shall pass away, and the pure gospel shall remain as fired gold. Do not be deceived by Calvinist "rock stars" who pontificate on panels before the lowly proletariat of the congregants. Fear not, this too shall pass. But there will be others. Church history is littered with them.
This type of theology has an arrogance and pride that is extemely appealing to people's flesh. It makes them think that they are part of the "inside club" and those other "Christians" are all deceived. I've listened quite closely to them -- and they all have that same sense of smugness.
The problem with Calvinism is that its distinctive doctrines can be traced back to Augustine's misreading of Paul which was based on Jerome's mistranslation of the Greek in to Latin. "Double Predestination", for instance, has its origins in Jerome's mistranslation of Paul's Greek into Latin. Don't be so naive as to think that Calvinism is based on "sola scriptura"; it thinks that it is but in fact its in the Augustinanian tradition of misreading the Bible.
@@BugattianVeyronian That's like every socialist says, "They're not doing it right," when capitalists and free enterprise-ers point out where socialism has failed (every country). Those against Calvinism have studied it and studied it from those who promote it. I do not speak from ignorance. I bet you have some really good words for dispensationalists, wink, wink.
When one applies emotions-based reasoning in criticizing 'reformed' theology, then "cherry-picks" scripture verses in supporting one's claim, the argument falls apart. It is a form of cognitive consistency. The arguments often made here in attempts to debunk 'Calvinism' can be equally applied to 'Arminianism.' A complete contextual theological understanding is needed. Moreover, if popularity is the main substantive challenge against Reformed churches' "lack of theological accuracy." that is odd, since 'Arminianism' is the vast popular underpinning of the vast majority of church denominations in America. So common, it is somewhat redundant to refer to church organizations as "Arminian." However, it is important to note--to any school of Christian theology--that when something becomes 'popular' among the secular minded, whether reformed or not, a wise person should exercise caution.
La di, election is not a theory and it isn't nonsensical. It is in the Bible. God's people are called the elect in Romans 8:33, Colossians 3:12, Titus 1:1, and 1 Peter 1:2. The English word "elect" in the original Greek is eklektos, which means chosen or select. This word is derived from eklegomai, which means to select, choose out, or chosen; the same word translated "chosen" in Ephesians 1:4 which tells us God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world (which is before Genesis 1:1). Based on the content, context, and grammar of the verses that use these words, it is Biblical that God chose us and we're called His chosen. The "whosoever" in John 3:16 is exactly that. Whosoever believes! But this verse doesn't tell you how the whosoever believes. It is God that chooses us first so we are even able to choose Him, because until He does it, no one can come to Christ unless drawn by the Father (John 6:44) and we have carnal minds that are hostile against God (Romans 8:7).
Whosoever doesn't mean anybody that wants to, you shouldn't be mad at calvinist Paul, Christ and the writers of the old testament taught election, predestination, and chosen. GOD DOES NOT care how we FEEL about His glory. We need to stop trying to justify God sovereignty by human standards. I am a creature and He is the Creator. HIS WAYS AND THOUGHTS ARE GREATER THAN OURS
@@carpediem4612 Or, use sources that Calvinists actually hold to, such as their own confessions and catechisms. Read the Westminster Confession and Three Forms of Unity, follow the scripture references and see for yourself if it holds water. Don't go to anti-Calvinists like Kevin Thompson, as they show little understanding of Calvinism. The primary sources are so readily available, so there's no need to have someone else do your thinking for you. See for yourself where they err.
Great video. I don't necessarily disagree with your thoughts but I do believe that when Jesus didn't return in the late 1980s as many expected, people's faith in dispensationalism began to wane and many of those folks - seeking a more intellectual approach - turned to Calvinism.
Calvinism is not Biblical in any way. It attacks God’s character by claiming that He wishes for the majority of people to be condemned, and that Jesus died to save the sins of some, when Scripture declares that He died for the sins of the WORLD, so that WHOMSOEVER would believe in Him would be saved. Their theology breeds conceited people that think they are elite because they have some “knowledge” that others don’t. Unsurprisingly, Calvinism is Gnostic in it’s roots, and any gnostic group suffers from the same conceited mentalities.
Sounds like " man -made " church , not God made church ! Sad ! I have always said why are we doing what the " world " does ? I believe the gospel is powerful enough to draw people !
I guess some would call me a "Calvinist." I didn't even know I was one until I started hearing about John Calvin. I get my beliefs from reading the King James Bible since the mid 1990's. When I learned about Calvin, it was simply me noticing that this famous theologian agrees with what I see in the Bible. BTW, I am surprised this TH-camr did not mention Family Radio, which has been around since the 1950's.
remember Calvin DID NOT write any of the BIBLE, the BIBLE is the WORD OF GOD. so ITS TOTALY wrong to call BIBLE teaching after people like Calvin. Paul wrote his letters AD 57-62 SO these BIBLE teachings have been around since then ITS NOT something new.
John Calvin lived before there was a "Calvinism". He didn't create a systematic theology. Jean Chauvin was striving to convert Catholics, mostly French Catholics, as that was also his roots.
Reformed Theology has had a stabilizing effect in the past, also. When the winds of Higher Criticism came across ocean from Europe in the late 1800s, it was the Reformed who stood fast against it. While Congregationalist colleges teaching New School Theology fell by the wayside (just as Oberlin and Andover), the Reformed / Calvinists stood firm. I came to Christ through evangelism by Arminians in the mid 1980s. That particular independent church actually had leaders who were both Calvinist and Arminian. However, they were also Pentecostal, so most of us laymen did not really get the minutiae of true Calvinist or Arminian doctrine. My limited knowledge of Calvinist was flawed, so I went in the direction of Wesleyan Arminianism and held the Moral Governement view of the Atonement of Christ in the early 1990s. Later, I was given a copy of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith and what is commonly called Keach's Catechism, which caught my attention. In the late 1990s, I began reading books by R. C. Sproul others. You might say Five Petaled Tulips began growing in my garden. While I have trouble still with the Literal Payment / Commericial Transaction view of the Atonement, I do believe in Definite or Particular Atonement. The big lesson for me was that the Sovereignty of God and the Justice of God are not at odds. God didn't have to be graceful toward a wretch like me, but thankfully he chose me.
This was a well presented and informative presentation. What a great shame that the reaction to pragmatism has caused a resurgence in the heresy of reformed doctrine. Sadly one of the chief characteristics of reformers is intellectual arrogance. So they reacted to all this practicality by reasserting their biblical cleverness. Unfortunately such cleverness is man made which is obvious from the absurdities that Calvinism can lead to. My own church stream is a little guilty of too much pragmatism. The answer is not returning to the false intellectualism of reformed theology. The answer is returning to the Gospel of grace and true spirituality.
@@gregb6469 Well that's certainly not calvinism! Take off your calvin sunglasses/presuppositions and read Scripture for what it REALLY says. ALL means ALL not some!
@@sigalsmadar4547 -- Any time you see the word 'all' ask yourself this question--all of whom? The word all does not mean the same thing in every context.
@@gregb6469 all of humanity. You are so brainwashed. The God of the Bible does not create evil. Condemning people to hell does not glorify God no matter how much you wish it or twist the Scripture.
If Calvinism where true, why even share the gospel to the lost? God has already chosen those who will be with him, he will find a way for them to get to him he doesn't need me! This would contradict many of Jesus' teaching on the topic. He said to go throughout the world and preach the gospel to every creature!
@@vanpatrick, In South Africa you get Calvinist churches that do not preach the Gospel, no propper Sunday school, because of Calvinism. They say that the elected will be saved eventually. Sound very 👎
Morné Keyser i doubt what you said but if what you are saying is true, those churches aren’t following the Bible. Yes, all the elect will be saved BUT it we MUST obey what the Lord commanded us - to preach the Gospel to all people. And also, knowing this doctrine of Election gives us encouragement to evangelize. Just like Paul when he wrote in 2Tim2:10 ‘Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.’ We can endure all suffering and persecutions during evangelism because we know for sure that God will convert some of them. And that our evangelism success is not dependent on sinful men leaving their appetite for sin and approaching God, but it is God Himself drawing sinful men to Jesus. John 6:44 ‘No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.’
Because the bible say so, because ppl are to hear God's word and Because that's part of the relationship of being dependent upon the Holy Spirit but also responsible for what the word and the Holy Spirit reveal in our hearts.
We need movement of the Holy Spirit in power! Our preaching needs to be power driven by the Holy Spirit. This takes prayer first- reading. and meditating on the Word of God and talking to Jesus about it. Its called abidance. What you will learn from abidance is it satisfies the hunger for His Word and you learn to ask for Holy Spirit to fill you. Along with being filled with power comes wisdom. Then you take your knowledge and your power and you go into the marketplace and begin using this Holy Spirit driven power to teach and pray for people and experience people getting healed-. delivered from demons and be set free.
Most New Calvinists are totally ignorant of historical Arminian and Wesleyan theology. They are fed a stereotype and a straw man which they then precede to try to demolish never really addressing the issues. They also have never taken the time to consider the other ugly side of Calvinism.
At the very least, one has to appreciate the tone of the teaching. Too many want to get all crazy and then the insults start flying. Calvinism/Arminianism/ doctrine is going to be the key to heaven. Faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus is
"Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ is" is doctrine. Hence your statement self refutes and thus absurd.
csvfernandez, smh...go back to sleep
That's why I'm Lutheran...saved by grace through faith.
I am a Calvinist, but I love *all* anti-Calvinist jokes, and when I say "all", I mean just the ones that were pre-destined to be funny from the foundation of the world
You might want to say
"half Calvinist" instead of
See one slash two....
@Shaken not stirred
I'm opposed to calvinism but I don't hate those who believe it
Good one
The best Reformed joke I heard recentl;y was about the Reformed Bible College where my son is training. "Equipping them to deal with anything the 17th Century can throw at them" :-)
Our church has hour long sermons and we sing hymns from the old hymns of the faith book. Neither Calvinist or Arminian... more like, down the middle. We are taught from the bible and the gospel is preached each week regardless of whether it’s just us regular members because the pastor said he doesn’t know everyone’s heart so the gospel must be preached. I’m so glad the Lord led me to that church.
May I ask where your church is and the name of the church? You never know who maybe looking for a church and maybe in your area♥️
Kesha B We are in Australia, and our church is in Sunbury Victoria which is just north of Melbourne airport. Anyone wanting to check out sermons on website or TH-cam, the website is and TH-cam is Hope Baptist Church Sunbury. We’re a small church and God is blessing us with new people now and then who become part of our family. It’s absolutely awesome! ❤️
@@chrissierestall5952 thank you for sharing. We never know who this may reach at the right time. God bless you sister in Christ.
Kesha B Thank you and God bless you for asking. Please also pray for my children to come to salvation (& their partners)... we pray daily for their salvation and I ask as many people as I can to add them to their prayer lists. I need a prayer army!
@@chrissierestall5952 will do. My Bible group have had unsaved loved ones on our hearts for weeks now, I'll definitely add your loved ones. I have my daughter (19yrs old) on the list as well. Wonderful daughter, truly she is. I'd like to see her committ to Christ fully. Praying from Canada 🙏
Only a small percentage of believers in heaven had Reformed theology during their lives on earth. The vast majority will be people who have simply trusted in Jesus Christ alone to forgive their sins and committed their lives to Him. Most will not have every heard of John Calvin or Calvinism. We need to keep the big picture in mind.
David Kugel You are absolutely right and quite astute in your assessment concerning real Christianity. John Calvin did not create the exclusive idea concerning the grace of God, I wholeheartedly know God is the author of His amazing grace!
I don’t negate Luther, Zwingli Calvin were men whom the Holy Spirit of God used because they were in bondage to sin as well of us all. Read Romans 3:10-18
But! These were mere men who’ve constantly receive an inordinate amount of praise due only to God.
These men were just that; men and nothing else, which I might add neither had a heaven or a hell to put you in.
Commemorate what God’s Spirit has done in bringing the lost into the light of His glory, which belongs only to Him!
Thanks for your comment. The more I read church history, the more amazed I am about the people God chooses to use. He can even use and me. That is amazing grace.
David Kugel
That's all fine and nice, but it says nothing about Calvinism or it's critics.
I think there will be some Catholics in heaven, but that says nothing about the truth of transubstantiation, for instance.
I agree. Most had no idea who Joe Arminian was either. 😎
Randy Curtis
That's Jake Arminius
The way is broad that leads to destruction. Out of the Jesus movement how many were genuine believers? How many remained? Just because it's a movement doesn't mean it's of God.
Good point. In fact some of these "movements " belong in the toliet. Sorry to be crass, but much of what is deemed "Christianity"...stinks!
Tulips are a great addition to spring gardens but I don't believe the reformed variety contributes in a positive way to the belief structure and strength of Bible-believing evangelical churches. Their premises are in my estimation a legitimate concern for those who practice Biblical Christianity.
Me too my friend .
Reformed theology is much more than TULIP. The TULIP acrostic wasn't even used until 1905 when a professor at Princeton Theological Seminary first used it as a teaching tool
@@timothykeith1367 Correct, but the reformed theology of the 21st century is today made distinct by TULIP. The Rick Warren's and Rob Bell's of the world aren't the best representation of most non-calvinist preachers. Look at Charles Stanley, Adrian Rogers, and Tony Evans. What is the main thing that distinguishes a John MacArthur from an Adrian Rogers? TULIP.
This guy says he is not a Calvinist. Remember there is no good news in Calvinism you're either born to go to hell or born to go to Heaven, you have no choice in the matter. That makes it a false unhappy doctrine.
Bobby Robby,
I am not a Calvinist, But there is also truth in Calvinism....
Regarding Salvation, There are Only two(2) kinds of people in the world...
The Elect and the none-elect(reprobates)...
Sometimes they are called the Sheep(Elect), and the goats(none-elect)
All the Elect will be saved... All the none--elect will be cast to the lake of
So both are born , one destined to heaven, the other destined to hell...
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo Then there is no good news gospel under Calvinism, you're either going to heaven or you going to hell under Calvinism. What is depressing and horrible bad news you have no choice in the matter you're born to go to hell on the Calhoun isms and most people are born to go to hell by God under Calvinism it is sick and depressing. No wonder so many people in those Calvinist Churches look so arrogant and uppity and smug. Many will not even say hi to you or say hello, welcome to this church because they're thinking, well he's either elector not not, no use trying to witness to him in a joyful welcome.
It is True indeed, The God of the Calvinist is an evil god.....
But 'Election and Predestination' is a Biblical Doctrine.... And it is True
that before the foundation of the world God had Predestined the
Elect to be Saved and the reprobates (none-elect) to be cast to the lake
of fire....
It is also True that The Father sent Jesus Christ for the Elect Only.....
Because the Elect are the True Children of God by heredity.... And the
none-elect(reprobates) are the children of the devil.....
The children of the devil will not be Saved because they cannot be
saved... They will always oppose God and the words of God....
EXAMPLE of the children of the devil : Cain, Judas, some of the
pharisees to whom Jesus said : ''you are of your father, the devil...
Jesus was NOT playing words, those people are really children of the devil.
There is no injustice in God.... He judges rightfully......
It is only the god of the Calvinist that is not just and evil.....
@@bobbyrobby3600So true, a lot of coldness.
It's due to Calvinists understanding how to use social media. Nothing more, nothing less.
A little more, it's the purposeful injection of calvinists into baptist leadership (usually through college leadership). This happened like 15-20 years ago and we're seeing the fruits within the last 5 years or so.
Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" AMEN!
And he said it in the singular as in the ones who go by HIS actual Word. Nothing else.
Like John Calvin.
RC Sproul Boice MacArthur Baucham....the Reformed.
@@uncasunga1800 Wrong, he was talking to Peter. I'm not Catholic, but one doesn't have to be a Catholic to accept that Jesus was giving Peter extreme authority in this instance.
@@uncasunga1800 Three of those guys you named are in hell right now. Megalomaniacs who worshiped their intellectual knowledge instead of God.
And when God's judgment comes upon MacArthur very soon there will be a great falling away among those who follow MacArthur.
When I first became aware of Calvinism a few years ago I was struck with a fairly strong curiosity. The more I studied, the more I became repelled by it. The image of the Calvinist god is at 180 degrees different from the orthodox stance and the doctrine seems to deaden the souls of its adherents over time.
“Calvinist god” , you’re really gonna say we worship a different god rather than the God of the Bible …
@@gabe7548 Yeah.
@@Isaac-wl6wu My major teachers were James White, John MacArthur, John Piper, and Mark Driscoll, in that order. I couldn't stand any more after that. I find White and Driscoll especially putrid.
@@gabe7548 The description of God that the Reformed Calvinistic Churches make are perfectly in line with the descriptions of Satans Character only worse. Satan is only an angel and can't hold a candle to the cruelity of the calvinist god.
So yes even a fool can see the Calvinist god is not God!
God gave us free will to decide what we want to do with our lives!
I am NOT anti-Mormon! If that is your deal go for it! Your choice!
I am NOT anti-Jehovah Witness! If that is your deal go for it! Your choice!
I am NOT anti-Muslim! If that is your deal go for it! Your choice!
I am anti -John Calvin as it Pretends to be Christian and it is NOT! Still your choice!
The John Calvin doctrine: ! God doesn't love everyone! Doesn't want to save everyone! and delights in condemning most people to torture in Hell! Check your collar to see if you have won your calvin gods salvation lottery. Perhaps your calvin god has decided not to torture you in hell and has forced his love on you and decide to save you from his delight of torture!
Christian doctrine: 1 Timothy 2 : 3-6 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
They are exact opposites. One is God's LOVE, the other is Satan's LOVE which is no love at all!
TRUTH IN LOVE to the lost Calvinists
@@truth7416 all you have done is articulate that you don’t understand the doctrines of grace, all u did was accuse God of being Satan, and you also quoted verses and applied a universal context to them , for example you implied that 1 Timothy 2 was saying that God wants all men in a individual universal sense to be saved, but that’s not the context, at the beginning of the chapter Paul is talking about prayer for people in the position of power, because he Dosent want them hindering the expansion of the gospel to new nations because God wants all people to be saved in a ethnic sense, he wants to the gospel to reach all of his people, which they are praying will not get hindered by rulers
In their effort to become hip and "relevent" to the goats, they became irelevent to God.
I do not want to be reformed but transformed into the image of Christ.
The one leads to the other.
michael reyes the old man can never be reformed, that is why God gives us an entirely new man, spiritually speaking
Rod Rust - "Reformed" in this context does not mean what you think it means. It doesn't mean that *_we_* are reformed. It means those "Reformed" doctrines that Martin Luther began in 1517, and joined shortly afterward by John Calvin (with some differences). Luther's and Calvin's "reformed" doctrines are those doctrines that were and are currently held by the Catholic Church, but have been reformed by those two men, and now comprise the basic doctrines of the Protestant religions.
Both Lutherans and Calvinists, of course believe, that *we* are to be "transformed" into the image of Christ.
You know what bothers me more than your incorrect statement? It bothers me that 22 others gave your statement a thumbs-up without have a clue what you were talking about. And if you had done 2 minutes of a google search on the reformed religion, you wouldn't have made that statement in the first place.
@@tkervinph Yes the one, the ''old man'' leads to the other ''new man''. What makes the ''old man'' a ''new man'' is he/she bares fruits of righteousness. You say..'' the old man can never be reformed''. Hmmm, your not talking about a ''cheap grace'', ''sin and live'' theology are you? Jesus explained the ''new man'' experience to Nicodemus in John 3. I think the Lord disagrees with you. So let's not play theologian and keep it simple. The entirely ''new man'' your talking about comes on the final day when the saints are change in the twinkling of an eye.
Cheryl64014 its a joke! Ha ha
I do not follow teachings of John Calvin but only Lord Jesus Christ.
Which is exactly why I hold to the doctrines of grace! ^-^
So that begs this question: Do your beliefs about who God is and who men are align with what Calvin believed or what Pelagius or Arminius et al believed-I only say this because you chose to weigh-in on this video’s conversation.
God is love. But On October 27, 1553 John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, had Michael Servetus, the Spanish physician, burned at the stake just outside of Geneva for his doctrinal heresies.
Murder is murder. Sin is sin what John Calvin has done to him. Hypocrite.
God didn't command him to do it. Didn't you ever heard of Jesus' command "love your enemies"?
Ironically, if Calvinism is true then the only reason I am not a Calvinist is because God has chosen to not open my eyes to that truth. But if Calvinism is not true then they are responsible for the heretical doctrine they promote
You lost me
@@citizen1981 Calvinists believe that everything that happens is part of God's ordained will. So that would mean if Calvinism was true part of His ordained will would be that I NOT be a Calvinist.
But if Calvinism is NOT true, then they are believing heretical doctrine of their own free will
@KTTGHMTJWYCBLAC Calvinists have to add “ordained (by God, before the foundation of the world) to eternal life believed. In Acts 13:46, 18:6, 28:28. The Jews judged themselves unworthy of everlasting life, so they turned to the Gentiles. At that point the Gentiles accepted this same message.
Acts 13:38-48: There was a bitter reaction on the part of some Jews to the huge crowd that assembled the following week wanting to hear the word of the Lord. Paul tells them straight that he had a responsibility to preach the message to them first, but now that they had made up their minds and come to a decision to reject the message, he would turn his attention to the gentiles. Isaiah had predicted such a reaction, so we know that God knew about it beforehand. But that was not the cause of the reaction. It was their jealousy, for which they were responsible . And, as it turned out comma the reaction of the listening gentiles was very different: when the gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; And all who were appointed for eternal life believed (v. 48). … The Greek term translated appointed here is not one of the words in our earlier lists. It is from a verb whose root means ‘to cause someone to be in a state involving an order or arrangement’ and is used in military Contacts to describe troops lining up or getting into formation. The use of the word in this context is understandable - The Jews did not want the gospel and so the gentiles lined up for it. The etymology of the word says nothing about how the lining up was done, but in the context it is clear that, just as the Jews made the conscious decision to get out of line, similarly the gentiles made an equally conscious decision to get into line. … Once again it is to be stressed that God took the initiative in all of this. He sent them the messengers who preached to them and the power of the spirit. In that sense God had worked on and in them, but in the end they were saved not because of some inscrutable Fiat on God's part but because they responded to God's initiative. They lined themselves up and believed comma and therefore received eternal life.”
From a Calvinistic perspective they have different “wills” of God. The third chapter the Westminster Confession begins with these words: “God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and immutably-that is without possibility of changing it-God did freely and immutably ORDAIN WHATSOEVER COMES TO PASS… Besides the fact that this would include SIN being a part of God’s ordained will (not just that He allows it to happen, but that He wants it to happen - otherwise, it would never happen). So according to Calvinists God’s will is ALWAYS done in the universe - this means every person who trusts in Christ is fulfilling the plan that God wanted. And conversely, every person who rejects Christ and goes to hell is equally fulfilling God’s will for their life to perfection.
Why do you think God gives so many warnings in Scripture and so many praises for right action if it was all predetermined anyways and their actions were meticulously determined by God. So I guess what I am asking, is why do you think on one hand God would say “do not murder” but then He decrees (according to Calvinism) for a person to murder? (“whatsoever comes to pass)?
I get my doctrine from the Bible. It was written to me. God never said to get from another man. I attent church regularly but I still only follow God's word.
And that's exactly what you need to start a new sect: Get all your interpretations together and preach, because your interpretation is the right one.
If I have the Bible, do I need John Calvin to tell me what God thinks?
If you are a Baptist your teachings come from John Smyth and Roger Williams what’s the difference
I don't read John Smyth and Roger Williams. I read the Bible.
Actually, I have never heard either of those men quoted in a Baptist Church. We talk about the Bible endlessly.
fbcpraise Same applies to Calvinism. We don’t teach Calvin’s teachings because Calvin said them, but rather teach the teachings of Christ and Paul and the other biblical writers that happen to line up with Calvin and modern “Calvinism”. Hope this helps and as a fellow Baptist and Brother in Christ, God bless you and have a good day!
@@jaxondabeastz2046 We will probably never see this this same way, but you're right, we are brothers. All the best.
Seems to me like people worship their doctrines more than they do Jesus.😢😥🥱
Wow @It's a Dog's Life, you made a very good point. Same point can be made of prayer especially that saying you always hear "Prayer Works!"
You are the kind person that would attend a Steven furtik church. You cannot separate doctrine from christ. Ironically, you espouse doctrine by claiming not to adhere to one. And, that's exactly what this guy is talking about.
True they are modern Pharisees.
@Brimstone, NONSENSE, God has nothing to do with doxology...
Worship....Jesus? Which one? The Mormons’? The Jehovah’s Witnesses? The Muslims?
If i were a non believer, listening to this conversation in this thread , i would never want to follow Christ.
1. I would see no love but bitter hate toward one another. 2. I would not know anything about God, because you are battling who is right and who is wrong. 3. I would be wondering if you really care about my soul or being right? 4. Lastly, would you even notice me walk away with out hearing about Jesus?
Would you? Seriously?
I am that person searching for hope and i just walked away from the argument between two who say they follow Christ?
Please, stop. Listen to who you are turning way as you try to prove your points.
My heart grieves to hear once again ones who call themselves followers of Christ speak so harshly to one another.
Jesus prays that we would be one as He and His Father were.
Remember? The kindness of the Lord leads one to repentance. Kindness? A fruit of the Spirit.
Don’t let winning an argument be the stumbling block that hinders your gift of kindness toward one another.
I've been having the same thought
that is what I have found to be true about those who hold to osas, they become hardened and obnoxious of other people,
there are hate groups that hold to osas, fred phelps westboro baptist church, and pastor stephen anderson are known hate groups that spew hate and feel totally justified in doing so.
pastor anderson has a video here on youtube where he is whining because he got handled a bit rough by the police at a checkpoint he went through and refused to cooperate with them,
he plainly says he refused to answer their questions and refused to let them search his vehicle, he gave them an attitude and then made a video to whine about them getting a little rough with him.
that is where osas leads for so many of them, they just begin to take things for granted and many have quite an attitude.
Sam Morris, a Baptist preacher in Stamford, Texas wrote a little tract explaining that all the sins one may commit cannot harm the soul or cause the person to be lost. Look at the quote: “We take the position that a Christian's sins do not damn his soul. *_The way a Christian lives,_* *_what he says,_* *_his character,_* *_his conduct,_* *_or his attitude toward other people have nothing whatever to do with the salvation of his soul_* All the prayers a man may pray, all the Bibles he may read, all the churches he may belong to, all the services he may attend, all the sermons he may practice, all the debts he may pay, all the or-dinances he may observe, all the laws he may keep, all the benevolent acts he may per-form will not make his soul one whit safer; and all the sins he may commit from idolatry to murder will not make his soul in any more danger... The way a man lives has nothing whatever to do with the salvation of his soul... The way I live has nothing whatsoever to do with the salvation of my soul" [Do a Christian’s Sins Damn His Soul?].
I read his book Visual Theology and I confirm Challies does not include the Holy Spirit in transformation and good work
I respect what you’re saying but if we are to start not sharing the whole gospel, regardless of what people might think, then we aren’t presenting the gospel at all. I understand the concern of it but if it’s what the Bible teaches, we preach is no matter what
While I don't know the specific context of exactly what bothers you, remember when Paul loved Peter enough to call out his hypocrisy towards the gentiles(in public too) when the jews showed up. Their bond of brotherhood wasn't damaged, if anything it was strengthened. In Peter's letters to the church you can see how he commends Paul's Ministry therefore acknowledging there being no bitterness. Paul was even rather blunt because he knew what was at stake if he was just merely don't be quick to discourage brotherly fights..If it's on grounds that aim to clarify scripture and honor the Lord, we need more of it! If both parties respond appropriately their will be gentleness in correction, humility in response and no ego issues.. presently in our culture we assume love means sounding sweet and avoiding conflict. Not so in scripture.. sometimes Unity has to come to fruition through conflict not just everyone getting along. That's perceived unity and it's superficial. If people are being rude and have no aim to edify it at all but to make things personal, that is of no use and is sinful. Otherwise understand as a Believer or unbeliever that there are people who get on here who can claim to be Christians and make fools of themselves (we don't know them) or their are people who can get on here and correct a brother in love. Both may seem wrong to a unbeliever, but obviously their perception is flawed in the first place!
Stop following Calvin and follow Jesus already
Your explanation is exactly what happened to me. One day I stumbled into R C Sproul. This theology put to rest all the missing pieces. Answered all my questions about why the words predestination, election, calling...did not mean what they seemed to mean. I am and have always been a Southern Baptist . Thank you for putting together my exact testimony for the last six or seven years.
Jesus said "thy word is truth" not just some of it. Balance is important and we cannot ignore any of the teachings of scripture. Let the scripture be its own interpreter and allow the Holy Spirit to quicken your mind with its words to guide you. Following the teachings of men that contradict the scripture or explain away its truths will lead you into error. No Church or denomination has arrived at all truth or a perfect understanding of the Bible's teachings. Keep your mind open to what the scripture says and you will not be deceived by the many false teachings that have infiltrated many Christian groups.
Robert Ellington amen!
@@fredsbarbercuts6375 I find these responses ironically funny whenever they are brought up. If I follow your advice, I'd be following a man, if I reject your advice, I'd be following a man. Don't follow man, except for me and my teaching to not follow man.
Why is this self contradiction always the retort when someone says they read this author or agree with that historical position's view of the Bible?
Christian Orthodox doctrine has not changed in 2,000 years. It's theology has refuted the proto-Calvinist philosophy long before the Reformers reinvented Greek Fatalism out of Egyptian Gnosticism. You are babbling nonsensically because you don't know the history of the Church.
@@PETERJOHN101 What is their position on the Canon of Orange? I've noticed eastern Christians seem to teach pelagianism even while claiming to be against it. And they seem to be very mixed on Augustine these days, officially regarding him as a saint, yet many seem openly hostile to him. That seems like quite a shift over the years.
I am a Calvanist Presbyterian and above all a Christian. At my church we sing the old hymns, recite liturgy, but most of all the redeeming grace is preached from the pulpit. The cross and the resurrection of Christ is preached in every sermon plus concepts to encourage, equip, and reproof the parishinor. Sound Biblical doctrine is proclaimed. My church is not new. We recently had our 225th anniversary. May our Lord move among all His true churches to bring about genuine Biblical revival due to this pandemic. This Calvinist is so grateful to know the greatest Biblical truth:. Jesus loves me this I know.
Does Jesus love all ?
Did Jesus die for all?
Check the motives of the heart, for there is always the answer for the only one I have any control over, me! If we learn to walk in the Spirit and live lives as Jesus teaches us to, then we will, without effort, see changes occurring in our surroundings. Become the very love, peace, and joy of Holy Spirit, and men will no longer be able to lead you amiss. Amen!
Calvinist Dictionary
All: The elect.
Everyone: The elect.
Kosmos: Greek word that means “The elect”.
Whosoever: The elect.
World: The elect.
John Trevett lol. That’s so true. The Bible does mention it though so all we need to do is figure it out... I mean did Abraham choose Good or did God choose Abraham. Did the disciples choose Jesus or did Jesus choose the disciples. Its frustrating but somehow God chooses and man “chooses” as well.... has to be some combination of both because we know “free” will exists. I couldn’t choose my birthday or gender or socioeconomic starting part and many other things but very early on in life I was able to make choices about what to do and where to go and what to believe. Did God part any part in my choices... I have to believe He did.
Matthew N' Renee Griffin
God is not a respecter of persons. He gives each person a measure of faith. Where they put that faith is up to them and they are accountable for that free choice. For love to be love there has to be free will. Dont let satan's favorite flower, the TULIP, blind you from the truth.
Amen lol. Good one
Why are you lying? The word that is translated elect means chosen. Here is a super simple test to see if you are right. Show me one verse that says that someone can come to God without God acting upon then first. One verse is all you need. Go on, try and find one verse that says that. Surely if it is true, and the historic Christian view is wrong, then you ought to come up with one verse that says it? There aren't any. Now go and read all the verses that say you can't. There are over a dozen. So why do you believe those verses aren't true and believe a verse that doesn't exist is true? All the bible is true, not just the bits you like or understand.
+Phil Saunders Nice strawman. I never said God doesnt initiate. Irrisistable grace is not found in scripture.
John 12:32
The best thing the Reformed church can do for itself is to drop the Augustinian-Calvinism based interpretations of scripture and rediscover the orthodox understandings of the early church fathers. Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same. All may change but Jesus never, glory to His name!
Right! Hebraic roots all the way! They way God intended the relationship with Him to be from the beginning.
The early church fathers were “calvinists”. Check out Diognetus writings and numerous others- they all preached the same as Augustine,Calvin,Spurgeon etc .It’s because it is Biblical - always a sure fire hit will the regenerate man.
@@chrismachin2166 I'm currently a provisionist and not sure whether to be reformed or not. Have you read John Chrysostom? He was a total synergist who stated that God even desired/willed for Pharaoh to repent. In reformed theology, God never really wanted Pharaoh to repent, because God wanted him to stay as a non-elect person to express His wrath upon. And I've read something from another early church father who said that God does everything He can to save someone. In reformed theology, God doesn't desire/will for the non-elect to repent. If God wants/wills for a person to repent, they will repent because God cannot fail in reformed theology.
@@Jay-ud1qd Your passion for Christ is evident in your post. Two items I would recommend, Thomas Watson “ A body of Divinity” ( book)and on here “What is reformed Theology?” R C Sproul.
@@Jay-ud1qdLook at the reviews of the book.
Tim,I am not sure I am going to agree with your conclusion but I think you did an excellent job of describing what has been going on in churches at least here in the USA. Thank you brother.
Pls look up Ray Comfort’s “Hell’s Best Kept Secret”.
"Who are the elect? The whosoever wills." - Adrian Rogers
I know you wrote your comment over 1 year ago. By Adrian Rogers I came to Christ 30 y ago. It is the whosoever wills, as you wrote, according to Eph 1:4,5, which Calvinism overthrows and we have this dichotomy of the ‘elect’ according to J Calvin, and the opposing arguments that if one is not a Calvinist one has to be an ‘Arminian’. God does not chooses to salvation or damnation, but by foreknowledge chooses the ones who would be saved to Sanctification by JC Himself.
NO! (and I like Rogers)
The Elect is ISRAEL! Always has been, always will.
Election is "chosen for God's purpose," NOT "unto salvation as 90% of Christians think.
2 Tim 2:10 The Elect - National Israel - are not saved.... yet.
Believers are saved from the Wrath of God, which is the last 7 years on Daniel's prophecy clock. We will be snatched away before Jacob's Trouble starts. The Elect in Matt 24 is Israel, and they will be gathered back to the Land to be rescued by Yeshua Himself from the antichrist and his minions.
@@josefernandez-leon4024 Jesus Christ. His Name is Above every other name in heaven and earth. His Name is not at your disposal.
Hallelujah and amen brother You speak the truth. “I came to bring the truth”. Blessings to you from our Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for discernment. The Holy Spirit will give you discernment. Wow you really hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately they have powerful charismatic people and people do not dig deeper into what their core beliefs are. But we pray for their eyes to be opened. Love in Christ
Calvinism is very evil doctrine because it is a mixture of Biblical Truth,
and man-made
Consider this Statement which is the base of Calvinism....
''God arranges all things by His sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals
are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify
Him by their destruction.''
This Statement is very evil because it contradicts the Character of God, and cannot
be Supported by the Scriptures....
I would add Martyn Lloyd Jones and his influence bringing to life the puritan books with the start of Banner of Truth in the '50s, and R.C. Sproul with his Holiness series - both are catalysts even before the 'Church growth' movement...
Do the Great Commission if you are a calvinist I'm a 5 . Armenianist, I can win that argument but as long as you're doing the Great Commission and not cutting short the elect. you must plead with them go out to the highways and byways and compel them this is why Calvinism falls short in evangelism.
@@jjphank Have you ever heard of evangelism explosion. That was created by a Calvinist Dr. James Kennedy. Look at the work, Ligonier, Piper, White, MacArthur, Jeff Durbin do to spread the Gospel…worldwide ministries. The Gospel Coalition & more so anyone that says Calvinist don’t share the Gospel are sadly mistaken. We’re Calvinist at my church but we minister & share the Gospel right in the neighborhood where we are located. My pastor & elders live in the neighborhood of the church & it’s in the inner city. So like I said people saying Calvinist don’t share the Gospel overlook the obvious. Because we know that the lost sheep still need to hear the Gospel to be saved.
@@ReformedDoc Yeah I took evangelism explosion in 1995 , I knew D James Kennedy was a Calvinist and it was helpful! but all I’m saying in my message was, do they plead with them to get saved or did they just write them off real quick and say “well that’s not one of the elect!”
Election has to do with The ordaining of works second peter 1:10 The ordaining of works in a believers life!
Same as make your calling and election sure is , work out your salvation with fear and trembling Philippians 2:12-13!
I have ministered alongside with Calvinist with Muslim ministry and abortion clinic ministry!
Keep spreading the news
@@jjphank Well, I think that’s a poor attitude to have. At the same time I don’t believe we are supposed to keep pushing the Gospel either. The scripture says if they reject it move on. Now that being said not everyone gets it right away. Sometimes just the seed is planted & as a Calvinist I don’t know whether it’s going to happen or when it’s going to happen. To count a person out before the end of their earthly life is not biblically correct. So I’ll continue to preach the Gospel of Jesus like I did when I wasn’t a Calvinist because that’s what we are called to do.
@@ReformedDoc well go back and read the first message and compel them to come in & make sure that people are doing that instead of just saying “oh well”…. … you know, Ephesians 1 and Romans 9 talking about predestination for plural groups only! The church, in Ephesians one because the language is “us and we“never “you and die” are predestined. And then 11 times in 11 verses it says “in Christ“ or “in him” or “in whom” referring to Christ.
Romans 9: 1- 3 paul sets up the nation of Israel is what he’s talking about. The verse Jacob I loved Esau I hated is referencing genesis 25:23 “there are two nations in your womb“!
Stay with the context God wants all men to be saved first Timothy 2:4, second peter 3:9!
John 3:16 whoever believes has everlasting life; , believes is present future tense, not believed past tense!
So this context harmonizes with all the other contacts at salvation staying faithful to the end of your life!
I’m an apologists so go ahead and ask some questions, if you need/want to!
I feel blessed that I have been able to read scripture without the "church" goggles and the level of clarity that stems from such untrammeled vision.
Eccl 12:13-14; I John All of it and James really fixate on what is expected of a follower of our glorious Messiah. If you remain in the apostolic writings only, then you get stuck in circular reasoning. The ONLY "Holy Scriptures" that existed, which anyone could test their writings against was and is the Tanakh ("old testament").
Both the Father and Son are eternal and require equal weights and measures for ALL. There is no change in requirements to be in covenant relationship with them. There is MUCH more to this than what 2000 years of watering down His Word has accomplished.
May YHWH bless and keep you and yours in all that you do.
I hate the "institutional church" let's get back to 1st century church meeting in homes....not a big building and get into God's Word and be like the Bereans!!!
Does God dislike big churches of believers?
bob polo When your church and worship service costs $10,000,000, the neighborhood is poor and there is no agape and nobody really knows each other you are doing Christianity wrong
Berwyn- I agree, but that didn't address my question, nor does your answer apply to every big church
There have been movements that have said the same thing throughout church history. Let’s not have musical instruments, buildings, etc. We can’t go back to the 1st century, but we can believe how they believed if our belief is founded upon the word of God.
Bob polo, Even the Demons Believe that Jesus is God. If you think you just have to believe that Jesus is God. You do not know him! Repent of your sins and change your sinful ways! You must have a personal relationship and intimacy with Jesus, The Father, and allow him to dwell within you as the Holy Spirit. There are so many lukewarm Christian within all denominations, and it is horrible. People who claim to know Jesus Christ, but just go to church on Sunday and are just going through the motions. Stagnant in their faith and are not growing spiritually in relationship to God. It truly is sad. Nothing Else, should even compare to the time, love, and prayer you give to God. This life should be a living sacrifice to the will of God. I hope this helps. God bless.
All you have to do is put the word "Calvinism" in the title of your TH-cam video and watch the sparks fly. People that are against the title go off on a rant, people that are for the title try to defend it and in turn also begin ranting. The thing that I notice is that it is easier to attack the title without discussing the verses where the doctrines are derived from. As Christians we are told to search/study the scriptures to see if something is true (Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy 2:15), but I see little reference or quotes from verses at all. Just a lot of assertions. That's the problem with social media, Christians find it easier to bring their emotional opinions to a theological matter and it brings out the pettiness on both sides. Does anyone bow their heads in prayer before commenting or submit to the Spirit so they can show the fruit of it (Galatians 5:22-23) even in their comments?
You know
I'm so concerned
Like Christ Jesus The Holy Ghost and The Holy Bible isn't enough
The Chuch is the body of beilivers, its not the unsaved.
If you m water down the gospel people will leave anyway when the gospel os proclaimed because they never came for that anyway. No program, catch phrase or modern way to get people into church. The Gospel alone saves. Dont water the gospel down for numbers. Memeber the way is NARROW not wide.
Wow! So welcoming...
Only for the predestined “elect”. Everyone else is predestined to hell and God hates them. As Calvinist quote “Jacob I loved, Esau I hated”. But you could be one of the deceived and not be saved but be one of the non elect in which case no amount of praying or begging will change the fact you are going to hell. Because God predestined it so as to reveal His Glory.
Eduardo Vega Jesus said my sheep will hear my voice, therefore it’s only gospel and testimonies needed
@@eduardovega3406 pandering all the way to destruction
I am a Pauline theology Christian. 100%. Saved by Christ's blood atonement and not of works.
I spent most of my life under the sway of what one might call Baptistic, Dispensationsal (modern version) Arminianism. On the surface I was dismissive of what I called liturgical churches and practices such as covenant baptism. However, deep down I couldn't square what I was being taught with what scripture teaches. Through the providence of God I came into contact with a number of men who helped me really understand the reformed perspective. Some were unknown, faithful, local pastors and others more well known teachers.
Though I have some concerns with the "new" part of the new Calvinism I am hopeful that a younger generation hungry for deep and meaningful God centered worship and theology will reconnect with the "Mystic sweet communion with those whose rest is won".
I had the exact opposite.
Only in the Reformed (be baptist or presbyterian) camp have I found enough God centered worship and theology to satisfy my soul. Hallelu-Yah our Sovereign God.
@@kenim because they are the only ones teaching the actual Christian life lol
@@DrGeorgeAntonios I had the exact opposite of you.
@@uncasunga1800 Calvinism teaching the Christian life? Lol no.
"Calvinism is the Gospel, and nothing else" (Charles Spurgeon.) Spurgeon liked being called a Calvinist. Do you pray for the Kingdom of God? (Matt 6: 9-10) Could it be that through prayer she/the church, is returning to what she did before? And if so, Why? (Rev 2:4-5) She must always keep in mind "judgment begins at the house of God" 1Peter 4:17.
The fact that it has to have its own identity is partly why its attractive
Solution to all kinds of Doctrinal differences and Confusions= Believe and put ALL your Trust in the Finished Work of Christ(Calvary),
Which works of Christ? Which Christ? The “jesus” of the Jehovah’s Witnesses? The “jesus” of the Mormons? The “jesus’ of the Muslims? The “jesus” of the Mary Baker Eddy (Christians Scientists iists)? You speak about confusion?,
@@uwekonnigsstaddt524 Yahshua/Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The Only Begotten Son of the Living God Yahweh,
The Only Saviour and Redeemer of all mankind.!!
Your comment shows that you do not know the Yahshua/Jesus Christ I'm mentioning here.!
Numbers 24:15-17; Psalms2:1-12; 22:1-31;
110:1-7; PROVERBS30:4; Isaiah7:14;9:6-7; 11:1-10;52:13-15;53:1-12; 63:1-6; Jeremiah23; Daniel 7:13-14; Micah5:2; Zechariah6:12; 12-14; Malachi4:1-3; Matthew 25:31-46; John 3:1-36;8:24; 2Corinthians4:3-4; Galatians1:6-9;
Colossians1:13-20; Hebrews1:1-13; Revelation1:1-19;
I came to the reformed faith in part due to the "seeker" sensitive movement but also because the Arminian and Modern Dispensationalist theology that I was taught just didn't seem to jive with what I was reading in the scriptures. In God's grace he brought wise and godly men into my life who helped me to understand sound doctrine and meaningful liturgy.
Unfortunately in many areas of the country (including my area) even the Reformed churches are chasing after Willow Creek.
Christians want to lead the lost to Christ.
Calvinists want to lead Christians to calvin
@Donnie Jacks
I never claimed they SAID it
@Donnie Jacks
To explain how calvinists THINK
@Donnie Jacks
Calvislam is never honest
@Donnie Jacks
No, not the scriptures.
I mean the kjv paraphrase
Zechariah 4:6. "not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit" says the Lord God Almighty. The Holy Spirt is the greatest leader. John 4:23 "yet a time is coming and has now come when true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks." God bless you. Ephesians 1: 17-23.
Thank you for this channel.
I'm glad that A Man of God Like Paul Washer isn't CHANGING TO ACCOMMODATE the world we are called to come out
We are called to Spirit and Truth Worship
And we need to know the truth of the Holy Scriptures
Not by being Calvinists
but by being CHRISTIANS
Acts 11
Acts 26
1Peter 4
Your paul washer is a pretty strong calvinist!
He is Neither calvinist baptist Pentecostal evangelical Adventist
He is not a denominationalist
and this is not me repeating Paul Washer but me proclaiming and declaring HE HIMSELF FOR HE IS THE WORD
@@carmellagloster8404 no need to shout.
I didn't say you worshipped mr washer. But you should be aware of his beliefs if you listen to him. There is a lot of deception now and increasing as we draw close to God's judgment on the world.
Hey I just like to use caps why they determined that CAPS is when you are shouting when I am shouting I use these!!!!!!! Exclamation marks
I am neither tech nor internet savvy
Reformed Christianity taught me within weeks of my introduction to it, how far I was from actually following Christ. It's freed my family from all manner of false teachings and made our walk rich and powerful in Christ.
Daniel Mooney
There is no false doctrine that can do that. Especially one that makes God out to be the cause of billions of people burning in hell. Just another victim of His
id question whether I had any clue about Jesus if I truly believed reformed theology has ANYTHING to with Him
once I got rid of the calvinistic presuppositions I was able to see the scriptures clearly and left the GNOSTICISM PHILOSOPHY of AUGUSTINE and Calvin.
now I worship God not calvin.
and I no longer have to lie to people because I truly received his love that he died for the whole world.
Jesus is the chosen one not John Calvin.
to be called after the name of a Jew hating murderer always bothered me.
Thankful for your clarity and insight on the many complex and serious issues facing churches today.
THANKS a lot for your TH-cam miniseries. God bless you and your country.
Tim I appreciate the first 5 minutes especially!
God desires all to be saved
If God desired it would it not be so?
@@kevinnichols4105 So you trust your good works to save you. Good luck with that.
It’s His will, but He also gave man free will to choose
@Ben Jones Ben in a reformed framework God does get all he desires because he made all of the things you mentioned come to pass, the holocaust everything. The point is that if you take the verse seriously, you have to say there has to be an alternative to TULIP, God cannot want everyone to be saved and then make it that it's impossible for some.
The question is why? He choose the Hebrews to be a blessing to the nations, he does this type of thing throughout scripture this doesn't mean only some are saved, it simply means God uses people or groups of people at certain times. If one thinks that personally salvation is the end goal of the gospel, it means that the Kingdom aspect of Jesus's reign on earth is totally nullified. Gods desire is that all come to salvation like a dad desires his children to know God, but because of peoples free will God uses us (the church) to be a reflection of and preach of his goodness, majesty, holiness to those who are lost.
Ephesians 2:10
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Slant Six that we would walk in them. Just so long as we first believed. 😉
Works prepared by God...not thunk up by youtube commenters
My opinion on Calvinism can only be expressed in language inappropriate for a public forum.
A lie from the pit of Hell (a real place), I always say.
Right now I am on the fence on wether calvinism is Christian at all. Calvinist seem to put their faith in God election of them for salvation before time began. Rather than putting their faith in Jesus Christ death burial and resurrection for salvation. Those seem like different gospels.
It comes to the individual. I do believe there are born again people in the reformed church for sure. But overall just like other movements and denominations they have their flaws because they are man made institutions and man made doctrine. Slowly over time I have been starting to advocate more for non denominational churches as time goes on. Each church can make their decision as long as they preach the true gospel of Christ which is Repentance of sin and Faith in Christ alone is sufficient. Everything else well that’s that church to decide. Just make sure to never make doctrine the center of your faith. All these doctrines are just but tools to move through his word easier but the Bible is the only thing that is from God.
Curious as to why they didn’t go back to the early church fathers?
Whats the point of preaching if calvinism is true and a few people are already chosen ?
The Sight of Sound so the verse whoever believes will have eternal life doesnt have a meaning?
The Sight of Sound so Adams sin was enough to make everyone a sinner but Jesus blood is not enough to cover the sins of all mankind?
If there is no guarantee that even after you believe and live for Jesus you cannot go to heaven then its not too different than what muslims say. Whats is unique about Jesus then?
The Sight of Sound so why did Jesus tell his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations? Was he just decieving them?
The Sight of Sound he doesnt say preach to chosen
And what do you preach? God died for a few so you could try out may be you might be chosen?
Well done! Thank you very much! I see modern-day Calvinism as a reaction to other extremes or falsehoods, but not necessarily totally biblical.
May I ask (in a friendly way) what parts of Reformed Theology do you find less than biblical? Just curious.
@@RL-vv7or The unbiblical Reform doctrines include that God did not die for the sins of the world, but only those he decided to save. And that he predestined some for heaven and some for hell. Predestination in the Bible is about those who are in Him, we are then assured of the destination of heaven and to be conformed into the image of the Son. Not about some unbelievers being chosen to be believers. All of the Tulip steps have twists in them that are unbiblical. Are we depraved? Yes, but not so that we are unable to see our depravity and call out to Jesus. Atonement is not limited in its availability to all. Etc.
@@jcthomas3408 Romans 9 goes into great detail about God's sovereignty over salvation (His choice of some and not others). The chapter even deals with the "Not Fair!" argument (verses 14-15).
Limited Atonement- unless you're a universalist, you believe in a limited atonement. Reformed Christians believe the atonement is limited in its INTENT. Arminians believe it's limited in its EFFECT.
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." John 10:11, 15
You may disagree with our conclusions but everything we believe is anchored in scripture. You can not honestly say we're unbiblical- just unBaptist.
@@RL-vv7or Reform ideas use the Bible, but ignore large sections to arrive at the tulip conclusions. I am not Baptist, nor Arminian, but I believe Jesus died for the world, and whoever believes becomes his sheep. But in what way does the Reform believer think Jesus died for the world, for all, for everyone, like the Bible teaches?
Romans 9 does not teach that God chooses who believes, although this is the main chapter Calvinists use to try and support their doctrine. When you read all of Romans 9 (and more in Romans) you see that in verses 30-32 Paul is showing Israel that salvation is not only for Jews (who must have faith) but also for Gentiles who have faith. God chose Israel, not that all Israelites would go to heaven, but chose them to be a blessing to the nations by bringing forth the Messiah. But just as not all Israelites are in the line of the Messiah, not all were chosen for this purpose.
In verse 13 where God says he loved Jacob and hated Esau, it is in the sense that he chose Jacob for the line of Jesus, over Esau. Compare that to Luke 14:26 where Jesus tells us we must hate our mother to follow him. The word means choose him over family, not despise them in our heart.
And Pharoah's heart was hardened to accomplish God's purpose in getting the Israelites out of Egypt. God intervened in an already hardened heart to get his people to the Promised Land. Pharoah then still came after the Hebrews and was destroyed in the water.
The pottery for honor and dishonor is not heaven and hell, but purpose on this earth. God does sometimes harden a heart, but he does not harden every heart that is hard. Most are hardened by their own will. It is parallel to Jeremiah 18:8 where the potter changes what he does with the clay because the nation repents. "However, if that nation I have made an announcement about turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the disaster I had planned to do to it."
God is definitely Sovereign, King, Ruler, He can do anything He wants, but He chose to allow us free will that we might truly choose to follow him.
@@jcthomas3408 Sorry, but you are an Arminian (by default) and therefore your entire foundation is wrong. All of your doctrine built upon that wrong foundation is skewed- and you can't even see how crooked your theology is.
The fact is, Reformed theology does NOT ignore chunks of scripture (as Arminianism does). All of the loose ends are fitted into place and supported by scripture.
In fact, the man-centered false theology of Arminianism is the one with gross errors. You all kick and scream at the very thought that God is sovereign over salvation. Salvation is ALL of God from start to finish, "For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified. Romans 8:29-30
It is only AFTER God makes our spiritually dead, depraved wills alive and sanctified that we have the free wills to worship Him. It is not of man lest anyone should boast.
I praise God that he lead me to the new reformed movement. Its depth regarding the understanding of the gospel is amazing.
Same here. It’s amazing to see God’s Sovereign Grace at work throughout history and clearly in my own life as well... and to fully realize that He deserves all praise and glory.
"Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for ALL men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for ALL men." Romans 5:18.
Does that mean you are a Universalist? ALL are saved? All go to Heaven? That's what you're saying- ALL are justified and no one goes to hell. Perhaps you can explain (in a non-Calvinist way) how "all" doesn't mean all.
@@RL-vv7or Hello fellow believer. Thanks for asking for clarification. Universalism is not what I was implying by quoting that verse. But I did think that someone may take it that way when I wrote it. This shows how when only one verse is quoted by itself, it can be misunderstood by not quoting it within context. And I also knew that someone will accuse me of being a universalist. But I was hoping that most people would look the verse up for themselves and read it in the context of which the apostle Paul was writing and understand the point I was trying to make. So to put it in context here is the preceding verse. "For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ." Romans 5:17. So now we can see the connection between verse 17 and 18. Verse 17 says that "...those who receive the abundance of grace and free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ." So we see that only "those who receive" will be saved and escape hell. So why does Paul use the word "all" in verse 18 instead of saying "those who receive"? And remember "context, context, context." The word "all" is used twice in verse 18. We should not change the meaning of words within the context of the same sentence. Some Calvinists like to change the words "all men" at the end of verse 18 to mean "all of the elect." But that is not what it says. So if the words "all men" at the end of the sentence mean "every person who ever lived" as the words "all men" mean "every person who ever lived" at the beginning of the sentence, does that contradict what Paul said in verse 17? Of course not. The Bible does not contradict itself. So what is Paul saying? Within the context of verses 17 and 18, Paul is saying that "every person who ever lived" may be part of "those who receive." But they must "receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness" in order to escape hell and receive eternal life that is provided for ALL men "through the one man Jesus Christ."
@@chrishadwin9220 Yes, brother. I agree with what you wrote. Salvation is available to ALL. Christ's sacrifice is sufficient to apply to ALL. The Gospel invitation goes out broadly to ALL and it's not a fake invitation.
Now the question remains "HOW do we receive that gift of eternal life?" Is it by man's initiative to freely choose God? Or is it by God sovereignly choosing man even while man is not willing to choose God?
Reformed Christians believe John 1:13 "Children of God- Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
We believe the parable of the banquet demonstrates that all those invited will turn down the invitation- the Jews specifically and them also as a shadow of all mankind. It shows that God will not have His wedding feast empty so He has the riff raft (that's us) dragged in.
We believe that sin has so corrupted our dead (not free) wills that we will never choose salvation. God must intervene and free our dead wills, make them alive (born again) so that we can, for the first time, freely and WILLINGLY love God. But it's His initiative that makes us capable to willingly want Him.
Romans 8:30-31 "For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those He predestined He also called; those He called He also justified; those He justified He also glorified. "
God gets all the glory and we are only recipients of His great mercy. That's the Reformed view that most people hate so much.
@@RL-vv7or they hate it because it does not justify them (or us). Yet to condemn our deeds and nature is the only way to agree with God.
God called a HEREDITARY family based on birthright not a physical one based on human effort. So a second Adam had to come and be the sacrifice for "all" sin and send His Spirit to initiate this new covenant.
He offers to all. No man can reject himself and choose this gift however because our enslaved will is turned against God.
Obviously if you turn down or reject a gift you do not get its benefits so how could Christ's atonement cover all sinners sin?
Yet God said to Abraham "take thy son thine ONLY son" and sacrifice him. Now Ishmael was alive at this time.
God does not regard those not in HIS family. "Eklektos" chosen favorite elect. God is HOLY. We do not know what that is but we know we cannot REMAIN in His Presence becasue of our sinful nature. (Hosea 6:1)
Fortunately God is LOVE so He made a way for us. We are so wicked and fallen and separated from Him how could we choose what we do not want how can we want what we know nothing about? No man has seen God.
Its not really complicated. It all starts with our view of ourself. Are we in control or God. When we examine ourselves we see we have been tricked to think we have free will but our will is broken and against God= enslaved is the most accurate description to me= OF me.
We do not argue to be right but because this is life and death= Eternal life axtually. We do not know who has been chosen but God slew His only LEGITIMATE Son to re adopt many others from every tribe nation and language and prove Himself Holy and just in every way yet the most important way to Him=
You can be sure anyone who does not mention Love at some point does not know or believe in The character or power of the Living God who revealed Himself thru His servants the prophets in His Word. An act of Love toward us He is under no obligation to do.
Men like John MacArthur, the late RC Sproul and John Piper are not young or restless. They are Biblical and want to honor God by doing expository preaching of His Word. They have studied the Bible and read Puritans like Owen, Watson and Charnock. God and His glory are the central theme and focus of the universe not man. Most of the American church seems to have forgotten that.
They're God-damned (literally) Calvinists... followers of a serial killer.
David Kugel Most Americans never believed that in the first place. You know, not everyone has to be Reformed. Even though the reformers were right about the most controversial doctrines, they were not right about everything. I think a lot of reformed brothers and sisters forget that. No one is perfect. Not John Calvin, not Mardin Luder, not Basel, not John MacArthur or John Piper or Philip Johnson. It's the Spirit that brings knowledge. Because of that, even a Pelagian who truly believes can be used for great things. It seems to me that in many reformed churches doctrine sits on Christ's throne. I'm NOT saying that docrine takes a backseat, only that Jesus should be put back in the driver's seat.
5winder do you claim to be a christian?
Why Calvinism, Arminianism, and Lordship salvation are all doctrines made up by men and not the bible. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Faith is not a work like the Calvinist believe or it could not be used in that sentence. It is faith without works.
We are not regenerated by the Holy Spirit until be believe. Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also AFTER ye believed were sealed by that Holy Spirit of promise. We were not regenerated by the Spirit until we believe the gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4.
Calvinist believe in eternal security of the believer but for different reasons than the bible gives. They believe they are chosen by God through irresistible grace, and the bible teaches we are saved when we believe the gospel. John 3:16. Calvinist believe if you were truly chosen you will persevere in the faith. Second Timothy 2:13 says, If we believe not, He is faithful, He can not deny Himself. The bible teaches we are saved when we believe. John 6:47. First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know ye have eternal life. Romans 11:6 It is all grace, but we have to receive it by faith to be saved. John 1:12
Arminians believe in salvation by works, and are not saved. Matthew 7:21-23 They have never done the will of the Father. John 6:40 Actually both Calvinist and Arminians trust in their works to be saved instead of the all sufficiency of Christ alone to be saved.
Both call God a liar. John 6:47 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, (everybody) that He sent HIs only begotten Son, (Jesus) that WHOSOEVER (anybody) that believeth in Him, should not perish but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.
Calvinists believe in faith without works. Wrong. We believe in faith alone. Works shows other people we are saved but works doesnt save. Jesus said no one can come to me unless the father draws them and i will lift them up on the last day.
You skip ephesians 1 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before [d]Him. In love 5 [e]He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the [f]kind intention of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. 7 In [g]Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He [h]lavished on [i]us.
proves you wrong.
John 3:16 so whoever is believing will be saved but doesnt say how they are saved.
John 17 proves you wrong
6 “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world; they were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. 7 Now they have come to know that everything You have given Me is from You; 8 for the words which You gave Me I have given to them; and they received them and truly understood that I came forth from You, and they believed that You sent Me. 9 I ask on their behalf; I do not ask on behalf of the world, but of those whom You have given Me; for they are Yours; 10 and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them.
Jesus did parables. Why.
mark 3 33 With many such parables He was speaking the word to them, so far as they were able to hear it; 34 and He did not speak to them without a parable; but He was explaining everything privately to His own disciples.
if they could choose then why did he not just tell them plainly so they could choose.
The problem with Calvinism is that it was unheard of until Calvin came along. It's not apostolic in origin.
But it's apostolic based. If you read any of Calvin's writings, you would know that.
@@BugattianVeyronian No it's not. We see nothing about his theology before he came along. It's not apostolic if the early Church did not teach it.
@@GR65330 I said apostolic based, nothing is apostolic after the era of the apostles. Which of Calvin's writings have you read?
@@BugattianVeyronian None... nor do I intend to. What I have read are the writings of the early Church from the apostolic fathers through Augustine and Jerome. They didn't teach TULIP, double predestination or once saved always saved. As I stated, Calvinism is foreign to Christian teaching until Calvin came along. His teachings are not apostolic in origin.
@@GR65330 so what do you understand from Augustine and Jerome? Obviously they don't agree with each other on many things. Which teaching is right and apostolic??
It came from Calvin, who got his views from Augustine who largely invented his views in rejection of the Patristic tradition (and the Biblical view.) Some of the more damning things he pilfered from the stoics and manichaeans, such as rejection of free will, determinism etc.
Thank you!
I listened to Calvinist pastor he make me doubt my salvation. I do not like Calvinism. Calvinist Pastor make me fearful of knowing God. His preach give so burdened in my thoughts and mind, he preach confusing complex and complicated. I knew because I have the discernment of Holy Spirit. We as Christians are discerning people.
Discern in a biblical community or you run the danger of making it about yourself
Here in the UK Calvinism isn't so much of a theme, in fact many Christians I know have never heard of it, or have only the vaguest ideas about what it is.
Reformed or Calvinist theology teaches that regeneration precedes faith. God acts and man responds. Arminian theology teaches that faith precedes regeneration. Man acts and God responds. The two are mutually exclusive and can never be compromised. You don't need a doctorate in theology to know which one the Bible teaches. It screams at you from almost every page.
You are creating a false dichotomy. Even non Calvinists believe that God acts and man responds, only it happens differently. For non Calvinists, God extends the invitation for man - so inclined - to exercise his free will to respond by trusting and believing in the Gospel to become Christian (faith) but God does the saving. In Calvinism, God lures the already pre-destined saved to make a declaration of faith in his grace to be a disciple and to persevere to the end. The effectual call.
In both cases, God does the saving - only it is at the start of discipleship for the Arminian and at the end for the Calvinist.
3 decades in and out of the charismatic church and various movements. Found reformed theology nearly 4 yrs ago and have never looked back. It's incredible when one is finally set free from objective truth in the word of God and the teachings of the reformation father's. God bless you Tim!
You should have attended a "Pentecostal" with a REAL denomination like the Assemblies of God instead of the silly charismatic churches with no oversight and bad doctrine. Then you would not have fallen into the calvinist ditch. You may be worse off then before. Calvinism is insidiously evil, hope you truly study ALL of it's teachings and not stick your head in the sand.
shaka zulu Thx for the "encouragement"😉 my brother or sister on Christ ..hard to know the difference. It's interesting to see how vicious those of the pentecostal proclivity can be and your comments are nothing but Christ like. One thing is for sure u have never studied the doctrines of grace nor took time to read the "Institutes". I am not a calvinist ...I am a Christian ...a follower of Christ Jesus plain and simple. What u should have said..."is my brother in Christ I disagree with you and will be praying for you..God bless"....clearly u haven't studied the Word of God. And I highly suggest u pick u John MacArthurs " Strange Fire" and read it...if u still disagree ..that's ok but at least u can cast aside your ignorance and lack of love. ...yours in Christ
Fundamental churches are well-meaning people who are definitely brothers and sisters.
But they add a lot of crazy ideas to the Bible that nobody ever believed in this history of Christianity, and certainly aren't in the Bible. If Fundamental churches dropped some of the things they added to the bible, they would be a lot better off - things like:
- Only one translation of the bible is good; all others are bad
- Any drinking is bad
- Dispensationalism
Rejection of Dispensationalism would cause many Fundamentalists to throw you out of the Kingdom on your ear. That's the main reason I could never go to such a church.
But how do you know for sure that the majority text is right and all others are wrong? No idea like that is stated in the Bible.
Steven Anderson isn't leading a movement. He has a small storefront church and some TH-cam followers. He basically is IFB minus some of the Dispensationalism.
Love you, Tim... especially when you Canadaize the word "about"!
Only eastern Canada. lol
What are you talking aboat?🤷😁
Tim, Please, I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I really know the Lord Jesus personally, and know that I've been"Born Again", that my name's been written down in "The Lamb's Book of Life", and that I'm assured that I will be Christ in Eternity forever. Do you know these things for sure, and in light of Calvinistic beliefs, how do you know them?
A simple question what are those good pastors out there then? Any suggestions?
Awesome video. Thank you Tim!
How and why did you not mention Paul Washer?
Right! I was waiting for him. He was a massive influence in getting my attention to the Reformed
I read in Wikipedia that Paul Washer is Baptist, and I see the video is about Calvinist
Well discerned Tim Challies! God bless you !!!
Aside from the fact that Calvinism/reformed theology/whatever the kids are calling it these days is inconsistent with the entire Biblical account of who God is, it makes NO SENSE. And I don't mean "human logic sense" I mean "reading the Bible, having the Holy Spirit, walking with God" sense. It also fails the "you'll know a tree by its fruit" test. Without exception, the Calvinists I know are a nasty, condescending, smug bunch. Well, yeah. If God specially picked you, that makes you one of the elite...I mean elect. And why so dogmatic? If God handpicks us, bypasses our will, and that choice is irresistible and irrevocable, why so forceful about it? The elect will figure it out without your help. There is no point to evangelism other than to rub your "electness" in the face of the helpless damned. No thanks.
You cannot reform Christianity. Calvinist philosophy is another Gospel. Choose the Orthodoxy and be saved.
Whenever I see "huge resurgence" I have to assume error. It's the opposite of the ad populum fallacy, how could so many be wrong? In my view how could so many be right?
Huge is a relative term in this case. Arminian Dispensationalism is still the majority report but there is still enough interest in historic reformation theology to be encouraging.
The important thing is do you have the spirit of Christ Living in you. Because if you don't you don't belong to HIM. Is the holy spirit living in you? that's what's important he will lead and guide you into all truth. theology is difficult. the letter kills but the spirit gives life.
That's so true,but it's still difficult. I believe and have many blessings of God in my life (but not ENOUGH),but I'm not a nice person and you can't fake that but I know at least several people who are so lovely and kind and caring,everything a follower of Jesus should be but they're not believers.
Not so concerned where they come from. I just wanna know when they're going away?
Amen! Amen!
The Reformation was a major step back to basics, salvaging Christianity from the corruption of Catholicism. But it stopped after the first step and then went forward in the wrong direction. The next generation after the reformers should have continued salvaging Christianity, but instead made Calvin and Luther eternal "popes."
Goose Hoop. Did Jesus not say "I will not leave you orphans" when did Christ leave the Church an orphan?, and "You are Kephas and on this Kephas I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will prevail against it"? Did not all the early Church Fathers and writers not profess Catholic doctrine? Saying the Church failed is saying that Christ didn't give the Church the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to guide her into all truth.
Christ never left His Church. It is people who follow a religious institution who left Christ. The Church of Christ is made up of all the individuals who follow Christ, not those who follow men's ideas.
I have met many good Christians from many denominations. What unites us is our love for and obedience to Christ. We obey, not out of fear or feeling compelled, but out of a loving relationship with our Saviour. We are from many congregations and many denominations, but we are all in the one single Church of Christ.
The Catholic Church at the time of the Reformation was a deeply corrupted institution.
I have read the letters of the Church Fathers. I live in a Catholic community. I am aware of Catholic doctrine. The early Church Fathers did not profess what is today's Catholic Church doctrine. Nor the doctrines of the Catholic church during the Reformation.
The Church of Christ has not failed because it is held securely by the Holy Spirit, but the institutional church has gone in many ways. There is one way to God, and that is through a close relationship with Christ, by Christians who attend institutional churches. But broad is the way to destruction by those people following the many streams of institutional churches.
To make it clear: The Church of Christ is made up of Christians who attend institutional churches following Christ (as in a relationship with Christ through the Bible). People who follow an institutional church instead of Christ are not a part of the Church of Christ.
Christ said in Luke 13:26-27 "Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity."
Whatever church you attend, having a close relationship with Christ is where we should be, not bending to the institution's doctrines.
Gooie Hoop. The early Church Fathers most definitely did teach Catholic doctrine. If a relationship with Christ omits what He actually wants and His actual words, and obedience to those He set in charge, what is that relationship? You can choose what you want, the Bible, history, and the unanimous voice of Christians for 2000 years all agree that allegiance to Christ is not possible without humble obedience to the Apostles and their successors.
I agree that we need to humbly agree with the Apostles and their successors. What I mean with successors are the Apostles' disciples and their disciples, are those that lived in the 1st and 2nd centuries. Not the people who started corrupting the teachings of the Apostles and their disciples.
Clement of Rome was a Christian whose views are valuable. However Clement of Alexandria brought gnostic philosophy into the Church. So did Augustine, whose philosophy influenced Luther and Calvin.
Luther's and Calvin's followers should have looked back past the gnostic philosophy that adulterated the New Testament teachings, to the Apostles and the very Early Church Fathers. They didn't. They followed the Catholic tradition of looking up to a man for spiritual guidance, and venerated Luther and Calvin as if they were infallible Popes.
The warnings Irenaeus wrote about in Against Heresies are as relevant today as they were then, in the 2nd century.
The Body of Christ includes good Christians who attend the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church is not the Body of Christ. No denomination is.
Gooie Hoop. In a strange turn of events, the Vatican just issued a statement about both Gnosticism and Pelagianism. And among the accompanying statements was an affirmation in somewhat the same league as your final paragraph. As for the rest, Paul says: test all things, hold fast to what is good. I think that may apply to aspects of philosophies and world views also. Also, I have found this phenomenon over and over, the more Christians in general seek out living a pious holy life, the more unity they find with other Christians doing the same.
All who think they can put God in a box do so because they've never known Him. Calvin included and whoever else this man mentioned.
A beautiful indeed Introductory message of Calvinism Tim, However the Problem IS: Calvinism is a 'Mixture of Biblical Truth and Man-Made doctrines'....
Joseph Durraz - that is incorrect. If you are going to comment on Calvinism (and I am NOT a Calvinist) I beg you to do your homework first so that you speak _only_ the truth. To speak falsely, even inadvertently, hurts the whole Body of Christ.
@@Cheryl64014, What do you mean? Please specify... I am indeed NOT a Calvinist but I believe some of their doctrines such as: God has chosen the Elect to be saved since the foundation of the world and the reprobates to be damned to hell since the foundation of the world...=>>> I also believe the 'L' of the TULIP which stands for Limited Atonement that Christ died Only for the Elect(Sheep)... =>>> and the 'P" which stands for Preservation of the Saints which mean that the Elect can NEVER Lost their Salvation...=>>> I am not a Calvinist because I don't believe their other doctrines except the ones that I mentioned.....
@@Cheryl64014, Please read again my post, It is very short and I specify the Things that I believe about Calvinist's beliefs that i also believe.... As regarding some of their doctrine , I will give you one example that I cannot agree.... Here is the famous STATEMENT of John Calvin Himself that I cannot agree: =>>> ''God arranges all things by His sovereign counsel, in such a way that individuals are born, who are doomed from the womb to certain death, and are to glorify Him by their destruction.'' by John Calvin...
And seminaries. They really push Calvinism
In seminaries, FLASE teachers push the Bible is not the inspired Word of God. They push MAN is the center of the universe, and many other false teachings. No wonder these so called “seminaries” some people call it cemeteries.
Uwe Könnigsstaddt umm, my seminary experience has been nothing but Christ-centered and doctrinally sound.
@@uwekonnigsstaddt524 Most seminaries are liberal, faithless and dead. Thank God that some still teach the evangelical message.
@Shaken not stirred You mean the doctrine held by the early church?
@Stacy Caruso I keep asking that, what I get is a lot of ad hominem and lies. Hope you do better.
...because it makes sense. It's biblically correct. It avoids false prophets and prosperity doctrine.
predestination makes sense? or biblically correct?
1stezekiel if you just read the Bible, its literally all over the place. But i dont think you do
vanpatrick predestination makes sense only in the promise to be conformed to the image of Christ, not for salvation. If you read what it says , it says those he foreknew, or knew would come to faith, he predestined to become confirmed to the image of Christ. Predestination has nothing to do with salvation but has to do with the promise of what God would accomplish for those who hear the gospel, trust in Jesus and then are filled with the Holy Spirit. So the doctrine of predestination. Calvinist talk about is wrong
Do you realize how much money John MacArthur, the Calvinist pope, earns every year? Here's a clue. Nearly 7 figures.
@@JewandGreek John MacArthur is a cessationist heretic
Oh. MacArthur isn’t reformed. Maybe Calvinistic. There’s no need for a coalition where there are the historical confessions.
I wonder why so few want to discuss the real, significant and incredible history of the true and faithful reformed Christian religion. So few, especially in our generation, know its doctrine, discipline, form of worship and government.
We've had movements that appealed to the emotions, movements that appealed to cultic-like leaders, and now this movement which appeals to those who think they have received special enlightenment and intellect that others do not possess. They also have cultic-like leaders like Augustine (a sainted Catholic Bishop), and Calvin (the Pope of Geneva). They bring another gospel that excludes, by divine pre-determined edict, the vast majority of all God's image bearers that have ever lived. No longer can we say, "Christ died for your sins," when sharing the gospel. There have been many more movements and they all either have or shall pass away, and the pure gospel shall remain as fired gold. Do not be deceived by Calvinist "rock stars" who pontificate on panels before the lowly proletariat of the congregants. Fear not, this too shall pass. But there will be others. Church history is littered with them.
This type of theology has an arrogance and pride that is extemely appealing to people's flesh. It makes them think that they are part of the "inside club" and those other "Christians" are all deceived. I've listened quite closely to them -- and they all have that same sense of smugness.
The problem with Calvinism is that its distinctive doctrines can be traced back to Augustine's misreading of Paul which was based on Jerome's mistranslation of the Greek in to Latin. "Double Predestination", for instance, has its origins in Jerome's mistranslation of Paul's Greek into Latin. Don't be so naive as to think that Calvinism is based on "sola scriptura"; it thinks that it is but in fact its in the Augustinanian tradition of misreading the Bible.
Not really, with more papyrus found today and resulting in more defined translations, Calvinism still stands strong so it's definitely sola scriptura.
right on!
@@BugattianVeyronian nope, sorry. They are basically anti everything they claim sola on.
I refer you to a Kevin Thompson video here.
@@sigalsmadar4547 that's only if you can't get your head around Calvinism.
@@BugattianVeyronian That's like every socialist says, "They're not doing it right," when capitalists and free enterprise-ers point out where socialism has failed (every country).
Those against Calvinism have studied it and studied it from those who promote it. I do not speak from ignorance. I bet you have some really good words for dispensationalists, wink, wink.
When one applies emotions-based reasoning in criticizing 'reformed' theology, then "cherry-picks" scripture verses in supporting one's claim, the argument falls apart. It is a form of cognitive consistency. The arguments often made here in attempts to debunk 'Calvinism' can be equally applied to 'Arminianism.' A complete contextual theological understanding is needed. Moreover, if popularity is the main substantive challenge against Reformed churches' "lack of theological accuracy." that is odd, since 'Arminianism' is the vast popular underpinning of the vast majority of church denominations in America. So common, it is somewhat redundant to refer to church organizations as "Arminian." However, it is important to note--to any school of Christian theology--that when something becomes 'popular' among the secular minded, whether reformed or not, a wise person should exercise caution.
Secular-minded people hate Calvinism, because it glorifies God, not man.
@Janaina Ribeiro -- It's not a cliche, it's a fact.
I'm so thankful that by God's eternal decree from eternity past that I'm not a Calvinist.
Then for the moment, at least, you are lost in your sins. I pray that God reveals Himself to you by His Spirit.
I'm lost in my sins because I'm not a Calvinist? Don't equate being a Calvinist with being a Christian.@@johnhoran9840
Thank God & thank you for this video!! 🙏💄💃🧩💐😎😇👑🕊🧡🥳
I don’t like Calvinism because of their nonsensical elect theory, which I don’t feel is supported by Scripture. Whosoever believes is whosoever.
Whosoever (does not mean anybody that wants to )
La di, election is not a theory and it isn't nonsensical. It is in the Bible. God's people are called the elect in Romans 8:33, Colossians 3:12, Titus 1:1, and 1 Peter 1:2. The English word "elect" in the original Greek is eklektos, which means chosen or select. This word is derived from eklegomai, which means to select, choose out, or chosen; the same word translated "chosen" in Ephesians 1:4 which tells us God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world (which is before Genesis 1:1). Based on the content, context, and grammar of the verses that use these words, it is Biblical that God chose us and we're called His chosen.
The "whosoever" in John 3:16 is exactly that. Whosoever believes! But this verse doesn't tell you how the whosoever believes. It is God that chooses us first so we are even able to choose Him, because until He does it, no one can come to Christ unless drawn by the Father (John 6:44) and we have carnal minds that are hostile against God (Romans 8:7).
Whosoever doesn't mean anybody that wants to, you shouldn't be mad at calvinist Paul, Christ and the writers of the old testament taught election, predestination, and chosen. GOD DOES NOT care how we FEEL about His glory. We need to stop trying to justify God sovereignty by human standards. I am a creature and He is the Creator. HIS WAYS AND THOUGHTS ARE GREATER THAN OURS
Yup feelings
@@josephbuck9080 yes, yes, yes
Leave it up to man to mess things up. Calvinism is bondage. Christ is freedom.
@@joshh.2541 are you following Jesus or Calvin ?
@@joshh.2541 funny how nobody says to a Lutheran 'are you following luther or jesus".
@@carpediem4612 Or, use sources that Calvinists actually hold to, such as their own confessions and catechisms. Read the Westminster Confession and Three Forms of Unity, follow the scripture references and see for yourself if it holds water. Don't go to anti-Calvinists like Kevin Thompson, as they show little understanding of Calvinism. The primary sources are so readily available, so there's no need to have someone else do your thinking for you. See for yourself where they err.
If there is anything suffocating the Spirit of God within 'mainstream Christianity', it is Calvinism.
Great video. I don't necessarily disagree with your thoughts but I do believe that when Jesus didn't return in the late 1980s as many expected, people's faith in dispensationalism began to wane and many of those folks - seeking a more intellectual approach - turned to Calvinism.
Calvinism is not Biblical in any way. It attacks God’s character by claiming that He wishes for the majority of people to be condemned, and that Jesus died to save the sins of some, when Scripture declares that He died for the sins of the WORLD, so that WHOMSOEVER would believe in Him would be saved.
Their theology breeds conceited people that think they are elite because they have some “knowledge” that others don’t. Unsurprisingly, Calvinism is Gnostic in it’s roots, and any gnostic group suffers from the same conceited mentalities.
Sounds like " man -made " church , not God made church ! Sad ! I have always said why are we doing what the " world " does ? I believe the gospel is powerful enough to draw people !
I guess some would call me a "Calvinist." I didn't even know I was one until I started hearing about John Calvin. I get my beliefs from reading the King James Bible since the mid 1990's. When I learned about Calvin, it was simply me noticing that this famous theologian agrees with what I see in the Bible. BTW, I am surprised this TH-camr did not mention Family Radio, which has been around since the 1950's.
remember Calvin DID NOT write any of the BIBLE, the BIBLE is the WORD OF GOD. so ITS TOTALY wrong to call BIBLE teaching after people like Calvin. Paul wrote his letters AD 57-62 SO these BIBLE teachings have been around since then ITS NOT something new.
R burns AMEN! Calling it Calvinism is what ultimately doomed it lol.
and preachers have been twisting Paul's words since then to develop a following and make a name for themselves and acquire the $ that comes with it.
the errant usage of part of scripture is what is relatively new. the ECF's overwhelmingly did not understand what the reformists taught
John Calvin lived before there was a "Calvinism". He didn't create a systematic theology. Jean Chauvin was striving to convert Catholics, mostly French Catholics, as that was also his roots.
While executing over 50 people!
White wash it all you want.
John Calvin was a disturbed psychopath
I prefer to identify as Biblical Christian instead of identifying with a movement.
They came from the Western Latin Church, and were never cured of the same leprosy with which they held their mother in such horror and disdain.
Reformed Theology has had a stabilizing effect in the past, also. When the winds of Higher Criticism came across ocean from Europe in the late 1800s, it was the Reformed who stood fast against it. While Congregationalist colleges teaching New School Theology fell by the wayside (just as Oberlin and Andover), the Reformed / Calvinists stood firm.
I came to Christ through evangelism by Arminians in the mid 1980s. That particular independent church actually had leaders who were both Calvinist and Arminian. However, they were also Pentecostal, so most of us laymen did not really get the minutiae of true Calvinist or Arminian doctrine. My limited knowledge of Calvinist was flawed, so I went in the direction of Wesleyan Arminianism and held the Moral Governement view of the Atonement of Christ in the early 1990s. Later, I was given a copy of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith and what is commonly called Keach's Catechism, which caught my attention. In the late 1990s, I began reading books by R. C. Sproul others. You might say Five Petaled Tulips began growing in my garden.
While I have trouble still with the Literal Payment / Commericial Transaction view of the Atonement, I do believe in Definite or Particular Atonement. The big lesson for me was that the Sovereignty of God and the Justice of God are not at odds. God didn't have to be graceful toward a wretch like me, but thankfully he chose me.
Philip Voerding Thank you!
This was a well presented and informative presentation.
What a great shame that the reaction to pragmatism has caused a resurgence in the heresy of reformed doctrine. Sadly one of the chief characteristics of reformers is intellectual arrogance. So they reacted to all this practicality by reasserting their biblical cleverness.
Unfortunately such cleverness is man made which is obvious from the absurdities that Calvinism can lead to.
My own church stream is a little guilty of too much pragmatism. The answer is not returning to the false intellectualism of reformed theology. The answer is returning to the Gospel of grace and true spirituality.
How is believing and stating what the Bible actually teaches intellectual arrogance?
Haha good one.
@@gregb6469 Well that's certainly not calvinism! Take off your calvin sunglasses/presuppositions and read Scripture for what it REALLY says. ALL means ALL not some!
@@sigalsmadar4547 -- Any time you see the word 'all' ask yourself this question--all of whom? The word all does not mean the same thing in every context.
@@gregb6469 all of humanity. You are so brainwashed. The God of the Bible does not create evil. Condemning people to hell does not glorify God no matter how much you wish it or twist the Scripture.
If Calvinism where true, why even share the gospel to the lost? God has already chosen those who will be with him, he will find a way for them to get to him he doesn't need me! This would contradict many of Jesus' teaching on the topic. He said to go throughout the world and preach the gospel to every creature!
Biblical Thinker 2.0 history’s best evangelists were Calvinists. George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon etc
@@vanpatrick, In South Africa you get Calvinist churches that do not preach the Gospel, no propper Sunday school, because of Calvinism. They say that the elected will be saved eventually. Sound very 👎
Morné Keyser i doubt what you said but if what you are saying is true, those churches aren’t following the Bible. Yes, all the elect will be saved BUT it we MUST obey what the Lord commanded us - to preach the Gospel to all people. And also, knowing this doctrine of Election gives us encouragement to evangelize. Just like Paul when he wrote in 2Tim2:10 ‘Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.’
We can endure all suffering and persecutions during evangelism because we know for sure that God will convert some of them. And that our evangelism success is not dependent on sinful men leaving their appetite for sin and approaching God, but it is God Himself drawing sinful men to Jesus. John 6:44 ‘No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.’
Because the bible say so, because ppl are to hear God's word and Because that's part of the relationship of being dependent upon the Holy Spirit but also responsible for what the word and the Holy Spirit reveal in our hearts.
We need movement of the Holy Spirit in power! Our preaching needs to be power driven by the Holy Spirit. This takes prayer first- reading. and meditating on the Word of God and talking to Jesus about it. Its called abidance. What you will learn from abidance is it satisfies the hunger for His Word and you learn to ask for Holy Spirit to fill you. Along with being filled with power comes wisdom.
Then you take your knowledge and your power and you go into the marketplace and begin using this Holy Spirit driven power to teach
and pray for people and experience people getting healed-. delivered from demons and be set free.
Most New Calvinists are totally ignorant of historical Arminian and Wesleyan theology. They are fed a stereotype and a straw man which they then precede to try to demolish never really addressing the issues.
They also have never taken the time to consider the other ugly side of Calvinism.