aye,i brought two of them together as well.....but they became comrades in rule abuse ande chees....and i thought "god what have i done"......still getting blame for this after 3 years and i lower my head in shame.
Always make sure to roll your dice in a place where it is difficult for your opponent to see, breaking line of site cover isn't just for your units, it's for your dice as well.
"Do not shower for previous 72h" is also a condition in the new DG codex if you want to have a battleforged army. And it adds to the immersion I must say.
Hey, wait! I won my first game on April 1st! Not being able to find my dice, I stepped over and bought a GW dice cube to use. Turn 1 I immobilized the Chaos Devastator of on flank where it didn't have another target to shoot at and exploded or wrecked six Rhinos full of Khorne berserker. Watching them run across the field in the face of six LS Typhoon, four Cyclone ML and a TL Lascannon on a Dreadnout plus assorted melts and bolter Fire was fun. First win and it was by tabling on turn three. Squished Kharn with the EC and Dreadnought. Oh, the GW April Fool's Day joke was a White Dwarf cover with the main story supposedly about how to cheat and win with GW dice...
A few other """"""tactics"""""" to employ: -When you get called out for your BS, play it off as a a mistake, and if your opponent makes a mistake, punish them for it by calling them a cheater. -In a rules dispute, talk right over them. You can't lose if your opponent doesn't have a chance to make their case. *points to head* -Never, EVER, have a pregame discussion about potential "gotchas" that your army can access. Nobody likes spoilers. Besides it's their fault for not knowing every rule for every faction.
Addition to that: - Bring the smallest dice you could possibly find, fast-roll them out of sight, scoop them up before your opponent can see them and declare that all rolls were successes - Unit profiles are more what you call "guidelines". Nobody should care about if your pulse rifle is 30" S5 AP0 1d or 48" S7 AP-2 2d, but be very inquisitive about what your opponent calls, because not everyone is as trustworthy and honest as you are - Feel free to get creative. No, not with your painting but with your rules. Nobody will bother you if you just invent a couple new strategems on the fly to get you out of bad situations. Good thing you wont have your codex on you to double-check anyway because a pro like you always has everything memorized. - Rely on your superior skills and dont use a tape measure. Thats a tool only noobs use and you dont need that. You can just eyeball everything, unless your opponent measures something. Then immediately pull out your emergency laser measure and call your opponent a cheater if he is only a fraction of an inch off. ...to be continued by whomever it may concern...
I had game like this once. I ask a-hole eldar player if the unit and character has power weapons. He said no. I charge... Only to hear they don't have power weapons, but weapons that ignore all armor saves (basically, special rule of unit, not weapon, though identical in practice). I was close to punching that smug face :/
I don't see the problem with that last one. It's understandable to not know every rule but it's still your problem if you don't know them (your opponent actively concealing facts to trick you is a different matter). Same with the point in the video about using knowledge of your opponent if you've played them before, who honestly doesn't do that and in what other competitive game is that considered anything like "poor sportsmanship" and not just basic common sense?
The best people to play against are people that dont care about winning. They just enjoy bulding/painting their miniatures and enjoy showing them on a table. Same people tend to turn the game into a "story". I.e. saying things like: "With all his might the Captain throws his power-fist into the face of his foe!" as they roll the dice. Just to follow up with: "But it looks like Bjorn Blondmane had to much to drink during the feast last night and did not hit anything" as the dice show a bunch of 1s and 2s.
Those are some of the most fun players to play with or against. Win or lose, they keep it fun for them and fun for you! To be fair, I do think it takes a bit of time to get to that stage. I've never felt able to do that when I'm trying to remember the stats and rules for dice rolls!
I had an experience like that at LVO last year. My opponent's jetbike shield captain 1 turn melee'd my razorwing. Instead of [probably rightly] complaining about 8ed jetbikes technically being flyers and it a legal thing, we had a laugh at the absurdity of a mini-primarch in terminator plate, straddling a missile with a full tactical squad's worth of bolters duct-taped to it, yelling "Daddy Save Me" [TTS fuk-stodes for The Emperor Protects] as he rams his lance so far up the engines of a starfighter that the pilot moaned "OOOhhhhhh Myyyyyy!!!!" And yes, that is a tactical squad strapped to the front, technically if you take 2 specials and a heavy, and a pistol + melee on the Sargent, you have 6 bolters, and that's a hurricane bolter, 3 combi-bolters. The Imperium is a silly place sometimes, and that's why I love 40k.
"Captain general Trajann Valoris, the Mighty lord of the imperium. protector of god-emperor himself, fearsomely runs to defeat Deamon primarch Mortarion once and for all..." (Sees two 1s on the charge roll) "...aaand he slipped on a banana peel"
My friends and I also play a lot of DnD, so whenever we play warhammer we tend to narrate our actions almost subconciously. I agree that it makes the whole thing so much more fun. When you lose, you can always take heart that you've crafted a fine narrative and your forces now have a grudge to settle on another battlefield!
This is a The Guy in its natural habitat. It's not an animal commonly seen in herds, however for daily survival it must compromise itself on occasion and join its bretheren.
Facts, I can hear the “hurt” through out the whole video. Sounds like AT got crushed by a smelly sweaty dude with a half painted, half assembled army and this was his diss track lol
Remember to show up 4 hours late, especially if your opponent mentioned that they have to be home by supper, thus forcing them to concede by turn 2 no matter what. It worked for Miyamoto Musashi, it will work for you too.
If your opponent is late by more than like 30 minutes to an hour. I'd ask a T.O. or whoever is in charge of rule keeping, if you could start the game at turn 2or 3 depending on how late. with you having set up on the board already and already have a couple victory points as a kind of forfeit without actually forfeiting.
"Ugh I hate Space Marines" "But you are playing Salamanders...." "Yeah but Harlequins are better now" next week "Does anyone have a Nightbringer I can buy?"
Kind of feeling this, someone I play with occasionally is a really great guy but very competitive. He dropped his Eldar army in a flash once they were no longer broken and picked up Sisters of Battle.
@@daringdarius5686 There's nothing inherently wrong with playing and building for competetive purpose, you won't have too much trouble finding someone to play against with the same mindset. Trouble comes when you're unable or worse: unwilling to take it easy for a casual game. That's when people start getting annoyed
@@RedFlameGamer I do agree with you! I do the same thing! But this guy has been playing Eldar for over 15 years. Loves them to death. The *moment* they were nerfed and 9e was out, he was suddenly "disinterested" and this 15+ year love of Eldar suddenly "vanished". He still "likes them", but refuses to *play* them. But Sisters of Battle? That army he's never even mentioned of before because "Imperium sucks!" They are "amazing". I would also like to point out that this guy is actually an awesome person! He's just super competitive and finds it hard to dial it down.
i know 1 person that he plays the same "grey marines"that they are half build(for better proxing) and 1 year are the unkillable dread iron hand,his favorite chapter!. next they are salamander. no he is trys to prox harleys, witch ofc its his "favorite army and marines now sucks"...
Pretty much have it as 1st hand experience. The local community is so small only a few people play for extremely long time, ending up very competitive environment, since they alrdy know each other's tricks. They might not see it that way. It's just obvious to observers why the circle is keep getting smaller for them. I dont hate them, but I dont really join them in the end. XD It's just unrealistic chasing the meta with them.
"buy an entire 2000pt army in one go that won the biggest tournament" Me, new to the game, still not entirely sure what the correct way to build an army is, looking up tournaments online to figure out how to make my salamander bois: oh no
Don't do this. Winning lists would not last long and could be nerfed as soon as you assemble a fraction of that list. Try to figure out what faction do you like and go with the models you like. You wouldn't win all the games but you would not cringe every time you look at the model you really don't like.
The difference there is that you seem to have an army you want to play. the "that guy" mentality doesn't care about the army , they're chasing meta at all cost. (Of course, on it's own, this isn't a problem either, but when combined with pub stomping, not painting, not being sporting, etc. you find a "that guy")
i think you're good; you're looking at salamanders specifically. "that guy" is someone who just builds their army out of what did well in tournaments irrespective of faction. they might decide to run harlequins one month (because tournaments), then drop them completely the next month for something "better" (i.e. a faction that recently received a new book or errata that enhances their cheese)
@@alexx86hater as long as you have some idea for general ship and model placement. Granted that is a learned skill, but even the best armies can get mauled if the tactics are bad.
that is why binning your army is a rookie mistake. obviously, you smash your army under your feet in a fit of rage on the pavement just outside the store. I mean, you need to vent, and one else should be able to get free models by fishing yours out of the trash...
I had that one guy bring out Mortarion with his death guard army against my Dark Imperium Space marine Army in a 2 vs 1 2000+ pt game. My friend brought his Astra militarum army to help me out and fill out those missing point requirement . As a beginner back in the day , my friend wanted me to have a taste what a 2000 point game was like. This cheesy death guard player targeted me in turn one despite having Dark Imperium army, with Mortarion a beginner, and with no beta rules. Pure 8th edition vanilla space marine. I never played against him ever. Mortarion practically killed my army by turn 3-4 , while his entire death guard just attacked the Astra militarum. Who brings out Mortarion against a beginner and say “Just get better” in a cocky tone . I hated that guy.
I got called that guy the other day cause I have play Dread heavy lists since sixth edition. And now that it is good I was that guy. It's down right rude when you can see models have been painted for a long time.
I always look out which list won the latest tournaments. That way I can tailor my list to include as few of those units as possible. But I’m still over here running 100% Phobos lists. I’m that other guy :-)
I played "That Guy" on purpose to give him a confidence boost. He some amazing moves though, the dice that came with the Sisters of Battle box set where all miracle dice and he gained an extra one for pretty much everything he did - I kinda felt his struggle because the set only came with 20 dice and he didn't bring enough to add to his pool and still have some to roll, poor guy. He had some stellar stratagems as well - I was playing Thousand Sons, and I wasn't prepared for his characters to all have relics and warlord traits at all! He also had a stratagem that gave every character 2 deny the witch rolls each, but they had a sub par +5 for a mere 2 CP. He had a few other amazing moves too but I wasn't allowed to have a look at his codex because it was brand new.
I had this experience when I was a teenager back in 2002, I had just discovered Warhammer Fantasy and had painted up 5000pts of Orcs and Goblins. I was so incredibly proud!! Went down to the local shop which also had a gaming club. I met a neckbeardy type of guy that was around 25-30ish something years old. This was an introduction night, so there were a lot of newbies mixed with experiended players that was there to teach. This guy refused explain the rules for me unless they benefited him, belittleing every misstake I made and at round 3 he had crushed me. Now he was openly mocking me and I was devestated. He even told me that my painting was awful (his High Elfs were amazingly painted) and horrible and that I should throw such a crappy army in the trash as the trash player I was. I packed my army and went home and didn't set a foot in a local gaming community for over ten years. Eventually I quit the hobby and didn't pick it up again until my late twenties. Now at the age of 34 I have met this type of narsscistic gatekeeping piece of shits a few times, tho they are rare, they seem to show up from time to time. Today a simple "I break every bone in your body and throw you out the window" seems to keep them in check.
I have a hard time believing that anybody, even a "That Guy", would be as cruel and malicious as that to a complete stranger. Let alone someone with whom they ostensibly had something in common. I mean really? Does your local gaming store happen to be servicing the lower east side of hell? Also, doesn't threatening to break someone's bones and toss them out make you at least as bad as they?
@@leeharvey8197 Then you are naive if you dont think this kind of horrible people exists. I dont know the fate of they guy, i never saw him again after that night. And no, if you see someone gets bullied or try to bully you, you don't confront them in a debate. You confront them with direct and unexcpected force, it's a language everyone understands. And from my experiennce with bullies, they learn real fast. I have absolutley no tolerance for bullies what so ever.
@@EgorKaskader I mean, if some neckbearded “that guy” type put his Cheeto-encrusted hands all over my [non-existant] Harridan and then proceeds to drop it off the table, I’m going to jail that day.
I had the "pleasure" of playing That Guy in a mini tournament and funnily I annihilated his army. I was the only person to do so and I had a balanced list. The sulking and muttering only made me smile more as this guy trashed every other army before him and now was getting battered. Subsequently I only won 2 games in the entire tournament, but to demolish That Guy made all the other losses (about 4) totally worth it hehehe. I just wish I had a glass to drink his tears from.
Yeah he sounds so very salty, especially when some of the things he’s describing with such venom are like your everyday bread and butter for most ‘casual’ game settings. Like people always playing with the cheesiest of lists. Like Auspex released a video about smash captains, he going so far to brag about how he used to devastated with a blood angle jump pack captain, that’s pot calling kettle black if there was ever an example.
@@Zabzim the difference here is that running strong units in a competitive setting at a tournament between two players who know what they are getting into and who play respectfully despite both playing strong and painted armies is completely acceptable, because that's the nature of that game. The difference between a competitive player and "that guy" is their attitude and approach rather than anything else. To use the classic example from 8th: 3 riptides in a 1k tournament is competitive, 3 riptides in a 1k casual is rude.
@@Zabzim if you behave in any of the ways described in this video, or if you believe that this kind of behavior is somehow 'bread and butter' for casual, then sorry mate, but you're cancerous to the hobby.
Facts, I can hear the “hurt” through out the whole video. Sounds like AT got crushed by a smelly sweaty dude with a half painted, half assembled army and this was his diss track lol
my favourite example of this from yesteryear: some space marine (or chaos, i can't remember) terminators are *T E C H N I C A L L Y* not actually wearing terminator armour, because it doesn't specify this explicitly on their datasheet; therefore they don't get the 5++ invul save or weapon stability rules that models that have terminator armour are supposed to have
Always found the faqs a bit of a pain tbh. Never wanted to print stuff off and stick into my books. That and it's embarrassingly easy to miss or forget the faqs. Always wished the books were done as ring binders where you could substitute pages with a faq'd replacement.
Making sure to add invisible inches to your measurements for charging, as well as for cover so that you can make sure your opponent struggles to ever defend or attack you properly.
While everything described here I would like not to see even at the neighboring table, however "Bonus points for actually binning your army on the way out" I really want to see.
i have a very nice chaos hell cannon courtesy of some fucktard who threw it at the wall after he lost to me in the final of a tournament I played in some years ago. I was like mate you want hand picking that up and he's just nah fuck it and walks out. truly weird
Do people like... do this? Im pretty not well off, if skmeone touched my models i think they wouldnt have a windpipe. The books, pant, time, and the amount of figurines i have to buy (IG Army) means i would go ballistic if someone touched my models
Sweats in Dark angel Ravenwing Apothecary! (But in all seriousness the fact apoths could revive atvs is why I held off on buying them........cause thats just nasty.)
I mean, there were Apothecaries on bikes in Rogue Trader, and the White Scars and Iron Hands are probably born with the ability to kick a wheel and go "Ah, it's fine."
I had one opponent who was literally just like this, but could never accept when he was wrong, one of the best comments would be that his copy of the rulebook had different wording as it was from a different print run.
tbf some are very general… almost everybody plays (or has played at some point) with some proportion of unpainted/half-painted minis or proxies; few people hold off on playing a game until literally all their minis are finished, and proxies are fine if e.g. it's a conversion, or the model doesn't have rules in the current codex, or it's a temporary substitution for a mini that the player is intending to get (or assemble or paint) but hasn't yet. the stuff about deliberately bending the rules, picking armies specifically around what other people have won tournaments with, about having no intention of finishing painting anything, and about poor sportsmanship… those are a bit worse, imo
I don't see that as a completely bad thing. Yes having bad habits is bad, but being willing to see them for what they are and to change is overall a good thing in my book
You're human. We all have had moments like this, and a rather toxic, passive-aggressive video, that points out common quirks that many people have or share, should not make you feel ashamed for being just that - human. If people still find you fun to play with, and you don't have an issue with folks in your gaming group, you're fine.
Fully painted WYSIWYG master race coming through. That guy always gets tabled by me with my deep knowledge. BTW, poker chips work great for proxy and keep a few Deep Strike units to add in the game as needed, or putting different units in transports. Oh look, my flamer S. Guard were in that rhino and not a tac squad...funny how that happened. I also add in the confused, "Oh, I tabled you?" at the end, "But you were doing so good." *fake smile Sun Tzu say - "Say your models are in aura range, even if they are not."
Remember: Train your vocal patterns to be as annoying as possible. Discuss your off-the-freaking-wall political views at every available opportunity. Be sure to take the moral high-ground and use every available chance to make your opponent feel like on awful person. Or at the very least, make sure they know YOU think they're worse than Satan and Hitler who did a soul fusion. If you sense some kind of emotional or mental insecurity, prey upon that to try and make them feel as awful as possible. Never self reflect and consider how you can improve. Improvement is for people who aren't already God's Gift to the entire human race. (Not that you believe in God, and will laugh and attempt to debase or undermine anyone who does) Go out and make the world a terrible place, you horrific blob-like excuse for a human being! Be free!
Had a guy get kicked out of my LGS for lack of hygene, bending the rules in his favor whenever possible, and being a sore loser. Now I'm an accepting individual, but you don't scratch your genitals in public and then get grabby with someone else's models.
Reminds me when I used to play Necromunda with my brother. His 'that guy' traits included: 1) Claiming clear line of sight with no cover modifiers when he could see a mini's finger pointing out of cover (model was foolishly punching the air) 2) In rules debates, omitting key words such as 'cannot' and insisting we roll a dice to determine who knew the rule when things went wrong 3) Deploying no cover at all on the table when playing a shooty gang 4) Getting mad that I didn't remind him about what was on his roster and not represented on the model. I should've remembered to keep all the rules, my roster and his options on how to hurt my gang in the forefront of my mind.
A few more little tips : -When building your army list, especially against newer players, keep in mind that some of them might not be aware that point values are often updated. Use the ones in the Codex. Also disregard FAQs and Erratas when they go against you. -This doubly applies to Forge World miniatures and units. For which you obviously use proxies. -If your game is going well, don't forget to attract the atention of any bystanders to make them witness your superiority. This will only make your end goal of proving your hobby dominance that much easier. -If you game is going really badly, especially because one specific unit in your opponent's force counters you or has been absurdly lucky, it is your sacred DUTY to make sure they won't make it to a table again. If you reputation is already well established, you can simply pick up the model and throw it at the nearest wall. More decietful generals may wish to distract their opponent after the game ends and subtely snatch the offending miniature, before throwing it in the trash on their way out.
I’ve actually played this exact game a couple of times, right down to the lack of clean air. It was my opponent and not me. I sometimes confuse people that I only care about fun.
I am going to make a tailored army to counter a thousand sons player. Only because both games I’ve played with him he brought a competitive, guard countering list.
You can even make a combo out of the different list above ! I remember years ago, (when the v8 was just out so I I was'nt familiar with it yet) as tau player I played a game against a Nova marine (his army was truly splendid very well painted ) 3000 pts each the lists were supposed to be prepared one week before. But when we came to play i noticed that the dude had a looooot of model on the table, like, to much for a 3000 pts game, and did not writed any list. For exemple he had one land raider and around 6 other differents tanks and transport vehicules, 2 stormhawk, 2 drop pods and at least 4 full squad of marines plus HQ, and Dreadnought... first mistake I made was to think" Fine he might not have purchased a lot of equipments it's ok " then the dude tells me that he did'nt played since a full year so he might be a bit rusty. then the battle begun when I landed my first hammerheads hits on one of his tanks he maded up some bullshits rules. So i checked the rulebook and explained it to him and we agreed but for the rest of the game i did'nt trust him anymore. Anyway, when i got stomped turn 3 I was never the less happy because in one game I learn a lot about the game and the players. It was a game I could not win but I made him pay heavily for each units he took me so I knew that my list was worth something. Sorry for the long post and the bad English i'm french.
Thanks Auspex, you genuinely had me in tears. Love the deadpan way you presented this, I watch you for your serious analysis and this caught me off-guard, but definately in a good way, feel free to do some more later on :))
I've had opponents like this. They were slightly better groomed than the average, but otherwise very similar. When they were winning, every other word out of their mouths was a sneer, backhanded compliment, or open mockery. When they were losing, every utterance was a whine, a sulk, or "woe is me" false humility. I no longer play against them.
I played against "That Guy" once. He had an OP Custodes list and I was playing World Eaters. When one of my berzerker squads wiped a unit of Wardens he just looked at me stunned and said "I'm not used to playing against someone who can hit back." XD Spoiler alert he gave up turn three when he saw he was not going to win. I rolled a charge and was successful and before I could even move my guys he just said "I concede" and started packing up.
Once had a guy "forget" that rerolls are before modifiers; this was maybe a year after the ruling was first made. When I caught him "forgetting" again, I asked him to slow down his rolling, and he told me to keep up with him.
@@jaimayy It's crucially important for "that guy" to show up at the local game store with piles of models they acquired elsewhere and rub their opponents' noses in the savings they reaped by doing so.
@@bryanhayden5601 yep. And if you have a GW in your area and play there, make sure to proxy from other companies as much as you can and throw a tantrum like a child when the store manager asks you nicely not to play them there(actually saw that happen)
Not buying anything from a GW brick and mortar is one thing, not buying from the independent FLGS where you play every weekend is a whole other thing. I’m just getting started but at the very least I buy my paints from the independent brick and mortar.
@@jaimayy The only thing buying from the FLGS does is ensure that the place that provides gaming space, terrain, and ready opponents is able to keep its doors open and provide for independent business owners in a generally unstable financial situation. What kind of chump would do that instead of saving a whole $3 or $4 by shopping on Amazon instead?
The first 2000pt game I ever played I met this guy. He was telling me how he preferred narrative games as he pulled out his half put together models that were counts as forgeworld dreadnoughts. Then when it wasn't going to be an obvious blowout he finished his second turn and had to leave (I only got one). He told me he would count it as his victory as I was going to loose, and that he was sorry but there just wasn't time to walk through any of my second turn to see if I had a chance. It soured me on 40k for at least 6 months.
You forgot to add * make sure you eat sour cream chips and don’t brush make sure your opponent has to smell your nurgles breath attack with every move you make*
Here's some other things That Guy should be doing: Remember that when you're measuring, it's totally acceptable to "eyeball it" and roll before your opponent says anything. If you must measure, make sure there's a long piece of a model sticking off the base, like some ruins or a chainsword; you can measure from there instead. If you nudge you or your opponent's models out of place a little bit while measuring, remember to only adjust them and ask where they were if it's your models, and the nudge might've impacted your next charge.
I had a "that guy" at the store I used to frequent. He brought ants with him. I notices them crawling on the table two weeks in a row after he would show up and start unloading his carry cases. When I finally openly mentioned the presence of the ants to someone else he gave a long sigh and said, "I have an ant problem at my place. Sometimes the hitch a ride.".....
as someone who has yet to play the game (I'm still building and terrified to paint just yet), I can already recognize "that guy" kind of mentality from other games I played. Hearing this made me chuckle way more than it should've. Bravo.
It usually is. These were like the main people in 40k back when i started as a 12 year old in 3rd ed.I think, unfortunately, it just is a thorn in the hobby that always exists. It's just important not to pick up these traits. I know I am guilty of doing some of these things in retrospect. It is easy to take 40k too seriously and not enjoy the game for what it is.
I didn't pay close attention to the title and just clicked play. I did sort of a double take had to restart it pretty quick haha. Super funny video and great delivery!
The “in game” segment is like when you would go to your friends house and you’d have that one guy who eats Doritos or something and doesn’t wash his hands before touching a controller, then it gets all clocked with dorito dust and it gets sticky
My friend is sometimes that guy. Always fighting over line of sight when he can see a freaking arm and when he moves his models incorrectly and me having to fix them during movement always annoyed me. Then sulks when i counter his 3 Repulsor Executioner during 8th. I only bring my cheese army against him
Reminds me of the guy who used Red Scorpions against my orks the first time I played. I was so amazed by his awesome powers I avoided playing against him all the time!
Check all line of sights with a bent measuring stick, curving the bend away from the nearest terrain piece if you are shooting and towards the terrain if your opponent is shooting.
On my first game of 40K my opponent, who knew I was new, brought mortarion terminators and plague marines against a 10 boyz a warboss nobz and a deff dread
@@timothywillox8564 Space Wolves. No codex, made up his own rules or interpretations of the rules (this was like 10 years ago), but as one of my friends played Space Wolves and had his codex it was easy to shut him down.
the "that guy" would never expect me to bring my titan to a narative game!, there fore fooling all his tactics and making him wet his pants and surender due to the mental condition known as "titan fear"
You forgot that part where he tells new players how their army works because he used to play them before selling that army. Speaking from experience we had that guy at our store once the good friends I have now basically told me to study my rule book in and out since he would do that and to call him out on his s*** when he starts lying was a very funny game when he told me guard orders are only on five plus rolls and I just looked at him and went no they're not.
You joke about the not showering bit but there are combat sports competitors that legit believe it. Imagine going into a ufc fight and the dude you're fighting smells like straight shit. Definitely would mess my mental up in a fight.
Thank you!!!! This video was very funny, That Guy was who I played first round last weekends tourney. Brought a Grand tournament list to a local shop tourney.
"The advantage of clean air" lmao
My man
The Death Guard know all about this.
@@phrikaphrak40k And that's why you don't play against them xd
Bricky it’s a legit strat 😂 the Geneva convention is no longer relevant in the far future
I can't wait for April 1st videos!
I once introduced a "that guy" to another "that guy" and told each of them that the other was newer to the hobby. They ended up in a fist fight.
You are doing the lords work sir
That would have been beautiful to watch
Did you record the interaction?
Very tzeentch move there sir. Bless you.
aye,i brought two of them together as well.....but they became comrades in rule abuse ande chees....and i thought "god what have i done"......still getting blame for this after 3 years and i lower my head in shame.
“Do not give your foe the advantage of clean air” Nurgle approved
WHO would like to know your location
in order to truly be playing death guard you should avoid showering for 10 days prior to the match and refuse to wear a mask.
@@kazmark_gl8652 Smelly guard
Grandfather loves smells
@@kazmark_gl8652 Im playing my death guard army next week at a comp. I'm not vaxxing, wearing a mask or showering for 2 weeks prior.
I love that he says all of this completely straight as if it's a legit guide, but you could still feel the annoyance in his voice.
I wonder how many times this had to be recorded to edit ot the laghs
To be fair, have you ever watched a single one of these videos where the voiceover strays from flat monotone?
I'm used to assholes in games but, if someone touches my models with greasy crisp fingers, they're losing their hand.
I think he might be an AI 😆
In my half of Europe the game has been played like that since, at least, 1991.
AT is fielding his top units: the primaris passive aggressors.
*chef kiss*
Of course they're Gravis units lmao
Pin this comment!
Too funny bahaha
Genius. 🤌
Always make sure to roll your dice in a place where it is difficult for your opponent to see, breaking line of site cover isn't just for your units, it's for your dice as well.
"Do not shower for previous 72h" is also a condition in the new DG codex if you want to have a battleforged army. And it adds to the immersion I must say.
This is why my FLGS has a hygiene rule.
@@timothywillox8564 Wow. That is actually kind of sad. :D
Extra points if you have a plague army
And they shall no know shower.
@@kofola9145 and they shall know no soap.
"Eat crisps. Do not wash hands. Touch opponents models at every opportunity."
This is how tournaments become open carry events.
*Mace! In your face!*
An open carry society is a polite society.
Not sure about the neckbeard, katana-wielding folks tho...
Thanks I cant wait to use these tips when I play against my local charity tournament
Show those beggars
Lol literally against the charity tournament
Friends are temporary
Sportsmanship is temporary
Ruining your self image is eternal
Crushing your foes is Eternal.
Your parents need not be the only people disappointed with you, never forget
Victory is eternal, brother
Sadly that is true XD
Didn't expect the April Fool's episode in January
Sadly, it's not a joke
you are doing it wrong... you have to say: "This was great, cant wait for April Fool's" (putting the presure on real hard) :-P
Came here just to say this. His April Fool's episode is gonna be either legendary or non-existent.
Hey, wait! I won my first game on April 1st! Not being able to find my dice, I stepped over and bought a GW dice cube to use. Turn 1 I immobilized the Chaos Devastator of on flank where it didn't have another target to shoot at and exploded or wrecked six Rhinos full of Khorne berserker. Watching them run across the field in the face of six LS Typhoon, four Cyclone ML and a TL Lascannon on a Dreadnout plus assorted melts and bolter Fire was fun. First win and it was by tabling on turn three. Squished Kharn with the EC and Dreadnought.
Oh, the GW April Fool's Day joke was a White Dwarf cover with the main story supposedly about how to cheat and win with GW dice...
A few other """"""tactics"""""" to employ:
-When you get called out for your BS, play it off as a a mistake, and if your opponent makes a mistake, punish them for it by calling them a cheater.
-In a rules dispute, talk right over them. You can't lose if your opponent doesn't have a chance to make their case. *points to head*
-Never, EVER, have a pregame discussion about potential "gotchas" that your army can access. Nobody likes spoilers. Besides it's their fault for not knowing every rule for every faction.
Addition to that:
- Bring the smallest dice you could possibly find, fast-roll them out of sight, scoop them up before your opponent can see them and declare that all rolls were successes
- Unit profiles are more what you call "guidelines". Nobody should care about if your pulse rifle is 30" S5 AP0 1d or 48" S7 AP-2 2d, but be very inquisitive about what your opponent calls, because not everyone is as trustworthy and honest as you are
- Feel free to get creative. No, not with your painting but with your rules. Nobody will bother you if you just invent a couple new strategems on the fly to get you out of bad situations. Good thing you wont have your codex on you to double-check anyway because a pro like you always has everything memorized.
- Rely on your superior skills and dont use a tape measure. Thats a tool only noobs use and you dont need that. You can just eyeball everything, unless your opponent measures something. Then immediately pull out your emergency laser measure and call your opponent a cheater if he is only a fraction of an inch off.
...to be continued by whomever it may concern...
I had game like this once. I ask a-hole eldar player if the unit and character has power weapons. He said no. I charge... Only to hear they don't have power weapons, but weapons that ignore all armor saves (basically, special rule of unit, not weapon, though identical in practice). I was close to punching that smug face :/
the first one is so accurate for a player that played against me once
I don't see the problem with that last one. It's understandable to not know every rule but it's still your problem if you don't know them (your opponent actively concealing facts to trick you is a different matter). Same with the point in the video about using knowledge of your opponent if you've played them before, who honestly doesn't do that and in what other competitive game is that considered anything like "poor sportsmanship" and not just basic common sense?
@@KuK137 tbh he answered correct it your fault for not asked what they did
Did you recently play with someone that really pissed you off?
had to
"Recently" as in ignoring the "Bat-Flu-Quarantine" set upon us since months? :P
There's tts but your opponent gets the advantage of clean air and clean models but heyyyyy you can proxy your whole army xD
I ask him on his discord and he said he wanted to so so
@@Sid_Black could be within a bubble or could be using a plotter rod from WW2
Don't forget: "Complain that you opponent is being rude and unsportsmanly if they show any sign of happiness or satisfaction."
The best people to play against are people that dont care about winning. They just enjoy bulding/painting their miniatures and enjoy showing them on a table.
Same people tend to turn the game into a "story". I.e. saying things like: "With all his might the Captain throws his power-fist into the face of his foe!" as they roll the dice.
Just to follow up with: "But it looks like Bjorn Blondmane had to much to drink during the feast last night and did not hit anything" as the dice show a bunch of 1s and 2s.
Those are some of the most fun players to play with or against. Win or lose, they keep it fun for them and fun for you!
To be fair, I do think it takes a bit of time to get to that stage. I've never felt able to do that when I'm trying to remember the stats and rules for dice rolls!
Would love to play "Story Guy" , sounds awesome !
I had an experience like that at LVO last year. My opponent's jetbike shield captain 1 turn melee'd my razorwing. Instead of [probably rightly] complaining about 8ed jetbikes technically being flyers and it a legal thing, we had a laugh at the absurdity of a mini-primarch in terminator plate, straddling a missile with a full tactical squad's worth of bolters duct-taped to it, yelling "Daddy Save Me" [TTS fuk-stodes for The Emperor Protects] as he rams his lance so far up the engines of a starfighter that the pilot moaned "OOOhhhhhh Myyyyyy!!!!"
And yes, that is a tactical squad strapped to the front, technically if you take 2 specials and a heavy, and a pistol + melee on the Sargent, you have 6 bolters, and that's a hurricane bolter, 3 combi-bolters. The Imperium is a silly place sometimes, and that's why I love 40k.
"Captain general Trajann Valoris, the Mighty lord of the imperium. protector of god-emperor himself, fearsomely runs to defeat Deamon primarch Mortarion once and for all..." (Sees two 1s on the charge roll) "...aaand he slipped on a banana peel"
My friends and I also play a lot of DnD, so whenever we play warhammer we tend to narrate our actions almost subconciously. I agree that it makes the whole thing so much more fun. When you lose, you can always take heart that you've crafted a fine narrative and your forces now have a grudge to settle on another battlefield!
This physically hurt to watch and recall every match I've played against a That Guy. A superb guide all around then.
The problem being that sometimes that guy flocks togheter with others like-minded ..becoming Those Guys .
"Mob up"
This is a The Guy in its natural habitat. It's not an animal commonly seen in herds, however for daily survival it must compromise itself on occasion and join its bretheren.
For some reason I imagined them combining together Voltron-style into an even bigger That Guy.
I think your mistaking "that guy" for competant players. One doesnt like to be challenged and the other thrives on it.
Holy shit that sounds awful
someone did him dirty. I can feel it.
I sense a passive aggressive tone throughout this video
@@warmasterraven1447 right? Like he has been somehow wounded
Facts, I can hear the “hurt” through out the whole video. Sounds like AT got crushed by a smelly sweaty dude with a half painted, half assembled army and this was his diss track lol
@@gundam1 more likely, AT won against “that guy” and “that guy” got butthurt about it.
I think we all have met "That guy" at some point...
Remember to show up 4 hours late, especially if your opponent mentioned that they have to be home by supper, thus forcing them to concede by turn 2 no matter what.
It worked for Miyamoto Musashi, it will work for you too.
If your opponent is late by more than like 30 minutes to an hour. I'd ask a T.O. or whoever is in charge of rule keeping, if you could start the game at turn 2or 3 depending on how late. with you having set up on the board already and already have a couple victory points as a kind of forfeit without actually forfeiting.
You are well read for the samurai reference
He also followed the 72 hour no bathing rule
also proxied a sword with an oar
This is a joke I'm really happy to be in on.
he also ganked all the local players an went into early retirement
"Ugh I hate Space Marines"
"But you are playing Salamanders...."
"Yeah but Harlequins are better now"
next week
"Does anyone have a Nightbringer I can buy?"
nightbringer is trash now, why you still use? cos he is neat kkkkkkkkk
Kind of feeling this, someone I play with occasionally is a really great guy but very competitive. He dropped his Eldar army in a flash once they were no longer broken and picked up Sisters of Battle.
@@daringdarius5686 There's nothing inherently wrong with playing and building for competetive purpose, you won't have too much trouble finding someone to play against with the same mindset. Trouble comes when you're unable or worse: unwilling to take it easy for a casual game. That's when people start getting annoyed
I do agree with you! I do the same thing!
But this guy has been playing Eldar for over 15 years. Loves them to death. The *moment* they were nerfed and 9e was out, he was suddenly "disinterested" and this 15+ year love of Eldar suddenly "vanished". He still "likes them", but refuses to *play* them. But Sisters of Battle? That army he's never even mentioned of before because "Imperium sucks!" They are "amazing".
I would also like to point out that this guy is actually an awesome person! He's just super competitive and finds it hard to dial it down.
i know 1 person that he plays the same "grey marines"that they are half build(for better proxing) and 1 year are the unkillable dread iron hand,his favorite chapter!. next they are salamander. no he is trys to prox harleys, witch ofc its his "favorite army and marines now sucks"...
Love how dry and straight forward this is presented
"Introduce new players to the hobby" with the baby seal and the bat lmao
Pretty much have it as 1st hand experience. The local community is so small only a few people play for extremely long time, ending up very competitive environment, since they alrdy know each other's tricks. They might not see it that way. It's just obvious to observers why the circle is keep getting smaller for them.
I dont hate them, but I dont really join them in the end. XD It's just unrealistic chasing the meta with them.
Ah finally a guide so I can be a professional prick
Don't go pro man you lose a lot of the deniability you appreciate at the amateur level
Only if your making money form it, otherwise your just a prick lol
welcome to the club
"buy an entire 2000pt army in one go that won the biggest tournament"
Me, new to the game, still not entirely sure what the correct way to build an army is, looking up tournaments online to figure out how to make my salamander bois: oh no
don't worry as long as it is not a carbon copy it will be fine.
Don't do this. Winning lists would not last long and could be nerfed as soon as you assemble a fraction of that list. Try to figure out what faction do you like and go with the models you like. You wouldn't win all the games but you would not cringe every time you look at the model you really don't like.
The difference there is that you seem to have an army you want to play. the "that guy" mentality doesn't care about the army , they're chasing meta at all cost.
(Of course, on it's own, this isn't a problem either, but when combined with pub stomping, not painting, not being sporting, etc. you find a "that guy")
i think you're good; you're looking at salamanders specifically. "that guy" is someone who just builds their army out of what did well in tournaments irrespective of faction. they might decide to run harlequins one month (because tournaments), then drop them completely the next month for something "better" (i.e. a faction that recently received a new book or errata that enhances their cheese)
@@alexx86hater as long as you have some idea for general ship and model placement. Granted that is a learned skill, but even the best armies can get mauled if the tactics are bad.
The binning your army on the way out is very important specially if you play models i dont have allready. I allways need new minis xD
that is why binning your army is a rookie mistake. obviously, you smash your army under your feet in a fit of rage on the pavement just outside the store. I mean, you need to vent, and one else should be able to get free models by fishing yours out of the trash...
I had that one guy bring out Mortarion with his death guard army against my Dark Imperium Space marine Army in a 2 vs 1 2000+ pt game. My friend brought his Astra militarum army to help me out and fill out those missing point requirement . As a beginner back in the day , my friend wanted me to have a taste what a 2000 point game was like.
This cheesy death guard player targeted me in turn one despite having Dark Imperium army, with Mortarion a beginner, and with no beta rules. Pure 8th edition vanilla space marine. I never played against him ever. Mortarion practically killed my army by turn 3-4 , while his entire death guard just attacked the Astra militarum. Who brings out Mortarion against a beginner and say “Just get better” in a cocky tone . I hated that guy.
the best thing about this video is when i noticed it had time stamps at the bottom so "that guy" can efficiently find the topic relating to his needs.
"That Guy" you mean the one that got thrown into lockers in school and tries to take it out on the local 10 yo trying to get into the hobby?
MY DG army has been basically just terminators for the last 2 years. I will soon become 'that guy' with DG termies only in my army xD
I feel you bro, I've been collecting DW for five years or so before the latest Space Marines 'dex
No no the people you play with before won't certainly think so O:
Always a feels bad, like when Iron Hands became the best faction for a while in 8th
I got called that guy the other day cause I have play Dread heavy lists since sixth edition. And now that it is good I was that guy. It's down right rude when you can see models have been painted for a long time.
I always look out which list won the latest tournaments. That way I can tailor my list to include as few of those units as possible. But I’m still over here running 100% Phobos lists. I’m that other guy :-)
This is the most professional, yet Savage analysis on how to be a prick. Love it. lol
I played "That Guy" on purpose to give him a confidence boost. He some amazing moves though, the dice that came with the Sisters of Battle box set where all miracle dice and he gained an extra one for pretty much everything he did - I kinda felt his struggle because the set only came with 20 dice and he didn't bring enough to add to his pool and still have some to roll, poor guy. He had some stellar stratagems as well - I was playing Thousand Sons, and I wasn't prepared for his characters to all have relics and warlord traits at all! He also had a stratagem that gave every character 2 deny the witch rolls each, but they had a sub par +5 for a mere 2 CP. He had a few other amazing moves too but I wasn't allowed to have a look at his codex because it was brand new.
That's just horrible. I play sisters and knowing the rules and hearing what he did... Man has Goge Vandire syndrome
I had this experience when I was a teenager back in 2002, I had just discovered Warhammer Fantasy and had painted up 5000pts of Orcs and Goblins. I was so incredibly proud!! Went down to the local shop which also had a gaming club. I met a neckbeardy type of guy that was around 25-30ish something years old. This was an introduction night, so there were a lot of newbies mixed with experiended players that was there to teach. This guy refused explain the rules for me unless they benefited him, belittleing every misstake I made and at round 3 he had crushed me. Now he was openly mocking me and I was devestated. He even told me that my painting was awful (his High Elfs were amazingly painted) and horrible and that I should throw such a crappy army in the trash as the trash player I was. I packed my army and went home and didn't set a foot in a local gaming community for over ten years. Eventually I quit the hobby and didn't pick it up again until my late twenties.
Now at the age of 34 I have met this type of narsscistic gatekeeping piece of shits a few times, tho they are rare, they seem to show up from time to time. Today a simple "I break every bone in your body and throw you out the window" seems to keep them in check.
I have a hard time believing that anybody, even a "That Guy", would be as cruel and malicious as that to a complete stranger. Let alone someone with whom they ostensibly had something in common. I mean really? Does your local gaming store happen to be servicing the lower east side of hell? Also, doesn't threatening to break someone's bones and toss them out make you at least as bad as they?
@@leeharvey8197 Then you are naive if you dont think this kind of horrible people exists. I dont know the fate of they guy, i never saw him again after that night. And no, if you see someone gets bullied or try to bully you, you don't confront them in a debate. You confront them with direct and unexcpected force, it's a language everyone understands. And from my experiennce with bullies, they learn real fast. I have absolutley no tolerance for bullies what so ever.
@@leeharvey8197 You must have got real lucky in life to have not come across people who enjoy dissing out misery.
@@leeharvey8197 They're everywhere in the hobby. Nerds are, as a class, pretty dickish if they think they can get away with it.
These kinds of people killed Fantasy
You honestly had me until the "do not bathe for 72 hours" 🤣 Bravo sir!
Instructions not clear ended up getting punched in the face.
Then the instructions were completely clear.
That sounds like both Instructions As Written and Instructions As Intended.
As you should for following these instructions.
Lucky, could've gotten maced, mauled, shot or woodchipped for that.
@@EgorKaskader I mean, if some neckbearded “that guy” type put his Cheeto-encrusted hands all over my [non-existant] Harridan and then proceeds to drop it off the table, I’m going to jail that day.
I had the "pleasure" of playing That Guy in a mini tournament and funnily I annihilated his army. I was the only person to do so and I had a balanced list. The sulking and muttering only made me smile more as this guy trashed every other army before him and now was getting battered.
Subsequently I only won 2 games in the entire tournament, but to demolish That Guy made all the other losses (about 4) totally worth it hehehe. I just wish I had a glass to drink his tears from.
this soundss like auspex is venting about a bad experience. also this would have been a good april fools video
Yeah he sounds so very salty, especially when some of the things he’s describing with such venom are like your everyday bread and butter for most ‘casual’ game settings. Like people always playing with the cheesiest of lists. Like Auspex released a video about smash captains, he going so far to brag about how he used to devastated with a blood angle jump pack captain, that’s pot calling kettle black if there was ever an example.
@@Zabzim the difference here is that running strong units in a competitive setting at a tournament between two players who know what they are getting into and who play respectfully despite both playing strong and painted armies is completely acceptable, because that's the nature of that game. The difference between a competitive player and "that guy" is their attitude and approach rather than anything else. To use the classic example from 8th: 3 riptides in a 1k tournament is competitive, 3 riptides in a 1k casual is rude.
@@Zabzim if you behave in any of the ways described in this video, or if you believe that this kind of behavior is somehow 'bread and butter' for casual, then sorry mate, but you're cancerous to the hobby.
Facts, I can hear the “hurt” through out the whole video. Sounds like AT got crushed by a smelly sweaty dude with a half painted, half assembled army and this was his diss track lol
@@gundam1 why are you copy-pasting your same response all over this video? bro are you alright?
You did forget rules lawyering based on "Rules as written" in your codex and ignore any FAQs
my favourite example of this from yesteryear: some space marine (or chaos, i can't remember) terminators are
*T E C H N I C A L L Y*
not actually wearing terminator armour, because it doesn't specify this explicitly on their datasheet; therefore they don't get the 5++ invul save or weapon stability rules that models that have terminator armour are supposed to have
@@soupalex if someone tried this with me I'd straight up pack my shit and leave
@@burialgoods And That Guy would claim a win as you would have to concede to exit the game, unless he has to leave, then it's a draw.
Always found the faqs a bit of a pain tbh. Never wanted to print stuff off and stick into my books. That and it's embarrassingly easy to miss or forget the faqs.
Always wished the books were done as ring binders where you could substitute pages with a faq'd replacement.
@@Lightman0359 lol big whoop
Making sure to add invisible inches to your measurements for charging, as well as for cover so that you can make sure your opponent struggles to ever defend or attack you properly.
.....as someone who has alot of problems with measuring due to eye sight.....this a sore spot for me......
@@werecaster well a trick to help with that one is pull the full 12 inches for charge on your protector and slide it into position
While everything described here I would like not to see even at the neighboring table, however "Bonus points for actually binning your army on the way out" I really want to see.
"Sweet, free unpainted partly assembled models!"
@@psyko2666 £200 in ebay fodder to fund my own army!
i have a very nice chaos hell cannon courtesy of some fucktard who threw it at the wall after he lost to me in the final of a tournament I played in some years ago. I was like mate you want hand picking that up and he's just nah fuck it and walks out. truly weird
I needed this laugh today. Your candor at delivering this dialogue with your same, calm, intelligent manner was perfect lol
Oh man the salt is strong here. Lol. Love it.
yeah, from all of the crisps
"Touch opponents models at every opportunity"
So, you have chosen death!
Do people like... do this? Im pretty not well off, if skmeone touched my models i think they wouldnt have a windpipe. The books, pant, time, and the amount of figurines i have to buy (IG Army) means i would go ballistic if someone touched my models
"Loudly proclaim how unlucky you are every time you roll below average". That's like my city's community. Everyone is there "that unlucky guy" :D
With boardgames or cardgames, I sometimes start complaining before rolling or drawing cards. I do stop when I do see the results though, weal or woe.
"Your apothecaries can specialise in bike repair" This is now canon
Sweats in Dark angel Ravenwing Apothecary!
(But in all seriousness the fact apoths could revive atvs is why I held off on buying them........cause thats just nasty.)
I mean, there were Apothecaries on bikes in Rogue Trader, and the White Scars and Iron Hands are probably born with the ability to kick a wheel and go "Ah, it's fine."
Theres going to be someone that takes this seriously, God bless that play group.
... You mean we weren't supposed to?
I had one opponent who was literally just like this, but could never accept when he was wrong, one of the best comments would be that his copy of the rulebook had different wording as it was from a different print run.
Kind of want an anti-that guy guide where it goes through being nice and how to stop their fun through kindness.
we need this as a follow up to this for sure.
Look up a guide to playing Orks.
Sadly i see myself in some of those points, i will be a better person in the future
Me too, buddy, me too...
tbf some are very general… almost everybody plays (or has played at some point) with some proportion of unpainted/half-painted minis or proxies; few people hold off on playing a game until literally all their minis are finished, and proxies are fine if e.g. it's a conversion, or the model doesn't have rules in the current codex, or it's a temporary substitution for a mini that the player is intending to get (or assemble or paint) but hasn't yet.
the stuff about deliberately bending the rules, picking armies specifically around what other people have won tournaments with, about having no intention of finishing painting anything, and about poor sportsmanship… those are a bit worse, imo
I don't see that as a completely bad thing.
Yes having bad habits is bad, but being willing to see them for what they are and to change is overall a good thing in my book
The first step to changing is to recognize you have a problem.
You're human. We all have had moments like this, and a rather toxic, passive-aggressive video, that points out common quirks that many people have or share, should not make you feel ashamed for being just that - human. If people still find you fun to play with, and you don't have an issue with folks in your gaming group, you're fine.
The Fig 1 - 'Perfection' killed me and I wasn't into one minute of video.
Fully painted WYSIWYG master race coming through. That guy always gets tabled by me with my deep knowledge. BTW, poker chips work great for proxy and keep a few Deep Strike units to add in the game as needed, or putting different units in transports. Oh look, my flamer S. Guard were in that rhino and not a tac squad...funny how that happened. I also add in the confused, "Oh, I tabled you?" at the end, "But you were doing so good." *fake smile
Sun Tzu say - "Say your models are in aura range, even if they are not."
Remember: Train your vocal patterns to be as annoying as possible.
Discuss your off-the-freaking-wall political views at every available opportunity. Be sure to take the moral high-ground and use every available chance to make your opponent feel like on awful person. Or at the very least, make sure they know YOU think they're worse than Satan and Hitler who did a soul fusion.
If you sense some kind of emotional or mental insecurity, prey upon that to try and make them feel as awful as possible.
Never self reflect and consider how you can improve. Improvement is for people who aren't already God's Gift to the entire human race. (Not that you believe in God, and will laugh and attempt to debase or undermine anyone who does)
Go out and make the world a terrible place, you horrific blob-like excuse for a human being!
Be free!
Hitler and satan made a soul fusion xD rofl copter
Tried to play at my local shop, every single person there matched this list. So fucking shit.
Trump train 2021
This kept coming up on my suggested videos. I'm so glad I finally clicked it. The dose of sarcasm was simply glorious 🤣
Glad you enjoyed, had a bit of fun making that one :D
Had a guy get kicked out of my LGS for lack of hygene, bending the rules in his favor whenever possible, and being a sore loser. Now I'm an accepting individual, but you don't scratch your genitals in public and then get grabby with someone else's models.
Reminds me when I used to play Necromunda with my brother. His 'that guy' traits included:
1) Claiming clear line of sight with no cover modifiers when he could see a mini's finger pointing out of cover (model was foolishly punching the air)
2) In rules debates, omitting key words such as 'cannot' and insisting we roll a dice to determine who knew the rule when things went wrong
3) Deploying no cover at all on the table when playing a shooty gang
4) Getting mad that I didn't remind him about what was on his roster and not represented on the model. I should've remembered to keep all the rules, my roster and his options on how to hurt my gang in the forefront of my mind.
A few more little tips :
-When building your army list, especially against newer players, keep in mind that some of them might not be aware that point values are often updated. Use the ones in the Codex. Also disregard FAQs and Erratas when they go against you.
-This doubly applies to Forge World miniatures and units. For which you obviously use proxies.
-If your game is going well, don't forget to attract the atention of any bystanders to make them witness your superiority. This will only make your end goal of proving your hobby dominance that much easier.
-If you game is going really badly, especially because one specific unit in your opponent's force counters you or has been absurdly lucky, it is your sacred DUTY to make sure they won't make it to a table again. If you reputation is already well established, you can simply pick up the model and throw it at the nearest wall. More decietful generals may wish to distract their opponent after the game ends and subtely snatch the offending miniature, before throwing it in the trash on their way out.
I didn't peg this as a comedy channel, but this is utterly hilarious
I’ve actually played this exact game a couple of times, right down to the lack of clean air. It was my opponent and not me. I sometimes confuse people that I only care about fun.
I am going to make a tailored army to counter a thousand sons player. Only because both games I’ve played with him he brought a competitive, guard countering list.
You can even make a combo out of the different list above ! I remember years ago, (when the v8 was just out so I I was'nt familiar with it yet) as tau player I played a game against a Nova marine (his army was truly splendid very well painted ) 3000 pts each the lists were supposed to be prepared one week before. But when we came to play i noticed that the dude had a looooot of model on the table, like, to much for a 3000 pts game, and did not writed any list. For exemple he had one land raider and around 6 other differents tanks and transport vehicules, 2 stormhawk, 2 drop pods and at least 4 full squad of marines plus HQ, and Dreadnought... first mistake I made was to think" Fine he might not have purchased a lot of equipments it's ok " then the dude tells me that he did'nt played since a full year so he might be a bit rusty. then the battle begun when I landed my first hammerheads hits on one of his tanks he maded up some bullshits rules. So i checked the rulebook and explained it to him and we agreed but for the rest of the game i did'nt trust him anymore. Anyway, when i got stomped turn 3 I was never the less happy because in one game I learn a lot about the game and the players. It was a game I could not win but I made him pay heavily for each units he took me so I knew that my list was worth something. Sorry for the long post and the bad English i'm french.
Thanks Auspex, you genuinely had me in tears. Love the deadpan way you presented this, I watch you for your serious analysis and this caught me off-guard, but definately in a good way, feel free to do some more later on :))
He should also move and in move his models several times before making a decision and then not "move" at all to get extra range
I've had opponents like this. They were slightly better groomed than the average, but otherwise very similar.
When they were winning, every other word out of their mouths was a sneer, backhanded compliment, or open mockery. When they were losing, every utterance was a whine, a sulk, or "woe is me" false humility. I no longer play against them.
I played against "That Guy" once. He had an OP Custodes list and I was playing World Eaters. When one of my berzerker squads wiped a unit of Wardens he just looked at me stunned and said "I'm not used to playing against someone who can hit back." XD Spoiler alert he gave up turn three when he saw he was not going to win. I rolled a charge and was successful and before I could even move my guys he just said "I concede" and started packing up.
World eaters the great equalizers lol
Once had a guy "forget" that rerolls are before modifiers; this was maybe a year after the ruling was first made. When I caught him "forgetting" again, I asked him to slow down his rolling, and he told me to keep up with him.
Don't forget to never, under any circumstances, buy anything from the FLGS if that's where you play.
@@jaimayy It's crucially important for "that guy" to show up at the local game store with piles of models they acquired elsewhere and rub their opponents' noses in the savings they reaped by doing so.
@@bryanhayden5601 yep. And if you have a GW in your area and play there, make sure to proxy from other companies as much as you can and throw a tantrum like a child when the store manager asks you nicely not to play them there(actually saw that happen)
Not buying anything from a GW brick and mortar is one thing, not buying from the independent FLGS where you play every weekend is a whole other thing. I’m just getting started but at the very least I buy my paints from the independent brick and mortar.
@@jaimayy The only thing buying from the FLGS does is ensure that the place that provides gaming space, terrain, and ready opponents is able to keep its doors open and provide for independent business owners in a generally unstable financial situation. What kind of chump would do that instead of saving a whole $3 or $4 by shopping on Amazon instead?
The first 2000pt game I ever played I met this guy. He was telling me how he preferred narrative games as he pulled out his half put together models that were counts as forgeworld dreadnoughts. Then when it wasn't going to be an obvious blowout he finished his second turn and had to leave (I only got one). He told me he would count it as his victory as I was going to loose, and that he was sorry but there just wasn't time to walk through any of my second turn to see if I had a chance. It soured me on 40k for at least 6 months.
This is gold. Now your tactical genius is confirmed
A perfect description but you forgot that during the games starts you should claim that you pre-rolled your dice for whether you go first or not.
You forgot to add * make sure you eat sour cream chips and don’t brush make sure your opponent has to smell your nurgles breath attack with every move you make*
Here's some other things That Guy should be doing:
Remember that when you're measuring, it's totally acceptable to "eyeball it" and roll before your opponent says anything. If you must measure, make sure there's a long piece of a model sticking off the base, like some ruins or a chainsword; you can measure from there instead. If you nudge you or your opponent's models out of place a little bit while measuring, remember to only adjust them and ask where they were if it's your models, and the nudge might've impacted your next charge.
This was brilliantly hilarious! You need to collaborate with the guy from "Terrible Writing Advice" to make an animation for this "advice" 😊😊😊
I had a "that guy" at the store I used to frequent. He brought ants with him. I notices them crawling on the table two weeks in a row after he would show up and start unloading his carry cases. When I finally openly mentioned the presence of the ants to someone else he gave a long sigh and said, "I have an ant problem at my place. Sometimes the hitch a ride.".....
Do: The "Ork Player" Guide
you mean "the guy nobody minds because he's here to have a good time?"
@@shadowsketch926 Orks players, like Orks, probably have the most fun out of everyone. The Waaghs are the best part.
@@shadowsketch926 I never lose, because I always have fun. I fisted a Falcon with a Warboss once, the Eldar player got a good laff outta dat
as someone who has yet to play the game (I'm still building and terrified to paint just yet), I can already recognize "that guy" kind of mentality from other games I played. Hearing this made me chuckle way more than it should've. Bravo.
Is it bad that my second game into 40k was playing someone exactly like this
yeah, it sucks
It usually is. These were like the main people in 40k back when i started as a 12 year old in 3rd ed.I think, unfortunately, it just is a thorn in the hobby that always exists. It's just important not to pick up these traits. I know I am guilty of doing some of these things in retrospect. It is easy to take 40k too seriously and not enjoy the game for what it is.
I didn't pay close attention to the title and just clicked play. I did sort of a double take had to restart it pretty quick haha. Super funny video and great delivery!
Hysterical. Thankfully I only know one guy like that
Best warhammer 40k video of the year !
My god this is like a checklist of all the neuroses I have about finally getting my first game of 40k once the pandemic is over.
The “in game” segment is like when you would go to your friends house and you’d have that one guy who eats Doritos or something and doesn’t wash his hands before touching a controller, then it gets all clocked with dorito dust and it gets sticky
Worst that guy trait: measuring every last micrometers when it’s your models but feeling free to be plus or minus whatever when it’s theirs
Great video brother :) Had a good chuckle!
My friend is sometimes that guy. Always fighting over line of sight when he can see a freaking arm and when he moves his models incorrectly and me having to fix them during movement always annoyed me. Then sulks when i counter his 3 Repulsor Executioner during 8th. I only bring my cheese army against him
honestly good on you, as cheese is best bested with a higher degree of cheese
Reminds me of the guy who used Red Scorpions against my orks the first time I played. I was so amazed by his awesome powers I avoided playing against him all the time!
I have a terrible feeling a larger portion of his wisdom is from his experiences and not theoreticals.
Check all line of sights with a bent measuring stick, curving the bend away from the nearest terrain piece if you are shooting and towards the terrain if your opponent is shooting.
This is actually a load off my mind. The only thing I have in common with "that gut" is that as of yet my minis are for the most part unpainted.
This video throws so much shade I had to turn on another lamp just to finish it. I love it.
Thanks for the unexpected smiles. :)
This is amazing performance. BUT, this is the ultimate tip:
*Change your Battlescribe while you are in-game.*
On my first game of 40K my opponent, who knew I was new, brought mortarion terminators and plague marines against a 10 boyz a warboss nobz and a deff dread
Have seen a "that guy" gamer who had an open wound on his leg that leaked fluid and smelled like death at a small tournament a few years back.
Was he playing Death Guard?
@@timothywillox8564 Space Wolves. No codex, made up his own rules or interpretations of the rules (this was like 10 years ago), but as one of my friends played Space Wolves and had his codex it was easy to shut him down.
your accent is perfect for deadpan sarcasm. I love your channel, haven't played since the 90s and dreaming about getting back into it.
Oh the flashbacks... as an ex GW retail manager I've seen all of these ... and then stopped them.
As someone getting into warhammer, thankyou for making a guide like this.
the "that guy" would never expect me to bring my titan to a narative game!, there fore fooling all his tactics and making him wet his pants and surender due to the mental condition known as "titan fear"
Love it. Please make it a series. Reminds me of a childhood "good advice" books. Both fun, hilarious and informative.
this has the same vibes as when a teacher gets tired of a kids shit and completely roasts him
You forgot that part where he tells new players how their army works because he used to play them before selling that army. Speaking from experience we had that guy at our store once the good friends I have now basically told me to study my rule book in and out since he would do that and to call him out on his s*** when he starts lying was a very funny game when he told me guard orders are only on five plus rolls and I just looked at him and went no they're not.
You joke about the not showering bit but there are combat sports competitors that legit believe it. Imagine going into a ufc fight and the dude you're fighting smells like straight shit. Definitely would mess my mental up in a fight.
If your opponent gags and vomits when he smells you, does that technically count as a win for your career?
As someone who used to box, can confirm. There's few things worse than a guy who hasn't bathed in ages rubbing all his sweat onto you during a clinch.
@ThejollyFrenchman Damm that's playing dirty!
Thank you!!!! This video was very funny, That Guy was who I played first round last weekends tourney. Brought a Grand tournament list to a local shop tourney.