Literally saw a guy saying "never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake" when his opponent walked in front of some powerful weapon in necromunda, when the whole gang was grey plastic, and it was a very unclear proxy. Obviously there were no takebacks, as that would have been a sign of weakness.
I'm so happy he made a point to bring up proxies un painted un made models. I don't care If I win or lose. I just wanna see some cool looking guys on the table. I get to go to a hobby shop maybe once a month now and I'm not playing with anyone that can't actually do the hobby part.
Another hint: When I need to cough, I like to walk around the table and get D6 inches in front of my opponent's face and loosely cough with the power of a thousand suns. For every spittle that lands on their face, smack one of their units off the table.
"...Proceed to club those baby seals into the ground with your optimized tournament cheese." This may be the most savage statement ever uttered by Auspex.
Ones and sixes? Why limit yourself? Grab yourself phyrexian dies from MTG and completely make up your rolls You could also use the Block dies from Blood Bowl, but make sure your opponent doesn't realize it only has 5 different faces
Jokes aside, if I'm ever at a shop and see some guy rage out mid game and throw his whole army in the garbage, I'm grabbing the entire bin and running for it. He threw them away that's fair game 😂
"He threw them away that's fair game" And you'd actually have the law on your side too, at least in the US. In the US, once you throw something away in a public trash receptacle or collection point (meaning once you put it out on the curb for collection) that means legally you have voluntarily surrendered your ownership rights to that property. That's why "garbage picking" or "dumpster diving" is kind of a big thing in the US.
Remember to always hide your dice-rolls as blatantly as possible - your opponent has no right to question your honesty. If he points out your supposed "cheating" just hold a sermon about the toxic climate at the LGS, this always works.
You can mix the bathroom gambit up by going to the bathroom yourself, and then accusing them of moving models around and insist that they reshuffle their secondary deck. This works especially well if you are in a battle for dominance over another “that guy” because he probably did mess with his deck and restore some of his dead models, and you can’t let him have an advantage
This was fantastic. I had hoped it would end with you saying something along the lines of; "And that's the video for today, I hate all of you, don't even think about subscribing because I know more about Warhammer than you and that makes me superior." XD
"We're playing warhammer, not accounting" Amazing "Might as well bring up real world politics, crowbar in big issues within culture wars, pick a side and stick to it." Had me rolling. "As Napoleon said, never interrupt an enemy when they're making a mistake.." Hahahaha Auspex, you have outdone yourself on this one sir.. This is S tier work right here.
I hear the phrase "World Eaters always get Angron back", so if I start with 2 Angrons, then I don't have to worry about the "get Angron back" bit. It's lore appropriate and everything
I very recently started looking at Warhammer just because I saw a Tau box and as a lifelong Gundam fan figured “huh that’s pretty cool” since big robot make brain to happy chemicals. Then as I was waiting to check out with the box and some other dnd stuff I was there for had some guy I’d never met walk up and give me an entire lecture on how horrible and stupid I was for picking the Tau and how cheap they are, but anywho now I’ve got a pretty cool big Gundam style mech fighting a DBZ Broly figure on my desk so I guess I won in the end.
i hate the t'au but insulting a random stranger for having preferences should be considered a sign of mental illness.who starts a conversation with "your army is cheap and meta and gay"
Don't forget to gloat in the most obnoxious way possible when the dice rolls go your way and you end up removing one of your opponent's units from the board. It's a way to advertise your pure skill and tactical brilliance to everyone around, so they know not to challenge your greatness. Bonus points if you do a little dance in celebration as well.
Back when I played 40k tabletop I'd gladly drive an hour and a half to a different city to be able to play with that cities core group of players at the local game shop because they where very nice, very chill people to play with and it was always exciting to play & learn with them. The core people in my own city basically took this video as a non-satire guide. I arranged a small 500pt intro game as my first ever game where I was fielding a barebones starter t'au army with a local player from my city, with the explicit intent of playing a teaching session from an experienced "vet". He made sure to bring an extremely mobile ork army and made sure to pick "A good beginner setup" that was a dense sprawling urban city where my longest lines of sight was about 25" at best. After that I got roped into a 2v2 1000pt game when I barely had 1,000pts worth of plastic to even bring to the table where the other 3 people where all "that guy" doing this shit to each other. The game took 4 1/2 hours because they kept bickering about inane rules with each other every time anyone tried to do anything. Completely exhausting to play. Honestly shocked I didn't just drop 40k right there. I ended up befriending people from a neighboring city and played with them for about 3~ years before irl got too complicated and I had to drop wargamming as a hobby. We all kind of grew as we played and it was genuinely hype to get to a game and see someone had bought a new big unit or something like that. At one point I bought a Riptide, spent a week and a half building and painting it, and the first time I fielded it I got some pretty hilarious reactions. Some of the nerdiest fun I've ever had in my life. I miss it.
dont forget that if you are playing a world eaters army you need to rip your sleeves off and scream at the top of your lungs BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD while thumping your chest and foaming from the mouth.
I forget where, but in some forum a guy was complaining how his world eater opponent was doing push ups while waiting for his opponents turn. He complained to a judge who just shrugged it off as 'the nails must be biting again'
Oh oh and don't forget that if your opponent says or asks anything make sure to respond in as few words as possible; one is ideal. This is especially important if your opponent is a woman because she's just there for attention, and you sure as hell aren't gonna give her the satisfaction of minimal eye contact.
If your opponent goes to use the bathroom you can also rip a few of the pages from their codex out so they won’t be able to find their rules for the argument
Dude the first time I played warhammer I was in a tent full of people, some guy shouted that “GYATT MAN IS ALIVE?” In reference to a Lokhust HD, and I laughed so hard I spilt COKE ON A PAINTED MARINE
This reminds me of the time a guy mocked and laughed at me for "doing extra work for nothing" i.e. gluing and painting little bits like grenades and pouches on my models. Luckily most people in the hobby are more appreciative of others' work
Me when assembling my models - "Oh, all these extra bits will make my units more detailed and individual!" Me when painting my models - "Who the actual F- put all these tiny bits everywhere?!"
@4:10 you missed the more Alpha Legion tactic. Arrive half hour early, complain to random bystanders how the other guy is always late, then tell him when he arrives 5 mins late he forfeited the match, and should up his ideas. Then hang around for another five hours commenting on other players games.
Here's another tip: If your opponent wants to see you roll and you can't roll behind terrain, you should just roll the dice into your minis, when your minis get moved by the dice place them just a bit closer to where you want them to go.
This works especially well if you bring big dice that are capable of knocking models down. Every roll can get you an inch and a half of extra movement if you do it right. Extra points if you manage to shift a terrain piece to block line of sight
I am one of the people at my local LGS that people sometimes come to for rules clarifications. Recently, a burgeoning That Guy and his annoyed opponent came up to me in the shop, and That Guy gave me the following scenario. "I've just charged my opponent's Chaos Rhino with my Dreadknight, destroyed it, and the Plague Marines inside fell out, some of which are now engaged with my Dreadknight. I get to fight them too, right?" This brings us to another That Guy tactic: if the rules don't let you do what you want, just say that they do, or make up some new ones. Another pro That Guy move I learned from this guy the one time I tried to play him; in the charge phase, stand straight up and hold your tape measure over top of your model and its charge target. This way, your eye line can diagonally intersect with the tape measure at a number that is usually much less than the actual distance you'd otherwise need to roll.
Whats also a nice thing to do is, to wake up/increase the opponents senses is, by picking up one of their biggest models and throwing it at them while saying "head on a swival." Always works.
I watched 2 "that guys" play against each other once and it was incredible, slowest and most argumentative game I've ever seen amidst a sea of grey plastic
Just went to a beginner 1k escalation league, and played against a chaos knight player; no paint, no arms, most were just legs glued to a base. He tabled me turn two. Four wardogs and a rampager.
@@rhotgarr625 nope. Just a questoris legs and body with the under shoulder stubber. It’s hard to imagine he had any fun charging my rhino popping it, and chewing through the contents. Just 9 plague marines dead in one combat.
@@lukepoplawski3230 that's kinda silly, imagine them charging with no arms like a carnausaurus, head first 🤣 but i see what you mean, it show that he doesn't have any interest in the hobby exept wining games, which is sad
@@m33ddyhv that’s the thing. He was really nice. Seemed really excited to be chatting with other people and wanted to focus more on narrating the game and talking about lore more than playing it. It was hard for me to get excited like he was though trying to make a 6” charge roll with his rampaged into my rhino
First two games of warhammer 40k i played both took more than 7 hours from we met until we called it. I played slow and i doubted most of my moses, i forgot and redid a lot of things. Made a ton of mistakes. I would not have kept playing the game if not for those two amazing guys Who patiently took me through those two first games. I would not have been as patient with a new player myself.. I have to admit that. My point is- those two are species of player that go under the radar. Just Kindle, patient and dont care what happens. Unsung heroes that carry a lot of 40k communities on their shoulders. I will always be greatfull to them and what they did for me. Its always "that guy" and its funny as hell, but there are some truly amazing unsung players out there that do amazing work for their local communities..
When I had more time in the summer I was able to get a lot of painting done and I played in a lot of tournaments, but when I started a new job I was only able to play 2 days out of the week and I couldn’t play any tournaments. After 7 months of getting nothing done I’ve finally started to get some models painted, and I’m excited to play again since the Tau codex is out
I was watching the OG one just 2 days ago, and I have my first starter game of 10th (I haven't gotten to play against anyone yet this edition, though I started in 9th) lined up this week, possibly tomorrow. Thank You for this updated and informative guide that'll hopefully come in handy for that occasion, Auspex!
Rolling some of your dice and then rolling others in to them to knock the misses in to hits. Don't forget to turn the original hits back in to hits and say it isn't right they were knocked off a hit but ignore that for hits from misses
A bonus tip for becoming a world class “that guy” is to try to steal a few of your opponent’s models while they aren’t looking, then not only will they have a disadvantage in the game, but over the course of a few games you will be able to get another unit you can proxy as a unit from your own army
I personally like to eat a nice curry the traditional way, with my hands, while I admire my opponent's artistry. Sometimes Ill test the thickness of their paint by scraping my nail along the edges to see how many coats they use to truly appreciate their efforts.
"... especially if they're tabled by turn two, A quick game is a good game" I'm still fairly new and accidentally did this to a more veteran player by sheer accident recently. My space marines vs his tyranids. Classic. He's got a norn emissary, winged hive tyrant, a large group of warriors with a winged prime, two psychophages and a nuerotyrant to round out his bigger units. The rest was 1 genestealers, alot of gaunts and some rippers and von ryan leapers. Norm emissary callsmiddle objective and hive tyrant go up the middle, warriors go middle/right side of the board. Nuerotyrant on middle/left. Sternguard with fire dscipline and a librarian destroy the nuerotyrants nuerogaunts and wounds it. Devestators take shots at the norn and hurt it, about half health. Random krak grenade helps along the way. Marneus goes to the right and fight the leapers then prepares for the swarm of gaunts. Bad cards force his termigaunts to go to board corners for points. My assault intercessors with LT go for left objective and enter a fight with gaunts and rippers. Nuerotyrant has to charge them to stay safe, sternguard overwatch and take him out. Incursors cover the assault intercessors taking out the flanking genestealers in melee. Norn is killed on second turn and hive tyrant is shreaded and ultimatly killed by a lucky max damage librarian sword. My brutalis ran up the right/middle board and had a bad initial engagement with the warriors but fight back on the next turn destroyed them leaving the winged prime at one wound. Right side is a mess. By the bottom of the second turn his biggest and powerful units were gone besides the psychophages. And I had only lost one full unit so far, the assault intercessors and their LT. I wasn't meta chasing, I walked in with a list saved on my phone and randomly challenged the guy. He just had the most absurdly bad saves and feel no pains for all of hisimportant units, but his trash was saving for days. I felt so bad...... guess I payed for it cause I lost my next three games, recently also had Guilliman die to nothing but 1 saves in my last game.... ya, that was infuriating.. I didn't mean to, sometimes it just happens. Luck of the really bad dice I suppose.
Remember to measure your distances off whichever part of the model gives you the most advantage! That way you can be extra far away when an opponent tries to charge you, but extra close when you charge your opponent.
I bought a whole army all together once. I worked at GW and the new 5th edition Chaos had just come out. It just made sense, that discount was meaty. My real dream was to do a full unit of Cyborks, using the old metal bitz, but I'd just missed the (legendary, and deeply missed) bitz order service closing by a month. But then I quit playing warhammer 40k, so 2000+ points of 13th company chaos space wolves stayed in the basement for the last 15 years. At least my brother got me to finally pull them out and start working on them, lol, i'm definitely not starting again first with my Orks.
I have brought knights to a 1000pt game before lol. I mean they knew i was bringing knights, and i only brought them because i just finished the army and really wanted to play with them.
As an oldschool fantasy player looking to get back into warhammer, this video comes at the perfect time. I now feel mentally prepared to become the player I need to become in order to succeed in warhammer.
Was painting listening to this, smeared the base coat a little but thats fine, in fact leave the whole mini as a black base coat and change ur faction based on what will frustrate your opponent fastest.
If you have normal small gw dice, here's an exciting conversion project. Drill a hole in the dot on the "1" side. Then , take some old gw metal, and heat it up- you can do it on a normal stove, in a small coffee pot. Pour the tiny bit of metal into to drilled hole on the die. Leave it to settle. Then paint the dot white, or which ever color the other sides are. Perfect die, it comes up a 6 ,90 % of the time. Make sure you roll it in a large group, as it rolls very conspicuously...or try hitting a building with it. ❤
And always remember, if your opponent is a casual player screwing around for fun, you are right so fate is on your side. Drag out the game, gloat, "forget" to use all of your attacks or stratagems, play defensively to force your opponent to lose by running into your wall of death. By the time the tension has built to the point where they actually want to beat you, it'll be too late for them to make a comeback. Don't worry about their friends pointing and laughing at their chapter master with every invulnerable save, wound and evasive modifier they could find running in with a dinky power sword to beat up your tanks one by one. These are cheap diversionary tactics and the captain is not a threat, after all, why would someone build a silly list to take advantage of something so dumb...
You would think it's funny, but I'm playing in a 1000pts complete beginner league which had a bunch of experienced players join to help teach the game and 2 of them brought chaos knights.
I have to admit I've encountered a few of these at high tables in tournaments.....tends to ruin events for me when I encounter them. Having said that ive also had some of the funniest narratives happen in competitive environments when your opponent is just laughing with you on what the dice do. Win or lose those are some of the best experiences imo
you had to have leaked this video to my aeldari player friend this is him down to a T your forgetting though the argument of "but i can make my captain wield 2 thunder hammers so of course he gets to swing both"
Remember kids, if you win, its pure skill. If the opponent wins, its the bs dice rolls and a meta army
And if your army is meta copy/paste, that's good research. If your opponent's army is meta, it's unimaginative and uninspired.
Just lost a crusade game against world eaters because the mission rules allowed Angron to get infiltrate
this is like when id play starcraft. If *I* won id say "gg wp", if THEY won id type "gg ez"
you got that other way around @@LargeBlueCircle
As an ork player, if I somehow manage to fluke a jammy win it's always because of 🐂💩 dice rolls 😂
I cheat by being so shit at the game that everyone accuses my opponent of having loaded dice, so I win because they get disqualified.
This is rapidly becoming my favourite April fools tradition
I love seeing this every year!
Whens he posting his April fools video?
Literally saw a guy saying "never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake" when his opponent walked in front of some powerful weapon in necromunda, when the whole gang was grey plastic, and it was a very unclear proxy. Obviously there were no takebacks, as that would have been a sign of weakness.
I'm so happy he made a point to bring up proxies un painted un made models. I don't care If I win or lose. I just wanna see some cool looking guys on the table. I get to go to a hobby shop maybe once a month now and I'm not playing with anyone that can't actually do the hobby part.
@@BloodBuffaloI have too many models man 😭😭. I'm just a slow painted lol
It’s funny when I play if there’s a though decision for my opponent I usually give advice like what I would do etc lol 😂
"Dice *are* supposed to roll average or better pretty much every time- that's just how maths works" got me laughing so much 😆(7:25)
Average d6 roll is 3.5. Good luck rolling that on a single die.
@@PeteOfDarknessPrecisely. Therefore the expected average D6 roll for a 'that guy' player is 4.
Best part.
"Don't worry, there is no way that I will fail 6 2+ saves and lose my terminators to a couple of lasguns..."
Not the expected average, the expected minimum.
Another hint: When I need to cough, I like to walk around the table and get D6 inches in front of my opponent's face and loosely cough with the power of a thousand suns. For every spittle that lands on their face, smack one of their units off the table.
Unfortunately that stratagem was nerfed in the March 2020 codex balance. It's now a 2D12 roll.
Wait you play thousand sons? Seems more like a nurgle strategy. My death guard do the same
Best takeaway:
"This is Warhammer NOT accounting."
Early Age of Sigmar be like:
Nurgle move for sure
"...Proceed to club those baby seals into the ground with your optimized tournament cheese." This may be the most savage statement ever uttered by Auspex.
You forgot the best one "make sure to leave your weighted dice in the toilet" 😂
Isn't that considered great use of a bathroom break? 😂
Get some dice that have a symbol for the ones and a different symbol for the 6's, then 'forget' which is which at important moments.
Oooohhh goooddddd haha i would hate that player
Ones and sixes? Why limit yourself?
Grab yourself phyrexian dies from MTG and completely make up your rolls
You could also use the Block dies from Blood Bowl, but make sure your opponent doesn't realize it only has 5 different faces
but then your enemy can just look at the other faces of the dice to know what you actually rolled
"My necron always bring 6 c'tan"
- Anrakyr when fighting tyranids
Jokes aside, if I'm ever at a shop and see some guy rage out mid game and throw his whole army in the garbage, I'm grabbing the entire bin and running for it.
He threw them away that's fair game 😂
Fuck yeah. Free models!
Bonus: they'll probably be unpainted still. Pull out the x-acto blade to clean up mold lines and some of the worst burs ever and get to painting!
@@rafaelangelsoloworst case is that you’ll still have a large amount of spare parts to kitbash or design bases
"He threw them away that's fair game"
And you'd actually have the law on your side too, at least in the US. In the US, once you throw something away in a public trash receptacle or collection point (meaning once you put it out on the curb for collection) that means legally you have voluntarily surrendered your ownership rights to that property. That's why "garbage picking" or "dumpster diving" is kind of a big thing in the US.
That is my dream
Remember to always hide your dice-rolls as blatantly as possible - your opponent has no right to question your honesty. If he points out your supposed "cheating" just hold a sermon about the toxic climate at the LGS, this always works.
You can also draw extra pips onto your dice to ensure a high roll without wasting money on weighted dice
Oh hell yeah, the bathroom gambit. God tier move
You can mix the bathroom gambit up by going to the bathroom yourself, and then accusing them of moving models around and insist that they reshuffle their secondary deck. This works especially well if you are in a battle for dominance over another “that guy” because he probably did mess with his deck and restore some of his dead models, and you can’t let him have an advantage
"It's not really cheating if you know you're right" fucking got me. incredible script for this one
The worst thing is I've seen ALL of this in community. It brings a tear of joy to my eye knowing how "seen" these tips and tricks can be
I kinda love this video because while it may be a joke, it does help new players understand the social contract while playing.
This list is likely more repellant to new players than informative.
As a new player I love videos like this. Shows me who to avoid.
That unpainted Battlewagon was a personal and direct attack on me and I'm calling the police, sir.
This was fantastic. I had hoped it would end with you saying something along the lines of; "And that's the video for today, I hate all of you, don't even think about subscribing because I know more about Warhammer than you and that makes me superior." XD
I would have laughed until I died!
Alpha Legion out in full force today, all jokes and heresy
The "have your model laying on its side, cuz it only makes sense for them to take cover" is genuinely irredeemable, 100% would do it for a squad. 👍
"We're playing warhammer, not accounting" Amazing
"Might as well bring up real world politics, crowbar in big issues within culture wars, pick a side and stick to it." Had me rolling.
"As Napoleon said, never interrupt an enemy when they're making a mistake.." Hahahaha
Auspex, you have outdone yourself on this one sir.. This is S tier work right here.
Well Alexander certainly didn't interrupt Bonaparte's big mistake!
That flat, dry, serious humor made me lol this morning. Thanks for starting my day with a smile :D
I hear the phrase "World Eaters always get Angron back", so if I start with 2 Angrons, then I don't have to worry about the "get Angron back" bit.
It's lore appropriate and everything
I very recently started looking at Warhammer just because I saw a Tau box and as a lifelong Gundam fan figured “huh that’s pretty cool” since big robot make brain to happy chemicals. Then as I was waiting to check out with the box and some other dnd stuff I was there for had some guy I’d never met walk up and give me an entire lecture on how horrible and stupid I was for picking the Tau and how cheap they are, but anywho now I’ve got a pretty cool big Gundam style mech fighting a DBZ Broly figure on my desk so I guess I won in the end.
i hate the t'au but insulting a random stranger for having preferences should be considered a sign of mental illness.who starts a conversation with "your army is cheap and meta and gay"
You should also cover the entire army in the new Salamander Scrotum citadel fade paint
I liked "Corpse Starch" better, could be actual paint (probably something akin to greyinsh Pale Sand)
I have two local gaming clubs and I stopped attending one to go to the other almost exclusively… now I remember why 😂😭
Don't forget to gloat in the most obnoxious way possible when the dice rolls go your way and you end up removing one of your opponent's units from the board. It's a way to advertise your pure skill and tactical brilliance to everyone around, so they know not to challenge your greatness. Bonus points if you do a little dance in celebration as well.
Back when I played 40k tabletop I'd gladly drive an hour and a half to a different city to be able to play with that cities core group of players at the local game shop because they where very nice, very chill people to play with and it was always exciting to play & learn with them.
The core people in my own city basically took this video as a non-satire guide. I arranged a small 500pt intro game as my first ever game where I was fielding a barebones starter t'au army with a local player from my city, with the explicit intent of playing a teaching session from an experienced "vet". He made sure to bring an extremely mobile ork army and made sure to pick "A good beginner setup" that was a dense sprawling urban city where my longest lines of sight was about 25" at best.
After that I got roped into a 2v2 1000pt game when I barely had 1,000pts worth of plastic to even bring to the table where the other 3 people where all "that guy" doing this shit to each other. The game took 4 1/2 hours because they kept bickering about inane rules with each other every time anyone tried to do anything. Completely exhausting to play. Honestly shocked I didn't just drop 40k right there.
I ended up befriending people from a neighboring city and played with them for about 3~ years before irl got too complicated and I had to drop wargamming as a hobby. We all kind of grew as we played and it was genuinely hype to get to a game and see someone had bought a new big unit or something like that. At one point I bought a Riptide, spent a week and a half building and painting it, and the first time I fielded it I got some pretty hilarious reactions. Some of the nerdiest fun I've ever had in my life. I miss it.
Hilarious! Especially given that the bone dry British delivery is no different here than any other video. 👏👏👏 Bravo!
"As Napoleon Bonaparte one said "Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake"...", he said that at Waterloo, he lost.
dont forget that if you are playing a world eaters army you need to rip your sleeves off and scream at the top of your lungs BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD while thumping your chest and foaming from the mouth.
Actually, I'd respect the role play.
That's not a "that guy" behavior. That's the Khornate grindset.
Not That Guy move
I forget where, but in some forum a guy was complaining how his world eater opponent was doing push ups while waiting for his opponents turn. He complained to a judge who just shrugged it off as 'the nails must be biting again'
@@lordgod9958apparently the guy they were complaining about is also in this comments section.
I love when I someone brings an unpainted army. I always tell them I like their Grey Knights regardless of whatever faction they are 😅
Only so far into the video and I've realized that I've been playing wrong all up to this point. No more! Thanks!
I always appreciate how even in his joke videos, Auspex Tactics never breaks the monotone serious tone. It's so good lol
His speaking is so unique to me
But i cant imagine someome im gaming against actually speaking like that
Great humor in this one!
..and great dry humor in general to be honest.
Also always use different coloured dice in all of your rolls, so you can pick and choose which dice represent which thing in mass rolling.
Oh oh and don't forget that if your opponent says or asks anything make sure to respond in as few words as possible; one is ideal. This is especially important if your opponent is a woman because she's just there for attention, and you sure as hell aren't gonna give her the satisfaction of minimal eye contact.
You forgot to mention the tactical drink spill on the oppositions codex to invalidate their rules! 💀💀💀
If your opponent goes to use the bathroom you can also rip a few of the pages from their codex out so they won’t be able to find their rules for the argument
Dude the first time I played warhammer I was in a tent full of people, some guy shouted that “GYATT MAN IS ALIVE?” In reference to a Lokhust HD, and I laughed so hard I spilt COKE ON A PAINTED MARINE
Some people are watching this video without the self awareness that they're "that guy"
Lego people are about the same size as primaris and are already painted.
This reminds me of the time a guy mocked and laughed at me for "doing extra work for nothing" i.e. gluing and painting little bits like grenades and pouches on my models. Luckily most people in the hobby are more appreciative of others' work
Me when assembling my models - "Oh, all these extra bits will make my units more detailed and individual!"
Me when painting my models - "Who the actual F- put all these tiny bits everywhere?!"
fellas,is it gay to have a hobby ?
I knew it was jokes but that bit about eating cheetos and licking the dust off before touching another player's model had me wince and shiver 😂
@4:10 you missed the more Alpha Legion tactic. Arrive half hour early, complain to random bystanders how the other guy is always late, then tell him when he arrives 5 mins late he forfeited the match, and should up his ideas. Then hang around for another five hours commenting on other players games.
Here's another tip: If your opponent wants to see you roll and you can't roll behind terrain, you should just roll the dice into your minis, when your minis get moved by the dice place them just a bit closer to where you want them to go.
This works especially well if you bring big dice that are capable of knocking models down. Every roll can get you an inch and a half of extra movement if you do it right. Extra points if you manage to shift a terrain piece to block line of sight
I wish this were actually satire and not an accurate description of people I've encountered on a far-too-regular basis.
I am one of the people at my local LGS that people sometimes come to for rules clarifications. Recently, a burgeoning That Guy and his annoyed opponent came up to me in the shop, and That Guy gave me the following scenario.
"I've just charged my opponent's Chaos Rhino with my Dreadknight, destroyed it, and the Plague Marines inside fell out, some of which are now engaged with my Dreadknight. I get to fight them too, right?"
This brings us to another That Guy tactic: if the rules don't let you do what you want, just say that they do, or make up some new ones.
Another pro That Guy move I learned from this guy the one time I tried to play him; in the charge phase, stand straight up and hold your tape measure over top of your model and its charge target. This way, your eye line can diagonally intersect with the tape measure at a number that is usually much less than the actual distance you'd otherwise need to roll.
Whats also a nice thing to do is, to wake up/increase the opponents senses is, by picking up one of their biggest models and throwing it at them while saying "head on a swival." Always works.
bonus points if it's something sharp and you aim for their eyes
I watched 2 "that guys" play against each other once and it was incredible, slowest and most argumentative game I've ever seen amidst a sea of grey plastic
Haha, i was a baby seal that got clubbed. Took a GW staff member to intervene and help steer a tabling to lesser defeat.
This is excellent advice, and I shall share it among newcomers in the hobby whenever possible. Thank you for supporting That Guys all over the world!
This is a very in-depth guide, and right before my game this afternoon too. Thank you so much, Auspex!
Just went to a beginner 1k escalation league, and played against a chaos knight player; no paint, no arms, most were just legs glued to a base. He tabled me turn two. Four wardogs and a rampager.
not even the arms ? the dude must reek of sweat from a mile away 🤣
@@rhotgarr625 nope. Just a questoris legs and body with the under shoulder stubber. It’s hard to imagine he had any fun charging my rhino popping it, and chewing through the contents. Just 9 plague marines dead in one combat.
@@lukepoplawski3230 that's kinda silly, imagine them charging with no arms like a carnausaurus, head first 🤣 but i see what you mean, it show that he doesn't have any interest in the hobby exept wining games, which is sad
dont worry about him, hes the real loser
@@m33ddyhv that’s the thing. He was really nice. Seemed really excited to be chatting with other people and wanted to focus more on narrating the game and talking about lore more than playing it. It was hard for me to get excited like he was though trying to make a 6” charge roll with his rampaged into my rhino
First two games of warhammer 40k i played both took more than 7 hours from we met until we called it. I played slow and i doubted most of my moses, i forgot and redid a lot of things. Made a ton of mistakes. I would not have kept playing the game if not for those two amazing guys Who patiently took me through those two first games. I would not have been as patient with a new player myself.. I have to admit that.
My point is- those two are species of player that go under the radar. Just Kindle, patient and dont care what happens. Unsung heroes that carry a lot of 40k communities on their shoulders. I will always be greatfull to them and what they did for me. Its always "that guy" and its funny as hell, but there are some truly amazing unsung players out there that do amazing work for their local communities..
I love auspex, this is the most based auspex video ive ever witnessed
Based on what?
When I had more time in the summer I was able to get a lot of painting done and I played in a lot of tournaments, but when I started a new job I was only able to play 2 days out of the week and I couldn’t play any tournaments. After 7 months of getting nothing done I’ve finally started to get some models painted, and I’m excited to play again since the Tau codex is out
I was watching the OG one just 2 days ago, and I have my first starter game of 10th (I haven't gotten to play against anyone yet this edition, though I started in 9th) lined up this week, possibly tomorrow. Thank You for this updated and informative guide that'll hopefully come in handy for that occasion, Auspex!
Rolling some of your dice and then rolling others in to them to knock the misses in to hits. Don't forget to turn the original hits back in to hits and say it isn't right they were knocked off a hit but ignore that for hits from misses
Great wideo man
So many good advice ! I’ll finally win my first battle thanks to you 🤗
72 hours of not showering is weak 'that guy' behaviour, the in my experience the strong ones seem to not have washed in 72 days
So glad we got a serious video today. Will be applying this at all upcoming tournaments this year
A bonus tip for becoming a world class “that guy” is to try to steal a few of your opponent’s models while they aren’t looking, then not only will they have a disadvantage in the game, but over the course of a few games you will be able to get another unit you can proxy as a unit from your own army
I personally like to eat a nice curry the traditional way, with my hands, while I admire my opponent's artistry. Sometimes Ill test the thickness of their paint by scraping my nail along the edges to see how many coats they use to truly appreciate their efforts.
Hands down one of the best videos Auspex has ever done
The rolling dice one at a time, and, let's swap lists in advance taxtics, got me one time. I was young, just a tender 39 year old.
Lol'd 😂 In my "watch later" for 2 weeks, inadvertently saved for a timely chuckle!
"... especially if they're tabled by turn two, A quick game is a good game" I'm still fairly new and accidentally did this to a more veteran player by sheer accident recently. My space marines vs his tyranids. Classic. He's got a norn emissary, winged hive tyrant, a large group of warriors with a winged prime, two psychophages and a nuerotyrant to round out his bigger units. The rest was 1 genestealers, alot of gaunts and some rippers and von ryan leapers.
Norm emissary callsmiddle objective and hive tyrant go up the middle, warriors go middle/right side of the board. Nuerotyrant on middle/left. Sternguard with fire dscipline and a librarian destroy the nuerotyrants nuerogaunts and wounds it. Devestators take shots at the norn and hurt it, about half health. Random krak grenade helps along the way. Marneus goes to the right and fight the leapers then prepares for the swarm of gaunts. Bad cards force his termigaunts to go to board corners for points. My assault intercessors with LT go for left objective and enter a fight with gaunts and rippers. Nuerotyrant has to charge them to stay safe, sternguard overwatch and take him out. Incursors cover the assault intercessors taking out the flanking genestealers in melee. Norn is killed on second turn and hive tyrant is shreaded and ultimatly killed by a lucky max damage librarian sword. My brutalis ran up the right/middle board and had a bad initial engagement with the warriors but fight back on the next turn destroyed them leaving the winged prime at one wound. Right side is a mess. By the bottom of the second turn his biggest and powerful units were gone besides the psychophages. And I had only lost one full unit so far, the assault intercessors and their LT.
I wasn't meta chasing, I walked in with a list saved on my phone and randomly challenged the guy. He just had the most absurdly bad saves and feel no pains for all of hisimportant units, but his trash was saving for days. I felt so bad...... guess I payed for it cause I lost my next three games, recently also had Guilliman die to nothing but 1 saves in my last game.... ya, that was infuriating.. I didn't mean to, sometimes it just happens. Luck of the really bad dice I suppose.
Thanks!, been very informative on how I should act as a new player!
Remember to measure your distances off whichever part of the model gives you the most advantage! That way you can be extra far away when an opponent tries to charge you, but extra close when you charge your opponent.
I bought a whole army all together once. I worked at GW and the new 5th edition Chaos had just come out. It just made sense, that discount was meaty. My real dream was to do a full unit of Cyborks, using the old metal bitz, but I'd just missed the (legendary, and deeply missed) bitz order service closing by a month. But then I quit playing warhammer 40k, so 2000+ points of 13th company chaos space wolves stayed in the basement for the last 15 years. At least my brother got me to finally pull them out and start working on them, lol, i'm definitely not starting again first with my Orks.
This is exactly the kind of "how to" video I needed! Thanks! :)
I have brought knights to a 1000pt game before lol. I mean they knew i was bringing knights, and i only brought them because i just finished the army and really wanted to play with them.
"offer a game to the new player that just picked up the tyranid half of Leviathan"
bro idk why but that shit cracked me lmaooooooo
As an oldschool fantasy player looking to get back into warhammer, this video comes at the perfect time. I now feel mentally prepared to become the player I need to become in order to succeed in warhammer.
Was painting listening to this, smeared the base coat a little but thats fine,
in fact leave the whole mini as a black base coat and change ur faction based on what will frustrate your opponent fastest.
This isn't even a joke, this is my entire local gaming scene and why I stopped trying to play the game
This is my most favourite video ever. Well done sir, you win the internet.
If you have normal small gw dice, here's an exciting conversion project.
Drill a hole in the dot on the "1" side.
Then , take some old gw metal, and heat it up- you can do it on a normal stove, in a small coffee pot.
Pour the tiny bit of metal into to drilled hole on the die. Leave it to settle. Then paint the dot white, or which ever color the other sides are.
Perfect die, it comes up a 6 ,90 % of the time.
Make sure you roll it in a large group, as it rolls very conspicuously...or try hitting a building with it.
Call everything that isn't rolling dice "fluff"
Brilliant video - the sarcasm is very hard to detect with the standard Necron delivery ;)
And always remember, if your opponent is a casual player screwing around for fun, you are right so fate is on your side. Drag out the game, gloat, "forget" to use all of your attacks or stratagems, play defensively to force your opponent to lose by running into your wall of death. By the time the tension has built to the point where they actually want to beat you, it'll be too late for them to make a comeback. Don't worry about their friends pointing and laughing at their chapter master with every invulnerable save, wound and evasive modifier they could find running in with a dinky power sword to beat up your tanks one by one. These are cheap diversionary tactics and the captain is not a threat, after all, why would someone build a silly list to take advantage of something so dumb...
7:45 is something qui gon jin would do after knocking back a bottle of hennessy
As someone newer to the hobby, this was really funny and really good as a handbook for what not to do. Thanks for the chuckles, Auspex!
Just the tutorial I've been waiting for as a new player!
You’ve perfectly described the opposite of an Admech player
Ironically, the only player I ever met who was entirely THAT GUY was an Admech Player.
Thanks for the advice man, I can't wait to try all these tactics in our next casual crusade game against my buddies, it'll really take em by surprise!
Loved that, happy April the 1st
Always remember to bring some fancy drink to the table, "I brought some vodka for you but I'm driver so I have to stay with a coke"
Here let me at this...uhm...Energypowder to it
You would think it's funny, but I'm playing in a 1000pts complete beginner league which had a bunch of experienced players join to help teach the game and 2 of them brought chaos knights.
That last part seemed very specific.
The 40k guide I've been looking for, thanks
Im super disappointed you did not once mention flushing your weighted dice when called out!
I have to admit I've encountered a few of these at high tables in tournaments.....tends to ruin events for me when I encounter them. Having said that ive also had some of the funniest narratives happen in competitive environments when your opponent is just laughing with you on what the dice do. Win or lose those are some of the best experiences imo
7:26 i allready got ptsd from a dream,i dont need a different/"weird now",flashback again.
Great video, some of these tips even work for Necromunda! 👍👍👍
You should do more vids like this. Great straight faced humour
Finally, we're getting some good advice! I'm taking a copious amount of notes.
Playing as demons of Tzeentch
Even if i lose, i still win because it was Just As Planned™
This is brilliantly delivered
This is one of the best parody videos about Warhammer videos I've seen in a long time... Well done, sir!
you had to have leaked this video to my aeldari player friend this is him down to a T
your forgetting though the argument of "but i can make my captain wield 2 thunder hammers so of course he gets to swing both"