Well, after the youtube rabbit hole led me to your dancing, I've just spent the best part of my weekend binging your videos. The result of which is that I am now trading in my dusty old D3300 for a D750. Thanks for the inspiration :)
I do love your vlogging style - it has just the right touch of humour and fun. It's playful! The images are beautiful too. You really do bring out what it is beautiful in the world.
Have another month of winter before spring arrives here. But, when it does come it'll probably mean more rain than anything else!!. Summer is even worse...cyclone season!!. So, that'll be shots of trees whizzing by my head, or through the sides of the house!!!😝🌩🌩🌧🌧⛈⛈🌀🌀🌀
I enjoyed the video you uploaded after a long time. Korea is now preparing for summer with flowers falling. Thank you for always posting clear and honest videos.
@@CourtneyVictoria Yes, spring in Korea is a festival of flowers. But I like it because there are all four seasons. I like it because there is a new joy every time a new season comes.
You still managed to get some amazing shots! I think I finally figured how to better catch the "Pied kingfisher " bird so did some shots last week, still very hard to catch them, especially during "hunting" but it's totally worth it!
@@CourtneyVictoria Well, I did use a 2x extender for the first time and the time was close to sunset so Pics aren't that perfect, especially compared to the quality you show! I will post a link in the next comment to a Google Photos album, I guess it will probably be blocked so if you want to see this guess you will find it in the on hold comments
Hi Courtney... I've just stumbled across your channel and you've inspired me to get out into the woods and try to improve my own woodland photography. I've always struggled in the woods but you've inspired me to keep going. Keep the videos coming and, above all else, keep dancing! :)
Great video Courtney and I loved the reaction to the thunder, priceless 😂 Loved the shots you got. Perfectly placed the paths to lead the eye in. Thank you for sharing the video enjoyed watching 👍🙏
Another great video, Courtney! Love how you tell your story, very nice to listen to. And what a beautiful location, very pretty! Too bad about the weather tho :( Same over here, tons of rain.... I will have a 3 week holiday starting Friday, hope I can go on an adventure with my camera, with beautiful weather!
Spring time....The return of life....Watch tree off at a distance...slowly see a purple glow around the trees. The hard " nubs"...dark...soon to turn loose and the sprout of leaves. My favorite season. One day, after a long COLD winter with lots of snow....Snow eventually melts away with areas of hard crusty ice. I walk around and spot a bright green blade pushing up through crusty ice. I look down and see a beautigul dark purple flower. Against the some what dirty ice, the bright blade of green with a purple flower....Didn't bring my camera. Was not expecting to see the 3arly spring flower. I returned a couple of days later and the flower gone, green blade too. Wondered....a snack ?
Hope you enjoyed my wander through Cranham Woods in Gloucestershire, UK. How's your Spring photography going? 😁
Your are defo my favourite watch these days. Watching all your back log.
I adore the Bluebells
Well, after the youtube rabbit hole led me to your dancing, I've just spent the best part of my weekend binging your videos. The result of which is that I am now trading in my dusty old D3300 for a D750. Thanks for the inspiration :)
SPRING...The return of life
I do love your vlogging style - it has just the right touch of humour and fun. It's playful! The images are beautiful too. You really do bring out what it is beautiful in the world.
Have another month of winter before spring arrives here. But, when it does come it'll probably mean more rain than anything else!!. Summer is even worse...cyclone season!!. So, that'll be shots of trees whizzing by my head, or through the sides of the house!!!😝🌩🌩🌧🌧⛈⛈🌀🌀🌀
Welcome to south korea~
Good luck to you~
복잡한 도시에서는 볼 수 없는 아름다운 영상 아주 잘 봤어요.😄👋 휴식이 필요한 사람들에게 정말 가보고 싶은 영상입니다. 👍
I enjoyed the video you uploaded after a long time. Korea is now preparing for summer with flowers falling. Thank you for always posting clear and honest videos.
Thank you for watching! I miss Spring in Korea, its so beautiful. Here Spring and Sunmer comes much slower! Our Winter is very long.
@@CourtneyVictoria Yes, spring in Korea is a festival of flowers. But I like it because there are all four seasons. I like it because there is a new joy every time a new season comes.
@@CourtneyVictoria And thank you so much for liking Korea.
Image at 7.25 is very good.
In the summer I do a lot of macro photography as there are plenty of bugs and small plants every where !
You still managed to get some amazing shots! I think I finally figured how to better catch the "Pied kingfisher
" bird so did some shots last week, still very hard to catch them, especially during "hunting" but it's totally worth it!
Thank you! Oooh exciting!!! I can imagine it takes a lot of time, effort and patience. Would love to see the images!
@@CourtneyVictoria Well, I did use a 2x extender for the first time and the time was close to sunset so Pics aren't that perfect, especially compared to the quality you show! I will post a link in the next comment to a Google Photos album, I guess it will probably be blocked so if you want to see this guess you will find it in the on hold comments
here's the link to the photo album: photos.app.goo.gl/gAoqg4U2qjkr35Ba7
Hi Courtney... I've just stumbled across your channel and you've inspired me to get out into the woods and try to improve my own woodland photography. I've always struggled in the woods but you've inspired me to keep going. Keep the videos coming and, above all else, keep dancing! :)
Great video Courtney and I loved the reaction to the thunder, priceless 😂 Loved the shots you got. Perfectly placed the paths to lead the eye in. Thank you for sharing the video enjoyed watching 👍🙏
Thank you! The second round of thunder was completely unexpected 😅 it was supposed to be a decent day! Have a great weekend. 👍
Another great video, Courtney! Love how you tell your story, very nice to listen to. And what a beautiful location, very pretty! Too bad about the weather tho :( Same over here, tons of rain.... I will have a 3 week holiday starting Friday, hope I can go on an adventure with my camera, with beautiful weather!
Spring time....The return of life....Watch tree off at a distance...slowly see a purple glow around the trees. The hard " nubs"...dark...soon to turn loose and the sprout of leaves. My favorite season. One day, after a long COLD winter with lots of snow....Snow eventually melts away with areas of hard crusty ice. I walk around and spot a bright green blade pushing up through crusty ice. I look down and see a beautigul dark purple flower. Against the some what dirty ice, the bright blade of green with a purple flower....Didn't bring my camera. Was not expecting to see the 3arly spring flower. I returned a couple of days later and the flower gone, green blade too. Wondered....a snack ?
Hi love your videos buy the way. Just a quick question, what lenses do you use? Thanks
good video i like tq from malaysia
Wow, it's a cozy and beautiful forest.
It would be nice if you could tell me where we are.
It is very beautiful indeed! This is Cranham Woods in Gloucester, UK. Thanks for watching!
British life 😆
where did you take the picture?
I want to go as well
This is Cranham Woods in Gloucester, UK! 😊
How many leafs did you eat?😂 It’s so pretty even with the crazy weather!
LOL I mean....they smelt good tho haha.
Wacky but nice.