Könyvbemutató: "The Diversity Delusion" | Budapest Summit 2022.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
  • Sokszínűség - kiábrándulás vagy útvesztő?
    A „The Diversity Delusion” című kötetet is bemutatták a nemzetközi konferencia második napján. John O’Sullivan moderátor, a Danube Institute vezetője a kerekasztal-beszélgetés felvezetéseként elmondta: forradalmi időszakban élünk, a nyelv csatatérré változik, egyes szavak tiltottá válnak, és új szavak jelennek meg a szóhasználatban.
    A nyelvi kódokban szociális problémák tükröződnek - hívta fel a figyelmet Heather Mac Donald. A New York Times bestseller szerző és a Manhattan Institute munkatársa kiemelte, az amerikai társadalom nagy problémája, hogy a faji hovatartozás hangsúlyozásának közéleti térbe helyezése óriási problémát jelent. Megnehezíti a racionális vitát, hogy Amerikában nem lehet beszélni azokról a viselkedési és kulturális szokásokról, amelyekből a rasszizmus fakad. Nem engedik meg, hogy magyarázatot adjunk a faji és nemi különbségekre. A szerző hangsúlyozta, a könyv megírásával az volt a célja, hogy érveljen az értékek mellett, valamint, hogy visszaszorítsa azt a narratívát, amely szerint a rasszizmus az egyetlen oka a faji egyenlőtlenségeknek.
    Peter Kurti, az ausztráliai Norte Dame Egyetem adjunktusa vallási kontextusba helyezve beszélt a sokszínűség közéleti problémáiról. Rámutatott, a remény, amelyet az identitáspolitika nyújt, hamis fogalom, semmit sem tehetünk, ha megbélyegeznek minket.
    Heather Mac Donald könyve kapcsán Calum T. Nicholson, az MCC és Danube Institute vendégoktatója felvetette: fontos lenne, hogyha amikor a kisebbségekről beszélünk, akkor az alatt érthetünk társadalmi osztályokat, csoportokat is, nem csak bőrszín vagy etnikai hovatartozás mentén besorolt emberi csoportokat. Hozzátette: az emberek az áldozatiságukat sokszor arra használják, hogy új identitást nyerjenek.
    Rodrigo Ballester arra hívta fel a figyelmet, hogy a sokszínűség zászlaja alatt folyó diskurzus Európában a politikai térben, tagállamok és az uniós intézmények között is zajlik. Az MCC Európai Tanulmányok Műhelyének vezetője szerint Brüsszel olykor túlzóan nagy figyelmet fordít a faji hovatartozás és megkülönböztetés problémáinak hangsúlyozására, ugyanakkor a nemzeti tradíciókban és hagyományos értékekben rejlő sokszínűség rejtve marad.

ความคิดเห็น • 22

  • @henryemrich7209
    @henryemrich7209 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Heather Mac Donald is both intellectual and passionate.
    I *love* listening to her speak.

  • @matt75hooper
    @matt75hooper 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    We love you Heather Mac Donald. Of all your amazing qualities - your very best is courage. You are a national treasure.

  • @scottsherman5262
    @scottsherman5262 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love how Heather talks about "personal responsibility" in a country of 350M people. That tact is appropriate for a parent talking to or about their own child, not so much when an intellectual is talking about the U.S. What she's getting at is black American culture, which I agree is something that no one talks about for accurate fear of cancellation. Race in America has always fascinated me...we make great progress, but always at the cost of stepping backwards in certain areas, which is just how humans work, but we can/should be doing better than we are. Perhaps our leaders need to take some of that personal responsibility that Heather hails.

  • @Ron239
    @Ron239 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Be optimistic. There is a growing, palpable backlash against wokeness and victimology in the US. The pendulum has begun to swing in the other direction, even if that pendulum has begun to take the form of violence.

    • @matt75hooper
      @matt75hooper 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Swamp has taken Elections out of the equation via Mail In Ballot Harvesting Fraud. Wide Open Borders will soon turn Texas navy blue. They also have unleashed $ Trillions in spending & expanded Govt to the point where it doesnt matter who's in Office. The Swamp has the country on 'auto pilot destruct' mode. The backlash you speak of is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too late. Very very dark years ahead.

    • @paulross9287
      @paulross9287 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      What violence are you referring to?

    • @charlesyoung2530
      @charlesyoung2530 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@paulross9287 The constant leftist violence rarely covered by Western fake news media.

  • @nancyjimeno7001
    @nancyjimeno7001 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Heather at her best here; she’s a gem.

  • @charlesyoung2530
    @charlesyoung2530 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The best thing you can teach a child is that life never was fair and it never will be.

  • @henryemrich7209
    @henryemrich7209 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Some points (somewhat "devil's advocate", but.....bear with me):
    1. How exactly can Heather Mac Donald defend a "historical inheritance" in which - until just slightly over 100 years ago - she would have been barred from participation, beyond the confines of brood mare/domestic drudge?
    Literally *everything* about Heather Mac Donald's life is an across-the-board repudiation of the social "roles" which were viewed as "a woman's place": breeding the next generation (most of whom historically wouldn't have survived infancy given the ridiculously high infant morality rates prior to the 20th century), and engaging in what is euphemistically described as "housework".
    She damned sure wouldn't have a law degree, or being a published author (unless she published under a *male* pseudonym):
    Put bluntly: under the historical constraints of the "tradition" she is attempting to defend, she would likely have been married off at a young age, and told not to bother her "pretty little head" with issues beyond the confines of the kitchen and nursery.
    2. Fundamentally (given the existence of both "gender roles" as such *and* historical privileging of passably "white" populations - how can Heather Mac Donald (or anyone, for that matter) - plausibly claim that the modern obsession with "melanin and gonads" differs from its historically enforced equivalent?
    One could make a case that the only reason Heather Mac Donald is *permitted* to be a lawyer/published author etc. - is due to *exactly* the kind of "identity-based" movements which she decries (Feminism in particular).
    Maybe the reason why the "historical tradition" she attempts to defend is seen as "too white and too male" is the fact that - up until comparatively recently - non-whites/non-males were (to a greater or lesser extent) *BARRED* from participating.
    It is extremely difficult to pretend that an explicitly sexist/racist history (such as that of the United States prior to the early 20th century at the earliest) - was any sort of bastion of "meritocracy".
    One can easily decry the modern obsession with "melanin and gonads" as (if anything) a failure to *transcend* a history which tended to enforce "roles" explicitly on the basis of "melanin and gonads" (in her case, the notion that a "woman's place" is in the kitchen/nursery etc.)
    The central tragedy is that those behind "identity politics" and "wokeness" begin with a valid point (the fact that "Western Civilization" did, in fact enforce rigid "social roles" based explicitly on "melanin and gonads.")

    • @bobfucker3963
      @bobfucker3963 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      That was a classic libtard rant. The entire world was a bastion of slavery, injustice, and suffering. The west and particularly the U.S. went though an evolutionary process and lead the charge for equality in all things and accomplished it before the fascist libtards have been tearing it away the past 45 years.

    • @eliezerbenabraham6117
      @eliezerbenabraham6117 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ........ wrong.

    • @brainspiller07
      @brainspiller07 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Very good points, mate. Hadn't even considered this perspective till you brought it up. Seems like the shoe is on the other foot now and we've swerved too much in the opposite direction to balance out injustices based on color and sex from the past. Such a mindf**k in trying to figure out who to agree/disagree with :)

      @ПОЧИНЮКУКУХУ 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Colored population owns most of the world. Still richest black ppl live in white countries, not in black countries. Who should admit colored ppl where? 😀
      China is racist closed state, most African countries - same, Japan same, take the Arab world - oh, lord.
      Stop this tiring bullshit.
      Whites are now being blamed for creating civilization everyone wants to access.

    • @dougmasters4561
      @dougmasters4561 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You're flat out either way overstating or just making stuff up about some of the roles there. You've seen way too much TV
      First the idea that feminism is the reason for her opportunity is silly. It assumes that feminism was the reason we had such advancement and that's just what it is, assuming.
      Second, that has nothing to do with whether or not it's defensible. You're saying that the tradition of classical music isn't defensible because women were barred from participating it. Assuming that is true, it doesn't change how wonderful it is and how blessed we are to have those wonderful white and male composers.
      Thirdly, all that requires you to impose your modern understanding of morals onto other society's to the point that they should have known as better then as we should today.

  • @TheWhitehiker
    @TheWhitehiker 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    starts at 5.18

  • @ivandate9972
    @ivandate9972 ปีที่แล้ว

    Heather should not take these people invitation.
    Heather should be a pure researcher.