"You won't be done painting these (combat patrol) in six months" Me who painted 2500 points of Space marines, 1500 points of tyranids and 800 points of necrons within 8 months last year *Sweating* "Yeah haha, what kind of FREAK would paint that much..."
I'm with you, not quite to the same extent(you are a god among men), but after my first combat patrol took me wayyyyy too long to paint, I've kept my pile of shame at basically 0 bc it gives me anxiety to think of having that much painting to do again
If you get a process in place and commit to painting at least 15+ minutes every day instead of infrequent sprints of three or four hours one can paint 2K of anything done in six months. And DG can be done even quicker. You can be sloppy, and cover over the slop with inks and contrast and drybrushing and it's forgiven because it's Nurgle.
@thepoorhammerpodcast It probably helps that I get two days off a week from work and get to spend the entire weekend painting generally. I painted my first Combat patrol (blood angels) as Salamanders when I had covid which helped too. Got pretty much the whole thing done in a week of feeling terribly sick but getting alot of painting done. As well as developing a way of painting them consistently (My marines take the longest to paint since I edge highlight every armour panel but I can generally do a unit of at least 5 a weekend) I do my marines base-layer-highlight since I don't particularly like how marines look with contrast paints so: Waagh flesh over the whole model over a grey seer prime, doesn't matter if it's messy. Then Warpstone glow over the green armour, also doesn't need to be clean. Then pick out the shoulder pads and backpack with model colour black (thank you for that suggestion in the paints video. That and pro acryl bold titanium white are literal godsends) then pick out the gold bits with retributor armour and edge highlight the green with moot green and the black with mechanicus standard grey. Then pick out the lenses with white and then yellow and wash the gold with reikland fleshshade. They're not weathered at all, I like my 40k sallies to have nice clean, maintained armour unlike my 30k ones that look like they were left in a ditch to die on Istvaan by their traitorous scum brothers. Majority of the leviathan box I painted when started painting when I got home from work during the week as well which I haven't been doing recently. I tried to space things out and do one character and then make myself paint a unit since otherwise I'd have all of the cool ass characters done and a bunch of regular dudes left unpainted. It probably helped that I'd bought my mum a Tau combat patrol and considering how slow she paints I made a bet to myself that I could paint the entire leviathan box before she painted her combat patrol (I won, she still hasn't finished her breachers or ethereal lol ) Necrons and Tyranids are very easy to paint. I did all of Necrons other than the Doomstalker in one weekend since my colour scheme is just: Prime with leadbelcher, wash with druchii violet, pick out gun casing in black paint glowy bits with two different purples and highlight with white. Black shoulders for troops, gold for leaders. Ended up looking pretty good. Tyranids were all contrast paints except for picking out eyes, tongues and teeth so I just batch paint in lots of 10-20 at once. I still have some Nids left to paint though. I also have about another 1000 points of marines I still need to paint but mostvof those are Infernus marines, intercessors and assault intercessors and I already have 10 of those painted each (will get to them eventually they're just kinda boring) It is very helpful that I very much enjoy painting and would rather do it than play videogames in most cases. It's not a necessary evil to me I can happily sit down and paint from 9AM to 1AM unless I need to help out with something. I put a video on in the background (Normally Poorhammer) to listen to or some music or a 3 hour long video essay or something. Less so music at the moment since It's easier to have something long but interesting to listen to on than constantly changing things that I might have to skip. Sorry for the long comment, not sure if this will be helpful to anyone since I'm probably in a priviliged situation (can paint pretty much all weekend and would rather paint than do pretty much anything else) but maybe it'll be helpful? I have no idea
I have a saying: “Death Guard are the coolest army you’d never want to be a part of.” After reading Plague Wars, I can safely say this statement is true.
The Hammer and Bolter episode about the Death Guard also confirms this. Sometimes I wonder how can a person in the 40k universe give himself to Nurgle lol.
@@Eldên28 Eh. I could imagine people in the real world suffering of Ebola, Leprosy or some other horrifying disease praying to Nurgle if it actually gave them any form of relief, let alone what imaginary diseases may exist in 40k. At some point humans revert to a primal animal that only craves relief from suffering.
@@Eldên28 I think it’s important to remember that most of his followers don’t decide to willingly join him. Remember, with Deathguard, it was really only Typhus that wanted to join, everyone else was pretty much forced to. Nurgle “recruits” followers by giving them the most painful, horrible, slow killing diseases imaginable. Then, he appears in their mind and goes “geez, that disease sure looks painful. Say, if you give yourself up to me, I’ll make the pain go away, you’ll even feel better than normal. If not, well, I’m sure that awful, painful, disgusting disease will finish you off eventually. Maybe in the next few months” It’s a big reason why I don’t understand why so many people in the fandom say Nurgle is the “nicest” chaos god. He’s literally the second worst, behind Tzeentch. Nurgle is the god of brainwashing and gaslighting. So much so that he gaslit the fandom into thinking he’s not horrible.
A new addition to the Poorhammer lore, the shotgun is a sturntiger, and Berillo is chained in what I can only assume is Brad's brothers basement. Someone get game theory
Even the lore behind Beasts of Nurgle is cute. They're literally giant puppies that just want to be your friend. They actually get super depressed when they kill you by hugging you. They only keep going trying to make more new friends
And when they get too depressed that all their friends stop wanting to play (bc they're dead) they cocoon themselves and become rot flies who are like wasps and hate everything. Poor slime doggos.
And when they finally become jaded and cynical after killing friends and being rejected, they go through a metamorphosis into giant flies that serve as the mounts for Poxbringers.
Thanks for the shoutout Brad! For anyone else curious about my channel I do exactly what poorhammer did in this episode but for every faction. I post community polls to see what gets done next, so if you want to see a particular faction keep an eye out for my posts!
Brad, I understand your struggle. I randomly found 6 boxes of grey knight terminators on sale for 18 bucks each at a used book store. By the end of the hour I was leaving my FLGS with the rest of my now 3500 pts of GK. No, I had no grey knights in my collection at the start of the day. And no I had no intention of ever getting grey knights.
That's how I ended up with custodes to start with. Buddy of mine made me a deal I couldn't refuse on 3 combat patrols and a box of vertus praetors...it's basically the whole army minus a couple characters and some allarus
Im a Death Guard main. Two things to note: 1) the plague marines actually have stacks of trim. Not as bad as CSM, but it's still very time consuming. 2) there's an extra 3 plague marines on the Poxwalker sprue in the combat patrol, so you get 10 total :)
@@LordCrate-du8zm there's extra bits on the sprue from what I've been told (and seen the assembled product). Giving you a full block of ten in the combat patrol is pretty sweet.
You get an extra back half of a body and backpack per 10 poxwalkers. Looks hard to kitbash the bodies but I'm going to use the spare Backpacks to convert mk3 armour up
16:25 Very good point about eggs and baskets. Last weekend I bought a Be'lakor off a friend, just before playing a 500pt game with him. For ease of transportation, I decided to just include Be'lakor in the list. Thus, my army had three units. I was tabled by turn 3. This ought to have been expected, for the reason you described.
Excellent episode! I love this Noob's guide format to a faction I think especially highlighting hard to build/hard to paint models is key to removing those blockers people run into while collecting an army or building a list. Would love to see more like this!
I’m a simple man. I see a Poorhammer army coverage video and I hit like and listen. I have no drive to create a new army right now, but it’s fun to listen to. I’m more Change and less Diseased
Convert the Plague Marine Champion into a Death Guard Chaos Lord. Convert the three extra terminators into a Lord of Virulence, Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor, and Sorcerer Lord in Terminator Armor
I’ve been collecting Death Guard for about 4 years now and this video finally made me realize that I barely have any units that aren’t a comedic amount of basic plague marines.
So, Typhus is in terminator plate, meaning if you get a smidge creative with some kitbashing, you can get a 2nd combat patrol and turn that second Typhus into a Lord of Contagion Edit: Oh yeah, with a bit of googling, you can actually get a 10 man squad of plague marines, the 20 man poxwalker sprue from the combat patrol has half a plague marine on it, the other half is on the chosen of Mortarion sprue, so with the champion from the CoM box, you can look up the dark imperium instructions to build that split up marine, get a base from a friend or just buy one, and then buy the individual plague marine champion (as much as I hate it), you get a 10 man squad without having to buy another box of 7 and have a weird looking unit
Ive watched well over 40 of your videos in the past 2 weeks and today im finally gonna be able to start my army. Im starting with necrons and i really hope they turn out well, again thanks for all the content and for getting me into the hobby.
If you're gonna buy Lord Felthius and his Blightlord friends, it's extremely easy to kitbash one of them into a chaos sorcerer in terminator armor. You'll end up with a much more appropriate looking sorcerer and save a few bucks as well!
I got predicted. The painting of the marines was mentioned and my brain was like at least you don’t have 60 like termagants, and the Berellio said it immediately.
As a deamon boy, you get Nurglings for base decorations for other models pretty often, you can just save those and build even more of them so I recommend BUILDING Nurglings last, that way you avoid having like 1-2 little guys on a base when you might get another 5-6 through the rest of your army.
Berillio, you mad legend! Hollow Knight is fantastic, I wondered why Death Guard looked dope. Hope ya don't go too overboard into this hobby (unless you can call it a business expense because of Brad)
Best Army! I'm glad you recommend the combat patrol even though it aint brilliant but it can honestly be a good starting point and the Non poxwalker units are all staples of the army.
11:44 commenting from the future! the new Tau Combat Patrol that was just -released- revealed has a Devilfish! Don't count out other combat Patrols having vehicles just yet..
Quick Note! Ive been helping a Death Guard fan start their army, and I checked the points of the combat patrol a few times. They hit 505 points natural when we added the blight hauler, which differs from their math of the bloat drone and blight hauler being mentioned in this video. Im guessing that they may have forgotten the plague marines and / or the biologis putrifier that comes in the model, at least the biologis because I dont remember them mentioning the model being in the combat patrol. Only bringing this up since (at time of writing) that point value will impact your early army planning and can change your initial purchases. Still a great video and full of good information! Just wanted to try and point something out. Edit: They mention this later. Not sure if they cover the point shift? I dunno.
I only did 20 Poxwalkers (I couldn't argue 30 at any point) and we mention later in the episode we forgot all about Putrifier until the very end. (Berilio even made him pop up sad and forgotten the whole episode, which I appreciate.)
@@thepoorhammerpodcast yeah I updated my comment when I hit that part since I felt like a bit of a fool. Only reason my buddy runs the full 30 atm is 20 bodyguards since they can soak perils when Typhus does a bad brain blast and 10 backline to ensure you make the objective get sticky before going off to charge in. And also because they are new and want to use all the models they've got. No idea if that will stick as we continue of course. Still, just wanted to help clarify if possible! Like I said I still really liked the video.
Shout out to Mezgike for making the absolute coolest 3D print Death Guard proxies if anybody else really liked the look of the Flying Dutchman crew from POTC
I'm a new death guard (and 40k in general) player, and the business of the models is something that attracted me to them. The way a lot of them are set up, I feel like you could be lazy if you really wanted to, and it would look fine, but if you want your frontline units to be cool and unique, it's really easy to do.
As someone with a growing interest with Thousand Sons. (Partially complements from being regular viewer of this channel) I so would like to see you do a video like this for Thousand Sons.
Lord of Contagion's original model is easily one of the best DG models out there, so it was a huge shame for ages that you couldn't get it anymore. Luckily there's a perfect scan of it that you can easily get in the typical places. Finding that and printing it out a year ago is actually what convinced me to start a DG army again. I tell ya, 3D printing literally saved this hobby for me. It's friggin crazy.
Very nice episode. I've had a passing interest in DG, so seeing this was interesting, it definitely got me thinking more about it. But I'm more excited to see that episode you teased. Also, I absolutely loved that intro bit. It was *quite* funny. Heres hoping things get better for you all(including Berilio)!
As someone who's been in the hobby for 2 years... I sit with Brad in owning 7 armies. granted, working at a GW store and having a 3d printer helped, a lot.
For reference, on Cults3d I found for free mind you; Blightlords, Deathshrouds, Marines, most of the Characters, Blight Haulers, Bloat drones, and even the rhinos. If you're feeling frisky, there are even female versions with the Nurd-Gale collection. Though that'll cost you a bit. Oh and if you don't care about weapons there's a free version of a nurgle helbrute with Plasma Cannon and Missile launcher that looks absolutely fantastic. My Painted one is sitting on a shelf nearby, looking especially sickly with purple flesh tones and his gnarled teeth. Honestly I doubt I'll ever buy another GW box of death guard except maybe to have a Typhus.
33:26 funny you should say that since streaking grime was the thing that convinced me to start collecting DeathGuard models, I can just paint the models with flat acrylics, do the tiniest bit of drybrushing, cover them in copious amount of effects and drown them in streaking grime and they look like disgusting, filthy, dumpster-diving freaks (so exactly how I want them) with minimal effort, it's great and I'm happy I went that route as a beginner.
As someone who is just recently getting into Warhammer through these vids (and with recently I mean like a year ago). However Kitbashing lives rent free in my head, which is why I tend to rewatch the Combat Patrol episodes and I would like to share some information from a comment on the Combat Patrols viability at the time as collectors tools (the one with stonks on the thumbnail if I recall correctly). That information is that the Combat Patrol secretly has 3 bonus Plague Marines. This is because the Pox Walker kit is just the one from the 8th edition box I belief, which means you get the legs, power packs and some arm bits in each sprue of Plague Marines. Checking the Combat Patrol manual online, the Plague Marines kit in that box seem to have enough extra arms and torsos that you can kitbash 3 extra Plague Marines. You do need to buy some extra 32mm bases, but those are not that expensive I belief. As for a personal observation, if you buy an extra Combat Patrol you can get 10 additional Plague Marines (the 7 intended and the 3 you can kitbash). The second Typhus actually makes a great base to kitbash your own Lord of Contagion. Both Felthius and Typhus have scythes, but depending on the size difference you maybe able to grab the axe from the Plague Marine Kit and use that. However I think if you remove the flies and do a head swap with possibly one of the Plague Marine helmets you will probably have spare, you can go a long way. Hell looking at the manual, you probably just not put the hive on the model and use some of the remaining detail-bits from the Plague Marines. As for the 30 Poxwalkers from the second box, you can either just use them as Pox Walker or with some effort and green stuff (and perhaps spare gun bits) you could probably make them look like regular cultists. Get them some hoods and stuff. Maybe snip off those growths and put them on the Spare-Typhus-Turned-Lord-of-Contagion. Granted no clue how good Cultists are in Death Guard. Hell the the six bonus Space Marines from your two Combat Patrols can be used with the Plague Marine Champion from the Chosen of Mortarion box for another unit. However, you can probably also get a 40mm base and use that Plague Marine Champion as a Death Guard Lord. Before the new kit, I would say do that because the old Chaos Lord was too Black Legion, but the Chaos Lord Kit looks easier to Death Guard up. Still tho both are decent options. What I am saying is that you can make the second Combat Patrol work, it just takes more Kitbashing. Which is a fun part of the hobby to me. Edit: Oh no oh gosh I forgot the second Biologus Putrifier. Sorry buddy. (Also, the regular Poxwalkers also have stealth plague marine bits. Legs with the back of the torso, power pack, limb. Plague Marines are filled with extra stuff and as mentioned in the video, the Plague Marines characters kind of mix into a crowd. So buying 32mm bases you can make an extra character. You can probably make a lot work, with the amount of random bits in Plague Marines.)
As someone who is just now starting to get into Warhammer and has been strongly drawn to the death guard, this video could not have dropped at a more optimal time. Love your guises content, and looking forward to so much more!
“He was surprised that sisters were a pain” I was waving my hands and shouting like a grandma in church. Those models are… a mess to build. Glad someone is speaking the truth.
skits! skits! skits! skits! :v fun episode, appreciated the touching on the dual capacity of a chaos army to play in both 40k and aos, also appreciate berillio telling everyone about his love of hollow knight plague marines
Death guard is my favourite army to paint. I don't mind that there is too much detail! I painted the small poxes in pix walkers... I learnt a lot. Especially in weathering with acrylics! I have the half of dark imperium and I would love to expand to typhus (maybe current combat patrol) and DEFINITELY 2 tanks. The artillery aspect really speaks to me.
29:00 - Haha, yeah. A Great Unclean One? That'd be ridiculous. (Help, someone at my FLGS is starting in our escalation league with Rotigus, A GUO, and a unit of Nurglings, what do I do)
Great episode guys, I hope you do more of them in the future. I'd love to see the prices of each set you recommend, then a total at the end with a final points per dollar. For some reason I find the financial aspect of the game fascinating. Keep up the good work! I decided to do my own homework: COMBAT PATROL: DEATH GUARD - $160 FOETID BLOAT-DRONE - $60 MYPHITIC BLIGHT-HAULER x2 - $58 LORD FELTHIUS AND THE TAINTED COHORT - $45 CHOSEN OF MORTARION - $70 BLIGHTLORD TERMINATORS - $60 PLAGUEBURST CRAWLER - $75 MORTARION, DAEMON PRIMARCH OF NURGLE - $170 DEATHSHROUD BODYGUARD - $60 CHAOS RHINO - $55 PLAGUE MARINES - $60 SCRIBBUS WRETCH, THE TALLYMAN - $33.50 HELBRUTE - $60 SORCERER LORD IN TERMINATOR ARMOUR - $33.50 Total: $1,000 on the dot. I don't play the game, so I don't know how to look up points, but if we assume 2,000 points exactly: Death Guard points per dollar: 2.0
One important thing with including daemons in a list is the dataslate change where for each non-battleline daemon unit you need a battleline daemon unit. So you can do the trick to make 6 nurglings and run 2x3 for the battleline requirement and then move the daemon prince to being the death guard version
This video was so helpful because I’ve been trying to start a death guard army but didn’t know what to buy because people have been telling me not to buy the combat patrol and that the pox walkers are bad but good? and that the plague marines are the whole army but the pox walkers are fun so this was a huge help for me.
Something I didn't catch being said, and while maybe not for the very first army, but those poxwalkers have an extra little gift: they have the back legs + backpack of a plague marine on them from one of the starter boxes. I believe one of the other kits still has the front to that marine, but the easier thing to do is to use it to get more mileage out of your plague marine boxes, as you get plenty of extra of everything else. I wouldn't say to do it right away, but IMO by the time you hit 2k points they make for a easy intro to kitbashing and is worth calling out
Been getting a little into DG mostly for Kill Team and collecting that side of 8th edition starter box, I found the following. The poxwalker box has a half marine and the other side is in with the x3 champion box. If just starting out with the hobby, I'd suggest picking up the Getting Started with Warhammer magazines (maybe some fantasy RPG minis too for practice). Big thing that I found with starting to paint the plague marines is a ton of odd details that's different for all of them so for a new painter, it's a bit of a rough one to start.
Thanks for talking again about building an army! It does help as I slowly assemble both Ultramarines (yes really, I like Roman history and xenophobia) and The Custodes (kitten had an impact after I already liked the faction).
This is why I used to love the 500 point bracket, because it was a nice starter to new army. Once you had 500 points assembled and painted, it was on to 1000.
🔥🎸🔥 I completely agree with the approach talked about towards Pox-Walkers. I first started painting 40k with the Pox-Walkers from my Dark Imperium box set and experimented with colors and different painting techniques. By the end of my 20 miniatures I was wet blending and had a fantastic learning experience. Some of them look terrible and some I'm still pround of. But they're Pox-Walkers so despite the mish-mash of colors it look alright on the table.
So for the lord Felthius box, if you get some bits from the Plague marines and regular DG termies, its kinda a character holy grail. All the minis in it look unique and cool enough to be something different, I am running one as a Termie Chaos Lord, one as a Termie Chaos Sorcerer, and one as a Lord of Virulence.
As a death guard player from 8th I will say, assembly wise, the myphitic blighthauler has the same issue as the outriders in that their mold has gaps. the rear tread guard and the front hull( of you don't join it properly) have annoying gaps in their seam lines
I’m just watching this now and realized just how good the dark imperium set I bought growing up and never touching was can’t wait to enter the hobby with a good starting point if I combine it with the combat patrol for even more poxwalker shenanigans
Re: Overlap with AoS. Getting the Vanguard Maggotkin box is worth a look. The Plaguebearers and the Daemon character are playable in 40K, the rest COULD be proxied for DG (Blightkings->Terminators and Blightlords->Bloatdrone). You also end up with the Vanguard, which will soon be called Spearhead, and be playable on its own like Combat Patrol in 40K. So overall some solid expansion.
Lastly, classic deathguard beginner stuff: you can build 1 plague marine from the leftover spruce on the poxwalker, so combat patrol could build 3. Also, The plagueburst crawler instructions put the tank treads backwards
I literally just started a Death Guard army. I got my self the court of the Death lord and then got the Death guard combat patrol. I think this is a very good starting point for a death guard army
Speaking from experience with players that have moved from 40k to AoS i would fully recommend doing what they said and using your nurgel army as Maggot kin! I haven't met another player that will get upset by that.
I can strongly encourage any new DG player that enjoys the artillery play style of DG to invest into Chaos knights specifically into war dogs. As they can be a great addition to any artillery list for mid ranged fire power as your Plague burst crawlers stand in the back shooting. U can also magnetise them so that they can easily change purposes from mid-ranged shooting to close combat trade pieces. And they look so cool too
It's super interesting to see a different type of army build than mine since I'm still pretty new to 40k. I started playing Death Guard as my very first army in a campaign late last year. My entire army is built around Mortarion because I like the cool moth man, but here's what I ended up with for my 1000-2000pt armies (it's been working very well for me so far. I've only lost 2 games, tied once, and won every other time) 1000pt Mortarion Biologus Putrifier and Plague Surgeon co-leading a group of Marines Death Guard Icon Bearer leading a group of Marines Tallyman Leading a group of Marines Beast of Nurgle Nurglings and either Lord of Virulence (ability works well with Biologus' ability) or Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor if my enemy has a lot of vehicles (he has a weapon option that helps him punch vehicles real good) 2000pt Fully added Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor so I have both him and Lord of Virulence instead of swapping them Deathshroud Terminators for Lord of Virulence to lead upgraded Biologus/Plague Surgeon Marines from 5 to 10 guys Second Biologus Putrifier (can co-lead with either Tallyman or Icon Bearer) Second Plague Surgeon (can co-lead with either Tallyman or Icon Bearer) Death Guard Rhino for transport Paugeburst Crawler Foetid Bloat-Drone Second unit of Nurglings Soul Grinder
I remember starting mine. I got the strike force set where it was the 6 Space Marines, 3 Plague Marines, and like 7 Poxwalkers. Then I got another squad of Plague Marines and Blightlords,Mortarion, then Typhus, Lord Of Virulence, then more Poxwalkers, a Plagueburst Crawler, A Bloat Drone, and a Myphitic Blight Hauler, then a buddy of mine recently hooked me up with another Myphitic Blight Hauler and Plagueburst Crawler and Deathshroud Terminators. All of which is at 1725 points Edit: Not my first army, I used to play Space Marines when I was a kid and just wanted something that kinda clicked with me
I am so glad berilio is in chains now and no longer chained directly to the editing PC. WAY more humane, good job guys
I'm sure he would agree with you if he could talk
"You won't be done painting these (combat patrol) in six months"
Me who painted 2500 points of Space marines, 1500 points of tyranids and 800 points of necrons within 8 months last year
*Sweating* "Yeah haha, what kind of FREAK would paint that much..."
Teach us your ways, oh Adderall-filled One.
I'm with you, not quite to the same extent(you are a god among men), but after my first combat patrol took me wayyyyy too long to paint, I've kept my pile of shame at basically 0 bc it gives me anxiety to think of having that much painting to do again
If you get a process in place and commit to painting at least 15+ minutes every day instead of infrequent sprints of three or four hours one can paint 2K of anything done in six months. And DG can be done even quicker. You can be sloppy, and cover over the slop with inks and contrast and drybrushing and it's forgiven because it's Nurgle.
@@thepoorhammerpodcast do a unit a week (5 man TEU, small vehicle or 10 man MEU/GEU)
@thepoorhammerpodcast It probably helps that I get two days off a week from work and get to spend the entire weekend painting generally.
I painted my first Combat patrol (blood angels) as Salamanders when I had covid which helped too. Got pretty much the whole thing done in a week of feeling terribly sick but getting alot of painting done.
As well as developing a way of painting them consistently (My marines take the longest to paint since I edge highlight every armour panel but I can generally do a unit of at least 5 a weekend)
I do my marines base-layer-highlight since I don't particularly like how marines look with contrast paints so: Waagh flesh over the whole model over a grey seer prime, doesn't matter if it's messy. Then Warpstone glow over the green armour, also doesn't need to be clean. Then pick out the shoulder pads and backpack with model colour black (thank you for that suggestion in the paints video. That and pro acryl bold titanium white are literal godsends) then pick out the gold bits with retributor armour and edge highlight the green with moot green and the black with mechanicus standard grey. Then pick out the lenses with white and then yellow and wash the gold with reikland fleshshade.
They're not weathered at all, I like my 40k sallies to have nice clean, maintained armour unlike my 30k ones that look like they were left in a ditch to die on Istvaan by their traitorous scum brothers.
Majority of the leviathan box I painted when started painting when I got home from work during the week as well which I haven't been doing recently.
I tried to space things out and do one character and then make myself paint a unit since otherwise I'd have all of the cool ass characters done and a bunch of regular dudes left unpainted.
It probably helped that I'd bought my mum a Tau combat patrol and considering how slow she paints I made a bet to myself that I could paint the entire leviathan box before she painted her combat patrol (I won, she still hasn't finished her breachers or ethereal lol )
Necrons and Tyranids are very easy to paint. I did all of Necrons other than the Doomstalker in one weekend since my colour scheme is just: Prime with leadbelcher, wash with druchii violet, pick out gun casing in black paint glowy bits with two different purples and highlight with white.
Black shoulders for troops, gold for leaders.
Ended up looking pretty good.
Tyranids were all contrast paints except for picking out eyes, tongues and teeth so I just batch paint in lots of 10-20 at once.
I still have some Nids left to paint though.
I also have about another 1000 points of marines I still need to paint but mostvof those are Infernus marines, intercessors and assault intercessors and I already have 10 of those painted each (will get to them eventually they're just kinda boring)
It is very helpful that I very much enjoy painting and would rather do it than play videogames in most cases. It's not a necessary evil to me I can happily sit down and paint from 9AM to 1AM unless I need to help out with something.
I put a video on in the background (Normally Poorhammer) to listen to or some music or a 3 hour long video essay or something. Less so music at the moment since It's easier to have something long but interesting to listen to on than constantly changing things that I might have to skip.
Sorry for the long comment, not sure if this will be helpful to anyone since I'm probably in a priviliged situation (can paint pretty much all weekend and would rather paint than do pretty much anything else) but maybe it'll be helpful? I have no idea
I have a saying: “Death Guard are the coolest army you’d never want to be a part of.”
After reading Plague Wars, I can safely say this statement is true.
The Hammer and Bolter episode about the Death Guard also confirms this. Sometimes I wonder how can a person in the 40k universe give himself to Nurgle lol.
@elden7527 usually desperation. Scared of dying, crippling disease, immense pain, etc etc
@@Eldên28 Eh. I could imagine people in the real world suffering of Ebola, Leprosy or some other horrifying disease praying to Nurgle if it actually gave them any form of relief, let alone what imaginary diseases may exist in 40k. At some point humans revert to a primal animal that only craves relief from suffering.
@@Eldên28no pain, no suffering, just happiness, power and invulnerability, what’s not a reason to be a nurgle follower?
I think it’s important to remember that most of his followers don’t decide to willingly join him. Remember, with Deathguard, it was really only Typhus that wanted to join, everyone else was pretty much forced to.
Nurgle “recruits” followers by giving them the most painful, horrible, slow killing diseases imaginable. Then, he appears in their mind and goes “geez, that disease sure looks painful. Say, if you give yourself up to me, I’ll make the pain go away, you’ll even feel better than normal. If not, well, I’m sure that awful, painful, disgusting disease will finish you off eventually. Maybe in the next few months”
It’s a big reason why I don’t understand why so many people in the fandom say Nurgle is the “nicest” chaos god. He’s literally the second worst, behind Tzeentch. Nurgle is the god of brainwashing and gaslighting. So much so that he gaslit the fandom into thinking he’s not horrible.
A new addition to the Poorhammer lore, the shotgun is a sturntiger, and Berillo is chained in what I can only assume is Brad's brothers basement. Someone get game theory
You're welcome, guys.
*dies of impotent nerd rage
That game theory joke… too soon, man
Wait, but Brad's brother's basement is the one that flooded! BERILLIO! BERILLIO, SWIM UPWARD!! WE'RE GONNA SAVE YOU!
@@StarkMaximum it's pretty humid in Brazil or so I've heard, it's probably fine ^^
The time for studying for 10 mins has come to end and watch this vid
So true
Study so you can land a job, so you can afford to pay us on Patreon. There, the balance between advice, support, and selfish desire hit perfectly.
but what if I want to spend that money on 40k minis and parts for a new PC?@@thepoorhammerpodcast
@@thepoorhammerpodcastHe did 10 minutes, thats 10 more than me
I always followed the 10:1 method while working on my master’s degrees. 10 minutes of work per 1 hour of TH-cam
Even the lore behind Beasts of Nurgle is cute. They're literally giant puppies that just want to be your friend. They actually get super depressed when they kill you by hugging you. They only keep going trying to make more new friends
yeah but they _kill you_
@@Sercotani Accidentally
And if you kill it, gets sent back to the garden and becomes a rot fly that pops out to run it back
And when they get too depressed that all their friends stop wanting to play (bc they're dead) they cocoon themselves and become rot flies who are like wasps and hate everything. Poor slime doggos.
And when they finally become jaded and cynical after killing friends and being rejected, they go through a metamorphosis into giant flies that serve as the mounts for Poxbringers.
Thanks for the shoutout Brad! For anyone else curious about my channel I do exactly what poorhammer did in this episode but for every faction. I post community polls to see what gets done next, so if you want to see a particular faction keep an eye out for my posts!
You are a great channel!
I was absolutely delighted to see you get shouted out and was going to come let you know, but clearly you already learned about it!
@@StarkMaximum One of my buddies in my competitive league saw it and woke me up to tell me!
Brad, I understand your struggle. I randomly found 6 boxes of grey knight terminators on sale for 18 bucks each at a used book store. By the end of the hour I was leaving my FLGS with the rest of my now 3500 pts of GK. No, I had no grey knights in my collection at the start of the day. And no I had no intention of ever getting grey knights.
Neither am i but for that discount im getting on the actions
That's how I ended up with custodes to start with. Buddy of mine made me a deal I couldn't refuse on 3 combat patrols and a box of vertus praetors...it's basically the whole army minus a couple characters and some allarus
Fucking Sturmtiger is one of the first podcast in jokes. Love it. Berilio is a treasure.
“Pooping on your Death Guard minis does not count as painting!”
~an unfortunate in a dream
9:11 "Sure, sure sure, ignoring little stuff" was such a smooth Votann pun that I can't tell if it was intentional or not lol
I would love an entire series on each army
oh god damn good timing, just in the middle of painting some plague marines!
Im a Death Guard main. Two things to note:
1) the plague marines actually have stacks of trim. Not as bad as CSM, but it's still very time consuming.
2) there's an extra 3 plague marines on the Poxwalker sprue in the combat patrol, so you get 10 total :)
Wait, you get extra Plague Marines from Poxwalkers? What?!
@@LordCrate-du8zm there's extra bits on the sprue from what I've been told (and seen the assembled product). Giving you a full block of ten in the combat patrol is pretty sweet.
@@KatarinaTrakas That's pretty sweet indeed!
@@KatarinaTrakas I can confirm. You just need to do a little kitbashing
You get an extra back half of a body and backpack per 10 poxwalkers. Looks hard to kitbash the bodies but I'm going to use the spare Backpacks to convert mk3 armour up
16:25 Very good point about eggs and baskets. Last weekend I bought a Be'lakor off a friend, just before playing a 500pt game with him. For ease of transportation, I decided to just include Be'lakor in the list. Thus, my army had three units. I was tabled by turn 3. This ought to have been expected, for the reason you described.
I hope you guys are doing alright, sorry to hear money is causing issues but always great to see your content come out!
Excellent episode! I love this Noob's guide format to a faction I think especially highlighting hard to build/hard to paint models is key to removing those blockers people run into while collecting an army or building a list. Would love to see more like this!
I’m a simple man. I see a Poorhammer army coverage video and I hit like and listen.
I have no drive to create a new army right now, but it’s fun to listen to. I’m more Change and less Diseased
Convert the Plague Marine Champion into a Death Guard Chaos Lord.
Convert the three extra terminators into a Lord of Virulence, Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor, and Sorcerer Lord in Terminator Armor
Holy shit, we're getting narrative intros to this podcast. What next ? Animated avatars ?
I’ve been collecting Death Guard for about 4 years now and this video finally made me realize that I barely have any units that aren’t a comedic amount of basic plague marines.
good news: drowning the other player in smelly power armor is a legitimate strategey
Don't listen to them! Bring Angron to a 500 point game. Trust me.
So, Typhus is in terminator plate, meaning if you get a smidge creative with some kitbashing, you can get a 2nd combat patrol and turn that second Typhus into a Lord of Contagion
Edit: Oh yeah, with a bit of googling, you can actually get a 10 man squad of plague marines, the 20 man poxwalker sprue from the combat patrol has half a plague marine on it, the other half is on the chosen of Mortarion sprue, so with the champion from the CoM box, you can look up the dark imperium instructions to build that split up marine, get a base from a friend or just buy one, and then buy the individual plague marine champion (as much as I hate it), you get a 10 man squad without having to buy another box of 7 and have a weird looking unit
Ive watched well over 40 of your videos in the past 2 weeks and today im finally gonna be able to start my army. Im starting with necrons and i really hope they turn out well, again thanks for all the content and for getting me into the hobby.
If you're gonna buy Lord Felthius and his Blightlord friends, it's extremely easy to kitbash one of them into a chaos sorcerer in terminator armor. You'll end up with a much more appropriate looking sorcerer and save a few bucks as well!
I was literally just crying over my computer last night trying to figure out how to build my Death Guard army I've wanted to for oh so long.
The easy answer is all of them. Buy them all. 3 of everything except Typhus and Mortarion.
And the Plague Surgeon. No one needs 3 of that dickhead
Pls no cry - feel better ❤️🩹
I got predicted. The painting of the marines was mentioned and my brain was like at least you don’t have 60 like termagants, and the Berellio said it immediately.
Really liking berellio sneaking in editors notes make me chuckle
I would love this for every army. It's fun to see you guys break it down
As a deamon boy, you get Nurglings for base decorations for other models pretty often, you can just save those and build even more of them so I recommend BUILDING Nurglings last, that way you avoid having like 1-2 little guys on a base when you might get another 5-6 through the rest of your army.
Berillio, you mad legend! Hollow Knight is fantastic, I wondered why Death Guard looked dope. Hope ya don't go too overboard into this hobby (unless you can call it a business expense because of Brad)
I love how they talk about putting too many eggs in one basket with morty and I'm over here running a 2000 point list with two stompas
2 stompas, a couple units of grots and a randomly selected character? 😂😅
Little did Berillio know the Plagueburst crawler was based on the Sturmtiger.
Best Army! I'm glad you recommend the combat patrol even though it aint brilliant but it can honestly be a good starting point and the Non poxwalker units are all staples of the army.
11:44 commenting from the future! the new Tau Combat Patrol that was just -released- revealed has a Devilfish! Don't count out other combat Patrols having vehicles just yet..
Quick Note! Ive been helping a Death Guard fan start their army, and I checked the points of the combat patrol a few times. They hit 505 points natural when we added the blight hauler, which differs from their math of the bloat drone and blight hauler being mentioned in this video. Im guessing that they may have forgotten the plague marines and / or the biologis putrifier that comes in the model, at least the biologis because I dont remember them mentioning the model being in the combat patrol. Only bringing this up since (at time of writing) that point value will impact your early army planning and can change your initial purchases.
Still a great video and full of good information! Just wanted to try and point something out.
Edit: They mention this later. Not sure if they cover the point shift? I dunno.
I only did 20 Poxwalkers (I couldn't argue 30 at any point) and we mention later in the episode we forgot all about Putrifier until the very end. (Berilio even made him pop up sad and forgotten the whole episode, which I appreciate.)
@@thepoorhammerpodcast yeah I updated my comment when I hit that part since I felt like a bit of a fool. Only reason my buddy runs the full 30 atm is 20 bodyguards since they can soak perils when Typhus does a bad brain blast and 10 backline to ensure you make the objective get sticky before going off to charge in. And also because they are new and want to use all the models they've got. No idea if that will stick as we continue of course. Still, just wanted to help clarify if possible! Like I said I still really liked the video.
Free merch idea for ya: a Sturmtiger on a base with "BASED" underneath. It's so good on so many levels
Shout out to Mezgike for making the absolute coolest 3D print Death Guard proxies if anybody else really liked the look of the Flying Dutchman crew from POTC
I'm a new death guard (and 40k in general) player, and the business of the models is something that attracted me to them. The way a lot of them are set up, I feel like you could be lazy if you really wanted to, and it would look fine, but if you want your frontline units to be cool and unique, it's really easy to do.
I built some Nurglings a couple weeks ago and I’m now kicking myself. I might need to break the exacto knife out.
I love videos with Berilio as guest.
As someone with a growing interest with Thousand Sons. (Partially complements from being regular viewer of this channel) I so would like to see you do a video like this for Thousand Sons.
Lord of Contagion's original model is easily one of the best DG models out there, so it was a huge shame for ages that you couldn't get it anymore. Luckily there's a perfect scan of it that you can easily get in the typical places. Finding that and printing it out a year ago is actually what convinced me to start a DG army again. I tell ya, 3D printing literally saved this hobby for me. It's friggin crazy.
Perfect time for this to come out as I’m cracking open my DG combat patrol !
I appreciate that you guys keep your advice edition unspecific so that I can watch this while playing 9th edition!
Great vid! Always love to hear berilio in the episode!
Very nice episode. I've had a passing interest in DG, so seeing this was interesting, it definitely got me thinking more about it. But I'm more excited to see that episode you teased. Also, I absolutely loved that intro bit. It was *quite* funny.
Heres hoping things get better for you all(including Berilio)!
As someone who's been in the hobby for 2 years... I sit with Brad in owning 7 armies. granted, working at a GW store and having a 3d printer helped, a lot.
For reference, on Cults3d I found for free mind you;
Blightlords, Deathshrouds, Marines, most of the Characters, Blight Haulers, Bloat drones, and even the rhinos. If you're feeling frisky, there are even female versions with the Nurd-Gale collection. Though that'll cost you a bit. Oh and if you don't care about weapons there's a free version of a nurgle helbrute with Plasma Cannon and Missile launcher that looks absolutely fantastic. My Painted one is sitting on a shelf nearby, looking especially sickly with purple flesh tones and his gnarled teeth. Honestly I doubt I'll ever buy another GW box of death guard except maybe to have a Typhus.
33:26 funny you should say that since streaking grime was the thing that convinced me to start collecting DeathGuard models, I can just paint the models with flat acrylics, do the tiniest bit of drybrushing, cover them in copious amount of effects and drown them in streaking grime and they look like disgusting, filthy, dumpster-diving freaks (so exactly how I want them) with minimal effort, it's great and I'm happy I went that route as a beginner.
Berilio episode, lesgooo!
Pre-opening skit was great, would love more of them
You guys nearly sold me on DG. Thankfully the death stare from my wife snapped me out of it. Seriously you guys do awesome work!
As someone who is just recently getting into Warhammer through these vids (and with recently I mean like a year ago).
However Kitbashing lives rent free in my head, which is why I tend to rewatch the Combat Patrol episodes and I would like to share some information from a comment on the Combat Patrols viability at the time as collectors tools (the one with stonks on the thumbnail if I recall correctly).
That information is that the Combat Patrol secretly has 3 bonus Plague Marines. This is because the Pox Walker kit is just the one from the 8th edition box I belief, which means you get the legs, power packs and some arm bits in each sprue of Plague Marines. Checking the Combat Patrol manual online, the Plague Marines kit in that box seem to have enough extra arms and torsos that you can kitbash 3 extra Plague Marines. You do need to buy some extra 32mm bases, but those are not that expensive I belief.
As for a personal observation, if you buy an extra Combat Patrol you can get 10 additional Plague Marines (the 7 intended and the 3 you can kitbash). The second Typhus actually makes a great base to kitbash your own Lord of Contagion. Both Felthius and Typhus have scythes, but depending on the size difference you maybe able to grab the axe from the Plague Marine Kit and use that. However I think if you remove the flies and do a head swap with possibly one of the Plague Marine helmets you will probably have spare, you can go a long way. Hell looking at the manual, you probably just not put the hive on the model and use some of the remaining detail-bits from the Plague Marines.
As for the 30 Poxwalkers from the second box, you can either just use them as Pox Walker or with some effort and green stuff (and perhaps spare gun bits) you could probably make them look like regular cultists. Get them some hoods and stuff. Maybe snip off those growths and put them on the Spare-Typhus-Turned-Lord-of-Contagion. Granted no clue how good Cultists are in Death Guard.
Hell the the six bonus Space Marines from your two Combat Patrols can be used with the Plague Marine Champion from the Chosen of Mortarion box for another unit. However, you can probably also get a 40mm base and use that Plague Marine Champion as a Death Guard Lord. Before the new kit, I would say do that because the old Chaos Lord was too Black Legion, but the Chaos Lord Kit looks easier to Death Guard up. Still tho both are decent options.
What I am saying is that you can make the second Combat Patrol work, it just takes more Kitbashing. Which is a fun part of the hobby to me.
Edit: Oh no oh gosh I forgot the second Biologus Putrifier. Sorry buddy.
(Also, the regular Poxwalkers also have stealth plague marine bits. Legs with the back of the torso, power pack, limb. Plague Marines are filled with extra stuff and as mentioned in the video, the Plague Marines characters kind of mix into a crowd. So buying 32mm bases you can make an extra character. You can probably make a lot work, with the amount of random bits in Plague Marines.)
As someone who is just now starting to get into Warhammer and has been strongly drawn to the death guard, this video could not have dropped at a more optimal time. Love your guises content, and looking forward to so much more!
"Make your bad models your bad paintjobs"
Me starting admech and spending 4 hours per skitarii
“He was surprised that sisters were a pain” I was waving my hands and shouting like a grandma in church. Those models are… a mess to build. Glad someone is speaking the truth.
That color shifted sorcerer in terminator armor delt me psychic damage 😂
skits! skits! skits! skits! :v
fun episode, appreciated the touching on the dual capacity of a chaos army to play in both 40k and aos, also appreciate berillio telling everyone about his love of hollow knight plague marines
Death guard is my favourite army to paint. I don't mind that there is too much detail! I painted the small poxes in pix walkers... I learnt a lot. Especially in weathering with acrylics! I have the half of dark imperium and I would love to expand to typhus (maybe current combat patrol) and DEFINITELY 2 tanks. The artillery aspect really speaks to me.
anyone else notice that the Arquitor Bombard from the Crusade/Heresy Era looks like the Plagueburst Crawler?
that's on purpose. several mechanicum units were designed to look like clean versions of deamon engines too
29:00 - Haha, yeah. A Great Unclean One? That'd be ridiculous.
(Help, someone at my FLGS is starting in our escalation league with Rotigus, A GUO, and a unit of Nurglings, what do I do)
Super glad this is becoming a series!! I mean, I get cheap proxies off Etsy, so it doesn't help me much, but still glad it can help others.
Very nice, hope you do this with all Factions!
the first ever skit
Great episode guys, I hope you do more of them in the future. I'd love to see the prices of each set you recommend, then a total at the end with a final points per dollar. For some reason I find the financial aspect of the game fascinating. Keep up the good work!
I decided to do my own homework:
Total: $1,000 on the dot.
I don't play the game, so I don't know how to look up points, but if we assume 2,000 points exactly: Death Guard points per dollar: 2.0
One important thing with including daemons in a list is the dataslate change where for each non-battleline daemon unit you need a battleline daemon unit. So you can do the trick to make 6 nurglings and run 2x3 for the battleline requirement and then move the daemon prince to being the death guard version
Thoughts about using Blightkings, with shields and clubs as Bullgryn proxies for a nurgle focused traitor guard?
As a Death Guard player, thank you for this episode. I wish I knew it two years ago, but I have been good about slowly building my army up.
I’d adore one of these for ad mech
The big error with Death Guard kits/instructions is that the instructions for the Plagueburst Crawler's tracks are switched between left and right
I really like this series. It’s cool seeing people get hyped for a faction even if it’s not one I interested in.
This episode is huge for me, I have saved it. Thanks, fellas!
This video was so helpful because I’ve been trying to start a death guard army but didn’t know what to buy because people have been telling me not to buy the combat patrol and that the pox walkers are bad but good? and that the plague marines are the whole army but the pox walkers are fun so this was a huge help for me.
Can confirm the Paintbrush Licker shirt is one of the best quality tshirts I’ve ever gotten from a merch site. Well done lads!
I absolutely love the Death Guard model range, they nailed it perfectly.
Something I didn't catch being said, and while maybe not for the very first army, but those poxwalkers have an extra little gift: they have the back legs + backpack of a plague marine on them from one of the starter boxes. I believe one of the other kits still has the front to that marine, but the easier thing to do is to use it to get more mileage out of your plague marine boxes, as you get plenty of extra of everything else. I wouldn't say to do it right away, but IMO by the time you hit 2k points they make for a easy intro to kitbashing and is worth calling out
Been getting a little into DG mostly for Kill Team and collecting that side of 8th edition starter box, I found the following. The poxwalker box has a half marine and the other side is in with the x3 champion box.
If just starting out with the hobby, I'd suggest picking up the Getting Started with Warhammer magazines (maybe some fantasy RPG minis too for practice). Big thing that I found with starting to paint the plague marines is a ton of odd details that's different for all of them so for a new painter, it's a bit of a rough one to start.
Thanks for talking again about building an army! It does help as I slowly assemble both Ultramarines (yes really, I like Roman history and xenophobia) and The Custodes (kitten had an impact after I already liked the faction).
This is why I used to love the 500 point bracket, because it was a nice starter to new army. Once you had 500 points assembled and painted, it was on to 1000.
I completely agree with the approach talked about towards Pox-Walkers. I first started painting 40k with the Pox-Walkers from my Dark Imperium box set and experimented with colors and different painting techniques. By the end of my 20 miniatures I was wet blending and had a fantastic learning experience. Some of them look terrible and some I'm still pround of. But they're Pox-Walkers so despite the mish-mash of colors it look alright on the table.
Also the Foetid bloat drone is a joy to assemble. I have three of them. They are my favorite model in the range
So for the lord Felthius box, if you get some bits from the Plague marines and regular DG termies, its kinda a character holy grail. All the minis in it look unique and cool enough to be something different, I am running one as a Termie Chaos Lord, one as a Termie Chaos Sorcerer, and one as a Lord of Virulence.
As a death guard player from 8th I will say, assembly wise, the myphitic blighthauler has the same issue as the outriders in that their mold has gaps. the rear tread guard and the front hull( of you don't join it properly) have annoying gaps in their seam lines
i bought my very first death guard box on Friday, what a time for this episode to drop
I’m just watching this now and realized just how good the dark imperium set I bought growing up and never touching was can’t wait to enter the hobby with a good starting point if I combine it with the combat patrol for even more poxwalker shenanigans
Perfect video to watch for the 3rd time after purchasing a Mortarion from someone at my LGS!
Re: Overlap with AoS. Getting the Vanguard Maggotkin box is worth a look. The Plaguebearers and the Daemon character are playable in 40K, the rest COULD be proxied for DG (Blightkings->Terminators and Blightlords->Bloatdrone). You also end up with the Vanguard, which will soon be called Spearhead, and be playable on its own like Combat Patrol in 40K. So overall some solid expansion.
Lastly, classic deathguard beginner stuff: you can build 1 plague marine from the leftover spruce on the poxwalker, so combat patrol could build 3. Also, The plagueburst crawler instructions put the tank treads backwards
Actual starting point: Build a Time Machine and go back to either the 8th Ed Start Box, or the Christmas Box with Mortarion
Not sure if you’ve done it yet, but I’d love to see an episode where you go through all the factions and create your own start collecting box sets
I literally just started a Death Guard army. I got my self the court of the Death lord and then got the Death guard combat patrol. I think this is a very good starting point for a death guard army
Finally, an episode for me.
Speaking from experience with players that have moved from 40k to AoS i would fully recommend doing what they said and using your nurgel army as Maggot kin! I haven't met another player that will get upset by that.
It's like i woke up and yall put this together just for me!
I can strongly encourage any new DG player that enjoys the artillery play style of DG to invest into Chaos knights specifically into war dogs. As they can be a great addition to any artillery list for mid ranged fire power as your Plague burst crawlers stand in the back shooting. U can also magnetise them so that they can easily change purposes from mid-ranged shooting to close combat trade pieces. And they look so cool too
This was a fun watch,hope you guys do a noobs guide to collecting csm sometime
It's super interesting to see a different type of army build than mine since I'm still pretty new to 40k. I started playing Death Guard as my very first army in a campaign late last year. My entire army is built around Mortarion because I like the cool moth man, but here's what I ended up with for my 1000-2000pt armies (it's been working very well for me so far. I've only lost 2 games, tied once, and won every other time)
Biologus Putrifier and Plague Surgeon co-leading a group of Marines
Death Guard Icon Bearer leading a group of Marines
Tallyman Leading a group of Marines
Beast of Nurgle
and either Lord of Virulence (ability works well with Biologus' ability) or Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor if my enemy has a lot of vehicles (he has a weapon option that helps him punch vehicles real good)
Fully added Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor so I have both him and Lord of Virulence instead of swapping them
Deathshroud Terminators for Lord of Virulence to lead
upgraded Biologus/Plague Surgeon Marines from 5 to 10 guys
Second Biologus Putrifier (can co-lead with either Tallyman or Icon Bearer)
Second Plague Surgeon (can co-lead with either Tallyman or Icon Bearer)
Death Guard Rhino for transport
Paugeburst Crawler
Foetid Bloat-Drone
Second unit of Nurglings
Soul Grinder
I remember starting mine. I got the strike force set where it was the 6 Space Marines, 3 Plague Marines, and like 7 Poxwalkers. Then I got another squad of Plague Marines and Blightlords,Mortarion, then Typhus, Lord Of Virulence, then more Poxwalkers, a Plagueburst Crawler, A Bloat Drone, and a Myphitic Blight Hauler, then a buddy of mine recently hooked me up with another Myphitic Blight Hauler and Plagueburst Crawler and Deathshroud Terminators. All of which is at 1725 points
Edit: Not my first army, I used to play Space Marines when I was a kid and just wanted something that kinda clicked with me