My mom literally eats half a dozen hard boiled eggs (without the yolk tho so it's "ok") a day bc she says she "needs protein" bc she's hypoglycemic. Heart disease runs in our family (great gdad dead at 40 from heart attack, gmom had quad bipass). My mom's cholesterol is through the roof and her drs are "puzzled" bc she "eats right" so it has to be genetic. How does that explain my awesome numbers then (vegan for years)?! Like seriously why won't they believe me? I'm not some crazy liar or fanatic. Drs know nothing about nutrition. I mean, hospital food alone...and sick people need good nutrition most of all. Sorry for the rant. :/
That... I mean, bless you and your family and your mother's situation, but when people aren't critical it leads to unfathomable stupidity. Shame on her doctors, really.
Hi abrahim I have never eaten eggs , meat , or dairy, in my 69 years . Do you think I need to start eating them now ? . Also when will eating them become essential ? .
Yeah, it's like a candy company releasing an article titled "why the hell are you eating corn syrup?" and another "Buy more candy! It's good for your bones!"
Great video! My doctor actually told me to eat some cholesterol when it measured 108 mg/dL (went down from 177 mg/dL when I turned vegan). Her argument was that my cholesterol was below normal and I should eat some animal products to make it normal... I answered her that it's normal to get heart disease. She went quiet :P
I work at a very large hospital and we have a health incentive program that pay us the healthier we are. My LDL is very low and my HDL is about 3 points below the "normal" threshold. I basically fail the test every year and get paid less because of my HDL being slightly below average, even though all my other labs are literally perfect. So I'm forced to raise it through any means possible to get the incentive. It's extremely frustrating as I'm about as healthy as a human being could possibly be. It's a flawed system that hasn't caught up to the realities of what's actually healthy. This coming from a large hospital that should know better. Just shows how behind the times the overall healthcare field actually is as a whole.
Lecithin will supposedly raise your good cholesterol (it's the compound in egg yolks that raises good cholesterol). You can get it as a pill. When I was on a low carb diet, I ate over 3 dozen eggs a week and my cholesterol was 3 points from being off the bottom of the risk assessment chart (my bad cholesterol was low and my good cholesterol was like 30% above normal, canceling the risk to almost being off the chart. My doctor was flabbergasted. He said I can't tell you not to eat anything , even bacon. I've never seen cholesterol like that in my life. What have you been eating?" I told him FAST FOOD (which was true because I had been off the diet for a year and I was in the process of moving and was mostly eating Wendys and Taco Bell for the past couple of months). He almost fell over backwards. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the the look on his face. He thought I was a genetic freak, but I told him about the low carb diet, but that was 15+ years ago and they didn't discover yet that low carb diets raise good cholesterol while slowly lowering bad and that Lecithin in eggs is the key factor in raising good cholesterol in them. And yet STILL many doctors don't recommend eating more than a few eggs a week when that's absurd. There is nothing better for your good cholesterol that I know of than egg yolks (the whites are mostly worthless) without going to statin pills or something.
Same issue here. 3 points below the 40 mark. HDL is only good high if LDL is high from a high Saturated fat intake. Dr. Khambatta (nutritional biochemist) has talked about this before, i.e. HDL not as important as total cholesterol.
It's interesting. I'm in school to become an MS RD right now and all of my professors say that cholesterol isn't a nutrient of concern anymore since eating dietary cholesterol doesnt appreciably raise serum cholesterol levels because the amount you might ingest is negligible compared to the amount of cholesterol your body makes. Each and every one of my RD professors (and because of it, all of my classmates as well) go around confidently calling it a "settled issue", and that bad science produced the "outdated cholesterol scare"...... But not one of my professors have presented any evidence for this claim. It makes me wonder if they even read any research or if they just saw cholesterol get removed from the Dietary Guidelines as a nutrient of concern and just rolled with it. It also makes me confused because I try not to be dogmatic about veganism, particularly in that environment. --- as a side note though, we had to get our lipid levels checked for a lab and my LDL levels were less than 100 while the hard core paleo girl who thinks saturated fat is a health food had LDL levels in the 200's despite weighing only about 100 lbs. She tried to tell me that it was actually a good thing to have levels that high.....
Donner Party Mic may be clueless, who knows but everything he presents in his videos is all science backed. So it's irrelevant if he's clueless really.
Veggie Vendetta I am starting an education to be a certified nutritionist monday and I am scared to be indoctrinated with lies. My strategy is to ask "Why?" a lot, and to ask for documentation for the claims. Luckily I am 40+ and I don't believe things just because the teacher or the book says so, but it is difficult. I don't want to be a pain in the *** for my classmates or the teachers.
Donner Party It is right that people who just had a heart attack not necessarily has high cholesterol. I have not looked into it that much yet, but my hypothesis is that cholesterol is used by the body to calm down the inflammation and the heart attack could create so much inflammation that the cholesterol drops for a few days. It could also be that the cholesterol is lowered by medication, I have heard that even though the cholesterol numbers are kept down by medication it does not prevent the heart attacks. And often the eksplanation is a combination of factors. But it is a very interesting question, and it appears like the studies doesn't add up. That is often an indication of that we still have something to learn.
Once I learned, and verified that we (humans) create our own cholesterol, it didn't make sense to "supplement" with animal products to get it :) Easy enough
I went to my doctor yesterday and she literally gave me outdated BIASED information and told me vegan was the "most unhealthy diet". She wouldn't back anything up either, and she only mentioned the B12 situation. Which duh I know. She also said that I was too young to be educated on veganism and that I will quit this "vegan thing" within a few months. Also that I haven't been vegan long enough to show any negative effects yet. Which was hilarious to me. My doctor told me eating eggs is 100% healthy.. Like.. what? Eggs cannot even be classified as a health food. I was so appalled that a doctor actually recommended eating eggs. It's sad I cannot even trust what my doctor says anymore, because all she has is biased information. Oh and she also brought up "humane slaughter" which do I even need to get into?
I never really liked them all that much, but now I just see them and think "hen's period" and then the atrocities that happen to the poor chickens flash through my mind.... ;-(
I often had 6 egg omelettes. I distinctly remember eating 10 eggs in a day once and laughing about it. 😷 my poor body. Thank the universe i came to my senses! I loved eggs back then (only scrambled or omeletted though as hated taste and texture of yolk alone) but with every single egg i cracked i would pick out with a fork that white bit that would be attached to the raw yolk. Idk if anyone would know what i'm talking about but it grossed me out. Same whenever i'd have an egg with spots of blood in them. So repulsive i'd often throw the egg out rather than making do with picking blood out and for a while was really put off eggs. This along with the fact that i liked my meat to be very well done with no pink and also would not handle raw meat when preparing a meal (always avoided actually touching it or just got boyfriend to chop it up), to me, shows i was always "destined" to become a vegan. It was just a matter of time. Oh and the fact i wanted to have a little farm and be a farmer's wife but was insistent that no animal would be killed - we'd just keep them as pets and be the worst profitting farm ever 😂
If you are concerned about LDL, you probably ought to check out Ivor Cummins aka the Fat Emperor, David Feldman (cholesterol code), and Dr William Davis. Apparently, despite what we physicians have been taught, LDL is quite a poor marker for CVD risk. Better marker is HDL/triglycerides which I believe should be less than 2. When elevated, is a sign of insulin resistance which is definitely a/the driver for almost all CVD.
Donner is just another one of those triggered carnists that go around shitposting and talking down to people without actually having any argument. Pay no mind.
*ann m.* It is a refined oil with zero nutrients that displaces nutrient dense foods from your diet. As such it has a net impact of reducing the amount of nutrients you get for a given daily amount of calories. This aspect is shared with all other refined oils including olive oil, even the holy of holies extra virgin cold pressed small grove lovingly picked by a wizen old Italian farmer in the tiny bottle for an astronomical price olive oil. No refined oil will ever improve your diet compared to a diet without any refined oil. But adding insult to injury, palm oil is mostly saturated fat, and the jury is in on saturated fat and that it is simply not good for us. That is about the only thing we need to know in order to know that we should never ever consume anything containing palm oil if we actually give a damn about our health and the health of our families. If you actually care about the environment, then palm oil has two major strikes against it since it tropic forests are being clearcut to make room to plant palm plantations. And add the last insult is that much of this forest is the last refuges for the orangutan which is being driven to the brink of extinction by the palm oil industry.
To "cut to the chase" - start at 9.42 and play through to 10.18 - for those who are going to have troubles staying with the content through the depth of details gone into by Mic the Vegan in this video. Another excellent video Mic. the Vegan - you are taking on the tough stuff and doing a superb job on it. Well done Mic the Vegan.
Dude. You are legit amazing. The way you present your videos in such an easy to understand manner is mind boggling. If people still eat meat, eggs and dairy after watching your channel they are simply ignorant and don't want to give in to the fact that all those things are terrible for your health. Your knowledge will take you places Mic. Keep up the good work.
Been Vegan for 2 years. Dropped my overall cholesterol. However, my Dr. said my HDL was to low and recommended grapeseed oil. LOL Thanks for the video Mic. Great stuff.
I'm so glad for this discussion as I just lowered my triglycerides by 100 points and my cholesterol by 40 points due to my low fat vegan diet, by my hdl is still very low at 27 in fact it dropped one point prompting a red flag and a "bad ratio" number on my chart even though my cholesterol is in the normal range now. I am going to share this with my doctor
*zdenka* Ask your friends if there has ever been a study where whole plant food vegans added meat, eggs or dairy to their diet reduced their cholesterol, lowered their blood pressure, lost weight. And then share with them the studies that show the reverse that when people go on a plant based diet their cholesterol drops rapidly towards an optimal level (total < 150, LDL < 75), their BP drops to the optimal (< 105/70), they lose a crap-ton of weight leveling off at an optimal BMI of around 21-22, and, if they have them, reverse their diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. If they can't who is smart and who is stupid.
Please like to he can see this!!! A study from The Lancet came out this past week stating that carbs are bad and saturated fat not??! Maybe Mic can debunk this of someone else explain. Just started whole food plant based diet so hope article is bullocks. Thanks! 'High carbohydrate intake was associated with higher risk of total mortality, whereas total fat and individual types of fat were related to lower total mortality. Total fat and types of fat were not associated with cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, or cardiovascular disease mortality, whereas saturated fat had an inverse association with stroke. Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings.'
Sophie Heering The healthiest groups of people living in the 'blue zones' eat a mostly plant based high carbohydrate diet. Watch
Sophie Heering Trying to see if cardiovascular disease occurs(the clogging of arteries) by using population studies is inefficient because these studies are not capable of seeying if saturated fat causes cardiovascular disease because they don't account for base line cholesterol Vegain gains has a whole video on this topic. The video is titled *why saturated fat and cholesterol are not healty* Also the supposed carb eaters ate refined carb products
The study is a joke. It only looks at % of calories from fat or carbs, not total amount of fat or carbs or even calories. Since virtually no one in the US or Europe (the only places in the study) meaningfully limit oil or animal products, the group with high % of calories from carbs was almost certainly eating way more total calories than other groups via refined carbs and soda. Furthermore, the study completely ignored source of carbs. As we all know, refined and processed carbs are bad for you. These are the main types of carbs consumed in the US and Europe, so it makes sense that the more of these carbs people eat, the more health issues they have. Finally, a study from the same University using the same dataset clearly showed that fruits, vegetable, and legume consumption were protective for human health
This type of study is prone to more potential confounds than usual due to the need to look at different people from 18 different countries. An easy example here is that if you don't control for household income, there's a long established relationship between household income (how much wealth the person/family has), fat intake (which is a luxury food in many countries), and access to medical care. I.e. people with comparatively more wealth tend to eat more fat and, due to the wealth (not the fat), have access to better healthcare. You can get some seriously screwed up results with associations like this. The more obvious confound here is carbohydrate quality, and even fat quality. For carbohydrate quality, if you don't meaningfully differentiate between refined and unrefined sources you're of course going to get associations driven by soda, junk food etc. These would disappear and likely reverse for unrefined sources, as we know from more careful research on the subject. Similar deal here with fat - it's surprising that there is NO association with mortality since even the most ardent low carb proponents would admit that trans fat intake is a huge risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality. That this relationship doesn't show up at all is a bit troubling. It begs the question of whether their statistical modeling is over-adjusting and why it would miss an obvious relationship like that. The other interesting thing is that even this study found no association between carb intake and increased cardiovascular disease/mortality. Since that's the number one killer in western nations, this is pretty interesting in and of itself. The ~25% increased mortality has to be coming from "other sources," e.g. cancer, dementia etc. No research has ever even remotely suggested that unrefined carbohydrate sources relate to these disease processes, actually the opposite, so again, it's in opposition to the majority of more carefully controlled research. But either way, this is a single study. There are other studies looking at less diverse cohorts where it is easier to distinguish dietary effects from lifestyle factors. Here's an easy example: From this study: Conclusion A low-carbohydrate diet based on animal sources was associated with higher all-cause mortality in both men and women, whereas a vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diet was associated with lower all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality rates. I don't think it's helpful to ignore research but it should be looked at in light of the fact that there is an abundance of research on this topic at this point, and there's a clear and persistent relationship across a broad spectrum of research implicating animal sources of fat and protein with atherosclerosis and increased mortality, and a consistent relationship showing that plant sources of fat and protein tend to show the opposite.
I'm not sure what study Zach Cain was reading but this study looked at communities in multiple regions in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Sooooo while the his point about the types of carbs is correct, I think you may be talking about a different study than the one she is referring to. After reading this, I see a couple of issues: First, in their acknowledgements they have an INTENSE list of pharmaceutical companies acting as funders. That feeeels like a red flag to me. Second, and most importantly, while they list the types of fats being consumed, they really gloss over the types of carbs being consumed. They just use the blanket term of "carbs"-- but buried in the discussion is one quick blurb about how the low and middle income people in the Asian communities that was used for the high carb data ate a diet that was almost entirely comprised of white rice and white bread.... So like highly processed carbs. And indeed in many Asian communities, white rice can get as high as 70% of the diet. So its unsurprising that they saw total mortality increase in these groups. if 60+% of your diet is largely devoid of micronutrient nutrition and fiber the population would likely develop many nutrient deficiencies that would increase risks of numerous diseases. That is why there is a push to genetically engineer rice to have things like Vitamin A because certain parts of Asia are notoriously deficient. And while I'll be the first to cry foul on the healthfulness of animal products, when you are looking a nutrient devoid population, having those will be better for outcomes than not having them--particularly for key nutrients. Now hop over to countries like South and North America, Europe, and South East Asia which were used as the "high fat" comparison group. They have much more diverse diets where carb sources will likely include things such as legumes, fruits, potatoes, and corn along with higher fat intakes. Additionally, these countries have better healthcare systems, so if someone gets heart disease, they may be less likely to die from them due to pharmaceuticals (like the ones the dear sponsors of this paper produce). This paper only looked at mortality, and actual strokes and heart attacks, not disease states. It says nothing about how many people in the lower carb, higher fat group had heart disease or hypertension but had not had a heart attack maybe because of statin drugs or stints.
So... takeaway is my HDL of 30 isn't a big deal when my LDL is only 80? I'm generally healthy (5'11", 185 lbs) and don't eat a lot of garbage, and I've been worried about raising my HDL.
I love your videos Mic! Your videos were the tipping point in my switching to a plant based diet. I really appreciate how researched and thorough your videos are while also still being entertaining
I always enjoy your videos. I'm curious, is it only you doing the research or do you have help? If it's just you, then you are a monster at research. Either way, awesome work.
I would love to see a video from you debunking the lies of Varg from the channel called Thuleanperspective. He has been spreading a lot of nonsense regarding vegans and veganism.
In Holland the Dutch nutrition center states eggs are a healthy source of food because of their vitamines, minerals and proteins. Their website does a good attempt of explaining how and why. They also state it does raise your cholestorol, but that the effect on CVD increase is only minor. They recommend eating 2 to 3 eggs a week. The complete explanation where they base their advice upon is in Dutch, found on the independent health councel for the government of the Netherlands here (I guess google translate will do a nice job): All certified health / food consultants in Holland get their training based on that data. So they say eggs are okay. Which goes right against what I see here as well as on nutritionfacts. However, the argumentation of the independent health council also sounds very comprehensive. Who's right here? And why? Curious to learn...
Thanks, finally some useful information here. I am an vegetarian, always afraid of going full vegan because of my very low cholesterol levels (61 mg/dl total cholesterol)... They were always low, although I eat a ton of eggs and such stuff (yeah, doctor's recommendation). Can't take it anymore, yuk. I will just finish the package I have got recently (because wasting food really sucks) and finally quit them. This was really helpful, keep up the good work.
Thank you for this vid and your efforts. I have type 2 Diabetes. My HDL was an 8 and dr told me I had defected genes and chances of a heart attack within next ten years is 10x. He claimed foods wouldn't help. This is an upper scale network called St. Jude/St. Joseph in Orange County. Since then I went whole foods plant based. I'm determined to go back and put my numbers in his face and let him know it was foods that changed my numbers, not meds.
I really like looking at you and listening to your research. BUT, could you please linger longer on the graphs and statistics so the viewer could examine them. 5 seconds isn’t enough. Best thing I’ve found is portfolio diet and fiber, fiber, fiber. That’s what cleans the blood. My total cholesterol has been as high as 280 (had very high HDL) been vegan for 10 years. Dr. Greger made a casual comment about portfolio diet. Total cholesterol now 166, HDL61,VLDL 12, LDL93, triglycerides 60. I’m 73 years old. Oh, what a feeling...FIBER.
LDL isnt even the best predictor of heart diseases anymore though. Lp(a) has the best indication of heart disease after total cholesterol to HDL ratio. High cholesterol is typically due to larger underlying processes such chronic infections, poor thyroid function, and even genetic predisposition (familial hypercholesterolemia) Biochemically were looking as to what the LDL receptor is doing in the liver, and questioning why LDL metabolism is backed up - insulin sensitivity, thyroid hormone have large affects on this receptor. Looking at basic egg studies (which there are many, with just as many saying there are cholesterol raising effects as well as no significant effects) - does not take into account the many confounding factors that an overall diet pertains. you take out one thing, something else is going to replace it. - is it necessarily the egg, or is it that what youre replacing it with?
Good information but, I've found that even vegans die eventually. I've had vegan friends that were the salt of the earth. They were the same age as me, had the same interests as me and the same health level as me. (or so we thought) No exaggeration, all of them died suddenly. You can have an impeccable diet and an impeccable life style and a great outlook but sooner or later you find that even eating all the right vegetables you can will not save your life. IF it's "quality of life" you use as an argument for veganism, I say, to each his own. If it works for you, more power to you. I also know lots of meat eaters who are in their 90s and still actively kicking. I recently lowered my blood pressure by eating a few fruits and vegetables every day. My cardiologist considers this a type of "Vodoo-Medicine." The statin drugs he was prescribing were killing me slowly and making life miserable. This same doctor falls all over himself tying to explain away the fact that a simple diet change can do what all the prescriptions drugs he's prescribed could not do. My LDLs are stable but my HDLs have dropped. Now he wants to prescribe more drugs. IT all begins to sound like one huge drug related scam after a while. I think I'd rather die while living a happy life than dying a stress-related death due to being under the constant barrage of being warned or told that I NEED to get my HDLs up and I NEED to keep my LDLs down. I NEED to eat only fruits and vegetables. I NEED to stop eating fatty foods (which I don't really like anyway) I NEED to do this that or the other.
That's too bad those they people you knew diet. The reality is that vegans have lower mortality so that is not an argument against going vegan.
I had a lipid profile done last year (before I was vegan). My cholesterol was at 120 which is great, but my hdl was like 30 or something. Which the doctor said was too low and I should try to increase it. She recommended avocados and nuts though, so that's good. I'll be having another lipid profile done in about a month, so it'll be interesting to see if my cholesterol has changed in the meantime (I've also been exercising more, so any changes won't be solely attributable to going vegan, sadly).
I love that you threw in the "wine is good for you" b.s. advice that people love to hear from the wonderful people like Dr. Oz. (" why is my liver turning black"--couldn't stop laughing ! ) ) Like you say, telling people that their bad habits are really good for them is music to their ears--tune gets very sour when the angina rock Mike !
I drink 20 raw eggs a day. I weigh 75kg and can bench press 125kg. I'm 11% body fat and can run a mile in 6 mins without training for it. I've always got energy and never feel fatigued.
OMG! I know an elderly woman who has many heart problems. She is always in the hospital getting surgery. Her heart doctor told her to eat 6 eggs a day! She always says she loves her heart doctor and that she has been seeing him for over 20 years. I have been trying to convince her to change her diet to feel better. She thinks its just old age and not a diet thing. Sad.
Thank you Mic. The Vegan - always enjoy watching, keep the videos and information coming. If you can change just one person you are making a difference :)
This video is going to confuse people, high HDL is definitely better than low HDL. I agree increasing your HDL alone is not necessarily going protect you against heart disease. None the less low HDL is an indicator of poor health.
Abnormally low levels of cholesterol are termed hypocholesterolemia. Research into the causes of this state is relatively limited, but some studies suggest a link with depression, cancer, and cerebral hemorrhage.
I have high HDL but my GP said I have less than 1% chance of any heart disease. I also look more manly and better looking with a higher hdl level. I like vegans, it's a cool way to live but don't preach that you are better than everyone else.
He doesn't? I am not even vegan, but interested in his viewpoints. Maybe you should learn to look beyond your emotional prejudices and just concentrate on the facts he provides for you?
My doc wanted me to raise my HDL even though my overall cholesterol was low. He said that the HDL was a bit lower than the normal range. He knew I wouldn't eat eggs. He suggested I take Niacin, which I did to terrible results. Made me feel deathly ill. I checked my cronometer and was always getting more than 100% of the RDA for Niacin, so I stopped with the pills.
purewonka Vegans tend to have lower levels of HDL. I think Dr. Greger spoke about it; that the inflammation is lower on a vegan diet and therefore we do not need as much HDL. And these new findings about HDL seems to confirm this.
Many years ago, my doctor (now long since retired) told me that I had to eat fatty fish to raise my HDL cholesterol. Since I *despise* fish with a fanatical (almost religious) hatred, I didn't listen to him. Seven years ago, I went vegan. When I went to see my new doctor (his predescesor had long since retired) he took one look at my cholesterol numbers and asked me for advice. You can't *pay* for something like that. :-) Recently, when I went to see another new doctor (they all keep retiring), he actually thought I was on cholesterol lowering drugs. I had to tell him that I wasn't
I read the China study and went whole food plant-based. No cheese. No meat. I still used olive oil. I went on that way for about a year and a half I think. My left nipple began to hurt. It was painful to the point that I thought maybe I had cancer and I needed to go see the doctor. I started eating eggs and the pain disappeared. Fairly quickly. have often wondered if that was because my testosterone was low because my cholesterol was so low.
Hey Mic. I really appreciate you videos. Could you please share a video on the myth that 'too low cholesterol' causes aggression, violence and crime; The first anti vegan documentary has made this claim which is a very misleading and deceptive claim to be making against vegans. In fact, so far I am 20mins into the documentary and already feel that you could do a great job debunking a lot said in it... The vegan community really need more people like you sharing facts and evidence! Big respect to you x
Greger did a few videos on how oxidized cholesterol is uniquely able to cross the blood-brain barrier and thus capable of clogging up cerebral arteries and causing dementia and strokes. Another major strike against eggs and any other food with oxidizable cholesterol (mostly dairy, custards, ice-cream and confections with butter).
...........I experimented with the whole 25 eggs a day many years ago when I came across some article of an 88 year old farmer that eats 25 eggs a day and is in good health. I did this experiment for 6 months and then got blood work done. My LDL levels were fine but my HDL was too high(which is not usually the case with the vast majority of humans). I was fine with this because there are little known health problems associated(recorded in history) with high HDL. Here’s my point: there are many factors that affect or don’t affect every diet. Emma Romano was 117 in 2016 and all she ate was 2 eggs and cookies ‘for an unspecified amount of time’. The vast majority of cholesterol in eggs is HDH cholesterol. This makes up the mylan sheath around your nerves and helps the body to function. The reason why I am writing all of this is 1, there is a record of vegans that do not last beyond 3-5 years of veganism who develop functional problems and get hospitalized. 2, there are Vegans that are exposed for eating eggs and fish in public even though they make videos that they are vegans and don’t consume animal products which included fish and eggs. Just be careful and consider everything including the science beyond specific things, like the importance of cholesterol and if the body needs a supplemental amount of cholesterol.
I am a vegetarian contemplating veganism. I don't eat a lot of eggs, but eat them maybe once or twice a week, plus whatever foods they're already in. When my cholesterol was recently checked, my doctor said it was within normal levels. Is the idea that eating eggs over years will increase my risk for CVD? I am 29. Thanks.
Today my Dr. gave me the recommendation that I should eat some chicken breast or turkey during my 3-month follow up. She said this after congratulating me for reducing my cholesterol from 205 to 160. My HDL went down from 44 to 40. Triglycerides went from 127 to 93. She said all of this was great but I should eat some chicken because she was concerned about my protein. I asked did my blood work measure my protein. She advised, Yes your albumin and it is normal at 7.0. I then ask, so why do I need to eat chicken. She then stated it will help my immune system. I say, well I have not been sick and don't get sick. She said the protein is your protection. WTF
I haven't been told that, but I went to my dr when I was 18 (10 years ago, didn't have as much on the internet as now) and asked him what vitamins I needed if I was vegan and he told me to drink a milkshake. Needless to say, I had no idea what I was doing and fell off the wagon for years. I still can't believe he suggested a MILK SHAKE. Drs are just.. lol.
I turned vegan a year ago but, I've had high LDL and relatively low HDL levels for many years now and after many nutrition therapies the result hasn't changed much. I need to re-open my clogged arteries and normalize my cholesterol levels. Pls guide me.
Great video. I actually just sent off my blood samples to a lab today, I've been Vegan 2 years exactly and am anxious to see how it's affected my LDL stats.
Yeah my dad added a bunch of boiled eggs to his diet to try and lose weight and when he got his blood tests back his LDL was really high and HDL was really low.
I would show this to my Dad but he'd show me another study funded by the egg industry and then get mad at me when I say it's funded by the egg industry
My HDL cholesterol is extremely low but so is my LDL. So I don't worry about it. It is said that HDL takes the LDL cholesterol back to the liver for processing. So it would seem to me that if your LDL is low then your body wouldn't need to have high HDL because there wouldn't be much LDL to transport back to thel iver. That's probably why Dr. Mercola says it's the ratio that is important. He says (believe HDL should be like 25 percent of LDL). So I would imagine yes if you eat more dietary cholesterol (although not a huge impact supposedly) on total LDL your body would probably need more HDL to transport it back to the liver. I've read that if you did have high cholesterol it is the often the result of having too much inflammation in the body. Although too my reading about supplements says that a deficiency of niacin can raise cholesterol as niacin helps regulate cholesterol.
I eat one or two duck eggs per week. I also consume raw goat milk and goat milk kefir. The remainder of my diet is plant based. I take many target supplements and 5 mgs of Crestor per day. Here are my latest blood test results Cholesterol 123 mg/dL Triglycerides 52 mg/dL HDL 81 mg/dL LDL Calculated 32 mg/dL Non HDL Cholesterol 42 mg/dL Thoughts?
When my numbers came back as "good" LDL and "low" HDL, the clinican didn't tell me to eat eggs to raise my HDL, he told me to excersize! The fact that I possibly don't actually need to raise my HDL aside, has there been an evidence based causual relationship linking exersize and raise in HDL? I am a pescetarian and have been for 9 years. The more I learn about nutrition, the happier I am that I quit eating legged meat! (for lack of a better term) And the more I want to go vegan. My biggest barrier at home is's so delicious. Lots of my favorite dishes need it and you can put it on almost anything and it makes it taste so good! I have tried a few vegan cheeses and have found them to be so disappointing. Can you recommend a good vegan cheese? I am familiar with the ethical concerns of cheese (and therefore embarassed I even consider it's taste) and hope to go vegan soon. I would however love to hear about specifically cheese and health, I don't know much about that....assuming it's "bad"? Also, I know FIRST HAND how overblown people's concerns for "not getting enough protein" are, but I used chronometer did struggle to get enough of all of my essential amino acids even as a pescetarian. I probabaly need to dive more into legumes.....any vegan protein help!? Especially on the go, premade frozen entre level busy? I do eat a lot of vegetarian chick'n substitutes but most of them aren't vegan. My biggest barrier to veganism eating out is fish.....eating fish make it so there's actually an entree I can have. Do you have an eating out vegan video or can you make one? I could go without out restraunt food but eating out is important to me socially.
I noticed that on the chart with vegans having lower LDL, all groups have almost the same HDL levels. This would support the hypothesis that HDL is oxidized.
my ldl is 120 and hdl is 41 i eat clean but my hdl can rise just doing more intense cardiovascuar. Its scary how doctors pretend to know about nutrition lol
My mom literally eats half a dozen hard boiled eggs (without the yolk tho so it's "ok") a day bc she says she "needs protein" bc she's hypoglycemic. Heart disease runs in our family (great gdad dead at 40 from heart attack, gmom had quad bipass). My mom's cholesterol is through the roof and her drs are "puzzled" bc she "eats right" so it has to be genetic. How does that explain my awesome numbers then (vegan for years)?! Like seriously why won't they believe me? I'm not some crazy liar or fanatic. Drs know nothing about nutrition. I mean, hospital food alone...and sick people need good nutrition most of all. Sorry for the rant. :/
That... I mean, bless you and your family and your mother's situation, but when people aren't critical it leads to unfathomable stupidity. Shame on her doctors, really.
+Donner Party are you implying that vegans die early?
So she throws away six egg yolks every day? Oh gee..
Tristan Devereaux this comment makes me so sad :--( so many parents laugh at their vegan kids...
Tristan Devereaux did she change her behavior after you showed her this video xD?
I love when the meat, dairy, and egg industry fund the research. It's not suspicious at all.
Hi abrahim I have never eaten eggs , meat , or dairy, in my 69 years . Do you think I need to start eating them now ? . Also when will eating them become essential ? .
lol yes it clearly was ! .
S J not in the slightest 😏
abrahim aqeel lol
Yeah, it's like a candy company releasing an article titled "why the hell are you eating corn syrup?" and another "Buy more candy! It's good for your bones!"
Great video! My doctor actually told me to eat some cholesterol when it measured 108 mg/dL (went down from 177 mg/dL when I turned vegan). Her argument was that my cholesterol was below normal and I should eat some animal products to make it normal... I answered her that it's normal to get heart disease. She went quiet :P
I work at a very large hospital and we have a health incentive program that pay us the healthier we are.
My LDL is very low and my HDL is about 3 points below the "normal" threshold.
I basically fail the test every year and get paid less because of my HDL being slightly below average, even though all my other labs are literally perfect. So I'm forced to raise it through any means possible to get the incentive. It's extremely frustrating as I'm about as healthy as a human being could possibly be.
It's a flawed system that hasn't caught up to the realities of what's actually healthy. This coming from a large hospital that should know better.
Just shows how behind the times the overall healthcare field actually is as a whole.
Hilarious and sad at the same time. It will change soon enough tho.
Lecithin will supposedly raise your good cholesterol (it's the compound in egg yolks that raises good cholesterol). You can get it as a pill. When I was on a low carb diet, I ate over 3 dozen eggs a week and my cholesterol was 3 points from being off the bottom of the risk assessment chart (my bad cholesterol was low and my good cholesterol was like 30% above normal, canceling the risk to almost being off the chart. My doctor was flabbergasted. He said I can't tell you not to eat anything , even bacon. I've never seen cholesterol like that in my life. What have you been eating?" I told him FAST FOOD (which was true because I had been off the diet for a year and I was in the process of moving and was mostly eating Wendys and Taco Bell for the past couple of months). He almost fell over backwards. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the the look on his face. He thought I was a genetic freak, but I told him about the low carb diet, but that was 15+ years ago and they didn't discover yet that low carb diets raise good cholesterol while slowly lowering bad and that Lecithin in eggs is the key factor in raising good cholesterol in them. And yet STILL many doctors don't recommend eating more than a few eggs a week when that's absurd. There is nothing better for your good cholesterol that I know of than egg yolks (the whites are mostly worthless) without going to statin pills or something.
@@VonMagXL You missed the point entirely
Same issue here. 3 points below the 40 mark. HDL is only good high if LDL is high from a high Saturated fat intake. Dr. Khambatta (nutritional biochemist) has talked about this before, i.e. HDL not as important as total cholesterol.
❤Thank you so much for posting this!😊❤
It's interesting. I'm in school to become an MS RD right now and all of my professors say that cholesterol isn't a nutrient of concern anymore since eating dietary cholesterol doesnt appreciably raise serum cholesterol levels because the amount you might ingest is negligible compared to the amount of cholesterol your body makes. Each and every one of my RD professors (and because of it, all of my classmates as well) go around confidently calling it a "settled issue", and that bad science produced the "outdated cholesterol scare"...... But not one of my professors have presented any evidence for this claim. It makes me wonder if they even read any research or if they just saw cholesterol get removed from the Dietary Guidelines as a nutrient of concern and just rolled with it. It also makes me confused because I try not to be dogmatic about veganism, particularly in that environment. --- as a side note though, we had to get our lipid levels checked for a lab and my LDL levels were less than 100 while the hard core paleo girl who thinks saturated fat is a health food had LDL levels in the 200's despite weighing only about 100 lbs. She tried to tell me that it was actually a good thing to have levels that high.....
Mic is clueless. Half of people with heart attacks have normal cholesterol. It's not cholesterol, it insulin resistance and platelets.
@Donner Party evidence please?
Donner Party Mic may be clueless, who knows but everything he presents in his videos is all science backed. So it's irrelevant if he's clueless really.
Veggie Vendetta I am starting an education to be a certified nutritionist monday and I am scared to be indoctrinated with lies. My strategy is to ask "Why?" a lot, and to ask for documentation for the claims. Luckily I am 40+ and I don't believe things just because the teacher or the book says so, but it is difficult. I don't want to be a pain in the *** for my classmates or the teachers.
Donner Party It is right that people who just had a heart attack not necessarily has high cholesterol. I have not looked into it that much yet, but my hypothesis is that cholesterol is used by the body to calm down the inflammation and the heart attack could create so much inflammation that the cholesterol drops for a few days. It could also be that the cholesterol is lowered by medication, I have heard that even though the cholesterol numbers are kept down by medication it does not prevent the heart attacks. And often the eksplanation is a combination of factors. But it is a very interesting question, and it appears like the studies doesn't add up. That is often an indication of that we still have something to learn.
Ah how are you so damn good at this!! I'm growing a Mic the Vegan red beard to honor your hard work. I'll wear it in my videos.
Well Your World
Well Your World
Well Your World Watch "The Truth About Cholesterol - and LDL and HDL" on TH-cam
Well Your World Watch "Omega 6 Fats & Inflammation" on TH-cam
Well Your World Watch "How To Read & Understand Your Cholesterol Numbers" on TH-cam
Once I learned, and verified that we (humans) create our own cholesterol, it didn't make sense to "supplement" with animal products to get it :) Easy enough
Julie Brendmoen-Crow oh we create our own? Good to know I'm vegan and have been recently learning about cholesterol and how it works in our body
I went to my doctor yesterday and she literally gave me outdated BIASED information and told me vegan was the "most unhealthy diet". She wouldn't back anything up either, and she only mentioned the B12 situation. Which duh I know. She also said that I was too young to be educated on veganism and that I will quit this "vegan thing" within a few months. Also that I haven't been vegan long enough to show any negative effects yet. Which was hilarious to me. My doctor told me eating eggs is 100% healthy.. Like.. what? Eggs cannot even be classified as a health food. I was so appalled that a doctor actually recommended eating eggs. It's sad I cannot even trust what my doctor says anymore, because all she has is biased information.
Oh and she also brought up "humane slaughter" which do I even need to get into?
Shaunalea Archer I hope you're looking for a new doctor
I would like to try
Shaunalea Archer here is a vegan doctor
It is unhealthy
@@LogosTheos How comes vegans live the longest then?
I stopped eating eggs after I started watching this channel and now I don't feel sick everyday.
Jeremy McAdams
Jeremy McAdams
I stopped eating sugar and carbs and more fats and I feel better.
You probably feeling like shit from the combination of sugar and fat.
How do you feel now?
@@Sunglare1 Please kindly go back to the cave you came from.
Who else at one time loved eggs and now they wouldn't touch them with a ten foot poll. I can't believe I used to eat 5 eggs at a time! ARRGGG
I never really liked them all that much, but now I just see them and think "hen's period" and then the atrocities that happen to the poor chickens flash through my mind.... ;-(
I often had 6 egg omelettes. I distinctly remember eating 10 eggs in a day once and laughing about it. 😷 my poor body. Thank the universe i came to my senses!
I loved eggs back then (only scrambled or omeletted though as hated taste and texture of yolk alone) but with every single egg i cracked i would pick out with a fork that white bit that would be attached to the raw yolk. Idk if anyone would know what i'm talking about but it grossed me out. Same whenever i'd have an egg with spots of blood in them. So repulsive i'd often throw the egg out rather than making do with picking blood out and for a while was really put off eggs. This along with the fact that i liked my meat to be very well done with no pink and also would not handle raw meat when preparing a meal (always avoided actually touching it or just got boyfriend to chop it up), to me, shows i was always "destined" to become a vegan. It was just a matter of time. Oh and the fact i wanted to have a little farm and be a farmer's wife but was insistent that no animal would be killed - we'd just keep them as pets and be the worst profitting farm ever 😂
+B Mary The red spot in the egg yolk is the fertilized baby (zygote) of the chick.
My whole life I only liked them when the yoke and white was mixed.
Going vegan for me was just giving up the occasional omelet.
honestly I always thought they were kinda disgusting
Netflix helped me go vegan🌱😁🥑👏💙 #whatthehealth #Cowspiracy #forksoverknives
Have you seen "Land of Hope and Glory"? And "Earthlings"?
Whoohoo!!!! Welcome to health and living in peace with your morals!! Bravo!!!!
+Juice...that's great're a good man !
Juice ha same :) thank you Netflix!!!! ;)
Just got through 'Eating You Alive'. Was a good watch.
I'm pretty sure you are ovary eggsaggerating this whole thing.
...I will show my self out already.
Give this man a fucking medal!
VegAnimation 😂😂😂
that put a sunny side on my day!
you are just a shell that can't take a yolk
Love the video Mike!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this one - it's answered all of my questions + more.
Jordan Rene this should help
If you are concerned about LDL, you probably ought to check out Ivor Cummins aka the Fat Emperor, David Feldman (cholesterol code), and Dr William Davis. Apparently, despite what we physicians have been taught, LDL is quite a poor marker for CVD risk. Better marker is HDL/triglycerides which I believe should be less than 2. When elevated, is a sign of insulin resistance which is definitely a/the driver for almost all CVD.
Yeah this is better than a UV response. Thanks Mic
Thank you, Mike!!! I just love how you break down the facts, plus the humor component -- can't resist it!! Thank you!!!!
Maria Angelova i wish every vegan can see this from Dr. Davis the vegan doctor
Pretty much filling my "health stuff" playlist with you.
Thanks for rockling!
Caleb Brandalise here is a video from Dr. Davis the vegan doctor
I'm going to share this on /fit/ and see how it goes.
I am a 53 year old natural bodybuilder and ate 5 whole eggs a day for 90 days. So 450 eggs. My HDL dropped and my LDL went up.
Never knew I needed this video until now
You're still clueless
Donner Party excuse me?
Donner is just another one of those triggered carnists that go around shitposting and talking down to people without actually having any argument. Pay no mind.
Daniel Gomez
Daniel Gomez
Can you make a video about palm oil, I would love to hear your opining on it.
*ann m.* It is a refined oil with zero nutrients that displaces nutrient dense foods from your diet. As such it has a net impact of reducing the amount of nutrients you get for a given daily amount of calories. This aspect is shared with all other refined oils including olive oil, even the holy of holies extra virgin cold pressed small grove lovingly picked by a wizen old Italian farmer in the tiny bottle for an astronomical price olive oil. No refined oil will ever improve your diet compared to a diet without any refined oil.
But adding insult to injury, palm oil is mostly saturated fat, and the jury is in on saturated fat and that it is simply not good for us. That is about the only thing we need to know in order to know that we should never ever consume anything containing palm oil if we actually give a damn about our health and the health of our families.
If you actually care about the environment, then palm oil has two major strikes against it since it tropic forests are being clearcut to make room to plant palm plantations. And add the last insult is that much of this forest is the last refuges for the orangutan which is being driven to the brink of extinction by the palm oil industry.
To "cut to the chase" - start at 9.42 and play through to 10.18 - for those who are going to have troubles staying with the content through the depth of details gone into by Mic the Vegan in this video.
Another excellent video Mic. the Vegan - you are taking on the tough stuff and doing a superb job on it. Well done Mic the Vegan.
I GOT THE MEMO Dr. Davis vegan doctor says some great stuff
Dude. You are legit amazing. The way you present your videos in such an easy to understand manner is mind boggling.
If people still eat meat, eggs and dairy after watching your channel they are simply ignorant and don't want to give in to the fact that all those things are terrible for your health.
Your knowledge will take you places Mic. Keep up the good work.
Physique Chef what about this famous vegan doctor?
I was just talking about this with my family lol because I have low HDL.
Yet another GREAT video!
Oh and the music at the end was a nice touch. 👍🏾
Been Vegan for 2 years. Dropped my overall cholesterol. However, my Dr. said my HDL was to low and recommended grapeseed oil. LOL Thanks for the video Mic. Great stuff.
I'm so glad for this discussion as I just lowered my triglycerides by 100 points and my cholesterol by 40 points due to my low fat vegan diet, by my hdl is still very low at 27 in fact it dropped one point prompting a red flag and a "bad ratio" number on my chart even though my cholesterol is in the normal range now. I am going to share this with my doctor
I needed this so badly! great timing!
zdenka why
Jose Caceres because some of my friends were telling me about this a few days ago (and how stupid I am 😐 )
*zdenka* Ask your friends if there has ever been a study where whole plant food vegans added meat, eggs or dairy to their diet reduced their cholesterol, lowered their blood pressure, lost weight. And then share with them the studies that show the reverse that when people go on a plant based diet their cholesterol drops rapidly towards an optimal level (total < 150, LDL < 75), their BP drops to the optimal (< 105/70), they lose a crap-ton of weight leveling off at an optimal BMI of around 21-22, and, if they have them, reverse their diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases. If they can't who is smart and who is stupid.
zdenka check out the skeptical cardiologist.
I love you Mic the Vegan! insightul and as funny as ever. plz do another debunking Unnatural Vegan
He can't debunk her because she made some valid points 🍒
Unnatural Carnivore guess you're a fan then with a name like that
Please like to he can see this!!! A study from The Lancet came out this past week stating that carbs are bad and saturated fat not??! Maybe Mic can debunk this of someone else explain. Just started whole food plant based diet so hope article is bullocks. Thanks!
'High carbohydrate intake was associated with higher risk of total mortality, whereas total fat and individual types of fat were related to lower total mortality. Total fat and types of fat were not associated with cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, or cardiovascular disease mortality, whereas saturated fat had an inverse association with stroke. Global dietary guidelines should be reconsidered in light of these findings.'
Sophie Heering The healthiest groups of people living in the 'blue zones' eat a mostly plant based high carbohydrate diet. Watch
Sophie Heering Trying to see if cardiovascular disease occurs(the clogging of arteries) by using population studies is inefficient because these studies are not capable of seeying if saturated fat causes cardiovascular disease because they don't account for base line cholesterol
Vegain gains has a whole video on this topic. The video is titled *why saturated fat and cholesterol are not healty*
Also the supposed carb eaters ate refined carb products
The study is a joke. It only looks at % of calories from fat or carbs, not total amount of fat or carbs or even calories. Since virtually no one in the US or Europe (the only places in the study) meaningfully limit oil or animal products, the group with high % of calories from carbs was almost certainly eating way more total calories than other groups via refined carbs and soda. Furthermore, the study completely ignored source of carbs. As we all know, refined and processed carbs are bad for you. These are the main types of carbs consumed in the US and Europe, so it makes sense that the more of these carbs people eat, the more health issues they have. Finally, a study from the same University using the same dataset clearly showed that fruits, vegetable, and legume consumption were protective for human health
This type of study is prone to more potential confounds than usual due to the need to look at different people from 18 different countries. An easy example here is that if you don't control for household income, there's a long established relationship between household income (how much wealth the person/family has), fat intake (which is a luxury food in many countries), and access to medical care. I.e. people with comparatively more wealth tend to eat more fat and, due to the wealth (not the fat), have access to better healthcare. You can get some seriously screwed up results with associations like this.
The more obvious confound here is carbohydrate quality, and even fat quality. For carbohydrate quality, if you don't meaningfully differentiate between refined and unrefined sources you're of course going to get associations driven by soda, junk food etc. These would disappear and likely reverse for unrefined sources, as we know from more careful research on the subject. Similar deal here with fat - it's surprising that there is NO association with mortality since even the most ardent low carb proponents would admit that trans fat intake is a huge risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality. That this relationship doesn't show up at all is a bit troubling. It begs the question of whether their statistical modeling is over-adjusting and why it would miss an obvious relationship like that.
The other interesting thing is that even this study found no association between carb intake and increased cardiovascular disease/mortality. Since that's the number one killer in western nations, this is pretty interesting in and of itself. The ~25% increased mortality has to be coming from "other sources," e.g. cancer, dementia etc. No research has ever even remotely suggested that unrefined carbohydrate sources relate to these disease processes, actually the opposite, so again, it's in opposition to the majority of more carefully controlled research.
But either way, this is a single study. There are other studies looking at less diverse cohorts where it is easier to distinguish dietary effects from lifestyle factors. Here's an easy example:
From this study:
A low-carbohydrate diet based on animal sources was associated with higher all-cause mortality in both men and women, whereas a vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diet was associated with lower all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality rates.
I don't think it's helpful to ignore research but it should be looked at in light of the fact that there is an abundance of research on this topic at this point, and there's a clear and persistent relationship across a broad spectrum of research implicating animal sources of fat and protein with atherosclerosis and increased mortality, and a consistent relationship showing that plant sources of fat and protein tend to show the opposite.
I'm not sure what study Zach Cain was reading but this study looked at communities in multiple regions in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Sooooo while the his point about the types of carbs is correct, I think you may be talking about a different study than the one she is referring to. After reading this, I see a couple of issues: First, in their acknowledgements they have an INTENSE list of pharmaceutical companies acting as funders. That feeeels like a red flag to me. Second, and most importantly, while they list the types of fats being consumed, they really gloss over the types of carbs being consumed. They just use the blanket term of "carbs"-- but buried in the discussion is one quick blurb about how the low and middle income people in the Asian communities that was used for the high carb data ate a diet that was almost entirely comprised of white rice and white bread.... So like highly processed carbs. And indeed in many Asian communities, white rice can get as high as 70% of the diet. So its unsurprising that they saw total mortality increase in these groups. if 60+% of your diet is largely devoid of micronutrient nutrition and fiber the population would likely develop many nutrient deficiencies that would increase risks of numerous diseases. That is why there is a push to genetically engineer rice to have things like Vitamin A because certain parts of Asia are notoriously deficient. And while I'll be the first to cry foul on the healthfulness of animal products, when you are looking a nutrient devoid population, having those will be better for outcomes than not having them--particularly for key nutrients. Now hop over to countries like South and North America, Europe, and South East Asia which were used as the "high fat" comparison group. They have much more diverse diets where carb sources will likely include things such as legumes, fruits, potatoes, and corn along with higher fat intakes. Additionally, these countries have better healthcare systems, so if someone gets heart disease, they may be less likely to die from them due to pharmaceuticals (like the ones the dear sponsors of this paper produce). This paper only looked at mortality, and actual strokes and heart attacks, not disease states. It says nothing about how many people in the lower carb, higher fat group had heart disease or hypertension but had not had a heart attack maybe because of statin drugs or stints.
Thank you for creating this fantastic compilation of studies on the topic! I’m a lot more clear about this area now.
Excellent, I learn a great deal watching your videos.
99% of people still believe that eggs are healthy
Lichtblick 99% are stupid.
"It's as if people don't understand how capitalism works still."
Not sure what your comment is supposed to mean.
mjs28s it's all about $$
In other news, 31% of all statistics are made up.
I love to think it was a baby's home, nothing for me to eat. And it stinks as well.
So... takeaway is my HDL of 30 isn't a big deal when my LDL is only 80? I'm generally healthy (5'11", 185 lbs) and don't eat a lot of garbage, and I've been worried about raising my HDL.
If you are worried about low HDL levels, then have a good diet, good sleep, and exercise. That all you can do.
I love your videos Mic! Your videos were the tipping point in my switching to a plant based diet. I really appreciate how researched and thorough your videos are while also still being entertaining
I always enjoy your videos. I'm curious, is it only you doing the research or do you have help? If it's just you, then you are a monster at research. Either way, awesome work.
Glenn Gibson here some research i did from Dr. Davis the vegan doctor
Glenn Gibson sorry this should work
Triglyceride levels , C reactive protein and HbA1c are big part of the equation regarding cardiovascular health not just Cholesterol.
I would love to see a video from you debunking the lies of Varg from the channel called Thuleanperspective. He has been spreading a lot of nonsense regarding vegans and veganism.
Just make sure he doesn't find out where Mic lives to avoid attempted murder. That Varg dude is a lunatic
Varg is a moron that thinks LARPing in a forest will fix all of Europe's problems.
Jakob Stubbs Yea, them videos were strange as hell.
+Fredrick Goodwill Yeah bro let me just stab someone *23* times in self-defense.
Varg made a couple of good songs apart from that I don't think he's a great role model lol
Eggcellent, as always. hahaha
You're on the ball with this plant-based health thing, Mic. Thank you for your hard work!
exactly have been told my cholesterol is too low and that it's not good for my brain and hormone production!
In Holland the Dutch nutrition center states eggs are a healthy source of food because of their vitamines, minerals and proteins. Their website does a good attempt of explaining how and why. They also state it does raise your cholestorol, but that the effect on CVD increase is only minor. They recommend eating 2 to 3 eggs a week. The complete explanation where they base their advice upon is in Dutch, found on the independent health councel for the government of the Netherlands here (I guess google translate will do a nice job):
All certified health / food consultants in Holland get their training based on that data. So they say eggs are okay. Which goes right against what I see here as well as on nutritionfacts. However, the argumentation of the independent health council also sounds very comprehensive. Who's right here? And why? Curious to learn...
Thanks, finally some useful information here. I am an vegetarian, always afraid of going full vegan because of my very low cholesterol levels (61 mg/dl total cholesterol)... They were always low, although I eat a ton of eggs and such stuff (yeah, doctor's recommendation). Can't take it anymore, yuk. I will just finish the package I have got recently (because wasting food really sucks) and finally quit them. This was really helpful, keep up the good work.
when i went vegan, my total cholesterol and HDL went down but my LDL stayed the same. Can you explain that?
Thank you, Mic. So tired of people using HDL as an excuse to eat unhealthy foods! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for this vid and your efforts. I have type 2 Diabetes. My HDL was an 8 and dr told me I had defected genes and chances of a heart attack within next ten years is 10x. He claimed foods wouldn't help. This is an upper scale network called St. Jude/St. Joseph in Orange County. Since then I went whole foods plant based. I'm determined to go back and put my numbers in his face and let him know it was foods that changed my numbers, not meds.
How'd It Go
@@peekay2221 if he isn’t responding maybe the heart attack finally got to him
Brilliant and valuable info thanks
"Why Is my liver turning black?" :D
Besides your videos being incredibly informative and entertaining, all of the components are just eye candy and educational
Eggstraordinary video! Eggactly what the Jimmy Moore crowd needed to hear!
I really like looking at you and listening to your research. BUT, could you please linger longer on the graphs and statistics so the viewer could examine them. 5 seconds isn’t enough. Best thing I’ve found is portfolio diet and fiber, fiber, fiber. That’s what cleans the blood. My total cholesterol has been as high as 280 (had very high HDL) been vegan for 10 years. Dr. Greger made a casual comment about portfolio diet. Total cholesterol now 166, HDL61,VLDL 12, LDL93, triglycerides 60. I’m 73 years old. Oh, what a feeling...FIBER.
You cannot fool me into thinking anything in HD is bad.
LDL isnt even the best predictor of heart diseases anymore though. Lp(a) has the best indication of heart disease after total cholesterol to HDL ratio.
High cholesterol is typically due to larger underlying processes such chronic infections, poor thyroid function, and even genetic predisposition (familial hypercholesterolemia) Biochemically were looking as to what the LDL receptor is doing in the liver, and questioning why LDL metabolism is backed up - insulin sensitivity, thyroid hormone have large affects on this receptor.
Looking at basic egg studies (which there are many, with just as many saying there are cholesterol raising effects as well as no significant effects) - does not take into account the many confounding factors that an overall diet pertains. you take out one thing, something else is going to replace it. - is it necessarily the egg, or is it that what youre replacing it with?
9 months later and no one responded to your excellent comment.
Good information but, I've found that even vegans die eventually. I've had vegan friends that were the salt of the earth. They were the same age as me, had the same interests as me and the same health level as me. (or so we thought) No exaggeration, all of them died suddenly. You can have an impeccable diet and an impeccable life style and a great outlook but sooner or later you find that even eating all the right vegetables you can will not save your life. IF it's "quality of life" you use as an argument for veganism, I say, to each his own. If it works for you, more power to you. I also know lots of meat eaters who are in their 90s and still actively kicking.
I recently lowered my blood pressure by eating a few fruits and vegetables every day. My cardiologist considers this a type of "Vodoo-Medicine." The statin drugs he was prescribing were killing me slowly and making life miserable. This same doctor falls all over himself tying to explain away the fact that a simple diet change can do what all the prescriptions drugs he's prescribed could not do. My LDLs are stable but my HDLs have dropped. Now he wants to prescribe more drugs. IT all begins to sound like one huge drug related scam after a while.
I think I'd rather die while living a happy life than dying a stress-related death due to being under the constant barrage of being warned or told that I NEED to get my HDLs up and I NEED to keep my LDLs down. I NEED to eat only fruits and vegetables. I NEED to stop eating fatty foods (which I don't really like anyway) I NEED to do this that or the other.
That's too bad those they people you knew diet. The reality is that vegans have lower mortality so that is not an argument against going vegan.
I had a lipid profile done last year (before I was vegan). My cholesterol was at 120 which is great, but my hdl was like 30 or something. Which the doctor said was too low and I should try to increase it. She recommended avocados and nuts though, so that's good.
I'll be having another lipid profile done in about a month, so it'll be interesting to see if my cholesterol has changed in the meantime (I've also been exercising more, so any changes won't be solely attributable to going vegan, sadly).
Greetings from Chile
Thanks for your - bomb of information - research
I love that you threw in the "wine is good for you" b.s. advice that people love to hear from the wonderful people like Dr. Oz. (" why is my liver turning black"--couldn't stop laughing ! ) ) Like you say, telling people that their bad habits are really good for them is music to their ears--tune gets very sour when the angina rock Mike !
Thanks a lot for your videos! I love them and I trust you and I'm so happy I've found you! Thanks!!!!
I drink 20 raw eggs a day. I weigh 75kg and can bench press 125kg. I'm 11% body fat and can run a mile in 6 mins without training for it. I've always got energy and never feel fatigued.
Levi Hudson hey what’s your IG I wanna ask some questions
@@marss4536 I don't have ig but feel free to ask me some question
OMG! I know an elderly woman who has many heart problems. She is always in the hospital getting surgery. Her heart doctor told her to eat 6 eggs a day! She always says she loves her heart doctor and that she has been seeing him for over 20 years. I have been trying to convince her to change her diet to feel better. She thinks its just old age and not a diet thing. Sad.
Thank you Mic. The Vegan - always enjoy watching, keep the videos and information coming. If you can change just one person you are making a difference :)
Holy shit dude. I remember when you had like 15k subscribers and that was not even a year ago. Keep at it, man!
This video is going to confuse people, high HDL is definitely better than low HDL. I agree increasing your HDL alone is not necessarily going protect you against heart disease. None the less low HDL is an indicator of poor health.
My ex-doctor told me to eat a can of sardines every day. He and his assistant both were obese. Hmmm...
Abnormally low levels of cholesterol are termed hypocholesterolemia. Research into the causes of this state is relatively limited, but some studies suggest a link with depression, cancer, and cerebral hemorrhage.
"why's my liver turning black" lmao
You're always the best Mic! Keep it up
I have high HDL but my GP said I have less than 1% chance of any heart disease. I also look more manly and better looking with a higher hdl level. I like vegans, it's a cool way to live but don't preach that you are better than everyone else.
He doesn't? I am not even vegan, but interested in his viewpoints. Maybe you should learn to look beyond your emotional prejudices and just concentrate on the facts he provides for you?
My doc wanted me to raise my HDL even though my overall cholesterol was low. He said that the HDL was a bit lower than the normal range. He knew I wouldn't eat eggs. He suggested I take Niacin, which I did to terrible results. Made me feel deathly ill. I checked my cronometer and was always getting more than 100% of the RDA for Niacin, so I stopped with the pills.
purewonka Vegans tend to have lower levels of HDL. I think Dr. Greger spoke about it; that the inflammation is lower on a vegan diet and therefore we do not need as much HDL. And these new findings about HDL seems to confirm this.
Many years ago, my doctor (now long since retired) told me that I had to eat fatty fish to raise my HDL cholesterol. Since I *despise* fish with a fanatical (almost religious) hatred, I didn't listen to him.
Seven years ago, I went vegan. When I went to see my new doctor (his predescesor had long since retired) he took one look at my cholesterol numbers and asked me for advice. You can't *pay* for something like that. :-)
Recently, when I went to see another new doctor (they all keep retiring), he actually thought I was on cholesterol lowering drugs. I had to tell him that I wasn't
I read the China study and went whole food plant-based. No cheese. No meat. I still used olive oil. I went on that way for about a year and a half I think. My left nipple began to hurt. It was painful to the point that I thought maybe I had cancer and I needed to go see the doctor. I started eating eggs and the pain disappeared. Fairly quickly. have often wondered if that was because my testosterone was low because my cholesterol was so low.
You should do an episode dedicated to health claims around wine.
My doctor told me I should take niacin to raise my HDL. I looked it up and found it doesn't change health outcomes either. Just raises the number.
Hey Mic. I really appreciate you videos. Could you please share a video on the myth that 'too low cholesterol' causes aggression, violence and crime; The first anti vegan documentary has made this claim which is a very misleading and deceptive claim to be making against vegans. In fact, so far I am 20mins into the documentary and already feel that you could do a great job debunking a lot said in it... The vegan community really need more people like you sharing facts and evidence!
Big respect to you x
Wasn't expecting the copagnada on a Mic the Vegan video:)
Mic the vegan> Unnatural Vegan
Unnatural Vegan is bae
Movement?... You mean cult
Angry Vegan Cyclist - I like how she's so good at triggering vegans, it's really fun to watch
@Donner Party Yes the cult of stopping animal exploitation and trying to maintain a planet to live on. -_-
I like to hear both of them tell us their ideas. I draw my own conclusions.
Yes, vegan here, entirely.
Greger did a few videos on how oxidized cholesterol is uniquely able to cross the blood-brain barrier and thus capable of clogging up cerebral arteries and causing dementia and strokes. Another major strike against eggs and any other food with oxidizable cholesterol (mostly dairy, custards, ice-cream and confections with butter).
...........I experimented with the whole 25 eggs a day many years ago when I came across some article of an 88 year old farmer that eats 25 eggs a day and is in good health. I did this experiment for 6 months and then got blood work done. My LDL levels were fine but my HDL was too high(which is not usually the case with the vast majority of humans). I was fine with this because there are little known health problems associated(recorded in history) with high HDL. Here’s my point: there are many factors that affect or don’t affect every diet. Emma Romano was 117 in 2016 and all she ate was 2 eggs and cookies ‘for an unspecified amount of time’. The vast majority of cholesterol in eggs is HDH cholesterol. This makes up the mylan sheath around your nerves and helps the body to function. The reason why I am writing all of this is 1, there is a record of vegans that do not last beyond 3-5 years of veganism who develop functional problems and get hospitalized. 2, there are Vegans that are exposed for eating eggs and fish in public even though they make videos that they are vegans and don’t consume animal products which included fish and eggs.
Just be careful and consider everything including the science beyond specific things, like the importance of cholesterol and if the body needs a supplemental amount of cholesterol.
Glad I found this info. I was upset because I just found out that my HDL is 46, but my LDL is 66
I am a vegetarian contemplating veganism. I don't eat a lot of eggs, but eat them maybe once or twice a week, plus whatever foods they're already in. When my cholesterol was recently checked, my doctor said it was within normal levels. Is the idea that eating eggs over years will increase my risk for CVD? I am 29. Thanks.
All my life I eat French food and 3 to 4 eggs per day my cholesterol is 3.5 at 68 years old HDL 2.5 LDL 1 I buy only free range eggs
Today my Dr. gave me the recommendation that I should eat some chicken breast or turkey during my 3-month follow up. She said this after congratulating me for reducing my cholesterol from 205 to 160. My HDL went down from 44 to 40. Triglycerides went from 127 to 93. She said all of this was great but I should eat some chicken because she was concerned about my protein. I asked did my blood work measure my protein. She advised, Yes your albumin and it is normal at 7.0. I then ask, so why do I need to eat chicken. She then stated it will help my immune system. I say, well I have not been sick and don't get sick. She said the protein is your protection. WTF
You enlighten me with the facts. Thank you!
I am Vegan and my recent blood test stated my HDL was too low . thanks for the vid
I haven't been told that, but I went to my dr when I was 18 (10 years ago, didn't have as much on the internet as now) and asked him what vitamins I needed if I was vegan and he told me to drink a milkshake. Needless to say, I had no idea what I was doing and fell off the wagon for years. I still can't believe he suggested a MILK SHAKE. Drs are just.. lol.
I turned vegan a year ago but, I've had high LDL and relatively low HDL levels for many years now and after many nutrition therapies the result hasn't changed much. I need to re-open my clogged arteries and normalize my cholesterol levels. Pls guide me.
Great video as always! 🤗💛
Great video. I actually just sent off my blood samples to a lab today, I've been Vegan 2 years exactly and am anxious to see how it's affected my LDL stats.
Yeah my dad added a bunch of boiled eggs to his diet to try and lose weight and when he got his blood tests back his LDL was really high and HDL was really low.
I would show this to my Dad but he'd show me another study funded by the egg industry and then get mad at me when I say it's funded by the egg industry
Tofu Powered here's a great video from Dr. Davis vegan doctor
We want to see Mike and Dr. Greger make-out.
My HDL cholesterol is extremely low but so is my
LDL. So I don't worry about it. It is said that HDL takes the LDL cholesterol back to the liver for processing. So it would seem to me that if your LDL is low then your body wouldn't need to have high HDL because there wouldn't be much LDL to transport back to thel iver.
That's probably why Dr. Mercola says it's the ratio that is important. He says (believe HDL should be like 25 percent of LDL). So I would imagine yes if you eat more dietary cholesterol (although not a huge impact supposedly) on total LDL your body would probably need more HDL to transport it back to the liver.
I've read that if you did have high cholesterol it is the often the result of having too much inflammation in the body. Although too my reading about supplements says that a deficiency of niacin can raise cholesterol as niacin helps regulate cholesterol.
I eat one or two duck eggs per week. I also consume raw goat milk and goat milk kefir. The remainder of my diet is plant based. I take many target supplements and 5 mgs of Crestor per day. Here are my latest blood test results
Cholesterol 123 mg/dL
Triglycerides 52 mg/dL
HDL 81 mg/dL
LDL Calculated 32 mg/dL
Non HDL Cholesterol 42 mg/dL
When my numbers came back as "good" LDL and "low" HDL, the clinican didn't tell me to eat eggs to raise my HDL, he told me to excersize! The fact that I possibly don't actually need to raise my HDL aside, has there been an evidence based causual relationship linking exersize and raise in HDL?
I am a pescetarian and have been for 9 years. The more I learn about nutrition, the happier I am that I quit eating legged meat! (for lack of a better term) And the more I want to go vegan. My biggest barrier at home is's so delicious. Lots of my favorite dishes need it and you can put it on almost anything and it makes it taste so good! I have tried a few vegan cheeses and have found them to be so disappointing. Can you recommend a good vegan cheese? I am familiar with the ethical concerns of cheese (and therefore embarassed I even consider it's taste) and hope to go vegan soon. I would however love to hear about specifically cheese and health, I don't know much about that....assuming it's "bad"? Also, I know FIRST HAND how overblown people's concerns for "not getting enough protein" are, but I used chronometer did struggle to get enough of all of my essential amino acids even as a pescetarian. I probabaly need to dive more into legumes.....any vegan protein help!? Especially on the go, premade frozen entre level busy? I do eat a lot of vegetarian chick'n substitutes but most of them aren't vegan. My biggest barrier to veganism eating out is fish.....eating fish make it so there's actually an entree I can have. Do you have an eating out vegan video or can you make one? I could go without out restraunt food but eating out is important to me socially.
Wait, I thought dietary cholesterol doesn't raise blood cholesterol.
(sarcasm alert)
NoExitLoveNow youre right
Are you aware that high levels of HDL are associated with a lower risk of dementia ?
I noticed that on the chart with vegans having lower LDL, all groups have almost the same HDL levels. This would support the hypothesis that HDL is oxidized.
Mic please answer this question, why did you not become a doctor?
my ldl is 120 and hdl is 41 i eat clean but my hdl can rise just doing more intense cardiovascuar. Its scary how doctors pretend to know about nutrition lol
My Dr. said I have perfect LDL but I need to raise my HDL