I felt like you were talking directly to me. I've had those exact problems and asked the exact questions you predicted! I've never understood how to relax and maintain connection. I've never understood how to relax my arms in general! It's always felt like I was relaxing, but every partner tells me otherwise haha. This video was really helpful!
I felt like you were talking directly to me. I've had those exact problems and asked the exact questions you predicted! I've never understood how to relax and maintain connection. I've never understood how to relax my arms in general! It's always felt like I was relaxing, but every partner tells me otherwise haha. This video was really helpful!
hi, danny thanx for this free offered webnar dance im learning alot as first timer.
hi, danny i cannot see your steps when you are demostrating. thanx
Yep - great video! It would be great to see the steps
How long have you been dancing, Joy?