Every time her name is said “Lily Blossom Bloom” “Lily Bloom” it just takes me out of the story and it’s real hard for me to take anything going on seriously
Im a vict too. My husbond pushed me hard to get me out of his room, this led to torn ACL. I had a surgery and hard time to heal. And can't have my previous feelings for him ever.
so you are divorced,right??😢😢😢😢😢i hope.he should even pay the court/you for all this emotional damage.divorce should help the victim .i hate him,yoir ex.my ex was the same.
i mean IF you arent then move away first,with help of a woman help center smthg like that,maybe get a new job if you dont have ,THEN ask for divorce and there must be legal aid in your country.he is the one at fault so it should be hard for him to win or pay nothing💪💗
Perfect Victim mentality is when we expect the victim of DV or abuse to have consistently acted in the most sensible, non-confrontational and polite way possible. Anything other than perfect behaviour from a victim of abuse is met with accusations of provoking their abuser. The truth is, when we put someone in an intensely stressful situation, they're going to respond with stress. When you repeatedly violate someone's boundaries and make them frightened or unhappy, they might respond by yelling, trying to fight back, having intense anxiety and clinging to you, or any number of unhelpful reactions. So, what differentiates this from abuse, you may ask? After all, he was trying to leave, and she wouldn't let him go. That's a violation of boundaries, right? Well, contextualise her behaviour for a second. By this point in the movie, he had already hurt her once before. She is afraid of his temper. He has also engaged in a fight with her ex-boyfriend, simply because he caught them talking in private. He has shown clear signs of jealousy over her when she has been faithful to him. He has made her feel responsible for soothing him when he is angry, blaming his trauma for his actions to get her sympathy (I believe this was subconscious on his part but still important to note that HE doesn't feel responsible for his actions). And now he has shoved her down the stairs, endangering her life, and lied/gaslit about it. So what differentiates her actions from his? Power. He is setting the tone for their interactions. Her mood hinges entirely on his mood. He acts, she reacts. This is important, people. This is important because it is the underlying message of the movie. This is important because victims stay in relationships like this for longer than they should, because they think their stress responses make them just as bad as the abuser. It is important because internet commenters hear the stories of real life survivors, tut, and point out the one thing they did imperfectly to provoke their abuser.
He is the obvious “villain” here, however, if you see someone that is clearly upset, clearly wants to be left alone, keeps walking away and saying “No! Stop! No! No! Stop! STOP!!!” Please do not follow them. Please stop. It may save your life.
yea he kept asking her to say things for him to hear instead of really asking her if she was ok - subtle but it is exactly how it starts - controlling the narrative
Justin is such a good actor… people get distracted by his beauty. He will get far the older he gets. I also believe Blake and him had a real chemistry here. And that he actually got lost in feelings given his strong loyal beliefs … he ultimately created a reverse psychology drama around the fights they had to not upset Emily. But hey, just a guess.
@@friendshipforever12 very true. Not saying he's ugly, just not my type. Your comment is very refreshing against the many others in my past who claimed I had no taste or I'm too picky.
Honestly this is the one time he didn’t do anything wrong. He was trying to get aww no from her and she followed him and he didn’t push her she fell trying to force him to stop. In the book and the movie.
Haven’t watched the movie but he sounds like someone with an emotional disorder, they do the fight flight thing without thinking and then are truly remorseful. Their brain is wired differently…no excuse for them, they need major therapy and even then, they can only get so far with strategies.
Those names. It's like someone really wanted the viewers to see the symbolism. I'm thinking of some similar alternatives. "Ryle" could have been Pistuff Aole. "Atlas," maybe Starman? lol. "Lily" and her delicate flower self, maybe Kitten? Heh.
@@lauraalbert3607 Ieven the book had me confused if he actually pushed her or if it was truly an accident. He seemed to be trying his best to just get away from her
I don’t understand how he’s gaslighting her issues of chase him and he turned around quickly and she fell. I don’t understand how they’re saying he pushed her.
he said she tripped if you go back he did push her but it was more to push her out of the way and when in that head space and that environment such as stair cases accidents are bound to happen the issue is he isn't owning up to his end of the blame i can see it being an accident and if he showed remorse for his actions but he's intentionally saying she fell because she made a mistake instead of saying he pushed her out of the way without thinking and ended up hurting her and they should discuss how both would wish to handle future situations and arguments so something like that never happens again i regrettably accidently hit my girl on the cheek one time because i had my back turned and turned around arms essentially flailing from frustration i was angry cause my car had broken down and i wasn't being rational immediately after i owned up to what i did showed remorse and then few hours later we discussed in length for like 5 hours how we should best handle one another when either one of us is angry and how each of us wants to handle conflict with the other it hasn't happened again since
Are we not going to address the fact that he repeatedly said, "Stop"." He's trying to get away from her, then she steps in front of him on the first step. Where is her awareness in this situation?
That’s what I was thinking I had an abusive father, my mom left him, that being said she didn’t respect his boundaries. That being said he had me until he said “tell me it’s nothing” that’s when he lost me. That’s him gaslighting her and manipulating her.
Perfect Victim mentality is when we expect the victims of abuse to act perfectly, at all times, or else we accuse them of provoking the abuser (at best) or deserving it (at worst). People act in stupid, uncharacteristic ways when placed in a situation they have no control over. They might yell or say hurtful things, they might hit back physically, or they might do what Lily did- panic, ignore the boundary being set and cling to their abuser in an attempt to keep them from leaving and doing something awful to someone else/ themselves. Lily knows Ryle has intense mental health issues and anger issues. Now, if a stable man had an argument with his wife over her ex-boyfriend, you'd assume he was going to go and calm himself down, right? Maybe a walk, a drive, maybe going to have a beer or two before returning to the home. What about an unstable man with a volatile temper? Where would you assume he's going? Here's what I would assume- straight to the ex-boyfriends house to give him a hiding. Or maybe straight to a bridge to jump off. When someone shows they aren't trustworthy, we fear them. And that's not her fault. He has the power in this situation, not her. He can choose to hurt her, or himself, or anyone else, and he's shown he is willing to do that. But sure. It's her fault for ignoring when he said stop. Perfect Victim Mentality in action.
damn this is hard to decipher do people make mistakes and things like this happen unfortunately yes i think it would've been more forgiving and self aware if he owned up to what led up to her getting hurt and that he leave for a few days to to cool off and think over what happened and then discussing with one another how to avoid situations like that happening again. he had said he lost his temper and in the moment i don't think he intentionally tried to hurt her but was definitely not thinking at least as far as i know i haven't watched the movie but acts like this are usually not intentionally trying to do harm but the guy could definitely do with some anger management and learning how to better handle conflict she should just respect the boundaries when he said stop and leave him alone
I dont know why the Director made Lily constantly lie during the whole movie. Her husband asked her not to speak to one person, her ex, a totally reasonable request, and then she continues to lie to him? And then he repeatedly tells her to stop and get away and she keeps on physically getting in the way and grabbing and tugging at him? And it's his fault she tripped while trying to cut him off on the stairs? No wonder this movie did horribly at the box office.
@thickymcghee7681 She didn't "trip", he literally pushed her with both hands, as you can clearly see (in the other scene where she remembers it's even more visible). Her lying is neither here nor there. There's NEVER any justification for violence. If someone lies to you, you can get upset, you can break up with them but you can't lay hands on them.
@@sarahfara1539 Dude a person is walking, telling you repeatedly to get away form him, you jump in front of him while he is on the stairs, a stair step only has like 6-inches of foot-room, come on let's use some common sense.
@@thickymcghee7681 I'm not saying she was acting wisely but I still doubt she would have fallen if he had not actively pushed her. And everyone should, even when upset, be able to still have some ingrained restriction to not push someone and to be careful yourself and others don't get hurt in a potentially dqngerous place like a staircase. The way you excuse him completely and are putting all the blame on her is alarming
@@sarahfara1539 Well I agree with you, if she had been acting wisely she wouldn't have fallen. Have to take accountability for our action. Also I find it kind of funny you completely excuse her with "...well she was acting unwisely." but not him. Why couldnt he have been acting unwisely also?
@@thickymcghee7681 ah yes, because lying to avoid your husbands volatile temper is just as bad as being the volatile, violent husband? She shouldn't have provoked him, right? This is Perfect Victim mentality. We expect victims of abuse to have acted completely sensibly and virtuously at all times, to be worthy of our sympathy for the abuse they suffer. The truth is, victims of abuse are in fight/flight mode because of the situation the abuser has created, and they react in ridiculous ways. She promised not to speak to her ex because she was afraid of Ryle's emotional reactions. He did not sit down rationally and calmly state his boundaries, which she then ignored. Instead he picked a fight with the ex, causing Lily distress and fear, and only calmed down once Lily agreed not to speak to the ex. He used the heightened emotions of the situation to force Lily to agree with him. And then, once she'd already made the promise, she was too scared to retract her promise, for fear of his reaction. That's abuse. Same with her chasing him. If he was a rational, safe person, you would assume he was going to take a walk and clear his head, or maybe grab a beer to let of steam, right? But he's not a rational, safe person. So you assume he's going to beat up the ex-boyfriend or hurt himself. And if he does that, then all of a sudden people would be asking "why did you let him leave when he was so upset? You should have stopped him!". And yes, he pushed her. It becomes clear in a later scene. Maybe he didn't mean to push her down the stairs, but he definitely meant to push her. Again, abuse.
Justin quiso hacer de la película un ejemplo para que las víctimas se reconozcan y denuncien. Pero Blake y su esposo hicieron muchas escenas absurdas y se perdió el objetivo. Ojalá justin pueda hacer otra el solo y con u
@ girl, the note is a number from an ex lover, NOT a friend. What would you do if your husband had a number from an ex lover, who you knew was very serious intimate relationship? How would that make you feel? And worst of all didn’t mention it to you from the beginning. I’m 10000 percent you would react. Violence/abuse is wrong but for the love of God, don’t get a number from that ex lover and expect your partner not lose his shit.
@@rrr826 Um he’s an ex that’s a friend. Either you’re secure in your relationship or you GTFO…but all of that is besides the point. That girl who is getting tossed around like a hackey sack and SAed?? She can take WHOEVER number she need to to keep herself safe and alive. Don’t try to brush what he’s doing aside like he deserves the right to make her dump people in her life for him.
Si el joven era menor de edad, y vive en una casucha sin agua, ni luz. Nadie inteligente lleva 2 bolsas de mercado. Le da comida preparada. O atun y galletas talvez. Yo pensé que había hidro al supermercado a comprar y luego entendí que robo todo esto de su casa. Nada parecido a la realidad.
whats her face ryan reynolds's wife was talking about her hair line instead of domestic violence? during the press tour? but the actual villain/director DID talk about DV? HMMMM
Tbh if this is about domestic violence i dnt see it, or they must be making a real joke of it. Lily lies and the only promise he asks of her she lies to him and goes behind his back. Which btw, he had told her "anyone else but him", which for an "abuser" to offer rhose kind of options is unheard of lol. Plus aside from looking like accidents, Lily always chases him dwn. The dude's reaction to just finding out ahe betrayed,lied etc to him, was him throwing a piece if paper dwn n running away loll. Maybe im missing something, but i realized maybe Lilys the abuser. Ahe lies,cheats and even controls the situations and has psychologically abused his mind so bad, that on a drop of a hat she made him give her a divorce juat saying it once, and shes isolated him so much that shes convinced him that even tho she constantly lies n betrays him, he physically abuses her, when she the one who goes for contact first. If u watch when he tried to leave, he even put his hands up lolol. Man, a conniving,lying and manipulative woman who can even brainwash and emotionally abuse and destroy a NEUROSURGEON is next level psychological torture
Lily actuando igual que amber. Si alguien es violento , uno se esconde, no se queda grabando o corre detrás de una persona que ha perdido el control. En la escalera es culpa de la mujer.
Wow! Espero que no tengas una vida con violencia, me preocupan tus palabras. O son para trolear o realmente has pasado una vida aprendiendo cómo lidiar con la violencia . Suerte.
It Ends with us Book by Colleen Hoover. It's a really good book. I hope everyone gets to read it. I'm told there's also a moving coming out or it's already out. However, the BOOK IS EXCELLENT!
Hacer ver qué Lily salia con un homeless y ver cómo se burlan de el fue cruel y luego verla besarlo en el bus fue desagradable yo dije no. Ese fue un mensaje de bullying y de reveldia no queda claro. Mala la escena
La escena donde se conocen fue tan larga y aburrida. Sin nada de química. Ella se ve mayor para los hombres, incluso que les pusieron barba , y aun se ven mas jóvenes. Eso dano la imagen de una víctima
Netflix también hace malas películas exageradas, sin investigación responsable de los temas. Cómo con los hermanos Menéndez. Los directores en muchos casos son extranjeros ni entienden la cultura o tema en verdad. Y todo le ponen 5 estrellas. Cero criterio y si hay critica enemigos
Hollywood hace muy malas películas. Y a los americanos todo les parece bonito, no tienen criterio. Está película fue tan mala que hizo despertar a la audiencia. Ojalá mejoren la calidad, ni siquiera investigan o leen el libro. Por eso el resultado
La escena que golpean al joven fue horrible e innecesario. Debio ir a la cárcel ese padre. Ella fue la que busca todo eso. No tenía valores ni respeto a si mosma lily
This whole movie is based on making a man look bad when his woman is doing toxic shit. Lol!! This is too funny. So she chases him down and tried to stop him when he’s having an emotional breakdown and that def looked accidental to me. Wtf is this movie 😂
Every time her name is said “Lily Blossom Bloom” “Lily Bloom” it just takes me out of the story and it’s real hard for me to take anything going on seriously
See I felt the same about the two guys names, Ryle and Atlas 😂🤮 what in the wattpad names are those
Why people have dumb names in real life
Im a vict too. My husbond pushed me hard to get me out of his room, this led to torn ACL. I had a surgery and hard time to heal. And can't have my previous feelings for him ever.
so you are divorced,right??😢😢😢😢😢i hope.he should even pay the court/you for all this emotional damage.divorce should help the victim .i hate him,yoir ex.my ex was the same.
i mean IF you arent then move away first,with help of a woman help center smthg like that,maybe get a new job if you dont have ,THEN ask for divorce and there must be legal aid in your country.he is the one at fault so it should be hard for him to win or pay nothing💪💗
Perfect Victim mentality is when we expect the victim of DV or abuse to have consistently acted in the most sensible, non-confrontational and polite way possible. Anything other than perfect behaviour from a victim of abuse is met with accusations of provoking their abuser.
The truth is, when we put someone in an intensely stressful situation, they're going to respond with stress. When you repeatedly violate someone's boundaries and make them frightened or unhappy, they might respond by yelling, trying to fight back, having intense anxiety and clinging to you, or any number of unhelpful reactions.
So, what differentiates this from abuse, you may ask? After all, he was trying to leave, and she wouldn't let him go. That's a violation of boundaries, right? Well, contextualise her behaviour for a second. By this point in the movie, he had already hurt her once before. She is afraid of his temper. He has also engaged in a fight with her ex-boyfriend, simply because he caught them talking in private. He has shown clear signs of jealousy over her when she has been faithful to him. He has made her feel responsible for soothing him when he is angry, blaming his trauma for his actions to get her sympathy (I believe this was subconscious on his part but still important to note that HE doesn't feel responsible for his actions). And now he has shoved her down the stairs, endangering her life, and lied/gaslit about it. So what differentiates her actions from his? Power. He is setting the tone for their interactions. Her mood hinges entirely on his mood. He acts, she reacts.
This is important, people. This is important because it is the underlying message of the movie. This is important because victims stay in relationships like this for longer than they should, because they think their stress responses make them just as bad as the abuser. It is important because internet commenters hear the stories of real life survivors, tut, and point out the one thing they did imperfectly to provoke their abuser.
He is the obvious “villain” here, however, if you see someone that is clearly upset, clearly wants to be left alone, keeps walking away and saying “No! Stop! No! No! Stop! STOP!!!” Please do not follow them. Please stop. It may save your life.
It’s Ends With Us this scene was so crazy Ryle gaslighting Lily 😮
yea he kept asking her to say things for him to hear instead of really asking her if she was ok - subtle but it is exactly how it starts - controlling the narrative
It’s disgusting how she keeps trying to comfort him when he’s angry. She keeps defending him.
Correct it not accidentally there was no accident he pushed in fit of rage he knew what he was doing then gaslighted her
Justin is such a good actor… people get distracted by his beauty. He will get far the older he gets. I also believe Blake and him had a real chemistry here. And that he actually got lost in feelings given his strong loyal beliefs … he ultimately created a reverse psychology drama around the fights they had to not upset Emily. But hey, just a guess.
He's an abuser. It is about control. He'll spread honey or use fists, just as long as he's in control.
I don't see his "beauty" like everyone else. Nice smile but I guess I'm the odd one that doesn't see a handsome guy.
@ Not odd at all. He is a stereotype of beauty. Thank god everyone has a different taste, the world would be boring otherwise.
@@friendshipforever12 very true. Not saying he's ugly, just not my type. Your comment is very refreshing against the many others in my past who claimed I had no taste or I'm too picky.
@@holly3359 that incredible … maybe you see things others don’t - and that’s a gift 🎁
I wish i had an Atlas 😢 please pray that me and my Atlas will finally meet soon.
be your own atlas. dont leave anything to anyone else.
No relationship is worth this abuse.. Life is best alone.
Get a life and stop fantasizing about fictional characters.
Just get out. Now. Everything else will be okay when you are safe.
That's so inappropriate. It's like announcing your pregnancy during your friends baby shower. 🚩
Get over it.omg
It's a movie
❤❤ ALL women are heroes! ❤❤
Get over it it’s a movie
It is a little rude
Honestly this is the one time he didn’t do anything wrong. He was trying to get aww no from her and she followed him and he didn’t push her she fell trying to force him to stop. In the book and the movie.
He was trying to get the hell away from her and she kept cornering him.
Haven’t watched the movie but he sounds like someone with an emotional disorder, they do the fight flight thing without thinking and then are truly remorseful. Their brain is wired differently…no excuse for them, they need major therapy and even then, they can only get so far with strategies.
Nah you not ever gonna make me feel scared, hurt or unhappy and be in my life
Weird he didnt bring her to the doctors after she fell but tried to cover it up himself...
Well he's a doctor in the movie
Those names. It's like someone really wanted the viewers to see the symbolism. I'm thinking of some similar alternatives. "Ryle" could have been Pistuff Aole. "Atlas," maybe Starman? lol. "Lily" and her delicate flower self, maybe Kitten? Heh.
I can see why she stays with this guy.
0 chemistry
Oh please she fell for him irl. Hard. Then cried wolf
“accidentally”. that was purposeful wth.
I mean he doesn’t exactly push her down the stairs.
You have to see the movie. You’ll be surprised
Read the book😢
Watch the whole movie or read the book
@@lauraalbert3607 Ieven the book had me confused if he actually pushed her or if it was truly an accident. He seemed to be trying his best to just get away from her
What was that number though?
I believe it was Atlas's number. He gave it to Lily so that she could call him if she ever needed him. 😭☎
He didn’t accidentally push her he meant it
I was just going to say don’t the show him pushing her in a flashback of hers.
I don’t understand how he’s gaslighting her issues of chase him and he turned around quickly and she fell. I don’t understand how they’re saying he pushed her.
he said she tripped if you go back he did push her but it was more to push her out of the way and when in that head space and that environment such as stair cases accidents are bound to happen the issue is he isn't owning up to his end of the blame i can see it being an accident and if he showed remorse for his actions but he's intentionally saying she fell because she made a mistake instead of saying he pushed her out of the way without thinking and ended up hurting her and they should discuss how both would wish to handle future situations and arguments so something like that never happens again i regrettably accidently hit my girl on the cheek one time because i had my back turned and turned around arms essentially flailing from frustration i was angry cause my car had broken down and i wasn't being rational immediately after i owned up to what i did showed remorse and then few hours later we discussed in length for like 5 hours how we should best handle one another when either one of us is angry and how each of us wants to handle conflict with the other it hasn't happened again since
The bigger issue is the lies he's telling about the incident after the fact.
Gastaron media película haciendo una tienda de flores, demasiado bonita que solo logro perder la importancia del tema
Been here 😢
Why can't women give space to the men and leave them alone when they are upset???
Are we not going to address the fact that he repeatedly said, "Stop"."
He's trying to get away from her, then she steps in front of him on the first step. Where is her awareness in this situation?
are we not going to address the fact that he hit her and the pushed her? did you not watch the movie?
That’s what I was thinking I had an abusive father, my mom left him, that being said she didn’t respect his boundaries. That being said he had me until he said “tell me it’s nothing” that’s when he lost me. That’s him gaslighting her and manipulating her.
@@dkg_gdkhe didn’t hit her in this scene his it the ground
Perfect Victim mentality is when we expect the victims of abuse to act perfectly, at all times, or else we accuse them of provoking the abuser (at best) or deserving it (at worst). People act in stupid, uncharacteristic ways when placed in a situation they have no control over. They might yell or say hurtful things, they might hit back physically, or they might do what Lily did- panic, ignore the boundary being set and cling to their abuser in an attempt to keep them from leaving and doing something awful to someone else/ themselves.
Lily knows Ryle has intense mental health issues and anger issues. Now, if a stable man had an argument with his wife over her ex-boyfriend, you'd assume he was going to go and calm himself down, right? Maybe a walk, a drive, maybe going to have a beer or two before returning to the home.
What about an unstable man with a volatile temper? Where would you assume he's going? Here's what I would assume- straight to the ex-boyfriends house to give him a hiding. Or maybe straight to a bridge to jump off.
When someone shows they aren't trustworthy, we fear them. And that's not her fault. He has the power in this situation, not her. He can choose to hurt her, or himself, or anyone else, and he's shown he is willing to do that.
But sure. It's her fault for ignoring when he said stop. Perfect Victim Mentality in action.
@@mcnoneya That's not gaslighting, that's him asking her to confirm her relationship with the guy was nothing serious anymore.
I never saw him push her......
Justin se equivocó de actriz. Se llevó una mala experiencia y seguro ni le hizo casting o a otras actrices. Tremenda enseñanza.
damn this is hard to decipher do people make mistakes and things like this happen unfortunately yes i think it would've been more forgiving and self aware if he owned up to what led up to her getting hurt and that he leave for a few days to to cool off and think over what happened and then discussing with one another how to avoid situations like that happening again. he had said he lost his temper and in the moment i don't think he intentionally tried to hurt her but was definitely not thinking at least as far as i know i haven't watched the movie but acts like this are usually not intentionally trying to do harm but the guy could definitely do with some anger management and learning how to better handle conflict she should just respect the boundaries when he said stop and leave him alone
I dont know why the Director made Lily constantly lie during the whole movie. Her husband asked her not to speak to one person, her ex, a totally reasonable request, and then she continues to lie to him? And then he repeatedly tells her to stop and get away and she keeps on physically getting in the way and grabbing and tugging at him? And it's his fault she tripped while trying to cut him off on the stairs? No wonder this movie did horribly at the box office.
@thickymcghee7681 She didn't "trip", he literally pushed her with both hands, as you can clearly see (in the other scene where she remembers it's even more visible). Her lying is neither here nor there. There's NEVER any justification for violence. If someone lies to you, you can get upset, you can break up with them but you can't lay hands on them.
@@sarahfara1539 Dude a person is walking, telling you repeatedly to get away form him, you jump in front of him while he is on the stairs, a stair step only has like 6-inches of foot-room, come on let's use some common sense.
@@thickymcghee7681 I'm not saying she was acting wisely but I still doubt she would have fallen if he had not actively pushed her. And everyone should, even when upset, be able to still have some ingrained restriction to not push someone and to be careful yourself and others don't get hurt in a potentially dqngerous place like a staircase. The way you excuse him completely and are putting all the blame on her is alarming
@@sarahfara1539 Well I agree with you, if she had been acting wisely she wouldn't have fallen. Have to take accountability for our action. Also I find it kind of funny you completely excuse her with "...well she was acting unwisely." but not him. Why couldnt he have been acting unwisely also?
@@thickymcghee7681 ah yes, because lying to avoid your husbands volatile temper is just as bad as being the volatile, violent husband? She shouldn't have provoked him, right?
This is Perfect Victim mentality. We expect victims of abuse to have acted completely sensibly and virtuously at all times, to be worthy of our sympathy for the abuse they suffer. The truth is, victims of abuse are in fight/flight mode because of the situation the abuser has created, and they react in ridiculous ways. She promised not to speak to her ex because she was afraid of Ryle's emotional reactions. He did not sit down rationally and calmly state his boundaries, which she then ignored. Instead he picked a fight with the ex, causing Lily distress and fear, and only calmed down once Lily agreed not to speak to the ex. He used the heightened emotions of the situation to force Lily to agree with him. And then, once she'd already made the promise, she was too scared to retract her promise, for fear of his reaction. That's abuse.
Same with her chasing him. If he was a rational, safe person, you would assume he was going to take a walk and clear his head, or maybe grab a beer to let of steam, right? But he's not a rational, safe person. So you assume he's going to beat up the ex-boyfriend or hurt himself. And if he does that, then all of a sudden people would be asking "why did you let him leave when he was so upset? You should have stopped him!". And yes, he pushed her. It becomes clear in a later scene. Maybe he didn't mean to push her down the stairs, but he definitely meant to push her. Again, abuse.
'Accidentally' pushing someone down the stairs is an oxymoron
Justin quiso hacer de la película un ejemplo para que las víctimas se reconozcan y denuncien. Pero Blake y su esposo hicieron muchas escenas absurdas y se perdió el objetivo. Ojalá justin pueda hacer otra el solo y con u
Its hard for me to feel bad for her when Blake is such a terrible actress here.
Um why did she take the note from the guy? She’s a huge red flag. If she liked the other guy why didn’t she tell him the truth?
Most women don’t understand that is still cheating
@ most people* because lest be real, cheating doesn’t discriminate.
Um not you guys blaming her from taking a number a concerned friend when her current partner is abusive???? Talk about isolating 😑
@ girl, the note is a number from an ex lover, NOT a friend. What would you do if your husband had a number from an ex lover, who you knew was very serious intimate relationship? How would that make you feel? And worst of all didn’t mention it to you from the beginning. I’m 10000 percent you would react. Violence/abuse is wrong but for the love of God, don’t get a number from that ex lover and expect your partner not lose his shit.
@@rrr826 Um he’s an ex that’s a friend. Either you’re secure in your relationship or you GTFO…but all of that is besides the point. That girl who is getting tossed around like a hackey sack and SAed?? She can take WHOEVER number she need to to keep herself safe and alive. Don’t try to brush what he’s doing aside like he deserves the right to make her dump people in her life for him.
Si el joven era menor de edad, y vive en una casucha sin agua, ni luz. Nadie inteligente lleva 2 bolsas de mercado. Le da comida preparada. O atun y galletas talvez. Yo pensé que había hidro al supermercado a comprar y luego entendí que robo todo esto de su casa. Nada parecido a la realidad.
He did not push her, she is a mess by herself
Apparently if you read the book, you’ll know his intent was to push her and hurt her…I haven’t read the book or watched the movie.
whats her face ryan reynolds's wife was talking about her hair line instead of domestic violence? during the press tour? but the actual villain/director DID talk about DV? HMMMM
God that hair is a mop
She did chase him and annoy the mess out of him lol. She was getting on my nerves at that point 🤪
Do you throw people down a flight of stairs when they get on your nerves? His actions are unjustifiable.
Justifying violence? Wtf is wrong with you?
Tbh if this is about domestic violence i dnt see it, or they must be making a real joke of it. Lily lies and the only promise he asks of her she lies to him and goes behind his back. Which btw, he had told her "anyone else but him", which for an "abuser" to offer rhose kind of options is unheard of lol. Plus aside from looking like accidents, Lily always chases him dwn. The dude's reaction to just finding out ahe betrayed,lied etc to him, was him throwing a piece if paper dwn n running away loll. Maybe im missing something, but i realized maybe Lilys the abuser. Ahe lies,cheats and even controls the situations and has psychologically abused his mind so bad, that on a drop of a hat she made him give her a divorce juat saying it once, and shes isolated him so much that shes convinced him that even tho she constantly lies n betrays him, he physically abuses her, when she the one who goes for contact first. If u watch when he tried to leave, he even put his hands up lolol. Man, a conniving,lying and manipulative woman who can even brainwash and emotionally abuse and destroy a NEUROSURGEON is next level psychological torture
Yeah, accidently on purpose...
Lily actuando igual que amber. Si alguien es violento , uno se esconde, no se queda grabando o corre detrás de una persona que ha perdido el control. En la escalera es culpa de la mujer.
Wow! Espero que no tengas una vida con violencia, me preocupan tus palabras. O son para trolear o realmente has pasado una vida aprendiendo cómo lidiar con la violencia . Suerte.
It Ends with us Book by Colleen Hoover. It's a really good book. I hope everyone gets to read it. I'm told there's also a moving coming out or it's already out. However, the BOOK IS EXCELLENT!
Yes I feel like so many little details weren't to mentioned in the movie. The book covers so much more that happened so much more that was said too.😢
Blake got Ryan in. He rewrote the vision baldoni had. So we r not seeing the directors cut
Hacer ver qué Lily salia con un homeless y ver cómo se burlan de el fue cruel y luego verla besarlo en el bus fue desagradable yo dije no. Ese fue un mensaje de bullying y de reveldia no queda claro. Mala la escena
La escena donde se conocen fue tan larga y aburrida. Sin nada de química. Ella se ve mayor para los hombres, incluso que les pusieron barba , y aun se ven mas jóvenes. Eso dano la imagen de una víctima
Netflix también hace malas películas exageradas, sin investigación responsable de los temas. Cómo con los hermanos Menéndez. Los directores en muchos casos son extranjeros ni entienden la cultura o tema en verdad. Y todo le ponen 5 estrellas. Cero criterio y si hay critica enemigos
Hollywood hace muy malas películas. Y a los americanos todo les parece bonito, no tienen criterio. Está película fue tan mala que hizo despertar a la audiencia. Ojalá mejoren la calidad, ni siquiera investigan o leen el libro. Por eso el resultado
La escena que golpean al joven fue horrible e innecesario. Debio ir a la cárcel ese padre. Ella fue la que busca todo eso. No tenía valores ni respeto a si mosma lily
Terrible acting from her awful castinh
She fell
This whole movie is based on making a man look bad when his woman is doing toxic shit. Lol!! This is too funny. So she chases him down and tried to stop him when he’s having an emotional breakdown and that def looked accidental to me. Wtf is this movie 😂
Did u even see the whole movie? He pushed her down the stairs.
@ no I haven’t but i can see she did something toxic and then chased after him. She should have let him leave upset.
@@Logantheblueheeler Are you blaming the victim?
He loves her so much and he couldn’t except the first love of her to back again to her life as she promised him that will not meet him again .😢