The force multiplier is just the latest iteration of "throw rock." See we started with just throwing rocks with our hands. Then someone got the idea of attaching a rock to a long stick, and throwing that. But then someone else realized that if you make the rock-on-a-stick smaller and launch it from another stick with a string, it works even better. Then we started melting rocks into more refined rocks, and someone discovered powder that goes boom and thought "Hey wait, what if I use this to throw a rock EVEN HARDER?" And ever since we have been inventing new and interesting ways to make rocks go really far, really fast.
I fully agree, but what would an atom bomb be? Strange rocks that collide with other strange rocks, like each other very much and go boom because of that?
Fun fact about all the animals he rattled off that were a threat in caveman days, we have found bones of all three of those species in the trash piles of neolithic camp sites meaning we hunted them for food. They were as much prey for our ancestors as they were threats to them so remember when you feel down keep in mind we are all the children of titan slaying badasses. lol
As a Jeep driver myself you can never really be sure if your Jeep is broken or just poorly made. Now that I have replaced almost every factory part in the Jeep to keep it running it runs great.
my little 97 xj refuses to die, best 2500 five years i spent now sitting at 312k miles and still ticking. literally been ticking for the last 20k miles, out lasted my sisters newer toyota forerunner
Am I the only one that noticed that the Yeti only became aggressive in the past year? if the Hunters story is to be believed; he had bean operating in that area for years, and was hearing things, and seeing the rock piles, but had not had any problems with the creature until that year. also the feeding site that they find is ferly new, going be the state of the bones. (side note: Animals that drag there kills back to a specific site to eat, normally layer nearby so they can protect there kills from scavengers, if these guys were real hunters they would have Known that.) going by the evidence, it could be theorized that this particular Yeti/Sasquatch has only recently become a Maneater, maybe even the attack on Natalie Being the inciting incident. also the creature shows its self to be rather lacking in experience; Case and point it plays with it's food, even after realizing that the main character can hurt them, it still decided to squire up on him, rather then immediately going in for the kill. after seeing the movie and with what little I do know about primates, and how social they are. my personal theory is that this Yeti might be a young inexperienced Male, that for some reason was exiled from its troop, and lacking in the experience to hunt there normal pray, turned to hunting humans for survival, part of me likes the idea that it was driven from the troop because of the attack on Natalie. Elephants have bean known to drive out members that kill people, if the herd has had experience with human aggression. any way that is just my theory. Thoughts???
@@chrisdufresne9359 Not necessarily; around 30 years ago, the Himalayan Tiger was believed to be destined for extinction because there were only around 12 mated pers in the wild, and attempts to breed them in captivity had failed. but now there are estimated to be around 2000 mated pers in the wild, without any help from humans. Generally animal populations can and do bounce back from hard hits to their numbers, as long as the rate of offspring reaching maturity can stay ahead of the adult mortality rate, then populations 80% of the time, will recover. Also if we are going with theory that Sasquatch/Yetis are social creatures, then that improves there chance of survival. Going back to the tiger example; it is believed that the reason for the rapid recovery of their numbers, was because Himalayan tigers mate for life, and both parents take part in the rearing and protection of the cubs, this means that more cubs survive to maturity and reproduce themselves. also as Tigers are the top predators of their ecosystems they face less direct threats to their offspring as even bears rarely will risk attacking a cub, let alone an adult. if we apply the same traits to Gigantopithecus aka Sasquatch/Yeti; social predators at the top of their food chain, short of them getting wiped out by a global extinction event, or direct intervention by humans, I would be more surprised if there wererat surviving population out there. Also the "11k" time of extinction, is just a theory; how labs get those numbers is by testing multiple samples and then finding the average, also the older a sample is the less reliable the test is. Quick disclaimer I am Not a Paleontologist I am just friends with one, they gave me that last bit.
I'm legit *super* stoked for this cryptid-hunting franchise they got set up with this, hope we hear news fairly soon and it hasn't gotten tragically axed...
it's interesting that the fact this was made to seemingly lead into an extended monster hunting cinematic universe is really cool because it almost feels like a roundabout SCP Foundation-esque genre.
No soldier, much less a Ranger, would go alone. If I knew I was going into this situation, I would have a team and I was a Combat Medic with the Infantry for 8 years. Even I learned to not go it alone.
Even as a former FO myself, the smallest team I worked in was 2. Never did we go alone unless I was with the sniper team and we would spread up when we were moving back to the ORP from our observation point. Even then we were within ear shot of each other.
7:48 Hol up there, Sporty Spice. We lose people in the Cascades all the time. Never to be seen again. 1 year is nothing. There are at least 1700 out there in the parks and wildlands that haven't been found years after the poof.
That's true, a lot of people go missing each year in the woods never to be seen again or without any trace of them found even years after they disappeared. We forget the full scale of the wilderness and how hard it is to find someone (or what remains of them) even with modern technology, disappearing without ever be seen again and is something that definitely happens. The Missing 411 books are great example of the sheer amount of people who went missing in very strange circumstances and makes you scratch your head. A lot of people even jump to conclusions like aliens, cryptids or paranormal explanations just because there are so many weird cases of people going missing, that lots of people can't comprehend how ruthless getting lost and disappearing in nature can be without involving fantastical elements.
It never ceases to amaze me when people go into the wilderness to seek vengeance against some monster and all they take with them is your typical bolt action hunting rifle when things like the GM6 Lynx exist. Like bro, no humanoid creature that is beholden to the laws of physics is getting back up after you throw a couple .50 BMG rounds through it.
The lynx's action is way too open (imo) for hunting a Bigfoot in a muddy forest. A Barrett (or even a Serbu if you are careful of iffy ammo) is probably a better choice. It would suck to try and hike that thing through rough terrain though.
Anyone who can voluntarily hike around the woods without issue but still got out after 12 years of service has demonstrated they aren't that bright. 8 more years and you get something unheard of for most of us saps: a pension and Tricare for life.
@@Backinblackbunny009Some people like the structure and belonging of military life. They might have no family or a shitty family to go back to. The bond between soldiers is also one of a kind, they have each other's lives in their hands.
Yep...things like... I'm standing 3 meters from a yeti with a magnum in my hand, but I choose to turn around and run away... or... running away from yeti with a rifle on his back, not in his hand... or...not keeping attention on the surroundings. As an ex-military, it was really painful to watch.
So if he was prior military leaving his bag far away is just a force of habit since recon is trained to lighten up before aproaching a stream in case shit happens one can run away faster.
Also marines, soldiers, navy seals etc. are also humans and not perfect, mistakes can happen even with people who have years of training for certain situations, especially under stress, strong emotions, under influence etc. Even tho it definitely can help having the training, but also sometimes it can make someone overconfident and getting over their heads thinking because they've been trained, that they can start taking unnecessary risks or making wrong decisions.
Can confirm that compound fracture is not only painful, but has to be fixed at the hospital. There's a super high chance there are splinters around the break, and leaving them can increase chances of sepsis. And! If it was a joint, sometimes they have to re-break the limb if healing is going to screw up your movement. The cast they put on you is massive and so. damn. HEAVY. Depending on the severity of your injury, you could be looking at a year or more with various casts. Eight-year-old me was not impressed.
@@prcervi Took a header over my handlebars when I hit surprise gravel going down a hill. I went down the rest of it on my face after I busted my wrist and my knees. Pretty gruesome, tbh. My school class didn't recognize me when they cleared me to go back. My face was pretty torn up, though, so I don't blame them.
@@Zyroes Thanks! I got really lucky with it. A few scars here and there, but meh. I was a very adventurous little kid. And we lived around a lot of places to explore! Learned from the bigger kids to test kudzu carpets to find where it made traps to eat children. Or tourists.
Now that you've covered giant fauna native to our world, it's time to turn your eyes not to the stars, but to the SEA. Even the dreaded angler fish steers clear of the Breach from which the Precursors invade from in the film *Pacific Rim* in all its glory!
The reveal at the end is meant to show that this is a sequel to another Bigfoot movie. Can't remember the title, but Lance Hendrickson starred in it. Of course, who saw that flick? I can't even remember the name of it. Also, I think we started becoming real dangers when we created bows and arrows. Humans no longer needed to get too close to the animal to hurl something at it. Way before guns. In a world of melee fighters, humanity was the first archer/ranger class.
I heard a story of a guy getting attack by a Kodiak, he stabbed it in the neck and lucky for him unlike your story he got himself a bear pelt and survived to tell the tale.
The mention of homeless camps in the wilderness makes me want a bigfoot movie that's actually an R rated Scooby-Doo mystery where it turns out a homeless man with gigantism was dressing up like bigfoot and murdering people for heroin money.
Interesting point for science and statistics nerds: if you create a visual database (binary objects) for all possible primates and hominids, and use a cluster analysis query for a large bipedal primate, you don't get Homo Sapiens, you get Big Foot.
He would rather fight that beast that threw him a tree with a rock on a stick than shoot it with the gun. Looks like they couldn't afford gunshots for CGI.
insert the video game who’s whole premise is find the bodies and the proof then kill the bigfoot/yeti. It’s all fun and games till it busts down the cabin door despite the bear traps.
0:40 saber-tooth cats (smilodon) actually had a weak bite. because their teeth were so long, they were also relatively fragile and biting the skull of another animal could easily break them
In all fairness for the scene where he drops his pack to go get water, heavy pack throwing off your balance and walking on wet/mossy stones near running water is a perfect recipe for slipping, eating shit, potentially get injured or knocked out, and ending up drowning
You mean how odd it is they ended up in yesterday, despite it's not entirely possible, since you can travel to the day before and be fine, depending where you go and the fact they eat it, making yesterday not exist anymore? Yup.. it would break my brain, but it feels like a movie he should talk about.
@@JackalopeBunny THANK YOU for the agreement. Truly, a spacetime breakdown via Roanoke would be awesome, but I want a breakdown of the creatures themselves.
Cross breeding an Angler Fish with just an animal that walks feels so limiting. Though, genetic splicing a chimpanzee and an Angler fish might prove worth exploring. Not by me of course, leave that to the community college volunteer interns.
Woohoo! Love this stuff! Got my wife listening to this. She has a masters in pathology and Bach in biology and she’s like “yeah he’s right” and I love it
6:35 The little piles of rocks are often trail markers, and vital to hikers finding civilization ever again… They aren’t piled there by yetis. Please don’t knock them over. Hilarious video, thank you!
33:17 I don't think this is standard predation. Predators instinctively perform a threat assessment anytime they encounter another animal to determine if it's something they can bring down without getting hurt. In this case, especially given how intelligent this creature seems to be, the first time this thing was shot at should have been enough to take humans off the menu permanently. What this tells me is that this isn't about food, this is some kind of blood feud.
@@Backinblackbunny009 there are some, but it's usually due to some crazy backstory, like the one person who failed a tiger hunt and got got some time later by that same tiger.
The guy being in a wheelchair and this being a bigfoot like creature reminds me of the movie Abominable. Makes me think the guy in the wheelchair is supposed to be the main character from Abominable, but the guy in Abominable was much younger.
Oh I also forgot, my favorite Bigfoot movie was Primal Rage. Those crazy folk turned that ape into the Predator, dude running around in bark armor and using bows.
Roanoke you SHOULD KNOW that OFFICERS are notorious for getting LOST on land navigation in the military. It’s a funny trope that always turns out to be true.
Sabertooth cats didnt as a rule break skulls. Their teeth were actually fragile, and were used to slice into the windpipe/sever major neck veins/arteries.
There are a couple problems with the theory that Yeti/Sasquatch is a Gigantopithecus, as originally proposed by Wladimir Tschernezky and Grover Krantz. First, the interpretation of Gigantopithecus as bipedal is based upon an incomplete posterior mandible that was specifically reconstructed to fit with the windpipe and spinal alignment of a bipedal animal. There is no hard evidence for this. Secondly, while fossil remains are exceedingly rare and incomplete, the scientific consensus places it within the sub-family Ponginae with modern orangutans. No known as extinct or living member if this sub-family was an obligate biped. If these animals were Gigantopithecus or a descendant, their bipedal motion would be closer to the temporary awkward gait of modern orangutans. You wouldn't get the animal seen in the Patterson-Gimlin film and you certainly wouldn't get the human-like footprint casts. A better theoretical ancestor for this creature would be an Paranthropus (robust Australopithecine). An obligate biped, and one with powerful jaws and a saggital crest. Still likely covered in hair and not a proficient tool and fire user. Unlike H. erectus, which would be immediately recognizable to modern humans as human. Of course there is no fossil evidence of any Paranthropus species leaving Africa.
With species interbreeding it's almost always going to be the female being bigger. It's how dog breeds come around. If you want a Corgi/Great Dane mix, the Corgi will be the male because a Corgi is too small to birth a Great Dane puppy. So Eructus got some Bigfoot cheeks for this one lol
Yeah, the worst vehicle I've ever owned was a Jeep Liberty. My Grand Am was great even if the paint was crap, only reason i don't still have it is because a 17 year old with a suspended license was doing 55 in a 30 and didn't notice my break lights or turn signal. Meanwhile the Liberty: constantly sprang leaks in the power steering, burned through wheel bearings way faster than it should have, had a radio volume knob that was more of a random button than a knob, and repeatedly had cam shaft and fuel pump issues at only 60k miles. My current Toyota is at 160k miles and is running flawlessly.
can confirm that Jeep is having head gasket issues. I had the same jeep in a grey color. it started doing that and it died shortly after with a blown head gasket. it's really not good.
Son, polar bears and grizzly bears have been taken out with 22 rimfires. The mistake people make is not knowing the skulls' weaknesses. Two things that will get you ended are shooting it between the eyes, due to the shape of the skull, small low lying brainpan, and the muscle attachments, the projectile will overshoot the skull or deflect up, really motivating the bear to end you. Shooting one straight in the eye will destroy the eye but miss the brain since the eye orbits project well past the brainpan of the beast. To eliminate the threat takes either a projectile placed midway between the ear and eye in a line between the two structures. The other shot with a 22 that will work is through one eye towards the opposite ear. Either of those shots pass directly through thin bone into the brain, transecting it, and are an instant off switch. Of course, both of those shots require you to get a drop on the Bear, and not the other way around.
I don’t usually leave two comments on one video, but these guys, one of them a professed Hunter, walking through this densely wooded area with heavy bull barrel rifles, and long distance scopes, obviously set up for 100 to 500 yard shots, would be absolutely useless in that setting. If I had a scope at all, it would be a 2X. But you’d be better off with iron sights, or really considering what you’re there for, a semi automatic 12 gauge shotgun. The hunter having a rifle makes sense, but not that model, and not those optics. Man, that was driving me nuts. 😅
Man: *picks up stone* Nature: oh, monkey has rock lol Man: *picks up stick* Nature: I don't like where this is going! Man: *sharpens stick, fashions knife and proceeds to create all manner of stone tools* Man *IS* GOD NOW! Nature: *Incoherent screaming*
Please COVER the mist! I’d love to see you speculate the creatures of that film, the science of them, the biology and potential origins of their species whether it’s true inter dimensional beings or just aliens from another planet.
God damn it Roanoke, those stacked rocks are trail markers. It helps people follow the trail in bad weather conditions or if it hasn't been maintained. Please don't encourage people to knock them over, it's why there's so many missing 411 cases.
Not case in Europe. Here it even got pretty big issue in nature reservations, specifically those that people makes for funnsies in rivers where it negatively affects endangered species.
@@Werewolf.with.Internet.Access and hopefully you will STAY in America. -.-" your on international platform watching channel with international audience, other parts of world are gonna be participating on discussion and ad context from other parts of world, deal with it. And given overlapping fauna of north America and Europe, it IS problem in USA as well.
This is why I watch your channel!! You always go through movies I tell everyone about but no one ever knows even though they are fantastic for the budget!!!
29:14 The footprint would actually indicate a midtarsal break, which makes sense because they are present in all apes besides humans. We are the only ape that runs long distances, so we evolved stiffer feet and springier achilles tendons
The force multiplier is just the latest iteration of "throw rock." See we started with just throwing rocks with our hands. Then someone got the idea of attaching a rock to a long stick, and throwing that. But then someone else realized that if you make the rock-on-a-stick smaller and launch it from another stick with a string, it works even better. Then we started melting rocks into more refined rocks, and someone discovered powder that goes boom and thought "Hey wait, what if I use this to throw a rock EVEN HARDER?" And ever since we have been inventing new and interesting ways to make rocks go really far, really fast.
I fully agree, but what would an atom bomb be? Strange rocks that collide with other strange rocks, like each other very much and go boom because of that?
@@Kestix1234one very very large rock hitting the ground
@@Kestix1234 We found magic exploding rocks, and threw them.
Rail gun be like, screw it, let’s use electromagnetism and launch melted rocks at the speed of Mach 8
@@vinjerhua4289 don't forget the project of tungsten giant spears deployed from satellites to hit bunkers
"You are just one long tube with two exit points"....I'm just trying to watch some Yetis man.....
By that logic we're always one long tube with two exit points...
Human Centipede did it better.
Not if those exit points are plugged...
When you kiss someone, you and the other person become one EVEN LONGER tube with two exits
Bigfoot is sometimes confused with Sasquatch,
Yeti never complains.
@@robertjensen1438 🤣🤣good one
That joke is abominable.
That stinks like a skunk, man.
The same thing different names.
It's so ironic that a channel called "Roanoke Gaming" now has a gaming channel.
Pretty sure this channel originally started as a gaming channel. Hence the name
Yes the gaming channel is called "Roanoke Movies".
Dead lol@@Dherkin_McGhurken
Where's the irony?
@@Crocy lost on you
Fun fact about all the animals he rattled off that were a threat in caveman days, we have found bones of all three of those species in the trash piles of neolithic camp sites meaning we hunted them for food. They were as much prey for our ancestors as they were threats to them so remember when you feel down keep in mind we are all the children of titan slaying badasses. lol
Then I'll get down again remembering we've been reduced to overgrown toddlers with tissue paper thin skin.
@@kristadowning4155You think people should got back to killing big cats for food?
Did he say that gamblor?
@@MajinObama do you understand what a joke is?
@@gamblorrr Depends on what they taste like.
As a Jeep driver myself you can never really be sure if your Jeep is broken or just poorly made. Now that I have replaced almost every factory part in the Jeep to keep it running it runs great.
Seems like you could have saved yourself a lot of time and money by not buying a Jeep to begin with.
@@l7986 oh of course nobody ever buys a 2nd jeep mine just hasn't completely died yet LOL
Always older models are better, anything after 2000 are crap and worse off.
Jeep people aren't the smartest
my little 97 xj refuses to die, best 2500 five years i spent now sitting at 312k miles and still ticking. literally been ticking for the last 20k miles, out lasted my sisters newer toyota forerunner
Remember the ABC’s of emergency medicine:
Coming through the skin is bad
I never know if watching your vids makes my brain more wrinkled or smooth.
Most of us have been facing the dilemma. 😅😂
it waxes and wanes in between lol.
I gain knowledge then brain rot, perchance 🗿
The knowledge creates wrinkles and his memes and sense of humor erodes my brain as I laugh like a donkey at each one of his jokes.
Smashed potato brain
Am I the only one that noticed that the Yeti only became aggressive in the past year? if the Hunters story is to be believed; he had bean operating in that area for years, and was hearing things, and seeing the rock piles, but had not had any problems with the creature until that year. also the feeding site that they find is ferly new, going be the state of the bones. (side note: Animals that drag there kills back to a specific site to eat, normally layer nearby so they can protect there kills from scavengers, if these guys were real hunters they would have Known that.) going by the evidence, it could be theorized that this particular Yeti/Sasquatch has only recently become a Maneater, maybe even the attack on Natalie Being the inciting incident. also the creature shows its self to be rather lacking in experience; Case and point it plays with it's food, even after realizing that the main character can hurt them, it still decided to squire up on him, rather then immediately going in for the kill. after seeing the movie and with what little I do know about primates, and how social they are. my personal theory is that this Yeti might be a young inexperienced Male, that for some reason was exiled from its troop, and lacking in the experience to hunt there normal pray, turned to hunting humans for survival, part of me likes the idea that it was driven from the troop because of the attack on Natalie. Elephants have bean known to drive out members that kill people, if the herd has had experience with human aggression. any way that is just my theory. Thoughts???
Nice theory
That makes sense, but begs the question of how many exist for there to be a viable population 11K years after their "extinction".
@@chrisdufresne9359 Not necessarily; around 30 years ago, the Himalayan Tiger was believed to be destined for extinction because there were only around 12 mated pers in the wild, and attempts to breed them in captivity had failed. but now there are estimated to be around 2000 mated pers in the wild, without any help from humans. Generally animal populations can and do bounce back from hard hits to their numbers, as long as the rate of offspring reaching maturity can stay ahead of the adult mortality rate, then populations 80% of the time, will recover. Also if we are going with theory that Sasquatch/Yetis are social creatures, then that improves there chance of survival. Going back to the tiger example; it is believed that the reason for the rapid recovery of their numbers, was because Himalayan tigers mate for life, and both parents take part in the rearing and protection of the cubs, this means that more cubs survive to maturity and reproduce themselves. also as Tigers are the top predators of their ecosystems they face less direct threats to their offspring as even bears rarely will risk attacking a cub, let alone an adult. if we apply the same traits to Gigantopithecus aka Sasquatch/Yeti; social predators at the top of their food chain, short of them getting wiped out by a global extinction event, or direct intervention by humans, I would be more surprised if there wererat surviving population out there. Also the "11k" time of extinction, is just a theory; how labs get those numbers is by testing multiple samples and then finding the average, also the older a sample is the less reliable the test is.
Quick disclaimer I am Not a Paleontologist I am just friends with one, they gave me that last bit.
You should read devolution, it's a good book.
@@HammboneBob I own a Signed Copy.
I'm legit *super* stoked for this cryptid-hunting franchise they got set up with this, hope we hear news fairly soon and it hasn't gotten tragically axed...
I'm hoping the same I enjoyed the movie
Read the Monster Hunter International books by Larry Correia
It was actually pretty decent for a low budget film@@wardragon9438
The audio books are good @@26th_Primarch
Yessssss @@26th_Primarch
Do you know what else is a man-eater? The Anglerfish!
Why does tho mention the name of that wretched creature.The thing what God himself hate
Love AnglerFish hate
Thats not funny.
My Ex
I read that in his voice lmfao
@@llanero4069shut it
At this rate we need Roanoke to cover the biomechanical aliens known as Transformers. Total nerd out for vehicles and impossible biology.
He would just dunk on them for not being a Toyota.
@@DH-xw6jpno no your thinking of Scotty kilmore lol
it's interesting that the fact this was made to seemingly lead into an extended monster hunting cinematic universe is really cool because it almost feels like a roundabout SCP Foundation-esque genre.
Every time I watch a Roanoke video, I'm reminded of how much I miss the days when gingerdead man was the strangest movie I ever watched
I love that series of movies
the most insane yeti movie is The Mummy III
Agreed 👍
@@TheRepentanceProject”YOU CAN SPEAK TO YETIS?!?”
It's based
@Theology.101 I just agreed on the movie, that's all.
@@TheRepentanceProjectno thats a quote from the film when they show up
No soldier, much less a Ranger, would go alone. If I knew I was going into this situation, I would have a team and I was a Combat Medic with the Infantry for 8 years.
Even I learned to not go it alone.
Even as a former FO myself, the smallest team I worked in was 2. Never did we go alone unless I was with the sniper team and we would spread up when we were moving back to the ORP from our observation point. Even then we were within ear shot of each other.
The amount of times mans had a clean shot and booked it instead, tells me he has never been in any actual combat.
7:48 Hol up there, Sporty Spice. We lose people in the Cascades all the time. Never to be seen again. 1 year is nothing. There are at least 1700 out there in the parks and wildlands that haven't been found years after the poof.
That's true, a lot of people go missing each year in the woods never to be seen again or without any trace of them found even years after they disappeared. We forget the full scale of the wilderness and how hard it is to find someone (or what remains of them) even with modern technology, disappearing without ever be seen again and is something that definitely happens. The Missing 411 books are great example of the sheer amount of people who went missing in very strange circumstances and makes you scratch your head. A lot of people even jump to conclusions like aliens, cryptids or paranormal explanations just because there are so many weird cases of people going missing, that lots of people can't comprehend how ruthless getting lost and disappearing in nature can be without involving fantastical elements.
Abominable 2006 is also a wild yeti movie. The realistic main character makes it so funny.
Thanks for reminding me of that movie! I hope Roanoke reviews it someday.
@heavymetalsalsa9003 I made my friends watch it with me for bad movie night, and they were not disappointed.
Isn't that the one that at the end has all the eyes in the dark?
Abominable is such a gem.
@@heavymetalsalsa9003I think Roanoke has already covered it
As Burt Gummer would advise, always be prepared, know your enemies, and bring lots of guns.
The jeep getting shit on was hilarious lol. I'm not a car guy myself, but I enjoy when you talk about them. Or diss them, in this case lol
It never ceases to amaze me when people go into the wilderness to seek vengeance against some monster and all they take with them is your typical bolt action hunting rifle when things like the GM6 Lynx exist. Like bro, no humanoid creature that is beholden to the laws of physics is getting back up after you throw a couple .50 BMG rounds through it.
So isn't your wallet alongside with it... 😂
@@depressedTrent when it comes to revenge, don't be cheap.
@@depressedTrent if you're gonna skimp out, why even go for revenge?
@@Burninator353 guys, look, revenge is nice and all, but I would had to rob bank first to be able to shoot around 50 BMG...
The lynx's action is way too open (imo) for hunting a Bigfoot in a muddy forest.
A Barrett (or even a Serbu if you are careful of iffy ammo) is probably a better choice.
It would suck to try and hike that thing through rough terrain though.
Man was supposed to be an army ranger... Proceeds to do things no Ranger would do, and not do the things a Ranger WOULD do. Gotta love Hollyweird.
Anyone who can voluntarily hike around the woods without issue but still got out after 12 years of service has demonstrated they aren't that bright. 8 more years and you get something unheard of for most of us saps: a pension and Tricare for life.
"Low budget independent movies are hollywood!"
-King of the Smoothbrains
@@Backinblackbunny009Some people like the structure and belonging of military life. They might have no family or a shitty family to go back to. The bond between soldiers is also one of a kind, they have each other's lives in their hands.
@@garretth8224 i lived on military bases for most of my adult life. I don't understand what you're trying to say here
Yep...things like... I'm standing 3 meters from a yeti with a magnum in my hand, but I choose to turn around and run away...
or... running away from yeti with a rifle on his back, not in his hand...
or...not keeping attention on the surroundings.
As an ex-military, it was really painful to watch.
So if he was prior military leaving his bag far away is just a force of habit since recon is trained to lighten up before aproaching a stream in case shit happens one can run away faster.
Also marines, soldiers, navy seals etc. are also humans and not perfect, mistakes can happen even with people who have years of training for certain situations, especially under stress, strong emotions, under influence etc. Even tho it definitely can help having the training, but also sometimes it can make someone overconfident and getting over their heads thinking because they've been trained, that they can start taking unnecessary risks or making wrong decisions.
Can confirm that compound fracture is not only painful, but has to be fixed at the hospital. There's a super high chance there are splinters around the break, and leaving them can increase chances of sepsis. And! If it was a joint, sometimes they have to re-break the limb if healing is going to screw up your movement.
The cast they put on you is massive and so. damn. HEAVY. Depending on the severity of your injury, you could be looking at a year or more with various casts.
Eight-year-old me was not impressed.
what the hell was 8 year old you doing that caused a break that bad??
@@prcervi Took a header over my handlebars when I hit surprise gravel going down a hill. I went down the rest of it on my face after I busted my wrist and my knees.
Pretty gruesome, tbh. My school class didn't recognize me when they cleared me to go back. My face was pretty torn up, though, so I don't blame them.
@@RD-py9sv I hope your recovery went well.
@@Zyroes Thanks! I got really lucky with it. A few scars here and there, but meh. I was a very adventurous little kid. And we lived around a lot of places to explore! Learned from the bigger kids to test kudzu carpets to find where it made traps to eat children. Or tourists.
A lot of broken bones are a death sentences in the wild unfortunately
12:00 shows to a *jeep* “Car troubles chief?” Bro it’s a Jeep what do YOU think
Now that you've covered giant fauna native to our world, it's time to turn your eyes not to the stars, but to the SEA. Even the dreaded angler fish steers clear of the Breach from which the Precursors invade from in the film *Pacific Rim* in all its glory!
The reveal at the end is meant to show that this is a sequel to another Bigfoot movie. Can't remember the title, but Lance Hendrickson starred in it. Of course, who saw that flick? I can't even remember the name of it.
Also, I think we started becoming real dangers when we created bows and arrows. Humans no longer needed to get too close to the animal to hurl something at it. Way before guns. In a world of melee fighters, humanity was the first archer/ranger class.
He had the best line in the movie. "You just managed to piss it off."
I heard a story of a guy getting attack by a Kodiak, he stabbed it in the neck and lucky for him unlike your story he got himself a bear pelt and survived to tell the tale.
Roanoke Gaming having a secondary gaming focused channel is somehow really funny to me.
It was about time 😂
The mention of homeless camps in the wilderness makes me want a bigfoot movie that's actually an R rated Scooby-Doo mystery where it turns out a homeless man with gigantism was dressing up like bigfoot and murdering people for heroin money.
I’ve never seen a jeep catch so many strays in a video not even related to jeeps.
Interesting point for science and statistics nerds: if you create a visual database (binary objects) for all possible primates and hominids, and use a cluster analysis query for a large bipedal primate, you don't get Homo Sapiens, you get Big Foot.
Naaah the craziest is Yeti: curse of the snow demon, that movie is damn nuts
Facs man. I saw that when I was like 12. Insanity
Is that the one where a group of college students survive a plane crash and almost have to resort to cannibalism before the yetis show up?
@@Zeruel3 the very same
@@Zeruel3 the one and only
I just want to say as a "former" professional mechanic your commentary on vehicles is 100% spot on lol and I thoroughly enjoy it
He would rather fight that beast that threw him a tree with a rock on a stick than shoot it with the gun. Looks like they couldn't afford gunshots for CGI.
The filmmakers must have used up the CGI budget making the Jeep appear functional.
insert the video game who’s whole premise is find the bodies and the proof then kill the bigfoot/yeti. It’s all fun and games till it busts down the cabin door despite the bear traps.
4:48 oooo, you have a gf now?? Congrats dude, glad to hear you’re back in the game!!
I’m out of the loop of my Roanoke Lore. But glad he has someone.
4:28 kissing will never feel the same after hearing this
Skill issue
Now with the burden of this knowledge, you need to spread it.
Human centipede facts.
It’s better now
I’m still processing Roanoke being divorced
As a washington native and outdoorsman, i can confirm the existence of homeless camps way out in the middle of the woods here.
"The hunter also has a name, it's Eli."
Me: oh! That' my na-"
"But who cares about that?"
Me: aw 😞
0:40 saber-tooth cats (smilodon) actually had a weak bite. because their teeth were so long, they were also relatively fragile and biting the skull of another animal could easily break them
The mom was definitely paid by the Bigfoot to send him back out there.
The absurd amount of fish that I definitely got a hook into but then somehow escaped is proof that fishing is NOT easy.
In all fairness for the scene where he drops his pack to go get water, heavy pack throwing off your balance and walking on wet/mossy stones near running water is a perfect recipe for slipping, eating shit, potentially get injured or knocked out, and ending up drowning
"giving your brain some fresh air" is by faaaaar one of the best sentences i'v ever heard. so G, soooooo G!!!!!
Ya know.. I realize that Roanoke hasn't done a breakdown of the iconic Langoliers. I'd love to hear his theories on THAT movie
You mean how odd it is they ended up in yesterday, despite it's not entirely possible, since you can travel to the day before and be fine, depending where you go and the fact they eat it, making yesterday not exist anymore? Yup.. it would break my brain, but it feels like a movie he should talk about.
@@JackalopeBunny THANK YOU for the agreement. Truly, a spacetime breakdown via Roanoke would be awesome, but I want a breakdown of the creatures themselves.
Cross breeding an Angler Fish with just an animal that walks feels so limiting.
Though, genetic splicing a chimpanzee and an Angler fish might prove worth exploring.
Not by me of course, leave that to the community college volunteer interns.
That sounds like a fallout Deathclaw style monster and I fear for humanity if we make one of those things
@@Drakonslayer777 project approved
Test site:
New South Wales, Australia
@@AncestorEmpire1 ….well at least it’ll be in an environment where it might fit in
Just a long as whatever comes out inherits the fish’s personality and not the chimp’s.
@@Drakonslayer777 lol
Woohoo! Love this stuff!
Got my wife listening to this. She has a masters in pathology and Bach in biology and she’s like “yeah he’s right” and I love it
6:35 The little piles of rocks are often trail markers, and vital to hikers finding civilization ever again… They aren’t piled there by yetis. Please don’t knock them over.
Hilarious video, thank you!
“Lead dispenser”. A lot more fun than a Pezz dispenser.😂🤣😅
But only the Pez dispenser should be anywhere near your mouth.
For a small time production, Big Legend was a surprisingly good movie.
33:17 I don't think this is standard predation. Predators instinctively perform a threat assessment anytime they encounter another animal to determine if it's something they can bring down without getting hurt. In this case, especially given how intelligent this creature seems to be, the first time this thing was shot at should have been enough to take humans off the menu permanently. What this tells me is that this isn't about food, this is some kind of blood feud.
I've never heard of any animal that valued vengeance above its own skin, besides man.
@@Backinblackbunny009 Meaning that this isn't an animal at all. It's sapient.
@@Backinblackbunny009Tigers. Petty sumbitches😂😂😂
Perhaps it is desperate and was driven out of hunting grounds by other yetis?
@@Backinblackbunny009 there are some, but it's usually due to some crazy backstory, like the one person who failed a tiger hunt and got got some time later by that same tiger.
The main menu music from the game Rust was a great addition for the background music. Nice taste
8:56 Li-po batteries hold its charge up to 70% after one year of sleeping on a shelf, assuming it was fully charged.
That and most come with chargers lol
So hikers stack rocks for off trail hiking using them to find there way back to the trail. Done it myself a couple of times helps alot
The guy being in a wheelchair and this being a bigfoot like creature reminds me of the movie Abominable. Makes me think the guy in the wheelchair is supposed to be the main character from Abominable, but the guy in Abominable was much younger.
The old guy in the corner is Lance Henriksen, he played Bishop in aliens he has done a bunch of Bigfoot films
Dear roanoke i encourage u to do a deep dive on the falmer transfer from snow elves to what we see in Skyrim thx (DAY:4)
I second this idea, I’d watch an entire video series on Skyrim races
@@gokuFreak3Roanoke has done a video on the khajit before earlier on in his channel
@@blakemcmillan5680 Hmm, had no idea. Must have missed it amongst the loads of great videos he drops. Thanks for the info!
18:26 Hey, getting Revengeance is following the RULES OF NATUREEEEEEE!
Oh I also forgot, my favorite Bigfoot movie was Primal Rage. Those crazy folk turned that ape into the Predator, dude running around in bark armor and using bows.
Roanoke you SHOULD KNOW that OFFICERS are notorious for getting LOST on land navigation in the military. It’s a funny trope that always turns out to be true.
Sabertooth cats didnt as a rule break skulls. Their teeth were actually fragile, and were used to slice into the windpipe/sever major neck veins/arteries.
Please do a video explaining the biology, morphology, and ecology of the vengeful hairy manimal from the found footage film Exists? Please
As a former, unwilling, Jeep owner. The Jeep slander makes me feel incredibly validated.
i watched a jeep hit a gentle bend at 70mph and proceed to barrel roll off the side of the road
the only thing more mysterious than these creatures and cryptids is the current state of Roanoke's relationships.
There are a couple problems with the theory that Yeti/Sasquatch is a Gigantopithecus, as originally proposed by Wladimir Tschernezky and Grover Krantz. First, the interpretation of Gigantopithecus as bipedal is based upon an incomplete posterior mandible that was specifically reconstructed to fit with the windpipe and spinal alignment of a bipedal animal. There is no hard evidence for this. Secondly, while fossil remains are exceedingly rare and incomplete, the scientific consensus places it within the sub-family Ponginae with modern orangutans. No known as extinct or living member if this sub-family was an obligate biped. If these animals were Gigantopithecus or a descendant, their bipedal motion would be closer to the temporary awkward gait of modern orangutans. You wouldn't get the animal seen in the Patterson-Gimlin film and you certainly wouldn't get the human-like footprint casts.
A better theoretical ancestor for this creature would be an Paranthropus (robust Australopithecine). An obligate biped, and one with powerful jaws and a saggital crest. Still likely covered in hair and not a proficient tool and fire user. Unlike H. erectus, which would be immediately recognizable to modern humans as human. Of course there is no fossil evidence of any Paranthropus species leaving Africa.
The "when you kiss you are basically one giant tube" had put me off kissing now...
Ngl the jeep skits are funny, my mates jeep just blew up, cylinder failed and all his coolant is in his exhaust and sump 😂
You tell me to thank my mom and then call her australopithecus. That’s cold, Roanoke, ice cold.
"Ex Wife" New Roanoke lore just dropped!
Guy with knife vs bear at the end: victory or death... Or in my case, both!
32 minutes, 4800 views. Keep doing what you're doing, Roanoke, good job!
With species interbreeding it's almost always going to be the female being bigger. It's how dog breeds come around. If you want a Corgi/Great Dane mix, the Corgi will be the male because a Corgi is too small to birth a Great Dane puppy. So Eructus got some Bigfoot cheeks for this one lol
I love Roanoke's biological disdain for jeeps.
Yeah, the worst vehicle I've ever owned was a Jeep Liberty. My Grand Am was great even if the paint was crap, only reason i don't still have it is because a 17 year old with a suspended license was doing 55 in a 30 and didn't notice my break lights or turn signal. Meanwhile the Liberty: constantly sprang leaks in the power steering, burned through wheel bearings way faster than it should have, had a radio volume knob that was more of a random button than a knob, and repeatedly had cam shaft and fuel pump issues at only 60k miles. My current Toyota is at 160k miles and is running flawlessly.
Ex wife? Washington state and not Georgia? I've missed some serious Roanoke lore :(
can confirm that Jeep is having head gasket issues. I had the same jeep in a grey color. it started doing that and it died shortly after with a blown head gasket. it's really not good.
A fun fact, in Washington it is illegal to shoot Bigfoot.
I mean, if it did exist you wouldn't want people shooting it since it's so rare...
Bruh mystery man?!?!?!? Thats a legend Lance Henriksen!!
Bishop in Aliens!!
Son, polar bears and grizzly bears have been taken out with 22 rimfires. The mistake people make is not knowing the skulls' weaknesses.
Two things that will get you ended are shooting it between the eyes, due to the shape of the skull, small low lying brainpan, and the muscle attachments, the projectile will overshoot the skull or deflect up, really motivating the bear to end you. Shooting one straight in the eye will destroy the eye but miss the brain since the eye orbits project well past the brainpan of the beast.
To eliminate the threat takes either a projectile placed midway between the ear and eye in a line between the two structures. The other shot with a 22 that will work is through one eye towards the opposite ear. Either of those shots pass directly through thin bone into the brain, transecting it, and are an instant off switch.
Of course, both of those shots require you to get a drop on the Bear, and not the other way around.
I don’t usually leave two comments on one video, but these guys, one of them a professed Hunter, walking through this densely wooded area with heavy bull barrel rifles, and long distance scopes, obviously set up for 100 to 500 yard shots, would be absolutely useless in that setting. If I had a scope at all, it would be a 2X. But you’d be better off with iron sights, or really considering what you’re there for, a semi automatic 12 gauge shotgun. The hunter having a rifle makes sense, but not that model, and not those optics. Man, that was driving me nuts. 😅
Man: *picks up stone*
Nature: oh, monkey has rock lol
Man: *picks up stick*
Nature: I don't like where this is going!
Man: *sharpens stick, fashions knife and proceeds to create all manner of stone tools* Man *IS* GOD NOW!
Nature: *Incoherent screaming*
Please COVER the mist! I’d love to see you speculate the creatures of that film, the science of them, the biology and potential origins of their species whether it’s true inter dimensional beings or just aliens from another planet.
I think he did a few years ago
@@Qdrake unless I didn’t dig hard enough I’m 80% sure he has not done a proper review of the film. I hope he does!
God damn it Roanoke, those stacked rocks are trail markers. It helps people follow the trail in bad weather conditions or if it hasn't been maintained. Please don't encourage people to knock them over, it's why there's so many missing 411 cases.
Not case in Europe. Here it even got pretty big issue in nature reservations, specifically those that people makes for funnsies in rivers where it negatively affects endangered species.
COOL. We’re AMERICANS talking about AMERICA
@@Werewolf.with.Internet.Access and hopefully you will STAY in America. -.-" your on international platform watching channel with international audience, other parts of world are gonna be participating on discussion and ad context from other parts of world, deal with it. And given overlapping fauna of north America and Europe, it IS problem in USA as well.
Having just driven 20 hours from Florida to Ontario just to avoid hitting DC at any time before 10 PM, I agree with Roanoke on this one.
Bro was recruited to be a witcher 😂
“Any problem on Earth can be solved with the careful application of high explosives.” Just don’t forget the second half of this quote.
Should check out Abominable and Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon.
Army s.o.p. is shoot, move, communicate, repeat as necessary.the part that applies here is communicate
Recently I found out there’s a movie called snake outta Compton and now I want Roanoke to react to it so I don’t have to.
This is why I watch your channel!! You always go through movies I tell everyone about but no one ever knows even though they are fantastic for the budget!!!
Bro the woman is in the woods looking for a bear that's over 6 ft and earns 25k a month to keep her safe from them evil men
When I go camping in the woods bears have to hide their food.
And she's 40 and overweight with 2 kids. But she "knows her worth," and she refuses to "settle."
@@brandonmusick77 nah, we're all ozempic now dude, and totally making it work for us ✌️
i know its kinda off topic but im really glad you found someone again.
My favorite channel currently. Keep up the amazing work Roanoke!
29:14 The footprint would actually indicate a midtarsal break, which makes sense because they are present in all apes besides humans. We are the only ape that runs long distances, so we evolved stiffer feet and springier achilles tendons
Science is the best medicine
Another thing to note about fires at night , it’s like nearly impossible to see anything behind the fires like creates a mega barrier of darkness
3 words….
.700 Nitro Express.
Problem solved.
Kentucky Ballistics with the assist on cryptic hunting