hi immna ask, klo daftar beasiswa ke sydney or melbrn dr indonesia perlu siiapin tes2 kusus ga? Kya TOEFEL gtu"? Atau langsung daftar beasiswa aja? If u answer it im verry happy
Hi Rania, kalau tes bahasa Inggris seperti IELTS or TOEFL seems like bakal kepake for applying to most if not all institutions here as english is used for the courses. What university are you thinking to apply to?
hi immna ask, klo daftar beasiswa ke sydney or melbrn dr indonesia perlu siiapin tes2 kusus ga? Kya TOEFEL gtu"? Atau langsung daftar beasiswa aja? If u answer it im verry happy
Hi Rania, kalau tes bahasa Inggris seperti IELTS or TOEFL seems like bakal kepake for applying to most if not all institutions here as english is used for the courses. What university are you thinking to apply to?