I managed to drop this ratio from 1.6 or so down to 1.2. I made a dietary adjustment for the sake of dental presrevation and preventing micronutrient deficiency. HDL increased from 44 two years ago to 64 now. TG from 72 to 79, so not a big change there. I've tried to limit my carbs but at the same time, winter is coming and I need a little insulation, so I've consumed a bit of carbs these past couple weeks before the blood test. I eat sardines, pasture-raised eggs, and some blackberries as frequently as possible, with the eggs and sardines almost every day. I throw in beans, red meat, vegetables, cheese, etc to round things out. Have drank only water and tea for about 3 months. Also got COVID earlier this year and sardines really helped clear the brain fog.
80 years old. Tri/Hdl went from 1.96 to 1.14 in my first 6 months after easing into low(ish) carb, if, increasing strength and cardio, vitamin and mineral intake. I had been in the school of low fat, high carb and was starting to go downhill…unstable BP, prediabetic, 12 lbs overweight, etc. Now everything is improving. It’s like I am turning back the clock. Docs like Brewer, Berg, Fung, Berry and Eckberg have been, literally, lifesavers. My regular doctors have been worse than useless.
I am in late 50s. Post menopausal. Eat a whole food plant based vegan high carb, low fat diet. Ratio is 1.1. Normal blood glucose and a1c. An apple ( carbs ) are not the same as a candy bar ( carbs ) .
You are doing a great public service with videos like this. LCHF diet has saved me from becoming a diabetic and possibly many other ailments that used to be associated with aging or obesity: alzheimer, stroke, heart disease, arthritis, migraine, weaker muscles, poor vision, and more.
I was looking at some old blood tests. When I was 54 (in 2011) my ratio was 7.95. I exercised all the time. I was put on statins and over the years it did reduce to 1.95 eventually but I felt so horrible both physically and cognitively that I got off them. Also, I'm not convinced that drug-induced reduction in ratio is really helpful. If it's a "marker" as opposed to a cause, then statin-induced ratios may be misleading. Ratio went back up to 5.79 when I got off statins. Then I went on Low Carb diet (and I don't mean "40% of calories"; that's not low carb. I went to 10% or less.) Last measurement it was 2.65. I know I have more to go, and will continue with this lifestyle. I feel more confident in my health with a "diet/lifestyle" induced ratio than I would with the same ratio induced by drugs.
I went from trigs/Hdl 1.5 to 0.7 on keto. Also HDL over LDL was off the scale good. But total chol was high and doc suggested statins!! My reaction was not polite.
"Im convinced" is not very objective.. It''s easy to get an excellent TC/HDL ratio from Pritikin type diet. TC plummets. For Example my TC. is 115 and HDL 40.. heart disease risk practically zero.
48 year old male… TG/HDL ratio is 0.3… The optimal ratio for TG in Australia is 0.5 - 2.0, mine was 0.7… The optimal range for HDL is 0.5 - 2.0, mine was 2.1…. Good to know I’m in tip top shape as I go into the second half of my life… Love your channel Dr Brewer.
I just got my lipid panel back yesterday. I freaked out. My ldl has jumped 50 points in the last year! My triglycerides are awesome (54). My HDL is 87 and my LDL was 193. But My TG/LDL ratio is .66. And my other ratios are also considered excellent. But this still makes me really nervous as a 49 year old woman.
I had my blood tested a few days ago and my TG/HDL ratio came in at 0.73. very pleased with that. No statins or other prescription drugs. My diet is high-carb/low fat plant-based. I do avoid processed foods as much as possible and added sugar. Dr Brewer says low carb is the way to go but that is not my experience.
Well done. We are born with LDL=HDL as we age the ratio widens. The job of diet and exercise is to keep the TC/HDL as low as possible. Definately under 4 is recommended.
Great video! I am a Type 1 Diabetic following a low carbohydrate diet, and my triglycerides to HDL ratio is less than 1 62 Triglycerides, 64 HDL, my HbA1c is 4.8%. My LDL is 197 and my endocrinologist wants me to take a statin. I refuse and told her to check my LDL particle size if I have a bunch of glycated or oxidized LDL sure, but otherwise no need. She was not happy with that idea and said I was in high risk for cardiovascular disease. Even the ADA now admits universally the highest risk of heart disease comes from elevated HbA1c starting as low as above 5.4%
@@pickledrick5158 where exactly does the ADA say that the highest risk of heart disease control mes from elevated HbA1c? And how could you refer to something written in 2022, when your initial comment was written two years ago?
Excellent presentation and spot on, Doc. Much appreciated that you gave the ratios in both US and Euro formats. The mathematicians will be pondering why would a ratio be different when alternate measurement systems are used? This used to pose a serious problem in misinterpretations when readers would assume it would the same for the units they use when they could be wrong by 100%. Take a minute to solve the puzzle before seeing the answer 😃 In the US system Triglycerides are not measured in the same units as HDL while in the Euro system they are. How on earth did the Americans land a man on the moon 😄
thank u doctor cos your explanation made me awake not to take statins for my elevated LDL, normal triglyceride and high Hdl, inspite my doctor advises that i should take madications.. god bless u more and i appreciate if u can give me more videos like this..
We are born with LDL=HDL as we age the ratio widens. The job of diet and exercise is to keep the TC/HDL as low as possible. Definately under 4 is recommended.
@@TB1M1 Yea and when I spoke to a recommended cardiologist from the Cleveland Clinic, without a single significant blood test, he said "As a woman over 60, with your cholesterol, you should be on 40mg of a statin." After 30 minutes of this with no answers to my questions from which I learned to ask from Dr. Brewer, I asked him, "Do you even know my name?" Brewer did the proper tests, (and I'd converted to ketovore lifestyle 1.5 years earlier) my Tri/hdl is now 1.19. Cleveland Clinic is part of a system that makes money from keeping people sick.
Thank you for sharing, this informative video! You are on-spot about the ethnicity: I am hispanic 50% white, 27% native american, 13% black and the other 10% a potpourri of middle eastern, jewish and others. So, no we should not have a different cut point by ethnicity; I am hispanic and I have not been eating the way i should all my life. Now that i am careful about my nutrition my Tryg to Hdl ratio went from 4.19 to 1.98, so we are not doing the other ethnicities a favor by adjusting the numbers!
My triglycerides 68( from152) HDL 41.5( from 30) in a year period , LDL 188( FROM 150), VLDL 13.5. Im just having hard time raising Hdl. On a low carb diet
I just had labs done and my triglycerides have come down and my HDL has gone up and my ratio is now 1.09. The doctor still wants me to take a statin. No thanks!
Im 64 and my TG/HDL ratio has dropped from over 2 to .67 My TG are 61 and my HDL are 90. I got here by cutting carbs and sugar in my diet. As a bonus, I also lost 25lbs.
My ratio went from 4.9 down to 2.2 in 6 months. Saturated fat raises HDL, no sugar, starch fructose etc. lowers triglycerides. Quit statins , quit bp meds
H N No not at all! With the diet change came a 43 pound weight loss and a return to normal blood pressure! I am scared about quitting statins though, wish me luck.
Lowered carb intake by going keto and IF. My blood pressure got so good no more meds. Prediabetes gone. Hdl doubled and trig reduced however LDL more than doubled. Trig is 61 and HDL is 96 but should I be concerned about the LDL? Ratio of Trig to HDL is .64. ITs 430. Doctor is freaking. Seeing cardiologist. All tests normal. Now going to do CAC scan. We will See.
My TGL/HDL is 51/55 so 0.9....my LDL is 378 (TC 443!) on ketovore....I'm wary of even going to my doctors...Struggling as others have said, that how could the body be so stupid to sort out everything then shoot itself in the foot with "LDL"....
To achieve the desired TG/HDL ratio, I can: either increase HDL, or decrease TG, or do both. My guess is, the latter is the best option. But, if I only increase HDL while TG stays the same and it may be even above the norm, is it still good? I'm just concerned when ratios are used in diagnostics without considering the numerator and denominator on their own in terms of their impact on health.
Been using this ratio for a couple years. 1.547 is where I’m at. Currently using a CGM to figure out trigger foods, because fat, sugar, and insulin are the major players as we all know. It’s a complex series of chemical reactions, but imo you can’t go wrong limiting processed foods, simple sugar foods, and eating Mediterranean. My next issue will be moderating red wine intake 😄😐
I just got my lipid profile a couple days ago. My overall was 290. HDL 87, triglycerides 56, and LDL 193, but all my ratios were ideal or better than ideal. My TG/HDL is .66 as a 49 year old woman. No one is talking about ratios so I don’t know what to think. I do HIIT with weights every day, and a 4.5 mile walk. I eat lazy keto most days. I intermittently fast 16/8 daily. I take a ton of vitamins, many with Omega 3 from cod liver oil, krill oil and chlorella. But my fasting blood glucose came in at 100! I so don’t want to be on meds. I feel like I’ve made so many changes but that blood glucose should not be so high ugh
My TG/HDL always has been less than one. Even with that low rate and no elevated BP, I became prediabetic. I went LC not too high fat; I never have been too keen on fats, but I figure, I have to increase them a bit. I am good now, but I had to pay for a CAC to stop my dr from pushing statins and making me afraid of seeing her. All was good my result is 0, the heart looks very normal, all my numbers improved, and I do not worry about LDL. There will be no more statins discussions and no more anxiety for now when seeing my dr. Anxiety can make you sick.
Some if not most doctors use guidelines instead of their critical thinking… they re not great doctors and you should consider to change one… no need to stick with one that is not able to help you as an individual, just sayin…
@@recuerdos2457 They told me she no longer works at the clinic. I spoke with the new one, and I told her right away that I do not want statins. She told me not to worry because based on my other numbers and improvements, I can do without statins. She said she analyzes all the numbers and parameters. I guess I can breathe easy now.
So my Tri/Hdl is 0.51, i am 53 yr old female and they rpescribed statins.... I eat fish,meat, fresh veg very little fruit i live in spain so cook and eat fresh produce drink the odd glass of wine and exercise! Its ao confusing!!
My ratio is about 0.7 on keto for the past five years, after going keto.. But I believe in addition that Fasting Glucose should be consistently below 90, which was not a problem. However lowering Fasting insulin took a lot of discipline. I raised my Omega-3 Index to over 11%, and that is when my Fasting Insulin finally came down to 6. But it took more than 2 years to achieve. I hope to reduce the fasting level to
I am a 66 year-old white male. Have a history of hyperlipidemia have been on 5 mg of Crestor three times a week. Recent bloodwork showed total cholesterol of 199, TG of 107, HDL of 45, VLDL of 19 LDL of 135. Fasting blood sugar of 88, hemoglobin A1c of 5.4% Also had an NMR Lipo profile which showed LDL - P of 1804( 20.5) LP-IR score 62(
How does the current low carb recommendation account for European pasta & Asian rice dominant diets? Are low carb westerners living significantly longer & healthier?
I have in EU units 0.32 not sure how much it was before 2022 as I was never checking my blood profile. My story is similar to Mr. Ford. I was thinking about myself like a superhuman. Actually, I had grounds: I was lifting weights from 1990. I passed vegan, raw food and fasting up to 4 days longest. With body weight variations from 94kg to 114kg down to 88kg. I then stabilized it around 94 to 96kg (my height is 196cm) so finally being on dairy, fish and black bread + dates I was diagnosed during medical examination by ultrasound that I have a fatty lever and kidney stone. ( Ok, that was hard time 2022 and I was eating big blocks of ice cream and worst of all, drinking soft drinks called Green Tea ( with sugar OfCourse) plus Coffee with sugar.) So it was probably same gut punch as for channel owner when He discovered his blood sugar 160. I was destroyed for a week. I was looking at young people on streets and thinking this is an end. Luckily, I tried Apple Cide Vinegar and slowly changed to Keto / Carnivore mix. Now: Ultrasound is of no use to detect neither sand or stone, So I presume they are gone. Weight dropped itself to 88kg from 94kg without gym. Now Blood Pressure dropped as well to 120/75. As I am a seaman, BP is something that was checked annually starting from 1990. Never in my life I had so low BP (except probably in 2016 when I was doing 4days fasting every week). So yeah. It is biggest danger for mafia to stop this information and mislead people who oriented for long and illness free life). They will probably be investing to keep this situation as long as possible to prolong income flow under motto - Corn Flakes weight at the price of gold. Dear Dc. Cheers to You and kindest regards for this sincere information sharing. PS Probably best proof is that that is the way is that libido improved a lot. maybe like in 32. (minus 17years) we do not need better proof that this approach is the most healthy / suitable for people to live and thrive.
3 years now lchf. Reduced cac score from 28 to 14.9. Cut blood pressure meds from 20mg to 5mg. Hdl 66 triglycerides 49 ldl 153 60 years old five 7 136lbs. Cannot tolerate statins
2/25/2023: Tri's at 61, HDL at 51, LDL at 193. 7/10/2023 Tri's at 129, HDL at 51, LDL at 341. In March I went on a carnivore diet. Cut out ALL carbs. I did incorporate some nuts, seeds, and the occasional salad. Eliminated seed oils. Only used extra virgin olive oil and tallow. Numbers only got worse. As much as I followed the thought process, the info in these videos does not corelate with my experience. By cutting carbs I doubled Triglecerides. Obviously the high fat diet had more to do with it.
I am 58 years old. 3 month ago I started low carb and I am feeling good with it! My TG/HDL Ratio is 88/59 = 1.49 mg/dl. Glucose is 92 mg/dl but my LDL is 174 mg/dl . Therefore my doctor wants me to get statins. My weight is 84kg / 1.92m (very slim). I am now unsure if this overall good or bad and if I should follow my doctors recommendation. According your video the TG/HDL is great but whats about the LDL?
I'm arguing with Barnes now to have many blood test done and have the insurance pay for it. I also want a central line. Also I have increased my cacao nibs to two heaping tablespoons a day. I don't know if it is healthy, but yum.
Just now got my routine standard lipid panel results.. Total..150. Hdl 76. Ldl 61 triglycerides 58. 13 hour fasting blood sugar 99 A1c 5.5. Calcium score 490 in 2015 I'm on 10 mg Crestor I take every other day 60 years old lean and fit like you never had any weight problems. But I've never been happy with my fasting glucose or A1C numbers. My doctor feels I worry too much about it but I will push him for ogtt before he retires in a couple months. Then at the very least will hopefully l sign up for one of your membership programs after paying some bills! Quick comment if you get a chance doc Thank you again for all you do! Going to get on my brand new rowing machine right now cheers!
@@bartrobinson2103 May I ask What did your cholesterol levels look like before you started on the Crestor statin? And could you not have brought the numbers down by adopting a healthy lifestyle?🤔 I HATE Statins and Refuse to take them!
@@gloriamaryhaywood2217 Hi I'm sorry for just now responding. My numbers were never high even before statins. I made the decision to take low dose Crestor because of my 490 cac score. And from learning and listening to Doctor Brewer. Hopefully I'm benefiting from the Anti-inflammatory and plaque stabilizing effect of Crestor. On the other hand my sister has high cholesterol but her calcium score was 0. Therefore her cardiologist felt no reason for Statins At the present time. LDL is only part of the whole picture for sure. Hope that helps!
@@bartrobinson2103 You're right. LDL is only a part of the equation. Actually it's Only the VLDL cholesterol that's really harmful. (I think the VLDL score should be from 0-40?🤔) And as long as your triglycerides are low and your HDL at a good level, you should be healthy!😉 As for your fasting blood sugar level: I've read where studies have shown that chromium picolinate reduces fasting blood sugar substantially, especially for diabetics. But you'd have to check with your doctor to make sure it doesn't interfere with your current meds! Thanks for replying!😉
My Triglycerides over HDL is fantastic .4232323 (0.94mmol/L triglycerides / 2.22mmol/L HDL) however if you took my HDL on its own it would be deemed too low!?!? And my LDL is calculated at 5mmol/L. I have tried to find video and info on low HDL and low triglycerides together but can’t find anything. My doctor only looks at total cholesterol which is deemed to be too high at 7.7mmol/L. I think I’m fine though. I am on a ketogenic diet since last May 2023. I love my life now and feel incredible. Overall I’m just going to care about the ratio and not focus on one factor.
No it's not, when dealing with mmol/l you first convert to mg/dl. Triglycerides have to be multiplied by 88.57 and HDL by 38.67 so your ratio is actually 0.97
I'm 74 with no doctor and decided to get Blood tests at Quest for my birthday. Always worked out but quit beer 2 years ago and lost 22 pounds during covid. HDL 81 TRi 57 ac1 5.4 . Ratio HDL/TRI .7!!! I ride my spin bike and do the weight bands in the window. With this ratio I know I can get my heart over 120 for 45 minutes and hopefully not die.
My TGL is 51, HDL 55.....TC is 443 and LDL 378 (RC therefore 10)....wonder if I should go to the quacks?? Ketovore diet,BP is 113/65, RHR is 42bpm, Max HR 192, aged 55, cycle 4-500 miles a month, and Uric acid level is 5.5....Just that pesky TC/LDL otherwise couldn't be better lol....
My TG/HDL ratio started at 0.9 (HDL 50, TG 45). After taking rosuvastatin (5mg/day) for 1 month (to lower my LDL) my LDL dropped to 73, which was great, but my HDL dropped to 24 and TG went up to 63. That means the ratio before going on Crestor was 0.9, and after it was 2.6. I had never heard of statins making HDL go down. Could have been a fluke, but if HDL doesn't go back up, I don't think it is actually improving my CVD risk to lower both LDL and HDL (and raise TG). I already have a very healthy diet, ideal BMI, and exercise for an hour a day -- nothing changed when I started taking rosuvastatin.
My dad's hdl ranged in 20s to mid 30s, never to 40 while on statins. Only when he stopped did his hdl raise to above 40 (44 highest so far). His LDL of course increased and doc insist he go back on statins, ignoring hdl improvement and tg/hdl ratio 2.4, best ever been. They don't care about this, just the LDL number.
@@dawn1913 That's interesting to know. It seems these meds affect people differently. I've been off Crestor for two months now, and my last reading was HDL 59 LDL 128 TG 43. When I asked my new doctor to put me back on Crestor to get below LDL 100, she said absolutely not. You don't need it. I've got other things to worry about, so I'm just going to go with this doctor's advice. I'd prefer LDL to be below 100, but overall I guess it's pretty good, especially with just diet and exercise.
@@karlint39 im surprised your dr did not rx a statin. I like her. I agree your numbers look great. I personally don't think ldl should be the focus and too low ldl is just as bad as very high according to the studies I've read. Your tg to hdl ratio is what matters most in cardiac disease and mortality. And yours it terrific!
My TG / HDL has been between 0.7 - 0.8 for a while All my markers are good except the chlolesterol !! I am on a low carb high fat diet have been on that for about 4 years My BMI is 22 i keep fit and i dont get sick much My doctor put me on Statins she said you could have a heart attack or stroke Statins did no agree wirh me so I refused to take them I told the doctor I will just contol my chlorlestorol with life style and diet My A1C was 5.5 Question is am I being silly to refuse the medication ?
I just calculated my TG/HDL ratio and it’s 54.. I’m 25 and about 50 pounds over weight. I guess I have a genetic issue. My triglycerides levels are 1134mg and HDL 22.. I’m not sure if diet and exercise can ever get me to a safe number but I have hope.
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I realize this video is a couple years old. Is anyone from prevmed looking at comments? Recent non fasting blood test. HDL 100. Lipids 41. APO b 93. But my doc only seems focused on my 120 ldl. Should I have any concerns?
Funny you should ask! I did the research on just that last week. The videos should come out in a couple of weeks. I think we did a blog, too. That also will take a few weeks.
Good day, Dr Ford. I have a query, during both part 1 and part 2 (09:32) of these videos you state that chronically high insulin stimulates Hormone Sensitive Lipase, I was under the impression that HSL is inhibited by insulin?
In insulin resistance, cells don't respond to insulin signalling. As a result they don't store energy but release it. High insulin is a marker of insulin resistance.
I am 28 , total cholestrol - 157, tg/hdl - 4.2 , ldl/hdl - 3 , totoal cholestrol/hdl - 4.9 , my hdl is 32.55, please advise what needs ro be done. Really concerned on my health.
Cut out all sugar including drinks like shakes, sodas, and aerated drinks, sweets, ice cream chocolates and carbs and fried food. It will drop. My levels a month ago were all high, i cut out sugar and carbs like breat, rice, noodles and today my levels came back to normal thank God
@@PrevMedHealth Yes Keto/Carnivore, my only concern is the high calcium score, but I recently had a stress test, my doctor said I killed it congratulations ...But yet this staton drug, is my dilemma, take or don't take. My calcium score, might of been high from past food choices. I went fro. 210 lbs to 168 lbs on Keto/Carnivore
@@kennethh4904 maybe you should consider an "advanced lipoprotein profile" (not sure this is the proper name), to see how much of that LDL is small dense LDL particles, the really dangerous ones.
My trig=43, HDL = 97, LDL =134. These are non-fasting results. I was wondering if I should retake these while fasting. Would I get more accurate results with a fasting test?
Why is it....that I know more than practicing M.D.s, and I'm a retired R.N. Why must I explain this material.....over and over to physicians? It bkowd my mind.... Its like "Santa, asking the Elves....how to make toys", but its actual reality.
I got my blood labs today an my doc say my cholestrol so high bla bla...hdl 6.2 ldl 4.3...try ratio 0.8 he said....im on low carb...but i sometimes eat odd junk.....do these numbers mean im gona die
my trygliseride is 45, my HDL is 100. that's point 45 right? , The fraction confuses me, afraid i'm doing it backwards. it's trigliseride devided by HDL right? my doctor wants to put me on statins because my LDL is 109
Can you recommend a md that has the same Velocity and medicine as you do in the Los Angeles area please where are you located and do you see new patients
Thank you so much for the awesome video! I just had annual physical. My CHOL 302 (H) TRIG72 HDL87 LDL CALC 204 (H) My doctor proscribed Crestor 5 mg daily. I got the medication, but want to make sure if I really need the medication. After watching your video, I believe I don’t need the medication at this time. Am I right? What should I next ? Thanks!
My total cholesterol is 10.2 😢us 394.4 I think I’m a lean mass high responder on keto. My hdl triglycerides ratio is great. 0.8 they wanna put me on statins. I don’t smoke or have high blood pressure or pre diabetes. I don’t know what to do.
Dont do it!! My doctor wanted to do the same, I refused. My total cholesterol was 432. I stopped eating eggs for breakfast and replaced it with oats and buckwheat, or protein pancakes, about 50 g carbs. I reduced my saturated fat protein source from 70% to 50% and increased fish from 30%-50%. In 54 days my total cholesterol went from 432 to 240. I am fit and strong as F for a 50 year old man.
@@Mike-ix4fs I stopped eating eggs for a month and it made no difference whatsoever to my cholesterol. The logical step would be to eat lean protein (chicken, pork and fish) with less saturated fat from olive oil and ditch the red meat (aaargh love lamb and beef) and butter for a month or two. But the meat from these sources is poorer quality as usually always grain fed and not ruminants... Might go back to eating 4 oatcakes in the morning (60g carbs) with sardines. Heard that fibre can reduce cholesterol by binding to it and crapping it out before reabsorption (one of it's dubious benefits lol)?? Good result on your cholesterol- if I could get mine that low it'd be fine, but really there's not really any studies of anyone with 280> cholesterol to see what, if any bad effects there are...seems everyone is just guessing when it comes down to it.
my total chol.- 199, HDL -75, LDL - 113, trig. -57. Does that equal .7 ? Should I still get my arteries checked ? My sugar is 81 even though i eat more sugar than i should.
@@recuerdos2457 no statins or any other prescription drug ever. High fat low carb diet with intermittent fasting. I also walk a bit over 150 miles per month...My HDL to Total Cholesterol ratio is at just over 3.40 putting me in the "half risk" category. (Totl Chol 210 divided by 61 = 3.44)
Eat fewer carbs- but you have people eating salad. That is the form of carbs they SHOULD be eating. Donuts, breads, rice, pasta, potato is what you should NOT eat.
My Triglyceride /HDL ratio is 0.7 HDL= 50 Triglyceride = 37 LDL =129 So should I concern about my LDL values? I am non diabetic with A1c 4.9 and my BP is 110/75 ( average reading)
Are you claiming that triglycerides are *causal* in CVD? Wrong. The Trigs/HDL ratio is simply a marker for metabolic health. Neither of those is *causal* in CVD.
Great video! I am keen on getting your advice wrt my recent lipids test results: TC 273 HDL 59 TG 58 LDL 208 TG/HDL Ratio 1.0 I take medication for hypertension and am suspected of having Familial Hypercholesterolemia (have corneal arcus, so it seems). Quit Statins 3 months ago. I do intermittent fasting 18:6 every day for 2 months. Have lost about 10kg. BMI of 20-21. Performed an Ankle Brachial Index DIY with a score of 1.5. I will really appreciate your advice Dr. Your lifesaving videos have served as my health guide these past months.
Hey, I know your comment is 7 months old but your lipid results were very close to my own. Biggest difference was both your TG and HDL were about 5 lower than mine. I have a similar BMI to you after losing a similar amount of weight with intermittent fasting also (as well as eating more meat/less carbs). No obvious indications of Familial Hypercholesterolemia for me, as far as I know. The Ankle Brachial Index DIY is interesting, so I'll have to research that more (another day). Anyway reason I'm messaging you here is in case you've learnt anything more, had any improvement in your results etc? Might I ask your approximate age (e.g. "50's", or "around 50"? No worries if not. I'm under 40 btw.
Everyone bags on the high carb diet when the healthiest diet (vegan) is predominantly high carbohydrate. No one takes into account that most, if not all, omnivores with metabolic issues overconsume not just the carbohydrate but also the fats (donuts, pizza, ice cream, Doritos, Oreos, cheesecake etc. etc.). The classic scientific reductionism at work. The best advice is to keep an active lifestyle (resistance and aerobic exercises oriented) in conjunction with an ideal body weight. Avoidance of the highly refined carbohydrates and oils in the diet will likely keep you from over indulging yourself to a hyperinsulinemic existence.
Getting very frustrated researching this ratio. Everywhere we see "levels should be below x" or "under x is good, over y is bad". How about a graph, calculator, or something that translates the ratio to a risk of adverse event based on some population study. Just giving target levels is subjective. I want to see something like in a population, the HA risk at ratio 5 is x%, at 3 it is y%, at 1 it is z% or whatever. I can't even find a risk calculator anywhere that includes Triglycerides in the calculation, so I know they can't be using this ratio.
@@PrevMedHealth Thanks Dr. Brewer. But the scale on the image seems still to be relative risk with risk of 1 for highly fit people with a good ratio, while it is 4x that for unfit people with a bad ratio. And it is good that they give 4 ratio ranges; I can live with that. But it's all relative. What is the % risk that corresponds to 1 on this scale? It could be 1%, it could be 10%; we can't tell from this. And over what time frame? Knowing it's only statistical, it would still be good to know that a ratio in the very good range for a fit individual is x% over the next y years. Then I can know what a bad ratio really means also. It's almost like this information is being hidden.
@@PrevMedHealth Thanks. I don't understand how the study can have comparative rates if doesn't at least have a statistical rate of some kind for the baseline. I can believe it's harder than it would appear, but if I'm told my risk of event is 9-11.7% (as two calculators I used do) over the next 10 years, neither of which look at Trigs/HDL, I was hoping to see what the Trigs/HDL ratio tells me in similar terms. I would put myself in the fit category for someone my age (a couple months younger than yourself, able to hike 100s of miles on a single trip though I can't leap tall buildings on a single bound anymore) and my ratio is down to the low (but not yet "very low") ratio. Is that still 9-11.7% risk over ten years? I have no way to know if the ratio tells me anything different.
Mine went from 2.2 to 0.8 in 3 months. Cut out all processed foods and stay away from vegetable oils, especially from take out and restaurant food. insist on your food being cooked with only animal fat or olive oil.
I managed to drop this ratio from 1.6 or so down to 1.2. I made a dietary adjustment for the sake of dental presrevation and preventing micronutrient deficiency.
HDL increased from 44 two years ago to 64 now. TG from 72 to 79, so not a big change there. I've tried to limit my carbs but at the same time, winter is coming and I need a little insulation, so I've consumed a bit of carbs these past couple weeks before the blood test. I eat sardines, pasture-raised eggs, and some blackberries as frequently as possible, with the eggs and sardines almost every day. I throw in beans, red meat, vegetables, cheese, etc to round things out. Have drank only water and tea for about 3 months.
Also got COVID earlier this year and sardines really helped clear the brain fog.
Congratulations! Thanks for sharing.
Stop eating fruit.
Covid...like the flu u mean?
I wish I could have numbers like that. But its a fantasy that will never happen.
@@Notme-tq4xsNo, shut up
Dr. Brewer, the primary care medical provider is grateful for your work on caediovascular health with emphasis on prevention. Thank you!
80 years old. Tri/Hdl went from 1.96 to 1.14 in my first 6 months after easing into low(ish) carb, if, increasing strength and cardio, vitamin and mineral intake. I had been in the school of low fat, high carb and was starting to go downhill…unstable BP, prediabetic, 12 lbs overweight, etc. Now everything is improving. It’s like I am turning back the clock. Docs like Brewer, Berg, Fung, Berry and Eckberg have been, literally, lifesavers. My regular doctors have been worse than useless.
Regular doctors are downright dangerous if you don't think for yourself. Standard of care is a failure.
Been a year how’s it going?
I am in late 50s. Post menopausal. Eat a whole food plant based vegan high carb, low fat diet. Ratio is 1.1. Normal blood glucose and a1c. An apple ( carbs ) are not the same as a candy bar ( carbs ) .
You are doing a great public service with videos like this. LCHF diet has saved me from becoming a diabetic and possibly many other ailments that used to be associated with aging or obesity: alzheimer, stroke, heart disease, arthritis, migraine, weaker muscles, poor vision, and more.
I was looking at some old blood tests. When I was 54 (in 2011) my ratio was 7.95. I exercised all the time. I was put on statins and over the years it did reduce to 1.95 eventually but I felt so horrible both physically and cognitively that I got off them. Also, I'm not convinced that drug-induced reduction in ratio is really helpful. If it's a "marker" as opposed to a cause, then statin-induced ratios may be misleading. Ratio went back up to 5.79 when I got off statins. Then I went on Low Carb diet (and I don't mean "40% of calories"; that's not low carb. I went to 10% or less.) Last measurement it was 2.65. I know I have more to go, and will continue with this lifestyle. I feel more confident in my health with a "diet/lifestyle" induced ratio than I would with the same ratio induced by drugs.
I went from trigs/Hdl 1.5 to 0.7 on keto. Also HDL over LDL was off the scale good. But total chol was high and doc suggested statins!! My reaction was not polite.
"Im convinced" is not very objective.. It''s easy to get an excellent TC/HDL ratio from Pritikin type diet. TC plummets. For Example my TC. is 115 and HDL 40.. heart disease risk practically zero.
@@TB1M1 115 over 40 is not "excellent ", though
Low carb is definitely some good medicine.
Keto or carnivore will fix super high insulin in your body which causes the problem
48 year old male… TG/HDL ratio is 0.3… The optimal ratio for TG in Australia is 0.5 - 2.0, mine was 0.7… The optimal range for HDL is 0.5 - 2.0, mine was 2.1…. Good to know I’m in tip top shape as I go into the second half of my life… Love your channel Dr Brewer.
Great numbers. 👍
I just got my lipid panel back yesterday. I freaked out. My ldl has jumped 50 points in the last year! My triglycerides are awesome (54). My HDL is 87 and my LDL was 193. But My TG/LDL ratio is .66. And my other ratios are also considered excellent. But this still makes me really nervous as a 49 year old woman.
I had my blood tested a few days ago and my TG/HDL ratio came in at 0.73. very pleased with that. No statins or other prescription drugs. My diet is high-carb/low fat plant-based. I do avoid processed foods as much as possible and added sugar. Dr Brewer says low carb is the way to go but that is not my experience.
Well done. We are born with LDL=HDL as we age the ratio widens. The job of diet and exercise is to keep the TC/HDL as low as possible. Definately under 4 is recommended.
There's more than one way. The best way is the sustainable one for you
Your diet is probably not as high carb as you think it is then.
My Tri/HDL ratio is 1.3. I did a Quest Cardio IQ test, my ApoB is 99 mg/dl. I have as well lp(a) at 104 nmol/L. Getting a CAC. My CIMT is good.
Great video! I am a Type 1 Diabetic following a low carbohydrate diet, and my triglycerides to HDL ratio is less than 1 62 Triglycerides, 64 HDL, my HbA1c is 4.8%. My LDL is 197 and my endocrinologist wants me to take a statin. I refuse and told her to check my LDL particle size if I have a bunch of glycated or oxidized LDL sure, but otherwise no need. She was not happy with that idea and said I was in high risk for cardiovascular disease. Even the ADA now admits universally the highest risk of heart disease comes from elevated HbA1c starting as low as above 5.4%
Where do they say that?
@@Sobchak2 New journals published in 2022.
@@pickledrick5158 where exactly does the ADA say that the highest risk of heart disease control mes from elevated HbA1c?
And how could you refer to something written in 2022, when your initial comment was written two years ago?
Excellent presentation and spot on, Doc. Much appreciated that you gave the ratios in both US and Euro formats. The mathematicians will be pondering why would a ratio be different when alternate measurement systems are used? This used to pose a serious problem in misinterpretations when readers would assume it would the same for the units they use when they could be wrong by 100%. Take a minute to solve the puzzle before seeing the answer 😃
In the US system Triglycerides are not measured in the same units as HDL while in the Euro system they are. How on earth did the Americans land a man on the moon 😄
Very carefully.
And Canada different again…hard to know what is optimum because doctors aren’t worried about semi bad numbers
thank u doctor cos your explanation made me awake not to take statins for my elevated LDL, normal triglyceride and high Hdl, inspite my doctor advises that i should take madications.. god bless u more and i appreciate if u can give me more videos like this..
I went zero carb 12 months ago. My triglyceride/HDL ratio is 0.27mmol/L (European)..pristine! (I'm on the carnivore diet. I'm 62yo).
We are born with LDL=HDL as we age the ratio widens. The job of diet and exercise is to keep the TC/HDL as low as possible. Definately under 4 is recommended.
Thanks. Yes. I don’t focus on TC/HDL.
@@PrevMedHealth The Cleveland Clinic and UCL London does.
@@TB1M1 Yea and when I spoke to a recommended cardiologist from the Cleveland Clinic, without a single significant blood test, he said "As a woman over 60, with your cholesterol, you should be on 40mg of a statin."
After 30 minutes of this with no answers to my questions from which I learned to ask from Dr. Brewer, I asked him, "Do you even know my name?"
Brewer did the proper tests, (and I'd converted to ketovore lifestyle 1.5 years earlier) my Tri/hdl is now 1.19.
Cleveland Clinic is part of a system that makes money from keeping people sick.
Thank you for sharing, this informative video! You are on-spot about the ethnicity: I am hispanic 50% white, 27% native american, 13% black and the other 10% a potpourri of middle eastern, jewish and others. So, no we should not have a different cut point by ethnicity; I am hispanic and I have not been eating the way i should all my life. Now that i am careful about my nutrition my Tryg to Hdl ratio went from 4.19 to 1.98, so we are not doing the other ethnicities a favor by adjusting the numbers!
My triglycerides 68( from152) HDL 41.5( from 30) in a year period , LDL 188( FROM 150), VLDL 13.5. Im just having hard time raising Hdl. On a low carb diet
I just had labs done and my triglycerides have come down and my HDL has gone up and my ratio is now 1.09. The doctor still wants me to take a statin. No thanks!
Im 64 and my TG/HDL ratio has dropped from over 2 to .67
My TG are 61 and my HDL are 90.
I got here by cutting carbs and sugar in my diet. As a bonus, I also lost 25lbs.
Thank you for a comprehensive and clearly explained life saving video. It's much appreciated that you include the research studies!
My ratio went from 4.9 down to 2.2 in 6 months. Saturated fat raises HDL, no sugar, starch fructose etc. lowers triglycerides. Quit statins , quit bp meds
"quit bp meds" - this is wrong and dangerous.
H N No not at all! With the diet change came a 43 pound weight loss and a return to normal blood pressure! I am scared about quitting statins though, wish me luck.
@@gloriamaryhaywood2217 you are delusional
Lowered carb intake by going keto and IF. My blood pressure got so good no more meds. Prediabetes gone. Hdl doubled and trig reduced however LDL more than doubled. Trig is 61 and HDL is 96 but should I be concerned about the LDL? Ratio of Trig to HDL is .64. ITs 430. Doctor is freaking. Seeing cardiologist. All tests normal. Now going to do CAC scan. We will
My TGL/HDL is 51/55 so 0.9....my LDL is 378 (TC 443!) on ketovore....I'm wary of even going to my doctors...Struggling as others have said, that how could the body be so stupid to sort out everything then shoot itself in the foot with "LDL"....
me too 🤦♂️
LDL went way up.
Doc prescribed statins 😞
To achieve the desired TG/HDL ratio, I can: either increase HDL, or decrease TG, or do both. My guess is, the latter is the best option. But, if I only increase HDL while TG stays the same and it may be even above the norm, is it still good? I'm just concerned when ratios are used in diagnostics without considering the numerator and denominator on their own in terms of their impact on health.
you should also mention what causes high tgs.its sitting all day and eating ton sugar
Been using this ratio for a couple years. 1.547 is where I’m at. Currently using a CGM to figure out trigger foods, because fat, sugar, and insulin are the major players as we all know. It’s a complex series of chemical reactions, but imo you can’t go wrong limiting processed foods, simple sugar foods, and eating Mediterranean. My next issue will be moderating red wine intake 😄😐
I reduced my from 1.6 to 1. I reduced carbs, and I take fish oils, bergamot, 3 grams of niacin, Glynac, nattokinase, berberine and TMG.
I just got my lipid profile a couple days ago. My overall was 290. HDL 87, triglycerides 56, and LDL 193, but all my ratios were ideal or better than ideal. My TG/HDL is .66 as a 49 year old woman. No one is talking about ratios so I don’t know what to think. I do HIIT with weights every day, and a 4.5 mile walk. I eat lazy keto most days. I intermittently fast 16/8 daily. I take a ton of vitamins, many with Omega 3 from cod liver oil, krill oil and chlorella. But my fasting blood glucose came in at 100! I so don’t want to be on meds. I feel like I’ve made so many changes but that blood glucose should not be so high ugh
My TG/HDL always has been less than one. Even with that low rate and no elevated BP, I became prediabetic. I went LC not too high fat; I never have been too keen on fats, but I figure, I have to increase them a bit. I am good now, but I had to pay for a CAC to stop my dr from pushing statins and making me afraid of seeing her. All was good my result is 0, the heart looks very normal, all my numbers improved, and I do not worry about LDL. There will be no more statins discussions and no more anxiety for now when seeing my dr. Anxiety can make you sick.
Thanks for sharing that
Some if not most doctors use guidelines instead of their critical thinking… they re not great doctors and you should consider to change one… no need to stick with one that is not able to help you as an individual, just sayin…
@@recuerdos2457 They told me she no longer works at the clinic. I spoke with the new one, and I told her right away that I do not want statins. She told me not to worry because based on my other numbers and improvements, I can do without statins. She said she analyzes all the numbers and parameters. I guess I can breathe easy now.
So my Tri/Hdl is 0.51, i am 53 yr old female and they rpescribed statins....
I eat fish,meat, fresh veg very little fruit i live in spain so cook and eat fresh produce drink the odd glass of wine and exercise! Its ao confusing!!
My ratio dropped from 3.02 to 2. But my LDL went up from 104 to 116. Been on the Keto diet for 8 months. Glucose dropped from 136 to 102.
Begin regular release niacin. Work up to 750-1000mg twice daily
I’m a pharmacist
Game changer
My ratio is about 0.7 on keto for the past five years, after going keto..
But I believe in addition that Fasting Glucose should be consistently below 90, which was not a problem.
However lowering Fasting insulin took a lot of discipline.
I raised my Omega-3 Index to over 11%, and that is when my Fasting Insulin finally came down to 6.
But it took more than 2 years to achieve.
I hope to reduce the fasting level to
My blood test 2 weeks ago: triglyceride 66, HDL 58 . So still a bit over 1.0 ratio.
would have been nice to see examples of these ratios
Example labs that a viewer could compare to there own labs
Thanks. I have a lot of those examples in other videos. It’s easy to miss something like that.
I am a 66 year-old white male. Have a history of hyperlipidemia have been on 5 mg of Crestor three times a week. Recent bloodwork showed total cholesterol of 199, TG of 107, HDL of 45, VLDL of 19 LDL of 135.
Fasting blood sugar of 88, hemoglobin A1c of 5.4%
Also had an NMR Lipo profile which showed LDL - P of 1804( 20.5)
LP-IR score 62(
How does the current low carb recommendation account for European pasta & Asian rice dominant diets? Are low carb westerners living significantly longer & healthier?
I love how you explain this by using the data with the charts. Now we can take that information and take action for our health. Thank you
I have in EU units 0.32 not sure how much it was before 2022 as I was never checking my blood profile. My story is similar to Mr. Ford. I was thinking about myself like a superhuman. Actually, I had grounds: I was lifting weights from 1990. I passed vegan, raw food and fasting up to 4 days longest. With body weight variations from 94kg to 114kg down to 88kg. I then stabilized it around 94 to 96kg (my height is 196cm) so finally being on dairy, fish and black bread + dates I was diagnosed during medical examination by ultrasound that I have a fatty lever and kidney stone. ( Ok, that was hard time 2022 and I was eating big blocks of ice cream and worst of all, drinking soft drinks called Green Tea ( with sugar OfCourse) plus Coffee with sugar.) So it was probably same gut punch as for channel owner when He discovered his blood sugar 160. I was destroyed for a week. I was looking at young people on streets and thinking this is an end. Luckily, I tried Apple Cide Vinegar and slowly changed to Keto / Carnivore mix. Now: Ultrasound is of no use to detect neither sand or stone, So I presume they are gone. Weight dropped itself to 88kg from 94kg without gym. Now Blood Pressure dropped as well to 120/75. As I am a seaman, BP is something that was checked annually starting from 1990. Never in my life I had so low BP (except probably in 2016 when I was doing 4days fasting every week). So yeah. It is biggest danger for mafia to stop this information and mislead people who oriented for long and illness free life). They will probably be investing to keep this situation as long as possible to prolong income flow under motto - Corn Flakes weight at the price of gold. Dear Dc. Cheers to You and kindest regards for this sincere information sharing. PS Probably best proof is that that is the way is that libido improved a lot. maybe like in 32. (minus 17years) we do not need better proof that this approach is the most healthy / suitable for people to live and thrive.
Thank you for sharing your story.
3 years now lchf. Reduced cac score from 28 to 14.9. Cut blood pressure meds from 20mg to 5mg. Hdl 66 triglycerides 49 ldl 153 60 years old five 7 136lbs. Cannot tolerate statins
Your ldl now 153
Your ldl 153 when your cac score 14.9
2/25/2023: Tri's at 61, HDL at 51, LDL at 193. 7/10/2023 Tri's at 129, HDL at 51, LDL at 341. In March I went on a carnivore diet. Cut out ALL carbs. I did incorporate some nuts, seeds, and the occasional salad. Eliminated seed oils. Only used extra virgin olive oil and tallow. Numbers only got worse. As much as I followed the thought process, the info in these videos does not corelate with my experience. By cutting carbs I doubled Triglecerides. Obviously the high fat diet had more to do with it.
So even a low carb diet of 30% carbs can work ? bc my tryglicerides are 92
HDL 50
LDL 150
I think I have the lowest tg/hdl ratio here at 0.18, but my ldl is high at 76. I'll ask my doctor about it in a few days.
Great work Doc , I like the level of details
Please provide coverage for Asians and chronic decades long diabetics. I think you emphasized 'pre-diabetes' only.
I am 58 years old. 3 month ago I started low carb and I am feeling good with it! My TG/HDL Ratio is 88/59 = 1.49 mg/dl. Glucose is 92 mg/dl but my LDL is 174 mg/dl . Therefore my doctor wants me to get statins. My weight is 84kg / 1.92m (very slim). I am now unsure if this overall good or bad and if I should follow my doctors recommendation. According your video the TG/HDL is great but whats about the LDL?
I'm arguing with Barnes now to have many blood test done and have the insurance pay for it. I also want a central line.
Also I have increased my cacao nibs to two heaping tablespoons a day. I don't know if it is healthy, but yum.
Just now got my routine standard lipid panel results..
Total..150. Hdl 76. Ldl 61 triglycerides 58.
13 hour fasting blood sugar 99
A1c 5.5.
Calcium score 490 in 2015 I'm on 10 mg Crestor I take every other day 60 years old lean and fit like you never had any weight problems. But I've never been happy with my fasting glucose or A1C numbers. My doctor feels I worry too much about it but I will push him for ogtt before he retires in a couple months. Then at the very least will hopefully l sign up for one of your membership programs after paying some bills! Quick comment if you get a chance doc Thank you again for all you do! Going to get on my brand new rowing machine right now cheers!
Bart, are you low carb?
@@TH-camr-ep5xx no I am not although I avoid sweets and junk food I still eat my share of carbs. I just don't think I'd be able to go real low carb
@@bartrobinson2103 May I ask What did your cholesterol levels look like before you started on the Crestor statin? And could you not have brought the numbers down by adopting a healthy lifestyle?🤔
I HATE Statins and Refuse to take them!
@@gloriamaryhaywood2217 Hi I'm sorry for just now responding. My numbers were never high even before statins. I made the decision to take low dose Crestor because of my 490 cac score. And from learning and listening to Doctor Brewer. Hopefully I'm benefiting from the Anti-inflammatory and plaque stabilizing effect of Crestor. On the other hand my sister has high cholesterol
but her calcium score was 0. Therefore her cardiologist felt no reason for Statins At the present time. LDL is only part of the whole picture for sure. Hope that helps!
@@bartrobinson2103 You're right. LDL is only a part of the equation. Actually it's Only the VLDL cholesterol that's really harmful. (I think the VLDL score should be from 0-40?🤔) And as long as your triglycerides are low and your HDL at a good level, you should be healthy!😉
As for your fasting blood sugar level: I've read where studies have shown that chromium picolinate reduces fasting blood sugar substantially, especially for diabetics. But you'd have to check with your doctor to make sure it doesn't interfere with your current meds!
Thanks for replying!😉
My Triglycerides over HDL is fantastic .4232323 (0.94mmol/L triglycerides / 2.22mmol/L HDL) however if you took my HDL on its own it would be deemed too low!?!? And my LDL is calculated at 5mmol/L. I have tried to find video and info on low HDL and low triglycerides together but can’t find anything. My doctor only looks at total cholesterol which is deemed to be too high at 7.7mmol/L. I think I’m fine though. I am on a ketogenic diet since last May 2023. I love my life now and feel incredible. Overall I’m just going to care about the ratio and not focus on one factor.
No it's not, when dealing with mmol/l you first convert to mg/dl. Triglycerides have to be multiplied by 88.57 and HDL by 38.67 so your ratio is actually 0.97
I'm 74 with no doctor and decided to get Blood tests at Quest for my birthday. Always worked out but quit beer 2 years ago and lost 22 pounds during covid. HDL 81 TRi 57 ac1 5.4 . Ratio HDL/TRI .7!!! I ride my spin bike and do the weight bands in the window. With this ratio I know I can get my heart over 120 for 45 minutes and hopefully not die.
A1c 5.4 you’re diabetic.
Impressive!! Could you share with your diet? Thanks
What's your LDL?
Do u have any stats on Okinawaans ?or long surviving people?
Are nuts and seeds ok because they have carbs
Semaglutide reduced my TRI/HDL from 4.16 to 1.58 in one year.
My TGL is 51, HDL 55.....TC is 443 and LDL 378 (RC therefore 10)....wonder if I should go to the quacks?? Ketovore diet,BP is 113/65, RHR is 42bpm, Max HR 192, aged 55, cycle 4-500 miles a month, and Uric acid level is 5.5....Just that pesky TC/LDL otherwise couldn't be better lol....
My TG/HDL ratio started at 0.9 (HDL 50, TG 45). After taking rosuvastatin (5mg/day) for 1 month (to lower my LDL) my LDL dropped to 73, which was great, but my HDL dropped to 24 and TG went up to 63. That means the ratio before going on Crestor was 0.9, and after it was 2.6. I had never heard of statins making HDL go down. Could have been a fluke, but if HDL doesn't go back up, I don't think it is actually improving my CVD risk to lower both LDL and HDL (and raise TG). I already have a very healthy diet, ideal BMI, and exercise for an hour a day -- nothing changed when I started taking rosuvastatin.
Maybe my increased cravings for carbs after going on rosuvastatin lowered my HDL and raised my TG. Interesting.
My dad's hdl ranged in 20s to mid 30s, never to 40 while on statins. Only when he stopped did his hdl raise to above 40 (44 highest so far). His LDL of course increased and doc insist he go back on statins, ignoring hdl improvement and tg/hdl ratio 2.4, best ever been. They don't care about this, just the LDL number.
@@dawn1913 That's interesting to know. It seems these meds affect people differently. I've been off Crestor for two months now, and my last reading was HDL 59 LDL 128 TG 43. When I asked my new doctor to put me back on Crestor to get below LDL 100, she said absolutely not. You don't need it. I've got other things to worry about, so I'm just going to go with this doctor's advice. I'd prefer LDL to be below 100, but overall I guess it's pretty good, especially with just diet and exercise.
@@karlint39 im surprised your dr did not rx a statin. I like her. I agree your numbers look great. I personally don't think ldl should be the focus and too low ldl is just as bad as very high according to the studies I've read. Your tg to hdl ratio is what matters most in cardiac disease and mortality. And yours it terrific!
My TG / HDL has been between 0.7 - 0.8 for a while All my markers are good except the chlolesterol !! I am on a low carb high fat diet have been on that for about 4 years My BMI is 22 i keep fit and i dont get sick much My doctor put me on Statins she said you could have a heart attack or stroke Statins did no agree wirh me so I refused to take them I told the doctor I will just contol my chlorlestorol with life style and diet My A1C was 5.5 Question is am I being silly to refuse the medication ?
No..your not
HDL is 120 and triglycerides is 50 should I be worried cholesterol is 214
I just calculated my TG/HDL ratio and it’s 54.. I’m 25 and about 50 pounds over weight. I guess I have a genetic issue. My triglycerides levels are 1134mg and HDL 22.. I’m not sure if diet and exercise can ever get me to a safe number but I have hope.
Join Our Live Broadcast Every Wednesday! @11am EST. For more information please visit our website prevmedhealth.com/ & www.jubilee.health/. To learn more watch our videos on TH-cam th-cam.com/channels/moEsq6a6ePXxgZeA4CVrUw.html
Get off carbs asap
Can we fast ourselves out of a lifestyle issues? Autophagy?
I realize this video is a couple years old. Is anyone from prevmed looking at comments? Recent non fasting blood test. HDL 100. Lipids 41. APO b 93. But my doc only seems focused on my 120 ldl. Should I have any concerns?
Howdy Doc, Can we have a video on k2 in conjunction with blood thinners (k2 causing clotting) or have I missed it
Funny you should ask! I did the research on just that last week. The videos should come out in a couple of weeks. I think we did a blog, too. That also will take a few weeks.
@@PrevMedHealth thanks Doc, great work, I share you're vids to all the heart groups
Miso versus garlic and ginger. I'm trying to balance mine now.
Good day, Dr Ford.
I have a query, during both part 1 and part 2 (09:32) of these videos you state that chronically high insulin stimulates Hormone Sensitive Lipase, I was under the impression that HSL is inhibited by insulin?
In insulin resistance, cells don't respond to insulin signalling. As a result they don't store energy but release it. High insulin is a marker of insulin resistance.
my trig is 0.77 my hdl is 1.59 trig/hdl ratio is 0.4842 CARNIVORE DIET HERE
Very interesting video
I am 28 , total cholestrol - 157, tg/hdl - 4.2 , ldl/hdl - 3 , totoal cholestrol/hdl - 4.9 , my hdl is 32.55, please advise what needs ro be done. Really concerned on my health.
Cut out all sugar including drinks like shakes, sodas, and aerated drinks, sweets, ice cream chocolates and carbs and fried food. It will drop. My levels a month ago were all high, i cut out sugar and carbs like breat, rice, noodles and today my levels came back to normal thank God
My HDL is 86, my trig 69, and my LDL is 183, my VLDL is 14.
My Doctor put me on 20mg Crestor.
I feel great, and really don't want to go on meds
Hmm. Keto diet? Lean mass hyper-responder? FH? Thanks for sharing that
@@PrevMedHealth Yes Keto/Carnivore, my only concern is the high calcium score, but I recently had a stress test, my doctor said I killed it congratulations ...But yet this staton drug, is my dilemma, take or don't take. My calcium score, might of been high from past food choices. I went fro. 210 lbs to 168 lbs on Keto/Carnivore
@@kennethh4904 maybe you should consider an "advanced lipoprotein profile" (not sure this is the proper name), to see how much of that LDL is small dense LDL particles, the really dangerous ones.
@@angelluisf7730 NMR profile blood test
@@bartrobinson2103 thanks for the clarification.
My trig=43, HDL = 97, LDL =134. These are non-fasting results. I was wondering if I should retake these while fasting. Would I get more accurate results with a fasting test?
Those are awesome numbers. What did you do to get them?
My TGL to HDL ratio is 1.1 , but LDL is 159.
Fasted Glucose is 94.
Not sure if its good or bad
Why is it....that I know more than practicing M.D.s, and I'm a retired R.N. Why must I explain this material.....over and over to physicians? It bkowd my mind....
Its like "Santa, asking the Elves....how to make toys", but its actual reality.
I got my blood labs today an my doc say my cholestrol so high bla bla...hdl 6.2 ldl 4.3...try ratio 0.8 he said....im on low carb...but i sometimes eat odd junk.....do these numbers mean im gona die
my trygliseride is 45, my HDL is 100. that's point 45 right? , The fraction confuses me, afraid i'm doing it backwards. it's trigliseride devided by HDL right? my doctor wants to put me on statins because my LDL is 109
Nope. U r doing it right. Great 👍 number!
My ratio is 0.92 😃, but my doctor focuses only on my LDL which is 6.0 mmol/L and want to prescribe sttatin. 🤔
Can you recommend a md that has the same Velocity and medicine as you do in the Los Angeles area please where are you located and do you see new patients
HDL 1.59, triglycerides . 51 how do I get the ratio and how does that number rate? I'm in Canada.
To convert mmol/l to mg/dl multiply,:
Trig. by 88.57
HDL by 38.67
Thank you very much for the helpful videos
My latest lipid profile is my triglyceride is high and my hdl is low and my ldl is high should i take atorvastatin?
Shesss. My doctor cant even give me a direct answer when i asked her the ratio lol.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the awesome video! I just had annual physical. My CHOL 302 (H)
LDL CALC 204 (H)
My doctor proscribed Crestor 5 mg daily. I got the medication, but want to make sure if I really need the medication. After watching your video, I believe I don’t need the medication at this time. Am I right? What should I next ? Thanks!
Trg 40, HDL 87. Low carb diet 😋
How can the ratios be valid now after the 20000 person 10 year study shows that LDL poses no risk of early death at 150?
Mine is 3.02
Total Cholesterol 164
My LDL is 104
My HDL is 60 , Triglycerides are 50 , LDL is 139
Great tg/hdl. Many would be worried about the ldl. I worry about ogtt/ir instead.
@@PrevMedHealth i should not worry about the ldl ?
@@PrevMedHealth i don't know about my ogtt but my random blood glucose is 77mg/dl
My total cholesterol is 10.2 😢us 394.4 I think I’m a lean mass high responder on keto. My hdl triglycerides ratio is great. 0.8 they wanna put me on statins. I don’t smoke or have high blood pressure or pre diabetes. I don’t know what to do.
TC 443, LDL 378....TGL/HDL is 0.9 (51/55)..... never taking a statin no matter what.
Dont do it!! My doctor wanted to do the same, I refused. My total cholesterol was 432. I stopped eating eggs for breakfast and replaced it with oats and buckwheat, or protein pancakes, about 50 g carbs. I reduced my saturated fat protein source from 70% to 50% and increased fish from 30%-50%. In 54 days my total cholesterol went from 432 to 240. I am fit and strong as F for a 50 year old man.
@@Mike-ix4fs I stopped eating eggs for a month and it made no difference whatsoever to my cholesterol. The logical step would be to eat lean protein (chicken, pork and fish) with less saturated fat from olive oil and ditch the red meat (aaargh love lamb and beef) and butter for a month or two. But the meat from these sources is poorer quality as usually always grain fed and not ruminants... Might go back to eating 4 oatcakes in the morning (60g carbs) with sardines. Heard that fibre can reduce cholesterol by binding to it and crapping it out before reabsorption (one of it's dubious benefits lol)?? Good result on your cholesterol- if I could get mine that low it'd be fine, but really there's not really any studies of anyone with 280> cholesterol to see what, if any bad effects there are...seems everyone is just guessing when it comes down to it.
Taking Metamucil is a great idea, binds to cholesterol.
my total chol.- 199, HDL -75, LDL - 113, trig. -57. Does that equal .7 ? Should I still get my arteries checked ? My sugar is 81 even though i eat more sugar than i should.
Thanks. Get an insulin profile at least yearly.
"Triglyceride over HDL ratio" KING checking in. My latest blood work shows HDL 61 Triglycerides FORTY SEVEN!
Curious to know if you re on statins?! Or on special diet?? Your numbers are very good
@@recuerdos2457 no statins or any other prescription drug ever. High fat low carb diet with intermittent fasting. I also walk a bit over 150 miles per month...My HDL to Total Cholesterol ratio is at just over 3.40 putting me in the "half risk" category. (Totl Chol 210 divided by 61 = 3.44)
Why do you do a video in which you read other people writings?
why do we want to ,lower our hdl?
We don’t.
Eat fewer carbs- but you have people eating salad. That is the form of carbs they SHOULD be eating. Donuts, breads, rice, pasta, potato is what you should NOT eat.
"Should" is a value judgement. I'm carnivore and my tri/hdl is 1.19 now.
Do you mean high HDL means low TC? Vice versa high TC will low HDL? Is it right?
No. You can have high TC and high HDL at the same time.
My Triglyceride /HDL ratio is 0.7
HDL= 50
Triglyceride = 37
LDL =129
So should I concern about my LDL values?
I am non diabetic with A1c 4.9 and my BP is 110/75 ( average reading)
Those are good numbers!
@@PrevMedHealth Thank you very much
Good subject but cut out all the details ad get to the point. pLEASE!
Are you claiming that triglycerides are *causal* in CVD? Wrong. The Trigs/HDL ratio is simply a marker for metabolic health. Neither of those is *causal* in CVD.
Mine is .64
Great video!
I am keen on getting your advice wrt my recent lipids test results:
TC 273
HDL 59
TG 58
LDL 208
TG/HDL Ratio 1.0
I take medication for hypertension and am suspected of having Familial Hypercholesterolemia (have corneal arcus, so it seems). Quit Statins 3 months ago. I do intermittent fasting 18:6 every day for 2 months. Have lost about 10kg. BMI of 20-21. Performed an Ankle Brachial Index DIY with a score of 1.5.
I will really appreciate your advice Dr. Your lifesaving videos have served as my health guide these past months.
Hey, I know your comment is 7 months old but your lipid results were very close to my own. Biggest difference was both your TG and HDL were about 5 lower than mine. I have a similar BMI to you after losing a similar amount of weight with intermittent fasting also (as well as eating more meat/less carbs). No obvious indications of Familial Hypercholesterolemia for me, as far as I know.
The Ankle Brachial Index DIY is interesting, so I'll have to research that more (another day).
Anyway reason I'm messaging you here is in case you've learnt anything more, had any improvement in your results etc? Might I ask your approximate age (e.g. "50's", or "around 50"? No worries if not. I'm under 40 btw.
Everyone bags on the high carb diet when the healthiest diet (vegan) is predominantly high carbohydrate. No one takes into account that most, if not all, omnivores with metabolic issues overconsume not just the carbohydrate but also the fats (donuts, pizza, ice cream, Doritos, Oreos, cheesecake etc. etc.). The classic scientific reductionism at work. The best advice is to keep an active lifestyle (resistance and aerobic exercises oriented) in conjunction with an ideal body weight. Avoidance of the highly refined carbohydrates and oils in the diet will likely keep you from over indulging yourself to a hyperinsulinemic existence.
If healthy yes. If already in metabolic syndrome, it does not work. You need to radically reduce carbohydrates
Getting very frustrated researching this ratio. Everywhere we see "levels should be below x" or "under x is good, over y is bad". How about a graph, calculator, or something that translates the ratio to a risk of adverse event based on some population study. Just giving target levels is subjective. I want to see something like in a population, the HA risk at ratio 5 is x%, at 3 it is y%, at 1 it is z% or whatever. I can't even find a risk calculator anywhere that includes Triglycerides in the calculation, so I know they can't be using this ratio.
Take a look at this article & image. Does it speak to your question?
@@PrevMedHealth Thanks Dr. Brewer. But the scale on the image seems still to be relative risk with risk of 1 for highly fit people with a good ratio, while it is 4x that for unfit people with a bad ratio. And it is good that they give 4 ratio ranges; I can live with that. But it's all relative. What is the % risk that corresponds to 1 on this scale? It could be 1%, it could be 10%; we can't tell from this. And over what time frame? Knowing it's only statistical, it would still be good to know that a ratio in the very good range for a fit individual is x% over the next y years. Then I can know what a bad ratio really means also. It's almost like this information is being hidden.
It's not being hidden; It’s all you can really get from the studies. It's not as easy as you might think to get exact rates.
@@PrevMedHealth Thanks. I don't understand how the study can have comparative rates if doesn't at least have a statistical rate of some kind for the baseline. I can believe it's harder than it would appear, but if I'm told my risk of event is 9-11.7% (as two calculators I used do) over the next 10 years, neither of which look at Trigs/HDL, I was hoping to see what the Trigs/HDL ratio tells me in similar terms. I would put myself in the fit category for someone my age (a couple months younger than yourself, able to hike 100s of miles on a single trip though I can't leap tall buildings on a single bound anymore) and my ratio is down to the low (but not yet "very low") ratio. Is that still 9-11.7% risk over ten years? I have no way to know if the ratio tells me anything different.
Mine went from 2.2 to 0.8 in 3 months. Cut out all processed foods and stay away from vegetable oils, especially from take out and restaurant food. insist on your food being cooked with only animal fat or olive oil.
If normal values are Hdl 55 and trglic 200 , then normal ratio would be : 200/55= 3.66 !!! ( european values) not 1 ???
My ratio is 0.4 = triglycerides 54, HDL 131.
Exactly the same values for me 😅
@@missjuju1901 Thank you! Lots of calculators won’t let me put in 131 for HDL - nothing over 100. 😵💫. Had me worried. Glad I’m not the only one!