In summary, the Russian message is, "We are crazy enough and evil enough to do something incredibly stupid, so you had better let us do whatever we want."
NAILED IT😂😂 what a pack of pompous baboons😊 They'll be lucky if half of it works , let alone make it to it's destination on its own power considering the corruption , graft and sloth in its military maintenance system
No, they are upset, becouse the west is stricking Russia from the name of Ukraine, which is how cowards do . West, knows that they cant do it without proxy.
And the reason why the russians hate Nato are they cannot threat or invade their neighbours any longer. Once the neighbours are members they are out of reach for the russian fascists. And Putin hates that!
@illomens2766 many in the West support Russia up and till you invaded Ukraine in 2014 then you invaded a 2nd time now the West is gearing up to go to war remember Russia can stop this war tomorrow by leaving Ukraine but Putin won't Putin believe he can keep taking its neighbours so now the West is getting ready supplie line are starting up because your country has war is on its way and Nato countries are getting ready for the freedoms so many people died for 80 years ago
ha, name ONE reason why? Russia is almost completely self sustaining, if these sanctions were placed on USA-it would have borken apart into a thousand pieces. Russia got stronger and you must be a zionist-bc Russia is the backbone of the Palestinian resistance The only people that hate Russia are zionists and cat ladies still mad about Putin's dank memes making Hillary lose election
I'm glad Russia is finally starting to own it because from 2014 to 2022 " those little green men are ours" oh and the classic"were not surrounding your country for invasion,there just training maneuvers" @@Wayfinder_999
Russia brought the fear upon themselves. If they focused on building roads and bettering themselves instead of trying to rebuild a dead empire they would have no problems.
For me it's all about the children. Never forget all of the Russians who abused children and their families in Ukraine. From the mass graves (in Izium) to the stolen children. Now if Ukrainian parents don't become Russian citizens and go to flight against their brothers and cousins Russia will take their newborn children at birth. Speaking of Izium. What did those 414 people see? The Russians thought it was better to murder them and bury them all in a mass grave instead of letting them testify. Whatever they saw must have been truly horrific. At minimum I'm guessing rape and torture. If Russia want's to sign😅 a treaty they must first prove they will stand by one. If Russia wants to negotiate, start with your original written agreement. Pull back all of their troops back behind their original boarder and then you can start negotiations. If they don't show they will honor the original agreement how can you expect them to honor any further agreements. It's our war to lose. Russia can NOT win. Unless we choose to not support Ukraine of course. It is on us in the global West to pick the world we want to live in. Choose wisely. Thanks. Glory to Ukraine. God Bless Ukraine and her people. 🇺🇦🇺🇸
If you surround yourself with yes-men and constantly punish bad news, then you'll never be given an accurate or full picture by your advisors. He was under the impression that the Russian army was the second biggest in the world and that the Ukrainians would welcome his army with open arms...
It is interesting how they think that behaviour earns them respect. Or how telling very obvious lies constantly earns them trust. It is almost as if the whole point of it is something else entirely: To make the point that foreign politics can be conducted on an entirely falsified basis and no kind of sense of objective reality or honest view of things is going to convince them otherwise.
All while trying to play the victim, "oh poor us, Nato made us do this by simply existing! None of this is our bad/fault, cry for us because we are the strongest, most helpless victims on earth", waaaa waaaa!
@@Kody_El_Durado The Russian victimhood narrative indeed comes across as quite incoherent. On one hand they claim to be very strong and able to defeat NATO in no time if it came to that, but on the other hand they would justify doing so by arguing that NATO is somehow threatening to them. Russia is supposed to be both weak and strong at one and the same time, or at least alternating based on their need for putting forth a particular narrative.
Thank you. That was fascinating. The thing that gets me Russians (and yes, I'm generalising) is how they never ever question the "why" of when things don't go their way and automatically default to victim mode. This is true at a societal/cultural level, not just in politics. Why don't these ex-Soviet and Warsaw Pact countries want nothing to do with Russia, why do they want to join Nato and the EU, why don't they trust Russia, why don't they want to be part of the Russian Mir. Nothing, not a single brain cell asking the question and doing some self-introspection without defaulting to victim mode. It is truly sad to see a country with such a rich cultural heritage and so may ressources dig itself deeper and deeper into a pit of self-pity and negativity.
You have to be very brave in Russia to put your head over the parapit and stand up for fair play and decent values. When so repressed it is easier to simply declare yourself a patriot and take pride in the international attention Putin has achieved. So sad, really.
I was friends with a Russian for a while and even thought it seems like getting out of Russia seemed to be her priority in life, she would still puppet Russian propaganda to me and try to convince me how great Russia was and how this war was actually the wests fault 😂
As a Canadian who has ancestors that died fighting Germans in the first and second world war, it made me livid to hear the way that prime-time propaganda-bureau shill threatens Germany. The Soviet occupation of Germany was grim and disgusting. What the Germans did in Russia, in both world wars, was grim and disgusting. Some of what the Canadian army did in those wars was grim and disgusting. The whole period in Europe and the wars in general were a grim and disgusting period, and to threaten a return to that, and try to coerce the German people into being cowed or else they will get that and worse is beyond disgusting. It is the speech of a wicked sadist and abuser. A twisted and evilly perverted bully. But, in a way, more than scared by his speech I feel angry. It makes it clear that there is no coexistence with such a regime other than total submission. It's not a criticism or a proposal, it's just a threat of violence by an angry little erectile-dysfunction that doesn't know anything but abuse by his master. You are doing a good thing in trying to spread what is actually being said on state-sponsored Russian media from day to day. After all, there no longer exists any other widely broadcasted Russian media.
You've described some deeds of the Canadian Army with the same words as those committed by the Red Army. Bro this is wrong. This is badly wrong. How many Katyn massacres have the Canadian Army committed? Zero. How many concertion camps or Gulags have Canadian Army built? Zero. How many thousends of women have Canadian soldiers raped? Final remark: do you know who lead this years 9th of May Red Square victory parade commemorating WW2? The Commander of the unit that took Butcha in Kiev suburbs. Yes the one, that alllowed rapes and murders. It wasn't WW2, it was present day. To me, this tells me more about Russia, than its propaganda.
@@tubetotto I never said all sides actions were equally detestable. My point is that it was a horrible situation that made monsters out of men, and the Russian establishment is actively trying to make it our near future, and is currently doing their best to make it Ukraine's present.
Solovjov seems to forget that without the US, the UK, France, Canada etc. he would be speaking german today ... what a bigmouth! 😂 greetinx from a german!
Hate is not a solution. We can hate cancer but the proper way to treat disease is to cure or remove it in order to save the patient. We shouldn't forget average Russians are victims of this evil as well.
@@renemagritte8237 Sorry but no. Solovyov is not a guy that developed in a vacuum. Many things that he says echo in the heart of average russians. Russian society always acted like this, historically speaking. Ever wonder why we got to a place where Ukraine felt the need to run from Russia and then russians attacked what they called brothers? In the first months of war, while destroying their cities russian on state tv still called ukrainians brothers. How perverted is that? So no russians are not the victim, they are part of the problem.
No worries, Soloviev had just to pay another high bill his gay son, trying to make a living as a model in London, wasn’t able to pay. 😂 So his day was ruined .😂
Apparently, Putin was so enraged at the west allowing Ukraine to target inside Russia with western supplied weaponry that he shat his pants. Right there in front of his minions.
Russian propaganda would make a great comedy show - ever seen 'spitting image' ? It would be great if someone strung this propaganda together to show how ridiculous it sounds when removed from Channel one presentation !
@@marioformosa4259 Dear maga troll, please please give some of your valuable time to answer a few simple questions - yes, simple even for you! It's for a treatise on cults, and the brain damage suffered by cult followers. Regretfully, no monetary reimbursement; but psychiatric referral could be arranged. Remember, all is not lost - some really severe cases have improved considerably.
In the USA we have two sayings, "The dogs with the loudest barks are the ones that are the most afraid" and "If you feel froggy then leap". If the Russians want a fight with the US, they should shut up and get the party started.
@@marioformosa4259 in Afghanistan and Vietnam the US Army never lost a battle, while the U.S.S.R. never won a battle in Afghanistan. Less talk Ivan, more action.
@@ptbelttacticsin Afghanistan US lost to goat herders in sandals 😅😅😅. While Russia achieved its goal completely - in Afghanistan there is no any US military base and no western influence. This is what they have been struggling for since 1979. Be informed 😅😅😅
To whom is this Solwiov guy speaking? Die meisten von uns Deutschen sprechen gar kein Russisch und gucken auch kein russisches Fernsehen. So how is this supposed to threaten us?!? Soloviov who? Or Dr. Who????
Das richtet sich an die Russen selbst. Die Russen haben nichts, worauf sie Stolz sein können und mit solchen Drohungen fühlen sich die Russen stark und mächtig.
Dies ist fuer das russische Publikum gemeint. Wir werden die NATO Erweiterungsgeschichte und Korruption in Ukraine abserviert. Das kommt besser an im Westen.
Er spricht Deutsch nicht. But you do come here and listen to him 😅😅😅 And you, ancestor of fascists, will certainly tell your neighbours, friends and relatives about him.
As a American... I think it's mainly aimed for the Russian population... I'm the only one of my circle of friends and family that even knows or cares about what Russia does or things...
and so many dont realize russia has been doing their best to take over the world, in their own pathetic way. brexit, trumpf, helping hamas, the houthis, anything at all to be dicks
You will be surprised how many people in the US are sympathizing with the Russians and are falling for the propaganda. Memories are short and the end of the Cold War a long time ago.
You can't be more wrong. I keep seeing people in the west blindly repeating ruszian propaganda bs. One of them tried to tell me that Ukraine has banned Christianity, and that putin is a protector of family values
Anyone with internet knows that Ukraine's elected leader is Jewish, so calling the country "n@zi" and demanding regime change gets laughed out of town. Only people who can't access basic international common knowledge are going to be fooled by this bullshite.
This Russian television personality is an almost exact copy of Joseph Goebbels. I have observed him for years. When a «journalist» talks like this about the use of nuclear weapons, you know that he is not equipped with the appropriate intelligence. Even though I am not religious, I pray for better people to be the leaders of this fragile planet.
Funny thing is Russia "annexed" occupied Ukrainian regions, so under Russian law, a street in Mariupol or Donetsk is no different than Ulitsa Arbat in Moscow or Nevsky Prospect in Saint Petersburg. Ukraine has had free rein to use US weapons within Ukrainian territory, territory which Russia considers a part of Russia, so why is Belgorod any different?
Was für eine Tragik, dass Sovoljov nicht Schauspieler geworden ist. Er hat so ein großes Talent für diabolische Rollen. Leider ist er Propagandist geworden und versinkt immer mehr im Wahnsinn.
Many thanks for this. I am very delighted watching this because I didn't know Russia is ready to destroy IMF, EU and NATO. I don't speak Russian. I am Greek, one from 78% of population that support Russia. Many thanks for the translation. SLAVA RUSSIA !!!!
NO! We don’t even censor Trump! Free Speech. Free Thought. Free right to choose. Information clear & in the open is the basis for the strongest democratic society.
It's extremely dangerous that this sort of insantity is appararently broadcasted into Russian homes via their TVs. Fortunately many of them still have Internet and know how to use a VPN.
The comment that keeps popping up is that Russia was an ally during WWII and should be given some consideration for this. Russia and Germany formed a pact and jointly attacked all the countries between their two borders until Germany cancelled the agreement. Russia then joined the GOOD guys, the Allies and eventually helped defeat Germany. My observation on this is that having suffered under Russian aggression for many years the Ukrainians joined the Germans to repulse the Russians. It would have been easy to create regiments/battalions under the Nazis flag. Stalin's treatment of Ukraine after the war ended could quite easily create a mindset in the Ukrainians that the Russians like to call Nazism. Funny old thing war, you never know who to trust.
Ok thank you for letting us know, about your intentions. For someone who started a war with a much smaller country with the intention of wrapping it up in weeks, and now still there taking your cancelled soldiers home over two years latter. I'm not sure whether we should laugh or cry? When there are no civilian casualties in the towns and cities of Russia how many young men are going to see there friends come home in bags, and say ya I'll go there for the "posibility of getting 2K". No one is that stupid. The thing is young Russian men see Ukraine as the best way to leave Russia and escape Putin's BS war. Why do you think they are surrendering? You mouth pieces can talk tough no one is shooting at you.
In summary, the Russian message is, "We are crazy enough and evil enough to do something incredibly stupid, so you had better let us do whatever we want."
what a pack of pompous baboons😊
They'll be lucky if half of it works , let alone make it to it's destination on its own power considering the corruption , graft and sloth in its military maintenance system
Perfectly summarized!
But only because NATO (11!!1) made them to.
@@BleakVision Would you explain your way of thinking because I cannot follow your logic even if I try very hard?
What clowns.
Regards, a German.
See ya in Warsaw 😂
Russia clowns?
Have you taken a look at the United States?
@@max_skim-pontoon-coughnot in your lifetime.
@@disconductordergoofballs for media outlets in the U.S. But Russian propagandists sound ridiculous and uneducated.
Russia is upset that they are not able to conquer Ukraine as easily as they thought.
No, they are upset, becouse the west is stricking Russia from the name of Ukraine, which is how cowards do . West, knows that they cant do it without proxy.
Like a child that didn't get its way throwing a tantrum.
And the reason why the russians hate Nato are they cannot threat or invade their neighbours any longer. Once the neighbours are members they are out of reach for the russian fascists.
And Putin hates that!
they thought they would take Kyiv in 3 days boy they were so wrong
Putin needs to be drafted in the frontlines
I guess Soloviov may be pissed because he can no longer stay in his beloved villa at the Como lake
Yeah...oh well...give him a toilet in Siberia then.
There are plenty of nice places to go in the world other than Western Europe.
@@Withnail1969 Sure, one of them is North Korea.
@@Withnail1969You have to get there somehow first 😂. But maybe those Russian cronies love being shot out of the sky in their private Western jets! 😂
@@Withnail1969China, Korea, Iran, Syria, Brasil, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.
Solovjev is a spiritual child of Goebbels. He must have studied him for a long time.
His son is still in London working as a model.
Solovjev himself is a big fan of Mussolini. And no, I'm not joking.
Solovjev have studied? 🤯
Not even close - the Nazis carried through with their threats and retoric !
@@thumtlnguyen3626well, maybe he is not a big fan of his father. We don't get to choose our parents - unfortunately !
True face of peace loving russians...
"Hey Russia let us surround you with military bases ok?"
"Wow you guys are being real warmongers"
@illomens2766 many in the West support Russia up and till you invaded Ukraine in 2014 then you invaded a 2nd time now the West is gearing up to go to war remember Russia can stop this war tomorrow by leaving Ukraine but Putin won't Putin believe he can keep taking its neighbours so now the West is getting ready supplie line are starting up because your country has war is on its way and Nato countries are getting ready for the freedoms so many people died for 80 years ago
If they didin' act as 30s germans, theyre beighbours wouldn't see nescesity to arm themselves
@@illomens2766sure darling, have a w.a.n.k. to solly speach
@@illomens2766Russische Propaganda! Wer sollte denn Russland angreifen? Und warum? Und was hat die Ukraine damit zu tun?
Russia is going to be in a world of pain for at least the next 20 years.
The SANCTIONED ones, meny 🇺🇸 & 🇨🇦 have moved to support 🇷🇺 .
ha, name ONE reason why?
Russia is almost completely self sustaining, if these sanctions were placed on USA-it would have borken apart into a thousand pieces. Russia got stronger
and you must be a zionist-bc Russia is the backbone of the Palestinian resistance
The only people that hate Russia are zionists and cat ladies still mad about Putin's dank memes making Hillary lose election
If Russia even survives this war.
@@SCHHHaHope you ain't Russian
Russia is scared
@@Wayfinder_999 wtaf!
I'm glad Russia is finally starting to own it because from 2014 to 2022 " those little green men are ours" oh and the classic"were not surrounding your country for invasion,there just training maneuvers" @@Wayfinder_999
Try to touch scared cat you will know his fear
Russia is slowly being bled dry. They shouldn't have started the war. It was a mistake. Lavrov knew that, it was all over his face
Russia brought the fear upon themselves. If they focused on building roads and bettering themselves instead of trying to rebuild a dead empire they would have no problems.
Russia got its hands full with only Ukraine. Maybe not try and fu ck with NATO
Elle n’a pas et aura jamais l’Ukraine. Ça fait 500 ans qu’elle essaye et arrive pas.
That’s a why the threat of escalation is such a joke. Where’s the army they’re going to escalate with? Why isn’t it in the Ukraine now?
For me it's all about the children. Never forget all of the Russians who abused children and their families in Ukraine. From the mass graves (in Izium) to the stolen children. Now if Ukrainian parents don't become Russian citizens and go to flight against their brothers and cousins Russia will take their newborn children at birth.
Speaking of Izium. What did those 414 people see? The Russians thought it was better to murder them and bury them all in a mass grave instead of letting them testify. Whatever they saw must have been truly horrific. At minimum I'm guessing rape and torture.
If Russia want's to sign😅 a treaty they must first prove they will stand by one. If Russia wants to negotiate, start with your original written agreement. Pull back all of their troops back behind their original boarder and then you can start negotiations. If they don't show they will honor the original agreement how can you expect them to honor any further agreements.
It's our war to lose. Russia can NOT win. Unless we choose to not support Ukraine of course. It is on us in the global West to pick the world we want to live in. Choose wisely. Thanks.
Glory to Ukraine. God Bless Ukraine and her people. 🇺🇦🇺🇸
Where is the UN?
average american sheep
Thankyou . I am a British citizen living and volunteering in Dnipro Ukraine
@@user-pe1bu3vd9vwaste of time
Europa is sleeping lion, where Russia has forgotten one simple truth... Never poke the Lion.
Men in tights?
No European wants to die for Ukraine or America. Some politicians might do, but they themselves don't do it
Slavic people of Europa will stand against Russia Mongols.
The lion is quite weak and the hienas around are biting him😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
@@marioformosa4259 Yes, we will, especially Slavic nations of Europa.
drunk chihuahua energy
Putin miscalculated Ukraine so bad. What a major f up
i mean yeah but Nato also did give them a LOT of support but yeah ik what u mean
@@derekfolger8345what about the support russia also gets
And when it stops he’s toast. That’s why he keeps going.
If you surround yourself with yes-men and constantly punish bad news, then you'll never be given an accurate or full picture by your advisors. He was under the impression that the Russian army was the second biggest in the world and that the Ukrainians would welcome his army with open arms...
Yes Ukraine lost a generation of youths. For nothing. Or rather for a short alien prancing about in olive green crap
Using threats and intimidation is a typical Russia method.
It is interesting how they think that behaviour earns them respect. Or how telling very obvious lies constantly earns them trust.
It is almost as if the whole point of it is something else entirely: To make the point that foreign politics can be conducted on an entirely falsified basis and no kind of sense of objective reality or honest view of things is going to convince them otherwise.
All while trying to play the victim, "oh poor us, Nato made us do this by simply existing! None of this is our bad/fault, cry for us because we are the strongest, most helpless victims on earth", waaaa waaaa!
@@Kody_El_Durado The Russian victimhood narrative indeed comes across as quite incoherent. On one hand they claim to be very strong and able to defeat NATO in no time if it came to that, but on the other hand they would justify doing so by arguing that NATO is somehow threatening to them. Russia is supposed to be both weak and strong at one and the same time, or at least alternating based on their need for putting forth a particular narrative.
@@herptekit fool's BRICS Peasants
Thank you. That was fascinating. The thing that gets me Russians (and yes, I'm generalising) is how they never ever question the "why" of when things don't go their way and automatically default to victim mode. This is true at a societal/cultural level, not just in politics. Why don't these ex-Soviet and Warsaw Pact countries want nothing to do with Russia, why do they want to join Nato and the EU, why don't they trust Russia, why don't they want to be part of the Russian Mir. Nothing, not a single brain cell asking the question and doing some self-introspection without defaulting to victim mode. It is truly sad to see a country with such a rich cultural heritage and so may ressources dig itself deeper and deeper into a pit of self-pity and negativity.
You have to be very brave in Russia to put your head over the parapit and stand up for fair play and decent values. When so repressed it is easier to simply declare yourself a patriot and take pride in the international attention Putin has achieved. So sad, really.
They answer that by denying them agency.
Classic behavior. Remember Hitler his Germany was also a victim of the evil globalists
I was friends with a Russian for a while and even thought it seems like getting out of Russia seemed to be her priority in life, she would still puppet Russian propaganda to me and try to convince me how great Russia was and how this war was actually the wests fault 😂
As a Canadian who has ancestors that died fighting Germans in the first and second world war, it made me livid to hear the way that prime-time propaganda-bureau shill threatens Germany. The Soviet occupation of Germany was grim and disgusting. What the Germans did in Russia, in both world wars, was grim and disgusting. Some of what the Canadian army did in those wars was grim and disgusting. The whole period in Europe and the wars in general were a grim and disgusting period, and to threaten a return to that, and try to coerce the German people into being cowed or else they will get that and worse is beyond disgusting. It is the speech of a wicked sadist and abuser. A twisted and evilly perverted bully. But, in a way, more than scared by his speech I feel angry. It makes it clear that there is no coexistence with such a regime other than total submission. It's not a criticism or a proposal, it's just a threat of violence by an angry little erectile-dysfunction that doesn't know anything but abuse by his master.
You are doing a good thing in trying to spread what is actually being said on state-sponsored Russian media from day to day. After all, there no longer exists any other widely broadcasted Russian media.
You've described some deeds of the Canadian Army with the same words as those committed by the Red Army. Bro this is wrong. This is badly wrong.
How many Katyn massacres have the Canadian Army committed? Zero.
How many concertion camps or Gulags have Canadian Army built?
How many thousends of women have Canadian soldiers raped?
Final remark: do you know who lead this years 9th of May Red Square victory parade commemorating WW2?
The Commander of the unit that took Butcha in Kiev suburbs. Yes the one, that alllowed rapes and murders.
It wasn't WW2, it was present day.
To me, this tells me more about Russia, than its propaganda.
@@tubetotto I never said all sides actions were equally detestable. My point is that it was a horrible situation that made monsters out of men, and the Russian establishment is actively trying to make it our near future, and is currently doing their best to make it Ukraine's present.
What a bunch of muppets
Muppets indeed..
I resent that comparison. The Muppets provide a real value!
On behalf of all muppets, I want to object to being mentioned in the sentence or compared to those mup............
Solovjov seems to forget that without the US, the UK, France, Canada etc. he would be speaking german today ... what a bigmouth! 😂
greetinx from a german!
And he’s son’s is living HERE!!!!
I feel nothing but hate for them now, the vile disregard for human life. Regards from America
Hate is not a solution. We can hate cancer but the proper way to treat disease is to cure or remove it in order to save the patient. We shouldn't forget average Russians are victims of this evil as well.
@@renemagritte8237they don't know that democracy works, because Russia failed to develop it.
If that is your reaction after watching the video then you are a victim of propaganda as everyone else.
@@renemagritte8237 Sorry but no. Solovyov is not a guy that developed in a vacuum. Many things that he says echo in the heart of average russians. Russian society always acted like this, historically speaking. Ever wonder why we got to a place where Ukraine felt the need to run from Russia and then russians attacked what they called brothers? In the first months of war, while destroying their cities russian on state tv still called ukrainians brothers. How perverted is that?
So no russians are not the victim, they are part of the problem.
40% of Ruzzians don’t have indoor plumbing.
40% of amerikkkants are homeless and shooting up fentanyl
That 🤡 soloviov just admitted to destroying the town of Volchansk by saying they would do the exact same thing to a town in Germany.
No worries, Soloviev had just to pay another high bill his gay son, trying to make a living as a model in London, wasn’t able to pay. 😂 So his day was ruined .😂
Making work for Hague Court much easier
Imagine invading a country you share a border with and acting surprised when they strike targets on your territory.
No. They're not going to do anything. Now, there army has been destroyed. They have no future but defeat.
Some of politician from west believes this crap. Or maybe just want to help Putin.
They may be able to crawl on their bellies 5km into Estonia, the wretched loser army...
Putin is struggling in Ukraine then expects Nato to take him seriously 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Putin Khuylo
Doesnt Russia strike Ukraine with foreign supplied armaments ?
Yes it does. Belarusian rockets and shells, Iranian drones, rockets and shells, North Korean rockets and shells.
Yes of course they do.
They started the war now they are the victims😂.. by the way ... Medvedev looks speaks and acts like a real Natzi!
they r real ones, exact copy of 3 Reich
I heard a lot of nazis ended up hiding out in Russia.
They call a country "n@zi" and demand regime change when that country's elected leader is Jewish. Yeah we're not actually that stupid.
Typical of the dictators around the world. Nuclear threats are being made daily 😂
They were not Russian propagandists.
Actually, it was the Moscow circus back in town and the clowns were practising their lines.
They can’t even get to Kyiv. How will they get to Germany?
As prisoners of war, maybe lol
You can't fix stupid.
with a buckshot you can only joking of course
See you in the Hague fellas.
They are already threatening since 2008... What happened?
I feel dumber for watching 30 minutes of Russia propaganda. This video is like an infomercial for Kremlin narrative.
It is not!
We must know wtf they’re saying and doing.
My thoughts too
Nou watch not russian propaganda. you watching NATO propaganda where they feed you with prepaired information.
I don’t know which is worse, watching this or two minutes of Marjorie Taylor Green
Very good presentation (Australia)
Apparently, Putin was so enraged at the west allowing Ukraine to target inside Russia with western supplied weaponry that he shat his pants. Right there in front of his minions.
Makes me think of an expression in Dutch "he smells stronger than he is". Suits the occassion.
Solvyov, what happened to your Italian villas ? 😅😅
Befitting Dr. Evil suit.
Don't put the whites with the reds when washing
at this rate they will be down 1 million soldiers by Dec 31st
They don't give a sh!t
@PaulusN-p3m at this point you are 100% on that statement
Russian propaganda would make a great comedy show - ever seen 'spitting image' ? It would be great if someone strung this propaganda together to show how ridiculous it sounds when removed from Channel one presentation !
Very good point!
There was a spitting image in Russia, but Putin banned it. They had a good puppet of him.
Better to just show videos of Biden this year. No commentary. Best comedy. We all fell about
@@marioformosa4259 Dear maga troll, please please give some of your valuable time to answer a few simple questions - yes, simple even for you! It's for a treatise on cults, and the brain damage suffered by cult followers. Regretfully, no monetary reimbursement; but psychiatric referral could be arranged. Remember, all is not lost - some really severe cases have improved considerably.
@@marioformosa4259it's no compensation, - but at least he is not killing thousands and reducing cities to rubble solely on his autocratic whim.
They leave there dead right on the battle field...
"Dogs that bark don't bite"
In the USA we have two sayings, "The dogs with the loudest barks are the ones that are the most afraid" and "If you feel froggy then leap". If the Russians want a fight with the US, they should shut up and get the party started.
They don't want a fight they know they can't win. They're the kid that talks a big talk about beating anyone up but never wants to fight anyone
Your perception of Russia and what it wants is pretty warped, there is no going back. Your media does its best to keep you brainwashed.
What party? Vietnamese or Afghan?
@@marioformosa4259 in Afghanistan and Vietnam the US Army never lost a battle, while the U.S.S.R. never won a battle in Afghanistan. Less talk Ivan, more action.
@@ptbelttacticsin Afghanistan US lost to goat herders in sandals 😅😅😅. While Russia achieved its goal completely - in Afghanistan there is no any US military base and no western influence. This is what they have been struggling for since 1979. Be informed 😅😅😅
To whom is this Solwiov guy speaking? Die meisten von uns Deutschen sprechen gar kein Russisch und gucken auch kein russisches Fernsehen. So how is this supposed to threaten us?!? Soloviov who? Or Dr. Who????
Das richtet sich an die Russen selbst. Die Russen haben nichts, worauf sie Stolz sein können und mit solchen Drohungen fühlen sich die Russen stark und mächtig.
You don’t need to speak Russian to see how dangerous he is
@@Piden-l4bHe's not dangerous, he's just a bigmouth and probably a very cowardly bigmouth.
Dies ist fuer das russische Publikum gemeint. Wir werden die NATO Erweiterungsgeschichte und Korruption in Ukraine abserviert. Das kommt besser an im Westen.
Er spricht Deutsch nicht. But you do come here and listen to him 😅😅😅
And you, ancestor of fascists, will certainly tell your neighbours, friends and relatives about him.
As a American... I think it's mainly aimed for the Russian population... I'm the only one of my circle of friends and family that even knows or cares about what Russia does or things...
and so many dont realize russia has been doing their best to take over the world, in their own pathetic way. brexit, trumpf, helping hamas, the houthis, anything at all to be dicks
You will be surprised how many people in the US are sympathizing with the Russians and are falling for the propaganda. Memories are short and the end of the Cold War a long time ago.
its 24-7 on russian tv since 2014
You can't be more wrong. I keep seeing people in the west blindly repeating ruszian propaganda bs. One of them tried to tell me that Ukraine has banned Christianity, and that putin is a protector of family values
Anyone with internet knows that Ukraine's elected leader is Jewish, so calling the country "n@zi" and demanding regime change gets laughed out of town. Only people who can't access basic international common knowledge are going to be fooled by this bullshite.
It’s so dumb it’s not even propaganda, just hot air
Jaysus, Solovyov seems to be an awful lunatic altogether. I think he might need some help..
Eternal sleep I guess …
A real psycho!
This Russian television personality is an almost exact copy of Joseph Goebbels. I have observed him for years. When a «journalist» talks like this about the use of nuclear weapons, you know that he is not equipped with the appropriate intelligence. Even though I am not religious, I pray for better people to be the leaders of this fragile planet.
I think, it is more about intelligence of his Russian viewers. I bet he has big public back there.
You won't get good leadership in Russia. It is set up to favour dictators.
Solovyev desperetly trying to sell a tax reform. Internal affairs
Their society really could use a re-boot.
Daily dose of russian madness. No one take them seriously. 😂
Dość rosyjskiego imperializmu i kolonializmu ⚡Ukraina bez Putina ⚡Demokratyczna Rosja też bez Putina 👍
Brawo, Polska ma prawo nie nawidzić durnych kacapów. Z Australii🇦🇺🦘
Orcs as they are
@@concretejungle9608same sad theater actors as nazis. Now with their "Dr Strangelove" rhetoric we can say it high and strong. It's a true reality.
What a clown hahahaha
this is a tactical comment for the algorithm. greetings to the authors and viewers!
Do these propagandist not eventually face trial in the Hague?
They are not scared of Western courts
Depends who will be the next president of Russia.
Just like the Kinzhal, Russias threats is full of volatile fuel but doesn't do anything.
An interesting analysis ---- thanks. However, the irritating background noise is unnecessary and way too loud.
Слава Україні!
Heroyam Slava!
Героям слава! 🇺🇦❤️
С . кл. ворогам .
😎🤔😁 Russian News Crew Guy funny 🤣🤣 he forgot his open GAY SON living EXCELLENT in London 🤣🇺🇸🤦🇺🇦💙🇨🇦💪🇪🇺💛🤣
😂🤔😁 My Guy shirt too tight 😭 check on your GAY SON my Guy 🤣🇺🇸💙🇺🇦🤣🤬
Don't hate on Solovyov's son, he didn't choose his father.
@@thorstenguenther he could choose the right thing to do lol, a little pill in the coffee
They really think they are the only ones with nuclear weapons bunch of clowns.
Afraid ? not of these people
I am not afraid, I am amused.
😂🇨🇦🤦🇺🇦 I'm rolling over here 😂🇺🇸Red line You on them white line My Guy 🤣🇺🇸🤷
vodka really degrade the quality of your braincells hallucinations are also apparently a very common symptom🤣🤣
Vladimir Rudolfovich is looking downright haggard these days. Is it stress or decadent Western Ozempic?
What about Simonyan? She was studying in the USA. The Worst Criminal!@
Excellent programme
Funny thing is Russia "annexed" occupied Ukrainian regions, so under Russian law, a street in Mariupol or Donetsk is no different than Ulitsa Arbat in Moscow or Nevsky Prospect in Saint Petersburg. Ukraine has had free rein to use US weapons within Ukrainian territory, territory which Russia considers a part of Russia, so why is Belgorod any different?
The crucial role of stupidity in human history...
10:20 this dude literally farted on tv. Hahahahahahaha
Was für eine Tragik, dass Sovoljov nicht Schauspieler geworden ist. Er hat so ein großes Talent für diabolische Rollen. Leider ist er Propagandist geworden und versinkt immer mehr im Wahnsinn.
You can run, but you can't hide.
Build a fence around that country and leave it...
Many thanks for this. I am very delighted watching this because I didn't know Russia is ready to destroy IMF, EU and NATO. I don't speak Russian. I am Greek, one from 78% of population that support Russia. Many thanks for the translation. SLAVA RUSSIA !!!!
We need to put limits on Russian information like they do on ours. We are in cold war, free flow of information now is naive.
NO! We don’t even censor Trump! Free Speech. Free Thought. Free right to choose. Information clear & in the open is the basis for the strongest democratic society.
All goes according to plan. I’m still the greatest strategist 😂😂😂
Solovyov sure has lost any trace os self-preservation instinct. Those are big words, for a fragile little man.
It's extremely dangerous that this sort of insantity is appararently broadcasted into Russian homes via their TVs. Fortunately many of them still have Internet and know how to use a VPN.
No. Next...
Who of the "Centre for Eastern Studies" thought that the accompanying music would enhance the video´s credibility? It does NOT. It´s unnerving.
It's supposed to be.
Reasearch Institutes are not good in videos making for social media... maybe with time they will improve :D
solowjow - your kids fighting in ukraine ?
No his kids are on the French riviera. 😂😂😂😂
They are quite amusing, the sense of reality has long since disappeared but they still continue the same nonsensical story. Pathetic.
Bla bla bla
What an Orwellian horror show
The comment that keeps popping up is that Russia was an ally during WWII and should be given some consideration for this.
Russia and Germany formed a pact and jointly attacked all the countries between their two borders until Germany cancelled the agreement.
Russia then joined the GOOD guys, the Allies and eventually helped defeat Germany.
My observation on this is that having suffered under Russian aggression for many years the Ukrainians joined the Germans to repulse the Russians.
It would have been easy to create regiments/battalions under the Nazis flag.
Stalin's treatment of Ukraine after the war ended could quite easily create a mindset in the Ukrainians that the Russians like to call Nazism.
Funny old thing war, you never know who to trust.
Во время второй мировой не Россия присоединилась к хорошим парням, а СССР!
СССР и РФ- это совсем не одно и то-же
The West should thank Russia!
Ok thank you for letting us know, about your intentions. For someone who started a war with a much smaller country with the intention of wrapping it up in weeks, and now still there taking your cancelled soldiers home over two years latter. I'm not sure whether we should laugh or cry? When there are no civilian casualties in the towns and cities of Russia how many young men are going to see there friends come home in bags, and say ya I'll go there for the "posibility of getting 2K". No one is that stupid. The thing is young Russian men see Ukraine as the best way to leave Russia and escape Putin's BS war. Why do you think they are surrendering? You mouth pieces can talk tough no one is shooting at you.
Everything you wrote is nonsense. Russian young men who wanted to escape mobilization did so two years ago through Georgia
Western weapons to strike in Russian territory is a big NO NO NO NO!
Am I the only person, who does not hear anything about diplomatic efforts at all, or is it just absent in these bright heads completely?
100% ignore russian propaganda for a better life 😂😂😂
Jerry springer was much better than this show 😂😂😂
It just makes me laugh. They must be really desperate.
US strategy of weakening Russia is in positive mode by proxy war, so why afraid. They are bluffing 😂😅
Who is the “they” of whom you refer?
it looks to me that they are getting suicidal
Those mannequins that Solovyev had standing around were quite life-like, actually.
geat chanel
They're sending messages stating they're unwillingness to see this thing through. And that's good.
This Video sounds like a Propagandist taking on what they view as Russian propaganda.
Wars are not fought on the terms of just one side, at least not up until now.