my anxiety is really bad i have atleast 1 panic attack a day not to mention being paired up with depression thanks for this video really means alot man
I have the Same problem. Agoraphobia and I also get anxiety attacks due to being in malls, grocery stores . Just being in areas with a huge group of people. Only time I can cope with it is when there is loud music going on. If there is music I can just zone in on it and try and forget that theres hundreds of people around me.
I have really bad health anxiety and had constant panic attacks and suffered from depression, been stuck on Prozac for about 2 years now can really understand what you mean. It's comforting to know that someone you look up to suffers from something you have as well. Thank you Phill (:
I have tourettes which stems from my anxiety and OCD. Always jittering my legs and I can't stop twiddling my fingers and it ruins my social situations as I always stutter. I always end up just looking with my head down when I walk anywhere and just listening to all my friends converse as i sit in silence. Lemme tell you though man, as an aspiring vocalist, youre a fucking inspiration. Had a great time meeting you at Hi-Tone in Memphis a few months back.
Hey phil. To be honest, I'm really glad you made this video. I'm a 16 year old kid from California who suffers from severe anxiety. Whitechapel has always been a band I idolized as a musician starting out, and am so relieved to hear that someone from the band I envy so much is dealing with the same stuff I am. It's just sort of comforting in a way. Next time you're feeling anxious about anything, just remember that there's a kid in California who's freaking the fuck out too, and he listens to whitechapel to calm his nerves. Thanks again man.
I struggle with anxiety and depression more than I care to admit in the past few years, and I'm afraid I've let myself be brought down by it more than I thought it would. But hearing that someone I aspire to has not only got anxiety, but actually goes through the days coping with it and never allowing himself to affect his passion and his fans. so much respect for you Phil, thank you for sharing your story, it means the world to people that suffer with this.
The fact that you suffer from anxiety has really made me think about how it affects me and to be honest, the fact that you have dealt with it and managed get to where you are is inspiring and has given me hope that I too can overcome it, thank you man
I definitely see where you're coming from with the anxiety. I have had it through my childhood, but it wasn't too bad. It hit me hard here lately since my grandfather passed though. It's a hard thing to overcome. Constant worrying and thinking.
I'm really happy you made this video, Phil. Anxiety is the worst thing ever to go through. I always have 1-2 panic attacks a day, and it is a terrible thing. I can't stand going through it.
Phil just always remember theres a lot of people out here that love you and what you do. Your true fans will stick through for you no matter what. You're one of my favorite vocalist man. Love ya, stay strong dude.
Thank you so much for this video. I have Bipolar Depression and Anxiety and you explained how I will feel most of the time I do anything. It sucks so much and people just don't understand why I can't physically force myself out of the house somedays. I appreciate it dude. I can't wait for the new album!
Man, I saw your other videos and started feeling that you might have similar problems as I do. I was super suprised when I saw this video, you indeed were suffering from anxiety disorder. I was also shocked how many people responded and felt relieved af. Anxiety and panic attacks are freaking awful, but I hope that sooner or later all of us will get over it.
Great video, Phil. I had extreme anxiety when i was younger in my middle school days where i would literally wake up not being able to breathe. And everyday was a struggle to get through it. Its weird that i can't remember what stopped my anxiety, but thankfully i haven't noticed it in years
Same here it's gotten worse over the past few years and im not on any medication I get the same way when im a passenger in a vehicle too im kind of a control freak so when I don't feel like I'm in control of a situation I get really bad anxiety thank you for sharing your personal struggle with it u the man Phil
I suffer from anxiety really bad as well, when im around alot of people i start freaking out and get light headed and im quiet and i have to try to isolate myself or just try to get away, whenever im around new people im so nervous and it makes me feel nervous and scared, like i feel like there talking about me or judging me. Also when im in public sometimes i get it for no reason as well, sometimes randomly even when im having a good time. I have medication and music to help me cope with it. Atleast im not alone looking up to someone who also has the disorder i have. Good Luck with the tours this summer and coping with eveything hope to see you preform somewhere!
I also have anxiety! I also have these depressive phases where I will suddenly stop talking to my friends. It sucks. I wasn't very surprised to see that you have anxiety. There was one period last summer where I was left home alone for the week and I just shut all the curtains, turned out all of the lights and sat in the dark for that whole week straight. I was way too worried and afraid to leave the house for no reason at all. It got so bad that most of my old friends deserted me. It's nice to know that so many people deal with anxiety and it lets me know that I'am not alone.
I'm currently in a REAL bad mess of anxiety after a breakup, and people don't understand where i'm coming from, and it just causes even more stress. I shared your video in hopes my friends might see that it's not such an Alien affliction to have. Thanks very much Phil for being open about it!
Woah. I have really severe anxiety and was diagnosed with agoraphobia a few years ago. I never knew you suffered with the same type of things. Seeing where you are in life now definitely gives me more hope for the future.
ive been diagnosed with Agoraphobia and its pretty bad but honestly seeing that other people struggle with it too is really almost comforting. You seem like a really cool relatable dude and i really appreciate all the great music and good vibes you and the guys have produced. PS new music is fucking gnarly \m/ looking forward to seeing you guys. Cheers from Chicago!!
I had a panic attack when I was super high one time. I had smoked a lot previously but one time I just got super high and I passed out and thought I was dying. Ever since then I've had super bad anxiety, I didn't leave my house for about 3 months and I didn't wanna hang out with anybody because I was embarassed about it and stuff. It was terrible, I finally got put on medication for it. I'm on Fluoxetine/Prozac and it has helped immensely.
I'm 22 years old and i suffer from anxiety for almost 2 years. It's like a claustrophobic thing. Sometimes i can't get inside a car or a bus, so i walk a lot when i have to do stuff somewhere. I take some black label medicines to try to control this, sometimes works well. I feel a suffocation feeling like my throat is closing off, so i always have to go somewhere i can be alone and drink some water to feel better and get my thoughts in place too. I've stoped taking the medicines for 6 months but some recently changes in my life made me recommence the treatment. It's so nice that one of my favorite bands have a song like this. Love Whitechapel. Feels like someone understands me ^^ Thank you, Phil. God bless you! ^^
My anxiety is so bad that I sometimes forget how to walk correctly in public. On top of that my whole body gets shaky and I have to isolate myself from everyone to calm myself down. Mine get to the point to where I will flip out if I'm stuck in or around a crowded area. I was diagnosed with panic disorder and perscribed meds, but I don't take them. I probably should start taking them because it affects my life and holds me back a lot. Thanks for this video Phil, really helps me out knowing that someone like you who performs in front of a lot of people has the same problem. I really want to persue my career in the music industry.
I suffer from severe social anxiety, depression and some other things that don't really need to be shared, but i sucks it really does, it takes over your life and gets in the way of simple everyday things, i feel for you man.
I have Social Anxiety... I haven't told anyone because well... I'm scared about what they might think about it haha... But it's really frustrating and kinda fucks my life up
Big respect for sharing. I also have anxiety, but never mention it, because i am kinda scared of what people might think, either that i am useless, or "not qualified". For example in my job. It keeps me from doing the things i want most.
We have the exact same type of anxiety. It's crazy that I can relate to you about this. It takes over my life, really. It's bad. Like I always feel like I have to escape most buildings. And It really feels like I'm going to die, or faint when I have a panic attack from being so anxious. I hate it so much, and no one in my family or friends know what it's like to be in my shoes.. It's weird too though, cause when I was in a band, and playing local shows, the anxiety just seemed to have left my body once I was on stage.
Ive been suffering from anxiety and stress since junior high. So it was always hard for me to be myself. I find that working out and trying to eat healthy really helps alot. I wouldn't seek medication as the first way out. Explore your options. I also hear that yoga helps alot.
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I deal with anxiety as well. My stomach cramps really bad when I'm anxious and I feel sick to my stomach. I usually try to combat that with deep breathing and positive reassurance because I'm usually worried about something that has not even happened yet and I'm thinking about every possible way it could go wrong.
20 years old here. suffered extreme agoraphobia for about 5 years, along with extreme depression since I was about 8. Shit sucks. Panic attacks are NOT fun. Once had a panic attack for 24 hours straight.. almost passed out many times. It's horrible. But thanks Phil for talking about it. Not enough people know about these issues, and having someone as respected as you publicly address it... it really helps thankyou.
24 hours straight? That's crazy man. How do you deal with that? I have panic attacks but only last 30mins-2 hours. Damn life sucks man. Idk how phil bozeman deal with anxiety and still can perform well in stage.
hey phil, like a lot of other people here I really appreciate this video. I passed out from smoking weed about 4 or 5 years ago and hit my head, woke up having an anxiety attack and ive had anxiety ever since, as well as what I believe to be post-traumatic stress disorder. I have to drop out of college because the house I was living in constantly smelt of weed which brought my mind back to my fateful night. people don't understand how much it unintentionally takes over your life. right now im working and playing in my band and have a girlfriend so life is really great. ive noticed my anxiety only happens when im in a situation where anxiety would be a terrible time to happen. i.e. car rides, getting a tattoo, writing an exam. etc. times where I cannot leave the situation without admitting im essentially freaking out over nothing, without being embarrassed. its all in my head though and when im in a good mood I can honestly laugh about it because THERE IS HONESTLY NOTHING TO FEAR, im in a safe place so why does it even cross my mind. ill never know. cheers man, looking forward to new music and hopefully meeting you here in Toronto some day !! Inspiration to young guys like us,
Wow Phil i never expected that you had any kind of anxiety issues man ive seen you 3 times live and in videos and through it all you just seem so confident and calm and just doing your own thing. Knowing that you have anxiety though and touring must be pretty crazy to deal with. I personally have MAJOR anxiety issues, GAD, Social Anxiety, agoraphobia, to the point where i cant even work because it just destroys me and in turn gives me horrible physical symptoms which leave me panicking beyond control. I dont know what the cure is, where to turn, what to do, but your right on the fact that its a plague. One that eats you alive if you let it. Id say stay far away from medications because I've had bad experiences with them but if you think they worked for you then thats great. ive been on every medication in the book and they all ended up making me crazy and changing who i was as a person. but yeah good luck on the tour and cant wait to hear the next album. and to all those who suffer from anxiety good luck to you guys as well and hopefully one day we can all beat the imprisoning worries.
I can relate to your feelings of anxiety on a daily basis. I feel the same way now that I hear you explain your situation. People always say I'm real quiet. I'm a past drug addict so I would refuse medication. Would rather just deal with it.
I get anxiety attacks, not very often- but once i was in turkey, 2 hours away from my hotel and i had no way of getting back, and i had a really bad attack, and it was absolutely horrific cuz i couldn't ask anyone for help or tell them what was wrong. it's kinda nice to hear about someone who hasn't let it take over :) stay metal bro \m/
I completely understand what you mean with the situation you mentioned. I can't stay in big malls or areas for a long time. I get tensed, scared to the point my stomach hurts and I want to be left alone. I get shaky and don't want to talk and people think "wow, he's being weird and an asshole" I can't help it. Also since I was younger I have dealt with anxiety. Its been on and off bad the last year with so many changes in my life. Some days I can hardly make it out of my house. It's overwhelming at times but I just think of all the things I want to accomplish in my life like working in the media/broadcasting end of music & concert photography. That I can't give in to it and not do those things. The video honestly really helped me this morning. Makes me feel better knowing others deal with similar issues. Much love man.
I've had anxiety and major depressive disorder for over half of my life. Some days I feel like saying fuck it and putting an end to it, and other days I feel great. Recently, my doc put me on Escitalopram which is the generic for Lexapro, and it's helped me tremendously. Zoloft ended up helping my anxiety, but it made my MDD exponentially worse.
I deal with horrid anxiety and on top of that shyness, sometimes when I'm near a group of people of any size I get over come with thoughts and feelings of things I can't even explain and theres no where to go calm enough to center my mind. Anxieties not a pleasant things to deal with.
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So brave of you go touring and do what you do for living with that anxiety dude. You're awesome.
Yeah Phil, I'm a sufferer of anxiety disorder also, the intensity varies I've had extreme scenarios and minor ones it's fluctuates. Its a really awkward thing to have when no one around you knows why you're getting so worked up and anxious but you can't necessarily explain it yourself. I tend to keep it under control now though with self CBT esq exercises. Big fan from UK.
i know where your coming from, i suffer from social anxiety and agoraphobia. i've been taking meds for about a year now for it and its helps allot but not entirly. what i do to deal with it when i get that anxious feeling is keep a wet paper towel on me all times and whenever i start to get anxious i take it out and pat it on my neck to shock myself and it helps allot.
I have anxiety and I'm a performer aswell. I don't talk to really anyone the day I perform and vomit before I go onstage. I hate driving to things cause I get hell anxious of the suspence and time it takes to get where ever I'm going and hav trouble in crowds I understand you very well Phil
I used to have minor anxiety issues. I was just awkward, and I took some time to mentally tackle it, and I've been pretty good since. I've still got those shitty days, but it's getting better. A lot better.
I suffer from extreme anxiety, I used to have multiple panic attacks a day and felt like I didn't even exist. I'm much better now and I'm on meds to keep it in check. It meens a lot to see someone like who suffers from it too :)
I have really bad anxiety too and I totally see where you're coming from. I've been dealing with anxiety as long as I could remember. It started out mild, just as social anxiety and I was really shy. But in 4th grade I started suffering from panic attacks and I've had countless numbers of them since then, and I'm a senior in high school now. I've been on lexapro since I was 14 and I tried to come off of it this past summer and I had multiple panic attacks a day, every day for two weeks until I ultimately decided that it was torture to not be on it. It's the hardest thing I've had to deal with cause it's an inherited condition (most of my family has it) but it's been exacerbated by certain shitty things I've gone through in my life, which I'm sure you've experienced too. I have pretty bad health anxiety, social anxiety, I'm a little agoraphobic, sometimes I have OCD tendencies and I'm developing an eating disorder. My biggest fear is being out of control. Get better Phil, I'm so glad you talked about this.
Yeah man i had this same shit especially back in high school, seems like its more common in people that really into music and arts for whatever reason.
Hey Phil I hear you man. I totally understand and can empathize. I suffered from extreme anxiety my junior year of high school, which was only two years ago now. It got so bad to the point where I was missing school for weeks at a time because I was so anxious in the classroom setting, and just wanted to be by myself all the time. And like you said I felt like I had no "escape route." It affected me so much that I couldn't live my normal life. It had taken over my life, in other words. I decided to go see a psychologist about (as opposed to a psychiatrist) because I wanted to avoid medicine and make it a last resort. I was lucky to get a really great psychologist who helped me find the root of what was causing my anxiety and how to deal with the severe panic attacks. She taught me all these great techniques and how to "talk myself down" to keep the anxiousness at bay. All in all I only ended up going there for about two months and she simply taught me how to control the anxiety, and now I barely have to deal with it at all. I'm sure you have probably seen a psychologist/psychiatrist at some point throughout all your years of dealing with this, and my anxiety may not have been to the same level of severity as yours, but I thought I would share how it worked for me in case you needed some advice. Anxiety sucks, control that shit! Also love your videos and really looking forward to the new Whitechapel record.
My school doesn't seem to think of anxiety as a 'real thing.' Whenever i ask to step outside for 5 minutes they'd tell me to stop being silly. The amount of rage i feel when this happens is unbelievable. ._. Thanks for talking about this subject, dude.
I have anxiety as well man, have had panic attacks but mine comes with alot of other mental health problems. Glad to see that one of my favorite artist at least know what I'm going through, looking forward to Soundwave, the count down has begun, 20 days till I see you live on Stage and I get to rip it out in the mosh pit. I would love if you played "This is Exile" with the full wall of death for us. Super keen for it! Would love it if you replied as well, would mean alot to know that you got this message :3
Yes sir. PTSD sufferer. Anxiety, anger and depression. The 3 core symptoms plague me everyday. My anxiety has gotten so bad that I have to go to the grocery store a midnight to avoid crowds and ill wait to go out to my car if i need something late at night to avoid people seeing me. Thanks for the video Phil. I am new to whitechapel (as of today) and i really enjoy the music - Mike
I suffer from it too, similar to your situation. I stray away from party's and big groups if it's people I don't know and when I go into stores by myself I freak out a little bit. I just have to breathe and say it's okay calm down. It's very embarrassing and I know no one knows what's going on when I freak out inside but it scares me.
im 26 and im on medication for anxiety, my triggers are pretty much the same as your's only i get so caught up in my own head that i cant control it. medication helps for the most part but not always which truly sucks, i can go to a concert and be fine but i cant eat at a restaurant because i feel like im being stared at. i hate going places i've never been before because of it, but ill force myself to go just to not let my anxiety control me as much as it does. it is hard to explain it to most of my friends or family they all thing its in my head and its not real so i know how much it sucks
I have anxiety that i've had it for about 4 years and i'm a junior in high school. This year it got to a point of me having to go on online school and I havent hungout with my best friend in about 2 months. I'm trying to find ways to cope with it outside of medication because my parents dont want me being on it.
I think anxiety and rage/ocd are mechanisms your body uses to get internal issues out, to relieve a little bit of the stress. Your character is forged and molded when you are young, and if a giant source of stress hits you when you're young, and you can't process it, your body was to find ways to deal with it, and it sticks with you until you uncover those issues.
I'm taking Zoloft too; for anxiety and depression. Some days getting out of bed seems impossible and it makes me want to paint the walls with my brain, and other days I feel awesome. Damn...
I get it really bad when I'm doing something out of my daily routine, like driving with someone I usually don't drive with, or being around people I don't really know.
I also suffer Anxiety and I am on medication for this. I am also the lead singer in a metal band call ART OF DIFFERENCE. AKA/DEAD AND SOUTHBOUND, which we have a clip on TH-cam called wasteland. But moving on, i feel trapped around people ”not scared” but trapped like I need to get away. Your videos really help me Phill! Also love your music..
Will be seeing you in Melbourne for Soundwave. Coming over from NZ =D. Don't have anxiety myself but have many friends with it and family members. Definitely horrible to see what they go through.
My anxiety is constant. Even if I’m sitting down away from people. Whether it’s driving, being around strangers, or over thinking. I literally have no escape other than smoking after work and to keep to myself on the weekends. The worst part of all is that I have no way to pin point where it is coming from. I suppose it could be a mixture of things... but I’ve had this for over 2 years and I can’t get out of the house anymore. Seems stupid to others but for me, it’s hell on earth.
I deal with anxiety, panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I am diagnosed with agoraphobia and chronic anxiety. I too, once never left the house for 2 years. Its really rough and its not a fun thing. I attended my first concert in 3 years recently. It was not easy at all.
As a fellow sufferer of severe anxiety and agoraphobia, I can fully agree that it is fucking terrible. Being in large crowds, aside from being at shows as odd as that is, is by far the biggest trigger for me. But thank you Phil for posting this and helping people understand what anxiety is and that we're not crazy :) On a better note, that intro... HOLY.FUCKING.SHIT!
been dealing with extreme anxiety for years had a similar case like your sister phil didnt go near certain places for a long ass time have to take zoloft myself it really does help and its no joke dont ignore it panic attacks are fucking terrible
I used to have it pretty bad when I was younger, but since I was like 14 (19 now), it just kind of went away. Although, I've been told I get INCREDIABLY anxious and nervous when I'm sleep deprived. Also, that teaser. Damn.
I'm new to the whole anxiety thing as of about a year or so. I couldn't really explain it better for people that aren't familiar with the situation. I don't know how I feel about Meds.. usually I just let it run its course and hope it fades but it always comes and goes.
I have pretty bad anxiety as well. Ever since 8th grade, but was diagnosed early last year. They put me on Zoloft - which I refuse to take - and prescribed me Ativan. I'll just leave it at it's almost impossible for me to have a normal, semi-social life because of it.
I'm really with you there on that fear of malls/crowded places with no escape route. I hate malls so much. It all feels so artificial and fake. Whenever I'm at a mall or movie theater I'm just waiting for something to go wrong and for everyone to die. There's also the feeling of impending doom that I get a lot, but especially in malls and cities. The feeling that we're all fucked and that something awful will happen.
Mine is sort of different. I've never been diagnosed, or anything, but it makes me feel like normal things in life just become really overwhelming. Like, I dread going to work right before, but after I get there, it get's better. And just like the being in public thing you said. My heart just starts racing until I tell myself to relax, and stuff, haha Nuts.
@phillybo1985 I know exactly what you're going through I have an extreme case of agoraphobia and take Zoloft and have notice it helps some but I can for sure tell the feeling of fear and worrying is still there. Actually one of my big breakthroughs was when I caught you guys a few years ago at mayhem fest in ohio. Thousands of people in 100 degree weather and didn't have any problems of want to escape or fear. I would suggest taking Zoloft again man it might not take the anxiety away 100% but it does help. Keep up the great work with the music and your vids!
I have social anxiety, it is pretty bad like even with my closest friends I get really just. It feels like I'm crowded and I can't get away from it. And when people try to talk to me and I don't know them it just scares the hell out of me
I don't have bad anxiety, but my stepbrother has it really bad. He hasn't been to school in 4 months and he has panic attacks whenever he leaves the house. Can't wait for the new Whitechapel album, your vocals sound awesome in the intro teaser
I have severe social anxiety, so I know how you feel. Any time I'm talking to somebody new, or meeting someone's parents for the first time or something, that's when it really hits hard. It's not something I enjoy dealing with.
I can definitely relate. I've got something called 'purely obsessional OCD', which plagues me with billions of different thoughts, all of them being related to something unpleasant to me, socially unacceptable etc,and can definitely affect my mood and functioning. PS I love the intro track. Stoked for the album.
I have Pure-O and it's horrible. I was so glad to find out that it was an actual condition, because I felt I must be an awful person to have all these thoughts in my head. The more upset you get and the more you push them away, the worse they get. It's like being caught in a cycle. Mindfulness REALLY helped me. It gives you really good techniques for managing the unwanted thoughts- breathing and distraction. Rather than getting upset and anxious about them. They're nowhere near as bad as they used to be.
Ya man i have bad anxiety too. Im emotophobic too so it's more I am terrified of throwing up so when I'm in like malls or I am packed in a church I start panicking.
I suffer from a panic disorder, and it blows. Basically it's an untriggered panic attack. Just happens out of nowhere. I've been on medications but I experience more negative side effects than positive. It can be difficult to deal with at times, but it's just something I gotta work on I guess. Great video.
I have been to dark places because of my anxiety and i overcame it through music because i had to. I have fear of failure and alot of OCD ticks. My anxiety led to depression throughout high school and i beat depression even tho it still visits every now and then.
Pretty strange, I didn't knew the definition of anxiety until yet. First that went in my mind was that bad and uncomfortable feeling when I leave my house for havin a nightover in some pubs.. that kinda fits on your description.
I've got severe anxiety as well, my medication doesn't work for shit though, yikes. Music is literally the only thing that helps me block it out (thanks Phil)
I've been dealing with since i was 14. That's when my father died, and my mother got heavily into drugs with a guy she was with. So our stories are kinda similiar, but atleast my moms still around, even though we're not on good terms. I experienced my first panic attack at 14, and I thought i was gonna die. And they still come on at the most random times, usually with nothing that solely triggers it. I've found that pushing myself to go out of my comfort level has definitely improved my anxiety, and when I do have panic attacks, I know everything will be okay. It'll soon go away. I've never taken any medication for it, cause i've never had health insurance. I used to just smoke marijuana, which did help quite a bit, but due to my job now, I cant do that. So hopefully soon I can land health insurance benefits and take the proper steps of getting some type of medication in order to deal with my anxiety. I always figured you had anxeity. Just cause i know you had a rough past, and I can tell in some of your interviews when it's bothering you.
i suffer from anxiety primarly for deadlines for school and such it sucks i get really like worked up and i just run too many scenarios through my head
I have Anxiety. I tend to become very worried and filled with tons of feelings till I shut down and can't talk. Sometimes I end up twiching and hyperventalting on the ground. It causes me to become depressed and feel like I have no future left to live for... but these thoughts don't last and I feel better in time. I normally understand why worry but cant stop thinking about it untill I end up in an anxiety attack. I wouldn't say I have a bad case of anxiety, it can be controlled with out medcation.
it sucks. i have severe health anxiety and i take antidepressants. sometimes i get so bad that i see images of me having surgery or being badly ill. i find however that art helps. im studying photography at university and being able to focus all of my energy into creating art helps to distract me from those thoughts and feelings i completely agree when you say dont let it takeover your life because its a dark fucking path that you easily stray from. good to hear those fast screams! looking forward to the new record \m/-_-
I don't know what kind of anxiety I have, but I've been having random panic attacks for the last 2 or 3 years. They're infrequent but when they happen they hit hard. Oh, and have fun down under! :D
my anxiety is really bad i have atleast 1 panic attack a day not to mention being paired up with depression thanks for this video really means alot man
I know how you feel man, I envy people that don't deal with it
i do as well it gets rough but i know ill pull though soon enough thank man
I have the Same problem. Agoraphobia and I also get anxiety attacks due to being in malls, grocery stores . Just being in areas with a huge group of people. Only time I can cope with it is when there is loud music going on. If there is music I can just zone in on it and try and forget that theres hundreds of people around me.
I have really bad health anxiety and had constant panic attacks and suffered from depression, been stuck on Prozac for about 2 years now can really understand what you mean. It's comforting to know that someone you look up to suffers from something you have as well. Thank you Phill (:
I have tourettes which stems from my anxiety and OCD. Always jittering my legs and I can't stop twiddling my fingers and it ruins my social situations as I always stutter. I always end up just looking with my head down when I walk anywhere and just listening to all my friends converse as i sit in silence. Lemme tell you though man, as an aspiring vocalist, youre a fucking inspiration. Had a great time meeting you at Hi-Tone in Memphis a few months back.
Hey phil. To be honest, I'm really glad you made this video. I'm a 16 year old kid from California who suffers from severe anxiety. Whitechapel has always been a band I idolized as a musician starting out, and am so relieved to hear that someone from the band I envy so much is dealing with the same stuff I am. It's just sort of comforting in a way. Next time you're feeling anxious about anything, just remember that there's a kid in California who's freaking the fuck out too, and he listens to whitechapel to calm his nerves. Thanks again man.
I struggle with anxiety and depression more than I care to admit in the past few years, and I'm afraid I've let myself be brought down by it more than I thought it would. But hearing that someone I aspire to has not only got anxiety, but actually goes through the days coping with it and never allowing himself to affect his passion and his fans.
so much respect for you Phil, thank you for sharing your story, it means the world to people that suffer with this.
Phil you are an inspiration to so many people. Good luck and safe travels in Australia
Why am I just finding out that you have a youtube channel?
xbox 360
Lol I know right? I'm sittin here kinda laughing...imagine him yellin at kids on a head set like he does on stage hahaha
because you touch yourself at night
The fact that you suffer from anxiety has really made me think about how it affects me and to be honest, the fact that you have dealt with it and managed get to where you are is inspiring and has given me hope that I too can overcome it, thank you man
I know how you feel, I have social anxiety and it fucking sucks
Also, the new shit sounds sick. Looking forward to it
I definitely see where you're coming from with the anxiety. I have had it through my childhood, but it wasn't too bad. It hit me hard here lately since my grandfather passed though. It's a hard thing to overcome. Constant worrying and thinking.
I'm really happy you made this video, Phil. Anxiety is the worst thing ever to go through. I always have 1-2 panic attacks a day, and it is a terrible thing. I can't stand going through it.
Phil just always remember theres a lot of people out here that love you and what you do. Your true fans will stick through for you no matter what. You're one of my favorite vocalist man. Love ya, stay strong dude.
Thank you so much for this video. I have Bipolar Depression and Anxiety and you explained how I will feel most of the time I do anything. It sucks so much and people just don't understand why I can't physically force myself out of the house somedays. I appreciate it dude. I can't wait for the new album!
Man, I saw your other videos and started feeling that you might have similar problems as I do. I was super suprised when I saw this video, you indeed were suffering from anxiety disorder. I was also shocked how many people responded and felt relieved af. Anxiety and panic attacks are freaking awful, but I hope that sooner or later all of us will get over it.
Great video, Phil. I had extreme anxiety when i was younger in my middle school days where i would literally wake up not being able to breathe. And everyday was a struggle to get through it. Its weird that i can't remember what stopped my anxiety, but thankfully i haven't noticed it in years
Same here it's gotten worse over the past few years and im not on any medication I get the same way when im a passenger in a vehicle too im kind of a control freak so when I don't feel like I'm in control of a situation I get really bad anxiety thank you for sharing your personal struggle with it u the man Phil
I suffer from anxiety really bad as well, when im around alot of people i start freaking out and get light headed and im quiet and i have to try to isolate myself or just try to get away, whenever im around new people im so nervous and it makes me feel nervous and scared, like i feel like there talking about me or judging me. Also when im in public sometimes i get it for no reason as well, sometimes randomly even when im having a good time. I have medication and music to help me cope with it. Atleast im not alone looking up to someone who also has the disorder i have. Good Luck with the tours this summer and coping with eveything hope to see you preform somewhere!
I also have anxiety! I also have these depressive phases where I will suddenly stop talking to my friends. It sucks. I wasn't very surprised to see that you have anxiety. There was one period last summer where I was left home alone for the week and I just shut all the curtains, turned out all of the lights and sat in the dark for that whole week straight. I was way too worried and afraid to leave the house for no reason at all. It got so bad that most of my old friends deserted me. It's nice to know that so many people deal with anxiety and it lets me know that I'am not alone.
I'm currently in a REAL bad mess of anxiety after a breakup, and people don't understand where i'm coming from, and it just causes even more stress. I shared your video in hopes my friends might see that it's not such an Alien affliction to have. Thanks very much Phil for being open about it!
Woah. I have really severe anxiety and was diagnosed with agoraphobia a few years ago. I never knew you suffered with the same type of things. Seeing where you are in life now definitely gives me more hope for the future.
ive been diagnosed with Agoraphobia and its pretty bad but honestly seeing that other people struggle with it too is really almost comforting. You seem like a really cool relatable dude and i really appreciate all the great music and good vibes you and the guys have produced. PS new music is fucking gnarly \m/ looking forward to seeing you guys. Cheers from Chicago!!
I had a panic attack when I was super high one time. I had smoked a lot previously but one time I just got super high and I passed out and thought I was dying. Ever since then I've had super bad anxiety, I didn't leave my house for about 3 months and I didn't wanna hang out with anybody because I was embarassed about it and stuff. It was terrible, I finally got put on medication for it. I'm on Fluoxetine/Prozac and it has helped immensely.
oh man me too, sometimes i get anxious because i don't know what i want to do and also when i forget things quickly and i just can't remember :(
I'm 22 years old and i suffer from anxiety for almost 2 years. It's like a claustrophobic thing. Sometimes i can't get inside a car or a bus, so i walk a lot when i have to do stuff somewhere. I take some black label medicines to try to control this, sometimes works well. I feel a suffocation feeling like my throat is closing off, so i always have to go somewhere i can be alone and drink some water to feel better and get my thoughts in place too. I've stoped taking the medicines for 6 months but some recently changes in my life made me recommence the treatment. It's so nice that one of my favorite bands have a song like this. Love Whitechapel. Feels like someone understands me ^^ Thank you, Phil. God bless you! ^^
My anxiety is so bad that I sometimes forget how to walk correctly in public. On top of that my whole body gets shaky and I have to isolate myself from everyone to calm myself down. Mine get to the point to where I will flip out if I'm stuck in or around a crowded area. I was diagnosed with panic disorder and perscribed meds, but I don't take them. I probably should start taking them because it affects my life and holds me back a lot. Thanks for this video Phil, really helps me out knowing that someone like you who performs in front of a lot of people has the same problem. I really want to persue my career in the music industry.
I suffer from severe social anxiety, depression and some other things that don't really need to be shared, but i sucks it really does, it takes over your life and gets in the way of simple everyday things, i feel for you man.
I have Social Anxiety... I haven't told anyone because well... I'm scared about what they might think about it haha... But it's really frustrating and kinda fucks my life up
Big respect for sharing. I also have anxiety, but never mention it, because i am kinda scared of what people might think, either that i am useless, or "not qualified". For example in my job. It keeps me from doing the things i want most.
I have anxiety, anorexia and depression. Life sux.
We have the exact same type of anxiety. It's crazy that I can relate to you about this. It takes over my life, really. It's bad. Like I always feel like I have to escape most buildings. And It really feels like I'm going to die, or faint when I have a panic attack from being so anxious. I hate it so much, and no one in my family or friends know what it's like to be in my shoes.. It's weird too though, cause when I was in a band, and playing local shows, the anxiety just seemed to have left my body once I was on stage.
Ive been suffering from anxiety and stress since junior high. So it was always hard for me to be myself. I find that working out and trying to eat healthy really helps alot. I wouldn't seek medication as the first way out. Explore your options. I also hear that yoga helps alot.
I deal with anxiety as well. My stomach cramps really bad when I'm anxious and I feel sick to my stomach. I usually try to combat that with deep breathing and positive reassurance because I'm usually worried about something that has not even happened yet and I'm thinking about every possible way it could go wrong.
Looking forward to that new album! Intro sounded sick!
20 years old here. suffered extreme agoraphobia for about 5 years, along with extreme depression since I was about 8. Shit sucks. Panic attacks are NOT fun. Once had a panic attack for 24 hours straight.. almost passed out many times. It's horrible. But thanks Phil for talking about it. Not enough people know about these issues, and having someone as respected as you publicly address it... it really helps
24 hours straight? That's crazy man. How do you deal with that? I have panic attacks but only last 30mins-2 hours. Damn life sucks man. Idk how phil bozeman deal with anxiety and still can perform well in stage.
I recognize that riffage! Alex's "8 String Groove"!
Glad you discussed this topic, it was very interesting and a bit of a shocker I must admit.
I have horrible anxiety and it is hard to explain in words but it is the scariest thing sometimes and it usually comes in waves.
hey phil, like a lot of other people here I really appreciate this video. I passed out from smoking weed about 4 or 5 years ago and hit my head, woke up having an anxiety attack and ive had anxiety ever since, as well as what I believe to be post-traumatic stress disorder. I have to drop out of college because the house I was living in constantly smelt of weed which brought my mind back to my fateful night. people don't understand how much it unintentionally takes over your life. right now im working and playing in my band and have a girlfriend so life is really great. ive noticed my anxiety only happens when im in a situation where anxiety would be a terrible time to happen. i.e. car rides, getting a tattoo, writing an exam. etc. times where I cannot leave the situation without admitting im essentially freaking out over nothing, without being embarrassed. its all in my head though and when im in a good mood I can honestly laugh about it because THERE IS HONESTLY NOTHING TO FEAR, im in a safe place so why does it even cross my mind. ill never know. cheers man, looking forward to new music and hopefully meeting you here in Toronto some day !! Inspiration to young guys like us,
Wow Phil i never expected that you had any kind of anxiety issues man ive seen you 3 times live and in videos and through it all you just seem so confident and calm and just doing your own thing. Knowing that you have anxiety though and touring must be pretty crazy to deal with. I personally have MAJOR anxiety issues, GAD, Social Anxiety, agoraphobia, to the point where i cant even work because it just destroys me and in turn gives me horrible physical symptoms which leave me panicking beyond control. I dont know what the cure is, where to turn, what to do, but your right on the fact that its a plague. One that eats you alive if you let it. Id say stay far away from medications because I've had bad experiences with them but if you think they worked for you then thats great. ive been on every medication in the book and they all ended up making me crazy and changing who i was as a person. but yeah good luck on the tour and cant wait to hear the next album. and to all those who suffer from anxiety good luck to you guys as well and hopefully one day we can all beat the imprisoning worries.
I can relate to your feelings of anxiety on a daily basis. I feel the same way now that I hear you explain your situation. People always say I'm real quiet. I'm a past drug addict so I would refuse medication. Would rather just deal with it.
I get anxiety attacks, not very often- but once i was in turkey, 2 hours away from my hotel and i had no way of getting back, and i had a really bad attack, and it was absolutely horrific cuz i couldn't ask anyone for help or tell them what was wrong.
it's kinda nice to hear about someone who hasn't let it take over :)
stay metal bro \m/
I completely understand what you mean with the situation you mentioned. I can't stay in big malls or areas for a long time. I get tensed, scared to the point my stomach hurts and I want to be left alone. I get shaky and don't want to talk and people think "wow, he's being weird and an asshole" I can't help it. Also since I was younger I have dealt with anxiety. Its been on and off bad the last year with so many changes in my life. Some days I can hardly make it out of my house.
It's overwhelming at times but I just think of all the things I want to accomplish in my life like working in the media/broadcasting end of music & concert photography. That I can't give in to it and not do those things. The video honestly really helped me this morning. Makes me feel better knowing others deal with similar issues. Much love man.
I've had anxiety and major depressive disorder for over half of my life. Some days I feel like saying fuck it and putting an end to it, and other days I feel great. Recently, my doc put me on Escitalopram which is the generic for Lexapro, and it's helped me tremendously. Zoloft ended up helping my anxiety, but it made my MDD exponentially worse.
I deal with horrid anxiety and on top of that shyness, sometimes when I'm near a group of people of any size I get over come with thoughts and feelings of things I can't even explain and theres no where to go calm enough to center my mind. Anxieties not a pleasant things to deal with.
So brave of you go touring and do what you do for living with that anxiety dude. You're awesome.
Yeah Phil, I'm a sufferer of anxiety disorder also, the intensity varies I've had extreme scenarios and minor ones it's fluctuates. Its a really awkward thing to have when no one around you knows why you're getting so worked up and anxious but you can't necessarily explain it yourself. I tend to keep it under control now though with self CBT esq exercises. Big fan from UK.
i know where your coming from, i suffer from social anxiety and agoraphobia. i've been taking meds for about a year now for it and its helps allot but not entirly. what i do to deal with it when i get that anxious feeling is keep a wet paper towel on me all times and whenever i start to get anxious i take it out and pat it on my neck to shock myself and it helps allot.
I have anxiety and I'm a performer aswell. I don't talk to really anyone the day I perform and vomit before I go onstage. I hate driving to things cause I get hell anxious of the suspence and time it takes to get where ever I'm going and hav trouble in crowds I understand you very well Phil
I used to have minor anxiety issues. I was just awkward, and I took some time to mentally tackle it, and I've been pretty good since. I've still got those shitty days, but it's getting better. A lot better.
I suffer from extreme anxiety, I used to have multiple panic attacks a day and felt like I didn't even exist. I'm much better now and I'm on meds to keep it in check. It meens a lot to see someone like who suffers from it too :)
I have really bad anxiety too and I totally see where you're coming from. I've been dealing with anxiety as long as I could remember. It started out mild, just as social anxiety and I was really shy. But in 4th grade I started suffering from panic attacks and I've had countless numbers of them since then, and I'm a senior in high school now. I've been on lexapro since I was 14 and I tried to come off of it this past summer and I had multiple panic attacks a day, every day for two weeks until I ultimately decided that it was torture to not be on it. It's the hardest thing I've had to deal with cause it's an inherited condition (most of my family has it) but it's been exacerbated by certain shitty things I've gone through in my life, which I'm sure you've experienced too. I have pretty bad health anxiety, social anxiety, I'm a little agoraphobic, sometimes I have OCD tendencies and I'm developing an eating disorder. My biggest fear is being out of control. Get better Phil, I'm so glad you talked about this.
Yeah man i had this same shit especially back in high school, seems like its more common in people that really into music and arts for whatever reason.
Hey Phil I hear you man. I totally understand and can empathize. I suffered from extreme anxiety my junior year of high school, which was only two years ago now. It got so bad to the point where I was missing school for weeks at a time because I was so anxious in the classroom setting, and just wanted to be by myself all the time. And like you said I felt like I had no "escape route." It affected me so much that I couldn't live my normal life. It had taken over my life, in other words. I decided to go see a psychologist about (as opposed to a psychiatrist) because I wanted to avoid medicine and make it a last resort. I was lucky to get a really great psychologist who helped me find the root of what was causing my anxiety and how to deal with the severe panic attacks. She taught me all these great techniques and how to "talk myself down" to keep the anxiousness at bay. All in all I only ended up going there for about two months and she simply taught me how to control the anxiety, and now I barely have to deal with it at all. I'm sure you have probably seen a psychologist/psychiatrist at some point throughout all your years of dealing with this, and my anxiety may not have been to the same level of severity as yours, but I thought I would share how it worked for me in case you needed some advice. Anxiety sucks, control that shit! Also love your videos and really looking forward to the new Whitechapel record.
My school doesn't seem to think of anxiety as a 'real thing.' Whenever i ask to step outside for 5 minutes they'd tell me to stop being silly. The amount of rage i feel when this happens is unbelievable. ._. Thanks for talking about this subject, dude.
I know exactly how you feel man.
I've dealt with anxiety for a while now.
It got to a point where I'd have Panic Attacks everyday.
It sucks man.
I have anxiety as well man, have had panic attacks but mine comes with alot of other mental health problems. Glad to see that one of my favorite artist at least know what I'm going through, looking forward to Soundwave, the count down has begun, 20 days till I see you live on Stage and I get to rip it out in the mosh pit. I would love if you played "This is Exile" with the full wall of death for us. Super keen for it! Would love it if you replied as well, would mean alot to know that you got this message :3
Yes sir. PTSD sufferer. Anxiety, anger and depression. The 3 core symptoms plague me everyday. My anxiety has gotten so bad that I have to go to the grocery store a midnight to avoid crowds and ill wait to go out to my car if i need something late at night to avoid people seeing me. Thanks for the video Phil. I am new to whitechapel (as of today) and i really enjoy the music
- Mike
I suffer from it too, similar to your situation. I stray away from party's and big groups if it's people I don't know and when I go into stores by myself I freak out a little bit. I just have to breathe and say it's okay calm down. It's very embarrassing and I know no one knows what's going on when I freak out inside but it scares me.
That guitar in the intro is from Alex's gear demo on the ESP/LTD SCT-607B video. FUCK YES.
how about you just leave.
I have anxiety sometimes when it gets too quiet or when I'm inside the car and I'm start to choke up for no reason. It sucks.
im 26 and im on medication for anxiety, my triggers are pretty much the same as your's only i get so caught up in my own head that i cant control it. medication helps for the most part but not always which truly sucks, i can go to a concert and be fine but i cant eat at a restaurant because i feel like im being stared at. i hate going places i've never been before because of it, but ill force myself to go just to not let my anxiety control me as much as it does. it is hard to explain it to most of my friends or family they all thing its in my head and its not real so i know how much it sucks
I have anxiety that i've had it for about 4 years and i'm a junior in high school. This year it got to a point of me having to go on online school and I havent hungout with my best friend in about 2 months. I'm trying to find ways to cope with it outside of medication because my parents dont want me being on it.
I think anxiety and rage/ocd are mechanisms your body uses to get internal issues out, to relieve a little bit of the stress. Your character is forged and molded when you are young, and if a giant source of stress hits you when you're young, and you can't process it, your body was to find ways to deal with it, and it sticks with you until you uncover those issues.
I'm taking Zoloft too; for anxiety and depression. Some days getting out of bed seems impossible and it makes me want to paint the walls with my brain, and other days I feel awesome. Damn...
I know exactly what you go through. I've been taking Zoloft since I was really really young.
I get it really bad when I'm doing something out of my daily routine, like driving with someone I usually don't drive with, or being around people I don't really know.
Its so nice to see a person like him to keep in touch with his fans and not ignore them and be a douche. Love it.
I also suffer Anxiety and I am on medication for this. I am also the lead singer in a metal band call ART OF DIFFERENCE. AKA/DEAD AND SOUTHBOUND, which we have a clip on TH-cam called wasteland. But moving on, i feel trapped around people ”not scared” but trapped like I need to get away. Your videos really help me Phill! Also love your music..
Will be seeing you in Melbourne for Soundwave. Coming over from NZ =D.
Don't have anxiety myself but have many friends with it and family members. Definitely horrible to see what they go through.
My anxiety is constant. Even if I’m sitting down away from people. Whether it’s driving, being around strangers, or over thinking. I literally have no escape other than smoking after work and to keep to myself on the weekends. The worst part of all is that I have no way to pin point where it is coming from. I suppose it could be a mixture of things... but I’ve had this for over 2 years and I can’t get out of the house anymore. Seems stupid to others but for me, it’s hell on earth.
I deal with anxiety, panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I am diagnosed with agoraphobia and chronic anxiety. I too, once never left the house for 2 years. Its really rough and its not a fun thing. I attended my first concert in 3 years recently. It was not easy at all.
As a fellow sufferer of severe anxiety and agoraphobia, I can fully agree that it is fucking terrible. Being in large crowds, aside from being at shows as odd as that is, is by far the biggest trigger for me. But thank you Phil for posting this and helping people understand what anxiety is and that we're not crazy :)
On a better note, that intro... HOLY.FUCKING.SHIT!
I got some social anxiety, I always feel like I'm being judged when I'm around people
been dealing with extreme anxiety for years had a similar case like your sister phil didnt go near certain places for a long ass time have to take zoloft myself it really does help and its no joke dont ignore it panic attacks are fucking terrible
I used to have it pretty bad when I was younger, but since I was like 14 (19 now), it just kind of went away. Although, I've been told I get INCREDIABLY anxious and nervous when I'm sleep deprived. Also, that teaser. Damn.
I'm new to the whole anxiety thing as of about a year or so. I couldn't really explain it better for people that aren't familiar with the situation. I don't know how I feel about Meds.. usually I just let it run its course and hope it fades but it always comes and goes.
I have pretty bad anxiety as well. Ever since 8th grade, but was diagnosed early last year. They put me on Zoloft - which I refuse to take - and prescribed me Ativan. I'll just leave it at it's almost impossible for me to have a normal, semi-social life because of it.
I'm really with you there on that fear of malls/crowded places with no escape route. I hate malls so much. It all feels so artificial and fake. Whenever I'm at a mall or movie theater I'm just waiting for something to go wrong and for everyone to die. There's also the feeling of impending doom that I get a lot, but especially in malls and cities. The feeling that we're all fucked and that something awful will happen.
Mine is sort of different. I've never been diagnosed, or anything, but it makes me feel like normal things in life just become really overwhelming. Like, I dread going to work right before, but after I get there, it get's better. And just like the being in public thing you said. My heart just starts racing until I tell myself to relax, and stuff, haha Nuts.
i have some anxiety too but ive been able to deal with it better this year though
I love the sound!! You guys are killing me though! I've been dying to hear some news on that album!!!!!!!
@phillybo1985 I know exactly what you're going through I have an extreme case of agoraphobia and take Zoloft and have notice it helps some but I can for sure tell the feeling of fear and worrying is still there. Actually one of my big breakthroughs was when I caught you guys a few years ago at mayhem fest in ohio. Thousands of people in 100 degree weather and didn't have any problems of want to escape or fear. I would suggest taking Zoloft again man it might not take the anxiety away 100% but it does help. Keep up the great work with the music and your vids!
I have social anxiety, it is pretty bad like even with my closest friends I get really just. It feels like I'm crowded and I can't get away from it. And when people try to talk to me and I don't know them it just scares the hell out of me
I don't have bad anxiety, but my stepbrother has it really bad. He hasn't been to school in 4 months and he has panic attacks whenever he leaves the house. Can't wait for the new Whitechapel album, your vocals sound awesome in the intro teaser
I have severe social anxiety, so I know how you feel. Any time I'm talking to somebody new, or meeting someone's parents for the first time or something, that's when it really hits hard. It's not something I enjoy dealing with.
I can definitely relate. I've got something called 'purely obsessional OCD', which plagues me with billions of different thoughts, all of them being related to something unpleasant to me, socially unacceptable etc,and can definitely affect my mood and functioning. PS I love the intro track. Stoked for the album.
I have Pure-O and it's horrible. I was so glad to find out that it was an actual condition, because I felt I must be an awful person to have all these thoughts in my head. The more upset you get and the more you push them away, the worse they get. It's like being caught in a cycle.
Mindfulness REALLY helped me. It gives you really good techniques for managing the unwanted thoughts- breathing and distraction. Rather than getting upset and anxious about them. They're nowhere near as bad as they used to be.
I deal with anxiety as well. I can't get myself to hang out with friends. I have a hard time asking anyone anything even if it's important.
Ya man i have bad anxiety too. Im emotophobic too so it's more I am terrified of throwing up so when I'm in like malls or I am packed in a church I start panicking.
How do you deal with it when it happens during a show?
I suffer from a panic disorder, and it blows. Basically it's an untriggered panic attack. Just happens out of nowhere. I've been on medications but I experience more negative side effects than positive. It can be difficult to deal with at times, but it's just something I gotta work on I guess. Great video.
Dude I have the worst anxiety and panic attacks too. I understand. I thought I was alone until I watched this.
I have been to dark places because of my anxiety and i overcame it through music because i had to. I have fear of failure and alot of OCD ticks. My anxiety led to depression throughout high school and i beat depression even tho it still visits every now and then.
Pretty strange, I didn't knew the definition of anxiety until yet.
First that went in my mind was that bad and uncomfortable feeling when I leave my house for havin a nightover in some pubs.. that kinda fits on your description.
0:08 "And we will swallow this world whole". Can't wait for the new album
I've got severe anxiety as well, my medication doesn't work for shit though, yikes. Music is literally the only thing that helps me block it out (thanks Phil)
I've been dealing with since i was 14. That's when my father died, and my mother got heavily into drugs with a guy she was with. So our stories are kinda similiar, but atleast my moms still around, even though we're not on good terms. I experienced my first panic attack at 14, and I thought i was gonna die. And they still come on at the most random times, usually with nothing that solely triggers it. I've found that pushing myself to go out of my comfort level has definitely improved my anxiety, and when I do have panic attacks, I know everything will be okay. It'll soon go away. I've never taken any medication for it, cause i've never had health insurance. I used to just smoke marijuana, which did help quite a bit, but due to my job now, I cant do that. So hopefully soon I can land health insurance benefits and take the proper steps of getting some type of medication in order to deal with my anxiety. I always figured you had anxeity. Just cause i know you had a rough past, and I can tell in some of your interviews when it's bothering you.
i suffer from anxiety primarly for deadlines for school and such it sucks i get really like worked up and i just run too many scenarios through my head
I was recently diagnosed with panic disorder. I have a very hard time calming down, it's scary.
I have Anxiety. I tend to become very worried and filled with tons of feelings till I shut down and can't talk. Sometimes I end up twiching and hyperventalting on the ground. It causes me to become depressed and feel like I have no future left to live for... but these thoughts don't last and I feel better in time. I normally understand why worry but cant stop thinking about it untill I end up in an anxiety attack. I wouldn't say I have a bad case of anxiety, it can be controlled with out medcation.
it sucks. i have severe health anxiety and i take antidepressants. sometimes i get so bad that i see images of me having surgery or being badly ill. i find however that art helps. im studying photography at university and being able to focus all of my energy into creating art helps to distract me from those thoughts and feelings i completely agree when you say dont let it takeover your life because its a dark fucking path that you easily stray from. good to hear those fast screams! looking forward to the new record \m/-_-
ill be at soundwave sydney!, so keen to finally see Whitechapel!! hopefully we will hear a new song live :)
I don't know what kind of anxiety I have, but I've been having random panic attacks for the last 2 or 3 years. They're infrequent but when they happen they hit hard. Oh, and have fun down under! :D