Hey everyone, just a quick heads up! I am going to be out of the country on vacation for a little while so I apologize if it takes me a little while to respond! Episodes will still be scheduled and be up at the normal days and times. Since I have to schedule episodes in advance though, if you are a new Patron that needs to have your name added to the credits, I won’t be able to add your name in until after the episode on the 29th. My apologies for the inconvenience!
This is actually, by far, my favorite commander. I have a much less budget version of Selenia and I've never once played her and not had fun, even if I lost the game. I can vouch for you that you definitely take people by surprise when piloting her, especially if they've never seen her before. She usually gets shrugged off and I get left alone until an Axis of Mortality or Reverse the Sands just ends someone's life. Though playing a Beacon of Immortality targetting an opponent with Tainted Remedy on board has to be one of the funniest ways to win a game. Keep up the good stuff, Mitch!
Its weird to find something this cool so early. No doubt this is going to get huge because I found it through recommendations which means YT has found the correct audience metrics and is spreading it fast. Can't wait to see what you do for the future!
Mitch how could you do this to me, i LITERALLY spent 5 hours last night deciding between buying one of the decks after waiting 2 months to save the money. and then you release this sick as hell deck in my favorite colors LESS THAN 20 HOURS OF ME SPENDING ALL MY MONEH aAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. I still love you but this cut me real deep mitch. This WILL be the next thing i spend any amount of money on i swear to Christ. You make the best decks and I'm grateful to even be able to play one now. But orzohv is my fav guild and this deck is so sweet i cant wait to try it out. Have a fun time abroad and hope you come back safe. Thanks for the great content! (btw the first deck i got was the nezzahal deck, wanted my first commander deck to be the first one you put up as a namesake, so ill always remember it.)
+++++++++yea no problem anything to support what your doing. I added some cool stuff like wash out, rebuild and trailblazer boots to put my own spin on it. The major change i made was adding some utility lands since the manabase was monocolor. How many utility lands would you say is a good number without disrupting the deck? I was thinking 8 because the mana requirements weren't as demanding. Thanks for the advice!
I wonder if Tree of Perdition could also sneak its way into the deck? Since it is a 0/13, with the card Triskaidekaphobia, you can literally instantly murder someone!
That's what I was expecting to see, after he dropped Triskaidekaphobia. Plus if you swap it's toughness with someone that has like 500 life, you just tap it again and target yourself...
Pol Bulano Salto They changed the rules, you can have non commander color identity cards in your deck. And like, if you can't tell like black cards were all over the deck. Unless you meant Tree of redemption, which is a green card. But like I never meant that thing anyway. Edit: Correction, no they didn't change the rules you can only have commander color identity cards in deck feelsbadman
Adam Xue yeah only problem is that’s the only time you would want to drop someone’s life that low since you depend on others having higher health for you to steal
The commander's Quarters True, but other wise it is a slow make your opponent 13 life and you gain like a lot of life, but it is two turns and it isn't so reliable. And it is worse when you make it a low life through switching with yourself, makes removing it then super easy. Eh, I guess if someone really wants to tech this in in case of an all else fails situation they can do that? Maybe one copy, you can probably fit that in somewhere as like a miracle draw I guess. Always remember, your grandpas deck has no pathetic cards, and does contain the unstoppable exodia XD As long as you believe in the heart of the cards, I am sure you can exodia someone with it XD It is also a massive blocker, since if you like, take 500 life points from some opponent, usual means of just putting -X-X and hitting it won't work so well. That said no protection against destruction effect tho. This brings up the question, what if you try this odd piece with like, the defender deck, where your defenders can attack and deal damage equal to toughness? You find a way to make it unblockable and suddenly a giant tree swings at someone with 500+ attack XD Gosh that is awesome XD
squirtle turtal I gave check Apparently they didn't, but I always heard they did so I assumed so. But Tree of Perdition is a black card so it can be run either way since it does belong in the color identity.
Man I found your chanel through a TCG player advert. Theese deck techs are amazing. My playstyle when you win by a cheap full of commons commander deck against the original dual land havy optimized ones. I will build this.
The deck worked last week. I managed to combo off one opponent and almost win the game. Let's see how it will work this week Thanks again for these budget decks. They are maizing source of ideas. :-)
Very much enjoy you have a heavy handed deck. I'm had Child of Alara once. That deck list is now over $1,000.00. This was a nice memory refresher. Love seeing her as many people don't build around her very well.
Great video. My favourite deck tech yet. I was a little surprised there were no extort cards in this deck, I think they would be a great way to finish off the opponent once they were at 1 life.
This video was pretty good. I'm definitely interested in building it. This channel has enabled me to build six fun decks to every good stuff deck out there.
Once upon a time I got a beat up Selenia for free from a card shop, so I built around it. There were not as many effective (and affordable) life total play cards at the time so it ended up falling pretty flat. Newer stuff like the golden pig and triskadecaphobia really warp the game. One of the cards I ran in the deck was Lich. Also really beat up. Lich is the granddaddy of high risk high reward type cards. Boomerang becomes lethal, but you can draw out your deck. Some brave soul will use this list with lich’s mastery and win or lose it’ll be a story moment for their playgroup.
I love this deck. Mine also runs hatred, tainted sigil, bolas citadel, children of korlis, eternity vessel, platinum angel, beacon of immortality. The deck is a blast!
I love my Selenia deck. It's rather similar. Hadn't concidered Faith's Shield, so thank you for that card recommendation in particular. Here are some budget cards that I like in my deck: Tainted Sigil, Felidar Sovereign, Children of Korlis, Righteous Aura, Glacial Chasm.
Children of korlis for a life reset and for some life dumps: wall of blood or immolating souleater. And run exquisite blood.Comboing it with sanguine bond means that if you gain a life or an opponent loses a life you win(exquisite blood is a bit expensive though) thanks for reading!
I'm running a similar deck to this with Ayli at the helm. It's less about one-shot-ing opponents and more about getting huge amounts of life with cards that profit from that (Serra Avatar, Minion of the Wastes, Aetherflux Reservoir). But one of the prime cards in that deck - albeit on the more expensive side - is Exquisite Blood. Might be an interesting addition to this deck as well.
I love it!!! I was thinking of such a deck, but never thought of Selenia. I actually still don't like her regarding optics, but maybe I will think about her again
Originally I tried building the deck with Ayli at the helm, but switched out a good portion of the cards and found it was much more effective with Selenia
What about Holy Day? It’s the white version of Fog. Then you can stay at 1 life for a combat phase without needing to kill everything. Most Wraths are sorcery speed, so a cheap way to not instantly die might be effective.
I don’t use FB/Twitter, but my all-time fave commander is Nekusar the Mindrazer, group slug goodness, would love to see a vid on it! Keep up the quality content
My fave deck is Nekusar, combo splort. Load up on multi draw and board wipes then lay down draw damage cards like Spiteful Visions, Underworld Dreams, Fate Unraveler; then Wound Reflection and Nekusar. Insert favorite “all players draw” mechanic and watch the pain unfold. I just love how much people hate him even when he’s the least threatening dude at the table ^_^
This is probably my favorite deck so far! Sadly I don't think my meta would support this deck very well, so I'm not sure if I will build it, but it's definitely the most out there win con so far.
A great upgrade that doesn't break the bank (its 16 cents at the moment) is leech ridden swamp. You tap it and a black mana to deal 1 to all opponents. Could be a good closer after trading life with an opponent.
When I started this video I was like, "What on Earth is this commander?". Then when I finished I was like, "WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS COMMANDER???" Fantastic tech! I actually just added Cryptolith Fragment to one of my artifact decks. No idea that card even existed
I love the life utilization in this deck. Cards like Purgatory and Unspeakable Symbol can certainly find a home here. And Murderous Betrayal would serve double duty in this deck. I'm currently building a deck inspired by the soon the released Experimental Frenzy. The premise of the deck is to create an infinite mana loop and then cast all of the spells and win. I've settled on Aminar, Soul of Elements as the commander. But I'm not certain if I should have Alluren in the deck, both for budget reasons and because opponents may benefit as well. Any tips or insights would be appreciated.
The Commander's Quarters thank you for being so interactive with these comments. I can send you my proposed deck list if that help you with any assessment.
I love this idea for this deck and I'm definitely going to get it, but I am wondering what cards would you replace with the reasonable upgrades you mentioned?
In my opinion: Nihilistic glee ->Phyrexian unlife The card is slow and having no cards in a control deck is a death sentence. Phyrexian unlife would allow us to slip into lower life totals without fear. kirtar's wrath ->oblivion stone Too often just a 6 mana board wipe while oblivion stone would allow us to destroy everything except what we want to leave on the field. Political opportunity. Cataclysmic gearhulk ->austere command Gear hulk allows players to choose what to keep while the command allows us to clear problems currently on the field. Planar outburst ->wrath of god Cheaper board wipe and less chance to leave survivors from landfall decks. Hallowed burial ->terminus Cost more mana but has a chance to be miracled for a white Moonlight bargain ->decree of pain Bargain could cause us to pay 10 or less life to look for certain cards we want with any cards we don't need or want loss to the graveyard while decree could remove smaller creatures if cycled and draw us cards if casted.
@@marvellegacy7677 thank you so much!! I have all the cards and have been testing on untap but couldn't figure out the best config on my own. just getting into mtg because I wanted to play EDH with my friends
Wonder if Caves of Koilos would be a good land to throw in? Helps manipulate your life total while fixing mana on a card that I think is only a few bucks. Gotta be careful with Phyrexian Unlife though since it is dealt damage
This is one of the deck I ve always wanted to build, the only thing I don't like about this version is that there are wayyyy too many boardwipes, I know you have to protect yourself but with these many it can easly make you even more of a target and can be pretty boring for everyone. Maybe instead we could have other cards to low your life total or to protect yourself in other ways(for example with spheare of safety or more creatures). I know we have a very little budget but maybe we can try change some of them and trying to go in another direction, at least for the big removals
You done a deck tech on experiment kraj? High combo rate, low cost creatures both mana wise and monetarily. The only expensive upgrades you might need are seedborn muse and, draw, and protection spells.
Good cards to add: Necropotence, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Mischievous Poltergeist (cheap flying creature that has pay 1 life: regenerate), wall of blood (pay 1 life: get +1//+1 until EOT).
Id love to see a goblin deck with Krenko as its commander (Im new and I love goblins and Krenko, Mob Boss seems like a good commander for a goblin deck)
Near-Death Experience(in play)+Evra, Halcyon Witness (in play)+Bile Blight and all you need is four colorless manna, little bit janky, but might work .
You should be ;) I have this deck but with less wraths and more targeted removal and draw along with a much higher budget because I loved it so much when I first saw it. Some fun cards are Hatred to 1 shot an opponent, angel's grace/teferi's protection to stay alive and kill people by being at 0, exquisite blood to combo with sanguine bond, necropotence because it's even better in this deck then others which is insane, Boseiju to make the big sorceries uncounterable, cabal coffers + urborg for mana ramp. I could go on but this should be sufficient
"Whenever we exchange our life total with someone's higher life total, that actually counts as gaining life." Mitch, I'd like someone proof as to how this is true for triggered abilities (sanguine bond), because some people in my playgroup will not want to go along with it when it comes up due to first learning the rule. A counterexample I could think of is how hexproof works with boardwipes becauae they aren't targeting. The boardwipe says "destroy all", whereas the Axis of Mortality doesn't have to explicitly say that "you may gain life".
I've been working on finding a non fork combo build of Kalamax the storm sire, it focuses on bounce, card selection, and pump spell, (win con being commander damage sort've an alternative way to think of voltron. Basically ramp to hit Kalamax turn 3 using any 1-2 mana ramp then use bounce to protect your board or remove blockers. If Kalamax is safe then copied pump spells like titanic growths or run a muck can let you kill players on turn 4 or 5 with the right set up. I really enjoyed the idea of a spell slinging dinosaur but I felt like the fork combos and counter spell version of the deck was really boring compared to how this one can play. I really enjoy playing this deck in paper I would love to see your interpretation of the deck because I've only been playing for a couple years and I'm not super familiar with older or less popular cards but you never fail to find amazing cards that I've never heard of before. Anyways keep up the amazing content can't wait to see what you make next.
I loved the clever twist on the messing with life totals, usualy that is just a lot of lifegain, that said, do you think you could make one of those budget decks with traditional lifegain ?? I have tried but cant realy get the budget down with oloro decks
@@TheCommandersQuarters i feel like you read my mind sometimes kkkkkkk,this chanel has realy got me into budget deckbuilding in commander, even made a ghave deck that makes infinite mana and tokens on some sweeet combos with ashnod's altar draws the whole deck while doing it from smothering abomination (or some other things) then kills everyone with blood artist for a little over 50 bucks wich was quite the improvemente for someone that could not figure out how to get under a hundread dollars and that was mostly tanks to you so thanks a lot dude
How do you activate her ability more than one time? Do you respond to the "return to owners hand"-effect with the same effect before it resolves or what?
Is there a way to make this deck a bit more resilient against a consistent playgroup? This deck looks amazing as a surprise, but my playgroup also watches this channel and this deck can be laid low by some burn spells. Avoiding bolt is easy enough, but bigger instants may pose a problem. Also, how does Norn's Annex/pillow fort and exquisite blood work in this deck?
@@TheCommandersQuarters Fantastic thank you! Also I'm really surprised and appreciative of your quick replies to so many of these comments and of course your videos!
I know its been about 3 years since the premier of this deck, but I just bought all the cards I need for it and wanted to try it out because I think it is still cool. Question though (and I don't know if it has been answered or not in the sea of comments): I have the reasonable upgrades mentioned in the video, does someone know which cards those upgrades would replace? Thanks ahead to any of the answers I may get.
In my opinion: Nihilistic glee ->Phyrexian unlife The card is slow and having no cards in a control deck is a death sentence. Phyrexian unlife would allow us to slip into lower life totals without fear. kirtar's wrath ->oblivion stone Too often just a 6 mana board wipe while oblivion stone would allow us to destroy everything except what we want to leave on the field. Political opportunity. Cataclysmic gearhulk ->austere command Gear hulk allows players to choose what to keep while the command allows us to clear problems currently on the field. Planar outburst ->wrath of god Cheaper board wipe and less chance to leave survivors from landfall decks. Hallowed burial ->terminus Cost more mana but has a chance to be miracled for a white Moonlight bargain ->decree of pain Bargain could cause us to pay 10 or less life to look for certain cards we want with any cards we don't need or want loss to the graveyard while decree could remove smaller creatures if cycled and draw us cards if casted.
I'm building the Sram deck with a couple of the recommended upgrades, as well as athreos God of passage, how do you feel about putting approach of the second sun and other such "anti-fun" cards in commander decks which is generally veiwed as a fun casual format?
Really interesting build, thanks for posting! I’m curious, could you speak to the cost difference between damaged/hp cards and nm/lp cards? Before dipping into the ‘reasonable upgrades’ section, I’d prefer to spend the bucks on cards with better conditions. Is the deck double the cost? Triple?
I would say that in general the HP and Damaged cards only shave a few bucks at most off the cost for the whole deck. So a deck might be $27 or $28 without the HP and Damaged option
I think you could also include cards to go the other way. Like aetherflux reservoir + Rhox Faithmender and Boon reflection or alhammarret archive so that you can get a ton of life or with aetherflux lower it and nuke someone to then swap with someone else
An interesting combination would be a Midnight Guard equipped with Viridian Longbow before you bring your life total to 1 and then cast Repay in Kind. You can deal 1 damage to the next player and anyone who plays a creature you can shoot with the bow.
Do you think Gideon of the Trials would be a good addition? You could get the emblem out and as long as he's there, you can set your life to 0 whenever you switch life totals, instantly killing an opponent. Would keeping Gideon alive be the bigger problem, or are there enough ways to wrath the board of creatures to protect him? Also, this protects you if you were to set your life to 2 or 1, only for someone to play an instant that finishes the job before the life exchange ability goes off, since you couldn't lose the game anyway.
it seems to be up to 50 $ now for this deck. Also, Walking Ballista would be good here, get all 3 oppents down to 1, cast ballista for 6 (3/3) then ping them all for 1. I'm sure there are other good cards too. I guess we see that in the break the bank episode for this.
Saw this after seeing the newly leaked BW angel commander from Commander Legends. At first I thought that new card was some kind of beefier Selenia, but after seeing this, I realized Selenia decks would work in a completely different way.
This deck looks hella fun, I'm gonna build this myself honestly. Also for an upgrade you can also play damnation (all be it 5 times the cost money wise) over WoG if you have it, but why not play both xD
As a newer player I like this deck a lot but do not completely understand it all. also I don't know if I would pull off the combos at the right time. If I have access to demonic tutor, shocks and fetch lands in this color which card would your take out to add these? Also have access to Wrath of God and armageddon
@@TheCommandersQuarters That makes sense. I was just wondering about it because paying life is a good thing in this deck and stuff. I usually don't mine little nonbos like that because they don't often hit tge board at the same time but it's up to you
leechriden swamp?. I think it's better than Orzhova. The deck seems really interesting, what about the infamious 0/13 tree? It comboes with traskaidekaphobia.
Once I heard there were lands that finished ppl off I said "There better be a Leechridden". There is 1 con and 2 pros. Pros: it is a Swamp for searching, and it hits everyone at once. Con, it needs 2 black permanents. Likely it is testworthy and you just need to know it requires assistance to work.
Agreed! Test with it! My hesitation was the requirement. As for the tree. I definitely considered it, but it only really works in that one scenario. You usually don’t want to put someone down to 13 when you don’t have it, because you want their life totals high when you steal them.
When i first started watching you i was making a U/W bird tribal deck and the baleful strix as the 1st image still makes me salty that i cany include it
@@jeffbell7664 i have it on tappedout. My username is l42liam. I appreciate the interest. Its pretty new so theres probably a lot of room to improve. Id appreciate any construxtive criticism
Hey everyone, just a quick heads up! I am going to be out of the country on vacation for a little while so I apologize if it takes me a little while to respond! Episodes will still be scheduled and be up at the normal days and times. Since I have to schedule episodes in advance though, if you are a new Patron that needs to have your name added to the credits, I won’t be able to add your name in until after the episode on the 29th. My apologies for the inconvenience!
Have fun on vacation!! I'm loving this channel. I'll become a patron now, don't mind getting added later. 😄
Can the next commander deck bee Thanatos the warweaver
Wiatt Cariveau thank you for your support!
Gage Griffith you never know who is coming up!
Also the second you started talking about life total I CALLED Axis of Mortality as the Golden Pig.
I played against this deck once. I had lightning bolt good times
Haha that can happen, but luckily most decks don’t run direct damage
My goblin deck runs 4 goblin grenades. Always fun blowing 2+ goblin grenades at someone’s face when they don’t expect it🤑
@@jayg9283 in commander?
I'm running Dawn Charm against that. Pretty versatile, but that "Counter target spell that targets you" is a lifesaver.
Angel's Grace is also a good answer (and a flavorful one, too).
Apostles blessing fits in really well with the lose life control theme by offering protection, it even fits the budget.
Keep making amazing videos and you'll climb your way up the ranks to rival other mtg youtubers.
Thank you! Let’s hope!
@@TheCommandersQuarters weird to see your one of them now
This is actually, by far, my favorite commander. I have a much less budget version of Selenia and I've never once played her and not had fun, even if I lost the game. I can vouch for you that you definitely take people by surprise when piloting her, especially if they've never seen her before. She usually gets shrugged off and I get left alone until an Axis of Mortality or Reverse the Sands just ends someone's life. Though playing a Beacon of Immortality targetting an opponent with Tainted Remedy on board has to be one of the funniest ways to win a game. Keep up the good stuff, Mitch!
Haha that’s awesome! Another great way to surprise kill. And thanks!
Its weird to find something this cool so early. No doubt this is going to get huge because I found it through recommendations which means YT has found the correct audience metrics and is spreading it fast. Can't wait to see what you do for the future!
Well thank you sir! I’ll take that as a compliment from you and from TH-cam haha
Mitch how could you do this to me, i LITERALLY spent 5 hours last night deciding between buying one of the decks after waiting 2 months to save the money. and then you release this sick as hell deck in my favorite colors LESS THAN 20 HOURS OF ME SPENDING ALL MY MONEH aAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. I still love you but this cut me real deep mitch. This WILL be the next thing i spend any amount of money on i swear to Christ. You make the best decks and I'm grateful to even be able to play one now. But orzohv is my fav guild and this deck is so sweet i cant wait to try it out.
Have a fun time abroad and hope you come back safe. Thanks for the great content! (btw the first deck i got was the nezzahal deck, wanted my first commander deck to be the first one you put up as a namesake, so ill always remember it.)
Haha I am sorry. And thank you! Glad you have the OG deck to remember that start of it all
+++++++++yea no problem anything to support what your doing. I added some cool stuff like wash out, rebuild and trailblazer boots to put my own spin on it. The major change i made was adding some utility lands since the manabase was monocolor. How many utility lands would you say is a good number without disrupting the deck? I was thinking 8 because the mana requirements weren't as demanding. Thanks for the advice!
8 seems like a good amount!
This is really cool. I'm astounded by how not terrible these extremely cheap decks are!
Haha well thanks
I wonder if Tree of Perdition could also sneak its way into the deck?
Since it is a 0/13, with the card Triskaidekaphobia, you can literally instantly murder someone!
That's what I was expecting to see, after he dropped Triskaidekaphobia. Plus if you swap it's toughness with someone that has like 500 life, you just tap it again and target yourself...
Pol Bulano Salto
They changed the rules, you can have non commander color identity cards in your deck.
And like, if you can't tell like black cards were all over the deck.
Unless you meant Tree of redemption, which is a green card.
But like I never meant that thing anyway.
Edit: Correction, no they didn't change the rules you can only have commander color identity cards in deck feelsbadman
Adam Xue yeah only problem is that’s the only time you would want to drop someone’s life that low since you depend on others having higher health for you to steal
The commander's Quarters
True, but other wise it is a slow make your opponent 13 life and you gain like a lot of life, but it is two turns and it isn't so reliable.
And it is worse when you make it a low life through switching with yourself, makes removing it then super easy.
Eh, I guess if someone really wants to tech this in in case of an all else fails situation they can do that?
Maybe one copy, you can probably fit that in somewhere as like a miracle draw I guess.
Always remember, your grandpas deck has no pathetic cards, and does contain the unstoppable exodia XD
As long as you believe in the heart of the cards, I am sure you can exodia someone with it XD
It is also a massive blocker, since if you like, take 500 life points from some opponent, usual means of just putting -X-X and hitting it won't work so well.
That said no protection against destruction effect tho.
This brings up the question, what if you try this odd piece with like, the defender deck, where your defenders can attack and deal damage equal to toughness?
You find a way to make it unblockable and suddenly a giant tree swings at someone with 500+ attack XD
Gosh that is awesome XD
squirtle turtal
I gave check
Apparently they didn't, but I always heard they did so I assumed so.
But Tree of Perdition is a black card so it can be run either way since it does belong in the color identity.
Man I found your chanel through a TCG player advert. Theese deck techs are amazing. My playstyle when you win by a cheap full of commons commander deck against the original dual land havy optimized ones. I will build this.
That's awesome!
The deck worked last week. I managed to combo off one opponent and almost win the game. Let's see how it will work this week Thanks again for these budget decks. They are maizing source of ideas. :-)
@@dezsomodos1314 glad you are enjoying the deck!
That is actually very unique, fun and triggers PogChamps all around the table. Two thumbs up!
Very much enjoy you have a heavy handed deck. I'm had Child of Alara once. That deck list is now over $1,000.00. This was a nice memory refresher. Love seeing her as many people don't build around her very well.
Yeah it took quite a few iterations to get it right haha
These videos are so great. Its great to see deck techs that are less than precons and more focused as well. Keep it up
Thank you and will do!
Great video. My favourite deck tech yet. I was a little surprised there were no extort cards in this deck, I think they would be a great way to finish off the opponent once they were at 1 life.
Blind obedience would probably be the one I would consider since it’s harder to deal with than a creature, and it won’t be affected by your wraths
This video was pretty good. I'm definitely interested in building it. This channel has enabled me to build six fun decks to every good stuff deck out there.
That's awesome!
Best uprade for this deck (not even too expensive) = necropotence
Johann Pöhland - great call on a very reasonable upgrade!
If you're in black you should have necropotence anyways. At least imo
Ad nauseam
Wait, which version of this card? The newer one?
@@hemogoblin3076 Sadly not a budget option anymore.
Dude thank you I'm not building this deck atm but I'm building a esper deck and you made realize some of these cards would be good in it
I got my signed Boar token for being a patron today! Thanks for the great content, keep it up! I'm looking forward to seeing where the channel goes.
Thanks for your support! And will do!
I have a similar selenia deck but I also used Necropotence and Exquisite Blood as two of the upgrades
Once upon a time I got a beat up Selenia for free from a card shop, so I built around it. There were not as many effective (and affordable) life total play cards at the time so it ended up falling pretty flat. Newer stuff like the golden pig and triskadecaphobia really warp the game.
One of the cards I ran in the deck was Lich. Also really beat up. Lich is the granddaddy of high risk high reward type cards. Boomerang becomes lethal, but you can draw out your deck. Some brave soul will use this list with lich’s mastery and win or lose it’ll be a story moment for their playgroup.
Absolutely! Those types of cards are hilarious to build around and can be surprisingly powerful
Man you're KILLING IT with these deck techs! Keep up the great work.
Thank you! Will do!
I love this deck. Mine also runs hatred, tainted sigil, bolas citadel, children of korlis, eternity vessel, platinum angel, beacon of immortality. The deck is a blast!
I love my Selenia deck. It's rather similar. Hadn't concidered Faith's Shield, so thank you for that card recommendation in particular. Here are some budget cards that I like in my deck: Tainted Sigil, Felidar Sovereign, Children of Korlis, Righteous Aura, Glacial Chasm.
Oh, and Vizkopa Guildmage.
All great considerations!
Since I can’t play some commander with my friends, it looks like the next best thing is to watch some old deck techs
Children of korlis for a life reset and for some life dumps: wall of blood or immolating souleater. And run exquisite blood.Comboing it with sanguine bond means that if you gain a life or an opponent loses a life you win(exquisite blood is a bit expensive though) thanks for reading!
I just wish Exquisite Blood was cheaper :(
I was just talking about this deck with my playgroup at my lgs. Thanks for the tech!
Nice! And no problem!
I'm running a similar deck to this with Ayli at the helm. It's less about one-shot-ing opponents and more about getting huge amounts of life with cards that profit from that (Serra Avatar, Minion of the Wastes, Aetherflux Reservoir).
But one of the prime cards in that deck - albeit on the more expensive side - is Exquisite Blood. Might be an interesting addition to this deck as well.
This looks like a ton of fun. Building this to keep a bunch of decks around for board game nights.
Glad you enjoyed it!
I love it!!! I was thinking of such a deck, but never thought of Selenia. I actually still don't like her regarding optics, but maybe I will think about her again
Originally I tried building the deck with Ayli at the helm, but switched out a good portion of the cards and found it was much more effective with Selenia
Coming back here from the future. I've heard your mention your Selenia deck a few times, you should play it on an episode of close quarters.
What about Holy Day? It’s the white version of Fog. Then you can stay at 1 life for a combat phase without needing to kill everything. Most Wraths are sorcery speed, so a cheap way to not instantly die might be effective.
True! But you can only deal with one opponent's comat phase, and you need to survive for 3 of them!
I don’t use FB/Twitter, but my all-time fave commander is Nekusar the Mindrazer, group slug goodness, would love to see a vid on it! Keep up the quality content
Will do! You never know!
My fave deck is Nekusar, combo splort. Load up on multi draw and board wipes then lay down draw damage cards like Spiteful Visions, Underworld Dreams, Fate Unraveler; then Wound Reflection and Nekusar. Insert favorite “all players draw” mechanic and watch the pain unfold. I just love how much people hate him even when he’s the least threatening dude at the table ^_^
Mostly important: you also ganis protection. So you can play this as a reaction too lightning bolt.
I really have to say that this channel is AWESOME! Thanks for your videos!
Well thank you for your support!
Id pair up Solemnity and Phyrexian Unlife just to prevent that -1 counter stuff, but thats just me. Another wicked deck Mitch! Have fun on the vaca~
This is probably my favorite deck so far! Sadly I don't think my meta would support this deck very well, so I'm not sure if I will build it, but it's definitely the most out there win con so far.
Glad you like it!
Top tier quality content, you already are one of the best mtg youtubers 👍
Thank you!
A great upgrade that doesn't break the bank (its 16 cents at the moment) is leech ridden swamp. You tap it and a black mana to deal 1 to all opponents. Could be a good closer after trading life with an opponent.
So many board wipes, you sir are a monster.
I love it.
Haha I love that I had to "Read More" to see that
Michael Bay Masochism Switch... Beautiful
I once theory crafted 5 color board wipes.
I love these videos so much. I'll try and make make most of the decks you've posted and try them out with my playgroup!
When I started this video I was like, "What on Earth is this commander?".
Then when I finished I was like, "WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS COMMANDER???"
Fantastic tech! I actually just added Cryptolith Fragment to one of my artifact decks. No idea that card even existed
I love the life utilization in this deck. Cards like Purgatory and Unspeakable Symbol can certainly find a home here. And Murderous Betrayal would serve double duty in this deck. I'm currently building a deck inspired by the soon the released Experimental Frenzy. The premise of the deck is to create an infinite mana loop and then cast all of the spells and win. I've settled on Aminar, Soul of Elements as the commander. But I'm not certain if I should have Alluren in the deck, both for budget reasons and because opponents may benefit as well. Any tips or insights would be appreciated.
Good considerations! And very cool! Would have to look into it further
The Commander's Quarters thank you for being so interactive with these comments. I can send you my proposed deck list if that help you with any assessment.
Absolutely! It may take me a while to get to since I’m on vacation but I will get to it eventually
I just picked up a Selenia yesterday. Thanks for some suggestions!!
No problem!
I love this idea for this deck and I'm definitely going to get it, but I am wondering what cards would you replace with the reasonable upgrades you mentioned?
In my opinion:
Nihilistic glee ->Phyrexian unlife
The card is slow and having no cards in a control deck is a death sentence. Phyrexian unlife would allow us to slip into lower life totals without fear.
kirtar's wrath ->oblivion stone
Too often just a 6 mana board wipe while oblivion stone would allow us to destroy everything except what we want to leave on the field. Political opportunity.
Cataclysmic gearhulk ->austere command
Gear hulk allows players to choose what to keep while the command allows us to clear problems currently on the field.
Planar outburst ->wrath of god
Cheaper board wipe and less chance to leave survivors from landfall decks.
Hallowed burial ->terminus
Cost more mana but has a chance to be miracled for a white
Moonlight bargain ->decree of pain
Bargain could cause us to pay 10 or less life to look for certain cards we want with any cards we don't need or want loss to the graveyard while decree could remove smaller creatures if cycled and draw us cards if casted.
@@marvellegacy7677 thank you so much!! I have all the cards and have been testing on untap but couldn't figure out the best config on my own. just getting into mtg because I wanted to play EDH with my friends
What a great idea! Seriously considering just buying this wholesale on tcgplayer
Wonder if Caves of Koilos would be a good land to throw in? Helps manipulate your life total while fixing mana on a card that I think is only a few bucks. Gotta be careful with Phyrexian Unlife though since it is dealt damage
Definitely a great reasonable upgrade to throw in! (Couldn’t find a place for it in the budget)
other fun shenanigans with life totals: Tainted Sigil, Eternity Vessel + fetch lands, Evra, Halcyon Witness
and Arbiter of Knollridge
Yep all fun ones!
Keep up the amazing work man also would be awesome to have subtitles so I can watch well I’m working or in a public place
Once I make this into a full time gig I may have the time to do that :)
This is one of the deck I ve always wanted to build, the only thing I don't like about this version is that there are wayyyy too many boardwipes, I know you have to protect yourself but with these many it can easly make you even more of a target and can be pretty boring for everyone. Maybe instead we could have other cards to low your life total or to protect yourself in other ways(for example with spheare of safety or more creatures). I know we have a very little budget but maybe we can try change some of them and trying to go in another direction, at least for the big removals
Yep definitely a direction to go with a little more budget!
Love your channel. Please keep doing what your doing. Its great and amazing. Everyone need to sub to you.
This is by far the most interesting brew yet! Keep it up.😁 edit: I am planning to build this one
Thanks and awesome!
I do believe Evra, Halcyon Witness🙊would be awesome in this deck
Swap life w Evra then swap ur 4 life w opp and u got a big beater to
Very high risk, high reward!
You come up with some great strategies! Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you! Will do!
You done a deck tech on experiment kraj? High combo rate, low cost creatures both mana wise and monetarily. The only expensive upgrades you might need are seedborn muse and, draw, and protection spells.
Not yet! Would be fun!
Wow! Awesome! As usual though. This deck is very very very mean to play. I want it! Now!
Haha yep!
Good cards to add: Necropotence, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Mischievous Poltergeist (cheap flying creature that has pay 1 life: regenerate), wall of blood (pay 1 life: get +1//+1 until EOT).
Great cards to consider. I prefer just using Selenia as the life setter, but that’s just my playstyle!
Id love to see a goblin deck with Krenko as its commander (Im new and I love goblins and Krenko, Mob Boss seems like a good commander for a goblin deck)
Definitely a great commander for a goblin deck!
You could also use ZoZu and punish people for playing lands
Near-Death Experience(in play)+Evra, Halcyon Witness (in play)+Bile Blight and all you need is four colorless manna, little bit janky, but might work .
Janky but fun haha
I absolutely love your vids. Keep up the good work!
Built this with some upgrades of my own. It's a lot of fun!
Soon as I saw the switch life effects I suddenly became very scared.
Haha it happens
You should be ;) I have this deck but with less wraths and more targeted removal and draw along with a much higher budget because I loved it so much when I first saw it. Some fun cards are Hatred to 1 shot an opponent, angel's grace/teferi's protection to stay alive and kill people by being at 0, exquisite blood to combo with sanguine bond, necropotence because it's even better in this deck then others which is insane, Boseiju to make the big sorceries uncounterable, cabal coffers + urborg for mana ramp. I could go on but this should be sufficient
Soooooo optimized then?
Fun deck. Do you have any videos of decks that knock out all players in one turn
Lyzolda, Zacama, Jhoira to name a few!
"Whenever we exchange our life total with someone's higher life total, that actually counts as gaining life." Mitch, I'd like someone proof as to how this is true for triggered abilities (sanguine bond), because some people in my playgroup will not want to go along with it when it comes up due to first learning the rule. A counterexample I could think of is how hexproof works with boardwipes becauae they aren't targeting. The boardwipe says "destroy all", whereas the Axis of Mortality doesn't have to explicitly say that "you may gain life".
I've been working on finding a non fork combo build of Kalamax the storm sire, it focuses on bounce, card selection, and pump spell, (win con being commander damage sort've an alternative way to think of voltron. Basically ramp to hit Kalamax turn 3 using any 1-2 mana ramp then use bounce to protect your board or remove blockers. If Kalamax is safe then copied pump spells like titanic growths or run a muck can let you kill players on turn 4 or 5 with the right set up. I really enjoyed the idea of a spell slinging dinosaur but I felt like the fork combos and counter spell version of the deck was really boring compared to how this one can play. I really enjoy playing this deck in paper I would love to see your interpretation of the deck because I've only been playing for a couple years and I'm not super familiar with older or less popular cards but you never fail to find amazing cards that I've never heard of before. Anyways keep up the amazing content can't wait to see what you make next.
I loved the clever twist on the messing with life totals, usualy that is just a lot of lifegain, that said, do you think you could make one of those budget decks with traditional lifegain ?? I have tried but cant realy get the budget down with oloro decks
One may be coming down the pipe soon ;)
@@TheCommandersQuarters i feel like you read my mind sometimes kkkkkkk,this chanel has realy got me into budget deckbuilding in commander, even made a ghave deck that makes infinite mana and tokens on some sweeet combos with ashnod's altar draws the whole deck while doing it from smothering abomination (or some other things) then kills everyone with blood artist for a little over 50 bucks wich was quite the improvemente for someone that could not figure out how to get under a hundread dollars and that was mostly tanks to you so thanks a lot dude
How do you activate her ability more than one time? Do you respond to the "return to owners hand"-effect with the same effect before it resolves or what?
I don't understand that part either
Yep pretty much!
another great video my friend. pretty neat deck too.never really thought of her as a good commander ither lol .great job man. 👍😎🤗
thank you for saving both my pride and my wallet! your the best btw iv been watching you since your first budget deck tech.
Thanks for your support from the beginning!
Is there a way to make this deck a bit more resilient against a consistent playgroup? This deck looks amazing as a surprise, but my playgroup also watches this channel and this deck can be laid low by some burn spells.
Avoiding bolt is easy enough, but bigger instants may pose a problem. Also, how does Norn's Annex/pillow fort and exquisite blood work in this deck?
Yep pillow fort would work with the deck. And to make it a little more resilient maybe add some cards that give you hexproof like Orbs of Warding
Fantastic thank you! Also I'm really surprised and appreciative of your quick replies to so many of these comments and of course your videos!
It's the least I can do! Thanks for watching them!
I know its been about 3 years since the premier of this deck, but I just bought all the cards I need for it and wanted to try it out because I think it is still cool. Question though (and I don't know if it has been answered or not in the sea of comments): I have the reasonable upgrades mentioned in the video, does someone know which cards those upgrades would replace? Thanks ahead to any of the answers I may get.
In my opinion:
Nihilistic glee ->Phyrexian unlife
The card is slow and having no cards in a control deck is a death sentence. Phyrexian unlife would allow us to slip into lower life totals without fear.
kirtar's wrath ->oblivion stone
Too often just a 6 mana board wipe while oblivion stone would allow us to destroy everything except what we want to leave on the field. Political opportunity.
Cataclysmic gearhulk ->austere command
Gear hulk allows players to choose what to keep while the command allows us to clear problems currently on the field.
Planar outburst ->wrath of god
Cheaper board wipe and less chance to leave survivors from landfall decks.
Hallowed burial ->terminus
Cost more mana but has a chance to be miracled for a white
Moonlight bargain ->decree of pain
Bargain could cause us to pay 10 or less life to look for certain cards we want with any cards we don't need or want loss to the graveyard while decree could remove smaller creatures if cycled and draw us cards if casted.
@@marvellegacy7677 Thank you for your opinion. This is helpful and I greatly appreciate it man!
@@Grethmic no problem
Hi, love your videos and decks! Quick question: any other commander you recommend that will go well with this setup?
What would you cut for decree of pain, phyrexian unlife, and oblivion stone?
Depends on your playstyle and meta! My recommendation is to try the deck out as is, and then make adjustments based on your preferences!
What about Thrashing Wumpus? A 3BB 3/3 beast with a Pestilence included!
Great effect to deal 1 damage across all creatures and players.
Great effect! I just stayed away from creatures in the deck since I want to wrath the board a ton
@@TheCommandersQuarters oh, yeah, all those wraths. Silly me. ^^'
Very good Deck and good video. im currently working on Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle. not on a budget mind you, but should be fun
I'm in love with this deck.
Glad you like it!
This looks actually fantastic. Next commander deck when I have the budget for it :)
I'm building the Sram deck with a couple of the recommended upgrades, as well as athreos God of passage, how do you feel about putting approach of the second sun and other such "anti-fun" cards in commander decks which is generally veiwed as a fun casual format?
Definitely could be another card to put in for some good times!
I think you answered your own question mate; 'anti-fun cards' in a fun/casual format....
Great content as always!
Really interesting build, thanks for posting! I’m curious, could you speak to the cost difference between damaged/hp cards and nm/lp cards? Before dipping into the ‘reasonable upgrades’ section, I’d prefer to spend the bucks on cards with better conditions. Is the deck double the cost? Triple?
I would say that in general the HP and Damaged cards only shave a few bucks at most off the cost for the whole deck. So a deck might be $27 or $28 without the HP and Damaged option
I think you could also include cards to go the other way. Like aetherflux reservoir + Rhox Faithmender and Boon reflection or alhammarret archive so that you can get a ton of life or with aetherflux lower it and nuke someone to then swap with someone else
I think that’s definitely a strong idea for a deck, but it would benefit from a different commander and a different strategy.
I just bought all the cards for your Vaevictis and Jodah decks, now I want to do this one too😭
Haha I’m sorry
really interesting deck. sharing with friends for sure
An interesting combination would be a Midnight Guard equipped with Viridian Longbow before you bring your life total to 1 and then cast Repay in Kind. You can deal 1 damage to the next player and anyone who plays a creature you can shoot with the bow.
Definitely an interesting combo but might be hard to consistently pull off!
these videos are so well made
You could also put in Evra halcyons witness to bring yourself down to four immediately
You definitely could! Only issue is that with this build we want to constantly wrath.
Do you think Gideon of the Trials would be a good addition? You could get the emblem out and as long as he's there, you can set your life to 0 whenever you switch life totals, instantly killing an opponent. Would keeping Gideon alive be the bigger problem, or are there enough ways to wrath the board of creatures to protect him? Also, this protects you if you were to set your life to 2 or 1, only for someone to play an instant that finishes the job before the life exchange ability goes off, since you couldn't lose the game anyway.
Yep! A great reasonable upgrade!
Please do a Brago, King Eternal. I love blue white, and the whole flickering theme of the deck. But right now a viable deck seems so expensive!
A great commander! You never know who is coming up!
it seems to be up to 50 $ now for this deck.
Also, Walking Ballista would be good here, get all 3 oppents down to 1, cast ballista for 6 (3/3) then ping them all for 1. I'm sure there are other good cards too. I guess we see that in the break the bank episode for this.
Saw this after seeing the newly leaked BW angel commander from Commander Legends. At first I thought that new card was some kind of beefier Selenia, but after seeing this, I realized Selenia decks would work in a completely different way.
This deck looks hella fun, I'm gonna build this myself honestly.
Also for an upgrade you can also play damnation (all be it 5 times the cost money wise) over WoG if you have it, but why not play both xD
Haha hey if you already have it, put it in!
Kool really interesting commander and gameplay
Wot, I just realized that you can use triad of fates in combo with O stone. She puts fate counters on things too
I’d love to see if you could have a budget take on Norin, the Wary
As a newer player I like this deck a lot but do not completely understand it all. also I don't know if I would pull off the combos at the right time. If I have access to demonic tutor, shocks and fetch lands in this color which card would your take out to add these? Also have access to Wrath of God and armageddon
You gonna gain a lot of subscribers worldwide in a year :)
So now I don't know whether to build this or the rakdos one. Would Erebos be a good card for this?
Would have to test it! Might be counter productive though with something like Tainted Remedy
@@TheCommandersQuarters That makes sense. I was just wondering about it because paying life is a good thing in this deck and stuff. I usually don't mine little nonbos like that because they don't often hit tge board at the same time but it's up to you
Really cool. How about Magus of the Mirror?
A good consideration! Too slow and easy to remove in my opinion though
leechriden swamp?. I think it's better than Orzhova. The deck seems really interesting, what about the infamious 0/13 tree? It comboes with traskaidekaphobia.
Once I heard there were lands that finished ppl off I said "There better be a Leechridden". There is 1 con and 2 pros. Pros: it is a Swamp for searching, and it hits everyone at once. Con, it needs 2 black permanents.
Likely it is testworthy and you just need to know it requires assistance to work.
Agreed! Test with it! My hesitation was the requirement. As for the tree. I definitely considered it, but it only really works in that one scenario. You usually don’t want to put someone down to 13 when you don’t have it, because you want their life totals high when you steal them.
Absolutely brutal
When i first started watching you i was making a U/W bird tribal deck and the baleful strix as the 1st image still makes me salty that i cany include it
Hey Liam, saw your comment and also have a u/w birds... you have it up somewhere? Would be interested in taking a look
@@jeffbell7664 i have it on tappedout. My username is l42liam. I appreciate the interest. Its pretty new so theres probably a lot of room to improve. Id appreciate any construxtive criticism
My bad haha. It's one of my favorite pieces of magic art actually