4:12 my answer to the question : It's a 3 step process for me. 1. If your crosshair is away/not on the enemy, then first look at the enemy and flick your mouse accordingly. (Being familiar with your sens is crucial for it) 2. Once your crosshair reaches the general vicinity of your enemy, micro-adjust on the head. (By looking at the crosshair) 3. Get your click timing right and BOOM! Headshot.
Omg how did I miss this, crosshairs are my favorite topic, I could talk about them for a whole day I'm so obsessed with crosshairs that when I look at my microwaves clock and it says something like 13:21 I'm like "yeah, 1321, good point, that's a good crosshair!" Ps. in 2k24 VCT I don't think I saw a single "tenz" 1-4-2-2, many 1-3-2-2 white tho! And dot 2 is becoming more and more popular. Derke was right from the beginning, it's the goat crosshair!
The Orange color example is exactly how i feel with the hit boxes colors in Valorant and i'm so sad they still don't add more colors for the hit boxes - like blue or green ,best will be (for ppl like me) if u can change by the settings for every agent what color of the hit box to have as ur enemy (u may say it will be distracting every agent to be different color ,but i can tell u is much worse of exp. to can't hit your shots cuz of colors problems and also it can be just an option if u want to use it). I'll give you example what's my suffering: When i switch to yellow hit boxes i'll suffer to hit hs Jett ,Sova, Cypher or the yellowish skins agents if they are peaking me on similar color background and is even worse if its shiny spot and more distance (example spot: on attack Ascent - A - Rafters from Main or even if i'm in tree to A the walls on site are bright and the sunlight just makes it harder with the skins of this agents in that hitboxes color). So okay, i change the color for this map and this agents to red/purple ,then i go peak mid map Ascent where many spots are NOT yellowish and more like.. redish/pink. Enemies Reyna (works with some other agents same way) peak me or i him and i can't hit his head from 1st shot, cuz it just doesn't have enough contrast between the skin color with the red/purple hit boxes lines and the background compare to the yellow lines of the hitboxes (i know many will say yeah is ur aim, but i can tell u i'll go on another spot against same enemy and i'll 1 tap him, just cuz is better contrast and no, is not cuz the spot is different type of peak or something, is just like imagine reaction time ur eyes just don't see it on time). So yeah i think u got my point... maps spots are different colors ,agents have different skins (and are mix of what the enemies will pick) and the game has only yellow and 2 other similar colors for the hitboxes, which are also similar to many spots of the maps as choice to pick. I really don't get it why they don't add more colors for the hitboxes AT LEAST... even i think with every different agent added to the game, is much better to pick per agent hit boxes color... and def. not yellow or red/purple the way maps colors are mostly... I'm sorry for the long writing ,but i really believe sharing can change it - since Riot never answer again with "yes" we will add them or even to say ,we will not add them cuz of this and that. Thank you for the video, it's really interesting❣I personally like the dot for single shot weapons, where u go for the single shot kill, but for spraying (for example smokes play with phantom) works better to have + or gap, i think cuz u spray on close and dot is easier to lose then +/gap. Good luck with your games in VCT. 💌 P.S. I forgot to mention that some may say change graphics settings or increase colors/brightness... they just increase it all for everything u can't pick only one thing to change, i even tried to change the red for example to be green or blue on n-vidia settings, but Valorant maps colors are like mixed, one wall is like a set of colors and it becomes extremely distracting. Actually i play Valorant with reduced colors ,cuz movement somehow is better to spot.
when i find a good crosshair theres a visibility issue, i put outlines and then it become a trash crosshair, to thick, tried all colors and in some maps or scenario the crosshair still shade with the background, on cs atleast. i need a settings to put the outline only on the outer of the crosshair
Low key black crosshairs are peak, u focus on the targets more than the crosshair and ur muscle memory naturally snaps to the target from playing for a long time
Muscle memory doesn't do shit/doesn't exist, and i'm so tired of hearing it, there are so many people who made videos about it and even TenZ talked about how "muscle memory" is bullshit and doesn't matter in aiming. However, with that being said, I heckin love black crosshairs, they be giving aimbot sometimes fr fr ong
@@celestial_78 you're so silly bro, Procedural Memory is a very real thing you literally have no understanding of biomechanics. Go to university or something. Listening to a gamer with no sci degree based on what he just believes.
Idk, but when i switched vandal main to phantom main, i cant use dot crosshair anymore. it works only with vandals. moved to plus crosshair, works well, but still wanna play with dot sometimes.
the pie chart has the wrong proportions. 40% is somehow half of the chart, and the other three sections which account for 60% of the chart is the other half.
Thanks professor Chronicle
Thanks professor Chronicle
Chronicle out here flexing on crosshairs to
4:12 my answer to the question :
It's a 3 step process for me.
1. If your crosshair is away/not on the enemy, then first look at the enemy and flick your mouse accordingly. (Being familiar with your sens is crucial for it)
2. Once your crosshair reaches the general vicinity of your enemy, micro-adjust on the head. (By looking at the crosshair)
3. Get your click timing right and BOOM! Headshot.
A a person doing graphic design and then hearing about complimentary colours brings back horrors when I was first learning about colour theory.
Dude started explaining color theory xD
Chronicle is getting better and better at making content plus he looks soooo cute
fr !!
hes married
@@AyushKumar-os4jrok? You can say someone’s cute even if they’re married :/
@@cloudyskyz2237 we can, i just telling you he's faithful to someone else
It’s old video
@@torbenbruhns4946 no wdym
Chronicle my goat
Omg how did I miss this, crosshairs are my favorite topic, I could talk about them for a whole day
I'm so obsessed with crosshairs that when I look at my microwaves clock and it says something like 13:21 I'm like "yeah, 1321, good point, that's a good crosshair!"
Ps. in 2k24 VCT I don't think I saw a single "tenz" 1-4-2-2, many 1-3-2-2 white tho! And dot 2 is becoming more and more popular. Derke was right from the beginning, it's the goat crosshair!
GMB Chronicle
Love leo and chronicle on this their like two sides of a coin
bluds became artists and statisticians 🤣❤💀ty for this!
I was using the TenZ crosshair before until i saw nAts and thats when i started using his crosshair
The Orange color example is exactly how i feel with the hit boxes colors in Valorant and i'm so sad they still don't add more colors for the hit boxes - like blue or green ,best will be (for ppl like me) if u can change by the settings for every agent what color of the hit box to have as ur enemy (u may say it will be distracting every agent to be different color ,but i can tell u is much worse of exp. to can't hit your shots cuz of colors problems and also it can be just an option if u want to use it). I'll give you example what's my suffering: When i switch to yellow hit boxes i'll suffer to hit hs Jett ,Sova, Cypher or the yellowish skins agents if they are peaking me on similar color background and is even worse if its shiny spot and more distance (example spot: on attack Ascent - A - Rafters from Main or even if i'm in tree to A the walls on site are bright and the sunlight just makes it harder with the skins of this agents in that hitboxes color). So okay, i change the color for this map and this agents to red/purple ,then i go peak mid map Ascent where many spots are NOT yellowish and more like.. redish/pink. Enemies Reyna (works with some other agents same way) peak me or i him and i can't hit his head from 1st shot, cuz it just doesn't have enough contrast between the skin color with the red/purple hit boxes lines and the background compare to the yellow lines of the hitboxes (i know many will say yeah is ur aim, but i can tell u i'll go on another spot against same enemy and i'll 1 tap him, just cuz is better contrast and no, is not cuz the spot is different type of peak or something, is just like imagine reaction time ur eyes just don't see it on time). So yeah i think u got my point... maps spots are different colors ,agents have different skins (and are mix of what the enemies will pick) and the game has only yellow and 2 other similar colors for the hitboxes, which are also similar to many spots of the maps as choice to pick. I really don't get it why they don't add more colors for the hitboxes AT LEAST... even i think with every different agent added to the game, is much better to pick per agent hit boxes color... and def. not yellow or red/purple the way maps colors are mostly... I'm sorry for the long writing ,but i really believe sharing can change it - since Riot never answer again with "yes" we will add them or even to say ,we will not add them cuz of this and that. Thank you for the video, it's really interesting❣I personally like the dot for single shot weapons, where u go for the single shot kill, but for spraying (for example smokes play with phantom) works better to have + or gap, i think cuz u spray on close and dot is easier to lose then +/gap. Good luck with your games in VCT. 💌 P.S. I forgot to mention that some may say change graphics settings or increase colors/brightness... they just increase it all for everything u can't pick only one thing to change, i even tried to change the red for example to be green or blue on n-vidia settings, but Valorant maps colors are like mixed, one wall is like a set of colors and it becomes extremely distracting. Actually i play Valorant with reduced colors ,cuz movement somehow is better to spot.
he studied colors like world champions 😮
There are not the crosshair codes in the video :/
Search : crosshair valorant
well u can make them very easily or find anywhere
theyre literally in the description
The expected answer.
when i find a good crosshair theres a visibility issue, i put outlines and then it become a trash crosshair, to thick, tried all colors and in some maps or scenario the crosshair still shade with the background, on cs atleast.
i need a settings to put the outline only on the outer of the crosshair
so true broo...they look so ugly if we turn on outlines
In this Video they have a Dragonball Z Theme. I didnt expect anything else from my fav team (the best team in the world)
Its not the crosshair, its the gaming chair
Fr fr
I use the same as Leo and I play Fade on Lotus aswell XD now I just need the aim 😎
Professor Ryan Gosling
the ryan gosling(literally me) of valorant
Thank you chronicle, i will smurf soloq now
Ok thank u our lord saviour chronicle 🙏🏻
did fnc just drop the best crosshair lore video or what?
Low key black crosshairs are peak, u focus on the targets more than the crosshair and ur muscle memory naturally snaps to the target from playing for a long time
Muscle memory doesn't do shit/doesn't exist, and i'm so tired of hearing it, there are so many people who made videos about it and even TenZ talked about how "muscle memory" is bullshit and doesn't matter in aiming. However, with that being said, I heckin love black crosshairs, they be giving aimbot sometimes fr fr ong
@@celestial_78 you're so silly bro, Procedural Memory is a very real thing you literally have no understanding of biomechanics. Go to university or something. Listening to a gamer with no sci degree based on what he just believes.
@@Peraliq Nuh uh, TenZ said it doesn't work like that, and he has a gaming chair, he has to know
@celestial_78ah yes just because tenZ said something it’s set in stone lmao
Idk, but when i switched vandal main to phantom main, i cant use dot crosshair anymore.
it works only with vandals.
moved to plus crosshair, works well, but still wanna play with dot sometimes.
thanks professor genius
the wheel graph doesnt make sense, how is 50 prc smaller that 40 prc
Not drawn to scale bruh . Did you see the 58 percent vs 42? They were both semicircles meaning both were 50%
I keep hearing "your crosshair don't matter", but my performance dropped the moment I change my + crosshair :(
omg thank u so much
ok but why is white being picked so often? Are most maps generally dark?
I lost all my 15 crosshairs for no reason a lot of them where unique and O cant remake them
It's a bug happening since the last update. I lost all my crosshairs 3 times already. Riot said that they'll fix it in the next update
I am pretty sure chronicle would have been a great graphics designer if not the gamer. (BTW HE IS A GREAT GAMER)
Dot 1 n 1420 still on top, black make crosshair slimmer
Meanwhile my reyna has Cat crosshair with 4/20/0 score XDD
Ryan gosling ❤
White Dot CLEARS
the pie chart has the wrong proportions. 40% is somehow half of the chart, and the other three sections which account for 60% of the chart is the other half.
Ah yes, 40%
what's the point of a crosshair if you don't look at it consciously
Shadow has the best crosshair of all pro players
chronicle is my father 2
crosshair doesn't matter at all, we used to play 1.6 competitively back in the day with a massive crosshair and huge gap.
Uncle chronicle
also whatever cross it may be i am going to still miss:(
i use the pu-chan crosshair
do u aim like him too??
@@subhamshaw1788 you could say that yes.
dot all the way
Me who uses Kiffy Crosshair
Where is the code
Am i the only one that uses a crosshair with a width of 1 and length of 2
oh god, W
No crosshair codes in the videoo
Search : crosshair valorant
Search : crosshair valorant
Yo no crosshair codeee tenz one
Search : crosshair valorant
wtf this is valulrant. who cares