When did a gut feeling save your life?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 25

  • @agent_w.
    @agent_w. 3 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    i don’t know about saving my life, but i once got a gut feeling after eating a gas station taco

    • @dinglebarry528
      @dinglebarry528 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You should always go immediately to the nearest police station bathroom.

    • @blackbuttercup199
      @blackbuttercup199 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Glad you were safe. Tacos are one of the main causes of diarrhea

    • @vishalbhat8602
      @vishalbhat8602 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @dinglebarry528
      @dinglebarry528 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@blackbuttercup199 - People can die from diarrhea. They just stop living. We need more funding for Gatorade.

    • @Deborah-hc8nf
      @Deborah-hc8nf 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That was probably gas.

  • @BabyLuna8824
    @BabyLuna8824 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I lived 20 minutes away from the Pulse nightclub. Me and my sister had plans to go the night of the shooting. I had a weird feeling not to go, so we didn't. Next day I was shaking in fear what happened. A few students who went to the same college that I attended passed away in the shooting......

  • @nishadjoshi425
    @nishadjoshi425 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I have a story for you.
    It was 25/11/2008 I live in the country side of India also away from the metropolitan area such as Mumbai. Which is around 130 KM away from my place. We had made out plans to go to Mumbai and have fun. We decided that we will see the gateway of India, Taj Mahal palace hotel, and Juhu beach. Unknowingly I had a feeling that we shouldn't go to Mumbai on the next day and watch a movie in a local theatre. My sister and my mother was pissed that I cancelled the plans. But the next day on 26/11/2008, we saw the news, it was the worst terror attack on the financial capital of India(Mumbai). 10 terrorists attacked Mumbai. Which resulted in 300 people losing their lives. Sometimes gut feeling saves you. The places I have mentioned they are the same places which were attacked.

  • @Glace1221
    @Glace1221 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Once when I was in college, I was on one of my late-night walks. The city I lived in was a dangerous one but I never felt like I was in danger on campus, and there were almost always campus police somewhere nearby.
    I was walking through this area where the art and theatre building were, when this really big light-skinend guy in a ball-cap was with this two old white guys who looked like they could have been professors doing, something with a car. I think trying to get the trunk open or something in the trunk.
    I almost tried to dismiss him as just being a student but then he walked up to me and in this really polite tone that doesn't fit him at all, I think either asked me where the school vault was, or where the school administration building was.
    I just pointed in the general direction and told him it's that way, and he thanked me and walked back to the other two guys.
    I quickly walked out of there and back towards my dorm, and not even five minutes after I walked from that direction I started hearing lots of yelling and cussing.
    Nothing about that situation added up and I felt my fight-or-flight kick in.

    • @Deborah-hc8nf
      @Deborah-hc8nf 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Fun fact: There's actually a third instinct to fight-or-flight, freeze. In some cases, being frozen in fear can save your life. If you come face-to-face with a wolf, for instance. Then you DO NOT look them in the eye, DO NOT turn your back on them, and DO NOT show your teeth. Back away slowly, and never, EVER try to run. You will be caught in two seconds.

  • @Kyy-Sokia
    @Kyy-Sokia 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Me, my mom, and my sister were at Glacier NP doing the Hidden Lake trail. We could only go half way (to the overlook) because there were grizzly bear warning. On the way back, there were two mountain goats that were really near the trail (like 3-5 ft away). There was a grizzly bear about ~150 feet away from the trail. So, we finish it and report the bear to a Ranger. We were told not to worry. The next day, we drove down to Yellowstone and get internet for the first time since. About 15 minutes after we saw the grizzly bear, it was running full speed across the trail and chasing mountain goats.
    Truly one of the scariest moments of my life.

  • @daughterofsekhmet81
    @daughterofsekhmet81 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    To get out of my neighborhood you have to cross a small state highway with a stoplight. One day I was waiting at the light and right as it turned green, I had the strongest feeling of "don't go!". I hesitated cause if I've learned anything at all in life, it's to listen to my gut. Less than a second later, a car on the highway shot through their red light going at least 50 or 60mph. I would have been t-boned and probably killed if I'd crossed the highway as soon as my light turned green.

    • @bluet7777
      @bluet7777 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      damn that’s so crazy..

  • @unbekannt8884
    @unbekannt8884 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    why are the living people out theire who think that they have the right to stack someone or worse !! what has happend with humanity !!!

  • @SugaryPhoenixxx
    @SugaryPhoenixxx 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is a myth that if you drive a compact car & get hit by a truck that you are "completely wrecked". I worked in collision repair for many years, & that is very circumstantial/ a myth. Especially with newer cars. Yes trucks weigh more than cars. But the strength of the hardened steel of the frame of a car is extremely strong. The fact that a car is more compact than a truck, means that there is more rigidity in the frame of the car than in a car than a truck.
    I have seen the aftermath of a Suburban going 60mph rear end a Honda civic hatchback at a stop sign, & the passengers of the civic were just fine other than some scrapes & bruises. The Suburban took the brunt of the damage. & that is just one example of the safety of a compact car.
    Also, a car is more agile than a truck/SUV. Like in this video, you are able to stop or maneuver around a dangerous situation in a car, while in a truck/SUV you are at a severe disadvantage. In a truck/SUV your stopping distance is significantly further, & if you maneuver too fast, you are going to roll over depending on the speed that you are traveling.
    The only thing that is a severe threat on the road would be a Semi-truck. & a semi-truck is a danger regardless of if you are in a truck/SUV or a car. It doesn't matter if you are in a truck, the Semi is going to destroy you.
    I love America but America has this strange perception that a truck/SUV is a necessity because A) you have more than one child (You do not need an SUV if you have two children, a sedan would do just fine) B)You need a truck/SUV for safety reason (you really are no better off in a truck/SUV in an accident as I have seen countless devastating accidents in truck/SUVS) C) "I need one to get through the snow (no you dont I have lived in a snowy climate my whole life & the #1 best way to get through snow is to purchase snow tires, 4wd/awd is only useful in certain/limited situations 4) "I need to sit up higher I cant see anything" (no you dont I & many people drive sedans/coupes & have no problem navigating through traffic & being able to "see" where we are going. You are just delusional & or so bad at driving/paying attention it is a detriment that you even have a drivers license.
    Go enjoy your SUV. There is times when a truck/SUV is necessary, but it is only 15% of the time that people believe they need one. Perception is reality.
    I have worked in parts, service, collision repair, & dealerships.

    • @jakemcguire2850
      @jakemcguire2850 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      bro can u write my essays

    • @amber8084
      @amber8084 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks dude! Imma use this on my essay about cars

  • @MiitzyYT
    @MiitzyYT 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @janwegma9403
    @janwegma9403 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1
