wait what about Innervating Locket? +430 health +450 mana Aura: Nearby allies gain 20 Health Regen per 5 and 9 Mana Regen per 5. Passive Unique: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10%. Unique: When you use an ability, you regenerate 50 Health and 20 Mana over 2 seconds. This effect has a 3 second cooldown. Cost: 2250g
Jack Wood Yes, and it got removed one week after Guardsman Bob showed how much it was broken on Udyr during the Ionia vs Noxus showmatch. (Source: lol.wiki)
SPWLaku Actually its not that bad. The stats it provides are really great. It gives the most Magic Resist on SR and 60 armor on that. The 30% moment speed close to towers are not that bad. I compassion to an item with similar stats (Guardian Angel) the portal might seem a bit lackluster but that is when you just use the portal for pushing towers, people tend to forget that the portal actually is a piece of terrain and can be used in the same way a Trundle pillar or Anivia wall is used. The item might not be the best and not an item I would like to see every game but it is far better than most people make of it.
ItzAndyArson In terms of what the word means then yes, elixirs are potions. But I meant in the game they are two different things. I'm full aware of the definition of elixir
Ayyy lmao Shame all of it is exaggerated. Black cleaver was about as OP as he said it was and it want uncommon to see someone stack 4 or 5 black cleavers, but I couldn't name a meta support who would ever buy it. I wish he didn't flat out lie for dramatic effect - you'd never see an adc or apc stack warmogs, and you'd never see a jungler or support start elixir.
Biggus Dickus Take it all in context. I don't think he's intentionally lying, but this is based on his personal memories at the time including the skill level of his teams at that point in time.
I would but Innervating Locket, Force of nature, Heart of gold, old warmogs... pretty much most of the items from Season 2 and before and Black Cleaver. A lot of cocaine found its way into the Riot office that day... lots of cocaine
You pick Blade of the Ruined King over Madred's Bloodrazor? They're practically the same item, except Madred's Bloodrazor does magic damage, whereas Botrk does physical. So it has mix damage, and it's far superior than Botrk. Why didn't you pick Madred's?
Supra Kooper Madred's made it harder to build against (if rushed) but BotRK does much more late game damage, since you have the Last Whisper on almost anyone you would build BotRK on.
Supra Kooper Madreds was shit and one of the very few only items that lost stats on upgrading it. Madreds was a huge waste of gold as far as I can remember, since the stats it gave were very low and the passive %HP-dmg was nearly annihilated with a single MRES item, since AD-champs that bought this item usually didn't get some MPEN. afaik there were only 2 champs that could buy madreds without wasting too much money, Shaco and Onhit-Teemo. Seriously, BOTRK on release was incredible strong, madreds just sucked til it got removed.
PrimaPunchy pretty sure heart of gold affected the meta pretty hard, seem to recall back then stacking gold generating items was meta for supports, top lanes, and even junglers (unless it was a snowball champ)
xeamnz I was confused with something else (Eleisa's Miracle). anyway, even then, if people stacked those items and got the gold for other items quickly that way, does that impact the builds of the champions beyond just having a better income? I mean, for example, take the warmog's. Everybody built this and nobody was killable. This caused the least killable to be the most favorable, changing the meta to a tanky meta. During the 'heart of gold' meta, you... get money, that's it. Sure, it's an effect, but it's not as big as the number 10 on the list already. It isn't a game deciding item.
its a pretty big change, because it meant instead of spending early gold on damage or defense, they purely invest it into late game. It creates more passive play in early lane, since you dont have the stats to fight and all you have to do is survive lane to not get snowballed. This, in addition to the mindset change, was also a major buff to late game scaling champs - faster to late game meant their weaknesses were less exposed, as well it was a nerf to bullying champs early game. Its more than just "getting money" - when there is more gold on the map, the relative value of items, decisions, and champs all change, usually to favor late game ideals. The whole point of this list was items that changed the way the game was played for a while. gold generating items like heart of gold had a major impact in the way the game was played for a while. Now, is it top 10? honestly i was taking a break from league for most of season 2 when a lot of these were at their height, so im not the best judge. However, it definitely changed the game, so at the very least it should be in the conversation.
10) Runic Bulwark 0:30 9) Feral Flare 1:17 8) Sightstone 2:10 7) Relic Shield 3:15 6) Elixir of Fortitude 3:53 5) Oracles Elixir 5:00 4) Upgraded Trinkets 6:10 3) Blade of the Ruined King 6:53 2) Warmogs Armor 7:40 1) Black Cleaver 8:40 No mention of Wooglets Witchcap, DFG, Classic BT, quite a few overlooked in place of some potions and small ward/trinkets that are useful for supports... and yw for actually listing it all.
such a shitty list. where is DFG? force of nature ? madreds bloodrazor ? heart of gold ? the very old malady ? zhonyas ring ? the old atmas impaler ? innervating locket ?
He shouldn't have included consumables. Otherwise wards would be the most OP item, they're cheap and they win games. As for old old Malady, do you mean the version that made allies deal extra incremental damage on-hit based on how many hits you landed? If so, I loved that as a cheap offense item on supports :P
Warrock1221 Madreds bloodrazor was pretty shit for how expensive it was. Force of Nature was a good mr item, but nothing overpowered. I agree on the other items tho.
mattyp72 DFG worked well on only a handful of champions, primarily nukers like annie, kata, veigar. You had to actually get in close (sometimes closer than the range of your skilsl - veigar), activate the item, than do your combo. The "balanced" replacement, ludens is such a stupid item, that it makes me question Riots common sense. Now every mage uses it, it requires absolutely NONE effort to use because the damage is automatic, it scales of AP, it bounces to 4 targets and clears creep waves very well. Also, Ludens doesn't have max range, meaning any global dmg ability, or even a teemo shroom at the end of the map, will make it proc. At least with DFG you had to learn to activate that extra ability before your combo, otherwise you waste it's potential.
Phillip Ward It was more of the way he said "potions or wards" that confused people. Jeremy thought it was clear but other people consider elixirs and trinkets/sightstones to be potions/wards... since that's kinda what they are
Upgraded trinkets? What is this? I have never seen anyone buying it. (for real though, In every single game, it's either only me or the support and I who buy them. They are so underestimated.)
Alpha PHENIX The amount of times I see supports who don't even change to a red trinket is too damn high. In Silver II I am happy if they don't forget the trinkets ._.
Chris Trick cinderhulk is nothing compared to the Feral Flare jungle item. Sure, Cinderhulk brought in the new tank meta but FF was the reason why EVERY MELEE champion became a jungler.
Chris Trick dude cinderhulk is bulsshit copared to the last season 4 tank jungle item spirit of the ancient golem.. gave u 200hp + 25%hp + 10% cdr +25 armor +175 increased healing and mana regen vs jungle creeps and a ward every 120 seconds and that shit all for 2000 gold.. in my opinion the strongest item ever
I thought for sure Atmas would have been included. Atmas was so strong way back in the day, it was so gold efficient. Giving 65 armor and 25% crit with 2% max health going into AD all for 2300 gold. Also the fact it was popular at the time of Warmogs height of popularity made "Atmogs" good on a lot of champions.
I'm almost puking by the amount of bullshit you are filling your viewers with. You are telling them that 8 champions bought runic bulwark, even though only 2 people bought it, since the passive is unique. And that every champion in the game bought elixir? No, mid and toplaners bought it ONCE, and that's it. They didn't buy it 6 times a game.
xTobix98 Warmog's used to stack. Not sure an ADC would ever buy one, nor an APC... but anyone that wasn't going pure damage became viable to buy one. I still remember when I first started and was listening to the LoL Songs and Raps... a lot of them mention stacking Mog's.
GamiingGuys He was definitely over-exaggerating. But it was common for the tank and off-tank of every team to purchase one. That's because the person wearing the item would receive (2) stacks of the same buff, while the rest of the team received only (1) stack. So it made it very cost effective if your team had (2) tanks.
Sycops at the end of the Bullwark meta (last LCS week where it was available) NOT A SINGLE TEAM bought it, because in the end, it was not that op to be honest
MrManDari I never said it was OP, I said it was cost effective if a team had 2 tanks, which at the time was a rarity since the meta of having 2 tanky champs was not very popular.
You missed huge game changers like the old Malady and the old Phantom Dancer, The old Phantom Dancer changed how characters like Tryndamere and Jax could build because of the dodge. The old Malady allowed any character to easily build a DPS build, the attack speed and the lifesteal let any player stack it up endlessly.
Wait.. Didn't you say at the beginning of the video ''we won't be considering potions or wards..'' Why did you even mention Elixir of Fortitude and Oracle's Elixir then?
About Feral Flare, what you do not say is that before getting removed, it got heavily nerfed (especially on the heal which made most of its interest) before being replaced by the quite equivalent Devourer enchantement which is currently never used (because of its lack of healing i think)
INameIsGood but if I recall correctly it was a first buy not because of the extra movement speed it gave by being OP, but it was mostly build in midlane because a lot of champs that were played then had skillshots. think of ziggs and syndra. and you build level 1 boots to be able to dodge the skillshots easier in the lane fase, and have enough money left to buy a lot of pots/wards.
edkroketje1 It was before season 3 i think. The movement speed of every champion was kinda slow so you were almost first to buy it first. To change it riot removed 5 move speed from the item and added 5 movement speed to every champion
Kypriadis Spyros 25* edkroketje1 yea I messed up , it was until season 3, on season 2 world championship almost everybody bought boots as first item in all games.
INameIsGood I didn't tell it to correct you. I mostly told it to say that the main reason wasn't just to dodge against the heavy poke skillshot champs.
I was going to comment about the upgraded trinkets when you were talking about the sightstone. I noticed that you said it was the 2nd best, so I decided to wait it out. I'm glad you talked so well about the upgraded trinkets, because I never see someone else buying the upped stealth totem in a ranked game besides myself. Thank you :)
no "league of sunfire cape"? this list is a joke. back in the day, you could stack sunfire caps. people stack 4-6 of them. each one deals 50 damage per second. and if you have a clone, your clone also have sunfire cap damage aura and do damage. if an 5 capes stacked, stealthed evelynn (evelyn can stay stealthed for a long time, and you wont see her until she hits you, or you have oracle elixir) runs around you. you just watch your full HP go down to zero less than 5 seconds. and everyone was tanky as hell because what sunfire cape provides. HP, armor and damage aura.
As I started playing League around this time last year, I find it really interesting to see what was "big" in the meta in the old days. I've heard of a lot of metas that I never really saw/experienced, like season 4's spring split top lane being Shyvanna and Trundle, or Jax before his nerfs, and the highlight of Renekton's strengths, for examples. It's really cool to see these and understand where some terms, memes, and old sayings in the League community come from.
I think you missed Heart Locket. The amount of manna it gave back (20 every time you spent manna) on sivir and ashe when it was around meant you gained around 5 mana just by leaving frost arrows and bouncing blades on respectively. Not to mention it was a good survivability item on them. This is why it was removed completely from the game. Not just reworked like some of the other items. Innervating Locket: Unique: "When you use an ability, you regenerate 50 health and 20 mana over 2 seconds. This effect has a 3 second cooldown"---But anybody with a toggle ability had no problem abusing it.
I was expecting Ravenous Hydra here. It's a must have for pretty much all AD melee champs. It gives a ton of AD, some lifesteal, health regen, and explosive basic attacks.
Great video as always!. Im surprised that Force of nature didnt even got a honorable mention, i remember that force of nature was the only magic resist item you would need if there were some ap damage in their team. After buying it you could just keep stacking other stats and OH MANwhen you combined it with warmogs.
I was actually surprised we didn't see early devouerer or early cinderhulk on here. The jungle items of season 5 have just had crazy power spikes on their release.
Aww man, I remember League of Black Cleaver. If anyone ever askes what items anyone should build on any champion, the answer would always just be "Build Black Cleaver!" It was kinda sad, but also kinda nice how simple it was to build every single champion.
1. wriggles lantern 2. original last whisper 3. zhonya's ring (with hourglass passive) 4. no stock wards (honestly having unlimites wards for 75g ea is broken it got changed because support was ward bot and unfun) 5. madread's bloodrazor (armor atk speed %hp damage) no real replacement 6. innervating locket (see udyr) 7. cant remember the name of the hp cdr aura item. 8.atma's impaler
League of black cleavers was fun, remember that by the end of the game even our support Zyra built 2 of them whilst riven/talon had 5 cleavers and 1 last whisper as their build, good times
I started playing around the time warmogs stacking was a thing, I built 6 warmogs every game with no idea what I was doing besides simply thinking it looked cool to have that large of a health bar
Heart of Gold I think deserves an honorable mention since it did shift the meta quite hard, everyone bought it and since it could be upgraded in randuins Omen it was great late game. Even supports often times bought it to win 1v1s in the early game.
Now, it seems like the Sated Devourer would make the list. It's made most fighter junglers painfully strong and nearly unkillable if they have any on hits effects.
Feral flare wasn't the problem. That was really easy to counter, the problem with the season 4 jungle was how the Spirit items gave such reliable clear and were cost efficient. 45 ad, 10% cdr and a burn passive on physical damage and a 400 hp, 10% cdr mini thornmail for around 2300 all up. Feral flare was great and all, but if you didn't get ahead when you got it you became in a sense useless.
Surprised the old randuin's omen with the move speed slow on hit isn't featured. The moment an AD carry attacked a 4k hp tank with that item -> RIP in piece
"Had to buy 30 - 50 wards per game"? Who the hell are you kidding Jeremy? No one has ever hit numbers even close to that. Buying 12 wards in a game is a shitload already.
I'm kinda surprised that the old bloodthirster isn't on the list. You had to rush that item on all adc's (expect maybe Kog, Vayne or Twitch). Winning bot lane really came down to who got bloodthirster 1st, and it was so easy to stack. Bloodthirster now is just a shell of its former self
How about the old Hextech Gunblade--3625 gold for 65 AD, 75 AP, 20% lifesteal, 25% non-unique spellvamp, as well as the active. You could stack 5 of them on some champs for some really dumb results as you'd have over 300 AD and AP with 125% spell vamp and 100% lifesteal. While not necessarily the best possible build, this was particularly dumb on the old Jax, who would also get 330 HP from each gunblade due to his passive, resulting in having a Jax with the previously mentioned stats AND well over 3000 HP. The power of stacking this item was such that there were instances of champions who were not really intended to use the item in the first place (as it was meant for hybrids like Jax and Akali) stacking them and being ridiculously powerful--I recall Riot specifically cited Cho'Gath as a champion they were seeing stack it that was unintended and abusively strong. Will of the Ancients had a stackable aura that gave 25% spell-vamp and 30 AP, as well as giving 40-50 AP (depending on the patch) on its own, all for the low, low price of 2100 to 2500 gold (also depending on the patch). This was pretty huge as it made multi-AP teams dominant over just about everything else. They could have 50%+ spell vamp and +60 AP for the entire team from just two people having their aura overlap. Also, the old Wriggle's Lantern. At a mere 1600 gold, it wasn't unusual for top, jungle, and ADC to buy one as one of their first items--free ward, easy CS, strong sustain, armor, attack damage, and allowed the team to take objectives like dragon or baron really fast, especially with multiple lanterns. And, of course, Boots of Speed before everyone's base movement speed was increased by 25 and the boots were reduced by 25 movement speed. Anyone who played in those days should be very familiar with the fact that boots 3 potions were basically the only really viable starting item aside from cloth armor 5 potions for junglers and a few specific lane matchups (which was usually meant to be rushed into a Wriggle's because Wriggle's was so good in so many matchups). For 3v3s, when they remade the map and introduced new items specifically for Twisted Treeline, Hextech Sweeper was, for a long time, one of the best possible items that could be bought for any AP damage dealer. (There were other seriously overpowered items in 3v3, but they were fixed relatively quickly, while Hextech Sweeper was under most peoples' radar for a long, long time) At the insanely low cost of 1920 gold it gave 300 HP, 50 AP, 10% cooldown reduction, 10% movement speed, and an active that granted vision over a small area for 10 seconds (extremely useful on 3v3 where there are no wards).
kind of surprised you didn't mention Sunfire Cape. In Season 1 (when i think it was released) it's "unique passive" wasn't "unique" at the time and everybody was buying a ton of those things
You should do an update. In season 6 there is Sated devoured, the meta changed completely into hybrid and auto attack champion. The item create a really unhealthy gameplay since the jungler will have a very lack of present in the early game and having unstoppable power at 30 stack. Due to its power, the item was removed completely and changed into a new one, bloodrazor.
nice video i agree with all of these, except 2 little things. first i think ruinic bulkwark should be higher on that list, since the entire "ad mid lane" thing was build around it cause all mages were useless cause of that item. and the second is wriggle's lantern. with lifesteal, ad armor and a free ward this item was build by pretty much everyone. top and jungle was a must, ad tanky mid like lee sin too and sometimes even adc bought that item. great videos keep it up :)
Guinsoos is pretty op atm tbh like everyone who has the ability to build it probably will unless some weird circumstance happens like Yi, Irelia, Xin Zhao, Kog Maw, basically everyone auto attack heavy will most likely build this just because of the stupid sustain it gives you and the power it gives when you hit 8 stacks on it, that's just in my mind but still
I would've put Feral Flare higher up the list. Aside from the disadvantage of having to farm it early game, it's late game power was so ridiculous. You could duel practically anyone and heal more damage than they can deal to you while dealing tons of damage in return. Hell I even used it on tank junglers like Malphite and Rammus because of the insane sustain.
You forgot to mention that Cleaver made building an entire stat (armor) completely worthless. I remember building Sightstone on split push Vladimir when it first came out and built BotRK on top lane on hit Thresh when they came out.
The reason that Cleaver was OP was actually due to a bug I believe, that made the armor shred stack incorrectly, and basically caused AD champs to do true dmg.
No Ionic Spark? The best item season 2 with a 2100 gold cost it gave 50% attack speed, 250 health, and a unique passive of 125 damage to 4 enemies every 4 auto attacks. This completely shaped worlds to where shen was a pick/ban every game because of his efficiency with the item.
Many of you probably didn't know this but in the early days of league of legends infinity's edge passive was not a unique passive. So if you were to fill up your item list only stacked with those you could 1-hit apponents with tryndamere and be OP as fuck.
i think eleisa's miracle is an op item due to having additional regen stats and the item would not consume a item slot if you bought it early. it was great for tanks and defensive midlaners.
Feral Flare - when low elo junglers refused to gank or show any presence on the map, even if the enemy team was pushing down mid lane, and instead spent the entire game farming the jungle. It instantly put a Nasus in every game. "Thanks Trick" Q_Q
Whats about madredes bloodrazor ? I still remember that you just builded this thingie ob lirally everyone and you wouldnt be able to do anything as a ad champ till u got it
Good list, but I would have put du fire cape on there from season 1 and season 2, since it used to be a stackable item and rammusses would just build sunfires.
i find that the impact of sightstone is more credited towards the change of the gold items than to the item itself, also i believe heart of gold shouldve been on this list. you could easily see 3 teammembers stacking 2-3 of them early
Although I agree with upgraded trinket, I don't think it should be considered an item since it doesn't take up an item slot. Imo atmas impaled should be on the list because back when it gave 2% of you hp as AD I remember EVERYONE Buying atmalog/warmogs+atma.
what about force of nature :O +40 health regeneration +76 magic resistance +8% movement speed Passive Unique: You gain health regeneration equal to 1.75% of your maximum health.
Atmas, Locket, and especially wriggles lantern. How was there no mention of the best item of all time (at least when it was released and subsequently removed)?
what about force of nature, I don't know the stats, but before it was removed it was a must by for any tank, tanks would buy it, and then they would stack force of natures. I once went up against a morde with a force of nature and a warmogs, and the morde was able to win 1v5 without breaking a sweat
Jeremy "Gaming Curios" - Guides and Top 10's Could you make a video about champions that got strong through itembuffs/new items (with champs which were strong before but get even stronger) e.g.: Sejuani, Gragas (Cinderhulk) Udyr, Yi (Feral Flare) Pantheon, etc. (Black Cleaver)
Still hate how they didn't update some recommended items on champs: Like the Brutalizer, when it doesn't even build into Black Cleaver anymore but your only choice was to go Yom's Ghost Blade, come on
GA before it go reworked. If your ga was on cd, you could just sell it and buy it again with the cd gone. Zonyas is also an mazing item. That is in my opinion the only item every champion in the game could purchase, and still be useful. Rageblade is also insane, just too bad it doesn't really fit in. But the stats and prize is amazing.
The original, stackable Sunfire Cape? If you went invisible with Twitch you could kill someone in seconds by standing near them and they would have no idea what was happening.What about the original, stackable Tiamat? With a Fiora or Twitch ultimate, you could get a pentakill in one single shot! Both of these were way more overpowered than anything in this video. Not to mention the Force of Nature which would allow Mundo to solo baron by standing near it with his W on, not even attacking it.
old dfg? the active damage scaled on your ability power and dealt %hp damage so lategame it easily dealt 40-50% of someone's max hp. not to mention it almost oneshotting people on veigar
Would be fun if riot released a separate mod with all the old items in their original state. always wanted to build 3 stack items on mundo. there was one that made you might tanky at 20 stacks.
wait what about Innervating Locket?
+430 health
+450 mana
Aura: Nearby allies gain 20 Health Regen per 5 and 9 Mana Regen per 5.
Passive Unique: Reduces ability cooldowns by 10%.
Unique: When you use an ability, you regenerate 50 Health and 20 Mana over 2 seconds. This effect has a 3 second cooldown.
Cost: 2250g
Sin holy shit that was a thing?
Jack Wood It was.
Used to be a staple on champs like Udyr...
Jack Wood yep, was pretty damn OP
Jack Wood it was. It made udyr absolutely insane
Jack Wood Yes, and it got removed one week after Guardsman Bob showed how much it was broken on Udyr during the Ionia vs Noxus showmatch. (Source: lol.wiki)
im still sure that oracle was removed because teemo mains paid rito 3 million gold.
dango x nagisa x ushio x LOVE "gold"... lol :D
dango x nagisa x ushio x LOVE haha ahh i still wish they just out right remove Teemo from the game though
i would pay 4 million gold if i had :c
Teemo is not strong u stupid kids!
Oracle is technically still in the game on howling abyss
Zz'rot portal is the best item at the moment
SPWLaku Actually its not that bad. The stats it provides are really great. It gives the most Magic Resist on SR and 60 armor on that. The 30% moment speed close to towers are not that bad. I compassion to an item with similar stats (Guardian Angel) the portal might seem a bit lackluster but that is when you just use the portal for pushing towers, people tend to forget that the portal actually is a piece of terrain and can be used in the same way a Trundle pillar or Anivia wall is used. The item might not be the best and not an item I would like to see every game but it is far better than most people make of it.
Ez dePaz Fair enough, it is still not an item to replace guardians. I think it sucks.
step 1: trap minions
step 2: whait about a couple of minutes
thats how you use ZZ'rot portal
***** You forgot AD Malz for even more Minions.
SPWLaku yeah for losing games
"We won't consider potions as valid items." proceeds to mention two potions ;o
Andries van den Berg Well, technically those he mentioned are elixirs. Potions is the mana and health pots. Although yeah, it is a bit ironic :D
Andries van den Berg And apparently you're warding trinket and sightstone aren't "wards" either. lol. So not sure what he considers a ward.
Suoi dolci versi spiega l'augello @elixir definiton=a magical or medicinal potion. ._.
ItzAndyArson In terms of what the word means then yes, elixirs are potions. But I meant in the game they are two different things. I'm full aware of the definition of elixir
I love these history - ish videos
Ayyy lmao Shame all of it is exaggerated. Black cleaver was about as OP as he said it was and it want uncommon to see someone stack 4 or 5 black cleavers, but I couldn't name a meta support who would ever buy it. I wish he didn't flat out lie for dramatic effect - you'd never see an adc or apc stack warmogs, and you'd never see a jungler or support start elixir.
Biggus Dickus Take it all in context. I don't think he's intentionally lying, but this is based on his personal memories at the time including the skill level of his teams at that point in time.
Duff The Psych ASMR It is all in context "it wasn't uncommon to see 8 people start elixir" is a flat out lie
Biggus Dickus how is it a lie when I also clearly recall games where every AD champ on the map started elixir...
vonarlin Were junglers refuting their sabres for it? No. Were supports getting it? No. Assuming then that all the tops and mids are AD u have 6.
I would but Innervating Locket, Force of nature, Heart of gold, old warmogs... pretty much most of the items from Season 2 and before and Black Cleaver. A lot of cocaine found its way into the Riot office that day... lots of cocaine
+Verlisify Verlis what is ur dumbass doing here
+Verlisify fuck off here
+Chibi Chan (Chibicore Gaming) I remeber whan I was lvl 5 and played full hp zac
+Chibi Chan (Chibicore Gaming) I remeber whan I was lvl 5 and played full hp zac
Cool to See ya Here ^^
You pick Blade of the Ruined King over Madred's Bloodrazor? They're practically the same item, except Madred's Bloodrazor does magic damage, whereas Botrk does physical. So it has mix damage, and it's far superior than Botrk. Why didn't you pick Madred's?
Supra Kooper the active and lifesteal. made it better than madreds.
Supra Kooper Madred's made it harder to build against (if rushed) but BotRK does much more late game damage, since you have the Last Whisper on almost anyone you would build BotRK on.
And I think madred's dealed max hp% dmg on hit rather than current hp%
Bloodeyeyes109 Yeah it was like 3 or 4% max hp I think.
Supra Kooper Madreds was shit and one of the very few only items that lost stats on upgrading it. Madreds was a huge waste of gold as far as I can remember, since the stats it gave were very low and the passive %HP-dmg was nearly annihilated with a single MRES item, since AD-champs that bought this item usually didn't get some MPEN. afaik there were only 2 champs that could buy madreds without wasting too much money, Shaco and Onhit-Teemo. Seriously, BOTRK on release was incredible strong, madreds just sucked til it got removed.
What's with Heart of Gold or Zhonya's Ring?
backofen95 insanely strong, but not as impactful to the meta. But then again, just going of raw power they would both just be number 10.
PrimaPunchy pretty sure heart of gold affected the meta pretty hard, seem to recall back then stacking gold generating items was meta for supports, top lanes, and even junglers (unless it was a snowball champ)
xeamnz I was confused with something else (Eleisa's Miracle).
anyway, even then, if people stacked those items and got the gold for other items quickly that way, does that impact the builds of the champions beyond just having a better income?
I mean, for example, take the warmog's. Everybody built this and nobody was killable. This caused the least killable to be the most favorable, changing the meta to a tanky meta.
During the 'heart of gold' meta, you... get money, that's it. Sure, it's an effect, but it's not as big as the number 10 on the list already. It isn't a game deciding item.
its a pretty big change, because it meant instead of spending early gold on damage or defense, they purely invest it into late game. It creates more passive play in early lane, since you dont have the stats to fight and all you have to do is survive lane to not get snowballed. This, in addition to the mindset change, was also a major buff to late game scaling champs - faster to late game meant their weaknesses were less exposed, as well it was a nerf to bullying champs early game. Its more than just "getting money" - when there is more gold on the map, the relative value of items, decisions, and champs all change, usually to favor late game ideals.
The whole point of this list was items that changed the way the game was played for a while. gold generating items like heart of gold had a major impact in the way the game was played for a while.
Now, is it top 10? honestly i was taking a break from league for most of season 2 when a lot of these were at their height, so im not the best judge. However, it definitely changed the game, so at the very least it should be in the conversation.
Deer Gangplank
You retired (sort of) for our sins
You will be missed
I'm pretty sure Jeremy has said the word "Overpowered" or "OP" more than his own name
Guy Random Dont you think this is getting boring? You do a comment like this under every of his videos.
10) Runic Bulwark 0:30
9) Feral Flare 1:17
8) Sightstone 2:10
7) Relic Shield 3:15
6) Elixir of Fortitude 3:53
5) Oracles Elixir 5:00
4) Upgraded Trinkets 6:10
3) Blade of the Ruined King 6:53
2) Warmogs Armor 7:40
1) Black Cleaver 8:40
No mention of Wooglets Witchcap, DFG, Classic BT, quite a few overlooked in place of some potions and small ward/trinkets that are useful for supports... and yw for actually listing it all.
such a shitty list.
where is DFG?
force of nature ?
madreds bloodrazor ?
heart of gold ?
the very old malady ?
zhonyas ring ?
the old atmas impaler ?
innervating locket ?
Warrock1221 but hey he included to potions, which shouldnt even count...
(based on what he said in the beginning atleast)
Dieter Jürgen those were elixirs tho. Potions only gave hp and mana. He considered elixirs as a different item than potions.
눈 ͜ಎ눈 filthy weabist they are basically the same thing... they should have been in the list either way
He shouldn't have included consumables. Otherwise wards would be the most OP item, they're cheap and they win games.
As for old old Malady, do you mean the version that made allies deal extra incremental damage on-hit based on how many hits you landed? If so, I loved that as a cheap offense item on supports :P
Warrock1221 Madreds bloodrazor was pretty shit for how expensive it was. Force of Nature was a good mr item, but nothing overpowered. I agree on the other items tho.
Expected the old Bloodthirster somewhere, pre-lifesteal nerfs.
It was fun to do 3 aa's against wolves at 5% health and be full health again.
What about deathfire grasp?
mattyp72 ludens is stronger
dfg could one shot squishys doe
mattyp72 dfg could actually one shot tanks doe.
mattyp72 ty dfg
mattyp72 DFG worked well on only a handful of champions, primarily nukers like annie, kata, veigar. You had to actually get in close (sometimes closer than the range of your skilsl - veigar), activate the item, than do your combo. The "balanced" replacement, ludens is such a stupid item, that it makes me question Riots common sense. Now every mage uses it, it requires absolutely NONE effort to use because the damage is automatic, it scales of AP, it bounces to 4 targets and clears creep waves very well.
Also, Ludens doesn't have max range, meaning any global dmg ability, or even a teemo shroom at the end of the map, will make it proc.
At least with DFG you had to learn to activate that extra ability before your combo, otherwise you waste it's potential.
I was expecting the old sunfire cape which had escalating damage back then, rather than a flat amount of damage.
U said there would be no potions or wards and yet half the things on the list were basically potions or wards haha.
riedstep Potions =/= Elixirs & Wards =/= Trinkets or Sightstones
riedstep IKR
Phillip Ward You're wrong
Joseph Helms How so?
Phillip Ward It was more of the way he said "potions or wards" that confused people. Jeremy thought it was clear but other people consider elixirs and trinkets/sightstones to be potions/wards... since that's kinda what they are
Upgraded trinkets? What is this? I have never seen anyone buying it. (for real though, In every single game, it's either only me or the support and I who buy them. They are so underestimated.)
Skins Have Skills You do not have an excuse to die to a gank if you upgrade the trinket. That's probably the only reason not to do it ._. xD
XD yeah
FabbiEU then again upgrading it is a must sence its simply that flipin good
Alpha PHENIX The amount of times I see supports who don't even change to a red trinket is too damn high. In Silver II I am happy if they don't forget the trinkets ._.
The worst part is that some supports don't buy sighstone because they have the trinket (the free one xD)
Where is the current jungle item?
Chris Trick cinderhulk is nothing compared to the Feral Flare jungle item. Sure, Cinderhulk brought in the new tank meta but FF was the reason why EVERY MELEE champion became a jungler.
Melee? I swear when ff came out i saw more good jungle adc than in bot lane.
Ranged junglers were more common with the spirit items but yeah, I know what you mean with that. hahaha
Chris Trick cinderhulk*
Chris Trick dude cinderhulk is bulsshit copared to the last season 4 tank jungle item spirit of the ancient golem.. gave u 200hp + 25%hp + 10% cdr +25 armor +175 increased healing and mana regen vs jungle creeps and a ward every 120 seconds and that shit all for 2000 gold.. in my opinion the strongest item ever
7:34 Udyr is so baffled that the baron solo worked, he forgets the *huge* wave of minions top lane with no teammate nearby
He forgot the DFG (Deathfiregrasp)
I thought for sure Atmas would have been included. Atmas was so strong way back in the day, it was so gold efficient. Giving 65 armor and 25% crit with 2% max health going into AD all for 2300 gold. Also the fact it was popular at the time of Warmogs height of popularity made "Atmogs" good on a lot of champions.
I'm almost puking by the amount of bullshit you are filling your viewers with. You are telling them that 8 champions bought runic bulwark, even though only 2 people bought it, since the passive is unique. And that every champion in the game bought elixir? No, mid and toplaners bought it ONCE, and that's it. They didn't buy it 6 times a game.
GamiingGuys PREACH
also the warmogs bs made me cry
xTobix98 Warmog's used to stack. Not sure an ADC would ever buy one, nor an APC... but anyone that wasn't going pure damage became viable to buy one.
I still remember when I first started and was listening to the LoL Songs and Raps... a lot of them mention stacking Mog's.
GamiingGuys He was definitely over-exaggerating. But it was common for the tank and off-tank of every team to purchase one. That's because the person wearing the item would receive (2) stacks of the same buff, while the rest of the team received only (1) stack. So it made it very cost effective if your team had (2) tanks.
Sycops at the end of the Bullwark meta (last LCS week where it was available) NOT A SINGLE TEAM bought it, because in the end, it was not that op to be honest
MrManDari I never said it was OP, I said it was cost effective if a team had 2 tanks, which at the time was a rarity since the meta of having 2 tanky champs was not very popular.
You missed huge game changers like the old Malady and the old Phantom Dancer,
The old Phantom Dancer changed how characters like Tryndamere and Jax could build because of the dodge.
The old Malady allowed any character to easily build a DPS build, the attack speed and the lifesteal let any player stack it up endlessly.
Wait.. Didn't you say at the beginning of the video ''we won't be considering potions or wards..''
Why did you even mention Elixir of Fortitude and Oracle's Elixir then?
they are elixirs, not potions... DUH!
and he also mention sight stone, upgraded trinkets, bla, bla. He should not have said that at the beginning of the video.
Hi hi
mussuti mussuti ...
About Feral Flare, what you do not say is that before getting removed, it got heavily nerfed (especially on the heal which made most of its interest) before being replaced by the quite equivalent Devourer enchantement which is currently never used (because of its lack of healing i think)
Did you considered tier 1 boots for this video ? it was first buy item until season 4 I think. You should have made a honorable mention section. :)
INameIsGood but if I recall correctly it was a first buy not because of the extra movement speed it gave by being OP, but it was mostly build in midlane because a lot of champs that were played then had skillshots. think of ziggs and syndra. and you build level 1 boots to be able to dodge the skillshots easier in the lane fase, and have enough money left to buy a lot of pots/wards.
edkroketje1 It was before season 3 i think. The movement speed of every champion was kinda slow so you were almost first to buy it first. To change it riot removed 5 move speed from the item and added 5 movement speed to every champion
Kypriadis Spyros 25*
edkroketje1 yea I messed up , it was until season 3, on season 2 world championship almost everybody bought boots as first item in all games.
INameIsGood I didn't tell it to correct you. I mostly told it to say that the main reason wasn't just to dodge against the heavy poke skillshot champs.
Kypriadis Spyros it was in season 3, at that moment I started playing (beginning of season 3) and in the lcs that was a big reason why many bought it.
I was going to comment about the upgraded trinkets when you were talking about the sightstone. I noticed that you said it was the 2nd best, so I decided to wait it out. I'm glad you talked so well about the upgraded trinkets, because I never see someone else buying the upped stealth totem in a ranked game besides myself. Thank you :)
no "league of sunfire cape"? this list is a joke.
back in the day, you could stack sunfire caps. people stack 4-6 of them. each one deals 50 damage per second. and if you have a clone, your clone also have sunfire cap damage aura and do damage.
if an 5 capes stacked, stealthed evelynn (evelyn can stay stealthed for a long time, and you wont see her until she hits you, or you have oracle elixir) runs around you. you just watch your full HP go down to zero less than 5 seconds.
and everyone was tanky as hell because what sunfire cape provides. HP, armor and damage aura.
As I started playing League around this time last year, I find it really interesting to see what was "big" in the meta in the old days. I've heard of a lot of metas that I never really saw/experienced, like season 4's spring split top lane being Shyvanna and Trundle, or Jax before his nerfs, and the highlight of Renekton's strengths, for examples.
It's really cool to see these and understand where some terms, memes, and old sayings in the League community come from.
Fallen Vanguard He exaggerated this a lot but it's mostly accurate. Innervating Locket is prob THE most OP item there was
No Madred's Bloodrazor? For real?
That stacking Tiamat was something too, because you could use that on ranged champions and you could get over 100% cleave damage :)
where is Force of Nature?
I think you missed Heart Locket. The amount of manna it gave back (20 every time you spent manna) on sivir and ashe when it was around meant you gained around 5 mana just by leaving frost arrows and bouncing blades on respectively. Not to mention it was a good survivability item on them. This is why it was removed completely from the game. Not just reworked like some of the other items.
Innervating Locket:
Unique: "When you use an ability, you regenerate 50 health and 20 mana over 2 seconds. This effect has a 3 second cooldown"---But anybody with a toggle ability had no problem abusing it.
i was expecting FON and madred
How did you include replays from season 3? I though lol-replay no longer works for replays below patch 4.4
Why isn't Zhonyas Ring or Force Of Nature in this list? :/
I was expecting Ravenous Hydra here. It's a must have for pretty much all AD melee champs. It gives a ton of AD, some lifesteal, health regen, and explosive basic attacks.
Where is force of nature?!
Great video as always!. Im surprised that Force of nature didnt even got a honorable mention, i remember that force of nature was the only magic resist item you would need if there were some ap damage in their team. After buying it you could just keep stacking other stats and OH MANwhen you combined it with warmogs.
Honestly surprised Cinderhulk wasn't on the list...
History)) btw it's still in meta
joey beebe ah, yeah. Point taken :)
joey beebe so are the upgraded trinkets yet they were at number 4
I was actually surprised we didn't see early devouerer or early cinderhulk on here. The jungle items of season 5 have just had crazy power spikes on their release.
Zhonya's ring and innervating locket anyone?
Sad day
Aww man, I remember League of Black Cleaver. If anyone ever askes what items anyone should build on any champion, the answer would always just be "Build Black Cleaver!" It was kinda sad, but also kinda nice how simple it was to build every single champion.
Death fire grasp
Deathfite Cap is one of the most OP item in LOL especially if you're playing Leblanc.
+Japsy Japson Deathfire*
Love the lists - keep em coming :)
Really no DFG that thing aplified your fucken over all damage by 25% this shit is broken opop!!!
1. wriggles lantern
2. original last whisper
3. zhonya's ring (with hourglass passive)
4. no stock wards (honestly having unlimites wards for 75g ea is broken it got changed because support was ward bot and unfun)
5. madread's bloodrazor (armor atk speed %hp damage) no real replacement
6. innervating locket (see udyr)
7. cant remember the name of the hp cdr aura item.
8.atma's impaler
Before 301 club
League of black cleavers was fun, remember that by the end of the game even our support Zyra built 2 of them whilst riven/talon had 5 cleavers and 1 last whisper as their build, good times
I started playing around the time warmogs stacking was a thing, I built 6 warmogs every game with no idea what I was doing besides simply thinking it looked cool to have that large of a health bar
Great video man! almost forgot those items :o what do u think about the philosopher stone? that gold generator item.
Heart of Gold I think deserves an honorable mention since it did shift the meta quite hard, everyone bought it and since it could be upgraded in randuins Omen it was great late game. Even supports often times bought it to win 1v1s in the early game.
Now, it seems like the Sated Devourer would make the list. It's made most fighter junglers painfully strong and nearly unkillable if they have any on hits effects.
I remember before the warding limit where I would buy boots of mobility on blitzcrank along with a ton of wards and just cover the map in wards
Feral flare wasn't the problem. That was really easy to counter, the problem with the season 4 jungle was how the Spirit items gave such reliable clear and were cost efficient. 45 ad, 10% cdr and a burn passive on physical damage and a 400 hp, 10% cdr mini thornmail for around 2300 all up. Feral flare was great and all, but if you didn't get ahead when you got it you became in a sense useless.
I find it surprising the stacking Sunfire capes and the Zhonya ring weren't mentioned at all.
Surprised the old randuin's omen with the move speed slow on hit isn't featured. The moment an AD carry attacked a 4k hp tank with that item -> RIP in piece
"Had to buy 30 - 50 wards per game"? Who the hell are you kidding Jeremy? No one has ever hit numbers even close to that. Buying 12 wards in a game is a shitload already.
I'm kinda surprised that the old bloodthirster isn't on the list. You had to rush that item on all adc's (expect maybe Kog, Vayne or Twitch). Winning bot lane really came down to who got bloodthirster 1st, and it was so easy to stack. Bloodthirster now is just a shell of its former self
Did feral flare get removed? Didnt it just recieve a massive nerf, 15 less damage on hit and the heal didnt stack anymore?
How about the old Hextech Gunblade--3625 gold for 65 AD, 75 AP, 20% lifesteal, 25% non-unique spellvamp, as well as the active. You could stack 5 of them on some champs for some really dumb results as you'd have over 300 AD and AP with 125% spell vamp and 100% lifesteal. While not necessarily the best possible build, this was particularly dumb on the old Jax, who would also get 330 HP from each gunblade due to his passive, resulting in having a Jax with the previously mentioned stats AND well over 3000 HP. The power of stacking this item was such that there were instances of champions who were not really intended to use the item in the first place (as it was meant for hybrids like Jax and Akali) stacking them and being ridiculously powerful--I recall Riot specifically cited Cho'Gath as a champion they were seeing stack it that was unintended and abusively strong.
Will of the Ancients had a stackable aura that gave 25% spell-vamp and 30 AP, as well as giving 40-50 AP (depending on the patch) on its own, all for the low, low price of 2100 to 2500 gold (also depending on the patch). This was pretty huge as it made multi-AP teams dominant over just about everything else. They could have 50%+ spell vamp and +60 AP for the entire team from just two people having their aura overlap.
Also, the old Wriggle's Lantern. At a mere 1600 gold, it wasn't unusual for top, jungle, and ADC to buy one as one of their first items--free ward, easy CS, strong sustain, armor, attack damage, and allowed the team to take objectives like dragon or baron really fast, especially with multiple lanterns.
And, of course, Boots of Speed before everyone's base movement speed was increased by 25 and the boots were reduced by 25 movement speed. Anyone who played in those days should be very familiar with the fact that boots 3 potions were basically the only really viable starting item aside from cloth armor 5 potions for junglers and a few specific lane matchups (which was usually meant to be rushed into a Wriggle's because Wriggle's was so good in so many matchups).
For 3v3s, when they remade the map and introduced new items specifically for Twisted Treeline, Hextech Sweeper was, for a long time, one of the best possible items that could be bought for any AP damage dealer. (There were other seriously overpowered items in 3v3, but they were fixed relatively quickly, while Hextech Sweeper was under most peoples' radar for a long, long time) At the insanely low cost of 1920 gold it gave 300 HP, 50 AP, 10% cooldown reduction, 10% movement speed, and an active that granted vision over a small area for 10 seconds (extremely useful on 3v3 where there are no wards).
kind of surprised you didn't mention Sunfire Cape. In Season 1 (when i think it was released) it's "unique passive" wasn't "unique" at the time and everybody was buying a ton of those things
You should do an update. In season 6 there is Sated devoured, the meta changed completely into hybrid and auto attack champion. The item create a really unhealthy gameplay since the jungler will have a very lack of present in the early game and having unstoppable power at 30 stack. Due to its power, the item was removed completely and changed into a new one, bloodrazor.
What happened to Lucian at 6:35?
nice video i agree with all of these, except 2 little things. first i think ruinic bulkwark should be higher on that list, since the entire "ad mid lane" thing was build around it cause all mages were useless cause of that item. and the second is wriggle's lantern. with lifesteal, ad armor and a free ward this item was build by pretty much everyone. top and jungle was a must, ad tanky mid like lee sin too and sometimes even adc bought that item. great videos keep it up :)
Guinsoos is pretty op atm tbh like everyone who has the ability to build it probably will unless some weird circumstance happens like Yi, Irelia, Xin Zhao, Kog Maw, basically everyone auto attack heavy will most likely build this just because of the stupid sustain it gives you and the power it gives when you hit 8 stacks on it, that's just in my mind but still
I would've put Feral Flare higher up the list. Aside from the disadvantage of having to farm it early game, it's late game power was so ridiculous. You could duel practically anyone and heal more damage than they can deal to you while dealing tons of damage in return. Hell I even used it on tank junglers like Malphite and Rammus because of the insane sustain.
i was 99% sure "innervating locket", "Atma" and "Black Torch" would be somewhere in the top 5 with old warmogs when you stacked it on minions
You forgot to mention that Cleaver made building an entire stat (armor) completely worthless.
I remember building Sightstone on split push Vladimir when it first came out and built BotRK on top lane on hit Thresh when they came out.
when i was new to league of legends, i used to stack 6 warmogs on literally every champion i used, i used it on fizz and teemo a lot
The reason that Cleaver was OP was actually due to a bug I believe, that made the armor shred stack incorrectly, and basically caused AD champs to do true dmg.
No Ionic Spark? The best item season 2 with a 2100 gold cost it gave 50% attack speed, 250 health, and a unique passive of 125 damage to 4 enemies every 4 auto attacks. This completely shaped worlds to where shen was a pick/ban every game because of his efficiency with the item.
Many of you probably didn't know this but in the early days of league of legends infinity's edge passive was not a unique passive. So if you were to fill up your item list only stacked with those you could 1-hit apponents with tryndamere and be OP as fuck.
i think eleisa's miracle is an op item due to having additional regen stats and the item would not consume a item slot if you bought it early. it was great for tanks and defensive midlaners.
so no sunfire truedamage stack? or rabadon stack?
Innervating locket?
Yordle Boots?
Infinity edge?
Dodge Phamtom Dancer?
black torch?
Feral Flare - when low elo junglers refused to gank or show any presence on the map, even if the enemy team was pushing down mid lane, and instead spent the entire game farming the jungle. It instantly put a
Nasus in every game. "Thanks Trick" Q_Q
I agree with this list. You should also include some honourable mentions, such as hydra (.on fiora ) and that candle that you used to buy on shaco
Whats about madredes bloodrazor ? I still remember that you just builded this thingie ob lirally everyone and you wouldnt be able to do anything as a ad champ till u got it
I personally thought Eleisa's Miracle was pretty nuts since you could gain its benefits permanently after 3 levels.
Doe sthe double relic ahield still work?
Good list, but I would have put du fire cape on there from season 1 and season 2, since it used to be a stackable item and rammusses would just build sunfires.
The only one I don't remember too well was Feral Flare, I playyed maybe 15 games total during season 4
I bought Warmog's Armour on Ashe. Her slow and ult just went well with tankiness.
Bork? Cleaver? I played AP Burst Alistar and was able to one shot with DFG. All patches of DFG were pretty crazy/
What about Inervating locked?
i find that the impact of sightstone is more credited towards the change of the gold items than to the item itself,
also i believe heart of gold shouldve been on this list. you could easily see 3 teammembers stacking 2-3 of them early
Although I agree with upgraded trinket, I don't think it should be considered an item since it doesn't take up an item slot. Imo atmas impaled should be on the list because back when it gave 2% of you hp as AD I remember EVERYONE Buying atmalog/warmogs+atma.
what about force of nature :O
+40 health regeneration
+76 magic resistance
+8% movement speed
Passive Unique: You gain health regeneration equal to 1.75% of your maximum health.
Atmas, Locket, and especially wriggles lantern. How was there no mention of the best item of all time (at least when it was released and subsequently removed)?
what about force of nature, I don't know the stats, but before it was removed it was a must by for any tank, tanks would buy it, and then they would stack force of natures. I once went up against a morde with a force of nature and a warmogs, and the morde was able to win 1v5 without breaking a sweat
What about Force of Nature, or the very first DFG that had 25% current health nuke plus 4% per 100 AP?
Jeremy "Gaming Curios" - Guides and Top 10's Could you make a video about champions that got strong through itembuffs/new items (with champs which were strong before but get even stronger)
e.g.: Sejuani, Gragas (Cinderhulk) Udyr, Yi (Feral Flare) Pantheon, etc. (Black Cleaver)
God feral flare was terrifying. The new enchants are quite a bit more balanced, even though cinderhulk is a bit strong.
Still hate how they didn't update some recommended items on champs: Like the Brutalizer, when it doesn't even build into Black Cleaver anymore but your only choice was to go Yom's Ghost Blade, come on
GA before it go reworked. If your ga was on cd, you could just sell it and buy it again with the cd gone.
Zonyas is also an mazing item. That is in my opinion the only item every champion in the game could purchase, and still be useful.
Rageblade is also insane, just too bad it doesn't really fit in. But the stats and prize is amazing.
Sated devourers gave a huge buff to champs like yi, udyr, aatrox, and vi. As well as making jg vayne viable
The original, stackable Sunfire Cape? If you went invisible with Twitch you could kill someone in seconds by standing near them and they would have no idea what was happening.What about the original, stackable Tiamat? With a Fiora or Twitch ultimate, you could get a pentakill in one single shot!
Both of these were way more overpowered than anything in this video. Not to mention the Force of Nature which would allow Mundo to solo baron by standing near it with his W on, not even attacking it.
Think its worth a mention that Black Cleaver was broken due to a bug, or at least that it wasn't intended for the armour shred to stack with itself.
old dfg? the active damage scaled on your ability power and dealt %hp damage so lategame it easily dealt 40-50% of someone's max hp. not to mention it almost oneshotting people on veigar
Would be fun if riot released a separate mod with all the old items in their original state.
always wanted to build 3 stack items on mundo.
there was one that made you might tanky at 20 stacks.