The State Ceremonial Musicians of the Household Division- Rehearsal 💂‍♀️⚔️🇬🇧

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 26

  • @vickyRoyalHistory
    @vickyRoyalHistory 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    The one with the Strong Northern Ireland Accent is Senior Drum Major Gareth Chambers MVO. He is the Senior Drum Major for The Household Division. There is Usually a Row of 5 Drum Majors at the Front, he is in the Centre & Controls the other DMs with his Staff Commands, they in turn Copy his Commands with their Staffs, so the Bands behind them can see what's happening. For the Dress Rehearsal (Colonels Review) & The Actual Trooping of the Colour, The DMs will be wearing their State Uniform which is Predominately Gold & a Blue Jockey Cap. It's always Worn when there is Royalty Present. An interesting Sight is when the SDM Signals a "Counter March" where they turn facing the way they came singly, follow each other around, The Principal Trombonist raises it in the Air at the Commencement of the Turn, so all the Musicians can see it.
    There will be the Regimental Bands of The 5 Infantry Regiments off the Household Division; The Grenadier Guards (Wearing a White Plume in their Bearskins), Coldstream Guards (Red Plume), Scots Guards (No Plume), Irish Guards (Blue Plume) & Welsh Guards (White Plume with Green Horizontal Stripe). There will also be The Pipes (Bagpipes) & Drums of the Irish Guards, in their Saffron Coloured Kilts & The Pipes (Bagpipes) & Drums of The Scot's Guards in the Royal Stewart Tartan Kilts, at the Back of the Massed Bands in the Colonels Review & The Trooping the Colour Parade.
    In this Video SDM Chambers is on the Left Side of the Screen & although there are a Number of Bandsmen & a Few of the Irish Pipers, there will be over 250 in the Real Parade. This Rehearsal is taking place at Wellington Barracks in London. The DM's & The Front Ranks of the Massed Bands & Drummers are Rehearsing the Turns, Counter Marches & Signals. The Coloured Markers on the Ground gets them used to Paces from Command to Counter March, until the Execute the Turn to Counter March, it's all about making sure Everybody turns at the same time to keep the Rank & Files straight & Even. They will go through various parts of the Parade, making sure the Drill is Perfect. The most Difficult Movement is the "Pinwheel" where the Massed Bands will Turn around on the Spot, keeping sure everyone moves at once, you have some Marching Backwards, some Sideways & some Marking time, but at the end of it, everyone is in the same place they were at the Start, but they'll all be facing a different way. The British Army is the only one to do this Manoeuvre, they devised it & the Secret to it has never be written Down, it's handed Down To the DMs & Musicians, by training only & each Group only know their Part.
    There are 2 x Full Rehearsals; The First is The Major General's Review where the Bands will March from Wellington Barracks, leading a Detachment of Guards by Regiment, up Spur Road to the Victoria Monument in front of Buckingham Palace, turning Right on to The Mall, Marching up the Mall & Turn Right into Horse Guards Ave & onto Horse Guards Parade, where the Commanding Officer of The Household Division will take the Salute.
    The second one is on June 8th, The Colonel's Review. It's a Full Dress Rehearsal & the Salute is Taken by HRH Prince William, The Prince of Wales. This will also Include The Household Cavalry & Mounted Band & The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery & everyone will be in Full State Uniform. The Guardsmen will be in their Traditional Ceremonial Red Tunics & Bearskin Hats.

    • @valeriehenderson241
      @valeriehenderson241 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      wow, I haven't read all this but you don't see this history, discipline anywhere else. I just love it..

    • @vickyRoyalHistory
      @vickyRoyalHistory 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@valeriehenderson241 It is indeed Historical & a left over from the days before there were Full time Soldiers. The British Armed Forces as we know them today, have Many Traditions & almost All are doing things the way their Predecessors did for a Good Reason. They Trooping The Colour Parade, is one of those. From a time when there wasn't a Nationwide, centrally controlled Army, there were Groups of Infantry & Cavalry scattered all over England. They would all Muster & get ready for a Battle against the Enemy. They Needed to know who was in Charge of the Particular Area they were assigned to, what the Signals were to Attack, Defend or Retreat & they needed to know the Banner of the Person in Charge, because if they needed to Retreat & Reform, they needed to know where to Retreat to. The Banner (or Colour) was Shown to them each time they were Preparing to do Battle. That would be done by Assembling the Men in their Regiments (Groups) who were to fight in this Area & under the Lord responsible for that Area's Banner, later a Flag would be "Trooped" (Carried a Loft) Up & Down the Ranks of Men so in the Heat of Battle they would know & recognise the Point they were to Fall Back to (where the Colour was) to Reform before going back into Battle.
      It's that, that the Trooping The Colour Parade Replicates, just one of the Army Traditions of Today that were Significant Things done well over 1,000 years when it was first Introduced.

    • @jackx4311
      @jackx4311 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Many thanks for your very detailed info, Vicky - 👍

    • @vickyRoyalHistory
      @vickyRoyalHistory 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@jackx4311 Hello Jack, You are Very Welcome. One thing I did forget to point out is why the Companies of Guards are Formed in to an "L" Shape. Years ago there were many more Companies of Guards & it was easier to see why they were formed that way, but with Down Sizing & Amalgamating Regiments together, the Numbers of Soldiers have been Reduced. Never the less, they have retained this "L" Formation.
      In 1660, Charles ll was restored to the Throne of England following the Death of Oliver Cromwell & the Disastrous attempts of Cromwell's Son to take his place. Parliament (known during that Period as a "Rump Parliament"), Invited Charles ll & his Guard to Return from Exile & sit on the Throne. He bought with him a Group of Cavalry composed of the Sons of Nobles Loyal to the Crown & some other Cavaliers who had fought for Charles ll against Cromwell's Forces. They formed a Cavalry whose sole purpose was to Protect the King, he called them his Life Guards. While in Exile in Flanders, Charles ll had spent time watching & learning Various Methods of Attack & Defence, adopting ways he could train a Standing Army to be up to the task should the need ever arise. One of these he learned from the Swiss & he determined to train his Army to it. In the 17th Century, pitched Battles were still fought by the most part between Infantry & Cavalry, with some Artillery & very Occasionally with Siege Engines in some of the more remote Countries in Europe. Cavalry caused major problems for Infantry, as many men was crushed by Heavy Horses as were killed by Sword or Sabre. Charles ll had discovered a New way for Infantry to Defend against Cavalry & to Attack them at the same time. It was called "The Hollow Square" & consisted of 2 x "L" Shaped Formations, the Long Side being 50 Men & the Short Side being 25 Men. In addition, there were at the very least 2 deep Ranks on the inside of the Formation. On the Command "Form Squares" 2 of these "L" shaped Formations were joined together, becoming 50 Men on all 4 Sides, with another 2 Ranks Closed up on the inside of the Square. There were some armed with Muskets & Others with Pikes & other Weapons. The Cavalry, for the most part armed with Sabres & Swords, trying to get close enough to Attack proved almost impossible. In similar Style to the Shield Walls of Viking Invaders of several Centuries before, the 3 deep Men, formed into a Tight Square, had the Outer Rank armed with Muskets, the 2nd Rank on one knee armed Mostly with Pikes or Long handled Battle Axes & The 3rd Rank Standing Behind & Between the 1st Rank armed with some Muskets, Pikes & Spears. The 2nd & 3rd Ranks were to deal with the Horses while the 1st Rank shot at the Men Riding them. Inside the Hollow Square was Ammunition, Field Dressing Kits & injured who's job it was to Load & pass Muskets to those in the Outer Rank. If there was field Artillery Close, more often than Not the Gun Crews would also take Refuge inside, helping to Load Muskets or tend to the Wounded. The Squares themselves were Spread out in a Chequer Board Patten, so as well as Presenting 4 sides of Strongly Armed Men, they could also help another Square by firing into the milling Cavalry as they rode Round & round the Square looking for a weakness to exploit. These Hollow Squares were so Successful, that they were still being used at The Battle of Waterloo in the1813-1815 Peninsular Wars against Napoleon.
      This "L" Shaped Formation formed at the Trooping The Colour Parade, is a Nod to the "Hollow Square" Formations. These Days only 6 Companies, 4 Across the Width of Horse Guards Parade & 2 up the Side are Formed make it hard to see how very imposing such a sight would've been but even in the 70's & 80's when there were 14-18 Companies it was very easy to imagine how difficult it was for the Cavalry.
      Oh, & Speaking of Cavalry, The Lifeguards Regiment ( White Helmet Plumes & Red Tunics) of the Household Cavalry, are the Descendants of Charles ll 's Body Guards he bought back from Flanders. They are the Most Senior Regiment of the British Army & the longest Serving. The Other Cavalry Regiment, The Blues & Royals (Red Helmet Plumes & Dark Blue Tunics) were formed at the Order of Oliver Cromwell, who died before they were Officially Formed. They were Formed & Recognised by Charles ll in 1665. They share the Distinction of being Continually Serving almost as Long as The Life Guards & when they were Amalgamated into The House Hold Cavalry in 2004, they still retain their Own Regiments.
      Have a Great Week & Stay Safe

  • @AlbaAlba-fg2io
    @AlbaAlba-fg2io 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good evening to you! Thanks for posting this very beautiful video I'm watching for the first time. They all have done a great job, fantastic, but i must say that it's due to the extraordinary SDM Gareth Chambers, to the high professionalism of his role, the best and incomparable leader, no doubt UNIQUE!! Thanks also for the long detailed and interesting historical description about the event.

  • @AnnofWales21
    @AnnofWales21 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Rather a privilege to see and listen to this super march which, I think, has been composed for this year’s Trooping the Colour. Thank you for sharing👍

    • @vickyRoyalHistory
      @vickyRoyalHistory 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hi Ann! I've missed you, especially now Mr B's Back, he did all 4 Parades Last Sunday. Hope you're keeping well. I'm going to be away a lot for the next 2 Months, so I hope you're going to be able to keep the Fan Club Going. Take Care & Best wishes to you & yours.

    • @AnnofWales21
      @AnnofWales21 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@vickyRoyalHistory hi Vicky 👋🏻, nice to hear from you and sorry we’ve been a bit like ships that pass in the night. I’ve been a bit distracted of late by possible scary issues that I’m now happy to say have been resolved! So I’ve missed quite a bit ! However I’m now trying to keep up with the rehearsals for the forthcoming Trooping and am so looking forward to being there on the 1st. Isn’t this new march just fabulous!! From some of the videos of these practices and rehearsals I think (last line should be underlined😉)that the DMs will be GC (the 🌟), SF, Johnston, Laing and your pal Potts(?)
      Have you seen the video posted by Ammo Boots & Hooves titled “The Irish Guards Pipes and Drums practice for the Kings Birthday Parade in June 2024” ? Our 🌟 DM puts them through their paces and it’s evident that he’s very proficient as time beater too! You’ve said before that he prepares diligently for these events and knows the music pretty much back to front. I think the video backs you up on that! He’s whacking that drum in time to the music he can hear in his head! Pretty impressive performance!
      I hope you get to read and perchance reply, even if briefly (you? Brief?😉) before you go on your travels. (& hope you have great time🥳)

    • @vickyRoyalHistory
      @vickyRoyalHistory 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@AnnofWales21 Hello Ann! I wish it was as easy as travels. I've been asked to take part in an International Sociology Conference & Symposium in July. I'll be introducing a Topic within the Symposium Framework, "Is Socialism a Construct of Communism or is Socialism the Result of Non Marxist Communism". This all about the Fall of Soviet Communism & the Governance of the New Russia & how it fits with the Remaining Communist Dichotomy off China & North Korea. It all sounds very Grand, but at its Basic Level it's really only, Now that Russia is no Longer a Communist Stronghold, how well are the other 2 Main Communist Countries going to view the New Russia & whether they will still Support it fully.
      It just means I'll be busy putting together my Address & identifying the possible Outcomes. Lot's of Research & Quantifiers. Very Little Time. I'll still be around & watching the Videos, I just won't have a lot of time to post Comments. It's got a lot more difficult too, Mr B was the Main Channel for the London Guard Changes with 1 or 2 others sometimes posting Videos. While he was away, a lot of the others covered London who didn't used to Regularly. So now we're getting up to 4 or 5 Videos for each Guard Change in London. All of them are Channels I subscribe to & Comment on. Now Mr B is back, I regard his as my "Home" Channel, when I can I'll Comment on his, but I can't do all of them. That makes me feel a bit mean, but especially now, I just aren't going to have the time. I'll make Sure I get to see the Major Generals Parade so wave al all the Cameras, I'll be watching the Colonels Review to wave to Hazel, J Stand, front Row right at the end in a Pink Jacket & of course I'll be watching the TTC. Whether or not I Comment will depend on Time Constraints. I'll be out of the Country 22-28th July but at least its only across the Ditch, so its about 3 1/2 hr Flight. I can't go without the GC Fix for too long. If I don't catch you before 1st, have an Awesome Time & if you feel the need to blow Kisses, add on a few from me!
      As far as DM's go, I'd bet on it being Chambers, Fitzgerald, Laing, Beasley, & Dan Fairley or Sam Potts. Those are the all the DM's who've been working the Guard Changes for the last 6 weeks or so. That's why we've had The Rifles, Gurkhas & RAF doing the Changes recently, freeing up the DMs & The Guards Bands for all these Practises & Rehearsals. They'll all takeover the Duty from 1st until the TTC, because the Guard Companies will be at the Main Rehearsals. I haven't seen the IG pipers Rehearsals, but GC Was a Very, Very Good Drummer in his day, I think he even did the Lone Drummer at the TTC. He knows his Stuff alright, if you watch him closely when he's leading a Band, his Flourishes & Signals start before the Bands even start or finish the Bars of Music & he's very aware of the Timing Markers in his Spatial Awareness, with no Music Cards or Verbal Commands. The Man is at the Top of his Game, Nothing is left to Chance & he rides the Wave of Perfection. There is No Doubt, No Nerves & No Visible Stress. His Patience seems endless & he's Not a Screamer, he appears to know that Embarrassing someone in Front of his Peers is not Good Leadership & is inevitably Counter Productive. He is Well Liked & Well Respected, something I always thought was the Case, but it's been confirmed by Several of the Men who work with him in one Capacity or another. I also happen to know he has a Great Interest in WW1, the History & the many Stories of the Guards who fought & Died or Survived. That says a lot to me as an Amateur Historian, about the Man & his Deep Respect towards those who went before him. For those of us who Appreciate those Qualities, watching him as he works is a very Pleasurable Experience & Not one I'd Miss.

    • @AnnofWales21
      @AnnofWales21 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@vickyRoyalHistory hi Vicky, sorry again for the delay getting back to you. Your task sounds impressive but I have no doubt you’ll rise to the challenge and shine (& give your audience some intended giggles. Oh to be a fly on the wall even though quite a lot would probably sail over my head🤪)
      I still reckon the DMs will be be starman Chambers🌟, Fitzgerald, Laing, Johnstone and your pal Potts, maybe we should take bets🤭
      You are of course correct, in my opinion, in your assessment of our 🌟 Chambers. He is meticulous in his preparation, and I get the impression his role is of great importance to him, a vocation, not just a job. (& nobody does it better😌)I really hope you watch the video I mentioned in my earlier message, I think you’d enjoy it😎 Let me know what you think.
      I’m so looking forward to Saturday, rain or shine (although a nice dull but dry day would be preferable) Have no doubt I shall be flying the flag for the fan club🥳

  • @daviddumbraveanu589
    @daviddumbraveanu589 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Thanks for sharing. It's really nice to see the reheasals from inside the barracks.

  • @daviddrake3504
    @daviddrake3504 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Summer is here! Trooping rehearsals!

  • @charlottecunningham2141
    @charlottecunningham2141 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thanks for sharing. Saw someone having to duck from a trombone swinging around

    • @delvinrodriguez3341
      @delvinrodriguez3341 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hahaha, well spotted! I think you'll be interested in knowing that the Drummer who had to duck down for the wild trombone was our Friend LSgt M. Lee! Who's on Snare Drum and not on Cymbals surprisingly.

  • @HasanAlbar-qj4qy
    @HasanAlbar-qj4qy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Wes tuwo orak ngkuhi tuwo geledemi keroyoan wedoaan caiku

  • @DavidEnglish-ws6ey
    @DavidEnglish-ws6ey 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The Quick March "The Ballyragget"

  • @petereames6182
    @petereames6182 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Lovely March performed by The Massed bands Pipes and Drums and Corps of Drums led the Senior Drum Major Gareth Chambers MVO Irish Guards this March will feature in the Music for the Trooping The Colour 2024 I hope to buy a copy of the Programme for this Years event and in July There will be two Beating Retreats on Horse Guards Parade the one I am looking Forward to is the Massed Bands of HM Royal Marines and I hope to get a Programme for this as there will not be A Cd or DVD for this event which is sad in a way The MoD Have to stop cutting back all Recordings as they are preventing the Public enjoyment of events like this

    • @vickyRoyalHistory
      @vickyRoyalHistory 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There's no Corps of Drums this Year. The Irish Guards are Trooping this Year, so there'll be The Pipes & Drums of The Irish Guards & The Pipes & Drums of The Scots Guards. The Corps of Drums Parade only if the Regiment Trooping has a Corps of Drums. Last Year was The Welsh Guards Trooping & the Corps of Drums of the Grenadier Guards & the Coldstream Guards joined the Wels Guards Corps of Drums for a Massed Display.
      The Pipes & Drums of The Irish Guards & the Scots Guards Parade if either Regiment is Trooping.

  • @Anishathapa1959
    @Anishathapa1959 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    • @Windsorguards
      @Windsorguards 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Very Nice Video Sir!

  • @Messirve428
    @Messirve428 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Is training for the trooping of colour?

    • @wasawat.cnetprahas
      @wasawat.cnetprahas 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes !

    • @vickyRoyalHistory
      @vickyRoyalHistory 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This Particular Rehearsal was mainly for the Drum Majors & the First few Ranks of the 5 Bands & a few Bagpipes, to practise the Counter March & Get their Timings right. The Proper Full Rehearsal go from June 1 - 8th.

  • @_PJW_
    @_PJW_ 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Music at 2:06 ?

    • @lewishancock2808
      @lewishancock2808 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This whole march is a new march produced for this years trooping the colour. The name is The Ballyragget. If you watch this years trooping the colour on BBC Iplayer there is a full description of why its called it. Something to do with the 80th aniversary of the D-Day landings.