Really interesting discussion. Makes me want to sit with middle and high school students and ask them to reflect on the differences between what they are taught in the masjid vs in public school; how they see the differences between Muslims and non-Muslims, etc. to draw out of them how they are being taught the religion of secularism and help them make some conscious choices about that.
The heart of a Muslim through the guidance of Islam will make you fair and kind and helpful to your fellow man. Living as a Muslim means that you must play a part Allah looks not at how you look but what is in your heart.❤
Consumption / consumerism vs conservation, preservation. Use what you need. Lifestyle changes begins with ourselves. We can start by taking your on bag to the supermarket and eliminating plastic. Glass Bottle and purchase your juice. Use ecologs and preserve nature. Eat halaal and say Biesmielaah. Eat & drink like the sunnah says, leave a 3rd for air. E.g. How many cars do we need. Can you walk, cycle or use public transport to work. There is lots to do.
These two people show us how to communicate between two different genders Mashaa allah so rational mashaa allah. Inschaa allah I’ll be soon working in workplace and wanna behave like you guys. Inschaaaaa allah
I find it strange, we should have more Muslim schools for the benefits are by far greater. All children will benefit, not only with an additional language but in guidance in morals, ethics and principles will be beneficial to living cohesively with each other.
I feel also that the Muslim community in particular parents should focus more on trying to raise children on good morals, principals and teach them about Islam (how it started, what the character of the prophet p.b.u.h. Was and his companionship. But reality is Muslims in Germany focus more on how to raise a child who succeeds in this life only, how to be liked by the society, how to get income from the German society and cheating at the same time by working blacklabour and so on…no morals…. I don’t think only a school would help. The whole society must change in order to get closer to the ummah of Mohammad p.b.u.h.
We all have to contribute something for that to happen.. more (good) schools. There is enough of us do get the job done but we are not working to that end.. May Allah guide us to the best, save our children, bless us to be helpers in this cause, and not make out mistakes and deficiencies be the cause of harm. Ameen
Incredible life story of Iman Ali Ghazali. How did he become to " the proof of Islam" " O my Lord, my King ! Your order is a blessing to me" Tell my crying friends who saw me dead, tell my pained brothers and sisters in Islam. "Do not assume I am really dead, by God keep away from saying it is a death. I am a sparrow and this body is my cage, I flew away from the cage and the body remained. I was like a dead man among you this morning, I lived for a while and then wore a shroud. Do not assume the death is permanent, know that it is life and it is highly desired. Do not assume death is violence and pain, it is only moving from one house to another. Take what you need and be prepared for the road, if you are smart, do not get busy with anything else. Pray for me to be blessed so you are blessed, we went away knowing that you are next. "Peace Be Upon You" are my last words to you ! May Allah Save You. What else is there to say ? ...
SubhanAllah. Privatization of religion really does lead to your own personal buffet of Islam … you practice based on what you believe “feels” right. Take what you want, leave what you don’t, interpret based on your feelings. Was having a conversation recently with a friend about how we’ve shifted more to the left when it comes to gender interactions, especially with popularity of “Muslim” dating. I feel the practice is unIslamic, while she was focused more on definition of what a date it. She said regardless of the setting it’s based on niyyah … both parties pursuing marriage. She felt she could determine based on her own understanding of relationships, what was permissible. And to her, it was permissible to have coffee with a brother with a chaperone nearby in a public setting. Maybe I’m more conservative or a traditionalist, but I felt it was more appropriate setting for a brother and sister to be at the house of a wali speaking to each other at a dinner table with family present nearby (not in the same room haha). She felt those two situations were equivalent. I know times have changed and our religion is meant to make things easy, but imo certain boundaries once relaxed soon become forgotten. I feel privatization of faith is precisely why so many young (and not so young people) are confused these days - standards of morality get watered down to the point where they lose all meaning. I was just providing my own personal anecdote. My friend mA is a pious sister and this is not intended to be a knock on her. She may be right and I could be too harsh in my view, but imo just because times have changed doesn’t mean new way is better. Honestly, I think getting to know someone without distractions, in a controlled environment, where you can ask more targeted questions (along with friendly chit chat that’s respectful to break the ice) is an optimal (and halal) way to figure out if a person is suitable for marriage. Biggest complaint you hear is people wasting your time and this approach accelerates the get-to-know-you process. There’s wisdom in what’s considered old school these days. I think I went off on a bit of a specific tangent here, but I just felt this conversation is very timely and necessary. Really enjoyed it, AH!
I just think it's really easy to go into privatization of practice when it's legitimately impossible to get along with Muslims if you dont fit into their mold. If you have one belief that is differing your faith is questioned. I wonder what people truly think if given the safe space to share their thoughts. I genuinely think most people are lying or agreeing just to not cause issues.
Aslm. I find it strange why we as Muslims needs to justify good. We do not drink, we do not commit adultery, we do not use interest, we do not do drugs, we cover ourselves because not only is it a protection, it was practised until the 1920's and before then and some practicing until now, understands it is about being obedient and being dutiful and striving lawfully to serve what God says in the Quran. When there is a disturbance to the society by disobeying a traffic light e.g. we set ourselves up to fail. Either an accident or death. Obedience and discipline is necessary taught with love and mercy is important.
SubhanAllah, Barakallah for this much needed open - minded discussion. Elhamdulilah, I think the underlying issues that need to be addresses here in the filter of fundamental doctrine of our pure monotheistic belief system is, usool (اصول) in term of knowledge is that what is the priority, what take precedent when it come to learning secular knowledge, Islamic knowledge and how does this two coexist, is it even possible to coexist and, build a fundamental Islamic values of monotheistic faith on top of a secular world view, this is something that is often not observe. What is the consequences of building Islamic values, Islamic knowledge which is a divine revelation alwahyu (الوحي) over secularism.. These are all important aspect of discussing secularism in the Muslims world, both in education and adopted as a belief system, secular - Muslim lifestyle.
Secularism is actually very judgy as opposed to Islam which is a message of mercy. Unfortunately many Muslims are judgy. Everybody has something negative to say about another Muslim, especially women, rather than supporting each other and using patience. The youth especially are sick of that so they reject Islam for secularism. There's a lot of blame put on secular society for their warped values when this may be true but Muslims don't accept their own diversity and path. It's an excellent point that we should focus on community building especially with what works for the youth.
Some of the things discussed clearly have radical roots. The guy talks about creating Muslim only communities. This is not legal in the United States. Similarly this discussion is extremely limiting to only Muslims and not thinking about non Muslims and their well being or practices. My question to this Lady - why did you leave you/your family your Muslim country to come to a secular country where secularism is a fabric of US constitution?
Great series! Is it not enough to say in this secular society to say something like "my religion is my choice and I choose to submit myself to Allah and his commands" and then just have everything we stand for protected under the liberal paradigm of the supremacy of individual choice? I understand that the framing of such a statement is itself one that makes the self the ultimate arbiter of good (it is good because it was my choice), but do we not also acknowledge in Islam that there is no compulsion in Deen and that faith is something that one chooses for themselves? Is the point that if you try to fit the truth into a paradigm of the self instead of one of singular ultimate truth stemming from Allah; then you can perhaps find yourself lead astray? What are the real differences between saying: "my religion is my choice and I choose to submit myself to Allah and his commands" instead of "the truth is absolute and any seeker of truth will have no choice to but submit to Allah"? Do they not both constitute a choice by the individual to accept Truth?
Of course it is a choice and not something that can be forced upon someone - but the buffet narrative is saying that people are making personal choices to interpret the deen in a particular way, ignore parts of the deen that don't fit their view, etc.
Secularism is a myth. The human being is both spiritual and material. You cannot separate the two, as in "I'm currently in my material state (read secular) without your spiritual essence". And vice versa. France claims to be secular but a lot of their streets are named after various saints. I'd have thought they'll rename all these to rid themselves of any vestiges of the medieval church.
@@TomFacchine jazakallahu khyr eagerly waiting. Please do shed light on how the jargon of ism used by Islamic feminists to counter orientalistic, Islamophobic, and racist propaganda about Islam wouldn't help us because as you guys talked about with Dr Zara Khan's episode and in Secularism that language has values, using that jargon means promoting those values. And how Islamic feminism is kind of antithetical to Islamic worldview at so many levels. I don't understand why do one has to subscribe to feminism or islamicize it to talk about how Islam empowered women from various grounds. Why can't we just use our tradition and not blend it with feminism n still be recognised? And if we are not recognized, we are still intellectually, epistemically colonized and thus it becomes even more imperative to not islamicize feminism.
@@TomFacchine jazakallahu khyran katheera Imam Tom, I was super excited when I saw the teasers for Dogma Disrupted because no one could do it better than you. It amazes me how you, as someone born n raised in a Western culture, is so insightful of the impact of isms and ideologies in Muslim majority settings where I come from without even living here. Yaqeen is so lucky to have you, you've given it a new meaning. May Allah increase you and Yaqeen in barakah ameen
Secular Muslim Nature Desires a Society Based on Morals and Manners The Holy Qur'an describes the Prophet RAS (pbuh) as : By an act of mercy from God, you O’ Prophet were gentle in your dealings with them - had you been harsh or hard-hearted, they would have dispersed and left you - so pardon them and ask forgiveness for them. Consult with them about matters, then, when you have decided on a course of action, put your trust in God: God loves those who put their trust in Him? Al-Qur'an (03:159) The Most Important Act in Islam ... All Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh) had a highly praise worthy character, as a model for all humanity to follow and so He recommended as follows. The Five Daily Prayers ... In the Holy Qur'an, the Arabic word 'Salah' means to demonstrate servitude to Allah (swt), by means of certain actions. According to Islamic Fiqh : the word 'Fard' means duty and obligation. In respect to the 'Acts of Worship' (Salah) which is mandatory. AKA : 'Salah' (often written Salat). Prayer is the most well-known obligatory Act in Islam. Therefore : in the Mind of a Muslim their are two domains of Islam in which deep rooted core, beliefs of ones Islamic personality is expressed via this 'Acts of Worship' (Salah). Leading on to : the Fard Actions, in which all individual Muslim's are obliged to adhere to and, so, there are two types of 'Fard Actions'. As follows ... 1. Fardhu Ain : (the closing to Allah (swt) and following the teachings (saying & actions), of the Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh). 2. Fardhu Kifayah : (stands for more actively associated with commitment to Islam). Islamic Etiquette : the 10 Rules of Islam ... 1. Don't lie (22:30) 2. Don't spy (49:12) 3. Don't exult (28:76) 4. Don't insult (49:11) 5. Don't waste (17:26) 6. Feed the poor (22:36) 7. Don't backbite (49:12) 8. Keep your oaths (5:89) 9. Don’t take bribes (27:36) 10.Honour your treaties (09:04) Al-Qur'an ...
. Sexual Gratification for Men In a world where women are no more than objects discussed in religious circles who argue over, whether women are human or not and if so does she posses a soul and have rights to vote ? Status of Women in Islam ... In contrast to the latter all Muslims bear witness to the fact that Women are considered as vital to life as men. This is because in Islamic tradition it refutes the idea that Eve, tempted Adam (as) to disobey Allah(swt) and thus caused his downfall. Thus both Adam(as) and Eve disobeyed and so, negates the idea that women are a source of evil. For instance in Al-Qur’an ... O Mankind ! Reverence your Guardian-Lord,Who created you from a single person created of like nature, his mate, from them scattered countless men and women. Fear Allah, through whom you demand, your mutual rights and reverence the wombs (that bore you), for Allah ever watches over you.” [04:01] Furthermore the Prophet RAS (pbuh) says: Rule of Women in Islam ... 'Women are the (equal) sisters of men'. Women make up half of society, and they are responsible for the nurturing guidance and reformation of the subsequent generations, of men and women. It is the female who imbues principles and faith into the souls of the nation. Islam Proclaims the Spiritual Aspect of Women's Rights ...... Muslim women marriage contracts, such as the right to divorce should their husband, take another wife. Also, Muslim women keep their own last name after marriage. As written in the Holy Qur'an which explicitly states that men and women are equal in the eyes of God. For instance : “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female.” [49:13] Education is a Divine Right for Women in Islam ... These rights include ... 1. Sanctity of Life, 2. Property/Wealth, 3. Religion, 4. Mind/Intellect, 5. Honor and Family/Progeny Roles of a Wife in Islam ... “The woman should not deny her husband sexual pleasure for no genuine reason.” “She should not disobey him in any way except that which runs against the will of Allah”. “She should protect herself from any illicit act as well as protect her husband's properties in the home”. Therefore the Holy Qur'an stipulates: that the piece of clothing in question should be drawn down by women over their chests as a cover, of modesty. As referenced in the Holy Qur'an for Women to cover their hair and head. Economic Status of Women in Islam... Islam grants Women their rights that match beautifully with their duties and so in this respect establishes, the women and her needs which suits her nature. For instance in the Holy Qur'an instructs the covering of male and female genitals, including adult females (breasts). And so, exposing intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam, and considered as a sinful act. ...
A Glimpse into the Insight of the Dated Secrecy of Ashura ! The Significance of 'Ashura' ... Al-Qur’an (14:05) : Allah (swt) says : ′And We certainly sent Musa with Our signs, [saying], “Bring out your people from layers of darkness into the light and remind them of the days of Allah”. Indeed in that are surely signs for everyone who is patient and grateful’. Ashura has been filled with Significant Events ... According to Imam Al-Ghazali : Writing in his Mukhashfa Al-Qulub, Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra): He was asked why the day of ’Ashura was considered so noble. Umar (ra), He replied with a list of events which had taken place on ’Ashura'. A List of Six Events ... (as follows) : 1. Allah created the skies and earth on this day, along with the Preserved Tablet 2. Allah created Angel Jibril (as) 3. Allah created Adam (as), as well as Hawwa (as) 4. Allah created Jannah 5. Allah enabled Adam (as) to live in Jannah 6. The first rain to fall on earth was on ’Ashura ... The Islamic New Year ( رأس السنة الهجرية ) Raʿs as-Sanah al-Hijrīyah , (the Hijri New Year ). In the Gregorian Calendar reckoning, 1445 AH runs from approximately (19 July 2023 to 7 July 2024). Marking the beginning of a new Lunar Hijri Year. As of (19 July 2023 CE), the current Islamic Year is 1445 AH. The Islamic Year is observed by most Muslims on the first day of the month of Muharram. So, the epoch of the Islamic era. The Emigration known as the 'Hijrah', which equates to (622 CE) in the Gregorian Calendar ... Date Referencing : the Hijri or Arabic date in Saudi Arabia is 04 Muharram. Set as the Year of the Emigration of the Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh) and his followers from Mecca to Medina. According to Islamic Theology ... The sighting of a new moon : means the beginning of a new Islamic Month which occurs when the moon is directly, between Earth and the Sun. And with its shadowed side facing towards us. For instance : The Hijri Calendar is based on 12 lunar months, which is understood as , - a new month begins when a new moon is sighted. Based on a Islamic Lunar Year of 12 months (as follows) : 1. Muḥarram, 2. Ṣafar, 3. Rabīʿ al-Awwal, 4. Rabīʿ al-Thānī, 5. Jumādā al-Awwal, 6. Jumādā al-Thānī, 7. Rajab, 8. Shaʿbān, 9. Ramaḍān (the month of fasting), 10. Shawwāl, 11. Dhū al-Qaʿdah, 12. Dhū al-Ḥijjah. ...
Shafa'ah for an Even Number -- Pleading for Forgiveness In Islam as Muslims Shafa'a ( شفاعة ) means "intercession" . Shafa'ah is taken from shaf (شَّفْعُ) interprets as even as opposed to odd. A believing sinner may ask for forgiveness by the Act of Pleading to Allah (swt) or to, the Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh) a (Saint in Paradise). The 4 steps of Intercession ... 1. get Informed, 2. get Inspired, 3. get Indignant, 4. get in Synch. For instance Intercession in the Holy Qur'an : The Ayat of Ayatul Kursi ... Allah Most High says : That no one may intercede on the Day of Judgement, unless He Himself, has given permission to do so. Intercession means to plead on behalf of someone. On the Day of Judgement, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) will intercede for the Muslims. Therefore The Prophets (peace be upon them), led by our Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh) ... Allah says : “We sent not an apostle, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah‟s forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful. Leading on to the Intercession of the Angels ... Almighty Allah says: “How many an angel is there in the heavens whose intercession shall not benefit, until, Allah gives permission to whom He will and is pleased.” For instance : Shia Hadith about Intercession ... no one will have the power to intercede [with Allah], except for him who has taken a covenant with, the All-beneficent. Intercession is of no avail with Him, except for those whom He permits. When fear is lifted from their hearts, they say, 'What did your Lord say ? Furthermore Intercession in Prayer ... Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying to a deity on behalf of others, So, asking a (Saint in Paradise) to pray on behalf of oneself or for others. According to : the Three Islamic Scholars (below) ... Al-Shawkani (d. 1250 AH) He said : in its interpretation: “And if they had wronged themselves by forsaking your obedience and seeking judgment to others, they would come to you begging you, disavowing their crimes and opposing them, so ask God‟s forgiveness for their sins and plead with you until you were their intercessor, and you asked forgiveness for them”. Al-Fayd Al-Kashani said in the interpretation of the verse:” and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them”: That they apologize to Him so that He may be, made an intercessor for them. “found Allah indeed Oft returning, Most Merciful.” Shihab al-Din al-Alusi (d. 1270AH) said in the interpretation of this blessed verse: People of monotheism and faith” and this is proof. If the intersection of the angels, but it is conditional, that God Almighty will authorize it for those who are permitted to intercede. ...
A question popped up in my mind after watching few other episodes of dogma disrupted. Do the world truely have ONE Muslim Imam in this time and age ? Why my mind says Not a single one exists. Imam means a leader. The only leader we can wait for his arrive is Imam Mahdi. Who will truly be the leader of Muslims nations in a sense how Allah establishes leaders in the world.
The Fard's of Islam The Five Pillars of Islam ... 1. Profession of Faith (shahada). (The belief that "There is no god but God, and Muhammad RAS (pbuh) is the Messenger of God" ). 2. Prayer (salat). Muslims pray facing Mecca five times a day : (at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and after dark.) 3. Alms (zakat), 4, Fasting (sawm), 5. Pilgrimage (hajj). Fard is divided into two categories: - 1.Personally obligatory (fard al-'ayn), (required from every individual Muslim (five daily prayers and Zakat)); 2. Communally obligatory (fard al- kifaya), (performed by some Muslims but is not required from others (e.g., funeral prayers)). Example of Fard Kifayah ... Sufficiency duty or farḍ al-kifāya (فرض الكفاية) is a duty which is imposed on the whole community of believers (ummah). For instance 'Janaza' (Funeral prayer): where the burial of the deceased takes place and the individual, (family member) is not required to perform and 'Salah' or send blessing upon the deceased. Given that their is a sufficient number, of community members fulfill it. The Ten Obligatory Acts followed by Shi'a Muslims. Obligatory Act Definition ... 1. Salah (Praying 5 times a day), 2. Sawm (Fasting during Ramadan). 3. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah), 4. Zakah (Giving 2.5% to charity), 5. Khums (20% tax given to Shi'a leaders), 6. Jihad (Striving for Allah (swt)), 7. Amr bil ma'roof (Encouraging good actions), 8. Nahi anil Munkar (Discouraging bad actions), 9. Tawalla (Association with good people), 10. Tabarra (Dissociation with bad people). And when combined it is applied when four of the Five Pillars of Islam is with the intention of Jihad. ...
All of you are talking, I wonder who will put into action. We are in a great need of Sunday school study guides. Why don’t you both design something please.
JazakumAllah khair for your comment. Our Yaqeen Curriculum team have produced great resources for free use by Sunday schools and more. Check it out here:
Dear all, Islam is only Quran & Sunnah (performing 5 pillars of Islam, rituals, Islamic calendar and few other things). Unfortunately Sunni and Shia Hadith books and Imamate traditions have fabrications, polemics and errors + good things too. The new Muslims should be careful about choosing from Islamic traditions. Just a sincere advise, I am a Sunni Muslim myself but our traditions require more scrutiny.
The Hadith scholars have been scrutinising them for centuries that’s why we have Sahih, Hassan, Daif and so on but I will agree with you the Shia books contain a lot of fabrications.
@@bluecat7684 Literally a plethora. The fact so many sunnis just easily accept the prophet saw having intercourse with a child is insane enough. I refuse to believe he would do that.
Thank you for bringing up this important subject. If we have the courage & collaboration to set sail a bit from the institutionalized schooling and corporate work world; we can bring all our own values & creative ideas to grow thriving relationships, environments and systems God-willin. Thanks God, there are many successful models like Hamza Yusuf & his wife's homeschool co-op The Ilm Tree & countless people working independently successfully; plumbers, doctors, carpenters... While we are in these current systems for any amount of time we can shine / share as best we can our beautiful values and ideas. Hamza Yusuf & John Taylor Gatto have an eye opening shared youtube video, can listen if you wish. Mr Gatto (a NY public school teacher of the year who quit to research the origins of the systemic problems of institutionalized schooling) hit hard, uncovering intentional stripping of independence, faith, creativity at it's very beginning.. to promote folks to buy lots of stuff they don't need & be easy to manage in various situations. For sure God knows best and, like the process of homestead composting; can transform the lowest into the best. Peace and Blessings
Economic Status of Women in Islam... Islam grants Women their rights that match beautifully with their duties and so in this respect establishes, the women and her needs which suits her nature. For instance, in the Holy Qur'an instructs the covering of male and female genitals, including adult females (breasts). And so, exposing intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam, and considered as a sinful act. Therefore the Modesty of the Muslim Women to cover (wear Hijab) ensures her full security and protects, her against disgraceful circumstances, such as domestic (physical) and financial abuse. ... .
@comparitivereligiondailyne698 development of hedonism, capitalism and authoritarianism, yes. But for development of the self, the soul and science/academia, Islamic history clearly demonstrates otherwise.
Great interview!
I'm a new revert, and I appreciate all of this food for thought, because there many legitimate critiques here TY
Really interesting discussion. Makes me want to sit with middle and high school students and ask them to reflect on the differences between what they are taught in the masjid vs in public school; how they see the differences between Muslims and non-Muslims, etc. to draw out of them how they are being taught the religion of secularism and help them make some conscious choices about that.
Yeah. And how they reconcile evolution they learn in school with the anti-science stance of islam.
The heart of a Muslim through the guidance of Islam will make you fair and kind and helpful to your fellow man.
Living as a Muslim means that you must play a part Allah looks not at how you look but what is in your heart.❤
Salam Daniyah, good to see you after all these years! - choti bakshi
Consumption / consumerism vs conservation, preservation. Use what you need. Lifestyle changes begins with ourselves. We can start by taking your on bag to the supermarket and eliminating plastic. Glass Bottle and purchase your juice. Use ecologs and preserve nature. Eat halaal and say Biesmielaah. Eat & drink like the sunnah says, leave a 3rd for air. E.g. How many cars do we need. Can you walk, cycle or use public transport to work. There is lots to do.
Assalaam alykum keep up the good work 👏
Thank you! Great discussion mashaAllah.
These two people show us how to communicate between two different genders Mashaa allah so rational mashaa allah. Inschaa allah I’ll be soon working in workplace and wanna behave like you guys. Inschaaaaa allah
These are very eye opening and beneficial
I find it strange, we should have more Muslim schools for the benefits are by far greater. All children will benefit, not only with an additional language but in guidance in morals, ethics and principles will be beneficial to living cohesively with each other.
I feel also that the Muslim community in particular parents should focus more on trying to raise children on good morals, principals and teach them about Islam (how it started, what the character of the prophet p.b.u.h. Was and his companionship. But reality is Muslims in Germany focus more on how to raise a child who succeeds in this life only, how to be liked by the society, how to get income from the German society and cheating at the same time by working blacklabour and so on…no morals…. I don’t think only a school would help. The whole society must change in order to get closer to the ummah of Mohammad p.b.u.h.
We all have to contribute something for that to happen.. more (good) schools. There is enough of us do get the job done but we are not working to that end..
May Allah guide us to the best, save our children, bless us to be helpers in this cause, and not make out mistakes and deficiencies be the cause of harm. Ameen
Incredible life story of Iman Ali Ghazali.
How did he become to " the proof of Islam"
" O my Lord, my King !
Your order is a blessing to me"
Tell my crying friends who saw me dead, tell my pained brothers and sisters in Islam.
"Do not assume I am really dead, by God keep away from saying it is a death.
I am a sparrow and this body is my cage, I flew away from the cage and the body remained.
I was like a dead man among you this morning, I lived for a while and then wore a shroud.
Do not assume the death is permanent, know that it is life and it is highly desired.
Do not assume death is violence and pain, it is only moving from one house to another.
Take what you need and be prepared for the road, if you are smart, do not get busy with anything else.
Pray for me to be blessed so you are blessed, we went away knowing that you are next.
"Peace Be Upon You" are my last words to you !
May Allah Save You.
What else is there to say ?
Beautiful! May Allah reward him his Firdoos.
Thank you for a very informative and helpful discussion
Convey message of Islam to all people of the world and to everyone who will come also convey message of Islam to all world leaders......
SubhanAllah. Privatization of religion really does lead to your own personal buffet of Islam … you practice based on what you believe “feels” right. Take what you want, leave what you don’t, interpret based on your feelings. Was having a conversation recently with a friend about how we’ve shifted more to the left when it comes to gender interactions, especially with popularity of “Muslim” dating. I feel the practice is unIslamic, while she was focused more on definition of what a date it. She said regardless of the setting it’s based on niyyah … both parties pursuing marriage. She felt she could determine based on her own understanding of relationships, what was permissible. And to her, it was permissible to have coffee with a brother with a chaperone nearby in a public setting. Maybe I’m more conservative or a traditionalist, but I felt it was more appropriate setting for a brother and sister to be at the house of a wali speaking to each other at a dinner table with family present nearby (not in the same room haha). She felt those two situations were equivalent. I know times have changed and our religion is meant to make things easy, but imo certain boundaries once relaxed soon become forgotten. I feel privatization of faith is precisely why so many young (and not so young people) are confused these days - standards of morality get watered down to the point where they lose all meaning. I was just providing my own personal anecdote. My friend mA is a pious sister and this is not intended to be a knock on her. She may be right and I could be too harsh in my view, but imo just because times have changed doesn’t mean new way is better. Honestly, I think getting to know someone without distractions, in a controlled environment, where you can ask more targeted questions (along with friendly chit chat that’s respectful to break the ice) is an optimal (and halal) way to figure out if a person is suitable for marriage. Biggest complaint you hear is people wasting your time and this approach accelerates the get-to-know-you process. There’s wisdom in what’s considered old school these days. I think I went off on a bit of a specific tangent here, but I just felt this conversation is very timely and necessary. Really enjoyed it, AH!
I just think it's really easy to go into privatization of practice when it's legitimately impossible to get along with Muslims if you dont fit into their mold. If you have one belief that is differing your faith is questioned. I wonder what people truly think if given the safe space to share their thoughts. I genuinely think most people are lying or agreeing just to not cause issues.
Great discussion mash’Allah.
Aslm. I find it strange why we as Muslims needs to justify good. We do not drink, we do not commit adultery, we do not use interest, we do not do drugs, we cover ourselves because not only is it a protection, it was practised until the 1920's and before then and some practicing until now, understands it is about being obedient and being dutiful and striving lawfully to serve what God says in the Quran. When there is a disturbance to the society by disobeying a traffic light e.g. we set ourselves up to fail. Either an accident or death. Obedience and discipline is necessary taught with love and mercy is important.
SubhanAllah, Barakallah for this much needed open - minded discussion. Elhamdulilah, I think the underlying issues that need to be addresses here in the filter of fundamental doctrine of our pure monotheistic belief system is, usool (اصول) in term of knowledge is that what is the priority, what take precedent when it come to learning secular knowledge, Islamic knowledge and how does this two coexist, is it even possible to coexist and, build a fundamental Islamic values of monotheistic faith on top of a secular world view, this is something that is often not observe. What is the consequences of building Islamic values, Islamic knowledge which is a divine revelation alwahyu (الوحي) over secularism.. These are all important aspect of discussing secularism in the Muslims world, both in education and adopted as a belief system, secular - Muslim lifestyle.
Secularism is actually very judgy as opposed to Islam which is a message of mercy. Unfortunately many Muslims are judgy. Everybody has something negative to say about another Muslim, especially women, rather than supporting each other and using patience. The youth especially are sick of that so they reject Islam for secularism. There's a lot of blame put on secular society for their warped values when this may be true but Muslims don't accept their own diversity and path. It's an excellent point that we should focus on community building especially with what works for the youth.
So real. Muslims want to mold everyone into one shape. Men are one shape, women another. You cant move away from that mold.
Some of the things discussed clearly have radical roots. The guy talks about creating Muslim only communities. This is not legal in the United States. Similarly this discussion is extremely limiting to only Muslims and not thinking about non Muslims and their well being or practices.
My question to this Lady - why did you leave you/your family your Muslim country to come to a secular country where secularism is a fabric of US constitution?
Great series! Is it not enough to say in this secular society to say something like "my religion is my choice and I choose to submit myself to Allah and his commands" and then just have everything we stand for protected under the liberal paradigm of the supremacy of individual choice? I understand that the framing of such a statement is itself one that makes the self the ultimate arbiter of good (it is good because it was my choice), but do we not also acknowledge in Islam that there is no compulsion in Deen and that faith is something that one chooses for themselves? Is the point that if you try to fit the truth into a paradigm of the self instead of one of singular ultimate truth stemming from Allah; then you can perhaps find yourself lead astray? What are the real differences between saying: "my religion is my choice and I choose to submit myself to Allah and his commands" instead of "the truth is absolute and any seeker of truth will have no choice to but submit to Allah"? Do they not both constitute a choice by the individual to accept Truth?
Of course it is a choice and not something that can be forced upon someone - but the buffet narrative is saying that people are making personal choices to interpret the deen in a particular way, ignore parts of the deen that don't fit their view, etc.
Secularism is a myth. The human being is both spiritual and material. You cannot separate the two, as in "I'm currently in my material state (read secular) without your spiritual essence". And vice versa. France claims to be secular but a lot of their streets are named after various saints. I'd have thought they'll rename all these to rid themselves of any vestiges of the medieval church.
Imam Tom, when would you discuss Islamic Feminism in this series?
I'm trying to put together a 3 or 4 part series to be filmed and released in September. Just waiting on confirmation from my guests!
@@TomFacchine jazakallahu khyr eagerly waiting. Please do shed light on how the jargon of ism used by Islamic feminists to counter orientalistic, Islamophobic, and racist propaganda about Islam wouldn't help us because as you guys talked about with Dr Zara Khan's episode and in Secularism that language has values, using that jargon means promoting those values. And how Islamic feminism is kind of antithetical to Islamic worldview at so many levels. I don't understand why do one has to subscribe to feminism or islamicize it to talk about how Islam empowered women from various grounds. Why can't we just use our tradition and not blend it with feminism n still be recognised? And if we are not recognized, we are still intellectually, epistemically colonized and thus it becomes even more imperative to not islamicize feminism.
@@mariachoudry7366I think you'll be pleased, inshaa Allah
@@TomFacchine jazakallahu khyran katheera Imam Tom, I was super excited when I saw the teasers for Dogma Disrupted because no one could do it better than you. It amazes me how you, as someone born n raised in a Western culture, is so insightful of the impact of isms and ideologies in Muslim majority settings where I come from without even living here. Yaqeen is so lucky to have you, you've given it a new meaning. May Allah increase you and Yaqeen in barakah ameen
Who is she/what is her background/credentials?
My exact question
Secular Muslim Nature Desires a Society Based on Morals and Manners
The Holy Qur'an describes the Prophet RAS (pbuh) as :
By an act of mercy from God, you O’ Prophet were gentle in your dealings with them
- had you been harsh or hard-hearted, they would have dispersed and left you
- so pardon them and ask forgiveness for them.
Consult with them about matters, then, when you have decided on a course of action,
put your trust in God: God loves those who put their trust in Him?
Al-Qur'an (03:159)
The Most Important Act in Islam ...
All Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh) had a highly praise worthy character,
as a model for all humanity to follow and so He recommended as follows.
The Five Daily Prayers ...
In the Holy Qur'an, the Arabic word 'Salah' means to demonstrate servitude to Allah (swt),
by means of certain actions.
According to Islamic Fiqh : the word 'Fard' means duty and obligation.
In respect to the 'Acts of Worship' (Salah) which is mandatory.
AKA : 'Salah' (often written Salat). Prayer is the most well-known obligatory Act in Islam.
Therefore : in the Mind of a Muslim their are two domains of Islam in which deep rooted core,
beliefs of ones Islamic personality is expressed via this 'Acts of Worship' (Salah).
Leading on to : the Fard Actions, in which all individual Muslim's are obliged to adhere to and,
so, there are two types of 'Fard Actions'.
As follows ...
1. Fardhu Ain : (the closing to Allah (swt) and following the teachings (saying & actions),
of the Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh).
2. Fardhu Kifayah : (stands for more actively associated with commitment to Islam).
Islamic Etiquette : the 10 Rules of Islam ...
1. Don't lie (22:30)
2. Don't spy (49:12)
3. Don't exult (28:76)
4. Don't insult (49:11)
5. Don't waste (17:26)
6. Feed the poor (22:36)
7. Don't backbite (49:12)
8. Keep your oaths (5:89)
9. Don’t take bribes (27:36)
10.Honour your treaties (09:04)
Word on the Islamic studies, I dare anyone to come a learn Quran in Sharjah, it’s so tough.
turkish subtitle please🌸
Sexual Gratification for Men
In a world where women are no more than objects discussed in religious circles who argue over,
whether women are human or not and if so does she posses a soul and have rights to vote ?
Status of Women in Islam ...
In contrast to the latter all Muslims bear witness to the fact that Women are considered as vital to life as men.
This is because in Islamic tradition it refutes the idea that Eve, tempted Adam (as) to disobey Allah(swt)
and thus caused his downfall. Thus both Adam(as) and Eve disobeyed and so, negates the idea that
women are a source of evil.
For instance in Al-Qur’an ...
O Mankind ! Reverence your Guardian-Lord,Who created you from a single person created of like nature,
his mate, from them scattered countless men and women. Fear Allah, through whom you demand,
your mutual rights and reverence the wombs (that bore you), for Allah ever watches over you.”
Furthermore the Prophet RAS (pbuh) says:
Rule of Women in Islam ...
'Women are the (equal) sisters of men'. Women make up half of society,
and they are responsible for the nurturing guidance and reformation of the subsequent generations,
of men and women. It is the female who imbues principles and faith into the souls of the nation.
Islam Proclaims the Spiritual Aspect of Women's Rights ......
Muslim women marriage contracts, such as the right to divorce should their husband,
take another wife. Also, Muslim women keep their own last name after marriage.
As written in the Holy Qur'an which explicitly states that men and women are equal in the eyes of God.
For instance : “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female.”
Education is a Divine Right for Women in Islam ...
These rights include ...
1. Sanctity of Life,
2. Property/Wealth,
3. Religion,
4. Mind/Intellect,
5. Honor and Family/Progeny
Roles of a Wife in Islam ...
“The woman should not deny her husband sexual pleasure for no genuine reason.”
“She should not disobey him in any way except that which runs against the will of Allah”.
“She should protect herself from any illicit act as well as protect her husband's properties in the home”.
Therefore the Holy Qur'an stipulates:
that the piece of clothing in question should be drawn down by women over their chests as a cover,
of modesty. As referenced in the Holy Qur'an for Women to cover their hair and head.
Economic Status of Women in Islam...
Islam grants Women their rights that match beautifully with their duties and so in this respect establishes,
the women and her needs which suits her nature.
For instance in the Holy Qur'an instructs the covering of male and female genitals,
including adult females (breasts).
And so, exposing intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam,
and considered as a sinful act.
A Glimpse into the Insight of the Dated Secrecy of Ashura !
The Significance of 'Ashura' ...
Al-Qur’an (14:05) : Allah (swt) says : ′And We certainly sent Musa with Our signs, [saying],
“Bring out your people from layers of darkness into the light and remind them of the days of Allah”.
Indeed in that are surely signs for everyone who is patient and grateful’.
Ashura has been filled with Significant Events ...
According to Imam Al-Ghazali :
Writing in his Mukhashfa Al-Qulub, Umar ibn Al-Khattab (ra):
He was asked why the day of ’Ashura was considered so noble. Umar (ra),
He replied with a list of events which had taken place on ’Ashura'.
A List of Six Events ...
(as follows) :
1. Allah created the skies and earth on this day,
along with the Preserved Tablet
2. Allah created Angel Jibril (as)
3. Allah created Adam (as), as well as Hawwa (as)
4. Allah created Jannah
5. Allah enabled Adam (as) to live in Jannah
6. The first rain to fall on earth was on ’Ashura
The Islamic New Year ( رأس السنة الهجرية ) Raʿs as-Sanah al-Hijrīyah , (the Hijri New Year ).
In the Gregorian Calendar reckoning, 1445 AH runs from approximately (19 July 2023 to 7 July 2024).
Marking the beginning of a new Lunar Hijri Year. As of (19 July 2023 CE), the current Islamic Year is 1445 AH.
The Islamic Year is observed by most Muslims on the first day of the month of Muharram.
So, the epoch of the Islamic era.
The Emigration known as the 'Hijrah', which equates to (622 CE) in the Gregorian Calendar ...
Date Referencing : the Hijri or Arabic date in Saudi Arabia is 04 Muharram.
Set as the Year of the Emigration of the Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh) and his followers from Mecca to Medina.
According to Islamic Theology ...
The sighting of a new moon : means the beginning of a new Islamic Month which occurs when the moon is directly,
between Earth and the Sun. And with its shadowed side facing towards us.
For instance : The Hijri Calendar is based on 12 lunar months, which is understood as ,
- a new month begins when a new moon is sighted.
Based on a Islamic Lunar Year of 12 months (as follows) :
1. Muḥarram,
2. Ṣafar,
3. Rabīʿ al-Awwal,
4. Rabīʿ al-Thānī,
5. Jumādā al-Awwal,
6. Jumādā al-Thānī,
7. Rajab,
8. Shaʿbān,
9. Ramaḍān (the month of fasting),
10. Shawwāl,
11. Dhū al-Qaʿdah,
12. Dhū al-Ḥijjah.
وعايك وعايكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركة ❤
Shafa'ah for an Even Number -- Pleading for Forgiveness
In Islam as Muslims Shafa'a ( شفاعة ) means "intercession" .
Shafa'ah is taken from shaf (شَّفْعُ) interprets as even as opposed to odd.
A believing sinner may ask for forgiveness by the Act of Pleading to Allah (swt) or to,
the Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh) a (Saint in Paradise).
The 4 steps of Intercession ...
1. get Informed,
2. get Inspired,
3. get Indignant,
4. get in Synch.
For instance Intercession in the Holy Qur'an :
The Ayat of Ayatul Kursi ...
Allah Most High says : That no one may intercede on the Day of Judgement, unless He Himself,
has given permission to do so. Intercession means to plead on behalf of someone.
On the Day of Judgement, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) will intercede for the Muslims.
Therefore The Prophets (peace be upon them), led by our Prophet Muhammad RAS (pbuh) ...
Allah says : “We sent not an apostle, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah.
If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah‟s forgiveness,
and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning,
Most Merciful.
Leading on to the Intercession of the Angels ...
Almighty Allah says: “How many an angel is there in the heavens whose intercession shall not benefit,
until, Allah gives permission to whom He will and is pleased.”
For instance : Shia Hadith about Intercession ...
no one will have the power to intercede [with Allah], except for him who has taken a covenant with,
the All-beneficent. Intercession is of no avail with Him, except for those whom He permits.
When fear is lifted from their hearts, they say, 'What did your Lord say ?
Furthermore Intercession in Prayer ...
Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying to a deity on behalf of others,
So, asking a (Saint in Paradise) to pray on behalf of oneself or for others.
According to : the Three Islamic Scholars (below) ...
Al-Shawkani (d. 1250 AH) He said : in its interpretation:
“And if they had wronged themselves by forsaking your obedience and seeking judgment to others,
they would come to you begging you, disavowing their crimes and opposing them,
so ask God‟s forgiveness for their sins and plead with you until you were their intercessor,
and you asked forgiveness for them”.
Al-Fayd Al-Kashani said in the interpretation of the verse:”
and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them”: That they apologize to Him so that He may be,
made an intercessor for them. “found Allah indeed Oft returning, Most Merciful.”
Shihab al-Din al-Alusi (d. 1270AH) said in the interpretation of this blessed verse:
People of monotheism and faith” and this is proof. If the intersection of the angels, but it is conditional,
that God Almighty will authorize it for those who are permitted to intercede.
A question popped up in my mind after watching few other episodes of dogma disrupted. Do the world truely have ONE Muslim Imam in this time and age ? Why my mind says Not a single one exists. Imam means a leader. The only leader we can wait for his arrive is Imam Mahdi. Who will truly be the leader of Muslims nations in a sense how Allah establishes leaders in the world.
The Fard's of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam ...
1. Profession of Faith (shahada).
(The belief that "There is no god but God, and Muhammad RAS (pbuh) is the Messenger of God" ).
2. Prayer (salat). Muslims pray facing Mecca five times a day :
(at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and after dark.)
3. Alms (zakat),
4, Fasting (sawm),
5. Pilgrimage (hajj).
Fard is divided into two categories: -
1.Personally obligatory (fard al-'ayn),
(required from every individual Muslim (five daily prayers and Zakat));
2. Communally obligatory (fard al- kifaya),
(performed by some Muslims but is not required from others (e.g., funeral prayers)).
Example of Fard Kifayah ...
Sufficiency duty or farḍ al-kifāya (فرض الكفاية) is a duty which is imposed on the whole community of believers (ummah).
For instance 'Janaza' (Funeral prayer): where the burial of the deceased takes place and the individual, (family member)
is not required to perform and 'Salah' or send blessing upon the deceased. Given that their is a sufficient number,
of community members fulfill it.
The Ten Obligatory Acts followed by Shi'a Muslims.
Obligatory Act Definition ...
1. Salah (Praying 5 times a day),
2. Sawm (Fasting during Ramadan).
3. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah),
4. Zakah (Giving 2.5% to charity),
5. Khums (20% tax given to Shi'a leaders),
6. Jihad (Striving for Allah (swt)),
7. Amr bil ma'roof (Encouraging good actions),
8. Nahi anil Munkar (Discouraging bad actions),
9. Tawalla (Association with good people),
10. Tabarra (Dissociation with bad people).
And when combined it is applied when four of the Five Pillars of Islam is with the intention of Jihad.
All of you are talking, I wonder who will put into action. We are in a great need of Sunday school study guides. Why don’t you both design something please.
JazakumAllah khair for your comment. Our Yaqeen Curriculum team have produced great resources for free use by Sunday schools and more. Check it out here:
Dear all,
Islam is only Quran & Sunnah (performing 5 pillars of Islam, rituals, Islamic calendar and few other things). Unfortunately Sunni and Shia Hadith books and Imamate traditions have fabrications, polemics and errors + good things too. The new Muslims should be careful about choosing from Islamic traditions. Just a sincere advise, I am a Sunni Muslim myself but our traditions require more scrutiny.
The Hadith scholars have been scrutinising them for centuries that’s why we have Sahih, Hassan, Daif and so on but I will agree with you the Shia books contain a lot of fabrications.
Also Sunni ones have fabs.
@@bluecat7684 Literally a plethora. The fact so many sunnis just easily accept the prophet saw having intercourse with a child is insane enough. I refuse to believe he would do that.
Thank you for bringing up this important subject. If we have the courage & collaboration to set sail a bit from the institutionalized schooling and corporate work world; we can bring all our own values & creative ideas to grow thriving relationships, environments and systems God-willin. Thanks God, there are many successful models like Hamza Yusuf & his wife's homeschool co-op The Ilm Tree & countless people working independently successfully; plumbers, doctors, carpenters... While we are in these current systems for any amount of time we can shine / share as best we can our beautiful values and ideas. Hamza Yusuf & John Taylor Gatto have an eye opening shared youtube video, can listen if you wish. Mr Gatto (a NY public school teacher of the year who quit to research the origins of the systemic problems of institutionalized schooling) hit hard, uncovering intentional stripping of independence, faith, creativity at it's very beginning.. to promote folks to buy lots of stuff they don't need & be easy to manage in various situations. For sure God knows best and, like the process of homestead composting; can transform the lowest into the best. Peace and Blessings
'' What led you into Hell Fire?
They will say: 'We were not of those who prayed.'” (Qur'an, 74:42-43)
🌸Don't forget your five daily prayers🌸
Economic Status of Women in Islam...
Islam grants Women their rights that match beautifully with their duties and so in this respect establishes,
the women and her needs which suits her nature.
For instance, in the Holy Qur'an instructs the covering of male and female genitals,
including adult females (breasts).
And so, exposing intimate parts of the body is unlawful in Islam, and considered as a sinful act.
Therefore the Modesty of the Muslim Women to cover (wear Hijab) ensures her full security and protects,
her against disgraceful circumstances,
such as domestic (physical) and financial abuse. ...
Secularism is necessary for development.
No Way
Yeah take a look at the “development”
The word development is loaded and ambiguous. What does it mean. Spiritual development?
@comparitivereligiondailyne698 development of hedonism, capitalism and authoritarianism, yes.
But for development of the self, the soul and science/academia, Islamic history clearly demonstrates otherwise.
@@I999-g2s you see what's going on in schools?