Banana Fish: Episode 17 Reaction! "The Killers!"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ม.ค. 2021
  • Ohhhh, buddy. WELP. I was warned about this mysterious man in the OP, that he'd be trouble, and uhmmm...all I can say is: BLANCA. @_@
    This episode had so much going on, I can't wait to talk about it with you all.
    Thank you for all the support!
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ความคิดเห็น • 84

  • @michelealeeb
    @michelealeeb 3 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    This episode sets up so many things, I'm excited haha. First of all, Sing my baby I feel so bad for him :'( He's just trying to help but he just gets treated like this. I understand Ash doesn't want everyone to know about banana fish/ wants to keep the circle of people who know to a minimum so it's easy to control. So I get that it's not a good idea to tell a whole other gang about it, especially the chinese since they have relations with Yut Lung and Ash doesn't trust him. But I feel like Sing gets treated like dirt :( None of the sides he's with takes him seriously, Yut Lung does his thing and doesn't tell him anything, and when he chooses to help Ash, the other team, he's not accepted either and is just carried around like an infant although he's more than capable and could be very helpful. aaa he's just trying his best to lead the gang he was left with after his true and only leader Shorter died and wants to gain independence, but everyone treats him like a fly on the wall, and I know he says the chinese espionage is A+ and hiding in places is easy for them, but man TT (sorry, I really feel attached to him XD)

    Second. Yut Lung is starting to go psycho haha. He wants to get rid of the whole Lee bloodline... but what does that mean since he's also part of it. He finally snapped and thinks he can boss people around because he knows about banana fish... but bossing Dino around is probably not the best thing. He's acting out of impulse and resentment and probably feels invincible, but I don't think he is completely aware of what he's getting into and who he's talking to. Also that scene where he kills his brother makes me wonder... How bad was their father? How evil could he have been for even Lee Wang Lung, who killed Yut Lung's mother, prostitutes his "little brother", has no remorse and doesn't seems like a particular "good guy", to call him a "monster" 🤔

    It also makes me kind of sad that Ash is so used to sexual abuse that he can just use that to get information like it’s the most casual thing. Like yeah, I’m going to prostitute myself to a man that abused me as a child, be back in a couple of hours... It’s sad how calm and normal it is to him. Knows exactly how it goes, where to go, what to do, what to say. No fear, no second thoughts, if it’s what he has to do to get what he needs, he’ll do it.

    And we get to see Blanca for the first time. Ash's mentor who seems to have known him very well since he was little. A man who can kill from an imposible distance and despite his huge size, remains unnoticed even by Ash. I'm excited for you to meet him better in the future haha

    and btw, thanks for the shoutout at the beginning

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      It's hard for Sing -- he's 14, so it makes sense why it's hard for them to take him seriously -- yet, he's so mature and good-intentioned, and I feel he's just trying to do what Shorter would have done...ugh...I have grown attached to him, too. Which makes me worried -- my favorite characters usually don't fare well in this show. T_T
      Yut's been finally given freedom, but what does he do with it? For Ash, freedom is different I feel than what Yut Lung interprets it as, and I think that's the biggest difference between them. I feel that he does think he has the upper hand since he has Banana Fish, but yeah, going against Golzine? I don't predict that going well...I feel like it's a very "Icarus" scenario. I also find it interesting that he keeps the brother that "loved him" (in a gross incestuous way) around, but demands the others are killed. Hmm.
      Yeah, the way Ash so casually uses sex is disturbing and the last few episodes have shown how it's just "something he has to do." And that's so sad.
      And ahmmmmmm.....yeah. Blanca. I didn't think we'd be getting such a huge player introduced to the show this late in the game, but here. we. are. @___@ What could go wrong?! **nervous laughter** and no problem! I loved that perspective!! Thanks for the kind words and comment!

  • @driee4743
    @driee4743 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Blanca: I hate him but like him at the same time 😅 And The next episode, one of my favorite episodes. Can't wait to see your reaction.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oooooh, I'm excited, then, if it's one of your favorites!! :D :D Thank you so much for the comment and watching!

  • @Cat_love3
    @Cat_love3 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Ash:"my name in ancient Hebrew means dawn"
    Me knowing Hebrew and living in Israel all my life also being Jewish and learning ancient Hebrew:
    "no it doesn't,
    It means lion"

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I'm so glad you said that! I've been low-key confused about that one aspect -- I've read Chronicles of Narnia as a kid and always thought Aslan meant lion, so this part did confuse me a little. Thank you so much for the comment!!

  • @crackedegg7134
    @crackedegg7134 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Oh my goodness. I have watched Banana Fish so many times that I can't even count anymore and I not even once noticed that the bottle said "Natasha" on it!!

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Oooh!! I just noticed it -- ever since I saw Max with the special whisky for Griff, I've wanted to see if anything stood out like that! Thanks for the comment and watching!!

  • @littlejhay7662
    @littlejhay7662 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Oh man!!!Now that Blanca is here, I realized that we are nearing the end of the series😥..
    Another chaos is about to begin!
    I'm getting nervous for the next reactions lololol
    Thank you for the reaction☺

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I am in stark denial that we are entering the last part of the series! However, it's really ramping up, right?! And MORE CHAOS?! **nervous laughter** Hooookay....I'm nervous, too! Thank you for the comment and kind words! Here we goooo!

  • @itz_kior6557
    @itz_kior6557 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The dog wants to react too! 😙😋

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hahahaha!! Yes, I catch him in the background of the videos every now and then! He's incredibly loud, though, so I'm lucky he doesn't "bark" his opinions of the shows 24/7. Thank you for the comment!

  • @bishietuikku3588
    @bishietuikku3588 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Maybe this has already been told on Patreon but Hua Lung isn't the the country presidental candidate. It's for their family bank, the first Lee brother was introduced as a banker. It's definitely confusing with the wording but if you read the text in the TV news it says "Lee Wan Lung head of China's Hua Yan Bank Dead Gruop Responsible Still Unidentified"
    The subtitles are weird actually through this whole ep like Ash saying "If he comes for me that's that" when it should be "that's then" (not a problem for now) and the subs completely cut out when Kippard (that filthy creep) was ranting at the end.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ooooh, okay, that makes much more sense! I was so confused, haha!! The subtitles didn't bother me, but that makes a lot more sense knowing that the translation might have been a little off (and yes, Kippard, what a CREEP). Thank you so much for your comment and the information!! ^^

  • @Sonjay718
    @Sonjay718 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Oh Blanca. The most interesting person ever!
    I loved that scene with Sing, Ash, and Eiji. It was like two parents fighting over their child😁. I agree with Eiji, that mistreating Sing isn't the best move. I don't think Sing will turn against Ash because of a slap, but it's just better when things are peaceful.
    The scene with Kippard was so gross, and Ash said "you don't recognize me?" indicating that they have..."met" before 🤢😔
    Poor Eiji didn't want to mention what Yut-Lung said because Ash already said he didn't want to send Eiji away; he doesn't want Ash to think "hmmm, Yut-Lung is right". He doesn't realize how much his presence means to Ash.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yessss, Sing -- despite his age -- has proven he's a valuable ally to have, and he HAS helped out Eiji a lot; Ash, be nicer! Ahaha!!
      Oh my gosh, Yes, the whole implication with Kippard is disgusting -- definitely not sad to see him go! And yesss, the complicated nature with Eiji and Ash as long as Yut Lung is involved...and now this with Blanca....SO interesting. And soooo nerve-wracking! Thank you so much for the comment!

  • @miniglub
    @miniglub 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    "I need Ash and Eiji together !" Don't we all Romania ? 😂 And by "we", I mean: every soul-equiped person ? Gosh it was so good seeing them back together, that tip-toed hug™ 🥰made to confort himself (he's alive he's real he's here I can touch him) as much as to confort Ash (why getting on his toes if not to be taller and therefore be the one conforting and protecting the other?)
    Funny, I thought u looked a lot less stressed out than usual before the episode #stage3 #falseSenseOfSecurity. And then, last minute of it, dislocated jaw erratic breathing, silent scream, tachycardia, 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 That's banana fish, I guess, for every sweetheart moment, u get a heart attack moment. Lovely Asheiji reunion? Well here's fuckin' Blanca for you, bam!!! 🙈 Btw I don't think u got Blanca's lines in the end, during ur heart attack : he said something like "good response" cause Ash cut the light immediately to protect himself from another snipeshot, and then " he still remembers what I taught him". So they do have a past, a teacher-student past, at least, that would partially explain Ash's talent to fight and kill.
    Just thought about something with Dragon Moon, another difference between Ash and him : Ash wants freedom and revenge from Dino, Yut-Lung wants freedom and revenge from his brothers, and by that, the Lee's bloodline. But part of the object of his revenge goes through him : he's a son of Lee. Ash has the "possibility" to get rid of Dino completely (even though the abuse will stay and will have to be treated, obviously), but Yut-Lung can never get rid of the object of this hate, Lee's blood. His revenge will never really be achieved, and he'll always live with self-hatred toward this part of him. Unless he lets go. (easier said than done) And maybe that's a reason why he seems more bitter than Ash, why he's on the villainy side...
    Well, anyway. Blanca's here, this will be interesting !! See you next episode 😇

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      UGH, that hug added years to my life, which I feel I will NEED because...BLANCA! Ahhhh....
      And you are right -- in my panic and terror, I missed the line about Ash "reacting as he expected" -- I'll talk about it next episode for sure! But yeah....WONDERFUL. An assassin with a past to Ash, ANOTHER character with a past to Ash....juuussssst what we needed. **ANXIETY INTENSIFIES**
      That's a great point about Yut Lung and Ash, too...their notions of "freedom" are seemingly more and more different the more we get to know Yut Lung, too. But Yes, Ash can get freedom, theoretically, by cutting ties with Golzine and the mafia. Yut Lung can get rid of all the Lee's, but he still can't escape his own bloodline. Verrrry interesting. Yes, I can't wait -- and simultaneously am fearful -- of what's to come! Thanks so much for the comment!

  • @nonnynani2766
    @nonnynani2766 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So I’ve been watching your BANANA FISH reactions since yesterday and I love how you totally understand everything that is going on and how you make quick connections that even me who has watched it so many times didn’t think of at first. I tend to watch reactors that get confused and misunderstand scenes very easily and sometimes gets a little frustrating but with you I feel like I’m learning the smallest things and it’s really fun to watch these. I also appreciate that you read the side story of ash and shorter as well as looking into the titles of each episode. I’ll be watching your given reacting after this! We really need more reactors like you. 💕

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Oh, thank you SO much for the kind words and comment! I really fell in LOVE with Banana Fish, both the anime and manga -- it was SUCH a ride! I'm glad you're enjoying the reactions! :D It's nice to talk with y'all about anime and manga, especially when they're great series like this one! I hope you enjoy the rest of Banana Fish and GIVEN! YES! I love that series more and more since watching it!

  • @tonisimi8
    @tonisimi8 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Finally Blanca is here. I've waited the whole time for this but this also made me realize that it's almost over.
    Blanca is such an interesting character. I'm sure you're gonna like him. My fav scene in this whole show is just a conversation between him and an other character.
    The scene with Yut-lung and his brother always gives me goosebumps. You can just feel how much he hates this family and to have the lee blood in him.
    I feel bad for Sing. He's trying to help but no one is taking him seriously. And it really has to be a big responsibility to be the boss of a gang,especially at such an young age. I think he's really trying to be a good boss and wants to do the things like Shorter would do.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I am in stark denial that this series is almost over! @_@ I can't believe we have a new character this late in the game -- and SUCH a threatening one as well!
      Ooooh...I'm so ready. SO ready for more of this character, as nervous as he makes me.
      And yeahhh, that moment when the guns go off and you see the light reflect on Yut Lung's face with his hair all over the place....chills. But his older brother is right -- you can get rid of the Lee family, but that doesn't change the fact that he still has his blood. @_@
      And yeah, poor Sing. He's 14, what can he do?! He is trying to emulate and live up to Shorter's name, and that I really respect him for...I just want him to be safe. Thanks for the comment!

  • @KaoriYoutube7
    @KaoriYoutube7 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    EARLYYY I’ve been waiting for this episode reaction

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope you enjoy! Thank you for the comment!

  • @nevergiveupbozo
    @nevergiveupbozo 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Blanca taught Ash he said it in the episode
    he is his teacher so he is a big big trouble

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      After re-watching, that hit me! I was so lost in the moment, I don't know why that line he said in the window escaped me -- thank you, though!! And thank you for the comment...just what we need in Banana Fish...More. Trouble. **nervous laughter**

  • @XJiang-un8cd
    @XJiang-un8cd 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Blanca is such an interesting character, I'm sure you will love him! And the next episode is going to be a ride...

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Oooooh....**nervous laughter** Can't wait! And ahh, yes, Blanca already has my attention, so I am VERY curious what is going to go down with him and the others. Thank you so much for the comment!!

    • @fiorellagherardi4144
      @fiorellagherardi4144 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      oh no nooooo 😭😭😭 NOW IM SCARED, WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?

  • @lexie.equine7560
    @lexie.equine7560 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    your reaction at the end was everything😭😂🤣

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      **anxiety intensifies** is how I feel that went!! Thank you for the comment!!

  • @mollymijh15
    @mollymijh15 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think this was the first video of yours that I watched way back in January, it’s weird to think that it’s been nearly a year but what I liked about your reaction videos were that you didn’t just react to them but also discussed and analysed them as well.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh wow, it's SO STRANGE to think it's been a year since this!! Wow...still, thank you SO much for the kind words and sticking with me and my ramblings! I've had so much fun analyzing and discussing these shows! :)

  • @naughtybutterfly773
    @naughtybutterfly773 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wouldn't be surprised if they had fought more

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Right?! This was such a sad episode with all the set up with Blanca! @.@ Thank you for the comment!

  • @amaellelynx5645
    @amaellelynx5645 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Heyy ! How are you ?
    Im happy to see the new episode with you
    Ash and Eiji is too cute for me :’3
    Blanca...he’s a character I really like!
    Hum..for my exams, I did quite well! some difficulties but I got it! I’m happy!
    I will be able to rest a bit even if I have other exams in April :(
    Good video ! Love

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hello!! Oh, doing well! And thank you for the kind words -- I'm glad exams went over great altogether!! ^^
      Yes, ahhhh, Eiji and Ash's hug was life-giving! ^^ I needed that! And Blanca...oooooh....I'm very intrigued by him! Thank you so much for the comment and watching!

  • @nevergiveupbozo
    @nevergiveupbozo 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    daddy blanca is here

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      He definitely is a "daddy" figure! @__@

  • @KeithTreason
    @KeithTreason 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I can't wait to see more of your reactions of Blanca. In terms of a wild card, he's right up there with Yut Lung. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what he's trying to accomplish by coming out of retirement.
    I think it's too early to read the manga where Blanca meets Ash. What do you guys think? After ep 18 or 19?
    But for those who have seen the anime and not all the manga, here's a link to Private Opinion: It's easily the most graphic and uncomfortable of the lot.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Blanca DEFINITELY has my attention! Ahhh, that has me **nervous laughter** excited! Hmmm...
      I've decided, based on what people on YT and Patreon have told me, to read Private Option and Garden of Light together for a reaction! I think I'm going to do a TH-cam live chat the Sunday after the final episode airs and react live alongside you all! :) Then we can chat about Banana Fish. :) I thought that might be fun...and we can all share the melancholy together of this series being over. T_T Before moving on to the next, of course! Thanks so much for the comment AND the link!

  • @basicotaku
    @basicotaku 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Damn, just when we thought things were kind of going okay, Blanca shows up and Yut Lung makes a deal with Dino. -_- Why, Banana Fish.
    But I'm so excited for next week! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on episode 18. There's a lot to talk about.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah! I'm amazed a character showed up this late in the show, but HOLY COW, Blanca is terrifying!! Banana Fish, why you do this?!
      Ooohhh, I am excited for next week! I can't wait to see what all there is to discuss! Thanks so much for the comment!!

  • @theonebreadlord
    @theonebreadlord 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i hate how Ash is so used to uh sexual stuff like that to get what he wants and its so messed up i feel bad

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I agree, it's really sad that it's Ash's "go to" for getting what he needs. :( It made me sad, too! Thanks for the comment!

  • @thesignpainter5987
    @thesignpainter5987 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Things are going to get crazy from here. Blanca is a new dynamic that's going to ruffling things up again (cause SOMEONE must have thought that the show was getting too quiet XD) I live for the Eiji and Ash moments of the show. It's like the show gives us two minutes of cute scenes and thinks it's justified to kick us in the shins over and over again. XD Thanks for the reaction! I can't wait until next week's episode.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh, crazy from HERE?! **nervous laughter** I mean, it's not like Banana Fish wasn't crazy enough?! Yeah, yeah, why did we have Episodes 11-12? Were two episodes of peace TOO much?! XD Uggggh, that hug at the beginning of this was giving me life! And HA! You are so right -- they're like, "Look! A beautiful hug! Now...let's wreck stuff!" XD Thank you for the kind words and I'm excited for the next episode!

  • @nuggetsplace8273
    @nuggetsplace8273 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    7:17 - '' you are a meanie!! >:[ im gonna tell mom!! ''
    I genuenly feel bad that Sing is constantly being carried around as an annoyance, he just wants to help and be taken seriously, but he is a little silly hahah. I understand the mistrust, he is a 14 year old, and yut lung's ally --'' And knowing this info just- automatically gets Sing as a target, basically, and its worse if the whole gang knows.
    And Blanca.... I have such a love-hate relationship with Blanca... In the way i love his character and he's a decent (???) person, yet i cant stand to hear his voice. Seriously cant stand him.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yesss, I feel for Sing, too! And Blanca, I have a love hate relationship with him as well! What an episode! Thank you for the kind words and comment!

  • @mallikaanand7917
    @mallikaanand7917 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    6:58 I never quite understood this part... I know Ash said that Sing's friends would die if they find out the real reason why Shorter died but I don't understand how they would die. How would they be in danger? I guess I never understood exactly what Ash was protecting them from but I could be forgetting something entirely 😅

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I took it as that if they found out that Shorter had been given the Banana Fish and that Ash had to shoot him to spare him, then they would be dragged into the Banana Fish problem and be in even more danger...that "ignorance is bliss" scenario. It's sort of why Dragon Moon didn't want Sing to know about it either. I personally think Ash could phrase it in a way that wouldn't cause them to directly know about Banana Fish...but ah well...that was my take on it! ^^ Thanks so much for the comment!

    • @mallikaanand7917
      @mallikaanand7917 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RomaniaBlack Thank you!! That definitely makes more sense! I just feel like they could have clarified it a bit more if that was the case because I had a hard time figuring out why exactly Ash didn't want Sing telling anyone because I couldn't think of what consequences would come from that 😂

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mallikaanand7917 Right/! I think he could have phrased it to where they could know about Shorter and not Banana Fish...I just think Ash is so paranoid about them being in danger at this point, and he's sleep deprived from his hospital breakout -- haha -- that he's not in the mood for all that explanation and extra baggage. :P

  • @azumitorres5916
    @azumitorres5916 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you tell me how you get an English sub in this anime or where you get it please tell me l'am really a fan of this anime please

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  ปีที่แล้ว

      I watched it through Amazon Prime, so they may have an English sub version! I hope that helps!
      Thanks for the comment!

    • @azumitorres5916
      @azumitorres5916 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you Romania black

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@azumitorres5916 No problem at all! :)

  • @jartalol31
    @jartalol31 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm probably one of the few people who doesn't like Blanca much. I mean he's an intriguing character but I'm very bitter on his past and present choices when it comes to Ash's life.

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      As of the moment, I'm torn on Blanca -- but then, I've been that way about Dragon Moon since the first time he appeared, hahaha!! Neutral characters are especially hard to peg, and with Blanca, that is certainly true...there's parts of him I appreciate, but then, it's like -- can you not see how Ash is suffering under Golzine?! @_@ **sigh** Ah, well, I guess we'll have to see how these next set of episodes pan out with that. Thank you for the comment!

  • @PetomJL
    @PetomJL 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Most of the comments are like, Blanca in the house y'all!! 😂 ~at the point of entry and even few episodes later, we are still unsure what to make of him. He is indeed an interesting character. You can read more about Blanca and Ash's first meetings in the side story 'Private Opinion'. It's my fav side story (alongside the epilogue) because we get to learn more about Ash's past during his 'training days'..Hope you can make reactions to all side stories after you have done with the series!
    As usual, you are very perceptive! You will learn the significance of 'Natasha' very soon ☺️

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you so much for the comment!! I am going to definitely react to Private Option and Garden of Light when the anime is over and want to do a reaction video for them!!
      And yessss, excited for that! The hype for Blanca is real! ^^ Thank you so much for the comment!!

    • @PetomJL
      @PetomJL 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RomaniaBlack Oh yeah while we are at it just to share that there's a group of fans that worked on an animatic project of Garden of Light (that also explores quite a bit beyond the original material). The final installment was just updated few days ago. It's so good..😭
      I'll leave the link to the first episode here in case you are interested!

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@PetomJL Thank you so much!! I've saved the four episodes in my "watch later" for after the series is over! :) I really appreciate it!!

  • @gamra0168
    @gamra0168 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    23:08 music ?

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's the ED for the episode! In some of the episodes, they played the ED in the moment instead of end credits! Thanks for the comment!

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's here:

  • @tinacatty5340
    @tinacatty5340 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really want to thank you for these episodes and the subs but even if this is reaction on esp but please try to let us watch you talk more than the series and you shout too much even the dog was furious all the time

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for the comment! Yeah, since it's a reaction and review, I'll be talking throughout it. :) I'm lucky my dog puts up with me. The episodes are on Amazon Prime if you want to watch them from there without my ramblings! :) I appreciate you taking the time to watch though!

  • @KA_7788
    @KA_7788 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Banana Fish also finally Episode17!!
     Then, as usual, let's look back on the story with my "review, recollection, guessing comment"👍
    【Please be assured that there is no spoiler in this comment🤗】
    Ash finally returned to their city in the ending scene of Episode 16.
     Ash broke up with Max and Ibe and went looking for the missing Eiji.
    I was wondering if he would take a little more time to draw until the reunion with Eiji, but is this also related to the time limit unique to anime?
    Surprisingly, the scene of the reunion of Ash and Eiji came early.
    As a manga fan, I think it would be more dramatic and moving to spend a little more time on this scene, but Hmmm, I decided to put up with it😅
    Anyway! Ash has safely returned to Eiji's side.
     I'm really relieved and happy.
    Eiji and others, who judge that the report of Ash's death is "fake news", were consulting to rescue Ash, but in the meantime, Ash suddenly returned!😲
    Everyone who was there was surprised, but I am pleased with Ash's safe condition.
     Of course, Eiji is also relieved to see Ash's face.
    In front of Ash, who returned to the "hidden room" of Lynx, there were Eiji, Lynx members, and Sing.
    Sing wondered why Ash knew that Eiji was in this place, but Ash replied, "It was easy.".
    With Ash's brain and information network, finding one person is a very easy task.
    Ash, who met and talked with Cain, knew everything about Eiji's detention and his whereabouts. As expected, Ash!! 
    Action is quick and smart👍 Here, Sing says he understands why Ash had to kill Shorter...
    Angry at the words, Ash suddenly takes Thing to the rooftop.
    Sing's just wanted to tell Ash, "I understand why, so I'll stop resenting Ash," but Ash with a high IQ is always thinking about a few steps ahead of others.
    This is one of the abilities that Ash has acquired to live, but it is a "habit" and he cannot stop looking ahead😓
    Therefore, there is no joy in "understanding" from Thing, and rather, he fears that Thing and others who have known the "truth" of this case may be involved in danger, and he gets angry at Thing's remark and hits his cheek.
    Naturally, Sing, who does not notice such clumsy kindness of Ash, gets angry at being beaten and leaves the place.
    Eiji to blame the Ash that was violent to younger Sing's.
     Eiji scolded Ash for hitting the youngest Sing's cheek.
    Eiji looks sadly at Ash, saying "Why can you only say that?".
     The kindness of Ash is really clumsy.
    Recalling a recent incident, Eiji tells Ash, "It's very painful not to be told the truth."😥
     That's why you can understand Sing's feelings too...
    In this scene, it transmitted each of the feelings of Ash・Eiji・Sing, we can understand very well.
    Eiji and Ash also talk to each other honestly and reconcile.
    Immediately after that, I was delighted again with Ash's safety and was very impressed by the scene of the two hugging each other.
    Ash's sadly clumsy feelings of being unable to turn his arms obediently appear and disappear on Eiji's back, and I was sad to see it😥
    (=It seems that I am restraining myself from touching Eiji...😢)
    On the other hand, Yut Lung, who stands at the top of the Lee family on behalf of his big brother, asks Dino to help the clan collapse.
    The collapse of the Lee family, who controls the "back society" of China, is not a bad Conditions for Dino, the TOP of the Corsica Foundation.
    ➡ The collapse of the Lee family will lead to the collapse of senior military personnel and government officials who collude with the Lee family in the “back society” and interfere with Dino.
    Yut Lung wants to "destroy" the Lee family, and Dino wants to reign in the "back society."
     Both opinions and interests were in agreement.
    Even so, it was a scene where I gave my big brother a drag, negotiated with the mafia Dino, and got a glimpse of the depth of Yut Lung's hatred.
    Horrible boy....Yut Lung too...😨
    The scene changed, and the gentle exchange that appeared after a long time between Eiji and Ash warmed my heart💞
    I love watching Ash return to a normal 18 year old boy only in front of Eiji.
    After the anguish, Ash allows Eiji to stay by his side without returning to Japan.
    Embarrassedly, Ash asks Eiji if he wants him to say "I want you to be by my side" again. Ash's cheeks were red and he was very cute😆
    Eiji is also impressed by Ash's cute facial expressions and words!
    Even though he is so strong and reliable, he returns to his "younger brother" face in front of Eiji. Subsequent meal scene.
    Eiji didn't reveal the content of the conversation with Yut Lung to Ash.
    Yut Lung asserts will be the enemy of Ash, and Eiji seems to have an ominous premonition😰 
    (=In later scenes, Ash tells Eiji not to worry...😌)
    Born in the Lee family, who is familiar with poisons and drugs, Yut Lung continues to negotiate with Dino, showing Dino a "flower" that is the prototype of Banana Fish.
    He captured a lot of information produced by the history of 4000 years in China, knowledge of poisons and drugs produced by the history of the Lee family, and "Ash", and said that he would give all of them to Dino.
    That is why Yut Lung is negotiating with the meaning of intimidation, "Help the collapse of the Lee family instead!".
     Capture of Ash's??😲
    What on earth are you planning??🤔
     There are too many things we don't understand, which fuels our anxiety😖
    The heartwarming scenes of Ash and Eiji will continue.
     ※Is the dating scene of Ash and Eiji💕
    Ash and Eiji take a ferry and receive an explanation from Ash about the United States and New York.
    Ash's explanation was easy to understand for me, who is the same "Japanese" as Eiji.
     Thank you! Ash♪
    After that, Ash talks about his mother and Eiji gives a wonderful opinion on Ash's real name.
     I love this scene.
    I still remember being very impressed when I read it in manga.
    "Athrun" is an ancient Hebrew prayer word meaning "dawn," and the middle name "J" means "jade."
    That's right! It represents the color of Ash's eyes.
    I don't know the true meaning of Ash's mother's "naming", but I thought it would be very nice if it was in line with Eiji's opinion.
    At least for Ash, who had been abandoned by his mother and had a lonely childhood, Eiji's opinion of this real name would have healed and warmed his heart.
    It was a scene where Eiji's heart was really kind, clear and wonderful.
    An ominous shadow creeps behind the two who spend such a calm time...😧 It looks like someone is watching🧐
    Ashe senses the danger and says he will stop going to "Long Island" and turn back.
     Ash's ability to detect danger is excellent!
    It seems that Max and others who are hiding Dr. Dawson at the villa on Long Island are also planning a strategy.
    Ash and Eiji came to the usual library with a sense of tension.
    While investigating "Banana Fish," Ash spends his time joking with Eiji and eating hot dogs, but Ash is still nervous as he continues to feel the gaze of someone.
    And finally!!, Yut Lung gained Dino's power and killed eldest son.
     This scene was really shocking😱
    And it seems that high-ranking government officials who are in the way of Dino are also trying to take action by planning something.
    Ominous air continues to flow.
    Ash is also listening to the news of the Lee family in the bar and seems to be thinking about various things.
    Ash compiled a report on "Banana Fish" and handed it to Max and lawyer:George, but the content was written that even experts would have a hard time compiling it, and Max and others again was also surprised at the high IQ of Ash.
    Upon exiting from the bar, Ash feels someone's gaze again and chases , but can't find the body of gaze.
    Ash, who is very nervous, forgets his promise and preaches to Eiji, who had promised to meet him😓
    However! Identity of the "mystery person" is now clear that immediately after.
    That's right! As you've noticed, he's the man in the OP, and his name is "Blanca".
    He is a "bodyguard" who was once hired by Dino, and he seems to know Ash who was with Dino...🤔
    Dino, who knows his abilities, seems to have asked him to participate in this joint operation with Yut Lung.
    At first, Blanca was willing to decline, but when saw the Ash on the ferry, he felt something...? And eventually decided to accept Dino's "request."
    Hmmm, what the hell is he thinking??🤔
     And whether his "ability" is a thing of how much?
    Ash, meanwhile, takes the dangerous action of using his body again to seduce high-ranking government officials to uncover the wrongdoing of the country.
    In this way, the act of Ash treating himself like a tool always hurts my heart😭
    Ash threatens Senator Kipperd with a gun and tries to draw "testimony" about Banana Fish.
    To him who does not testify, Ash shows a picture of him sexually assaulting a child in the past and threatens him further.
    The moment he was about to talk about something, he was shot dead from outside the hotel window!?😱
    A bullet from the roof of a building far away.
    Ash senses the crisis and immediately destroys the lights in the room, lowering his upper body and hiding.
    That's right! It was that "Blanca" that shot! The title "The Killers" this time was about Blanca.
    Not only did Ash not get a solid testimony from Kipperd, but lost a valuable witness.
    And what happens to Ash, who is nervous in the face of that overwhelming professional shooting skill!?
    Episode 18 will also show tremendous development, so please look forward to it👍
    See you in the next comment~👋 Thank you for reading this far.

    • @KA_7788
      @KA_7788 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      ※Below is the voice actor mini information♪♪
      The key man "Blanca" that first appeared this time.
       He is one of my favorite characters😘
      The voice actor in charge of his voice is the veteran voice actor "Toshiyuki Morikawa".
      Since he has appeared in many animations, I will omit the introduction, but if you introduce it in the animation you know, he is in charge of the "head" on the demon hunting side of "Kimetsu no Yaiba".
      He is also a dubbed voice actor exclusively for Hollywood actor Tom Cruise.
      And in the anime "Slam Dunk", I was in charge of Yōhei Mito.
      In "Mo Dao Zu Shi", he is also in charge of the role of Wangji's big brother.
      ◎ From here on, the information has nothing to do with Banana Fish, but I would like to introduce a little about the voice actor "Yuuma Uchida" who plays Ash and the voice actor "Kaito Ishikawa" who plays Haikyuu's Kageyama.
      The two are "best friends" who have deepened their friendship since they were teenagers, at the same time as their debut as voice actors.
      We rent separate rooms in the same building, so we have a strong bond as a close friend.
      This time, I found a video of them with English subtitles for "Free Talk" on the radio, so I will attach it.
      It's a very short conversation, but please watch it if you like.
      In the video of ①, "Image of Given's Uenoyama" is shown on Mr. Uchida's side, and "Image of Haikyuu's Kageyama" is shown on Mr. Ishikawa's side so that you can judge which conversation it is.
      Please judge which one is speaking in this image👐
      "Nee-san" that the two of them are talking about in the video of ② refers to Mr. Uchida's real big sister and voice actor "Maaya Uchida".
      She is also a very popular voice actor and she is singing at the end of her video.
      She is in charge of Norman in "The Promised Neverland".
      The video of ③ is a bonus video based on my personal choice🤗
      My favorite voice actor "Takahiro Sakurai" that I introduced in the comment of "Jujutsu Kaisen".
      This is a video in which he and Mr. Uchida are appearing to promote another anime.
      The two played the leading role in the anime that was broadcast in the winter of 2020 called "The Case Files of Jeweler Richard".
      ※This anime is also recommended, so if you are interested, please watch it someday.
      A panel of characters is displayed behind the voice actors, but those two are the main characters.
      Jewelery mystery anime.
       It is also a story that the two characters on the panel deepen the bond💕
      Richard, played by Mr. Sakurai, is as beautiful as Ash😍
       (=As you can see by looking at the character panel.)
      As for Mr. Sakurai, as he commented the other day, he plays the role of Getou in "Jujutsu Kaisen" and the role of Tomioka in "Kimetsu no Yaiba"👍
      Coincidentally, Mr. Uchida says in the video, "I like bananas very much."🤣 ➡Banana Fish!!?😂
      You can see each video from the following HP address.
      (All videos are within 9 minutes, so feel free to watch them👍)

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@KA_7788 Oh how cool! I will look at these videos later tonight when I am home from work! ^^ Thank you for sending those! I LOVE that the voice actor for Blanca is also Mito from Slam Dunk and the "Head" on Demon Slayer -- I can totally see the latter with having watched that show -- I'm hoping, when I finally watch some of the Slam Dunk anime, that I get to hear him in that role! And Wangji's older brother?! That is an interesting voice actor choice! @.@
      And I LOVE that Ash and Kageyama's Voice Actor are such good friends! It makes sense -- I mean, their characters would be friends, too, right?! ^^ And ahh, the voice actor for Ash, Mr. Uchida -- his skills in this role are SO good! I just can't rave enough about him...I'm really excited to talk more about him in future episodes. Thank you so much for the information and I'll have to watch those videos later today! :D

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This episode had SO much going on in it! I really thought there was a lot of content discussed, so I'm curious -- when I finally read the manga -- what will be left out from the anime that didn't have time to expand upon. Poor Ash, being able to be himself (an 18-year-old at that!?) around only Eiji is sad, but also so sweet. I loved the hug they were FINALLY able to share! It's only taken us 17 episodes to get to this point, haha!
      Yut Lung is such a wildcard character, and so unpredictable! He scares me because I can't fully predict what he's thinking or what his goals are -- the moves he's making are seeming more desperate. I'm wondering what he will do when trapped in a corner, and I'm honestly scared to find out! @_@
      And, his introduction was just insane. I felt bad that Ash had to prostitute himself to reach Kippard, and I'm not sad Kippard is out of the picture now, but man...Ash's face when Kippard was shot was telling -- it put Ash outside his comfort zone, and that is scary! I'm definitely looking forward to and am anxious about episode 18 -- we shall see! :D :D Thank so much for the comment!!

    • @KA_7788
      @KA_7788 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you very much for always reading the long comments from me🤗
      And, I'm sorry for always clumsy English🙇💦
      And, thank you for always politely replying💞
      I'm always looking forward to reading the reply.
      Someday, read the original manga and compare the omitted scenes and words with the anime👍
      Yes! Ash can be a "normal 18 year old boy" only in front of Eiji...
      As you say, it feels very sad, but on the contrary, it also feels very sweet💕
      The hug scene between Ash and Eiji was also a very nice and sweet scene.
      It took only 17 Episode to get the two feelings closer like this, but in reality, about a year has already passed in that world, and Ash, who was 17 years old, is celebrating his birthday.
      He already 18 years old (8/12 is Ash's birthday)🎉
      The two have spent a very rich year. Hahaha😍
      And there are still mysteries about Yut Lung's "true intentions" and future "plans," and we can't hide our anxieties😖
      Let's see what happens✋
      Yes, there were too many "mysteries" with him, which gave us a lot of anxiety💦
      However, he is a very attractive character, so please look forward to it to👐
      Well, Ash's "prostitution scene" was really sad.
      But! I was relieved that it was an "Ends with attempted".
      I also, for the death of Kipperd, there is no sadness!!😏
      Because he was killed and did nothing but unavoidable things.
      However, I am regret that Ash has lost a valuable "witness".
      Ash's horror and tense look when Kipperd was shot!!😱
      It was really shocking.
      As you say, I'm looking forward to Episode 18, but I'm very worried.
      See you in the comments of Episode 18~👋

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@KA_7788 It's crazy to think that Ash and Eiji have known each other for a while in the show, while it feels so fast for us! Yesss, so much happening, but I'm really excited to get into Episode 18 this coming Sunday! Cheers and no worries -- your English is great in the comments! :D

  • @its_me_numaan.
    @its_me_numaan. 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey sis your videos are amazing and your doing a great job but can u plz stop shouting in your videos and give ur opinion at the last so we can hear the characters properly please look after it

    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It's called a reaction... If you don't want to hear someone talking during the show, go watch it on the actual streaming service and pay for it instead of trying to bum it for free. But thank you for the comment!

  • @user-ml1vv5fk2j
    @user-ml1vv5fk2j 3 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @RomaniaBlack
      @RomaniaBlack  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      コメントありがとうございます!その時はアニメを別々に見ることを絶対にお勧めしますので、私がそれに反応するのを聞く必要はありません。 :)