I would go after Henry, though he pretty much has nothing now. At the very least, a very public apology to the entire family, where OP used to work, others? I can see where making him pay out over time might be good to remind him every month what a scumbag brother he is. I'm not sure what parents want-they were so quick to legally disown him. Can that even be undone? I don't know about the legality, but to me that's a line irrevocably crossed, regardless of what paltry restitution they offer. For your own sake you need to forgive them, but that does not at all mean things return to previous status quo as though nothing happened. Their punishment is to now know they have cut off both of them sons of their own volition. They are clearly not good parents. Your decision regarding ex seems fair; what else could she expect? She'd better not pull any bitter-ex shenanigans.... Of course, those are generally supported by the law, but everyone will know who she is.
For those who came here for the first part,please adjust to 00:59
Poor kids though, lost their father because of their uncle
I would go after Henry, though he pretty much has nothing now. At the very least, a very public apology to the entire family, where OP used to work, others? I can see where making him pay out over time might be good to remind him every month what a scumbag brother he is. I'm not sure what parents want-they were so quick to legally disown him. Can that even be undone? I don't know about the legality, but to me that's a line irrevocably crossed, regardless of what paltry restitution they offer. For your own sake you need to forgive them, but that does not at all mean things return to previous status quo as though nothing happened. Their punishment is to now know they have cut off both of them sons of their own volition. They are clearly not good parents. Your decision regarding ex seems fair; what else could she expect? She'd better not pull any bitter-ex shenanigans.... Of course, those are generally supported by the law, but everyone will know who she is.