Live from the Table: Gaza and Gaming, A Meeting with Destiny aka Steven Bonnell
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024
- Destiny, also known as Steven Bonnell II, is a prominent political commentator and content creator known for his debate skills and provocative takes on various issues. With a passion for gaming, politics, and philosophy, Destiny engages in lively discussions that often challenge the status quo.
Mr. Borelli is probably the best meme to come out of the entire Finkelstein arc
And a very rare good one from Hasan with Divorcelli.
@@j.r.huffnstuff3549 First time hearing that. That's insanely mythical Hasan W
Are you referring to mister Morelli?
It's actually Finkelstein's monster
i'm a simple man. I see destiny, i click
the daliban seeks
yes we know, simple men do that
Inshallah brothers!
Most of the viewers here came to see destiny. Thanks YT algorithm for finding and directing those videos our way. Also Allah loves Destiny. I'm not Muslim.
Girls name
Its really telling that nearly everyone who worked with Trump in his cabinet either left or were fired and almost none of them endorse him again.
barr just endorsed him
the rest still attack biden
@@lesweizman388 Schizo moment. Who brought up Biden?
@@lesweizman388 You’re right. A couple days ago now, Bill Barr said he’d support the Republican ticket in November. But his support for Trump is reluctant, not enthusiastic. Under oath, Barr said he told Trump that the election fraud claims were bogus. And about trump’s allegations of election fraud, Barr had this to say: “He’s become detached from reality; if he really believes this stuff.” When endorsing Trump, Barr used the lesser of two evils as justification. In other words: he thinks Trump will be bad for the country, but thinks Biden will be even worse.
@@lesweizman388You are missing the point. Sooooo many Republicans that have worked with Trump the closest have said he is an idiot (amongst other things). Of course they trash Biden, just because they don't like Trump does not mean they became democrat. The point is that Biden has never experienced that. Ever. In his long career as a politician there hasn't been something even similar to that.
At least your life or career aren’t ruined after leaving Trump. Democrats would make sure you never get hired again.
Honestly really glad to see Destiny reaching out and connecting. I got to stumble onto him around quarantine times, and I am glad to hear somebody more grounded in the political discourse.
Man...I really wanted to know what Perrel was gonna tell Destiny about his debate with Finkelstein 😡
Stop cutting her off!
Yeah that was pretty disgusting.
Yes, all the cutting her off was annoying. I was looking forward to hearing what she was getting at.
Glad I am not the only one who noticed. I was super curious where she was going and then we just never got back to it. I wanted to hear what her experience with norm was not get edged for an hour on it.
I don’t know about disgusting. These three are obviously close enough where they feel comfortable cutting each other off - they’re past the need to be polite. But even still - I agree. Periel gets cut off way too much. That said, that’s what makes it funny.
I think there's more to it. She brings up some kind of receipts, so its possible Noam just wanted to keep that private.
Great Conversation. PLEASE DRAG DESTINY BACK FOR MORE CONVERSATIONS, he doesn't ask for things! He's also trying to get on Rogan so spread the word!
Why does he wanna go on rogan
What would they talk about
Where did you hear that? I’ve heard him recently state multiple times there are a handful of people he’d much rather talk to and that he wasn’t much interested in Rogan at all. He even said he’d rather round two with Shapiro over round one with Rogan. Rogan is a thing of the past in spite of what the hanger-ons want to see or believe. He was great, he paved the way in many ways for podcasts and long form conversations/debates. If you could only consume 20 current day podcasters and such, Rogan should not make that list.
What are you? His mom
@@MrHumanforlife dad.
Yeah why would a content creator want to go on one of the most popular podcasts on earth @@ogskullomania3119
I'm a Destiny fan and I just watched this as I do every other podcast he goes on, but this comedy cellar crew blew me away! Such a great vibe ❤️
15:00 Destiny enters
I tried to do this too, but I would recommend watching the first 15 minutes for some background on their relationship with Finklestein.
Thank you!
Me: Alright, where're my Destiny timestamps...
*scrolls down*
Third Comment: ^^^
Dude, thanks the entire time I was like what's going on
This was great, felt quite short with how well you guys were working off each other, not enough time to get into each subject.
A shame he didn't stay to schmooze the next day
Fr, feel like it’s been 20 minutes and I’m already 2/3 through
Destiny should invite perrel over for bridges
You gotta let Perel talk more; otherwise, you guys are awesome.
It sounds like they hate this woman lol. She seems fine tho
I'm someone who's just watching this because of Destiny, was not familiar with them before this, and I gotta say their behavior towards her felt pretty abhorrent. If I was her I'd feel pretty bad
Glad other people felt this too.
@@petermillington6175 It’s because “only women should be allowed to make decisions about abortion” is just about the stupidest statement that someone can make that people take seriously because it makes them feel good.
@@wastedninjadudethat is a dumb argument but if that's the argument then they should explain why they think it's wrong
NF: “Mistah Borelli! Stop citing from WIKI-PEE-DEE-UH! I have read hundreds of thousands of books, each of them twenty times over!”
Thanks, Noam Dworman, for this conversation with Destiny and for the chuckles about his debate with NF.
God I can hear his voice so distinctly. You beat me to it
Excuse me! Mistah Bonarolli!!
Noam (Finkelstein) is gold. I still can't fathom being proclaimed expert and, in the course of five hours, failing to demonstrate expertise beyond, "I have expertise, trust me!" It's the failure of an amateur author telling over showing.
@@Limuru1 hes not an expert and no one claims he is. Finklestein is a widely discredited holocaust conspiracy theorist who was thrown out of academia. He wrote a book in 2000 called the 'holocaust industry'. Everyone he has citied in his books has called him out at some point for misquoting and misrepresenting them, including benny morris, many times.
"Actually, its Mr. Bucciaratti"
Wish it was much longer! Great pod
Destiny was a very interesting guest. Would be great to have him on more often!
Yes I'm enjoying the consistent content from this podcast. oG fan here, one of my favorites to checkout. Don't dare stop!
finally destiny on im so selfish but i want another episode this wasn't nearly enough time I wish you guys went for hours
Damn perrel got cut off at every turn, I wanted to hear more from her
Here, I'll save you the trouble: "I'm mad about norm finkelstein being crazy." < That's what she was about to say.
Damn, quite the breath of fresh air. Pretty high quality talk. Definitely make it longer. Keep up the good work!
I could have listened to 3 hours of this. Hope you bring him back!
It was great to see Mr Borrenelli on the show!
First 2min of Destiny talking is about fucking audio. 🤣
I'm considering seeing a doctor about ADHD after hearing Destiny describe his experience with school and homework. I know I'm smart but I failed out of public high school with literally all Fs because I couldn't make myself do homework and assignments. I have trouble staying focused at work and productive also. But I know if I applied myself I would be successful. I just can't get organized or stay focused on my work
i had a shrink prescribe me adhd meds
i hated the side effects and just accepted that im a total eff up
@@lesweizman388 yeah I'm mainly worried about the crash from the medication, I know it's usually stimulants and I've tried Vyvanse before and it really worked like magic for about 4 hours I was super productive at work but then crashed super hard with bad anxiety and anhedonia the rest of the day it was absolutely awful
@@lesweizman388 you're not a f-up we're all just imperfect human
I was also diagnosed with ADHD and the meds were great and worked really well until they didn't. Over time, you do build up a tolerance and taking amphetamines long term can have destructive effects on the body. The best thing to do is to be patient with yourself and focus on developing good habits rather than hoping for a miracle drug to change your life.
@@Lord_Nordan I have taken ADHD medication before and it worked well for about 5 hours and then I crashed super hard into anxiety and anhedonia for the rest of the day and it felt awful so I'm not sure the amphetamines are gonna work for me just because I can't deal with the comedown
Gotta have a round 2, great pod
Wow Destiny wasnt kidding about being in with the Jewlumni
He was kidding about his wife coming back to him every night, though.
@@jimjamjoeyjoejoe You okay man?
@@jimjamjoeyjoejoeYou okay man? Do u put urself in his shoes and get off to it ? Ur kink maybe?
He says he dropped outta college, but I'm sure I saw an old clip where he had a diploma from Jewlliard.
@@skyefoxhe actually graduated on the fourth of Jewly
Watching this the second time and I just realized that the lack of a wide shot of the studio makes it really disorienting. I still don't really know where they are sitting with respect to one another and so when someone is talking, its hard to determine who they are looking at.
Mr. Borelli!
Came here for Tiny, and like how reasonable y’all are. Comedians talking politics seem very apt right now considering how much comedians are getting attacked for doing their job and poking fun at the crazy things happening in society. Will be tuning in more.
Thank you Noam.
what did i do
@@noammkw3770 is this Mr Dworman?
This was a very entertaining show. Great work.
Why wasn't this 3 times longer. Honestly double the length would of seemed rushed. But this was such a wonderful conversation. I could put this on and listen for hours. Just smart conversations and such a natural conversation. Must do again
This is a very down to earth interview
Glad I watched
Ive been seeing Mr.Bugatti in more debates recently. Nice to see him getting out more.
Good video. Wish it was longer.
Yeah that needed at least another 30 minutes
@@Boswd I could have watched them for hours!
ADHD is very much distressing for me, it is a huge anxiety builder for me outside of work; far, far more prone to analysis paralysis, constantly forgetting obligations or errands to fulfil in my free time if i didnt set 10 alarms for them, very easily distracted...and the only reason i know it's real is because not every day is like this, just most days. i genuinely hate living like this, and i wish i hadnt been too ashamed to accept treatment when i was diagnosed as a child, as i have never been medicated for it. my partner's own treatment was difficult enough to secure, the thought of pursuing a second opinion for myself is daunting.
such a great conversation, i have these same relaxed but important convos with my uncles after big family get together meals
I had something similar happen to my mom and her daycare. My step dad yelled at a kid for hitting another kid and that kids parents called cps and said he was touching kids.
Entitled parents are the scariest thing to a daycare.
Constantly cutting off Perel talk in the Destiny convo was pretty gross. You guys can do better
calm down
Agreed gross is a strong word but also its a podcast you kinda wanna have the focus on the guest.
@@tristenatorplaysgames6833 yea, i wanted to hear the guy who cut her off to talk more about tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow more, he didnt finish it tho, so... time on the podcast is precious.
Way to make sure NOBODY takes you seriously by using the word "gross" 🙄 like ugh..why are you even here? Shouldn't you be disrupting traffic with your Stop The Oil protests?
@@tayo17923 sorry, just goofin off
Wow! What a great interview of this Noam guy! I feel like I know his opinions of these issues through and through.
Who's the young guy with the dark hair?
Her soul is beautiful. I'm really excited to see that destiny brought their gnome too.
Destinys the man :)
south of the border they call him "la mujer"
@@PixelPenguin77 10/10 meme
The man with a girl’s name
Destiny is a woman's name.
Can someone give me time stamp for when it actually starts with destiny?
i couldve listened to this for like 5 hours.. i was listening in the background, loving it, then i was so sad to suddenly hear "were short on time".. and beginning to wrap up whilst quickly bringing up even more interesting ideas/talking points. this was a lovely talk. thank you for having Destiny on and actually understanding how antagonistic and insane Finkelstein was being towards Steven during their debate.
Way better conversation than most podcasts
Speaking of david irving, since he was mentioned a few times, there is a clip of Finklestein literally praising irving as a historian. Its fucking nuts.
This was an incredibly interesting conversation.
Great chat. Loved it ❤
I love my girl Destiny!
Podcast was going swimmingly until Steven interrupted the greatest left-handed right-handed pitcher perspective speech ever witnessed. Thanks, Bertinelli.
Fantastic chat. Actually shocking my worlds intersect again in a perfect way, comics but intellectual conversation?!? Okay. Little bit fun, loads of substance, I am a new fan of the show. Gonna catch up on all your content
It would be good to see Borelli again
The girl I see her name is perrel? Yea they cut her off too much it wasn’t too bad in the beginning but by the end it looked pretty bad
She's annoying
@@sinatra222 then why do they have her on? Don’t invite her on just to cut her off everytime she speaks for more than 30s 😭
They clearly all know each other. If a group of people know each other, and they always cut a certain person off, there's a reason for that. They know something about what that person has to say that's convinced them it's not worth hearing.
@@twelvecatsinatrenchcoat ok, but then why do they keep bringing her back onto the show then?
@@bartsimpson274contract.. she provides other things for the show
Good to see Destiny in the comedian circles. This should be good.
Great conversation
Why is this so short? Are you guys filming for TikTok?
It was great to see Destiny talk to some of his handlers on camera.
Good conversation with Destiny!
We love and adore Mr Borelli! Great convo! I really wish there was more time. Hopefully, he can come back. :)
The issue I have with running people out of 'polite society' is that those people should be there to justify your argument and beliefs. The left and now sometimes the right has made it a point to hate on the other side so much that they are not worth arguing with, but for a long time the right would bring on anyone and have a conversation with them. The left for a long time did not do that and now they are paying the consequences in dividends. Which is a huge reason why Steven here got into politics in the first place because no one on the left was making any good arguments during their height of power (culturally and socially).
It only took 76 minutes until Destiny got finally into focus. The marvels of modern technology!
1:21:02 - Norman - "Good young padawan, you've learned well....... Welcome to the dark side......."
This was awesome, but you guys should do more than an hour! Would love to here you guys talk for at least 3 hours.
Also I see in the comments, Perel seems super smart, let her finish her point more!
Not sure how you reconcile these two statements.
"Israel is doing everything possible to reduce civilian casualties."
"I think, in the early days of the war, there was such rage... That some decisions were made that shouldn't have been made."
Why is that lady keep getting cut off? The two dudes can agree/disagree/change topics go off on a tangent about what they think but when it's her she can't?
If you don't want her to change topics then stop cutting her off bro. She didn't get anything in that's why now she brought it up.
She has a lot of patient for being basically told to shut up over and over
Why did they never let the lady speak? Seems kinda messed up from what Ive seen from this episode
he's not beating the Jewlumni allegations.
Good stuff, love it.
He’s got a card where they punch out a hole every time he bolsters the arguments of prominent Jews.
When he earns 10, he gets to marry Abby Shapiro and rights to a plot of land in the West Bank
But no, the “jewlumni” meme was a banger while being the most low effort troll of all time, and Twitter STILL ran with it lmao
this pod rules! please get Destiny back for more!
Dude Tucker on Rogan was so batshit insane I thought I was hallucinating lol
Tucker has always been like that. I've liked him from the early days on CNN, then at MSNBC, & on Fox. He did a great debate with Cenk from TYT at a Politicon one time, where they agreed on a lot of things. If all you know about Tucker are the lies about white supremacy & his extreme right-wing positions, you have missed out. He's incredibly left on a lot of issues, particularly economics & war. He's good friends with Jimmy Dore & just like with Cenk, they agree on a lot.
@@richardavery4692 saying he’s always been like that is not a good thing. Idc about his lefty or righty positions at all. I’m a righty. But if Tucker has always been this way then it seems obvious to me he has always needed some schizophrenic medications lol. And that’s not shit talk. I am serious. The shit he was talking about is actually very similar to symptoms of schizophrenia
@jessiejoy1703 lol! No, he's just a seriously weird guy. A serious nerd without any real friends to make him learn proper social skills. He sounds like a stoner circle without the blunt being passed around with a bit of mushrooms just for good measure as opposed to schizophrenia. If he told you to take him to your Dungeon Master as he dropped acid, you'd not think anything was wrong.
Tiny looks good. I think he said he got some sun maybe that’s it.
Can we make this a regular thing?
19:15 Shouldve brought up how Norm tried to get that family's kids deported
If you want some actually good books with a gaming theme backdrop, I would highly recommend the Dungeon Crawler Carl series!
about the dolus specialis:
it is basically what seperates genocide from mass murder. if you don't have this special intent you are committing mass murder. if you do have it, you are committing genocide
It's nice to see fellow jewlumni members socializing.
Dan you gotta add ‘defray’ to the intro routine. It fits nicely. Just got Ira Spiro in the mail today. Looking forward to it.
Why do they even invite on the woman if they’re just gonna cut her off every time she talks? Cringe.
Because she IS cringe lol
@@drockopotamus1 Then why bring her on lol
The Supreme Court going back and changing a ruling because science changed is not a concern I have. Overturning something based solely on "I hate the other guys" is unacceptable. The SCOTUS needs to be somewhat fluid.
I guess Destiny just sort of forgot when Trump started the primary season off accusing Cruz and other republicans from stealing Iowa and committing voter fraud the second he realized he lost. He’s always shown behavior like that 32:10
You can tell Destiny found himself pretty comfortable in this convo
I'm here for Mr. Fettaccinerelli.
Finkelstein is either disingenuous, or he’s deeply lacking in basic comprehension skills… He spent the first 20 minutes of the debate with destiny demonstrating he didn’t understand the difference between intention and hindsight 😂
Finklestein is a widely discredited holocaust conspiracy theorist who was thrown out of academia. He wrote a book in 2000 called the 'holocaust industry' about how the jews run the world. Everyone he has citied in his books has called him out at some point for misquoting and misrepresenting them, including benny morris, many times. He has been unemployed for years and his only way to make money is talking with tankies.
Cool story bro
fuck yeah thanks so much bro, your mum loved it too...
@@smellyface28 So you like Finkel? Do you like terror attacks like Charlie Hebdo shootings too? Do you like Russian Imperialism? Cause Finkel does. He hates tiny Israel but loves giant Imperialist Russia. Almost as if Finkel isn't anti-Imperialist, but Anti-Western. How can anybody but Arab Ethnats like Rabbani and Bassem take Finkel seriously?
Glad to hear from the Prime Shekelster of the Jalumni.
the funniest part was when we found out noam has never cared about right/left headphones
who is this amazing guy? i had no idea about these comdy ppl
i love this i'm checking all interesting ppl holy shit
I wanna see destiny on legion of skanks next.
Great content!
Just subscribed, Where are all the comedy gig videos???? 😢
Was an interesting watch. Would be nice if you let the guests speak more
A great cope session for Destiny and Naom, after their debate with Finkelstien.
Cope? So you trust Finkel? The guy who defends the largest land mass Empire on Earth's invasion of Ukraine? Or the guy who defends the Charlie Hebdo shootings? Just admit you hate the West buddy.
this was awesome!
enjoyed the show, dggL
It was very nice to see Mr. Bonnecelli, a young independent black woman, have a nice constructive conversation.
They keep cutting off the woman omg this is so annoying.
No entity has the authority to violate your constitutional rights. If CPS wants to enter your home they need your consent, or to obtain a court order. They could make the case for entering in the event of a medical emergency but will have to show probable cause. Anything else is a violation of your legal rights.
usually, cps will only enter a home with assistance of the local police
you can refuse to allow them in without a warrant, but the consequences could be worse
the fact is, cps has made more errors leaving kids in abusive homes than they have of removing kids from non-abusive homes
and they end up being pilloried for doing that
they cant win for losing
@@lesweizman388 your right to deny an unlawful search or refuse entry into your home cannot be used against you in a court of law, per the 4th amendment.
@@lesweizman388 we have legal rights for a reason. If a spurned ex lover wants to f you over all they have to do is call CPS. And if they come into your home and find something completely unrelated they can use it against you. Or a corrupt agent can have a grievance against you and use the system to their advantage. This is why rights exist, and why warrants are necessary.
@@JB-is4gt we arent talking court here...we are talking family services and the protection of a child
Definitely a lot of monster zero ultras here
The guy making the analogy about seeing the same facts in a different light was so interesting.
He compared it to an optical illusion where both interpretations are equally valid, and then talks about h ow Morris now has the "more correct take". Tells me a lot about that guys mindset
I think the whole point of bringing up that analogy was that most people can only see either or. Morris was one of those people but "age and wisdom" led him to be able to see the other side as also true and maybe even "more correct" than his previous position.
He defers to Morri's position and calls it "more correct" because Morris is much more knowledgeable than him and Morris has been able to show his reliability as a historian by faithfully arguing both sides of the conflict and presenting facts from both sides.
I understand the fear of seeing other people blindly adopting others beliefs because they like them but in this Case I think it's fine for him to defer his opinion about which side is more correct to Morris who has proven himself to be a reliable truth seeking historian.
I got about half way through the Lex Fridman show, which was about when the yelling started.
Great show!!
Awesome pod guys! Love you all! 🇮🇱🇨🇦🇺🇸
I try to figure out which is left and right every time I put headphones on.
need him on again, he's a great guest