I’ve been dreaming of a drive by wire 496 BBC for my square body truck. Looks like all the parts are available. This kit, along with the Edelbrock manifold that accepts 90mm throttle body, DBW throttle body and peddle from a Corvette, Holley Dominator ECU. Electronic cruise control here I come!
I'm building a Gen VI 509 right now and want to do something like this. Possibly with a stock Gen IV LS ECM. I also wonder what do you do for the distributor/oil pump drive? The oil pump drive from the 8.1? I also see no reason why this wouldn't work with a carb and MSD 6014 box.
At the moment you have to buy a 572 Copo to get the intake. We do have a variety of options, including other designs that utilize a front-facing throttle body.
@@Sdpartscenterthanks, I knew that is where it was from. Shame it isnt available, as it would open the door to holley compatable intercoolers and lids for big blocks
@@Sdpartscenter holley just released it at PRI this month, do you know if it's available in a tall deck? Or if the COPO one you have on the table is for a tall deck?
I’ve been dreaming of a drive by wire 496 BBC for my square body truck. Looks like all the parts are available. This kit, along with the Edelbrock manifold that accepts 90mm throttle body, DBW throttle body and peddle from a Corvette, Holley Dominator ECU. Electronic cruise control here I come!
Love the videos…👍🏻…😎
Thanks, we love making them!
So what is the intake in the video? It’s right there but you don’t mention it, pt # please
No actual part numbers, it's off the 572 COPO.
Can it be purchased?
Can we buy this intake?
Is the 58x reluctor thickness the same as the gen6 reluctor?
Is that COPO/Holley intake for a standard or tall deck?
I'm building a Gen VI 509 right now and want to do something like this. Possibly with a stock Gen IV LS ECM. I also wonder what do you do for the distributor/oil pump drive? The oil pump drive from the 8.1? I also see no reason why this wouldn't work with a carb and MSD 6014 box.
The cam plug you need is MSD 8513
Is that GM intake sitting on the desk available for purchase? If so, tall deck, or short deck, etc. Thanks
At the moment you have to buy a 572 Copo to get the intake.
We do have a variety of options, including other designs that utilize a front-facing throttle body.
@@Sdpartscenterthanks, I knew that is where it was from. Shame it isnt available, as it would open the door to holley compatable intercoolers and lids for big blocks
@@Chevelle588 probably one of those where GM gets dibs and then Holley finally gets to release it after a few years.
@@Sdpartscenter holley just released it at PRI this month, do you know if it's available in a tall deck? Or if the COPO one you have on the table is for a tall deck?
Sweet Video!!! Can you do the one for Gen 1 sbc? Do you have a sbc swap kit? Thanks
Hi Kevin, I'll put that on the list.
Thank you for your knowledge and videos USA 🇺🇸 TRUMP