My most terrible time. Jr High I was gangly, started getting zits, started going thru an awkward stage. Horrible. High School and especially College was so much better.
I was a part of that generation of young age. So much of that shown and told was very real. I enjoyed those two years (7th & 8th grade) and wish many times even up to now (2018) that I applied myself more to the studies of the subjects. But...I came out, okay. And...made a lot of good friends that many I still keep in touch with during class reunions & FB.
Yep, 7th grade was a rude awakening for me. I was the best at spelling and one of the best in reading and vocabulary in my 6th grade class. My teacher liked me, and I had a fair amount of friends. 7th grade was sudden catty cliques, competition, damn P.E., rushing to class, having to adjust study habits, and being the only Limahl fan among hundreds of girls who wanted to marry John Taylor or Simon LeBon. But I found my niche in concert band and discovered I was a fast runner, which helped me get passing grades in P.E. and led to me lettering in cross country in high school.
You won't pay the rent with art. You will with science. That doesn't mean your art needs to be abandoned, just put in its proper place. My B.S. in Biochemistry got me into Med School. My minor in English and Archeology got me out of my narrow focused rut.
"Be realistic about your weaknesses and do what you can to correct them." It's been a long time since children were given that good advice. Today it is pretended they have no weaknesses.
Ah junior high. That magical time of pimples, voice cracks, widely varied growth (of every sort), cliques, harder classes, bullying, teachers who hate their jobs, and, worst of all, junior highers. How I hated you.
Tell me about it! In 8th grade ( 1964) my science teacher was reminiscing about how " girls used to wear nice skirts and dresses and have pretty curls" then he walked over to me and said " but now they want to have long straight greasy hair" as he lifted up my hair and dropped it out of his hand. That bastard didn't even apologize when he must have seen the tears falling down my face all through the rest of that class. I never forgot that cruel man. I was poor, I didn't want to have ratty clothes and I couldn't help it if my hair was straight. Damn! If that happened now, I'd never let that thoughtlessly cruel man get away with doing that to me, I was a shy quiet girl. Years later, I looked his name up on the internet, but he was already dead. He had a son with the same name, a teacher also and into sports like his father had been. I thought about writing to the son and telling him about what his popular father had done, and how he just watched me sit there, sobbing as quietly as possible, but I just couldn't. That was junior high school for me.
My junior high years were also mostly hell and the teacher is long dead that helped make it that way. I did have two things going--one was the girl's counselor who loved me and took my side, and the other was meeting a girl who has been my good friend ever since. She was being bullied like I was, by other kids, and I went over to her and introduced myself. We are still friends though we are old women now.
I only remember junior high only too well - I got sick there; always getting a sore throat. My mother took me to the doctor and I had my tonsils out the beginning of 9th grade. A good recovery at home, sleeping, the girl next door coming over to cheer me up, and a boy from my class stopping over to check up on me. I take him down to my basement and show him a picture I had been painting
I’m a seventh grader. I really wish they had shown this to us last year. And wth, they got a handbook *and* and map?! We just got told to figure it out!
I wish the school I went to could have seen this film. It was overcrowded in those days and that led to gangs that I never wanted to be a part of, bullying and dirty tricks played on me because I didn't conform to smoking and drinking. Teachers were generally not good at keeping discipline. One or two spoke out for me but they were ignored behind the teachers' backs. I never did finish my education in that school or another one. Ended up paying for it myself at night school.
Nope, best school days I had. 7th and 8th. We then went to massive High Schools…3000+ for 9th through 12th grades. I was totally lost in the mass of students.
@@mikeowen657 Since I NEVER went to Summer Camp, OR knew anyone else who did, then that would make it rather difficult to claim it was some kind of "common knowledge " wouldn't it? Plus, having lived the first 20 years of my life in the midst of probably the largest gathering there is in the whole country of all five US Military services, had an additional effect on my exposure to military use of backpacks. Between the Tactical Air Command HQ base at Langley A.F.B in Hampton, Virginia; which was reorganized and renamed the Air Combat Command in the 1990's, and then made the major portion of an amalgamation of the United States Air Force's Langley Air Force Base and the United States Army's Fort Eustis which were merged on 1 October 2010. Most of these mergers at that time were made from military units of space actually separate Langley and Fort Eustis Army Post, a historic Army installation and the second half of Joint Base Langley-Eustis, is an area to train service members in transportation, aviation maintenance, logistics and deployment doctrine. The installation is the training ground for the majority of the transportation MOSs (with the exception of the 88M truck driver specialty located at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.) and all of the helicopter maintenance technicians. It is the home of the Transportation Regiment. THEN there's the HQ of the Navy's North Atlantic FLEET, across the river, spread out all over the place in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach! AND the U.S. Marine Units attached to various Naval units, ships, air arms, etc., OH! And I can't possibly forget the U.S. Coast Guard, stationed at Yorktown, VA, the 5th service which most folks seem to forget even though they perform some vitally needed services, in peacetime AND during War. So, you see, within a reach of about 35 miles in any direction, you cannot swing a dead cat by the tail and not hit SOMEBODY in some kind of a umiform! Even at the High School level, because EVERY one of them has a unit of the JROTC representing every service we have. And extremely proud, and competitive units they are. Or, at least they were, when I was in high school, even in the slightly less "politically correct" times which were just allowing girls to participate in them. The Air Force unit in which I was a very motivated and enthusiastic participant, got its first female officer, and it's first all-female competition level Drill Team when I was there. I remember them both very well, because I was that female 2nd Lieutenant, Personnel Officer, and I assembled and lead that all-female Drill Team. We did well. So, my entire exposure to "back packs" was within my observation of the US Military, particularly the Army. And their journeys to and return from Vietnam, in the mid and late 60's to the mid 70's when it ended. Mostly through the fact that my time in public school began and ended with our time fighting in that awful conflict, beginning with sending "advisors" by 1963, and ending up sacrificing so many of our young men to that horrible blood bath, and coming home covered in shame in 1975. The fact that I went to school with so many children of our warriors of parent age, or those related to their uncles, cousins, older brothers, etc. It was "just another shitty day in paradise" when our friends and schoolmates, neighbors and even a couple of our teachers, would disappear with little to no notice either from parents, or from husband's, PCS orders (permanent change of station) taking them far, far away, usually across the country.
I'm speaking here in dec 2022. Tell you what, I don't like what I see. give me this 60's life all day long. Things may have been tougher in many respects, but Not for me, I loved being a youngster in the early 60,s,My dad took me everywhere , I miss my dad so much.and the young life I once enjoyed..You can keep this ante social media.bring back the outdoor life, we used to thrive on.
we were forced to shower nude with the rest of our classmates. I managed to get out of about 99 per cent of them by running in first and wetting my hair.
elderly poodle. I liked Gym Class a whole lot. And I played base ball for Deal Junior High School and Woodrow Wilson Senior High School in Washington D.C. ( Class of 1963). But I hated having to take a shower with everyone else. Then in Early May of 1964 I arrived for Marine Corps Boot Camp at Parris Island S.C. And we The Recruits had to take showers together. And I hated that with an undying passion.
I think everyone does. It's such an intrusion on your personal modesty at such an age, where ANY intrusion on your privacy is extremely difficult to deal with, especially with the sexually repressed society of the times. Being forced to expose oneself to a crowd of relative strangers like that is traumatic enough for anyone lucky enough to be able to manage it "normally" much less the way most parents dealt with it regarding their children, which was anything BUT "normally." The first time I got thrown into a situation like that, I was in 8th grade, just out of 7th grade in elementary school, and 8th was the beginning of a 5 year high school! We didnt have junior highs and middle schools yet and this was 1970! I didn't even begin 1st grade until 1963. Talk about trauma! And our gym was enormous, and usually shared it with another class, which could be of any grade level, and usually was. We moved there "fresh" from another city, and I didn't know a soul. Not one.
Our female gym teacher practically drooled to see us. I used to say that I had my period. I got in trouble, and my parents had to come for a meeting with the principal. I didn't want to say anything, but was pressured, and blurted out that everyone knew she was "queer." My father took my side, and I was transferred to another class. It was horrible for a young girl.
I started junior high just 5 years after this film and it's night-and-day regarding hair, clothes and demeanor. But the neutral "modern" architecture is practically identical to my school's.
wurlitzergroup. Ciao from The Island. And the answer is no we have not. As you can plainly see The USA is now a 3Rd World Country. And this is thanks to Eleanor Roosevelt, Harry Truman, LBJ, Teddy ( Boy) Kennedy, Tip O'Neil, Jimmy Carter and a few more. LBJ and his and all of his new policies and his war on poverty. And look what it got us. And he also changed the Immigration Policy.
I do know. And I was one of those Marines that good old LBJ sent to a job that Asian Boys were supposed to be doing. You probably were not even thought of yet. I was there and saw the whole thing. And the POS People I mentioned above ruined The USA. Hey I do understand.
In your first year of Junior High, you were a "moldie". Meaning being subject to hideous torment by 8th and 9th-graders. And if you could not defend yourself, then you had to learn good Machiavellian tactics. How to align yourself with the right people. How to subtly create conflict between others to keep the focus off you. How to have bad things go down yet somehow you miraculously weren't involved. How to get crazy rumors started and yet seem to be the last one to hear about it. Or one could quote, "Someone will always be sacrificed at the altar, so it might as well be somebody else. Because if it's somebody else, that means it's not you." High School gave me education, but Junior High was where I truly learned things.
Ah, those were the days! Dad was a high school teacher. I was terrified of not knowing the order of my classes and where they were located. He assured me that everyone felt the same way, and it might last for two days. He told me there would better things to worry about. Jr High was a more advanced level of elementary school. High school was much more interesting, I learned I could express my own opinions, and stick with them. 11th and 12th grade were truly the best years of my life - great teachers, great friends, the ability to start breaking away. College, well that was a horror, but I stuck with it because I had a goal, and no one was going to tell me I couldn't reach it. Med school was rough, but once I got into the rhythm, wow. And the day I took my last exam, realizing that it was my LAST test, and I was finally a doctor... It was a select group of teachers in Jr High and High School who got me there. And me.
I remember that! I was almost 7! 😃 No, seriously, my birthday is February 21st, and I would be 7 in 1964. I was in school - barely- I began 1st grade in September, 1963, right after Labor Day. I had stayed up past my bedtime (9:00pm) that night, to watch Ed Sullivan, because "Topo Gigo," a little Italian mouse character puppet, was supposed to be on that night, and anytime he was on, I could stay up later and watch. So, while I was waiting, and having milk and vanilla wafers, my favorite, Ed Sullivan comes out and introduces these "4 lads from Liverpool," and I got all upset, wanting to know where Topo Gigo was going to come on! But, I could wait a bit longer. And suddenly, the whole place goes bonkers, screaming and crying, and these 4 guys are playing guitars and drums, and singing. I sat and watched, almost transfixed, listening to the music - Almost! My stepdad (he was new, only been anybody's - mine - stepdad since November) and he was sitting there, and he goes kinda nuts, talking real loud about "Who's those long haired idiots!!" 🤤And "what's that raccket??"😲 And on and on. I was getting kind of mad, because I couldn't hear them hardly, for all HIS NOISE!! ☹ He was a mess. Even my mom was sort of snickering at his NOISE! I could tell! Finally, she calls him by name and says, "Name" -- YOUR DAUGHTER is trying to hear!!" He just gets up, sort of waves at the TV, makes some odd grunting noise, and goes out to the kitchen. 😆 And, not only are they on singing then, but they are coming back! So, since I am in school, I begged to get to stay up more and see them later on! It was a momentous night, that's for sure! And I get to see for the second time the Beatle on whom I will have my very first crush - George! He had such soulful eyes.....
Shari D57 What was the Beatles 1st song? Did you see them the first, or second time they were on? I was 8 years old then, but the Beatles were TOO LATE, and the Monkees also, because I've been hearing classical music CONSTANTLY, since I was an embryo. So, when Ed Sullivan barely mentioned the Beatles during the 1st half hour, the audience was screaming, I thought ," What. are they screaming at? There's nothing to scream at." Then there was a station break (we lived in the South Bay area, channel 2 was called KNXT) then Ed Sullivan was shown again, and he said, "Here they are, THE BEATLES!" And they started singing "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and I said, "What, is that HORRIBLE noise? And I ran over to the 1952 TV set ( yes, we still have it today) and turned down the sound. It took me two months to adjust to it...
@@joansmith6092 - The songs they sang were in two sets. The first set included "*All My Loving,*" "Till There Was You," and "She Loves You." I saw both sets. It was a life changer! And, if I remember correctly, they were on the following TWO Sundays as well, but I don't remember if I got to watch both of them or not. February, 1964 was a LONG time ago! Feb 9, 16, and the 23, just two days after I turned 7! As for the Monkees, they didn't "do it for me" like the Beatles music did. Perhaps because they were just "assembled" as a group for the TV show, instead of coming together on their own musically. IDK - they were a different kind of music all the way down the line. Did you ever watch the original "Star Trek"? Did you know that the cute, young Navigation Officer with the Russian accent, Pavel Chekov, played by Walter Koenig, was put into the cast as Star Trek's "answer" to Davy Jones? 😉 True Story! They were trying to increase their "market share" among teen age girls!
You know people say High School or college are your best years, mine were Middle School. I peaked there, it's not something to be proud of, but I take it.
I peaked 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade. Got double promoted twice during that time, won a school and district spelling bee, and got the lead part in every school play.. I was totally wired in those days. I owe it all to Cocoa Wheats with raisins for breakfast and fried bologna & onions for lunch. Brain food.
When I was in first grade 1959-1960, one day the teacher played this very wild crazy colorful animated film named " The Mockingbird". We all loved it immediately, and then the teacher even played it backwards for us. I've been hoping since TH-cam, someone, somehow, would make this available again to view, and enjoy. Anyone out there remember this wild cartoon ?
You know it's funny but I think my mother was in Junior High or just starting it in 1963! Kind of funny. My middle school was interesting. The Epcot trip in 6th grade, Islands of Adventure in 7th, the Ketchup Ban of 1998. The day smoke came through the air vents because of a bird. Oh and there was the day the campus security pinned a black girl down after she walked away from a fight, The next day during a rally he walked in and the boo's rang out. Being sick the day before I was shocked.
My school career was split by “desegregation” busing. Sixth grade students were bused to a single school a long way from my neighborhood school that was 2 blocks away. It was hell. And completely unnecessary.
Does anyone remember having to memorize the Constitution of the United States in Jr. High 8th grade and also required to recite The Preamble in front of your History class? This was a scary requirement before you passed on to the 9th grade.
Yeah, the constitution, what a joke, gor rewritten by Adam Weisshaupt, the founder of the illuminati. Of course, they don't teach you that because the education system is controlled by the elites. Teachers have to follow scripts. It's all over the world. Schools don't teach anyone how to survive because they don't know either.
Around 1960 the big junior high schools like the one shown here were not always the case. Ours was a converted elementary school (no locker room just gym shoes, co-ed gym class, square dancing on Friday) and no sports teams. In fact, before 1960, our "junior high" was just one hallway in that elementary school + a shop and a homemaking room. It was essentially a discipline barn. A waste of 2 or 3 years.
I noticed three black students in the whole film, two in gymnasium scenes and one girl passing by quickly in the hall. Probably what they considered just enough at the time.
The "you are worthy of respect" scene confuses me: Are they both students? Is the tall one a teacher? Did Junior High in the early 1960s hire elementary schoolers to be couriers? I'M SO CONFUSED!!
If I had stayed in regular school, my junior high days would have been in the late 60's and early 70's. But unfortunately, I went to special education school then. Nowadays, they call it Middle School.
The structure of Junior High vs Middle School is a bit different. Junior High is generally grades 7, 8, & 9, with the associated high schools beginning at grade 10. Middle School is usually 6, 7 & 8, with the associated high schools beginning at grade 9. Here, where I live, and where our children attended school through 1997 and 1999, they have restructured it differently yet again. Elementary School is from Half-Day Kindergarten through Grade 3. Our Intermediate School is 4, 5, & 6. Junior High School falls in where it has traditionally at 7, 8 & 9, High School is the last 3 grades, 10, 11 & 12. Each of the schools has separate facilities, with several elementary schools local to their neighborhoods, and usually within walking distance of most of its students. Being in a rural county though, there are students who do not live close to any of the schools. All others, unless they live close by, must take the school bus, or be transported privately by parents, day care transport or carpools set up by parents. High School students with unrestricted drivers licenses may drive to the high school and park in the student parking lot with the school-issued parking permit.
I hated junior high, becuz the school nurse made you take off your clothes and check your spine for curves. they did this twice a year for 4 years. I was traumatized
Ahhh, Jr. hi. My homeroom teacher was a real Playboy Bunny. One of the homeroom students found her picture in the magazine and she tried to deny it. She turned beet red! We all laughed. Yep, that was her in the picture alright. Probably how she could afford to go school to become a teacher. Man, now the memories come back. LOL
Donna Angus. Hello from Sicily. I graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in Washington. DC Class of 1963. Now can you please tell me what Month and Year was this Playboy magazine? And after Kennedy was killed This Country has been going down the tubes ever since. And I was one of those Marines who LBJ said He was not going to send to do a Job that Asian Boys are supposed to be doing. He really ruined The United States. He also changed the Immigration Policy. That is why The United States is now a Third World Country.
Ciao. Now does anyone who goes back this far remember any of the old TV Shows from the 50's and 60's? Well here are a few. My favorite wife, December Bride, Baby Peggy, Father knows best, My living Doll, Lassie, The Littlest Hobo, Dennis the menace, The Bob Cummings Show, The new Bob Cummings Show, Bob Hope Presents The Chrysler Theater, Dick Powell's Zane Gray Theater, George Sanders Mystery Theater, Richard Diamond Private I, Rocky King Detective, Shadow, Dark Shadows, Car 54 where are you, The Edgar Wallace Theater, Batman, The adventures of Superman, I love Lucy, The Lucy and Desi comedy hour, The Lucy Show, Here's Lucy, Gomer Pyle USMC, The Andy Griffith Show, Mayberry RFD The Errol Flynn Theater, The Pat Boone Chevy Show, The Pt Boone Show, The Mel Torme Show and Hogans Heroes. And I do have many more to post. So stay tuned.
Sharon Martin. Ciao from The Island. Romper Room, Captain Kangaroo, Kiddie A Go Go. And OK. Bewitched, I dream of Jeannie, Flipper, Mr. Ed, The good Guys, Wide Country, Wagon Train, Choo Choo Charlie, Iron Horse, Rawhide, Have Gun will travel, Stoney Burke, Perry Mason, The twilight zone, The Patty Duke show, The six shooter, Man without a Gun, Behind closed doors, Run Buddy run, Homicide ( Original 1964 to 1977), Take my word for it, Anyone can play, The Halls of Ivy, Bonanza, Stage Coach, Stage Coach West, Death Valley Days, The big Valley, The Virginian, Crusader Rabbit, Crusader, Breaking Point, The Untouchable's, Shenandoah, A Man called Shenandoah, The Rounders, The real McCoy's, The Californians, The Alaskans, The Green Hornet, Dragnet, Adam 12, Pete & Gladys, Love that Jill, Joanie, I married Joan, The Alan Ludden show, Trackdown, Daniel Boone, The Invaders, Suspense Theater, Mystery Theater, The Dead end kids, The Bowery Boys, Stingray, The adventures of Rin Tin Tin, F -- Troop, The Wild Wild West, Hawaiian I, Surfside Six, The FBI, 77 Sunset Strip, Man with a Camera, Window over Broadway, Johnny Staccato, Mr. Broadway and The Reporter. Stay tuned Ms. Sharon please. I got many more to list. Over here it is late Morning. But over there it is late at Night. So I will just say Thank You for the comment and Goodnight.
@@davidfrehlini5430 -- You watched too much TV! 📺 I spent the majority of my school days actually in school, 5 days a week, then chores, dinner, wash dishes, do homework,📚📒✏📝💼 bath,🛀 snack and maybe one TV📺 show if there was time, then 🛏. Start over the next day. Saturdays was cartoons🤡🤠🤥📺 and🥞🥓🥛 for breakfast, until cartoons were done, then house work chores, laundry, mowing the grass from spring to fall on a one acre yard with a gasoline powered push mower, pulling weeds, raking the cut grass up and hauling it to the back of our lot in a wheel barrow, sweeping the sidewalk, then, if there was still daylight and no more homework to be done, or younger siblings (3)🏃♂️🏃🏼♀️🕺 requiring my attentions (rare that they didn't) I would ride my bike,🚴🏻♀️ practice on my pogo stick, climb trees, play with the other neighbor kids who actually had lives, or go next door and maybe ride horses🏇 with the girl who lived there - she was one year older than me. Or if we couldn't do that, listen to her Beatles records (I was never allowed to buy "that trash" and I didn't have any money💸 to buy any with anyway, since I never got an allowance, ever, never got paid a dime for a million and one chores, including babysitting 3 much younger siblings, etc. My grandparents gave me money for my birthday🎂, and sometimes my grades, but that was it, until I was 15 and started getting babysitting jobs in other people's homes.) So, she had all the great records, and I had almost none. Sunday, get myself ready for church 😝 and help get other sibs ready to go, spend half a day getting tortured with that hypocritical hogwash; then help cook lunch,🍽 clean it up, help with siblings, finish any homework not yet complete,📚📒📝 get ready for and go to Sunday evening "church" right after supper. Then, get myself and my school books📚📒💼, etc., ready to go back to school on Monday morning, go to bed. And as they used to say, "lather rinse, repeat..." Not much time for all that TV📺 watching...
Sheri D57. Ciao from Sicily. I am sorry to learn that you had it so rough. And I very much hope that you have gotten well past all of it and have moved on to a much better and happier life. Well I had to do chores myself, and I am the youngest of 4 Children ( All Males). And also my School Homework. But I did manage to find some time to watch some great Television programs. It,s not that I watched too much TV but these were the TV programs the My Family watched. And during the Summer Months we would watch the repeats sometimes, and I also had a Job working at am old Esso Gas Station in the Georgetown area of Washington DC. Now here are a few more. Wally Walrus, Tennessee Tuxedo, Captain Video, Speed Racer, Astro Boy, Ultra Man, Marine Boy, Captain Planet, Behind closed doors, Camp Runamuck, Deputy Dawg, Sergeant Preston of The Yukon, Dudley Doright RCMP, The Aquanaught's, Our Man Higgins, Hondo, Choo Choo Charlie, Iron Horse, Blacksaddle, Pistols & Petticoat's, Twentyone, Bowling for Dollars, Jackpot, Jackpot Bowling, It's Academic, The Dorris Day show, The Bing Crosby show, Mannix, The Alfred Hitchcock hour, Alfred Hitchcock presents, Oh my word, Shenedoah, A Man called Shenendoah, Daktari, The Phyllis Diller show, The Eve Arden show and The adventures of Bat Masterson. Well will you please let me know something? And you seem to be an OK Person.
@@davidfrehlini5430 -- Let you know what? I dont know what you are wanting to know. I am 61 now, and the oldest of 4. I was an only child until my mother remarried when I was 6, in 1963. When I was almost 8, she had my first brother, 11 months later, my sister. And 15 months after her, my youngest brother. I was the only one old enough to be of any help to anybody for anything. To give you some perspective, by the time I was 19, had graduated high school the year before, and was getting married, the oldest two of them were only in the 4th grade. When I was in the 10th grade, I was babysitting all three of them every day after school, and putting dinner on the table every night for 6 people. I had to give up all my after school activities so I could get home right away to watch them. The two oldest then were in First grade, and the youngest was still going to the babysitters' house every day. It was a pretty miserable existence, as I had absolutely no life of my own. There were other things going on then as well, but nothing I can discuss. Fortunately, yes, at the end of high school, I met the young man who I would marry, and 42 years later, we are still together, after raising our own two children, and now we are enjoying our own seven grandchildren! My husband is a hard working man, who is still working, and helping to care for me, as I am permanently disabled, and have been for several years now. I used to be a Surgical Technologist, for over 15 years, and enjoyed that very much. I miss it a great deal, as I worked very hard to learn the job in college for 2 years, and then lots of experience after graduating very high in my class. Thanks very much for your interest, and your sympathy. My best regards...
Ciao from The Beautiful Island of Sicily. Well here we go again. Dobbie Gillis, The life and loves of Dobbie Gillis, The many loves of Dobbie Gillis, Gilligan's Island, It's about time, The Flying Nun, Treasury Men in action, US Marshall ( Starred John Bromfield). United States Marshals, Blondie, Accidental Family, My Three Son's, Angel, A date with Angel's, Overland Trail, Frontier Doctor, Hudson Bay, Please don't eat the daisies, The Donna Reed Show, The Ann Southern Show, The Loretta Young Show, The new Loretta Young Show, Loretta Young Theater, The adventures of Tug Boat Annie, The Joey Bishop Show, The Danny Thomas Show, Julia, Lawman, Mr. Novack, The Defenders, For The Public, Across the fence, The Lieutenant, The Gallant Men, Garrison's Gorila's, Maggila Gorila, Man from the 25Th Century, I Spy, Mission Impossible, The Dennis O' Keefe Show, Ozark Jubilee, The time tunnel, The Rex Alan Show, The guiding light, The secret storm, As the World turns, Search for Tomorrow, The edge of night, The Spencer Family, Love of life, Road of life, Portia faces life, The egg and I, Our House, Our Five Daughters, Emergency Ward 10 ( British. And it was a great show). No hiding Place ( British. And it too was a great show). The Barbara Stanwyck Show, Hugh Hefner's Playboy Penthouse, Hey Landlord and a few more that I will post later. Buona Notte. Time for Bed.
Nice thought but so unrealistic. Doesn't fly in today's world. I remember my grade school 1966-1973. I loved every minute of it. Same teacher each year ( different teacher each year.) I loved them. In the second grade Mrs. Miller had us all gather around and she demonstrated the bad effects that smoking had on your lungs by firing up a cigarette, taking a drag and then blowing it through a tissue. The brown stained tissue was then passed around so each could see it. In 1973 I graduated to junior high. For the most part I disliked it immensely. New class every hour, scurrying through hallway and that terrible bell reminding us that we had just minutes to get to where we were going. I always sucked at math. The solution was to make me stand in front of the class at the blackboard and solve math equations. The other students would laugh at my incompetence. Gym class wasn't much different. There were giant ropes that we had to climb. I felt it was too dangerous so I refused. The gym teacher told me that he would fail me if I didn't try it. I told him to fuck off. This when I learned to assert myself. I earned 10 hours of detention but never had to climb those stupid ropes. He was also a fan of dodge ball. Of course the more athletic people formed teams and pummeled the shit out,of the weaker ones. I refused to participate in that BS. I had the satisfaction as life went on the see the popular jocks fail miserably in their lives after HS.
Junior high was a very hard time for me I was at least a foot shorter than the girls in my school, also about 40 pounds overweight with crooked yellow teeth and a big problem with gas. Even the ugliest girl in school wouldn't give me the time of day. So predictably I played with myself a lot and over time went blind.
I don't know why or when somebody thought it a good idea to create "middle" school. 6th grade should stay in elementary. The Junior High/High School models seemed the better idea. It was difficult enough to be a 7th grader among 8th and 9th. Girls were not allowed to wear pants when I was in 7th grade and skirts were much shorter than in this film. By 8th grade, girl's voices were heard and no longer had to worry about guys walking behind you as you walked up the stairs. I was watching an episode of the 4th season of "Glee" last night, the episode where gun shots are being fired. Getting misty-eyed as while it is acting, it isn't difficult to imagine the terror. I don't think, even as actors, they had to go very deep. Most of the cast were probably going into middle school when the Columbine Massacre happened April 20, 1999. Sadly, more shootings would follow. So, no, no acting. I'm going to leave it at that.
7th Grade for me I got all Honor Roll's except once. Never got a Deans list though. 8'th grade they actually wanted large kids to do the high jump! Like hell I could do that so I refused. I wasn't going to be a laughing stock for some stupid Gym grade.
Back then you step out of control you got the paddle, slap across the face, hair pulled,etc. When they stopped having corporal punishment in school it brought the out of control schools today.
Conform and try to fit in with those around you, read the manual, memorize the rules. Be responsible, do not be adventurous. If you are a slow reader, do not spend longer hours reading (perhaps developing a love of reading, or a keen interest in a subject in the process). Instead, take the help of a reading specialist (who will tell you tricks to fulfill the reading chore quickly). That way, you will have more time to socialize, more time to memorize other kids' names, more time to be popular. No matter what you do, do not be caught alone in the hallway (else, you may be tempted to actually think). If this isnt indoctrination into herd mentality, then I dont know what is. No wonder our world is filled with sheep.
Ciao E" Buona Serra America da Sicilia ( Hello and Good Evening America from Sicily ). Well here we go again back down memory lane. The outer limits, The World beyond, One step beyond, Horror Theater, Chiller Theater, Sci Fi Theater, Suspense Theater, Beyond our World, Sky King. Sea Hunt, Creature Feature, Wanted dead or alive, The George Gobel show, The Rifleman, Voyage to the bottom of The Sea, The wild wild West, The Prisoner, Man in a suitcase, East Side / West Side, Checkmate, My favorite Martian, Calling all Cars, Police Station, The new breed, The M Squad, The Mothers in law, The Dick Van Dyke show, The Flintstones, Sergeant Preston of The RCMP, RCMP, This is it, The big payoff, The adventures of Danny Dee, The big record, Stop the music, My Friend Irma, Inter Sanctum, The long hot summer, Our private World, Morning Star, Young Man's fancy, The Patty Duke show, Window over Broadway, Mr. Broadway, Johnny Staccato, Two for the money, Break the Bank, The Hero, The Art Linkletter show, The Art Linkletter House party, Make room for Daddy, The Reporter and many more that I will list a little later in the morning. Buona Notte America da Sicilia.
7th grade was hideous (bullies, jumprope in P.E. class). 8th grade a little better (found my niche in concert band). 9th grade, being bombarded by info about the pressures of high school. Ugh.
Naw I was raised correctly I go to college with other black students who were raised correctly. If you think you are doing any of us a justice by feeding into stereotypes and lies then you were, as I said before, raised poorly. Where is your pride? My parents taught me all of this.
Many went to college, business/secretarial, or to nursing school. Where did all the female teachers come from that taught all those classes, in K-12 And in Colleges? Where did all the nurses come from who took care of ALL the sick people in hospitals, or in doctor's offices, in the Visiting Nurse Associations who took care of people who had chronic illnesses, in their homes? Or became Public Health Nurses; School Nurses; Industrial Nurses; Army, Air Force and Navy Nurses who are officers and took/take care of all our military members and their dependents, in peacetime as well as during conflicts; Nurse Educators who taught in those nursing schools; are hospital administrators, etc., and so on? Xray Technicians then, (and Radiology/MRI/CAT scan/Ultrasound technicians now?) Lab Technician Schools? Dental Assistants and Dental Hygenists; Registered Dieticians in charge of Food Service for those hospitals? Or who went to Secretarial and/or Business Schools to work in all the offices for so many businesses that provided vital services to every community? Those offices don't run themselves. There were many careers open and available to women then. That wasn't really the problem. The real problem came when they considered adding marriage to the mix, and how very difficult other people made it for them to make that choice. It was an "either/or" choice then, and there weren't many alternatives. Although there were lots of married teachers then, the job itself wasn't quite as thoroughly overwhelming then as it is now. You generally didn't have to worry a whole lot about having to "raise" your students then, because they generally showed up already raised to their grade level by their parents. And your supplies were generally all furnished by the district. You didn't have to dig so deep into your own pockets to supply your classroom.
Actually, I think it was the other way around. The preferred choice back then was towards marriage. The vast majority of women went on to college to find a suitable mate. A good education was just icing on the cake. However, by the time they married and started to have children, the economy was such that both parents had to start working. But, you're right, the occupational choices were pretty limited: nursing, dental assistant, stewardess, accounting, secretarial or teaching.
Heh. I was 13 when I began to take 3 public busses each way to my high school, downtown in a city of almost 2 million. The school was in the red light district. With winos all over the place. 1962 to 1966 I never heard of anything happening to anybody. Today that same city is 80% "meadows" and you wouldn't dream of walking down a street anywhere there. So WHEN was it a horrible time?
@@tumbleweedking5668 Everything good was on AM radio!! 📻 FM radio was all classical music, talk radio for "grownups," and a bunch of other uninteresting blather. AM was where Rock and Roll radio got its start! WGH - AM1310 in Hampton, VA!
Scholastic inc, dumbing down,, teaching lies and unnesseary things, here i come. But how someone survives in the world, oh no! This will never get taught.
Junior High was a hard time for me I was a good foot shorter then the girls,about 40 pounds to heavy with crooked yellow teeth and a bad problem with gas. Even the ugliest girl in school would not give me the time of day. So predictably I played with myself a lot and over time went blind.
My most terrible time. Jr High I was gangly, started getting zits, started going thru an awkward stage. Horrible. High School and especially College was so much better.
I love the advice at the very end where it says to think of others as people, just like you. That's what society is missing today.
It. Was. Hell.
I was a part of that generation of young age. So much of that shown and told was very real. I enjoyed those two years (7th & 8th grade) and wish many times even up to now (2018) that I applied myself more to the studies of the subjects. But...I came out, okay. And...made a lot of good friends that many I still keep in touch with during class reunions & FB.
Yep, 7th grade was a rude awakening for me. I was the best at spelling and one of the best in reading and vocabulary in my 6th grade class. My teacher liked me, and I had a fair amount of friends. 7th grade was sudden catty cliques, competition, damn P.E., rushing to class, having to adjust study habits, and being the only Limahl fan among hundreds of girls who wanted to marry John Taylor or Simon LeBon. But I found my niche in concert band and discovered I was a fast runner, which helped me get passing grades in P.E. and led to me lettering in cross country in high school.
i wish someone had explained things so simply to me when I was that age.
Junior high is rough for most people. We go through physical changes as well as social changes.
Art is a hobby, science is a vocation. Got it.
You won't pay the rent with art. You will with science. That doesn't mean your art needs to be abandoned, just put in its proper place. My B.S. in Biochemistry got me into Med School. My minor in English and Archeology got me out of my narrow focused rut.
"Be realistic about your weaknesses and do what you can to correct them." It's been a long time since children were given that good advice. Today it is pretended they have no weaknesses.
I never read the Junior High School handbook. I screwed up my life. I'm in my sixties now and I am finally reading it.
I can bet some of these boys were drafted during Nam.
Ah junior high. That magical time of pimples, voice cracks, widely varied growth (of every sort), cliques, harder classes, bullying, teachers who hate their jobs, and, worst of all, junior highers. How I hated you.
+Calvin Maynard I'm still part of it
Josie Inoue and doesn't it suck?
Calvin Maynard yes. lol
Tell me about it! In 8th grade ( 1964) my science teacher was reminiscing about how " girls used to wear nice skirts and dresses and have pretty curls" then he walked over to me and said " but now they want to have long straight greasy hair" as he lifted up my hair and dropped it out of his hand. That bastard didn't even apologize when he must have seen the tears falling down my face all through the rest of that class. I never forgot that cruel man. I was poor, I didn't want to have ratty clothes and I couldn't help it if my hair was straight. Damn! If that happened now, I'd never let that thoughtlessly cruel man get away with doing that to me, I was a shy quiet girl. Years later, I looked his name up on the internet, but he was already dead. He had a son with the same name, a teacher also and into sports like his father had been. I thought about writing to the son and telling him about what his popular father had done, and how he just watched me sit there, sobbing as quietly as possible, but I just couldn't. That was junior high school for me.
My junior high years were also mostly hell and the teacher is long dead that helped make it that way. I did have two things going--one was the girl's counselor who loved me and took my side, and the other was meeting a girl who has been my good friend ever since. She was being bullied like I was, by other kids, and I went over to her and introduced myself.
We are still friends though we are old women now.
I only remember junior high only too well - I got sick there; always getting a sore throat. My mother took me to the doctor and I had my tonsils out the beginning of 9th grade. A good recovery at home, sleeping, the girl next door coming over to cheer me up, and a boy from my class stopping over to check up on me. I take him down to my basement and show him a picture I had been painting
I’m a seventh grader. I really wish they had shown this to us last year.
And wth, they got a handbook *and* and map?! We just got told to figure it out!
Junior high schools were funded quite well back then apparently with all those extracurricular activities and educational specialists.
The education system back than was better than now.
I wish the school I went to could have seen this film. It was overcrowded in those days and that led to gangs that I never wanted to be a part of, bullying and dirty tricks played on me because I didn't conform to smoking and drinking. Teachers were generally not good at keeping discipline. One or two spoke out for me but they were ignored behind the teachers' backs. I never did finish my education in that school or another one. Ended up paying for it myself at night school.
Overpopulation is the main cause of social problems and unnecessary stress.
What the manual didn't tell you was, "Welcome! You're about to enter the most miserable time of your life." 😵😩
I know
Nope, best school days I had. 7th and 8th.
We then went to massive High Schools…3000+ for 9th through 12th grades. I
was totally lost in the mass of students.
No backpacks then. A two mile walk each way with them propped against my hip. Wonder why we didn't think of backpacks
Backpacks then were for soldiers, and not available to the general public.
@@sharid76 - wrong .. every kid that went to summer camp had one .. I figure it just wasn't fashionable; and as now, fashion ules teenagers
@@mikeowen657 Since I NEVER went to Summer Camp, OR knew anyone else who did, then that would make it rather difficult to claim it was some kind of "common knowledge " wouldn't it?
Plus, having lived the first 20 years of my life in the midst of probably the largest gathering there is in the whole country of all five US Military services, had an additional effect on my exposure to military use of backpacks. Between the Tactical Air Command HQ base at Langley A.F.B in Hampton, Virginia; which was reorganized and renamed the Air Combat Command in the 1990's, and then made the major portion of an amalgamation of the United States Air Force's Langley Air Force Base and the United States Army's Fort Eustis which were merged on 1 October 2010. Most of these mergers at that time were made from military units of space actually separate Langley and Fort Eustis Army Post, a historic Army installation and the second half of Joint Base Langley-Eustis, is an area to train service members in transportation, aviation maintenance, logistics and deployment doctrine. The installation is the training ground for the majority of the transportation MOSs (with the exception of the 88M truck driver specialty located at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.) and all of the helicopter maintenance technicians. It is the home of the Transportation Regiment.
THEN there's the HQ of the Navy's North Atlantic FLEET, across the river, spread out all over the place in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach! AND the U.S. Marine Units attached to various Naval units, ships, air arms, etc., OH! And I can't possibly forget the U.S. Coast Guard, stationed at Yorktown, VA, the 5th service which most folks seem to forget even though they perform some vitally needed services, in peacetime AND during War.
So, you see, within a reach of about 35 miles in any direction, you cannot swing a dead cat by the tail and not hit SOMEBODY in some kind of a umiform! Even at the High School level, because EVERY one of them has a unit of the JROTC representing every service we have. And extremely proud, and competitive units they are. Or, at least they were, when I was in high school, even in the slightly less "politically correct" times which were just allowing girls to participate in them. The Air Force unit in which I was a very motivated and enthusiastic participant, got its first female officer, and it's first all-female competition level Drill Team when I was there. I remember them both very well, because I was that female 2nd Lieutenant, Personnel Officer, and I assembled and lead that all-female Drill Team. We did well.
So, my entire exposure to "back packs" was within my observation of the US Military, particularly the Army. And their journeys to and return from Vietnam, in the mid and late 60's to the mid 70's when it ended. Mostly through the fact that my time in public school began and ended with our time fighting in that awful conflict, beginning with sending "advisors" by 1963, and ending up sacrificing so many of our young men to that horrible blood bath, and coming home covered in shame in 1975. The fact that I went to school with so many children of our warriors of parent age, or those related to their uncles, cousins, older brothers, etc. It was "just another shitty day in paradise" when our friends and schoolmates, neighbors and even a couple of our teachers, would disappear with little to no notice either from parents, or from husband's, PCS orders (permanent change of station) taking them far, far away, usually across the country.
Because backpacks look ridiculous. Definitely was not cool!
Geez even my parents had backpack satchels in the USSR. I’m shocked they didn’t have them in the US.
It's like from another planet. Take me back!
A lot of good common sense advice to make the best of your school years.
I'm speaking here in dec 2022. Tell you what, I don't like what I see. give me this 60's life all day long. Things may have been tougher in many respects, but Not for me, I loved being a youngster in the early 60,s,My dad took me everywhere , I miss my dad so much.and the young life I once enjoyed..You can keep this ante social media.bring back the outdoor life, we used to thrive on.
This is so Leave It To Beaver!
I hated taking showers gym
we were forced to shower nude with the rest of our classmates.
I managed to get out of about 99 per cent of them by running in first and wetting my hair.
@@puppycat65481 I just didn't go to P.E ! Many a call to my parents.
elderly poodle. I liked Gym Class a whole lot. And I played base ball for Deal Junior High School and Woodrow Wilson Senior High School in Washington D.C. ( Class of 1963). But I hated having to take a shower with everyone else. Then in Early May of 1964 I arrived for Marine Corps Boot Camp at Parris Island S.C. And we The Recruits had to take showers together. And I hated that with an undying passion.
I think everyone does. It's such an intrusion on your personal modesty at such an age, where ANY intrusion on your privacy is extremely difficult to deal with, especially with the sexually repressed society of the times.
Being forced to expose oneself to a crowd of relative strangers like that is traumatic enough for anyone lucky enough to be able to manage it "normally" much less the way most parents dealt with it regarding their children, which was anything BUT "normally."
The first time I got thrown into a situation like that, I was in 8th grade, just out of 7th grade in elementary school, and 8th was the beginning of a 5 year high school! We didnt have junior highs and middle schools yet and this was 1970! I didn't even begin 1st grade until 1963. Talk about trauma! And our gym was enormous, and usually shared it with another class, which could be of any grade level, and usually was. We moved there "fresh" from another city, and I didn't know a soul. Not one.
Our female gym teacher practically drooled to see us. I used to say that I had my period. I got in trouble, and my parents had to come for a meeting with the principal. I didn't want to say anything, but was pressured, and blurted out that everyone knew she was "queer." My father took my side, and I was transferred to another class. It was horrible for a young girl.
The music was great! And will get even better, soon!
These middle schoolers could be my grandparents. Trippy.
I started junior high just 5 years after this film and it's night-and-day regarding hair, clothes and demeanor. But the neutral "modern" architecture is practically identical to my school's.
Imagine, schools without metal detectors or daycare rooms. Have we really progressed, socially?
wurlitzergroup. Ciao from The Island. And the answer is no we have not. As you can plainly see The USA is now a 3Rd World Country. And this is thanks to Eleanor Roosevelt, Harry Truman, LBJ, Teddy ( Boy) Kennedy, Tip O'Neil, Jimmy Carter and a few more. LBJ and his and all of his new policies and his war on poverty. And look what it got us. And he also changed the Immigration Policy.
David Frehlini You're comment is riddled with inaccuracies and statements that are incoherent. Don't make comments on subjects you do not understand .
I do know. And I was one of those Marines that good old LBJ sent to a job that Asian Boys were supposed to be doing. You probably were not even thought of yet. I was there and saw the whole thing. And the POS People I mentioned above ruined The USA. Hey I do understand.
Parents stayed together and did their job, not today.
@@jime3281 no, he is right.
I got a perfect shot down Linda Lindstom's blouse. My life was complete.
In your first year of Junior High, you were a "moldie". Meaning being subject to hideous torment by 8th and 9th-graders. And if you could not defend yourself, then you had to learn good Machiavellian tactics. How to align yourself with the right people. How to subtly create conflict between others to keep the focus off you. How to have bad things go down yet somehow you miraculously weren't involved. How to get crazy rumors started and yet seem to be the last one to hear about it. Or one could quote, "Someone will always be sacrificed at the altar, so it might as well be somebody else. Because if it's somebody else, that means it's not you." High School gave me education, but Junior High was where I truly learned things.
jacktheripoff1888 0
My mother was in Junior High in 1963.
Ah, those were the days! Dad was a high school teacher. I was terrified of not knowing the order of my classes and where they were located. He assured me that everyone felt the same way, and it might last for two days. He told me there would better things to worry about. Jr High was a more advanced level of elementary school. High school was much more interesting, I learned I could express my own opinions, and stick with them. 11th and 12th grade were truly the best years of my life - great teachers, great friends, the ability to start breaking away. College, well that was a horror, but I stuck with it because I had a goal, and no one was going to tell me I couldn't reach it. Med school was rough, but once I got into the rhythm, wow. And the day I took my last exam, realizing that it was my LAST test, and I was finally a doctor... It was a select group of teachers in Jr High and High School who got me there. And me.
A year later the Beatles arrived and we saw them on Ed Sullivan !
I remember that! I was almost 7! 😃 No, seriously, my birthday is February 21st, and I would be 7 in 1964. I was in school - barely- I began 1st grade in September, 1963, right after Labor Day. I had stayed up past my bedtime (9:00pm) that night, to watch Ed Sullivan, because "Topo Gigo," a little Italian mouse character puppet, was supposed to be on that night, and anytime he was on, I could stay up later and watch. So, while I was waiting, and having milk and vanilla wafers, my favorite, Ed Sullivan comes out and introduces these "4 lads from Liverpool," and I got all upset, wanting to know where Topo Gigo was going to come on! But, I could wait a bit longer. And suddenly, the whole place goes bonkers, screaming and crying, and these 4 guys are playing guitars and drums, and singing. I sat and watched, almost transfixed, listening to the music - Almost! My stepdad (he was new, only been anybody's - mine - stepdad since November) and he was sitting there, and he goes kinda nuts, talking real loud about "Who's those long haired idiots!!" 🤤And "what's that raccket??"😲 And on and on. I was getting kind of mad, because I couldn't hear them hardly, for all HIS NOISE!! ☹ He was a mess. Even my mom was sort of snickering at his NOISE! I could tell! Finally, she calls him by name and says, "Name" -- YOUR DAUGHTER is trying to hear!!" He just gets up, sort of waves at the TV, makes some odd grunting noise, and goes out to the kitchen. 😆 And, not only are they on singing then, but they are coming back! So, since I am in school, I begged to get to stay up more and see them later on! It was a momentous night, that's for sure! And I get to see for the second time the Beatle on whom I will have my very first crush - George! He had such soulful eyes.....
Shari D57 What was the Beatles 1st song? Did you see them the first, or second time they were on? I was 8 years old then, but the Beatles were TOO LATE, and the Monkees also, because I've been hearing classical music CONSTANTLY, since I was an embryo. So, when Ed Sullivan barely mentioned the Beatles during the 1st half hour, the audience was screaming, I thought ," What. are they screaming at? There's nothing to scream at." Then there was a station break (we lived in the South Bay area, channel 2 was called KNXT) then Ed Sullivan was shown again, and he said, "Here they are, THE BEATLES!" And they started singing "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and I said, "What, is that HORRIBLE noise? And I ran over to the 1952 TV set ( yes, we still have it today) and turned down the sound. It took me two months to adjust to it...
@@joansmith6092 - The songs they sang were in two sets. The first set included "*All My Loving,*" "Till There Was You," and "She Loves You."
I saw both sets. It was a life changer!
And, if I remember correctly, they were on the following TWO Sundays as well, but I don't remember if I got to watch both of them or not. February, 1964 was a LONG time ago! Feb 9, 16, and the 23, just two days after I turned 7!
As for the Monkees, they didn't "do it for me" like the Beatles music did. Perhaps because they were just "assembled" as a group for the TV show, instead of coming together on their own musically. IDK - they were a different kind of music all the way down the line.
Did you ever watch the original "Star Trek"? Did you know that the cute, young Navigation Officer with the Russian accent, Pavel Chekov, played by Walter Koenig, was put into the cast as Star Trek's "answer" to Davy Jones? 😉 True Story! They were trying to increase their "market share" among teen age girls!
5:02 lol school counselor completely ignores mother and reaches for dad's handshake instead
You know people say High School or college are your best years, mine were Middle School. I peaked there, it's not something to be proud of, but I take it.
I peaked 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade. Got double promoted twice during that time, won a school and district spelling bee, and got the lead part in every school play.. I was totally wired in those days. I owe it all to Cocoa Wheats with raisins for breakfast and fried bologna & onions for lunch. Brain food.
JR.HI SCHOOL was fun in a way. The Girls turning into young Ladies.
I used to skip phys ed just to avoid shorts and showers, too self conscious even then to get naked in front of strangers, I was born in "63!
1963..was my toddler years (four years young)
Those kids are Jr High age? They look older than I do!
They forgot the importance of holding your breath when being dunked in a toilet.
When I was in first grade 1959-1960, one day the teacher played this very wild crazy colorful animated film named " The Mockingbird". We all loved it immediately, and then the teacher even played it backwards for us. I've been hoping since TH-cam, someone, somehow, would make this available again to view, and enjoy. Anyone out there remember this wild cartoon ?
Longest three years of my life.
You know it's funny but I think my mother was in Junior High or just starting it in 1963! Kind of funny. My middle school was interesting. The Epcot trip in 6th grade, Islands of Adventure in 7th, the Ketchup Ban of 1998. The day smoke came through the air vents because of a bird. Oh and there was the day the campus security pinned a black girl down after she walked away from a fight, The next day during a rally he walked in and the boo's rang out. Being sick the day before I was shocked.
this has great camera shots and cinematography
Institution is a good way to describe it.
show more 50 60 school films
My school career was split by “desegregation” busing. Sixth grade students were bused to a single school a long way from my neighborhood school that was 2 blocks away. It was hell. And completely unnecessary.
Jr high was ok for me I was and still am a shy person didnt make much friends. But the teachers I had were awesome history is my favorite subject
Really sad. How many of these boys never came home and for what?
So the Jews can keep making money.The dual citizens love sending the farm boys from the Middle West to fight their duels in the Middle East.
Tom Dockery he’s referring to the Vietnam war...
A little over 58,000. I graduated in 63 & went to Nam in 68.
Does anyone remember having to memorize the Constitution of the United States in Jr. High 8th grade and also required to recite The Preamble in front of your History class? This was a scary requirement before you passed on to the 9th grade.
Yeah, the constitution, what a joke, gor rewritten by Adam Weisshaupt, the founder of the illuminati. Of course, they don't teach you that because the education system is controlled by the elites. Teachers have to follow scripts. It's all over the world. Schools don't teach anyone how to survive because they don't know either.
I’m in junior high. My school has no sports teams and no clubs. But they assign us so much shit that kids legit break down over school.
Around 1960 the big junior high schools like the one shown here were not always the case. Ours was a converted elementary school (no locker room just gym shoes, co-ed gym class, square dancing on Friday) and no sports teams. In fact, before 1960, our "junior high" was just one hallway in that elementary school + a shop and a homemaking room. It was essentially a discipline barn. A waste of 2 or 3 years.
Wish I learned that when I was in Junior high.
Where are the brothers in the video?
I noticed three black students in the whole film, two in gymnasium scenes and one girl passing by quickly in the hall. Probably what they considered just enough at the time.
@@saltator1802 In the marching band!
How sad when you think that a lot of these kids are probably now dead 💀
Nah they’re only around 68-70 now
NO Iam NOT!! Thank you..
Misha Thats me, Graduated in 1965! But those years were the best years of my life. I had a wonderful fantastic childhood and a great teenagehood!
Syonis Macias-Johnson. Yes.Also sick till they die or in poverty. Disabled from the wars. Who knew than ?
Maybe about 35% are dead now (2024).
The "you are worthy of respect" scene confuses me: Are they both students? Is the tall one a teacher? Did Junior High in the early 1960s hire elementary schoolers to be couriers? I'M SO CONFUSED!!
middle school doesn’t matter, have fun ! Don’t take it seriously!
My time in jhs.
If I had stayed in regular school, my junior high days would have been in the late 60's and early 70's. But unfortunately, I went to special education school then.
Nowadays, they call it Middle School.
The structure of Junior High vs Middle School is a bit different. Junior High is generally grades 7, 8, & 9, with the associated high schools beginning at grade 10. Middle School is usually 6, 7 & 8, with the associated high schools beginning at grade 9.
Here, where I live, and where our children attended school through 1997 and 1999, they have restructured it differently yet again.
Elementary School is from Half-Day Kindergarten through Grade 3.
Our Intermediate School is 4, 5, & 6.
Junior High School falls in where it has traditionally at 7, 8 & 9,
High School is the last 3 grades, 10, 11 & 12.
Each of the schools has separate facilities, with several elementary schools local to their neighborhoods, and usually within walking distance of most of its students. Being in a rural county though, there are students who do not live close to any of the schools. All others, unless they live close by, must take the school bus, or be transported privately by parents, day care transport or carpools set up by parents. High School students with unrestricted drivers licenses may drive to the high school and park in the student parking lot with the school-issued parking permit.
wow! this doesn't even apply to me in the late 50's!!!?? graduated HS in 1963 - jeez!!!!!!!
Class of 73 for me. Now I feel younger. 😁
@@Sharon-pb7so - Class of 75!!
alexa, you are officially a codger.
I'm in grade 4K,which i treat as junior(4,5,6),but they still treat it as elementary(1,2,3).LOL
I hated junior high, becuz the school nurse made you take off your clothes and check your spine for curves. they did this twice a year for 4 years. I was traumatized
back than girls wore dresses, not shorts or blue jeans with holes in them. boys wore pants and shirts tucked in not the pants hanging down.
Ahhh, Jr. hi. My homeroom teacher was a real Playboy Bunny. One of the homeroom students found her picture in the magazine and she tried to deny it. She turned beet red! We all laughed. Yep, that was her in the picture alright. Probably how she could afford to go school to become a teacher. Man, now the memories come back. LOL
Heh. I did not know how to read. Math I am still horrible at! I did teach myself how to read when I was 40. Parents were of no help at all, sadly.
Donna Angus omg!! My 7th grade English teacher was in Playboy and some boys brought the issue to prove it!!! Where r u from.
Donna Angus. Hello from Sicily. I graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in Washington. DC Class of 1963. Now can you please tell me what Month and Year was this Playboy magazine? And after Kennedy was killed This Country has been going down the tubes ever since. And I was one of those Marines who LBJ said He was not going to send to do a Job that Asian Boys are supposed to be doing. He really ruined The United States. He also changed the Immigration Policy. That is why The United States is now a Third World Country.
Paisley Parrish. I graduated in 63. Can you please tell me what year and month the magazine is?
Wow... jr high schoolers look like high schoolers back then!!!
And so the purpose of school is to get you prepared to work it's not actual education for your life it's just to train you how to work
Not showing these in schools anymore explains the rapid deterioration
What the heck kind of lockers are those? I thought they were animal cages at!!!
Most of those girls look 18 or 20 years old. How many fucking times did they flunk?
Ciao. Now does anyone who goes back this far remember any of the old TV Shows from the 50's and 60's? Well here are a few. My favorite wife, December Bride, Baby Peggy, Father knows best, My living Doll, Lassie, The Littlest Hobo, Dennis the menace, The Bob Cummings Show, The new Bob Cummings Show, Bob Hope Presents The Chrysler Theater, Dick Powell's Zane Gray Theater, George Sanders Mystery Theater, Richard Diamond Private I, Rocky King Detective, Shadow, Dark Shadows, Car 54 where are you, The Edgar Wallace Theater, Batman, The adventures of Superman, I love Lucy, The Lucy and Desi comedy hour, The Lucy Show, Here's Lucy, Gomer Pyle USMC, The Andy Griffith Show, Mayberry RFD The Errol Flynn Theater, The Pat Boone Chevy Show, The Pt Boone Show, The Mel Torme Show and Hogans Heroes. And I do have many more to post. So stay tuned.
Bewitched... I Dream of Geanie. I watched very little TV except in the summer. I remember I liked game shows.
Sharon Martin. Ciao from The Island. Romper Room, Captain Kangaroo, Kiddie A Go Go. And OK. Bewitched, I dream of Jeannie, Flipper, Mr. Ed, The good Guys, Wide Country, Wagon Train, Choo Choo Charlie, Iron Horse, Rawhide, Have Gun will travel, Stoney Burke, Perry Mason, The twilight zone, The Patty Duke show, The six shooter, Man without a Gun, Behind closed doors, Run Buddy run, Homicide ( Original 1964 to 1977), Take my word for it, Anyone can play, The Halls of Ivy, Bonanza, Stage Coach, Stage Coach West, Death Valley Days, The big Valley, The Virginian, Crusader Rabbit, Crusader, Breaking Point, The Untouchable's, Shenandoah, A Man called Shenandoah, The Rounders, The real McCoy's, The Californians, The Alaskans, The Green Hornet, Dragnet, Adam 12, Pete & Gladys, Love that Jill, Joanie, I married Joan, The Alan Ludden show, Trackdown, Daniel Boone, The Invaders, Suspense Theater, Mystery Theater, The Dead end kids, The Bowery Boys, Stingray, The adventures of Rin Tin Tin, F -- Troop, The Wild Wild West, Hawaiian I, Surfside Six, The FBI, 77 Sunset Strip, Man with a Camera, Window over Broadway, Johnny Staccato, Mr. Broadway and The Reporter. Stay tuned Ms. Sharon please. I got many more to list. Over here it is late Morning. But over there it is late at Night. So I will just say Thank You for the comment and Goodnight.
@@davidfrehlini5430 -- You watched too much TV! 📺 I spent the majority of my school days actually in school, 5 days a week, then chores, dinner, wash dishes, do homework,📚📒✏📝💼 bath,🛀 snack and maybe one TV📺 show if there was time, then 🛏. Start over the next day. Saturdays was cartoons🤡🤠🤥📺 and🥞🥓🥛 for breakfast, until cartoons were done, then house work chores, laundry, mowing the grass from spring to fall on a one acre yard with a gasoline powered push mower, pulling weeds, raking the cut grass up and hauling it to the back of our lot in a wheel barrow, sweeping the sidewalk, then, if there was still daylight and no more homework to be done, or younger siblings (3)🏃♂️🏃🏼♀️🕺 requiring my attentions (rare that they didn't) I would ride my bike,🚴🏻♀️ practice on my pogo stick, climb trees, play with the other neighbor kids who actually had lives, or go next door and maybe ride horses🏇 with the girl who lived there - she was one year older than me. Or if we couldn't do that, listen to her Beatles records (I was never allowed to buy "that trash" and I didn't have any money💸 to buy any with anyway, since I never got an allowance, ever, never got paid a dime for a million and one chores, including babysitting 3 much younger siblings, etc. My grandparents gave me money for my birthday🎂, and sometimes my grades, but that was it, until I was 15 and started getting babysitting jobs in other people's homes.) So, she had all the great records, and I had almost none. Sunday, get myself ready for church 😝 and help get other sibs ready to go, spend half a day getting tortured with that hypocritical hogwash; then help cook lunch,🍽 clean it up, help with siblings, finish any homework not yet complete,📚📒📝 get ready for and go to Sunday evening "church" right after supper. Then, get myself and my school books📚📒💼, etc., ready to go back to school on Monday morning, go to bed. And as they used to say, "lather rinse, repeat..." Not much time for all that TV📺 watching...
Sheri D57. Ciao from Sicily. I am sorry to learn that you had it so rough. And I very much hope that you have gotten well past all of it and have moved on to a much better and happier life. Well I had to do chores myself, and I am the youngest of 4 Children ( All Males). And also my School Homework. But I did manage to find some time to watch some great Television programs. It,s not that I watched too much TV but these were the TV programs the My Family watched. And during the Summer Months we would watch the repeats sometimes, and I also had a Job working at am old Esso Gas Station in the Georgetown area of Washington DC. Now here are a few more. Wally Walrus, Tennessee Tuxedo, Captain Video, Speed Racer, Astro Boy, Ultra Man, Marine Boy, Captain Planet, Behind closed doors, Camp Runamuck, Deputy Dawg, Sergeant Preston of The Yukon, Dudley Doright RCMP, The Aquanaught's, Our Man Higgins, Hondo, Choo Choo Charlie, Iron Horse, Blacksaddle, Pistols & Petticoat's, Twentyone, Bowling for Dollars, Jackpot, Jackpot Bowling, It's Academic, The Dorris Day show, The Bing Crosby show, Mannix, The Alfred Hitchcock hour, Alfred Hitchcock presents, Oh my word, Shenedoah, A Man called Shenendoah, Daktari, The Phyllis Diller show, The Eve Arden show and The adventures of Bat Masterson. Well will you please let me know something? And you seem to be an OK Person.
@@davidfrehlini5430 -- Let you know what? I dont know what you are wanting to know.
I am 61 now, and the oldest of 4. I was an only child until my mother remarried when I was 6, in 1963. When I was almost 8, she had my first brother, 11 months later, my sister. And 15 months after her, my youngest brother. I was the only one old enough to be of any help to anybody for anything. To give you some perspective, by the time I was 19, had graduated high school the year before, and was getting married, the oldest two of them were only in the 4th grade. When I was in the 10th grade, I was babysitting all three of them every day after school, and putting dinner on the table every night for 6 people. I had to give up all my after school activities so I could get home right away to watch them. The two oldest then were in First grade, and the youngest was still going to the babysitters' house every day. It was a pretty miserable existence, as I had absolutely no life of my own. There were other things going on then as well, but nothing I can discuss.
Fortunately, yes, at the end of high school, I met the young man who I would marry, and 42 years later, we are still together, after raising our own two children, and now we are enjoying our own seven grandchildren! My husband is a hard working man, who is still working, and helping to care for me, as I am permanently disabled, and have been for several years now. I used to be a Surgical Technologist, for over 15 years, and enjoyed that very much. I miss it a great deal, as I worked very hard to learn the job in college for 2 years, and then lots of experience after graduating very high in my class.
Thanks very much for your interest, and your sympathy. My best regards...
Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a year to go with this film. Most likely that's why.
Our schools went through 8th grade and then high school 9 through 12. No junior high.
I went to St.Martins catholic school in Mississauga Ontario and I was tortured for 2 years by a bully named Peter. The teachers knew but did nothing.
My grandma was in 6th grade
Yeah. And that locker combination was a bitch!
I still remember mine: 10-20-42. Almost 60 years ago.
Ciao from The Beautiful Island of Sicily. Well here we go again. Dobbie Gillis, The life and loves of Dobbie Gillis, The many loves of Dobbie Gillis, Gilligan's Island, It's about time, The Flying Nun, Treasury Men in action, US Marshall ( Starred John Bromfield). United States Marshals, Blondie, Accidental Family, My Three Son's, Angel, A date with Angel's, Overland Trail, Frontier Doctor, Hudson Bay, Please don't eat the daisies, The Donna Reed Show, The Ann Southern Show, The Loretta Young Show, The new Loretta Young Show, Loretta Young Theater, The adventures of Tug Boat Annie, The Joey Bishop Show, The Danny Thomas Show, Julia, Lawman, Mr. Novack, The Defenders, For The Public, Across the fence, The Lieutenant, The Gallant Men, Garrison's Gorila's, Maggila Gorila, Man from the 25Th Century, I Spy, Mission Impossible, The Dennis O' Keefe Show, Ozark Jubilee, The time tunnel, The Rex Alan Show, The guiding light, The secret storm, As the World turns, Search for Tomorrow, The edge of night, The Spencer Family, Love of life, Road of life, Portia faces life, The egg and I, Our House, Our Five Daughters, Emergency Ward 10 ( British. And it was a great show). No hiding Place ( British. And it too was a great show). The Barbara Stanwyck Show, Hugh Hefner's Playboy Penthouse, Hey Landlord and a few more that I will post later. Buona Notte. Time for Bed.
Be an “intelligent citizen” while showing a voting booth....excellent advice!
Nice thought but so unrealistic. Doesn't fly in today's world. I remember my grade school 1966-1973. I loved every minute of it. Same teacher each year ( different teacher each year.) I loved them. In the second grade Mrs. Miller had us all gather around and she demonstrated the bad effects that smoking had on your lungs by firing up a cigarette, taking a drag and then blowing it through a tissue. The brown stained tissue was then passed around so each could see it. In 1973 I graduated to junior high. For the most part I disliked it immensely. New class every hour, scurrying through hallway and that terrible bell reminding us that we had just minutes to get to where we were going. I always sucked at math. The solution was to make me stand in front of the class at the blackboard and solve math equations. The other students would laugh at my incompetence. Gym class wasn't much different. There were giant ropes that we had to climb. I felt it was too dangerous so I refused. The gym teacher told me that he would fail me if I didn't try it. I told him to fuck off. This when I learned to assert myself. I earned 10 hours of detention but never had to climb those stupid ropes. He was also a fan of dodge ball. Of course the more athletic people formed teams and pummeled the shit out,of the weaker ones. I refused to participate in that BS.
I had the satisfaction as life went on the see the popular jocks fail miserably in their lives after HS.
What is “junior high?” Which grades comprise it?
For us, it was 7th, 8th, and 9th grades.
Junior high was a very hard time for me I was at least a foot shorter than the girls in my school, also about 40 pounds overweight with crooked yellow teeth and a big problem with gas. Even the ugliest girl in school wouldn't give me the time of day. So predictably I played with myself a lot and over time went blind.
All I ever got was a Slap on the Head..
I don't know why or when somebody thought it a good idea to create "middle" school. 6th grade should stay in elementary. The Junior High/High School models seemed the better idea. It was difficult enough to be a 7th grader among 8th and 9th.
Girls were not allowed to wear pants when I was in 7th grade and skirts were much shorter than in this film. By 8th grade, girl's voices were heard and no longer had to worry about guys walking behind you as you walked up the stairs.
I was watching an episode of the 4th season of "Glee" last night, the episode where gun shots are being fired. Getting misty-eyed as while it is acting, it isn't difficult to imagine the terror. I don't think, even as actors, they had to go very deep. Most of the cast were probably going into middle school when the Columbine Massacre happened April 20, 1999. Sadly, more shootings would follow. So, no, no acting.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Wish I was around back jelouse
7th Grade for me I got all Honor Roll's except once. Never got a Deans list though.
8'th grade they actually wanted large kids to do the high jump! Like hell I could do that so I refused. I wasn't going to be a laughing stock for some stupid Gym grade.
Back then you step out of control you got the paddle, slap across the face, hair pulled,etc. When they stopped having corporal punishment in school it brought the out of control schools today.
Conform and try to fit in with those around you, read the manual, memorize the rules. Be responsible, do not be adventurous. If you are a slow reader, do not spend longer hours reading (perhaps developing a love of reading, or a keen interest in a subject in the process). Instead, take the help of a reading specialist (who will tell you tricks to fulfill the reading chore quickly). That way, you will have more time to socialize, more time to memorize other kids' names, more time to be popular. No matter what you do, do not be caught alone in the hallway (else, you may be tempted to actually think). If this isnt indoctrination into herd mentality, then I dont know what is. No wonder our world is filled with sheep.
Ciao E" Buona Serra America da Sicilia ( Hello and Good Evening America from Sicily ). Well here we go again back down memory lane. The outer limits, The World beyond, One step beyond, Horror Theater, Chiller Theater, Sci Fi Theater, Suspense Theater, Beyond our World, Sky King. Sea Hunt, Creature Feature, Wanted dead or alive, The George Gobel show, The Rifleman, Voyage to the bottom of The Sea, The wild wild West, The Prisoner, Man in a suitcase, East Side / West Side, Checkmate, My favorite Martian, Calling all Cars, Police Station, The new breed, The M Squad, The Mothers in law, The Dick Van Dyke show, The Flintstones, Sergeant Preston of The RCMP, RCMP, This is it, The big payoff, The adventures of Danny Dee, The big record, Stop the music, My Friend Irma, Inter Sanctum, The long hot summer, Our private World, Morning Star, Young Man's fancy, The Patty Duke show, Window over Broadway, Mr. Broadway, Johnny Staccato, Two for the money, Break the Bank, The Hero, The Art Linkletter show, The Art Linkletter House party, Make room for Daddy, The Reporter and many more that I will list a little later in the morning. Buona Notte America da Sicilia.
7th grade was hideous (bullies, jumprope in P.E. class). 8th grade a little better (found my niche in concert band). 9th grade, being bombarded by info about the pressures of high school. Ugh.
I got the physical fitness award, 1960, for jump rope in 7th grade. I still have it; framed on the wall. I beat out a girl, no less.
Naw I was raised correctly I go to college with other black students who were raised correctly. If you think you are doing any of us a justice by feeding into stereotypes and lies then you were, as I said before, raised poorly. Where is your pride? My parents taught me all of this.
Not all areas of the country had junior high let alone inside plumbing in them days.
Is this god talking? I always hear that same voice telling how things should be done.
Its sad how women couldnt go much anywhere with their highschool grades and smarts.
Leondro Duncan. So true.Shame.
Many went to college, business/secretarial, or to nursing school. Where did all the female teachers come from that taught all those classes, in K-12 And in Colleges?
Where did all the nurses come from who took care of ALL the sick people in hospitals, or in doctor's offices, in the Visiting Nurse Associations who took care of people who had chronic illnesses, in their homes? Or became Public Health Nurses; School Nurses; Industrial Nurses; Army, Air Force and Navy Nurses who are officers and took/take care of all our military members and their dependents, in peacetime as well as during conflicts; Nurse Educators who taught in those nursing schools; are hospital administrators, etc., and so on? Xray Technicians then, (and Radiology/MRI/CAT scan/Ultrasound technicians now?) Lab Technician Schools? Dental Assistants and Dental Hygenists; Registered Dieticians in charge of Food Service for those hospitals?
Or who went to Secretarial and/or Business Schools to work in all the offices for so many businesses that provided vital services to every community? Those offices don't run themselves. There were many careers open and available to women then. That wasn't really the problem. The real problem came when they considered adding marriage to the mix, and how very difficult other people made it for them to make that choice. It was an "either/or" choice then, and there weren't many alternatives.
Although there were lots of married teachers then, the job itself wasn't quite as thoroughly overwhelming then as it is now. You generally didn't have to worry a whole lot about having to "raise" your students then, because they generally showed up already raised to their grade level by their parents. And your supplies were generally all furnished by the district. You didn't have to dig so deep into your own pockets to supply your classroom.
Actually, I think it was the other way around. The preferred choice back then was towards marriage. The vast majority of women went on to college to find a suitable mate. A good education was just icing on the cake. However, by the time they married and started to have children, the economy was such that both parents had to start working. But, you're right, the occupational choices were pretty limited: nursing, dental assistant, stewardess, accounting, secretarial or teaching.
Praise God for Microsoft, cumputers and the internet.
I hated junior high. High school was okay, though.
How depressing! Ever wonder how many commenters are now dead??? 😢
i am not reading all of this. Maybe you were just raised wrong.
What a horrible time to be an American. Right before the JFK assassination and the start of the war in Vietnam.
Heh. I was 13 when I began to take 3 public busses each way to my high school, downtown in a city of almost 2 million. The school was in the red light district. With winos all over the place. 1962 to 1966 I never heard of anything happening to anybody. Today that same city is 80% "meadows" and you wouldn't dream of walking down a street anywhere there. So WHEN was it a horrible time?
for pete's sake! this is ridiculous - it wasn't like this at all!!!!! this is stupid!
I had good teenage years. In the 60s'. Never felt threatened. Always active.
Marilyn Willett I remember the am radio stations!
@@tumbleweedking5668 Everything good was on AM radio!! 📻 FM radio was all classical music, talk radio for "grownups," and a bunch of other uninteresting blather. AM was where Rock and Roll radio got its start! WGH - AM1310 in Hampton, VA!
Scholastic inc, dumbing down,, teaching lies and unnesseary things, here i come. But how someone survives in the world, oh no! This will never get taught.
Conformity a key to charisma? Oh, no!!!
What kinda nonsense is that to say?
Junior High was a hard time for me I was a good foot shorter then the girls,about 40 pounds to heavy with crooked yellow teeth and a bad problem with gas. Even the ugliest girl in school would not give me the time of day. So predictably I played with myself a lot and over time went blind.