@@BagelBoy97 this all comes from the fact Trump said he's done funding Canadas government and Trudeau said Canada will collapse immediately. You're clearly into one sided information
Jimmy Carter died, Trump asked "what did he ever do?" somebody mentioned carter gave back the panama canal to panama, that's how he got the idea to take it back.
I said something similar a while ago, my theory is that he's trying to get back at Carter because the flags are going to be at half mast for Trumps inauguration, and he wont shutup about how unfair it is. He's trying to damage Jimmys legacy, because his death mildly inconvinienced Trump.
@TheRealHungryHobo Or, alternatively, the Panama canal is rightful property of the US, built with American labor and financed entirely out of the pocket of our taxpayers, and Carter in all his presidential incompetence decided to just give it away.
@@SubjectiveFunnyTrump literally says he wants to invade Greenland (and potentially Canada). Or implement massive tariffs on 2 of the U.S. closest allies in order to annex them, somehow? Tf you mean by “calm down”? 😂
and for no reason, other than pretending to have done something, the USA already has fully military access to do as the please and there is no economy to speak of, just friends to alienate
@@TheSpeedyLoonyCanoli He''ll finally be able to shoot the moon in its face, just like it's always deserved (unlike Trump, where I hope every unhinged nutter reading these comments won't get the idea that it might be preferrable to literally anything else.)
Technically speaking, Taiwan isn't recognised as an independent sovereign state by China, neither by most of the world. Before 1970s, they didn't claim to be sovereign either, instead claiming to be the "real China". According to international law, Taiwan might be seen as a "separatist region", same as Abkhazia and South Ossetia. I wouldn't claim that it would make it moral to invade it, but rather that the current international order doesn't protect unrecognised de facto states and breakaway regions. Which is why Artsakh was annexed by Azerbaïdjan, which is basically morally speaking an occupation and colonization, but because of the lack of its international recognition, nobody cared.
Ironically, this is actually probably distressing to China. One positive of Taiwan's defacto independence is that it represses revanchist politics and territorial claims by China elsewhere. China lays claim to it as naturally part of China's officially recognized unchanging international border because it never signed any agreement agreeing to that change or independence. China is fiercely opposed to territorial changes internationally because it thinks it will undermine its claim to Taiwan. If force can change borders, then a strong foreign power can say Taiwan is independent because we say so. Putin, despite nominally being allied to China, actually did a lot to undermine Chinese foreign policy, which may explain why they didn't support him further and have maintained that Ukraine must retain its territorial integrity. Now it seems he's also undermined the post-WW2 international order, that international borders cannot be changed with force (at least outside of fracturing internally), and even the US now seems to be in agreement. Strange times.
@@Li-Fu7 "and even the US now seems to be in agreement." The United States hasn't really changed. We've had a contingency plan in the back pocket to have Taiwan petition to become an American state, and accept them, as a quick fire way of protecting them from China if something does seem like it's about to happen.... You know, exactly like what we pulled with Texas. Look up the Taiwanese polls on American statehood...... Why is Taiwan polling it's population every few years on joining the United States anyway? That seems like an awfully strange question to randomly put on your official national polls, Republic of China.... It's almost like they're in on it. The last time America fought a war for explicit territorial expansion was admittedly a decent bit ago, but not as far back as you might think, and there has always been a strong undercurrent of....... desire towards Canada since well before the war of 1812, that has never gone away. We literally have a deal with Panama that explicitly includes invading them with military force. We also have a literal 'invade the Netherlands' bill signed into law, that was signed within the 2000's by the way, just in case the international criminal court ever tries to try and American. America has been desperately trying to keep the post-WW2 order alive, sacrificing and paying into an international order that doesn't even directly benefit it. America buy's all of it's imports at normal international rates, while our allies continue to cut deals and jockey for beneficial deals with our adversaries who are trying to tear the order down. The entire point was to make competitors not enemies eventually with the entire planet, but everyone else just keeps trying to build little sheltered economic spheres of influence. At some point, after watching the pathetic response to Russia, and the increasingly pathetic repose to a rising and expansionist China (they just killed five people invading a small Filipino island, again, for like the seventh time in the last hundred days, aaaaaand nothing, not a peep). At some point the US, while still clearly the strongest military power in the world and overwhelmingly the nation with the most to gain, goes fuck it, retreats to the continent but lashes out and takes what we can while we do so. Look, all I'm saying is we need a land connection to Alaska. Vancouver, or war.
How to run a successful peaceful country: Step 1: Threaten all your close allies Step 2: Threaten to use military force to take back what's not yours Step 3: Complain on your social media app about your clingy boyfriend who payed millions to befriend you
Let's be real, no significant deflation is going to occur unless restructuring is done to the bloated entitlement programs, which neither party has the stomach for.
Fr that’s true, but this lady is wrong on a few things. Trump will take the Panama Canal, it’s an easy and simple and Panama would not start a war over it, the Panama people would not want their sons dying for a stupid canal. I don’t agree with taking it but this lady is wrong on a few things. Trump always sticks to his threats. He believes power through strength and it works. He threatened several countries with tariffs, which they either already fixed their borders or did what the US said which is raise there military percentage up to what it’s suppose to be as only a few countries meet NATO requirement. The US basically gives free money out. He’s using threats and they work. For people who don’t know the government of Greenland is already creating an independence paper go look it up the governor is. They want to be an independent country so they don’t even want to be a part of Denmark so we have no idea what the hell is going on. I doubt that would happen. Panama is for sure and I’m willing to bet my entire life on it. Canada is doubtful but the 1812 economic treaty witched the US tried to use almost worked it absolutely crippled there economy. Whether it would be just as effective or not, I’m not sure but it’s certainly cripple it somewhat. Especially how Canada has been printing out dollars the last nine years like it’s infinite money. That’s why inflation going up crazy there. Ah a shit show everything is ain’t it
He doesn't want to do any of this stuff He just wants you guys to talk about this instead of the fact that he's not going to do a damn thing about prices but make them higher just like he did his last presidency. And here you are eating a worm.
Oh yeah, helped Panama gain independence by founding paramilitary groups and taking advantage of a weakened country like they always do. Donald Trump should bother about the damn bussiness of his country only. Latin america already suffered enough gringo interventions in the 20th century
I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the Corporate States of America. And to the Oligarchy, for which it stands, one nation, under Capitalism, for Liberty and Justice for the 1%. Amen
since the American health care companies are the number one doners to political campaigns the CEOs that run those companies are likely the most powerful people in the United states.
Putin should have taught us already that these threats should be taken seriously. A leader of a powerful state wanting to take control of other countries is unsettling.
@@TheSteinbittyes and no. Under Congress's interpretation of the Constitution, the President may only introduce troops into hostilities in three circumstances: (1) following a congressional declaration of war; (2) following congressional authorization of the use of force; or (3) following a national emergency created by an attack on U.S. homeland.
"The people of -Canada- Austria are going to love being a part of -America- Germany. If we unify, think what a great country that would be! "Denmark needs to understand that -Greenland- Jutland has a very major geostrategic importance. We need to have military bases there, even if the people of Denmark want to maintain neutrality. They need to give us bases in -Greenland- Jutland." "The -Panama Canal- City of Danzig was built and developed by -Americans- Germans. It always belonged to -America- Germany, and we need to take it back, by force if necessary"
Yeah Man Danzig was german since the 12th century and the NSDAP was the largest party in the free city of Danzig. Austrians supported the anschluss, the dictator of Austria did not but his troops didn't obey.
I'd say the comparisons here are pretty bad Austria was at least moreso than not willing to join germany. Panama does not have any majority american areas anywhere in their country nor does the canal area or panama want to join whereas danzig did. Greenland yeah sure maybe but Trump's also not going to use military force there and if anything is going to try and diplomatically coerce them to joining probably by economic means.
He did not say he would use military force. He was asked to rule it out. By saying he would, he gives away his greatest weapon. In other words he doesnt tells other countries his next move. He keeps them guessing like a chess game. It's a good strategy. Obama eould just say what he would do and wouldn't follow through and it made him look weak.
Definitely the Global South takes note about how (un)stable the US is. The next time when a western country comes to a third world country, they should think thrice about the lectures given to the 3rd world country. 😙
That’s a ridiculous point. If Trump offers a trillion dollars for Greenland. They could have free healthcare for 60,000 thousand for a longtime not including probably an Alaskan oil fund.
@@WheelDeal101 I can already see how unpopular that would be. Like imagine spending boat loads of money to invade an ally and then proceed to spend "trillions" providing them free healthcare while the rest of us are stuck dealing with the god awful insurance healthcare we got. Although the oil fund could be a good idea if that crack head plan of Trump ever happened. Although, good luck convincing the newly conquered people that you're taking their resources.
Canadian here - there's an election coming up and I'm voting for whoever wants to diversify our trade more with the EU, UK, the Commonwealth, Central and Latin America, South East Asia, and Africa, at the expense of USA trade dominance. I'm sick of being at the whim of America's manic bipolar swings every 4 years. The USA shot itself in the foot electing this moron.
Trust me, as someone in the UK, you want NOTHING to do with the EU. They are totalitarian in a way you would not believe. Be grateful you have America next to you, Brussels is killing our entire continent.
Trump wants trade war? We should give him what he wants get all countries to make a coalition and have them trade among themselves and exclude the US. It's the best way to combat the orange imbecile
@@solsunman383As an American, it's your fault you're countries aren't paying 2% in defense, leaving us to defend you at the cost of ME. Trump never said he would use force. It's called chess and keeps other countries guessing his next move. As your allie that has protected you (assuming you're in nato) for decades at MY expense, we don't give a f* about your say after you screwed us over for decades. We're tired of being f*d in the butt and now nobodys gonna stop us when we try to recover our debt you got us into. Using any means necessary.
Its not even a debate. A few nationalists in Central America want to be called Americans so they claim North and South America as one continent. Meanwhile the entire rest of the world acknowledges that North and South America are separate continents.
@@bleyk_267 But then you have H1B. USA technically won't ever have worker shortage. You see, for every illegal immigrant, you can have a legal immigrant.
@@lilquakeroats554 I'm not offended, it's just an unnecessary detail, so it sounds odd The linguistic term for this is the "maxim of quantity", say what you want to say and nothing more
Americans hate Trump also, no one here is wondering that lol. This is a disgrace to our nation, he was only elected because the country didn't want to see a woman in office. We are all taking aback with him talking like this.
Or why Europe is cutting ties with America. Kamala Harris should form "a new special relationship" with Pedro Sanchez's Spain. Because Starmer and Macron are forming a new Trans-Atlantic Entente Cordiale.
Wym i'm not american i love this. With how much Russia and Chinese are getting aggressive i want to have a stong ally like US closer to Europe. Trump is the best that could happen for us
หลายเดือนก่อน +847
What's crazy is that his supporters just dismiss this as "he's trolling" and keep supporting him
He’s not trolling and I fully support him. It’s about time America stops pretending that we aren’t the leader of the world and that our allies actually have a say in what we do
USA: "We condemn Russian Annexation of Ukraine land!" Also USA: "How about I annex half of North America like no respect to foreign sovereignty" 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Well these are completely different political parties with different politics so It's pretty unsurprising to see their policies being so different, but Trump is a r**ard and nobody could expect this rhetoric.
Canada does not have an NHS (National health service), it is provincial responsibility, for Quebec it's called RAMQ and everywhere else has a different name and they owe to at least do follow the standards of the Canadian health act.
You'll be lucky if drinking isn't illegalized period. The man is a teetotaler, he doesn't drink. And if he accomplishes the things he claims to want, who's to say that he couldn't eliminate drinking entirely either? Right are privileges, they can be revoked at a moment's notice if someone has enough support from other politicians.
sure, all the warriors went to america, so we send one states national guard to conquer Denmark. Sounds good to me, they can be a solid little territory. Coming full circle.
@@memecliparchives2254 just because you get one sided news I understand why you think it's no reason. Why is the US required to give money to Canada in order to fund the government existing
You work for 42yrs to have $2m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $20k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires.I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life...
Well explain thank you for bringing up this video Financial education is indeed required for more than 80% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject. The value of the US🇺🇲 dollar is declining due to inflation, but it is increasing in comparison to other currencies and commodities such as gold and real estate. I'm worried that rising inflation will cause my 550k in my retirement funds to lose value, But with the help of Mrs Maria I hit 220k this week from my investment of 45k, I am truly grateful for all the knowledge and nuggets you have given me over the past few months.
@josephfulwiler5604 He's not powerful enough to do that, he needs to comply with establishment as any leader anywhere. It's much better for him when people are talking of something absurd instead of him being convicted felon who organised attack on capitol.
he already talked with Putin. they are together. ultimately it is kind of hitler LARPer iteration, we are in the Taimanin universe or something, not fallout though.
annex canada (the west bank) take the panama canal (egyptian suez) annex greenland (lebanon) move into northern mexico to fight cartels (southern syria to destroy weapons)
@@MacrohardOnfireExcelSuite He wasn't raised in a bubble he litterally had to go round and collect rent money from some pretty grim places from all sections of society. He also wasn't spoiled. Quite the opposite in fact. Whilst his upbringing was more privileged in many aspects his father gave him very little emotionally, in terms of respect etc. I don't like the guy but its important to be accurate, he really isn't who you say he is. His reasons for being this way are different. He's almost certainly diagnosable narcist for example. This it nothing to do with upbringings but is largely genetic
@@Damascene-Syria yea but let's not pretend now that the USA had a different policy in the past. They make up lies to invade other countries and then they start wars. At the same time their citizens sleep the sleep of the righteous believing they spread freedom and democracy while they don't even understand what democracy is . Their education system has failed em the most
Historians will look back on this period of history with bemusement. I will never understand how people of the ilk of Trump, Boris and Le Pen ever gained such notoriety and power.
Population wise its almost identical to California. •Canada 40.1 million •California 38.97 million In fact California has a larger economy. California's economy is larger than Canada's, with California's GDP being 1.7 times higher than Canada's in 2022.
@jonathanbowen3640 ok but then why is delaware, rhode island, ohio, idaho separate states then? They don't have 40 million people. Other than california, new york, florida and texas all the other states are not as rich and populous
@@boldisordorin9010because the 13 colonies for separate and independent Sovereign entities when they fought in the War of Independence 250 years ago and the whole premise of the project until the Constitution was that they would essentially operate as their own Sovereign countries afterwards. Canada does not have that history. that said, if Canada was somehow magically incorporated into the United States I think the obvious thing would just be for each province to become its own state.
@@jonathanbowen3640 distance is more important than density. the lowest pop 20 states could all be neatly combined and _still_ be less people then cali, but their interests wouldn't be represented very well as that giga-frankenstate
@blakepennycook8952 it's hilarious how the US doesn't need to fight. We just need to stop helping economically. Trudeau already said the country would collapse immediately
I love it, because the biggest the service you do to yourself is having a preconceived notion that Trump is doing this without a “ come on man deal” taking place.
No, you are not. What is there is faint memory of the ancient past. So called "Natives" speaks the tongue of conqueror instead of their forefathers. They worship the god of Conquerors and has discarded the faith of their forefathers as devil worship. The so called ''culture'' and "tradition" they follow are just disney version of ancient culture which has lost their meaning. Even they carry the dna of the Conquerors .
The so called "N@tives" speaks tongue of '!nvader', follows faith of '!nvader', carries equal amount of DNA of '!nvader'. The so called "¢ultured" and "Tr@ditions" are disney version of ancient civilizations which has lost its meaning. - A logical man
@@bamaramify Republicans would have thrown a fit of epic proportions if Biden behaved even half as deranged as this. Imagine the headlines on Fox News, even The Onion would have trouble imagining such a bisarre scenario.
He went from "We don't want to fight in senseless wars" cutting relations to Ukraine but then creates a senseless war and one probably more costly than what they currently have
Half of the governments and Europe are currently unstable and can't form proper parliaments. I mean nearly 1/4th of the UK lives in poverty but we're the problem?
@@nahiyanalamgir7056 Canada's conservatives would still be the equivalent of moderate democrats or Romney-style Republicans. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but there's no way 2/3 of Senators would support it.
I think you will find America voted for him, overwhelmingly. You may not be able to handle that, but that is exactly what America wants. Sit back and be silent, they have all the power, your whining only makes you miserable. Chin up champ, it will be OK.
Here's the difference Trump won by a bigger margin than anyone else since obama. And i know it may be hard to handle but yes sometimes in a democracy the person you dislike can win.
To put it bluntly. If the people of Greenland are daft enough to forgoe the protection of Denmark by insisiting on full independance instead of settling for their current autonomy, what do they think is going to happen? Of course the US will muscle in, take over, and strip-mine the place. Think Hawaii and Puerto Rico among any number of other precedents - the US is an agressive colonial power, regardless of what they say to themselves. If the world won't adequately help Ukraine why would 50k Greenlanders get any help at all when it's America invading? As an aside I suspet Canada won't be pleased to find itself surrounded by a semi-hostile neighbour, and no doubt Panama might have a few things to say on their own behalf.
You are right ofc but it's not exactly the same thing between Greenland and Ukraine. Ukraine has been historically tied to Russia , so they do have some say in what goes on there and NATO has been putting pressure on Russia's borders by trying to add Ukraine to NATO. On the other hand, Greenland belongs to Denmark which is a European ex-colonial country historically tied to USA (New York i believe was built by them? ) and to the rest of the Western Europe unlike Ukraine which had little to do with Europe for most of the time ( It had Greeks at its shorelines a very long time ago and that later became irrelevant ) There's gonna be a lot of pushback by the European Union and UK in Greenland's case. I expect American bases to close everywhere in Europe if something like that happens
@@gmodrules123456789 I am not an american, but they will intervene? And what will they do? They are much much weaker, they can't even properly supply Ukraine on their own.
He doesn’t want to expand anything beyond his ego. He wrote the book on the art of the deal. You start with an outrageous demand and then you scale back from it to a more reasonable demand. That’s how you get what you want. That’s how children do it when they drop to the ground and cry for things they can’t have.
Yeah that may work in business, that might even work with your enemies. That doesn't work with your ALLIES. Denmark is an ALLY of th USA. Threatening your ally with war is probably a bad thing, dont you think? Unless ofcourse you are an imperialist, in which case it's exactly what you want, because allies are meaningless. Only the yet to be conquered.
@@ri3121 Its politics, and the US doesnt have any permanent allies, most countries don't (unless its some age old stuff like Romania and Serbia). The EU and its member states are just another competitor in the long term from the pow of the US, simple as that.
America’s better than Russia in every meaningful way, so I don’t know where the “discount” is coming from. His actions are of course somewhat similar to some of Russia’s, though
@egs06 I do agree America is better to live in than Russia etc. This was more like an comparison of the "turned bad for anyone around" aspect. In Russia you have a forever president with one fully controlled doubler. He is dependent on oligarchs but still more like a biggest fish in a pond that just cant show weakness. Russia was set up on that thinly weiled confrontational course vs west for decades by now. So you can say that for them - there isn't that much to loose other than the risk of becoming even more of China puppet. And its likely there will be some "buisness as usual" motion if Russia manages to win in Ukrainie. TLDR - Russia is seen like a cartoon evil figurehead already - everyone knows it is bad, downrigh expext it to cause shit For USA - Musk basically openly bought its way into controlling big chunk of goverment, other biliarders dont even hide it that they are willing to make concessions just to jump onto that oligarch train. All seems like they will just steer Trump as they want with all that combined capital - if nothing changes. And if Trump does even half of his more "concerning" forein plans it would rock USA ally structures and global standing much worse than what Russia suffered so far. And it wont be possibile to just repair it anytime soon. Invasion on ally countries without justification, open threat game instead of diplomacy, backstabbing allies that gave up enough nuclear delivery methods that it would make any country instantly into 3rd strongest army in the world trusting in your guarantees etc. All of that fallout would hit USA more than Russia since USA relies more on its allies and international blocks. Russia already was in a weak position there, so it all falling to shit isn't as painfull if you have not much to loose. Not even mentioning how it would be a golden opportunity for China - having both Russia and US nuke their own global standing while it is the only global power not smeared in shit by the end of it, and Europe is wide open for economic takever afther US and Russia effectively do a Ribbentrop-Mołotow 2.0 - but with influence sferes. All of it would hurt Europe and probably let pro-China narrative skyrocket with some external manipulation, especially if EU bans Twitter somewhere along the way - making US influence weaker and ending in a trade war with it. Then China is the only option left that seems at least not openly hostile. Mabe 4 years is not enough time for EU to fully detach from US, but the relation damage would be huge.
@@Dressyone223 By making it lose all the alliances and its word standing that made it the global superpower in the first place ? Brother USA become strongest naton on Earth BECAUSE you couldnt really challenge it without turning it into word war, but the one where only 1 side have meaningfull allies. Well at least China will be very happy about US and RU coming out of it all smeared in shit... while it alone would stay mostly clear out of it, get weakened RU as a economic puppet and at the same time be seen as the only less hostile and imperialistic word power left. It dont matter if that would be true, countries will flock to it and just overlook its domestic expansion since they wont be affected by it, unlike things like USA opening up a trade war. So yeah, you can be pround of being a usefull tool for the country Trump claim to be your main enemy lmao.
As a European I have to say I feel betrayed. NATO was supposed to make us brothers. We were with the US when they used article 5, most NATO members supported them in a war that had nothing to do with us. Now, all these years later, the president of the US is threatening to take part of a EU and NATO member. Absolutely disgusting. If yesterday you would have asked me: "Would you fight to defend the US?", I would have said: "Yes, I would be willing to give me life like their great grandparents did to defend mine.".. now? I don't know anymore, especially because convervatives on Reddit say it's a good idea.
As an American, we are tired of being slapped by our allies not paying 2%, and we're spending to protect you and going into more debt. You're weak as hell, we don't care about your voice, you treated us like trash over decades. Now you don't have a stong enough military to challenge us. Like we need your permission? Cry kid. Now we're taking actions to get us out of debt, this is a game of chess. Trump keeps leaders guessing his next move, he never said he'd use force when he was asked that question. It's called "dropping an Anchor" in business terms. Look it up. Appreciate you polish for being conservative and being one of the very few countries to care and not rely on us as much.
... and 3D printer sales in Canada have reached an all time high. If we've learned anything from Ukraine, it's that resistance starts with a 3D printer and FPV drones.
If canada joined us and became multiple providences I think they'd push us to be less conservative and demand medicare for all and a bunch of other policy changes, the parties might also get a left instead of just center and right. They might change a lot.
As an American, I am disgusted. Now I know what liberal Russians and Chinese feel like. I’m so glad I live in Europe. I would gladly fight for Denmark against America despite being born in Indiana and being a US citizen.
exactly.. disgusting is the right word. at least you still do not have laws offering 7 years in prison with dragon fines for "army discreditation". maybe it's your future if you follow us on track of voting populist monopolizing the office
We spent the last 4 years seeing Joe Biden trip up the stairs and sleep in meetings. Imagine voting for 4 more years of that but instead of a sleepy old person, it’s an Indian hyena downplaying everything, lying in your face.
Canada, USA & Mexico would link together as one country called C.U.M.
Stop no it wouldn't
Add Greenland and it could be called CUMLAND
hell NO, keep trumps c.u.m. far away from the north pole or any other place
This lad will literally drive the Onion out of business…
Fr, how are they going to come up with unbelievably ridiculous headlines now?
I think he’s trying to bail out Alex Jones after he had to sell InfoWars to The Onion.
@@christianbolisca1493Hate to break it to you. That purchase got c-blocked by a fun-hating judge
@@scotandiamapping4549 "Trump does something sensible"
They will turn into a real news organization
The HOI4 mod is quite real as you can imagine.
The Fire Rises moment
Inlove this comment
Bros justifying before he could even start his focus😭
TFR is better than TNO tbh, something about so close yet far from reach yet.
The new mod dropped bois " Road to 2026"
This is basically Trump taking pages out of "Fallout" lore.
maybe HOI4
Fallout had bunkers built before the bombs dropped. Ordinary people went into the vaults. Only the rich and powerful have that option in this reality.
In the fallout universe. The US violently annexed Canada and china invaded anchorage alaska.
@@taurus4x the common vaults were social experiments designed by the Enclave / Vault Tech.
Bro is doing a Hearts of Iron 4 achievement run and you can’t persuade me he isn’t.
He’s letting Barron direct foreign policy from his gamer chair
@@BagelBoy97 this all comes from the fact Trump said he's done funding Canadas government and Trudeau said Canada will collapse immediately. You're clearly into one sided information
Is that actually you Mati lol
The US will fall the same way Rome did
Jimmy Carter died, Trump asked "what did he ever do?" somebody mentioned carter gave back the panama canal to panama, that's how he got the idea to take it back.
I said something similar a while ago, my theory is that he's trying to get back at Carter because the flags are going to be at half mast for Trumps inauguration, and he wont shutup about how unfair it is.
He's trying to damage Jimmys legacy, because his death mildly inconvinienced Trump.
@TheRealHungryHobo Or, alternatively, the Panama canal is rightful property of the US, built with American labor and financed entirely out of the pocket of our taxpayers, and Carter in all his presidential incompetence decided to just give it away.
@@TheRealHungryHobo haha I am afraid you might be right. 🙈
Apparently he's got taxes he needs to pay in Panama so there's also that.
But, remember, he was the anti-war candidate
Clown 🤡 world i swear
There wont be a war, Denmark wont lift a finger.
He is still anti war. Look at biden what happened under his watch
@@fuerstmetternich1997 the US has a terrible recent record in wars. They couldn’t even beat the Afghans
The "cheap gas and groceries" president starting trade wars with their two closest trade partners.
I wonder how this will make groceries cheaper
simple we take over greenland and use there greenland to grow our crops
@@thanosianthemadtitanic get your burger nation out of thare
@@thanosianthemadtitanic-30C sure dude
@@thanosianthemadtitanic>look inside us
>farm land
@@thanosianthemadtitanic you know how expensive that'll be?
HOI4 non historical AI be like
Anchuluss canada!
Last time I tried to play US, I didn’t understand navel and was losing to Japan lol
@@glhfggwp6232 Did the Japanese tickle your belly button so much?
lmfao, imagine Britain(rather Dennark this time) caving and the Monroe Convention getting accepted!
Americans when their foreign policy is comedy: surprised pikachu
We got old-timey imperialist wars before gta 6
Oh calm down, you guys are getting carried away.
Nut up.
@@SubjectiveFunny Who are 'you guys'?
@@litterbox2010 Don't play dumb, come on now..
@@SubjectiveFunnyTrump literally says he wants to invade Greenland (and potentially Canada). Or implement massive tariffs on 2 of the U.S. closest allies in order to annex them, somehow?
Tf you mean by “calm down”? 😂
gta6 will be garbage anyway
Born too late to conquer the world, born too early to conquer space, born just in time to conquer Greenland.
and for no reason, other than pretending to have done something, the USA already has fully military access to do as the please and there is no economy to speak of, just friends to alienate
Born just in time to conquer the moon
@@TheSpeedyLoonyCanoli he's gonna be dead before that lmao
@@valmiro4164Reported to FBI
@@TheSpeedyLoonyCanoli He''ll finally be able to shoot the moon in its face, just like it's always deserved (unlike Trump, where I hope every unhinged nutter reading these comments won't get the idea that it might be preferrable to literally anything else.)
Trump before election: No new wars! No new wars! America first!
Trump now: WW3 speedrun
Indeed no more wars if world war 3 happen it will be last war of human civilization due to nuclear radiation and winter.
I can’t believe that the republicans fell for his bait and voted for him AGAIN
@@Coliin_2024 I can't believe you actually think USA will go to war with canada/greenland/panama. It'll be economic lmao
@@Coliin_2024 he even easily made Bush a saint
@tamzidmohsinkhan3333 yes lol
China to Taiwan: See? It's just normal foreign policy, everyone does it.
By threatening to end economic support and do tariffs lmao ok
@@bamaramify + threatning to take military action if your "business partner" doesn't want to sell... Don't forgot that😅
Technically speaking, Taiwan isn't recognised as an independent sovereign state by China, neither by most of the world. Before 1970s, they didn't claim to be sovereign either, instead claiming to be the "real China". According to international law, Taiwan might be seen as a "separatist region", same as Abkhazia and South Ossetia. I wouldn't claim that it would make it moral to invade it, but rather that the current international order doesn't protect unrecognised de facto states and breakaway regions. Which is why Artsakh was annexed by Azerbaïdjan, which is basically morally speaking an occupation and colonization, but because of the lack of its international recognition, nobody cared.
Ironically, this is actually probably distressing to China. One positive of Taiwan's defacto independence is that it represses revanchist politics and territorial claims by China elsewhere. China lays claim to it as naturally part of China's officially recognized unchanging international border because it never signed any agreement agreeing to that change or independence.
China is fiercely opposed to territorial changes internationally because it thinks it will undermine its claim to Taiwan. If force can change borders, then a strong foreign power can say Taiwan is independent because we say so.
Putin, despite nominally being allied to China, actually did a lot to undermine Chinese foreign policy, which may explain why they didn't support him further and have maintained that Ukraine must retain its territorial integrity. Now it seems he's also undermined the post-WW2 international order, that international borders cannot be changed with force (at least outside of fracturing internally), and even the US now seems to be in agreement. Strange times.
@@Li-Fu7 "and even the US now seems to be in agreement."
The United States hasn't really changed. We've had a contingency plan in the back pocket to have Taiwan petition to become an American state, and accept them, as a quick fire way of protecting them from China if something does seem like it's about to happen.... You know, exactly like what we pulled with Texas.
Look up the Taiwanese polls on American statehood...... Why is Taiwan polling it's population every few years on joining the United States anyway? That seems like an awfully strange question to randomly put on your official national polls, Republic of China.... It's almost like they're in on it.
The last time America fought a war for explicit territorial expansion was admittedly a decent bit ago, but not as far back as you might think, and there has always been a strong undercurrent of....... desire towards Canada since well before the war of 1812, that has never gone away.
We literally have a deal with Panama that explicitly includes invading them with military force. We also have a literal 'invade the Netherlands' bill signed into law, that was signed within the 2000's by the way, just in case the international criminal court ever tries to try and American.
America has been desperately trying to keep the post-WW2 order alive, sacrificing and paying into an international order that doesn't even directly benefit it. America buy's all of it's imports at normal international rates, while our allies continue to cut deals and jockey for beneficial deals with our adversaries who are trying to tear the order down. The entire point was to make competitors not enemies eventually with the entire planet, but everyone else just keeps trying to build little sheltered economic spheres of influence.
At some point, after watching the pathetic response to Russia, and the increasingly pathetic repose to a rising and expansionist China (they just killed five people invading a small Filipino island, again, for like the seventh time in the last hundred days, aaaaaand nothing, not a peep). At some point the US, while still clearly the strongest military power in the world and overwhelmingly the nation with the most to gain, goes fuck it, retreats to the continent but lashes out and takes what we can while we do so.
Look, all I'm saying is we need a land connection to Alaska. Vancouver, or war.
Classic National Focus Tree.
"Demand Greenland"
"Fate of Canada"
"Greenland or war!"
Dude is unironically treating foreign policy like a hoi4 game 😭
soviet event pop-up
"panama what?"
(tannu tuva anexation)
„Why die for Greenland“
this is the funniest shit
Putin: I invade my Enemies
Trump: I invade my Allies
One is crazier than the other...
Yes, how is nobody condemning a leader of a country openly toying with an idea of invading another nation ??
@@dawnrider3209we are, and German and France leaders as well.
Danesbot 🇩🇰🤓
America is sick of our "Allies" using us.
How to run a successful peaceful country:
Step 1: Threaten all your close allies
Step 2: Threaten to use military force to take back what's not yours
Step 3: Complain on your social media app about your clingy boyfriend who payed millions to befriend you
We are not allies with USA from Mexico love Russia
I don't care for chick flicks
Do you enjoy being ignorant
Hes gonna set a great example for other countries
They really thought he will reduce grocery prices, lol.
Oh he will. Once he’s in office we are gonna drill so much that it will bring energy prices down dramatically and everything else will follow
@@brandonjones8059 Naive.
@@brandonjones8059 The companies who are selling groceries are Trump lobbyists😂. Well, good luck with that
@@brandonjones8059 delusional
Let's be real, no significant deflation is going to occur unless restructuring is done to the bloated entitlement programs, which neither party has the stomach for.
Goes from being anti war and fixing the American Economy to just playing a map game. We truly are in the fallout timeline now.
I know and its fucking awesome.
@@Russell-sb6kj you’d say anything he does is awesome
"fixing the American Economy ", not one of his 'promises' would help the economy. It's a setup for another big business bailout like in 2008
strategy.. wat map game
@@Russell-sb6kjyou're going to be cannon fodder
Now i see why he was reluctant to condemn the Russian invasion
Yeah, I expect him to drop out of nato
Fr that’s true, but this lady is wrong on a few things. Trump will take the Panama Canal, it’s an easy and simple and Panama would not start a war over it, the Panama people would not want their sons dying for a stupid canal. I don’t agree with taking it but this lady is wrong on a few things. Trump always sticks to his threats. He believes power through strength and it works. He threatened several countries with tariffs, which they either already fixed their borders or did what the US said which is raise there military percentage up to what it’s suppose to be as only a few countries meet NATO requirement. The US basically gives free money out. He’s using threats and they work. For people who don’t know the government of Greenland is already creating an independence paper go look it up the governor is. They want to be an independent country so they don’t even want to be a part of Denmark so we have no idea what the hell is going on. I doubt that would happen. Panama is for sure and I’m willing to bet my entire life on it. Canada is doubtful but the 1812 economic treaty witched the US tried to use almost worked it absolutely crippled there economy. Whether it would be just as effective or not, I’m not sure but it’s certainly cripple it somewhat. Especially how Canada has been printing out dollars the last nine years like it’s infinite money. That’s why inflation going up crazy there. Ah a shit show everything is ain’t it
He won't actualy do it though since almost all the countries are close with the eu and nato.
It is a distracion from his failings.
As an American, I'm okay with Russia having Ukraine if the US gets Greenland to Panama.
He doesn't want to do any of this stuff He just wants you guys to talk about this instead of the fact that he's not going to do a damn thing about prices but make them higher just like he did his last presidency. And here you are eating a worm.
If Donal Trump wants to go that route, Panama belonged to Colombia long before his father was even born
And then we helped Panama gain independence for the right to build the Canal whats your point?
Oh yeah, helped Panama gain independence by founding paramilitary groups and taking advantage of a weakened country like they always do.
Donald Trump should bother about the damn bussiness of his country only. Latin america already suffered enough gringo interventions in the 20th century
Donald Trump should mind the bussiness of his damn country only. Latin america suffered enough in the 20th century thanks to the US
The US should mind its own bussiness. Latin america has suffered enough interventionism from the US in the 20th century
@@Andres-hc4vqshow proof of your statement
I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the Corporate States of America. And to the Oligarchy, for which it stands, one nation, under Capitalism, for Liberty and Justice for the 1%. Amen
Oh, say can you see
The McDonalds overseas
With* liberty and justice.
since the American health care companies are the number one doners to political campaigns the CEOs that run those companies are likely the most powerful people in the United states.
It's the 0.1% though.
Putin should have taught us already that these threats should be taken seriously. A leader of a powerful state wanting to take control of other countries is unsettling.
One state has a Congress , the other has no Congress.
@@birdatbattlefield This talk is all Duma and Gluma right? I doubt what you call the upper and lower houses changes anything
@@birdatbattlefieldusa has invaded without a congress before no?
@@birdatbattlefield Russia has a council and the State Duma and it hasn't stopped them
@@TheSteinbittyes and no. Under Congress's interpretation of the Constitution, the President may only introduce troops into hostilities in three circumstances: (1) following a congressional declaration of war; (2) following congressional authorization of the use of force; or (3) following a national emergency created by an attack on U.S. homeland.
"The people of -Canada- Austria are going to love being a part of -America- Germany. If we unify, think what a great country that would be!
"Denmark needs to understand that -Greenland- Jutland has a very major geostrategic importance. We need to have military bases there,
even if the people of Denmark want to maintain neutrality. They need to give us bases in -Greenland- Jutland."
"The -Panama Canal- City of Danzig was built and developed by -Americans- Germans. It always belonged to -America- Germany,
and we need to take it back, by force if necessary"
Hell yuh
Yeah Man Danzig was german since the 12th century and the NSDAP was the largest party in the free city of Danzig.
Austrians supported the anschluss, the dictator of Austria did not but his troops didn't obey.
@@hkl2007 and that explains hitlers genocide of europe how?
I'd say the comparisons here are pretty bad Austria was at least moreso than not willing to join germany. Panama does not have any majority american areas anywhere in their country nor does the canal area or panama want to join whereas danzig did. Greenland yeah sure maybe but Trump's also not going to use military force there and if anything is going to try and diplomatically coerce them to joining probably by economic means.
USA: *Mmmmmm* you looking great today
Canada: Ayo wtf dude we're literally cousins
em ok i guess i didnt need to see this
Brothers, their parents are France and the British Empire
@@simpleviewer1334not cannon
More like Brother and Sister
@ usa is the sister
Trump 2024: "I don't want people to die."
Trump 2025: "Blood for the blood god...
He did not say he would use military force. He was asked to rule it out. By saying he would, he gives away his greatest weapon. In other words he doesnt tells other countries his next move. He keeps them guessing like a chess game. It's a good strategy. Obama eould just say what he would do and wouldn't follow through and it made him look weak.
No one is going to die over Greenland lol.
@Swiftninjatrev That's beneficial to you and me how though
Definitely the Global South takes note about how (un)stable the US is. The next time when a western country comes to a third world country, they should think thrice about the lectures given to the 3rd world country. 😙
Greenland has free healthcare, it would be a downgrade
They give up 44% of their pay and cost of living is about 25% more than the US :)
That’s a ridiculous point. If Trump offers a trillion dollars for Greenland. They could have free healthcare for 60,000 thousand for a longtime not including probably an Alaskan oil fund.
@@WheelDeal101 I can already see how unpopular that would be. Like imagine spending boat loads of money to invade an ally and then proceed to spend "trillions" providing them free healthcare while the rest of us are stuck dealing with the god awful insurance healthcare we got. Although the oil fund could be a good idea if that crack head plan of Trump ever happened. Although, good luck convincing the newly conquered people that you're taking their resources.
@@WheelDeal101 That money is then going to Denmark not greenland
I love how Americans think they have a better life than European standards would be a huge downgrade just another minority to not give a fuck about
Canadian here - there's an election coming up and I'm voting for whoever wants to diversify our trade more with the EU, UK, the Commonwealth, Central and Latin America, South East Asia, and Africa, at the expense of USA trade dominance.
I'm sick of being at the whim of America's manic bipolar swings every 4 years.
The USA shot itself in the foot electing this moron.
As a dutch person we haven't forgotten you liverated us during ww2 and would welcome you openly in terms of closer relations ❤
Trust me, as someone in the UK, you want NOTHING to do with the EU.
They are totalitarian in a way you would not believe.
Be grateful you have America next to you, Brussels is killing our entire continent.
Cry more 😂. Hopefully Canada elects a conservative.
Trump wants trade war? We should give him what he wants
get all countries to make a coalition and have them trade among themselves and exclude the US.
It's the best way to combat the orange imbecile
@@mr.x817 Cry more, your prices won't go down, but up ( with the tariffs). Meanwhile they have free healthcare
Greater America is literally out of Hitler's playbook
"OMG HE'S LITERALLY HITLER!!!!". Ignores nearly every European country.
and israel
@@hasoonnine Islamic caliphate*
Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler OMG
France should take Statue of Liberty back because they built it 😂
Also, the USA should definitely return it. They no longer seem to believe in liberty.
@@KVUAA lol
@@solsunman383As an American, it's your fault you're countries aren't paying 2% in defense, leaving us to defend you at the cost of ME. Trump never said he would use force. It's called chess and keeps other countries guessing his next move. As your allie that has protected you (assuming you're in nato) for decades at MY expense, we don't give a f* about your say after you screwed us over for decades. We're tired of being f*d in the butt and now nobodys gonna stop us when we try to recover our debt you got us into. Using any means necessary.
The US should take back all of western Europe because they freed it.
@@solsunman383this American agrees with both sentiments…
We expected him to stop the wars, but he decided to start 3 wars with its Allies...smh.
4, actually. Although, luckily, for now, it‘s just a diplomatic conflict.
Oh really when was the start date of those wars?
By saying we're done helping financially unless we get your land. Sorry the US is done funding countries to exist lmao
Wars ? What tf are you on about Canada is on bored with this lmao
Trump's isolationist strategy seems to be annoying everyone until they want nothing to do with America
For him friends and allies are just people to exploit later.
It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off.
In a world of alliances and friends, a country with none is the weakest link and the first to fall.
That isn't true. Everyone wants to be America's friend because of the economic benefit, this gives America a lot of say over geopolitics.
@@reheyesd8666 If you think people are going to sell out for some extra cash, then you've never been outside the USA.
Bro is trying to end the "Is America the country or the continent?" debate 💀💀💀💀💀.
Its not even a debate. A few nationalists in Central America want to be called Americans so they claim North and South America as one continent. Meanwhile the entire rest of the world acknowledges that North and South America are separate continents.
I remember in 2015 when newscasters said it was "silly" that Donald Trump could become president.
We didn't know silly would be scary... Laugh or cry 😂😂😂
now its the horrifying reality.....
@PlanetBallProductions why is it scary to you?
@@flyer3455 it wasn't me that said it was scary
@@PlanetBallProductions I'm sorry troll. You said "horrifying."
...And in a related story, Trump will not live up to his campaign promise to reduce inflation.
...or make America healthy again
Or cheap eggs ....@@matthiasherfert1342
if mass deportation happens, infaltion might actually increase since manpower for back-breaking jobs will decrease and it will require higher salaries
@@bleyk_267 But then you have H1B. USA technically won't ever have worker shortage. You see, for every illegal immigrant, you can have a legal immigrant.
Or fix the US economy and then say its doing better then any time in U.S history.
Wait isn’t this what Putin is doing with Ukraine?
Ukraine wasn't a Russian ally when Putin invaded, Denmark and Canada are long standing strong US allies
@fishbutnoegg ah so it’s worse. Invading your ally vs invading your enemy
@fishbutnoeggyea. And EU allies.
That doesn’t just make it ok 💀
@@DuskRaiderV no ofc it doesn't but there is a difference
@fishbutnoegg I feel like invading your allies is worse than invading your perceived enemy
If I'm not mistaken, this is almost like Hitler started...
Putin's more like hitler trump's more like uh britain at the moment
yeah, that's what I was thinking.
If you learn about any historical era that isn't WWII you learn that most leaders tried to expand their borders or at least wanted to
If he threatens to invade Kamchatka next we'll know someone bought him a copy of Risk for Christmas.
😂😂 Too funny. Only those who’ve played (mostly men) will understand the humor. Nicely done.
@@sharksfan2011 Why did you feel the need to specify "mostly men?"
@@thecoolkittensarecool why are you offended?
@@lilquakeroats554 I'm not offended, it's just an unnecessary detail, so it sounds odd
The linguistic term for this is the "maxim of quantity", say what you want to say and nothing more
@@thecoolkittensarecool yeah i was gonna point that out
And americans are wondering why foreign people hate trump.
Trump is quite accelerating BRICS expansion
Americans hate Trump also, no one here is wondering that lol. This is a disgrace to our nation, he was only elected because the country didn't want to see a woman in office. We are all taking aback with him talking like this.
Or why Europe is cutting ties with America. Kamala Harris should form "a new special relationship" with Pedro Sanchez's Spain. Because Starmer and Macron are forming a new Trans-Atlantic Entente Cordiale.
Just Impeach him again.
Yes, I'm tired of this bad president.
Wym i'm not american i love this. With how much Russia and Chinese are getting aggressive i want to have a stong ally like US closer to Europe. Trump is the best that could happen for us
What's crazy is that his supporters just dismiss this as "he's trolling" and keep supporting him
As a foreigner who has no say in American politics, I just hope he’s not serious. This will make Putin feel like a saint in comparison.
And when he actually does it they will cheer him on.
I hope he isn’t trolling, what would be so funny.
He’s not trolling and I fully support him. It’s about time America stops pretending that we aren’t the leader of the world and that our allies actually have a say in what we do
On the contrary, I have seen his supporters supporting annexations and war, imperialism and colonization
Tell me, how is this going to reduce the grocery prices????
İts a curse that stuck to American population it can not be remove
Economy of conquest reduces consumer goods factor for each non core state which you occupy :)
I think this is called "Lebensraum"
As a German, Trump's recent ideas shocked me quite a lot. I expected it to get worse, but not that much worse.
They're going back to their roots I see
It's not no, Lebensraum was a very specific policy
Nah, it's Manifest Destiny
This all sounds a little familiar...
Special military operation incoming
The American people need living space, and Canada with the exception of Quebec is already basically American.
@@allthenewsordeath5772 The Canadian people need living space, the USA with the exception of California is already basically Canadian.
@@allthenewsordeath5772 nice joke
@@allthenewsordeath5772 America has more than enough space for people to live in
USA: "We condemn Russian Annexation of Ukraine land!"
Also USA: "How about I annex half of North America like no respect to foreign sovereignty"
To be fair, it's differing and opposing political camps
I promise you, its just donald trump that's serious about this. No american wants this.
difference between l*berals and conservatives. one is idiotic and hypocritical, the other is psychotic
Well these are completely different political parties with different politics so It's pretty unsurprising to see their policies being so different, but Trump is a r**ard and nobody could expect this rhetoric.
Dumb Kremlinbot conflated Trump’s trolling with Putin’s actual aggression & (self) destructive war 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤡🤡🤡
I highly doubt that Canadians would want to give up their NHS and have the drinking age raised from 18 to 21.
Canada does not have an NHS (National health service), it is provincial responsibility, for Quebec it's called RAMQ and everywhere else has a different name and they owe to at least do follow the standards of the Canadian health act.
You'll be lucky if drinking isn't illegalized period. The man is a teetotaler, he doesn't drink. And if he accomplishes the things he claims to want, who's to say that he couldn't eliminate drinking entirely either? Right are privileges, they can be revoked at a moment's notice if someone has enough support from other politicians.
@tinobemellow Prohibition 2? It's the 20's again!
Canada laws wont change
Say what you want about Kamala Harris, I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t have threatened to start multiple wars before she was even inaugurated
Lmao sh*t world we live in
True, it would be boring. Very minor changes and probably continues with the LGBT promotion and strengthening of DEI policies.
@@ReallyControversial that’s… sad?
'May you live in interesting times.' At least there is 'good' interesting with the 'bad'.
@@ReallyControversialI'd rather have boring positive change than a needless war or two fought by the young and dumb for the rich and powerful
Since it is known that the Vikings were the ones who discovered America, perhaps Denmark should argue that America rightfully belongs to them.
By that logic we should just recolonize Africa and distribute it back to those European nations since they owned them once before.
If you make a claim, you gotta fight for it. Will Denmark be willing to send its army to take America?
Unless you’re a European empire in Africa that doesn’t really hold up so well
sure, all the warriors went to america, so we send one states national guard to conquer Denmark. Sounds good to me, they can be a solid little territory. Coming full circle.
There was a time when North Americans found fascism unacceptable...
As an American I began Nov 6th with the classic 'its not gonna be as bad as everyone says it is cope.'
and then it just kept getting worse.
Still way better than how Joe handled it and how Kamala would have ever
@@bamaramifyThey are not the ones threatening Denmark and Canada for no reason.
@@memecliparchives2254 just because you get one sided news I understand why you think it's no reason. Why is the US required to give money to Canada in order to fund the government existing
@@bamaramify We trade with Canada.
@Me-yq1fl billions in aid to the government given each year
Is this the "anti war candidate" the Americans voted for?
this is exactly how to make USA great again
@@phutran-ec8yc sounds a lot like that one German politician
@@redacted7060 Or russian one😅
@@phutran-ec8yc Sound like that one Austrian Painter with the funny mustache
@@ignatiusryd2031 He was based though, and fixed the german economy, sounds good to me
Just give him Czechoslovakia and he'll stop... right?
Lebensraum moment:
He is trying to make GrößerNordAmerika
Flashback 💀
Best comment
You work for 42yrs to have $2m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $20k in a meme coin for just few months and now they are multi millionaires.I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life...
Well explain thank you for bringing up this video Financial education is indeed required for more than 80% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject. The value of the US🇺🇲 dollar is declining due to inflation, but it is increasing in comparison to other currencies and commodities such as gold and real estate. I'm worried that rising inflation will cause my 550k in my retirement funds to lose value, But with the help of Mrs Maria I hit 220k this week from my investment of 45k, I am truly grateful for all the knowledge and nuggets you have given me over the past few months.
..? Am a newbie in crypto investment, please can you guide me through on how you made profit???
I'm glad to write her tay I do hope she will help handle my paycheck properly
Can I start with as low as $1000
YES!!! That's exactly her name (Mrs Scarlett) so many people have recommended highly about her😊 and am just starting with her from Northern Ireland🇳🇿
Don't be fooled. He is doing those absurd things to redirect public attention from something.
Nah he’s just trying to get resources and expand his power and land
@josephfulwiler5604 He's not powerful enough to do that, he needs to comply with establishment as any leader anywhere.
It's much better for him when people are talking of something absurd instead of him being convicted felon who organised attack on capitol.
he already talked with Putin. they are together. ultimately it is kind of hitler LARPer iteration, we are in the Taimanin universe or something, not fallout though.
what happens when you spend too much time with netanyahu
Naah. Trump has always been like this since the 1980s. It's the result of being raised in a billionaire bubble and spoiled as a kid.
annex canada (the west bank) take the panama canal (egyptian suez) annex greenland (lebanon) move into northern mexico to fight cartels (southern syria to destroy weapons)
@@MacrohardOnfireExcelSuite He wasn't raised in a bubble he litterally had to go round and collect rent money from some pretty grim places from all sections of society. He also wasn't spoiled. Quite the opposite in fact. Whilst his upbringing was more privileged in many aspects his father gave him very little emotionally, in terms of respect etc. I don't like the guy but its important to be accurate, he really isn't who you say he is. His reasons for being this way are different. He's almost certainly diagnosable narcist for example. This it nothing to do with upbringings but is largely genetic
@@Damascene-Syria yea but let's not pretend now that the USA had a different policy in the past. They make up lies to invade other countries and then they start wars. At the same time their citizens sleep the sleep of the righteous believing they spread freedom and democracy while they don't even understand what democracy is . Their education system has failed em the most
@@jonathanbowen3640 wow he had to collect rent? now that's a rough traumatizing start to any working class man
This guy doesn't have a "plan" at all. He's just a spoiled child amusing himself with his newfound toys.
He has concepts of a plan...
@@warbler1984 🤣
@@warbler1984 arthur we just need more greenland...
@@advakart4208 No, you need more healthcare
He says well commenting and obsessing about him, he seems to be pretty dominant in your mind
Historians will look back on this period of history with bemusement. I will never understand how people of the ilk of Trump, Boris and Le Pen ever gained such notoriety and power.
Falling standard of living in the west that is why. Also Trump did not campaign on any of this either.
No te preocupes, es muy probable que ya no exista ninguna historia para cuando esto termine 😢
@@pollhamaryella1906 speak english, french mutt.
“Remilitarize the southern border”
“Anschluss Canada”
“Demand Greenland”
“Panama Canal or War”
*ability tree sounds*
I've seen this one...
"Leave NATO"
Zieg Heil!
"uk called iran as an enemy in the American Canadian war"
Guys this is giving me fallout vibes
Actually though 💀
@whityt all we are missing is the power armor(the us military is working on a prototype).
which part?
@@Drxenephon Honestly, I think the most important part missing is the music. I want to watch the fire with some fitting tunes.
@@afx88lexx the first one, second and new Vegas.( Because they were serious about the setting)
Calling Canada a single state is so dissrespectfull. It would bbe at least 10 states
Population wise its almost identical to California.
40.1 million
38.97 million
In fact California has a larger economy. California's economy is larger than Canada's, with California's GDP being 1.7 times higher than Canada's in 2022.
@jonathanbowen3640 ok but then why is delaware, rhode island, ohio, idaho separate states then? They don't have 40 million people. Other than california, new york, florida and texas all the other states are not as rich and populous
And your point is?@@boldisordorin9010
@@boldisordorin9010because the 13 colonies for separate and independent Sovereign entities when they fought in the War of Independence 250 years ago and the whole premise of the project until the Constitution was that they would essentially operate as their own Sovereign countries afterwards.
Canada does not have that history. that said, if Canada was somehow magically incorporated into the United States I think the obvious thing would just be for each province to become its own state.
@@jonathanbowen3640 distance is more important than density. the lowest pop 20 states could all be neatly combined and _still_ be less people then cali, but their interests wouldn't be represented very well as that giga-frankenstate
When he does that grin, like in your thumbnail, he reminds me SO MUCH of Benito Mussolini. The resemblance is just uncanny.
Going to be honest I do NOT want to be part of the US
You’ll be alright. 👍 🇺🇸
@@kc3936 It's not gonna happen. Literally 0%. :)
@@kc3936 yeah and it's coming straight out of your pocket as an American taxpayer
@fishbutnoegg We pay through the dick with military spending anyways, might as well direct those funds away from current misallocation
Coming from the country where businessmen are assassinated because they make billions from denying toddlers leukemia treatment.
Tbh I'd rather die fighting for Canada instead of living in the US.
So you’d rather fight for forced sterilisation of native women and infinite Indians ?
Canadian here. We love you guys, and appreciate anybody standing with us against Dementia Don.
@blakepennycook8952 it's hilarious how the US doesn't need to fight. We just need to stop helping economically. Trudeau already said the country would collapse immediately
@@bamaramify then you push allies away and they side with other alliances against the US. Meaning less trade, higher prices less US influence.
@@2dradon2 so your saying the US needs to fund other countries to exist. This channel is so one sided your CLEARLY not getting the facts right.
4 more years of this....
As on track to becoming orange putin as he is right now, i wouldn't be so sure its over after 4 years....
4 more years of progressive histrionics over non-issues
I love it, because the biggest the service you do to yourself is having a preconceived notion that Trump is doing this without a “ come on man deal” taking place.
@@roo_stonks On the other hand, maybe we are lucky and all those cheeseburgers catch up to him before the 4 years are over.
@@mrm7058 Progressives try not to advocate for death challenge impossible
"We're still here ... We are not going anywhere." - Native Americans 😔
No, you are not. What is there is faint memory of the ancient past. So called "Natives" speaks the tongue of conqueror instead of their forefathers. They worship the god of Conquerors and has discarded the faith of their forefathers as devil worship. The so called ''culture'' and "tradition" they follow are just disney version of ancient culture which has lost their meaning. Even they carry the dna of the Conquerors .
The so called "N@tives" speaks tongue of '!nvader', follows faith of '!nvader', carries equal amount of DNA of '!nvader'. The so called "¢ultured" and "Tr@ditions" are disney version of ancient civilizations which has lost its meaning. - A logical man
As an American, I'm sorry world. I hoped we were better.
World here, you've always been this way.
World here 2, just hope this doesn’t get much, much worse
As an Indonesian, don't worry bro
@@neh1234 Yep.
as a world you have ugly beard
Reminds me of Mussolini and his anti-war rhetoric at the league of nationas, but then goes on to conquer Ethiopia and annex Albania...
Godwin’s law
If the US wanted they could, easily little guy.
@@SobberMacSobberMac can't even defeat the Taliban
@@SobberMacSobberMac just like vietnam
@@igoralmeida9136 Trump or Biden? Big Difference little guy, same reason Hamas is becoming more submissive closer to the inauguration date.
Palpatine Promised Us PeAcE!?!?!
He Promised US AAARRRrrrrrrrr…
You missheard. He promised that you can be left in PIECES.
Better than how Joe handled it or Kamala would have
@@bamaramify Republicans would have thrown a fit of epic proportions if Biden behaved even half as deranged as this. Imagine the headlines on Fox News, even The Onion would have trouble imagining such a bisarre scenario.
@EvilTomte Bidens a bigger mess and did more damage than anyone else has
The fact that we get free videos on TH-cam by TLDR is truly a gift; keeping education and knowledge alive. 👏🙏🏾🤷
Now you get South Africa, Britain, and Australia too and you'll get 1984 borders.
Oh yeah, that too…
@@catherinemesuelo1219 the anglo-american empire 💀💀
latin america dont forget it
Canada Annexation - Anschluss
Panama Canal Annexion - Annexation of Memel
Greenland - Danzig
Bro is not beating the Hitler allegations 😭😭😭
but who to split denmark with? hmm... how about the swedes? make sweden imperial again!
And then mexico is poland
Danzig or War
He might be now feeding into it now
Yall call anyone Hitler now days
its not really a plan, its concepts of a plan
Idiocracy. Invading your allies. 😂
Long live The Rhinoceros Party! 🦏
He went from "We don't want to fight in senseless wars" cutting relations to Ukraine but then creates a senseless war and one probably more costly than what they currently have
What war did he create?
77 million Americans voted for this, remember.
I highly doubt most know what they voted for or what they even want themselves for that matter
@@cemdursunYeah, they saw $5 burgers or whatever and were unfortunately just left no choice but to vote for imperialism
European citizens also supported Imperialism when it suited them and got the benefits. Why can't Americans make the same choice?
@@user-df1ns1ob8y that sounds about right
Half of the governments and Europe are currently unstable and can't form proper parliaments. I mean nearly 1/4th of the UK lives in poverty but we're the problem?
As a 19 year old it’s deeply concerning
Bros trying to build an American empire lol
He's going down a new part of the focus tree
America already was an empire. He's just making it more obvious to people who were still ignorant or hiding under plausible deniability.
@@asw654 True. EU are its vassals. Deal with it
No this is capitalism at its finest offering to buy it or stop help funding the country in order to have it@@asw654
The United States has been an empire for more than a century
Canada becoming a state would be bad.
You're not excited for Fallout irl?
Exactly, they'd all vote Democrat. Horrific catastrophe for the U.S.
@@govols1995 Not after we've tasted the wings of Trudeau.
@@nahiyanalamgir7056 Canada's conservatives would still be the equivalent of moderate democrats or Romney-style Republicans. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but there's no way 2/3 of Senators would support it.
Reminder that Canada is also the second-largest nation on Earth. Making Canada a "single state" would backfire HORRIBLY.
Now americans gets their own tin pot dictator.
Weird how this dictator seems to win and lose elections instead of using his dictator powers to stay in office.
you mean pol pot? that would be great cambodia was nazmao 😀
I think you will find America voted for him, overwhelmingly.
You may not be able to handle that, but that is exactly what America wants.
Sit back and be silent, they have all the power, your whining only makes you miserable.
Chin up champ, it will be OK.
Here's the difference Trump won by a bigger margin than anyone else since obama. And i know it may be hard to handle but yes sometimes in a democracy the person you dislike can win.
@@SubjectiveFunny yeah, i always rooted for the bully in movies.
This is sanewashing Trump's insanity
To put it bluntly. If the people of Greenland are daft enough to forgoe the protection of Denmark by insisiting on full independance instead of settling for their current autonomy, what do they think is going to happen?
Of course the US will muscle in, take over, and strip-mine the place. Think Hawaii and Puerto Rico among any number of other precedents - the US is an agressive colonial power, regardless of what they say to themselves. If the world won't adequately help Ukraine why would 50k Greenlanders get any help at all when it's America invading?
As an aside I suspet Canada won't be pleased to find itself surrounded by a semi-hostile neighbour, and no doubt Panama might have a few things to say on their own behalf.
The French and German governments have already stated they would intervene if the US attempted military action.
If they do want independence, their deal should include an immediate inclusion in NATO.
You are right ofc but it's not exactly the same thing between Greenland and Ukraine.
Ukraine has been historically tied to Russia , so they do have some say in what goes on there and NATO has been putting pressure on Russia's borders by trying to add Ukraine to NATO.
On the other hand, Greenland belongs to Denmark which is a European ex-colonial country historically tied to USA (New York i believe was built by them? ) and to the rest of the Western Europe unlike Ukraine which had little to do with Europe for most of the time ( It had Greeks at its shorelines a very long time ago and that later became irrelevant ) There's gonna be a lot of pushback by the European Union and UK in Greenland's case. I expect American bases to close everywhere in Europe if something like that happens
@@gmodrules123456789 I am not an american, but they will intervene? And what will they do? They are much much weaker, they can't even properly supply Ukraine on their own.
Strategically they are better off with Denmark right now
He doesn’t want to expand anything beyond his ego. He wrote the book on the art of the deal. You start with an outrageous demand and then you scale back from it to a more reasonable demand. That’s how you get what you want. That’s how children do it when they drop to the ground and cry for things they can’t have.
He didn't even write it. It was ghostwritten for him.
Yeah that may work in business, that might even work with your enemies. That doesn't work with your ALLIES. Denmark is an ALLY of th USA. Threatening your ally with war is probably a bad thing, dont you think? Unless ofcourse you are an imperialist, in which case it's exactly what you want, because allies are meaningless. Only the yet to be conquered.
@@ri3121 Its politics, and the US doesnt have any permanent allies, most countries don't (unless its some age old stuff like Romania and Serbia). The EU and its member states are just another competitor in the long term from the pow of the US, simple as that.
Yes and that's why our economic genius went bust 7 times. I'm sure his negotiation skills are impeccable.
@@roccociccone597Please tell me how many billions you have in the bank.
Plan is a strong word. I think you mean how trump feels
@@jamesn0va he has concepts of a plan
Sounds like you're new to TLDR. They clickbait. It's what they do.
@@PresAlexWhitthey also say only what helps drive a narrative and ignore A LOT of information
@bamaramify Exactly correct. And they have the gall to say they're "unbiased".
@@PresAlexWhitI've noticed this girl is the most one sided of all of them
Trump try not to say the most bat-shit insane things out of nowhere for some reason challenge (impossible)
I honestly never thought that Europe might have to fight oligarchs in both the east and the west.
Europe ain't fighting anyone, calm down
@@Ian-vu4ijWell if america actually attacks greenland (denmark) then europe would go into war against the us
So instead of "Make America Great Again" we have "Make America a Discount/Wannabie Russia" ?
America’s better than Russia in every meaningful way, so I don’t know where the “discount” is coming from. His actions are of course somewhat similar to some of Russia’s, though
@egs06 I do agree America is better to live in than Russia etc.
This was more like an comparison of the "turned bad for anyone around" aspect.
In Russia you have a forever president with one fully controlled doubler. He is dependent on oligarchs but still more like a biggest fish in a pond that just cant show weakness. Russia was set up on that thinly weiled confrontational course vs west for decades by now. So you can say that for them - there isn't that much to loose other than the risk of becoming even more of China puppet. And its likely there will be some "buisness as usual" motion if Russia manages to win in Ukrainie.
TLDR - Russia is seen like a cartoon evil figurehead already - everyone knows it is bad, downrigh expext it to cause shit
For USA - Musk basically openly bought its way into controlling big chunk of goverment, other biliarders dont even hide it that they are willing to make concessions just to jump onto that oligarch train. All seems like they will just steer Trump as they want with all that combined capital - if nothing changes. And if Trump does even half of his more "concerning" forein plans it would rock USA ally structures and global standing much worse than what Russia suffered so far. And it wont be possibile to just repair it anytime soon. Invasion on ally countries without justification, open threat game instead of diplomacy, backstabbing allies that gave up enough nuclear delivery methods that it would make any country instantly into 3rd strongest army in the world trusting in your guarantees etc.
All of that fallout would hit USA more than Russia since USA relies more on its allies and international blocks. Russia already was in a weak position there, so it all falling to shit isn't as painfull if you have not much to loose.
Not even mentioning how it would be a golden opportunity for China - having both Russia and US nuke their own global standing while it is the only global power not smeared in shit by the end of it, and Europe is wide open for economic takever afther US and Russia effectively do a Ribbentrop-Mołotow 2.0 - but with influence sferes. All of it would hurt Europe and probably let pro-China narrative skyrocket with some external manipulation, especially if EU bans Twitter somewhere along the way - making US influence weaker and ending in a trade war with it. Then China is the only option left that seems at least not openly hostile. Mabe 4 years is not enough time for EU to fully detach from US, but the relation damage would be huge.
America is the world leader and it’s about time the world remembers that
@@Dressyone223 By making it lose all the alliances and its word standing that made it the global superpower in the first place ? Brother USA become strongest naton on Earth BECAUSE you couldnt really challenge it without turning it into word war, but the one where only 1 side have meaningfull allies.
Well at least China will be very happy about US and RU coming out of it all smeared in shit... while it alone would stay mostly clear out of it, get weakened RU as a economic puppet and at the same time be seen as the only less hostile and imperialistic word power left. It dont matter if that would be true, countries will flock to it and just overlook its domestic expansion since they wont be affected by it, unlike things like USA opening up a trade war.
So yeah, you can be pround of being a usefull tool for the country Trump claim to be your main enemy lmao.
@@Dressyone223 America gonna unite the world against it
As a European I have to say I feel betrayed. NATO was supposed to make us brothers. We were with the US when they used article 5, most NATO members supported them in a war that had nothing to do with us. Now, all these years later, the president of the US is threatening to take part of a EU and NATO member. Absolutely disgusting. If yesterday you would have asked me: "Would you fight to defend the US?", I would have said: "Yes, I would be willing to give me life like their great grandparents did to defend mine.".. now? I don't know anymore, especially because convervatives on Reddit say it's a good idea.
The world map is just a giant chess board for the powerful. Listen to me and listen to me closely, you don’t matter.
@@WcWZzQMare your wrists intact or are there more scars since this comment?
@@EB-yu2ok you'd never have taken up arms to defend the US if the US were invaded, don't lie
@@AManChoosesASlaveObeys they burnt down my house.
@@fosyay1780 exactly
As an American the only way I would be happy if Canada became a state is if a referendum succeeds and Charles III is crowned King of America 🙂
As someone who lives in Poland
This is really reminds me someone else’s plans in 2022…
Isn't the only person he reminds us of.
As an American, we are tired of being slapped by our allies not paying 2%, and we're spending to protect you and going into more debt. You're weak as hell, we don't care about your voice, you treated us like trash over decades. Now you don't have a stong enough military to challenge us. Like we need your permission? Cry kid. Now we're taking actions to get us out of debt, this is a game of chess. Trump keeps leaders guessing his next move, he never said he'd use force when he was asked that question. It's called "dropping an Anchor" in business terms. Look it up. Appreciate you polish for being conservative and being one of the very few countries to care and not rely on us as much.
Yep, Canada is Austria, Greenland will prolly be Sudetenland, who knows what Gdansk will be.
As a german it reminds me of someone else 's plans in 1939..
@@finduzzle2991 Atleast he had a plan.
As a Brit I think trump should leave Canada alone
Because it’s a British colony not an American one.
Brits should just leave for Canada, cuz Britannia won't be British anymore quite soonish
Britain is a Pakistani colony.
@@arcturus4762they should come to America and be on top
Coming from majority Hispanic America soon
... and 3D printer sales in Canada have reached an all time high.
If we've learned anything from Ukraine, it's that resistance starts with a 3D printer and FPV drones.
Of course it won't succeed if he ever does try. As a Canadian I will encourage people to revolt both in Canada and the US , revolt against him.
Canadians are more likely to welcome Trump than Americans are to go against him. lmao
@@gameragodzilla Its more likely Trump dies to ill health or assassination than him getting a 50% approval rating once
@@gameragodzillaless than 13% of Canadians want to be a part of the united states and a fairly large portion of the US didn’t want trump
@ We’re not asking. lol
@@gameragodzillaahhh the classic someone says scientific information and say …WHO ASKED…move to avoid embarrassment
Canada will most likely vote for Democrats if they become the 51st state.
Trump clearly never thinks this through properly 😂
He doesn't care it about a legacy
If canada joined us and became multiple providences I think they'd push us to be less conservative and demand medicare for all and a bunch of other policy changes, the parties might also get a left instead of just center and right. They might change a lot.
You assume that if that actually were to happen, we would still be in a situation where valid elections are a thing. Just look at russia..
nah he will just call the votes riged and ignore them
I don't think they would after Trudeau, made the country a complete joke.
In fact Canada is likely to vote conservative because of him.
At this point given all the threats Greenland is more likely to become a part of Canada than the US
Fun Fact: Trump recently started playing Europa Universalis 4.
More like Hoi IV. And I think the political pie chart for the USA just got a lot more brown in colour.
Thus might be the biggest disaster waiting to happen since the depression in the 1930s
Canada, Gulf of Mexico, Greenland and Panama Canal becoming a trump state before GTA 6 are the boomers are going insane as they age
Without exception, if they have power, they are either demented or go aggressive hence the 2 recent presidents.
Love the eclipse pfp. And I think they might be....
They send us young folk to die in wars. Brilliant, it's not like there are already too few young people as it is.
You say that as if Gen Z isn't unexpectedly way more pro Trump than Millennials
Plenty of young people voted for this. Plenty more didn't vote at all. Not the boomers fault this time.
As an American, I am disgusted. Now I know what liberal Russians and Chinese feel like. I’m so glad I live in Europe. I would gladly fight for Denmark against America despite being born in Indiana and being a US citizen.
@@SkitBitProductionYou are
I understand your feelings but that is just traitorous
exactly.. disgusting is the right word. at least you still do not have laws offering 7 years in prison with dragon fines for "army discreditation". maybe it's your future if you follow us on track of voting populist monopolizing the office
What's traitorous is leading your country into fascism
Our hemisphere is relatively peaceful compared to the rest of the world, why mess that up?
Land exchange = MUH ANNEXATION
@@pinkerproductions7420 They said no though?
@fishbutnoegg Well then non-military strategic leverage is in order.
@@pinkerproductions7420 so you do want to force them giving up territory, there's a word for that but I forget what it is
I can’t believe America chose to spend the next 4 years listening to this child.
Harris and the deep state is preferable?
... again
We're a rapidly failing society. I hope the next superpower does better. Given who's in line, though, doesn't fill me with much confidence...
Well, at least China has free medicare...
We spent the last 4 years seeing Joe Biden trip up the stairs and sleep in meetings. Imagine voting for 4 more years of that but instead of a sleepy old person, it’s an Indian hyena downplaying everything, lying in your face.
China: I don't invade my enemies, I keep a weird economic alliance with them
Putin: I invade my enemies
Trump: I invade my closest allies