Can you imagine the level of entitlement you’d have to have to ignore all the safety precautions set by a company and then have the audacity to sue them when you get hurt?
Chris was in the Navy. He and his friend tied their boat to a yellow buoy -- anyone with any basic training in seamanship knows a yellow buoy means the zone they are in is hazardous and to stay away (this includes dangerous submerged structures). Suing the power plant is absolutely ridiculous. He's lucky he's alive given his foolishness.
I think the first guy who ignored the guardrail when he went to see the volcano 🌋 in Hawaii was the one in the Navy. It doesn’t really matter though. Mr. Ballen said that Chris, and his friend Robert(story #2) had been diving together all their lives. Which would mean they knew what the yellow buoy meant. They looked at each other decided not to find out what was written on the buoy, and went diving down to the underwater structure anyways. hey deliberately ignored reading what the first There was a 2nd warning sign(mesh covered opening) that was clearly more serious than the first one. Instead of being adults about it they again made the decision that they’d ignore the signs, and proceed past the mesh covered opening into the unknown. This happened in 2015. All they had to do was Sw back to their boat, get on their smartphones, and find out what those underwater structures were. The actual arrogance, and audacity a person has to have to sue the company whose warning signs YOU intentionally ignored not once, but twice. And 👐🏽surprise surprise👐🏽 you almost died because these warning signs weren’t just decorations, but actual signs trying to keep people from being total dumb fuks. This dude is fuk!ng arrogant. What a twatwaffle.
Ya should be rewarding the power plant for their design and unintentionally saving their life with what basically amounted to a failsafe for people that ignore warning signs Imagine all the people working in the plant wondering how some scuba diver appeared inside their plant just swimming around in the Reservoir
Yeah, I respected him until that part came around… I mean I still have respect for him, but I no longer feel bad about what happened. What a dingus lol
@@RustyNips OMG right? You’re just having a normal, mundane day at work, and suddenly home boy surfaces screaming for help and then he sues your company. What a day!
In the last story it seems like the squid group learned that the diver wasn't worth fighting because he was able to fight off three of them. He's a legend to the squid community as well 😂
I was thinking the same, the third squid must have given offa signal to deter others or that it's not 'easy prey' Inhte wild if something fightsback it'shardly ever worth thetrouble
With a wetsuit and full dive gear on! 🤣🤣 I was thinking the same thing! It must have been such a strange sight for the workers. I mean, talk about random!
Your mom has wonderful taste! Mr. Ballen is definitely an expert storyteller, and his voice lends itself perfectly to telling interesting and mysterious stories. 👍😁
Those squids are amazing. They must have communicated to each other that the man was dangerous and they were just watching trying to figure out the level of threat.
This is why so many company’s just allow for fatal disasters, no one would have ever known if they had just chopped him up into the coolant system with some kind of turbine or pump.
the story is not clear at all, its hard to find good information about it, the company says he removed the mesh and he swam intentionally into the intake pipe but Blake and Le Cun don't mention any of it, they say they swam near does buildings when they felt the current and for one of them, it was too late to get out. the only warning was that buoy that said "stay 100 feet away" there was no sign stating does structures underwater are deadly dangerous. the reason for suing could also be to prevent this from happening again, this was the second time this happened. Florida Power and Light has not a good reputation, they had over 40 lawsuits and a lot of deadly incidents.
While I agree that he has personal responsibility and went past their deterrents, he needed no tools to do so and the plant did the bare minimum. One buoy and a mesh covering is hardly enough in case of a storm for example.
The nuclear power plant had a buoy for warning, the houses with a mesh, a creepy looking tunnel and they still went in. He lost the right to sue when being that stupid.
Can't believe the guy in the 2nd story is suing instead of thanking his lucky stars he didn't die after choosing not to read the warning sign prior to his reckless series of behaviors. Just goes to show how this society does not punish those people who file ridiculous lawsuits.
@@Persequimur_Umbras people don’t deserve to die for bad decisions, your such a heartless asshole jfc “he should’ve died, it’s not fair that their life wasn’t taken for making a bad decision 😡” death isn’t the only way to learn not to do something
@@saddaddytentacles9897, why does society *need* to suffer people who make idiotic mistakes…?… Those other ways fall far short with their track record, in inspiring change, when compared to a near death experience. If they fail to gett the message then the next event will be bigger & cause more damage to those around them.
@@saddaddytentacles9897 Yes, they do. Why should anyone get to avoid natural consequences? Don't worry, they still leave with an award - the Darwin Award.
@@saddaddytentacles9897 And like Brent so eloquently points out, it's a necessary learning experience. Failing to learn from a near death experience is the quickest way experience death. It's nice of you to want to shed a tear for humans, the worst species, on the planet.
Yep, that dude knew better not to jump over the safety railing but he did anyway. There was a small part of me hoping that he'd actually fallen all the way down and meet his fate. Lol
Literally, almost hard to feel sorry for some of these people who feel like they can do what they want w/o repercussions. Some of these incidents or deaths can truly be prevented.
I agree 100%. I ended up watching every single video within a week of coming across this channel. Not only are the stories themselves intriguing but the way you tell the stories keep me hooked and wanting more.
Although, at a few thousand degrees Fahrenheit, I don't think anyone could last longer than a minute. Wouldn't we melt? Idk this guy could tell me that goldfish are purple and I'd believe him lol.
Fun fact about squids having a gag reflex: Their brains are donut shaped and their esophagus actually runs through their brain. If they eat too large a bite they literally get brain damage.
@@perezchrist97rene That's it? You see some random text spooge from a total stranger and it is fact? (it may be,..) but I would never assume so from one random source!
I think the squid story might be one of the most terrifying things I've ever heard. Alex is a savage. Glad he made it. That would be such a horrific way to go.
This is a literal nightmare! People don't understand why my only fear is being attacked by an octopus...I will be saving this clip for JUST those moments!
I respect him for fighting lmao. I think if I had dozens of squid trying to eat me, I’d freeze. Shit I’d probably take off my breathing mask so I could drown to death instead of being slowly eaten. They could eat my dead body instead.
I think I agree with the power plant, even if there was signage attached to the walls of the underwater structures they probably would’ve ignored those as well. Just like everyone who ignores the fences, other kinds of signs and even verbal warnings/instructions. I’m obviously glad they survived though.
I bet the squids realized that the man was to dangerous to try and keep attacking. Not only could they not pierce through his ”skin”, but he also kept on fighting back in ways most fish cant. Hitting, grabbing, punshing... They probably decided he was not worth it, and instead watched in curiosity as he swam to safety.
What confused me most about that story is how there wasn't a single mention of a divers knife. I don't think any diver would go underwater without one, and that would be basically perfect for cutting a relatively squishy flesh thats wrapped around your body.
Yeah. Maybe he hit the squid where it hurt, and it went like, "whoa, wait a minute here, let's try some sharks and seals instead instead of this nastly little hard-shelled thing."
Imagine being so entitled you break into a companies equipment, survive the experience with your life because they had a non typical system, then sueing them. I swear some people need something to do with their lives
If things look like you are not supposed to enter them, at least fucking find out what they are before deciding if you have to enter. This goes double for diving. I mean how stupid can you be.
Bravo to those police and rescuers who didn’t give up, even though the odds were a million to one of the victim still being alive they kept trying and achieved the impossible 👏
Pretty sure I've seen that documentary. Worst part is, when dozens of Squids circling around that diver and watch him with their giant eyes and all of a sudden begin to flash their lights, just right before they started attacking. Really freaked me out.
I’ve been in deep murky water (Puget Sound) many times, and there is ALWAYS a sense of being small and vulnerable as I descend into the void. I find that that feeling makes the dives more intense (and thus more fun, in a way), than many other places I’ve been diving.
Imagine having warning signs and barriers in place and then nearly getting killed for not heeding the warnings -THEN try to sue the company that tried to warn you in the first place!
@@betorockmetal I kinda like the way he worded it. "They're" = they are. So... "they are stupidity" meaning they are the embodiment of stupid. Although I doubt it was meant that way........
If these videos have taught me anything it's that nobody can ever put up enough warnings and deterrents to keep scuba divers or cave explorers from getting killed because they're stupid. Somebody will always ignore the sign and move the mesh.
@@vvtor how many watched others eat and die from eating blowfish 🐡 and thinking " nah, I can do it better " until they found out what the dangerous parts of the fish are.
People also forget how often we learned from observing the wildlife and land around us where we are trying to survive. For blowfish, I’m willing to bet that if there is another predator out there that would eat it (in or out of the water, although I’m not saying that I know anything about that - in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if they have none - but maybe if a bird decided to try and eat a dead one?) that whoever decided they were gonna try used them as a cue. Or yeah it could have been anything, it’s just lessons I’ve been taught. I live in the middle of nowhere in the subarctic and am super interested in learning to live off the land as much as I can but I have to really listen to everyone’s stories and teachings. So many are about observing the things around you and going from there. I find we lose that narrative a lot of the time and focus on humans alone.
@@SuperBethification That is a bunch of nonsense. You can observe a honey badger get bit by a poisonous snake and doesn't mean you should think the snake bite is safe for humans too. You can watch a deer devour poisonous plants and live, but don't do what they do. Beyond the absolute basic common sense stuff that are true for most animals and/or should already be understood for a human with a functioning frontal cortex, watching how nature does things really doesn't provide you with a whole lot of information. Learn survival, but learn from the mistakes and successes from 10,000 years of recorded human history not from some stupid bird you saw in a tree.
@@briancarron6612 well at least 70%of the people I know is either dead from suicide of Overdose, depressed and suicidal 247 or dealing w bipolar, substance abuse disorder, BPD, schizophrenia the list goes on but sure have fuck with you're "your joke"
Ya, those squid were all staring at him as he swam away like...the fuck was that inedible punching thing? The legend still lives in the Humboldt community, flashed throughout the deep seas.
I can’t believe the diver from the second story had the audacity to try and sue the plant when he CLEARLY was negligent and beyond- he earned his way into that situation and should just be grateful he survived... unbelievable 🤦🏼♀️
Yeah the scuba diver wasn’t thinking of his family. Call BS sure. He was thinking of his payout for his own negligence. Hope the company counter sues for trespassing.
He was banking on the company doing what others companies do. Pay out so the company isn't ruined by public opinion. Most companies have good attorneys and the public knows better, so this doesn't work as well as it used to. Thank goodness, because we all lose if a company has to pay out big.
@@iguanaco21 "It appears this humanoid has coated itself in some kind of unpalatable casing... I suggest it shall not be consumed." - the squid leader, possibly
My high school zoology teacher told us about this story when we did a section on mollusks. He had us dissect a smaller bait species and told us squid were essentially underwater painted dogs/ wolves and should be given the same respect in the water that we would give a pack on land
Things I’ve learnt from Mr Ballen: 1. Don’t go near water. 2. Don’t breathe water. 3. Don’t go over safety railings. 4. Don’t live or go near creepy or haunted houses. 5. Don’t trust people.
It's easy, all you gotta do is watch it, then wait a few days and rewatch while going through comments so you can focus on what you're reading. There's a lot of interesting chatter here
I think a big part of why they stopped and also were observing him as he ascended was because they were so surprised probably more perplexed than anything that his head had already met the beak and was bit multiple times but somehow wasn’t killed from it. I would be too if I was them!
I was thinking they're not accustomed to dealing with prey with such bony limbs to hit them with. i mean how often is a marine animal punched in the anything by something that's not an octopus? It's honestly probably a mix. A human is so novel and unfamiliar in that environment. Also small by comparison. It's like if you'd never seen a cat before and it repeatedly out-wrestled you for its freedom.
Chris: ''let's sue the company for my own stupidity.'' Guy should be happy he survived, not look to gain something at the expense of someone else. The warnings were there, they just ignored them.
I agree. How can you see especially when you didn’t have any actual injuries? What’s the money for???? Just don’t do it. You abuts went somewhere you shouldn’t have been, just learn from it but don’t sue the company because you were neglect. I’m sure any other diver knows better( hence why this hadn’t happened) he was just irresponsible.
This is pure arrogance and proves how ignorant it makes stupid people. It's not enough to just ignore the warnings that's for other people but then to sue the plant is nothing but Narcissism.
I think there should be a rule that if you do something STUPID to cause a situation where you need to be rescued, the state should sue you lol. Didn't read safety signs? SUED. Fell inside a volcano cause you crossed the safety line? SUED. Got attacked by tigers cause you got out of the car knowing the only rule is to NOT get out of the car? CATCH THIS LAWSUIT.
Glad the mask on the diver helped. Perhaps because the third squid couldn't bite into his flesh, it signaled to the others that this "prey" isn't food or able to be bitten, maybe thinking that he just had tough skin that couldn't allow them to reach flesh, but it was just the mask.
Buoy: DON’T GO IN Metal Grates: DON’T GO IN Divers: This sign doesn’t apply to me because I can’t read. Also I’m gonna sue you guys because I can’t read.
Reminds me of that kid in another video who jumped a fence and ignored a sign on some cliffs while vacationing in Hawaii. Spoiler: he died. His mother petitioned the county or local goverment to put a grate on the hole that sucked him in and out to sea. They replied that he should have stopped by the fence and read the sign and realised he didn't know better than the locals who put up those and respect the power of nature.
This man just drops the “Do you know how to get to Bell’s Canyon” line, so those who are binge watching fans of the strange, dark and mysterious delivered in story format understand the insider reference. Love that.
RIGHT?! 🤣 that hit me so hard, I literally “laughed out loud” lol like no he did NOT just do thattttt 🙈 I swear, I love this channel and this guy way too much 😄🤓😍
Fun fact- squid brains are donut shaped because their oesophagus pass straight through it. This is why they only take tiny bites of food. Hence the 'gag reflex'.
Right!? Im not sure which is survival is more shocking. The squid story or the volcano story. Although I think I'd have to lean more towards the squid story. Those things are scary man.
After 20 videos I finally went back and liked them all...fantastic content and I've LEARNED so much about diving, how certain machinery works, job positions, the ocean...A+ work my guy!
Let me get this straight. They witnessed a 14 ft shark being eaten alive by a pack of blood thirsty squids and moved closer to it? LMAO man that sounds horrifying
Company: Puts up signs and a fence around the opening Random guy: Ignores signs, rips away fence, and goes in Also random guy: Sues the company for not having enough signs…
@@galaxypickle4395 they coulda just tranqed the gorilla out did have to kill it unfortunately we live in a world that supports stupidity nowadays. Didnt* have to kill it typo srry lol
They probably put up 100 more warning signs after that. They should've known there are plenty of stupid people out there. I bet the 2 guys wont go in anywhere without checking for warning signs now as well.
The most terrifying thing in this video is learning that a high-security nuclear powerplant can be successfully penetrated by Joe Sixpack and a scuba rig
Our power grid is another gaping vulnerability. Any random person could climb a chain link fence and access transformers and other infrastructure that supply power to the huge pumps needed to cool spent fuel rods. Don't think for a second that Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China are unaware of this fact. They likely all have sleeper cells waiting for command to execute pre-planned attacks.
The most outrageous part of these 3 stories is the audacity of the diver, Chris, suing the power plant for "not putting up enough signage". Hey, if you have to rip a grate off a window to go trespassing into a building, UNDERWATER, you don't NEED a "sign". STOOOOPID!
Literally No One: These 3 Divers: "Oh these things are eating a big shark alive , we must get into the water to watch this, and be about 2 feet away while we do it.... this will be great"
Always shocked how Mr. B manages to swallow the instinctive “like a suicidal moron!” that one must inevitably feel telling these outrageous stories. Damn impressive!
Humboldt squid are some of the most terrifying creatures alive today IMO, we're lucky we and they live in such different environments so we very rarely encounter each other. All Cephalopods are super interesting and awe-inspiring, but these add being deeply scary too. Almost everything about them add to it: the arms with suckers and "hooks", the beak and tongue also with hooks, their intelligence, their ability to change color, their speed and strength, their natural alien like feeling because of how rarely e cross paths with them etc. In my mind they're in the same scary category as mythical creatures like dragons, ware wolves and most other cryptozoological creatures. Very very few other real living things fit that category.
These animals including Octopus are as curious about us as we are of them. They are known for their intelligence, however, they are predators who were already in a feeding frenzy! Begs the question why they were feeding so close to the surface.... Over fishing! These horrible drag NETS ( plus other techniques) that drag the sea bottom, not only taking unwanted animals but destroying eco systems as they go! I bet they would never be able to feed Humboldt Squid at that deapth even 20 years ago..... OVER POPULATION OF THE TOP APEX PREDATOR, US!!!!!!
20k Leagues Under the Sea in real life - just smaller but with teeth/hooks allover their arms, very intelligent, hunt in large numbers, communicate with alien-like flashing bodies and.....are real!! 😱
You can tell there's some quality content being made here just by looking at the video stats. 1.5k comments with over 40k views, and it's only been 30 minutes since posting. I'm proud to be one of each. Good shit my dude. Keep up the amazing work.
11:16 Chris should just be happy he survived and his curiosity and stupidity didn't get him killed. 18:50 Maybe the one that got frustrated told the others that "damn, it isn't food after all."
I have such respect for the patience and lack of judgment he imparts when telling stories about people who do ridiculously stupid and audacious things that put other people (usually their rescuers) in unnecessary danger.
That's actually normal. I respect him for that but that should be everyone. He just doesn't assume he's smarter than everybody unlike almost everyone in comments does. I mean, is it so hard to just respect everyone? The way you see other people (as stupid etcetc) just shows who you are (probably what you accuse others of). Mr Ballen just genuinely doesn't think they're stupid (and has no reason to).
@@suttercane6718 depends, many of us don't go past "do not enter" signs, get hurt or traumatized and then sue the other party. That sort of behaviour is indeed stupid, and people who do not engage in such acts but are stupid in other ways can CLEARLY see how stupid these people are... because, their stupidity is not at the level where it may cost them their lives. Maybe these stupid people you are defending should RESPECT the authority behind "do not enter" signs/warnings in the first place, now is that so hard?
Rescuers job is to go into dangerous places. That's their job, people who sign up for that job know what they are getting themselves into. You are either retrieving dead bodies or saving peoples lives... the odd occasion you will find nothing and chalk them up as dead. So when people say these guys are so stupid for getting themselves into situations that cause Rescuers to get them and risk their life... those people sound stupid themselves because that's what they are there for and what they are paid to do. 😂
That squid story is the scariest thing I could possibly imagine happening. I am terrified of the deep dark ocean and cephalopods in particular (though also very curious about them). I had no idea they've actually attacked people before.
Yeah, I just watched a documentary about squids and they are very, very aggressive. Like attack you and drag you down and they are very, very fast and strong.
The only thing that stops smaller cephalopods from attempting to hunt humans is that we’re too big to be considered viable prey items, really. I would imagine we aren’t usually on the menu because we’re mostly bones compared to what they’re used to eating, but that’s just spitballing.
Of all Cephalopoda, I think squid, particularly Humboldts are the most fascinating. In a not-at-all-related phylum skip, Cnidarians are also intriguing. Photos of the elusive Giant Phantom Jellyfish blow me away as do what I call "Medusoz," in general. Have you seen them? (Forgive me; your comment brought out the amateur Marine Biologist, within).
The only thing that coule have made the final story scarier is if the squid asked while attached to his face, "do you know how to get to bells canyon?!"
Less a mystery and just a story, but I'd like to know what the Like Button did to him to inspire him to not only do things from mean, yet harmless pranks to downright murderous acts towards it, but also encourage everyone and anyone who watches his videos to get in on the action.
I am wondering the same thing, I grew up during Nirvana and the grunge movement, and I loved flannels but damn.... after 2000 I stopped wearing flannel!
MY HUSBAND AND I WERE LEGIT RIGHT THERE WHEN THE GUY FELL INTO KILAUEA! We were at the place he fell an hour before he was and were eating at the Volcano House which is a hotel and restaurant on the summit of the volcano which is about 100ish yards from where he fell. We saw the police and lights from the rescue team trying to save him. Actually Edit: he must have been there and fell in about 10-15 min after my husband and I were. They were searching for him when we were in the restaurant and the when it got dark is when we saw the police and lights from the rescue team getting him.
My anxiety usually reduces once I notice that the story is still being told through the perspective of the person in the situation. Specifically when they are alone and we're being told details of their thoughts and actions. Because the only way we could know about these details is if the person survived to tell the tale. Unless there were recordings found to give a good idea of what had happened. But usually hearing phrases like "they realized/realizing they, they thought/they were thinking, their reaction, they reacted, etc" or any other specific details that the person was feeling/thinking about, could only be told from their perspective. Edit: I accidentally pressed enter before I finished writing.
Have made the same observations. You can kind of tell if the person about whom the story is being told, is currently deceased or not. Note: I accidentally click "Enter" whilst still typing, frequently. No worries. 🤘😎
I saw this little trick once and it’s pretty amusing. Go to google and type in your birth date followed by “Florida man” and see what crazy news stories pop up 😂
In case anyone wants to know or doesn’t already know: thalassophobia is an intense fear of deep, dark bodies of water. I would imagine that Alex now suffers from thalassophobia
I likely don't have the condition as i'm not intensely scared of them. But I have absolutely no interest in being in any major body of water for these very types of creatures, and the type of weather that happens. I very much respect my species is not designed to be in the water. And that if absolutely anything goes wrong, or if I encounter something i'm done for. At least on land you can try and run from something.
That's what it called?! I guess I have that then, I always have a fear of entering any body of water when it's dark, or any body of water that I cannot see the bottom.
@@lovemoviesful2 that's a pretty common fear, tbh. I still go swimming in places like that, but I absolutely feel terror. I mean, I feel terror when I am swimming or snorkeling over deep water when I CAN clearly see the bottom, too, lol. But it's even worse when I can't.
@@deprofundis3293 Well, I guess not common where I am or the people I know then... because they will and can jump into anybody of water whether it's day or night see bottom or not, as long as they know it's not inhabit by dangerous animals.
I was 100% sure that the 3 buildings underwater right next to one another was gonna be spongebob, squidward, and patrick’s house. All I can say now is that I am 100% disappointed
I agree. Hats off to you Mr. Ballen, an interesting story you do tell :). If I’d had you for my economics teacher in high school, I might well have stayed the course instead of quitting
"Oh I'm just gonna watch 1 or 2 of these before bed," I thought to myself as I started the 1st one in this playlist. Now here I am at 5am still awake & on the 20th one. lol! Mr.Ballen is just the perfect story teller, plus he's always nice to look at & such a great voice to listen to for hours. 😊
I mean its always a good idea to check your security systems, windows, doors, attic, any cracks in all rooms, cabinets, appliances, etc. Basically just to make sure nothing strange, dark, or mysterious is happening. Edit: Delivered in REAL LIFE format.
The squid encounter has to be one of the top most terrifying things I’ve heard in these videos, and I just finished the whole series! Holy hell! I don’t know how he didn’t inadvertently spit out his mouth piece. I’d get a huge squid tattoo after that hahahaha
basket ball 7:12
Edit top right shirt button
Comment is so overused
Wat do u mean¿
good job you are fast🔥🔥
@@joshuajames1345 thanks
How did you find the secret at 7:12 when you found it 3 minutes after the video was posted? That's some skill yo!
"Eager to get into the giant squid infested waters" will never be a phrase used to describe me.
Lol. Same!!!
Seriously! So much nope...
good for u
@@simon_fox_youtube good one
Can you imagine the level of entitlement you’d have to have to ignore all the safety precautions set by a company and then have the audacity to sue them when you get hurt?
And to cap it all he wants to be compensated for being a total Dick.
Gorilla glue girl comes to mind. 🤣
It's called a liberal state of mind lol
@@galatians-2.20 Time to emerge from the orange haze and free yourself, cultist. Not everything is about politics.
@Lindy T yeah they should have signage on all sides, not just the surface buoy. Probably needs better barricades too
Chris was in the Navy. He and his friend tied their boat to a yellow buoy -- anyone with any basic training in seamanship knows a yellow buoy means the zone they are in is hazardous and to stay away (this includes dangerous submerged structures). Suing the power plant is absolutely ridiculous. He's lucky he's alive given his foolishness.
I think the first guy who ignored the guardrail when he went to see the volcano 🌋 in Hawaii was the one in the Navy.
It doesn’t really matter though.
Mr. Ballen said that Chris, and his friend Robert(story #2) had been diving together all their lives. Which would mean they knew what the yellow buoy meant. They looked at each other decided not to find out what was written on the buoy, and went diving down to the underwater structure anyways.
hey deliberately ignored reading what the first There was a 2nd warning sign(mesh covered opening) that was clearly more serious than the first one.
Instead of being adults about it they again made the decision that they’d ignore the signs, and proceed past the mesh covered opening into the unknown.
This happened in 2015. All they had to do was
Sw back to their boat, get on their smartphones, and find out what those underwater structures were.
The actual arrogance, and audacity a person has to have to sue the company whose warning signs YOU intentionally ignored not once, but twice. And 👐🏽surprise surprise👐🏽 you almost died because these warning signs weren’t just decorations, but actual signs trying to keep people from being total dumb fuks. This dude is fuk!ng arrogant. What a twatwaffle.
Ya should be rewarding the power plant for their design and unintentionally saving their life with what basically amounted to a failsafe for people that ignore warning signs
Imagine all the people working in the plant wondering how some scuba diver appeared inside their plant just swimming around in the Reservoir
Yeah, I respected him until that part came around… I mean I still have respect for him, but I no longer feel bad about what happened. What a dingus lol
@@RustyNips OMG right? You’re just having a normal, mundane day at work, and suddenly home boy surfaces screaming for help and then he sues your company. What a day!
This series just show how stupid people are ignoring the warning signs. They able to survive is a miracle but their stupidity and the audacity 🫠
In the last story it seems like the squid group learned that the diver wasn't worth fighting because he was able to fight off three of them. He's a legend to the squid community as well 😂
I was thinking the same, the third squid must have given offa signal to deter others or that it's not 'easy prey' Inhte wild if something fightsback it'shardly ever worth thetrouble
best comment
Probably just tasted bad
"You got spunk kid, youre alright with me."
They were probably like "what the fuck kind of fish is this? I can't bite it and keeps hitting me? What the fuck?"
Imagine your a nuclear power plant worker doing your thing then all of a sudden a man appears in the middle of your cooling apparatus
With a wetsuit and full dive gear on! 🤣🤣 I was thinking the same thing! It must have been such a strange sight for the workers. I mean, talk about random!
Jus like that gta 5 mission
Poor guy.. all that added paperwork and security reports he had tp do.
😳 I'd just make this face lol I've done alot of research on nuclear power 🔋😅 chernobyl was insane and I highly advise of looking into it 😅
@@jhd4699 cayo perico?
My mom is 81 years old and she wanted me to tell you your stories are very interesting and she loves them and you are a great speaker.
Yes, and he tells them without having to look down and read. What talent!
@@realcanadiangirl64 well it’s not all one take tho
That's so sweet omg--
Everybody like this get this man's mom tge reply she deserves
Your mom has wonderful taste! Mr. Ballen is definitely an expert storyteller, and his voice lends itself perfectly to telling interesting and mysterious stories. 👍😁
Being slowly eaten alive by a giant squid is a fear I didn’t know I had.
Argh the description of the squid beak pressed up against his face.
Yeah me too... My biggest fear is Great White sharks...Untill now...seeing these f**** squid tore one up like nothing FML.....
As he was describing how they catch prey I was thinking “noooo don’t tell us what happened to the man”.
me too, if I caught one of those squids f the rod, I'm yeeting that thing over the side of the ship
Those squids are amazing. They must have communicated to each other that the man was dangerous and they were just watching trying to figure out the level of threat.
Squid #1: this man has to be some kind of god
Squid #2: yeah, he’s already fought me off once. Where’s Jeff?
Jeff: 😵☠💀
Squids: begin ripping a 15ft shark apart
People: let’s get closer and video them
The squids should have been more persistent
Yeah, just listening to him tell this story has my nerves shot.
You see it rip the guts out with that beak yeah man gnarly! Get a shot!
Right. Who throws tuna in and sees it violently disappear. Same with a shark. Then decides to jump in. People and their superiority/EGO
@@sheilagravely5621 m
The scuba diver who goes where he shouldn't go, doesn't die, then sues the company because he takes ZERO responsibility for his own!
This is why so many company’s just allow for fatal disasters, no one would have ever known if they had just chopped him up into the coolant system with some kind of turbine or pump.
the story is not clear at all, its hard to find good information about it, the company says he removed the mesh and he swam intentionally into the intake pipe but Blake and Le Cun don't mention any of it, they say they swam near does buildings when they felt the current and for one of them, it was too late to get out. the only warning was that buoy that said "stay 100 feet away" there was no sign stating does structures underwater are deadly dangerous.
the reason for suing could also be to prevent this from happening again, this was the second time this happened.
Florida Power and Light has not a good reputation, they had over 40 lawsuits and a lot of deadly incidents.
At least it didn’t end with the pump of death! Lol
Idiotic comment. A nuclear power station has orders of magnitude more responsibility than some random person. They didn't even grate their intake.
While I agree that he has personal responsibility and went past their deterrents, he needed no tools to do so and the plant did the bare minimum. One buoy and a mesh covering is hardly enough in case of a storm for example.
The nuclear power plant had a buoy for warning, the houses with a mesh, a creepy looking tunnel and they still went in. He lost the right to sue when being that stupid.
Yeah, but....... *Florida Man.*
All of Darwin’s rules go out the window in Florida. Lol
I agree. What a douchebag
Should just be happy he didn't die.
I agree. If you make a stupid decision and someone else's smart decision saves your life, you shouldn't sue them.
@@marewere agreed! That was his reward! Getting to keep his life!
Can't believe the guy in the 2nd story is suing instead of thanking his lucky stars he didn't die after choosing not to read the warning sign prior to his reckless series of behaviors. Just goes to show how this society does not punish those people who file ridiculous lawsuits.
They should definitely have it marked and blocked off better. The net is probably still displaced from them going in
Not reading a sign I kinda get. Intentionally removing a grate is insane
Right he literally tore off property of the power plant to get in there 😂 he is a joke
Maybe he did all that to try and sue for money. That's the only sane explanation to their stupidity
Why can't he be both and don't victim shame
It’s nice having a video once in a while where people don’t die
@@Persequimur_Umbras people don’t deserve to die for bad decisions, your such a heartless asshole jfc “he should’ve died, it’s not fair that their life wasn’t taken for making a bad decision 😡” death isn’t the only way to learn not to do something
@@saddaddytentacles9897, why does society *need* to suffer people who make idiotic mistakes…?… Those other ways fall far short with their track record, in inspiring change, when compared to a near death experience. If they fail to gett the message then the next event will be bigger & cause more damage to those around them.
Yes, they do. Why should anyone get to avoid natural consequences?
Don't worry, they still leave with an award - the Darwin Award.
And like Brent so eloquently points out, it's a necessary learning experience. Failing to learn from a near death experience is the quickest way experience death.
It's nice of you to want to shed a tear for humans, the worst species, on the planet.
I got so happy! Yay survival
One thing I have learned from these videos is there is a very fine line between being adventurous and just plain dumb.
Nah. It's a very obvious line.
Yep, that dude knew better not to jump over the safety railing but he did anyway. There was a small part of me hoping that he'd actually fallen all the way down and meet his fate. Lol
Pretty big bold line if you ask me. Kind of a Darwinistic intelligence test.
Guy fell in a volcano and lived. He should never waste a penny gambling again, his luck is spent for life.
My first thought was I hope he learned a lesson, because that'll NEVER happen again.
And if he had to pay back his rescue his money was spent for a while
That ain't luck, that's the Grace of God right there brother.
@@dimetrekorsikov5643 😒
@@analogmatrix1442 not to mention the fines for going over the safety barriers..!
Literally, almost hard to feel sorry for some of these people who feel like they can do what they want w/o repercussions. Some of these incidents or deaths can truly be prevented.
You are one of the most gifted storytellers I’ve ever heard. The diction, the narrative choices, the inflection is all spot on.
Yes I wish he did some like CreepyPasta style stuff also
@@kalansman08 reality is stranger than fiction.
I agree 100%. I ended up watching every single video within a week of coming across this channel. Not only are the stories themselves intriguing but the way you tell the stories keep me hooked and wanting more.
No. He IS the best. Change my mind.
Although, at a few thousand degrees Fahrenheit, I don't think anyone could last longer than a minute. Wouldn't we melt? Idk this guy could tell me that goldfish are purple and I'd believe him lol.
Fun fact about squids having a gag reflex: Their brains are donut shaped and their esophagus actually runs through their brain. If they eat too large a bite they literally get brain damage.
thank you for teaching me a new thing today!
@@perezchrist97rene That's it? You see some random text spooge from a total stranger and it is fact? (it may be,..) but I would never assume so from one random source!
@@WoodysAR well i had fun reading it
@@WoodysAR can google it. Maybe they googled it. I googled it. It’s true. Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning? 🤣
I would most certainly have brain damage if this were the case for humans
I think the squid story might be one of the most terrifying things I've ever heard.
Alex is a savage. Glad he made it. That would be such a horrific way to go.
Like fighting actual aliens man lol, I would shit my pants.
This is a literal nightmare! People don't understand why my only fear is being attacked by an octopus...I will be saving this clip for JUST those moments!
The squids most likely signaled the rest that the man wasn’t food so they just let him go.
I respect him for fighting lmao. I think if I had dozens of squid trying to eat me, I’d freeze. Shit I’d probably take off my breathing mask so I could drown to death instead of being slowly eaten. They could eat my dead body instead.
I think I agree with the power plant, even if there was signage attached to the walls of the underwater structures they probably would’ve ignored those as well. Just like everyone who ignores the fences, other kinds of signs and even verbal warnings/instructions. I’m obviously glad they survived though.
Another thing they fail to see is the massive power plant on the shore..
Things I’ve learned from Mr Ballen:
1. Don’t go scuba diving
2. Don’t go in caves
3. Don’t scuba dives in caves
Basically "don't be an idiot"
You forgot the most important rule. Dont like the like button 😂
That's correct..... we never know what's in store
Also, no going to volcanoes
Don't like the 'like' button...
And don't leave your home.
I bet the squids realized that the man was to dangerous to try and keep attacking.
Not only could they not pierce through his ”skin”, but he also kept on fighting back in ways most fish cant. Hitting, grabbing, punshing...
They probably decided he was not worth it, and instead watched in curiosity as he swam to safety.
Yeah, was wondering surely if you dug your fingers into it's flesh hard enough it would puncture into the squid
Thought the same thing.
Squid 1: This food fights back!
Squid 2: Maybe it's not food?
Squid 3: No, definitely not food. Might be a predator, watch it.
It was a lost cause for the squid. Humans = not food.
What confused me most about that story is how there wasn't a single mention of a divers knife. I don't think any diver would go underwater without one, and that would be basically perfect for cutting a relatively squishy flesh thats wrapped around your body.
Yeah. Maybe he hit the squid where it hurt, and it went like, "whoa, wait a minute here, let's try some sharks and seals instead instead of this nastly little hard-shelled thing."
Imagine being so entitled you break into a companies equipment, survive the experience with your life because they had a non typical system, then sueing them. I swear some people need something to do with their lives
Makes me wish they used the typical system.
If things look like you are not supposed to enter them, at least fucking find out what they are before deciding if you have to enter. This goes double for diving. I mean how stupid can you be.
They need to get their asses kicked
He deserves everything that comes his way.
The plant corp should sue the diver for trespassing
Bravo to those police and rescuers who didn’t give up, even though the odds were a million to one of the victim still being alive they kept trying and achieved the impossible 👏
yeah risking their lives for some idiot... glad nobody else got hurt in that story!
That guy was a soldier serving in the United States Army?! YIKES!!!!! What an idiot!!!!!
Ok, the squid 100% communicated with each other that he was inedible.
facts. Either cant or its just too much work for that size prey. then the others all started making fun of him
@@masterreaper115 They just killed a 4M shark before...
maybe they know plastic is toxic
@@gravito1573 He probably meant that the squids communicated that it was too much effort for a prey that small.
@@genericereal oh my bad
Bloody hell, that last story is 100% pure nightmare fuel
Pretty sure I've seen that documentary. Worst part is, when dozens of Squids circling around that diver and watch him with their giant eyes and all of a sudden begin to flash their lights, just right before they started attacking. Really freaked me out.
I’ve been in deep murky water (Puget Sound) many times, and there is ALWAYS a sense of being small and vulnerable as I descend into the void. I find that that feeling makes the dives more intense (and thus more fun, in a way), than many other places I’ve been diving.
Great icon👍
Imagine having warning signs and barriers in place and then nearly getting killed for not heeding the warnings -THEN try to sue the company that tried to warn you in the first place!
RIGHT?? The audacity!
He broke open barriers specifically designed to keep people out. Completely at fault for this
I really hope they threw the case out or laughed him out of court...
Was he even injured? Or is he suing to have his wetsuit dry cleaned cos he pooped in it
@@loribernardisunwell9663 they did
I really hate people who try to sue someone/someplace for their own ignorance, especially when they disregard any safeguards that are in place.
The weird thing is when they win the case. I hate that.
It never ceases to amaze me how people who deliberately IGNORE the warning signs only to get hurt & then sue the companies for they’re stupidity.
I hate to be that guy dude but.... it's "their"
@@betorockmetal Please, be "that guy".
@@betorockmetal I kinda like the way he worded it. "They're" = they are. So... "they are stupidity" meaning they are the embodiment of stupid.
Although I doubt it was meant that way........
you're very right
If these videos have taught me anything it's that nobody can ever put up enough warnings and deterrents to keep scuba divers or cave explorers from getting killed because they're stupid. Somebody will always ignore the sign and move the mesh.
Evolution requires that we poke at the edges of our experiences. Like how did they figure out they can eat blowfish.
@@vvtor how many watched others eat and die from eating blowfish 🐡 and thinking " nah, I can do it better " until they found out what the dangerous parts of the fish are.
People also forget how often we learned from observing the wildlife and land around us where we are trying to survive. For blowfish, I’m willing to bet that if there is another predator out there that would eat it (in or out of the water, although I’m not saying that I know anything about that - in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if they have none - but maybe if a bird decided to try and eat a dead one?) that whoever decided they were gonna try used them as a cue. Or yeah it could have been anything, it’s just lessons I’ve been taught. I live in the middle of nowhere in the subarctic and am super interested in learning to live off the land as much as I can but I have to really listen to everyone’s stories and teachings. So many are about observing the things around you and going from there. I find we lose that narrative a lot of the time and focus on humans alone.
@@vvtor don't worry. his stupidity is gonna finish him off sooner or later. or maybe an executive at the powerplant will 😁
@@SuperBethification That is a bunch of nonsense. You can observe a honey badger get bit by a poisonous snake and doesn't mean you should think the snake bite is safe for humans too. You can watch a deer devour poisonous plants and live, but don't do what they do. Beyond the absolute basic common sense stuff that are true for most animals and/or should already be understood for a human with a functioning frontal cortex, watching how nature does things really doesn't provide you with a whole lot of information.
Learn survival, but learn from the mistakes and successes from 10,000 years of recorded human history not from some stupid bird you saw in a tree.
"He was physically okay, but mentally, he was a train wreck."
Hella relatable.
Ha! I'm both! 🏆
@@atmywhitson same! 🏅 ill all the way 🏆
since when was mental disabilities a contest>
@@lungmud931 It's obviously not, we're simply using humor as a coping mechanism, It's not that serious
@@briancarron6612 well at least 70%of the people I know is either dead from suicide of Overdose, depressed and suicidal 247 or dealing w bipolar, substance abuse disorder, BPD, schizophrenia the list goes on but sure have fuck with you're "your joke"
There's barriers in dangerous places, such as volcanos, for a reason. Some people just can't connect the dots.
Ya, those squid were all staring at him as he swam away like...the fuck was that inedible punching thing? The legend still lives in the Humboldt community, flashed throughout the deep seas.
Great comment haha
😂😂 kmsl
That was epic 😆
Lol... I bet it does
Said the squid, “That punching thing was the scariest thing I’ve ever encountered” as something says behind it, “Do you know the way to Bells Canyon”?
I can’t believe the diver from the second story had the audacity to try and sue the plant when he CLEARLY was negligent and beyond- he earned his way into that situation and should just be grateful he survived... unbelievable 🤦🏼♀️
Yeah people can be negligent about a lot of things. But driving past the power plant and being so close to it is actually pretty cool tbh
Yeah the scuba diver wasn’t thinking of his family. Call BS sure. He was thinking of his payout for his own negligence. Hope the company counter sues for trespassing.
Honestly! Audacity with a capital A !!!
He was banking on the company doing what others companies do. Pay out so the company isn't ruined by public opinion. Most companies have good attorneys and the public knows better, so this doesn't work as well as it used to. Thank goodness, because we all lose if a company has to pay out big.
People who take deliberate, irresponsible risks should not be given one red cent.
“The squid became frustrated”
Squid: Why won’t fleshy-flesh go rip-rip?! 😡
More like, "Why is this potential sustenance not consumable?", uttered in BBC accent ;)
@@iguanaco21 "It appears this humanoid has coated itself in some kind of unpalatable casing... I suggest it shall not be consumed." - the squid leader, possibly
nah man the other squids stopped because the squid 🦑 on his head told them he doesn't know where bells canyon is
My high school zoology teacher told us about this story when we did a section on mollusks. He had us dissect a smaller bait species and told us squid were essentially underwater painted dogs/ wolves and should be given the same respect in the water that we would give a pack on land
Things I’ve learnt from Mr Ballen:
1. Don’t go near water.
2. Don’t breathe water.
3. Don’t go over safety railings.
4. Don’t live or go near creepy or haunted houses.
5. Don’t trust people.
7. Dont go in to caves. Oof. The stories he told. Terrifying.
3A. Don't go over safety railings into water.
Don't go into the mountains alone
6. Don’t go into dense woods or forest alone
Never trust weather forecasts
His stories are so good that I never scroll the comments while he is talking. To avoid spoilers.
Damn can't relate bro
It's easy, all you gotta do is watch it, then wait a few days and rewatch while going through comments so you can focus on what you're reading. There's a lot of interesting chatter here
I think a big part of why they stopped and also were observing him as he ascended was because they were so surprised probably more perplexed than anything that his head had already met the beak and was bit multiple times but somehow wasn’t killed from it.
I would be too if I was them!
That could make sense. I'd probably react the same way if someone chewed on a cheeseburger as hard as a rock, then threw it back.
They still tell stories about their encounter with the invincible land creatures.
@@bradleywolfe556 😂😂
I was thinking they're not accustomed to dealing with prey with such bony limbs to hit them with. i mean how often is a marine animal punched in the anything by something that's not an octopus?
It's honestly probably a mix. A human is so novel and unfamiliar in that environment. Also small by comparison. It's like if you'd never seen a cat before and it repeatedly out-wrestled you for its freedom.
They probably thought he was a turtle or something, with it’s hard shell and couldn’t be arsed 🙃
I think this may be the first video, that I've seen in the series, where nobody died. Thank you for giving me a breather.
People surviving in Mrballens stories???😱 thats a real rare case
For sure you can not doubt that
Yea i thought those squids would have killed the diver
God is Great
The first one got me like
Oh 😮wow!, happy ending? Ok
Chris: ''let's sue the company for my own stupidity.'' Guy should be happy he survived, not look to gain something at the expense of someone else. The warnings were there, they just ignored them.
I agree. How can you see especially when you didn’t have any actual injuries? What’s the money for???? Just don’t do it. You abuts went somewhere you shouldn’t have been, just learn from it but don’t sue the company because you were neglect. I’m sure any other diver knows better( hence why this hadn’t happened) he was just irresponsible.
there were a buoy and a mesh grill that they decide to ignore and blatantly rip it off. no way is the company fault
This is pure arrogance and proves how ignorant it makes stupid people. It's not enough to just ignore the warnings that's for other people but then to sue the plant is nothing but Narcissism.
ignored? Hell they pushed them out of the way and plowed through....
I think there should be a rule that if you do something STUPID to cause a situation where you need to be rescued, the state should sue you lol. Didn't read safety signs? SUED. Fell inside a volcano cause you crossed the safety line? SUED. Got attacked by tigers cause you got out of the car knowing the only rule is to NOT get out of the car? CATCH THIS LAWSUIT.
“The squid became frustrated” was funny to me for some reason.
I can just imagine it rolling it’s six eyes
Or cuss in squid language lol
I pictured Squidward when he said that.
@@definitelynotatroll246 squid only have two eyes. what? lol
Love the "Bells canyon" reference which I also learned about from one of your other videos. You're the BEST Mr. Balllen! Love your videos man!
Moral of the story: Safety rails are called “Safety Rails” for a reason
Well, for SMART people at least
Emphasis on the SAFETY
They aren’t safe at all lol
Early congrats on 2M subs!!
Yo jake
Yoo it Jake
*Jumbo Squid:* _"The hairless apes are a mystery to us. They have impenetrable armor and they can hit back when we try to slowly devour them."_
@@SirHavok 🤣😅
How do they know what a regular ape looks like. Never seen a monkey venturing off to their waters
Poor squids were just hungry
I don't know why but I all read that in Sir David Attenborough's voice 😹😹😹
@@SirHavok yeah you tell em slav gael
Glad the mask on the diver helped. Perhaps because the third squid couldn't bite into his flesh, it signaled to the others that this "prey" isn't food or able to be bitten, maybe thinking that he just had tough skin that couldn't allow them to reach flesh, but it was just the mask.
Metal Grates: DON’T GO IN
Divers: This sign doesn’t apply to me because I can’t read. Also I’m gonna sue you guys because I can’t read.
Wait why can’t he read? Did Sir Ballen say that?
@@hairlesscat6458 lol it’s just a meme online for people doing dumb things when there are warnings.
Reminds me of that kid in another video who jumped a fence and ignored a sign on some cliffs while vacationing in Hawaii. Spoiler: he died.
His mother petitioned the county or local goverment to put a grate on the hole that sucked him in and out to sea. They replied that he should have stopped by the fence and read the sign and realised he didn't know better than the locals who put up those and respect the power of nature.
@@hairlesscat6458 You're pretty dense, dude.
@@Viraie I remember that one, yeah I could not believe when his mother tried to do that.
This man just drops the “Do you know how to get to Bell’s Canyon” line, so those who are binge watching fans of the strange, dark and mysterious delivered in story format understand the insider reference. Love that.
I’m still laughing at that and I’m 3 minutes in the video😂
It made me chuckle 😂😂 poor like button must be #triggered
RIGHT?! 🤣 that hit me so hard, I literally “laughed out loud” lol like no he did NOT just do thattttt 🙈 I swear, I love this channel and this guy way too much 😄🤓😍
I love this man's content so much. He's alot better than rick and morty about supplying content for fans💀
creepy story of that stalking guy asking for bell's canyon...
John not only managed to survive falling into the Caldera of a Volcano, but he also survived in a MrBallen's video. A true rarity.
Yeeeessssss! #this
I was #101. Ty ty.
Its shocking right.
Bet he didn't survive Military. FIRST day he has off he breaks the law! Probably got kicked out.
ikr..they're the one that "mehh" at the warning sign on the buoy. he should be grateful that the company made their nuclear system that safe.
The...amount of humans that seem to need EVERYTHING explained in crayon to NOT do something (and that still doesn't stop alot) amazing to me
From one Heather to another, AMEN!
😂😂😂 facts
I wish I could say the same but nope , Not amazed at all.
Fun fact- squid brains are donut shaped because their oesophagus pass straight through it. This is why they only take tiny bites of food. Hence the 'gag reflex'.
This is amazing, thank you for sharing 😂
That's fascinating, thanks for sharing!
Awesome! I love learning about this kind of stuff.
That’s disgusting in a way, thanks for sharing!
Thank you! That's interesting.
Squid: *Attaches to Alex Face*
Alex: *Struggle*
Squid: Do you know where bell canyon is?
i wAs bEiNg HuNteD
Omg lol
So I live 30min. away from a Bells Canyon. But apparently (according to google) there's another one named Bell Canyon in Cali
Ahahaha such a memorable story 😂😂
No but Joe rogan does now lol
The fact that all three of these people are alive today is a!
Yeah, people don't typically survive these segments...
Right!? Im not sure which is survival is more shocking. The squid story or the volcano story. Although I think I'd have to lean more towards the squid story. Those things are scary man.
After 20 videos I finally went back and liked them all...fantastic content and I've LEARNED so much about diving, how certain machinery works, job positions, the ocean...A+ work my guy!
Let me get this straight. They witnessed a 14 ft shark being eaten alive by a pack of blood thirsty squids and moved closer to it? LMAO man that sounds horrifying
Natural Selection at its finest.
I know right hahahahah
@@christophermueller9764 Its called getting the perfect shot. I would have done the same. Mainly because i like nature, .......and im dumb asf.
But at that rate there'd be no film. Squid are terrifying. I thought it was going to eat his face
And sounds stupid too
Company: Puts up signs and a fence around the opening
Random guy: Ignores signs, rips away fence, and goes in
Also random guy: Sues the company for not having enough signs…
I hope the only cheque he got was a reality check not to be an idiot. He better not have gotten a penny
Reminds me of the gorilla that was killed because of a terrible mother. WHY DID HARAMBE HAVE TO GO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@galaxypickle4395 they coulda just tranqed the gorilla out did have to kill it unfortunately we live in a world that supports stupidity nowadays.
Didnt* have to kill it typo srry lol
They probably put up 100 more warning signs after that. They should've known there are plenty of stupid people out there. I bet the 2 guys wont go in anywhere without checking for warning signs now as well.
@H N I heard about that, the lady should feel horrible. She literally got her mom killed horribly my lions/tigers.
The most terrifying thing in this video is learning that a high-security nuclear powerplant can be successfully penetrated by Joe Sixpack and a scuba rig
Our power grid is another gaping vulnerability. Any random person could climb a chain link fence and access transformers and other infrastructure that supply power to the huge pumps needed to cool spent fuel rods. Don't think for a second that Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China are unaware of this fact. They likely all have sleeper cells waiting for command to execute pre-planned attacks.
@@overclucker go back to bed.
The plant was built in the 70s, give them a chill.
Btw sounds like a fun water ride
The most outrageous part of these 3 stories is the audacity of the diver, Chris, suing the power plant for "not putting up enough signage". Hey, if you have to rip a grate off a window to go trespassing into a building, UNDERWATER, you don't NEED a "sign". STOOOOPID!
Somewhere in the depths of the ocean: 'Hey Bob, d'you remember that time when dinner punched you in the face?' 🦑
Bob: “I was kinda hoping to forget that one.”
Ajajaja...! Nice...!
"sure do..that little bastard"
More sharks show up "hey look it's bob eat breakfast yet bob? Or did it kick your ass?"
Rescuer: "How you feeling John?", John: "Medium Rare and a lot smarter than I was this morning."
This is epic lmao
Literally No One:
These 3 Divers: "Oh these things are eating a big shark alive , we must get into the water to watch this, and be about 2 feet away while we do it.... this will be great"
After feeding it bait & getting their attention. Solid plan. 👍🏼
At that point i didnt really understand how they were alive up to this point in life. Their level of decision making should had ended them long ago.
If he didn't put "and survived" in the title I would 100% have thought the guy would've died.. that was terrifying
Always shocked how Mr. B manages to swallow the instinctive “like a suicidal moron!” that one must inevitably feel telling these outrageous stories. Damn impressive!
Humboldt squid are some of the most terrifying creatures alive today IMO, we're lucky we and they live in such different environments so we very rarely encounter each other. All Cephalopods are super interesting and awe-inspiring, but these add being deeply scary too. Almost everything about them add to it: the arms with suckers and "hooks", the beak and tongue also with hooks, their intelligence, their ability to change color, their speed and strength, their natural alien like feeling because of how rarely e cross paths with them etc. In my mind they're in the same scary category as mythical creatures like dragons, ware wolves and most other cryptozoological creatures. Very very few other real living things fit that category.
You’ve never my ex’s then. But I respect ✊ Humboldt squid as the second most terrifying creatures alive today tho
These animals including Octopus are as curious about us as we are of them. They are known for their intelligence, however, they are predators who were already in a feeding frenzy! Begs the question why they were feeding so close to the surface.... Over fishing! These horrible drag NETS ( plus other techniques) that drag the sea bottom, not only taking unwanted animals but destroying eco systems as they go! I bet they would never be able to feed Humboldt Squid at that deapth even 20 years ago..... OVER POPULATION OF THE TOP APEX PREDATOR, US!!!!!!
I'm gonna put Gorillas in that category too since they were cryptids until the 1800s.
20k Leagues Under the Sea in real life - just smaller but with teeth/hooks allover their arms, very intelligent, hunt in large numbers, communicate with alien-like flashing bodies and.....are real!! 😱
Werewolves: one word, no A. Just an FYI.
Things I’ve learned from Mr Ballen:
-Don’t be a moron.
-Don’t jump into literal actual volcanoes.
Unless you are Empedocles.
One has to wonder why you thought it was a good idea to jump into an active volcano
@@ianh1504 That’s what *I’M* wondering!
yEP im traumatized withouft even being in the situation ..i learned that dont take risk dont let curiosity kill you
Soon you’ll learn “Don’t be a diver”
You can tell there's some quality content being made here just by looking at the video stats. 1.5k comments with over 40k views, and it's only been 30 minutes since posting. I'm proud to be one of each. Good shit my dude. Keep up the amazing work.
Thank you!
@@MrBallen No MrBallen, We're the ones who must say Thank you.So Thank you MrBallen!!
You’re absolutely killing it sir. TH-cam is a great home for your content.
@@MrBallen Thanks for responding to THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION!! I loved that one too!
@@MrBallen why u not pin my comment i was first .I found the basketball
In the first story, John survived the fall but how did he survive the heat for that long?? It still must have been unbearably hot
He must have been high enough from the bottom to not feel the heat.
11:16 Chris should just be happy he survived and his curiosity and stupidity didn't get him killed.
18:50 Maybe the one that got frustrated told the others that "damn, it isn't food after all."
Probably telling them that fish smells like poo
Chris was just a plain idiot!!
"...and survived."
Me: "Huh, that's new."
Plot twist!
I predict thousands of likes on this comment.
@@FriendlyAC130Online Let’s see then
I have such respect for the patience and lack of judgment he imparts when telling stories about people who do ridiculously stupid and audacious things that put other people (usually their rescuers) in unnecessary danger.
That's actually normal. I respect him for that but that should be everyone. He just doesn't assume he's smarter than everybody unlike almost everyone in comments does. I mean, is it so hard to just respect everyone? The way you see other people (as stupid etcetc) just shows who you are (probably what you accuse others of). Mr Ballen just genuinely doesn't think they're stupid (and has no reason to).
@@suttercane6718 depends, many of us don't go past "do not enter" signs, get hurt or traumatized and then sue the other party. That sort of behaviour is indeed stupid, and people who do not engage in such acts but are stupid in other ways can CLEARLY see how stupid these people are... because, their stupidity is not at the level where it may cost them their lives. Maybe these stupid people you are defending should RESPECT the authority behind "do not enter" signs/warnings in the first place, now is that so hard?
Rescuers job is to go into dangerous places.
That's their job, people who sign up for that job know what they are getting themselves into.
You are either retrieving dead bodies or saving peoples lives... the odd occasion you will find nothing and chalk them up as dead.
So when people say these guys are so stupid for getting themselves into situations that cause Rescuers to get them and risk their life... those people sound stupid themselves because that's what they are there for and what they are paid to do. 😂
You are a wonderful storyteller!! You really are!
That squid story is the scariest thing I could possibly imagine happening.
I am terrified of the deep dark ocean and cephalopods in particular (though also very curious about them). I had no idea they've actually attacked people before.
Yeah, I just watched a documentary about squids and they are very, very aggressive. Like attack you and drag you down and they are very, very fast and strong.
The only thing that stops smaller cephalopods from attempting to hunt humans is that we’re too big to be considered viable prey items, really.
I would imagine we aren’t usually on the menu because we’re mostly bones compared to what they’re used to eating, but that’s just spitballing.
I know!!! Like a sea hunt nightmare!
Of all Cephalopoda, I think squid, particularly Humboldts are the most fascinating.
In a not-at-all-related phylum skip, Cnidarians are also intriguing. Photos of the elusive Giant Phantom Jellyfish blow me away as do what I call "Medusoz," in general. Have you seen them?
(Forgive me; your comment brought out the amateur Marine Biologist, within).
Why do you think they left him alone? Maybe because he fought back? I’d like to hear a theory Please.
The only thing that coule have made the final story scarier is if the squid asked while attached to his face, "do you know how to get to bells canyon?!"
😂😂 lool good one
Lol That Alone Would Kill Me😂
😂😂😂 now that would've been a story!!
Most of the stories he tells are shrouded in mystery, but the biggest mystery I think we all want to know is, how many flannels does he own???
Less a mystery and just a story, but I'd like to know what the Like Button did to him to inspire him to not only do things from mean, yet harmless pranks to downright murderous acts towards it, but also encourage everyone and anyone who watches his videos to get in on the action.
I am wondering the same thing, I grew up during Nirvana and the grunge movement, and I loved flannels but damn.... after 2000 I stopped wearing flannel!
He must've raided Al Borland's closet
@@johnboltz3591 it's tool time ⏲️
We were at the place he fell an hour before he was and were eating at the Volcano House which is a hotel and restaurant on the summit of the volcano which is about 100ish yards from where he fell. We saw the police and lights from the rescue team trying to save him.
Actually Edit: he must have been there and fell in about 10-15 min after my husband and I were. They were searching for him when we were in the restaurant and the when it got dark is when we saw the police and lights from the rescue team getting him.
Holy s-
The squid literally communicated with each other and said " did y'all see him square up with us? I'm good." And left him alone 🤣🤣
This comment is great!!😂
rofl... y'all goofy as hell
What makes the story so much more interesting, is that he tells the story as if he was there.
My anxiety usually reduces once I notice that the story is still being told through the perspective of the person in the situation. Specifically when they are alone and we're being told details of their thoughts and actions. Because the only way we could know about these details is if the person survived to tell the tale. Unless there were recordings found to give a good idea of what had happened. But usually hearing phrases like "they realized/realizing they, they thought/they were thinking, their reaction, they reacted, etc" or any other specific details that the person was feeling/thinking about, could only be told from their perspective.
Edit: I accidentally pressed enter before I finished writing.
Have made the same observations. You can kind of tell if the person about whom the story is being told, is currently deceased or not.
Note: I accidentally click "Enter" whilst still typing, frequently. No worries. 🤘😎
"The squid became frustrated..."
@Denise David Well how do _you_ know he didn't ask the squid?
@@bloodyneptune the squid was actually interviewed later
Why watch/listen to these kinds of channels if it's making you anxious. You might develop panic attacks if you can't handle the stories.
The power plant lawsuit was like “it’s your fault that I’m stupid!”
“I didn’t read the sign, and I didn’t get killed by a turbine :( damn it, give me money!” Said the Florida Man to the Florida Judge
Florida man has no shame
AnD he damaged their property when he broke in. Lol people are ridiculous
He thought he could have be even more lucky and get more millions
I saw this little trick once and it’s pretty amusing. Go to google and type in your birth date followed by “Florida man” and see what crazy news stories pop up 😂
My worst nightmare...twisting & tumbling underwater in the dark
I can’t believe that dude sued
In case anyone wants to know or doesn’t already know: thalassophobia is an intense fear of deep, dark bodies of water. I would imagine that Alex now suffers from thalassophobia
Anyone with sense would. It’s not only the pressure, the creatures, the lack of oxygen. Once you get so deep you can’t just pop back up and be ok.
I likely don't have the condition as i'm not intensely scared of them. But I have absolutely no interest in being in any major body of water for these very types of creatures, and the type of weather that happens. I very much respect my species is not designed to be in the water. And that if absolutely anything goes wrong, or if I encounter something i'm done for. At least on land you can try and run from something.
That's what it called?! I guess I have that then, I always have a fear of entering any body of water when it's dark, or any body of water that I cannot see the bottom.
@@lovemoviesful2 that's a pretty common fear, tbh. I still go swimming in places like that, but I absolutely feel terror. I mean, I feel terror when I am swimming or snorkeling over deep water when I CAN clearly see the bottom, too, lol. But it's even worse when I can't.
@@deprofundis3293 Well, I guess not common where I am or the people I know then... because they will and can jump into anybody of water whether it's day or night see bottom or not, as long as they know it's not inhabit by dangerous animals.
Man, after binging the playlist, this one's such a breath of fresh air.
I’ve become addicted to these videos. He’s a great story teller.
honestly same
No cap
Same tho
You’re not alone 💯
I was 100% sure that the 3 buildings underwater right next to one another was gonna be spongebob, squidward, and patrick’s house. All I can say now is that I am 100% disappointed
Ohh yay ye 100% spongebob squidward and Patrick
Obviously none were pineapple shaped
I thought it would be the entrance to an alien base where preparations for Earth's invasion were underway! (Maybe next time...)
Funny thing,even Patrick Starr is smarter than those two dummies.
I like how he referenced his last story about “Bel Canyon” at the beginning
I know right, that was awesome
Me too
Yea I laughed when I heard it
Right?!?!?! It was a inside joke and we got it!!!! WINNING!!!!!!! hahaha
Fighting a giant squid is the most manly thing I have ever heard in my life. Respect.
I am so insanely engaged by his telling of these stories... I NEVER think to watch for the secret!
Ha, same!
There a secret 😂😂😂
Mr Ballen: "Ask the like button how to get to Bells Canyon"
Me: "I understood that reference!"
i get this feeling all the time its great because you only get the reference if you watch every video
@@oldmancrust4351 I have your brother
Explain lol
@@oldmancrust4351 did you really misspell poo?
I never knew I was a fan of the strange dark and mysterious delivered in story format until I randomly found MrBallen.
Nows its my favorite thing
I agree. Hats off to you Mr. Ballen, an interesting story you do tell :). If I’d had you for my economics teacher in high school, I might well have stayed the course instead of quitting
@@kelliesmith3418 lol! you made me laugh
100% agree…. He is addictive😆
You tell these stories as if you were actually there..... thank you
"Oh I'm just gonna watch 1 or 2 of these before bed," I thought to myself as I started the 1st one in this playlist. Now here I am at 5am still awake & on the 20th one. lol! Mr.Ballen is just the perfect story teller, plus he's always nice to look at & such a great voice to listen to for hours. 😊
Ha! Me too. Can't wake up in the morning
He's eye candy!
Can we just take a minute to respect how much effort he puts into his videos so we could be aware of what's happening and what did happen
Thank you Marina!!!!
Thank you Mr Ballen
@@MrBallen bruh i cant find the easter egg
Def, he's a G
@@katelyndillo4935 yeah it’s very hard
Everyone's a gangsta in their own block until the strange, dark and mysterious gets delivered in story format.
I mean its always a good idea to check your security systems, windows, doors, attic, any cracks in all rooms, cabinets, appliances, etc. Basically just to make sure nothing strange, dark, or mysterious is happening.
Edit: Delivered in REAL LIFE format.
But if you're a fan of that kind of thing then you're in the right place because that's all they do and they upload 3 or 4 times a week.
@@cjp111 LMFAOO
What a great story teller this man is, his kids are so lucky
The squid encounter has to be one of the top most terrifying things I’ve heard in these videos, and I just finished the whole series! Holy hell! I don’t know how he didn’t inadvertently spit out his mouth piece. I’d get a huge squid tattoo after that hahahaha
that would be a fire tattoo with that story to back it up fr
Yea same i think just looking at the 🐙 🦑 i be like ahhh and bye mouth piece hehehe
Always carry a knife
@@jamesgarner4127 I have a taser
@@LUISMIKISSME I hope it works under water 😜
The squid said “This man simply built different”
Everytime Mr. Ballen said Humboldt or jumbo squid, I heard 'humble' squid and was obviously very confused as to why they are humble but so aggressive.
lol me too :D Humble squids, but terribly aggressive
Martial arts masters are also often humble but aggressive. It happens.
I actually didn’t realize until reading your comment that he didn’t say humble squid 😂😂
If you were a Californian, you would have heard Humboldt squid, most likely.